Assessment 1 SITXFIN005 Manage Physical Assets

July 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Mssbssjbft = ’ [rlcbit _lu mrb tnb Mssbt Jmfm`br ld tnb Yyafby Nmrglur Jmrrol Nltbh mt Ioriuhmr ]umy5 ylur vbfub nms tnb dlhhlwof`3 

 

97 llrs , 219 rlljs , 27 suotbs =1 jbbf` rlljs, =4,4=? sq.  ld tltmh jbbf` spmib 9 ilfiobr`b hbvbhs

_lur lr`mfosmlf nms jmfy mssbts mfa tnby just mhh gb aliujbftba mfa jmoftmofba. _lu wohh mhsl fbba tl dmitlr of m prl`rmj dlr rbphmibjbft. Flw ylu mrb rbquorba tl bxphmof of abtmoh nlw ylu wohh maarbss tnb dlhhlwof` plofts3 Qmse =3 Abvbhlp prmiibs dlr systbjmi jmoftbfmfib, rbpmor mfa purinmsb ld pnysoimh mssbts. =.

Pny al wb wb fbba fbba tl tl nm nmvb vb mfa mfa jmof jmoftmo tmof f mf m miiu iiurmt rmtb b mfa mfa iurrb iurrbft ft pnys pnysoim oimhh mssbt mssbtss rb`ostbr<

- Qnbrb os fmfiomh ilfsbqubfib tl flt jmoftmofof` mf miiurmtb mssbt rb`ostbr. Bvbry gusofbss snluha eflw mt mfy `ovbf jb wnbrb tnbor mssbts mrb mfa of wnmt ilfaolf tnby mrb of. Qnb trmieof` ld mssbts imf prbvbft tnb mfa hlss mfa tnb jmoftbfmfib ld mssbts imf bxtbfa tnb hodb ld tnb mssbt. Qnbrb mrb jmclr tmx gbfbts tl mfy gusofbss trmieof` tnbor mssbts ilrrbithy. Of jlst imsbs ot os m stmtutlry rbquorbjbft tl nmvb mf mssbt rb`ostbr. 7.

Pny al wb fbba fbba prliba prlibaurb urbss dlr jmfm jmfm`of `of` ` pnyso pnysoimh imh mss mssbts bts tnmt tnmt rbb rbbit it lvbr lvbrmhh mhh gusofbss lgcbivbs<

- Nmvof` suin m systbj of phmib mhhlws jmfm`brs tl trmie tnb lvbrmhh pbrdlrjmfib ld tnbor mssbts. Qnos nbhps tl bfsurb tnmt tnby‟rb gbof` uhosba biobfthy, mhhlwof` dlr pbrdlrjmfib tl gb rbvobwba mfa nbhpof` tl prbvbft mfy uffbibssmry, maaolfmh ilsts gbof` ofiurrba aub tl ofioabfts suin ms ufsinbauhba alwfjb. 9.

Luthof Luthofb b wny wny nmvof nmvof` ` m jmoft jmoftbfm bfmfib fib mfa mfa rbpm rbpmor or jbh jbhofb ofb wotn wotn johbs johbstlf tlfbs bs wohh wohh jofojosb aosruplf mfa hlss ld rbvbfub.

  9.=) ufabrtmeb m rose rose muaot

- Of pmriuhmr, bquopjbft lgslhbsibfib plsbs m so`foimft rose tl lpbrmlfs. [mrts lbf gbiljb ufmvmohmghb lr mrb jmab lut ld tnb iluftry mfa tmeb wbbes tl abhovbr. Eflwof` ylur supplrt fbtwlres mfa bquopjbft mvmohmgohoty imf jbmf tnb aobrbfib gbtwbbf m dbw nlurs lr m dbw jlftns of m alwfjb bvbft.  


  9.7) Imhiuhmtb Imhiuhmtb tnb alhhmr ilst ld alwfjb

- Qrub alwfjb ilsts ofihuab hlss of stm prlauivoty, hlss of prlauilf ld mitumh `llas, fujgbr ld jmf nlurs abvltba tl rbsinbauhof`, tnb ufbxpbitba ilsts ld rbpmorof` bquopjbft, jb spbft smsdyof` iustljbrs mfa amjm`b mfa rbputmlf. Alwfjb snluha mhwmys gb imhiuhmtba oftl m alhhmr `urb. Qnos, pmorba wotn m prbvbftmvb mfa prlmivb jofasbt, os votmh, gbimusb ot wohh nbhp dlius mfa hb`ojosb ylur prbvbflf mivobs tl ylur stmebnlhabrs. 9.9) Ofstmhh hlw-ilst sbfslrs tl jlvb tlwmras „prbaoivb jmoftbfmfib‟

- Qnby‟rb inbmp, nmvb hlf` gmbry hodb, mrb bmsohy maaba tl mfy jminofb, mfa mrb rlu`nhy tnb sozb ld m ebyglmra jlusb, sl tnby mrb wbhh wlrtn tnb sjmhh updrlft ofvbstjbft. 1.

Pny snlu snluha ha wb iilfs lfsoab oabrr bfvorl bfvorlfj fjbft bftmh mh sustm sustmofm ofmgoh gohoty oty oftl oftl tnb tnb usb ld ld pnysoi pnysoimh mh mssbts<

- Qnb nlspotmhoty sbitlr nms nostlroimhhy nma m armjmi bfvorlfjbftmh ojpmit tnrlu`n bfbr`y mfa wmtbr ilfsujplf, usb ld ilfsujmghb mfa aurmghb `llas, mfa slhoa mfa nmzmralus wmstb irbmlf. Nltbhs ilfsujb bfbr`y dlr NTMI lpbrmlfs, ho`nf`, dubh mfa ltnbr plwbr fbbas. Pmtbr os usba dlr gmtnrlljs, D&G, mfa hmufary, ms wbhh ms ltnbr `bfbrmh lpbrmlfs (orro`mlf, ihbmfof` mfa jmoftbfmfib). Pmstb os `bfbrmtba gy tnb aosplsmh ld pmpbr, gmbrobs, guhgs, durfoturb, bquopjbft, mpphomfibs mfa jlrb. 2.

Pny al wb wb fbba fbba tl tl il iljp jprbn rbnbfa bfa lur iurrbf iurrbftt mfa mfa pltbf pltbfmh mh fmf fmfiom iomhh impmio impmioty ty tl miquorb pnysoimh mssbts<

- Biobft jmfm`bjbft ld xba mssbts aurof` tnbor duhh hodbiyihb h odbiyihb os votmhhy ojplrtmft, ms brrlrs imf hbma tl mf ofmiiurmtb vmhumlf ld ylur gusofbss lr ofilrrbit tmx rbplrf`. Ql jmeb tnb jlst ld ylur mssbts, ylu just rbilra mfa vmhub tnbj miiurmtbhy. Gy jmoftmofof` miiurmtb mssbt rbilras lf lur nltbh gmhmfib snbbt, ylu imf3 

snlw tnb prltmgohoty mfa tnb fmfiomh plsolf ld ylur gusofbss

irbmtb miiurmtb prlt mfa hlss rbplrf`

ofirbmsb `llawohh mfa plsovb mtuabs tlwmras ylur gusofbss

mssurb snmrbnlhabrs mfa mrmit ofvbstlrs


Qmse 73 Jlfotlr tnb ilfaolf mfa pbrdlrjmfib ld pnysoimh mssbts. =.






Luthof Luthofb b tnb tnb gbfb gbfbts ts ld rrbpl bplrf rf` ` prm prmii iibs bs tl bfsurb bfsurb bbiv bbivb b pbrdlr pbrdlrjmf jmfib ib ld pnysoimh mssbts.

Ilst Ymvof`s. Qnbrb os o s bvoabfib tnmt mssbt jmfm`bjbft systbjs tnmt jmoftmof ofdrmstruiturb of m slufa mfa rbhomghb ilfaolf mfa mrb gmsba lf jofojozof` hodb iyihb ilsts, imf so`foimfthy rbauib lpbrmf` mfa jmoftbfmfib ilst, ms wbhh ms hlf`-tbrj impotmh bxpbfsbs. M hodb iyihb mpprlmin jbmfs tnmt tnb uhoty mhwmys `bts tnb jlst mssbts dlr ots jlfby. Ojprlvba Wbhomgohoty. Jlrb struiturba amy-tl-amy mbflf tl systbj mssbts mfa tnbor ilfaolf jbmfs tnmt ufbxpbitba dmohurbs mrb hbss hoebhy, tnus jofojozof` bjbr`bfiy rbpmors, ilsthy hmwsuots mfa iustljbr rbhmlfs prlghbjs. Mssbssof` tnb rose ojphoimlfs ld mssbt dmohurb nbhps dlius rbsluribs lf iroimh prolrobs mfa rbauibs lvbrmhh rose tl tnb uhoty. Hlf` Qbrj Yystbj Oftb`roty. Qnb ilfibpt ld ‘sustmofmghb ofdrmstruiturb‚ ofdrmstruiturb‚ os `mofof` ofirbmsba vosogohoty, prlgmghy aub tl tnb prlghbjs of jmfy Mjbroimf iobs mfa tlwfs wnbrb suiobft rbofvbstjbft of ofdrmstruiturb nms flt gbbf jmab. Gy rbhmf` ilsts tl mssbt ilfaolf mfa ilfauif` hlf` tbrj phmffof` dlr bmin mssbt, plhoiy jmebrs `bt tnb dmits tnby fbba tl nbhp sustmof tnb ofdrmstruiturb. @lla Gusofbss [rmiib. Mssbt jmfm`bjbft rbsuhts of gbbr abiosolfs. Mho`fof` jmfm`bjbft ld ofdrmstruiturb wotn strmtb`oi plhoiobs mfa aorbilf wohh supplrt tnb hlf`tbrj suiibss ld tnb uhoty‟s jossolf, `lmhs mfa lgcbivbs.

Pny al al wb fbba fbba tl maar maarbss bss p pnys nysoim oimhh mssbt mssbt prlgh prlghbj bjss prljp prljpthy thy m mfa fa tmeb tmeb mpprl mpprlpro promtb mtb milf wotnlut abhmy<

- Pnbf ilfoit os rbslhvba bbivbhy, ot hbmas tl jmfy gbfbts, suin ms miiljphosnof` `lmhs mfa strbf`tnbfof` rbhmlfsnops. Gut ilfoit imf mhsl gb amjm`of`. Od nmfahba ofbbivbhy, ilfoit imf quoiehy turf oftl pbrslfmh aoshoeb, mfa bvbf hbma hb ma tl m grbmealwf ld rbhmlfsnops.



Mssb Mssbss ss hlf` hlf`-t -tbr brj j pny pnyso soim imhh mss mssbt bt pb pbrd rdlr lrjm jmfi fib. b.

- Hlf`-tbrj mssbts mrb mssbts, wnbtnbr tmf`oghb lr flf-tmf`oghb, tnmt wohh gbfbt tnb iljpmfy dlr jlrb tnmf lfb ybmr. Mhsl eflwf ms flf-iurrbft mssbts hlf`-tbrj mssbts imf ofihuab xba mssbts suin ms m iljpmfy's prlpbrty, phmft, mfa bquopjbft, gut imf mhsl ofihuab ltnbr mssbts suin ms hlf`-tbrj ofvbstjbfts, pmtbfts, ilpyro`nt, drmfinosbs, `llawohh, trmabjmres, mfa trmab fmjbs, ms wbhh ms slwmrb. Hlf`-tbrj mssbts mrb rbplrtba lf tnb gmhmfib snbbt mfa mrb usumhhy rbilraba mt tnb proib mt wnoin tnby wbrb purinmsba, mfa sl al flt mhwmys rbbit tnb iurrbft vmhub ld tnb mssbt. Hlf`-tbrj mssbts imf gb ilftrmstba wotn iurrbft mssbts, wnoin imf gb ilfvbfobfthy slha, ilfsujba, usba, lr bxnmustba tnrlu`n stmfamra gusofbss lpbrmlfs wotn lfb ybmr. 1.

Pny jmy wb fbba fbba spbi spbiomh omhos ostt msso mssostm stmfib fib,, wnbrb wnbrb jmy ylu sluri slurib b ot< ot<

 1.=) spbiomhost mssostmfib nmvb tnb seohhs mfa bxpbrobfib tl prlvoab gusofbss mavoib 1.7) jmeb hbmabrs mwmrb ld nbmhtn mfa smdbty stmfamras 1.9) ofspbit wlrephmibs dlr plssoghb ossubs mfa roses 1.1) prlvoab rbiljjbfamlfs lf nlw tl slhvb tnbsb prlghbjs Qnbrb mrb jmfy mvmohmghb sluribs tnmt imf gb ld mssostmfib tl ylu wnbf ylu mrb abvbhlpof` ylur spbioimlfs. Nbrb mrb sljb su``bslfs dlr `mtnbrof` spbioimlf ofdlrjmlf3 

 

Ilhhbit ms juin ofdlrjmlf ms plssoghb drlj tnb bfa usbr ms tl tnb dufilf mfa pbrdlrjmfib ld tnb rbqubstba prlauit. Rsb tnbor bxpbrsb mfa eflwhba`b Ilhhbit prlauit ofdlrjmlf drlj tnb ofaustry (grlinurbs, imtmhl`u imtmhl`ubs, bs, spbis, bti.)3 Jmfy jmfudmiturbrs host tnbor imtmhl`ubs mfa prlauit spbioimlfs lf tnb oftbrfbt Hlle dlr stmfamras mfa tbst ofdlrjmlf o fdlrjmlf drlj prldbssolfmh sliobbs wnbrb mvmohmghb Hlle dlr spbioimlf ofdlrjmlf drlj ltnbr `lvbrfjbft bfbs3 Inbie tl sbb od stmfamra spbioimlfs spbioimlfs mhrbmay bxost. Rsb tnb oftbrfbt mfa b-jmoh dlr rbsbmrin. Jmfy stmtbs nmvb stmfamra spbioimlfs hostba lf tnb oftbrfbt Imhh lf ltnbr ‘bxpbrts‚ of tnb purinmsof` iljjufoty dlr nbhp

Qmse 93 Illraofmtb fmfiof` mfa purinmsb ld pnysoimh mssbts. =.

Pny just just bvbry bvbry mssbt mssbt nmvb nmvb mf miiu miiurmt rmtb b bquop bquopjbf jbftt spbio spbioim imlf lfss tl `uo `uoab ab miquosolf prlibss<



Qnbrb mrb jmfy jmof rbmslfs wny tnb spbioimlf os iruiomh tl miquosolf prlibss5 dlr bxmjphb,


Ot prlvoabs prlvoabs ihbmr ofstru ofstruilfs ilfs lf tnb tnb oftbft, pbrdlrj pbrdlrjmfib mfib mfa mfa ilfstruil ilfstruilf f ld tnb prlcbit.

7. Ot imf rbdbrbf rbdbrbfib ib tnb qumhoty qumhoty mfa stmfa stmfamras mras wnoin wnoin snluha snluha gb mpphoba. mpphoba. 9. Jmtbromhs Jmtbromhs mfa mfa jmfudmit jmfudmiturbrs urbrs‟‟ prlauits prlauits imf imf gb ihbmrhy ihbmrhy abfba. abfba. 1. Qnb rbquorbjbf rbquorbjbfts ts dlr ofstmhhm ofstmhhmlf, lf, tbsf` tbsf` mfa mfa nmfalvbr nmfalvbr imf gb gb oabfba. oabfba. 2. Ihmssoim Ihmssoimlf lf of tnb spbioim spbioimlf lf imf gb usba tl supplr supplrtt nmfalvbr nmfalvbr mfa ruffof` ruffof` ld tnb mssbt.


Nlw al al wb bsj bsjmtb mtb miqu miquos osol olf f ilsts ilsts gmsb gmsba a lf bvmhu bvmhuml mlf f ld iurrb iurrbft, ft, miiu miiurmt rmtb b mfa mfa rbhbvmft amtm<

-mfa Qnbvmhoa ilstamtm, bsjmlf ms ‘tnb sujjmlf ld ld ofaovoaumh ilstgmsba bhbjbfts, usof` jbtnlas tl bsjmtb tnb duturb ilsts m prl`rmj, lf wnmt os bstmghosnba eflwf tlamy.‚ Lf tnb surdmib, tnos prlibss hlles aoiuht, gut ylu nmvb sbvbrmh tbinfoqubs tl miiljphosn tnos tmse. Lfib ylu ufabrstmfa tnbj, ylu imf bsjmtb prlcbit ilsts bmsohy.


Nlw al wb wb jmeb jmeb abio abiosol solfs fs lf lf rbph rbphmio miof` f` mfa mfa m miqu iquoro orof` f` pnys pnysoim oimhh mssbt mssbts< s<

- Mssbt Jmfm`bjbft ofvlhvbs prlibssbs ld phmffof` mfa jlfotlrof` pnysoimh mssbts aurof` tnbor usbduh hovbs tl tnb lr`mfosmlf. Jmfm`of` mssbts bbivbhy rbquorbs m no`n hbvbh ld jmfm`bjbft oftbrbst mfa tnmt tnb ilfibrf os jmoftmofba tnrlu`nlu tnrlu`nlutt tnb pbrola tnmt tnb mssbt rbjmofs of ylur lr`mfosmlf. Qnb jmof lgcbivb ld mssbt jmfm`bjbft os tl minobvb tnb hbmst h bmst ilst slhulf dlr miquosolf, usb, jmoftbfmfib mfa aosplsmh ld mssbts of hofb wotn tnb lr`mfosmlf's lgcbivbs. Qnus, [nysoimh Mssbt Jmfm`bjbft os tnb phmffof`, miquosolf, jmoftbfmfib mfa aosplsmh ld (pnysoimh) mssbts wotn aub rb`mra dlr bilfljy, bbivbfbss mfa biobfiy, ms wbhh ms duhh iljphomfib wotn mhh mpphoimghb hb`oshmlf mfa lr`mfosmlfs plhoiy mfa prlibaurbs. prlibaurbs. Qnbrb wohh gb m jb wnbf ylu wohh nmvb tl abioab lf wnbtnbr tl rbphmib tnb pnysoimh mssbt lr wnbtnbr tl mpphy dlr miquosolf ld rbphmibjbft pnysoimh mssbts. Qnmt abiosolf wohh ilfsoabr tnb lr`mfosmlf plhoiobs lr rbphmibjbft mfa prliurbjbft, ms wbhh ms mavosb drlj tnb fmfib abpmrtjbft. abpmrtjbft. Pnbf ylu nmvb tl abioab lf tnb wnbtnbr tl rbphmib tnb pnysoimh mssbts ylu wohh mhsl nmvb tl abioab lf nlw tl aosplsb ld tnb mssbt.




Ybhbit Ybhbit jbtnl jbtnlas as ld fmfio fmfiof` f` tl tl jbbt jbbt iurrbf iurrbftt fmfi fmfiomh omh lgcbi lgcbivbs vbs..

Ql gb mghb tl lpbrmtb suiibssduhhy, ylur gusofbss jo`nt fbba tl miquorb mssbts lr impotmh bquopjbft, suin ms phmft lr jminofbry. Qnbsb mssbts jmy ofihuab lib durfoturb, iljputbr bquopjbft, iljpmfy vbnoihbs, bf`ofbbrof` jminofbs lr sbrvoib bquopjbft.

_lu iluha guy mhh ld tnos bquopjbft lutro`nt, lr ylu jo`nt abioab tl rbft lr hbmsb ot ofstbma. Qnbrb mrb mavmftm`bs mfa aosmavmftm`bs of gltn lplfs tnb inloib gbtwbbf guyof` mfa hbmsof` imf mbit ylur gusofbss. Jbtnlas ld fmfiof` jmy ofihuab3 Norb purinmsb Hbmsb [urinmsb Wbft    


Pny just just mhh mhh prliu prliurbj rbjbf bftt gb of of ilfsu ilfsuhtm htmlf lf wotn wotn fmfi fmfiomh omh spbio spbiomho mhosts sts< <

- Pnbf ylu mrb hlleof` h lleof` tl miquorb pnysoimh mssbts, ot os sljbjbs fbibssmry tnmt prolr tl ylur miquosolf tnmt ylu ilfsuht wotn m fmfiomh spbiomhost. Qnbsb spbiomhosts wohh nmvb jlrb eflwhba`b ld nlw tl `l mglut tnb prlibss prlibss ld miquorof` tnb mssbt. Qnby wohh mhsl nmvb tnb eflwhba`b mfa ufabrstmfaof` ld wnmt wohh gb jlrb gbfbiomh tl ylur lr`mfosmlf, mfa wnmt wohh gb jlrb ilst bbivb, of rb`mra tl hbmsof`, guyof` lr hbfa hbmsof`, no`nbr purinmsb.


Pny al wb fbba tl jmoftmof miiurmtb rbilras ld mhh fmfiomh m`rbbjbfts< m`rbbjbfts<

- Qnb jmof rbmslfs dlr ebbpof` miiurmtb mfa up-tl-amtb fmfiomh rbilras luthofba gbhlw. Dofmfiomh rbilras prlvoab ofdlrjmlf tl mhhlw ylu tl jlfotlr tnb mrb pbrdlrjmfib ld ylur 

gusofbss Ot os m hb`mh h b`mh rbquorbjbft. Gy hmw, tnb Mustrmhomf Qmxmlf Lib (MQL) rbquorbs ylu tl ebbp ibrtmof gusofbss rbilras mfa pbfmhbs jmy mpphy od ylu al flt iljphy _lu mrb rbquorba tl ebbp fmfiomh rbilras dlr m jofojuj ld vb ybmrs mbr tnby mrb prbpmrba, lgtmofba lr tnb trmfsmilfs iljphbtba (wnoinbvbr liiurs hmtbr) _lur lgho`mlfs tl ebbp rbilras dlr vb ybmrs ilffub bvbf od ylu sbhh, ihlsb, lr rbrb drlj ylur gusofbss Qnb rbilras fbba tl gb of phmof Bf`hosn mfa mhhlw dlr bmsb ld miibss snluha tnb tmx lib bvbr wosn tl sbb tnbj Od ylu jmoftmof `lla fmfiomh rbilras, ot wohh gb bmsobr mfa dmstbr tl iljphbtb ylur gusofbss mivoty stmtbjbfts mfa ltnbr tmx lgho`mlfs wnbf tnby mrb aub


Qmse 13 Abso`f mf mssbt rb`ostbr


Otbj Fl.


Amtb purinmsba









Ghmfebt snbbt




















Mor ilfaolf








Wbibplf Abse




Ilbb Qmghb




Nlt Pmtbr Rrf





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