Assessment Exam 02

August 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Assessment Exam 02 Surveying and Transportation Engineering



INSTRUCTION: READ EACH QUESTION CAREFULLY, CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER OUT OF THE CHOICES. DURATION: 4 HOURS WARNING: FORMS SUBMITTED LATER THAN 5:15PM WILL NOT BE RECORDED. REMINDER: PREPARE ALL THE THINGS YOU NEED BEFORE YOU CONTINUE TO THE NEXT PAGE (QUESTIONNAIRE)  1. Point A is between points points B and C. The distances of B and and C from point A are 1000 m and 2000 m, respectively. Measured from point A, the angle of elevation of point B is 18°30’, while that of point C is 8°15’. Find the difference in the elevations of B and C. Consider the effects of curvature and refraction.  A. 44.94 m  m  C. 44.81 m B. 44.27 m  m  D. 44.41 m   2. A curved line in a level surface surface all points of which are normal normal to the direction of gravity gravity and equidistant from the center of earth.  A. Level Surface Surfa ce C. Vertical Line Li ne   B. Line of Sight D. Level Line   3. The horizontal axis of a transit transit was inclined at 4’ with with the horizontal due to non-adjustment. non-adjustment. The first sight had a vertical angle of 50°, the next has -30°. Determine the error in the measured horizontal angle.  A. 2’27.46” C. 7’4.58”   B. 1’36.25” D. 10’50.5” 4. Elevation of triangulation triangulation station A is 250m while that of B is 1715m. In between stations stations A and B is a mountain C with elevation 650m. The height of transit placed at A is 1.2m. The Distance AC is 10km and BC is 20km. A tower is to be constructed at B such that the line of sight will just pass through the top of the 105-m high tower at mountain C. What is the required height of tower B in meters?  A. 88.1  C. 63.8  B. 75.5 D. 52.3 5. Imaginary lines lines passing through places having zero declination.  A. Isoclinic Lines L ines C. Isogonic Lines L ines B. Agonic Lines   D. Trigonic Lines  6. A closed traverse has has the following data. Find the corrected corrected bearing of line CD by transit transit rule  A. S 65° 17’52”W 17’52 ”W C. S 65° 48’ 29” W  B. S 65° 62’11”W D. S 65° 26’ 45” W 7. To determine the area of a triangular triangular lot ABC, a surveyor surveyor set-up a transit transit at point P inside the the lot and recorded the following bearing and distances of each corners of the lot from P. Determine the area of the lot in square meter.  A. 3127.305 3127. 305   C. 3611.768  B. 3467.981   3467.981 D. 3798.210 3798.210   8.  A subtense bar b ar is mounted moun ted at a certain ce rtain distance from the instrument and the angle subtended by the bar is 0°06’. Compute the horizontal distance from the instrument station to the location of the subtense bar.  bar.   A. 2291.183 m C. 1145.92 m   D. 572.93 m  B. 1415.92 m 9.  A parcel of o f land is defined d efined as shown on the th e field note. no te. What is the length of side 1-2, 1-2 , in meters meter s 

 A. 162.40




B. 154.40  D. 182.10  10. SITUATION: SITUATION: The following 5-year traffic data was recorded in the year 1976 and due to its age, some of the data were erased. It is also known that the data follows a certain pattern corresponding to the year it was taken. Determine the severity ratio of the traffic data.  data.   A. 0.297   C. 0.169  B. 0.275 0.275   D. 0.432 0.432  

11. Refer to the situation above. Compute for the accident rate per million entering vehicles resulting to fatalities if the ADT for five years is 36,000 and the road has a length of 5 miles.  miles.  C. 24   A. 23 B. 5 D. 4 12. The traffic intensity of a certain freeway is 0.833. The arrival rate of vehicles at a certain intersection (stop sign) is 200 vehicles per hour. Compute the service rate in vehicles/hr.  vehicles/hr.   A. 280 C. 240  B. 360 D. 320 320   theory.  13. It is the ratio of the average arrival rate to the average departure rate in queueing theory.   A. Trip Modal Moda l C. Peak Hour Factor B. Queue Time D. Traffic Intensity   14. The number of accidents for 3 years recorded in a certain section of a highway is 3,500. If the average daily traffic is 450, what is the accident rate per hundred million vehicle miles if the roadway is 100 miles in length?  length?   A. 5771 C. 7103  B. 6721 D. 8268   8268 15. The crossing of two or more traffic streams travelling in the same general direction along a significant path of the highway without the aid of traffic signals.  signals.  C. Weaving    A. Crossover B. Ankle breaker D. Lane Interchange 16. A 16.  A separate bus lane is i s proposed propose d to replace repl ace a single singl e freeway lane l ane with a capacity of 2000 veh/hr. veh/h r. If the auto occupancy is 1.5 passengers per vehicle and the bus capacity is 50 passengers, determine the average headway for each bus.  bus.    A. 1 b us /m /mii n   C. 3 bus/min  B. 4 bus/min D. 2 bus/min 17. Divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and generally with grade separations at major intersections intersections    A. Freeway C. Parkway B. Expressway   D. Walkway Island  18. An 18.  An arterial arteria l highway for non-commercial non-co mmercial traffic tr affic with full fu ll or partial part ial control contro l of access usually for fo r recreation.   recreation.  A. Freeway C. Parkway   B. Expressway Expressway   D. Walkway Island Island   19. SITUATION: SITUATION: The stationing of PI of the simple is curve is 100+000 and the stationing of PC. Of the curve is 99+800. Point B is selected along the curve such that the distance of this point to PI is 150m, angle of intersection is 500. Determine the deflection angle of point B, with respect to tangent line through P.C  P.C   A. 3.11 º C. 3.349 º  B. 5.322 º D. 2.55 º P.C.   20. Refer to the situation in the previous problem. Determine the distance of P.T. from line through P.C.  A. 160.52 m C. 153.20 m   B. 131.20 m D. 96.31 m  The Radius of the firstdifference curve of the compound curve isis300m and the radius of thethe second curve is 21. 100m, because of big of radius, a transition provided, before entering second curve, if the design speed is 60km/hr, and the desirable rate of change of normal acceleration is 0.60m/s3, determine the length of transition. transition.  


C. 32.32 m  A. 51.48 m   B. 32.32 m D. 24.32 m  22. SITUATION: SITUATION: The grade of line through PC is -4% and the grade of line through PT is +3%, the stationing of PC is 10+100, and the stationing of lowest point is 10+160. Determine the stationing of P.T.   P.T.  A. 10+255 C. 10+250   10+250 B. 10+205  D. 10+125   10+125 23. Refer to the previous problem. Determine the stationing of the intersection of grades.  grades.   A. 10+151.5 c. 10+150.5  10+150.5  d. 10+142.3   10+142.3 B. 10+152.5 24. Five vehicles a section A at intervals of 3, 4, 3the and 5 sec. respectively respectively. . The vehicles speeds are 50, 45, 40, 35pass and 30 kph respectively. Determine traffic density. density.     A. 31  C. 11 11   D. 1200 1200   B. 38.7 25. The instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a specified section or location. location.    A. Sp Spot ot s pe peed ed   C. Running speed speed   Average verage speed D. Travel speed speed   B. A 26. For the data shown,  shown, 

C. 1120  A. 1040 B. 1580 D. 2720  Assume that the atte ndant in the new toll tol l gate takes take s an average avera ge of 3 minutes min utes to serve ser ve each 27. Assume 27. th e toll attendant vehicle, but the distribution time varies depending on whether drivers pay exact toll fee. Given an average arrival rate of 12 veh/h which vehicles arrive at unequal time intervals, determine the average waiting time in the queue in seconds. seconds.    A. 270  c. 0.125 B. 0.075 d. 450 28. The time interval between the passage of successive vehicles moving in the same lane and measured from head to head as they pass a point on the road. road.    A. Ti Tim m e head h eadw w ay ay   B. Time of travel at Time mean speed speed   speed  C. Time of travel at spot speed  D. Time of travel at space mean speed speed    Assume that the atte ndant in the new toll tol l gate takes take s an average avera ge of 3 minutes min utes to serve ser ve each 29. Assume 29. th e toll attendant vehicle, but the distribution time varies depending on whether drivers pay exact toll fee. Given an average arrival rate of 12 veh/h which vehicles arrive at unequal time intervals, determine the average number of vehicles waiting in the line.  line.    A. 0.9 C. 0.6  0.6  B. 1.5 D. 1.11 1.11   vehicles.  30. It is the clear distance between two consecutive vehicles.   A. Cl Clear ear an ance ce C. Time headway headway   B. Gap D. Space headway headway   31. Introduced a set of notations which have become standard in the literature of queuing models. A general queuing system is denoted by a/b/c  a/b/c 


 A. Ke Kend nd al alll   C. Kylie  Kylie  B. Candle D. Kyrie Kyrie   32. A 32.  A portion of the extension exten sion of SLEX has h as a free flow fl ow speed of 60kph and a nd a capacity capaci ty of 3600 veh/hr. If in a given hour, 3344 vehicles were countered at a specified point along this highway, determine the space mean speed of these 3344 vehicles vehicles    A. 38  C. 88 88   D. 240 240   B. 83

33. SITUAT SITUATION. ION. Two tangents having having azimuths of 240° and 282° are connected by an 80-m spiral curve with a 6° circular curve. The width of the roadway is 10 m. If the design velocity is 60 kph, evaluate the external distance, in meters.  A. 20.21 C. 15.08  B. 18.26

D. 11.25

34. (continuation) (continuation) Evaluate the length of spiral tangents,  A. 113.8  



B. 104.9



35. (continuation) (continuation) Evaluate the difference in lengths between the long and short tangents.  A. 26.5



B. 26.9



36. The common tangent of a compound curve makes an angle of 12˚ from the tangent passing thru P.C. and is 18˚ from the tangent passing thru the P.T. If the radius of the second curve is 180 m, find the radius of the first curve if the length of the common tangent is 70 m.  m.    A. 397.36 m


394.76 m  

B. 396.42 m


398.65 m 

37. The vertex angle of a simple curve is 40°. From the midpoint of the curve, the distance to the vertex is 0.50 m farther than the distance to the midpoint of the long chord. Using chord-basis, what is the degree of curve?  curve?   A. 4.4° B. 13.3°





38. The perpendicular distance between the two parallel tangents of a reversed curve is 8 m. and the chord distance from the PC to the PT is equal to 30 m. Compute the central angle of the reverse curve.   curve.  A. 30°56’  



B. 15°28’



39. Calculate the design velocity if the desirable length of spiral is 96.51 m and the degree of central curve is 6°.  6°.   A. 80 k ph  


100 kph kph  

B. 90 kph


110 kph kph  

foot   40. Given: I = 44°, R = 400 ft. Compute for the deflection angle per foot   A. 0.0716   B. 0.0671

C. D.

0.0617  0.0617  0.0761   0.0761

41. The following data are the observed elevation of a point by running a line of levels over four different routes. Determine the most probable value of the elevation  elevation 


 A. 340.258



B. 340.275


340.288   340.288

42. A base line 42. A lin e AB has a horizontal hor izontal distance d istance of 150 1 50 m. The transit t ransit is set se t up at A with the traverse traver se axis 1.5 m above the ground, the horizontal angle from AB to an inaccessible point C is 87°45’ and the vertical angle between a horizontal line of sight from A to C is 35°24’. The transit is then set up at B and an angle ABC is measured and found to be 65°30’. Find the elevation of point C if the elevation of A is 125.35 m.  m.   A. 234.45 B. 324.35

C. D.

432.36   432.36  342.36 

43. SITUATION: SITUATION: A 50m tape weighs 2kg. Every time a measurement is performed, the tape is supported at its end points and at t he 8m and 25m marks. If a pull of 6kg is applied, Determine the correction due to sag for one tape length.  length.   A. 0.000948 B. 0.0091

C. 0.02894 0.02894   D. 0.03898 

44. Refer to the situation in the previous problem. Determine the correct distance between the ends of the tape.  tape.   A. 49.991 B. 49.9909

C. 49. 9711  9711   D. 49.961 

45. Refer to the situation in the previous problem. The same tape was used to measure a line using the same support locations. If the line was found to be 150m long, determine the correct measurement.  measurement.   A. 149.997 B. 149.9727

C. 149.9132 149.9132   D. 149.883

46. The following interior angles of a triangle traverse were measured with the same precision. Determine the most probable value of angle A.  A.  

 A. 40.77  

C. 40.62

B. 41.23



47. SITUATI SITUATION: ON: A steel tape with coefficient of linear expansion of 0.0000116 per °C is known to be 50 m long at 20°C. The tape was used to measure a line which was found to be 532.28 m long and when the temperature was 35°C. Find the temperature correction per tape length  length   A. 0.0055

C. 0.0087 

B. 0.0044

D. 0.0021 0.0021  

48. Refer to the situation in the previous problem. Find the temperature correction for the measured line.  line.   A.






0.0718 0.0619

line.  49. Refer to the situation in the previous problem. Find the correct length of the line.   A. 532.62


532.29   532.29

B. 532.86




50. The radius of the first curve of the compound curve is 300mand the radius of the second curve is 100m, because of big difference of radius, a transition is provided, before entering the second curve, if the design speed is 60km/hr, and the desirable rate of change of normal acceleration is 0.60m/s3, determine the length of transition. transition.    A. 51.48 m  


45.23 m 

B. 32.32 m


24.32 m 

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