Assessment - SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Special Dietary Requirements

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Written Test Unit Code: - SITHKOP004 Unit Name: - Develop menus for special dietary requirements

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster


Assessment 1

Written Test 

Assessment 2


Assessment 3 Assessment conducted in this instance:  Assessment 1 X




SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

Assessment Guidelines What wi wi ll be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess a ssess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit: culinary terms and trade names for:   o  substitute ingredients used to produce dishes with special dietary recipes ingredients suitable for meeting basic nutritional needs o  o  ingredients that cause common allergic reactions o  food additives and preservatives   main types and culinary characteristics of special speci al diets that are par partt of contemporary Australian society: o  eating regimes:   elimination contraindications ons with medicines or food   macrobiotic o exclusions for allergies, contraindicati intolerance o fat-free o fluids o food preferences o food restrictions o gluten-free o high carbohydrate •

o high or low energy o high or low protein o high fibre o lacto-ovo o low carbohydrate o low cholesterol o low fat o low gluten o low kilojoule o low sugar o  modified sodium or potassium o  modified texture o  nutritional requirements requirements o

   portion size   substitutes:   gluten-free flour   yeast-free flour   non-sugar sweeteners o sugar-free o  type one and two diabetes



  o  o  o  o  o

main types and culinary characteristics of cultural or religious diets that are part of contemporary Australian society: halal Hindu kosher vegan vegetarian


main types of customer groups that have special dietary dietar y requirements:

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o 

adolescents athletes children defence forces elderly health care ill or injured infants international tourists nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition  people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes  people from different socioeconomic groups  people in remote areas those with weight problems:  underweight  overweight  obese meaning of: o  drug-food interactions o food allergy o food intolerance key health and legal consequences of failing to address special requirements: o  allergic reactions o anaphylaxis o




  food sensitivity or intolerance reactions  basic principles and practices of nutrition: o  nutrients and their food sources o  influences on food choice food and beverage selection influences o  o  food labelling and interpretation o  role and implications of using food additives and preservatives health implications of food choices o  o  role of good nutrition in avoiding dietary diseases o  effects of various cooking methods and food storage on nutrients    primary components of Australian Dietary Guidelines, in particular those for older Australians, children and adolescents and their use in menu planning   methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw ingredients: o   butcher’s test o standard measures o standard yield tests Place/Location where assessment will be conducted conducted DC Class Room and Training Kitchen Resource Requirements Pen, paper, Computer, internet access, Australian Healthy Eating Guides, calculator Reference for recipes Cookery for the Hospitality Industry 6th Edition Textbook Authors: Graham Dodgshun, Michel Peters, David O'Dea, Riverina Institute of TAFE Date Published: August 2011  

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9780521156325 9780521156325

Duke College (DC) CRICOS ID: 02564C RTO ID: 90681

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements You are required to address each question correctly in this assessment. If more space is required for any answer you may attach a separate page containing your ID number, name unit title, unit code and the assessment task number and attach this page with the current assessment task before submission or alternatively use the back of each paper with a clear reference to the relevant question(s). You are encouraged to clarify any tasks, requirements or questions you may have with your trainer. Ensure you check your work and keep a copy before submitting. Once you have completed all questions, check all responses. Your trainer will be providing you with feedback. Assessment 1: Written Test Your task You are required to complete all questions and tasks for this assessment.

1.  The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating provides 5 nutritional guidelines for adults, children and adolescents, and the Elderly, which vary slightly for each group. Provide a brief description of what these recommend in general: Description The 5 guidelines are:

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

2.  Explain two (2) implications that the Australian Guide to Healthy Health y Eating has towards your role as a chef: Implications

3.  You are working as the chef in a hospital and a new patient has Coeliac disease. How will you ensure that the patient is not adversely affected? Factors to be considered during the selection, preparation, cooking and serving processes

4.  You work as a chef. For a seminar the hotel offers the food choices outlined in the table below. Which menu adjustments would be required for each course for guests requiring requir ing gluten free meals and for those who suffer from diabetes? Student answers vary  –  check  check the validity versus the dietary requirements typical for each diet.  Breakfast Morning Tea Lunch Afternoon Dinner Tea Pork Piccata, Mini Danish, Assorted Poached Eggs Caesar Salad on sour dough sweet muffins mushroom risotto, assorted tea with ham and Ratatouille Sole fillets with sandwiches spinach beurre blanc, steamed Tropical Fruit asparagus Salad Chocolate Raspberry Mille Feuille

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements Gluten Free



5.  List three diseases that can be linked to diet, and explain how a change in diet could be  beneficial in these cases: Suggestions 

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

6.  What are the requirements for the following dietary dietar y needs? Dietary needs


Lactose intolerance Low sodium


Diabetes mellitus  mellitus 

7.  Some religions have specific requirements regarding which types of food or food combinations may be consumed. What is the basic information you need to consider when writing menus for the following client groups, but also generally when catering for any religious reli gious based requirements? Customers Requirements  Jewish customers

Muslim customers

Hindu customers


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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

8.  Which aspects in terms of patient requirements and product availability need to be considered for texture modification of foods? Which equipment is typically used to prepare and present texture modified preparations?

9.  Provide examples for potential reactions to food allergies or intolerances. What are the consequences of failing to address special requirements require ments for food allergies, medical conditions or drug-food interactions? What would be your actions to avoid negligence and meet legal requirements?

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

10.  Which major nutrients are provided through the following foods? Bread, cereal, rice, pasta, noodles

Vegetables, legumes –  

Capsicum, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and tomatoes –  

Dark green and orange vegetables like spinach, broccoli, carrots and pumpkin  –  


Green vegetables, dried peas, beans and lentils  

Fruit –  

11.  Which nutrients are the main energy providers for the human body? What is their general role, nutritional value and how much of each should be included in a healthy diet?

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

12. What are food additives? How can additives affect individuals and how can you as a chef identify specific additives in foods?

13. Which factors need to be considered when choosing cookery methods to ensure foods maintain maximum nutritional values or meet dietary requirements?



SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

14. What are the key features of the following lifestyle diets? Vegan –  

Lacto vegetarian –  

Ovo vegetarian –  

Ovo-lacto vegetarian –  

Pesco vegetarian –  

Semi vegetarian    –

15.  How do storage and part processing affect the nutritional values of fresh fruit and vegetables?

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements


16.  Which nutritional requirements need to be considered for the following customer groups?

Customer Group


Girls during adolescence/women during menstruation 

Pregnancy and during lactation 


Defence Force Personnel 

Vegetarian diets 

People with Disabilities 

Institution-based Catering 

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements


People living in remote regions 

People affected by disaster or environmental extremes 

17.  Provide an overview of the following contemporary dietary trends and provide an example for potential impacts each of these may have on health or nutritional balance. Diet

Description Descriptio n


Cabbage Soup Diet

Lemon Detox

Macrobiotic Diet

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

Raw Food Diet

Stone Age Diet

18.  Provide 3 methods you can employ to obtain feedback on dietary menus and customer satisfaction:

19.  List the 2 most important aspects in terms of feedback which must be considered when evaluating the success of a menu or dish:

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Assessment 2 Unit Code: - SITHKOP004 Unit Name: - Develop menus for special dietary requirements

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster


Assessment 1

Written Test 

Assessment 2


Assessment 3 Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1






SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements requirements

Assessment Assessme nt Guidelines

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and skills required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit: culinary terms and trade names for:   substitute ingredients used to produce dishes with special dietary dietar y recipes o o  ingredients suitable for meeting basic nutritional needs o  ingredients that cause common allergic reactions o  food additives and preservatives •

  main types and culinary characteristics of special speci al diets that are par partt of contemporary Australian society: o  eating regimes:  elimination  macrobiotic o exclusions for allergies, contraindications with medicines or food intolerance o fat-free o fluids o food preferences o food restrictions o gluten-free o high carbohydrate o high or low energy o high or low protein o high fibre o lacto-ovo o low carbohydrate o low cholesterol o low fat o low gluten o low kilojoule o low sugar o  modified sodium or potassium o  modified texture o  nutritional requirements o   portion size 


  substitutes:  gluten-free flour  yeast-free flour  non-sugar sweeteners o sugar-free o  type one and two diabetes main types and culinary characteristics of cultural cult ural or religious diets that are part of   contemporary Australian society: halal o Hindu o kosher o vegan o vegetarian o  main types of customer groups that have special dietar dietary y requirements:   

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements requirements

  adolescents athletes o  o  children defence o  forces elderly o  o  health care ill or o  o

injured   infants o  international tourists nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition o  o   people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes o   people from different socioeconomic groups o   people in remote areas those with weight problems: o  underweight   overweight   obese   meaning of:   o


o food allergy o food   drug-food keyinteractions health and legal consequences ofintolerance failing to address special requirements:   o  allergic reactions o anaphylaxis o  food sensitivity or intolerance reactions  basic principles and practices of nutrition:   o  nutrients and their food sources o  influences on food choice o  food and beverage selection influences o  food labelling and interpretation o  role and implications of using food additives and preservatives health implications of food choices o  o  role of good nutrition in avoiding dietary diseases o  effects of various cooking methods and food storage on nutrients •

 primary components of Australian Dietary Guidelines, in particular those for older Australians, children and adolescents and their use in menu planning   methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw ra w ingredients: o   butcher’s test standard measures o  o  standard yield tests You are required to provide evidence of your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and: develop and cost at least six menus or meal plans that individually or in combination meet at least six different special dietary requirements as specified in the knowledge evidence  

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements requirements

two of the above menus or meal plans must reflect one or more cultural or religious dietary requirements as specified in the knowledge evidence two of the above menus or meal plans must address the special dietary requirements of different customer groups as specified s pecified in the knowledge evidence evaluate each of the above menus by obtaining at least two of the following types of feedback: customer satisfaction discussions with: customers employees during the course of each business day customer surveys improvements suggested by: customers managers  peers staff supervisors suppliers regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions satisfaction discussions with: customers allied health professionals dietitians medical specialists seeking staff suggestions for menu items develop above menus and menu plans within commercial time constraints, demonstrating: methods for responding to feedback and adjusting menus  basic principles and practices of nutrition Place/Location Place/Locatio n where assessment assessment will be conducted DC Class Room and Training Kitchen Resource Requirements Pen, paper, Computer, internet access, Australian Healthy Healt hy Eating Guides, calculator Reference for recipes Cookery for the Hospitality Industry 6th Edition Textbook Authors: Graham Dodgshun, Michel Peters, David O'Dea, Riverina Institute of TAFE Date Published: August 2011 Format: Paperback ISBN: 9780521156325 9780521156325

Duke College (DC) CRICOS ID: 02564C  R RTO TO ID: 90681

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements requirements Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements Instructions requirements You are required to address each question correctly correctl y in this assessment. If more space is required for any answer you may attach a separate page containing your ID number, name unit title, unit code and the assessment task numbe numberr and attach this page with the current assessment assessment task before submission or alternatively alternatively use the back of each paper with a clear reference to the relevant question(s). Ensure you check your work and keep a copy before submitting. You are encouraged to clarify any tasks, requirements or questions you may have with your trainer. Once you have completed all questions, check all responses. Your trainer will be providing you with feedback. Assessment 2: Project Your Task:

1. Students must design 2 different menus (Breakfast lunch and Dinner) total of at least six menu to meet special dietary di etary requirements requirements and cost them all by conducting a menu analysis for each menu. The essential requirements for each menu are listed below: A La Carte menu (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)


The menu must comprise of 4 Entrée’s, 4 Mains and 4 desserts It must have a range of colours and flavours The menu must also comprise a balanced range of menu items and must include:

  Seafood dishes   Meat dishes   Poultry dishes   At least 2 Vegetarian dishes   At least 2 Gluten free dishes   At least 2 low fat items to meet the requirements of someone who has a heart condition   A range of desserts hot and cold


At least 1 low sugar dessert suitable for a diabetic

  The menu must then be costed according to realistic ingredient prices and portions sizes and ingredient yields. The ingredients within each recipe must be costed to determine the cost per serve of every menu item on the menu. This must then be entered into a menu analysis template (section 2 of this assignment) that the trainer will issue to the student. The menu once entered into the menu analysis spreadsheet must fall at 30% food cost percentage or below.   The menu must be presentable to industry standard in a word document and should use current industry trends in menu design.   You must also make a chart of items on your menu that are suitable for a Muslim  person who can only eat Halal meats and a Jewish person who who can only eat Kosher foods if it is a banned food item in i n their culture along with the other special die dietary tary 

requirements bullet pointed above. In the chart place a tick ti ck next to each dish each type of  person can eat like a matrix.

Duke College (DC) CRICOS ID: 02564C  R RTO TO ID: 90681

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements requirements Retirement village cycle menu (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

ea ch day of a 7 day week and   The menu must comprise of 1 Main and 1 dessert for each must consist of a meat, seafood or poultry dish with vegetables for f or each dinner shift.   The menu must also comprise a balanced range of menu items across the week.   Also the nurses have mentioned to you that 4 residents in the critical care section of the retirement village who have special dietary dietar y requirements and you need to plan substitute meals for them if the t he ones on the menu are not suitable, see below: •

  1 Coeliac   1 Jewish resident cate gory for heart   2 residents are in a very high risk category   1 of the residents listed above in the very high risk category for heart is also fructose intolerant   The menu must then be costed according to realistic ingredient prices and portions sizes and ingredient yields appropriate to elderly elderl y residents. The ingredients within each recipe must be costed to determine the cost per serve of every menu item on the menu.

  This must then be entered into a menu analysis template (section 2 of this assignment) that the trainer will issue to the student. Once the costings of the menu are entered into the menu analysis spreadsheet students then must determine the selling price for the residents. The price per head must take into account ac count that the food cost

 percentage at 30% or below. Keep in mind this is not a restaurant and cheaper ingredients should be used with lower selling prices and elderly residents res idents will not pay restaurant  prices for meals in a retirement village

  The menu must be presentable to industry standard in a word document and should use current industry trends in menu design •

2. 2 menu analysis’s must be submitted for each menu. An example of the menu analysis template for the A La Carte menu is provided on the next page. The trainer must provide students with both templates for their food costings. Once the student has completed each menu analysis within the excel spreadsheet both must be handed into the trainer with each menu. Attach each of these to this assessment and both must fall below 30% food cost percentage

(menu analysis template example for the A La Carte menu is provided on the next page) The menu analysis sheet comprises of a few different terms as headings for each financial  performance indicator. The definitions for each term of each heading are below: Menu mix %: Determines the popularity of a dish over a certain time period (can also be termed as the ‘popularity index’). It is determined dete rmined by by the  the ‘amount sold’ divided sold’ divided by the ‘total dishes sold’ then sold’ then multiplied by 100.  Amount sold: Total amount of each dish sold for a certain time period. Food cost %: Food cost percentage of an individual food item which is determined by the ‘food cost’ divided cost’ divided by the ‘sales prices’ then multiplied by 100. Food cost: The cost per serve of each individual food item. Sales price: The sales price per serve of each individual food item.

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements requirements

c ertain time period determined by Menu cost: The total cost of an individual dish over a certain the ‘food cost’ multiplied by the ‘amount sold’.  sold’.  Menu revenue: The total sales of an individual dish over a certain time period determined by the ‘sales price’ multiplied by the ‘amount sold’.  sold’.  TOTAL food cost percentage: The total food cost percentage for the entire menu of a certain time period. This is determined by the ‘menu cost’ divided cost’ divided by the ‘menu ‘menu  revenue’ then multiplied by 100. This will vary depending on the popularity of each menu item and will be a key factor in determining the sales s ales prices on your menu to ensure this figure is below 30%. Example: Trainer to provide students all 3 excel spreadsheet templates  

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements requirements

A La Carte menu analysis

Menu item








mix %


cost %










Total dishes sold TOTAL Food cost percentage %

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements requirements

Duke College (DC) CRICOS ID: 02564C

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements requirements

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 R RTO TO ID: 90681

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements 

Duke College (DC) CRICOS ID: 02564C RTO ID: 90681

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