Assessment 1

October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Questons Provide answers to all of the questions below: 1.

Complee he able oulining reliable informaton relevan o workplace processes.

Informaton source



Corporatons Ac 2001 The Corporatons Corporatons Ac 2001 (Ch) is he principal principal legislaton legislaton regulatng regulatng business enttes (primarily companies) in Ausralia   I governs actvites like he creato creaton n and manage managemen men of corpor corporato atons ns (in conjun conjuncto cton n wih wih a cons const tut uton on ha ha a corp corpor orat aton on may may adop adop) ),, he he re resp spon onsi sibi bili lite tess of  executves, akeovers, and fundraising. hps://ory/summary.php?legislaton=551

Organizatonal   policies and

Organizatons mus creae rules and procedures ha ake ino accoun boh he demands of heir workforce and is vision, values, and culure.


Enforcing hese rules aer hey are esablished is crucial. However, i may be more dicul han i seems o achieve hese objectves. Alhough hey work ogeher, policies and procedures are distnc from one anoher. A policy is a se of general rules ha describe how an organizaton will approach appr oach a problem. problem. The relatonsh relatonship ip beween beween he organizat organizaton's on's daily actvites and is vision and values is communicaed hrough policies. A mehod oulines a partcular course of acton for pung a policy ino practce. Employees are insruced on how and when o handle siuatons by proced procedure ures. s. Combin Combining ing polici policies es and proces processes ses gives gives employ employees ees a comprehensive undersanding of heir workplace. They are aware of he culure he company aspires o, he behavior required of hem, and he bes ways o achieve boh. hps://www.i-sigh.com/resources/policies-and-procedures-in-heworkplace-he-ultmae-guide/


Sakehold Sakeh olders ers are immedia immediael ely y impac impaced ed by a compan company's y's decisi decisions ons and oucomes, and hey can have a signican impac on he success of a rm as a whole. Because of his, a company's success depends grealy on is abiliy o eectvely connec wih is sakeholders and undersand how hey aec and are aeced by he business. In his artcle, we go hrough wha a sakehold sakeholder er is, how o recognize recognize various major sakehold sakeholder er ypes, ypes, and how o communicae wih hem successfully.



Describe how legislaton may be applicable o workplace problems (provide an example as par of your answer). Laws are used Laws used by he governme governmen n o conro conroll corpor corpora ae e practc practces es and sop hem hem from from exploitng heir cusomers. Laws proec boh he employees e mployees of businesses and he cusomers who use heir services. All ypes of legislaton, even hose ha creae new public enttes like he he Le Lega gall Serv Servic ices es Comm Commis issi sion on and and he he Publ Public ic Defe Defend nder er Sys Sysem em,, have have an im impa pac c on businesses. Consumer righs law ha is based on consumer proecton. legislaton ha esablishes a framework for corporae axes. Coss and pros Busine Bus inesse ssess mus mus comply comply wih wih govern governmen men legisl legislato aton, n, bu his his means means ha ha he hey y experience a range of additonal coss in erms of tme and money. The tme needed o prepare documenaton, according o procedures, and guaranee ha legal responsibilites are me conribues o some of hese expendiures. 

Additonal expenses resul from

providing raining and safey equipmen

estng iems o make sure hey adhere o basic safey sandards; paying employees higher compensaton;

  providing produc guaranees; hiring additonal workers o cover required hours; and qualiy assurance procedures.

Having a sronger brand image will improve he company's repuaton and increase sales, which will resul in more revenue. Additonally, if a company follows he law and acs responsibly, is employees

Reference by hps://businesscases 3.

Describe how organisatonal policies and procedures may be applicable o workplace problems (provide an example as par of your answer). Make sure your eam is aware of he imporance of following he rules and proc proced edur ures es when when yo your ur orga organi niza zato ton' n'ss exec execut utve vess deve develo lop p and and enfo enforc rce e poli polici cies es.. Operatons are prevened from descending ino oal chaos by policies and procedures. Your organizaton can operae ecienly when everyone agrees o abide by he ru rule less an and d gu guid idel elin ines es.. Team Teamss and and mana manage geme men n sru sruc cur ure e func functo ton n as plan planned ned.. Additonally, errors and snags in processes can be easily found and xed. Additonally, your company will spend tme and resources more eectvely if your workforce adheres o regulatons and procedures. As a company, you'll be able o develop and accomplish your objectves. Finally, when sa members adhere o procedures, hey accuraely complee jobs and consisenly deliver clien service. This raises he sandard of he goods and services your business oers.


Reference by hps://i-sigh.com/resources/policies-and-proc hps://i-sigh.com/resources/policies-and-procedures-in-he-workplac edures-in-he-workplacee-

he-- ul he ultma tmae e-gu -guide ide// 4.

Identfy and describe wo (2) critcal hinking mehods ha may be used o identfy

complex issues in he workplace using he able below (here is an

example o ge you sared). Mehod



This mehod uses a formal or informal inerview process o obain informaton abou a workplace issue (such as how a prod produc uc is used used). ). I as asks ks re rele leva van n ques questo tons ns o re rele leva van n sakeholders and documens he answers.


Finding reliable informaton is he rs sep in making excellen decisi dec isions ons.. Wih Wih so much much inform informato aton n availa available, ble, we mus mus be careful o only use rusworhy or auhoriatve sources, raher h han an simp simply ly he he rs rs resu resul l of a Goog Google le sear search ch.. We mus mus carefully examine informaton and is sources in he era of fake news and poen algorihms so ha our choices are suppored by solid logic and daa.


Analyzing informaton enails horoughly inspectng i in order o comprehend, inerpre, and justfy i. This may enail locatng presum pre sumpto ptons, ns, gaps, gaps, and lin links ks beween beween facs, facs, log logic, ic, or oher oher ypes of proof. You will be well-prepared for he nal evaluaton, when whe n you will make make decisi decisions ons and draw draw conclu conclusio sions, ns, wih wih a deailed analysis. You will have made imporan inquiries during he identfying sage o ascerain he ype of informaton you are dealing wih, who produced he informaton, and for whom. Thinking very carefully abou his daa and he assertons makes up analysis. This enails going beyond he obvious meaning of wha is being sa said id and invest investgat gatng ng he premis premises es and logic ha ha und underl erlie ie a perspectve.


Your capaciy o evaluae informaton and argumens will improve your abiliy o make wise decisions. They enable you o draw conclu con clusio sions ns and make make judgme judgmens ns and provid provide e justc justcato aton n for hem. he m. You mus conduc conduc yourse yourself lf as a judge judge hroug hroughou hou his his procedure, assessing all he evidence before you o come o a decision.



Identify and describe two (2) critical thinking methods that may be used to generate solutions to complex issues in the workplace using the table below (there is an example to get Critcal hinking

you started).



Brai Brains nso orm rmin ing g

Th This is meh mehod od us uses es a gro group up of pe peop ople le o h hin ink k of of as as man many y sol solut uton onss (even he crazy ones) in a predeermined tme.


I's simple o claim o be open-minded, bu are you really? To gain a perspectve, • Be brually hones abou your advanages and disadvanages and how hey will aec he curren siuaton. • Lisen o a viewpoin ha diers from your own wihou reactng before he viewpoin has been fully expressed. • Recognize ha here may be multple approaches o an issue and ha each one may be valid in is own way. • When making any necessary modicatons, keep in mind how you really feel. • Le Le ri rid d of in ingr grai aine ned d pa pae ern rnss an and d di disr sreg egar ard d yo your ur lo long ng-h -held eld assumptons and views. Visualize weighing scales wih he decision-making variables on hem. Are hey equal? Open-mind Openmindedness edness is a power powerful ful ech echnique nique for crit critcal cal hink hinking. ing. New possibilites can be uncovered, helping you resolve personal and professional maers in a manner ha doesn’ frusrae you or alienae he oher pary.



Critcall hinki Critca hinking ng is heavil heavily y depend dependen en on proble problemm- solvin solving. g. An eectve critcal hinker will be a problem solver wih he foresigh o antcipa antc ipae e roadblock roadblockss and negatve negatve oucomes, oucomes, and he experience experience and presence of mind o resolve hem quickly and move on. One of he mos eectve eectve problem-s problem-solving olving mehodologi mehodologies es is he 5 Whys Analysis. Invened by Saki chi Toyoda, he founder of Toyoa Moors in he 1950s, i has been used successfully by he auomobile gian o ge o he roo cause of problems. The idea behind his is simple: sar wih he end problem and keep asking why untl you ge o he roo cause of i.



Summarise he seps associaed wih a decision-making process. You may answer using a wrien paragraph or diagram. Decision making is he process of making choices by identfying a decision, gahering informaton, and assessing alernatve resolutons. Using a sep-by-sep decision-making process can help you make more deliberae, houghul decisions by organizing relevan informaton and dening alernatves. This approach increases he chances ha you will choose he mos satsfying alernatve possible.

Identfy he decision

Gaher relevan informaton

Identfy he alernatves

Weigh he evidence

Choose among alernatves

Take acton

Review your decision & is consequences Figure 1: 7 Seps of he Decision-Making Process



List three (3) advantages of addressing complex issues in the workplace. 1. Beer hinking:

An individual may come up wih ideas during he collaboratve problem-solving process ha can be used o emporarily resolve he issue. In conras, a eam or group of people would srive o apply all of heir individual houghs o ha specic issue during a eam problem-solving session in order o nd a response and soluton o heir challenge. Therefore, collaboratve problem-solving mehods aid in coming o a beer conclusion hrough beer reasoning. 2. Beer risk handling: When i comes o risk, i can be a lile perplexing for some individuals ha more people can handle more danger. This is especially rue because aemptng o manage he risk's inensiy makes i relatvely simple for a group member o increase heir professional productviy. Therefore, group problem-solving mehods migh grealy increase he risk facor. Additonally, by utlising hese mehods, one can encourage healhier growh. 3. Beer communicaton:

Problems can be resolved more successfully wih eectve inerpersonal communicaton. A eam or group of people can communicae more eectvely han oher groups, which is a concep ha is easy o undersand. In order o nd solutons o problems as soon as possible, employing a eam approach o problem solving encourages increased communicaton and muual undersanding among partcipans.



Complete the table outlining the different types of risk that may be associated with pursuing a complex issue in the workplace. Type of risk

Sraegic risk




I’s he risk ha your company’s sraegy becomes less eectve and your company sruggles o reach is goals as a resul. I could be due o echnological changes, a powerful new competor enering he marke, shis in cusomer demand, spikes in he coss of raw maerials, or any number of oher large- scale changes. Are you complying wih all he necessary laws and regulatons

A classic example is Kodak, which had such a dominan positon in he lm phoography marke ha when one of is own engineers invened a digial camera in 1975, i saw he innovaton as a hrea o is core business model, and failed o develop i.

The organic farm in California, and sell your producs in grocery sores across he


Financial risk

ha apply o your Of course, you are business? (I hope!). Bu laws change all he tme, and here’s always a risk ha you’ll face additonal regulatons in he fuure. And as your own business expands, you migh nd yourself needing o comply wih new rules ha didn’ apply o you before. Mos caegories of risk have a nancial impac, in erms of

U.S. Things are going so welland habegin you decide o expand o Europe selling here.

exra coss or los revenue. Bu he caegory of nancial risk refers specically o he money owing in and ou of your business, and he possibiliy of a sudden nancial loss.

ha example of he California farm selling is producs in Europe. When i makes sales in France or Germany, is revenue comes in euros, and is UK sales come in pounds. The exchange raes are always ucuatng, meaning ha he amoun he company receives in dollars will change. The company could make more sales nex monh, for example, bu receive less money in dollars. Tha’s a big nancial risk o ake ino accoun.

Financial risk is increased when you do business inernatonally. Le’s go back o



List three (3) barriers to effective decision-making 1) Lack of knowledge about bias and decision-making in organisations Many people in leadership roles are aware that our values and principles affect our  ability to make judgments, though to varied degrees. The door to bias is thus wide open, and hundreds of different biases come into play and further sway our decisions. Additionally, it isorganizations. critical for CEOs to understand how these biases effect how we see data within their 2) Poor culture culture of of challen challenging ging decis decision ion m making aking Organi Org anizati zations ons must must create create a cultur culturee where where worker workerss feel feel comfor comfortab table le voicin voicing g concerns and taking corrective action in order to improve decision-making. They mustt also be open mus open and transparen transparent, t, which which entail entailss exchan exchangin ging g data data and using diagnostic tools, like surveys, to spot trends in what's going wrong and figure out how o x i.  Groups can be dynamic and creatve in an open and ransparen culure, which suppors personal growh. In order o counerac conrmaton bias and grouphink, forums and commiees should be se up and run in a way ha encourages individual conributons of ideas and viewpoins. Diversiy of hough Here are some facs from a piece of Forbes research in 2017 on business decisions making.  66% of he tme, eams exceed individuals in making decisions. 58% % of case cases, s, al alll-ma male le e eam amss make make bee beerr comm commerc ercia iall deci decisi sion onss han han  In 58 individuals.  73% of he tme, gender diverse eams do beer han individuals.  Finally, gender diverse eams ha represen a range of ages and places 87% of  he tme produce superior business decisions.  The key akeaway from his is ha eectve leadership requires a range of eam conributons. Your group's decision-making will be more eectve if i is more varied.


Summarise (in a paragraph) the requirements for the development and

presentation of a brief.

The process of creatng policies and procedures is dynamic and complex. I demand dem andss h he e exe execut cutve' ve's, s, pol policy icyhol holder der's 's,, sa sakeh kehold olders ers', ', and wor worker kers' s' partcipaton and dedicaton. However, when designed and implemened corr co rrec ecl ly, y, a co corp rpor orat aton on or r rm m ca can n op oper era ae e e eec ectv tvel ely y an and d simp simply ly accomplish is objectves. Additonally, i can assis he rm or organisaton in mainaining positve connectons wih boh is sa and cliens as well as he legal and social framework in which i operaes.



Summarise he requiremens for he developmen and presenaton of a brief and feedback regiser. A recommendaton engine, oen known as a recommender sysem, is a ool ha algorihm developers can use o forecas which hings from a given lis a user may or may no nd appealing. In additon o helping consumers nd producs or conen, re reco comm mmen enda dato ton n engi engine ness oer oer an inr inrig igui uing ng re repl plac acem emen en fo forr se sear arch ch elds elds.. Recommendaton engines are a prey inerestng alernatve o search elds, as recommendaton engines help users discover producs or conen ha hey may no come across oherwise.


Lis four (4) bodies you may be required o seek approval from o develop and implemen solutons. 1. The ex execu ecutve tve com commi miee ee The executve commiee is described as a "group of direcors designaed o functon


on behalf of, and wihin he powers graned o hem by, he board of direcors, oen consistng of a chairman, vice-chairperson, secreary, and reasurer" in he Business Dictonary. Senior executves and board ocers make up he executve commiee. The executve commiee membership is specically described in he organizaton's bylaws. The executve commiee ypically includes he corporaton's presiden or chief executve ocer and all of he board's ocers. Mos executve commiees have hree o seven members, which is a raher small number. The executve commiee members are ypically chosen by he board of  direcors, while in oher organizatons he board chair is responsible. Board of directors


The Chairman of he Board of Direcors will choose he opics for Board meetngs. The Chairm Chairman an of he Board Board of Direc Direcors ors will receiv receive e repor reporss from from he Board secrearia, which is responsible for writng meetng agendas and minues as well as oher adminisratve asks relatng o board meetngs. The Chairman of he Board of Direcors shall appoin he secrearia for he Company's Board. Functional managers/leaders managers/leaders The Chairman of he Board of Direcors will choose he opics for Board meetngs. The Chairm Chairman an of he Board Board of Direc Direcors ors will receiv receive e repor reporss from from he Board secrearia, which is responsible for writng meetng agendas and minues as well as oher adminisratve asks relatng o board meetngs. The Chairman of he Board of Direcors shall appoin he secrearia for he Company's Board. The functonal syle assumes ha leadership is dened by he behavior of he leader and i iss corres correspon pondin ding g eec eec on he group. group. Lea Leader dershi ship p is som someh ehing ing ha ha any individual provides o a group o mee cerain needs. Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K   BSBCRT611 Apply Apply Critical Thinking for Comp Complex lex Problem Solving| 10 © 2021 RTO Works




Regulatory bodies A public organizaton or governmen agency ha was esablished o carry ou a regulaory functon is known as a regulaory body. This enails seng he bar for actons, imposing sandards, crieria, or prohibitons, and enforcing in hese areas or gaining gaining complianc compliance. e. Many dieren professions professions are covered covered by regulaor regulaory y agenci age ncies, es, alhou alhough gh no all profes professio sions ns are are regula regulaed ed and some some may be selfselfre regu gula lao ory ry.. O Oher her name namess fo forr a regu regula lao ory ry body body incl includ ude e re regu gula lao ory ry ag agen ency cy,, regulaory auhoriy, and regulaor. Environmental bodies.

The UN leads environmenal policy developmen hrough he work of some key bodies.   

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, Commission on Sustainable Development, and UN Forum on Forest


Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K   BSBCRT611 Apply Apply Critical Thinking for Comp Complex lex Problem Solving| 11 © 2021 RTO Works


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