ASME VIII Open Book Exam

September 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ASME VIII Open book Exam .

1- Choose correct Pneumatic test pressure for a vessel with the following data: Design Pressure Design temp. Allow stress (Ambient (Ambient)) Allow stress (675ºF) a.  b.  c.  d. 

= = = =

160 psi 675ºF 20000 psi 19200 psi

176.0 psig 215.6 psig 183.3 psig None of above

2- What will be the minimum inspection pressure if hydrostatic testing was carried out at 260 psig, as per code? a.  b.  c.  d. 

220 psi 250 psi 200 psi 260 psi

3- A vessel is constructed by using SA516 Gr.70 normalised plates of thickness 1.125”. Minimum MDMT without any impact testing for this vessel will be: a.  b.  c.  d. 

-26 F -30 F -22 F -16 F 

4- The radiographs and radiography r adiography reports of a vessel shall be maintained till: a.  b.  c.  d. 

5 years Till the MDR is signed 3 years 10 years

5- Pneumatic test should be carried out on a vessel at 300 psig. The design temperature and the test temperature are same. What is the test pressure and in how many steps the pressure should be applied. a.  b. 

350 psig, 6 steps 330 psig, 6 steps

c.  d. 

350 psig, 2 steps 330 psig, 2 steps


6- A vessel made with full penetration double welds shows name plate marking of ‘RT2’. The joint efficiency for this vessel will be: a.  b.  c.  d. 

0.85 1.0 0.7 None of these

7- Identify correct statements. statements. The pressure vessel materials tend to be less brittle: a.  b.  c.  d. 

As material thickness increases As service temperat temperature ure increases above transition temperature a and b None of above is a correct statement.

8- A horizontal vessel is provided with 2:1 elliptical heads on both ends. The tan – tan shell length = 120 in. vessel dia = 40 in. What will be overall length of the vessel? a.  b. 

150 inches 140 inches

c.  d. 

160 inches None of above

9- A pressure vessel has design pressure = 300 psi. Its safe stress values at ambient and designed temperatures are 17100 psi and 16300 psi respectively. The hydrostatic test pressure and inspection pressure for above will be: a.  b.  c.  d.  .

450 psi and 346 psi 409 psi and 315 psi 415 psi and 300 psi None of the above

10- The rules for impact testing of carbon steel in Section VIII vessel materials require what kind(s) of impact test? a.  b.  c.  d. 

Brinell & Rockwell Izod & Charpy V-notch Charpy V-notch only is acceptable. Brinell only is acceptable.

11- Identify category A joints from following: a. b.   c.  d. 

Longitudinal Longitudin al joints Circumferential joints, shell to shell Circumferential Shell to hemispherical head joint a and c above


  12- If all other conditions are remains same the design thickness of which dished end (Torispherical, Hemispherical, Ellipsoidal) will be maximum? a.  b.  c.  d. 

Torispherical Hemispherical Ellipsoidal All will be same

13- Vessel MAWP for vertical vessel is measured at: a.  b.  c.  d. 

Top most point of vessel Bottom most point of vessel At the mid point between top & bottom None of above

14- Vessel MAWP for tall vertical vessel will normally be: a.  b. 

Greater than vessel part MAWPs Lower than Vessel part MAWPs

c.  d. 

May be (a) or (b) depending on Vessel height Is always same as vessel design pressure

15- For a vessel constructe constructed d with Type 1 welds: a.  b.  c.  d. 

RT3 means E = 1 RT2 means E = 0.85 RT1 and RT2 may mean E = 1 RT4 means spot radiography

16- You are planning for the Hydro-test of a complete vessel with Hydro test pressure 2



40Kg/cm g. The calibrated gauges with you are 0-50 Kg/cm g, 0-100 Kg/cm g, 1-150 Kg/cm2g and 0-200 Kg/cm2g.test Which twoavailable gauges are acceptable for this test? a.  b.  c.  d. 

0-50 Kg/cm2g and 0-100 Kg/cm2g 0-100 Kg/cm2g and 0-200 Kg/cm2g 0-50 Kg/cm2g and 0-200 Kg/cm2g 0-100 Kg/cm2g and 0-150 Kg/cm2g

17- PWHT is required r equired for vessels containing product products, s, classified as P No. 3, Group 3 for a thickness exceeding: a. 

1.0 inch

b.  c.  d. 

5/8 inch Any thickness 1.5 inch



18- Min. PWHT temperatu temperature re and soaking period of weld with P No. 5B and P 5A, materials both with thickness = 3.0”, would be as follows:  follows:  a.  b.  c.  d. 

Temp= 1100°F, Time = 2hr., 15 min. Temp= 1100°F, Time = 3hr. Temp= 1250°F, Time = 3hr. Temp= 1250°F, Time = 2hr., 15 min.

19A pressureare vessel has design = 300 psi. Its safe values at ambienttest and pressure designed temperatures 19,800 psi andpressure 18000 psi respectively. Thestress minimum hydrostatic and inspection pressure respectively for above will be: a.  b.  c.  d. 

450 psi, 390 psi 390 psi, 330 psi 429 psi,330 psi None of the above

20- Check whether Impact testing is required or not for following two plates. Plates are to be used for pressure vessels which will be Hydrotested. Vessels do nor undergo temperature temperatu re / pressure fluctuations or cyclic loading during service. Plate- 1: Sa 515 Gr.70, thk=0.5”, MDMT= +10°F  Plate-1: +10°F   Plate-2: Plate2: Sa 516 Gr.70, thk=1.0” MDMT= - 5°F a.  b.  c.  d. 

Both require impact testing. Both do not require impact testing only Plate -1 requires impact testing Only Plate-2 requires impact testing

21- What is the maximum reinforceme reinforcement nt permitted for a 1 inch thick circumferential weld? a.  b.  c.  d. 

3/32”  3/32”  ¼”  ¼”  3/16”   3/16” 1/8”   1/8”

22- A seamless shell (1 course) with two seamless elliptical heads are combined to form a vessel. Spot radiography r adiography was performed on the attaching type 1 welds. What joint efficiency must be used for the head and shell calculations? (Assume circumferential circumferential stress governs.) a.  b. 

.90 .85

c. d.  

1.00 .70


23- A rounded indication ¼” diameter was found during spot radiography of a 1/2” thick vessel weld. Your interpretation would be that: a.  b.  c.  d. 

The indication is not acceptable to ASME VIII, UW – 51. The indication is not acceptable to spot radiography ASME VIII, UW – 52. The rounded indications are not a factor in the acceptability of welds not required to be fully radiographed r adiographed.. The rounded indications are not a factor for fully radiographed welds.

24- What is the length of a slag line permitted in a weld joining 0.575” thick plates when found by the radiographic method (RT – 1) a.  b.  c.  d. 

1/3t ¼”  ¼”  ¾”  ¾”  1/3”

25- A radiograph for a long seam in new pressure vessel (UW 51) of 25mm thick plate shows 3mm crack, and 6 mm long isolated slag. Your decision regarding acceptance of the radiograph will be: a.  b.  c.  d. 

Repair crack, repair slag Repair slag, accept crack Repair crack, accept slag Accept crack, accept slag

26- For vessel 2.5 inch thick, MDMT specified was 60ºF and material of construction used was SA 515 gr 60, without impact testing. testing. The vessel failed later due to brittle failure. Maintainance Department says SA 516 GR 60 should have been used. What is your assessment? a.  SA 515 GR 60 failed but 51 516 6 gr 60 would not have failed   b. would not made any reason difference c.  516gr Brittle60 fracture washave not apparent for failure d.  b and c above

27- ASME Section VIII, Division 1 magnetic particle nondestruct nondestructive ive examination personnel shall be qualified in accordance with: a.  b.  c.  d. 

Section VIII, Division 1 (Appendix) standards Section IX SNT-TC-1A or CP- 189 ASME Code, Section V

28- A 2:1 Ellipsoidal head 60 in inch ch ID, 400 psi design press pressure, ure, (corrosion allo allowance wance = 0) and (S = 20000 psig) when new, the minimum required thickness is: a. 

0.5 inch


b.  c.  d. 

0.451 inch 0.6 inch None of the above

29- The minimum PWHT temperature and minimum holding time for 1.5 inch thick welded joints P no. 5A plates shall be. a.  b.  c. 

13000F, 1.5 hr. 12500F, 1.5 hrs 11000F, 1.5 hours None of above 


30- For a Pressure vessel with MDMT = 2 deg. C, is to be hydrostatically tested. The test shall be conducted at a temperature: a.  b.  c.  d. 

32°C to 48°C 32°C to 120°C 19°C max 19°C to 48°C

31- For the given configuration, tot total al reinforcement area to be compensated the opening of100 mm diameter in the shell will be: Data with usual notation: t = 12 mm tn = 6 mm tr = 10.5 mm trn = 5 mm a.  b.  c.  d. 

920 mm sq. 870 mm sq. 1020 mm sq. 1050 mm sq.

32- In a 30 mm thick cylindrical shell, the longitudinal as well as circumferen circumferential tial joints are double welded butt welds with full penetration. Which of the following is true as regards the longitudinal and circumferential joints? a.  b.  c.  d. 

They are of same category but different types. They are of same type but different categori categories. es. Both the category as well as type are same. Both the category as well as type are different.

33- In post weld heat treatment inspect inspection ion what important things you will verify: a.  b.  c. 

heating rate Holding temperature and holding time Cooling rate



All of the above are important things to be verified

34- When dial-type indicating and recording pressure gauges are used to monitor leak testing, the maximum gauge range shall not exceed which multiple of the expected test pressure? a.  b.  c.  d. 

1½ times 2½ times 3 times 4 times

35- If vessel longitudinal and circumferential welds are type 1 and spot radiographed only, then stamping on name plate will be: a.  b.  c.  d. 


36- Reinforceme Reinforcement nt area required for an opening of diameter of 8” inside diameter and minimum required shell wall thickness 1.0” will be:  be:  a.  b.  c.  d. 

9.0 sq. inches 8.0 sq. inches 1 inch thickness 10 sq. inches

37- The notch test is better described as: a.  b.  c.  d. 

Plastic formation and fracture Brittle failure Energy observed at the notch toughness

38- Vessel MAWP is 200 psi. What will be the total pressure at a point 20 feet from top, if vessel is completely filled with liquid (specific gravity = 1). a.  b.  c.  d. 

220.00 psi 208.66 psi 204.33 psi 191.34 psi

With my best wishes Mohamed Zaki


Answer sheet 1.  C 2.  C 3.  A 4.  C 5.  B 6.  B 7.  B 8.  B 9.  B 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. D 21. C 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. D 31. D 32. B 33. D 34. D 35. C 36. B 37. C 38. B

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