Assessment I Innovation

July 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Details of Assessment Term and Year

Time allowed

5 Weeks

Assessment Weighting


Assessment No


Assessment Type

Practical Work & Knowledge test

Due Date

Week 5



Details of Subject Qualification

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

Subject Name


Details of Unit(s) of competency  competency  Unit Code (s) and Names

BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement BSBMGT622 Manage resources Details of Student

Student Name College

Student ID

Student Declaration:  Declaration:  I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.

Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______/________/_______________

Details of Assessor Assessor’s Name  

Assessment Outcome Results


Not Yet Competent  Competent 


 / 50

FEEDBACK TO STUDENT Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:  ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________   ______________________________________________________________________________________   ______________________________________________________________________________________   ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________   ____________________________________________________________________________________  ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________  __   ______________________________________________________________________________________  ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Student Declaration:  Declaration:  I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware aware of my right to appeal and the reassessment procedure. Signature:




Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback Student did not attend the feedback session. Feedback provided on assessment. Signature: Date:

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____________________________ ____/_____/_____

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Purpose of the Assessment The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes:  outcomes:  


Not Yet Competent



Performance Evidence analyse and evaluate systems and performance in key areas of the organisation and identify opportunities for improvement, seeking advice from experts as appropriate promote the value of creativity, innovation and sustainability and recognise successes support the testing and trialling of new ideas and undertake risk management and cost-benefit analysis for options plan for and implement improvements using organisation’s processes for approvals, project management and change management facilitate effective contributions to & communications about continuous improvement and innovation capture insights, experiences and ideas for improvements and incorporate them into the organisation’s knowledge management systems and future planning Knowledge Evidence describe creativity and innovation theories and concepts list organisational learning principles identify quality management and continuous improvement theories outline relevant sustainability practices Assessment/evidence gathering conditions Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment.. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.  assessment re-assessment.   Resources required for this Assessment  


Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions

Instructions for Students  Students  Please read the following instructions carefully   This assessment has to be completed In class At home   The assess assessment ment is is to be completed according to the the instructions given by y your our assessor.   Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term.   Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.   If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.   Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook )).. 

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PART 1: ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY: PRACTICAL WORK – 30 MARKS  Instructions The tasks in this PART 1 Practical Work require you to research, analyse, plan and interpret information to demonstrate your ability to apply the skills in the unit. You are permitted to work collaboratively in small groups with your peers to complete each task; however, you must document your own responses. You must attempt all activities. activities. You will need access to the following resources: BSBMGT608 Learner Guide.

For this task, you are required to choose a hypothetical workplace (or use your own real workplace) and develop an innovation and continuous improvement plan for an area of the business. Identify the workplace 1.1 Briefly describe your chosen workplace and the need for innovation and continuous improvement by completing the table below: Workplace Briefly describe your chosen workplace. E.G. Organisation details, products and services.

Process, program or system to be reviewed Describe the existing  process, program or system that needs to be reviewed. What is the need for reviewing this process, program or system?

Innovative process, program or system: What is the new innovative continuous improvement will you introduce? This could be a program, process or system improvement.

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Review existing programs, systems or processes 1.2 Review the existing program, system system or process by completing the following following SWOT analysis: Strengths What are the strengths of the current process,  program or system?

Weaknesses What are the strengths of the current process,  program or system?   system?

Opportunities What are some ideas you could implement to make improvements to the current  process, program or system?  system? 

Threats What are the threats and risks to the process,  program or system?

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Develop options for continuous improvement and innovation 1.3 Completing the following ‘Innovation and Continuous Improvement Plan’ template to help you to plan for the implementation of your new innovation. Innovation and Continuous Improvement Plan Innovative process, program or system: (This should be consistent with task 1.1. What is the new innovative continuous improvement will you introduce? This could be a program,  process or system improvement) Specific Objectives: (Identify the specific objectives to be achieved)

Knowledge management system:  system:  (What are the knowledge management systems that could be used and their purpose)  purpose) 

Other resources: (Include references to relevant organisations, government bodies and supporting resources)

Plan innovative and continuous improvement processes 1.4 List and describe three (3) strategies to actively encourage and support team members to share innovative and creative ideas and participate in decision making processes for continuous improvements.

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1.5 List two (2) strategies you can implement to recognise the success of the team?

1.6 List and describe each member of the continuous improvement team (create hypothetical names), their position and their roles and responsibilities in implementing the innovative continuous improvements.

Team Member’s


Roles and Responsibilities

Team Leader

Monitor the staff and track progress; report on any deviations to the plan;

Name e.g. Jill

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1.7 Imagine that your new innovative change is very different and imposes huge changes to the role and responsibilities of the people in your team. What are three (3) change management strategies you can implement to ensure the team are all on board?

1.8 What are three (3) strategies you can implement to promote continuous improvement, innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurial behaviour as key to developing a quality business and an essential element of competition? Strategy for viewing continuous improvements as key to developing a successful business? Strategy for viewing innovation as key to developing a successful business?   business? Strategy for viewing sustainability as key to developing a successful business?   business? Strategy for viewing entrepreneurial behaviour as a key to developing a successful business? 1.9 In order to implement new innovations, you will need to communicate the plan to the team. Develop a communication plan to ensure that the continuous improvement strategies are communicated to all stakeholders. Include the stakeholder, communication strategy (e.g. newsletter, email, meeting etc.) and then describe what you will include in the strategy.

Stakeholder e.g. staff, general manager, team leader, project manager etc.

Communication Plan Communication Description Strategy What information will you include in the strategy? e.g. email, training, meeting, newsletter,

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1.10 In order to implement new innovations, you will need to develop an Action Plan for the team. Develop an Action Plan to ensure that all stakeholders are clear about their roles and responsibilities. Use the following template to document your plan. Action Plan New Innovation: (This should be consistent with 1.1) Process or Strategy (This should be consistent with task 1.1. What is the new innovative continuous improvement will you introduce? This could be a program,  process or system improvement)   improvement) Process or Strategy

Process or Strategy

Objectives (This is what you want to achieve)

Success Measures (what will help to measure and evaluate the success of the new innovation  process or strategy?)


Success Measures


Success Measures



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responsible? (Who is responsible for implementing the  processes or strategies?)

Timeframe? (When would you like to achieve the new process or strategy?)





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Process or Strategy


Success Measures




Monitoring and Evaluating Performance 1.11 List and describe two (2) ways you could you record work team performance to assist in identifying opportunities for further improvement.

1.12 List and describe two (2) processes you would create to ensure that team members are informed of the outcomes of continuous improvement efforts.

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1.13 Develop a flow chart for the team to show the process of implementing your new innovation.

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1.14 What are two ways that you can use the flow chart to help monitor and evaluate the performance and sustainability of the new key systems and processes?

1.15 Describe two (2) other types of reporting or evaluation techniques you can use to analyse the performance of your continuous improvement plans.

Develop risk management and cost-analysis for your innovation and continuous improvement plan 1.16 Complete a SWOT analysis on the continuous improvement plan you have developed to identify the potential risks. This includes looking at all areas of the plan, including operations (such as underperformance) and outcomes. Strengths What are the strengths of your continuous improvement  plan? Weaknesses What are the weaknesses of the continuous

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improvement  plan?    plan? Opportunities What are some ideas you could implement to make improvements continuous improvement  plan?    plan? Threats What are the threats and risks continuous improvement  plan?

1.17 List each of the risks identified in the SWOT analysis on the Risk Management tool below. Then, assess the level of risk by assessing ass essing the likelihood and the possible consequence by using the Matrix below. youthe have assessed the level of risk, suggest one control measure you could implement to help Once manage risks. Risks Likelihood Consequence Control Measure

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Source: National Museum Australia, retrieved from,  from, au/about_us/ips/policies/colle s/policies/collection_care_a ction_care_and_preservatio nd_preservation_policy  n_policy  

1.18a Develop a cost-analysis of your continuous improvement plan by completing the following tables. Include the cost of human resources, equipment etc. Estimated costs of implementing the plan Item



1.18b Justify the costs of your innovative continuous improvement to the hypothetical CEO of the organisation. You may do this in any format you choose, such as a table or chart.

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1.19 If you were to really implement this plan, who would you need to seek approval from? When seeking approval, how would you go about presenting the continuous improvement plan to management?

1.20 List three (3) major benefits of the innovations and improvements you have come up with that you can communicate to the relevant stakeholders.

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PART 2: ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY: KNOWLEDGE TEST – 20 MARKS  Instructions The activities and questions in this PART 2 Knowledge test require short answers either in point form or short paragraphs. Please use your own words to answer the questions and avoid directly copying your responses from your learning resources. You must attempt all activities. You will need access to the following resources: -  BSBMGT608 Learner Guide -  Technology Innovation Management Review, 2016, ‘Creativity, Linking Theory to   Practice for Entrepreneurs’, retrieved from:  from:

TASK 1: Refer to your Learning Guide and complete the following: 1.1 Describe the following methods of analysing and evaluating programs, systems and processes in an organisation to ensure sustainability.


Financial Analysis

Questionnaires and interviews

Mystery shopping visits

Social media monitoring

Business Meetings

Quantitative employee analysis

1.2 Outline the services that each of the digital specialists provide by completing the table below:

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B usiness s tra rattegy consultants  – 

Information technology consultants  

 S E O exper ts  

Dig Di g ital ital mark mark eting eting  s pecial peci alis is ts

1.3 Define performance measures.

1.4 What are three (3) reasons for monitoring performance?

1.5 Describe each of the following evaluation tools which can be used to measure performance.

SWOT analysis

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Process mapping

Management by objectives

Forced ranking


Trent Analysis

TASK 2: Refer to your Learner Guide and complete the following: 2.1 What does ‘organisational learning’ refer to?

2.2 What are six (6) areas that successful promotion of organisational learning lead to?

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2.3 Describe the following continuous improvement theories:


Six Sigma

2.4 List five (5) methods you could use to inspire and reward innovative and creative ideas?

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2.5 Which five (5) steps should you follow when carrying out a risk assessment?

TASK 3: Refer to your Learning Guide and complete the following: Read the following article ‘Creativity, Linking Theory to Practice for Entrepreneurs’, and answer the following questions.

G o tto: o:  Technology Innovation Management Review, Robert J. Sternberg, 2016, ‘Creativity, Linking Theory to Practice for Entrepreneurs’, retrieved from:  from: 

3.1 According to Robert Sternberg, what is creativity most commonly described as?

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3.2 What is the relationship between innovation and creativity?

3.3 Do you think that you need to be creative to have sustainable practices? Explain your thoughts.

3.4 Briefly explain Kirton’s theory about creative problem solving.

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