assigmn 3 kinga (2).doc

July 27, 2019 | Author: Kiss Kinga | Category: Reading (Process), Linguistics, Semiotics, Languages, Personal Growth
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Language Skills Related Tasks CELTA, 2/27/0913

Kiss Kinga Iulia,


This newspaper article „Do not pass go, Do not collect $ 151” is relevant as the story has an intriguing unfold that can be exploited exploited during reading and follow-up tass and because e!ployi e!ploying ng the pictures pictures "see worseet# worseet# in the orientatio orientation n stage stage will will trigger trigger interes interestt as it significantly significantly resorts to ”students pre-existent pre-existent nowledge”1 enabling the! not only to predict valuable context%content during orientation but also during the reading tas increasing the chance chance of a successf successful ul interact interaction& ion& 'n additio addition, n, the !a(orit !a(ority y of pre-inte pre-inter!e r!ediat diatee group group has  proven co!petency co!petenc y when doing do ing reading tass so the thorough exploitation of text via gist and detail tass will i!prove their sills as they „co!e in contact with real language” ) used by natives without *concessions” *concessions”+ and !ore i!portantly they learn to „tease out !eanings”, in spite of co!ing across words new words& inally, exposure to a wider variety of texts is desirable both to raise awareness and to transfor! texts into „pleasurable”5 reading in the class creating creating thus a springboard springboard towards reading reading si!ilar si!ilar texts outside the classroo!& classroo!& The reading stage will also set the suitable fra!ewor for the final speaing tass& 1. words Part 2' (ist task 

'n the orientation stage pictures ensure prediction and „contextuali/ation”0 and the elicitation of words as note, and real "note#& ext, ' would show the boys picture and say2 This is 3ance and his story is real& 4ll these pictures refer to hi!& ould you lie to now what really happened6 'ndividually you have  !inutes to read through the text "chesting the worsheet with best title# and decide which is the best title& '789":uic '789":uic reading and we do not now all words# would be followed by ;, & urt urther her!o !ore, re, ' creat created ed a gisty gisty tas tas "choos "choosin ing g the best best titl title# e# respe respect cting ing „the „the top-do top-down wn  processing” ? of text targeting to !ae students get the overall picture of the text which is a cruc crucia iall sil silll in real real worl world d and and !o !ore re so with with auth authen enti ticc text texts& s& @ead @eadin ing g for for gene genera rall co!prehension also strengthens students awareness that not understanding all words does not 1

 Harmer, 191


 Harmer, 205


 Harmer, 205


 Harmer, 207


 Harmer, 200


 Riddell, 101


 Harmer, 200


 Harmer, 201


i!pede one in solving the tas successfully& 4t this level these students need to be challenged and having created „appropriate expectations”. of what they will read will ensure their „future engage!ent”1A& )etail task

' would !ention that they will do a second reading of the text and then chest the worsheet giving the instruction2 Bere is a su!-up to 3ances story but the text contains errors "de!o with instruction ont he = and then as '7892 7an ' underline !ore than one word6 Ces&#& During pairwor ' would !onitor to identify strong students who have the right answer& 'n words Part 3 Pr*du+tie skill design-

This stage is next after follow-up :uestions "!ost personalised# about the text in pairs and then in
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