Assessment I - Project Time Management

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Details of Assessment Assessment Term and Year

Term 2 2020

Time allowed

7 Weeks

Assessment No


Assessment Weighting


Asse As sess ssme ment nt Ty Typ pe

Writ Writte ten n Res Respo pons nses es,, C Cas ase e Stu Studi dies es an and d Por Portf tfol olio io of Evid Eviden ence ce

Due Date

Week 6



Details of Subject Qualification Subject Name

BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management Project Time Management

Details of Unit(s) of competency Unit Code (s) and Names

BSBPMG512 Manage Project Time

Details of Student Student Name College

Student ID

Student Declaration: I Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. I acknowledge thattasks. I understand requirements to complete the assessment I am alsothe aware of my right to appeal. The feedback session schedule and reassessment procedure were explained to me.

Student’s Signature: ____________________  Date:


Details of Assessor  Assessor’s Name

Shompa Chowdhury Assessment Assessm ent Outcome

Assessment Result


Not Yet Competent



Feedback to Student  Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:  _____________  ______ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ __________  ____   ______  _____________ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ __________  ____   _____________  ______ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ __________  ____   _____________  ______ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ __________  ____   _____________  ______ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ __________  ____   _____________  ______ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ _________  ___  Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student.  Student attended the feedback session.

 Assessor’s Signature: ___________________  Date:


 Student did not attend the feedback session.

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Purpose of the Assessment The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes:

Competent (C)

Not yet Competent (NYC)

1.1 Develop the work breakdown structure with sufficient detail to enable effective planning and control 1.2 Estimate the duration and effort, sequence and dependencies  of  tasks to achieve project deliverables 1.3 Use project-scheduling tools and techniques to identify schedule impact on project time management, resource requirements, costs and risks 1.4 Contribute to achieving an agreed schedule baseline and communication of the schedule to stakeholders 2.1 Implement mechanisms to measure, record and report progress of activities in relation to the agreed schedule 2.2 Conduct ongoing analysis to identify baseline variance 2.3 Analyse and forecast the impact of changes to the schedule 2.4 Review progress throughout the project life cycle and implement agreed schedule changes 2.5 Develop responses to potential or actual schedule changes and implement them to maintain project objectives 3.1 Review schedule performance records to determine the effectiveness of time-management activities 3.2 Identify and document time-management issues and recommend improvements Assessment/evidence gathering conditions Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. assessment. A student who who is assessed a as s NYC (Not Yet Co Competent) mpetent) is eligible for for reassessment. Resources required for this Assessment Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions should be read prior to undertaking the assessment. Instructions for Students Please read the following instructions carefully  This assessment must be completed In class At home The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor. Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other  feedback will be provided by the end of the term. Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency. If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information ( Student Handbook )).. 

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ASSESSMENT TASKS There are two tasks to complete for this unit of competence: Task 1 – 1 – Written responses and completion of two activities 1) resource estimation and 2) network analysis This task comprises of two parts which consists of Part A, written responses and Part B, time management activities, to assess your knowledge and understandin understanding g to manage time within a project of your choice. The time management management activity, Part B, also has sub-activiti sub-activities es (B1 & B2) that requires you to apply your skills determining determini ng and implementing the project schedule, and assessing time management outcome that reflects effective planning and control and use of project scheduling tools and techniques to identify schedule impact on project time management. You are required to respond to all the tasks by demonstrating your skills and knowledge within the assessment guidelines and requirements. Certain tasks have been developed with templates, tables, and sections with appropriate spaces, in which you will have to complete and/or provide information to ensure you demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Marking criteria have been provided to support the student’s understanding of the requirement for each task.

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of managing project time within projects. This task consists of questionnaires which reflect the knowledge of project management (PMBOK). The responses should include the following: 

Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical aspects of project time management followed by relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past. If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case scenario/cas e study examples that you will find on e-learning e-learning.. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on elearning. Theory answers without reference to your experience will not be assessed as satisfactory Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace

Task 2 – Portfolio of Evidence The portfolio of evidence comprises the assessment of the application of your project time management knowledg know ledge. e. You will nee need d to dem demonstr onstrate ate your man managem agement ent skills skills to manage manage time which which includes includes determining and implementing the project schedule and assessing time management outcomes during project which is based on the project you have chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. It should state relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently have or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. If you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of completing this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past. If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on elearning.

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To such a degree they must negotiate with you to use a scenario/case study examples that they will find on e-learning. Students nominated project must be agreed between them and you so that its methodology, tools and techniques accommodate to the performance requirements of each Unit of Competency prior to start of work on the unit. Your nominated project must be agreed between you and your Assessor so that its methodology, tools and techniques accommodate to the performance requirements of each Unit of Competency prior to start of work on the unit. Your project must comprise:       

a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan a formal communications plan a devoted and project-based budget formal and planned involvement with a wide range of stakeholders a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology a quality plan with assurance and control processes a project team-based environment.

Evidence of the following is important:  

demonstration of time management for several complex projects knowledge of time management plans, tools, issues and likely challenges

To achieve competency, you are required to demonstrate knowledge, skills and experience to: Performance Evidence   

develop a project schedule using project management tools and techniques implement, analyse and monitor a project schedule conduct a review of project scheduling and recommend improvements for the future.

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once. Knowledge Evidence     

 

explain estimation techniques to determine task duration and resource effort explain procedures for identifying critical path explain procedures for managing project baselines, establishment and variance summarise project life cycle phases and describe each phase explai exp lain n bestbest-pr pract actice ice tim time e ma mana nage geme ment nt metho methodol dolog ogies ies,, their their ca capa pabil biliti ities, es, limita limitatio tions, ns, applications and outcomes summarise key tools for project scheduling scheduling explain work breakdown structures and application to project schedule

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TASK 1 Written responses and activities (Total 35 marks for TASK 1) A. Written Responses Responses  (Total 15 marks for TASK 1 Part A) Q1: Description of main planning task of time management (5 marks) Q2: Critical path and its importance (5 marks) Q3 Tools and techniques use to track and manage time (5 marks) B. Activity Tasks (Total 20 marks for TASK 1 Part B) 1. Resource Resource Estim Estimatio ation n (1 (10 0 marks) marks) 2. Network Network Analy Analysis sis (10 (10 marks) marks)


Evidence  (Total 65 marks for TASK 2) TASK 2 – Portfolio of Evidence A. Projec Projectt Sched Scheduli uling ng (20 (20 marks) marks) 1. Schedule Schedule for for the pro project ject (10 (10 mar marks) ks) a. Project Project Sched Schedule ule Info Informa rmation tion Tabl Table e (4 marks) marks) b. Gantt Gantt Ch Chart art or P Proj roject ect S Sched chedule ule (6 m marks) arks) 2. Critical Path Analysis of project (5 marks) 3. Communication of schedule baseline (5 marks) B. Impl Implemen ementt pr projec ojectt sc sched hedule ule ((30 30 m marks arks)) 1.

Tracking schedule showing a variation between planned and actuals (10 marks)


Tools and techniques to identify the schedule variation (5 marks)


Selected options to bring the project back on schedule (5 marks)


Procedures to measure, record and report (5 marks)


Implement agreed schedule changes (5 marks)

C. Asse Assess ss project project time time ou outcom tcomes es (15 mark marks s Total) Total) 1.

Review project performance in terms of time management (5 marks)


Listing of time management issues and recommendations (10 marks)

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Marks Achieved

TASK 1 – Written Responses and Activity Tasks (Total 35 marks for TASK 1) A. Writ Written ten Respon Responses ses (Total (Total 15 15 mark marks s for TA TASK SK 1 Part A) A) Q1: Description of main planning task of time management


Q2: Critical path and its importance Q3 Tools and techniques use to track and manage time

5 5

B. Acti Activity vity T Task asks s (Total (Total 20 20 marks marks for for TASK 1 Part B) B) 1. Reso Resour urce ce Es Esti tima mati tion on 2. Netw Networ ork k An Anal alys ysis is

10 10

TASK 2 – Portfolio of Evidence (Total 65 marks for TASK 2) A. Proj Project ect Schedulin Scheduling g (20 (20 marks marks Total) Total) 1. Sc Sche hedu dule le for for the the p pro roje ject ct (10 marks Total) a. Proje Project ct Sched Schedule ule iinfo nform rmati ation on ta tabl ble e b. Gantt Gantt Chart Chart or Proje Project ct S Sche chedu dule le 2. Cr Criti itical cal Pa Path th Anal Analysi ysis s of pro projec jectt 3. Commu Communic nicati ation on of sched schedule ule ba basel seline ine

4 6 5 5

B. Imple Implemen mentt pro project ject sch schedu edule le (3 (30 0 ma marks) rks) 1. Tracking Tracking schedule schedule show showing ing a v varia ariation tion betwe between en pla planned nned and actuals 2. Tools Tools and tech techniq niques ues to iiden dentify tify the the sche schedule dule v varia ariation tion 3. Selected Selected optio options ns to br bring ing the the pr project oject back o on n sch schedu edule le 4. Procedu Procedures res to measu measure, re, reco record rd and and rrepo eport rt 5. Imple Impleme ment nt agreed agreed sche schedul dule e cha chang nges es

10 5 5 5 5

C. Asse Assess ss project project time time outcom outcomes es (15 mark marks s Total) Total) 1. 2.

Review project performance in terms of management Listing of time management issues recommendations

time and Total

5 10 100

The learner is required to update and adjust the page numbers and topics based on the amount of their content and the responses made to each task.

Task 1 – A. Written Responses (BSBPMG512- 1.2,1.3,1.4,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.2, 1.2,1.3,1.4,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.2, PE 1-3, KE 1-7)

A.  Written Responses

15 Marks

Answer the following questions in the appropriate spaces below: All responses must: This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of managing project time within projects.

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This task consists of questionnaires which reflect the knowledge of project management (PMBOK). The responses should include the following: 

Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless othe ot herw rwis ise e stat stated ed.. Resp Respon onse ses s shou should ld link link to th the e th theo eore reti tica call as aspe pect cts s of pr proj ojec ectt ti time me managem man agement ent followed followed by rele relevant vant experience experience / exposur exposure e of your nominated nominated project project you recently have or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past. If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning. e-learning. Theory answers without reference reference to your experience will not be assessed as satisfactory Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided, you may ma y us use e te temp mpla late tes s fr from om the the text text or fr from om your your wo work rkpl plac ace e th that at pr prov ovid ide e evid eviden ence ce of your  your  competency.

15 Marks Question Questio n 1: Describe the main planning tasks performed as part of project time management. State Sta te how thi this s ca can n be dis discus cusse sed d to plan plan and and ach achiev ieve e an ag agre reed ed sched schedule ule ba base selin line e wit with h Stakeholders of your nominated project . (BSBPMG512 – 1.2, 1.3,1.4,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,3.1, PE 1, KE 1-7)


5 Marks

Question 2: Describe the critical path for a project and explain why it is important to know which tasks tas ks are are on the critic critical al path. path. Inc Includ lude e how how you appli applied ed this this wit within hin your your nomin nominat ated ed pr proje oject. ct. (BSBPMG512-2.1,2.2,2.3, PE 1,2, KE 2,3,5,6)

5 Marks

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Questio Ques tion n 3: Describe the tools and techniques you have used to track and manage time for  projects within your workplace. (BSBPMG512 – 1.3,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.2, PE 1, 2,3, KE 3,5,6,7) 5 Marks

Task 1 - B. Activity Tasks (BSBPMG512- 1.1,1.2,1.4,2.1,2.2,2.3, PE 2, KE 1,2,5,7)

Answer the following questions in the appropriate spaces below: All responses must: be relevant to your project, unless otherwise stated. demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace. Theory answers without reference to your experience will not be assessed as satisfactory. 

1. Reso Resour urce ce Es Esti tima mati tion on   (BSBPMG512 –1.1,1.2,1.4, KE 1,7)

10 Marks

In this activity, you must use the same project that you nominated to develop the project scope statement for BSBPMG511, unless otherwise stated. You You wil willl need need to pr provi ovide de a WB WBS S and and pr provi ovide de estim estimati ation ons s fo forr hu huma man, n, mater material ial an and d eq equip uipme ment nt resources in a summary table that is relevant to your project. One suggested example has been provided to you for your understanding. Please generate similar to the one depicted below, as per your nominated project: ( Minimum 10 items to be provided) provided )


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Suggested sample: Task no. 1



Task Name Secure agreement among family re: destination  Attain permission permission from work for annual leave from boss and leave of absence from college Book airline tickets Obtain passports

4 5

Obtain visas Pack

Resources Required Human Material 10 college friends Nil Each member’s employer and college management

 Annual leave leave forms


Mother, Father, travel agent 10 college friends, immigration immigratio n officials,

 Air tickets

Credit cards cards

Passport application forms Passports


Clothes, hats, beach gear, books

Suitcases, backpacks, money belts


Plane, taxi, bus


Credit card, passports, Swimming costume, towel, sunscreen Taxi, front door keys

10 college friends, foreign consular staff  10 college friends

6 Fly to destination 7 8

Check into hotel Have relaxing holiday

9 10

Return home

Equipment Nil

10 college friends, airline pilot, air hosts/hostess 10 college friends, hotel reception staff  10 college friends, waiters, hotel staff, taxi drivers 10 college friends, airline, taxi driver 

Hotel pool



Please provide your nominated project WBS and estimations for human, material and equipment resources in a summary in the given table below: Task no. 1 2 3

Task Name


Resources Required Material


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Netw Networ ork kA An naly alysis sis (BSBPMG512 –2.1,2.2,2.3, PE 2, KE 2,5)

10 Marks Given the WBS below, you must use the data provided and construct a PERT diagram, identify the Critical Path, and perform a network analysis to identify the early and late starting and finishing

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times for each activity. Preceden Precedence ce Diagram method must be used displaying the nodes and arrows with evidence of calculating total floats and free floats. Then answer the questions below (Q a to Q g). Assume the project commences on 1 st of June. Task

Duration (Days)



















D and E


a.What date does the project end?

5 marks

1 mark

b.What is the latest possible starting date for Task D?

0.5 mark

c.What is the earliest possible finishing date for Task E?

0.5 mark

d.Are there any gaps between tasks to allow for the early and late starting time or early and late finishing time? If so, where are they located? (0.5 mark for responding if there are any gaps between tasks and 0.5 mark for locating the gaps. Total of 1 mark) 1 mark

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e.How many days float is there? Consider any total floats and free floats.

1 mark

(0.5 mark for each float (TT and FF). Total of 1 mark)

f.Which tasks are critical to the project’s completion completion? ?

0.5 mark

g.Which tasks are non-critical to the project’s completion?

0.5 mark

Task 2 – Portfolio of Evidence (BSBPMG512 – 1.1-1.4,2.1-2.5,3.1-3.2, PE 1-3, KE 1-7)

You must use the same project for all units in this course and must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless your nominated project changes during the course or cannot cannot adapt to the performance performance requirem requirements ents of any of the units of competency. If  either or both events occur during your course, you must contact your assessor to find out what you need need to do to contin continue ue to satisf satisfy y the cou cours rse e perfor performan mance ce re requ quire ireme ments nts and and ac achie hieve ve competency. The project must be in an organisation, business or you are operating as a project manager.

Your nominated project must have:       

a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan a formal communication plan a dedicated and project-based budget formal and planned engagement with a wide range of stakeholders a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology a quality plan with assurance and control processes a project team-based environment.

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided, you may use templates from this assessment or from your workplace that provide evidence of your  competency. A. 

Project Proj ect Scheduli Sched uling ng

20 Marks

(BSBPMG512 –1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, PE 1, 2, KE 1,2,4,5,6,7)

1.  Project Schedule information and Gantt Chart

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10 Marks

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For this task, you are required to review your Work breakdown structure (WBS) created for  BSBPMG5 BSBP MG511 11 Manage Manage Project Scope and determ determine ine if it has satisfactory satisfactory element element to enable enable effective planning and control. You are to complete the information table as provide below and then provide a schedule for your  nominated project. Using your nominated project, you may choose to do this using a simple table or creating a Gantt chart. You need to include:



Identify your findings and complete the following Project Schedule information table: table : (BSBPMG512 –1.1,1.2,1.3, PE 1, 2, KE 1,4,5,6,7)


4 Marks

Uni niq que id iden enti tifi fie er for for (task/phase/milestone)



Response :


Response :

Descriptive task names

Response :


Response :

Duration and effort

Response :


Response :

Start and end dates

Response :


Response :


Provide your Gantt Chart or Project Schedule  Provide Schedule   Below:  Below:  Using your nominated project, you may choose to do this using a simple table or creating a Gantt chart.  (BSBPMG512 –1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, PE 1, 2, KE 1,4,5,6,7) 6 Marks

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2. Critical Critical Path Path Analysis Analysis

5 Mar Marks ks

Provide a critical path analysis for your nominated project. You are to use the Gantt Chart and Network Analysis tool to complete this task. You must demonstrate how you have identified the Critical of your project schedule by performing perform a network analysis to identify the early and late starting and finishing times for each activity. State any floats (TT or FF) that are necessary to identify your critical path.  Also state how it assisted you make make decision decisions s on your sch schedule. edule. (BSBPMG512 –1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, PE 2, KE 2,5)


3. Communic Communicatio ation n of schedu schedule le bas baselin eline e

5 Mar Marks ks

Discuss how you will communicate the schedule baseline to stakeholders. (BSBPMG512 – 1.4)

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Implement project schedule

30 Marks

(BSBPMG512 –1.1,1.2, 1.3,1.4, 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, 3.1,3.2, PE 1,2,3, KE 3,4,5,6,7)

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided or  create relevant template as required by the tasks. You may use templates from the text or from your workplace that provide evidence of your competency.

1. Consider Considering ing your nominate nominated d project, project, provid provide e a trac tracking king schedule schedule showing showing a variation variation between between planned and actuals. actuals. You may choose to do this using a simple table or Gantt chart. A suggested template is given below for your understanding. understanding. Please develop your tracking schedule based on the need of your project using the Gantt Chart or a table. Ensure data are relevant to your project schedule given in Task 2 A1b and demonstrates suitable use of any spare days . Describe the nature of your project and the underlying reasons for the schedule variation. (BSBPMG512 – 1.1, 1.3,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, 3.1, PE 1,2, KE 3,5,6,7)

  10 Marks Suggested Sample: Task

Planned Start

Actual start

Planned Finish

Actu ctual Fin Finis ish h

Varia ian nce +/days































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2. How did did you know know there there was a variat variation ion in sch sched edule ule as sta stated ted in the above above Task Task 2 B 1? What tools and techniques did you use to identify the schedule variation? (BSBPMG512 –1.1,1.2,1.3, 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,3.1, PE 1-3, KE 3,4,5,6,7)

5 Marks


3. What options options are available to bring the project project back o on n schedule? schedule? What What option was selected selected and why? (BSBPMG512 –2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, 3.1,3.2, PE 3, KE 3,5,6) 5 Marks


4. What pro procedu cedures res will you put in plac place e to: to: Measure Record Report progress of activities   

 in rel relati ation on to to the the sche schedu dule? le? Wh Who o was was invol involve ved d in ca carr rryin ying g ou outt thes these e actio actions? ns?

5 Marks

(BSBPMG512 –2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, 3.1,3.2,PE 2,3, KE 3,4,5,6,7)

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5. For the change change request request documen documented ted in BSBPM BSBPMG51 G511 1 Manag Manage e Project Project Scope, describ describe e what you would need to do to implement agreed schedule changes. Include within your responses how you interact with others and ensure they came into agreement with the actions taken. Note: If you have not completed the subject unit BSBPMG511 and have started with this course with this subject subject as your initial subj subject ect unit, then consider consider a change change within your project project that has been requested (either by you, your project team member or Sponsor) that may impact/have impacted on your project baseline. Using this information respond to the above question. (BSBPMG512 –1.3,1.4, 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, 3.1,3.2, PE 2,3, KE 3,4,5,6)

5 Marks



Assess Asses s project proj ect time outcomes outco mes

15 Marks

(BSBPMG512 –2.3,2.4,2.5,3.1,3.2, PE 3, KE 3,4,5,6)

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided from each knowledge area which are provided or create relevant template as required by the tasks. You may ma y us use e te temp mpla late tes s fr from om the the text text or fr from om your your wo work rkpl plac ace e th that at pr prov ovid ide e evid eviden ence ce of your  your  competency.


Review your project performance in terms of time management. Would your time management activities be considered considered effective? Why/why not? (BSBPMG512 –3.1,3.2, PE 3, KE 4,5,6)  5 Marks


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List all time management issues (at least 5) you may have experienced within your nominated project (in the table below) including a recomm recommendation endation for future projects.  (BSBPMG512 –2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1,3.2, PE 3 KE 3,4,5)

  10 Marks


Description of   problem/opportunity

Recommended Action for next time/project

Lesson Learnt Raised By


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