Assessment Task 3

May 4, 2017 | Author: EricKang | Category: N/A
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Assess Assessmen mentt Task Task 3 services

BSBHRM BSBHRM501B 501B Manage Manage human human resou resource rces s

Assessment Resource Summary Course Unit of Competency

BSB51107 BSB51107 Diploma of Management BSBHRM501A Manage Human Human Resources Services

Duration of Tr Training aining and Learning Term and Year 

Term 1A, 01!

 100 hours Trainer 

Assessment Methods

Sa""ir #ho$%hur& Due in Week

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Assessment Task " # )va"uate HR

service e"iver! In this assessment task, you will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to collect feedback on and evaluate human resources service delivery.

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Assessment escri*tion In response to a simulated business scenario and following on from work undertaken in Assessment Tasks 1 and 2, you will seek feedback on human resources !"# service delivery and develop an evaluation report on performance.

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

&roceure 1. "eview the scenario information provided in the appendices of this assessment task and the simulated business information for $%& in Assessment Task 1#. 2. "eview work completed and information gathered for Assessment  Tasks 1 and 2, particularly performance information and planned monitoring activities.  'ou have implemented the service delivery strategies based on the case study in Assessment Task 1.  'ou wish to collect feedback from( managers) e*ternal providers of !" services) and clients, regarding !" performance against set performance e*pectations.  'ou need to gather feedback covering the following areas( + nancial performance + customer value + people development + operational process e-ciency + organisational values, policies and legal obligations.  'ou will need to capture information on potential causes for performance

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

b. activities, resources and strategies designed to e9ectively implement, monitor and win buy in from organisational stakeholders and clients of !" services.

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

 +ou must *rovie 1. ,eve"o* a surve!  on !" service delivery 2. A 1:2 page report on service delivery performance, including proposed recommenations 'or service im*rovement  or variation, Include in your report( a# a summary of proposed recommendations for service delivery changes e*ecutive summary# b# analysis of performance data, including adherence to values, code of conduct, organisational policy and legal requirements c# proposed recommendations for service improvements, for e*ample( : changes to service level agreement;s 8&As# : changes to implementation strategies : reference to business needs in connection with changes and impact if any# on business or operational plans

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

= support !" functions, including data collection and managing information according to legislation and organisational policies + knowledge of human resources strategies and planning processes as

they relate to business and operational plans + knowledge of performance and contract management.

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

A**eni 1  #om*an! .a"ance scorecar HR re"ate *er'ormance RA >inancial

.6ective or target

&er'ormance metric or &I


ost of !" measures

2?@ budget overrun

5@ growth in revenue to 2?,???,??? gross revenue

 revenue

1B,???,??? gross revenue

C?@ managers agree !" contributes to

@ agree

6?@ agree

osts of new !" measures kept to forecasts as outlined in Assessment  Task 1

Assessment Task 3 services RA


BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

.6ective or target

&er'ormance metric or &I

25@ managers engaged in career development

@ managers enrolled in internal or e*ternal programs

3@ enrolled in further training

C?@ Eob satisfaction rate

@ satised with role and career prospects within company

D?@ satisfaction

1??@ of performance reviews conducted in accordance with policy

@ completion

B?@ completion rate

C?@ of administrative

@ completion

D5@ completion rate


Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Surve! 9uestions 1: ;hat is !our gener< >emale 0ale

2: ;hat is !our *osition< 8enior management &ine managers "ecruitment service provider Fmployees

3: Ho- man! !ears o' service o !ou have -ith =$<

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Githin 2 or  workdays Githin a week After more than a week Hever

(: Have !ou 'oun that getting HR in'ormation is more i?cu"t than !ou .e"ieve it shou" .e .ecause o' a "ack o' su?cient ski"" in the HR sta@<  To a great e*tent 8omewhat  To a small e*tent Hot at all

/: Have !ou 'oun that getting HR in'ormation is more i?cu"t that !ou .e"ieve it shou" .e .ecause o' a "ack o' su?cient sta@

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Ho I have not attempted to contact the !" department

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Ana"!sis re*ort Summar! 'or recommene changes Gith the introduction of 8&A implementation into $%& for a better structure and system, its main aim was to deliver a new direction of human resource management system as well as bringing out the best employee e*perience and benets.

ommunication among di9erent departments across the organiation.

Fmployees/ entitlements and benets.

>air and Eust work allocation for all employees.

Fnsuring the human rights of the employees.

Fnforcing corporate policies regarding ethical issues

&er'ormance ata ana"!sis

Assessment Task 3 services

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

.6ective or target

&er'ormance metric or &I

25@ managers engaged in career development

@ managers enrolled in internal or e*ternal programs

3@ enrolled in further training

C?@ Eob satisfaction rate

@ satised with role and career prospects within company

D?@ satisfaction


 There occurred some nancial overrun due to the ine9ective prior planning and the people training aspect was not performing up to the e*pectation. Therefore, some proposed recommendations could be such as( 

changes to service level agreement;s 8&As#.

changes to implementation strategies.

reference to business needs in connection with changes and impact if any# on business or operational plans.

Assessment Task 3

BSBHRM501B Manage human resources services

A**eni 2  Action *"an tem*"ate Activit!

"educing the lead time for recruitment process J procedure

onstructing recruitment policies J simplifying them


Strateg!a**"ication o' *o"ic! i' re"evant 

1 month period 

"ectifying problems.

Lrainstorming for the process simplication to remove unnecessary steps.

1 month period

Gorkshop sessions for morale and workplace education

Identifying the sources of problems in the process steps.

3 months period 


Identify current issues and shortcomings to talk in workshop programs for the benets J entitlements guidelines.


!" employees Involved departments

!" employees Involved departments

!" employees Involved departments



0anager in charge

orporate !" policy Kperation policy

0anager in charge

orporate !" policy

0anager in charge

orporate !" policy

onsider better ways to amend these entitlements to better serve employees.

© 2014 Innovation an Business Inustr! Ski""s #ounci" $t

1st eition version% 1

Assessment Task 3



BSBHRM501B Manage human resources services

Strateg!a**"ication o' *o"ic! i' re"evant 

Internal recruitment J placement

 months period 

8creen potential employees for specic areas of e*pertise. onduct interview and recruitment tests to lter out candidates.

© 2014 Innovation an Business Inustr! Ski""s #ounci" $t


Involved employees



!" department

orporate !" policy Kperation policy

1st eition version% 1

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