November 13, 2017 | Author: Trinh Nhung | Category: Dynamic Web Page, Web Server, Http Cookie, Active Server Pages, Hypertext Transfer Protocol
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1. Which of the following scripting is not suppooted by the web browser? A. Client-side scipting B. Server-side scipting C. None of the above 2. Asp code can be embedded in a _____ document. A. HTML B. Word C. PDF 3. Web pages are said to be ___ Because they do not retain information about user request. A. Dynamic B. Static 4. The ____ Attribute is used to specify the name of the source file that contains the corresponding codebehide class. A. Inherits B. SRC 5. ___is a method that can be used to create dynamic HTML pages and provide user interaction. A. Client-side scipting B. Server-side scipting C. Client-Server programming 6. The first beta version of ASP was code named_____ A. Denali B. ASP.NET C. ASP.BETA D. BETA.ASP 7. There are several mathods that can be used to create dynamic pages.

A. Server-based script B. Client-side script C. Dynamic HTML D. All the above 8. The ____ attribute is used to specify the name of the codebehide class. A. Inherits B. SRC 9. The _____ attribute causes the form to be submitted to the server. A. Runat=”server” B. Runat=”client” C. Runat=”web” D. Runat=”virtual” 10.The_____ control stores the changes made to the controls on the form. A. HTML B. Server C. Hidden D. Auto 11.The ____ method of the_____ object is used to retrieve the data in the form fields submitted by the user. A. Form.Get method of the Request object B. Form.Let method of the Request object C. Form.Get method of the Response object D. Form.Let method of the Response object 12.It is possible to check whether a .aspx page is posted back to the server with the help of the ____ property of the page. A. IsPostBack B. IsPostForward

C. IsPosted D. IsPostedBack 13.The____method of the _____ object is used to redirect the user to another page. A. Redirect method of the Response B. Form.Get method of the Request object C. Form.Let method of the Request object D. Redirect method of the Request 14.Setting the textmode to ___ allows the user to enter many lines of data. A. Singleline B. Manyline C. Multiline D. Anyline 15.___ are used mainly when user needs to navigate between pages. A. Buttons B. ImageButtons C. Linkbuttons D. Hyperlinks 16.The______property of a checkbox control can slow down the application. A. PostBack B. AutoPostBack C. AutoPost D. SelfPost 17.The _____ property of the RadioButton control restricts the user to select only one option from a given set of option. A. GroupName B. PanelName

C. RadioName D. ButtonName 18.A____control allows the user to choose one or more option from a list of options. A. DropDownList B. ListBox C. DropBox D. DropDown 19.The _____ control is used to mainly control the visibility of a group of controls. A. Container B. AdRotator C. Calendar D. GroupBox 20.The calendar control respond to two events,____and____. A. Data changes B. Month changes C. Year changes D. None of the above 21.The ___ control is used when a field must not be left blank. A. RangeValidator B. CustomValidator C. RequiredFieldValidator D. RegularExpressionValidator 22.The____ property specifies the control, which we want to validate. A. Controlvalidate B. IsValid C. ValidateControl

D. IsValidControl 23.Comparison of the values antered into a control with a specified pattern is made possible by the____control. A. RangeValidator B. CustomValidator C. RequiredFieldValidator D. RegularExpressionValidator 24.The _____ control cannot be used to call client-side functions for the purpose of the validation. A. Validator B. Custom Validator C. Menthod Validator D. Control Validator 25.To disable client-side validation the ____ property can be set to downlevel. A. ClientTarget B. ServerTarget C. TargetClienr D. TargetServer 26.Validity of a page can be checked using the ___ property. A. Controltovalidate B. IsValid C. IsValidPage D. IsValidControl 27.A_____is a function that can be deployed over the Web, and can be called by any application or another sevice. A. Windows Service B. Windows Form

C. Web Form D. Web Service 28.The ____ directive indicates the compiler that the page is web service. A. @Register B. @Page C. @WebService D. @Import 29._____namespace contains all the classes to create web services. A. System.Web.Service B. System.WebService C. System.Web D. System.Web.UI 30.______ paremeter of WebService Is used to define the language in which the web service is written. A. Class B. Language C. Action D. Post 31.____ is a language that describes or portrays a Web service. A. UDDI B. WSDL C. C# D. VB.NET 32.____ helps to register the services provided by the service providers, so that they can be shared. A. UDDI B. WSDL

C. C# D. VB.NET 1. The Global.asax is file is stored in the _____ directory of the application clientside scripting A. Sub B. Bin C. Obj D. Root 2. The ___ event of Global.asax fires every time a page request begins. A. Application_EndRequest B. Application_Start C. Application_BeginRequest D. Session_Start

3. For each user who accesses the application, individual ____ are started A. Servers B. Sessions C. Application D. Requests 4. The ___ object is a built-in ASP.NET object that represents an instance of the ASP>NET application A. Session B. Application C. Server D. Global 5. Object-Level variables are of two types ___ and ___

A. Application level and Session level B. Server level and Session level C. Client level and server level D. Client level and Application level 6. ______ variable can be accessed by at the pages in the application. A. Session B. Application C. Server D. Global

7. We can use ____ and _____ methods to ensure that application-level variables are not updated by more than one user simultaneously. A. Block and Unblock B. Lock and Unlock C. Server and Session D. Lock and Key 8. The server object has the properties ___ and _____ A. ScriptTimeln and MachinePath B. ScriptTimeOut and MachineName C. Execute and Transfer D. HtmlEncode and UrlEncode 9. The ___ method acts as interface between the virtual or relative directories on the web server and the physical directories on the server. A. MachinePath B. MapPath C. Transfer D. UrlEncode

10.The __ method is used is used to explicitly end the session. A. Abandon B. End C. ScriptTimeOut D. Dispose 11.____is an object in which the data retrieved from the database can be stored A. Connecton B. Dataset C. Command D. SqlCommand 12.____ application need to maintain an continuous connection with the database A. Web B. Client-server C. Windows D. System 13.The data is bound to the DataGrid using the ____ method. A. Bind() B. Bond() C. DataBind() D. Lock() 14.______ property of DavaView can be used to filter the rows according to the condition sepecified. A. Item B. Sort C. RowFilter D. Count

15.The DataTable structure is defined by its ___ and ___ A. Columns and constraints B. Columns and rows C. Rows and constraints 16.The ___tag adds an assembly reference to use during compilation of a dynamic resource. A. Assembly B. Add subtag of assemblies C. Namespace D. Reference 17.The selection that defines classes that will be used to interpret the configuration data is known as the Configuration Section _____ Area A. Handler Declaretion B. Setting area C. Declaration area D. Handler area 18.ASP.NET Configuration files are written in ____ A. XML B. XSL C. HTML D. XHTML 19.The remoteOnly mode in ____ tag specifies the custom error page will be displayed only for the remote users and not for the users using the local machine. A. CustomErrors B. customErrors C. CustomError D. customError

20.the ___ configuration settings enable to control some of the default behaviors for all the ASP.NET pages in the application or machine. A. System.web B. Page C. Web.config D. System.config 21.The authentication type that uses cookies is known as ______ A. Forms B. Windows C. Passport D. Application 22.Tracing can be performed at two levels. One is at the page level and the other is at _____ level. A. Output B. Data C. Application D. Object 23.____ is a traceMode available, which sorts the categories based on the time at wich they were fired. A. TimeSort B. SorlByTime C. SortTime D. TimeSortMode 24.The ___ category in the trace output lists all the items in the page A. Header collection B. Form collection C. Cookies collection

D. Control tree 25.___ property of trance object is used to check if trace in an ASP.NET page is enabled. A. TranceEnabled B. IsEnabled C. EnableTrance D. IsTranceEnabled 26.The ___ directive is used to set the catching duration of the output for a page. A. @CacheOutptut B. @Output C. @OutputCache D. @CacheDuration

1) When the _________ method is called for the whole page, all the data binding expressions on the page are evaluated a) Fill() b) Read Xml() c) DataBind() d) DataBinder.Eval() 2) The Databinder() method return a value of type ______ when the format string is not a) DataTable b) Object c) Class d) DataRow 3) The layout for the data to be displayed is created with the help of __________ for a Repeater control a) Datagrid

b) Editltem Template c) Forms d) Template 4) The______ property can be set to horizontal or vertical to display the data accordingly in a DataList control a) RepeatDirection b) Direction c) RepeatColumns d) ReadDirection 5) The __________ Displays links for executing edit , canel and update commands a) HeaderText b) EditCommandColumn c) Editltemindex d) ButtonColumn 6) Variable identifiers are specified using the _________ in front of the parameter name a) $ symbol b) %symbol c) @symbol d) #symbol 7) The DataGrid control possesses an integer property called _______ that can be used to store the row index a) EditltemIndex b) Item c) Controls d) AdditemIndex 8) The index selected by the user can be directly accessed with the help of the ________ argument of the event handlers

a ) DataGridEventArgs b) Object c) DataGridCommandEventargs d) EventArgs 9) The ______ namespace has to be imported to read XML data a) System.xml b) System.Data c) System.InputOutput d) System.IO SESSION 15 1) Controls created by reusing the existing intrinsic and HTML elements are called _______ a) Composite Controls b) Pagelets c) HtmlControls d) ControlCollection 2) Custom Controls created using C# need to be saved using the extension ______ a) Aspx b) Ascx c) Asmx d) Cs 3) The Control class in the namespace ________ defines the properties, methods, and events that are shared by all server controls.form.get method of the Request object a) System b) System.Web c) System.Web.UI

d) System.Web.UI.Server 4) Controls help in ________ of visual as well as functional capabilities a) WebControls b) Composite Controls c) Reusability d) ControlCollection 5) The CreateChildControl() actually belong to the __________ class a) System.Web.UI.ControlCollection b) System.Web.UI.Server c) System.Web.UI.Control d) System.Web.UI.WebControls 6) The System.Web.UI.InamingContainer is a _________ in that has no methods and is used to create unique ID’s a) Class b) Namespace c) Interface d) Struct 7) The _________ directive is used to consume a created custom control a) Register b) Control c) TagPrefix d) Import

1. The FileUpload control creates only a text box for locating files on the local folders (0.5) a. False b. True

2. We can include any HTML tags, or even the Response.Write in the Application_OnStart() event method a. False b. True


3. Which property of HTML server controls specifies a collection of items that are listed in the control (1) a. Collection b. Items c. Controls d. HtmlControls 4. The mobile Web application can be tested and viewed using an emulator(mo phong) (0.5) a. False b. True 5. To ensure that ______ level variables are not updated by more than one user simultaneously, the application object makes use of Lock and UnLock methods (1) a. Server b. Session c. Object d. Application e. Page 6. The process of checking whether the required fields have been left blank or if they are filled in a pre-specified format is called _________ (1) a. Encapsulation b. Correction c. Correlation d. Validation e. Selection 7. The ________ object acts as an interface to the HTTP service & exposes properties & methods of the HTTP server (1) a. Object b. Server c. Session d. Application e. Page 8. Which of the following statements about System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace are TRUE? (1) a. HtmlTable control allows the developer to programmatically use the tag on the server

b. Classes of System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace help in creating HTML server controls on the Web Forms pages c. System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace provides a collection of Web server control classes d. HtmlInputButton class allows the developer to programmatically use the HTML tag on the server 9. Which property of HTML server controls specifies or retrieves the control on the form with the input focus when the control is loaded (1) a. DefaultFocus b. Method c. LoadingFocus d. Focus e. Control 10. Application-level tracing can be disabled directly in the Web.Config file by adding the node or setting it to false (0.5) a. False b. True 11. _______ checks if the value of a control matches the value of another control or variable (1) a. CustomValidator b. RequiredFieldValidator c. RangeValidator d. RegularExpressionValidator e. CompareValidator 12. Which method or property of HttpRequest class retrieves the virtual path of the page (1) a. MapImageCoordinate b. QueryString c. MapPath d. ApplicationPath e. FilePath 13. Which control of the following controls ensures that values for mandatory fields of a registration form are entered (1) a. ValidationSummary b. RequiredFieldValidator c. CustomValidator d. MandateValidator 14. The ________ technique provided by ASP.NET avoids increasing complexity in creating web pages which need high-quality graphics as well as complex programming (1)

a. b. c. d.

Code Forward CSC Code Graphic Code Behind

15. The AutoPostBack property has to be set to ________ if the checkbox status has to be informed to the server immediately (1) a. 1 b. True c. 0 d. Enabled e. False f. Server 16. In a ASP.NET page, the _______ sign specifies that checking ends here (1) a. /d{} b. ^ c. + d. \w e. $ f. [] 17. Which property of HttpRequest class returns a collection of name-value pairs that represent the elements of a form (1) a. MapPath b. ApplicationPath c. MapImageCoordinate d. QueryString 18. CheckBoxes, ListBoxes, RadioButtons and DropDownLists are ________ type controls (1) a. Validation b. Container c. List d. Intrinsic e. Selection f. Rich 19. Multiview control can be referred to as a container of View controls a. False b. True


20. The users for the application and where the application will be deployed will be decided in the ________ stage (1) a. Production and Maintainence

b. c. d. e. f.

Constructing Going Live Designing Testing Planning

21. Which control represents the HTML tag on the server? a. HtmlCommand b. HtmlButton c. HtmlAction d. HtmlSubmit e. HtmlInput


22. Which method or property of HttpRequest class maps the incoming image-field form parameter to its coordinates (1) a. FilePath b. QueryString c. ApplicationPath d. MapImageCoordinates 23. Web Forms can be used for making Web applications that have several controls (0.5) a. False b. True 24. Which control represents the HTML tag on the server? a. HtmlImage b. HtmlImgInput c. HtmlImg d. HtmlImageIcon e. Bitmap


25. If no expiry date is specified, the cookie expires when the user leaves the website (0.5) a. False b. True 26. The ________ element specifies the priority of the advertisement in the rotation schedule of al advertisements (1) a. Alternate b. Keyword c. Target d. Image e. Impression

27. The ________ object is a built-in ASP.NET that represents an instance of an ASP.NET application (1) a. Global b. Session c. ObjectContext d. Application 28. The ________ attribute of the control allows a developer to access the control programmatically (1) a. id b. value c. event d. html e. access f. script 29. the _________ object is used to control transaction processing a. Session b. Request c. Server d. Response e. Application f. ObjectContext


30. An emulator is a software application that allows you to get a layout of the mobile Web application on a specific mobile hardware device (0.5) a. False b. True 31. The _______ method is used to transfer execution fully to the specified page (1) a. Execute b. Transfer 32. @ Page directive specifies various attributes for a Web page (0.5) a. False b. True Syntax: Chú ý: - @ Import: imports a namespace to a page that allows you to include the classes and interfaces within the namespace Syntax: - @ Assembly: associates an assembly to a page or any control - @ Master: defines various attributes for a master page, which is saved with the .master extension - @ Reference: associates a page, control to the current page

33. Which control of the following controls checks whether the value entered is a prime number (1) a. NumericValidator b. PrimeValidator c. RequiredFieldValidator d. CustomValidator e. CompareValidator 34. Which control represents the HTML element on the server? (1) a. HtmlInputText b. HtmlTextField c. HtmlInput d. HtmlForm 35. The System.Web.UI.MobileControls namespace contains a set of ASP.NET server controls to be used for developing Web applications for different mobile devices (0.5) a. False b. True 36. ________ variables are used to share common information across users (1) a. application level b. page level c. object level d. session level 37. Which of the following statements about Server object and HttpServerUtility class are False? (1.5) a. The HtmlEncode method encodes a string to be displayed in a browser b. The Server object serves as an in-built object of the HttpServerUtility class c. The ScriptTimeout property specifies or retrieves the time in milliseconds in which the request is timed out d. The UrlEncode method encodes a string for reliable HTTP transmission from the Web server to a client via the URL 38. A cookie can be made persistent by setting it’s ________ property a. Stay b. Persist c. Expires


39. ________ permissions are set if we want to include ASP.Net files in the directory (1) a. Script

b. Execute c. Write d. Read 40. Which control of the following controls compares the values in the Password and the Confirm Password fields (1) a. RequiredFieldValidator b. EqualValidator c. CompareValidator d. CustomValidator 41. The mobile application architecture allows creation of Web pages that can be displayed on browsers of both, desktop as well as mobile devices (0.5) a. False b. True 42. 43. Which property of HTML server controls specifies or retrieves the alignment of the image on the Web page (1) a. Page controls b. Web controls c. HTML controls d. Event controls 44. All event procedures receive two arguments from the events, the event sender and the (1) a. Server attribute ID b. Event Argument ID c. Event Object d. User Interface ID 45. An application variable retains the value assigned to it until the application is unloaded, or the Web server is shut down (0.5) a. False b. True 46. The _______ variables are defined by the scripting language within the ASP.NET section (1) a. page level b. application level c. session level d. object level 47. In a ASP.NET page, ________ allows any value to be entered a. + b. /d{} c. ^


d. \w e. $ f. [] 48. FindNode() method is used to retrieve a node from the TreeView control at the specified value path: True (0.5) a. + b. /d{} c. ^ d. \w e. $ f. [] 49. DropDownList control supports only single selection a. false b. true


50. Dynamic pages can be created using Server as well as Client based scripts (0.5) a. False b. True 51. The _______ control is added to the form when the form is submitted to the server (1) a. _PAGE LOAD b. _VIEWSTATE c. _VIEW d. _HIDE 52. In a ASP.NET page, the ________ sign specifies that checking starts from here (1) a. + b. /d{} c. $ d. \w e. [] f. ^ 53. Instead of allowing the user to enter data, data entry may be standardized by providing a set of options, and allowing he user to choose one of them.______ serve this purpose (1) a. Selection Controls b. Container Controls c. List Controls d. Validation Controls e. Intrinsic Controls

f. Rich Controls 54. Web server controls automatically detect the browser capabilities and provide the markup accordingly (0.5) a. False b. True 55. ValidatorSummary is a list of all validation errors occurring in all the controls (0.5) a. False b. True 56. Methods like Execute & Transfer, HTMLEncode, URLEncode & MapPath are methods of the _______ object (1) a. Session b. Application c. Server d. Array 57. The _________ class is used to retrieve information stored in a cookie & sent to the server through an HTTP request (1) a. RequestCookie b. HttpCookie c. ResponseCookie 58. When a new user accesses an application, the _______ event is activated (1) a. Application_OnEnd b. Application_OnStart c. Session_OnEnd d. Session_OnStart 59. _________ checks if the value entered is checked by a client or server side function created by us (1) a. RegularExpressionValidator b. CustomValidator c. RangeValidator d. RequiredFieldValidator e. CompareValidator 60. TextWriter TraceListener class is used to collect, store, and route the trace messages to the trace output (0.5) a. False b. True

61. Which property of HTML server controls specifies the way to post data to the server (1) a. DefaultPost b. Post c. Method d. Items e. Get 62. The directory in which we store the application files is called the _______ (1) a. Path directory b. Physical directory c. Virtual directory d. Root directory 63. When user quits the application, the _______ event is activated a. Application_OnEnd b. Application_OnStart c. Session_OnEnd d. Session_OnStart


64. The Cookies property of Response object contains a collection of cookies to be transmitted to the client in the request (0.5) a. false b. true 65. Which of the following statements about Server object and HttpServer Utility class are true? (1.5) a. The HtmlEncode method encodes a string to be displayed in a browser b. The Server represents a web server in ASP.NET c. The Server object serves as an in-built property of the HttpServerUtility class d. The ScriptTimeout property specifies or retrieves the time in milliseconds in which the request is timed out 66. Which property of HTML server controls specifies whether multiple items in the list can be selected (1) a. Items b. SelectionModel c. MultiMode d. Multiple 67. The AdRotator control uses an HTML file to store information about the advertisement (0.5) a. False b. True

68. CheckBoxList control allows only single selections a. False b. True


69. Which control represents the HTML tag on the server? a. HtmlInputText b. HtmlSelect c. HtmlOption d. HtmlComboBox e. HtmlButton


70. The different types of servr controls are a. Web controls b. Page controls c. Event controls d. Html controls

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