Download Assessment II - Strategic & Business Planning...
Details of Assessment Assessment Term and Year
Time allowed
7 Weeks
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Assessment No
Assessment Type
Strategic Business Plan & Presentation
Due Date
Week 7
Details of Subject Qualification
BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Subject Name
Strategic & Business Planning
Details of Unit(s) of competency competency Unit Code (s) and Names
BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Details of Student
Student Name
Student ID
Student Declaration: Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______/________/_______________
Details of Assessor Assessor’s Name Name Assessment Outcome Results
Not Yet Competent Competent
/ 80
FEEDBACK TO STUDENT Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements: ________________________________________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________ __ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Student Declaration: Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware aware of my right to appeal and the reassessment procedure. Signature:
Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback Student did not attend the feedback session. Feedback provided on assessment. Signature:
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Purpose of the Assessment The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes: outcomes:
Competent (C)
Not Yet Competent (NYC)
BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan plan 1.1 Review and evaluate pre existing strategic, business and operational plan, if available 1.2 Analyse and interpret business vision, mission, values and objectives 1.3 Consult with key stakeholders 1.4 Review market requirements for the product or service, profile customer needs and research pricing options 1.5 Develop performance objectives and measures through consultation with key stakeholders 1.6 Identify financial, human and physical resource requirements for the business 1.7 Consider any permits or licences that may be required for new activity 1.8 Write business plan 2.1 Communicate business plan to all relevant parties and ensure understanding of performance requirements and timeframes 2.2 Ensure skilled labour is available to implement plan 2.3 Test performance measurement systems and refine, if necessary 2.4 Ensure timely reports on all key aspects of the business are available, user friendly and balanced in terms of financial and non financial performance 2.5 Report system failures, product failures and variances to the business plan as they occur 3.1 Analyse performance reports against planned objectives 3.2 Review performance indicators and refine if necessary 3.3 Ensure groups and individuals contributing to under performance are coached, and provide training where appropriate 3.4 Review system processes and work methods regularly as part of continuous improvement BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans 1.1 Check with stakeholders that organisational vision and mission are still held to be current and are supported 1.2 Make any changes or refinements to vision or mission statement as required 1.3 Review or develop organisational values to support the vision and mission statement 1.4 Gain support for strategic planning process from all relevant stakeholders 2.1 Determine information requirements and undertake or commission research to deliver relevant information 2.2 Analyse political, economic, social, and technological developments in a global context 2.3 Seek advice from appropriate experts wherever necessary 2.4 Identify and consider strengths and weaknesses of existing and potential competitors and allies 2.5 Analyse organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats 2.6 Consider cooperative ventures that are supported by risk and cost benefit analyses, are consistent with the organisational vision, mission and values and provide for due diligence Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
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2.7 Check that analysis of internal and external environment is consistent with the perspectives of other informed people 3.1 Document relevant research and background for inclusion in the strategic plan 3.2 Formulate strategic objectives and strategies needed for the future 3.3 Detail each strategy with an assigned priority, a timeframe, responsible parties and measurable performance indicators 3.4 Circulate strategic plan for comment, support and endorsement 4.1 Communicate strategic plan to all relevant parties 4.2 Brief people with a specific role in relation to strategies 4.3 Use performance indicators to monitor progress in implementing plan 4.4 Make necessary refinements to plan 4.5 Evaluate achievement of objectives at agreed milestones 4.6 Review effectiveness of plan and consider methods for improving strategic planning processes Assessment/evidence gathering conditions Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment.. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment. assessment re-assessment. Resources required for this Assessment
Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions
Instructions for Students Students Please read the following instructions carefully This assessment has to be completed In class At home The assessment iis s to be completed according to the instructions given by y your our assessor. Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term. Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
If y you ou are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook ). ).
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ASSESSMENT BRIEF Note: The organisational details used in this assessment have been sourced (and to some extent paraphrased) from the organisation’s website and other relevant external sources. The information
used here is solely for educational purpose. purpose.
This assessment comprises both the report and presentation as a summative assessment. You are required to prepare a strategic business plan report and perform a presentation for your business plan. To complete this assessment, you are required to follow the reporting structure as provided to complete the business plan (PART A) and perform a presentation of your plan (PART B).
PART A A – – STRATEGIC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN REPORT – – 70% 70% Using the Strategic Business Plan template template provided in this assessment, develop a strategic business plan for an enterprise of your choice (within Australia) Australia) or use the simulated organisational context of Academies Australasia Group. Group .
You will be working to develop a strategic business plan for your chosen business to open a new branch at Hobart. The paper and the presentation should include a well-laid process to actualize the business idea, strategic financial feasibility, marketing feasibility, and operational feasibility. In order to open a new branch to offer services at Hobart, the company needs to have the appropriate legal clearance from the relevant authority. You will also need to conduct an extensive research to identify the legal requirements and summarize your findings. To demonstrate competency you will need to consider in your analysis the capabilities and resources of the new enterprise, vision, mission, trends and developments in the marketplace, comparative market information, and legal and ethical restraints on the proposed business activity. Finally, the strategic business plan should provide a forecast for the long-range direction of the business and its strategic success.
PART B – PRESENTATION OF STRATEGIC STR ATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN – PLAN – 10% 10% B – PRESENTATION In PART B, you are required to prepare a presentation to communicate and consult with relevant stakeholders on the organisation’s strategic business plan and discuss the critical issues such as organisational details, business strategies, marketing strategies and analysis, operational plan, and financial plan.
Your p presentation resentation wi willll be a PowerPoint PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides using the critical elements of the presentation structure. You may not use more than 20 slides.
Include a list of reference or sources that you may have used to prepare the presentation.
Marking weights for the presentation is within the marking criteria table.
You are also required to attach the presentation slides at the end of the report as APPENDIX. APPENDIX.
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SIMULATED CASE ORGANISATION (if not using an organisation of your choice) (Information about the organisation has been sourced from the organisation’s website and other relevant internet sources)
Academies Australasia is a leading education provider in Australia Austra lia offering off ering English language, Senior High School, Singapore Government School Preparatory Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Bachelor and Master degree courses. They offer more than 100 qualifications to about 5,000 students across campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth Adelaide, Dubbo and Singapore. Students to the organisation come from over 129 countries. This diverse student population creates a truly unique learning experience for the students planning to undertake Australian qualifications. For more information on Academies Australasia and its operation, please visit the organisation’s website at Organisational mission, vision and core values (sourced) Vision: To be the provider of choice to a niche market in vocational education and higher education by offering a select suite of high quality courses that empowers students to flourish and achieve their career goals. To grow as one of the largest educational institutions in Australia and progressively expand in overseas markets. Mission:: To provide students with an engaged, high quality academic experience, supported by a Mission proactive service culture and a personal touch. We will achieve this by identifying, developing and delivering industry-relevant and academically-rigorous courses in targeted discipline areas to produce graduates who are work ready. Core Values: Values:
Respect for individuals - students, staff, peers, other stakeholders
Act with integrity
Uphold equity, access and sustainability principles
Encourage free intellectual inquiry through scholarly activities
(sourced) History and Securities Exchange Listing (sourced) The Academies Australasia brand is now also well regarded internationally. It represents a unique education group with a wide range of operations, more than 106 years of experience and high standards. A group established in Australia that does Australia proud. Established in 1908 Academies Australasia has been operating for 106 years. It has a long and successful experience in education – going back in excess of 50 years. Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
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Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange 37 years ago, it is Australia’s longest listed education
group. Public listed status means that apart from having to meet the well regarded and carefully supervised standards of the education sector, Academies Australasia colleges must also comply with the strict financial and reporting regulations of the ASX.
Educational and Corporate Partnerships (sourced) (sourced) Academies Australasia has strong alliances with highly regarded education institutions in Australia. For example, for many years Academies Australasia has collaborated with Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School to offer programmes for their students before they move on to specialised hotel management programmes. Below is a list of Australian and overseas partnerships with Academies Australasia.
Educational Partnerships
Corporate Partnerships
- Asia Society Australia
- Blue Mountains International Hotel Management
- Australia Taiwan Business Council
- Australian Council for Private Education and
- Central Queensland University - Charles Darwin University
Training (ACPET) - Council of Private Higher Education (COPHE)
- Charles Sturt University
- English Australia (EA)
- Curtin University of Technology
- International Education Association Australia
- Deakin University Australia
- Federation University Australia
- National ELT Accreditation Scheme (NEAS)
- Griffith University - James Cook University - Southern Cross University - Torrens University - University of Canberra - University of Western Australia - University of Western Sydney - University of New England - University of Tasmania - Victoria University Netherlands - Fontys University of Applied Sciences USA - California State University, Monterey Bay
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(sourced) Courses and Qualifications offered (sourced) Academies Australasia offers a range of courses that are recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and that that are accredited by the National VET Regulator and that are registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). AQF programs are nationally recognised, which means your qualification and skills can be used anywhere in Australia and also provide you with credit towards further study at University. Courses are categorised in distinct levels, from the basic Certificate II up to Advanced Diplomas and Bachelor’s Degrees. Specialisations include Leadership and Management, Travel and Tourism,
Hospitality Management, Information Technology, Accounting and Financial Services, Marketing, Project Management, Business, Childcare, Agriculture and so on. Details on the courses offered can be found at at . College / Local Facilities (sourced) (sourced) All campuses of the college have:
classrooms equipped with whiteboards, and access to overhead projectors, data projectors, televisions, DVD and video recorders;
computer labs with printers and Internet access; and
student lounge equipped with kitchen facilities, microwave and vending machines, as well as
additional computers with internet access, printers/copiers, etc
Wireless internet
(sourced) Student Support Services (sourced) The College offers appropriate support services to students to ease the transition into life and study in Australia and allow access to appropriate assistance as needed. Counselling services are available a vailable to students in order to assist them with their career aspirations and any other matters concerning their study at the College. Students with issues regarding the transition into life and study in Australia should contact the Student Support Officer. The students’ progress is reviewed regularly to ensure that they are progressing in accordance with their particular program. The College’s St udent Support Officer and Course Coordinators are
available for consultation in this matter by appointment (to be organised with Student Services). Students with any special medical or physical requirements should advise the Student Support Officer. The College endeavours to assist students with special needs to ensure their comfort and convenience are optimised. Information regarding available support services is accessible to students. For the benefit of international students, the College maintains close liaison with Department of Home Affairs so that applications and any queries can be attended to promptly. Where it is not appropriate for the College, its trainers or staff to advise on any issue, the student may be referred to an external party for advice. Where a student requires more formalised assistance, recommendations can be provided for appropriate language and/or bridging courses.
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(sourced) Access and Equity Policy (sourced) The College is committed to ensuring that all eligible students have access to educational opportunities. The College applies easily defined and tangible rules in support of access and equity, namely:
All students are given fair and reasonable opportunity to attend and complete their training
within expected and agreed timeframes. Direct or indirect discrimination is not tolerated and will lead to disciplinary action of the
offender if proved. The College believes that opportunities to participate in education and training ought to be available to all people on an equitable basis. The potential for education and training to improve a person’s life chances, and to give them security and satisfaction both in work and in life has positive consequences for society as well as for the individual. The College is committed to the creation of a working and learning environment which caters for the culturally diverse society in which we live. The College supports laws and policies which eliminate discrimination and harassment and promote fair treatment for all. This policy is in line with best practice management and is cost effective since it aims to ensure that the community’s entire pool of talent talent is drawn upon to create and provide services more
representative of, and better suited to, community needs. The College also recognises the need to:
identify and remove structural barriers to access and equity in education and training; and
encourage the customisation of training delivery which which suits the needs of all students and is
sensitive to cultural differences (sourced) Quality Management & Feedback Policy (sourced) Academies Australasia adopts a quality management policy with the aim to achieve quality through focusing on customers and continuously improving all processes in its core business of vocational education. The College is committed to compliance with Australian Government. The College has deliberately emphasised the principles of customer focus and continuous improvement because they are:
core to the requirements of the various accreditation authorities;
fundamental to the quality management process; and
helpful, if correctly followed, to achieving our other goals
Customer Focus is a goal or objective and a touchstone for analysing each decision, process or plan. The emphasis on Customer Focus sends a strong message to the organisation’s customers and to all staff about the fundamental importance of customers. Continuous Improvement provides an ongoing strategy for achieving this goal. This also signals to all staff and customers that the College has an ongoing process of planning, implementation and review. With these core principles in mind, the College appreciates the feedback that it receives. Students are encouraged to provide feedback on all aspects of its operations to enhance the quality of service it provides.
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(sourced) Diversity Policy (sourced) Diversity refers to all the characteristics that make individuals different from each other. It includes characteristics or factors such as religion, race, ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other area of potential difference. Academies Australasia is committed to diversity and inclusiveness, and to providing an environment in which employees have equal access to opportunities, are treated with fairness and respect, and are not judged by unlawful or irrelevant reference to their attributes. This commitment enables Academies Australasia to attract and retain people with the best skills and abilities. The Academies Australasia workforce comprises many individuals with diverse skills, values, backgrounds and experiences. They have a wide range of qualifications and experience and come from more than 20 countries.
The Board renews the Company’s policy on diversity, annually. Academies Australasia has a strong
commitment to gender diversity which is demonstrated by an almost equal representation of female and male employees across the Academies Australasia Group. High female participation is reflected at all levels of the organisation including among senior group executives and the Board. Academies Australasia does not favour or discriminate against females. Academies Australasia’s objective is to have an equal balance of male and female employees (excluding academic staff), and at least about 30% of Board and senior group executives being female. Each year the numbers are assessed against these targets. (sourced) Information Privacy Policy (sourced) The type of information collected and held by the College includes: personally identifiable information, including sensitive information, about students (and guardians, where a student is under 18 years of age) before, during and after the completion of training. Consent for student information is gained at application via the application and enrolment form. Students are required to declare that they understood the College’s use of personal information in the student agreement prior to enrolment.
Generally, information is provided to the College by the individuals themselves. Individuals provide personal information over the phone, in person, online, via email and by completing various forms. Website: The College website may contain links to other websites. Please be aware that the College is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. If individuals go to other websites, the College advises caution and to read the related site’s privacy policy. Direct Marketing: The College practices ethical direct marketing. Where the College is permitted to use or disclose personal information for the purpose of direct marketing, it must always: allow an individual to request not to receive direct marketing communicat ions (also known as ‘opting out’), and comply with that request. The College will, on request, provide its source for an individual’s personal information, unless it is impracticable or unreasonable to do so
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(sourced) Work Health and Safety Policy (sourced) The purpose of the New South Wales Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act is to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons at work. The Act protects all persons including visitors, customers and contractors. WHS is the shared responsibility of all management and staff within an organisation. To be effective, WHS requires the active participation of both staff and management. At Academies Australasia, students and staff should avoid whenever possible, or otherwise carry out carefully and correctly, any lifting. - They should not leave items/cords or obstructions in walkways or passageways. - They should wear footwear appropriate for the activities that they expect to undertake. Incident/Accident Reporting: The College recognises the duty of care owed to its students and that planning for the management of a critical incident is essential. A critical incident is defined as ‘a traumatic event, or the threat of such (within or outside Australia), which causes extreme stress, fear or injury’. The College has in place efficient, sensitive and supportive strategies for dealing with a
critical incident and provides support to members of staff, students and others in the community who are involved. If the incident is on the College premises, the first action will be to contact the emergency services - fire, ambulance or police – as would be the case with other WHS matters. The Managing Director must also be contacted immediately when the incident involves death, serious injury or a threat to life or property. If the critical incident involves a student or staff member and is offcampus, the person receiving the information must immediately contact the Managing Director or person nominated by him who will communicate with other staff as appropriate. All accidents and injuries must be reported to Student Services and entered in the Critical Incident Reporting and Investigation forms and Critical Incident Register. The aim of the reporting system is to prevent accidents from recurring by identifying the problem or hazard. Additional research links on the case organisation You are also encouraged to conduct further Internet research on the case organisation for specific tasks that may require review and analysis of existing organisational information. For example, organisational mission, vision and objectives can be identified from the organisational website and from the annual reports. The following are some links to the organisational information. Organisational website - - s#.XEVLvlUzbGg UzbGg Colleges and locations - - http://www.acad Annual Reports - - http://www.acad ports.html#.XEVOpVUzbGg pVUzbGg AAPOLY website website -- AAPOLY organisational organisational policie policies s -- ml#.XEVawFUzbGg Gg FAQs for potential students - - http://www.academ Corporate Governance Statement and Principles http://www.academie ance/Corporate%20Governance%20State ernance%20Statement%202018.pdf ment%202018.pdf %20ACA%20Student%20Handbook_ ent%20Handbook_VET.pdf VET.pdf Student handbook - - Latest news on Academies - - http://www.thebul 690-cashing-in-on-the-international-student-boom-.html nal-student-boom-.html
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CONTEXT & SCENARIO You have recently joined the case organisation (or the organisation of your choice) as the general manager, who not only looks after the overall operation of the business but also attends meetings with the directors and investors when proposing any changes and expansion of the business. You trainer will act as the director of the organisation for this assessment. You will be progressively completing tasks one after another within the simulated environment (or your preferred business) to complete this assessment task. Currently, the case organisation (or the organisation of your choice) is planning for expansion and therefore exploring the viability of opening a campus/branch at Hobart, Tasmania or in any other state. You will be working to develop a business plan for Academies Australasia (or the organisation of your choice) to open a new campus/branch at Hobart. The marketing agents of the organisation have already stated you that there are approximately 120 students (or clients) in the pipeline if the branch can be started from next quarter.
You will develop a business plan based on the number of students (clients) as suggested by marketing agents.
To initiate this plan you are required to plan for physical resources,
location and rental expenses, staff requirements and expenses, operational resource and technology requirements, and contingency expenses.
In addition, you will need to establish the strategic direction of the organisation, sustain competitive advantage and enhance competitiveness, analyse and interpret relevant markets, assess the capability of the organisation and analyse the organisation’s existing and potential
You will also cover implementation of the strategic plan and developing specific actions and initiatives that will be undertaken by people working in various roles.
Eventually you will communicate, present, and consult various stakeholders using a presentation.
Stakeholders (for the case organisation Academies Australasia)
General Manager – You
Group Director – Your trainer
Other investors and stakeholders – Your fellow classmates
The paper and the presentation should include a well-laid process to actualize the business idea, strategic financial feasibility, marketing feasibility, and operational feasibility. In order to open a new campus to offer vocational education qualification at Hobart, the company needs to have the appropriate legal clearance and permits from the relevant authority. You will also need to conduct an extensive research to identify the legal requirements and summarize your findings. There is no specific word limit on this plan but your report must follow the structure illustrated next. Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
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STRUCTURE & MARKING ALLOCATIONS purposes) PART A: STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN (Trainer/Assessor use only for marking purposes)
Executive Summary
1. Introduction & Business Plan
2. Review Market Requirements in the New Location
3. Develop Performance Objectives for the t he Expansion and Growth
4. Identify Financial, Human and Physical Resource R esource Requirements
5. Permits and License Requirements for Expansion
6. Determine Information Requirements
7. Internal and External Environmental Analysis
8. Seeking Advice from Director on Environmental Analysis 9. SWOT Analysis
2 4
10. Plan for HR/Skilled Workforce Availability and Costs
11. Financial Planning (P&L Statement, Cash-flow Statement) Statement)
12. Simulated Scenario for Business Quarterly Report
13. Redesign Performance Indicators for Staff Members of New Branch Branch
14. Communicate & Brief Strategic Business Plan to Staff
15. Simulated Scenario for System Failure (WH&S) & Variance Reporting
16. Simulated Scenario for Performance Data Analysis Analysis
17. Audit of Milestones Achieved Achieved
18. Cost Benefit & Risk Analysis
19. Consideration & Comparison of Ventures with Strategic Plan Plan
20. Communicate Final Strategic Plan to Investors and Stakeholders Stakeholders
APPENDIX 1 (presentation slides) Refer to PART B APPENDIX 2 (role-play & script)
N/A 2
APPENDIX 3 (references and external resources)
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PART B: PRESENTATION OF STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN (Trainer/Assessor use only for marking purposes) purposes)
The learner will be assessed on the following
Marks Allocated
Explain organisational mission, vision and objectives
Explain the need for expansion and the strategic business
Marks received
plan Marketing review on expansion
Explanation on financial, human, physical, and other
resource requirements Internal and External Environment (PESTLE) analysis
SWOT analysis
Financial forecasts and strategies
Operational methods & plans
WH&S requirements
Strategic Business Plan objectives, KPIs, and Milestones
Comments by Trainer & Assessor
INSTRUCTIONS ON PRESENTATION ± Presentation should cover all 10 presentation criteria mention in the table above. ±
Presentation timeframe is 15 minutes maximum and must be very brief
If using a different organisation other then the case organisation, an organisational brief must be presented
A Q&A session after presentation
Attach presentation slides in Appendix 1
S trateg i c B us in ines es s P lan Templat Template e follows follows nex next. t. You Y ou are required requi red to complete complete ever everyy s ecti ection on of the template.
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Strategic Business Plan Academies Australasia
Prepared by: ZESHENG DAI Position: General Manager Date: 21st February 2019
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this section you are required to provide a short summary to your Director (your trainer will act as the director) on the Strategic Business Plan that you have created. This is an important start to your plan. Include the following information: 1. Review of the business vision and mission statement and the operational plan. Verify the existing vision, mission, and operational plan with the stakeholders and suggest some changes using a 3 minute communication pitch. (1 mark) 2. Analyse the growth strategy and operational plan and provide a business case for opening a new branch in Hobart, Tasmania. (1 mark) 3. Develop at least 3 new organisational values based your changes to strategies and operational plan. (1 mark) 4. Consult w with ith stakeholder and gain feedback and support from them. (1 mark)
Communication Pitch on organisational strategy review: Academies Australasia is a leading education provider in Australia offering varies of course among vocational education and higher education in a truly unique learning experience for the students planning to undertake Australian qualifications. We offer students a select suite of high quality courses that empowers students to flourish and achieve their career goals. One of the goals is to grow as one of the largest educational institutions in Australia and progressively expand in overseas markets. Our mission is to provide students with an engaged, high quality academic experience, supported by a proactive service culture and a personal touch by identifying, developing and delivering industry=relevant and academicallyrigorous courses in targeted discipline areas to produce graduates who are work ready. Since we are a “student“student-centred” educational organization, it would be valuable to focus on student services and feedbacks by extending the working hours of the Student Services and providing extra tutoring sessions. It’s also important to keep us sustainable. By doing so, we remain deeply engaged with communities in Australia’s capital region, serving s erving as a powerful engine of economic development, social wellbeing, creative thought and public discourse. Our success and impact have come from the courage to take risks, make considered choices, and forego the temptation to follow the pack.
Analysis of growth strategy and expansion: Planning and implementing a growth strategy to develop new markets and expand the business before the current market flattens out will not only help the business survive tough times, it could also give us a considerable edge. The expansion requires comprehensive research on the market and detailed marketing strategies. As the business matures and our market share steadily increases, it is a good opportunity to explore the new market in Hobart, Tasmania. This strategic business plan will take us through the process of new market development. It will provide us with some easy-tofollow steps on planning and implementing a market expansion strategy before the current market flattens.
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Three new organisational values relevant to the strategy and expansion:
Organizational values guide the organization’s thinking and actions. From actions. From the financial dimension’s perspective, with the new strategy and expansion in place, it will enhance the organization’s fiscal stability. Public recognition can affirm the organization’s creative activity and external recognition. Both current and future students will have more options and assistance during their study. The new compass also provides new opportunities to existing staffs, staff s, which will prompt some of them to move forward and get more training and experience in different areas.
Stakeholder feedback and suppor supportt (you must take some advice from any of the stakeholders): The expansion needs to be profitable – profitable – which which should be the top priority. Therefore a detailed estimation profit and budget become goals and values objectives are with detailed KPIoffor each department so thatessential. the aboveClear organizational could berequired delivered and maintained. Highlights the important financial points of the business including sales, profits, cash flows and return on investment. Ensure the new campus meets all the relevant compliance and legal requirements. We will develop an aggressive growth strategy that causes us to establish a more flexible organizational structure that can adapt to new markets and rapid growth. Regardless of the degree of market growth required to meet the particular business goals and objectives, the need for growth and a plan to accomplish it is fundamental to a successful business venture. Planning and achieving market growth, whether aggressive or conservative, requires the application of some fundamental marketing activities and techniques.
Verbally approved by stakeholders: stakeholders: Yes X
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Executive Summary Table of Contents 1. Introduction & Business Plan 2. Review Market Requirements in New Location 3. Develop Performance Objectives for the Expansion and Growth 4. Identify Financial, Human and Physical Resource Requirements 5. Permits and License Requirements for Expansion 6. Determine Information Requirements 7. Internal and External Environmental Analysis 8. Seeking Advice from Director on Environmental Analysis 9. SWOT Analysis 10. Plan for HR/Skilled Workforce Availability and Costs 11. Financial Planning (P&L Statement, Cash-flow Statement) Statement) 12. Simulated Scenario for Business Quarterly Report 13. Redesign Performance Indicators for Staff Members of New Branch 14. Communicate & Brief Strategic Business Plan to Staff 15. Simulated Scenario for System Failure (WH&S) & Variance Reporting 16. Simulated Scenario for Performance Data Analysis 17. Audit of Milestones Achieved 18. Cost Benefit & Risk Analysis 19. Consideration & Comparison of Ventures with Strategic Plan 20. Communicate Final Strategic Plan to Investors and Stakeholders
The learner is required to update and adjust the page numbers and topics based on the amount of their content and the responses made to each task.
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1. INTRODUCTION & BUSINESS PLAN This section should include organisation descriptions, products and services, location, number of employees, turnovers and revenues of the last fiscal year, and most importantly why the expansion is needed in Hobart, Tasmania (or a different state). Your Introduction should be within 300 word limit.
Academies Australasia has been operating for more than 107 years and has been listed on the Australian Securities Exchange since 1977. With tens of thousands students from over 120 countries, pursing their education at our Sydney campus, and our joint ventures around Australia and abroad, we pride ourselves on being a beacon of equity, diversity, inclusion and access. Our success and impact have come from the courage to take risks, make considered choices, and forego the temptation to follow the pack. Throughout our history, we have challenged orthodoxy and boldly traced our own distinctive path, leading the way into uncharted territories and staying the course against significant headwinds. The teachers are dedicated and passionate with teaching experience at leading universities. We are committed to quality education and student satisfaction. We offer more than 150 qualifications across campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Dubbo – Dubbo – in in 5 states in Australia. Based on the 2018 financial report, revenue from ordinary activities increased by 5% to $61.28 million compared to 2017. While FY17 showed a spectacular turnaround from the results of FY16, FY18 saw even further improvement. Indeed, FY18 recorded the best results in Academies Academies Australasia’s 110-year 110-year history. The earning before tax reached $6.12 million. Australia is strong in the area of international education, which is the second largest export sector, after minerals. But surely there is a need ffor or a long-term road map outlining national targets, to facilitate better bett er coordination amongst all the participants and address issues that have nagged the sector for a long time. We have 18 colleges, each with its own licence to operate as an education institution. With the exceptional performance in FY18, I believe it would be a good opportunity to explore the market in Tasmania. We have at least one college in the main cities so Hobart would be on the top list for consideration of expansion.
2. REVIEW MARKET REQUIREMENTS IN THE NEW LOCATION In this task you will include a “Market Research Analysis” and plan for the organisation. For this task, you are also required to look strategically so that your new branch can reach the break-even and move towards a good market share in future. You are required to provide relevant market research analysis such as a. b. c. d.
Market size (in terms of numbers, amounts, clients, clients, etc) in the area (1 mark) 4Ps analysis (3 marks) Target customers (demographics, characteristics, characteristics, and their geographic locations) (1 mark) Pricing strategy (low cost, premium, specialised, etc) (1 mark)
Market size & requirements for your business
The total population in Hobart isofabout 220,000. The population in city Hobart comprises a skilled and qualified workforce approximately 51,000 people. working 70% of the cit y based workforce work in professional, clerical, community or sales based roles, with a further 18% employed in a trade. 12% of the workforce are in managerial managerial roles (Australian Bureau of of Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
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Statistics (ABS) census data 2016). There are over 30,000 students, including 5,200 international students of which 3,900 study at the University of Tasmania. Other international students are in local schools and colleges. With the new immigration policies in place, there will be more international students choosing Hobart. In the last 10 years, the global international education market has significantly expanded, and further growth is expected. Two years ago, UTAS and the State Government announced plans to double the intake of international students by 2025. To join the market, the government requires the institution to provide accommodation for any new students for their first year at least.
4Ps Analysis Template PRODUCT
Tangible product, service, or desired behaviour.
‘Costs’ associated with
Where the audience performs the desired behaviour.
Outline key messages and communication channels.
How will you make this place
What promotional activities do
the product, service, or behaviour.
How will you ‘position’ or modify it to make it more appealing to the target audience?
What will you do to lower exit costs and reward/reinforce reward/reinfor ce the new behaviour?
more appealing or accessible?
you plan for this engagement?
Provide online resources such as lecture notes and recordings for students to have access to the materials anywhere. Also it comes with online tutoring sessions, where students can ask questions online or create discussion groups for certain topics.
Establish scholarship programs for students with outstanding performance of the year. This will encourage and stimulate the current students to participate more in
For students are considered to be the product, place should aim to develop ways to embed the student into the labour market. New technologies are considered to be important since it could transfer knowledge to students. Place
Need to address and inform prospective students in such a manner that the educational product is understood. One important channel for transferring information to students is through a web site.
the study programs.
channels such as radio and TV are typical examples of possible knowledge distributions.
Sourcing teachers with passion and knowledge about education and maintain high quality of teaching at all times. Properly train our staff including student services to provide better experience. By focusing
Provide payment plans for students with financial hardship. For example, the tuition fee is currently payable each year. The strategy is to increase the terms to
The educational product should reflect the needs and wants of this market.
on consistency, andquality, great services we will build a steady repeat
4 times the a year to reduce financial burden.
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Online lectures can be operated for students and it can also function as a feedback tool.
E-mail and advertising could also function as efficient tools for universities in order to inform and stimulate potential students for enrollment. Former students could aid the college in providing constructive experience towards prospective students. They could thereby inform and encourage potential Page 19
students base.
students to enroll, based on previous successes as a graduate.
Target customers (demographics, characteristics, and their geographic locations
The contribution of international education to Australia’s economy in FY18 hit a record of $32 billion. Revenue from international business grew by $8.59 million to $47.91 million million – – a a strong 22% increase from that in FY17. This was far greater than the sector growth of 14%. Our target market is the international student. The National Strategy projects that Australia’s onshore enrolments will grow by 45% to 2025, 202 5, equating to about 720,000 students onshore. Australia’s international student cohort is overwhelmingly from Asia, and this is expected to continue into the future. A further interested target group would be students who are interested in vocational and TAFE courses. Furthermore, other target groups could be individuals, academic and governmental institutions or companies interested in the subject regarding new campus of attracting and enrolling foreign students by different marketing approaches.
Pricing Strategy (low cost, premium, specialised, etc) Considering the pricing and profitability in the previous financial year, we w e can slightly decrease the tuition fee in the new campus because the labour costs are relatively lower compare to Sydney and Melbourne etc. Before making any concrete decision on entering this market, we want to have a clear understanding of the sales and associated costs. Estimate the numbers for the abbreviated profit and loss statements to get started on the analysis. We will be focusing on secondary education and vocational education at the new market in Hobart based on the market demand and future expectation.
3. DEVELOP PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES FOR THE EXPANSION AND GROWTH In this section you are required to develop performance objectives and targets to achieve below, in combination, form a performance scorecard for easily tracking the performance improvements generated by this plan. Performance Area
Performance Objectives
Target to achieve
Time Frame
Financial Performance
To increase revenue steadily each year.
Increase revenue by 10% in the first year of launching the new campus
In the first year of launching the new campus
Customer and Market Performance
Improve service approach for new and existing students and agents.
Collect feedbacks via online survey – survey – 95% 95% of satisfactory at least.
Semiannually. By the end of
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first 6 months. Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness
To execute and maintain a CRM process that is producing results. Increase efficiency through use of wireless or virtual technology.
Achieve at least 90% of the task completion.
Every quarter (starting from April 2019)
Long Term Development and Innovation
To develop the leadership abilities and potential of each team.
Promote 5 people to the manager level.
In the first 2 years.
4. IDENTIFY FINANCIAL, HUMAN AND PHYSICAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS In this section you are required to identify financial, human and physical resource requirements for the organisation’s expansion.
Financial requirement: Sound financial planning is required to ensure that all of the t he resourcing requirements requirements of an organization are identified. There is insufficient funding provided to manage a specific class action lawsuit and to fund support services. The adequacy and timing of funding provided is fundamental to an organization’s ability to achieve desired results. Director reviews the reports, identifies significant variances, and meets with w ith the relevant legal counsel to obtain further details on the variances. Based on these discussions, remedial action is taken, as necessary, to resolve the issues. The expansion requires financial planning and budgeting, and accounting services from external provider, who will provide financial input for the annual Business Plan, preparation and loading of budgets for new campus, and cost recovery forecasting and monitoring.
Human Resource requirement: Sound human resource planning is fundamental to an organization’s capability and capacity to effectively deliver services. The appropriate number and mix of resources deployed to work activities is critical to effective effect ive utilization of resources. The expansion will require appropriate recruitment, hiring, and retention practices as they are fundamental to ensure that current and future needs are met. For example, an experienced campus manager will be the one of the top priorities when hiring new people for the new campus.
Physical Resource requirement:
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The expansion will require a variety of physical assets in the conduct of its business. These assets consist primarily of office furniture, computers and related equipment, phones, printers and other communication devices. Secure the premises by card access along with camera surveillance to provide additional security to the already well-secured premises. Precautions are important to protect the physical assets.
5. PERMITS AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPANSION In this section you are required to identify permits and licensing requirements for the organisation’s
expansion. Each States has different requirement. On 10 July 2017, the Education Act 2016 (passed by Parliament in November 2016) commenced along with the legislative framework of the Education Regulations 2017, Ministerial Instructions and Secretary’s Instructions detailing operational matters related to the Education Act. For our business expansion in Hobart, we need to ensure we follow the below Acts. Education Act 2016 2016 Education Regulations Regulations 2017 – apply Ministerial Instruc Instructions tions – apply to all school sectors Secretary’s Instructions – – apply apply to Government Government Schools only.
Also need to meet and obtain the t he following requirements and licences: - - - - - - - -
Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) – (WHS) – TAS TAS health and safety regulator issues permits to make the business safer and healthier National Quality Standard for Child Care and Education Services Registration as an Education Provider for Overseas Students Higher Education Threshold Standards Application for Approval of Education Authority Approval of Courses of Education Register as a Higher Education Provider National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students
6. DETERMINE INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS In this section you are required to conduct an environmental analysis using the PESTLE template provided below.
A business environmental analysis is a process in which we look at the outside factors that can have an impact on the business Some of the items that could have an impact on the business are political, economic, social and technical. I will examine each one of these components individually, individually, and then see how it could affect the success of launching the new campus in Hobart, Tasmania.
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7. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS In this section you are required to conduct an environmental analysis using the PESTLE template provided below. You may wish to add/reduce the bullet points depending on the number of factors identified for the HR planning of the organisation. Refer to factors listed on on for analysing your organisation. analysis-hr-department/ organisation. PESTLE Analysis template Political factors: New immigration/visa policy for international students; Tax policies and fiscal policies may change the entire revenue generation structure; The political champions of HR may have different views on the expansion; Shareholders’ views will also impact the business decision to some extent.
Social factors: Population shifts may affect the target market; People have different level of requirement of education; Different immigration policies in each States; Living standards of the population; House trends in the vicinity area. Attitudes to career may have an impact on the subjects or course;
Legal factors: What is happening in our sector that will impact what we do;
Minimum wage required in TAS may be different to other states; Different requirements when hiring people under 18; Occupational/industrial training; The official working hours and time;
Economic factors: The budgetary position of the strategic business plan has been determined and is limited; While international students pay higher tuition fee, local students may not be willing to pay the same on the course; Salary trends in this sector is growing slowly in the industry; The financial status of the company will have an impact on the budget; The interest rates and inflation will also have an impact on the market; Technical / technological factors: Any new changes or technology may be coming our way; There is no recording of the class at the moment and we may be able to explore some methods to record attendance and lectures; Communication technologies; Use of and encourage home studying; Changes to HR software/systems; Changes of technology that will increase/reduce the need for recruitment; Environmental factors: Staff engagement; Need to reduce storage needs. E.g. use of
clouds as oppose to printing papers; Management attitudes inside the campus; Use e-marketing approaches rather than flyers etc.; Offer students opportunity to hand-in assessments online instead;
8. SEEKING ADVICE FROM DIRECTOR ON ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ANALYSIS Based on the Internal and External Environment analysis that you have prepared in the previous section, in this section you are required to seek advice from your director who will provide you approval on your completed internal and external environment analysis. Email Communication Template
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Academies Australasia 24th February 2019 Subject: Environmen Environmental tal Analysis – Analysis – Advice Advice & Approval To: James Cooper
Dear Director,
As part of the strategic and business plan, I have also completed an internal and external environmental analysis to keep an eye out for growth opportunities. Accurate evaluation of environmental factors could be the difference between success and failure when starting a business. An effective environmental analysis can have a major impact on the strategic plan for a business. Once the threats t hreats and opportunities have been identified, it helps us focus on our business efforts where they need to be focused. When developing a strategic plan, we have to look at the outside environmental factors that can have an impact on the business. For instance, if the economy is weak when we launch the new campus, we may ned to spend more on advertising or offer more promotion to get people in the door. Even if some of the environmental factors look discouraging, we may be able to find f ind opportunities to grow the business. If the technology outside the business is i s improving, we may be able to use these technological advances to improve our own business operations. Lowering our energy costs with improvements in these areas could allow us to focus more resources on the important areas of the business. After doing the environmental analysis for Academies Australasia, we may have to make some tough decisions. If the environmental analysis is overwhelmingly negative, it may force us to scarp the idea of expanding the business. According to my above analysis, there are some positive actors, which could encourage us to pursue our expansion planning. It would be appreciated if you could review and advice on the above PESTLE analysis on the internal and external environmental analysis. Please let me know whether any changes or adjustments are required.
Zesheng Dai General Manager
Approved by Director?
Yes X
If no, Suggestions:
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In this section you are required to conduct an SWOT analysis using the template provided below. This should include the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats relevant to your potential competitors and your allies. a. List each of your businesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats in the table below. You may wish to add/reduce the bullet points depending on the number of factors identified SWOT analysis. analysis. (2 marks) marks) b. Outline how you plan to address each of the weaknesses/threats. (1 mark) mark) c. Complete the competitor analysis table. (1 mark) mark) SWOT Analysis Template Strengths
- The business has a good reputation in the industry with high quality of resources;
- Lack of financial support for faculty scholarship;
- Affordable tuition fees;
- Underdeveloped campus facilities;
- Location of the campuses in CBD;
- Understaffing at many levels;
- Thin on cultural/racial/ethnic diversity;
- Full-time faculty teach most classes, and there is a strong bond and a high level of interaction between faculty and students;
Threats [e.g changes in legislation and taxes]
- Continuing education for intellectual enrichment and for people for all ages; - Opportunity to build an undergraduate experience using the best practices from throughout the country; - Educational opportunities related to tourism and early childhood education;
- Reduced public funding of higher education; - Risk of losing prominent faculty and staff for genuinely better opportunities at other institutions; - Growing competition from nearby public institutions that provides similar courses and degrees;
- International and off-campus study and exchange programs
points) Plans to address SWOT with organisational capabilities: (You capabilities: (You may use bullet points) SWOT analysis for the new campus can be a simple and yet effective way to ensuring that all appropriate factors are considered. Indeed ensure that under People – teachers, support staff, parents and children are considered along with third party people (police, local health etc. that can form a part of the community). This SWOT analysis builds on the strategic planning discussion for the new campus in Hobart for Academies Australasia. The intention is to help the organization determine how to use its strengths to take advantage of opportunities and neutralize threats. Strengths-Opportunities. Use the internal strengths to take advantage of opportunities;
Weaknesses-Opportunities. Improve or avoid weaknesses by taking advantage of
opportunities; Strengths-Threats. Use the strengths to minimize threats.
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Competitor Analysis Template
In order to complete this template you will need to ask yourself these questions. How do y you ou rate against your competitors? How can your business improve on what they offer? List at least 3 competitors of the organisation in the table below along with other details. You must put at least one information in each section. Use bullet points in the box if you have more than one input within a section.
Established date
Market share (%)
Value to customers
Berkeley Business
Founded in 2012
30 staffs
Newly renovated
Offer state-ofthe-art facilities
Available courses courses are less than other
modern campus with easy access
with a brand new library, lounge, kitchen & classroom etc.
100 staffs in Sydney
Industry partnerships
Personalised study experience
More expensive
Australian Pacific College
Founded in 1993
Over 5,000 students with 40 staffs
Easy access to all 5 campuses in Sydney
Provide internships opportunities
Lack of marketing
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10. PLAN FOR HUMAN RESOURCES/SKILLED WORKFORCE AVAILABILITY AND COSTS In this section you are required to mention your predicted or forecasted labour requirements for the organisation and the options from where you will source for your recruitment. Consider doing an Internet research on the Hobart city and Tasmanian economy (or your chosen city and state). You are also required to detail future plan for staffing purposes. a. Identify the availability of skilled workforce workforce for your your expansion to Hobart/chosen city. city. b. Identify the staffing requirements for your business along with a table showing the budget requirements for each position over the next three years. c.
To ensure skilled workforce, write write one generic advertisement to be posted at to hire skilled workforce for the positions required. (Case organisation will need to hire casual teachers, campus managers, academic coordinators, student services officers, IT support staff, marketing officers, logistics staff and casual cleaners).
Hobart (or chosen) City Review & Skilled Workforce Availability (maximum of 300 words)
The right people at the right place are a key step in order to develop a fruitful education, which is linked to the staff’s ability to deliver in a correct manger. Even though the supportive functions of a lecturer may influence students' perception, the management of a single phone call by administrative staff could impact students’ will to enrol. Administrative staffs are connected with the enrollment process as they deal with prospective students and their requests. The way administrative staffs answer these requests could influence students’ first impressions. Even after enrollment,
administrative and teaching staff plays an important role. Thus, staffs are the key factor for the new campus’ marketing mix. The population working in Hobart comprises a skilled and qualified workforce of approximately 51,000 people. 70% of the city based workforce work in professional, clerical, community or sales based roles, with a further 18% employed in in a trade. 12% of the workforce are in managerial roles. There are over 30,000 students, including 5,200 international students of which 3,900 study at the University of Tasmania. Other international students are in local schools and colleges. 58% of those aged 15 and higher who live in Hobart hold a bachelors degree or higher. The City of Hobart has a rich pool ofinknowledge-based from position which toand recruit. I have done a research around the skilled workforce Hobart and listed workers the required its’ co rrelated wages.
Staffing requirements and forecasted costs Position/Role
No. of staff
Year 1 expense
Year 2 expense
Year 3 expense
required Campus Manager
Marketing Officer
HR Manager &
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Teachers Accountant
Total Staffing costs
Job Advertisement Modify the whole template according to the organisational requirements. All positions required by the branch needs to be included in this advertisement. Information within the template is just generic. Academies Australasia Campus Manager, Marketing Officer, HR, Payroll, Administrator, Vocational Teachers & Accountant Accountant
Permanent full time position 38 hours per week City location, close to public transport 6 months probation and wages will be reviewed at the start of each financial financial year Remuneration Package for each position (before tax including super):
Academies Australasia is proud to be a highly reputable and culturally diverse educational organisation and is looking for staffs for the new campus in Hobart, Tasmania. With a large international student base, this vocational educational provider has experienced significant growth due to their progressive leadership and diverse UtilisingThe yourrole educational background you will be primarily responsible fortraining the newofferings. Hobart campus. will see you acting as the face of the organisation and the first point of contact for student related matters. In this fast Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
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paced and fluid environment you will easily transition from day to day campus activities. This is a brilliant time to join this organisation – the long-term opportunities are endless. As they are experiencing significant growth your role will continue to evolve and grow as this business changes shape. Below are the details of the job description and requirements: - All the roles will be reporting to the campus manager. - The campus manager needs to have an education background with an expertise in campus management. You will be a charismatic communicator communicator and a natural born leader. You will thrive in an autonomously lead yet dynamic environment. - The marketing officer will be working on marketing plans and responsible for the website design and updates. Requires IT or Marketing background or working experience. - The HR manager and payroll will be responsible for recruitment, setting up meetings and schedule teachers’ class times. Requires at least 3 years’ experience in a similar industry. - The administrator will be responsible for the day-to-day matters and will be the first point of contact for students and parents, including responding to the phone calls, emails, maintaining records etc. Requires attention to details and bachelor degrees. - The vocational teachers will follow the schedules and attend classes and mark assessments for each subjects. Requires relevant background and education certificate. Working experience in a similar industry is also preferred. - The accountant will look after the bookkeeping, business analysis and financial reports. Requires at least 3 years’ experience.
The job will be full time, with hours to be worked between 9.00 am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday. Successful applicants must have:
relevant previous experience advanced Microsoft Office and typing skills strong communication and interpersonal skills strong organisational skills and attention to detail
If this role appeals to you and you are looking for a role that is a fantastic opportunity with a leading educational provider, then please forward you resume onto Zesheng Dai at
[email protected]. Phone number: 02 8888 9999 Applications close on 1st March 2019 Source: Template Source: ) )
11. FINANCIAL PLANNING (P&L STATEMENT, CASHFLOW STATEMENT) In this section you are required to prepare the financial plan for the case organisation (or the business you have selected) and forecast the financial strategy for the next three years. You are required to prepare: a. Projected Profit and Loss Statement for three y years ears b. Cash-flow Statement for three years years
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Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Office Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Misc. Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Profit
Income Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Expenses Payroll
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Cash Flow Statement (in $,000) Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Dividend Received
Realized Gain on Investment
Finance Costs
Income Taxes Paid
Net Cash Flow
Cash Balance
Cash Received Cash from Operations Cash Sales Cash from Receivables Subtotal Cash from Operations Additional Cash Received
Subtotal Cash Received Expenditures Expenditures from Operations Cash Spent Premises Paid Subtotal Spent on Operations Additional Cash Spent
Subtotal Additional Cash Spent
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12. SIMULATED SCENARIO FOR BUSINESS QUARTERLY REPORT Scenario: Assume Scenario: Assume you have operated a quarter of a year within the new branch location. Your director has requested for a quarterly report of the branch activity and review the performance. Based on previous business analysis and the research, prepare the business quarterly report. This report should be based on the first quarter of the business operation.
Email to Director Template Academies Australasia 24th February 2019 Subject: Quarterly Report (1st Quarter) of Hobart Campus Campus Dear Director, As per your request, please find the reports in the following table. table. REPORT TYPE
Staff performance data All staffs have achieved their KPI within the time frame. Sales data Total revenue received in the first quarter is $400,000. Quarterly expenditure data Total expenses occurred in the first quarter is $500,000. Staff training data All staffs attended the trainings provided with no absence. Market trend data The total number of international students has increased by 5% compared to last quarter.
Revenue is recognised over the period of tuition, upon completion of specific performance obligations of each of the contracts. At the end of the first quarter, the business performance is still on the track as per the expectation. KPIs have been achieved within the time frame, however, we will review the KPI at the end of second quarter to check to ensure the KPIs are realistic and achievable. The total expense is the same as per the budget but the total revenue received is less than what should have been. This is due to some of the students deferred their letter of offer to the next available term, which means the total revenue of the second quarter should exceed the expectation as a result of this. All the training programs provided have been completed without any an y absence. This shows a strong motivation and connection between the staffs and the organization. According to the recent research, the total number of international students has been increasing steadily since 2017 and this is a good opportunity for marketing to build our reputation etc. Thanks. Zesheng Dai General Manager Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
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13. REDESIGN PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR STAFF MEMBERS OF NEW BRANCH In this section you are required to redesign the performance indicators for staff members of the new branch. Position Role
Key Performance Indicators
Acceptable standard
Increase the rate of enrolment
By 8%
Review current market trend and work on social media with updated blogs and marketing materials
New marketing plan 0 mistakes and on time
Every week
0 mistakes and provide response No absence. Finish all assessment markings Reconcile the accounts
within 24 hours
Campus Manager Marketing Officer HR & Payroll
Fortnightly wages should be finalised on time. Liaising with each department and recruit new staffs when requires. Communicate with students and parents in a timely manner
Vocational Teachers
Attend scheduled classes and marking assessments
Prepare quarterly BAS and financial report for the campus manager to review
Targeted date/ timeframes Every semester.
Every fortnight
Within 2 weeks after the final exam Every week. BAS every quarter.
14. COMMUNICATE & BRIEF STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN In this section you are required to communicate and brief the strategic business plan to relevant stakeholders, parties and new staff members. Modify the email and brief templates according to your organisational requirements. You are required to: a. Communicate the business plan to the new staff members of the new branch using an email to ensure that they all understand the performance requirements and timeframes. You must communicate the KPIs, acceptable standards and timeframes that you planned in previous table along with the organisational strategies. (1 mark) b. Provide a strategy brief to all individuals/teams on their spe specific cific roles in achieving the strategies. You may wish to explain them about targets and goals. (1 mark)
Email Communication Template Academies Australasia 24th February 2019 Subject: Strategic Business Plan – Plan – Brief Brief Summary Dear New Staff Members, Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
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Hope this email finds you all well. Based on the outstanding performance in the first quarter of this new campus. I am pleased to announce that we now have a new business plan in place with detailed KPIs for each role. Please refer to the below table for a brief summary.
The campus manager will be meeting with the head quarter in the next few days to go through the details. We will be launching a new CRM system to monitor the process and performance of each department. Trainings will be provided and we will be shifting to the new CRM system by the end of the second quarter. If you have any concerns or feedbacks, please do not hesitate to discuss with your campus manager who will collect and summarise the information for the headquarters to review.
Zesheng Dai General Manager
Brief Summary
Academies Australasia
Strategy Brief To:
James Hudson (campus manager)
Zesheng Dai
All Staffs Hobart Campus
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24th February 2019
Strategy Brief
The Tasmanian economy is now one of the fastest growing in Australia; underpinned by record levels of investments, population growth and visitor numbers. By improving access and opportunity, Academies Australasia at Hobart seeks to enrol, retain, and graduate a larger and more diverse student body engaged in classroom and technology-enhanced education in a thriving learning community that meet students’ educational goals. With the increased students in Hobart, mainly
international students, we have recognised the shifted demographics and economics and we would like to take the opportunity to become a leader in providing access and opportunity for traditional and non-traditional learners. Starting from 1st March 2019, we will be launching a new CRM system which will better record r ecord and analysis the performance of each department so that we can point out the area that needs improvement. Please ensure you attend the training session for the new system, as it’s important that everyone is using it correctly and efficiently for us to collect valid data. James, as your campus manager, will be coordinating with each department to ensure you understand your new targets and goals.
15. SIMULATED SCENARIO FOR SYSTEM FAILURE (WH&S) & VARIANCE REPORTING Scenario: Assume Scenario: Assume that there had been several WH&S breaches and minor incidents in the new organisational premise/branch where there are approximately 40 individuals working on each day. This is because the new staff members were not trained in regards to Work Health and Safety issues. In addition, the old members who have transferred from your original office are not practising the WH&S procedures of the organisation adequately. a. Based on the the WH&S Act 2011, 2011, identify the following: What type of training (for example, refresher course) is required in the new premises/location/branch. How many person needs to have a first aid certificate? What requirements do you have in regards to safety committee? What type of safety procedures should you have? Which external organisation (third party) will you hire for the WH&S training? What would be the costs?
From 1.2.2019, all Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) must undertake the relevant approved training course within three months of their election unless a training course is not reasonably available within this period. Existing HSRs, who have not already completed the training, must complete the training within the required period. If a worker chooses not to undertake the training within the time period, they will w ill no longer be eligible to fulfil f ulfil the role of HSR and will need to be replaced. The training courses approved under section 21 of tthe he WH&S Regulation 2011, are: - -
an initial five day training course a one day refresher course at least every three years. The entitlement to refresher training begins three years after the initial training.
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I will engage the training with TasTAFE as it provides a five-day training course with $1,040 per person.
Providing immediate and effective rst aid to t o workers or others who have been injured or become ill at the workplace may reduce the severity of the injury or illness and promote recovery. In some cases it could mean the difference between life and death. A person conducting a business or undertaking has the primary duty under the WHS Act to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that workers and other persons are not exposed e xposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking.
b. Prepare a 300 report for your Director at Sydney office mentioning the system failures and WH&S failures and incidents and explain your case for WH&S training and WH&S Management Systems. You are also required to explain the variances that will be required to the strategic business due to these additional time, effort and expenses for implementing Work Health & Safety Management Systems.
Email to Director
Acaade Ac dem mies Aus usttral alaasia
24th February 2019 Subject: Hobart Campus – Campus – WH&S WH&S Failure & Training Training Dear Director, There have been some system failures in regards to WH&S within our new premises. The new staff members were not trained in regards to Work Health and Safety issues. In addition, the old members who have transferred from the original office are not practising the WH&S procedures of the organisation adequately.
Please find the report below: below: SYSTEMS FAILURE REPORT
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We provided a toaster and an egg boiler in the kitchen for the staffs to use. When the last person finished using the appliance, the switch was left on. When the other staffs went to the kitchen for something else and they were accidentally burnt by the toaster or egg boiler. When the staffs went to look for the first-aid, some of the Band-Aids and medicines have expired. This has occurred several times in the office due to lack of WH&S Training. We have legal responsibilities to implement health and safety practices in the workplace as soon as we start the new campus. We need to ensure that the new campus doesn’t create health and
safety problems for the staffs. Knowing and understanding WHS laws and how they apply to business will help us avoid unnecessary costs and damage to the business caused by b y workplace injury and illness. Under Australian WHS legislation businesses are legally obliged to provide safe work premises, assess risks and implement appropriate measures for controlling them, provide and maintain safe machinery and materials. Though it may cost to implement safe practices and install safety equipment, the effect of not taking action can be severe and costly. Complying with WHS requirements can prevent you from being prosecuted and fined, and help you to retain skilled staff.
Thanks. Zesheng Dai General Manager
16. SIMULATED SCENARIO FOR PERFORMANCE DATA ANALYSIS This section includes a scenario after the operations have started in Hobart/chosen location. After 4 weeks of operations in Hobart (chosen) branch you have realised that there are Scenario: After Scenario: several areas of concerns within the implementation of the business plan. First of all, you find in performance reports databases that there are several failures in meeting performance objectives. These include performance failures such as: Marketing targets are not being met Classrooms (operations, if using a separate organisation) and facilities are not setup in advance Trainers an and d teachers have not provided adequate support support to the students/ CSR have not provided adequate service to clients Classroom punctuality issues / Staff attendance issues Enrolment of all student/ clients has not y yet et being completed in in the EMS database Inductions for all students/clients are yet to be completed Based on these performance issues mentioned, you have decided to analyse and review the existing performance thesystem objectives that youand have setmethods. earlier. You have also decided to review the performance against indicators, processes work To complete this section you are required to Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
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a. Analyse performance reports against objectives (1 mark) b. Review performance indicators and refine if necessary (1 mark) c. Ensure individual individual and group performance with coaching a and nd training (2 marks) d. Review system processes and work methods (2 marks) a) Performance Report Analysis
The marketing targets are enrolling 300 students in the first year, which is equivalent to 75 students each term. The performance report indicates that we have only enrolled 60 students in the first term. CSR should be providing students with adequate services as part of their job description. The report indicates that occasionally that the CSR haven’t been able to respond students’ emails
within 24 hours. -
b) Review of Performance Indicators (Develop and review at least one KPI for each of the positions mentioned in the template or use at least 3 positions relevant to the organisation of your choice) Position Role
Previous KPIs
Revised KPIs
Targeted date/ timeframes
Marketing Officers
Student Services
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c) Identify Training Needs, Provide Training and Coaching (ROLE PLAY ON TNA) Scenario: A student services employee named Mellissa who was responsible for enrolment of all Scenario: A student/ clients in the EMS database and the inductions had performance issues as she did not complete the tasks within the timeframe. As she is a new employee it would be reasonable for you to identify her training needs and gaps and provide her with adequate coaching and training to ensure she can take on increased responsibilities and new tasks, by her own without missing deadlines. You will need to complete TNA template below along with a 3 minute role-play session on this meeting (that you will need to attach in Appendix). You will play the role of general manager and a fellow classmate can play the role of Mellissa for this Training Needs Analysis Meeting.
Major tasks of position
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Template POSITION: TNA DONE BY:
Training/skills development required? Y
If yes, identify what training needs exist
How will this be achieved? (eg on the job, external training) training) eg on the job, external training
Who to organise? When? Training provider? provider?
Provide your personal feedback on her performance:
Signed by: by: General Manager
Staff Member
Date: Attach role-play script in Appendix 2. Role-play carries 2 marks. Strategic & Business Planning, Assessment No.2 v1.2, Last updated by MM on 24/01/2019
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d) Review system processes and work methods To complete this task you are required to Develop at least four system processes and work methods that are relevant to the work/roles in your organisation.
After you have developed the four system processes and work methods, your director direct or has mentioned that he/she could not approve them since there had been several incidents and operational failures. You will now need to review and revise those four system processes and work methods again.
17. AUDIT OF MILESTONES ACHIEVED Scenario: In this section you are required to evaluate the achievements of the agreed milestones. Scenario: In The agreed milestones (you will need to decide on agreed milestones if you are using your chosen organisation) for this new branch were:
Setup the new premises by 4 weeks for operations Complete enrolments for all students by Week 2 Staff performance levels are around 80% accuracy and timeliness Marketing has reached its sales target of 30 students per month Teachers and trainers have received a positive feedback of 60% or more
Based on the agreed milestones, you will now need to decide whether these milestones were achieved or not. If not, mention the discrepancies, recommended mitigation. Completion timeframes can be identified using the agreed milestone timeframes and your newly decided actual timeframes.
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Audit of Objectives & Milestones Recommended Mitigation Discrepancy
Agreed Completion Timeframe
Actual Completion Timeframe
18. COST BENEFIT & RISK ANALYSIS Scenario: As Scenario: As you have managed the strategic and business plan for this new branch, the investors and stakeholders are motivated by the prospect o setting up another venture in a different location in near future. You reporting director have requested you to conduct the following analysis for the next venture project as you have gained the experience in analysing. Based on the experience you had in this branch location and strategic project; conduct the following analysis for another venture: a. Identified Risks b. Risk Analysis & Assessment c.
Cost Benefit Analysis
Identified Risks Risks Identify at least 3 potential risks to this project and explain your strategies to reduce/eliminate/control the risks. Risk 1: Risk Management Strategy:
Risk 2: Risk Management Strategy:
Risk 3: Risk Management Strategy:
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Risk Assessment Using the three identified risks, you are now required to assess and manage the risks using the “Risk Matrix” below. Imaginary samples provided inside matrix.
Almost certain
CONSEQUENCE Insignificant
outcome Example Box crusher Loud Noise Delete this this
c outcome
Example Forklift: May drop pallets on staff toes Delete this this
Example Product Shipment delayed Delete this this
Unlikely Rare
Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for the new project that your director has assigned you. Imaginary samples provided inside. Please modify and adjust the highlighted information (in blue) within the sample template based on your organisational information. Cost-Benefit Analysis Template Template Costs in one year
Equipment - $50,000
Total Costs -
Staff -$ 100,000 Rent - $40,000 Utilities - $ 30,000 Benefits in one year (Tangible)
Cost savings in training - $ 20, 000
Total Benefits -
Cost savings in marketing - $ 20,000 Benefits in one year (Intangible)
Motivated employees due to work from home
Comparison of cost and benefits
Compare the costs and benefits. Support with calculations and results.
Overall outcome of analysis (profit or loss)
In 1 year, additional the new equipment generate income. will pay back its original cost and
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19. CONSIDERATION & COMPARISON OF VENTURES WITH STRATEGIC PLAN Based on the cost benefit analysis and risk analysis that you have conducted in previous section, you are to use the comparison table below to make comparison of your strategic plan with cooperative ventures. Cooperative joint ventures allow for more flexible agreements between the joint venture parties. In cooperative joint ventures companies have the choice to organise themselves as a limited liability company or as a non-legal person in which the partners are subject to unlimited liability. This means that the partners are entirely liable for losses the joint venture may incur. In practice, the majority of cooperative joint ventures are set up as limited liability companies. You are required to list at least four (4) consideration areas and compare those areas between your strategic plan and cooperative ventures.
Areas of consideration
Your Existing Strategic Plan
Cooperative Ventures
20. COMMUNICATE ON STRATEGIC PLAN TO INVESTORS AND STAKEHOLDERS In this section you are required to communicate through email on the strategic business plan and the presentation that you will deliver to the stakeholders next week. Briefly highlight on the strategic business plan (especially the mission, objectives, targets, strategies and operational plans) in very short and mention that details will be discussed during presentation with Q&A session. Email Communication Template Subject: Dear All Stakeholders,
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APPENDICES Attach the following appendix documents (Appendix 1 and 2) and list the sources and references in Appendix 3. 3.
APPENDIX 3: SOURCES AND REFERENCES Academies Australasia FY18 Annual Report Australian Bureau of Statistics – ABLIS Tasmania Licence Search - - City of Hobart - -
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