Assigment 2 CELTA

July 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 International House  Camb Cambri ridg dge e CEL CELTA

Name Name:: Erik Erik Carb Carbal allo lo..

Assignment 2: Lessons from the classroom (please submit with your assignment NCE ! !" " HA HA#E #E C$%LETE& 'ECTIN )st    d    d   r   a    d   n   a    t    S   o    T

Marking criteria

  r   a    d   n   a    t    S   o    T    t   o    N

1  sub  submission mission Comments

 T  Tutor utor feedback and resubmission guidance if  necessary

   d   r   a    d   n   a    t    S   o    T

   d   r   a    d   n   a    t    S   o    T    t   o    N

 Areas sele*ted are are appropriate and use+ul

,e+le*ted e++e*ti-ely on own *lassroom tea*hing showing insight into the prin*iples o+ learning and tea*hing

,elated the obser-ations o+ peers and e/perien*ed tea*hers to own tea*hing

Identi+ied reasonable aims +or subse0uent lessons during and beyond the *ourse. &es*ribed in a spe*i+i* way how these will be a*hie-ed 1ritten at a le-el o+ a**ura*y whi*h does not 2eopardise *larity and *omprehensibility and whi*h re+le*ts a *omprehensibility knowledge o+and dis*ourse pun*tuation spelling grammar Overall grade:

 Tutor(s)  Tutor(s) signature(s) signature(s) and date date


   s    s    a P

    t      i    m      b    u    s    e     R

   s    s    a     P

     l      i    a     F

2nd  submission Comments

 Tutor  Tutor feedback


Cambridge CELTA Criteria for Lessons from the classroom a classroom assignment ssignment:: Candidates *an demonstrate their learning by: a.

noti noting ng their own own strengt strengths hs and weaknesses weaknesses in di+ di++ere +erent nt situations situations in ligh lightt o+ +eedba*k +rom +rom learners tea*hers and tea*her edu*ators

b. *.

ident identi+yi i+ying ng whi*h EL ELT T *areas arway eas how o+ knowle knowledge and skills skill s they +urther +urther de-el de-elopmen opment in des*ribing des*r ibing in a spe spe*i+i *i+i* they dge might might dede-elop elop thei theirrneed EL know knowledge ledge and s skill kills s tbeyond the *ourse usin using g writ written ten lan language guage tthat hat is *l *lear ear a**urate a**urate an and d approp appropriat riate e to the task task


Statement of Authorship (to be signed by b y trainee be+ore submitting)   I declare that this this assignmen assignmentt represents my own work. I have not copied copied from the work of other students and I have not allowed or enabled others to copy from my work.

Trainee Name: 33333333333333333 'ignature: 333333333333333333333333 &ate: 33333333333 


International House

Cambridge CELTA

Assignment 2  Lessons from the classroom !eflection on Classroom Teaching (Length: 45678666 words there is a 869 leeway on the word *ount) Re eect ective ive pra practi ctice ce is an essent essentia iall elemen elementt of the onon-goi going ng dev develo elopme pment nt of any professional professi onal teacher/edu teacher/educator cator !e have a lot to lea learn rn fro from m reectin reecting g on our o"n teaching# feedback from others and of course# a lot to learn from learners themselves $nd on a course like %&'T$# "e have to luury of being able to observe and learn from our colleagues as "ell

Overview: this assignment takes the form of a portfolio consisting of: ) $ "eekly reection reection *ournal "ritten at the end of !eeks !eeks -+ (,. " "ords ords each each "eek) n each reection reection you must must include: One strength so far on the course as pointed out by tutors and peers One thing you have learnt from observations of tutors# peers or eperienced teachers  T"o  T"o areas areas to prioriti0e prioriti0e and "ork on in the follo"ing follo"ing "eek b based ased on acti action on points given by peers and tutors $n action plan on you "ill develop the areas you are prioriti0ing &vidence taken from %&'T$ course documentation (12 forms# 3elfevaluations# %&'T$ # observation tasks) •

,) $ 4nal reecti reection on at the end of the course summarising summarising "hat you have lea learnt rnt most in terms of your improvement over the course as "ell as "hat you "ill continue to "ork on (,. "ords) +) $ brief action plan for ho" you can continue continue to develop develop af after ter the course ((. . "ords)

 this is what you write a**ording to e-ery week in your 2ournal: "riting the assignment: assignment: this Week 1, Friday (after your TP)

5se the follo"ing bullet points as main headings to organise your "ork !ord count: ,. "ords in total • •

Section 1 Stren!t"  Stren!t"   felt great "ith my rapport  sa" the students to act in an interes interested ted "ay "hich is ecellent to the o" of the lesson since  "as the 4rst  T  Teacher eacher  think it "as great the use of vocabulary and the elicitation "ent "ell pronunciation during this days on my %&'T %&'T$ course  have learned ne" creative "ays to elicit attention from students "hich is a great tool for any teacher  found 6uite interesting the "ay my tutors epress themselves themselves in a collo6uial easy "ay but never letting


professionalism aside  •

Section # Observation  Observation   have learned the timing is essential in a  T7 and  have learned ho" to make the lesson stages faster and prioriti0e key instructions as "ell as discriminate the non e8cient language instructions instructions  observed that the stage of a class is to divide in sections "hat "e teach "ith an speci4c purpose and goal Section Sec tion $ %reas %reas to im& im&rov rove e   The 4rst area  kno"  have to

improve is Timing  have struggled "ith timing during my T73 my tutor tut or sai said d on my T7+ that my timing timing could bene bene4t 4t fr from om clear clearer er instructions "ithout any language that is not helpful  have to trim the instructions instructions and take take out lang language uage not funct functiona ionall like like poli polite te re6uests Section ' %ction Plan: Plan:  need to practice at home my T73 in order to measure times and possible problems may occur#  can look for speci4c vocabulary to improve my instructions and make them shorter and clearer 9ave three of them as a minimum on my lesson plan 5se the follo"ing bullet points as main headings to organise your "ork !ord count: ,. "ords in total •

Section 1 Stren! Section Stren!t" t"::  fe felt lt ve very ry co con4 n4de dent nt "ith "ith th the e lang langua uage ge presentation stage for the students its a stage hat  en*oy the most during my T7  en*oy the eliciting part for me is eciti eciting ng and fun and  feel very con4dent "ith my abilities and  sa" the results during this T7 during this T7  made a lot of achievements  could manage to reach several goals "hich is good for its the 4rst time  try a lesson so etensive in terms of language Section Sec tion # Observ Observati ation on    felt felt rea eall lly y comf comfor orta tabl ble e "ith ith my observations during the class because the tutors sho"ed ne" styles of teaching such as ;17#  "as already familiar "ith the term and have already applied on my *ob but  did not understand fully the core of the lesson style  have learned the emphasis of each stage and ho" the three parts complement themselves it has been a great tooll for plan too plannin ning g bec becau ause se no"  hav have e mor more e opt option ions s and a ne" structure to follo" the lesson planning "hich facilitates the plan and the teach Section $ %reas to im&rove Timing im&rove  Timing has improved but still is a thing to improve during my T7  stay a little longer in some stages than the others  think my %%I will !et better at  instructionsB# instructions B# you need to say eactly "hat techni6ue or strategy you "ill initiate in order to improve your instructions eg C I will script "y  I#$s, and "a%e sure I have at least 3 o& these, one &or ti"in!, one &or  tas% "echanics, and one &or interaction pattern' )) n !eek !eek D# no nott no noti ting ng s&ecically  ho" you have developed from •

"eek enti Aott iden Ao id tiffyi ying ng s&ecic  tech techni ni6u 6ues es E stra strate tegi gies es that that yo you u ha have ve lear learned ned and "ou "ould ld lik like e to ado adopt pt fr from om you yourr obs observ ervati ations ons of oth other er teachers# peers and tutors (eg you can2t write# >I > I learned so "uch &ro" "y collea!ues and I would li%e to be "ore li%e the" B# you need to clearly state "hat eactly you appreciated about their teaching and "hat eactly you "ould like to adopt) Aott stat Ao statin ing g in s&ec "hat at yo you u "i "ill ll do to cont contin inue ue yo your ur s&ecic ic term terms s  "h development after the cour course se %onsult your tutor for ideas if you ar are e not sure take notes on this during the teacher development input sessionF

I$%,TANT 7 %lease note This assignment is a work in progress and will be marked and graded until you ha-e *ompleted e-erything. Howe-er you $"'T submit this at the end o+ ea*h week +or your tutor to *omment on it as you go along. 1hen you submit your tutor will make *omments on your work (inserted *omments) and gi-e it ba*k to you. !ou $"'T *ontinue using the same +ile to *ontinue writing the +ollowing 2ournal entries. 1hen you submit the ne/t entry your tutor should be able to read the pre-ious entry with the tutor *omments and the new entry.  At the end end in week week  your your +inal 2ournal 2ournal entry will will mark the end end o+ the the assignment. assignment. &ouble7spa*e your writing. !ou should use headings to *on-ey your thoughts more *learly. Complete page  o+ CELTA5 on*e the assignment has been marked and returned to you. •

• • • •

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