Assessment Tasks and Instructions

October 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Assessment Tasks and Instrucons Instrucons Student Name Student Number Course and Code Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s)

SITHCCC019 Produce cakes, pastries and breads

Stream/Cluster Trainer/Assessor Assess Ass essme ment nt for for this this Unit Unit of Compet Competenc ency/C y/Clus luster ter

Det Detail ailss

Assessment 1


Assessment 2

Praccal Observaon

Assessment 3 Assessment Assessme nt conducted in this instance: Assessment Assessment 1



Reasonable Adjustment Adjustment 1. Has reaso reasonable nable adjustmen adjustmentt been applied applied to this assess assessment ment?  ?  No

No further informaon required


Complete 2.

2. Provide Provide details details for the require requirement mentss and provi provisions sions for for adjustment adjustment of assessm assessment: ent:

Student to complete  My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment Signature

2nd Assessor to complete I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable Name

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Assessment Assessme nt Guidelines What will be assessed – Performance Evidence The purpose of this assessment is to check your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:  


 follow standard recipes to produce and decorate decorate four of each of the following(as reected in the secon secon for each dish on the following pages): o

cakes from the list in the knowledge evidence


pastries from the list in the knowledge evidence


breads from the list in the knowledge evidence

 produce each of the above cakes, pastries pastries and breads of the same type: o

that are consistent in quality, size, shape and appearance


within commercial me constraints and deadlines


reecng required quanes to be produced


following procedures for poron control and food safety pracces when handling and storing food


responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.

Place/Locaon where assessment will be conducted including meframes SSH to complete -Brisbane campus

Resource Requirements Refer to the Assessment condions aached to the SSH Group Mapping Document located in the teacher support tools folder or the “Assessment Condions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.

Recipes Instrucons for assessment including WHS requirements You are required to prepare a menu example for each of the recipe categories set out below. Your trainer will provide you with specic recipes for each instance. The criteria overleaf provide an overview of the criteria which will be observed during each instance for each preparaon or as instructed. You are required to follow the Work Place Health and Safety pracces and Hygiene procedures as instructed during the training sessions you have parcipated in for this unit of competency.

Statement of Authencity   I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks

The assessment process including the provisions for re-subming and academic appeals were explained

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to me and I understand these processes  

I understand the consequences of plagiarism and conrm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of informaon I have used for the purpose of this assessment

Student Signature:


This assessment:

First Aempt



2nd Aempt




–  –  Date:



Not Yet Sasfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s):



   /    /     

Student Signature



   /    /     


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Assessment Assessme nt 2 Your Tasks SSH to complete schedule and provide relevant recipes – dish 1-3 are examples You are required to prepare a menu example for each of the recipe categories set out below. Your trainer will provide you with specic recipes for each instance. The criteria overleaf provide an overview of the criteria which will be observed during each instance for each preparaon or as instructed. Dish Dis h to be prepa prepared red

Dish 1: Swiss Roll Recipe Source: Futura Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves: 8

Cakes Cakes (4 fro from m this this categ category ory)) X basic aerated sponge   cold set cake mousse cake   friands   fruit cake   Genoise sponge   Madeira cake   meringues

Pas Pastri tries es (4 from from thi thiss cat catego egory) ry)   choux pastry croissant

Breads Breads (4 from from thi thiss cat catego egory) ry)   baguee   bath or fruit bun

  Danish pastry

  bread rolls

  pu pastry

  hot cross buns

  short crust

  unleavened breads

  sweet pastry   strudel

  muns   Swiss roll

Dish 2:

  basic aerated sponge

Coconut tarts

  cold set cake

Recipe Source: Futura Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves:12

mousse cake   friands   fruit cake   Genoise sponge   Madeira cake

  choux pastry croissant

  baguee   bath or fruit bun

  Danish pastry

  bread rolls

  pu pastry

  hot cross buns

  short crust X sweet pastry

  unleavened breads


  meringues   muns   Swiss roll

Dish 3:

  basic aerated sponge

Dinner Rolls

  cold set cake

Recipe Source: Futura Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves:12

mousse cake

  choux pastry croissant   Danish pastry


  pu pastry

  fruit cake

  short crust

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake


  baguee   bath or fruit bun X bread rolls   hot cross buns   unleavened breads

  meringues   muns   Swiss roll

Dish 4:

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  basic aerated sponge

choux pastry



  cold set cake

Madeira cake Recipe Source: Futura Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves:10


  bath or fruit bun

  Danish pastry

  bread rolls


  pu pastry

  hot cross buns

  fruit cake

  short crust

  unleavened breads

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake


mousse cake

  meringues   muns   Swiss roll method


Dish 5:

  basic aerated sponge


  cold set cake

Recipe Source: Futura Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves:10

  choux pastry

  baguee   bath or fruit bun

croissant   Danish pastry

  bread rolls


  pu pastry

  hot cross buns

  fruit cake

  short crust

  unleavened breads

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake   meringues


mousse cake

  muns   Swiss roll

Dish 6:Choux pastry

  basic aerated sponge

SSH to complete

  cold set cake

Recipe Source: SSH Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves:15

  choux



  baguee   bath or fruit bun

  Danish pastry

  bread rolls


  pu pastry

  hot cross buns

  fruit cake

  short crust

  unleavened breads

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake


mousse cake

  meringues   muns   Swiss roll

Dish 7: Apple strudel

  basic aerated sponge

SSH to complete

  cold set cake

Recipe Source: Futura Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves:8

mousse cake

  choux pastry croissant

  baguee   bath or fruit bun

  Danish pastry

  bread rolls


  pu pastry

  hot cross buns

  fruit cake

  short crust

  unleavened breads

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake

  strudel

  meringues   muns   Swiss roll

Dish 8:Pu pastry

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  basic aerated sponge

choux pastry



SSH to complete Recipe Source:

  cold set cake mousse cake


  bath or fruit bun

  Danish pastry

  bread rolls   hot cross buns

Futura Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019


  pu

  fruit cake

  short crust

No. of serves:10

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake



  unleavened breads

  meringues   muns   Swiss roll

Dish 9:Quiche lorraine

  basic aerated sponge

SSH to complete

  cold set cake

Recipe Source: Futura Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves:4

  choux pastry croissant

  baguee   bath or fruit bun

  Danish pastry

  bread rolls


  pu pastry

  hot cross buns

  fruit cake

 short crust

  unleavened breads

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake


mousse cake

  meringues   muns   Swiss roll

Dish 10:Croissants

  basic aerated sponge

choux pastry


SSH to complete

  cold set cake


  bath or fruit bun

Recipe Source: Futura Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves:9

  Danish pastry

  bread rolls


  pu pastry

  hot cross buns

  fruit cake

  short crust

  unleavened breads

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake


mousse cake

  meringues     basic aerated sponge

Dish 11:Danish pastry SSH to complete  Futura Source: SSH Group recipe book, ecoach recipes SITHCCC019 No. of serves:9

  cold set cake

  choux pastry croissant

  baguee   bath or fruit bun

 Danish pastry

  bread rolls


  pu pastry

  hot cross buns

  fruit cake

  short crust

  unleavened breads

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake


mousse cake

  meringues   muns   Swiss roll

Dish 12:Bath buns

  basic aerated sponge

SSH to complete

  cold set cake mousse cake

Recipe Source: Futura Group recipe book, e-

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  choux pastry croissant

  baguee  bath or fruit bun

  Danish pastry

  bread rolls

  pu pastry

  hot cross buns


coach recipes SITHCCC019

  fruit cake

  short crust

No. of serves:12

  Genoise sponge

  sweet pastry

  Madeira cake


  meringues   muns   Swiss roll

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  unleavened breads



Assessment Criteria


Element 1: Select Ingredients The food producon requirements are idened from recipes and instrucons i nstrucons Ingredients are correctly idened: 

Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):

Suitable poultry or cut of poultry

Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces


FIFO is applied for selecng ingredients

The correct quanes required are calculated Spoilage or deterioraon of ingredients are checked and idened

Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are idened:

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness cl eanliness Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s instrucons WHS issues are considered:     

Cord: Safety Switch provisions: Posioning (for example away from moisture): Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparaon method The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner

Element 3: Poron and prepare ingredients Ingredients are weighed according to recipe poron requirements Ingredients are measured according to recipe poron requirements Yeast-based doughs are prepared to correct consistency: ________________ Doughs are shaped correctly according to product feature and recipe specicaon Re-useable product/ingredients idened and saved Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings Prepared doughs/product is covered and labelled and stored for further use Special requests are accommodated The product meets the requirements for special requests Equipment is washed and sanised or replaced for dierent tasks Hands are washed between dierent tasks

Element 4: Cook cakes, pastries and breads Correct cookery methods used for cakes, pastries and llings: ck or circle

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Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: 1.

add adding ing fats fats and and li liqui quids ds to to d dry ry iingr ngredi edient entss

2. 3.

chilli chilling ng ing ingred redien ients ts and wo work rk surf surface acess cu cun ng, g, shap shapin ing ga and nd mo moul uldi ding ng


knea kneadi ding ng an and dh han andl dlin ing g


prep prepar aring ing an and du usin sing g lli lling ngss


prepar preparing ing an and d using using pre-bak pre-bake e nishes nishes and and dec decora oraon onss






sel selec ecng ng and p prep repari aring ng appro appropri priate ate ca cake ke ns and and mou moulds lds

10. srrin srring g and aera aerang ng to achieve achieve required required consistenc consistency y and texture texture 11. using req required uired amo amount unt of baer baer according according to desired desired characteris characteriscs cs of nished products 12. weighin weighing g or measurin measuring g and siing siing dr dry y ingre ingredient dientss 13.

whisking, folding, piping and spreading

Appropriate lling is prepared The lling is seasoned and adjusted as relevant The lling is sucient and in proporon to product The methods outlined in the recipe for the product are followed correctly The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly The correct baking condion is selected The correct temperature for baking is selected The product is cooled in correct condions: _____Room temperature_________________ Swiss Roll  a. Sponge ingredients weighed correctly b. Ingredients for lling weighed weighed correctly c. Sponge is correctly correctly prepared to sabayon sabayon stage d. Sied our is folded in correctly e. Baked at 200C unl golden and done f. Duste Dusted d with sugar, covered covered with towel towel g. Pape Paperr removed without damage damage h. Rolled without without damage i. Jam prepared prepared to correct correct consiste consistency ncy  j. Sponge unrolled, lled and rolled without damage k. Even layering layering of lling lling l. Duste Dusted d with with icing icing sugar

Suitable garnish is used. Specify: _______coco powder_________________

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Garnish is prepared and of proporonal size Suitable complimentary is added correctly The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served Accompaniments are suitable and well presented The plated product is free of drips, smears and nger marks The producon and presentaon of products is within given me constraints Re-useable ingredients are idened, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly Waste and perishables are discarded Food scraps are removed Equipment is transferred to wash-up area The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanisers are used Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.


Assessment Criteria


Element 1: Select Ingredients The food producon requirements are idened from recipes and instrucons i nstrucons Ingredients are correctly idened: 

Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):

Suitable poultry or cut of poultry

Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces


FIFO is applied for selecng ingredients

The correct quanes required are calculated Spoilage or deterioraon of ingredients are checked and idened

Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are idened:

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness cl eanliness Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s instrucons WHS issues are considered:     

Cord: Safety Switch provisions: Posioning (for example away from moisture): Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparaon method

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The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner

Element 3: Poron and prepare ingredients Ingredients are weighed according to recipe poron requirements Ingredients are measured according to recipe poron requirements Yeast-based doughs are prepared to correct consistency: ________________ Doughs are shaped correctly according to product feature and recipe specicaon Re-useable product/ingredients idened and saved Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings Prepared doughs/product is covered and labelled and stored for further use Special requests are accommodated The product meets the requirements for special requests Equipment is washed and sanised or replaced for dierent tasks Hands are washed between dierent tasks

Element 4: Cook cakes, pastries and breads Correct cookery methods used for cakes, pastries and llings: ck or circle Example 1:Prot roles Example 2:Strudel pastry  Example 3:Genoise sponge 1.

add adding ing fats fats and liq liquid uidss to dry ing ingred redien ients ts


chi chillin lling g ingre ingredie dients nts and work work surf surface acess


cu cun ng, g, shap shapin ing ga and nd mo moul uldi ding ng


kn knea eadi ding ng an and d han handl dlin ing g


prep prepar aring ing an and du usin sing g lli lling ngss


prepar preparing ing an and d using using pre-bak pre-bake e nishes nishes and and dec decora oraon onss






sele selecn cng g and prepar preparing ing appro appropr priate iate ca cake ke ns and and moulds moulds

10. srrin srring g and aera aerang ng to achieve achieve required required consistenc consistency y and texture texture 11. using req required uired amo amount unt of baer baer according according to desired desired characteris characteriscs cs of nished products 12. weighin weighing g or measurin measuring g and siing siing dr dry y ingre ingredient dientss whisking, folding, piping and spreading Appropriate lling is prepared 13.

The lling is seasoned and adjusted as relevant The lling is sucient and in proporon to product The methods outlined in the recipe for the product are followed correctly The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly The correct baking condion is selected The correct temperature for baking is selected The product is cooled in correct condions: ______________________ Coconut Tarts

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a. Tartlet moulds are greased and oured b. Sweet paste rolled to ~3 mm c. Cut into even rounds with minimal minimal waste d. Blind baked to golden at 150 C e. Couverture melted correctly and tempered f. Tartl Tartlets ets are evenly brushed brushed with couverture couverture g. Pastry cream is worked to smooth consistency h. Pastry cream neatly lled into pastry cases i. Chan Chanlly lly cream is piped piped into consistent consistent rosees rosees  j. Coconut evenly mixed. k. Plate is decorated with piped couverture and strawberry strawberry coulis

Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ______Icing sugar__________________ Garnish is prepared and of proporonal size Suitable complimentary is added correctly The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served Accompaniments are suitable and well presented The plated product is free of drips, smears and nger marks The producon and presentaon of products is within given me constraints Re-useable ingredients are idened, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly Waste and perishables are discarded Food scraps are removed Equipment is transferred to wash-up area The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanisers are used Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.


Assessment Criteria


Element 1: Select Ingredients The food producon requirements are idened from recipes and instrucons i nstrucons Ingredients are correctly idened:

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Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):

Suitable poultry or cut of poultry

Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces








FIFO is applied for selecng ingredients

The correct quanes required are calculated Spoilage or deterioraon of ingredients are checked and idened

Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are idened:

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness cl eanliness Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s instrucons WHS issues are considered:     

Cord: Safety Switch provisions: Posioning (for example away from moisture): Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparaon method The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner

Element 3: Poron and prepare ingredients Ingredients are weighed according to recipe poron requirements Ingredients are measured according to recipe poron requirements Yeast-based doughs are prepared to correct consistency: ________________ Doughs are shaped correctly according to product feature and recipe specicaon Re-useable product/ingredients idened and saved Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings Prepared doughs/product is covered and labelled and stored for further use Special requests are accommodated The product meets the requirements for special requests Equipment is washed and sanised or replaced for dierent tasks Hands are washed between dierent tasks

Element 4: Cook cakes, pastries and breads Correct cookery methods used for cakes, pastries and llings: ck or circle Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: 1.

add adding ing fats fats and liq liquid uidss to dry ing ingred redien ients ts


chilli chilling ng ing ingred redien ients ts and wo work rk surf surface acess


cu cun ng, g, sha shapi ping ng a and nd moul mouldi ding ng


kn knea eadi ding ng an and d han handl dlin ing g


prep prepar arin ing g and and usin using g lli lling ngss


pre prepar paring ing and and usin using g pre-bak pre-bake e nis nishes hes and and decora decoraons ons

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sel selec ecng ng and p prep repari aring ng appro appropri priate ate ca cake ke ns and and mou moulds lds

10. srrin srring g and aerang aerang to achieve require required d consistency consistency and te texture xture 11. using req required uired amo amount unt of baer baer according according to desired desired characteris characteriscs cs of nished products 12. weighin weighing g or measurin measuring g and siing siing dr dry y ingre ingredient dientss whisking, folding, piping and spreading Appropriate lling is prepared 13.

The lling is seasoned and adjusted as relevant The lling is sucient and in proporon to product The methods outlined in the recipe for the product are followed correctly The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly The correct baking condion is selected The correct temperature for baking is selected The product is cooled in correct condions: ______________________  Dinner Rolls a. Correct appearance according to product characteriscs: ______________ b. Correct colour (sucient and even – no signs of burning) c. Corre Correct ct consistency consistency d. Sucient moisture moisture content e. Even shapes shapes f. Good taste, avour and seasoning as relevant ____________________ g. Correct texture and crumb structure h. Appropriate topping where where relevant: __________________

Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ________________________ Garnish is prepared and of proporonal size Suitable complimentary is added correctly The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served Accompaniments are suitable and well presented The plated product is free of drips, smears and nger marks The producon and presentaon of products is within given me constraints Re-useable ingredients are idened, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly Waste and perishables are discarded Food scraps are removed Equipment is transferred to wash-up area The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanisers are used

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Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.


Assessment Criteria


Element 1: Select Ingredients The food producon requirements are idened from recipes and instrucons i nstrucons Ingredients are correctly idened: 

Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):

Suitable poultry or cut of poultry

Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces


FIFO is applied for selecng ingredients

The correct quanes required are calculated Spoilage or deterioraon of ingredients are checked and idened

Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment

The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are idened:

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness cl eanliness Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s instrucons WHS issues are considered:     

Cord: Safety Switch provisions: Posioning (for example away from moisture): Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparaon method The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner

Element 3: Poron and prepare ingredients Ingredients are weighed according to recipe poron requirements Ingredients are measured according to recipe poron requirements Yeast-based doughs are prepared to correct consistency: ________________ Doughs are shaped correctly according to product feature and recipe specicaon Re-useable product/ingredients idened and saved Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings Prepared doughs/product is covered and labelled and stored for further use Special requests are accommodated The product meets the requirements for special requests Equipment is washed and sanised or replaced for dierent tasks

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Hands are washed between dierent tasks

Element 4: Cook cakes, pastries and breads Correct cookery methods used for cakes, pastries and llings: ck or circle Example 1:Madeira cake Example 2:Eclairs Example 3:Hot cross buns 1.

add adding ing fats fats and and li liqui quids ds to to d dry ry iingr ngredi edient entss


chilli chilling ng ing ingred redien ients ts and wo work rk surf surface acess


cu cun ng, g, shap shapin ing ga and nd mo moul uldi ding ng


knea kneadi ding ng an and dh han andl dlin ing g


prep prepar arin ing g and and usin using g lli lling ngss


prepar preparing ing an and d using using pre-bak pre-bake e nishes nishes and and dec decora oraon onss






sel selec ecng ng and p prep repari aring ng appro appropri priate ate ca cake ke ns and and mou moulds lds

10. srrin srring g and aerang aerang to achieve require required d consistency consistency and te texture xture 11. using req required uired amo amount unt of baer baer according according to desired desired characteris characteriscs cs of nished products 12. weigh weighing ing or measur measuring ing and siing siing dry dry ingredient ingredientss whisking, folding, piping and spreading Appropriate lling is prepared 13.

The lling is seasoned and adjusted as relevant The lling is sucient and in proporon to product The methods outlined in the recipe for the product are followed correctly The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly The correct baking condion is selected The correct temperature for baking is selected The product is cooled in correct condions: ______________________ Enter the specic criteria relevant for the observaon of the dish(es) here: Dish 4 Madeira cake a. All ingredients are weighed, our sied. b. Eggs are separated separated c. Egg whites are whipped whipped with sugar unl so peak stage. d. Lemons are zested without the pith e. Egg whites are lightly folded in the baer without losing much air. f. Oven is preheated preheated and and cake n is lined lined g. Cake is baked for the required me and tested with a skewer h. Cake is cooled prior to slicing and garnished before service.

Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ____Fresh fruit____________________

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Garnish is prepared and of proporonal size Suitable complimentary is added correctly The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served Accompaniments are suitable and well presented The plated product is free of drips, smears and nger marks The producon and presentaon of products is within given me constraints Re-useable ingredients are idened, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly Waste and perishables are discarded Food scraps are removed Equipment is transferred to wash-up area The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanisers are used Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.

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