Assessment A

July 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 As ses sm ent Descri Desc ri pt io ion n and Version


CBC190036  CBC190036 

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Thisassessmentismadeupof Thisassessmentis madeupofshortanswerquestions. shortanswerquestions. 


Thequestionsaredividedintota Thequestionsare dividedintotasksaccordingto sksaccordingtotheelementswi theelementswithintheunito thintheunitofcompetence. fcompetence.Therearethirty Therearethirtysixtasksinthisun sixtasksinthisunit. it.


Youarerequiredtoprovidea Youarerequi redtoprovidearesponsetoall responsetoallquestionsine questionsineachsection. achsection.


Youmaysourceinformation Youmay sourceinformationtoanswertheque toanswerthequestionsfromthe stionsfromthelearnerguide,mu learnerguide,multimediaorpape ltimediaorpaper-basedresourcefor r-basedresourceforthisunit. thisunit.

Theremaybevariationsto Theremaybe variationstotheseInstructions theseInstructionstoCandidate toCandidatesforspeci sforspecificexaminations. ficexaminations.YourSuper YourSupervisorwillexpla visorwillexplainanyspecificre inanyspecificrequirements quirements


Assessment A 

 ❑ Project

S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory NA = Not Assessed  Assessed 

S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory NA = Not Assessed  Assessed 

 Tasks 



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 S | NS | NA  

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□Unsatisfactory □ResitRequired

□ □ Satisfactory


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Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 




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Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 




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Namethefile usingthe asses assessmenttasknumber smenttasknumber andthensaveyour file. file.  Ensure Ens ure you your r sub submis missio sion n ide identi ntifie fies s the the uni unit t cod code e and and tit title, le, the the ass assess essmen ment t tas task k nu numbe mber r and and the the nam name e of th of the e as asse sess ssm men ent t at at th the e to top p of of th the e pa page ge. . Al Alte tern rna ati tive vely ly, , yo you u may ay pl plac ace e th this is in info form rma ati tion on in in th the e documentheader. documentheader.   Addyour name and student studentnumberto numberto the theheader header or footeroneverypage. footeroneverypage.  Oncompletion,submit Oncompletio n,submit yourassessm yourassessmentto entto your assess assessor. or. 

Learner Lea rner assessment guide and evidence  evidence  Thisassessmentrequiresyoutodevelopandcostmenusormealplansthatmeetdifferentspecial dietaryrequirementsofcustomers.  Youarerequiredtodothefollowing.

   CompleteTasks1to CompleteTasks1to 6. 6.     Answerall the questions. questions. 

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 As sessm ses sm ent o vervi ver vi ew  ew    Go to your Cou ourrse fil ile es and open  Assessment A_Background information. Rea ead d th the e in info form rmat atio ion n providedinconjunc provi dedinconjunctionwiththisassessm tionwiththisassessmentoverview. entoverview.    You are requir ire ed to deve velo lop p and cost at le lea ast st six ix menus or meal plans that in ind div iviidually or in combination meet at least six different special dietary requirements listed in  Assessment  A_Background information.    Atleast one onemenu menumust must be acyclic menu. menu.    Othertypesofmenuformatscanbeusedwhenpreparingallothermenus,forexample,àlacarte,set, daily,seasonalorweeklymenuformats.    Twoof themenus ormeal plansmust addre addressthe ssthe specia special l dietar dietaryrequirem yrequirementsof entsof diffe differentcustom rentcustomer er groupslistedin Assessment A_Background information.   Twoofthemenusormealplansmustreflectoneormoreculturalorreligiousdietaryrequirements listedin Assessment  Assessment A_Background information.    All menus must be beevaluated evaluated byobtaining at least twoof thetypes of offeedbackl feedbacklistedi istedin n Assessment  A_Background information foreachmenu. foreachmenu.  Menus ormenuplans must: must:    Menus

commercial ercial time constraints constraints   bedevelopedwithin comm demonstrate strate metho methods ds forresponding forresponding to feedback feedback and adjusting adjusting menus menus   demon   incorporatebasicprinciplesandpracticesofnutrition,includingmacro-andmicronutrient

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requirements.   Therearesixtasksinthisassessment,oneforeachofthesixmenusyoumustdevelop.Youmust completeallsub-tasksineachtask. 

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 Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 





Task 1: Menu 1  – Cyclic  Cyclic menu  menu  Task Ta sk 1.1: 1.1: Identify the di etary etary and cult ural requirements of custo mers  mers     Select Select acustome acustomergroupforyourcyclic rgroupforyourcyclic menu. menu.    Custo Customergroupscould mergroupscould relate relate toyourworkplaceortrainingenvironme toyourworkplaceortrainingenvironment nt orcould bebasedon realis realistic tic hospitalitybusinesses. hospitalitybusinesses.    Ident Identifythe ifythe dietar dietaryand yand cultur culturalrequiremen alrequirementsof tsof yourcustomer yourcustomer group group..   Yo You u mu must st co conf nfirm irm yo your ur se sele lect cted ed cu cust stom omer er gr grou oup p an and d die dieta tary ry, , cu cultu ltura ral l or or re reli ligio gious us re requ quir irem emen ents ts wi with th yourtrainer/assessorpriortoundertakingthisassessment.    The The size size of the the gro group up mus must t be dis discus cussed sed and and con confir firmed med wit with h you your r tra traine iner/a r/asses ssessor sor. . Alth Althoug ough h a spe specif cific ic numb nu mber er is is no not t sp spec ecif ifie ied, d, th the e gr grou oup p si size ze mu must st be be su subs bsta tant ntia ial l en enou ough gh to to re repl plic icat ate e re real alis isti tic c wo work rkpl plac ace e demandsof deman dsof asenior aseniorcook,chef cook,chef,caterin ,cateringsupervi gsupervisorormanager sorormanager..    Answerall the questions. questions. 

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Q1: Whatcustom Q1: Whatcustomergroup ergroup isyour isyour menudevelo menudeveloped ped for? for?

 Ourmenuisdevelopedforteenagers

 Q2: Whatare Q2: Whatare the theirdietar irdietaryand/ yand/orcultu orcultural ral requir requireme ements nts? ?

 Fruitsandvegetables Wholegrainsforenergy Iron-richfoods Proteintobuildmusclesandorgans Limitingfat Checkingforallergen

 Someculturalrequirementscouldbeassociatedwithreligionornewinformationorhealthproblems as well:

 Gluten-freefood Sugar-free Typeoneandtwodiabetes Vegan Vegetarian

                     Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 





Q3: What Q3: What source sourcesofinfor sofinformat mationdidyouuse iondidyouuse todetermin todeterminethese ethese requir requireme ements nts? ? Weconsultedwith nutri Weconsultedwith nutritionis tionistsas tsas wellas asking asking andreadingthe dietar dietaryrequiremen yrequirements ts of teena teenagersas gersas pointedoutbythegovernment.

      

 Q4:Whomdid Q4: Whomdidyouliaisewith youliaisewith toidentifyandconfir toidentifyand confirm m customer customer requirement requirements? s? Weliasedwiththeconcernedauthorityforfoodinthegovernmentaswellasanutritionist

      

 Q5:Whatwould thehealthconsequ Q5:Whatwould thehealth consequences(if ences(ifany)be any)be ifyou ignored ignored thespecia the special ldietar dietary y requirementsofthiscustomergroup? Therearespecialdietaryrequirementsforpeoplewhohaveoraresufferingfromdiabetes ornut allergy orcoeliacdisease

 People Peopl e sufferingfrom sufferingfrom allergy allergy couldexperience couldexperience differentthings differentthings like Swellingofthethroat Itching Rashes Nauseaorvomiting

 Peoplesufferingfromdiabetescouldsufferfrom Cold,dampskin Hunger Dryskindehydration Excessivethirst Elevatedpulse Shaking

 Peoplesufferingfromcoeliac disease Diarrhea Internalbleeding Swellingintheintestine

            Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 




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                                                               Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 





Q6:Whatgoals(s)wouldyousetforyourmenusbasedontheinformationyou’veresearched Q6: Whatgoals(s)wouldyousetforyourmenusbasedontheinformationyou’veresearched aboutyourcustomergroup.Thatis,whatareyouhopingtoachievebyplanningand documentingamealplanandmenu? Meetingdietaryrequirements Balancednutrition Meetingreligiousandculturalrequirements Nottotriggeranyallergiesrelated Nottotrigge ranyallergiesrelated tofood

            

 Task 1.2: 1.2: Document Docum ent a menu overview overv iew     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,openandsaveacopyof Assessment  Assessment A_Menu overview locallyonyour computer. computer. 

Discuss andconfirm andconfirm thetimeperiodforyourcyclic menupriortocommencing menupriortocommencing this task,forexamp task,forexample, le,   Discuss two,threeorfourweeks.    Brainstormarangeofmenuideastosuitthecustomer,dietaryandculturalorreligiousrequirements identifiedinTask1.1 ident ifiedinTask1.1foratleast foratleasttwoweeksofyourcycl twoweeksofyourcyclic ic menu. menu.    Sortyourmenusuggesti Sortyourmenusuggestionsintoa onsintoa rough rough draftof yourmenuusingthemenu overv overview iew templa template. te.    Save ve your completed menu overview as  Assessment A_Menu 1 overview. You will use this informationtocompleteTask1.3.    It It is is im impo port rtan ant t th that at yo you u in incl clud ude e th the e me menu nu nu numb mber er in in yo your ur fi file le na name me (a (as s ab above ove) ) an and d nu numb mber er th the e ta task sks s sequentially. You are required to repeat these tasks for six different menus throughout this assessment. assessment.    Youdonotneedto submit submitthis this assess assessmenttask menttask yet. yet. 

 

Task Ta sk 1.3: 1.3: Develop Develop menus and meal plans f or special di ets  ets     GotoyourCoursefilesfolderandopen Assessment A_Daily meal plan and checklist.   Printorcutandpastesevencopiesofthedailymenuplanandchecklist(onecopyforeachdayofthe

week). week).    Completeamealplanforeachdayoftheweekforthefirstweekofyourcyclicmenuasperyour menuoverviewfromTask1.2. menuoverviewfromTask1.2.    Compl Completethe etethe tableforeach menu item(breakfa item(breakfast st option options, s, morni morning ng tea,lunchoptions,afternoon tea,lunchoptions,afternoon tea anddinneroptions)foreachdayoftheweek.    Usethechecklistforeachmenuitemtoensureyourmealplans(andentiremenu)arewellplanned andmeetthenutritional,dietary, andmeetthenutrition al,dietary,culturalorreligi culturalorreligiousrequireme ousrequirementsofyourcustomergroup. ntsofyourcustomergroup.    Saveyourcomple Saveyourcompleted ted mealplans as Assessment A_Menu 1_Daily meal plan.   Submit Assessment A _ Menu Menu 1 overview and Assessment A_Menu 1_Daily meal plan toyour assessor. assessor. 

     

 Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Task 1.4: 1.4: Cost menus  menus     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment  Assessment A_Menu costing andcompleteTask1.4usingthe menucostingtemplateprovided .    Select Select onedayfromthemenu develo developedin pedin Task 1.3. 1.3.    Calculatetheportionyieldsandcostsofallingredientsrequiredtoprepareandproduceallmenu optionsoffered optio nsofferedonyourselect onyourselectedday. edday.    Calcu Calculateotherexpenditu lateotherexpenditureitems reitems usedin theprepar thepreparationorserviceof ationorserviceof themenu item. item.    Calcu Calculatethetotalcostforone latethetotalcostforone serveorportionforeach menu optio option. n.    menucostingtableforeachmenu item. item.   Youmustcompleteone Print orcutand pastethemenucostingtemplate Print pastethemenucostingtemplateas as manytimes manytimes as requi required. red.    Saveyourcomplet Saveyourcompleted ed costi costings ngs as Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 1_Menu costing andsubmitittoyour assessor. assessor. 

• •

 

Task Ta sk 1.5: 1.5: Monitor m enu performance  performance    GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment  Assessment A_Background information andreadtheinformation providedonmethodsofevaluation.    Imple Implementthe mentthe menuin yourworkplac yourworkplaceor eor traini training ng enviro environment nment..   Monit Monitortheperformanc ortheperformance e ofthe menuby obtain obtainingfeedbackfromcustomer ingfeedbackfromcustomers s orothers byusing at leasttwoofthemethodslistedin Assessment  Assessment A_Background information.   Youcanusefeedbackmechanismscurrentlyusedwithintheorganisation,modifyexisting mechanismstoassistingatherin mecha nismstoassistingatheringnecessar gnecessaryinformati yinformation,orcreate on,orcreateyour your own. own.    Docum Documentand entand analys analysethe ethe resu results lts of yourfeedb yourfeedbackto ackto dete determinethe rminethe follow following. ing. 

  Succe Successof ssof yourmenuagainstdietarygoalsforthecustom yourmenuagainstdietarygoalsforthe customer ergroupnominatedin groupnominatedin Task 1.1


  ve yo   Save Sa your ur fe feed edba back ck re resu sult lts s an and d an anal alys ysis is lo loca call lly y as as  Assessment A_Menu 1_Feedback analysis. Yo You u willneedtorefertoittorespon willneed torefertoittorespondtoquestion dtoquestionsinTask sinTask 1.6. 1.6.    Sc Scan an or or ph phot oto ogr grap aph h at at le leas ast t on one e ex exa amp mple le of of ea each ch ty type pe of of fee eedb dbac ack k me mettho hod d yo you u use sed d to to ob obta tain in fee eedb dbac ack. k. Sa Save ve as as  Assessment A_ Menu 1_Feedback example 1 and  Assessment A_ Menu 1_Feedback example 2.   Submi Submitthe tthe follow followingto ingto your assess assessor: or: 

   Assessment A_Menu 1_Feedback 1_Feedback analysis    Assessment A_Menu 1_Feedback 1_Feedback example 1    Assessment A_Menu 1_Feedback 1_Feedback example 2

• •

Task 1.6: 1.6: Review perfo rmanc e     Answerthe following questions based on onyour your analysis of offeedback feedbackin inTask1.5. Task1.5. 

 

Q1: Whatmethod Q1: Whatmethods/t s/techn echnique iquesdid sdid you you use use toobtain toobtain feedbac feedback? k? Survey  Asking customers

 

 Q2:Whodid Q2: Whodid youseek feedback feedback from? from? Customers Employees

Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Q3:Didyou Q3: Didyouachiev achievethe ethe dietary dietarygoalsyou goalsyousetinTask setinTask 1.1? Fromthefeedbackwegotwehavenotachievedallthedietarygoalssetin1.1

  

 Q4: Whichmen Q4: Whichmenuitems uitemsdid did not notmeetdieta meetdietarygoals? rygoals?  Wearenotquiteonparwith theglute theglutenfreediet nfreediet we planne planned d for

  

 Q5: Briefl Q5: Brieflyexp yexplai lainwhyyouthinkmen nwhyyouthinkmenuitem uitemsdidordid sdidordidnotmeet notmeetdieta dietary ry goals. goals.  Menuitemsdidnotmeetourgoalsbecausewecouldnotinsomefoodmakeitglutenfreelikecookies

  

 Q6: Whichmen Q6: Whichmenu u itemsrated itemsrated thehighest thehighestcustom customer er sat satisf isfact action ion score? score?  FriedfoodslikeFrenchfriesandchickennuggetsalongwithburgergotahighersatisfactionscore

  

 Q7: Whichmenu Q7: Whichmenu itemsrated itemsrated thelowestcust thelowestcustom omersatis ersatisfac factio tion n score? score?  Greensandvegetablesgotalowsatisfactionscore

  

 Q8: Briefl Q8: Brieflyexp yexplai lainwhyyouthink nwhyyouthink custom customers erswereorwer wereorwerenotsatis enotsatisfie fiedwiththeme dwiththemenu nu ite items. ms. 

 Somecustomers werenotsatisfiedwiththe menuitemsbecausesomeitems couldnotmeet their Somecustomers their dietary dietary requirements.

   

Q9:Describ Q9:D escribethec ethechanges hangesyou you wouldmake wouldmaketo to your completed completed menubased menubasedonthe onthe feedback feedback youreceived. Fromthefeedback Fromthefe edbackwehav wehaverece ereceivedwe ivedwearelo arelookingm okingmoreinto oreintoa a glutenfree glutenfree dietan dietand d removing removing menu itemsthatarebarelybeingeatenandanincreaseintheamountofproteininthefoodwearealsotrying toreviseourprices.

           Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Task 2: Menu 2  2  Task Ta sk 2.1: 2.1: Identify th e dietary and cultural requir ements ements of cu stomers  stomers     Select Select acustome acustomergroupfor rgroupfor your menu. menu.    Custo Customergroupscould mergroupscould relate relate toyourworkplaceortrainingenvironme toyourworkplaceortrainingenvironment nt orcould bebasedon realis realistic tic hospitalitybusinesses. hospitalitybusinesses.    Ident Identifythe ifythe dietar dietaryand yand cultura cultural l requir requirements ements ofyour custo customer mer group group..   Yo You u mu must st co conf nfirm irm yo your ur se sele lect cted ed cu cust stom omer er gr grou oup p an and d die dieta tary ry, , cu cultu ltura ral l or or re reli ligio gious us re requ quir irem emen ents ts wi with th yourtrainer/assessorpriortoundertakingthisassessment.    The The siz size e of the the gro group up mus must t be dis discuss cussed ed and and con confir firmed med wit with h you your r tra traine iner/a r/asse ssesso ssor. r. Alt Althou hough gh a spe specifi cifi c numb nu mber er is is no not t sp spec ecif ifie ied, d, th the e gr grou oup p si size ze mu must st be be su subs bsta tant ntia ial l en enou ough gh to to re repl plic icat ate e re real alis isti tic c wo work rkpl plac ace e demandsof deman dsof asenior aseniorcook,chef, cook,chef,catering cateringsupervis supervisorormanager orormanager..    Answerall the questions. questions. 

 

Q1: Whatcustom Q1: Whatcustomergroup ergroup isyour isyour menudevelo menudeveloped ped for? for?

 Menuis developedforteenagersoradolescents developedforteenagersoradolescents andchildren andchildren 

        

 Q2: Whatare Q2: Whatare the theirdietar irdietaryand/ yand/orcultu orcultural ral requir requireme ements nts? ?

 Fruitsandvegetables Wholegrainsforenergy Iron-richfoods Proteintobuildmusclesandorgans Limitingfat Checkingforallergen

 Someculturalrequirementscouldbeassociatedwithreligionornewinformationorhealthproblemsas well:

 Gluten-freefood Sugar-free Typeoneandtwodiabetes Vegan Vegetarian

   

 Q3: What Q3: What source sourcesofinfor sofinformat mationdidyouuse iondidyouuse todetermin todeterminethese ethese requir requireme ements nts? ? Weconductedasurveyandaskednutritionistsandgovernmentofficials

    

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Q4:Whomdid Q4: Whomdid youliaisewith toidentifyand confirm confirm customer customerrequir requirements ements? ?

 Nutritionists Governmentfooddiet

       

 Q5: What would the health consequences (if any) be if you ignored the special dietary requirementsofthiscustomergroup?

 Therearespecial Thereares pecialdietar dietary y requir requirements ementsforp forpeople eoplewho who have orare orare suffer sufferingf ingfromdia romdiabetes betes ornu ornut t allerg allergy y orcoeliacdisease

 People sufferingfrom People sufferingfrom allergy allergy couldexperience couldexperience differentthings differentthings like Swellingofthethroat Itching Rashes Nauseaorvomiting

 Peoplesufferingfromdiabetescouldsufferfrom Cold,dampskin Hunger Dryskindehydration Excessivethirst Elevatedpulse Shaking

 Peoplesufferingfromcoeliac disease Diarrhea Internalbleeding Swellingintheintestine

    

 Q6: Q6 : What What go goal als( s(s) s) woul would d you you set set for for your your me menu nus s ba base sed d on on th the e in info form rmat atio ion n you’ve you’ve researc researched hed ab abou out t your your cust custom omer er gr grou oup. p. That hat is is, , what what ar are e you you ho hopi ping ng to to ac achi hiev eve e by by pl plan anni ning ng an and d documentingamealplanandmenu? Wearetryingtoachieveabalancednutrition Noallergy  Andto meetthe cultural culturalrequirements requirements as well as religious

    

 Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 |RTO 41297 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Task 2.2: 2.2: Document Docum ent a menu overview overv iew     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,openandsaveacopyof Assessment  Assessment A_Menu overview locallyonyour computer. computer.    Discussandconfirmthetimeperiodforyourmenupriortocommencingthistask,forexample,two, threeorfourweeks.    Brain Brainstorma storma range range of menuideas tosuitthe custom customer,dietaryandculturalor er,dietaryandculturalor religio religiousrequireme usrequirements nts identifiedin ident ifiedinTask2.1foratleast Task2.1foratleasttwoweeksofyourmenu. twoweeksofyourmenu.    Sortyourmenusuggestio Sortyourmenusuggestionsintoa nsintoa rough rough draftof yourmenuusingthe menuoverviewtemplate. menuoverviewtemplate.   Assessment A_Menu 2 overview.Youwillusethis   Saveyourcompletedmenuoverviewas Assessment informationtocompleteTask2.3.    Youdonotneedto submit submitthis this assess assessmenttask menttask yet. yet. 

                                             

 Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Task Ta sk 2.3: 2.3: Develop Develop menus and meal plans f or special di ets  ets     GotoyourCoursefilesfolderandopen Assessment A_Daily meal plan and checklist.   Printorcutandpastesevencopiesofthedailymenuplanandchecklist(onecopyforeachdayofthe week). week).    Completeamealplanforeachdayoftheweekforthefirstweekofyourmenuasperyourmenu overviewfromTask2.2. overviewfromTask2.2.    Compl Completethe etethe tableforeach menuitem (brea (breakfast kfast optio options, ns, morni morningtea, ngtea, lunchoptions,afterno lunchoptions,afternoontea ontea anddinneroption anddinn eroptions)foreach s)foreachdayofthe dayofthe week. week.    Usethechecklistforeachmenuitemtoensureyourmealplans(andentiremenu)arewellplanned andmeetthenutritional,dietary, andmeetthenutrition al,dietary,culturalorreligious culturalorreligious requir requirement ements s ofyourcustome ofyourcustomergroup. rgroup.    Saveyourcomple Saveyourcompleted ted mealplans as Assessment A_Menu 2_Daily meal plan.   Submit Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 2 overview and Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 2_Daily meal plan toyour assessor. assessor. 

Task 2.4: 2.4: Cost menus m enus     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment A_Menu costing andcompleteTask2.4usingthe menucostingtemplateprovided .    Select Select onedayfromthemenu develo developedin pedin Task 2.3. 2.3.    Calcu Calculatetheportionyieldsandcosts latetheportionyieldsandcosts ofall ingre ingredients dients requi requiredto redto prepa prepare re andproduceall menu optionsoffered optio nsofferedonyourselect onyourselectedday. edday.    Calcu Calculateotherexpenditu lateotherexpenditureitems reitems usedin theprepar thepreparationorserviceof ationorserviceof themenu item. item.    Calcu Calculatethetotalcostforone latethetotalcostforone serve serve orportio orportion n foreachmenu optio option. n.    Youmustcompleteone menucostingtableforeachmenu item. item.    Print  orcutandpastethe menucostingtemplat menucostingtemplateas eas manytimesas required. requi red.    Print Saveyourcompletedcostingsas  Assessment A_Menu  Assessment 2_Menu costing andsubmitittoyour assessor. assessor. 

• •

 

Task Ta sk 2.5: 2.5: Monitor m enu performance  performance    GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment  Assessment A_Background information andreadtheinformation providedonmethodsofevaluation.    Imple Implementthe mentthe menuin yourworkplac yourworkplaceor eor traini training ng enviro environment nment..   Monit Monitortheperforman ortheperformance ce ofthe menuby obtain obtainingfeedbackfromcustomer ingfeedbackfromcustomers s orothers byusing at leasttwoofthemethodslistedin Assessment  Assessment A_Background information.   Youcanusefeedbackmechanismscurrentlyusedwithintheorganisation,modifyexisting mechanismstoassistingatherin mecha nismstoassistingatheringnecessar gnecessaryinforma yinformation,orcrea tion,orcreateyour teyour own. own.    Docum Documentand entand analys analysethe ethe result results s of yourfeedbac yourfeedback k todetermin todeterminethe ethe follow following. ing. 

  Succe Successofyour ssofyour menuagainstdietarygoals menuagainstdietarygoals forthecustomergroup nominatedin nominatedin Task 2.1   Levelofcustomersatisfact Levelofcustomersatisfaction ionwiththe withthe menu menu

• •

 Assessment A_Menu 2_Feedback analysis. You  Assessment   Saveyourfeedbackresultsandanalysislocallyas willneedtorefertoittorespon willneed torefertoittorespondtoquestions dtoquestionsinTask inTask 2.6. 2.6.    Scanorphotographatleastoneexampleofeachtypeoffeedbackmethodyouusedtoobtain feedback.Saveas Assessment  Assessment A_ Menu 2_Feedback example 1 and Assessment  Assessment A_ Menu 2_Feedback example 2.  2.    Submi Submitthe tthe follow followingto ingto your assesso assessor: r: 


 Assessment A_Menu 2_Feedback 2_Feedback analysis  Assessment A_Menu 2_Feedback 2_Feedback example 1  Assessment A_Menu 2_Feedback 2_Feedback example 2

Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Task 2.6 2.6 Review perfo rmance rmanc e     Answerthe following questions based on onyour your analysis of offeedback feedbackin inTask2.5. Task2.5. 

 

Q1: Whatmethod Q1: Whatmethods/t s/techn echnique iquesdid sdid you you use use toobtain toobtain feedbac feedback? k? Survey  Asking customers

  

 Q2:Whodid Q2: Whodid youseek feedback feedback from? from? Customers Employees

    

Q3:Didyou Q3: Didyouachiev achievethe ethe dietary dietarygoalsyou goalsyousetinTask setinTask 2.1?

 Weachievedmostofthedietarygoalssetin2.1butsomearestillnotcomplete.

 

 Q4: Whichmen Q4: Whichmenuitems uitems didnotmeetdiet didnotmeetdietary ary goals? goals? Themenufor theteenagers theteenagers didnot meetdietarygoals anditincludedprocessedsugar anditincludedprocessedsugar

  

 Q5: Briefl Q5: Brieflyexp yexplai lainwhyyouthinkmen nwhyyouthinkmenuitem uitemsdidordid sdidordidnotmeet notmeetdieta dietary ry goals. goals.   Asteenagersliketoeatordrinksweetthingthey aremoreinclined todrink sodasorchocolates andto makeourmenuattractiveweaddedmoresugartothedessertandsweetitemstheyalsolikedfriedfoods

   

Q6:Whichmenuitems Q6: Whichmenuitems ratedthe highestcustomer highestcustomer satisfaction satisfaction score? score? FriedchickenandFrenchfries

  

 Q7: Whichmenu Q7: Whichmenu items items ratedthelowes ratedthelowestcust tcustome omersatisf rsatisfact action ion score? score?  Greenvegetableslikebroccoli

        Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Q8: Briefl Q8: Brieflyexp yexplai lainwhyyouthink nwhyyouthink custom customers erswereor wereorwerenotsat werenotsatisf isfiedwit iedwiththemenu hthemenu ite items. ms.  Teenagersaregoingthroughhormonalchangetheyeatwhattheyfeellikeeatingaccordingtothemood theyareinclinedtostrongflavors

      

 Q9:Describethechangesyouwouldmaketoyourcompletedmenubasedonthefeedback youreceived.

 Iwouldmakefoodthatarehealthyandtastyaswell

                                        

 Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Task 3: Menu 3  3  Task Ta sk 3.1: 3.1: Identify the di etary etary and cult ural requirements of custo mers  mers     Select Select acustome acustomergroupfor rgroupfor your menu. menu.    Custo Customergroupscould mergroupscould relate relateto to yourworkp yourworkplaceor laceor trainin training g enviro environment nment orcouldbe basedon realis realistic tic hospitalitybusinesses. hospitalitybusinesses.    Ident Identifythe ifythe dietar dietaryand yand cultura cultural l requir requirements ements ofyour custo customer mer group group..   Yo You u mu must st co conf nfir irm m yo your ur se sele lect cted ed cu cust stom omer er gr grou oup p an and d di diet etar ary, y, cu cult ltur ural al or re relig ligiou ious s re requ quir irem emen ents ts wi with th yourtrainer/assessorpriortoundertakingthisassessment. 

The size size of the the gro group up mus must t be disc discuss ussed ed and and con confir firmed med wit with h you your r tra trainer iner/as /asses sessor sor. . Alt Althou hough gh a spe specif cific ic   The numb nu mber er is is no not t sp spec ecif ifie ied, d, th the e gr grou oup p si size ze mu must st be be su subs bsta tant ntia ial l en enou ough gh to to re repl plic icat ate e re real alis isti tic c wo work rkpl plac ace e demandsof deman dsof asenior aseniorcook,che cook,chef,cateri f,cateringsuperv ngsupervisorormanage isorormanager. r.     Answerall the questions. questions. 

 

Q1: Whatcustom Q1: Whatcustomergroup ergroup isyour isyour menudevelo menudeveloped ped for? for?

 Ourmenuisdevelopedfor Elderlyandill

              

 Q2: Whatare Q2: Whatare the theirdieta irdietaryand ryand/or /or cultur cultural al requir requireme ements nts? ?

 CalciumandVitaminD Potassium Fiber CalciumandVitaminD Lowcholesterol

Lowsugar Nutritionalrequirements Portionsize

 Thefood givento givento the elder elderlyandill lyandill shouldbefocuse shouldbe focusedmoretowardsthenutritio dmoretowardsthenutrition nrather rather than taste        

 Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Q3: Whatsourc Q3: Whatsourcesofinfo esofinforma rmatio tiondid ndid youuseto determi determinethese nethese requir requireme ements nts? ? Weconsultedwithanutritionistandaskedthefamilymembersoftheelderlytostateanyrequirements

 Q4:Whomdid Q4: Whomdid youliaisewith toidentifyand confirm confirm customer customer requirement requirements? s? Weaskeda nutri nutritionist tionist anddieticia anddieticians ns along along withmedic withmedical al specia specialiststoconfirmtherequirem liststoconfirmtherequirements ents

      

 Q5:Whatwouldthehealthconsequences(ifany)beifyouignoredthespecialdietary requirementsofthiscustomergroup? Duringoldageandwhenweareillourbodydoesnotfunctionatitstoplevelandsomefoodcouldleadto indigestionorstomachcrampsitcouldevenleadtohighbloodpressure orlowpeople sufferingfrom diseaseslike diseas eslikediabe diabetess tesshould houldbeg begivenfo ivenfoodac odaccordin cordingtot gtothene heneedsif edsif ignore ignoreitco itcouldle uldleadto adto afatal afatal result result therecouldalsobeallergiestobeconcernedwithalongwithcheckingfoodthatcouldinteractwiththe medicationcurr medica tioncurrentlybein entlybeingtakenwhichcouldlea gtakenwhichcouldleadtovomitingnauseastomach dtovomitingnauseastomach painetc

    

Q6: Q6 : What What go goal als( s(s) s) woul would d you you set set for for your your me menu nus s ba base sed d on on th the e in info form rmat atio ion n you’ve you’ve resear researche ched d ab abou out t your your cust custo omer er gr grou oup. p. That hat is is, , wh what at ar are e you you ho hopi ping ng to to ac achi hiev eve e by by pl plan anni ning ng and nd documentingamealplanandmenu?

         Task 3.2: 3.2: Document a menu o vervi ew  ew    GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,openandsaveacopyof  Assessment A_Menu overview locallyonyour computer. computer.    Discussandconfirmthetimeperiodforyourmenupriortocommencingthistask,forexample,two, threeorfourweeks.    Brainstormarangeofmenuideastosuitthecustomer,dietaryandculturalorreligiousrequirements identifiedin ident ifiedinTask3.1foratleast Task3.1foratleasttwoweeksofyourmenu. twoweeksofyourmenu.    Sortyourmenusuggestio Sortyourmenusuggestionsintoa nsintoa rough rough draftof yourmenuusingthe menuovervie menuoverview w templa template. te.    Saveyourcompletedmenuoverviewas Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 3 overview.Youwillusethis informationtocompleteTask3.3.    Youdonotneedto submit submitthis this assess assessmenttask menttask yet. yet. 

      Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Task Ta sk 3.3: 3.3: Develop Develop menus and meal plans f or special di ets  ets     GotoyourCoursefilesfolderandopen Assessment A_Daily meal plan and checklist.   Printorcutandpastesevencopiesofthedailymenuplanandchecklist(onecopyforeachdayofthe week). week).    Completeamealplanforeachdayoftheweekforthefirstweekofyourmenuasperyourmenu overviewfromTask3.2. overviewfromTask3.2.    Completethetableforeachmenuitem(breakfastoptions,morningtea,lunchoptions,afternoontea anddinneroption anddinn eroptions)foreach s)foreachdayofthe dayofthe week. week.    Usethechecklistforeachmenuitemtoensureyourmealplans(andentiremenu)arewellplanned andmeetthenutritional,dietary,cultu andmeetthenutritiona l,dietary,culturalorreligiousrequi ralorreligiousrequiremen rementsof tsof yourcust yourcustomergroup. omergroup.    Saveyourcomplet Saveyourcompleted ed mealplans as Assessment A_Menu 3_Daily meal plan.   Submit Assessment A _ Menu Menu 3 overview and Assessment A_ Menu 3_Daily meal plan toyour assessor. assessor. 

Task 3.4: 3.4: Cost m enus  enus     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment  Assessment A_Menu costing andcompleteTask3.4usingthe menucostingtemplateprovided .    Select Select onedayfromthemenu develo developedin pedin Task 3.3. 3.3.    Calculatetheportionyieldsandcostsofallingredientsrequiredtoprepareandproduceallmenu optionsoffered optio nsofferedonyourselect onyourselectedday. edday.    Cal Calcul culate ate oth otherexpend erexpenditur itureitems eitems used used in theprepar thepreparation ation orserviceof eof the menuitem. menuitem.    Calcu Calculatethetotalcostforone latethetotalcostforone serve serve orportio orportion n foreachmenu optio option. n.    Youmustcompleteone menucostingtableforeachmenu item. item.    Print orcutand pastethemenucostingtemplate pastethemenucostingtemplateas manytimes as requi manytimes required. red.    Print Saveyourcompletedcostingsas Assessment  Assessment A_ as Menu 3_Menu costing andsubmitittoyour assessor. assessor. 

• • •

 

Task Ta sk 3.5: 3.5: Monitor menu performance  performance    GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment  Assessment A_Background information andreadtheinformation providedonmethodsofevaluation.    Imple Implementthe mentthe menuin yourworkpla yourworkplaceor ceor traini training ng environ environment. ment.    Monit Monitortheperforman ortheperformance ce ofthe menuby obtain obtainingfeedbackfromcustomer ingfeedbackfromcustomers s orothers byusing at leasttwoofthemethodslistedin Assessment  Assessment A_Background information.   Youcanusefeedbackmechanismscurrentlyusedwithintheorganisation,modifyexisting mechanismstoassistingatherin mecha nismstoassistingatheringnecessar gnecessaryinform yinformation, ation,orcreateyourown. orcreateyourown.    Docum Documentand entand analys analysethe ethe resu results lts of yourfeedb yourfeedbackto ackto dete determinethe rminethe follow following. ing. 

  SuccessofyourmenuagainstdietarygoalsforthecustomergroupnominatedinTask3.1   Levelof Levelofcustom customer ersatisf satisfactionwith actionwith the menu menu

• • •

 Assessment A_Menu 3_Feedback analysis.You   Saveyourfeedbackresultsandanalysislocallyas willneedtorefertoittorespon willneed torefertoittorespondtoquestion dtoquestionsinTask sinTask 3.6. 3.6.    Scanorphotograp Scanorphotograph h atleastone exampl example e of eachtypeoffeedbac eachtypeoffeedback k metho method d youusedto obtai obtain n feedback.Saveas Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 3_Feedback example 1 and Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 3_Feedback example 2.  2.    Submi Submitthe tthe follow followingto ingto your assess assessor: or: 

   Assessment A_Menu 3_Feedback 3_Feedback analysis    Assessment A_Menu 3_Feedback 3_Feedback example 1    Assessment A_Menu 3_Feedback 3_Feedback example 2

• • •

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Task 3.6: 3.6: Review Review perfor perf ormance mance      Answerthe following questions based on onyour your analysis of offeedback feedback in Task 3.5. 3.5. 

 

Q1: Whatmethod Q1: Whatmethods/t s/techn echnique iquesdid sdid you you useto obtain obtain feedbac feedback? k? Weusedsurveysand online online questi questionnair onnairesto esto obtain obtain thefeedback thefeedback

 

 Q2:Whodid Q2: Whodid youseek feedback feedback from? from? Wegotfeedbackfrom Employees Customer Peoplerelatedtocustomers

 

 Q3:Didyou Q3: Didyouachiev achievethe ethe dietary dietarygoalsyou goalsyou setinTask 3.1? yeswehaveachiev yeswehave achievedth edthe e dieta dietarygoa rygoals ls weset wesetasit asitwas wasmuch much easier easiertomo tomonitor nitorand and make food accord according ing totheneedsaslongasanyfoodormedicinerelatedallergiesorproblemsaretoldinadvance

  

Q4: Whichmen Q4: Whichmenuitems uitems didnot didnot meetdieta meetdietarygoals? rygoals? 

 All the dietary goals were met

Q5: Briefl Q5: Brieflyexp yexplai lainwhyyouthinkmen nwhyyouthinkmenuitem uitemsdidordid sdidordidnotmeetdi notmeetdietar etary y goals. goals.  Thedietarygoalsweremet

 

 Q6:Whichmenuitems Q6: Whichmenuitems ratedthe highestcustomer highestcustomer satisfaction satisfaction score? score? berries apples darkchocolate eggs asparagus

 

Q7: Whichmenu Q7: Whichmenu items items ratedthelowes ratedthelowestcust tcustome omersatisf rsatisfact action ion score? score?  Caffeinateddrinks Steak grapefruit

 

 Q8:Brieflyexplainwhyyouthinkcustomerswereorwerenotsatisfiedwiththemenuitems. Customerscouldhavefeltlikethemenuitemsweretoosweetortoostrongfortheirtaste   Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Q9:Describethechangesyouwouldmaketoyourcompletedmenubasedonthefeedback youreceived. Fromthefeedbackwereceivedwewouldcookmoresoftlyboiledfoodsandaddinmorefruitsand wholefoods

                                                     

 Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 





Task 4: Menu 4  4  Task Ta sk 4.1: 4.1: Identify the di etary etary and cult ural requirements of custo mers  mers     Select Select acustome acustomergroupfor rgroupfor your menu. menu.    Custo Customergroupscould mergroupscould relate relate toyourworkplac toyourworkplace e ortraining ortraining enviro environment nment orcouldbe basedon realis realistic tic hospitalitybusinesses. hospitalitybusinesses.    Ident Identifythe ifythe dietar dietaryand yand cultura cultural l requir requirement ements s ofyour custom customer er group group..   Yo You u mu must st co conf nfir irm m yo your ur se sele lect cted ed cu cust stom omer er gr grou oup p an and d di diet etar ary, y, cu cult ltur ural al or re relig ligiou ious s re requ quir irem emen ents ts wi with th yourtrainer/assessorpriortoundertakingthisassessment. 

The size size of the the gro group up mus must t be disc discuss ussed ed and and con confir firmed med wit with h you your r tra traine iner/a r/asses ssessor sor. . Alt Althou hough gh a spe specifi cific c   The numb nu mber er is is no not t sp spec ecif ifie ied, d, th the e gr grou oup p si size ze mu must st be be su subs bsta tant ntia ial l en enou ough gh to to re repl plic icat ate e re real alis isti tic c wo work rkpl plac ace e demandsof deman dsof asenior aseniorcook,chef cook,chef,caterin ,cateringsupervi gsupervisorormanager sorormanager..    Answerall the questions. questions. 

 

Q1: Whatcustom Q1: Whatcustomergroup ergroup isyour isyour menudevelo menudeveloped ped for? for?

 Earthquakevictims

            

 Q2: Whatare Q2: Whatare theirdieta theirdietaryand/or ryand/or cultur culturalrequi alrequirem rement ents? s?

 Dietaryrequirements Wholefillingfoods Plentyofliquid Hotfoodslikesouporstew

 Peoplecouldhaveallergiessowehavetowarnthemaboutthefoodsandmakeamealtakingthatinto accountandmakingsubstitutes Culturalorreligiousrequirements Hindudonoteatmeat Muslimseathalal

    

Q3: What Q3: What source sourcesofinfor sofinformat mationdidyouuse iondidyouuse todetermin todeterminethese ethese requir requireme ements nts? ? Weaskedthenutritionistandadieticianalongwithsomeformerearthquakevictims

 

  Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Q4:Whomdid Q4: Whomdid youliaisewith toidentifyand confirm confirm customer customer requirement requirements? s? Previousearthquakevictims Nutritionist Dietician

         

 Q5:Whatwould thehealth consequences Q5:Whatwould consequences(if (if any)be ifyou ignored ignored thespeci the specialdietary aldietary requirementsofthiscustomergroup? People maysufferfrommal People maysufferfrommal nutritionduringa nutritionduringa natur naturaldisasterpeopledo aldisasterpeopledo not knowtheyarehungryortired duetotheadrenalrushbutassoonasthatsettlesthebodybecomesmoreexhaustedandsowehaveto makefoodt make foodthatw hatwillreple illreplenisht nishthevic hevictimswhi timswhilstch lstchecking eckingfor forany any allergen allergen or foods they canno cannot t eat by askingthemorputtingonsigns.

      

 Q6: Q6 : What What go goal als( s(s) s) woul would d you you set set for for your your menu menus s ba base sed d on on th the e in info form rmat atio ion n you’ve you’ve resear researche ched d ab abou out t your your cus usto tom mer er gr grou oup. p. Th That at is is, , what what ar are e you you ho hopi ping ng to achie chieve ve by by pl plan anni ning ng an and d documentingamealplanandmenu?

        

 Task 4.2 4.2:: Docum ent a menu overview overv iew     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,openandsaveacopyof  Assessment A_Menu overview locallyonyour computer. computer.    Discussandconfirmthetimeperiodforyourmenupriortocommencingthistask,forexample,two, threeorfourweeks.    Brain Brainstormarange stormarange of menuideasto suitthecustomer,dietaryandculturalor religio religious us requi requiremen rements ts identifiedin ident ifiedinTask2.1foratleas Task2.1foratleasttwoweeks ttwoweeksof of yourmenu. yourmenu.    Sortyourmenusuggesti Sortyourmenusuggestionsintoa onsintoa rough rough draftof yourmenuusingthemenuoverview templa template. te.    Saveyourcompletedmenuoverviewas Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 4 overview.Youwillusethis informationtocompleteTask4.3. 

submitthis this assess assessmenttask menttask yet. yet.    Youdonotneedto submit Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 





Task Ta sk 4.3: 4.3: Develop Develop menus and meal plans f or special di ets  ets     GotoyourCoursefilesfolderandopen Assessment A_Daily meal plan and checklist. checklist.     Printorcutandpastesevencopiesofthedailymenuplanandchecklist(onecopyforeachdayofthe week). week).    Completeamealplanforeachdayoftheweekforthefirstweekofyourmenuasperyourmenu overviewfromTask4.2. overviewfromTask4.2.    Completethetableforeachmenuitem(breakfastoptions,morningtea,lunchoptions,afternoontea anddinneroption anddinn eroptions)foreach s)foreachdayofthe dayofthe week. week. 

  Usethechecklistforeachmenuitemtoensureyourmealplans(andentiremenu)arewellplanned andmeetthenutritional,dietary, andmeetthenutrition al,dietary,culturalorreligio culturalorreligiousrequireme usrequirementsof ntsof yourcusto yourcustomergroup. mergroup.    Saveyourcompl Saveyourcompleted eted mealplans as Assessment A_Menu 4_Daily meal plan.   Submit Assessment A _ Menu Menu 4 overview and Assessment A_Menu 4_Daily meal plan toyour assessor. assessor. 

 

Task 4.4: 4.4: Cost menus m enus     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment A_Menu costing andcompleteTask4.4usingthe menucostingtemplateprovided .    Select Select onedayfromthemenu develo developedin pedin Task 4.3. 4.3.    Calculatetheportionyieldsandcostsofallingredientsrequiredtoprepareandproduceallmenu optionsoffered optio nsofferedonyourselect onyourselectedday. edday.    Calcu Calculateotherexpenditu lateotherexpenditureitems reitems usedin theprepar thepreparationorserviceof ationorserviceof themenu item. item.    Calcu Calculatethetotalcostforone latethetotalcostforone serve serve orportio orportion n foreachmenu optio option. n.    Youmustcompleteone menucostingtableforeach menuitem. menuitem. 

Print orcutand pastethemenucostingtemplate pastethemenucostingtemplateas as manytimes manytimes as requi required. red.     Print Saveyourcompletedcostingsas Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 4_Menu costing andsubmitittoyour assessor. assessor. 

 

Task Ta sk 4.5: 4.5: Monit or menu perform ance  ance    GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment  Assessment A_Background information andreadtheinformation providedonmethodsofevaluation.    Imple Implementthe mentthe menuin yourworkplac yourworkplaceor eor traini training ng enviro environment nment..   Monit Monitortheperformance ortheperformance ofthe menuby obtain obtainingfeedbackfromcustomer ingfeedbackfromcustomers s orothers byusing at leasttwoofthemethodslistedin Assessment  Assessment A_Background information.   Youcanusefeedbackmechanismscurrentlyusedwithintheorganisation,modifyexisting mechanismstoassistingatheri mecha nismstoassistingatheringnecess ngnecessaryinform aryinformation, ation,orcreateyourown. orcreateyourown.    Docum Documentand entand analys analysethe ethe resu results lts of yourfeedb yourfeedbackto ackto dete determinethe rminethe follow following. ing. 

Successofyour ssofyour menuagainstdietarygoalsforthe custom customergroup ergroup nominatedin nominatedin Task4.1 Task 4.1   Succe   Levelofcustomersatisfact Levelofcustomersatisfaction ionwiththe withthe menu menu

• •

Save yo your ur fe feed edba back ck re resu sult lts s an and d an anal alys ysis is lo loca call lly y as as  Assessment A_Menu 4_Feedback analysis. Yo You u   Save willneedtorefertoittorespon willneed torefertoittorespondtoquestio dtoquestionsinTask nsinTask 4.6. 4.6.    Sc Scan an or or ph phot oto ogr grap aph h at at le leas ast t on one e ex exa amp mple le of of ea each ch ty type pe of of fee eedb dbac ack k me mettho hod d yo you u use sed d to to ob obta tain in feedback. Save as  Assessment A_Menu 4_Feedback example 1 and  Assessment A_Menu 4_Feedback example 2.   Submi Submitthe tthe follow followingto ingto your assess assessor: or: 


 Assessment A_Menu 4_Feedback 4_Feedback analysis  Assessment A_Menu 4_Feedback 4_Feedback example 1  Assessment A_Menu 4_Feedback 4_Feedback example 2

Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 





Task 4.6: 4.6: Review perfo rmanc e     Answerthe following questions based on onyour your analysis of offeedback feedbackin inTask4.5. Task4.5. 

 

Q1: Whatmethod Q1: Whatmethods/t s/techn echnique iquesdid sdid you you use use to obtain obtain feedba feedback? ck? Survey Interview

   

Q2:Whodid Q2: Whodid youseek feedback feedback from? from? Customer Nutritionist Formervictims

  

Q3:Didyou Q3: Didyouachiev achievethe ethe dietary dietarygoalsyou goalsyousetinTask setinTask 4.1? Nowedidnotachievethedietarygoalsset

 

 Q4: Whichmen Q4: Whichmenuitems uitems didnotmeetdietar didnotmeetdietarygoals? ygoals?  Thestewdid notmeetthe dietar dietary y goalsbecausethere goalsbecausethere wereproblems wereproblems making making multip multipletypes letypes ofstewsfor theneedsofthepeople

 

 Q5: Briefl Q5: Brieflyexp yexplai lainwhyyouthinkmen nwhyyouthinkmenuitem uitemsdidordid sdidordidnotmeet notmeetdieta dietary ry goals. goals.  Stewisamixofdifferentvegetablesanditisdifficulttomakeafillingstewwhilstdiscardingsomeofthe ingredients

  

Q6:Whichmenuitems Q6: Whichmenuitems ratedthe highestcustomer highestcustomer satisfaction satisfaction score? score? Cornbread

  


Q7: Whichmenu Q7: Whichmenu items items ratedthelowes ratedthelowestcust tcustome omersatisf rsatisfact action ion score? score?  Vegetablesstew

 

 Q8:Brieflyexplainwhyyouthinkcustomerswereorwerenotsatisfiedwiththemenuitems. Vegetablesstewhadsomeingredientsmissingduetothelackofingredientsandtheneedtoexcludeany allergensthestewwasprobablynotfillingenough.

    Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Q9:Describethechangesyouwouldmaketoyourcompletedmenubasedonthefeedback youreceived.

We would make different version of the same foods so people not affected by allergies can have a different meal than the ones with allergies.

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Task 5: Menu 5  5  Task Ta sk 5.1: 5.1: Identify Identify the dietary and cultur al requirements of custo mers  mers     Select Select acustome acustomergroupfor rgroupfor your menu. menu.    Custo Customergroupscould mergroupscould relate relate toyourworkplace toyourworkplace ortraining ortraining enviro environment, nment, orcould bebased onrealistic hospitalitybusinesses. hospitalitybusinesses.    Ident Identifythe ifythe dietar dietaryand yand cultur cultural al requir requirements ements of your custom customer er group group..   Yo You u mu must st co conf nfirm irm yo your ur se selec lecte ted d cu cust stom omer er gr grou oup p an and d die dieta tary ry, , cu cultu ltura ral l or or re reli ligi gious ous re requ quir irem emen ents ts wi with th yourtrainer/assessorpriortoundertakingthisassessment. 

The size size of the the gro group up mus must t be disc discuss ussed ed and and con confir firmed med wit with h you your r tra traine iner/a r/asse ssesso ssor. r. Alt Althou hough gh a spe specif cific ic   The numb nu mber er is is no not t sp spec ecif ifie ied, d, th the e gr grou oup p si size ze mu must st be be su subs bsta tant ntia ial l en enou ough gh to to re repl plic icat ate e re real alis isti tic c wo work rkpl plac ace e demandsof deman dsof asenior aseniorcook,chef cook,chef,caterin ,cateringsupervi gsupervisorormanager sorormanager..    Answerall the questions. questions. 

 

Q1:Whatcustomergroupis Q1: Whatcustomergroupis yourmenudeveloped your menudeveloped for?

Infants and babies

Q2: Whatare Q2: Whatare the theirdietar irdietaryand/ yand/orcultu orcultural ral requir requireme ements nts? ? Babiesneedalotofnutrientsandfoodduringthefirstyeartheytripletheirbirthweight FoodshighIn Calcium Folate Iron Protein Carbohydrates zinc Shouldbegiventobabiesduringthistimewecanalsolearnwhatthebabyisallergictoandhelpcater foodaccordingtotherequirements

    

Q3: What Q3: What source sourcesofinfor sofinformat mationdidyouuseto iondidyouuseto dete determi rminethes nethese e requir requireme ements nts? ? Weconsultedwitha Weconsul tedwitha nutritionis nutritionist t anda dietic dietician ian

               Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Q4:Whomdid Q4: Whomdid youliaisewith toidentifyand confirm confirm customer customer requirement requirements? s?

 Nutritionist Dietician Doctor

         

 Q5: What would the health consequences (if any) be if you ignored the special dietary requirementsofthiscustomergroup? Ifweignoredanyofthedietaryrequirementsforinfantsthentheywillnotbeabletogetenough nutrition tosustaintheirbodyandcoulddevelopdiseases tosustaintheirbodyandcoulddevelo pdiseases orweakn orweaknessesboth essesbothinternall internallyandphysically yandphysically

     

 Q6: Q6 : What What go goal als( s(s) s) woul would d you you set set for for your your me menu nus s ba base sed d on on th the e in info form rmat atio ion n you’ve you’ve researc researched hed ab abou out t your your cust custom omer er gr grou oup. p. That hat is is, , what what ar are e you you ho hopi ping ng to to ac achi hiev eve e by by pl plan anni ning ng an and d documentingamealplanandmenu? Wewantto make make sure sure the the inf infant ants s tak taking ing our our men menu u have have a bal balanc ance e of nutrit nutrition ion no all allerg ergic ic req requir uireme ement nts s andmeetthereligiousrequirements

         

Task 5.2: 5.2: Document Docum ent a menu overview overv iew     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,openandsaveacopyof Assessment  Assessment A_Menu overview locallyonyour computer. computer.    Discussandconfirmthetimeperiodforyourmenupriortocommencingthistask,forexample,two, threeorfourweeks.    Brain Brainstorma storma range range ofmenu ideastosuit thecustome thecustomer,dietary,andculturalor r,dietary,andculturalor religio religious us requi requiremen rements ts identifiedinTask5.1 ident ifiedinTask5.1foratleast foratleasttwoweeksofyourmenu. twoweeksofyourmenu.    Sortyourmenusuggestio Sortyourmenusuggestionsintoa nsintoa rough rough draftof yourmenuusingthe menuoverview menuoverview templa template. te.    Saveyourcompletedmenuoverviewas Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 5 overview.Youwillusethis informationtocompleteTask5.3.    Youdonot needtosubmitthis asses assessmenttask smenttask yet. yet. 

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Task Ta sk 5.3: 5.3: Develop menus and m ea eall plans for special di ets  ets     GotoyourCoursefilesfolderandopen Assessment A_Daily meal plan and checklist.   Printorcutandpastesevencopiesofthedailymenuplanandchecklist(onecopyforeachdayofthe week). week).    Completeamealplanforeachdayoftheweekforthefirstweekofyourmenuasperyourmenu overviewfromTask5.2. overviewfromTask5.2.    Completethetableforeachmenuitem(breakfastoptions,morningtea,lunchoptions,afternoontea anddinneroptions) anddinner options)foreachda foreachdayoftheweek. yoftheweek. 

  Usethechecklistforeachmenuitemtoensureyourmealplans(andentiremenu)arewellplanned andmeetthenutritional,dietary andmeetthenutritio nal,dietary,cultura ,cultural l orreligio orreligiousrequireme usrequirementsof ntsof yourcusto yourcustomergroup. mergroup.    Saveyourcompl Saveyourcompleted eted mealplans as Assessment A_Menu 5_Daily meal plan.   Submit Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 5 overview and Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 5_Daily meal plan toyour assessor. assessor. 

Task 5.4: 5.4: Cost m enus  enus     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment  Assessment A_Menu costing andcompleteTask5.4usingthe menucostingtemplateprovided .    Select Select onedayfromthemenu develo developedin pedin Task 5.3. 5.3.    Calcu Calculatetheportionyieldsandcosts latetheportionyieldsandcosts of allingredi allingredientsrequiredto entsrequiredto prepa prepareand reand produce produce allmenu optionsoffered optio nsofferedonyourselect onyourselectedday. edday.    Calcu Calculateotherexpenditu lateotherexpenditureitems reitems usedin the prepa preparationorserviceof rationorserviceof themenu item. item.    Calcu Calculatethetotalcostforone latethetotalcostforone serve serve orportio orportion n foreachmenu optio option. n.    Youmustcompleteone menucostingtableforeachmenu item. item. 

• •

• •

Print orcutand pastethemenucostingtemplateasmanytimes as requir required. ed.     Print Saveyourcompleted Saveyourcomplet ed costin costings gs as Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 5_Menu costing andsubmitittoyour assessor. assessor. 

 

Task Ta sk 5.5: 5.5: Monitor m enu performance  performance    GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment  Assessment A_Background information andreadtheinformation providedonmethodsofevaluation.    Imple Implementthe mentthe menuin yourworkplac yourworkplaceor eor traini training ng enviro environment nment..   Monit Monitortheperforman ortheperformance ce ofthe menuby obtain obtainingfeedbackfromcustomer ingfeedbackfromcustomers s orothers byusing at leasttwoofthemethodslistedin Assessment  Assessment A_Background information i nformation.   Youcan usefeedback mech mechanisms anisms curre currentlyused ntlyused within within theorganisati theorganisation,modifyexisting on,modifyexisting mechanismstoassistingatherin mecha nismstoassistingatheringnecessar gnecessaryinform yinformation, ation,orcreateyour orcreateyour own. own.    Docum Documentand entand analys analysethe ethe resul results ts of yourfeedb yourfeedbackto ackto determ determinethe inethe follow following. ing. 

  Succe Successof ssof yourmenuagains yourmenu againstdietarygoalsfor tdietarygoalsforthecustomergroup thecustomergroup nominatedin nominatedin Task5.1 Task 5.1   Levelofcustomersatisfact Levelofcustomersatisfaction ionwiththe withthe menu menu

• •

 Assessment A_Menu 5_Feedback analysis. You   Saveyourfeedbackresultsandanalysislocallyas Assessment willneedtorefertoittorespo willneed torefertoittorespondtoquestion ndtoquestionsinTask sinTask 5.6. 5.6.    Scanorphotographatleastoneexampleofeachtypeoffeedbackmethodyouusedtoobtain feedback.Saveas Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 5_Feedback example 1 and Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 5_Feedback example 2.   Submi Submitthe tthe follow followingto ingto your assess assessor: or: 


 Assessment A_Menu 5_Feedback 5_Feedback analysis  Assessment A_Menu 5_Feedback 5_Feedback example 1  Assessment A_Menu 5_Feedback 5_Feedback example 2

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Task 5.6: 5.6: Review perfo rmanc e     Answerthe following questions based on onyour your analysis of offeedback feedbackin inTask5.5. Task5.5. 

 

Q1: What Q1: What method methods/t s/tech echniq niquesdidyouuse uesdidyouuse toobtain toobtain feedbac feedback? k? Toobtainthefeedbackweusedsurveyandquestionnaire

 

 Q2:Whodid Q2: Whodid youseek feedback feedback from? from? Customers Nutritionist Employee

   

Q3:Didyou Q3: Didyouachiev achievethe ethe dietary dietarygoalsyou goalsyousetinTask setinTask 5.1? Yesthedietarygoalssetwereachievedasthefoodisrelativelyeasytoprepareasbabieshaveahigh preferenceto preference to tastewe madesureto uselots of healt healthynaturally hynaturally occurringsugarsratherthanprocessed occurringsugarsratherthanprocessed inourfood

 

 Q4: Whichmen Q4: Whichmenuitems uitems didnotmeetdiet didnotmeetdietary ary goals? goals?

 Thedietarygoalssetwere achiev achieved ed

 Q5: Briefl Q5: Brieflyexp yexplai lainwhyyouthinkmen nwhyyouthinkmenuitem uitemsdidordid sdidordidnotmeet notmeetdieta dietary ry goals. goals. 

 Thedietarygoalssetwere achieved achieved

 

 Q6:Whichmenuitems Q6: Whichmenuitems ratedthe highestcustomer highestcustomer satisfaction satisfaction score? score? Pureedfruit Pureedfruit 

Smallamounts unsweetened etened yogurt yogurt  Smallamounts of unswe

 Q7: Whichmenu Q7: Whichmenu items items ratedthelowes ratedthelowestcust tcustome omersatisf rsatisfact action ion score? score?  Solidfoodaremostlyavoidedbytheinfants

 

 Q8: Briefl Q8: Brieflyexp yexplai lainwhyyouthink nwhyyouthink custom customers erswereor wereorwerenotsat werenotsatisf isfiedwit iedwiththemenu hthemenu ite items. ms.  Itcouldbebecau Itcouldbe becauseof seofthete theteething ething orth orthemnot emnotbeing being ableto abletoprope properly rly chewthefo chewthefood od asthe astheirgum irgums s might behurting

     Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Q9:Describethechangesyouwouldmaketoyourcompletedmenubasedonthefeedback youreceived.

We would employ more pureed food soft food and foods that can be swallowed easily with lots of vitamins, minerals, protein etc

Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 





Task 6: Menu 6  6  Task Ta sk 6.1: 6.1: Identify Identify t he dietary and cultur al requirements requirements of cu stomers  stomers     Select Select acustome acustomer r group group foryour menu. menu.    Custo Customergroupscould mergroupscould relate relate toyourworkplace toyourworkplace ortraining ortraining enviro environment, nment, orcould bebased onrealistic hospitalitybusinesses. hospitalitybusinesses.    Ident Identifythe ifythe dietar dietaryand yand cultura cultural l requir requirements ements ofyour custo customer mer group group..   Yo You u mu must st co conf nfir irm m yo your ur se sele lect cted ed cu cust stom omer er gr grou oup p an and d di diet etar ary, y, cu cult ltur ural al or re relig ligiou ious s re requ quir irem emen ents ts wi with th yourtrainer/assessorpriortoundertakingthisassessment. 

The size size of the the gro group up mus must t be dis discus cussed sed and and con confir firmed med wit with h you your r tra traine iner/a r/asses ssessor sor. . Alth Althoug ough h a spe specif cific ic   The numb nu mber er is is no not t sp spec ecif ifie ied, d, th the e gr grou oup p si size ze mu must st be be su subs bsta tant ntia ial l en enou ough gh to to re repl plic icat ate e re real alis isti tic c wo work rkpl plac ace e demandsof deman dsof asenior aseniorcook,chef cook,chef,caterin ,cateringsupervi gsupervisorormanager sorormanager..    Answerall the questions. questions. 

 

Q1: Whatcustom Q1: Whatcustomergroup ergroup isyour isyour menudevelo menudeveloped ped for? for?

 Athletes or sportsmen

Q2: Whatare Q2: Whatare theirdietar theirdietaryand/o yand/or r cultur cultural al requir requireme ements nts? ?

 Whenyouexercisehardfor90minutesormore,especiallyifyou'redoingsomethingathighintensitythat takesalotofendurance,youneedadietthatcanhelpyouperformatyourpeakandrecoverquickly afterward.Foodhighinthefollowingshouldbeadministered

 Carbohydrates WheyProteinandmeat Liquidlikecoconutwater,juice,gatoradeetctoreplacelostelectrolytes Milk Fish Nuts Eggs Lessfattyfoods

   

 Q3: What Q3: What source sourcesofinform sofinformati ationdid ondid you you use use todeterminethe todeterminethese se requir requireme ements nts? ?

 Weconsultedwithnutritionistanddieticians

 Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Q4:Whomdid Q4: Whomdid youliaisewith toidentifyand confirm confirm customer customer requirement requirements? s? Nutritionist Dietician Coachoftheathletes

     

 Q5:Whatwouldthehealthconsequences(ifany)beifyouignoredthespecialdietary requirementsofthiscustomergroup?  Athleteshavethemostdemandingbodiesinthecaseofnutritionandfoodandalongwithallergiesand healthproblemsitisdifficulttocatertheirneedsbutnotimpossibleathletesrequireahighercaloricdiet thanthenormalpersonandasaresultifitisnotmettheycouldsufferfromweightlossorevenmass reduction.Wealsohavetochecktoseeaboutanyhealthprob reduc tion.Wealsohavetochecktoseeaboutanyhealthproblemlikediabete lemlikediabetes s orallergen orallergen etc.

     

Q6: Q6 : What Wh at  go goal als( s(s)  woul wo uld der you yo set sep. t for foTrhat your yotur  , me menu nus s ar ba base sed du on on  th the e info form atio ion neyou’ve you’ve  anni resear res earche d ab abou out t your yo urs)  cust cu sto om er  u gr grou oup. ha is is, wh what at are e you yo ho hopi ping ngin  to to rmat ac achi hiev eve by by pl plan ning ngched and nd documentingamealplanandmenu?

 Bydocumenting Bydocument ing thi this s mea meal l pla plan n wewantto ach achiev ieve e a bal balanc ance e of nutrit nutrition ion and and mainta maintain in or increas increase e the the siz sizeor eor mass mass acc accord ording ing totheneedsofthe custom customers ers wealsoaimto hav haveno eno alle allergi rgic c rea reactio ctions ns and and to meetanyculturalorrel meetanycult uralorreligiousneedsthecus igiousneedsthecustomers tomersmighthave mighthave

        

Task 6.2: 6.2: Document Docum ent a menu overview overv iew     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,openandsaveacopyof Assessment  Assessment A_Menu overview locallyonyour computer. computer.    Discus Discuss s andconfirmthetime period period foryourmenu priortocommenc priortocommencingthis ingthis task, task,forexample,two, forexample,two, threeorfourweeks.    Brain Brainstorma storma range range of menuideas tosuitthe custom customer,dietaryandculturalor er,dietaryandculturalor religio religiousrequireme usrequirements nts identifiedin ident ifiedinTask6.1foratleast Task6.1foratleasttwoweeksofyourmenu. twoweeksofyourmenu.    Sortyourmenusuggesti Sortyourmenusuggestionsintoa onsintoa rough rough draft draft ofyour menuusingthemenu overv overviewtemplat iewtemplate. e.    Saveyourcompletedmenuoverviewas Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 6 overview.Youwillusethis informationtocompleteTask6.3.    Youdonotneedto submit submitthis this assess assessmenttask menttask yet. yet. 

     Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

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Task Ta sk 6.3: 6.3: Develop Develop menus and meal plans f or special di ets  ets     GotoyourCoursefilesfolderandopen Assessment A_Daily meal plan and checklist.   Printorcutandpastesevencopiesofthedailymenuplanandchecklist(onecopyforeachdayofthe week). week).    Completeamealplanforeachdayoftheweekforthefirstweekofyourmenuasperyourmenu overviewfromTask6.2. overviewfromTask6.2.    Completethetableforeachmenuitem(breakfastoptions,morningtea,lunchoptions,afternoontea anddinneroption anddinn eroptions)foreach s)foreachdayofthe dayofthe week. week. 

ensureyour ensur eyour mealplans (andentiremenu)are wellplanned   Usethechecklistforeachmenuitemto andmeetthenutritional,dietary andmeetthenutrition al,dietary,cultura ,cultural l orreligiousrequireme orreligiousrequirementsof ntsof yourcusto yourcustomer mer group. group.    Saveyourcomplet Saveyourcompleted ed mealplansas Assessment A_Menu 6_Daily meal plan.   Submit Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 6 overview and Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 6_Daily meal plan toyour assessor. assessor. 

Task 6.4: 6.4: Cost menus m enus     GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment A_Menu costing andcompleteTask6.4usingthe menucostingtemplateprovided .    Select Select onedayfromthemenu develo developedin pedin Task 6.3. 6.3.    Calcu Calculatetheportionyieldsandcosts latetheportionyieldsandcosts ofall ingre ingredients dients requi requiredto redto prepa prepare re andproduceall menu optionsoffered optio nsofferedonyourselect onyourselectedday. edday.    Calcu Calculateotherexpenditu lateotherexpenditureitems reitems usedin theprepar thepreparationorserviceof ationorserviceof themenu item. item.    Calcu Calculatethetotalcostforone latethetotalcostforone serve serve orportio orportion n foreachmenu optio option. n.    Youmustcompleteone menucostingtableforeachmenu item. item. 

Print orcutand pastethemenucostingtemplat pastethemenucostingtemplate e asmany timesas requi required. red.     Print Saveyourcompletedcostingsas Assessment  Assessment A_ Menu 6_Menu costing andsubmitittoyour assessor. assessor. 

 

Task Ta sk 6.5: 6.5: Monitor m enu performance  performance    GotoyourCoursefilesfolder,open Assessment  Assessment A_Background information andreadtheinformation providedonmethodsofevaluation.    Imple Implementthe mentthe menuin yourworkplace yourworkplaceortraining ortraining environ environment. ment.    Monit Monitortheperforman ortheperformance ce ofthe menuby obtain obtainingfeedbackfromcustomer ingfeedbackfromcustomers s orothers byusing at leasttwoofthemethodslistedin Assessment  Assessment A_Background information.   Youcan usefeedback mech mechanisms anisms curre currentlyused ntlyused within within theorganisati theorganisation,modifyexisting on,modifyexisting mechanismstoassistingatherin mecha nismstoassistingatheringnecessar gnecessaryinform yinformation, ation,orcreateyour orcreateyour own. own.    Docum Documentand entand analys analysethe ethe resu results lts of yourfeed yourfeedbackto backto dete determinethe rminethe follow following. ing. 

  Succe Successof ssofyourmenu yourmenu againstdietarygoalsfor againstdietarygoalsforthecustomergroup thecustomergroup nominatedin nominatedin Task6.1 Task 6.1   Levelofcustomersatisfact Levelofcustomersatisfaction ionwiththe withthe menu menu

• •

  Saveyourfeedbackresultsandanalysislocallyas Assessment A_Menu 6_Feedback analysis.You willneedtorefertoittorespo willneed torefertoittorespondtoquestion ndtoquestionsinTask sinTask 6.6. 6.6.    Scanorphotographatleastoneexampleofeachtypeoffeedbackmethodyouusedtoobtain feedback.Saveas Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 6_Feedback example 1 and Assessment  Assessment A_Menu 6_Feedback example 2.   Submi Submitthe tthe follow followingto ingto your assess assessor: or: 


 Assessment A_Menu 6_Feedback 6_Feedback analysis  Assessment A_Menu 6_Feedback 6_Feedback example 1  Assessment A_Menu 6_Feedback 6_Feedback example 2

Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 





Task 6.6: 6.6: Review perfo rmanc e     Answerthe following questions based on onyour your analysis of offeedback feedback in inTask Task 6.5. 6.5. 

 

Q1: Whatmethod Q1: Whatmethods/t s/techn echnique iquesdid sdid you you use use to obtain obtain feedba feedback? ck? Survey Questions Interview

  

Q2:Whodid Q2: Whodid youseek feedback feedback from? from? Customers Coaches

   

Q3: Didyouachie Q3: Didyouachievethedie vethedietar tarygoals ygoalsyousetinTask yousetinTask 6.1? 6.1? Nowewerenotabletomeetsomeofthedietarygoalswesetintheprevioustaskasthecustomers complainedabout compl ainedabouttheportions theportionsandthefoodaswell. andthefoodaswell.

  

Q4: Whichmen Q4: Whichmenuitems uitems didnotmeetdiet didnotmeetdietary ary goals? goals? Theitemsthatdidnotmeet dieta dietarygoalswere rygoalswere Juiceandcoconutwaterastheycould nothelp tokeep upwith thehydration thehydration amoun amount t thecustomer thecustomers s neede needed d

 

 Q5: Briefl Q5: Brieflyexp yexplai lainwhyyouthinkmen nwhyyouthinkmenuitem uitemsdidordid sdidordidnotmeet notmeetdieta dietary ry goals. goals.   Assuggestedbythecustomerthecaloricandproteincontentwasnotmeetingthelevelrequiredbythe  Assuggestedbythecustomerthecaloricandproteincontentwasnotmeetingthelevelrequiredbythe customers

  

Q6:Whichmenuitems Q6: Whichmenuitems rated rated the highest highestcustomer customer satisfaction satisfaction score? score? Grilledchicken Steak egg

 

 Q7: Whichmenu Q7: Whichmenu items items ratedthelowes ratedthelowestcust tcustome omersatisf rsatisfact action ion score? score?  Peachpie Sugarydrinks

  

Q8:Brieflyexplainwhyyouthinkcustomerswereorwerenotsatisfiedwiththemenuitems. Itcouldbeduetothehighsugarcontentasathleteshaveastrictdiettheyreducetheamountofsugar eatenandthiscouldcau eaten andthiscouldcausethemtofindnorma sethemtofindnormalsugarleve lsugarlevelstoohigh lstoohigh

 Choice Business College Pty Ltd ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 |CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C

V 2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017 





Q9: Describethechangesyouwouldmaketoyourcompletedmenubasedonthefeedbackyoureceived. Wewouldreducet Wewouldre ducethe he sugarc sugarcontent ontent whils whilstinc tincreasin reasing g the portion portion size and change thefoodso thefoodsothatf thatfoodstha oodsthattake ttakelong longtime timetodig todigestar estareeaten eeatenwhic whichwoul hwould d fillupthecustomerforalong fillupthecustomerforalongerperiodoftime erperiodoftime

     


 Menu overview   Cyclic menu i tems week 1 1  

Meals Mea ls Breakfast (1)  Breakfast (2) 

Morning tea 

Monday Mueslibowl Breakfast wrap



Thursd ay

pancakes and dried   dried fruit conserve  conserve  Pancakes Pancake s and maple syrup  syrup 

Coconut chilli eggs with dahl  dahl  

Coconutchia withstrawberry gumsyrup Eggs,bacon, mushroom beansand potatoes

scones   scones

macaroons   macaroons



French toast  toast  

Toast vegemite

Full English breakfast   breakfast

and   Breakfast and burrito   burrito

Crumble cake  cake 

Sund ay Onionand leeksoup

Oatmeal nuts   nuts

with   with

Hot cross buns  buns   Tea cakes  cakes  

Trailmix,wheat biscuts

ChoiceBusinessCollegePtyLtd  ABN28130302000|RTO41297|CRICOS RTO41297|CRICOS  ABN28130302000| PROVIDERCODE03444C PROVIDERCODE03444C 



Smoked fish with rosti and seasonal greens   greens

F Friday riday



Lunch (1) 

sushi   sushi

Crab spinach wontons


Chowmein   Chowmein

Sandwichor salad

Lunch (2) 


 Af  After ter noon no on tea  

pizza Lemon drizzle croutons croutons   slices

Dinner (1) 

Meat pie  pie 


Spaghetti Bolognese

Mac cheese

Fried chicken sandwich   sandwich

and Chicken soup  soup  

Poundcake English madeleines   madeleines pasta Chicken tikka Steak with Tuna gravy and a bake bake   masala   masala side of   vegetables   vegetables


Marmalade muffin   muffin Grilled fish with a side of mashed potatoes   potatoes

Chicken noodle soup  soup 

salad   salad

sandwich   sandwich

Grilled cheese sandwich   sandwich

Lemon tart  tart  

Croutons   Croutons

Shepard’s pie   pie  

Curried saussage

 ABN28130302000|RTO41297|CRICOS  ABN28130302000|RTO41297|CRICOS PROVIDERCODE03444C PROVIDERCODE03444C 




Dinner (2) 

lasagne   lasagne

  Chicken roasted

breas breas  wit 

Butter chicken

Beef nachos  nachos  

Sausage rolls  rolls  

Savoury mince  mince 

ChoiceBusinessCollegePtyLtd  ABN28130302000|RTO41297|CRICOS RTO41297|CRICOS  ABN28130302000| PROVIDERCODE03444C PROVIDERCODE03444C 



Spaghetti carbonara




Meals Mea ls




Thursd ay

potatoes and   vegetables



F Friday riday



 ABN28130302000|RTO41297|CRICOS  ABN28130302000|RTO41297|CRICOS PROVIDERCODE03444C PROVIDERCODE03444C 





Cyclic menu items week 2  2 

Meals Mea ls



Breakfast (1) 

Spinach and Berries cerial   oven roasted hot cerial  omlet   omlet

Breakfast (2) 

Crackers and Peanut vegemite   vegemite and slices   slices

and Waffles gluten free   free

butter   Tropical yogurt apple parfait parfait  


Morning tea 



Lunch (1) 

Turkey chilli  chilli  

Falafel   Falafel

Lunch (2) 

Peanut butter Nachos and banana homemade wrap   wrap

Dinner (1) 

Tacos or taco salad   salad

Smores   Smores Dark chocolate almonds   almonds

Friday egg

Hardboiled eggs   eggs

Driedapricots and almonds

gluten cookies   cookies



Macaroons   Macaroons

Power smoothie

Coconut pudding   pudding

chia Cookietruffles

Peanut cookies   cookies

with   Glaz with Glazed ed s almon  almon   and

Pork loin garlic rosemary   rosemary


Peanut butter granola bars  bars  

Omelette muffins   muffins


Tuna salad  salad  

Caprese Panini


Breakfast burrito   burrito

Peanuts raisins pancake   pancake

Lemontart Homemade

Popcorn and Lowfatvanilla string cheese  cheese  icecream

Balsamic glazed Steak yams Lasagne style chickenwith mushrooms   mushrooms zucchini   zucchini pasta bake  bake 


Breakfast sausage muffins   muffins

Glutenfree bagels

butter Banana

oats   Blue berries overnight oats  and chopped walnuts   walnuts

 Af  After ter noon no on tea  

Thursd ay

Cornbread and quinoa salad  salad  

Turkey lettuce wrap   wrap

Stuffed quesadilla

Trail mix  mix  

Wheatt biscui t   Whea

Macaroons homemade

with Garlic mashed and cauliflower  cauliflower   

Tofu stir fry  fry  

ChoiceBusinessCollegePtyLtd  ABN28130302000|RTO41297|CRICOS RTO41297|CRICOS  ABN28130302000| PROVIDERCODE03444C PROVIDERCODE03444C 





Mac   Mac

Meals Me als

and   with and with  

Monday cheese   cheese

smashed   noodles smashed noodles  

Tuesday potatoes   potatoes

with   with

We Wednesday dnesday u r ey   bolognese   bolognese

steak   steak

noodles   noodles

Thursday Thursd ay su e   peppers   peppers with s wee weett  

Friday cucumbers   cucumbers

potatoes   potatoes


  

Task 1.4: 1.4: Cost menus  – Menu Costing Template 

Menu item name  name  Mueslibowl

Qty   Qty

Unit   Unit

Yield: 20 serves   serves Purchase unit  unit  

Menu Me nu n o.1 o.1   Purchase unit price $  $ 

with   with

Cost   Cost  Yield   Yield  Total cost cost  



muesli   muesli

500 500  

3kg  3kg 

10.95 10.95  

100 100  

1.9 1.9  

Yoghurt Yoghurt  

950 950  

3kg  3kg 

6.5 6.5  

89 89  

0.27 0.27  





12.2 










  ChoiceBusinessCollegePtyLt    ABN  130302000| 130302000| O41297|C O41297|C ICOS ICOS      


Total cost o f recipe recipe   $8.27 $8.27   Portion cost  cost   $0.41 $0.41   Other expenditur expenditur e items items   Expenditure item  item  

Qty   Qty

Unit   Unit

Purchase price per unit $  $ 

Cost per unit $  $ 





napkin napkin  

1000 1000  


Totall expenditure it em cost Tota cost   $ Total cost of menu item per portion Total $ (total re recipe cipe cost pl us total expenditure item costs) costs)   

Choice Business Ltd  Business College Pty Ltd  ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C   V2.0 Last updated 6 November 2017  

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