Asme Questions and Answers Part - Iii

September 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Wh Whic ich ho off th the e ffol ollo lowi wing ng iis s tr true ue of “d “dea eadl dleg egs” s” in a pi pipi ping ng sy syst stem em? ? a. b.



NDT c ca annot be d do one o on n deadlegs A portion of the piping which has fallen out of the test system Th The ec cor orro rosi sion on ra rate te ca can nv ver ery ys sig igni nifi fica cant ntly ly ffro rom ma adj djac acen entt p pip ipin ing g


None of the above

Wh Whic ich h of the the fo foll llow owin ing g is a de desc scri ript ptio ion no off a ““re repa pair ir o org rgan aniz izat atio ion” n”? ? a.

An owner or user of piping systems who repairs or alters his or her own equipment in accordance with API 570 b. A contract contractor or whose qualifications are acce acceptable ptable to the own owner er or user of piping systems and who makes repairs or alterations according to API 570 c. On One e wh who o is au auth thor oriz ized ed by by,, ac acce cept ptab able le to to,, or othe otherw rwis ise e no nott proh pr ohib ibit ited ed by the the juri jurisd sdic icti tion on an and d wh who o ma make kes s re repa pair irs s or alterations according to API 570 d. All All o off th the ea abo bove ve


Wha hatt d doe oes s tth he ac acrrony nym m CU CUII re rep pre res sent nt? ? a. b. c. d.


Cracking Under Insulation Covered Under Insurance Corrosion Under Insulation Corrosion Under Inspection

Repair o on n p piiping s sy ystem w wo ould a. b. c. d.

Re Rest stor ore e p pip ipin ing g tto o in inte tend nded ed de desi sign gn co cond ndit itio ions ns Change the design conditions Require rre e-rating tto o b be e carried o ou ut None of the above



Wh Whic ich h o off tthe he fo foll llow owin ing g b bes estt de desc scri ribe bes s au auxi xili liar ary y p pip ipin ing? g? a.


An Any y pi pipi ping ng w whi hich ch iis s ex extr tra a to tthe he m mai ain n pi pipi ping ng rrun un c can an b be e considered considere d as auxiliary piping. Instrument and machinery piping, typically small bore secondary process piping that can be isolated from primary piping system. Any piping which is less than 1.0 inch N.B


All of the above



Post weld heat treatment is carried out: a. b. c. d.



In ca case se of pi pipi ping ng re requ quir irin ing gP PWH WHT TP Pre ress ssur ure e ttes estt is is c con ondu duct cted ed a.

Before PWHT

b. c. d.

After PWHT and before painting After PWHT and painting Anytime is okay

Ba Basi sic c c con onst stru ruct ctio ion n c cod ode e refe referr rred ed in AP APII 5 570 70 is a. b. c. d.


To increase Hardness To iin ncrease T Te ensile s sttrength To release locked-up stresses in the weld and improve ductility None of the above


Sec. VIII DIV 1 Sec. IX B 31.1 B 31.3

Wh Whic ich ho off tthe he foll follow owin ing gd def efin ines es the the tter erm mh hol old dp poi oint nt? ? a. A pipe han hanger ger tha thatt utilize utilizes s sprin springs gs and slid sliding ing sho shoes es to accommodate accommoda te expansion and contraction b. A dog welded welded onto pi piping ping an and d used to alig align n joint joints s prior to welding c. A point be beyond yond wh which ich wor work k may not pro procee ceed d until ins inspect pections ions have been performed and documented d. A trunnio trunnion, n, gimbal, or sliding shoe us used ed for piping supp support ort systems


Whi Which ch o off th the e fo follo llowin wing g ch chang anges es o on n a pi pipin ping g co could uld be tter ermed med as a an n alteration? a.

Addi Addition tion of a rein reinforc forced ed nozz nozzle le of size equa equall to an exis existing ting


nozzle Ad Addi diti tion on of a n noz ozzl zle en not ot requ requir irin ing g rrei einf nfor orce ceme ment nt



d. 11.. 11

AP APII 57 570 0 wa was s de deve velo lope ped d for for th the e pe petr trol ole eum refi refini ning ng an and d ch chem emic ical al process industries. a. b. c. d.


It It It It

s sh hall all b be e use sed d for for a all ll pipi pipin ng s sy yste stems ms.. ma may y b be e u use sed, d, wh wher ere e p pra ract ctic ical al,, ffor or an any y pi pipi ping ng sy syst stem em.. ca can nb be eu use sed, d, wh whe ere ne nece cess ssar ary, y, for for p pow ower er pi pipi ping ng.. ma may yn not ot be us used ed un unle less ss ag agre ree ed tto ob by ya all ll pa part rtie ies. s.

The pre prefer ferred red me mediu dium m fo forr a p pre ressu ssure re ttes estt is ___ ______ ______ ____. _. a) b) c) d)

13.. 13

Any chan change ge that effe effect ct the pres pressure sure cont containi aining ng capa capacity city of  the piping beyond the scope of items described in existing data reports Only “b” and “c”  

Steam Air Water Hydrocarbon

Id Iden enti tify fy ““de dead ad lleg egs” s” ffro rom m tthe he fo foll llow owin ing. g. a. b. c. d.

Broken or damaged pipe supports Spare pump piping Both of above None of above



In APIAPI-510, 510, the term “RB “RBI” I” mean means: s: a. b. c. d.

15.. 15

S/ S/A A iint nter erfa face ce is take taken na as sz zon one ew whi hich ch is: is: a. b. c. d.


Repairing B Be efore IIn nspection Report B Ba ased In Inspection Repair Based Inspection Risk B Ba ased In Inspection

12 iinch nches es abo above ve so soil il 12 iinch nches es bel below ow s soil oil 12 inc inches hes belo below w and 6 inch inches es ab above ove s soil oil a and and b a abo bove ve

Par Partt of pip piping ing in insta stalla llatio tion n exh exhibi ibitin ting g sim simila ilarr cor corros rosivi ivity ty and s simi imilar lar design conditions is called: a. b. c.

Piping system Piping Spool Piping Circuit


None of the above

17. What is the mini minimum mum ttime ime tthat hat a lleak eak ttest est m must ust b be e mai maintain ntained ed as per B 31.3? a. b. c. d. 18.

60 45 30 10

minutes minutes minutes minutes

“TML” iin nA AP PI 5 57 70 m me eans: a. b. c. d.

Thickness monitoring line Thickness measuring location Thickness measurement location None of the above



Pe Perfo rformi rming ng iimpa mpact ct ttes estt rrequ equire ires s te testi sting ng of a s set et of: a. b. c. d.

20.. 20

Thre Three es spe peci cime men n At le least ast two spe specim cimen en Min Minimu imum m tthre hree es spec pecime imen n Max Maximu imum m thr three ee s spec pecime imen n

Ho Hott ta tapp ppin ing g is be best st d des escr crib ibed ed b by y st stat atem emen ent: t: a.

b. c. d.

It is tech techni niqu que eo off h hea eati ting ng the the p pip ipe e tto os spe peci cifi fied ed temp temper erat atur ure e and gently tapping with 1lb. rounded hammer to detect thinning of pipe wall It is tech techni niqu que eo off p pro rovi vidi ding ng a ttap appi ping ng co conn nnec ecti tion on wh whil ile ep pip ipe e system is in operation It is tech techni niqu que e o off ffix ixin ing g a wa wate terr ttap ap on ho hott w wat ater er line lines s ffor or use during winter It is an ac actt of us usin ing g the the tap tap an and d di die e fo forr thre thread adin ing g the the pi pipe pe when the pipe is hot --------------------------End-------------------------------


Q. 1 2 3 4 5



REFERENCE 570, 5.3.2 570, 3.38 570, 3.8 570, 3.37 570, 3.6

Q. 29 30 31 32 33




6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

C B D C C B C B D C C D C A B --------

B 31.3, 331 B 31.3, 345.1 API 570, 3.3 API 570, 3.13 API 570, 3.1 API 570, 1.1.2 B 31.3, 345.4.1 API 570, 3.9 API 570, 5.1 API 570, 3.42 API 570, 3.31 B 31.3, 345.22 API 570, 3.47 B 31.3, 323.3.3 General Knowledge -----------------------------

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

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