Assessment of Cash Management in CBE

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Cash Management System (In The Case Of Study of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in Ticho Branch) a senior Essay submitted To the Department Of Accounting For Partial Fulfillment Of Acquiring Degree In Accounting


Submitted To: - Accounting Department

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Acknowledgement--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i Acronym-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii Abstract-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii

Chapter one 1. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1Back ground of the study-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.2Back ground of the organization----------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.3statment of the problem--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 1.4 Objective of the study---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.4.1 General objective----------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.4.2 Specific objective------------------------------------------------------ ----------------3 1.5 Significance of the study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.6 Methodology-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.6.1 Source of data-------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Primary source----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Secondary source -------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.6.2 Sample technique and sample size --------------------------------------------------------------4 Sample technique--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Sample size---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.7 Scope of the study -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.8 limitation of the study-------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.9 Method of data analysis-----------------------------------------------------------------------------5

CHAPTER TWO 2. Literature review related to cash management system--------------------------------------------6 2.1 Cash management-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 2.1.2 Definition of cash-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 2.1.3 Cash management/planning-----------------------------------------------------------------------6 2.1.4 Importance of cash management ----------------------------------------------------------------7 2.2 Cash collection and disbursement -----------------------------------------------------------------8 2.2.1 Reasons for holding cash--------------------------------------------------------------------------10 2.2.2 Advantages of holding adequate cash and near cash asset------------------------------------11 2.2.3 Cost of holding cash-------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 2.2.4 Cash budget----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 2.2.5 Efficient management of cash--------------------------------------------------------------------14 2.2.6 Cash management service for commercial bank-------------------------------------------------15 2.3 Ethiopia national bank reduces reserve requirement--------------------------------------------16 2.4 Petty cash system---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 2.4.1 Petty cash receipt format----------------------------------------------------------------------------17



3.Data analysis and interpretation-----------------------------------------------------------------------18 3.1 cash collection and disbursement -------------------------------------------------------------19 3.2 Make cash collection and disbursement to customer---------------------------------------20 3.3 Elective cash management system------------------------------------------------------------21 3.4 Purpose for holding cash-----------------------------------------------------------------------22 3.5 Treasury bills------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 3.6 Credit policy used by bank-------------------------------------------------------------------24 3.7 Repayment loan by credit customer ---------------------------------------------------------25 3.8 Auditors in the bank----------------------------------------------------------------------------27 3.9 Idle cash------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 CHAPTER FOUR 4. Finding conclusion and recommendation--------------------------------------------------30 4.1 Finding and conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------30 4.2 Recommendation --------------------------------------------------------------------------33

LIST OF TABLE PART 1 PAGE Table 1Question 1 2 3 4 General characteristics of the respondents---------------------18 PART 2 Table 2 cash collection and disbursement process --------------------------------------------19 Table 3 effective cash management system---------------------------------------------------21 Table 4 Purpose for holding cash-----------------------------------------------------------------23 Table 5 investment in treasury bills-------------------------------------------------------------24 Table 6 credit policy used by bank--------------------------------------------------------------25 Table 7 repayment loan by credit customer---------------------------------------------------26 Table 8 dose the bank has auditor to control the cash--------------------------------------27 Table 9 idle cash---------------------------------------------------------------------------------28

Acknowledgement This Project shall be incomplete if I fail to convey my heart-felt gratitude to those people whom I received considerable support and encouragement during this project creation. Lots of People have helped, provided technical, commercial and also behavioral acumen at all levels of the project and it`s my luck for get the kind of support of them. I have no words to thanks to ABATE WEDAJO giving us his innumerous knowledge among all group of project Partners. They are becoming as Way to take us from dark to bright future and specially they play their important role for Motivation and to endeavor for succeed in project creation.


 CBE: Commercial Bank of Ethiopia  NO; Number  CCC; Cash Conversion cycle  CCR; commercial credit report  ATM. Automatic tailor machine  NBE; National bank of Ethiopia


This research would be conducted on the title of cash management system On CBE Ticho branch conducting this investigation has a great valuable for Commercial bank cash management system The objectives this research is to be appreciate CBE in order to apply good Techniques and mechanism for cash management system the study team raised Question under cash management screen out problems and try to find out Solutions for the problem The researcher used both primary and secondary data collection techniques 1. And we also analyzed by descriptive statistical percentage system

Reference E.F bringham, collisc.G.(intermediate financial management 5 th edition) - (impandary, 1999(financial management 8th edition 1999)

- Http// www,wise qeek. Com/cash management. Com.

-cash management www. Answer .com (banking dictionary)

- cash management (the importance of cash management. Ezinearticles .com

- VAN Horn, fundamental of financial management 15 edition

(http:// www. Pcn, 2010/11”)


Hampton, 1989


Robert’s w. Kalb and record J. Rodriquez, financial institution and capital market)


Van horn 1989


Financial Accounting “tools for business decision making paul. Wayne gandt I 1998)


Fess Waylon principle of accounting 16 th edition


Ross (1995)

ST. MARY’S UNIVERSIST COLLEGE School Of Distance Education Division Department Of Accounting QUESTIONAIRE TO BE FILLED BY EMPLOYEES OF COMMERCIAL BANK OF ETHIOPIA Dear Respondents This questionnaire is designed by the student at ST. Maries university college undertake research titled “ cash management system at commercial bank of Ethiopia “ and it is conducted as partial fulfillment of degree in accounting . So the result of the student will be used for the stated purpose only > Part 1 1. What is your gender? Male


2. In which section do you work? Treasury

domestic department

3. How long in years have you worked in banks? < 2 year

3-5 years

6-8 years

8-10 years

>10 years 4. Which of the following best describes your role in your branch? Senior manager Accountant

journal keeper



Other pleases specify -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Back Ground of the study

Cash management is the managing and controlling of cash over the institution cash is the first asset in the portfolio of commercial bank of Ethiopia (CBE). Cash management does not involve having the optimum neither exclusive nor deficient amount of cash. Cash management requires that the company knows how much cash it need and where that cash is at all time. Monitoring and controlling of cash is often neither vary through nor systematic. (“E.F. Brigham, Louise. G.” Intermediate financial management 5th edition) Page 723-725. Cash in an asset to the business organization. It usually considered to be one of the current asset. It also an asset that is readily convertible in to any type of assets, and easily concealed and transacted. cash is often “ non earning asset” it consist cash on hand, coins, notes, checks, currency (money paper), money order and money deposit in the bank. It also includes short term investment that can be reading converted into cash, check accounts and money market account( source: internet) 1.2 Back Ground Of The Organization Commercial bank of Ethiopia is established in 1942 ad Addis Ababa by one million. Mariathersa dollars, capitals and now a day operating in different districts that cover all cities and including major towns of the country including Ticho


Commercial bank of Ethiopia Ticho Branch established in December 2013 now It operates or serves different finance related function for the society it is private bank not governmental bank because they starts with capital shoring and with legal personality Generally commercial bank performs a variety of function that is not possible to make an all inclusive list of there function and services. However, some of the functions performed by the bank are: They are principle means of making payment through the checking demounts (demand deposits) they offer  Are able to create money from excess reserves made allocable from the public’s deposits.  Receive (deposits) excess cash of savers and provide loans and make investment; thus generate a multiple amount of credit  One of the major source of loan to small and medium sized businesses. (source : Robert W. Kalb and Ricordo J. Rodriguez; financial institutions and capital markets) 1.3 Statement of the problem The cash management is a powerful tool for control of both effective and efficiency of cash. However, what measures taken by the bankers to make the bank cash management system more efficiency and effective. Top prove this it is necessary to raise the following questions. -

How the bank controls idle cash?


What is the collection system of cash receipts and payments?


How cash collection and payments process is effective?


What is the purpose of check payment

The Importance of cash management is concerned with -

Cash inflow and out flow of the firm



Planned to project cash surplus or deficit


To make trade discount and maintain its credit rating and Etc.

1.4 Objective of the study 1.4.1 General objective The main objective of the paper is to be evaluate the overall performance of cash management on commercial bank of Ethiopia Ticho Branch 1.4.2 Specific Objective •

Assess to level of cash deposit by customer

Determine the loan given to customer.

Compare the loan and deposit

Make trend analysis of cash to bank.

1.5 Significance of the study This research paper is conducted to reveal •

To lay base for the bank cash management system and concerned body for further better of the study based on the research

To indicate what type of system the bank use for improvement of cash management system

To give helpful insight, storing and proper using of cash in safety way especially out flow of cash

It helps to show good plans and controls of excess and deficient of cash


1.6 Methodology 1.6.1 source of data The data would be collected from both primary and secondary source

Primary source As a primary source personal interview and observation method would be used including questionnaires I.e. Extensive questionnaires that would cover a sample population of bank and managers.

secondary source A view would be conducted on different documents, books, magazines and internet of the company. In addition different reading of literature related to the problem under investigation would be under taken

1.6.2 Sample technique and sample size

Sample Technique

To meet the objective of the study the data is gathered through anon probable or non random sampling that is judgment sampling. The reason is that, using judgment sampling is enable to we carefully identify items from the population that are to be included in the sample. This technique would be permit the research to complete freedom of selecting individual who can provide relevant data about the organization Sample size Currently the organization has seventy (70) full time man powers (employees). From those total populations we distribute ten (10) employees


from management and some questionnaire which would be filled by those respondents who have the context background. 1.7 Scope of the study Our topic mainly concerned with the cash management system . I.e. How cash is collected and disbursed, the techniques of cash management system and how cash is budgeted . It is somewhat narrow in scope because if it is wide it would become out of our control or we cannot manage our topic. It may became costly to undertake our study to minimize cost and to undertake our study to level that is manageable, we focused on some fair and achievable standard 1.8 Limitation of the study Initially it is hoped to conduct the study successfully. However, It is found that it would become difficult to do so. Some of the factors that are supposed to hinder our study expected to be the following -

Lack of available materials and references that are relevant to the study


Time constraints and data constraints


Shortage of time to get additional information from the bank.


Shortage of fiancé

1.9 Method of data analysis Many analytically technically including those involving variety of financial ration are available for cash management system analysis. The method ,that would be applied in the study would be trend analysis, descriptive and analysis and ratio analysis supported with table and percentages.



Chapter Two 2. Literature review related to cash management system 2.1 Cash Management 2.2 2.1.2 Definition of cash Cash is the important current asset for the operations of the business. Cash is the basic input needed to keep the business running on a continuous basis; it is also the ultimate output expected to be realized by selling the service or product manufactured by the firm. Cash is the many which affirm can disburse immediately without any restriction . The term cash includes coins, currency and checks held by the firm and balance in the balance in its bank accounts. Some time near cash items, such as marketable securities or bank time a deposit of near-cash asset is that they can readily be converted in to cash.(Impanday 1999) Cash is also an asset that is readily convertible to any type of asset, it is easily concealed transacted and highly desired because of these characteristics, cash is the asset most susceptible to improper diversion and use. Moreover, large value of cash transaction, numerous errors many occur in executing and recording cash transaction . To safeguard cash and assure the accuracy of accounting record for cash, effective internal control of cash is imperative. The items such as postage stamps and post dated checks (checks payable in the future ) are not cash 2.1.3 Cash Management /planning Cash management is abroad term that covers no of functions that help individual and business process receipts and payments in an organized and efficient manner(Http:// WWW. Wise peek. Com/cash management. Com)


Cash management also refers to the collection, concentration and disbursement of cash . It encompasses a companies level of liquidity, its management of cash balance and its short term investment strategies. In some ways, managing cash flow is the most important job of a business mangers, it at any time a company fails to pay an obligation when it is due because of lack of cash, they go to bankrupt . Obviously, the prospect of such a dire consequences should compel company to mange their cash with care Moreover , efficient cash management means more than just preventing bankruptcy . It improves the profitability and reduce the risk to which the firm exposed, Thus the goal of cash manager is to minimize the amount of cash the firm much hold for use in conducting its normal business activities . Yet, at the same time to have sufficient cash:- To take discount , to maintenance its credit rating and to meet an expected cash needs, (source: cash management “www, answer . com business and finance “ (Banking dictionary ) 2.1.4 Importance of cash management What is a cash management of a commercial bank ? Many is an account balance . Bank do not maintain cash an hand equal to the amount of many deposited. Rather, they keep about 10 % of the deposited fund in cash. The amount require various from day to day and week to week. Cash management is keeping enough cash an hand to handle the banks cash business plus the cash reserve dictated by the bank policy. Cash on hand plus cash deposited minus cash paid out equals net cash on hand. To ensures that net cash on hand meets the bank’s needs, the cash manager must estimate with fair accuracy the amount of cash to be deposited as well as the future cash demand . Cash is ordered from the federal reserve and excess cash is returned there. What are the cash management duties in order to execute his/her role affectivity and efficiently ? here are list of cash management duty accordingly



Bank relation


Debt management


Cash forecasting


Improving receivable processing


Speeding collection


Receipts for casting


Maintaining liquidity


Short term investment


Over seeing bank debts


Reducing idle balance


Showing disbursement


Cash conversation

(source : cash management : The importance of cash management ezinearticles . com) 2.2 Cash collection and Disbursement

Cash collection system aim to reduce the time it takes to collect the cash that is owed to firm some of the source of delays are -

Mail float ,


Processing float and


Bank float etc.

Obviously on envelop mailed by a customer containing payment is not processed and deposited in to a bank account the moment it is received by the supplier firm. And finally when the payment is deposited in the bank account offers times the bank does bot give immediate availability to the funds Cash management attempts among other things, to decrease the length and impact of these “float” . A collection receipts point closer to the customer


Perhaps with on out side third party vendor to receive, process and deposit the payment (check) is one way to speed up the collection The effectiveness of this method depend on different situations, such as:•

Location of customer

The size and schedule officer payment

The firms method of accounting payment

The cost of processing payment

The time delays involved for mail, processing and banking and

The prevailing interest rate that can be earned on excess funds

Another aspect of cash managements is knowing a company’s optimal cash balances. There are a number of methods that try to determine its forecasting (magical) cash balance which is the precise amount needed to minimize costs yet, provide a adequate liquidity to ensure bills are paid on time (hopefully with some thing left over for emergency purpose ). One of the first steps in managing the cash balance is measuring liquidity . liquidity is the amount of money on hand to meet current obligation. This are current ratios , quick ratio , and net liquid balance The higher number generated by the liquidity measures, the greater the liquidity and vice versa. However , there is trade off between liquidity a profitability which discourage firms having excessive liquidity Lockbox service :- are also often used by the business to speed up the account receivable process . Cash management by lock box require the establishment of a post office box for the client . The vendor /customer/ uses this post office address as remittance address on an invoice . As payment are received the financial institution corrects. The payment post them to operating account for customer . (E.F Bring ham, Louis . G. Intermediate financial management 5th


2.2.1 Reasons For Holding Cash There are three reasons for having cash these are transactions, speculative and precautionary motives •

Transaction motives: - to meet payments, such as purchase wages, taxes and dividends a rising in the ordinary course of the business.

Speculative motives: - to take advantage of temporary opportunities. Such as sudden decline in the price of the raw materials.

Precautionary motives: to maintain a safety cushion for buffer to meet unexpected cash needs. The more predictable the inflow and out flow of cash for affirm , the less cash that need to be hold for precautionary needs. Ready borrowing power to meet emergency cash drains also reduced the need for this type of cash balance

For the most firms do not hold cash for the purpose of speculation. Consequently we concentrate only on the transactions and precautionary motives of the firm. With these needs being meet with balance held both in cash and in marketable securities Cash management involves the efficient collection, disbursement, an temporary investment of cash. The treasury department of company is usually responsible for the firms cash management system. A cash budget instrumental in the process tell us how much cash we are likely to have, when we are likely to have it have it and for how long. Thus, it serves as a foundation for cash forecasting and control. In addition to cash budget, the firm needs systematic information on cash as well as some kinds of control system for a large firm, the information is usually computer based. It is necessary to obtain frequent report generally. Daily on cash balance in each of the companies. Bank accounts, on cash disbursement, on average daily balance and on the marketable securities position of the firm as well as a detailed reports on change in this position. It is also useful to have information on major anticipated cash receipt and cash disbursement. All of this information is


Essential if a firm is to manage its cash in an efficient manner. (VAN horn, fundamental of financial management 15th edition ) 2.2.3 Advantages Of Holding adequate cash and near cash asset Cash management requires that an ample supply of cash be maintained for several reasons. 1. It is essential that the firm have sufficient cash and near cash asset to take discounts. Suppliers frequently offer customers discounts for early payment bills. The cost of note taking is very high, so firms should have enough cash and assets to permit payment of bills in time to take discounts. 2. Adequate holding of cash and near cash assets can help the firm maintain its credit rating by keeping its current and acid test (quick) rations in line with those of other firms in this industry . A strong credit rating enables the firms both purchase goods from suppliers on favorable terms and maintains an amp line of credit of with its bank 3. Cash and near cash assets are useful for taking advantage of favorable business opportunities, such as special offers from suppliers or the chance to acquire another firm 4. The firm should have sufficient cash and near-cash asset to meet such emergencies as strikes, fires or competitors, marketing companies and to whether seasonal and cyclical down turns (Http://www.pcn. Money com/2010/11) In addition to this needs for cash several important factors can be identified as affecting a firm’s sizes of cash balance


1. Availability of short term credit Firms can make arrangements to borrow many for run expected needs than holding. Unnecessary large cash balance, an agreement between the firm need and its bank is the line of credit. Hampton, (1989) explains it as a formal or informal agreement for a bank to provide credit it required. The loan will be charged to the prevailing interest rate for its bank, customers when ever the request is made. “In such agreements the firm pays slightly higher rate of interest than on long term debt but, has to pays interest only during the period that the money is actually used” This reduces the size of the balance needed in the firm. 2. Money market Rates The money market consists of the institution and individuals who lend or borrow money as part of the a normal course of business activity Hampton explains that the level of interest high or low affects the size of the cash balance maintained by a firm if interest rate is very high the firm will invest its cash, but it internet rate is low the firm will not invest because, it has low return. Therefore, the firm keeps excess cash in its checking accounts, which leads to an increase in the firms cash balance . 3. Variation In cash Flow Some firm will experience wide fluctuation in cash flow. This will happen due to many delays in payments. This leads to variation maintaining cash balance


3/ Compensation Balance “Compensation balance is money kept by the firm with event in low interest or none interest bearing accounts as party of a loan agreement “. (Ross 1995:562) therefore , the agreement with the bank will determine the firms cash balance. (Source Hampton, 1989) 2.2.3 Cost Of Holding Cash When a firm holds a cash in excess of some necessary minimum, it incurs an opportunity cost. The opportunity cost holding cash can be the interest income earned by investing it in bank. It also should not maintain too small cash balance because it lose some opportunities. So it may have to raise cash on short term bases such as selling marketable securities or borrowing. These activities will force the firm to incur additional cost. So, to determine the appropriate cash balance the firm must weigh the benefits of holding cash against these cost. (Source : Robert . W. Kalb and Ricards J . Rodriquez, financial institution and capital market ) 2.2.4 Cash Budget Ross (1995) Defines cash budget “a forecast of cash receipts and disbursements for the next planning period” The Result is an estimate of cash surplus or deficit . It can be prepared monthly , weekly or even in a daily basis. Van horn (1989:394) defines “cash budget is commonly o monthly fore cast of receipts and debt . It tells us the likely availability of cash with receipts to both timing and magnitude” . It constitutes the cash inflow , sales and collection. The cash out flow which can be categorized in to four:= i.

Payments of account payable


Wages, taxes and other expenses.


Capital expenditure .


Long term financial expenses.


The final part is the cash, because which is the difference of collections and disbursement is either a surplus or deficit, if the firm for casts above the safety level, the firm has a surplus, no additional cash is needs and the firm will have opportunity to invest the excess cash, but it the firm for casts a negative cash balance it will have shortages to make payments. So, the firm must cover the negative positions as well as the shortages below the safety level. Hampton (1989) defines a safety level” as the minimum amount of cash needed to conduct the firm’s business property “. The cash budget serves as a foundation for cash planning and control . When cash budgeting is extended to included arrange of possible out comes the financial manger can evaluate the business risk and liquidity of the firm and plan for a realistic margin of safety. The financial manger can adjusts the firms liquidity cushion, rearranging the maturity structure of its debt, arrange a line of a credit or do some combination of the three. 2.2.5 Efficient Management of Cash Cash balance and safety of cash are significantly influenced by the firm production and sale techniques and by its procedure for collecting sales receipt and paying for purchase. Gilman (1997:739) this can be better understand form a firms operating or convection cycles . Operating cycle :- it is amount of time that elapses from the points when the firm began to build inventor to the point when cash is collected from sale of the resulting finished product. Cash Conversion Cycle (ccc): it is amount of time the firms cash is tide up between payment for production inputs and receipts of payment from the sale of the resulting finished product. When the financial manger efficiently manage these cycle he can maintain low level of cash investment which contributes towards maximization of


Share Value. There are Three basic strategies to manage the cash conversion cycle , these are 1. Turn over investor as quickly as possible 2. Collects account receivable as quickly as possible in order not to future sales. 3. Pay account payable as late as possible but take advantage of any favorable cash discount 4. To generalize the whole idea of these strategies as the inventory turn over increase, production cycle decrease, then finished good turn over in crease. Finally the cash conversion cycle decrease . (source E>F bring ham. Lovisc

Gapensk, intermediate

financial management 5th edition ). 2.2.6 Cash management service for commercial Bank Fortunately, commercial bank have cash management service that facilitate the cash management process. Zero Balance Accounts= helps business to maximize the use of their funds. Business generally have several accounts. The most common includes: tax, operating and payroll accounts. At the end of the day, when all of the transactions have cleared, the remaining funds just sit in the accounts and do mouthing. With a zero balance account, the remaining balance of all the accounts except fore one get brought to zero at the end of each night Remote Deposit Capture :- reduce time spent standing incline at eh bank with a remote deposit capture, busyness owner can deposit checks by scanning them in to a machine located in its office rather than taking them in to the bank Credit Line:= is a loan made a available when ever a business ha as need for cash. It helps to ensure that a business obligation get paid on time and that it can handle emergencies when they a rise (source financed accounting” Tools for business decision making” Paul, when gannet I 1998).


E-commerce= sale of product and service over the internet. It is the fastest growing segment of our economy. It allow even the smallest business to reach the global audience with its product or message with minimal cost. 2.3 Ethiopia National Bank Reduces Reserve Requirement The national bank of Ethiopia reduce the minimum ratio of deposits Ethiopian banks need to hold reserve from 15 % to 10 % the change took effect as per a directive issued by the central bank of Ethiopia. The national bank change its monetary policy to increase the amount of cash banks have available fore lending according to economist . The amount of “ liquid asset to be held as a proportion of deposits was also decreased from 25 % to 20% confirmed by the manager of central bank Of Ethiopia. Bank loans to varies sectors of business In Ethiopia including exports declined following central directive in April which instructed bank to by government bond’s to finance infrastructural project , equivalent to 27%of their total loans every month according to, an independent economist. “The national bank made the appropriate decision in lessening its monetary policy to prevent the export sector from being affected” It is to be remembered that the world bank and the international monetary fund express concern that restriction put on loans to private industry could adversely affect the economic growth of Ethiopia (source: Bloomberg). Commercial bank drifters from many other financial institution in one critical aspect that is have the power to create money in the form of new checkable deposit. However, the banking system as whole can create a volume of money equal to a multiple of any excess reserves deposited with it simply by extending credit (i.e making loan and purchasing securities).


2.4 Petty Cash System Immediate cash payment and payment that are too small to be made by check may be made from a petty/imp rest / cash fund under impress system the petty cash fund is created by drawing exchequer to petty cash for amount of the fund. In reporting the establishment of the fund, petty cash fund is debited and cash is credited. The cash is then turned over to the cashier or some person who is to be responsible for payment made out of the fund. For. Example Petty cash fund -----------------------------------xxx Cash ---------------------------------------------------xx Example of petty cash payment postage courier tees, repairs, and supplies. Any amount other than small payment by check, it would be both time consuming and expensive. To avoid witting checks for small amount a company usually set up a petty cash fund and us fee money in this fund to make small payment, (source fess war yen principle of Accounting 16 th edition) patty cash receipt format

for ---------------------------------------------

No --------------------------------------

change to ----------------------------------

Date ---------------------------------------

Approved by: ---------------------------

Amount: -------------------------------Received by : ----------------------------


CHAPTER THREE 3 Data analysis and interpretation This chapter deal with data presentation., analysis and interpretation of major findings. The studies on the findings are collected from primary and secondary sources. This section will start presentation and analysis of general characteristic of respondents followed by presentation, analysis and interpretation of data related to related to research question type. Interpretation and analysis were made to find out the cash management system Part 1 Table 1 Question 1,2,3,4 general characteristic of the respondents. No 1

Item Gender


work job

work experience

Role in bank

Responses Male female total Treasury Domestic banking foreign banking credit department table < 2 year 3-5 years 6-8 years 8-10 ears >10 years total senior manger Accountant Auditor journal keeper clerk other total

Number 4 6 10 4 3 3 10 4 4 2 10 1 7 1 1 10


Percent (%) 60 40 100 40 30 30 100 40 40 20 100 10 70 10 10 100

3.2 Cash collection and Disbursement In the bank how cash collects from its customers depend on large part of business nature. Most of its customers will pay cost borrowings. So there is no problem with moving delay normally a bank has putting other money or your fund and at the time it has access to gain access fund from depositor interest . When some of the payment of a bank has received a check that arrives through the mail. A number of methods are designed to speed up this collection process by doing the following 1. Expedite preparing and mailing invoice 2. Accelerate the mailing of payment from customer the bank 3. Reduce the time during which payment received bay the bank remain uncollected fund, the bank may choose to have all the check mailed one location ore more commonly the firm may a number of different mail collection point to reduce mailing time. Table 1 Cash Collection and Disbursement Process


Response No


10 10

100 100

1. Make cash collection and disbursement to a customer a. Manual system b. Computerized system c. Hybrid (manual & computerized ) Total

According to the above data 100 % of the staff members response implies that the bank strives to increase its out reach through out its branch and provide financial service using a modern and efficient service channel like automatic teller machine and the bank use the other cash collection and disbursement is a manual system. Generally the bank make cash collection

And disbursement today’s hybrid (both manual and computer) system. For Example computer system is ATM and other counter machine. So, ATM installed or approved by the bank with 19

Ethiopia at and of its branch or office and other places, can initiate or effect by a card holder money with drawls from / deposits his account or transfer branch between his accounts. 3.2 Make cash collection and Disbursement To Costumer Internal control of cash received ensures that all cash collection is properly recorded and deposited. Cash collection arise from many transactions includes cash sales, collection of customer accounts, receipt of interest and rent, bank loans, sales of assets and owner investment. With the regards of sufficient personnel control cash disbursement it especially important for the bank. Most of large theft is occur from payment of fictions invoices. One key to make cash disbursement it to require that all expenditure to be made by check and owners key to deny access to the accounting records to person other than the owner who has the authority to sign checks. This separation of duties help preventing an employee from holding fraudulent disbursement in accounting records. Item

Response No 1. Is there sufficient personal to make cash collection and disbursement to customer A. Yes B. No



10 0 10


Table 2. Making cash collection and disbursement According to the table 2, 100 % of staff member’s response show a that there is a sufficient personnel to control cash collection and disbursement in the bank .  Every single document is checked by the internal auditors before and after cash is paid and received

 Up on cash collection the amount of the cash collected agreed against the tickets also for cash payment , cash received and payment ticket agreed. 20

 During the cash collection the amount of the cash received and the value of ticket have to be cross checked also for cash payment among of cash collection and disbursement ticket have to be agreed (cross checked).  Cash collection should be deposited daily  Day to day follow up of cashiers who are responsible to pay cash for the customer. 3.3 Ejective Cash Management System Cash management is the managing and controlling of cash over institution . also cash management is keeping enough cash on hand to handle the banks cash business plus the cash deposited minus cash paid out equals to net cash on hand. To ensure that net cash on hand meets the banks needs, the manger must estimate with fair accuracy the amount of cash to be deposited as well as the future cash demand. Table 3Effective Cash Management system Item

Response No 2. Does the bank have effective cash management system? A. Yes B. No



10 0 10


According to table 3, 100 % of staff member’s response shows that the bank has effective cash management system. So effective cash management is more than just preventing bankruptcy, it improves the profitability and reduce the risk to which the firm is exposed. Thus the goal of cash manager is to minimize the.


Amount of cash the firm must hold for use in conducting its normal business activities . In addition cash management duties in order to execute his/her role effective, such duty are:- Bank reactions - Debt management - Cash forecasting - Improving receivable processing - Speeding the collection - Receipt forecasting - Maintaining liquidity - Reducing idle balance - Slowing disbursement - Etc …… 3.4 Purpose For Holding Cash Nearly every investor holds a certain amount of cash that’s because cash can play vital role in meeting a short term saving goal or play a large part in a long term asset portfolio . Whether it’s to meet a short term or long term needs, this is always good reason for holding cash. Three motives for holding cash balance , •

• •

Transaction motive:- cash is hold to pay for goods and service . It is useful for conducting our every day transaction or purchase . i. e to meet payment , such as purchase, wages, taxes and dividends etc Precautionary motive:- cash is relatively safe investment means cash investment rarely lose value (as can stocks or bonds) and are safety cushion . Speculative motive:- cash investment provide / take advantage of temporary opportunities .


Table 4 purpose for holding cash Item


what are some of the purpose that take the bank use the excess cash deposit ? a. Transaction motive b. Speculative motive c. Precautionary motive d. other Total



6 1 3 0 10

60 10 30 0 100

As indicated above table 4, 60 % of staff members response the bank use excess cash deposit is transaction motivate, 30 % is precautionary motives and 10% response is speculative motives so, that as we under stranded that it is important to point out that not all firm’s needs for call for holding cash balance exclusively. Indeed a portion of these need may be meet by holding marketable equal securities cash equivalent to asset . For most party firm do not hold cash for all purpose. Speculation, consequently we focus only on the transaction and precaution motive of the form, with need being meet with balance held both in cash and in MES. 3.5 Treasury Bills. Treasury bills (T-bills) are very safe short term investment issued by federal government and some province . Government issue treasury bills in large domination so, Banks and investment dealer, break this up and sell them to investor .


Table 5, Investment in treasury bills



2. Does the bank investment in treasury bill ? A. Yes B. No




10 0

100 0



According to the table 5, 100% of the staff members response show that the bank makes investment in treasury bills. Then the bank makes investment treasury bills, then the retunes on treasury bills are generally lower then long term investment, however, they are ideal investment when you can not afford to risk your money. If you believes the stock market or bond market going to slump. The risk to considered among the safest investment especially when the have three month or less to maturity, should you need money before treasury bells mature you can dully sell them on the open market through an investment dealers 3.6 credit policy used by bank. The bank, extends various type of loans and advance to the following business sector      

domestic trade import and agriculture hotel and tourism construction transport and services (education, health etc.) and other.


Table 6, credit policy used by bank (CBE) Item


is there strong credit policy used by the bank ? A. Yes B. No




10 0

100 0



According to table 6, 100%of respondents show that the bank used credit policy by the bank is strong. So, that at present the bank collects a 7.5% interest rate perineum on credit facilities it extends, the CBE many vary the enters rate based on the directives of the national bank of Ethiopia (NBE). In addition as per the new charged various interest rates based on their :    

loan repayment history business strength collateral strength and other similar factors.

That is, customer who meet the bank’s performance parameters are charged less interest rate where as the bank will impose additional 35 penalty interest rate per annum on non performing loans. 3.7 Repayment Loan By Credit Customer. According to credit policy of commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE), the document required from customers during loan request. So, it includes .  A written application that clearly indicated among other , the amount and the purpose of the loan requested .  Licenses (as appropriate)


 Trade and industry license specific to the line of activity and renewed for the current operational years  Municipal license  Investment license  Registration certificate - Financial statement (audited as deemed fairly)  Balance sheet  I come statement  Cash flow statement If the customer can not prepare financial statement and the requested loan amount is small, he/she to fill out the commercial credit report (CCR) form, which will be pro provided by the bank, and other. • • • •

Business plan A project feasibility study (for new project) An ownership certificate for asset or merchandise offered as collateral Memorandum and article of association

Table 7 Repayment loan by credit customer Item


do credit customer repays their loan on time? A. Yes B. No




10 0

100 0



As indicated above table 7, 100% of staff members (respondents) shows that credit customer repay their loan on time. Because of the reason as we Understand , when the bank makes loan use the acceptable collaterals to the bank are:• • • •

Building /House The building/ house be constructed with the city’s limits; and They can be used for residential purpose as ware houses or business organization Motor vehicles (trucks, tankers, trailers, combiners, public transport, etc) 26

• Bank guarantee • Local bank guarantees and foreign bank guarantees 3.8 Auditors In The Bank Auditing is systematic process objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding statement (assertions) above economic action and vent to assertion the degree of correspondence between the statement and established criteria the bank has their own auditors, auditors means a person who examine financial statement



Does the bank has auditors to control the cash ? A. Yes B. No




10 0

100 0



Table 8 auditors According to the table 100% of the respondents response show that the bank has there own internal and external auditor. The main responsibility of internal auditors has to audit for managements as the office of the auditor general does for the government. The internal auditor audits in the bank monthly, where as external auditor are members of CPA and audit the bank yearly, therefore,


The bank has where own internal and external audit. The internal auditor is an independent activity established by management to examine the system of control of the bank and to give recommendation to examine the system where as external audit the bank reports annually for the management and it report external parties 3.9 Idle Cash Idle cash is temporary cash surplus and it can invest in short term marketable security. The market for short term financial asset is known as the many maker the maturity of short term financial assets that trade in the many market is one year or less. Most large firms manage their own short term financial assets transacting through banks and deals, some large firm and money small firm use money management fee is compensation fund manager. Banks also offer sweep accounts, where the bank takes all excess available funds at a close of each business day and invest them for the trim. Item


Is there any idle cash in the bank ? A. Yes B. No Total




3 7

30 70



According to the data item 30%of the staff members response implies that there is an idle cash in the bank where as 70% of the population responds shows that there is no an idle cash in the bank.

Some organization has its own benchmark for its idle cash. But the bank has not benchmark for idle cash. As manager says there is no idle in the bank. Hence, it has not benchmark. The idle cash has situational for the existence or not. Because most of the time the debtor (borrower) fluctuate. This means the borrower pay your borrowing amount for a short period and there is no other borrower in the bank. The other reason for the existence of the idle cash is that, the shortage of borrower in the bank. Inflation is the other reason for the existence of Idle cash or not. If on inflation is the happen with in the country, there is no idle cash in the bank. This means the customer borrow large amount of money from the bank. Where ad if there is no inflation with in the country there no an idle cash. This means the number of borrower has low due to this reason there is an idle cash in the bank. Generally inflation have the major role for the existence of idle cash or not in the bank.


CHAPTER FOUR 4. finding, conclusion and Recommendation 4.1. finding and conclusions The major finding obtained through this study are stated below  The accounting policies adopted by the CBE are interrelated with international financial principle standards.  The CBE cash collection and payment system is effective thorough all payment is authorized before payment and all cash collections are deposited.  In the CBE there are no idle cash, but there is a fund balance means that when the estimated revenue is greater than the appropriation.  The CBE has controlling system of cash receipts and payments by preparation of daily cash sheet, all payments, should be renumbered checks, preparation of internal receipts and day to day follow up of cashier responsible part.  The CBE has source of revenue comes from d3eposite money of the customers.  The CBE has change system of receipts and payments  The CBE head of finance check the deposit with bank balance at the time.  The CBE revenue increase3 day-to day by the presence of good management of cash and the incremental of customers depositor  The CBE using computer for fax and internet these facilities create easily transferring of money from one branch to the other bank branch. This condition increase the numbers of customer.


Generally, We summarized as follows;  Cash is a medium of exchange that, bank accepts for deposit and immediately credited to all depositors account. Cash includes, paper currency, coins and check, and cash also an asset that is readily convertible to any asset; it is easily concealed, transacted and highly desired for use. Some time near cash item such as marketable security or bank times a deposit of near cash asset can readily convertible in to cash.  Cash management is the collection , concentration and disbursement of cash . it encompasses a banks level of liquidity, its management of cash balance and its short term investment strategy. As CBE (banks) use efficient cash management through just preventing bankruptcy of the organization and improves the portability and reduce the risk to which the firm is expected.  In order to resolve the uncertainty about cash flow and lack of synchronization between cash receipts and payments, the bank should develop appropriate straggly for cash management such as;  Cash inflow and out flows should be planned to project cash surplus or deficit.  The flow of cash should be properly managed  Bank decides about appropriate level of cash balance.  Surplus cash balance should be invested to earn profit.  The CBE cash collection system is aim to reduce the time it take to collets the cash  Mail float  Processing float  Bank float The bank must holds the cash for many reason such as transaction motive, speculative motive and precautionary motive.

Generally CBE make collection and disbursement of cash. Today disbursement of cash is hybride syst3em (both manual and computerized) i.e. ATM (automsatic tailor machine) and other counter machine. CBE use cash budget system is prepared monthly, weekly even in daily basis. Itsd results to estimate a cash surplus or deficit by using.  Cash inflow such as sales and collection 31

 Cash out flow i. Payment of account payable ii. Wage, tax and other expense iii. Capital expenditure iv. Long term financial expense  Cash management service for commercial bank (to branch) • Zero balance account • Remote deposit capture • Credit line • E- commerce



4.2 Recommendation Based on our findings and conclusion the research paper which is conducted in the commercial bank of Ethiopia on Ticho branch. Through questionnaire, analysis interpretation we researchers have recommended the following  Cash holding limit should a little bit high and the securities coverage in order to minimize exceeding holding limit at the end of cash hour and also minimize risk and over come the problem of deviance.  Bank operation (Activities) sis mainly on cash and it is a sensitive item, the most cash management system should be implemented.  There have to be proper registry Among the practice which needs to be encouraged the main ones are the following  As technology follow they use computerized system of cash collection and disbursement activities and per parathion of manuals, report and procedures for daily operation cash is a vital and interesting trend to the bank . it avoids confusion and ensures consistency or uniformity of operation  Cash management applied by the bank for controlling cash receipt and payments are appreciable an it is coherent to the guidelines of internal control in to the universal cash management process.  In addition to the above activities, the bank (commercial bank of Ethiopia, Ticho Branch) made a great effort in mobilization of deposits and increment of cash assets which are helpful for expansion of loans and advances and other activities, too.


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