Asme Sec Viii Closed QB (106-120)
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Southern Inspection Services
ASME A SME SEC VIII QB 1. Minimum Design thic kness for a vessel vessel shell is 10 10 mm. F Follo ollo win g four plates were received with actual thickness equal to: 10.2 mm, 9.7mm, 10.3mm, 10. 3mm, and and 9.6 mm. As per
ASME Sec. VIII VIII Div.1, how m any plates will
you release for vessel fabrication?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. All 4 2. As per ASME Sec. Sec. VII VIIII Div. Div. 1, if permanent d eformation is ob served due to over pressure during hyd rotesting:
a. The inspector should ask for re-test using proper test pressure and new pressure gauges. b. Follow-up the hydro-testing by a pneumatic test at proper pressure, taking suitable precautions as given in code c. The inspector may ask for providing additional stiffening rings around vessel and carry out re-hydro test at proper test pressure. d. The inspector may reject the vessel.
3. A Shell with nom. I.D. = 2200 mm is rolled and the inspector observed foll owin g readings , D max = 221 2215mm, 5mm, D min = 2195 2195 mm. Should t he shell be:
a. Accepted b. Rejected c. Accept after NDT d. Depends on opinion of inspector.
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4. A horizontal vessel is provided with 2:1 elliptical elliptical hea heads ds on bot h ends. The The tan – t an s hel l len gt h = 120 in . v ess el di a = 40 i n. What wi ll be ov eral l len gt h of th e vessel?
a. 150 inches b. 140 inches c. 160 inches d. None of above 5. Acc ordi ng to API 510, 510, authori zed zed insp ection agency agency is:
a. Jurisdicti Jurisdiction on organization b. Insurance company which under writes insurance of pressure vessels c. Inspection organization of owner-user d. Any of above 6. A pressur e vessel vessel has design press ure = 30 300 0 psi. Its Its safe stress values at ambient and designed temperatures are 17100 psi and 16300 psi respectively. The hydrostatic test pressure and inspection pressure for above will be:
a. 450 psi and 346 psi b. 409 psi and 315 psi c. 415 psi and 300 psi d. None of the above 7. The rules for im pact testin g of carbon steel in Secti Secti on VIII VIII vessel vessel materials require what kind(s) of impact test?
a. Brinell & Rockwell b. Izod & Charpy V-notch c. Charpy V-notch only is acceptable. d. Brinell only is acceptable.
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8. Prior to witn essing a pneumatic pneumatic test of a pressure pressure vessel, the inspector should:
a. Ensure that welds around nozzles were inspected by PT or MT prior to commencement of test. b. Ensure that test pressure is maintained throughout the leak testing inspection. c. Ensure that all butt welds were UT checked prior to commencement of test. d. Both a and b
9. A vessel made with full penetration double welds shows name plate marking of ‘RT2’. ‘RT2’. The joint efficiency for t his vessel wil l be: a. 0.85 b. 1.0 c. 0.7 d. None of these 10. Who is responsible for transferring the plate marking to the balance plate for a vessel repair repair wo rk?
a. Authorized inspector who is overseeing the repair activities b. Repair organization who does the repair work c. The plate marking and cutting persons involved in the repair process d. The pressure vessel Engineer who approved the repair work 11 11.. If vess el lon gitu dinal
and ci rcu mferential
are type 1 and s pot
radiographed radiographe d only, th en stamping on name pla plate te will be:
a. RT1 b. RT2 c. RT3 d. RT4
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12. In the above question, if welds were fully radiographed for their entire length, the purp ose is to co nfor m to _____ ________ ___ stampi ng to be put o n name plate:
a. RT1 b. RT2 c. RT3 d. RT4 13. As per ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1, in pressure testing, if stress ratio = 1, the test pressure as compared to design pressure shall be:
a. 1.5 times for hydrotest b. 1.3 times for pneumatic test c. Same for both hydro and pneumatic d. None of the above 14 14.. As per ASME Sec. Sec. VIII, VIII, Div. 1, if p ermanent defor mation is observed due to over pressure during hydrot esting:
a. The inspector should ask for re-test using proper test pressure. pressure. b. Follow-up the hydro-t hydro-testing esting by a pneumatic test at proper pressure, taking suitable precautions as given in code for pneumatic test. c. The inspector may ask for providing additional stiffening rings around vessel and carry out re-hydro test at proper test pressure. d. The inspector may reject the vessel. 15 15.. Identify inco rrect s tatements. The pressure vess el materials tend t o be less brittle:
a. As material thickness increases b. As s service ervice temperature temperature increases above ttransition ransition tem temperature perature c. a and b d. None of above is a correct correct statement. statement. 16 16.. If the part t o be PWHT’ed PWHT’ed is lo nger than t he furn ace, mult iple sh ot PWHT is prop osed. What is the minimu m over lap as per code to ensure proper PWH PWHT? T?
a. 2 feet b. 5 feet c. 2 meter d. 5 meter
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17 17.. In PWHT PWHT of pr essure vessels t hat are built in carbon and l ow-alloy s teels: a. Minimum PWH PWHT T temperature increases with with increase of vessel thickness. b. PWHT Soaking period increases with increasing vessel thickness. thickness.
c. Thickness has to be accounted accounted for working out heating and cooling rates. d. Only (b) and (c) above 18 18.. Three corrosi on patc hes were seen seen on t he shell fo r a tall vertic al vessel to decide their effect on v essel MAWP: MAWP: a. Work out part MAWP at thinnest patch patch and that that will represent represent vessel MAWP b. Vessel MAWP does not get affected by thinning of the vessel c. Work out part MAWP for lowest head, and that that will represent vessel MAWP d. Lowest value, as worked out by the worst combination of part MAWP and corresponding hydrostatic head at that location 19. When dial-type indicating and recording pressure gauges are used to monitor leak lea k testing, th e maximum gauge range shall shall not exceed exceed which multiple of the expected test pressure? a. 1½ times b. 2½ times c. 3 times d. 4 times 20. A vessel is to be pneumatically pressure tested to 250 psi. This test pressure will be reached reached in how many stages of pressurization? a. 5 stages b. 2 stages c. 6 stages d. 7 stages 21. 21. In above question what will be the incremental values of pressurization at first and second stage if pneumatic test p ressure is 250 250 psi? a. 125 psi, 25 psi b. 50 psi, 50 psi c. 100 psi, 50 psi d. None of above 22. 22. Pne Pneumatic umatic test is proposed f or a v essel essel ins tead tead of standard hydro test. Most probable reason reason for this could be: a. The v vessel essel internal is lined lined with refractory b. No water is available c. The skirt of the vessel is too week to take care of the static water head and pressure. d. Any one or both of a and c above
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23. 23. IIn n post weld heat heat treatment treatment ins pection what import ant things yo u will verify: a. Loading temperature and heating rate b. Holding temperature and holding time
c. Cooling rate and un-loading (from furnace) temperature d. All of the above are important things to be verified 24. 24. V Vessel essel containing lethal subs tance with s hell thickn ess of 20mm 20mm r equires: equires: a. Spot radiography (RT-3) b. Full length radiography (RT-1) c. No radiography (RT-4) d. Penetrant is sufficient if radiography testing is not available 25. 25. In a 30 mm thi ck cylindric al shell, the longitu dinal as well as circumf erential erential jo in ts are do ub le w eld ed bu tt w eld s wi th fu ll pen etr at atio io n. Whi ch of th e followin g is true as regards regards the longitud inal and and circu mferential mferential joints? a. They are of same category category but different types. types. b. They are of same type type but different categories. categories. c. Both tthe he category as well as type are same. d. Both the category as well as type are different. 26 26.. Vessel Vessel MAWP of exis ting vertic al vessel wi ll be affected f or w hich of t he following? a. If Vessel Part MAWP changes for any vessel part. b. If design pressure is reduced (other factors remaining same) c. Vessel heig height ht is changed by adding/deleting a shell course course d. A and C 27 27.. A Shell wi th Insi de dia = 2200 2200 mm, and Corr. allow.= 5 mm is to b e designed as per ASME Sec. Sec. VIII VIII , Div.1. Div.1. What What will t he value of “ R” in desig n form ula for s hell thickness? a. 1100 mm b. 1105 mm c. 1095 mm d. 1110 mm 28. 28. In In thic kness formu la for internal pressure for s hell, term term ‘E’ refers to: a. Modules of Elasticity of material b. Thermal Expansion c. Joint efficiency of the weld d. None of above 29. 29. IIdentify dentify category A joints from f ollowing: a. Longitudinal joints b. Circumferential joints, shell to shell c. Shell to hemispherical head joint d. a and c above
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30. 30. If all other condi tions are remains remains same the design thic kness of which dished end (Torispherical, Hemispherical, and Ellipsoidal) will be maximum?
a. b. c. d.
Torispherical Hemispherical Ellipsoidal All will be same
31. 31. Any thickness-offset within the allowable t olerance olerance shell be pro vided a minimum taper transition of: a. 3 to 1 min b. 4 to 1 min c. 3 to 2 min d. 1 to 2 min 32 32.. ASME Sec Sec VIII VIII Div. 1 s pecifi es diff erent acc eptance l evel f or weld reinforcement, which of the following s tatements tatements are true in your opin ion? a. Permitted reinforcem reinforcement ent for long. seems is higher than circ. seems b. Permitted reinforcem reinforcement ent for long. seems is lower than circ. Seems c. Permitted reinforcem reinforcement ent for long. seems is same as circ. seems d. Permitted reinforcem reinforcement ent does not depend on location of seems. 33 33.. Vessel Vessel MAWP for vertic al vessel is m ea easured sured at: a. Top most point of vessel b. Bottom most point of vessel c. At tthe he mid point between between top & bottom d. None of above 34 34.. A Pressure Vessel is desig ned for 0.85 join t effic iency w ith f ull p enetration welds. RT requir requir ement will be: a. Nil b. Spot c. 100 % d. T-joints radiography 35. A vessel with 50 inches OD and 1¼ in. thickness is to be provided Std. torisph. heads. The heads shall be formed with crown radius and min. knuckle radius as follows: a. 25 inch, 4 inch b. 50 inch, 3 inch c. 50 inch, 3¾ inch d. 25 inch, 2 inch
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36 36.. Two head head to shell joints, one join ing a seamless Hemisph Hemisph , head to shell was radiographed for full length and the other joint joining seamless std. torisph. head to shell was spot radiographed, The weld joint efficiency for each of these a. b. c. d.
heads respectively will be: 1, 0.85 1, 1 0.85, 1 0.85, 0.85
37 37.. ASME Sec. Sec. VIII VIII Div. 1 reco mmends use of U.T. U.T. in place of R.T. R.T. (for a ful ly radiographed vessel) for: a. All butt welds in vessel b. All butt and fillet fillet welds welds in vessel vessel c. For closing seams only d. The code does not permit use of U.T. at all 38 38.. Vessel Vessel MAWP for tall verti cal vessel wi ll no rmally b e: a. Greater than vessel part MAWPs b. Lower than Vessel part MAWPs c. May be (a) or (b) depending on Vessel height d. Is always s same ame as vessel design pressure 39 39.. For a a. b. c. d.
vessel vessel con stru cted wit h Type 1 welds: RT3 means E = 1 RT2 means E = 0.85 RT1 and RT2 may mean E = 1 RT4 means spot radiography
40. 40. C Choose hoose correct Pneumatic Pneumatic test pressure for following vessel Desig De sig n Pressure = 16 160 0 psi Design temp . = 675 ºF Al lo w st res s (A mb ien t) = 20,000 psi p si Al lo w st res s (675ºF) (675ºF ) = 19,200 psi p si a. 176.0 psig b. 215.6 psig c. 183.3 psig d. None of above 41 41.. Choose corr ect statement. Allow able external external press ure for a vessel: a. Will depend on Joint efficiency (E) and extent of radiography b. Depends on vessel temperature c. Is affected by internal corrosion allowance d. Both b and c
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42 42.. The rules for i mpact t esting o f carbo n steel in Section VIII VIII vessel materials require what kind(s) of impact test. a. Brinell & Rockwell
b. Izod & Charpy V-notch c. Charpy V-notch only is acceptable d. Brinell only is acceptable 43. 43. Prior to witnessing a pneumatic test of a pressure vessel, the inspector should: a. Ensure that welds around nozzles were inspected by PT or MT prior to commencement of test b. Ensure that test pressure is maintained throughout throughout the leak testing inspection c. Ensure that all butt welds welds were UT checked prior to commencement commencement of test d. Both a and b 44. Hydrostatic pressure test of vessels may be replaced by pneumatic test: a. At the option of vessel manufacturer b. At the option of vessel inspector c. Permitted only if water is not available in the region and Client approves d. Permitted only if design or operating conditions do not permit use of water as test medium. 45. 45. W What hat will be the minimum inspection p ressure if pneumatic testing was carried out at 220 psi g, as per code? a. 220 psi b. 250 psi c. 200 psi d. 260 psi 46. 46. For exte external rnal pressure calculations, the value of “ E” is w orked out o n the basis of: a. E = 1 for full radiography b. E = 0.85 for spot radiography c. E = 0.7 for no radiography d. E is modulus of elasticity and does not depend on radiography 47. In external pressure calculations for cylindrical shell, the Factor – A, depends on: a. O.D. and thickness of shell b. Design temperature c. Safe stress value ‘S’ of material d. All of the above
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48 48.. ASME Sec. Sec. VIII, VIII, Div. 1 permit permit s wh ich o f the fol low ing no zzle cons truc tion s? a. “Set-in” type b. “Set-on” type
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of (a) or (b) 49 49.. Ovality tol erance of a vessel shell wi th int ernal pressure is: a. 1% for shell I.D. b. 1% for shell O.D. c. 1% of Inside radius of shell d. 1% of Outside radius of shell 50 50.. Reinforcement area required for an op ening of diameter of 8” insi de diameter and minimum required shell wall thickness 1.0” 1.0” will be: a. 9.0 sq. inches b. 8.0 sq. inches c. 1 inch thickness d. 10 sq. inches 51. A vessel is constructed by using SA516 Gr. 70 normalised plates of thickness 1.12 1. 125” 5” . Minimum MDM MDMT T without any impact testing f or th is vessel will be: a. -26 F b. -30 F c. -22 F d. -16 F °
52. 52. Eva Evaluation luation of radiographs for “ Porosity” shall be carried out for Pressure Pressure vessels subjected to a. Full radiography b. Spot radiography
c. both aofand d. For For none a orb b 53 53.. The radiog radiog raphs and radiogr aphy report s of a vessel shall be maintained till : a. 5 years b. Till the MDR is signed c. 3 years d. 10 years 54 54.. Pneumatic test sho uld b e carried out on a vess el at 300 300 psig. The design temperature and the test temperature are same. What is the test pressure and in how many steps the pressure should be applied. a. 350 psig, 6 steps b. 330 psig, 6 steps
c. d. 350 330 psig, psig, 2 2 steps steps
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55. A vessel ves sel is to under un dergo go a hydr hy dros ostat tat ic test tes t after aft er an alt alterat eratio ion; n; th e test tes t pressure wil l be 785 psi. Using standard comm ercially available gauges what is t he minimum and maximum gage pressure range range acceptable acceptable for this test? a. 0-1000 to 0-3000 psi b. 0-1500 to 0-3000 psi c. 0-1000 to 0-2500 psi d. 0-850 to 0-1500 psi 56. 56. Which shell? a. b. c. d.
is the most severe severe stress c aused aused by internal pressure in a cy lindrical
Circumferential stress acting along the longitudinal axis. Longitudinal s stress tress acting along the the longitudinal axis Circumferential stress acting along the circumferential axis. Longitudinal stress acting along the circumferential axis.
57. 57. O Off th e a. b. c. d.
types of st resses placed placed on a thin walled cylinder th e most s evere evere is; Circumferential Longitudinal Compressive Radial
58 58.. The rules for i mpact t esting o f carbo n steel in Section VIII VIII vessel materials require what kind(S) of impact test. a. Brinell & Rockwell b. Izod & charpy V-notch c. Charpy V-notch only is acceptable d. Brinell only is acceptable. 59. You have measured undercut on a girth weld during the repair to a vessel, it was foun d to be 1/32 1/32 inch in d epth. The base metal metal is 2 inch es thick , and and you should? a. Reject the weld b. Accept the weld. c. Consult the API 510 code for accept/reject criteria before making a decision d. Consult with the chief inspector or Engineer 60 60.. The two typ es of im pact tests required by sectio n VIII VIII Div.1 are; a. Izod and drop weight b. Brinell and Rockwell c. Charpy and Drop Weigth d. Weld metal and Base metal
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61 61.. In In Section VIII VIII Div.1 acceptance acceptance o f a radiog raph is based on; a. The speed of the film used. b. The geometric unsharpness of the image
c. The absence of backscatter. d. The ability to see the essential hole or wire, if a wire type type IQI is used 62. A spot radiograph of a butt weld in a 1 inch thick of a vessel market RT-3 was found to have a rounded indication, the dimension of such an indication according to section VIII VIII div 1 is; a. 1/32 of an inch b. 1/3 of an inch c. 2/3 of an inch d. None, rounded indications are not a consideration with with spot radiography 63 63.. Secti Secti on VIII Div Div 1, is v ery specif ic abou t th e number of spot radiogr aphs required when when applying it fo r quality control, the basic premise is to; a. Insure that all welds are made perfectly b. Make sure someone is held responsible for any poor welding c. apply the radiographs immediately after welding in order to take connective connective steps if needed. d. fire as many welders as possible 64. A P No.1 material that is plate has been rolled into a cylinder and butt welded. The cylinder is exactly 1-1/ 1-1/4” 4” thick, and it is used in the repair repair of a pressure boundary on a U stamped stamped vessel, the following is a true st atement. atement. a. It must receive full radiography b. It may be not spot radiographed c. It may not be fully radiography d. It may receive spot, full or no radiography depending on the original UI form 65 65.. Charpy imp act tests are intended to pro ve that a material is; a. Tough at the desired MDMT of the vess vessel el to be constructed using that material b. Some what prone to brittle fracture. c. acceptable for use in high temperature temperature service service d. not required to be heat treated 66. 66. The testing appara apparatus tus used and the techniques f or performin g ch arpy impact tests are found in; a. Section VIII Div. 1 paragraph UG-84 b. SA-270 c. SA-370 d. Section IX paragraph 401.32
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67 67.. Prior t o wi tnessi ng a pneumatic test of pressu re vessel, whic h has been repaired repa ired by welding the inspector s hould; a. Determine if the vessel has had all relief devices removed removed b. Observe that the digital pressure gage to be used for the test is of the proper range c. Check that the personnel conducting conducting the test have been properly trained to perform hazardous tests. d. Make sure that the analog pressure gage is of the the proper range for the test pressure 68 68.. The number of charpy imp act speci mens requi red for a 1-3 1-3/4” /4” Thick weld procedure test plate is; a. 2 sets of 3. b. 3 sets of 2. c. 3sets of 3. d. Dependent on the type of mat material erial to be used in the const construction ruction of the vessel.
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ASME SEC VIII QB ANSWERS Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
UG – 116 e-2 and Table UW - 12 UG – 77 and API 510
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
ASME VIII, UG – 116 ASME VIII, UG - 116 UG – 99 and UG - 100 UG – 99 (d) ASME VIII, Fig. UCS – 66 ASME VIII, UW – 40 a2 UCS – 56, d1, 5 ASME VIII, UG – 98 (a) ASME VIII, UG - 102 ASME VIII, UG - 100 ASME VIII, UG – 100 Application of UG – 100 (a) UCS – 56, d1, 2, 5 ASME UW-11(a)
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
ASME VIII, UW – 3 (a) ASME VIII, UG – 98 (a) ASME VIII, UG – 27 (a), UG -16 (e) ASME VIII, UG – 27 (a) ASME VIII, UW – 3 (a) (1) ASME VIII, UG – 32, d, e, f ASME VIII, Fig. UW - 9 ASME VIII, UW - 35 ASME VIII, UG – 98 (a) ASME VIII, Table UW - 12 ASME VIII, UW – 32 (j) ASME VIII, UW – 12 (d)
ASME VIII, UW – 11 (a) - 7
API 510 – DAY 2
REFERENCE ASME VIII, UG – 16 (c) ASME VIII, UG - 99 ASME VIII, UG-80 a (1) ASME VIII, UG-32 (d) API 510, 3.4 ASME VIII, UG-99 (b) and (d) ASME VIII, UG-84 ASME VIII UG-100
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38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
ASME VIII, 98 (a) ASME VIII, UG – 116 (e) ASME VIII, UG – 100 (b) ASME VIII, UW – II (c) ASME VIII, UG - 84 ASME VIII, UG - 100 ASME VIII, UG – 100 (a) ASME VIII, UG – 100 (d) ASME VIII, UG – 28, Step 7 ASME VIII, UG – 28, Steps 2 and 3 ASME VIII, UW – 16, Fig. UW 16.1 ASME VIII, UG – 80 (a) ASME VIII, UG - 37 ASME VIII, Fig. UCS - 66 ASME VIII, UW-52. ASME VIII, UW – 51 c (1) ASME VIII, UG – 100 (d) UG-102 UG-27&API 510 VIII UG-27 VIII UG-84 VIII UW-35 VIII UG-84 VIII UW-51(a)(3) VIII UW-52 ( c ) (3) VIII UW-52 header note VIII UW-11(a)(3)&UCS-57 (table notes)
65 66 67 68
VIII UG-84 definition of Charpy (notch toughness)! VIII UG-84 refers SA-370 for details VIII UG-100&102&UW-50 VIII UG-84 (h)
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