Assessment Cover Sheet: Cass Training
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CASS TRAINING International College College
Assessment Cover Sheet BSB15 - Business Services Training Package
Training Package
BSB42015 Certfcae IV in Leadership and
Course Name:
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Managemen BSBHRM405 Suppor he recruimen, selecton and inducton o sa (2017)
Suden Number
Vivien Horvath
Suden Name Curren Address Email Assessor Name:
Assessment 1
Individual Result
Assessment 2
Assessment 3
Final Result
Feedback to Student
I have received he Assessmen Feedback on ___________________ _________________________(Dae) ______(Dae)
Students Signature Assessor Signature
BSBHRM405 Suppor he recruimen, selecton and inducton o sa
BSBHRM405 Version 17
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Assessmen Task 1: Human resources liecycle es Submission deails
Suden’s Name
Vivien Horvath
Assessor’s Name
Perormance objectve Students will be able to idenfy the key phases of the ‘human resources lifecycle’, and the place of recruitment and selecon in that process.
Assessmen descripton For this Assessment Task, you are required to complete the quesons below that have been provided by the assessor.
Procedure 1.
Complete the wrien test.
Assessors will be looking for a minimum o hree HR acvies for each of the ve stages of the lifecycle. You are required to complete a wrien quesonnaire, demonstrang your understanding of the HR lifecycle.
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Liecycle es Par A – Complee he diagram Complete the following diagram of the HR lifecycle. Idenfy the human resource acvies ( hree a a minimum) or each sage. Highlight the funcons for the recruit, select and induct stages.
5. Retenon 1. Aracon
4. Inducon
3. Selecon
Stage 1: Aracon 1
Good salary
2. Li Life fe in inssur uran ance ce 3. Fle Flexib xible le hour hourss and and worki working ng arragm arragment entss Stage 2: Recruitment 1. Un Unde dert rtak ake e a jo job b ana analy lysi siss 2. Job de desscr criip po on 3. Re Recr crui uitm tmen entt pl plan an
Stage 3: Selecon 1. St Stru ructu cture red d in inte terv rvie iew w 2. Re Refe fere renc nce e che check ck 3. Cur Curric riculu ulum m Vit Vitae ae (CV (CV)) or or resu resume me Stage 4: Introducon 1. Ge Gene nera rall workp workpla lace ce infor informa mao on n BSBHRM405 Version 17
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introd roduc ucon on to pol policy icy and pro proced cedure uress 2. An int 3. An introd introduc ucon on to other other empl employe oyees es and and manage managers rs Stage 5: Retenon 1. Jo Job b perfo perform rman ance ce app appra rais isal al 2. Re Rewa ward rdin ing g pe perf rfor orma manc nce e 3. Ma Mana nagin ging g emp emplo loye yees es ex exit it
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Par B – Answer he ollowing questons 1. During During planning planning and specicaon specicaon stage stage of the Human Resource Resource LLifecycl ifecycle, e, HR praconers praconers must must consider consider future recruitment needs. Idenfy three reasons why addional sta might be required. Ove er me me wo work rke er 1. Ov 2. Bu Busi sine nesss gro growt wth h 3. Re Repl plac acem emen entt the the old old work worker er
2. What might might be the the consequen consequences ces of failing failing to to ancipate ancipate recruitm recruitment ent needs? needs? 1. Wa Was sng ng mo mone neyy an and d m me e 2. Em Emplo ployee yee will will lose lose con conden dentt from from who hir hiring ing 3. Over stang
3. Why is it importan importantt to develop develop or review review the job job descripon, descripon, and and to idenfy idenfy selecon selecon criteria criteria before before developing the interview quesons? 1. Wri Write te goo good d inst instruc rucon on to per person son 2. Cl Clear early ly infor informa maons ons abou aboutt what what kind kind job job 3. Kno Know w compa company ny vis vision ionss and and miss mission ionss
4. Why is it importan importantt to integra integrate te and and induct induct people people into into an organisaon organisaon? ? communicaon icaonss and movaon movaon betwe between en supervis supervisor or and collague collague and and 1. Good commun another person. 2. Fe Feel el the the mak make e a righ rightt decis decisio ions ns 3. Fe Feel el wel welco come me and and com comfo fort rtab able le
5. The human human resourc resource e lifecycle lifecycle is portray portrayed ed as a circle. circle. Please Please explain explain why?
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It is ongoing process, start and end and repeat again.
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Marking Guide: Assessmen T Task ask 1: Human resource liecycle liecycle es. Outcomes Satsacory Assessmen specifcaton Yes
Did the Student submit correct answers to the required assessment in the specied meframe?
Label the diagram of the HR lifecycle?
Idenfy three acvies for each of the ve stages
Part B: Answers
Queson 1
Queson 2
Queson 3
Queson 4
Queson 5
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Assessmen 2: PART PART A: Job descripton and advertsemen Submission deails
Suden’s Name
Anna Ossolinska
Assessor’s Name
Perormance objectve Students will demonstrate the ability to write a job descripon and job adversement, covering all the crical elements and compliance with legislaon.
Assessmen descripton For this Assessment Task, you are required to develop a job descripon and adversement for a job described in the scenario provided by your assessor, or a job you are familiar with.
Review the scenario provided by your assessor- Appendix 1-(or alternate chosen by you and agreed with
your assessor) and idenfy the requirements for the role to be lled.
Write a job descripon, using the template provided below.
Prepare an adversement, which would be placed in an online job board (Seek, Monster or similar).
Noe: Fuure assessmen asks build upon he job descripton you develop or his Assessmen . Ensure you
appropriately save this task for future use.
Specifcatons The job descripon must include:
job tle
evidence of approval summary statement
detailed tasks and responsibilies
required qualicaons and personal characteriscs
reporng relaonships
condions of employment/service.
Write an adversement for the job:
determine the content of the adversement
determine the layout for the adversement
write the adversement.
The adversement must be suitable for placement, either online or in a newspaper, and meet the requirements of the organisaon.
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Your assessor will be checking that the following informaon is contained in the adversement:
job tle
brief job descripon
reporng relaonship
brief descripon of the organisaon
minimum requirements (experience/qualicaons)
any unusual features of the job (travel/physical requirements)
how to apply (contact name/closing date/selecon criteria)
Compliance with EEO and an-discriminaon legislaon.
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Our company, a midsized retail group with 25 stores across both Sydney City and some regional areas, has been having difficulty with its systems and procedures as there is no central focus to the Administrative tasks. Currently, all areas of the operation attend to their own administrative tasks. There are no set policies and procedures for administration and the reception desk is maintained under a rotational roster between the various departments. The IT function is outsourced so there is no linkage to different departments who in many cases are repeating what has been done by other departments. It has been suggested that the organisation employs a suitable person at a level above that of a junior to undertake and supervise Administrative duties and to attempt over time to establish some systems and procedures. It is also thought that an admin admin assistant will be hired following this appointment. Your task is to draft, in accordance with the instructions on page 8 of the Assessment brief, a Job Description for the proposed employee. Some details below may assist you. Administrative Officer Job Purpose: Provides office services by implementing administrative systems, procedures, and policies, and monitoring monitoring administrative projects. Administrative Officer Job Duties:
Maintains workflow by studying methods; implementing i mplementing cost reductions; and developing reporting procedures. Creates and revises systems and procedures by analyzing operating practices, recordkeeping systems, forms control, office layout, and budgetary and personnel requirements; implementing changes. Develops administrative staff by providing information, educational opportunities, and experiential growth opportunities. Resolves administrative problems by coordinating preparation of reports, analyzing data, and identifying solutions. Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs; maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating new equipment and techniques. Provides information by answering questions and requests. Maintains supplies inventory by checking stock to determine inventory level; anticipating needed supplies; placing and expediting orders for supplies; s upplies; verifying receipt of supplies. Completes operational requirements by scheduling and assigning administrative projects; expediting work results. Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks; networks; participating in professional societies. Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. Skills/Qualifications: Reporting Skills, Administrative Writing Skills, Microsoft Office Skills, Managing Processes, Organization, Analyzing Information , Professionalism, Problem Solving, Supply Management, Inventory Control, Verbal Communication
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Job descripton – THIS IS A TEMPLA TEMPLATE TE ONL ONLY Y – I is no o be compleed by hand. Our company ABC, a midsized retail group with 25 stores across both Sydney City and some regional areas, has been having difficulty with its systems and procedures as there is no central focus to the Administrative tasks. Currently, all areas of the operation attend to their own administrative tasks. There are no set policies and procedures for administration and the reception desk is maintained under a rotational roster between the various departments. The IT function is outsourced so there is no linkage to different departments who in many cases are repeating what has been done by other departments. It has been suggested that the organisation employs a suitable person at a level above that of a junior to undertake and supervise Administrative duties and to attempt over time to establish some systems and procedures. It is also thought that an admin admin assistant will be hired following this appointment.
REPORTS TO TO: Ad Adminisratve o oer
DEPT: A Ad dminisraton
APPROVED BY: General Manager
Overview of the organisaon (this would include informaon such as small, employing 15 people in the oce environment, providing administrave business advice to the Retail group. The posion is based in Sydney). Overview of the role (this would would include advice that the rrole ole provided basic bookkee bookkeeping ping and administrave support, recepon dues and some supervision of others).
REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS supervision of others (1 – Administraon Assistant) reporng (Operaons Manager).
salary ($50,000 per annum paid monthly)
entlements o
annual leave (four weeks)
sick leave (ten days)
long service leave (pro rata aer 10 years).
tenure (ongoing, full-me)
aendance requirements (40 hours per week, Monday – Friday, 9.00 am–5.30 pm)
noce period (four weeks either way).
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Maintains workflow by studying methods; implementing cost reductions; and developing reporting procedures. Creates and revises systems and procedures by analyzing operating practices, recordkeeping systems, forms control, office layout, and budgetary and personnel requirements; implementing changes. Develops administrative staff by providing information, educational opportunities, and experiential growth opportunities. Resolves administrative problems by coordinating preparation of reports, analyzing data, and identifying solutions.
Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs; maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating new equipment and techniques. Provides information by answering questions and requests. Maintains supplies inventory by checking stock to determine inventory level; anticipating needed supplies; placing and expediting orders orders for supplies; verifying receipt of supplies. Completes operational requirements by scheduling and assigning assi gning administrative projects; expediting work results. Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks; networks; participating in professional societies.
Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed OTHER FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES
answering phone calls and taking messages
greeng people when they arrive for meengs
preparing invoices
receiving cheques, preparing bank deposits and going to the bank
updang accounng records with banking and sales informaon using MYOB soware
undertaking basic word processing using Word
supervision of the Administraon Assistant
Noce period (four weeks weeks either way) to communicate with people at all levels of management
apply eecve interpersonal and team-based skills
use a computer and computer soware, including Word and MYOB
a demonstrated ability to work with a degree of autonomy.
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REQUIRED (Cercate IV in Business B usiness Administraon; two years work experience)
PREFERRED Completed or Currently studying Bachelor of Business Has a second language More than 3 year experience Hold an Australian Drive Licence
Advertisement fot the job:to be posted online –
Administrative Administrat ive Officer JOB TITLE: Adminisratve ocer
REPORTS TO: operatons m ma anager
DEPT: Adminisraton
APPROVED BY: general Manager
Overview of the organisaon (this would include informaon such as small, employing 15 people in the oce environment, providing administrave business advice to the Retail group. The posion is based in Sydney). Overview of the role (this would would include advice that the rrole ole provided basic bookkee bookkeeping ping and administrave support, recepon dues and some supervision of others).
REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS supervision of others (1 – Administraon Assistant) reporng (Operaons Manager).
salary ($50,000 per annum paid monthly)
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entlements o
annual leave (four weeks)
sick leave (ten days)
long service leave (pro rata aer 10 years).
tenure (ongoing, full-me)
aendance requirements (40 hours per week, Monday – Friday, 9.00 am–5.30 pm)
noce period (four weeks either way).
answering phone calls and taking messages
greeng people when they arrive for meengs
preparing invoices
receiving cheques, preparing bank deposits and going to the bank
updang accounng records with banking and sales informaon using MYOB soware
undertaking basic word processing using Word
supervision of the Administraon Assistant
Noce period (four weeks weeks either way) to communicate with people at all levels of management
apply eecve interpersonal and team-based skills
use a computer and computer soware, including Word and MYOB
a demonstrated ability to work with a degree of autonomy.
QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED (Cercate IV in Business B usiness Administraon; two years work experience)
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PREFERRED Completed or Currently studying Bachelor of Business
Applicate close date:
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Assessmen Task Task 2 Par B: Recruimen schedule and preparaton preparaton or inerview Perormance objectve Students will develop a schedule for planning acvies and suggest meframes for recruitment.
Assessmen descripton For this Assessment Task you are required to develop an acon plan, lisng the steps you should take to plan all recruitment acvies, based on the scenario provided for Assessment Task 2 Part A. You will also create an interview guide, based on the posion descripon developed in Assessment Task 2 Part A.
Schedule: a. Idenfy Idenfy all steps steps require required d to be un underta dertaken ken for the the recruitm recruitment ent process. process. b. So Sort rt them them by mef mefra rame me.. c.
Doc Docume ument nt in the the acon acon plan plan provid provided. ed.
Interview guide: a. Develo Develop p queso quesons ns for int interv erview iew.. b. Note queson quesonss that need need to be avoided avoided or asked asked with with some restri restricon con to avoid avoid any legislaon legislaon restricons. c. Writ Write e an an iint nter ervi view ew guid guide. e.
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Specifcatons Your assessor will be checking that the acon plan follows a logical progression, and incorporates:
determining recruitment needs (posion requirements/meframes)
planning recruitment acvies (adversing internally/externally)
organising interviews (scheduling/interview guide).
Your interview guide must contain quesons which evaluate the applicable selecon criteria:
work history
educaon and training
personality, movaon and character.
The quesons must not breach EEO or An-discriminaon A n-discriminaon legislaon:
conducng interviews
making selecon decisions.
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Name Na me::
____ ______ __An Anna na__ ____ ___O _Oss ssol olin insk ska_ a___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __
Dae: ae:
___ _______ _______ ____2 28. 8.0 09.2 .20 019_____ ______ ___ ____ _______ ______ ____ ___ ____ ______ ________ _____ ____ ______ ________ _____ __
Recruimen actvites – Acton plan Actviy
People involved
By when
Jillian (Operaons Manager) and
Consultaon and determinaon of meframes:
Consultaons with Jillian (Operaons Manager) and Bruce (CEO).
Review of organisaonal policies and procedures to
Bruce (CEO). Anna
idenfy meframes and methods for placing adversements. Review of or development of job descripon and job
Jillian (Operaons
Manager) and
Consultaons with Jillian (Operaons
Bruce (CEO).
Manager) and Bruce (CEO).
Approval of revised job descripon. Conduct recruitment acvies
develop adversement
place adversement
Jillian (Operaons
Manager) and Bruce (CEO).
idenfy selecon panel members
idenfy me for short lisng job applicants
arrange venue for short lisng
collect applicaons
distribute copies of applicaon to panel members. Shortlist job applicants
convene selecon panel meeng
shortlisted job applicants idened by
Jillian (Operaons
Manager) and Bruce (CEO).
applying selecon criteria, and rang and
recording results on a checklist
unsuccessful job applicants noed
idenfy suitable me for selecon interviews. Arrange interviews
arrange venue for selecon interviews develop interview schedule
Jillian (Operaons
Manager) and Bruce (CEO). Anna
contact shortlisted job applicants
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develop interview quesons
nofy recepon of interview details and provide copy c opy of schedule. Conduct interviews
Jillian (Operaons
Ask quesons related to selecon criteria
Manager) and
covering and which provided the
Bruce (CEO).
opportunity to the job applicant to expand
on the informaon provided in the applicaon: o
work experience
educaon and qualicaons
personal characteriscs.
Idenfy preferred job applicants. Conduct reference checks:
Jillian (Operaons
Manager) and
Contact nominated referees.
Bruce (CEO). Anna Make selecon decision and gain acceptance from
Jillian (Operaons
Manager) and
Rank job applicants.
Bruce (CEO).
Dra selecon report.
Selecon panel approve report.
Submit report to management (CEO). Prepare leer of oer and employment contract
Jillian (Operaons
Contact selected job applicant and advise of
Manager) and
the panel’s decision.
Bruce (CEO).
Prepare leer of oer.
CEO to sign leer of oer.
Mail leer of oer to preferred job
Receive noce of acceptance.
Dra employment contract.
Job applicant and CEO sign contract. Nofy applicants
Jillian (Operaons
Manager) and
Prepare leers to unsuccessful job applicants.
Bruce (CEO).
Mail leers to unsuccessful job applicants.
Prepare for inducon
Jillian (Operaons
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Manager) and Bruce (CEO). Anna Quesons pertaining to selecon criteria including:
work history, which idened that the job applicant possessed at least two years prior experience in a similar role?
Manager) and Bruce (CEO).
30.10.2019 4 weeks
Aligning the job applicant to the selecon criteria which: o
Jillian (Operaons
Enabled the job applicant to demonstrate their understanding of computer usage, Word and MYOB? Provided an opportunity to the job applicant to demonstrate that they possessed communicaon skills that would enable them to relate to clients at all levels of management? Provided an opportunity to the job applicant to demonstrate that they would be an eecve team member? Required the job applicant to demonstrate that the possessed strong interpersonal skills? Created an opportunity for the job applicant to demonstrate their ability to work autonomously?
Educaon and training which: o
Conrmed that the job applicant held a Cercate IV in Business Administraon or equivalent and/or a Bachelor of Business?
Provided the opportunity for the job applicant to relate their learning to the role described in the job descripon? A mix of queson styles (a range of open and closed quesons; scenario based quesons).
Bruce Anna
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Inerview queston: 1. Can you tel telll me a li lile le abou aboutt yours yourself elf? ? 2. How did you hea hearr abou aboutt the the pos posio ion? n? 3. Wha Whatt do do you you know know abo about ut the the com compan pany? y? 4. Wh Whyy do do you you wa want nt th this is jo job? b? 5. Wh Whyy sho shoul uld d we we hi hire re yo you? u? 6. Wha Whatt are your your greate greatest st profes professio sional nal stren strength gth? ? 7. Wha Whatt do you you consid consider er to be be your your weakne weaknesse sses? s? 8. Wha Whatt is your greate greatest st profes professio sional nal achiev achievem ement ent? ? 9. Wh What at is yo your ur dr drea eam m jo job? b? 10. What is your your managem management ent style? style? 11. What do you like like to do outside outside of work? work? 12. Are you planning planning on on having childre children? n? 13. What are are your goals goals for the the future? future? 14. How do you respond respond to working working under pressure pressure? ? 15. Do you have have any queso quesons ns for me? me?
Inappropriate questions:
1. Wh What at is You ourr age age? ? 2. Wha Whatt is is Your Your se sexua xuall pref prefere erence nce? ? 3. Wh What at is is Your Your gen gende derr iden ident ty? y? 4. Wha Whatt is You Yourr phys physical ical fea featur tures? es? 5. Wha Whatt is Your Your poli polical cal or or religi religious ous beli beliefs efs? ?
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Marking Guide Assessmen Assess men Task Task 2: Oucomes
Satsacory Assessmen specifcaton Yes
Did the Student submit the required assessment in the specied format using the templates provided? Part A Did the Student submit the required assessment in the specied meframe? Did the Student submit the required assessment in the specied format using the templates provided? Part B Did the Student submit the required assessment in the specied meframes?
Record o perormance Satsacory Did he job descripton include: Yes
Job tle (Administrave ocer or chosen) chosen) nazwac rme Approvals (Operaons Manager and CEO) Job summary statement
Overview of the organisaon (this would include informaon such as small, employing 15 people in the oce environment, providing administrave business advice to the Retail group. The posion is based in Sydney).
Overview of the role (this would include advice a dvice that the role provided basic bookkeeping and administrave support, recepon dues and some supervision of others).
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Satsacory Did he job descripton include: Yes
supervision of others (1 – Administraon Assistant)
reporng (Operaons Manager).
Condions of Service/employment
salary ($50,000 per annum paid monthly)
entlements o
annual leave (four weeks)
sick leave (ten days)
long service leave (pro rata aer 10 years).
tenure (ongoing, full-me)
aendance requirements (40 hours per week, Monday – Friday, 9.00 am–5.30 pm)
noce period (four weeks either way).
Details of tasks and responsibilies, including requirements to use specic soware. This would include:
answering phone calls and taking messages
greeng people when they arrive for meengs
preparing invoices
receiving cheques, preparing bank deposits and going to the bank
updang accounng records with banking and sales informaon using MYOB soware
undertaking basic word processing using Word
supervision of the Administraon Assistant.
Selecon criteria
noce period (four weeks either way)
ability to communicate with people at all levels of management
apply eecve interpersonal and team-based skills
use a computer and computer soware, including Word and MYOB
a demonstrated ability to work with a degree of autonomy.
Qualicaons and experience.
required (Cercate IV in Business Administraon; two years work experience)
preferred (Completed or Currently studying Bachelor of
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Satsacory Did he job descripton include: Yes
Job advertsemen
Satsacory Did he job advertsemen include he ollowing: Yes
Job tle (Receponist) Locaon of the posion (Sydney) Brief descripon of key job responsibilies. This descripon would include:
answering phone calls and taking messages
greeng people when they arrive for meengs preparing invoices
receiving cheques, preparing bank deposits and going to the bank
updang accounng records with banking and sales informaon using MYOB soware
undertaking basic word processing using Word
supervision of the Administraon Assistant.
Descripon of reporng relaonship – reporng to Operaons Manager and supervising the Administraon Assistant. Brief descripon of the organisaon (this would include small, employing 15 people, providing strategic business advice to governments and large blue chip organisaons).
Minimum requirements
Any unusual requirements for a person in this role
work with a reasonable degree of personal autonomy.
‘How to apply’ informaon
contact name (Employment Manager)
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Satsacory Did he job advertsemen include he ollowing: Yes
method of applying (wring )
make provision for a closing date
make provision for phone number for addional informaon
provide responses to selecon criteria and a copy of supporng documents such as resume.
The adversement should not contain any reference to:
marital status
polical aliaon
sexual preference
family situaon
Record o perormance Satsacory Did he schedule show evidence o: Yes
Consultaon and determinaon of meframes:
Consultaons with Jillian (Operaons Manager) and Bruce (CEO).
Review of organisaonal policies and procedures to idenfy meframes and methods for placing adversements.
Review of or development of job descripon and job specicaons:
Consultaons with Jillian (Operaons Manager) and Bruce (CEO).
Approval of revised job descripon.
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Satsacory Did he schedule show evidence o: Yes
Conduct recruitment acvies
develop adversement
place adversement
idenfy selecon panel members
idenfy me for short lisng job applicants
arrange venue for short lisng
collect applicaons
distribute copies of applicaon to panel members.
Shortlist job applicants
convene selecon panel meeng
shortlisted job applicants idened by applying selecon criteria, and rang and recording results on a checklist
unsuccessful job applicants noed
idenfy suitable me for selecon interviews.
Arrange interviews
arrange venue for selecon interviews
develop interview schedule
contact shortlisted job applicants
develop interview quesons
nofy recepon of interview details and provide copy of schedule.
Conduct interviews
Ask quesons related to selecon criteria covering and which provided the opportunity to the job applicant to expand on the informaon provided in the applicaon:
work experience
educaon and qualicaons
personal characteriscs.
Idenfy preferred job applicants.
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Satsacory Did he schedule show evidence o: Yes
Conduct reference checks
Contact nominated referees.
Make selecon decision and gain acceptance from management
Rank job applicants. Dra selecon report.
Selecon panel approve report.
Submit report to management (CEO).
Prepare leer of oer and employment contract
Contact selected job applicant and advise of the panel’s decision.
Prepare leer of oer.
CEO to sign leer of oer.
Mail leer of oer to preferred job applicant.
Receive noce of acceptance.
Dra employment contract.
Job applicant and CEO sign contract.
Nofy applicants
Prepare leers to unsuccessful job applicants.
Mail leers to unsuccessful job applicants.
Prepare for inducon
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Satsacory Did he schedule show evidence o: Yes
Quesons pertaining to selecon criteria including:
work history, which idened that the job applicant possessed at least two years prior experience in a similar role?
Aligning the job applicant to the selecon criteria which: o
Enabled the job applicant to demonstrate their understanding of computer usage, Word and MYOB? Provided an opportunity to the job applicant to demonstrate that they possessed communicaon skills that would enable them to relate to clients c lients at all levels of management? Provided an opportunity to the job applicant to demonstrate that they would be an eecve team member? Required the job applicant to demonstrate that the possessed strong interpersonal skills?
Created an opportunity for the job applicant to demonstrate their ability to work autonomously?
Educaon and training which: o
Conrmed that the job applicant held a Cercate IV in Business Administraon or equivalent and/or a Bachelor of Business? Provided the opportunity for the job applicant to relate their learning to the role described in the job descripon?
A mix of queson styles (a range of open and closed c losed quesons; scenario based quesons).
Commens/eedback o partcipan
Oucome: Assessor name: Assessor signaure:
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Assessmen Task 3 Submission deails Suden’s Name
Anna Ossolinska
Assessor’s Name
Par A : Conduc an inerview
Perormance objectve Students will be able to conduct an interview in a simulated work environment and make selecon decisions.
Assessmen descripton For this Assessment Task you should use the scenario provided in Assessment Task 2 to conduct an interview, make a selecon decision, and discuss/explain reasons for the decision with your assessor. You should use the interview guide developed in Assessment Task 3 as the basis of the interview you conduct. Your assessor will arrange an interview schedule.
Prepare the environment for the interview.
Review interview guide and job specicaons.
Conduct the interview.
Evaluate the applicant.
Make assessment decision and discuss with your assessor.
Specifcatons Your assessor will be checking that the interview is conducted in an appropriate environment, and the following key steps are followed:
Environment suitable for an interview – chairs facing each other or on a slight angle with with no barrier barrier between/water provided/private area without interrupons.
Welcome and greet the applicant appropriately – smile/shake hands/ say welcome/thank them for coming/make small talk e.g. weather/introduce yourself/explain how the interview will take place.
Conduct the interview according to the interview guide developed in Assessment Task 3.
Listen and respond appropriately – maintain eye contact/paraphrase/nod/ open body language.
Ask follow-up or probing quesons when required – quesons which follow a previous queson but ask for more detailed informaon.
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Record and rate responses on a ranking sheet.
Close the interview and advise applicant of next steps – ask them if they have any quesons/tell them you will be interviewing other applicants and making decisions (provide meframe)/let them know how they will be contacted e.g. phone or leer/thank them for coming/walk them to the door/shake hands.
Evaluate the applicant against the pre-determined criteria for selecon.
Jusfy your decision – idenfy why you selected one Student over another or why you found the applicant suitable/not suitable, based on objecve informaon gained through the interview process.
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Assessmen Assess men Task 3 Par B Leer o oer Perormance objectve Students will be able to develop a leer of oer and employment contract.
Assessmen descripton For this Assessment Task you are required to conduct internet research and view a variety of examples of leers of oer and employment contracts, then develop a leer of oer for f or the vacancy idened in Assessment Task 2. The leer of oer is to be addressed to the job applicant idened as being the preferred Student in Assessment Task 4. You must also complete an extract of a contract of employment to accompany the leer of oer.
Review samples and examples of leers of oer and employment contracts on the internet.
Idenfy the key areas for inclusion.
Develop a leer of oer and extract of an employment contract.
Specifcatons Your assessor will be expecng, at a minimum, the following areas to be covered:
new employee’s name
nature of the job
remuneraon as a total package
other benets, such as a bonus and non-packaged items (e.g. company car)
annual leave, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave
terms and condions of resignaon/terminaon, including noce period.
29.09.2019 Private and confidential
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Anna Ossolinska Ossolinska
Dear Operation Manager Letter of engagement
I am pleased to offer you employment in the position of Administrative of Administrative Officer with with us at XYZ XYZ (‘the employer’) on the terms and conditions set out in this letter. 1. Positio ition n
1.1 1.1 Your Your sta start rt dat date e wi willll be be 10 October 1.2 Your Your empl employm oyment ent will will be be ongoing, full-me 1.3 The dutie duties s of this this positi position on are set set out in in the attached position description. You will be required to perform these duties, and any other duties the employer may assign to you, having regard to your skills, training and experience. 1.4 You will will be be required required to perform perform your duties at Sydney, or elsewhere as reasonably directed by the employer. 2. Pro roba bati tio on This clause is optional. Delete all of clause 2 if no probation period will apply.
2.1 A probation probation period will apply for the the fir first st 3 months of your employment. During this time we will assess your progress and performance in the position. What is a reasonable probation time will depend on things like industry practice, the job and individual circumstances. Please note that having a probationary period will not affect an employee’s entitlement to lodge an unfair dismissal complaint. Unsure or want more information? Contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.
2.2 During During the probation period period you or the employ employer er may end your employme employment nt by providing providing notice in accordance with the table in clause 8.1 below. 3. Terms Terms and and conditio conditions ns of emplo employme yment nt
3.1 Unless Unless more generous generous provisions provisions are provided provided in this letter letter or in the attached attached Schedule, Schedule, the terms and conditions of your employment will be those set out in the XYZ Company and applicable legislation. This includes, but is not limited to, the National Employment Standards in the Fair Work Act 2009. Neither the XYZ Company nor any applicable legislation are incorporated into your contract
of employment.
Call the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94 for information about your award or enterprise agreement.
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3.2 The additional additional terms and and conditions conditions set out in the attached attached Schedule Schedule will also apply apply to your employment. 4. Ordi Ordina nary ry h hou ours rs of of work work
4.1 Your Your ordina ordinary ry hours hours of of work work will will be 40 per week, plus any reasonable additional hours that are necessary to fulfil your duties or as otherwise required by the employer. What are reasonable additional hours? There are many things you need to consider. Call the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94 for information and advice.
4.2 Your ordinar ordinary y hours of work work may be averaged averaged over over a 40 week period. This clause is optional and can be deleted. There are strict rules about when and how hours can be averaged. For help call the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.
5. Remu Remune nera rati tion on
5.1 5.1 You You will will be pai paid d monthly at the rate of $ 50,000 per month 5.2 The employer employer will also also make superannuati superannuation on payments on your your behalf in accordance accordance with with the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 . If superannuation is set out in your award or enterprise agreement you must pay at least that amount. If you are unsure about superannuation, contact the Super Hotline on 13 10 20. Or, contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94 to check your award/enterprise agreement.
5.3 Your remunerati remuneration on will be reviewed reviewed annually annually and may be increased increased at the employer’s employer’s discreti discretion. on. Note that the employee must always be paid in line with, or above, the relevant minimum wage.
6. Leave
6.1 You are entitled entitled to leave (e.g. (e.g. annual leave, leave, personal leave, leave, carers carers leave, compassi compassionate onate leave, leave, parental leave, community service leave and long service leave) in accordance with the four weeks and the National Employment Standards. 7. Your Your obliga obligatio tions ns to the the empl employe oyer r
7.1 7.1 You You will will be be requi require red d to: to: (a) perform all duties to the best of your ability at all times; (b) use your your best endeavours endeavours to promote promote and protect protect the interes interests ts of the employ employer; er; and (c) follow follow all reasonable reasonable and lawful lawful directio directions ns given to you you by the employer, employer, including including complyi complying ng with policies and procedures as amended from time to time. These policies and procedures are not incorporated into your contract of employment.
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8. Termin Terminat ation ion of empl employm oyment ent
8.1 Under the Fair Work Act 2009 the employer may terminate your employment at any time by providing you with notice in writing in accordance with this table: Length of continuous service with employer
Period of notice
Not more than 1 year
1 week
More than 1 year but less than 3 years
2 weeks
More than 3 years but less than 5 years
3 weeks
More than 5 years
4 weeks
If you are covered by an award or enterprise agreement that has longer periods of notice, you need to amend this table so it is in line with the more generous provisions.
8.2 You are entitled to an additional week’s notice if you are over 45 years old and have completed at least 2 years of continuous service with the employer on the day the notice of termination is given. 8.3 If you wish to terminate terminate your employ employment ment you are required required to provide provide the employer employer with prior notice notice in accordance with the table at 8.1 above. 9. Conf Confid iden enti tial alit ity y Depending on your industry and the type of work the person will be doing, you may wish to seek independent legal advice about the protection of intellectual property.
9.1 By accepting accepting this letter letter of offer, you you acknowledge acknowledge and agree that you will will not, during the course course of your employment or thereafter, except with the consent of the employer, as required by law or in the performance of your duties, use or disclose confidential information relating to the business of the employer, including but not limited to client lists, trade secrets, client details and pricing structures. 10. Entire agreement
10.1The terms and conditions referred to in this letter constitute all of the terms and conditions of your employment and replace any prior understanding or agreement between you and the employer. 10.2The terms and conditions referred to in this letter may only be varied by a written agreement signed by both you and the employer. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of employment, please don’t hesitate to contact Operations Manager.
Employees and employers may also seek information about minimum terms and conditions of employment from the Fair Work Ombudsman. You can contact them on 13 13 94 or visit their website at
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To accept this offer of employment please return a signed and dated copy of this letter to me by 30 september
Yours sincerely, Ossolinska Anna Ossolinska
I, Anna Osso Ossolinska linska, have read and understood this letter and accept the offer of employment from XYZ on the terms and conditions set out in the letter.
__________ _____ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ______
__ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ ______ ____________ ______ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __
Signed: Date: / / Print name: _____ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _______ _
Kimberly Walsh HR Manager Irwin Company Ltd. 470 Georgina Road Easton, PA 19383 September 29, 2019 Mr. David Hoffman 336 Coal Street Easton, PA 73601 Dear Mr. Hoffman: Irwin Company Ltd. is pleased to formally offer you the position of an Administrative Assistant at our new office in Easton. As discussed, you will be responsible for handling the administrative support functions of this particular office. Please note that specific duties are detailed in the job description document enclosed with this letter. As an administrative assistant, you will be directly reporting to the branch manager. You will be required to report to work 5 days a week (Monday to t o Friday) and your working hours will be 9 am to 5 pm. Your compensation package includes an annual salary of $48,598, which will be paid into your account monthly. You are also entitled to the company’s employee benefit plan, which will provide you with access to sick leaves, vacation time and bonuses – all these are also detailed in the enclosure.
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Please signify your acceptance of the terms and conditions provided in this letter and its enclosures, by signing and dating this document, and returning to us on an immediate basis. You may retain a copy of this letter (also enclosed) for your reference. We look forward to having you join Team Irwin from Monday, March 25, 2019. If you require any further information or have concerns, you can reach me at (000) 457-5241. Sincerely, (Signature) Kimberly Walsh HR Manager Irwin Company Ltd. 470 Georgina Road Easton, PA 19383
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Assessmen Task 3 Par C Inducton checklis Perormance objectve Students will be able to idenfy and plan for a workplace inducon.
Assessmen descripton For this Assessment Task you will develop an inducon checklist, showing all elements required for an eecve inducon for a new employee.
Review samples and examples of inducon checklists on the internet.
Idenfy the key areas for inclusion.
Develop an inducon checklist.
Specifcatons Your assessor will be expecng, at a minimum, the following areas to be covered:
orientaon to the local work area
detailed inducon to work area
OHS checklists completed and correctly led
job role and performance expectaons. expectaons.
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Marking Guide: Assessmen Task 3 Par A: Conduc an inerview Oucomes
Satsacory Assessmen specifcaton Yes
Par A
Did the Student conduct the required assessment on the required date in the specied format? Did the Student submit the required assessment in the specied format?
Par B
Did the Student submit the required assessment in the specied meframes? The preferred applicant’s name (the person idened in Assessment Task 4). Par C
Did the Student submit the required assessment in the specied format? Did the Student submit the required assessment in the specied meframes?
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Satsacory Did he Suden demonsrae he ollowing: Yes
Arranged the room to avoid barriers and ensure privacy and safety by:
Arranging chairs to face each other or placed on a slight angle?
Ensuring there were no physical barriers between the interviewer/s and the job applicant/s?
Ensuring the area used for the interview was private? Ensuring that the chance of interrupon was minimised by advising recepon of the interviews and/or placing a noce near the interview room stang that interviews were in progress and not to be interrupted?
Greet and welcomed the applicant by:
Introducing self and other panel members to the job applicant? Shaking hands with the job applicant when they met.
Using posive language when greeng the job applicant?
Using ice-breakers (e.g. comment about the weather, parking, news bullen) before commencing the interview?
Explained the interview process by:
Providing an overview of the process to date?
Explaining how the interview would be conducted (e.g. using a structured or unstructured quesoning process)?
Explaining that the job applicant would have an opportunity to ask quesons and to make a closing statement?
Applied an appropriate interview technique by:
Asking open-ended quesons to relax the applicant? Asking quesons relevant to the posion? Asking quesons which were not in breach of EEO or AnDiscriminaon legislaon?
Using a variety of quesoning styles, including direct and behavioural quesons?
Using follow-up quesons and probed for detail if required?
Asking sucient quesons to adequately determine suitability?
Taking down notes to assist recall in making the selecon and to prepare the interview report?
Allowing the applicant to ask quesons.
Respond appropriately to quesons from the applicant?
Rang the job applicant’s responses on a rang and recording sheet?
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Finalised the interview by:
Commens/eedback o partcipan
Oucome: Assessor name: Assessor signaure:
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