Assessor+s name Assessment site Assessment date#s The assessment assessment task is due on the date specifed by your assessor assessor.. Any changes to this arrangement must be approved by your assessor in writing. Submit this document with any required required evidence attached. See specifcations below or details.
'er(orman!e o*-e!tive For this task you are required to decide the dangers/risks associated with opening up a new business branch within the eisting business organi!ation. They will be required to look at all the internal and eternal reasons/ risks and discuss will all the important people to put together a list o all dangers and risks.
Assessment des!ription For the (ac)ille *ty +td simulated business scenario provided# you are required to assume/take on the role o ,risbane store Assistant (anager# Ash# who has -ust been promoted to be (anager o a new store. Ash has been tasked with conducting a risk management analysis o this new venture. There are three stages to this pro-ect 01 review# 21 analyse and plan# and 31 monitor. This pro-ect is divided into three assessment tasks as ollows Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task .
"isk analysis report# action "isk review report# email to stakeholders and meeting with $%&plan and risk treatment (onitoring report
For this assessment task# you will need to review the simulated/pretend business4s risk management processes and decide the scope/range and ob-ectives/aims# taking into account stakeholders0/interested people and both internal and eternal environmental/your world actors/causes a5ecting the organisation. &nce you have gathered this inormation# you are to identiy risks and write a drat/eample report to the $%&. 6ou will meet with the $%& to discuss your report# seek support or your fndings/what you have ound# and approval to communicate risk management processes to relevant stakeholders/ interested people or their eedback/comments and participation/being part o.
'ro!edure 6ou will assume/take on the role o Ash# Assistant (anager o the ,risbane (ac)ille ca8# who has -ust been promoted to (anager o the new Toowoomba store. 9n preparation or the new venture# Ash has been tasked with conducting a risk management analysis o this pro-ect !erpt o( email (rom 3 'aula Kinski From $%& : *. ;inski To Assistant (anager : irectors has asked that the risks in this pro-ect be appropriately/correctly managed. 9 want you to undertake/start this task as it will give you signifcant/important insight into the store4s operations# it will ensure a smooth transition/move or ?urley4s $a8 sta5 into the (ac)ille amily and will encourage you to give ongoingcontinuous support or our risk management initiatives. 9 would like you to approach/tackle this task in three stages and meet with me at the end o each phase to review your work and discuss your plans or the subsequent/net phases. The three stages in this risk management task will include 0. "eview. 2. Analyse and plan. 3. (onitor. @ &nce 9 have received your risk review report# we will need to discuss the steps that you will take in the risk management process. "egards *. ;inski $%& (ac)ille $a8s istrict $,>1 o ,risbane# o Sydney# =S. The ,oard o >irectors has made the decision to epand their operations in irectors# management and employees o (ac)ille have responsibility or implementing aspects/angles o this policy.
Role o( t/e ire!tors The >irectors have a governance/authority responsibility in the management o risk. This includes J determining which types o risk are acceptable and which are not J setting the standards and epectations o sta5 with respect to
conduct/behaviour J approving ma-or decisions a5ecting (ac)ille4s risk profle/outline or
eposure/dangers7 i.e fnancial or business ha!ards J monitoring the management o signifcant/important risks to reduce
the likelihood/possibility o potential organisational risks and threats or ailure J being satisfed that risks are being actively/keenly : positively
managed# with the appropriate/correct controls in place and working e5ectively J annual review o (ac)ille4s approach to risk management and
approval o changes or improvements to key/important elements/eatures7 items o its processes and procedures.
Role o( t/e Senior Management Team and Store Managers ;ey roles o the senior management team are to J implement/put together policies on risk management and internal
control where this is deemed/seems appropriate J identiy and evaluate areas o signifcant/important risks
potentially/possibly aced by (ac)ille or consideration by the >irectors J identiy areas where risk management is not adequately/properly
addressed/looked at and advise the >irectors accordingly J review and update the "isk (anagement Strategy J undertake an annual review o the e5ectiveness o systems o
internal control and provide an annual report to the >irectors# including a summary review and respective recommendations i.e update the >irectors on how well the internal systems are working or not1.
Role o( a(? mployees ;ey roles o employees are to J amiliarise/make aware themselves with the content/details o the
"isk (anagement *olicy and clariy/make clear any aspects/angles necessary with a senior team member J consider any risks they eel could impact on them meeting their
Mont/ly reporting >ecisions to rectiy/f problems are made at regular meetings o the senior management team. $omprehensive/complete reporting at ,oard and Sub7committee meetings is designed to monitor key/important risks and their controls.
Business planning and *udgeting The business planning and budgeting/fnancial planning process is used to set ob-ectives/aims# agree on action plans# and allocate resources. *rogress towards meeting business plan ob-ectives is monitored regularly by the senior management team and by >irectors at ,oard meetings.
Risk management revie< The Finance# Audit and "isk (anagement FA"(1 $ommittee is required to report at ,oard meetings on internal controls. The FA"( $ommittee pays particular attention to risk management. 9t is the $%&4s responsibility to brie the >irectors periodically and as appropriate on the development o policies and procedures to ensure e5ective and eMcient operations# risk management strategies and implementation. 9n addition# the FA"( $ommittee oversees internal audit# eternal audit and management as required in its review o internal controls. The committee is thereore well placed to provide advice to the ,oard on the e5ectiveness o the internal control system# including (ac)ille4s strategy or the management o risk.
ternal audit The fnal audit o fnancial statements is controlled by an eternal !/artered a!!ountant 11 who provides eedback to the ,oard through the FA"( $ommittee.
0K Sitting Fees - is a fee paid for being part of a meeting and contributing to the meeting without having any company ownership – it’s a fee payable on a periodic basis throughout each year. The sitting fees covers all formal meetings, regardless of their duration, of the prescribed authority, including any preparation time and travel associated with the meetings
'ro!edure& evelopment o( a Risk Management 'ro$le The ollowing outlines the process or developing a risk management profle.
1, sta*lis/ t/e !ontet& J >efne and identiy the environment/location# characteristics/eatures
and stakeholders interested parties# people# workers etc1# their goals and ob-ectives# and the scope/area o the specifc risk management process. J >evelop criteria/conditions against which risks are
evaluated/reviewed and identiy the structure/arrangement or risk management.
2, Identi(y and des!ri*e risks& J "isks are best identifed through a collaborative/working together
approach involving a !ross6se!tion12 o stakeholders. J All conceivable/possible risks must be considered. %nsure any
certainties/confrmations are identifed as problems and addressed in the risk management profle.
., ondu!t !urrent risk analysis& J An analysis o the risks is conducted to determine their causes# and
estimate their probability/chance and consequences/results. This analysis provides the basis or working on the Oright4 risks.
, ondu!t risk evaluation& J "isks are considered and prioritised/importance according to their
potential/possibility impact/e5ect and each risk is assessed/evaluated to determine its level o acceptability.
5, evelop and implement proposed risk treatments& J "isk treatments are developed to cost7e5ectively reduce# contain and
control risk. J Formal risk management reporting mechanisms are defned and
7, MonitorG reportG update and manage risks& J As risks change constantly# the risk profle is continuously monitored#
reviewed and updated by management. =ew risks may be identifed as more inormation becomes available and eisting risks may be eliminated through the e5ectiveness o the risk treatments/actions. J 9dentifed risks# and monitoring and management activities should be
recorded and stored as ollows P risks identifed through regular audit should be recorded on the "isk Audit +og P risk management activities should be recorded on the "isk (anagement "egister.
Ma!:ille+s Risk Areas The ollowing are our broad areas where potential or risk to (ac)ille has been identifed. nder each area# eamples o possible risks are detailed.
3perational#organisational& J legal and regulatory compliance J technology J insurance J resources human# physical C logisti!s
03 "ogisti!s 7 the planning and control o the Dow o goods and materials through an organi!ation or manuacturing process 0E apital Investment 7 unds invested in a firm or enterprise for the purposes of furthering its business ob!ectives
Ma!:ille 'ty "td& Risk management strategy Introdu!tion (ac)ille recognises that risk management is an essential component/part o good management practice and is committed to the proactive/positive management o risks across the organisation. The strategy is designed to J identiy# evaluate/review# control and manage risks J ensure potential threats and opportunities are identifed and
managed J inorm directors# senior management and sta5 members about their
roles# responsibilities and reporting procedures with regards to risk management J ensure risk management is an integral/important part o planning at
all levels o the organisation.
Fuiding 'rin!iples J (ac)ille is committed to achieving its vision# business ob-ectives and
quality ob-ectives by the proactive management o risk at all levels o the organisation$ acknowledging that embracing/taking on innovative/new ideas and practices carries with it risks# but that these are identifable/known and measurable/can be calculated and thereore capable o being sub-ect to realistic risk mitigation/minimisation processes.
Responsi*ility and Aut/ority J The ,oard o >irectors have responsibility or ensuring that risk
management is in place. J The Finance# Audit and "isk (anagement FA"(1 $ommittee has the
responsibility o reviewing the "isk (anagement Action *lan on a si7 monthly basis. J The $%& and the senior management team have responsibility or
managing risk and advising the ,oard on appropriate controls. J The $%& and the senior management team support and implement
policies approved by the directors. 17
will be identifed$ closely monitored and action taken where necessary $ by the sta5 and directors.
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