Asq Vda Fmea 202001 PDF

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VDA FMEA Overview  ASQ Section 1302

January 2020



Why VDA FMEA was needed? Key Differences from AIAG FMEA 7-Step VDA FMEA Process Exercise Q&A



Failure Modes and Effects Analysis ❑What

is FMEA? A tool for proactively identifying how a product, process or system can fail (Risks) then prioritize actions to reduce risks –

Developed by NASA adopted by the Automotive Ind. ❑Proactive > to be used early in the product or process development > design out or control potential failure causes ❑Living > should be reviewed regularly

drive continuous


PFMEA Process FMEA emphasizes lowering risk by errorproofing process steps (risk reduction)


Why was VDA FMEA needed? Business objectives that support VDA FMEA 1. Increas Increasing ing quali quality, ty, reli reliabi abilit lity, y, manuf manufactu acturab rabili ility ty and safe safety ty of Automotive products driverless vehicles –

2. Ensures Ensures the the linkage linkage,, interf interface ace and and alignme alignment nt of requir requireme ements nts to internal and external customers and suppliers 3. Bui Build ldin ing g a know knowle ledge dge ba base se in in the com compa pany ny Lessons Learned –

4. Ensures Ensures comp complia liance nce with with regu regulat lation ionss and cust custome omerr requir req uireme ements nts - IA IATF TF

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AIAG & VDA Combined Methodologies

13-Step Process

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Changes with VDA FMEA (compared to AIAG) ❑

RPN is replaced with Action Priority level (High, Medium or Low) for prioritizing risk reduction/improvement actions

Greater emphasis on understanding function, and effect on critical characteristics at each process

Focus on prevention controls (error proofing)

Columns in former FMEA format are moved to new locations for greater emphasis

7-Step approach replaces FMEA 4 th Edition 13-step approach


VDA FMEA 7-Step Process

Risk Communication

7 Results Documentation     i    s    s    y     l    a    n    A    e    r    u     l     i    a    F    4

   s     i    s    y     l    a    n    A     k    s     i    R

   n    o     i    t    a    z     i    m     i    t    p     O



Failure Analysis & Risk Mitigation

3 Function Analysis 2 Structure Analysis 1 Planning & Preparation Preparation

System Analysis

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VDA PFMEA Expectations ❑Clearly described potential failure modes in technically

precise specific terms (use x-functional team with SMEs)

❑Consequences of failure modes are accurately described

❑Failure causes are realistic and reasonable ❑Not


❑Extreme events are not considered ❑Failures resulting from intended misuse

❑Completeness: ❑Foreseeable potential failures are not concealed



VDA FMEA Overview

Step 1 – Planning and Preparation

Process identification or product/process name Document number Individual and/or team responsibility for the FMEA update Revision level & date and original FMEA date dat e

Tier 1 & 2 suppliers often list production/platform info



2nd Step: Structural Analysis ❑Identifies and breaks down

manufacturing Process Steps and Process work elements process into Process items,

❑Tools include tree ❑

diagram (below) or block diagram

Use 4Ms to determine work element (Man, Machine, Material, Method)


3rd Step: Function Analysis ❑Describes what the process item or process step is intended

to do

❑Identify all the functions performed at the process step and


this function relates to:

Process Item Control Factors



1) The next higher levels 2) Impact on product characteristics Noise Factors



4th Step: Failure Analysis ❑

IdentifyModes), how theeffects focus element process can go wrong (Failure on product and process (failure effects), severity of the effects and causes impacting: 1. End-product performance (Product Effect) 2. Downstream process quality/efficiency 3. Product Characteristics


5th Step: Risk Analysis ❑ Describe/rate Severity(S) of Effects, the effectiveness of current

process prevention and detection controls, identified in step 4, and calculates the Action Priority number 


Special Characteristics Customer req. or from D/PFMEA


6th Step: Optimization ❑ Prioritize high risk failure modes and define corrective actions to reduce

with details action plans ❑Once

actions are complete complete re-assess the the Severity, Occurrence Occurrence and Detection ratings





Step: Results Documentation

❑Confirm effectiveness and document tasks completed

and summarize the results of actions identified based on PFMEA analysis

❑Management of the improvement actions


results and conclusions from analysis

within organization, customers and suppliers


FMEA 4th Edition Method vs VDA FMEA 1. Process Item System,

2. Process Step Station

Subsystem, Part Element No. and Name of Focus or Name of Process

1. Function of the Process

3. Process Work Element

Item, Function of System,

4M Type

Subsystem, Part Element





or Process

2. Function of the Process Step and Product

3. Function of the Process


Work Element and

(Quantitative value is

Process Characteristic


1. Failure Effects (FE) to the Next Higher Level Element and/or End User

   f   o    )    S    (   y   E    t    i    F   r   e   v   e    S

2. Failure Mode (FM) Focus Element

3. Failure Cause (FC) of the Work Element

AIAG 4th Ed. FMEA Format Item


Prevention Controls (PC) of FC

    f    o     )    O     (    e    c    E    n    F    e    r    r    u    c    c    O

Detection Controls (DC) of FC of FM

OPTIMIZATION (Step 6)     f    o     )    D     (    n    M    F    o     /    i    t    C    e    c    F    t    e    D

   y    t    i    r    o    i    r    P    n    t    i    o    c    A

   s    c    i    t    s    l    i    a    i    r    c    e    e    t    p    c    a    r    S    a    h    C

   e    )    d    l    o    a    C    n    o    r    i    t    e    t    p    i    l     (    F    O

Responsible Person's Name

Target Completion Status Date

Action Taken with Completion Pointer to Evidence



  E   F    f   o    )    S    (   y   t    i   r   e   v   e    S

   f   o    )    O    (   e   c   E   n  F   e   r   u   c   c    O

   f   y   o   t    )    i   r   D   o    (    i   r   n  M   F   P   o    /    i   t   C   n   c   F    i   o   e   t   t   c   e   A   D

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FMEA Overview

– Rate Rate the Severity most serious Failure Effect for a given Failure Mode Severity 9 or 10 Ranking is reserved for vehicle safety functions or




PFMEA Occurrence Rating Guidelines Based on history (customer complaints, internal scrap, or

rework) Be conservative and consistent in rating selections

Copied from FMEA manual 3rd Ed.

One table is used throughout local plant

Supporting rational are documented

Changes have been approved by local

customer management office


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VDA FMEA Detection Rankings Review each column and to determine best fit related to controls ability to detect either: 1) Failure Cause (FC) 2) Failure Mode (FM)

Column on the right can be used for plant examples – helps to drive consistency


RISK ANALYSIS (Step 5) ❑ Using the S, O, and D ratings the next

objective is the identify the Action Priority level

   E    F     f    o     )    S     (    y    t    i    r    e    v    e    S

    f    o     )    O     (    e    c    E    n   F    e    r    r    u    c    c    O

    f    o     )    D     (    n   M    F    o     /    i    t    C    c    F    e    t    e    D

   y    t    i    r    o    i    r    P    n    o    i    t    c    A

EX 1





❑ Going left to right S>O>D in the

EX 2





EX 3





EX 4





EX 5





VDA FMEA software can do this automatically

AP table on the next slide check for the appropriate AP level

❑See exercise values to the right

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VDA FMEA Action Priority Rules -

(H) (H) Hi High ghe est Pr Priiorit orityy fo forr ac acti tion on


The team team must must either either identi identify fy an approp appropria riate te act action ion to improv improve e prevention and/or Detection controls or justify and document why the current controls are adequate

- (M) (M) Me Medi dium um pr prio iori rity ty fo forr ac acti tion on -

The team team shou should ld ident identify ify appr appropr opriat iate e act action ionss to impro improve ve preve preventi ntion on and/or detection controls, or, at company discretion, justify and document why controls are adequate

- (L) (L) LLow ow pr priiorit orityy ffor or ac acti tion on -

Team could could ident identify ify acti actions ons to to improv improve e preven preventio tion n and dete detecti ction on control


Optimization (Step 6) ❑ Action Status Options:

❑ Action order of effectiveness: ❑

Process modifications to eliminate or mitigate Failure Effect (FE)

Process modifications to reduce the Occurrence of Failure Cause (FC)

Increase the Detection ability for the Failure Cause (FC) or Failure Mode (FM)

Note: With any process modification, modification, all impacted impacted process steps are evaluated again


VDA FME VDA FMEA A 7-St 7-Step ep Ap Appr proa oach ch - Ex Exam ampl ple e SYSTEM ANALYSIS



1st Step: PLANNING AND PREPARA PREPARATION TION ❑Project Identification ❑Project Planning: 5T’s – InTent, Timing, Team, Task and Tools ❑Boundaries:

What is included included and excluded from the process?

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PLANNING AND PREPARATION Example: A critical critical Automotive Automotive customer customer sent you you and RFQ to supply stainless stainless steel for a new catalytic converter details below: ❑Two components:

1) Heat Shield (2-piece) and 2) Body (2 piece Upper & Lower) ❑Heat Shield: .6mm thick 409 stainless steel ❑Body: .8 mm thick 409 stainless steel ❑ Stamped (deep draw) shape and shear to shape >

assemble > resistance welded *Assume stainless steel is a common product for your plant, but this is a new grade (never before produced)


Boundary Diagram From Assy customer 

STRUCTURE ANALYSIS (Step 2) 1. Process Item System, Subsystem, Part Element or

2. Process Step Station No. and Name of Focus Element

3. Process Work Element 4M Type

(Op10)Place lower body and flanges in weld fixture

Operator: Fixture: Materials

(Op20) Weld lower body to flanges

Operator: Machine: Method

(Op40) Assemble core elements

Operator: Method:

(Op60) Weld upper body to flanges and lower body

Operator: Machine: Method

Name of Process

Core & Heat Shield Assembly


From Process

From Process



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OEM Assembles Exhaust in Vehicle Exhaust pipe

VDA FMEA Structure Analysis Shipping

Assy and Test Assemble HS & Pressure Test Assemble Core STRUCTURE ANALYSIS (Step 2) 1. Process Item Weld & Test 2. Process Step Station

Visualizing processing steps is beneficial in assessing structure risks and necessary controls

Stamp & Shear Body & HS Coil Slitting

Cold Mill Hot Mill

System, Subsystem, 3. Process Work Element 4M No. and Name of Focus Part Element or Name Type Element of Process

Stamp Lower Body

(10)Setup coil guides (20) Set progression (30) Set draw

Machine: Mat’l: Lot to

depth (40) FAI



Casting LMF Scrap Loading

Method: Mat’l:

Edge Variation

Machine: Method: Man: Lot Formability 

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Func ncti tion on Ana Analy lysi sis s - Pa Para rame mete ter r Diag Diagra ram m Fu ❑ Control Factors = System design parameters that engineering can change

Control Factors

Noise Factors ❑ Noise Factors = things that can influence the

design that are not under

direct control of the engineer ❑Error States are any kind of inherent loss of energy transfer or other

undesirable system outputs

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Func ncti tion on Ana Analy lysi sis s - Pa Para rame mete ter r Diag Diagra ram m Fu ❑

Control FactorsFactors- Mechanical and Chemical>> Chemical>> Control Factors

Class exercise: List Noise Factors that could Noise Factors influence function ❑ Noise Factors –Performance Change Over Time, Extreme performance? Environments, Piece to Piece variation, Customer Usage, System Interactions

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Function Analysis ❑

Capture product and process functions for your processes ❑ A Function Analysis Structure Tree can help -one process focus element at a time 1. Function of the Process Item, Function of System, Subsystem, Part Element

2. Function of the Process Step and Product 3. Function of the Process Characteristic Work Element and Process (Quantitative value is Characteristic optional)

or Process

Assemble flanges, body, core elements. Weld for structural and gas flow function

(30) Position/align lower body and flanges for core assy procerss

Ensure proper alignment for welding process

Create structural and gas barrier seal to lower (50) Position core elements Place and align core for flow (no gases bypass) elements  (40) Weld lower body to flanges

... (60) Weld upper body to Create structural and gas flanges and lower body to barrier seal between prevent gas bypass or upper body and lower escape

From Structure

From SA

Analysis Step

Routing step

CC Assembly Process Function: Assembly convertor core and weld

Op(60) Weld upper body to lower core assy.

Process Functions: Operator: Setup weld fixture, welder and tooling and parameters Operator: Place core sub-assy and upper body in weld fixture

Process Function: Create structural weld (to flanges and lower Weld Robot: Weld body assy) upper body to Welded gas barrier seal flanges

What does it do?


Function Analysis Structure Tree

Weld Robot: Welds upper and lower flanges


OEM Assembles Exhaust in Vehicle Exhaust pipe

Function Analysis Shipping

Assy and Test Assemble HS & Pressure Test 2. Function of the Process 1. Function of the Process Assemble Core Step and Product 3. Function of the Process Item, Function of System, Characteristic Work Element and Process Weld & Test Subsystem, Part Element

Identifying Functions requires knowledge of transformative processes

(Quantitative value is optional)


Position/align lower body and flanges for core assy procerss

Ensure proper alignment for welding process

or Process

Stamp & Shear Body & HS

in your plant

Coil Slitting Cold Mill Hot Mill Casting LMF Scrap Loading

Cross functional teams identify internal process Functions

Assemble flanges, body, core elements. Weld for structural and gas flow function

Create structural and gas barrier seal to lower Position core elements for Place and align core flow (no gases bypass) elements

 Weld lower body to flanges

... Weld upper body to flanges and lower body to prevent gas bypass or escape

Address any process characteristics (temp, pressures etc.)

Create and gas barrier structural seal between upper body and lower

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Function Analysis ❑ Function of Process identified in Structure Analysis is described in Process Function column ❑ The function or transforming action from the focus element is describe in the function of process step column ❑ The function of the process work element is described in the function of the Process work column



1) Function of the Process Item, 1)Process Item System, Process Step Station No. Process Work Element 4M Function of System, Subsystem, and Name of Focus Subsystem, Part Element Type Part Element or Process Element or Name of Process Rece Receiv ivin ing g mate materi rial al

(1 (10) 0) Re Rece ceiv ivin ing g In Insp spec ecti tion on

Ma Mate teri rial al:: (not (not me meet etin ing g spec)(damage)(assesss coil spec)(damage)(asses runability and surface)

Sli Sli tti tting ng co coii l

(20) (20)Sl Slii ttti ting ng Pr Pro o ces cesss Setu Setup p

Ma ach chii ne: ne: Sli Sli tte tterr

(20)Slitting Process Setup

Machine: Payoff

(20)Slitting Process Setup

Machine: Takeup

(20)Slitti (20)S litting ng Proce Process ss Setup


(30) Slit coil to width

Machine: Slitter

Ensure received material identification and adherence to specification (chemistry, mechanicals, dimensional, safety and appearance) Sli Sli t ful ful l wi widt dth h coi coi l to wi widt dth h specification

2) Function of the Process Step and Product Characteristic (Quantitative value is optional) Validate material is correct per requirements

Set payoff, guides slitting blades to achieve customer width and edge quality and meet efficient rate Position incoming coil and set loop/tension requirements for efficient slitter operation

3) Function of the Process Work Element and Process Characteristic Ensure only conforming material gets into production

Slitter: Edge guides set, blade quality/edge burr confirmed, no damage confirmed, Payoff: Supplied coil set, controls on-line with press controls, loop limit controls set (to ensure correct tension to slitter) Set slitter pit loop limits and take- Takeup: set take-up up parameters for efficient parameters and ensure operator controls are Set and confi confirm rm safet safety y rail railss /guards /guards Ensure operator is safe form are in place and functioning sharp edges and pinch points slit coil - maintaining dimensions, Through out run; Slit width edge quality and appearance are consistent and meets spec , met through out slitting run Edge quality consistent, appearance quality meets

(40) Complete slitter run/ band

Machine: Takeup

Ensure run finishes and coil is banded

customer requirements Banding to prevent lose of containment in shipment


Failure Analysis (Step 4) 1. 2.

Identify potential Failure Modes (FMs) Determine Failure Effects (FE)) )- at that (FE that process step, next hire level and/or end user


Brainstorm Failure Causes (FC)

Rank Severity (S) during Risk Analysis



1. Failure Effects (FE) 3. Function of the Process Work to the Next Higher Element and Process Level Element Characteristic and/or End User Ensure only conforming material gets into production

Damage to machines, tooling, Shipping N/C


material to customer Slitter: Edge guides set, blade Excessive burr on coil quality/edge burr confirmed, no edges (safety of damage confirmed, operators) (potential to damage equipment Payoff: Supplied coil set, controls on- Downtime, frequent line with press controls, loop limit stops, inefficient slitter controls set (to ensure correct tension operation to slitter) Tak Takeup: eup: set take-up parameters and ensure controls are in auto Ensure operator is safe form sharp edges and pinch points Through out run; Slit width consistent and meets spec , Edge quality consistent, appearance quality meets

Unable to ship coil. Rework or scrap Operator (non-life threatening) injury Stamping customer unable to run product,

Opposites of the process function work elements

customer requirements Coil banding is placed and properly

become FMs.

Loss of coil containment

   S     (    y    E    t    F    i    r    f    e   o    v    e    S 6

1 2. Failure Mode (FM) Focus Element

3. Failure Cause (FC) of the Work Element

Material incorrectly identified

Wrong material type or gauge gets to production

Dull ssllitter bl blade

Slitting bl blade us used be beyound epected PM

Slitter payoff not set-up properly

improper Payoff setup


3 3

5 9

Take Take Up ccoiler oiler - loosely Improper take-up parameters rapped Guarding Guardi ng not ccorrect orrectly ly se sett Guardin Guarding g not se sett and convimfed Slit width of coil varies Edge guide not properly set or (OOS) during run hydraulic cylinder fails


Banding fails to contain slit Incorrect placement or crimp




is not suffucient


Risk Analysis(Step 5) FAILURE ANALYSIS (Step 4)    E    F     f    o     )    S     (    y    t    i    r    e    v    e    S


2. Failure Mode (FM) Focus Element

3. Failure Cause (FC) of the Work Element

Prevention Controls (PC) of FC

Material incorrectly

Wrong material type or Lot information


gauge gets to production




    f    o     )    O     (    e    c    E    n   F    e    r    r    u    c    c    O

Dull slitter b la lad e

Slitting blade u se sed beyond expected PM

Blade PMs, Blade force monitoring and alarm




Tak Take e Up coiler - loosely rapped

Improper take-up parameters


Guarding not correctly set

Guarding not set and convimfed



from suppliers, Barcodes/ scanners used by Material handlers to select material from stock End-of-coil inspection


Slitter payoff not set-up Improper Payoff setup 3

Detection Controls (DC) FC of FM

Certificates of Analysis



RISK ANALYSIS (Step 5)     f    o     )    D     (    n   M    F    o    /    i    t    C    c    F    e    t    e    D


   y    t    i    r    o    i    r    P    n    o    i    t    c    A






Verification inspection by Work Instructions, Checklists Tak Take-up e-up parameters saved - automatically loaded Training, sensor linked to controller (auto-off)


2nd setup op erator erator,, checklist




Checklist, First article, periodic check




Visual, 2nd operator verifiction



   s    c    i    s     l    t    i    a    r    i    e    c    t    e   c    p   a    S   r    a     h    C

   e    )     d    l    a    o   n    C   o    r    i    e   t    p    t     l    i     (    O    F


Risk Analysis (Step 5) RISK ANALYSIS (Step 5)

FAILURE ANALYSIS (Step 4) 1. Failure Effects (FE) to the Next Higher Level Element and/or End User Damage to machines, tooling(7) Shipping N/C material to customer(5)

Excessive burr on coil edges (safety of operators)(8), damage equipment(7)

   E    F     f    o     )     S     (    y    t     i    r    e    v    e     S

2. Failure Mode (FM) Focus Element

Material incorrectly identified

Wrong material type or gauge gets to production

Prevention Controls (PC) of FC

Lot information barcoded

D u l l s l i t t er b l a d e 8 Slitter payoff not set-up

stops(3), inefficient slitter o per atio n(2)



Unable to ship coil-delay shipment (5). Rework or scrap(4)






Downtime(3), frequent

Operator (non-life th rea ten ing) in jur y

3. Failure Cause (FC) of the Work Element

    f    o     )     O     (    e    c    E    n    F    e    r    r    u    c    c     O

Slittin g b lad e u s ed beyon d expected PM time

Blade PMs, Blade force monitoring(analytics)

Take Up coiler - loosely rapped

Improper take-up parameters

Guarding Guar ding not correct correctly ly set

Guar Guarding ding not set and confirmed

Take-up parameters saved - automatically loaded Training, sensor linked to controller (auto-off)

Certificates of Analysis from suppliers, Barcodes/ scanners used by Material handlers to select material from stock End-of-coil inspection


Improper Payoff setup

N on e

Detection Controls (DC) of FC of FM


Verification inspection by 2nd setup operator, checklist

    f    o     )    D     (    n    M    F    o    /     i    t     C    c    F    e    t    e    D

   y    t     i    r    o     i    r    P    n    o     i    t    c    A










Checklist, First article, p er i o d i c c h ec k




Visual, 2nd operator verifiction



   s    c     i    t    s     l     i    a     i    r    c    e    e    t    p    c     S    a    r    a     h     C

   e    )     d    l    a    o     C    n    o     i    r    t    e    p    t     l     i     O    F    (

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7 Step Approach

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FMEA – MSR (VDA FMEA-Section 4)

Not directly applicable for base materials

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