Asme Section Ix-com Rev 1-23-08-2013
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ASME Boiler and Press ur e Vess el Cod e Basic Traini ng Cours e Section IX
Section IX – Welding & Brazing - Forewords Addenda
• Addenda are changes to the Code and are issued annually. They may be used upon issuance but are not mandatory for six months. It is strongly recommended that you do not discard pages of the Code that are replaced by Addenda. For example, if you have a procedure qualified to a previous Addenda, and it is being reviewed, you must have access to the Code to which the procedure or welder was qualified. Reference Code
• It is important to remember that Section IX is a reference Code. This means that it is only used when it is referenced and as it is referenced.
Section IX – Welding & Brazing - Forewords WPS/WPQ Qualifications
• Article 1, paragraph QW-100.2 discusses “old” procedures and welder’s qualifications. It requires that for qualification prior t 1962, you must either update to a laterare addenda or discard it as invalid. Procedures afteras 1962, however, good forever. Welder’s qualifications are qualified valid as long their continuity is maintained. • Note: If you attempt to qualify procedures or welders to an earlier addenda, they will most likely not meet the requirements of the latest addenda. They will be valid only for fabrication being done to that earlier addenda.
Organisation , Cont ent and Stru ctu re of Secti on IX Stru ctu red in 2 Parts - Weldi ng ( QW ) and Braz ing ( QB )
Both identica l su bdivided in 4 articles
• • • •
General requirements Procedure qualifications Performance qualifications Weldi ng resp. braz ing data
• Article V “ Standard Welding Procedure Specifications” ( SWPS’s ) and
• Appendices : Mandatory and nonmandatory requirements
Organisation , Cont ent and Stru ctu re of Secti on IX Article I: Welding • QW-100: • QW-110: • QW-120: • QW-130: • QW-140: • QW-150: • QW-160: • QW-170: • QW-180: • QW-190: • Appendix I:
General Requirements General Weld Orientation Test positions for groove welds Test positions for groove welds Types and purposes of tests and examinations Tension tests Guided-bend tests Notch-toughness tests Fillet-Weld Tests Other tests and examinations Rounded indication charts
Organisation , Cont ent and Stru ctu re of Secti on IX Article II:
Welding Procedure Qualifications
• QW-200:
• QW-210: • QW-250:
Preparation of test coupons Welding variables
Article III:
Welding Performance Qualifications
• QW-300:
• QW-310:
Qualification test coupon
• QW-320:
Retests and renewal of qualification
• QW-350:
Welding variables for welders
• QW-360:
Welding variables for welding operations
• QW-380:
Special processes
Organisation , Cont ent and Stru ctu re of Secti on IX Article IV: Weld ing Data • QW-400: Variables • QW-410: Techniques • QW-420: P-Numbers • QW-430: F-Numbers • QW-440: Weld metal chemical composition • QW-450: Specimens • QW-460: Graphics • QW-470: Etching-process and reagents • QW-490: Definitions • Appendix A (nonmandatory): Suggested welding forms • Appendix B (mandatory): Preparation of technical inquires to the Boiler and pressure Vessel Committee.
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing Backgoug ing – The re moval of w eld m etal and base me tal from the
weld root joint sideprepa of a welde d joi nt t osubseque facilitate comple te fusion andside. complete ration upon nt w elding from that Backing – A mate rial pla ced at the root of a we ld joi nt for the purpose
of sup porti ng mo lten we ld meta l so as to facilita te complete joint prepara tio n. The ma terial may or may not f use into the join t. Retaine r – Noncons umable materia l, metallic or nonmeta llic, which is
used to co ntain or s hape mol ten weld me tal. Backing Ga s – A gas, such as argo n, he liu m, nitro gen, or r eacti ve ga s,
which i s employe d to exclude oxyge n fro m the root si de (opposi te from t he we lding side) of weld joint s. Base meta l – The meta l or alloy th at is welded, braz ed, or cut .
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing Build-up of base meta l – This is the a pplication of
a weld mate rial to a
base l so m as ay to restor e the thirepa ckn ir ess nd/or int egrimeta ty. Also be called ba design se me tal o rabu ildu st p. ruc tur al Butt joi nt – A joint b etwee n two member a ligned a pprox imate ly in the
same plane. Buttering – The additio n of m ateria l, by we lding, on one or bot h face s
of a joint, prior to the pre para tion o f the joint f or fin al welding, for the purpos e of providin g a suita ble tra nsitio n weld deposit for t he subseque nt compl etion of the joint. Consumable inse rt – Filler meta l that is p lace d at the joint r oot b efore
welding, a nd is intende d to be complete ly fus ed int o the root to become pa rt o f th e weld.
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing Corner joint – A join t betwe en two membe rs locate d approximate ly at
right angle s to ea ch othe r in the form of an “ L” .
Direct c urr ent ele ctr ode nega tiv e (DCEN) – The arrange ment of dir ect
current arc we lding leads in which t he electrod e is the ne gative pole and t he workpiece is the positive pole of the we lding arc (straight polarity). Direct cu rrent electrod e pos iti ve (DCEP) – The arr angement of d irect
current a rc welding lea ds in wh ich the e lectrod e is the positive pole and t he work piece is the nega tiv e pole of th e weldi ng arc (reve rse polarity).
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of c ommo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing
(Tip : DCEN (DCSP) fo r E-7016 is wr on g)
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing Double- welde d joint – A joint th at is welde d from bot h sides. Filler me tal – The meta l or alloy to be added in m aking a we lded,
braz ed, or s oldered join t.
Fillet we ld – A weld of a pproxi mately tria ngular cross section joinin
g two s urf aces approxi mate ly at righ t angles to ea ch ot her in a lap joint , tee joint, or c orner joint.
Groove we ld – A weld ma de in a groove formed within
a single member or in th e gro ove be twee n two members to be joined.
Heat affecte d zone – That por tio n of t he ba se me tal whic h has not
been melte d, but wh ose me chanical prop erties or micro str uct ures have been altere d by t he he at of weldin g or cut tin g.
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing Interpa ss t empera ture – The highest tempe rature in the weld join
t immediately prio r to weldin g, or in the ca se of multi ple pa ss welds, the highest tempe rature in the section o f t he previously d eposited weld metal, imm edia tely befor e the ne xt pass is started.
Oscillation – For a machine or automatic pro
motion rela tive to the direction of
cess, a n alte rnating trave l of welding.
Overlay, corro sion r esistance weld me tal – Depositi on of one or more
laye rs o f weld m etal to the sur face of a base ma terial in an effort to impr ove the cor ros ion r esis tance pro perties of the surface. This wou ld b e applied a t a le vel a bov e the min imu m design thi ckn ess a s a nonstr uctur al comp onent of th e ove rall wa ll th ickness.
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing Overlay, hard facing weld meta l – Depositi on o f on e or more laye rs o f
weld meta l to t he surface of a base mate rial in an effort to i mpr ove the wea r resist ance pro perties of t he surface. This wou ld b e applied at a level a bov e the minim um design thi ckness as a non str uct ural comp onent of the overa ll wall thick ness. Peening – The me chanica l work ing of meta ls usin g impact blows . Prehe at Maintena nce – Practice of ma int aining th e min imu m specified
prehea t temperature, or s ome specified hi gher temperature for s ome require d ti me inte rval a fter welding or therma l spr aying is f inished or unt il pos t weld hea t trea tment is in itiated. Prehe ating – The application of hea t to t he ba se me tal immediate ly
before a we lding or c utting opera tion to achieve a spe cified minim um preheat temperature.
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing String er b ead – A weld bea d fo rmed withou t apprecia ble we aving. Weave be ad – For a ma nual or semiautomatic p roc ess, a we ld b ead
formed using weaving.
Weaving – A welding technique in which the e
nergy source is osci llated transversely a s it pr ogr esse s along th e weld path.
Welding, a utomatic – Welding w ith equipment which performs th
e welding opera tion w ithout adjustm ent of the controls by a we lding operator. T he equi pment may or may not p erform t he loa din g and unloading of the work.
Welding, ma chine – Welding w ith equipment that ha s cont rols t hat
are ma nually adjus ted by the welding o pera tor in respon se to visu al observa tion of t he we lding, with the torch, gun, or electrode holder held by a mechanical device.
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing Welding, manua l – Welding where in t he entire welding op eration is
perfor med and contr olled by hand. Welding, semia utoma tic a rc – Arc welding with equipme nt which
cont rol s on ly th e filler meta l fee d. The advance of the welding manually con trolled.
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing
Definitions (QW/QB-492) Defin iti ons of co mmo n terms re lating to welding/braz ing
Weld types addresse d b y Sectio n IX Three Type s o f Welds Add ressed by Section IX
• Groove Welds •
• J Groove • V Groove • Partial Penetration; Etc . • Fillet Welds • Stud Welds
Weld types addresse d b y Sectio n IX
Weld types addresse d b y Sectio n IX
Weld types addresse d b y Sectio n IX
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX GTAW (Gas Tungs ten Ar c Weld in g) GTAW is a we ldi ng p roc ess where in c oale scence is pro duc ed by
heatin g wi th an arc betwee n a tungs ten e lectrod e and t he work. GTAW A dv antages
• Works well with t hin meta ls • Welds h ave very few discon tin uit ies GTAW Disadvantages
• Poor Spe ed and hig h cos t
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX GTAW (Gas Tung st en Arc Weld in g)
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX SMAW (Shield ed Metal Arc Weld in g) SMAW is a ma nual welding p roc ess in whi ch th e heat for welding is
gene rated by an arc esta bli shed betwee n a co ated c ons umable electro de and t he work. The shie lding can be obtaine d fr om com bustio n and decomposition
of the flux covering. Additional shielding is supplied for the molten metal in the weld
puddle by a covering of m
olten flux c alled sla g.
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX SMAW (Shield ed Metal Arc Weld in g) SMAW A dv antages
• Portable equipment (N o facilit ies to supp ly shi elding gas is required) • Works well in difficu lt position s • Usable on a wide variety o f m aterials SMAW Disadvantages
• Fixe d lengths o n electrod e • Additional cleaning for slag removal • Slower than other pro cesse s
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX SMAW (Shi elded Me tal A rc Weld in g)
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX GMAW (Gas Metal Ar c Weld in g, MIG Weldi ng ) / FCAW (Flux Cored
Arc Welding) GMAW is a arc w eldi ng p roc ess whic h pr odu ces coale scence me tals
by hea tin g them wit h an arc b etwee n a con tin uou s fil ler meta l (Consu mable) electrod e and t he work . Shieldin g is obt aine d entir ely from an exte rnally suppl ied ga s or gas mixture.
FCAW is a arc welding p roc ess whic h pr odu ces coale scence me tals
by hea tin g them wit h an arc b etwee n a con tin uou s fil ler meta l (Consu mable) electrod e and t he work. S hieldin g is supp lied by a flux cont ained with in a tub ular e lectrod e. Add iti onal shieldin g may be provid ed fr om an exte rnally suppl ied ga s or gas mixture.
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX GMAW/FCAW Advantages
• Continu ous f eed of fi ller meta l (high spee d welding ) Disadvantages
• Welding equipment in so co mplex • Electrode holde r sho uld b e close to t he work • More sus ceptibl e to cracking in h ardenable ste els • Poor impact value
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Typic al Metal Transfer Mode Spray Ar c Mode
• The meta l is t ransferred fro m th e end of th e electr ode wire to t he pud dle in a n axia l str eam of f ine drop lets. • The size s of d rop lets vary, but th e maxim um d iame ter is less than t he electrod e diame ter. • Argon or Argon rich gas are generally used for shielding gas. Glob ular Arc Mode
• Formation o f a re latively large drop o f mo lten meta l at the e nd o f the tapere d electr ode wi re. • The dro p for ms at the e nd of the e lectro de wire until t he force of gravit y overcom es the surf ace te nsio n of th e mol ten drop, a t which time the drop falls in to the we ld pud dle.
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Typic al Metal Transfer Mode Globular Ar c Mode cont’d
• All types of shielding gases may be used. • If overhea d weldin g were a ttempted us ing glo bul ar tr ansfer, the mol ten e lectrod e meta l wou ld fall dow n int o the e lectrod e hol der nozzle. Short-circuiting Transfer
• Metal transfer is whi ch mo lten meta l fro m a con sum able electrode is deposite d du ring repe ated short circui ts.
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX GMAW (Gas Metal A rc Weld in g)
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX FCAW (Flux Cor ed Arc Weld in g)
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Parts o f A Weld
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Parts o f A Weld
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Weld Size
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Weld Size
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Penetration
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Penetration
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Fusion
Comp lete F usi on
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Fusion
Incompl ete Fusion
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Weld Flaws
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Weld Flaws
Weld in g Proc ess es addr ess ed b y Sect io n IX Weld Flaws
Article I – Welding General Requirements QW-100.3
WPS, PQR, W(O)PQ made in accor dance wit h th e requi rements o f th e 1962 Edit ion or any late r Editi on of Section IX may be used in any cons tru cti on b uil t to the ASM E Boi ler a nd Pressure V esse l Code or th e ASME B31 Code for Pressur e Pip in g. QW-103.2
Each ma nuf acturer or con tractor shall maintain a record o f the re sul ts obt aine d in weldin g pro cedure a nd welder a nd weldin g operator perfor mance qua lif ication s. These record s shall be certified by th e manufactur er or cont ractor and sh all be acce ssib le to the AI .
Article I – Welding General Requirements
QW-120 Test Posit io ns fo r Gro ov e Welds
Article I – Welding General Requirements QW-153 Ac ceptanc e Criteri a – Tens io n Test
Minimum values for procedure qualifica tion are provid ed un der the column heading “ Minimum Specifie d Tensile” of t able Q W/QB-422. In or der t o pass the tension t est, the spe cimen shall have a tensile strength that is m notsp ecif lessied thatensile n: (a) the min imu strength of t he ba se me tal; or (b) the minim um sp ecified tensile strength o f th e weaker of the two; or (c) if t he specimen brea ks i n th e base me tal out side of the weld or weld in terface , the test sh all be acce pted as mee tin g t he requir ements, provi ded the strength i s not m ore than 5 % below th e mini mum s pecified tensile strength of t he base metal In case of materi al of SA-5 16 Gr.70 and if t he speci men was b ro ken in t he base meta l, the ulti mate unit s tress c alculate d b y area and ul tim ate to tal lo ad sh all be ov er 70,000ps i 0.95 = 66,500ps i, if the specimen was broken in t he we ld, the ultimate unit st ress shall be ov er 70,000psi .
Article I – Welding General Requirements
QW-163 Acceptance Criteria –
Bend test The gui ded- bend test specimens shall ha ve no open discon tin uit y in the we ld or HAZ exce eding 1/ 8 inc h, measur ed in a ny di rection o n the conv ex surface of th e specimen a fter bending . For c orros ion-re sistant weld overla y cladding, no open disco ntinui ty excee din g 1/16 inch, mea sur ed i n any d irectio n, shall be permit ted in the cla dding, a nd no open discontin uity exce eding 1/ 8 inch shall be permitt ed alon g th e appr oxi mate weld int erfa ce.
Tip : R espo nsi bil it ies Authorized Inspector Before Fa bri cation
• WPS/PQR com pl y w it h A SME Sec. IX. • Welders and Welding Opera tor s are prop erly qualifi ed. Duri ng Fabri cation
• All welding is done within the parameters of the WPS. • Welder qu alif ication limi ts are not excee ded or have not expir ed.
Tip : R espo nsi bil it ies Manufacturer’s Responsibility
for Records
The manufacturer has specific responsibilities regarding the preparation and qualification of procedures. Among the manufacturer’s responsibilities are the following: 1. To prepare and qualify the WPS 2. To directly supervise and control the welder during the welding of the test coupons. 3. To maintain the WPS and then PQR while welding is being performed. 4. To certify the PQR. 5. To compile and certify a list of all qualified procedures for use on Code jobs. Record Retention
There are no requirements in the non-nuclear Codes to maintain welding procedures once a job is finished – these requirements are normally found in a QC manual. But since procedure qualifications do not expire, they are normally maintained as standard company procedures. The nuclear however, require retention. for the life of the plant. In any case, the procedures mustcodes, be available during construction
Tip : R espo nsi bil it ies Manufacturer Qualific ation of Procedur es
• Establish a QC Program to contr ol qualifica tions. • Prepare the writ ten WP S addr essing all requir ed varia bles fo r each pr ocess. • Assure metallurgical compatibility of the filler metal and the base metal. • Prepare a nd certify a PQR base d o n d ata record ed dur ing the welding and te sting of the coupon .
Tip : R espo nsi bil it ies Manufacturer cont’d Qualific ation o f Welders
• Esta blis h a QC Prog ram to cont rol w elder’s qu alification . • Qualif y each w elde r wi th ea ch p roc ess that welder is to u se. • Weld t he test coup on i n accor dance with a WP S. • Contro l and supervise welding of the coupon . • Maintain identification of welders. • Document We lders q ualific atio ns suc h as WP Q, table of certi fied welde r l ist.
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS A WPS is a written qualified welding procedure prepared to provide direction for making
production welds. Completed WPS shall describe all of the essential, nonessential, and, when required,
supplementary essential variables. •
Essential variables are those in which a change, as described in the specific variables, is considered to affect the mechanical properties of weldment, and shall require requalification of the WPS.
Supplemental essential variables for a process are those conditions which, when changed, will affect the impact properties of the weld. (If impact test is not required, supplementary essential variables are not be considered as a nonessential variables. In this case this supplementary essential variables are not needed to be recorded in WPS)
Acceptable (i.e. qualified) ranges
Other information desired for additional control.
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS Non-E ssent ial Variables
• Non-essential variables for a process are those conditions which, when changed, do not have a major impact on the weld. They must, however, be considered and addressed on the WPS. • A change of nonessential variables will requires a change in WPS but not require a re-qualification. The special process essential variables for corrosion-resistant and hard-
surfacing weld metal overlays are as indicated in the tables for the specified process. (It means th at s eparate PQR /WPS in acco rd ance w it h QW-252.1/253.1…….. 264.1 plu s QW-453 for ov erlay s hall be pr epared. The P QR/WPS wh ic h were pr epared in accor dance w it h QW-252/253…….264 shall no t be us ed for overla y pro cess)
Welding Welding
Steps of Preparing PQR/WPS Draft WPS
parameters Preparation of Test Coupon
Full supervision
Preparation of Test Specimen Mechanical Test
Welding Data
QW-463 Legends
Test Result
(Tension, Bend etc.)
: May use subcontractor Record on PQR
Certification Of PQR
Qualification Of WPS
: Must be done by Manufacturer
Acceptance Criteria (QW150,160,170,180) Essential Variables Supplement Essential Variables Non-essential variables other information
Steps of Preparing PQR/WPS
Things to Consid er When Pre paring a WPS. 1. Compatibility of the weld metal and base metal 2. Metallurgical properties 3. Heat treatment requirements 4. Design of joints and loadings 5. Desired mechanical properties 6. Service requirements 7. Welder’s ability 8. Equipment available 9. Location of welds 10. Economy
Steps of Preparing PQR/WPS
Writi ng a WPS When writing a WPS, you should first determine what the intended usage will be, the welding equipment available, and the ability of the welders using the procedure. There are four general considerations: What base materials will be welded? What filler metals will be used? What welding processes will be used? What service or production restrictions are required?
Steps of Preparing PQR/WPS
Writi ng a WPS Once you have identified the base metals you intend to weld and identified their P-Nos. per QW-422, you should then select the most economical base metal from QW-424 to use for the test coupon. Next, the appropriate filler materials are selected and their A-Nos. determined from QW432 and QW-442. You may also need to consider shielding gas or flux and any position restrictions that may apply. Welding processes to be used should be determined and the required variables of QW250 addressed. It is also necessary to consider the types of production joints, welder techniques, and available equipment. Finally, you need to consider the service or production restrictions. These include such things as Code / customer requirements, preheat / PWHT, corrosion, and notch toughness.
Steps of Preparing PQR/WPS
Qualif yin g th e WPS
The basic steps for qualifying a WPS are (using the parameters of the unqualified WPS): Establish the test coupon size (QW-451, 462, 463). Weld the test coupon following the parameters of the WPS (QW-210, 250, 260) : Monitor and document the specifics of the essential variables and, when applicable, the supplemental essential variables (QW-200.2). It is recommended that all other specifics be measured, documented, and maintained on file. Cut the coupon into the required test specimens (QW-462, 463). This may be performed by the testing laboratory. Evaluate the test results per QW-150 to 180. This is the responsibility of the manufacturer. If the results are acceptable, document them on the PQR and certify. Compare the PQR with the parameters listed the WPS (essential and supplemental variables) to assure that the full range is supported by the PQR. If not, it may be necessary to supplement the ranges with an additional PQR, or reuse the ranges to within that which is supported. The WPS may now be added to the certified list of qualified procedures required by QW-201.
Steps of Preparing PQR/WPS
Perm it ted ch anges to a WPS
A WPS may be revised for several reasons. Among these reasons are: •
A change in a non-essential variable. This would require revision but no requalification.
A change in an essential or supplementary essential and requalification.
Corrections or updates due to inadvertent errors or to Code Addenda.
A WPS may be revised by: •
Writing a new WPS, including revision number.
Adding an amendment. This would also require a revision number.
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS
If “ x” is l oca ted only in the suppleme nta ry esse ntial va riable s, whe n impact test is not required, the se variable s are not consi dere d as n onesse ntial v ariables.
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS Manufacturer’s or
Contractor’s Responsi bility
• Each manufacturer and con tracto r sh all q ualify t he WPS by th e welding of test coupons and t he te sting of s pecime ns, a nd t he record ing o f th e welding data and test results in PQ R. • The weldme nts to b e tested for qualification of proc edures sha ll be welded e ith er by d irect employ ees or b y individuals enga ged by contract fo r th eir s ervices as we lders under the full supervision and contro l of the ma nufacturer or contractor.
• Supervision and cont rol of welding o f the test weldme nts p erform ed by another organiz ation is n ot p ermitted. • If in an organiza tio n effe cti ve operational cont rol o f welding p roc edur e qualifica tion for two or m ore companie s of differe nt n ames e xists, the companie s in volved shall describe in their Qua lity Contro l Syst em/Quality Assu rance Progr am. In thi s c ase sepa rate we ldi ng procedure qualifications are not required.
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS Manufacturer’s or
Contractor’s Responsi bility
• If in an organiza tio n effe cti ve operational cont rol o f welding p roc edur e qualifica tion for two or m ore companie s of differe nt n ames e xists, the companie s in volved describe in In their litysepa Contro Syst em/Quality Assushall rance Progr am. thi Qua s c ase ratel we ldi ng procedure qualifications are not required.
• When a manufactur er is a cqu ired by a ne w own er, the P QRs and WPSs ma y be used by the ne w own er witho ut r equa lif ication , pro vid ed all of the foll owi ng are met : (1) the new ow ner takes respon sib ili ty for the WP Ss and PQRs. (2) the W PSs r eflect t he name of th e new own er. (3) the Q uality Control System/ Quality Ass urance Program r efle cts the source of the P QRs as being from the former ma nufacturer or contractor.
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS Vari ables are defined f or each pr oc ess in QW-250 th ro ug h QW-280
• Each v ariable shall b e addr essed, do n ot s tate N/A but f acts, yes, no , none or any other mea ningfu l definition. Changes to WP S’s are allo wed, how ever
• Changes in esse nti al and sup plementa ry esse nti al variable s r equire requali fi catio n and a new WPS. • Changes in no nessential variable s can be made wit hou t requalificatio n, nee d t o b e docum ente d and t he WPS to be revised. A WPS is a written qualified welding procedure prepared to provide
direction for ma king produ ction welds. A WPS used for Code production welding shall be available for reference
and review by th e AI at the fa bri cation s ite.
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS Completion of a WPS
• All variables to be addressed. • Do not state single figu res but always ranges. • Range s sho uld b e as br oad a s po ssib le but adequa te for t he process. • Joint d esign (nonesse ntial) : do n ot sho w only one joint design but either make refe rence to jo ints as show n on worksh op dr awings or attach a se para te she et sho wing a variety of joi nts w hich c an be used for t he proce ss. • QW – 424 : Base me tal used for procedure qualifica tion test coupo n versus range of ba se meta ls qualified.
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS Cont’d c omp letion of a WPS No limitation in p osition s : qualification in one position q
ualifie s the procedure ( but no t th e welder !! ) for all (meaningfu l) positi ons, QW-461 Posi tio ns o f gr oov e (G) and f ill et (F) welds in p late and pip e
• 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G for plate groove welds fl at - ho ri zon tal - vert ic al - ov erh ead • 1G, 2G, 5G, 6G f or pi pe gr oo ve weld s fl at - ho ri zon tal - mu lt ip le • 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F fo r pl ate fi ll et weld s fl at - ho ri zon tal - vert ic al - ov erh ead • 1F, 2F, 2FR, 4F, 5F fo r pi pe f il let weld s fl at -- ho ri zon tal - ho ri zon tal ro tated - ov erh ead - mu lt ip le
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS Cont’d c omp letion of a WPS Thickn ess ra nge s : “ T“ for ba se metal, “ t“ for de posite d we ld me tal
• Thickness ranges to b e care ful ly co nsi dere d wh en GMAW short circui tingt “ is T” employed qualifie d shall be beshort low 1. s ofarc test coupon thickne ss. Prehe at and po stw eld heat t reatment tempera tur es to be con sidered.
Prehe at decrease of 55 C becom e an essenti al variabl e. The meani ng o f pr eheat maintenance is main tenance prehea t upon c ompletion of welding prior to any require d post weld he at treatment.
Electric al cha racteristi cs and Te chn iqu e
• Applicable variables for the process to be considered
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS Subcont racted W elding Proc edures (S ecti on I)
• Section I allows a unique method for “subcontracting” welding procedures for use on PP stamped pipe. The National Certified Pipe Welders Bureau (NCPWB), a national organization made up of member companies, provides prequalified welding procedures to its members. These procedures can be used for PP stamped pipe by member companies without requalification. The member company must sign each WPS and PQR and accept responsibility for its use and compliance to Code requirements. Remember, these are permitted only for PP stamped boiler external piping
Article II - Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS Combination of WPS’s More than one WPS having different variables may be used in a single production joint. • Each WPS may include one or a combination of processes, filler metals or other variables. • Range of the deposited weld metal thickness qualified for each process to be considered. More than one process may be recorded in one WPS
• All variables associated with each process to be applied and addressed. • Base metal and deposited weld metal thickness limits for each process to be applied.
Format of the WPS : can be any format, as long as any variable for the process is included or referenced. • Form QW-482 has been provided as a guide for the WPS .
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR The PQR is a document that supports the WPS by documenting the results of the
welding and testing of a test coupon. It is a record of variables recorded during the welding of the test coupons. PQR shall document all essential and, when required, all supplementary essential
variables for each welding process.
Nonessential variables may be recorded (option). All variables are actual values used during welding of the test coupon. Changes to a PQR are not permitted as it is a record of what happened during a
particular welding test, except for editorial corrections and addenda. All changes require re-qualification (except editorial and addenda) and recertification.
• As a minimum, a PQR must address the essential variables for the process(ES) and supplemental essential variables when impacts are required. • In any event, it is recommended that all details relative to the qualification be documented and maintained in a quality control type file to support any future corrections or changes that may become necessary.
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR Qualification
• One thing to keep in mind is that you don’t requalify a procedure, you qualify a new PQR to address the new or different variables. When a WPS is “ Requali fi ed”
• A WPS must be “requalified” when an essential variable is changed from what was srcinally qualified or when there is reason to question its ability to make acceptable welds. Permi tted Changes to the PQ R
• Since a PQR is a record documenting the details of welding a test coupon, it essentially cannot be revised. Some changes, however, are permitted when they are to correct obvious errors, and some additional changes may be made when supported by data recorded during the welding of the test coupons. • Furthermore, there are times when it may be desirable to completely rewrite a PQR. Even you rewrite PQR, you should always maintain the srcinal: never pencilifin, or do ”write out” the an srcinal PQR.
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR Exampl e of a Revis ed PQR
• A valid reason to revise a PQR is a change in material classification by the Code. If, at the time of the srcinal qualification, the material had not been assigned a P-No., it would have been qualified by specification and therefore good for use only when welding that specification. But if at a later date Section IX assigned a P-No. to that material, the PQR could be revised to indicate the P-No. making that procedure acceptable for use with any material in that P-No. grouping. • Combination of Welding Procedures : It is considered a “combination of welding procedures” whenever more than one WPS is used to complete a weld or when using only one process from a WPS that was qualified with multi-processes.
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR Thic kness ra nges of test cou pon s and numb er of test specimen QW-451.1 Number of tension and tr ansv erse bend tests
• Tabl e generally t o be used QW-451.2 Number of tensio n and lon git udi nal be nd tests
• Table may be use d in lieu of transverse be nd t ests for testing weld meta l or base me tal combi nations, whic h dif fer ma rkedly in b ending prop erties betwe en either tw o base meta ls or the weld meta l and t he base metal. QW-451.3 Number o f f il let w eld t ests
• macro t est specimen requir ed, however • Groove tests qualify all di ameter
all f ill et size s on all base meta l th ick nesses a nd
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR QW-462 Dime nsi ons of test specimen for te nsi on, bend and imp act test
QW-463 + QW-464 Lo catio n of test sp ecimen in test pl ates QW-466 to QW-469 Dimensions of test jigs QW-470 Etchi ng pr oc esses and reage nt s
• Specifie s etching so lution s for ferrous and nonferrous
meta ls
Special testing requir ements for P-No 11 base mate rial, C orr osio n –
Resi st ant Weld Metal, Elect ro n and Laser Bea m Weldin g, Hard -facing Weld Metal Overlay, Join ing of C omp osit e (cla d metals), App lied Lin ing s and F lash weldin g
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR Mechanic al Tests for a WPS
QW-202 covers the required tests for welding procedure qualifications. At minimum, the mechanical tests are two tensile tests and four bend tests. The types of bend tests are: •
For test coupon thicknesses up to and including 3/8": Two face and two root bends.
Over 3/8 but less than 3/4": May use two face and two root, or four side bend tests.
3/4" and over: Four side bend tests.
Note: All filler metal and processes used must be included in the tensile and bend tests to qualify.
Types of Te sts B ased on Coupo n Thickn ess
Tension tests are covered in QW-150. This paragraph is referenced from Table QW-451. QW-151 states: •
If the coupon is greater than 1" thick, multiple specimens may be cut mechanically.
• •
Each set of multiple specimens shall represent one tensile specimen. There is a special exemption for pipe 3" or less. This pipe may be tested without cutting specimens.
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR One PQR may s upp ort a numb er of WPS ’s
or One WPS may r equir e a numb er of PQR’s Examples
• 1 G plate PQ R supp or t WPS’s for the F, V, H, and O pos iti on on plate or pi pe within all ot her e ssential varia bles. • One WPS with thic kness r ange fro m 1.5 mm to 32.0 mm i s su ppor ted by two PQ R’s wi th thi ckness ranges from 1.5 thro ugh 5. 0 mm and fr om 5.0mm t hro ugh 32.0 mm. • One WPS with a combination of p rocesses ( 2 or m ore ) is supp orted by 2 or more PQR’s wi th sin gle process qualific ations wit hin all oth er essential v aria bles. PQR comb ination wit of phin rocesses ( 2 eor m ore variables. ) support • One WPS’s withwith sinagle processes all ot her ssential
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR Some notable requirements • Qualification in one position qualifie s the procedure for all positi
• A welder making and passing the WPS qu alification test is qualified with the limit s for posi tion s sp ecified in QW -303. • Qualific ation in plate a lso qualifi es for pipe welding and v ice versa . Diamete r li mits for w elde r perform ance qualific ation to be consid ered
• Diss imil ar ba se me tal thic kness • More tha n one procedure qualifica tion may be re quired to qualify some dissi milar thick ness combin ations (QW-202.4).
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR
The PQR shall b e certi fied by t he manufactu rer.
• Is intended a s th e verif ication that the info rmation o n th e PQR is a tru e record v ariables used durin ofance the wit te sthco upon the mecha of nical / chemical tests are g inwelding com pli Code reand quirthat ements. Form QW-483 has been prov id ed as a gui de for t he PQR, however, a ny o th er
form at may be used as lo ng as eve ry esse ntial and, when r equired, supp leme ntary essential va riable for the process is in clu ded.
Article II - Procedure Qualification Record - PQR
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification Welder’s Perfor mance Qua lif ication Record.
• The Welders Performance Qualification Record is a document used to record welder’s and welding operator’s qualifications. The WPQ documents that welders have been determined to have a necessary skill for depositing sound weld metal for the processes within their qualified limits. The WPQ contains actual essential variables and test results, ranges to which the welder is qualified, and other information as desired (for example, special positions). Weld er’s Ess ential Variables
• A welder’s essential variable is defined as a condition which, when changed, will Affect the welder’s ability to deposit sound weld metal. Welders do not have nonessential or supplementary essential variables.
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification General Issues
• Article lists the welding processes with the essential variables that appl y to welder a nd weldin g operator perform ance qualification s.
• Welder qua lification is limited by esse ntial va riable s given for each process. • Vari ables are li st ed in QW-350 / QW-360 and defin ed in Ar ti cl e IV. • Welder ma y be qualifie d by mechanica l tests or by radiography of a test coupon or radiogra phy of his initial production welding (The welde r may be qua lified by t he productio n welding : minimu m 6 inch (150mm) le ngth o f the first produc tion w eld. T his may be a pplied in th e fi eld).
Steps of Welder/welding Operator Qualification (Sec IX, QW-300.2, Sec VIII-1, UW-29) Qualified WPS
Preparation of Test Coupon
Full supervision
Welding Data
Preparation of Test Specimen Mechanical Test
Legends Test
Test Result
: May use subcontractor Record on WPQR
Certification of Welder/welding Operator
: Must be done by Manufacturer
Acceptance Criteria (QW160,180 & 190)
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification General Issues
Manufacturer is responsible for conducting tests to qualify the performance of a welder in accordance with a qualified WPS.
Manuf actu rer’s Re spo nsi bil iti es for Qualificatio n of We lders
When qualifying welders, it is the manufacturer’s responsibility to: •
Establish a QC program to control welder’s qualification.
Qualify each welder with each process that welder is to use.
Weld the test coupon in accordance with WPS (quality control)
Control and supervise welding of the coupon.
Maintain identification of welders.
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification General Issues
• If in an org aniz ation effective opera tio nal contr ol of t he we lder perfor mance qualifica tion for two o r mo re compa nies of dif fere nt name s exists, the companies invol ved shall describe in their Qua lit y Cont rol Syst em. In th is case re qualifica tion of w elders a nd w elding opera tors withi n the companie s of such an or ganiz ation will not be re quired.
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification General Issues
• When a manufacturer is acquired by a new owner, the WPQs may be used by the new owner without requalification, provided all of the following are met : (1) the new owner takes responsibility for the WPQs (2) the WPQs reflect the name of the new owner (3) the Quality Control System/Quality Assurance Program reflects the source of the WPQs as being from the former manufacturer or contractor
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification General Issues c ont ’d
• Responsibility cannot be delegated to another organisation, however • Preparation of test coupon, test specimen, destructive and nondestructive tests can be subcontracted. • The welder who has welded a WPS qualification test coupon is qualified within the limits of the performance qualifications for that process. • Each welder shall be assigned an identifying number which shall be used to identify the work of that welder. • The record of the welder performance qualification (WPQ) tests shall include the essential variables, the type of test and test results and the ranges qualified.
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification Welders who are not the employee of the manufacturer may be permitted
provided :
• All code construction is the responsibility of the manufacturer. • All welding shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s WPS which have been qualified by the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of Section IX. • The manufacturer has qualified all the welders. • Complete and exclusive administrative and technical supervision for the welders shall be performed by manufacturer.
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification Type of tests r equir ed Type a nd n umb er of test specimen required fo
r mechanical
testi ng s hall be in acco rd ance with QW -452
• Norm ally vis ual e xamination and 2 bend tests required • When r adiography: mi nimum length of t est c oupon shall be 150 mm a nd i f pi pe: it s hall incl ude the e nti re we ld circumference (If test c ou pon si ze fo r welder qu alifi catio n is NPS 0.5inch (OD 21.34mm, 3 Cou po ns are re qu ir ed for s atisf actio n of m in . length)
• Test cou pon and specimen to be in accor dance with QW-463
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification Speci al Pro ces ses QW-360 and QW-380 Requi reme nts and tests o n s pecia l pr ocesses Electron beam, la ser bea m and f ric tio n w eldi ng Corr osi on resistant and hard-fa cin g w eld meta l ov erlay Joi nin g of clad mate rial Resist ance a nd flash welding opera tor qualifi cation
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification Combination of welding processe s Welde r m ay be qualified b y either
• Making tests with each i ndivid ual process or • With a combin ation of welding p rocesse s in a single te st cou pon Lim its of d eposited weld meta l care ful ly to be consi dere d A welder qualified in combination on a single test coupon is
qualifie d to we ld in produc tion with in his limits of qu alification with each s pecific proc ess. Welding variables
• are sum marize d fo r each p roc ess in QW-416
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification Limits of q ualified positio ns and diame ters • Table QW-461.9 defines the ra nge of pos iti ons and di amete rs qu alified for pr oducti on gro ove a nd fill et welds base d on t heir qua lification tests made in either plate, pip e, gro ove or f ill et welds.
• Position of qua lifica tion test we ld is decisive for position and of weld in production.
• Diame ter li mits f or p ipe producti on welds to be considere d. • Welders wh o pass the required tests for gro ove we lds s hall a lso be qualified to make fil let we lds i n all thic knesses a nd pi pe diamete rs o f any size wit hin the limi ts o f variables given in QW 350 / QW-360. • Fillet we ld qu alification s are restri cted to th ickn ess of mate rial, size of f ill et weld and diamete r of pipe.
Article III – Welding Performance Qualification Qualific atio n thi ckness lim its and test specime n QW-452.1(a) Groo ve weld – thi ckn ess limi ts and test sp ecimen • 3 gr ou ps ( < 10mm , 10-19mm, >19mm ) • except for specia l pos itions 2 bend t ests o nly require d QW-452.1(b) Groo ve weld - thi ckn ess of weld meta l qualified
• 2 gro ups only ( all, >13mm ) • either 2t or maximum to be welded QW-452.3 Groov e weld diameter limi ts
• base d on out sid e diamete r of test cou pon • 3 gr ou ps ( < 25mm , 25-73mm, >73mm ) QW-452.4 to QW-452.6 Fil let weld tes ts
• Lim its o n diamete r and thic knesses, how ever, any groo ve we ld qualifi es all base ma terial thi ckn esses, fill et size s and diamete r
Article III – Welding Performance Qualification Impo rtant table s
QW - 423 : Alternate base meta ls for welde r q ualification
Article III – Welding Performance Qualification Cont ’d Alternate ba se me tals fo r welder qualifi cation
• Metals used for we lder qualification c onf orm ing to n atio nal or int ernation al standards or s pecification s may be cons idere d as having t he sa me P- or S- Numb ers as an a ssig ned meta l pro vid ed it meets t he me chanical a nd c hemical re qui reme nts of th e assig ned meta l. • The ba se me tal sp ecification and corr espondi ng P- or SNumb er shall be re cor ded on the qualification r ecor d.
Article III - Welding Performance Qualification Expiration of qua lification
• Perform ance qualifi cation is affected when one conditions occur.
of th e fol low ing
s nothis welded with a proc ess ng a epe rio d of 6 • When month he or ha m ore, qu alification f or th at duri pr ocess xpire.
• Wheneve r a ch ange is made in one or mor e essential variables. • When there is specific r eason t o questi on hi s ability to make welds th at me et the specifi cation. Renewa l of qualific atio n Renewal of qu alif ication expired may be ma de for any pr ocess by
welding a te st co upon o f
• Either plate or p ipe, a ny m aterial, thick ness or diamete r i n any positi on and by testing of the te st cou pon as re quired.
Article IV -- Welding Data QW-400 to QW-416 Vari abl es QW-420 t o QW 424 Materi al gr ou pi ng s QW-430 to QW-433 F – Numb ers QW-440 t o QW-441 Weld metal ch emic al co mp os it io n QW-450 t o QW-452 Proc edur e and perf or manc e qu alif ic atio n
limi ts and test specimen re qui reme nts QW-460 to QW-469 Graphi cs , test pos it io ns, di ameter li mit ation s
for performance qualification, dimensions and lo cations of t est sp ecim en QW-470 t o QW-473 Etc hin g – pr oc esses and reagents QW-490 to QW-492 Defi ni ti on s
Article IV -- Welding Data QW-400 to QW-416 Vari abl es Section “ Variable s” is covering a ll a spects of we lding processe s.
• Joi nts, base a nd f ill er m etal, positi ons, prehea t, post weld hea t trea tment, gas, e lectric al characte ris tic s and techniqu e. However Do NOT read indi vidual pa ragra phs on their own but in conj unction with procedure or personnel qualification requirements only. Three T yp es of Variabl es
• Essentia l Variable s - affect mechanica l prope rties or ability of a welder. • Suppleme properties. ntary Essentia l Variable - affect notch toughne ss • Nonesse ntial Variable - will not a ffect mechanica l prope rties.
Article IV -- Welding Data QW-420 t o QW 424 Materi al gr ou pi ng s Base meta ls are assi gned P - or S- Numbers in table Q W / QB – 422.
• P-Number : Ferrou s / Nonferrous mate rial accor ding to base me tal spec. • S-Number : Ferrou s / Non ferro us m ateri al acc eptable for use ASM E B 31 Each ind ividual P- or S- Number cove r a gre at varie ty of materials in order
to reduce the numb er of pro cedure qua lif ications . When a ba se me tal with a UNS numb er de sig nation i s assign ed a P- or S-
Number, then a base metal li st ed in a dif ferent ASME material specific ation with the sa me UNS numb er sha ll be consi dere d that P - or SNumber whether or n ot t hese specifi catio ns are list ed in table Q W/QB422.
Article IV -- Welding Data QW-430 to QW-433 F – Numb ers • grouping of ele ctrodes and we lding rods • Base d on their usability c hara cterist ics • Grouping simi lar to P / S numbers • Table QW-432 shows F, ASME (SFA….) and AWS (E….) numbers
Article IV -- Welding Data
Article IV -- Welding Data
Article IV -- Welding Data
Article IV -- Welding Data QW-451 and QW -451.X shall be used fo r p roc edure quali fi catio n by gro ove-
weld and f il let w eld (PQ R/WPS). QW-452 and QW-452.X sh all b e used fo r p erfo rm ance qu alif ic atio n (WPQR). QW-453 shall be used for proc edure and perfor mance qualific ation by hard-
facin g and cor ro sio n r esist ant ov erlays (PQ R/WPS/WPQR). QW-461.9 shall be us ed fo r p erfor mance qu alifi catio n (WPQR). When a pply ing t he thickn ess range in th e table from QW -451 to QW -453, “ T” is
the base meta l thickness a nd “ t” is the weld me tal thickness.
Article IV -- Welding Data
Article IV -- Welding Data
Article IV -- Welding Data
Article IV -- Welding Data
Article IV -- Welding Data
If the size of test coupon is NPS ¾ inch, the outside diameter of this coupon is not 0.75 inch but 1.05 inch (26.67mm).
Article IV -- Welding Data
If test welding for welder was performed by groove-welding, the welder is qualified for all base metal thickness, all fillet sizes and diameters in fillet welding.
Article IV -- Welding Data
Article IV -- Welding Data
Article V – Standard Welding Procedure Specifications Standard Weldin g Proc edure Spe cif icati on s (SWPS’s ) • Are standardized procedure specifications for the most common proc esses and m aterials • Are acceptable for Code construction
• Are not permitted when impact testing is required
Prior to use • Specified in form atio n m ust be entered in the SW PS • One groov e weld t est coup on s hall be welde d • Coupon shall be visu ally examined, me chanical t este d (2 be nd tests) or radiog raphically exa mined
Article V – Standard Welding Procedure Specifications Form QW-485 • is a suggeste d form for docu menting t he we lding c onditions and te st results of the de monstration.
Produc tion use • Welding s hall be str ict in accor dance with t he SWPS. • SWPS’s may not be supp leme nted wi th PQR’s or revised. • SWPS’s shall not be used in the sa me product ion j oint t ogether with WPS’s qualifi ed b y t he manufacturer. • SWPS’s shall b e certified by the manufacturer.
Advantage / Disadvantage • Less qua lification testing b ut li mited use.
Appendices - Mandatory and Nonmandatory Requirements Mandatory requirements • Appendix A – Submittal of technical enquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vess el Comm it tee • Identic al as fo r all ot her C ode sections • Appendix E – Permitted SWPS’s • Appendix F – Standard units for use in equations
Nonm andatory requireme nts • Appendix B – Weld ing and brazing forms • Appendix D – P-Num ber listing • Appendix G – Guidance for the use of U.S. customary and SI units
Tip : Welding monit orin g What shoul d be monitored during pro
ductio n we lding
• Use a qualif ied WPS • Use a qu alifi ed Welder or Weldin g Operator • Welding wit hin the parame ters of a qualified WP S • Use only welding mate rial descri bed in t he WPS • Record th e welder identifi cation • Insp ect the we ld f or d efects • Assure required NDE is performed
Tip : Tube- to-T ubeshe et Welds Whi ch metho ds are being us ed for pr epari ng PQR/WPS and
WPQR? • Dissi mil ar Base meta l t hi ckn ess in accor dance wi th Sec. IX QW-202.4 • Use the ru les i n eit her s ecti on III, NX-4350 or Secti on VIII, Div . 2, Article F-3 • Sec. IX QW-193 and QW-288
Tip : Tube- to-T ubeshe et Welds
Tip : Tube- to-T ubeshe et Welds Interpretation : VIII-1-89-32
Date Iss ued :
Sept emb er 20, 1988
Fil e Num ber :
Quest io n : Do th e requi rements o f Sect ion VIII, Div . 1 pr oh ib it t he us e of t he ru les in either Se cti on III, Div is ion 1, NX-4350 or Sect io n VIII, Divi sio n 2, Arti cle F- 3 to be us ed t o q ualif y a tub e-to tube she et welding proce dure ? Reply : No.
Tip : Prepa ration for Welder qu ali fi cation Type of welde r qu alif ication s required in th e sho p
- Welders for gro ove a nd fill et welding in the pla te - Welders for groove we lding for small dia mete r pipe - Welding opera tors for automa tic welding - Welders for weld meta l overla y - Welde rs for tube- to- tube she et welding
Sect io n II, Part C • Understand what is included in the SFA specifications of Section II, Part C and how these specifications are used in the purchasing and use of welding filler materials. • Part C of Section II covers welding materials. Information included in these specifications are: • The process that may be used with various electrodes. • Recommended storage requirements. • An explanation of the AWS markings. • Recommended positions for electrodes. • Recommeded polarity and current. • Information on how to meet an SFA Specification.
Sect io n II, Part C
Sect io n II, Part C
• Defin itio ns f or Se cti on II C • Some of the definitions in Part C are provided below. It is important, however, to keep in mind that these definitions do not necessarily use the same terminology as that used in the industry. For example, “rod” and “electrode”. • A welding rod is defined as filler metal deposited separately from the electrode that initiates the arc. This would include brazing and OFW. • An electrode is defined as the item that creates the arc in arc welding. It may or may not be the filler metal. • Filler metal is defined as the material, other than the base material being welded, that is deposited to from a weld. • Flux is defined as a fusible material that serves to stabilize and shield the arc.
Sect io n II, Part C
• Speci fi catio ns of SFA-5.1 • Specification SFA-5.1 prescribes the requirements for the classification of carbon steel electrodes for shielded metal arc welding. Examples of the electrode classifications in this specification include: E6010, E6011, E7018, and E7028 – Only 60 and 70 ksi electrodes.
• Marki ng Re qu irements • SFA-5.1 specifies marking requirements for both the package and the electrode. • For packages: The AWS specification and class, supplier’s name and trade designation, size and net weight, lot, control, or, or heat number. For electrodes: the electrode classification must be within 2-1/2” of the grip end. The prefix letter “E” may be omitted.
Sect io n II, Part C • Specif ic ation s o f SFA-5.1
Sect io n II, Part C • Specif ic ation s o f SFA-5.1
Sect io n II, Part C • Specif ic ation s o f SFA-5.1 • Example: • An E7018 electrode has a minimum tensile strength of 70,000, uses low hydrogen potassium/iron powder covering, and can use AC or DCEP. • Example of SFA-5.1 Electrodes • E-6010 • E-7018 • E-7024 • Only 60 and 70 thousand tensile electrodes are covered by this specification.
Sect io n II, Part C • Specif ic ation s o f SFA-5.1 • Example: • An E7018 electrode has a minimum tensile strength of 70,000, uses low hydrogen potassium/iron powder covering, and can use AC or DCEP. • Example of SFA-5.1 Electrodes • E-6010 • E-7018 • E-7024 • Only 60 and 70 thousand tensile electrodes are covered by this specification.
Sect io n II, Part C • Specif ic ation s o f SFA-5.1
Sect io n II, Part C • Speci fi catio n SFA-5.4 • Specification SFA-5.4 prescribes the requirements for classification of CorrosionResisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Steel Covered Welding Electrodes for Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW Electrodes for Stainless Steel)
Sect io n II, Part C • Speci fi catio n SFA-5.4
Sect io n II, Part C • Speci fi catio n SFA-5.4 •
• An E308L- 15 uses 308 austenetic stainless steel, with lower carbon than straight E308, lime covering, and used with DCEP. •
Examples o f SFA-5 .4 Electr odes
• E-308L-15 • E-309Cb-15
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