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Iner%re&i#n: IX'((')* Subject: Section IX, Tack Welder Qualification Date Issued: January 31, 19 !ile: "#

Question: $ay a %elder %elder be &ualified &ualified as a tack %elder %elder if 'is 'is tack %elds %elds %ere a (art of anot'er  anot'er  %elder)s &ualification test cou(on or (art of anot'er %eldin* (rocedure &ualification test %'ic' +et t'e intent of t'e ode.e(ly: T'e ode re&uires t'at t'at all %elders, %elders, /includin* tack %elders0, %elders0, +ust be &ualified (er  (er  Section IX

Iner%re&i#n: IX'(+'Subject: Section IX, QW244, !lu5 ored #rc Weldin* Date Issued: !ebruary , 196 !ile: 7248

Question: Does *as *as +etal2arc %eldin* /$#W0 /$#W0 in t'e (rocedure (rocedure &ualification &ualification and and  (erfor+ance &ualification refer also to flu5 cored arc %eldin* %eldin* /!#W0- If so, s'ould %elders be be &ualified se(arately under bot' (rocesses.e(ly: !lu5 cored arc %eldin* /!#W0 is (er+issible (er+issible under under t'e ode ode and is considered to co+e under t'e +ore *eneral +et'od of %eldin* kno%n as *as +etal2arc %eldin* /$#W0 Welders do not 'ae to be &ualified se(arately unless t'ere is a c'an*e in any of t'e ;ssential Dat Date Issu Issued ed:: Dece+ ece+be berr >, >, 19 1964 !ile "o: 764213>

Question /10: @er QW288>/a0, QW288>/a0, +ay t%o t%o or +ore se(arate se(arate W@Ss /eac' (ro(erly (ro(erly &ualified &ualified to %eld t'e joint indiidually0 be used to %eld a sin*le (roduction joint %it'out %ritin* a ne% W@S co+binin* t'e se(arate W@Ss into a sin*le [email protected](ly /10: Aes Question /0: /0: Does QW211>/a0 QW211>/a0 (er+it t'e referencin* referencin* of a se(arately se(arately &ualified W@S to coer t'e root (ass %eldin* of o(en root joints in anot'er [email protected](ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'+-' Subject: Section IX, QW2344 Date Issued: Dece+ber >, 1964 !ile: 7642>6

Question: Is !#W included %it' $#W in QW2344.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'(+'(Subject: Section IX, QW2143/d0 Date Issued: June , 19 196 !ile "o: 7623

Question: QW21431/d0 (er+its (er+its acce(tance of t'e tension tension test if t'e s(eci+en s(eci+en breaks in t'e  base +etal outside of t'e t'e %eld or fusion line %'ere %'ere t'e stren*t' is not +ore t'an 4? belo% t'e s(ecified +ini+u+ tensile stren*t' stren*t' of t'e base +etal W'at are t'e re&uire+ents if t'e s(eci+en  breaks in t'e %eld or fusion fusion line.e(ly: If t'e tension tension test s(eci+en breaks breaks in t'e t'e %eld or or fusion line, line, it s'all s'all 'ae a tensile stren*t' not less t'an t'at re&uired in QW21431/a0, /b0, or /c0

VOLUME + Iner%re&i#n: IX'+-')+ Subject: Section IX, QW288> Dat Date Issu Issued ed:: Dece+ ece+be berr >, >, 19 1964 !ile "o: 764213>

Question /10: @er QW288>/a0, QW288>/a0, +ay t%o t%o or +ore se(arate se(arate W@Ss /eac' (ro(erly (ro(erly &ualified &ualified to %eld t'e joint indiidually0 be used to %eld a sin*le (roduction joint %it'out %ritin* a ne% W@S co+binin* t'e se(arate W@Ss into a sin*le [email protected](ly /10: Aes Question /0: /0: Does QW211>/a0 QW211>/a0 (er+it t'e referencin* referencin* of a se(arately se(arately &ualified W@S to coer t'e root (ass %eldin* of o(en root joints in anot'er [email protected](ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'+-' Subject: Section IX, QW2344 Date Issued: Dece+ber >, 1964 !ile: 7642>6

Question: Is !#W included %it' $#W in QW2344.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'+-'*Subject: Section IX, QW2344 Date Issued: "oe+ber >, 196B !ile: 76B219

Question: Is a %elder %elder %'o is is &ualified usin* *as +etal2arc %eldin* %eldin* /$#W0 also &ualified &ualified for  flu52cored arc %eldin* /!#W0 or ice ersa, (roided t'e ot'er ariables for (erfor+ance &ualification re+ain unc'an*ed.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'+-'() Subject: Section IX, QW288 and QW2>63 Date Issued: $ay , 196 !ile: 762869

Question /10: Is t'e absence of a laboratory test nu+ber on a @rocedure Qualification Qualification .ecord /@Q.0, QW2>63 or e&uialent, cause for renderin* t'e docu+ent inalid  .e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Is t'e @Q. inalid inalid if t'e laboratory test results are s(ecified s(ecified on a @Q. @Q. and neit'er t'e laboratory nor t'e o%ner of t'e @Q. can (roduce a co(y of t'e laboratory test results  .e(ly /0: "o

VOLUME ( Iner%re&i#n: IX'+/'0* Subject: Section IX, QW2>8>4 Date Issued: January 3, 1998 !ile: 76921

Question: If a W@S and @Q. 'ae 'ae been &ualified %it' filler filler +aterial (urc'ased to an establis'ed  (rocure+ent docu+ent, docu+ent, is it re&uired by QW2>8>4 QW2>8>4 to re&ualify eac' ti+e t'at filler filler +aterial is reordered to t'e (rocure+ent docu+ent.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'+/'01 Subject: Section IX, $ulti2(rocess Qualification Date Issued: January 3, 1998 !ile: 769238

Question: # &ualified /+ulti(le /+ulti(le (rocess0 W@S lists t'e follo%in*: Dia+eter and (i(e sc'edule C B in Sc' 55s /86B> in no+inal t'ickness0 T#W root (ass C 8188 in de(osit t'ickness S$#W 'ot and fill (asses C 8B> 8B> in de(osit t'ickness t'ickness # %elder (erfor+ed a (erfor+ance (erfor+ance &ualification test, usin* t'e aboe aboe W@S #n ins(ector, usin* a ernier cali(er +easured t'e root

 (ass de(osit and deter+ined 814 in t'ickness 'ad been de(osited by t'e T#W (rocess, and subse&uently rejected t'e (erfor+ance test based on e5cessie de(osit by t'e T#W (rocess T'e cou(on %as radio*ra('ed and, additionally, side2bend s(eci+ens %ere re+oed and tested 7ot' +et all t'e Section IX re&uire+ents for (erfor+ance &ualification Since t'ere are no tolerances stated in any of t'e tables relatin* to %eldin* (rocess de(osits or test cou(on s(eci+ens, does t'e ode re&uire erification of t'e de(osit t'ickness of %eld+ents to t'e de*ree cited aboe  .e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'+/'0Subject: Section IX, QW2>896 and QW2> Date Issued: January 3, 1998 !ile: 769234

Question /10: W'en a constant current (o%er su((ly is used in S$#W and T#W, is a olta*e or olta*e ran*e re&uired to be listed on t'e W@S, (roided t'e olta*e is addressed /ie "E#0 "otc'2tou*'ness testin* is not a((licable .e(ly /10: "o Question /0: #ST$ S721B3, 1BB, 1B and 1B6 C S(ecification for "ickel 'ro+iu+ #lloys in arious s'a(es and for+s, include F"S "o "8BB88 and F"S "o "8BB98 +aterial In t'e @2  "o >3 base +aterial listin*, only F"S "o "8BB88 is s(ecified $ay t'e F"S "o "8BB98 be included in t'e @2"o >3 *rou(in* to reduce %eldin* (rocedure &ualifications  .e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'+/'0/ Subject: Section IX, QW21B/d0 Date Issued: January 3, 1998 !ile: 76923B1

Question: W'en obtainin* t'e c'e+ical analysis re&uired in QW21B/d0 fro+ t'e test cou(on detailed in QW2>B4, s'all t'e +ini+u+ t'ickness &ualified be +easured fro+ t'e fusion line so t'at t'e c'e+ical sa+(le included t'e effect of base +etal dilution in t'e de(osit.e(ly: Aes

VOLUME / Iner%re&i#n: IX'+/'+0 Subject: Section IX, QW21411, QW2>41 Date Issued: January , 1991 !ile: 798243

Question /10: #re t%o sin*le full (late t'ickness s(eci+ens necessary to satisfy t'e re&uire+ents of QW2>41 %'en t'ey are (re(ared in accordance %it' QW21411/a0-

.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Is t'e &ualified t'ickness ran*e of QW2>41 based on t'e Gas2%eldedH cou(on t'ickness, een t'ou*' t'e cou(on is subse&uently +ac'ined to less t'ickness, in order to obtain  (arallel surfaces  .e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'+/'+( Subject: Section IX, QW28/c0 Date Issued: January , 1991 !ile: 7982>4

Question: $ay (ressure retainin* fillet %elds be &ualified by +eans ot'er t'an a *rooe %eld test cou(on.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'+/'/1 Subject: Section IX, QW2>41 Date Issued: $arc' , 1991 !ile "o: 79826B9

Question: Is a %elder %'o 'as &ualified usin* a de(osit t'ickness of 898 in &ualified to %eld t'e entire t'ickness of a 3 in t'ick +aterial.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/' Subject: Section IX QW23 C ;5(iration and .ene%al of Qualifications of Welders Date Issued: ctober , 1991 !ile "o 7912B>

Question: $ay a %elder t'at 'as &ualified on  in and B in dia+eter stainless steel (i(e , +aintain &ualification by +akin* one butt %eld on B in stainless steel (i(e.e(ly: Aes Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'+ Subject: QW2> and QW2>3 #lternate 7ase $aterials for Welder Qualification, #2"u+bers

Date Issued: !ile "o:

ctober , 1991 912369

Question /10: Is a %elder, %'o 'as &ualified usin* +ild steel base +aterial @2"o 1 to @2"o 1 usin* eit'er $#W, T#W, or @#W %eldin* (rocesses and filler +etal !BE#1, &ualified to %eld austenitic stainless steel @2"o 6 to @2"o 6.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Is t'e #2"u+ber an essential ariable for a %elder (erfor+ance &ualification test.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/' Subject: Section IX QW23 C ;5(iration and .ene%al of Welder Qualification Date Issued: ctober , 1991 !ile "o: 7912>4

Question /10: Does a %elder %'o is &ualified for a *ien (rocess for bot' *rooe and corrosion2resistant %eld +etal oerlay +aintain 'is &ualification for *rooe %eldin* if, for +ore t'an si5 +ont's, t'e %elder only does corrosion2resistant %eld +etal oerlay %eldin*.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Does t'e non2ode %eldin* %ork need to be e5a+ined by "D; to +aintain t'e %elders &ualification.e(ly /0: "o Question /30: $ay a %elder +aintain 'is &ualification by %eldin* on te+(orary attac'+ents %it'out any "D;.e(ly /30: Aes

VOLUME 0 Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'* Subject: QW288>/a0, o+bination of Weldin* @rocesses Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 92811

Question: $ay a sin*le set of %eld +etal i+(act test s(eci+ens be used to &ualify t%o or +ore  (rocesses or (rocedures.e(ly: Aes, (roided %eld +etal fro+ eac' (rocess or (rocedure is included in eac' s(eci+en

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'*0 Subject: QW2>9, Definition of $ac'ine Weldin* Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 92188

Question: Is a $#W s(ot %eldin* (rocess in %'ic' all ariables are (reset, e5ce(t for  (lace+ent of t'e noKKle a*ainst t'e +aterial and actiation of t'e tri**er by t'e o(erator, considered +ac'ine %eldin*.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'** Subject: QW241> and QW268, S(ecial @rocesses Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 921B6

Question /10: #ccordin* to t'e 1998 #ddenda of Section IX, are t'ere any su((le+entary essential or nonessential ariables re&uired to be addressed in a W@S for t'e s(ecial (rocesses described in QW268.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: #ccordin* to t'e 1991 #ddenda of Section IX, are t'ere any su((le+entary essential or nonessential ariables re&uired to be addressed in a W@S for t'e s(ecial (rocesses described in QW241>.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'*1 Subject: QW383 and QW2>4>, !illet Welds Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 9236

Question: W'en Section IX re&uires se(arate (erfor+ance &ualification for fillet %elds on s+all dia+eter (i(e, does t'e sa+e re&uire+ent a((ly to lon*itudinal fillet %elds /suc' as t'e attac'+ent of *ussets in t'e lon*itudinal direction0.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'*Subject: QW23833 and QW2>B19, S(ecial @ositions for @erfor+ance Qualification Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 92B4

Question: Is a %elder %'o is &ualified to %eld *rooe %elds in a s(ecial orientation, also &ualified to %eld in t'e 1 (osition.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'*( Subject: QW23, .ene%al of Qualification Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 92BB

Question: $ay t'e rene%al of %elder and %eldin* o(erator (erfor+ance &ualification be done on  (roduction %ork.e(ly: Aes Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'*+ Subject: QW2>BB, Test Ji*s Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 92B

Question: In deter+inin* t'e a((ro(riate test ji* di+ensions of QW2>BB to use for bend tests, is it (er+issible to use t'e di+ensions corres(ondin* to @2"o 34 +aterial %'en t'e filler +etal is a !2"o 3B, een t'ou*' t'e base +aterial is ot'er t'an a @2"o 34 +aterial.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'*/ Subject: QW2>BB, Test Ji*s Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 92B6

Question: In &ualifyin* a %eldin* (rocedure %'ic' utiliKes a !2"o 3B filler of ;. u#l2#1 /S!# 40 for corrosion resistant %eld +etal oerlay of a @2"o 1 carbon steel +aterial, is t'e re&uired +andrel dia+eter for side bend testin* >t as deter+ined fro+ colu+n # of QW2>BB1, QW2>BB or QW2>BB3.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'1) Subject: QW2>83B, 7ase $etals Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 921

Question: If =eat #ffected Lone /=#L0 notc' tou*'ness re&uire+ents are a((licable, does QW2 >83B, base +etal t'ickness re&uire+ents a((ly.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'1 Subject: QW2>413 and QW2>B>, !illet Weld Test S(eci+ens C @rocedure and QW2 >4>, @erfor+ance Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens Date Issued: Se(te+ber 38, 199 !ile "o: 92B

Question: If a %elder (erfor+s a (rocedure &ualification (er QW2>B>/d0 usin*  in "@S (i(e and (asses, is 'e &ualified for all dia+eters as outlined in QW2>413.e(ly: "o, (er QW2>4>, 'e is &ualified do%n to 1 in D

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'1 Subject: QW2>B4, orrosion2.esistant erlay laddin*E=ard2!acin* erlay, 'e+ical #nalysis S(eci+en Date Issued: Dece+ber 1>, 199 !ile "o: 924

Question: $ay only one c'e+ical analysis s(eci+en be re+oed fro+ t'e ertical (ortion of a B (ositioned 'ard2facin* %elded @Q. cou(on %'en t'e %eld trael direction is reersed eery ot'er %eld (ass resultin* in %eld beads de(osited in ertical2u(%ard and ertical2do%n%ard direction.e(ly: Aes, (roided a c'e+ical analysis re(resents eac' ertical trael direction

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'10 Subject: QW2>41, rooe Weld @rocedure Qualifications T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens Date Issued: Dece+ber 1>, 199 !ile "o: 924>

Question: # %elder 'as &ualified on 3 in D N in %all (i(e in t'e 1 (osition =e 'as also &ualified on 1O in D P in %all (i(e in t'e B (osition Is 'e &ualified to %eld 1O in D N in %all in all (ositions.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'1* Subject: QW21>3, orrosion2.esistant Weld $etal erlay Date Issued: Dece+ber 1>, 199 !ile "o: 92384

Question: @rior to t'e 1991 #ddenda, did QW21>3 address t'e nu+ber of c'e+ical analysis tests re&uired for orrosion2.esistant Weld $etal erlay utiliKin* t'e T#W $ac'ine Weldin* @rocess in t'e 4 or B (osition.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'11 Subject: QW2183, .ecords Date Issued: Dece+ber 1>, 199 !ile "o: 9238

Question: Is it acce(table to satisfy t'e re&uire+ents of QW2183 for record +aintenance, certification, and accessibility by +eans of an electronic stora*e +ediu+, e*, co+(uter database.e(ly: Section IX does not address t'e +edia in %'ic' records are re&uired to be +aintained

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'1Subject: QW2>413, !illet Weld Tests Date Issued: Dece+ber 1>, 199 !ile "o: 92386

Question: # %elder (erfor+s a fillet %eld (rocedure &ualification in accordance %it' QW2>413, %'ic' fails t'erefore, neit'er t'e (rocedure nor t'e %elder are &ualified Is it (er+issible for t'e %elder to t'en (erfor+ a successful *rooe %eld (rocedure &ualification test and be &ualified for *rooes and fillets.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'1( Subject: QW243, QW24B and QW2>8B3, $a5i+u+ Inter(ass Te+(erature Date Issued: Dece+ber 1>, 199 !ile "o: 9234>

Question: #ccordin* to t'e 199 #ddenda of Section IX, is it (er+issible to reise a W@S by increasin* inter(ass te+(erature to +ore t'an 188! aboe t'at recorded on t'e su((ortin* @Q. %'en su((le+entary essential ariables do not a((ly %it'out re&ualification.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'1+ Subject: QW23B>, !riction Weldin* Date Issued: Dece+ber 1>, 199 !ile "o: 9234

Question: !or (erfor+ance &ualification, is a friction %eld o(erator re&uired to re&ualify for eac' seat siKe and base +etal co+bination to be &ualified to o(erate t'e +ac'ine.e(ly: Aes

VOLUME 00 Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'1/

Subject: Date Issued: !ile "o:

QW238B, o+bination of Weldin* @rocesses QW2>41 and QW2>43, @erfor+ance Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens !ebruary , 1993 928B

7ack*round: T'e co+bination of %eldin* (rocesses and (i(e dia+eters listed belo% %ere used for (erfor+ance &ualification: /10  in Sc' 68 /160 (i(e %it' o(en butt usin* T#W (rocess /0  in Sc' 1B8 /3>30 (i(e %it' consu+able insert and fill (ass usin* t'e .#W (rocess and t'e re+ainder %elded %it' S$#W (rocess /30 B in XXS /6B>0 usin* S$#W (rocess %it' backin* Question: Fsin* t'e co+binations listed in t'e 7ack*round, in accordance %it' QW238B, "ote  of QW2>41 to deter+ine +a5i+u+ t'ickness &ualified, and QW2>43 for +ini+u+ dia+eter &ualification, is t'e %elder &ualified to %eld on unli+ited t'ickness and dia+eters aboe 1 in, usin* eit'er an o(en butt joint or a consu+able insert %it' t'e root layer de(osited %it' t'e T#W (rocess and t'e re+ainder de(osited %it' t'e S$#W (rocess.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'-) Subject: QW21>, orrosion2.esistant Weld $etal erlay Date Issued: !ebruary , 1993 !ile "o: 92>1

Question: W'en corrosion2resistant %eld +etal oerlay is de(osited in a base +aterial *rooe to a de(t' t'at is not included in t'e desi*n calculations, +ust t'e de(osit be tested as a *rooe %eld.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'- Subject: Section II, @art  S!#2413, S(ecification for Solid Surfacin* Weldin* .ods and ;lectrodes Date Issued: !ebruary , 1993 !ile "o: 92>

Question: $ay (o%dered filler +etal be classified under Section II, @art , S!# 413.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'- Subject: QW2>86, S'ieldin* as Date Issued: !ebruary , 1993 !ile "o: 92>4

Question /10: W'en c'an*in* s'ieldin* *ases of a s(ecific +i5ture, is it (er+issible to adjust t'e no+inal (ercenta*e/s0 of t'e +inor co+(onent/s0 by RE2 8? %it'out re&ualifyin* t'e (rocedure.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: In addition, %'en t'e absolute alue of RE2 8? ti+es t'e no+inal (ercenta*e of a +inor co+(onent is less t'an 1?, %ould it be (er+issible to +ake a RE2 1? adjust+ent to t'e *as +i5ture.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'-0 Subject: QW21431, Tensile Stren*t' Date Issued: !ebruary , 1993 !ile "o: 92>4

Question: # %eldin* (rocedure &ualification test cou(on is %elded usin* @2"o 3, S7289, alloy B8B1 alu+inu+ base +aterial in t'e /GoH0 te+(er #fter %eldin* t'e test cou(on, it is subjected to a GT2BH 'eat treat+ent To establis' acce(tability of tensile tests (er QW21431, +ay t'e tensile re&uire+ents of QW2> for S7289, alloy B8B1 /T> and TB te+(ers in t'e %elded condition0 be used.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'-* Subject: QW23, ;5(iration and .ene%al of Qualification Date Issued: $ay B, 1993 !ile "o: 9321>6

7ack*round: # %eldin* o(erator is in t'e (rocess of rene%in* 'isE'er &ualification usin* +ac'ine T#W %eldin* e&ui(+ent Durin* t'e (rocess t'e +ac'ine +alfunctions and burns t'rou*' t'e root (ass of t'e test cou(on "o o(erator error is noted !ollo%in* t'e +alfunction, t'e test cou(on is re(aired usin* a +anual T#W (rocess #fter t'e re(air, t'e +ac'ine %eldin* e&ui(+ent is used to co+(lete t'e rest of t'e test cou(on Question: $ay a %eldin* o(erator (erfor+ance test cou(on bein* %elded for &ualification or rene%al, be re(aired (rior to testin*, usin* a +anual %eldin* (rocedure.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'-1 Subject: QW2>31, #lternate 7ase $etals for Welder Qualification Date Issued: $ay B, 1993 !ile "o: 9321>6

Question: In QW2>31, is @2"o > included in @2"o >X-

.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'-Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: $ay B, 1993 !ile "o: 9323

7ack*round: o+(any # and o+(any 7 +er*e diisions to for+ ne% o+(any  Question /10: $ay t'e ne% o+(any, , use @Q.s and W@Ss deelo(ed (reiously by o+(any # and o+(any 7.e(ly /10: Aes, (roided o(erational control is in accordance %it' QW281 Question /0: $ay t'e ne% o+(any, , use t'e central +aterials laboratory of o+(any # to deelo( W@Ss and @Q.s.e(ly /0: Aes, (roided o(erational control is in accordance %it' QW281

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'-( Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: $ay B, 1993 !ile "o: 932391

Question: In a contract inolin* (i(in* construction %ork, our co+(any subcontracted t'e  (i(in* (refabrication %ork to a subcontractor T'is subcontractor is +ana*ed by our co+(any  but 'as a different na+e T'e subcontractor (roceeded to &ualify %eldin* (rocedures %'ic' %ere conducted in t'e (resence and %it' t'e a((roal of our co+(anys %eldin* en*ineer, %'o +onitored t'e %eldin* of t'e test cou(ons and si*ned a((roal on t'e @Q.s T'e Quality ontrol Syste+ of t'e subcontractor and our co+(any fully describe t'e o(erational control of  (rocedure &ualifications Was our client ri*'t in rejectin* t'e use by our co+(any of t'e subcontractor &ualified %eldin* (rocedures for t'e erection %ork of t'e (refabricated (i(in*.e(ly: T'is is a contractual issue, %'ic' #S$; does not address

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'-+ Subject: QW238B, o+bination of Weldin* @rocesses and QW2>41, rooe Weld @rocedure Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens Date Issued: June 38, 1993 !ile "o: 92811#

Question: In usin* a sin*le set of test s(eci+ens to &ualify t%o or +ore (rocesses or (rocedures, does Section IX s(ecify a +ini+u+ %eld de(osit t'ickness to be included in eac' test s(eci+en fro+ eac' of t'e (rocesses or (rocedures.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'-/ Subject: QW2>891, ;lectrical 'aracteristics Date Issued: June 38, 1993 !ile "o: 928117, 926, 92343

Question: Is it t'e intent of QW2>891 t'at t'e 'eat in(ut, to be recorded on t'e @Q., be calculated based on t'e (ara+eters used at t'e location %'ere t'e i+(act s(eci+ens %ere re+oed.e(ly: Aes

VOLUME 0* Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'()R  Subject: QW2>834, 7ase $etals Date Issued: June >, 881 !ile "o: 882>8

Question /10: W'en a (rocedure &ualification %it' su((le+ental notc' tou*'ness re&uire+ent is conducted %it' one @2"u+ber +aterial 'ain* +ulti(le certifications in different rou(  "u+bers, are W@Ss &ualified for all co+binations of t'e rou( "u+bers.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: In t'e aboe &uestion, does one set of =#L i+(act s(eci+ens, %'en re&uired, satisfy t'e re&uire+ents of Section IX.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: W'en a (rocedure &ualification %it' su((le+ental notc' tou*'ness re&uire+ent is conducted %it' t%o +aterials of different @2"u+ber eac' 'ain* +ulti(le certifications in different rou( "u+bers, are W@Ss &ualified for all co+binations of t'e +ulti(le certified rou(  "u+ber of t'e first @2"u+ber +aterial to t'e +ulti(le certified rou( "u+ber of t'e second @2  "u+ber +aterial.e(ly /30: Aes Question />0: In t'e aboe &uestion, does one set of =#L i+(act s(eci+ens fro+ eac' @2"u+ber +aterial, %'en re&uired, satisfy t'e re&uire+ent of Section IX.e(ly />0: Aes Question /40: In Question /30, are +aterials fro+ t'e +ulti(le certified rou( "u+bers &ualified for %eldin* a @2"u+ber +aterial to itself.e(ly /40: "o

 "ote: T'e ter+ G+ulti(le certificationsH as used +eans any +aterial for %'ic' a +aterial test re(ort indicates t'at t'e +aterial +eets all t'e re&uire+ents of t%o or +ore s(ecifications, *rades, ty(es, or classes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'( Subject: QW238>, 43 and QW2>B19, @erfor+ance Qualification Date Issued: Se(te+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 93239

Question /10: $ay %elder &ualifications for corrosion2resistant oerlays (er QW2361 and QW2 >43 be +ade on (late, %'en &ualifyin* for %eldin* on (i(eEtubes (arallel to t'e a5is of t'e  (i(eEtubes.e(ly /10: Aes Question /a0: S'ould t'e side bends re&uired in QW2>43 consist of t'e base +etal (lus oerlay t'ickness, after surface conditionin* (er "ote > of QW2>43Question /b0: W'en t'e oerlay test s(eci+ens are less t'an  in t'ick, +ay t'e side bend s(eci+en %idt' be t'e test s(eci+en t'icknessQuestion /c0: $ay t'e ed*es of t'e oerlay be outside of t'e bent area as lon* as at least a 1N in %idt' of oerlay and =#L are co+(letely %it'in t'e bend.e(ly /a0: Aes .e(ly /b0: Aes .e(ly /c0: Aes Question /30: +ay QW2>B19 rooe2@i(e be used for t'e (osition essential ariable rules for %elder &ualifications on corrosion2resistant oerla(.e(ly /30: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'(0 Subject: QW2313, Welder Qualification #fter !urt'er Trainin* or @ractice Date Issued: Se(te+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 932>B6

7ack*round: # %elder (erfor+ance &ualification test (late fails to +eet t'e radio*ra('ic re&uire+ents for &ualification #fter furt'er trainin* a ne% (erfor+ance &ualification test (late is %elded Question: $ay t'e ne% test (late be ealuated by bend testin*.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'(* Subject: Q72>81, 7ase $etals Date Issued: Se(te+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 932>>

Question: W'en braKin* +aterial used for a (rocedure &ualification test is not listed in Q72> or #((endi5 , but is si+ilar to @2"o 18 or S2"o 18 +aterials listed in Q72> or #((endi5 , +ay t'is +aterial be considered @2"o 18 or S2"o 18 +aterial in accordance %it' Q72 >81.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'(1 Subject: QW288>/b0, o+bination of Weldin* @rocedures Date Issued: Se(te+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 932>98

Question: W'en %ritin* +ulti2(rocess %eldin* (rocedures (er QW288>/a0, %'ere t'e tube %all t'ickness is less t'an 1 in, usin* a se(arate &ualification for t'e root de(osit only, +ust t'e root de(osit &ualification cou(on be N in +ini+u+ t'ickness as stated in QW288>/b0.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'(Subject: QW2>B, Test S(eci+ens Date Issued: Se(te+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 932414

Question: QW2>B defines W as Gs(eci+en %idt',  inH Is  in a +ini+u+ or +a5i+u+ di+ension re&uire+ent for (re(arin* a reduced section tensile s(eci+en.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'((

Subject: Date Issued: !ile "o:

QW288>, o+bination of Weldin* @rocedures and QW2>41>, !illet Welds Qualified by rooe Weld Tests Se(te+ber , 1993 932416

7ack*round: # butt %eldin* (rocedure &ualification %as co+(leted on a (i(e %it' ;B818 electrode /!2"o 30 for t'e root (ass and ;816 electrode /!2"o >0 for t'e re+ainin* (rocess Question /10: Will t'e aboe (rocedure &ualification alone su((ort a W@S to +ake a fillet %eld %it' ;816 electrodes /!2"o >0 for all t'e (asses for all fillet siKes on all base +etal t'icknesses %'en all t'e ot'er essential ariables under QW243, S$#W (rocess, are t'e sa+e.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Will t'e aboe (rocedure &ualification alone su((ort a W@S to +ake a butt %eld %it' ;816 electrodes /!2"o >0 for all t'e (asses includin* t'e root (ass %it'in t'e li+its of &ualification of QW2>411 and %it'in t'e li+its of t'e essential ariables under QW243, S$#W  (rocess.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'(+ Subject: QW288/b0, Weldin* @rocedure Qualifications Date Issued: Se(te+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 9324B1

Question /10: $ay a co+(any subcontract %eld (rocedure deelo(+ent and &ualification, includin* certification of t'e @Q., %it'out a co+(any re(resentatie (resent to %itness t'e %eldin*, testin* and certification.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: $ay a co+(any subcontract %eld (rocedure deelo(+ent and &ualification, includin* certification of t'e @Q., %it' a co+(any re(resentatie (resent to %itness t'e %eldin*, testin* and certification.e(ly /0: "o Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'(/ Subject: QW21411, Tension Tests, .educed Section2@late and QW2>B1/a0, Test S(eci+ens Date Issued: Se(te+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 932463

Question /10: Is it (er+issible to reduce a (late test cou(on t'ickness beyond re+oin* t'e reinforce+ent to allo% for (arallel surfaces.e(ly /10: Aes

Question /0: W'at (ercenta*e of t'e t'ickness is (er+issible to be re+oed for (rocedure &ualification.e(ly /0: T'e +ini+u+ necessary to obtain (arallel surfaces

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'+) Subject: QW2183, .es(onsibility and QW218, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: Se(te+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 93246>

Question: W'en a co+(any c'an*es na+es durin* t'e course of ti+e +ust all t'e 'istorical docu+ents, suc' as @Q.s and W@Qs, be reised to s'o% t'is ne% na+e.e(ly: "o, (roided t'ere is docu+ented traceability fro+ t'e ne% co+(any na+e to t'e W@Ss and @Q.s &ualified under t'e old co+(any na+e

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'+ Subject: QW21831 and QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: ctober 16, 1993 !ile "o: 9238B

Question /10: #ccordin* to Section IX, (ara QW281, is it (er+issible for a +anufacturer or contractor to 'ae t'e %eldin* of t'e test %eld+ents (erfor+ed by anot'er or*aniKation.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: #ccordin* to (ara QW281, is it (er+issible to subcontract t'e %ork (re(aration of test +etal for %eldin* and subse&uent %ork on (re(aration of test s(eci+ens fro+ t'e co+(leted %eld+ent, (erfor+ance of nondestructie e5a+ination, and +ec'anical test, (roided t'at t'e +anufacturer or contractor acce(ts t'e res(onsibility for any suc' %ork.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: If t'e +anufacturer or contractor %rites t'e W@S and t'e %elder used to (roduce %eld+ents to be tested for &ualification of (rocedures are under full su(erision and control of a re(resentatie of t'e +anufacturer or contractor durin* t'e (roduction of t'ese test %eld+ents, +ay t'e %elder be an e+(loyee of anot'er or*aniKation.e(ly /30: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'+ Subject: ode ase 1>1, ;lectrodes and !lu5es for Sub+er*ed #rc Weldin*, S!# 41 and S!# 43 Date Issued: "oe+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 932>3>

Question /10: Does t'e G$anufacturers Date .e(ortH in t'e Section IX ode ase 1>1 +ean t'e follo%in*: /a0 $anufacturers Data .e(ort re&uired in @211 of Section I /b0 Data .e(ort re&uired in "#238 of Section III /c0 Data .e(ort re&uired in F218 of Section 8, @ost%eld =eat Treat+ent Date Issued: "oe+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 93246B

7ack*round: # @Q. %as %elded on a  in t'ick @2"o 1, r  +aterial and (ost %eld 'eat treated at 1148U! for si5 'ours /3 'rsEin0 %it' su((le+entary essential ariable re&uire+ents Question: Will t'is @Q. su((ort a W@S for a (roduction %eld in  in t'ick @2"o 1, r  +aterial t'at is @W=T at 1148U! for  'ours /1 'rEin0.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'+1 Subject: Q7211 and #7213, 7raKin* Test @ositions Date Issued: "oe+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 932B44

Question: If t'e test +aterial is oriented at 14 de* aboe 'oriKontal /ie, 4 de* do%n fro+ ertical0 and t'e braKin* filler +etal flo%s u(%ard by ca(illary action t'rou*' t'e joint, %ould t'e  braKer t'en be &ualified for bot' t'e flat2flo% and ertical2u(flo% (ositions-

.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'+Subject: QW21883, Weldin* eneral .e&uire+ents Date Issued: "oe+ber , 1993 !ile "o: 932B46

Question: $ay a 'ard2facin* (rocedure &ualification test t'at %as (erfor+ed in 1998 on a 1 in t'ick test cou(on and is used to su((ort a %eldin* (rocedure s(ecification %ritten in 1993, be used to de(osit a 'ard2facin* oerlay on a base +aterial 1 in to unli+ited t'ickness.e(ly: Aes QW21883 allo%s %eldin* (rocedure s(ecifications /W@Ss0 to be su((orted by  (rocedure &ualifications acco+(lis'ed subse&uent to 19B %it'out a+endin* t'e W@S to include any ariables re&uired by later ;ditions and #ddenda

VOLUME 01 Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'+( Subject: QW2>83B, 7ase $etals and QW2>891, ;lectrical 'aracteristics Date Issued: !ebruary 1>, 199> !ile "o: 932141

7ack*round: T%o @Q.s 'ae been &ualified to su((ort a W@S %it' notc' tou*'ness re&uire+ents and 'ain* a &ualified base +etal t'ickness ran*e fro+ 4E1B in to  in inclusie ne @Q. %as &ualified on 1 in t'ick +aterial %it' a +a5i+u+ 'eat in(ut of 64,888 JEin T'e second %as &ualified on 4E1B in t'ick +aterial %it' a +a5i+u+ 'eat in(ut of >4,888 JEin #ll ot'er essential and su((le+entary essential ariables are t'e sa+e Question /10: Is t'is W@S &ualified for usin* 64,888 JEin +a5 'eat in(ut on t'icknesses 4E1B in to  in.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Is t'e 'eat in(ut alue of 64,888 JEin a((licable to base +etal t'icknesses bet%een V in to  in and t'e 'eat in(ut alue of >4,888 JEin a((licable to base +etal t'icknesses bet%een 4E1B in and V in.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'++ Subject: QW2>891 and QW2>896, ;lectrical 'aracteristics Date Issued: !ebruary 1>, 199> !ile "o: 932493

Question: Section IX, QW2>896 and QW2>891, re&uire t'at t'e olts and a+(s be s(ecified in t'e W@S Does Section IX re&uire olta*e to be +easured at a s(ecific location in t'e %eldin*

circuit or t'e current to be +easured usin* a s(ecific ty(e of +eter /.$S, aera*in* or ot'er ty(e0.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'+/ Subject: QW2>41, rooe Weld @rocedure Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens and QW2>43, rooe Weld Dia+eter Mi+its Date Issued: !ebruary 1>, 199> !ile "o: 932B43

Question: # %elder 'as &ualified on 3 in D N in %all (i(e in t'e 1 (osition and 'as also &ualified on 1 in D P in %all (i(e in t'e 1 (osition Is t'e %elder &ualified to %eld 1 in D  in %all in t'e 1 (osition.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'/) Subject: QW2>B19, @erfor+ance Qualification @osition and Dia+eter Mi+itations Date Issued: !ebruary 1>, 199> !ile "o: 93243

Question: # %elder 'as (assed t%o se(arate tests one on V in D by 88>9 in t'ick (i(e %elded in t'e B (osition usin* T#W (rocess, and anot'er on N in t'ick (late %elded in t'e 1 (osition usin* T#W (rocess Do t'ese t%o tests in co+bination &ualify t'e %elder to %eld  (i(e of unli+ited dia+eter in all (ositions u( to 1 in t'ick usin* T#W.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'/ Subject: QW2388, eneral Weldin* @erfor+ance Qualifications Date Issued: !ebruary 1>, 199> !ile "o: 93244

Question: Does Section IX (ro'ibit +akin* editorial corrections to %elder and %eldin* o(erator  (erfor+ance &ualification records.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'/ Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility, larification .e&uest to Inter(retation IX2928, Date Issued: ct , 1991, !ile 91214B Date Issued: $ay 8, 199> !ile "o: 932B6

Question /10: Is t'e ter+ Gr*aniKationH as stated in QW281 and Go+(any #H in Inter(retation IX2928 one and t'e sa+e-

.e(ly /10: "o 7ack*round: T%o co+(anies are contracted by a client co+(any to undertake (i(e %ork installation on its facility #ll sta*es of t'e Weldin* @rocedure Qualification @rocess for t'e t%o contracted co+(anies are %itnessed by t'e client co+(anies re(resentatie and t'e docu+entation duly sta+(ed and si*ned as acce(ted by t'e client Question /0: $ay t'ese (rocedures be used by t'e client co+(any.e(ly /0: "o Question /30: Does t'e client co+(any 'ae to re&ualify t'ese (rocedures in order to (erfor+ in2 'ouse +aintenance at a later date usin* all t'e sa+e essential and nonessential ariables %it' its o%n &ualified %elders.e(ly /30: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'/0 Subject: Q72>81, 7raKin* Data and #((endi5  C "on+andatory S2"u+bers Date Issued: $ay 8, 199> !ile "o: 9324

Question /10: Does t'e braKin* (rocedure &ualification test %it' a base +etal assi*ned one S2  "u+ber, or S2"u+ber (lus rou(2"u+ber, &ualify for all ot'er base +etals in t'e sa+e S2  "u+ber *rou(in*.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Does t'e braKin* (rocedure &ualification test %it' dissi+ilar +etals usin* one +etal listed in one S2"u+ber to one s(ecific +etal not listed in one S or @2"u+ber &ualify for t'e braKin* of all ot'er base +etals in t'e sa+e S2"u+ber to t'e+seles and to t'e s(ecific base +etal %it'out S or @2"u+ber.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'/* Subject: Section II, @art  C S!#246 Date Issued: $ay 8, 199> !ile "o: 9324>

Question: $ay #WS lassification 7a*23> be considered S!#246 filler +etal een t'ou*' it does not a((ear in t'e 199 #S$; 7oiler and @ressure !ile "o: 9>218

7ack*round: # %elder is &ualified on a "@S  Sc' >8 (i(e test cou(on usin* T#W 1B ++ de(osited %eld +etal and S$#W > ++ de(osited %eld +etal Question /10: Is t'e S$#W (ortion of t'e (erfor+ance &ualification considered %eldin* %it'  backin*.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Is t'e %elder &ualified to %eld "@S > sin*le %elded *rooe %eld %it'out backin* usin* t'e S$#W (rocess only.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'/( Subject: QW288>/a0, o+bination of Weldin* @rocedures Date Issued: $ay 8, 199> !ile "o: 9>21B

Question: #ccordin* to QW288>/a0, %'en a &ualified W@S for a co+bination (rocess is aailable, +ust a ne% W@S be *enerated in only one of t'e (rocesses is to be used in (roduction,  (roided all re&uire+ents of Section IX for t'e (rocess used are +et.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'/+ Subject: #((endi5 , "on+andatory S2"u+bers Date Issued: $ay 8, 199> !ile "o: 9>23B

Question: $ay steel (roduced to #ST$ #2186 rade 1816, F"S 18168, be considered S21 +aterial.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'// Subject: QW2>3B, !2"u+bers and Section II, @art  C S!#249 Date Issued: June 18, 199> !ile "o: 932B and 932B9

Question: $ay #WS 4> ;. Lr> be considered as an !2"o B1 filler +etal.e(ly: Aes

VOLUME 0Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1') Subject: QW2881/b0, eneral Weldin* @rocedure Qualifications and QW2>8>, Joints Date Issued: Se(te+ber 1, 199> !ile "o: 9>218>

Question: If a W@S states t'at t'e T#W (rocess s'all be used on root and second (ass of o(en root or +etal backed *rooe joints and t'e S$#W (rocess s'all be used on t'e re+ainder of t'e *rooe joint, is it necessary to state t'at t'e S$#W (ortion of t'e W@S +ust be (erfor+ed %it'  backin* /ie, t'e T#W (rocess0.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1') Subject: QW2>B, Test S(eci+ens Date Issued: Se(te+ber 1, 199> !ile "o: 9>2161

Question: W'at are t'e +ini+u+ and +a5i+u+ tolerances for s(eci+ens s'o%n in QW2>B, %'ere t'e fi*ures s'o% Ga((ro5i+ateH di+ensions.e(ly: #s stated in t'e !ore%ord, GT'e ode does not fully address tolerances W'en di+ensions, siKes, or ot'er (ara+eters are not s(ecified %it' tolerances, t'e alues of t'ese  (ara+eters are considered no+inal and allo%able tolerance or local ariances +ay be considered acce(table %'en based on en*ineerin* jud*+ent and standard (ractices as deter+ined by t'e desi*nerH

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1')0 Subject: QW28/b0, rooe and !illet Weld Tests and QW283/b0, Weld .e(air and 7uildu( Tests Date Issued: Se(te+ber 1, 199> !ile "o: 9>234

7ack*round: @rocedure &ualification %as (erfor+ed by +akin* a full (enetration %eld on 1N in t'ick (late @ara*ra(' QW28/b0 states t'at &ualification on 1N in or t'icker base +etal

&ualifies for +akin* (artial (enetration %elds on base +etals %it' no u((er li+it of base +etal t'ickness "o +ini+u+ t'ickness of base +etal is addressed Question /10: Does &ualification of a 1N in t'ick base +etal &ualify for +akin* (artial  (enetration *rooe %elds on base +etals %'ic' are less t'an 3E1B in t'ick.e(ly /10: "o, see (ara QW2>411 for +ini+u+ base +etal t'icknesses 7ack*round: @rocedure &ualification %as (erfor+ed by +akin* a full (enetration %eld on 1N in t'ick (late @ara*ra(' QW283/b0 states t'at &ualification on 1N in t'ick or t'icker base +etal &ualifies for +akin* %eld re(airs or %eld build2u(s on base +etals of unli+ited t'ickness Question /0: Does &ualification on 1N in base +etal &ualify for +akin* %eld re(airs or %eld  build2u(s on base +etals %'ic' are less t'an 3E1B in t'ick.e(ly /0: "o, see (ara QW2>411 for +ini+u+ base +etal t'icknesses

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1')* Subject: QW2>43, rooe Weld Dia+eter Mi+its and Sub+er*ed #rc Wire !lu5 o+bination Date Issued: Se(te+ber 1, 199> !ile "o: 9>29B

Question /10: #ccordin* to (ara QW2>43, is t'e inside dia+eter an essential ariable for  (erfor+ance &ualification.e(ly /10: "o 7ack*round: # W@S for S#W (rocess %as &ualified %it' a %ire flu5 co+bination classified as !B@82;M6, usin* one trade na+e for flu5 T'is W@S %as in use for seeral years "o% t'e flu5 +anufacturer 'as c'an*ed t'e classification to !@2;M6 %it'out c'an*in* t'e trade na+e of flu5 T'e flu5 trade na+e is +entioned on t'e W@S and @Q. alon* %it' t'e for+er #WS classification Question /0: Is it re&uired to re&ualify t'is W@S due to t'e c'an*e in t'e #WS class of t'e %ire flu5 co+bination by t'e flu5 +anufacturer %it'out c'an*in* its Trade "a+e.e(ly /0: Aes, see (ara QW2>8>9/a0

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1')1 Subject: QW2>, @2"u+bers Date Issued: Se(te+ber 1, 199> !ile "o: 9>23B4

Question: $ay S724B> F"S "8664 be considered as @2"o >4, since it 'as identical (ro(erties to S72>4 F"S "8664 t'at is assi*ned @2"o >4 in QW2>.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1')Subject: QW21431, Tension Tests Dat Date Iss Issu ued: ed: Se(t Se(te+ e+be berr 1, 1, 199> 199> !ile "o: 9>24>

Question: If a tensile s(eci+en breaks breaks in t'e %eld +etal, belo% t'e t'e %eld +etals +ini+u+ +ini+u+ s(ecified tensile re&uire+ent, but not belo% t'e +ini+u+ tensile stren*t' s(ecified for t'e base +etal, is t'e @Q. considered acce(table.e(ly: Aes

VOLUME 0( Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1')( Subject: QW2>8, S2"u+bers Date Is Issued: $arc' 1 1, 19 1994 !ile "o: 9>24

Question: W'en &ualifyin* a %eldin* (rocedure (rocedure usin* S1 *rou(  for #@I 4MXB8 (i(e joinin* to $SS S@24 or #ST$ #6B8 W@=A2B4 fittin*s, or %'en joinin* W@=A2B8 fittin*s to eac' ot'er, is it (er+issible to use t'e corres(ondin* S2"u+ber for t'e fittin* as t'e sa+e *rade of 'i*' stren*t' (i(e %'en t'e ('ysical (ro(erties are si+ilar.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1')+ Subject: QW2>B>/a0, !i !illet We Weld @r @rocedure Date Is Issued: $arc' 1 1, 19 1994 !ile "o: 9>24>3

Question /10: W'en %eld re&uired-

T 2 is

*reater t'an  in in !i* QW2>B>/a0, %'at is t'e +a5i+u+ siKe fillet

.e(ly /10:  in Question /0: In QW2>B>/a0, %'at does does GsiKe of fillet  t'ickness t'ickness

T 2H


.e(ly /0: T'e len*t' of eac' fillet le*/s0 s'all be no+inally e&ual e&ual to t'e t'ickness of

T 2

Question /30: Is t'ere a tolerance for t'e fillet fillet le* siKe.e(ly /30: "o #s stated in t'e 199 #ddenda #ddenda to t'e t'e !ore%ord, %'en tolerances tolerances are not not s(ecified, di+ensions are considered no+inal and allo%able tolerances or local ariances +ay be considered acce(table %'en based on en*ineerin* jud*+ent and standard (ractices as deter+ined  by t'e desi*ner

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1')/

Subject: Date Is Issued: !ile "o:

QW214 2143, #c #cce(tance r riteria C Te Tension Te Tests $arc' 1 1, 19 1994 9>248

Question: W'en %elds bet%een base +etals of different +ini+u+ +ini+u+ s(ecified tensile stren*t's are  bein* tested and tensile tensile failure occurs in eit'er eit'er of t'e base +etals, does t'e t'e reference to base +etal %it'in QW21431/d0 +ean t'e base +etal %it' t'e lo%er +ini+u+ s(ecified tensile stren*t'.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1') Subj Subjec ectt: QW28 288> 8>, o+ o+bin binatio ation n of Weld eldin* in* @roc @roced edu ures res Date Is Issued: $arc' 1 1, 19 1994 !ile "o: 9>2BB

Question: $ay a sin*le (rocess W@S be &ualified &ualified by a co+bination co+bination (rocess @Q. %'ere no essential ariables for t'e (rocess are c'an*ed.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1' Subject: QW2>86, as Date Is Issued: $arc' 1 1, 19 1994 !ile "o: 94288

Question: Is it re&uired to indicate t'e (urity leel by (ercent co+(osition co+(osition or descri(tie ter+s of a sin*le s'ieldin* *as on t'e W@S and on t'e @Q..e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1' Subj Subjec ectt: QW28 28> >, Dissi issi+ +ilar ilar 7as 7ase $et $etal T'ic T'ick kness nesses es Date Is Issued: $arc' 1 1, 19 1994 !ile "o: 9428

Question: Does QW28> include butt joints joints and corner joints %'en joinin* dissi+ilar dissi+ilar base +etal t'icknesses %'en (re(ared %it' a *rooe.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'0 Subj Subjec ect: t: QW28 QW283, 3, Mi+i Mi+its ts of Qual Qualif ifie ied d @osi @ositi tion onss for for @roce @rocedu dures res and and Sect Sectio ion n II, II, @art @art , S!#241 and 44 Date Is Issued: June 14 14, 19 1994 !ile "o: 9>2834

Question: Do t'e re&uire+ents for classification classification of filler +etals in accordance %it' #S$; Section II, @art  a((ly to t'e &ualification of %eldin* and braKin* (rocedures in accordance %it' Section IX.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'* Subj Subjec ectt: QW238 23883 83, Weld eldin* in* @erf @erfo or+an r+ance ce Quali ualifficat icatio ion ns Date Is Issued: June 14 14, 19 1994 !ile "o: 9428>8

Question: #re t'ere any circu+stances under %'ic' a non2e+(loyee non2e+(loyee (erson or or*aniKation can re(resent one or +ore (artici(atin* or*aniKations durin* %eldin* of t'e test cou(on in accordance %it' t'e re&uire+ents of QW23883.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'1 Subj Subjec ect: t: QW21 QW21B8 B8,, uid uided ed27 27en end d Test Tests s and and QW2> QW2>BB BB "ote "ote /b0 /b0 C Test Test Ji*s Ji*s Date Is Issued: June 14 14, 19 1994 !ile "o: 94289>

Question: Is it acce(table to +easure t'e (ercent elon*ation of t'e tensile tensile s(eci+ens in lieu of  bend s(eci+ens to +easure +easure t'e ductility for %eldin* %eldin* (rocedure &ualification &ualification acce(tance.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'Subj Subjec ect: t: QW2 QW244 44,, Wel Weldi din* n* , refer to t'e final %eld face side only.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'+ Subject: QW2>896, ;lectrical 'aracteristics Date Issued: ctober 19, 1994 !ile "o: 9428

Question: Does Section IX re&uire t'at a se(arate a+(era*e ran*e be s(ecified for eac' filler +etal siKe listed in t'e [email protected](ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'/ Subject: QW23883, Weldin* @erfor+ance Qualifications and QW231/b0, ;5(iration of Welder Qualification Date Issued: ctober 19, 1994 !ile "o: 9421

7ack*round: # %elder si+ultaneously &ualifies for ten different contractors in accordance %it' QW23883 QW23883 re&uires t'e contractor t'at rejects a %elder to notify t'e ot'er contractors %'o (artici(ated in t'e si+ultaneous test t'at t'e %elders &ualification 'as been reoked ne of t'e contractors subse&uently reokes t'e %elders &ualification for s(ecific reason in accordance %it' QW231/b0 Question /10: #re t'e ot'er nine contractors %'o &ualified t'e %elder si+ultaneously, re&uired to reoke t'e %elders &ualification (er QW231/b0.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: W'en a (artici(atin* contractor reokes a %elders &ualification for a s(ecific reason, does QW23883 re&uire t'e ot'er (artici(atin* contractors to retest t'e %elder or %eldin* o(erator.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1') Subject: QW2388, Weldin* @erfor+ance Qualification Date Issued: ctober 19, 1994 !ile "o: 94238

Question: If t'e +anufacturer or contractor %rites t'e W@S, and t'e %elder used to (roduce t'e %eld+ents to be tested for &ualification of (rocedures is under t'e full su(erision and control of

t'e +anufacturer or contractor durin* t'e (roduction of t'ese test %eld+ents, +ay t'e %elder be a contracted e+(loyee, (roided t'e Quality ontrol syste+ or Quality #ssurance @ro*ra+ of t'e +anufacturer or contractor describes t'e control of contracted %elders.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1' Subject: QW2>834, 7ase $etals Date Issued: ctober 19, 1994 !ile "o: 942316

7ack*round: # @Q. is &ualified in accordance %it' Section IX, %it' su((le+entary essential ariables, usin* a +aterial fro+ 7ritis' Standard 14812>2>98#2MT48 Question: $ay t'is @Q. be used to su((ort a W@S utiliKin* a @2"u+ber 1, rou( "u+ber  +aterial %it' su((le+entary essential ariables.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1' Subject: QW2>>, 7ase $etals Fsed for @rocedure Qualification Date Issued: Dece+ber 6, 1994 !ile "o: 94241

Question: Does a (rocedure &ualification usin* an unassi*ned +etal to an assi*ned @2"u+bered +etal &ualify for %eldin* t'e base +etals to t'e+seles usin* all t'e nonessential, essential and su((le+entary essential ariables &ualified.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'0 Subject: QW2>43, "otes /30 and /180, T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens for =ard2 !acin* and orrosion2.esistant erlays Date Issued: Dece+ber 6, 1994 !ile "o: 942>6

Question /10: "otes /30 and /180 of QW2>43 re&uire a li&uid (enetrant e5a+ination of t'e surface of t'e test cou(on for 'ard2facin* (rocedure and (erfor+ance &ualifications, res(ectiely $ay t'e acce(tance standards of QW2194 or ot'er standards dee+ed a((ro(riate by t'e &ualifyin* or*aniKation be used as acce(tance criteria.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: $ust t'e acce(tance criteria be s(ecified on t'e [email protected](ly /0: Aes

VOLUME 0/ Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'* Subject: QW2>831, 7ase $etals Date Issued: $arc' 19, 199B !ile "o: 94219>

Question: Does a W@S &ualified usin* @2"o 1, rou( "o 1 +aterial, &ualify %eldin* for @2"o 1, rou( "o  +aterial, %'en notc' tou*'ness tests are not re&uired.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'1 Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: $arc' 19, 199B !ile "o: 9424

Question: If co+(any # (urc'ases co+(any 7, is it (er+issible for co+(any # to %rite Weldin* @rocedure S(ecifications /W@S0 in t'eir na+e, su((orted by @rocedure Qualification .ecords /@Q.0 &ualified by co+(any 7.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: $arc' 19, 199B !ile "o: 942383

7ack*round: o+(any # o%ns co+(any 7 and c'an*es its na+e to  T'e ne% co+(any  continues to use t'e W@Ss and @Q.s initially deelo(ed by 7 #fter so+e ti+e, co+(any # /t'e  (arent co+(any0 s(lits  back to 7 and  7ot' 7 and  no% o(erate inde(endently, but under co+(any # Question: $ay co+(any 7 use t'e W@Ss and @Q.s initially deelo(ed by 7 and also use W@Ss and @Q.s &ualified by co+(any  before t'e last reor*aniKation.e(ly: Aes, (roided t'at t'e re&uire+ents of QW281 are satisfied

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'( Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: $arc' 19, 199B !ile "o: 942>6

Question: $ay a subcontractor use a W@S su((orted by a @Q. %'ic' %as &ualified by t'e contractin* co+(any and subse&uently su((lied to t'e subcontractor.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'+ Subject: QW2>8318, S'ort ircuitin* $ode Date Issued: $arc' 19, 199B !ile "o: 9B288

Question: #re t'e base +etal t'ickness restrictions for t'e $#W (rocess s'ort circuitin* +ode stated in QW2>8318 and QW2>8>3 also a((licable to fillet %eld tests, eit'er in (rocedure &ualifications /QW2>413, QW2>41>0 or in (erfor+ance &ualifications /QW2>4>, QW2>44 and QW2>4B0.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'/ Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: $ay 38, 199B !ile "o: 94238

Question: If +ore t'an one +anufacturer or contractor a*rees u(on t'e use of one W@S, %'ic' is to be follo%ed durin* (roduction of test %eld+ents for &ualification testin*, +ay t'e %elder used to (roduce t'e %eld+ents to be tested for &ualification (rocedures, be under t'e full su(erision and control of eac' +anufacturer or contractor durin* t'e %eldin*, (roided t'e Quality ontrol Syste+ or Quality #ssurance @ro*ra+ of eac' +anufacturer or contractor describes t'e control of %elders.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'0) Subject: QW2348, Weldin* 1

7ack*round: # %eldin* o(erator 'as direct isual contact %it' a (i(e %eld+ent t'at is bein* %elded utiliKin* +ac'ine orbital (i(e %eldin* e&ui(+ent T'is %eldin* o(erator is *iin* erbal co++ands to a second %eldin* o(erator, %'o does not 'ae eye contact %it' t'e %eld+ent, and %'o is (ositionin* t'e %eld 'ead and %ire ai+ers located on t'e 'ead re+otely, durin* t'e %eldin* of t'e joint in accordance %it' t'e erbal co++ands of t'e first o(erator ;ac' %eldin* o(erator 'as been &ualified to (erfor+ bot' re+ote and direct isual control %eldin* Question: #re t'ese %elders &ualified to +ake t'e subject %eld in accordance %it' QW23B1, een t'ou*' t'e %eldin* o(erator 'ain* direct isual control is directin* t'e (ositionin* of t'e orbital (i(e %eldin* e&ui(+ent erbally and does not 'ae G'ands2onH control of t'e %eldin* 'ead.e(ly: Aes

VOLUME *) Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'0 Subject: QW2388, Weldin* @erfor+ance Qualifications Date Issued: July 1, 199B !ile "o: 94238

Question: If +ore t'an one +anufacturer or contractor a*rees u(on t'e use of one W@S, %'ic' is to be follo%ed durin* t'e (roduction of test %eld+ents for &ualification testin*, +ay t'e %elder used to (roduce t'e %eld+ents to be tested for &ualification of (rocedures, be under t'e full su(erision and control of eac' +anufacturer or contractor durin* t'e %eldin*, (roided t'e Quality ontrol Syste+ or Quality #ssurance @ro*ra+ of eac' +anufacturer or contractor describes t'e control of %elders.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'00 Subject: QW2>8318, S'ort2ircuitin* $ode Date Issued: Se(te+ber >, 199B !ile "o: 9B2881

Question: Does QW2>8318 li+it t'e base +etal t'ickness &ualified to 11T for a co+bination $#W2SES$#W @Q. test cou(on t'ickness GTH less t'an N in, %'en used to su((ort a co+bination $#W2SES$#W [email protected](ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'0* Subject: QW283, Weld .e(air and 7uildu(

Date Issued: !ile "o:

Se(te+ber >, 199B 9B28B8

7ack*round: #ssurance of defect2free 'ardfacin* de(osits on cast surfaces is often i+(roed if a layer of %eld +etal is first de(osited on t'e castin*, actin* as a substrate for t'e subse&uent 'ardfacin* %eld +etal oerlay Question /10: Does Section IX re&uire &ualification of t'e substrate /e*, in accordance %it' QW283 or %'en t'e substrate is not included in t'e desi*n +ini+u+ %all t'ickness in accordance %it' QW21>0 %'ic' %ill be subse&uently coered by a 'ardfacin* %eld +etal oerlay.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: If t'e de(osit of t'e substrate is included in a 'ardfacin* %eld +etal oerlay  (rocedure &ualified to QW21B, is ealuation of t'e substrate to QW283 or QW21>, as a((licable, re&uired.e(ly /0: Section IX does not address &ualification of a co+bination substrateE'ardfacin* W@S in a sin*le cou(on

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'01 Subject: QW23881, Weldin* @erfor+ance Qualifications Date Issued: Se(te+ber >, 199B !ile "o: 9B26

Question: Is it (er+issible to use ultrasonic e5a+ination in lieu of radio*ra('y to &ualify %elders and %eldin* o(erators in accordance %it' QW23881.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'0Subject: QW2388, Weldin* @erfor+ance Qualifications Date Issued: Se(te+ber >, 199B !ile "o: 9B231>

Question /10: Would t'e successful &ualification of a %elder in a +anual or se+i2auto+atic +et'od &ualify 'i+ to %eld in (roduction usin* a +ac'ine or auto+atic +et'od in t'e sa+e  (rocess.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Since t'e essential ariables are t'e sa+e for bot' +et'ods, %ould successful &ualification %it' testin* in +anual T#W allo% t'e sa+e %elder to %eld in (roduction usin* se+i2auto+atic T#W %it'out testin*.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'0( Subject: QW2>8>9, !iller $etals Date Issued: Se(te+ber >, 199B !ile "o: 9B2314

Question: In accordance %it' QW2>8>9/c0, does a c'an*e in t'e %ire classification s'o%n in S!#249, %it' no c'an*e in t'e flu5 co+(osition, !2"u+ber, or #2"u+ber, re&uire (rocedure re&ualification.e(ly: "o

VOLUME * Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'0+ Subject: QW23, ;5(iration and .ene%al of Qualification Date Issued: January B, 199 !ile "o: 9B213

Question: Is it a re&uire+ent of QW23 for a +anufacturer to +aintain records to de+onstrate a %elders or %eldin* o(erators continuin* &ualification for a (rocess fro+ t'e date of t'e ori*inal &ualification test.e(ly: Section IX does not address 'o% confor+ance to QW23 is de+onstrated t'er book sections +y address t'e +aintenance of records

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'0/ Subject: QW238>, @erfor+ance Qualification C Welders Date Issued: January B, 199 !ile "o: 9B2331

Question /10: Would t'e successful (erfor+ance &ualification of a %elder in a +anual or se+i2 auto+atic ty(e /e*, $#W, T#W, S#W0 (er QW238> &ualify t'e sa+e %elder to o(erate as %eldin* o(erator in +ac'ine or auto+atic ty(e %eldin*.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: If a %elder used $#W /s'ort2circuitin* +ode0 for t'e root (ass and S#W for t'e 'ot and fill (asses of test cou(on, +ay t'e test cou(on be testin* usin* radio*ra('y for t'e S#W  (ortion of t'e %eld, in accordance %it' QW238> and QW238B.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'*) Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: January 1, 199 !ile "o: 932>31 and 942

7ack*round: o+(any # %as a subsidiary of o+(any 7 o+(any 7 sold o+(any # to o+(any , and o+(any # beca+e a diision of o+(any  Question: $ay o+(any # continue to use W@Ss and @Q.s (reiously deelo(ed by o+(any 7.e(ly: It is t'e intent of t'e oe t'at %'en a +anufacturer or contractor, or (art of a +anufacturer or contractor, is ac&uired by a ne% o%ner/s0, t'e @Q.s and W@Ss +ay be used by t'e ne% o%ner/s0 %it'out re&ualification, (roided all of t'e follo%in* are +et: /a0 t'e ne% o%ner/s0 takes res(onsibility for t'e W@Ss and @Q.s /b0 t'e W@Ss reflect t'e na+e of t'e ne% o%ner/s0 and /c0 t'e Quality ontrol Syste+EQuality #ssurance @ro*ra+ reflects t'e source of t'e @Q.s as bein* fro+ t'e for+er +anufacturer or contractor

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'* Subject: QW2>43, @rocedureE@erfor+ance Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens for =ardfacin* /Wear2.esistant0 and orrosion2.esistant erlays Date Issued: $arc' B, 199 !ile "o: 9286

7ack*round: orrosion2resistant %eld oerlay on @2"o 1 +aterial needs to be carried out %it'  "ickel2#lu+inu+ 7ronKe usin* ; u"i#l S$#W electrode /!2"o 30 and ;. u"i#l $#W filler %ire /!2"o 30 Question: !or (rocedure &ualification of t'e aboe to QW2>43, can side bend test s(eci+ens of P in t'ickness be used, bent to inner dia+eter of  1E1B in, as *ien for @2"o XX %it' !2"o 3B under QW2>BB1.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/1'* Subject: QW26>, Sea+ Weldin* ;&ui(+ent Qualification Date Issued: $ay 8, 199 !ile "o: 928>>

7ack*round: W'en &ualifyin* resistance sea+ %eldin* e&ui(+ent for QW26>, testin* and acce(tance criteria s'all be in accordance %it' QW219B QW219B1 addresses s'ear test s(eci+ens, but only deals %it' s(ot %eldin* Question /10: W'en &ualifyin* sea+ %eldin* e&ui(+ent, do t'e re&uire+ents for s(ot s'ear test  (er QW219B1 a((ly.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Do t'e rules of QW26B for (rocedures &ualification a((ly for e&ui(+ent &ualification.e(ly /0: "o

VOLUME * Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+') Subject: Q721>1>, Sectionin* Tests Date Issued: Dece+ber 14, 199 !ile "o: 9238>

Question: In Q72>413, "ote /10, is t'e Sectionin* Test a substitute for t'e @eel Test.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+') Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: Dece+ber 14, 199 !ile "o: 92389

Question: $ay a +anufacturer use anot'er or*aniKations Weldin* @rocedure S(ecifications in fabrication of (ressure essels contracted to t'at or*aniKation, if t'e +anufacturer %orks to s(ecifications controllin* all fabrication (rocesses fro+ +aterial (rocure+ent to final deliery, includin* Q e5a+ination (roided by t'e contractin* or*aniKation.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+')0 Subject: QW2>41, @rocedure Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens Date Issued: Dece+ber 14, 199 !ile "o: 92>9

Question: Does a (artial (enetration *rooe %eld (rocedure &ualification test asse+bly &ualify for full (enetration (roduction *rooe %elds %it'in t'e ran*es indicated in QW2>41.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+')* Subject: QW288, Weldin* @rocedure Qualifications Date Issued: Dece+ber 14, 199 !ile "o: 92>61

Question: Does #S$; Section IX re&uire t'at a (reli+inary W@S be attac'ed to t'e @Q..e(ly: "o

VOLUME *0 Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+')1 Subject: QW2>43, @rocedureE@erfor+ance Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test

Date Issued: !ile "o:

S(eci+ens for =ardfacin* /Wear2.esistant0 and orrosion2.esistant erlays #(ril 6, 1996 962889

Question: In +akin* re(airs to 'ardfacin* %eld +etal oerlays, does t'e e5istin* 'ardfacin* %eld +etal oerlay de(osit to be re(aired, constitute a c'an*e in t'e ori*inal essential ariable/s0 /e*,  base +aterial, t'ickness, etc0 t'us re&uirin* a ne% &ualification.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+')Subject: QW2>81/a0 and /c0 and QW2>81, Joints Date Issued: #(ril 6, 1996 !ile "o: 962889

Question: Do t'e %ords Gany c'an*e e5ceedin* 18?,H Gc'an*eY*reater t'an 18?,H Ga c'an*eY*reater t'an 18?,H and Gan increase or decrease of +ore t'an 18?,H res(ectiely, all indicate a &ualified ran*e of 18? aboe and 18? belo% t'e alue recorded in t'e @Q..e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+')( Subject: QW2>18>, Tec'ni&ue Date Issued: #(ril 6, 1996 !ile "o: 9238

Question /10: !or @#W 'ardfacin* and corrosion resistant %eld +etal oerlay &ualifications, +ay t'e full ran*e of oscillation &ualified /includin* t'e Gc'an*e of +ore t'an 18?H0 also a((ly to t'e co+bined +ini+u+ and +a5i+u+ oscillation ran*e &ualified- /e*, %ould t'e ran*e &ualified for a 1 in oscillation co+bined %it' a 14 in oscillation be 89 in C 1B4 in0 .e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: $ay t'e +ini+u+ and +a5i+u+ oscillation alues be co+bined and &ualified on a sin*le 'ardfacin* %eld +etal oerlay test cou(on, assu+in* all ot'er essential ariables are t'e sa+e.e(ly /0: Section IX does not (ro'ibit t'e &ualification of +ore t'an one set of essential ariables on a sin*le test cou(on, (roided eac' set of essential ariables is tested in accordance %it' t'e re&uire+ents of Section IX

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+')+ Subject: QW2>3, !2"u+bers Date Issued: #(ril 6, 1996 !ile "o: 962131

Question: # W@S is &ualified %it' an S$# electrode t'at is not certified by t'e +anufacturer as confor+in* to an #WS classification #re %elders %'o %ere (reiously &ualified %it' an

electrode classified as !2>, also &ualified to use t'is unclassified electrode t'at confor+s to t'e de(osit c'e+istry of ;XXXX2, in Table  of S!#244 /%it'in t'e ot'er li+itations of QW2 3480.e(ly: "o

VOLUME ** Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+')/ Subject: QW2148 and QW2>B1, Tension Test S(eci+ens for @i(e and @late Date Issued: ctober 9, 1996 !ile "o: 9238

Question: Would tensile tests (erfor+ed in accordance %it' S#238 be acce(table for +eetin* #S$; Section IX, QW2>B1/a0 and /b0.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+') Subject: QW2>81, @ost Weld =eat Treat+ent Date Issued: ctober 9, 1996 !ile "o: 9238BE92386

Question: Is it t'e intent of Section IX in QW2>81 to (er+it re(ortin* t'e results of +ore t'an one @W=T condition on a sin*le re(ort, %it' a sin*le @Q. nu+ber, (roided all t'e ot'er a((licable essential and su((le+entary essential ariables are identical and all re&uired tests are conducted and re(orted for bot' conditions.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+' Subject: QW2388, Weldin* @erfor+ance Qualifications Date Issued: ctober 9, 1996 !ile "o: 962133

Question: $ay o+(any # retain t'e o+(any 7 e+(loyee res(onsible for %elder (erfor+ance &ualification, to reie% t'e %elder &ualification docu+ents of bot' co+(anies and &ualify t'e %elders of o+(any 7 to t'e %eldin* (ro*ra+ of o+(any # %it'out furt'er testin* of t'e %elders.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+' Subject: QW2>41, @rocedure Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens Date Issued: ctober 9, 1996 !ile "o: 9623E96236

Question: $ay lon*itudinal bend s(eci+ens be used in lieu of transerse bend s(eci+ens %'en t'e base +etals or t'e base +etal and t'e %eld +etal do not differ +arkedly in bendin*  (ro(erties.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+'0 Subject: QW2881, Weldin* @rocedure Qualifications Date Issued: Dece+ber , 1996 !ile "o: 96239

Question: #re all2enco+(assin* ter+s acce(table %'en addressin* nonessential ariables in a W@S /e*, for backin*, G%it' or %it'outH, for root s(acin*, Gunli+itedH0.e(ly: Section IX does not s(ecify 'o% nonessential ariables are to be addressed 'o%eer, t'e ter+s +ust (roide direction to t'e %elderE%eldin* o(erator for +akin* (roduction %elds to ode re&uire+ents

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+'* Subject: QW23B1, $ac'ine Weldin* >6

Question: $ay a sin*le2(ass Gseal %eldH as defined in QW2>9, used to seal boiler tubes to a  boiler tube s'eet, be considered a Gcoer (assH or a G%as' (assH for (ur(oses of e5e+(tion for+ QW2>843-

.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+'Subject: QW2>B4/a0, 'e+ical #nalysis and =ardness S(eci+en orrosion2.esistant and =ard2!acin* Weld $etal erlay Date Issued: Dece+ber , 1996 !ile "o: 992>43

Question: Is it (er+issible to use t'e surface of t'e test cou(on as t'e Ga((ro5i+ate fusion lineH %'en deter+inin* t'e +ini+u+ finis'ed t'ickness for corrosion2resistant and 'ard2facin* oerlays in accordance %it' QW2>B4/a0.e(ly: Aes

VOLUME *1 Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+'( Subject: QW2>43, @rocedureE@erfor+ance Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens for =ard2!acin* /Wear .esistant0 and orrosion2.esistant erlays Date Issued: $arc' 3, 1999 !ile "o: 962844

Question: W'en (erfor+in* corrosion2resistant %eld +etal oerlay %eldin* o(erator &ualification usin* a +ac'ine T#W (rocess, are t'e li+itations on t'ickness &ualified (er QW2 >43 a((licable.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+'+ Subject: QW2811, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: $arc' 3, 1999 !ile "o: 99284

7ack*round: W'en one of a co+(anys (lants is sold, it is not clear if t'e ne% o%ner can use t'e Weldin* @rocedure S(ecifications /W@S0 and @rocedure Qualification .ecords /@Q.0 &ualified  by t'e ori*inal co+(any, %'en t'e ori*inal co+(any %is'es to continue usin* t'ose W@[email protected] Question: o+(any # sells one of its (lants to o+(any 7 $ay bot' o+(any # and o+(any 7 use t'e W@[email protected] (reiously &ualified by o+(any #.e(ly: Aes, (roided t'e re&uire+ents of QW2811 are addresses by o+(any 7

VOLUME *Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+'/ Subject: QW2>8>, !iller $etals Date Issued: Se(te+ber >, 1999

!ile "o:


Question: Is re&ualification re&uired %'en t'e filler +etal s(ecified in t'e W@S and su((ortin* @Q. is +oed fro+ one S!# s(ecification to anot'er S!# s(ecification, or t'e #WS classification is c'an*ed, or %'en a (reiously unclassified filler is classified by t'e filler +etal +anufacturer as confor+in* to an S!# s(ecification.e(ly: "o VOLUME *( Iner%re&i#n: IX'/+')R  Subject: QW28>/b0, Dissi+ilar 7ase $etal T'ickness Date Issued: June 6, 888 !ile "o: 992439

Question: W'en %eldin* a corner joint %it' dissi+ilar base +etal t'ickness, t'e t'ickness of  bot' +e+bers +ust be %it'in t'e &ualified t'ickness ran*e of t'e W@S/s0 bein* used =o% is t'e t'ickness for t'e t'icker +e+ber defined in sketc'es /a0, /b0 and /c0 belo%.e(ly: !or sketc' /a0, t'e t'icker of T  or  t  s !or sketc' /b0, t'e t'icker of  T  or t  s !or sketc' /c0, t'e t'icker of flan*e a or 'ub b

VOLUME *+ Iner%re&i#n: IX')') Subject: QW2>83, 7ase $etal .e&uire+ent QW2>8>, !iller $etal .e&uire+ent Date Issued: ctober 11, 888 !ile "o: 88241>

Question /10: If a W@S is %ritten usin* t'e $#W2S (rocess alone, is QW2>8318 and t  li+ited to 11 t  (er QW2>8>3-

T  li+ited

to 11 T  (er

.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: If a W@S is %ritten usin* !#W (rocess alone, is T  li+ited to  T  (er QW2>836 and t  li+ited to  t  (er QW2>8>38.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')') Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: ctober 11, 888 !ile "o: 882443

7ack*round: # lar*e +ajority of fabrication, contracted by a desi*n o+(any #, is (erfor+ed  by $anufacturers 7 and  ;ac' co+(any is inde(endent in o%ners'i( fro+ t'e ot'er t%o o+(anies #, 7 and  'ae deelo(ed a Weldin* oalition T'e to( +ana*e+ent of all t'ree co+(anies 'as e5ecuted an #*ree+ent and o++it+ent (rotocol, consentin* to t'e establis'+ent of t'e Weldin* oalition T'e Weldin* oalition controls all %eld (rocedures deelo(ed for use on o+(any # contracts by o+(anies 7 and , under one desi*nated  (ro*ra+ T'e oalition does not control (roduction %eldin* at eit'er of t'e +anufacturin* co+(anies Weld (rocedure &ualifications (erfor+ed by o+(any  are controlled by o+(any #s Quality @ro*ra+ Weld (rocedure &ualifications (erfor+ed by o+(any 7 are controlled by o+(any 7s Quality @ro*ra+ t'at 'as been a((roed by o+(any # o+(any  is on o+(any 7s #((roed 1, Welders Test ou(on ;5a+ination Date Issued: January 3, 881 !ile "o: 882B43

Question: Does QW238>1 re&uire t'at %'en radio*ra('y is used for e5a+ination of %elder test cou(ons for (erfor+ance &ualification, t'e isual e5a+ination (er QW238> be (erfor+ed and docu+ented on t'e WelderEWeldin* (erator @erfor+ance Qualification record.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')1 Subject: QW288, Weldin* @rocedure Qualification Date Issued: January 3, 881 !ile "o: 882B4>

Question: W'en a nonessential ariable is recorded on a @Q., +ay a ne% or reised W@S su((orted by t'e @Q. s(ecify a different ran*e for t'at nonessential ariable fro+ t'at recorded on t'e @Q..e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')-R  Subject: QW2>1841, #dditionEDeletion of scillation /1996 and ;arlier ;ditions0 Date Issued: !ebruary 9, 881 !ile "o: 962>8

7ack*round: QW2>1841, addition or deletion of oscillation is an essential ariable for T#W 'ard2facin* QW2>181, addition or deletion of %eae bead is not a ariable for t'e T#W 'ard2 facin* (rocess Question: Is it t'e intent of Section IX t'at a @Q. deelo(ed %it' a +ac'ine or auto+atic T#W 'ard2facin* (rocess, %it' or %it'out oscillation, +ay be used to &ualify a W@S for a +anual, or a se+iauto+atic T#W 'ard2facin* (rocess, %it' or %it'out %eae.e(ly: Aes "ote t'at recent actions by Section IX 'ae defined oscillation as a((licable to +ac'ine and auto+atic (rocesses and %eae as a((licable to +anual and se+iauto+atic  (rocesses

VOLUME */ Iner%re&i#n: IX')')( Subject: QW2>8, $aterial rou(in* Date Issued: June >, 881 !ile "o: 81289

7ack*round: # @Q. is &ualified on a @2"u+ber X +aterial to a @2"u+ber A +aterial Question /10: Does t'is @Q. su((ort a W@S for %eldin* @2"u+ber X to S2"u+ber A %it'out c'an*es to any ot'er essential ariables.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Does t'is @Q. su((ort a W@S for %eldin* S2"u+ber X to S2"u+ber A %it'out c'an*es to any ot'er essential ariables.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')+

Subj Subjec ect: t: Dat Date Iss Issu ued: ed: !ile "o:

QW23 QW2388 88 ,, Tran Transf sfer er of .eco .ecord rd of @erf @erfor or+a +anc ncee Qual Qualif ific icat atio ion n !ebr !ebru uary ary B, B, 881 881 812838

Question: W'en a ne% o%ner ac&uires ac&uires a co+(any, or (art of a co+(any, co+(any, does QW2388  (ro'ibit continued continued use of e5istin* %elder %elder (erfor+ance &ualifications&ualifications.e(ly: "o Section IX does does not address rules rules a((licable a((licable to (erfor+ance &ualification &ualification continuity continuity %'en a ne% o%ner ac&uires a +anufacturer +anufacturer or contractor If %elder (erfor+ance &ualification &ualification continuity is to be +aintained by t'e ne% o%ner, t'e Quality ontrol Syste+EQuality #ssurance @ro*ra+ s'ould reflect to t'e source of t'e %elder (erfor+ance &ualification records as bein* fro+ t'e for+er +anufacturer or contractor

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')/ Subject: QW234B, We Weldin* > and QW219 219>, QW24>8 8 in #rti #rticl clee , 8 881 !ile "o: 812869

Question /10: Fnder QW2418/d0, is it acce(table to %eld t'e de+onstration de+onstration test cou(on %it' only T#W if t'e SW@S is for co+bination T#W root and S$#W ;816 fill.e(ly /10: "o #ll ariables of t'e SW@Ss are considered considered to be essential ariables ariables Question /0: Fnder QW2418/d0, is it acce(table to %eld t'e de+onstration de+onstration test cou(on %it' only S$#W ;816 if t'e SW@S is for co+bination T#W root and S$#W ;816 fill-

.e(ly /0: "o #ll ariables of t'e SW@Ss are considered considered to be essential ariables ariables Question /30: Fnder QW2418/d0, is it acce(table to %eld t'e de+onstration de+onstration test cou(on %it' only S$#W ;816 if t'e SW@S s(ecifies bot' ;B818 and ;816.e(ly /30: "o #ll ariables of t'e SW@Ss are considered considered to be essential ariables ariables Question />0: Does Section IX, #rticle #rticle II a((ly %'en t'e fabricator fabricator c'ooses to use [email protected](ly />0: "o .ef (ara QW21881 Question /40: W'en usin* SW@Ss under #rticle < of Section IX, +ay a sin*le %eldin* (rocess of a +ulti(le SW@Ss be used to co+(lete a %eld.e(ly /40: "o .ef (aras (aras QW24>8/a0 QW24>8/a0 and /c0 Question /B0: W'en usin* SW@Ss under under #rticle < of Section IX, +ay +ay a sin*le (rocess SW@S for ;816 and a sin*le (rocess SW@S for T#W be used to co+(lete a %eld, assu+in* all ot'er ariables are %it'in t'e SW@S (ara+eters.e(ly /B0: "o .ef (aras (aras QW24>8/a0 QW24>8/a0 and /c0 Question /0: W'en usin* SW@Ss under under #rticle < of Section IX, +ay +ay a sin*le (rocess SW@S for ;816 and a sin*le (rocess SW@S for ;B818 be used to co+(lete a %eld, assu+in* all ot'er ariables are %it'in t'e SW@S (ara+eters.e(ly /0: "o .ef (aras (aras QW24>8/a0 QW24>8/a0 and /c0

Iner%re&i#n: IX')' Subj Subjec ect: t: QW23 QW23  /a /a00 and and QW2> QW2>4 41 1,, .ule .ule 'a 'an* n*ee #ffe #ffect ctin in* * Wel Welde derr Qual Qualif ific icat atio ion n Date Issued: June >, 8 881 !ile "o: 81281

7ack*round: #S$; Section IX, 888 #ddenda, reised Table QW2>41 QW2>41 reducin* t'e cou(on siKe fro+  in to N in to &ualify t'e %elder for G$a5i+u+ to be %eldedH %'en %eldin* a +ini+u+ of t'ree layers Question /10: # %elder &ualified (rior (rior to t'e 888 #ddenda, #ddenda, and 'as re+ained &ualified &ualified since 'is ori*inal test =is ori*inal test test cou(on consisted of at least t'ree %eld layers layers and *reater t'an N in  but less t'an  in de(osited de(osited %eld +etal $ay t'e &ualification recorded recorded be reised fro+ G t H to G$a5 to be %eldedH subse&uent to t'e 888 #ddenda.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: # %elder %as &ualified (rior (rior to t'e 888 888 #ddenda =is &ualification &ualification 'as la(sed due to not %eldin* %it' t'e ori*inal %eld (rocess (rocess for *reater t'an B +ont's =is ori*inal test cou(on consisted of at least t'ree layers and *reater t'an N in but less t'an  in de(osited %eld +etal =is rene%al restores restores 'is ori*inal ori*inal &ualifications &ualifications in accordance accordance %it' QW23/a0 QW23/a0 $ay t'e ori*inal &ualification record be reised fro+ G t H to G$a5 to be %eldedH subse&uent to t'e 888 #ddenda-

.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0 Subject: .eferences to ;dition and #ddenda Date Is Issued: June B B, 8 881 !ile "o: 81248

Question /10: T'e 1996 ode ode ;dition, as (ublis'ed, incor(orates incor(orates t'e 1996 1996 #ddenda W'en  (roidin* reference to t'is t'is ode ;dition and #ddenda %it'in a ode2re&uired ode2re&uired docu+ent, +ay only t'e ;dition be listed /ie, 1996 ;dition0.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: !or t'e 1996 ;dition only, only, is it necessary to reise ode2re&uired docu+entation %'ere t'e ter+ G1996 ;ditionH %as used as +eanin* t'e 1994 ;dition t'rou*' t'e 199 #ddenda.e(ly /0: "o

VOLUME 1) Iner%re&i#n: IX')'* Subject: QW2488, T'e Fse of SW@Ss Dat Date Iss Issu ued: ed: Se(t Se(te+ e+be berr 4, 4, 881 881 !ile "o: 81233

Question: $ay a +anufacturer or contractor contractor ado(t and use SW@Ss in accordance accordance %it' t'e rules of #rticle < for %ork on ode ite+s built to an edition or addenda (rior to t'e 1996 edition %it' t'e 888 #ddenda, (roided t'e construction code does not (ro'ibit t'e use of [email protected](ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'1 Subject: QW238 2388, ;+(loyers rs .es(onsibility Dat Date Iss Issu ued: ed: Se(t Se(te+ e+be berr 14, 14, 881 881 !ile "o: 812B>1

7ack*round: Section IX re&uires t'at t'at t'e +anufacturer, contractor, contractor, asse+bler, or installer Gbe Gbe res(onsible for conductin* tests to &ualify t'e (erfor+ance of %elders %'ic' 'is or*aniKation e+(loys in construction of %eld+ents %eld+ents built in accordance %it' t'e odeH It also re&uires t'at t'e +anufacturer, contractor, asse+bler, or installer (roide su(erision and control oer %elders %'ile t'ey are %eldin* test cou(ons for (erfor+ance &ualification Question /10: #n e+(loyee of a contractor contractor (roides su(erision su(erision and control oer oer a %elder durin* %eldin* of a test cou(on, but t'at %elder is not an e+(loyee of t'e contractor at t'e ti+e of t'e test Is it re&uired t'at t'e %elder be an e+(loyee of t'at contractor at t'e ti+e of &ualification testin*-

.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: $ust t'e %elder be an e+(loyee of any +anufacturer or contractor at t'e ti+e of &ualification testin*.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'Subject: ode ase 1>21 and 1>321 Date Issued: Dece+ber 16, 881 !ile "o: 812B>1

7ack*round: T'e sub+er*ed are %eldin* (rocess is bein* used to de(osit corrosion2resistant %eld oerlay for Section III, Subsection "7 fabrication usin* a "I2r2!e alloy stri( filler +etal and flu5 co+bination T'e stri( filler +etal does not +eet t'e c'e+ical re&uire+ents of ode ase 1>21 /bare electrode and rod0, but bot' filler +etal and %eld de(osit +eet t'e c'e+ical co+(osition li+its of ode ase 1>321 /coered electrodes0 Question /10: $ust t'e "i2r2!e alloy stri( filler +etal used for t'e S#W (rocess +eet t'e c'e+ical co+(osition re&uire+ents of ode ase 1>21 to be classified as !2>3 for (rocedure and (erfor+ance &ualifications.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: $ay "i2r2!e alloy filler +etal t'at is not desi*nated as !2>3 (er ode ase 1>2 1 be used for %eldin* if t'e %eldin* (rocedure is &ualified se(arately (er QW2>8>3.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: If t'e "i2r2!e alloy stri( filler +etal +eets t'e c'e+ical co+(osition re&uire+ents of ode ase 1>321 and %as (roduced to t'e re&uire+ents of S!#241>, e5ce(t for t'e c'e+ical analysis, +ay t'e filler +etal be classified as !2>3 for (rocedure and (erfor+ance &ualification.e(ly /30: "o Question />0: If t'e "i2r2!e alloy stri( filler +etal is not classified in an S!# s(ecification, and is not coered in ode ase 1>21 or 1>321, is it (er+issible to identify t'e filler +etal and flu5 on t'e W@S, @Q. and W@Q by t'e +anufacturers brand na+es.e(ly />0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'( Subject: QW28/b0, QW283/b0 and QW2>8> Date Issued: Dece+ber 16, 881 !ile "o: 812B14

7ack*round: # *rooe %eld (rocedure &ualification test cou(on 14 in t'ick %as %elded %it' t'e S$#W (rocess usin* +ulti(le (asses of N in +a5 t'ickness T'e test cou(on %as *ien a subse&uent (ost %eld 'eat treat+ent e5ceedin* t'e u((er transfor+ation te+(erature (rior to t'e co+(letion of +ec'anical testin* Question: $ay t'is @Q. be used to su((ort t'e %eld of (artial (enetration *rooe %elds (er QW28/b0 or %eld re(air and buildu( %elds (er QW283/b0 on base +aterial t'ickness e5ceedin* 1B4 in.e(ly: "o @er QW2>8>, a (rocedure &ualification test cou(on receiin* a (ost %eld 'eat treat+ent in %'ic' t'e u((er transfor+ation is e5ceeded, t'e +a5i+u+ &ualified t'ickness for  (roduction %elds is 11 ti+es t'e t'ickness of t'e test cou(on

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'+ Subject: QW21431, #cce(tance riteria for Tensile Stren*t' Date Issued: Dece+ber 16, 881 !ile "o: 812

Question: Does t'e +ini+u+ s(ecified tensile stren*t' in QWEQ72> su(ersede t'e #SES7 +aterial tensile stren*t' for (rocedure &ualification.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'/ Subject: QW28>/b0, Dissi+ilar 7ase $etal T'ickness Date Issued: Dece+ber 16, 881 !ile "o: 812611

Question: Does QW28>/b0 (er+it t'e +a5i+u+ %eld de(osit t'ickness li+it to be e5tended  beyond t'e li+it s(ecified in QW2>411.e(ly: "o QW28> a((lies only to t'e base +etal t'ickness li+its

Iner%re&i#n: IX')') Subject: QW21883 and QW2>81, @2"u+ber .eassi*n+ent Date Issued: Dece+ber 16, 881 !ile "o: 812613

Question /10: $ay a (rocedure &ualification record subject to ariable QW2>81/a0 t'at included only a @W=T belo% t'e lo%er transfor+ation te+(erature be used to su((ort a W@S %it' @W=T aboe t'e u((er transfor+ation te+(erature and a subse&uent @W=T belo% t'e lo%er transfor+ation te+(erature.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Does Section IX address t'e alues to be used as transfor+ation te+(erature.e(ly /0: "o

VOLUME 1 Iner%re&i#n: IX')' Subject: QW21411/d0, .educed Section C @late QW288>/b0, o+bination of @rocesses QW23, ;5(iration and .ene%al of Qualifications Date Issued: January 19, 88 !ile "o: 812834

7ack*round Z/10, /0, /30[: # %elder is &ualified for +anual S$#W and T#W, and se+iauto+atic !#W and $#W Question /10: Do %elders +aintain t'eir &ualifications for +anual S$#W and T#W by %eldin* %it' eit'er se+iauto+atic $#W or !#W.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Do %elders +aintain t'eir &ualifications for bot' S$#W and T#W by %eldin* %it' only one of t'e (rocesses durin* t'e si52+ont' (eriod.e(ly /0: "o Question /30: Do %elders +aintain t'eir &ualifications for se+iauto+atic $#W and !#W by %eldin* %it' eit'er $#W or !#W durin* t'e si52+ont' (eriod.e(ly /30: Aes 7ack*round Z/>0[: # W@S %as &ualified usin* a Trade "a+e %ire2flu5 co+bination t'at confor+s to a classification in #S$; Section II, @art  Question />0: Does t'e substitution in t'e &ualified W@S of a different Trade "a+e %ire2flu5 co+bination t'at confor+s to t'e sa+e S!# S(ecification and classification in #S$; Section II, @art  re&uire re&ualification.e(ly />0: "o 7ack*round Z/40[: T'e tensile s(eci+ens of a B8 ++ @Q. test (late %as diided into t'ree  (ieces T'e su+ of t'e t'ickness of t'e t'ree s(eci+ens %as less t'an B8 ++ Question /40: W'at is t'e allo%able (ercenta*e t'ickness reduction fro+ t'e ori*inal base +etal t'ickness.e(ly /40: Section IX does not address t'is issue

Iner%re&i#n: IX')' Subject: QW21883 and QW2>81, @2"u+ber .eassi*n+ent Date Issued: $arc' 11, 88 !ile "o: 812B9

Question: $ay a (reious &ualified W@S, %ritten to (er+it t'e %eldin* of @2"o 4, rou( 1 +aterial to @2"o 4, rou( > +aterial (rior to t'e establis'+ent of @2"os 4#, 47 and 4 be used to %eld S#213 T to S#213 T91 +aterials.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0 Subject: QW28>, Dissi+ilar 7ase $etal T'icknesses Date Issued: $arc' 11, 88 !ile "o: 81269

Question: # W@S is &ualified to %eld base +aterial fro+ 1B ++ to 8 ++ $ay t'at W@S be used for %eldin* a (art 38 ++ t'ick t'at 'as been ta(ered to 14 ++ t'ick to anot'er 14 ++ (art.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'* Subject: QW288>, I+(act Test Qualification of $ulti2(rocess Welds Date Issued: $arc' 11, 88 !ile "o: 81261>

Question: # %eldin* (rocedure &ualification is +ade usin* +ulti(le %eldin* (rocesses on a sin*le test (late for an a((lication %'ere notc'2tou*'ness testin* is re&uired T'e %eld cou(on %as %elded %it' t%o (asses, eac' of T#W and !#W, and t'e re+ainder %it' S#W (rocess Is it re&uired to take +ulti(le sets of %eld +etal i+(act test s(eci+ens to include all %eldin*  (rocesses, %'en all %eldin* could not be included in a sin*le set of s(eci+ens.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'1 Subject: Section II, @art  Date Issued: $arc' 11, 88 !ile "o: 812614

Question: Does Section II, @art  +andate t'e use of S!#2481.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'Subject: QW21883, T'e Fse of t'e .eferenced ;dition of t'e ode Date Issued: $arc' 11, 88 !ile "o: 8126B

7ack*round: # desi*ner s(ecifies a s(ecific year of t'e #S$; ode to be co+(lied %it' for t'e fabrication of a co+(onent, ie, includin* 9B #ddenda, and t'is co+(onent is installed in 883

Question /10: W'at year of Section IX does t'e installer use for &ualifyin* %eldersE%eldin* o(erators.e(ly /10: Welders are &ualified in accordance %it' t'e current edition and addenda of Section IX in effect at t'e ti+e of t'e &ualification See QW21883 Question /0: W'at year of Section II does t'e installer use for (urc'asin* %eldin* +aterials.e(ly /0: Section IX does not address t'is issue T'e &uestion s'ould be addressed to t'e a((licable construction code

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'( Subject: QW2>41, "o+inal ou(on T'ickness Date Issued: $arc' 11, 88 !ile "o: 82111

Question: # %elder %elds a "@S B Sc'edule 68 test cou(on t'at is 8>3 in t'ick =e uses one %eldin* (rocess, one set of essential ariables, and de(osits at least t'ree layers of %eld +etal in t'at test cou(on Is t'at %elder &ualified to %eld G+a5i+u+ to be %eldedH.e(ly: "o T'e no+inal cou(on t'ickness +ust be at least N in t'ick in order for a %elder to be &ualified for G+a5i+u+ to be %eldedH

VOLUME 1 Iner%re&i#n: IX')'+ Subject: QW2>89>, ;lectrical 'aracteristics Date Issued: $ay , 88 !ile "o: 82B91

Question: Does QW2>89> a((ly to t'e current ty(e used to (re'eat t'e filler +etal %ire %'en %eldin* T#W =ot2Wire #uto+atic or +ac'ine corrosion2resistant oerlay.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'/ Subject: Section II, @art , S!# S(ecifications, $arkin* of @acka*es Date Issued: ctober 3, 88 !ile "o: 82B9

7ack*round: #S$; Section II, @art , S!# S(ecifications state in t'e G$arkin* of @acka*esH  (ara*ra('s t'at t'e #WS s(ecification and classification desi*nations +ust be +arked on t'e outside of eac' unit (acka*e Question /10: $ust filler +etal (rocured to an #S$; S!# s(ecification be +arked %it' t'e #S$; S!# s(ecification, suc' as #S$; S!#24XX.e(ly /10: "o

Question /0: Is +arkin* t'e (acka*e %it' t'e #WS s(ecification and classification, suc' as #WS #4XX ;XXXX re&uired.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: $ay t'e +aterial +anufacturer add t'e #S$; s(ecification /e*, S!#24XX0 to t'e re&uired #WS +arkin*s on t'e unit container.e(ly /30: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0) Subject: QW2>834, 7ase $etal .e&uire+ents Date Issued: Dece+ber 38, 88 !ile "o: 82B93

Question: W'en i+(act testin* of a 'eat2affected Kone is re&uired for nonferrous base +aterials of t'e sa+e @2"u+ber, does a @Q. %it' a F"S nu+ber desi*nation /e*, S72B19, F"S "8B80 &ualify a W@S t'at s(ecifies a different F"S nu+ber desi*nation /e*, S72B19 F"S "18B0 %it'in t'e sa+e @2"u+ber.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0 Subject: QW2>3, #lternate 7ase $aterials for Welder Qualification Date Issued: Dece+ber 38, 88 !ile "o: 82B9>

Question /10: $ay a %elder %'o 'as &ualified on a @2"u+ber base +etal %it'in t'e left colu+n of QW2>3, %eld any co+bination of @2"u+ber base +etals in t'e corres(ondin* ro% of t'e ri*'t colu+n, %it'in t'e li+its of t'e ot'er essential ariable li+its &ualified.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: $ay a %elder %'o 'as &ualified on a @2"u+ber base +etal %it'in t'e left colu+n of QW2>3, %eld one of t'e @2"u+ber base +etals in t'e corres(ondin* ro% of t'e ri*'t colu+n to any ot'er /dissi+ilar0 @2"u+ber in t'e corres(ondin* ro% of t'e ri*'t colu+n, %it'in t'e li+its of t'e ot'er essential ariable li+its &ualified.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: $ay a %elder %'o 'as &ualified on a @2"u+ber base +etal %it'in t'e left colu+n of QW2>3 %elded to an unassi*ned base +etal, %eld any co+bination of @2"u+ber  base +etals in t'e corres(ondin* ro% of t'e ri*'t colu+n to t'e unassi*ned +etal, %it'in t'e li+its of t'e ot'er essential ariable li+its &ualified.e(ly /30: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0 Subject: QW288>/b0, .oot @ass @rocedure Qualification Date Issued: Dece+ber 38, 88 !ile "o: 823>>9

Question: Do t'e (roisions of QW288>/b0 (er+it a T#W (rocedure &ualification test %eld+ent (erfor+ed on a 13 ++ t'ick cou(on to su((ort de(ositin* a root (ass in a  (roduction joint of t'e &ualified base +etal 'ain* a t'ickness of 6 ++ %'en i+(act testin* is re&uired.e(ly: "o See QW2>83B

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'00 Subject: QW263, Welds %it' 7utterin* Date Issued: Dece+ber 38, 88 !ile "o: 82369B

7ack*round: In all cases described belo%, t'e +anufacturers deelo( and follo% W@Ss and @Q.s based on t'e test cou(ons %elded T'e +ini+u+ butterin* t'ickness in all cases %ill be *reater t'an 3E1B in Question /10: $anufacturer # &ualifies a W@S by butterin* t'e ends of t'e test cou(ons, %'ic' are t'e sa+e +aterial T'e buttered ends are 'eat treated, t'en t'e %eld is co+(leted usin* t'e sa+e filler +etal as %as used for t'e butterin* $anufacturer 7 %elds a *rooe %eld test cou(on of t'e sa+e best +etal usin* t'e sa+e (rocess, filler +etal and ot'er essential ariables as +anufacturer # T'at test cou(on is 'eat treated in t'e sa+e +anner as t'e 'eat treat+ent used for t'e butterin* by +anufacturer # $ay +anufacturer # %eld (arts t'at %ere buttered by +anufacturer 7.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: $anufacturer  %elds a *rooe %eld test cou(on usin* t'e sa+e base +etal,  (rocess, filler +etal, and ot'er essential ariables as +anufacturer # T'at test cou(on is 'eat treated in t'e sa+e +anner as t'e 'eat treat+ent used for butterin* by +anufacturer # $ay +anufacturer # %eld (arts t'at %ere buttered by +anufacturer .e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: $anufacturer # receies (arts t'at 'ae been buttered by bot' +anufacturers 7 and  $ay t'e (arts buttered by +anufacturer 7 be %elded by +anufacturer # to (arts buttered  by +anufacturer .e(ly /30: Aes Question />0: $anufacturer D receies (arts t'at 'ae been buttered by +anufacturers #, 7 and  $ay +anufacturer D %eld t'e buttered (arts to*et'er usin* a buttered *rooe %eld test

cou(on &ualified usin* t'e sa+e base +etal, (rocess, filler +etal, and ot'er essential ariables as +anufacturer #.e(ly />0: Aes Question /40: $anufacturer D receies (arts t'at 'ae been buttered by +anufacturers #, 7 and  $ay +anufacturer D %eld t'e buttered (arts to*et'er usin* a *rooe %eld test cou(on &ualified in accordance %it' QW263>/b0 usin* t'e sa+e (rocess, filler +etal, and ot'er essential ariables t'at +anufacturer # used to join t'e buttered (arts /ie, t'e as2%elded (ortion of t'e test0 usin* a base +etal t'at no+inally +atc'es t'e c'e+ical analysis of t'e butterin* used  by +anufacturer #, 7, or .e(ly /40: Aes Question /B0: $anufacturer ; %elds a *rooe %eld test cou(on of anot'er base +etal usin* t'e sa+e filler +etal as +anufacturer # T'at test cou(on is 'eat treated and tested in accordance %it' QW28/a0 $ay +anufacturer !, %'o 'as %elded a test cou(on in accordance %it' QW2 63>/b0, join (arts buttered by +anufacturer ;.e(ly /B0: Aes

VOLUME 10 Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0* Subject: Q72831, Mi+its of Qualified !lo% @ositions for @rocedures, and Q72>86>, Joint Desi*n Q723833, Mi+its of Qualified @ositions, and Q72>861, Joint Desi*n Date Issued: $arc' 13, 883 !ile "o: 8234>1

7ack*round /10: Q72831 states: GQualification in (i(e s'all &ualify for (late, but not ice ersa =oriKontal2flo% in (i(e s'all &ualify for flat2flo% in (lateH Q72>86> states: G# c'an*e in t'e joint ty(e, e*, fro+ a butt to a la( or socket, fro+ t'at &ualified !or la( or socket joints, a decrease in oerla( len*t' fro+ t'at &ualifiedH Question /10: Do (rocedure &ualifications in (late la( joints &ualify for tube2to2tube socket  joints for braKin* (rocedure &ualifications.e(ly /10: "o 7ack*round /0: Q723833 states: GQualifications in (i(e s'all &ualify for (late, but not ice ersa =oriKontal2flo% in (i(e s'all &ualify for flat2flo% in (lateH Q72>861 states: G# c'an*e in t'e joint ty(e, ie, fro+ a butt to a la( or socket, fro+ t'at &ualified !or la( or socket joints, an increase in la( len*t' of +ore t'an 4? fro+ t'e oerla( used on braKer  (erfor+ance &ualification test cou(onH Question /0: Do (erfor+ance &ualifications in (late la( joints &ualify for tube2to2tube socket  joints for braKer (erfor+ance &ualifications.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'01 Subject: QW2>411, @rocedure Qualification T'ickness Mi+its Date Issued: $arc' 13, 883 !ile "o: 82>84

Question /10: # test cou(on is (re(ared as follo%s: # 14 in (late is %elded to 14 in (late %it' 1 in t'ick %eld @er QW2>411, is 6 in t'e +a5i+u+ t'ickness ran*e of base +etal &ualified.e(ly /10: Aes, e5ce(t t'at furt'er li+its or e5ce(tions +ay a((ly as stated in "otes /10 and /40 of QW2>411 Question /0: Fsin* t'e sa+e test cou(on as Question /10, %'ere a sin*le (rocess %as used to de(osit t'e entire %eld t'ickness, is 6 in t'e +a5i+u+ t'ickness of t'e %eld +etal (er+itted (er QW2>411.e(ly /0: Aes, e5ce(t t'at furt'er li+its or e5ce(tions +ay a((ly as stated in "otes /10 and /40 of QW2>411

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0Subject: QW2381>, .ecord of Welder @erfor+ance Qualification Date Issued: $arc' 13, 883 !ile "o: 82>196

7ack*round: !or %elders (erfor+ance &ualification, a +ulti(le layer *rooe %eld is +ade on a sin*le test cou(on usin* one %elder for first layer and anot'er %elder for t'e second Question: QW2381> re&uires a record of %elder (erfor+ance &ualification $ay a sin*le for+  be used to record t'e essential ariables, t'e ty(e of test and test results, and t'e ran*es &ualified in accordance %it' QW2>4 for eac' %elder and %eldin* o(erator.e(ly: Section IX s(ecifies infor+ation re&uired to be recorded, but does not s(ecify t'e for+at of t'e records Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0( Subject: QW2>8>33, 'an*e in S!# S(ecifications for !iller $etal lassification Date Issued: $ay 19, 883 !ile "o: 832B3

Question: Does t'e e5(ression Ga c'an*e in t'e S!# s(ecification filler +etal classificationH refer to a c'an*e in t'e #WS classification.e(ly: Aes Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0+ Subject: Section II, @art , S!# 41, Table 1 Date Issued: $ay 19, 883 !ile "o: 832>

Question: $ay a %elder &ualify %it' ;816 electrode usin* eit'er u('ill or do%n'ill

 (ro*ression.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0/ Subject: QW2>813, Su((le+ental ;ssential 8

7ack*round: Seeral +anufacturin* or*aniKations %it'in t'e sa+e co+(any (erfor+ %eldin*  (rocedure &ualifications in accordance %it' Section IX ;ac' +anufacturin* or*aniKation  (erfor+s t'ese actiities in accordance %it' s(ecific Quality #ssurance @ro*ra+/s0EQuality ontrol Syste+/s0 t'at co+(ly %it' t'eir #S$; onstruction ode ertificate/s0 of #ut'oriKation and describe o(erational control of &ualifications Question: Is it (er+itted for any of t'e +anufacturin* or*aniKations %it'in t'e co+(any to use W@Ss and @Q.s &ualified by any of t'e ot'er +anufacturin* or*aniKations.e(ly: Aes, t'is is (er+itted by QW281

VOLUME 1* Iner%re&i#n: IX')*') Subject: QW21413, Tension Test Turned S(eci+en Date Issued: Se(te+ber 14, 883 !ile "o: 82346B 7ack*round: #S$; Section IX, @ara*ra(' QW21413/b0 states, \ !or t'icknesses oer 1\ /4 ++0, +ulti(le s(eci+ens s'all be cut t'rou*' t'e full t'ickness of t'e %eld %it' t'eir centers  (arallel to t'e +etal surface and not oer 1\ /4 ++0 a(art T'e centers of t'e s(eci+ens adjacent to t'e +etal surface s'all not e5ceed 4E6\ /1B ++0 fro+ t'e surface\

Question /10: Does t'e s(ecified distance bet%een s(eci+ens of )not oer 1\ a(art) r efer to t'e distance bet%een t'e centers of t'e s(eci+ens.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: =o% +any tension tests %ould be re&uired for a 21E\ t'ick *rooe %eldin*  (rocedure &ualification test cou(on %elded full t'ickness.e(ly /0: T%o See QW2>411 Question /30: W'en reduced section turned tension test s(eci+ens are used in accordance %it' QW2>B1/d0 for a 21E\ t'ick *rooe %eldin* (rocedure &ualification test cou(on %elded full t'ickness, %'at is t'e +ini+u+ nu+ber of s(eci+ens t'at +ust be re+oed for eac' tension test set.e(ly /30: T'ree

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*') Subject: QW2461 and QW2>1836 Date Issued: Se(te+ber 14, 883 !ile "o: 832189

7ack*round: T'e elctrosla* %eldin* (rocess is used to a((ly a corrosion2resistant oerlay T'e essential ariables in QW2461 a((ly QW2>1836 is listed as an essential ariable for corrosion2 resistant oerlay Question /10: W'en a sin*le layer is recorded in t'e @Q., is a W@S &ualified for a((lication of +ulti(le layers.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: W'en +ulti(le layers are recorded in t'e @Q., is a W@S &ualified for a((lication of sin*le layer.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*')0 Subject: QW2>81 , @ost%eld =eat Treat+ent Date Issued: Se(te+ber 14, 883 !ile "o: 83211

Question /10: $ay a (rocedure &ualification record subject to t'e ariable QW2>81/a0 %'ic' &ualified @2"o 6 to @2"o 6 %it' no @W=T su((ort a W@S %it' @W=T.e(ly /10: QW2>81/a0 does not a((ly to @2"o 6 +aterials See QW2>81/b0 Question /0: Would a((lication of controlled and +onitored 'eat to t'e %eld and surroundin* area for t'e correction of distortion in @2"o 6 +aterial be considered a @W=T o(eration-

.e(ly /0: See QW2>81/b0 N#e: T'is inter(retation ori*inally a((eared in  T'e G@6H 'as been corrected by ;rrata to read G@2"o 6H

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*')* Subject: QW2>813 Su((le+ental ;ssential 41 Date Issued: Dece+ber 38, 883 !ile "o: 8321463

Question: T%o se(arate @Q.s %it' identical %eldin* (rocess e5ist for a B ++ and an 6 ++  base +etal t'ickness $ay t'ese @Q.s su((ort a W@S, %it' all t'e essential and su((le+entary essential ariables unc'an*ed, to %eld a 6 ++ t'ick (roduction joint.e(ly: "o, see QW2>41

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*')Subject: Q721413, Q72>413, and Q72>B1/e0 Date Issued: Dece+ber 38, 883 !ile "o: 8321BB>

7ack*round: T%o tubes under 3\ dia+eter are se(arately torc' braKed into eac' end of a cou(lin* usin* face fed filler in t'e sa+e (osition %it' all t'e re+ainin* braKin* ariables t'e sa+e for  bot' joints T'e cou(on is (ulled to failure %'ic' occurs in t'e %eaker of t'e t%o braKed joints

T'e resultin* ulti+ate tensile stren*t' e5ceeds t'e +ini+u+ s(ecified alues listed in QWEQ72 > Question /10: Does one tensile s(eci+en, as s'o%n in Q72>B1/e0, braKed in t'is +anner, fulfill t'e re&uire+ent in Q72>413 for t%o tension tests.e(ly /10: Aes, see Q72>B31/e0 Question /0: Since t'e sa+e inside dia+eter, outside dia+eter, cross2sectional area ulti+ate load, ulti+ate tensile stren*t', and ty(e of failure e5ist for bot' la( joints, +ay t'e sa+e alues be recorded for t'e t%o tension tests on t'e 7raKin* @Q..e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*')( Subject: QW23181, QW2>43 and QW2>B19 Date Issued: Dece+ber 38, 883 !ile "o: 8321B6B

Question: Does QW23181 a((ly if t'e (i(e cou(on is %elded in t'e B (osition.e(ly: "o

VOLUME 11 Iner%re&i#n: IX')*')+ Subject: QW288>, o+bination of Weldin* @rocedures Date Issued: #(ril 1, 88> !ile "o: 83218

7ack*round: # co+bination %eld (rocess @Q. %as &ualified usin* t'e T#W for t'e root  (ass, S$#W and S#W Question: $ay t'is @Q. su((ort a W@S for %eldin* %it' only one or t%o of t'e (rocesses s'o%n on t'e @Q..e(ly: Aes, (roided t'e follo%in* are +et: a0 T'e re+ainin* essential, nonessential and su((le+entary essential ariables, %'en a((licable, are a((lied b0 T'e base +etal and de(osited %eld +etal t'ickness li+its of QW2>41 are a((lied

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*')/ Subject: QW2>839, 7ase $etal T'ickness Date Issued: #(ril 1, 88> !ile "o: 8>2B4

7ack*round: #n ;W (rocedure %as &ualified on 3E6 in t'ick base +aterial co+(letin* t'e %eld joint in one /10 sin*le (ass

Question: Is t'e W@S &ualified to +ake a %eld de(osit *reater t'an 1E in, in one (ass, in base +etal *reater t'an 1E in in t'ickness.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*') Subject: QW21883 and QW28, @rocedure Qualification .ecord Ti+e Mi+its Date Issued: June 18, 88> !ile "o: 8>2B81

Question: Is t'ere a ti+e li+it on t'e alidity of a @Q..e(ly: @Q.s al%ays re+ain alid, but +ay only be used to su((ort W@Ss, (roided t'ey +eet t'e re&uire+ents of t'e 19B or later ;dition of #S$; 7oiler and @ressure 411, @rocedure Qualification T'ickness Mi+its and Test S(eci+ens and QW28>, Dissi+ilar 7ase $etal T'icknesses Date Issued: Dece+ber , 88> !ile "o: 8>2499

7ack*round: # (rocedure &ualification test cou(on usin* t'e sa+e @2"u+ber +aterial and consistin* of t%o (lates of different t'icknesses are %elded to*et'er, %'ere t'e t'icker of t'e t%o (lates /T   121EH t'ick0 'as been ta(ered on a >:1 ta(er do%n to t'e t'inner (late t'ickness /T 1  1H t'ick0 Question /10: Does t'is test cou(on &ualify t'e W@S for a base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 3E1BH to 6H.e(ly /10: See Inter(retation IX26B2>3, Question /0 7ack*round: # (rocedure &ualification test cou(on usin* t'e sa+e or different @2"u+ber +aterials and consistin* of t%o (lates of different t'icknesses, T   121EH t'ick and T 1  1H t'ick %elded %it' a sin*le (rocess T'e t'icknesses +eet on t'e sa+e (lane %it' neit'er (late  bein* ta(ered T'e joint is %elded in accordance %it' t'e sketc' belo%

Question /0: Does t'is test cou(on &ualify t'e W@S for bot' base +etals for a t'ickness ran*e of 3E1BH to 6H on bot' sides of t'e %eld joint-

.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: Does t'is test cou(on &ualify t'e W@S for bot' base +etals of different @  "u+bers for a t'ickness ran*e of 3E1BH to 6H.e(ly /30: "o QW28> re&uires bot' base +etal t'icknesses be in accordance %it' QW2 >411 7ase +etal T1 is &ualified 3E1BH to H and base +etal T  is &ualified 3E1BH to 6H, e5ce(t as (er+itted by QW28>/b0/10

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*' Subject: QW2>891, ;lectrical 'aracteristics, =eat In(ut Date Issued: Dece+ber , 88> !ile "o: 8>21813

Question /10: Does QW2>891 re&uire t'at t'e 'i*'est 'eat in(ut, to be recorded on t'e @Q., be calculated on t'e (ara+eters used at t'e location %'ere t'e =#L i+(act s(eci+ens are re+oed.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: T#W is a non2consu+able electrode %eldin* (rocess t'at %ould record Kero for t'e G(er unit len*t' of electrodeH in QW2>891/b0 T'erefore, can t'e %eld olu+e +et'od detailed in QW2>891 be used to control t'e 'eat in(ut for a non2consu+able electrode %eldin*  (rocess suc' as T#W.e(ly /0: See Inter(retation IX292>8

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'0 Subject: QW23, .ene%al of Qualification Date Issued: Dece+ber , 88> !ile "o: 8>21>4

7ack*round: # %elder 'as been &ualified for t'e $#W (rocess /s'ort circuitin* transfer +ode0 T'e re&uired +ec'anical bend tests %ere (erfor+ed and found to be acce(table T'e %elder did not %eld %it' t'is (rocess durin* t'e follo%in* si52+ont' (eriod, resultin* in e5(iration of t'e &ualification Question: $ay a %elders &ualification be rene%ed by radio*ra('in* a (roduction %eld  (erfor+ed %it' t'e $#W (rocess /s'ort circuitin* transfer +ode0.e(ly: "o See QW23/a0

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'* Subject: QW288, @rocedure Qualification .ecord and QW2>891, ;lectrical 'aracteristics, =eat In(ut Date Issued: Dece+ber , 88> !ile "o: 8>2149

Question /10: @rocedure Qualification tests %ere conducted %it' notc' tou*'ness testin* W'en docu+entin* t'e @Q. %it' actual ariables /#+(s, 891 be +easured in t'e sa+e %eld (ass or unit len*t' of %eld.e(ly /0:


Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'1 Subject: QW2>8, 7ase $etal T'ickness Qualification and QW2>8, @W=T Te+(erature and Ti+e .an*e Date Issued: Dece+ber , 88> !ile "o: 8>21494

Question /10: Will a (rocedure &ualification test cou(on on 14 in t'ick @2"o 1, r  +aterial and (ost %eld 'eat treated at 1188 de* ! for 14 'ours %it' su((le+entary essential ariable re&uire+ents +et, su((ort a W@S %it' su((le+entary essential ariable re&uire+ents for  (roduction %eldin* on 6 in t'ick @2"o 1, r  +aterial t'at is @W=T at 1188 de* ! for 34 'ours.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: 7ased on t'e conditions stated in Question 1, could t'e @W=T ti+e on t'e 6 in t'ick %eld+ent be increased to > 'ours and 18 +inutes at 1188 de* ! and still be in co+(liance %it' ode re&uire+ents.e(ly /0: "o

VOLUME 1Iner%re&i#n: IX'/'-/ Subject: QW2>891, ;lectrical 'aracteristics Date Issued: $ay 19, 884 !ile "o: 842B34 N#e: Iner%re&i#n IX'/'-/ 2&3 4een 5i26r&5n

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'Subject: QW2>834, Qualification of Dissi+ilar rou( "u+ber 7ase $etals Date Issued: $arc' 6, 884 !ile "o: 8>21>16

Question /10: # @Q. is &ualified %it' i+(act testin* usin* #@I 4M X4B, %'ic' is an S2"o1, rou(  +aterial Does t'at @Q. su((ort a W@S for i+(act tested %eldin* #@I 4M X4 and X>B

%'ic' are S2"o1, rou( 1 +aterials.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Does a @Q. &ualified %it' i+(act testin* conducted usin* an unassi*ned +aterial %elded to an S2"o1, rou(  +aterial su((ort a W@S for %eldin* t'e sa+e unassi*ned +aterial to S2"o1, rou( 1 +aterial.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'( Subject: QW2>896, QW24B, S!# S(ecifications, T#W ;lectrode 'aracteristics Date Issued: $arc' 6, 884 !ile "o: 842>

Question: $ay current leels outside t'e ran*e of S!# 41 Table #I for s(ecific tun*sten electrode dia+eters be s(ecified in a W@S in accordance %it' Section IX.e(ly:


Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'+ Subject: QW288>/b0, o+bination @rocedure Qualification .ecords Date Issued: $arc' 6, 884 !ile "o: 8424

7ack*round: # co+bination T#W and S$#W W@S is su((orted by t%o @Q.s @Q. # is %elded %it' S$#W to join 36 ++ /12N in0 t'ick (lates %it' 36 ++ /12N in0 of S$#W de(osit @Q. 7 is %elded %it' T#W and S$#W to join 13 ++ /N in0 t'ick (lates, %it' 3 ++ /1E6 in0 of T#W de(osit, and 18 ++ /3E6 in0 of S$#W de(osited Question /10: Do @Q.s # and 7 &ualify t'e co+bination W@S for a base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 4 ++ /3E1B in0 to 88 ++ /6 in0 %'en i+(act testin* is not re&uired.e(ly /10:


Question /0: Do @Q.s # and 7 &ualify t'e co+bination W@S for a +a5i+u+ de(osited %eld +etal t'ickness of B ++ /O in0 for t'e T#W (rocess and 88 ++ /6 in0 for t'e S$#W  (rocess.e(ly /0:


Question /30: W'en i+(act tests are (erfor+ed for bot' @Q.s %it' acce(table results, do @Q.s # and 7 &ualify t'e co+bination W@S for a base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 13 ++ /N in0 to 88 ++ /6 in0 %'en i+(act testin* is re&uired.e(ly /30:


Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'/

Subject: Date Issued: !ile "o:

QW2>8>3B, !iller $etals, Testin* of .ecrus'ed Sla* $arc' 6, 884 842B

Question: Does QW2>8>3B re&uire t'at eac' batc' or blend of recrus'ed sla*, as defined in S!#241, be tested in accordance %it' Section II, @art  re*ardless of t'e source of sla*.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*') Subject: QW2>81, Weldin* @rocedure S(ecification, @ost%eld =eat Treat+ent Date Issued: $arc' 6, 884 !ile "o: 84293

Question: # W@S for joinin* @2"o> to @2"o> s(ecifies t'at t'e @W=T be (erfor+ed at 114 de* ! RE2 4 de* !, %'ic' is belo% t'e lo%er transfor+ation te+(erature for t'e +aterial $ay t'is W@S be reised to s(ecify a @W=T (erfor+ed at 14 de* ! RE2 4 de* !, %'ic' is also belo% t'e transfor+ation te+(erature, %it'out re&ualification of t'e (rocedure.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*' Subject: QW216> and QW231, @roduction Welds, .eokin* Welder Qualifications Date Issued: $ay 19, 884 !ile "o: 84246

Question /10: # %elder &ualified for fillet %elds by a &ualification test on a (late *rooe %eld is re&uired to %eld a fillet %eld of 3E6 in /18 ++0 le* on a noKKle to s'ell %eld Is t'e %elder re&uired to (roduce fillet %elds %it' le*s 'ain* a +a5i+u+ difference in len*t' of 1E6 in /3 ++0 as (er QW216>.e(ly /10:

"o, QW216> does not a((ly to (roduction %elds

Question /0: T'e sa+e %elder, &ualified as (er (reious &uestion, (roduces fillet %elds %it' one le* siKe t%ice t'e siKe of t'e ot'er /3E6 ersus 3E> in0 Is t'is cause for &uestionin* 'isE'er ability to %eld %it'in t'e &ualification (ara+eters and reoke 'isE'er &ualification for fillet %elds, in ter+s of QW231/b0.e(ly /0:

Section IX does not establis' criteria for reokin* %elder &ualifications

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*' Subject: QW2>8>, Qualified T'ickness .an*e %'en ;5ceedin* t'e @W=T F((er Transfor+ation Te+(erature Date Issued: $ay , 884 !ile "o: 8>21381

Question: W'en ariable QW2>8> a((lies (er QW248 for test cou(ons %it' (ost%eld 'eat treat+ent e5ceedin* t'e u((er transfor+ation te+(erature is t'e +a5i+u+ t'ickness &ualified

11 ti+es t'e t'ickness of t'e test cou(on for ferrous @ nu+ber +aterials @2"o1 t'rou*' @2"o and @2"o 9# t'rou*' @2"o117.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'0 Subject: QW211 and QW2318, @rocedure Qualification for rooe Welds %it' 7ackin* /88> ;dition0 Date Issued: #u*ust 16, 884 !ile "o: 8426>

7ack*round: # (erfor+ance &ualification test is (erfor+ed usin* solid round bar +ac'ined to >8 ++ /1BB in0 D %it' a +ac'ined circu+ferential %eld *rooe t'at is 1>B ++ /844 in0 dee( and 'as inte*ral backin* Weldin* is (erfor+ed in t'e B test (osition %it' a sin*le %eldin* (rocess #t least t'ree %eld layers are de(osited T'e test cou(on %ill be subjected to radio*ra('ic e5a+ination Question: $ay t'e test cou(on described aboe be used for a (erfor+ance &ualification test in t'e B (osition %elded %it' a sin*le (rocess to &ualify for all (osition %eldin* of unli+ited %eld +etal t'ickness %it' backin* and for all dia+eters 4 ++ /1 in0 D and *reater.e(ly: Aes, 'o%eer, +ulti(le test cou(ons are re&uired to (roide a +ini+u+ %eld len*t' of 148 ++ /B in0 for radio*ra('ic e5a+ination and t'e radio*ra('ic e5a+ination re&uire+ents of QW2191 are +et

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'* Subject: QW2>B19, @erfor+ance Qualification C @osition and Dia+eter Mi+itations /88> ;dtion0 Date Issued: "oe+ber 14, 884 !ile: 8421194

Question: # %elder %as &ualified on (i(e 4E6H t'ick in t'e B (osition usin* t'e T#W (rocess %it'out backin* for 'is root (ass, and S$#W %it' !> filler +etal to co+(lete t'e joint =e is also &ualified to %eld usin* S$#W on (late in t'e 1 (osition %it'out backin* $ay t'is %elder de(osit a root (ass usin* S$#W %it' !> filler in t'e B (osition %it'out  backin*.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'1 Subject: QW21413 and QW2>41, Tension Test .e&uire+ents for Turned S(eci+ens /88> ;dition0 Date Issued: "oe+ber 1, 884 !ile "o: 8421>8>

7ack*round: # test cou(on of 1 1E6H t'ickness %as %elded nly t%o /0 turned 8484 inc' dia+eter tension s(eci+ens %ere (re(ared and tested T'e test results %ere acce(table for t'e

s(eci+ens tested Question /10: Do t'e tension tests (erfor+ed satisfy t'e re&uire+ents of QW2148 and QW2>41.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: #re t'e re&uire+ents of QW2148 and QW2>41 satisfied if t'e W@S and t'is @Q. su((orts is li+ited to a base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 3E1B to  inc'es instead of a base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 3E1B to 21E> inc'es t'at %ould 'ae been (er+itted 'ad a sufficient nu+ber of tension s(eci+ens been tested.e(ly /0: "o

VOLUME 1( Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility /88> ;dition0 Date Issued: !ebruary , 88B !ile "o: 842119B

7ack*round: T%o inde(endent co+(anies # and 7 for+ a Mi+ited Miability @artners'i( /MM@0 to  (erfor+ %ork re&uirin* #S$; Section I ode Sta+( T'e MM@ 'as obtained alid #S$; ertificates of #ut'oriKation ;ac' co+(any also 'as alid, e5istin* #S$; ertificates of #ut'oriKation T'e or*aniKation effectie o(erational control of %eldin* (rocedure &ualification is described in eac' of t'e (artners Quality ontrol Syste+ $anuals and t'e MM@s Quality ontrol Syste+ $anual T'e %eldin* (rocedure &ualification tests and (roduction %eldin* are under t'e full su(erision and control of t'e sa+e indiidual re(resentin* bot' t'e MM@ and co+(any # Question: $ay t'e MM@ use @Q.s &ualified by co+(any # after t'e for+ation of t'e [email protected](ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'( Subject: Fnits of $easure+ent Date Issued: !ebruary , 88B !ile "o: 842114

Question /10: Is it acce(table to +aintain %elder (erfor+ance &ualification records in SI units, %it' a conersion table as (art of t'e %eldin* +anual to ensure t'at &ualification li+its are not e5ceeded.e(ly /10: Aes ode ase 43 (roides infor+ation about %'en suc' conersions are re&uired and t'e re&uire+ents for (erfor+in* suc' conersions Question /0: Is it acce(table to +aintain %eldin* (rocedure s(ecifications t'at are dual

di+ensioned %it' SI units (ri+ary and FS usto+ary units in (arent'esis, %it' a conersion table as (art of t'e %eldin* +anual to ensure t'at &ualification li+its are not e5ceeded.e(ly /0: Aes ode ase 43 (roides infor+ation about %'en suc' conersions are re&uired and t'e re&uire+ents for (erfor+in* suc' conersions

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'+ Subject: QW2>84, Weldin* @osition /88> ;dition0 Date Issued: June 1, 88B !ile "o: 8B233

Question /10: If a Stud Weldin* @rocedure Qualification is (erfor+ed in t'e >S (osition does t'e sa+e (rocedure &ualification &ualify for t'e 1S (osition.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: If a Stud Weldin* @rocedure Qualification is (erfor+ed in t'e >S and S (osition does t'e sa+e (rocedure &ualification also &ualify for all (ositions.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')*'/ Subject: QW2>81/b0, @ost%eld =eat Treat+ent Date Issued: June 1, 88B !ile "o: 8B2>B

Question: Does QW2>81/b0/0 address t'e te+(erature ran*es for stress reliein*, stabiliKin* andEor solution annealin* 'eat treat+ents.e(ly: "o, QW2>81/b0/0 addresses @W=T %it'in a s(ecified te+(erature ran*e Section IX re&uires t'e te+(erature ran*e to be s(ecified on t'e W@S and t'e @Q. su((ortin* t'e W@S be %it'in t'e s(ecified @W=T te+(erature ran*e /See t'e fourt' (ara*ra(' of t'e Introduction0

VOLUME 1+ Iner%re&i#n: IX')'R  Subject: QW21883 and QW2>81, @2"u+ber .eassi*n+ent /88> ;dition0 Date Issued: Se(te+ber 11, 88 !ile "o: 812B9, 8>2B88

Question: $ay a (reiously &ualified W@S, %ritten to (er+it t'e %eldin* of @2"o 4, rou( 1 +aterial to @2"o 4, rou( > +aterial (rior to t'e establis'+ent of @2"os 4#, 47, and 4, be used to %eld S#213 T to S#213 T91 +aterials.e(ly: Aes, if t'e W@S is reised to li+it t'e +aterials &ualified for %eldin* to t'e @2 or S2  "u+ber/s0 and rou( nu+ber/s0 assi*ned to t'e s(ecific +aterial/s0 ori*inally used for t'e  (rocedure &ualification test cou(on in t'e a((licable edition and addenda of Section IX

Iner%re&i#n: IX')(') Subject: QW2>81/b0, @ost%eld =eat Treat+ent /88> ;dition0 Date Issued: !ebruary B, 88 !ile "o: 8B264

7ack*round: # +anufacturer 'as fabricated +ulti2conolution bello%s of S72>89 F"S  "86688, "86618 or "86611 /@2"o >40, in accordance %it' #S$; Section ;dition0 Date Issued: #u*ust 1, 88 !ile "o: 8B291

7ack*round: T'ree construction co+(anies 'ae (artici(ated in a nuclear (o%er (lant construction (roject as a consortiu+ contractor T'ey 'ae a unified Quality #ssurance @ro*ra+  but t'e consortiu+ does not 'old a ertificate of #ut'oriKation ;ac' of t'e construction co+(anies 'olds t'eir o%n ertificate of #ut'oriKation Question: Does Gt%o or +ore co+(anies of different na+es in an or*aniKationH in QW281 a((ly to t'e consortiu+ described in t'e back*round.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')(')0 Subject: QW2>89, !#W $ode of Transfer /88> ;dition0 Date Issued: #u*ust 1,88 !ile "o: 8218>1

Question: Does QW2>89, t'e transfer +ode ariable, a((ly to t'e flu5 cored arc %eldin*  (rocess.e(ly:


Iner%re&i#n: IX')(')* Subject: QW2>8>3, !iller $etal @roduct !or+ /88 ;dition0 Date Issued: #u*ust 1, 88 !ile "o: 8213>3

Question /10: Is t'e re&uire+ent to docu+ent essential ariable QW2>8>3 satisfied %'en t'e #WS filler +etal classification is s(ecified in t'e W@S and recorded on t'e su((ortin* @Q..e(ly /10:


Question /0: Does QW2>8>3 re&uire t'e %ords Gsolid %ireH, Gbare %ireH or Gflu5 coredH be s(ecified in addition to t'e #WS filler +etal classification in t'e W@S and su((ortin* @Q..e(ly /0:


Iner%re&i#n: IX')(')1 Subject: QW21883 and QW2>81, 'an*e of @2"o as an ;ssential 8>, Fse of onsu+able Inserts /88 ;dition0 Date Issued: !ebruary 1, 886 !ile "o: 862>8

7ack*round: QW234B lists t'e essential ariables for Welder @erfor+ance Qualification for +anual T#W QW2>8>, t'e use of consu+able inserts, is an essential ariable for Welder @erfor+ance Qualification %it'in QW234B #n indiidual (erfor+s t'e follo%in* t%o &ualification tests: /a0 rooe %eld usin* t'e T#W2+ac'ine (rocess on a "@S B /D" 1480 Sc'edule >8  (i(e cou(on %it' a consu+able insert /b0 rooe %eld usin* t'e T#W2+anual (rocess on a "@S B /D" 1480 Sc'edule >8  (i(e cou(on %it' an o(en root ;ac' &ualification test is (erfor+ed inde(endently and %elded full t'ickness by t'e (rocess used to +ake t'e root %eld Question /10: Is t'is indiidual &ualified to %eld a "@S B /D" 1480 Sc'edule >8 (i(e *rooe %eld by +akin* t'e root %eld %it' t'e T#W2+ac'ine (rocess %it' a consu+able insert and t'en co+(letin* t'e %eld usin* t'e T#W2+anual (rocess.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Is t'is indiidual &ualified to +ake non2t'rou*' %all %eld re(airs usin* t'e T#W2+anual (rocess to a "@S B /D" 1480 Sc'edule >8 (i(e *rooe %eld t'at %as ori*inally (erfor+ed usin* t'e T#W2+ac'ine (rocess %it' a consu+able insert.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: Is t'is indiidual &ualified to +ake t'rou*'2%all re(airs usin* t'e T#W2 +anual (rocess to t'e root of a "@S B /D" 1480 Sc'edule >8 (i(e *rooe %eld t'at %as ori*inally (erfor+ed usin* t'e T#W2+ac'ine (rocess %it' a consu+able insert if t'e defect re+oal results in a re(air caity %it' an o(en root.e(ly /30: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')(')+ Subject: QW288/c0, 'an*es to @Q. /88 ;dition0

Date Issued: !ile "o:

!ebruary 1, 886 86289

Question /10: an additional tests and data t'at are not re&uired by Section IX /ie, 'ardness ferrite, corrosion, etc0 be added to a @Q. at a later date %'en t'e testin* %as not (erfor+ed as  (art of t'e ori*inal @Q., but follo%ed t'e conditions of t'e ori*inal &ualification.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: If t'e tests and data noted in Question 1 are added to t'e @Q., %ould recertification, includin* date, be re&uired.e(ly /0: Aes #ll c'an*es to a @Q. re&uire recertification /includin* date0 by t'e +anufacturer or contractor (er QW288/c0

Iner%re&i#n: IX')(')/ Subject: QW2>813 and QW2>83B, T'ickness .an*e Qualified for I+(act Testin* /88 ;dition0 Date Issued: $ay 1, 886 !ile "o: 8624B

7ack*round: # %eldin* (rocedure &ualification %as (erfor+ed on a 1 in /4 ++0 t'ick test cou(on Tension and bend tests %ere (erfor+ed on t'e 1 in /4 ++0 (late # second %eldin*  (rocedure &ualification %as (erfor+ed on a 8> in /B ++0 (late and only i+(act testin* %as  (erfor+ed #ll of t'e essential and su((le+entary essential ariables re+ained t'e sa+e e5ce(t for t'e cou(on t'ickness Question: $ay t'e aboe @Q.s be used to su((ort a W@S for +aterials re&uirin* notc' tou*'ness %it' a &ualified t'ickness ran*e of 8164 in /4 ++0 to  in /48 ++0.e(ly: Aes Iner%re&i#n: IX')(') Subject: QW2811 Date Issued: Se(te+ber 16, 886 !ile "o: 862188

Question: Does QW2811 allo% +aintainin* effectie o(erational control of @Q.s and W@Ss under different o%ners'i( t'an e5isted durin* t'e ori*inal (rocedure &ualification %'en t'e o%ners'i( of one co+(any 'as been transferred +ore t'an once.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')(' Subject: QW2381, Qualification Tests Date Issued: "oe+ber B, 886 !ile "o: 8621B8

Question: Does QW2381 re&uire t'at a (erson +akin* adjust+ents to t'e %eldin* e&ui(+ent settin*s, under t'e su(erision and control of t'e %elder or %eldin* o(erator (erfor+in* t'e %eld, also be a &ualified %elder or %eldin* o(erator.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')(' Subject: QW2>BB1 Date Issued: Dece+ber 3, 886 !ile "o: 86211B1

Question: In Table QW2>BB1, %'en t'e +aterial @2"o is assi*ned as G#ll t'ersH and t'e +aterial s(ecification of t'e #S$; ode Section II does not 'ae any re&uire+ents for re(ortin* elon*ation, is t'e +anufacturer li+ited to (erfor+in* a base +etal tension test to deter+ine t'e  (ro(er test ji* di+ensions #, 7, , and D of Table QW2>BB1.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')('0 Subject: QW2>63 and QW2>6> Date Issued: Dece+ber 3, 886 !ile "o: 8621>B>

Question /10: $ay t'e +anufacturer or contractor, subcontract t'e certification of (rocedure or  (erfor+ance &ualification records.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Does Section IX s(ecify t'e &ualifications for t'e indiiduals %'o certify  (rocedure or (erfor+ance &ualification records.e(ly /0: "o

VOLUME -) Iner%re&i#n: IX')('* Subject: QWEQ72> Date Issued: June >, 889 !ile "o: 892>6B

Question: Does t'e assi*n+ent of @2"o 6, rou( "o 3 to S#2>9, Ty(e X$219, F"S S8918 include all t'ree /30 of t'e 'eat treat+ent conditions /annealed, 'ot2rolled and strain2'ardened0 s(ecified by S#2>9.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')

Subject: Date Issued: !ile "o:

#rticle III 2 QW2381 ] QW238 #u*ust 16, 889 8924B

Question /10: If radio*ra('ic e5a+ination (er QW238 is done for &ualification of  %elders on a sin*le (i(e cou(on %elded in t'e B (osition, +ust eac' %elder co+(lete t'e entire circu+ference of t'e (i(e cou(on.e(ly /10: Aes Question : If +ec'anical testin* (er QW2381 is done for &ualification of  %elders on a sin*le  (i(e cou(on %elded in t'e B (osition, +ust eac' %elder co+(lete t'e entire circu+ference of t'e (i(e cou(on in order to re+oe t'e re&uired bend s(eci+ens in accordance %it' QW2>B3/d0 or QW2>B3/e0.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')') Subject: QW2388/b0 Date Issued: #u*ust 16, 889 !ile "o: 892>

Question: Is t'e +anufacturer or contractor re&uired to (roide full su(erision durin* t'e  (erfor+ance &ualification testin*, so t'at issues suc' as t'e essential ariables and ins(ections durin* t'e test can be erified and satisfied for eac' %elder or %eldin* o(erator &ualified.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')0 Subject: QW238> ] QW2344 2 !#W Date Issued: #u*ust 16, 889 !ile "o: 892181

Question /10: $ay radio*ra('ic e5a+ination +eetin* t'e re&uire+ents of QW238> be used to &ualify a %elder usin* t'e !lu52ored #rc Weldin* /!#W0 (rocess, (roided t'e transfer +ode is not t'e s'ort circuitin* +ode.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: W'en &ualifyin* a %elder in accordance %it' t'e essential ariables listed in QW2 344 for t'e as $etal2#rc Weldin* /$#W0 (rocess and t'e re&uire+ents of QW238> are +et, is t'e %elder also &ualified for t'e !lu52ored #rc Weldin* /!#W0 (rocess if t'e essential ariables are unc'an*ed.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')* Subject: QW21883 and QW2>81

Date Issued: !ile "o:

"oe+ber 1, 889 892>98

7ack*round: # later ;dition E#ddenda of Section IX assi*ns a @2nu+ber different fro+ t'at assi*ned by t'e ;ditionE#ddenda of Section IX t'at %as in effect at t'e ti+e of &ualification Question /10: Is it re&uired t'at t'e W@S be reised or a ne% W@S be %ritten to identify t'e ne% @2nu+ber %'en t'e a((licable code editionEaddenda lists t'e +aterial under t'e ne% @2nu+ber.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Is it re&uired t'at t'e W@S be reised or a ne% W@S be %ritten to identify t'e ne% @2nu+ber %'en t'e a((licable code editionEaddenda lists t'e +aterial under t'e old @2nu+ber.e(ly /0: "o Question /30: Is it re&uired t'at a su((ortin* @Q. be a+ended to s'o% t'e ne% @2nu+ber assi*n+ent.e(ly /30: "o Question >: $ay a su((ortin* @Q. be a+ended to s'o% t'e ne% @2nu+ber assi*n+ent.e(ly />0: Aes Question /40: $ay a su((ortin* @Q. be a+ended to s'o% bot' t'e old and t'e ne% @2nu+ber assi*n+ents.e(ly /40: Aes 7ack*round: # later ;ditionE#ddenda of Section IX assi*ns a !2nu+ber different fro+ t'at assi*ned by t'e ;ditionE#ddenda of Section IX t'at %as in effect at t'e ti+e of &ualification Question /B0: Is it re&uired t'at t'e W@S or @Q. be a+ended to reflect t'e ne% filler +etal !2  "o assi*n+ent.e(ly /B0: "o Question /0: $ay t'e W@S or @Q. be a+ended to reflect t'e ne% filler +etal !2"o assi*n+ent.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')1 Subject: QW2>44 ] QW21611 Date Issued: Dece+ber , 889 !ile "o: 892149B

7ack*round: # fillet %eld (erfor+ance &ualification test is (erfor+ed usin* a (roduction asse+bly +ocku(

Question: $ust a %elder or a %eldin* o(erator usin* a (roduction +ocku( asse+bly be &ualified for a c'an*e in fillet siKe, base +aterial t'ickness, or confi*uration of t'e +ocku(.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')Subject: QW2>44 Date Issued: Dece+ber 11, 889 !ile "o: 86218

Question: Is it t'e intent of QW2>44 to (er+it %elder or %eldin* o(erator fillet %eld  (erfor+ance &ualification testin* to be conducted usin* test cou(on t'icknesses *reater t'an 3E6H t'ick.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')( Subject: QW248 Date Issued: Dece+ber 31, 889 !ile "o: 892466

Question /10: Is it t'e intent of t'e ode t'at 83B, QW2>8B3, QW2>891, QW2 >189, and QW2>1818 a((ly %'en s(ecified in QW248 for @2"o 18= +aterials.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Is it t'e intent of t'e ode t'at 8> a((lies %'en s(ecified in QW2 48 for @2"o 18= +aterials.e(ly /0: Aes

VOLUME - Iner%re&i#n: IX')')+ Subject: QW2>8 Date Issued: !ebruary 1, 818 !ile "o: 892413

Question: $ay a (rocedure &ualification subject to t'e ariable QW2>8, for @2"o6 +aterial %it' solution annealin* @W=T at 18B8 /19>8!0 for 1 'our and i+(act tested, su((ort a W@S for (roduction %it' bot' solution annealin* at 18B8 /19>8!0 and stabiliKation 'eat treat+ent at 948 /1>!0 for  'ours.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')')/

Subject: Date Issued: !ile "o:

Q72>413 and Q72>414, Work+ans'i( ou(ons !ebruary 1, 818 892663

Question: !or co+(onents suc' as ale bodies and seats in %'ic' +aterials of suitable *eo+etry and t'ickness are not nor+ally aailable to +ake u( la( joint test cou(ons as re&uired by Q72 >413, is it t'e intent of t'e o++ittee t'at t'e +aterials to be braKed s'all be &ualified usin* any conenient t'ickness and *eo+etry suitable for (erfor+in* t'e tension and section testes re&uired  by Q72>413, and t'at a *reater ran*e of base +etal t'ickness +ay be &ualified usin* %ork+ans'i( test cou(ons in accordance %it' Q72>414.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')') Subject: QW21B3 and QW2>BB1 C uided 7end Test S(eci+en Di+ensions Date Issued: !ebruary 1, 818 !ile "o: 8921>8

7ack*round: # %eldin* (rocedure %as &ualified for %eldin* on t'ick base +etals Due to t'e t'ickness of t'e test cou(on re&uired, t'e %idt' of t'e face of t'e %eld is 4 inc'es @er QW21B3, t'e %eld and 'eat2affected Kone s'all be co+(letely %it'in t'e bent (ortion of t'e bend s(eci+en !or a +aterial %it' 8? or *reater elon*ation, t'e standard 3E6H t'ick bend s(eci+en (roides a  bent (ortion t'at is 343 inc'es lon* on t'e D of t'e s(eci+en Question /10: Does it +eet t'e re&uire+ents of #S$; Section IX, if t'e bend radius and bend test s(eci+en t'ickness are increased, suc' t'at 8? outer fiber elon*ation is ac'ieed, and t'e D of t'e s(eci+en contains t'e entire %idt' of t'e %eld and =#L.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Does it +eet t'e re&uire+ents of #S$; Section IX, if a set of +ulti(le s(eci+ens 'ain* t'e standard 3E6H t'ickness and re(resentin* t'e entire %idt' of t'e %eld and bot' =#Ls are re+oed and tested to +eet t'e re&uire+ents for testin* t'e entire %idt' of t'e %eld.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: #ssu+in* t'at bot' of t'e base +etals in t'e test cou(on are of t'e sa+e @2"o, does it +eet t'e re&uire+ents of #S$; Section IX, to use standard 3E6H t'ick bend s(eci+ens re(resentin* at least one =#L and as +uc' %eld +etal as  (ossible, %'en (erfor+in* t'e re&uired bend test.e(ly /30: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')' Subject: QW2>43 C $ini+u+ Qualified T'ickness for orrosion erlay Date Issued: !ebruary 1, 818 !ile "o: 8921>1

Question: !or corrosion resistant oerlay %eldin* (rocedure &ualifications, %'ere a c'e+ical analysis is not re&uired, is t'ere a +ini+u+ &ualified de(osit t'ickness.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')' Subject: QW21611 ] QW2>>1 C @rocedure Qualification Fsin* @roduction #sse+bly $ocku( Date Issued: !ebruary 1, 818 !ile "o: 18213

Question: Does #S$; Section IX allo% t'e use of +aterials 'ain* t'e sa+e @2"o as t'e actual  (roduction +aterials, to (roduce a test s(eci+en for fillet %eldin* (rocedure &ualification, usin* a (roduction asse+bly +ocku(.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0 Subject: QW2>8>4/b0, 'an*e in trade desi*nation of filler +etal Date Issued: June 4, 818 !ile "o: 89213B6

7ack*round: # @Q. usin* T#W (rocess %as &ualified usin* filler +etal classified in accordance %it' #S$; Section II @art , S!# 46, ;.68S2 classification, %it' c'e+istry +eetin* #2"u+ber  # footnote %as used in t'e @Q. to docu+ent t'e filler +etal Trade "a+e used in t'e &ualification Question: # W@S su((orted by t'e aboe @Q. usin* t'e sa+e filler +etal classification ;.68S2  and #2"o , but %it' a different Trade "a+e %as s(ecified W'en notc' tou*'ness /QW2 >8>10 does not a((ly, does a c'an*e in t'e filler Trade "a+e s(ecified on t'e W@S re&uire re&ualification.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'* Subject: QW288> Date Issued: June 4, 818 !ile "o: 8921>>

7ack*round: # (roduction %eld joint %as +ade usin* a &ualified %eldin* (rocedure, %eldin* @3 to @6 usin* an unassi*ned filler +etal In order (erfor+ a re(air to t'is joint, a  nd %eldin*  (rocedure %as &ualified usin* an assi*ned filler +etal Question /10: If t'e  nd (rocedure is &ualified by %eldin* @3 to @6, is t'is (rocedure &ualified to re(air t'e (roduction %eld bet%een t'e @3 ] @6 +aterial +ade %it' an unassi*ned filler +etal.e(ly /10: Aes =o%eer, see QW2>31

Question /0: !or t'e sa+e situation as &uestion 1, is t'is (rocedure &ualified to re(air t'e  (roduction %eld bet%een t'e @3 ] @6 +aterial if t'e re(air is entirely %it'in t'e (reiously de(osited %eld +etal.e(ly /0: Aes =o%eer, see QW2>31 Question /30: If t'e  nd (rocedure is +ade by %eldin* @2nu+ber +aterial t'at no+inally +atc'es t'e co+(osition of t'e unassi*ned filler +etal si+ilar to QW293>, is t'e  nd (rocedure &ualified to +ake a re(air to t'e (roduction %eld bet%een t'e @3 ] @6 +aterial (roided t'at t'e re(air is entirely %it'in t'e (reiously de(osited %eld +etal.e(ly /30: Aes =o%eer, see QW2>31

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'1 Subject: QW283, Weld .e(air and 7uildu( Date Issued: #u*ust B, 818 !ile "o: 182349

Question: $ay a W@S be used to (erfor+ a %eld re(air (er QW283 on a *rooe %eld  (reiously %elded usin* t'e sa+e W@S, %it'out reisin* t'e W@S to include t'e *rooe desi*n of t'e re(air caity.e(ly: Aes #lso see inter(retation IX292

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'Subject: QW2881/b0, ontents of t'e W@S QW288/b0, ontents of t'e @Q. QW2>8>> and QW2>8>, Su((le+ental !iller $etal Date Issued: #u*ust B, 818 !ile "o: 1821149

7ack*round: QW2>8>> and QW2>8> are essential ariables for t'e S#W (rocess #  (rocedure &ualification test %as conducted usin* t'e S#W (rocess %it'out t'e use of su((le+ental filler +etal Question: Is it re&uired t'at t'e @Q. indicate t'at su((le+ental filler +etal %as not used and +ust t'e W@S s(ecify it is not to be used.e(ly: Aes =o%eer, Section IX does not s(ecify t'e +anner in %'ic' t'is is docu+ented on t'e @Q. or s(ecified on t'e W@S T'e +et'od of recordin* infor+ation on t'e @Q. and W@S +ay be by state+ent, sketc' or ot'er +eans as lon* as t'e essential ariables are addressed

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'( Subject: QW231/a0 Date Issued: #u*ust B, 818 !ile "o: 18211B1

7ack*round: # %elder successfully co+(letes a (erfor+ance &ualification test Durin* t'e ne5t si5 +ont's, t'e %elder used t'e %eldin* (rocess +ulti(le ti+es durin* t'e first four +ont's, but did not use t'e %eldin* (rocess in t'e fift' or si5t' +ont' Question: W'en +aintainin* t'e %elder)s &ualification, is t'e %elder continuity based on t'e last date t'e %elder used t'e %eldin* (rocess.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'+ Subject: QW24B1 Joinin* of lad $aterials Date Issued: "oe+ber 1, 818 !ile "o: 89299>

7ack*round: # co+(osite /clad0 +aterial 'ain* a carbon steel base and alloy 64 claddin* is to  be joined by %eldin* T'e alloy 64 claddin* is not included in t'e desi*n calculations T'e contractor 'as a @Q. for joinin* t'e base +etal %'ose &ualified ran*es are a((ro(riate for %eldin* conditions T'e contractor also 'as a @Q. for oerlayin* carbon steel %it' alloy B4 filler +etal usin* T#W, %'ose &ualified ran*es of essential s(ecial (rocess ariables for corrosion resistant oerlay %eldin* are a((licable to t'e %eldin* conditions Question /10: W'en joinin* t'e clad layer of a co+(osite /clad0 +aterial usin* T#W %'ere t'e clad t'ickness is not considered in t'e desi*n calculations, are t'e essential s(ecial  (rocess ariables or QW24B1 a((licable to t'e clad (ortion of t'e %eld.e(ly /10: Aes See QW21 and QW241> Question /0: W'en co+(letin* t'e clad (ortion of a %eld usin* t'e T#W (rocess, is a W@S &ualified to de(osit corrosion resistant %eld +etal usin* alloy B4 /F"S "8BB40 filler +etal, also &ualified for de(ositin* a corrosion resistant %eld +etal oerlay usin* alloy 64 /F"S  "868B40 filler +etal, %'en t'e carbon steel base +etal 'as t'e sa+e @2"o as t'e base +etal &ualified by t'e [email protected](ly /0: "o See QW24B1 and QW2>8>3

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'/ Subject: QW288> 2 @rocedure Qualification, orrosion .esistant Weld $etal erlay Date Issued: "oe+ber 1, 818 !ile "o: 8921>3

7ack*round: # corrosion resistant %eld +etal oerlay %as a((lied to @2"o3 base +etal %it' W@S &ualified for t'e S#W (rocess usin* an unassi*ned stri( filler +etal, %it' resultin* de(osit c'e+istry no+inally +atc'in* !2"o>3 filler +etal It is later deter+ined a *reater t'ickness of corrosion resistant %eld +etal oerlay or a re(air to t'e oerlay is needed #n alternate W@S is  (ro(osed for de(ositin* t'e %eld +etal oerlay to increase t'e oerlay t'ickness or (erfor+ t'e re(airs T'e alternate W@S %as &ualified usin* a different %eldin* (rocess, a((lyin* S!#2411 ;"ir!e2 filler +etal to (roduce a corrosion resistant %eld +etal oerlay %it' a de(osit c'e+istry no+inally +atc'in* !2"o>3 on @2"o3 base +etals

Question: Is any W@S &ualified for de(ositin* a corrosion resistant %eld +etal oerlay %it' a kno%n c'e+istry, also &ualified for a((lyin* additional layers or re(airs to an e5istin* corrosion resistant oerlay surface 'ain* a no+inally +atc'in* c'e+istry.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')') Subject: QW2>843 Date Issued: "oe+ber 16, 818 !ile "o: 1821>69

Question: W'en a %elder &ualifies %it' t'e ertical u( (ro*ression on %eld cou(ons in t'e 3, 4, or B test (ositions, is t'at %elder &ualified to %eld %it' t'e ertical do%n (ro*ression %'en QW2>843 is a (erfor+ance &ualification essential ariable.e(ly: "o

VOLUME - Iner%re&i#n: IX')' Subject: QW2>8 and QW2>8> T'rou*' QW2>18 Date Issued: $arc' 11, 811 !ile "o: 182>9B

Question: W'en i+(acts are %aied by a book section for t'e base +etal /=#L notc' tou*'ness is not re&uired0, but are re&uired for t'e %eld +etal, do t'e su((le+entary essential ariables of QW2>8 and QW2>8> t'rou*' QW2>18 a((ly (er t'e a((licable tables QW24 t'rou*' QW2 B4.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')' Subject: QW288, Fse of @reli+inary W@S Date Issued: $arc' 1>, 811 !ile "o: 1821146

Question: Does #S$; Section IX re&uire a (reli+inary W@S be used durin* (rocedure &ualification testin*, or t'at a W@S nu+ber be recorded on t'e @Q..e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0 Subject: QW2>33 and QW2>41/b0 Date Issued: $arc' 1>, 811 !ile "o: 1821916

7ack*round: # %elder tests on an "@S B Sc' 68 /8>3 in %all0 cou(on, de(ositin* 8188 in of ;B818 and t'e balance of 833 in usin* ;816 Question /10: Fsin* ;B818, is t'e %elder &ualified to de(osit 86B> in +a5i+u+ of %eld +etal.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Fsin* ;816, is t'e %elder &ualified to de(osit 8BB> in +a5i+u+ of %eld +etal.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: Is t'e %elder &ualified to de(osit 86B> in of %eld +etal usin* ;B818 (lus 8BB> in of ;816 %eld +etal de(osit t'ickness for a total of 146 in in t'e sa+e *rooe.e(ly /30: "o See QW2>41/b0

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'* Subject: QW2>89, o+bination of @rocesses Date Issued: $arc' 1>, 811 !ile "o: 1121B

7ack*round: # %elder %as tested on an S#241B r 8 (late, usin* t'e $#W (rocess S'ort arc +ode %as used for de(ositin* t'e root, and s(ray arc +ode %as used for de(ositin* t'e  balance of t'e %eld in a sin*le cou(on Question: Is it (er+issible, accordin* to #S$; Section IX, QW2>89, to use t%o +odes of +etal transfer in a sin*le test cou(on.e(ly: Aes t'e de(osit t'ickness for eac' transfer +ode s'all be recorded as re&uired by QW2 38B

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'1 Subject: QW281, $anufacturers or ontractors .es(onsibility Date Issued: $ay 3, 811 !ile "o: 112>>

Question: $ay an or*aniKation %it' +ore t'an one #S$; ertificate of #ut'oriKation, under different na+es and in different locations, describe in its &uality assurance (ro*ra+s t'e o(erational control of (rocedure &ualifications and t'e use of %eldin* (rocedures (ro(erly &ualified under one certificate 'older, under anot'er certificate 'older %it'in t'e or*aniKation, but %it'out se(arate &ualification, as (er+itted by Section IX, QW281.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'Subject: QW238>, 6?, $n: 1>4?, Si: 819? Question /10: Does t'is c'e+istry +eet an #21 lassification.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Does t'is c'e+istry +eet an #218 lassification.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0 Subject: Section IX, QW216 2 !racture Tests Date Issued: #u*ust 4, 811 !ile "o: 112939

Question /10: Is it re&uired by QW216 t'at t'e su+ of all rounded indications /re*ardless of dia+eter0 be considered in addition to t'e su+ of t'e len*t's of inclusions in deter+inin* t'e 3E6H in /18 ++0 +a5i+u+ allo%ed for acce(tance.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: Is it (er+issible to a((ly t'e (orosity siKe li+itation of 1E3H or *reater as s(ecified in QW21911 /b0/30 to a NH in /1 ++0 %elded cou(on to t'e fracture test acce(tance criteria of QW216.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'00 Subject: Section IX, QW2>8>4, #2"o ;ssential 8>4, +ay t'e #2"o of $#W %eld +etal be establis'ed fro+ t'e c'e+ical analysis of a %eld de(osit (re(ared accordin* to t'e filler +etal s(ecification %'en t'e s'ieldin* *as used for t'e c'e+ical analysis %as different fro+ t'at used in t'e  (rocedure &ualification.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: #ccordin* to QW2>8>4, +ay t'e #2"o of $#W %eld +etal be establis'ed fro+ t'e c'e+ical analysis of a %eld de(osit (re(ared accordin* to t'e filler +etal s(ecification  (roided t'e s'ieldin* *as used for t'e c'e+ical analysis %as t'e sa+e as t'at used in t'e  (rocedure &ualification.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: #re t'e $#W rules in QW2>8>4 for establis'in* #2"u+bers also a((licable to !#W.e(ly /30: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0* Subject: Section IX, QW288>/b0 Date Issued: Dece+ber 6, 811 !ile "o: 18219BB

7ack*round: @Q. # is %elded %it' S$#W to join 4E6 in /1B ++0 t'ick (lates %it' 4E6 in /1B ++0 of S$#W de(osit @Q. 7 is %elded %it' T#W and S$#W to join 4E1B in /6 ++0 t'ick  (lates %it' 1E6 in /3 ++0 of T#W and 3E1B in /4 ++0 of S$#W de(osit @Q.  is %elded %it' T#W to join 3E1B in /4 ++0 t'ick (lates %it' 3E1B in /4 ++0 of T#W de(osit Question /10: Do @Q.s # and 7 &ualify t'e co+bination W@S for a base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 1E1B in /14 ++0 to 1O in /3 ++0 %'en i+(act testin* is not re&uired.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Do @Q.s # and 7 &ualify t'e co+bination W@S for a base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 1E1B in /4 ++0 to 1N /36 ++0 %'en i+(act testin* in not re&uired.e(ly /0: "o Question /30: Do @Q.s # and 7 &ualify t'e co+bination W@S for a +a5i+u+ de(osit %eld +etal t'ickness ran*e of 1E> in /B ++0 for t'e T#W (rocess and 1O in /3 ++0 for t'e S$#W (rocess.e(ly /30: "o Question />0: Do @Q.s # and  &ualify t'e co+bination W@S for a +a5i+u+ de(osit %eld +etal t'ickness ran*e of 3E6 in /18 ++0 for t'e T#W (rocess and 1O in /3 ++0 for t'e S$#W (rocess-

.e(ly />0: "o Question /40: Do @Q.s # and  &ualify t'e co+bination W@S for a base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 1E1B in /14 ++0 to 1O in /3 ++0 %'en i+(act testin* is not re&uired.e(ly /40: "o Question /B0: Do @Q.s # and  &ualify t'e co+bination W@S for a base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 1E1B in /14 ++0 to 1N in /36 ++0 %'en i+(act testin* is not re&uired.e(ly /B0: "o Question /0: Do t'e (roisions in QW288>/b0 affect t'e res(onses to t'e aboe &uestions.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'01 Subject: Section IX, QW2>41/b0 Date Issued: Dece+ber 6, 811 !ile "o: 112838

Question: .e*ardin* QW2>41/b0 for (erfor+ance &ualification, is G$a5 to be WeldedH e&uialent to GFnli+itedH.e(ly: Aes Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0Subject: Section IX, QW2>B>/a0 and QW2>B>/b0 2 !illet Weld Test Date Issued: !ebruary 1B, 81 !ile "o: 11269B

Question /10: $ay a W@S &ualified %it' a fillet %eld usin* a (late tee2joint confi*uration as s'o%n in fi*ure QW2>B>/a0 be used to join a (late to a (i(e %it' fillet %elds +ade (arallel to t'e a5is of t'e (i(e for non(ressure retainin* a((lications.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: $ay a %elder &ualified %it' a fillet %eld usin* a (late tee2joint confi*uration as s'o%n in fi*ure QW2>B>/b0 be used to %eld a (late to a (i(e %it' fillet %elds +ade (arallel to t'e a5is of t'e (i(e.e(ly /0: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0( Subject: Section IX, QW21413, Tensile Tests C Turned S(eci+ens Date Issued: !ebruary 1B, 81 !ile "o: 11289

Question: !or a 1 inc' /4 ++0 dee( *rooe %eld de(osited in a  inc' /48 ++0 t'ick (late test cou(on, +ay a sin*le turned 8484 tensile s(eci+en confor+in* to QW2 >B1/d0 be used for eac' tension test re&uired by QW2>41.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0+ Subject: Section IX QW2>8>3 2 !iller $etal @roduct !or+ Date Issued: !ebruary 1B, 81 !ile "o: 12>

Question: $ay stranded filler +etal be considered t'e sa+e as bare /solid or +etal cored0 filler +etal in QW2>8>3.e(ly: Aes Iner%re&i#n: IX')'0/ Subject: Section IX QW2>>1, 7ase $etal Fsed for @rocedure Qualification Date Issued: !ebruary 1B, 81 !ile "o: 1216 Question: Does a @Q. recordin* a @2"o 47 base +etal %elded to itself su((ort a W@S for %eldin* @2"o 47 +etal to any +etal assi*ned @2"o >, 3 or 1.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0') Subject: Section IX QW2>83B Date Issued: July , 81 !ile "o: 12B34

Question: Does QW2>83B a((ly %'en t'e =#L is not subject to i+(act testin* suc' as %'en &ualifyin* a @26 +aterial.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0') Subject: Section IX QW2193 and QW266, Tube2to2Tubes'eet Welder Qualification Date Issued: #u*ust 3, 81 !ile "o: 124

Question: W'en a de+onstration +ock2u( for tube2to2tubes'eet %elder or %eldin* o(erator &ualification is re&uired, are all of t'e ariables s(ecified in @ara QW266 re&uired to be follo%ed durin* t'e (erfor+ance &ualification test.e(ly: Aes, see @ara QW2193

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0')0 Subject: Section IX 2818 QW2881/b0 and QW288/b0 Date Issued: Se(te+ber 13, 81 !ile "o: 1121>B

7ack*round: QW2881/b0 says: Gontents of t'e W@S T'e co+(leted W@S s'all describe all of t'e essential, nonessential, and, %'en re&uired, su((le+entary essential ariables for eac' %eldin* (rocess used in t'e W@SH Question /10: If a W@S is %ritten and &ualified for %eldin* @2"o1 +aterial to itself, is it necessary to s(ecifically +ention on t'e W@S or on t'e @Q. anyt'in* re*ardin* QW2>18B> %'ic' addresses t'e use of t'er+al (rocesses for cuttin* or back*ou*in* %'en %eldin* on @2  "o11# and @2"o117 +aterials.e(ly /10: "o T'e fact t'at t'e W@S and @Q. are for %eldin* on @2"o1 +aterials (recludes t'e need to s(ecifically describe t'e use of t'er+al cuttin* or back2*ou*in* for @2"o11# or @2"o 117 +aterials on eit'er t'e W@S or t'e @Q. Question /0: If a W@S s(ecifies t'e use of ;.8S2B filler +etal, is it necessary to s(ecifically +ention in t'e W@S anyt'in* re*ardin* QW2>8>3 %'ic' addresses filler +etal (roduct for+ by s(ecifyin* t'at t'e filler +etal 'as to be solid.e(ly /0: "o T'e desi*nation ;.8S2B s(ecifies t'at t'e filler +etal be solid %ire, and t'at is sufficient for describin* t'e ariable QW2>8>3 Question /30: If a W@S is %ritten and &ualified for %eldin* @2"o 4# +aterial to itself, is it necessary to s(ecifically +ention on a W@S or on t'e @Q.s for sub+er*ed arc %eldin* anyt'in* re*ardin* QW2>8>3> %'ic' addresses, %'en %eldin* on @2"o1 +aterials, t'e use of actie or neutral flu5.e(ly /30: "o T'e use of actie or neutral flu5es only needs to be s(ecified on t'e W@S and docu+ented on t'e @Q. %'en t'e base +etal is @2"o1

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0')* Subject: Section IX QW2161, Sectionin* of @i(e2to2@i(e Quarter Sections Date Issued: Se(te+ber 13, 81 !ile "o: 1218

Question: If t'e resultant siKe fro+ a (i(e2to2(i(e &uarter section, (er QW2>B>/c0, is too lar*e to bend as s(ecified %it' QW2161, can t'e fracture test &uarter section s(eci+en be cut into +ulti(le s(eci+ens and tested in lieu of one f ull &uarter s(eci+en.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0')1 Subject: Section IX QW2193 2 $acro ;5a+ination for t'e $ocku( Test of Tube2to2 Tubes'eet Joint Date Issued: "oe+ber 1>, 81 !ile "o: 1214B3

Question: W'en (erfor+in* a tube2to2tubes'eet test in accordance %it' QW2193, is it re&uired to section a total of 18 tubes and (erfor+ a +acroetc' of t'e >8 surfaces e5(osed by sectionin*.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0')Subject: Section IX QW2183 C .ecords Date Issued: Dece+ber B, 81 !ile "o: 12

7ack*round: In t'e 88B #ddenda to Section IX, it beca+e +andatory to certify &ualification records Gby si*nature or ot'er +eans as described in t'e +anufacturers or contractors Quality ontrol Syste+H Question: @rior to t'e 88B #ddenda, is a ty(ed si*nature or +eans ot'er t'an a %ritten si*nature on a (rocedure &ualification or (erfor+ance &ualification record considered certified as re&uired in QWEQ72183.e(ly: @rior to t'e 88B #ddenda, t'e +et'od of certification for (rocedure and (erfor+ance &ualification records %as not addressed by Section IX

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0')( Subject: Section IX QW2>81/b0 Date Issued: Dece+ber B, 81 !ile "o: 12138

7ack*round: a0 @2"o 6 (late is %elded, 'eated to 68U /1>3BU!0, t'en for+ed, follo%ed by a solution 'eat treat+ent at 18B8U /19>8U!0  b0 @2"o 6 (late is %elded, t'en cold for+ed, follo%ed by a solution 'eat treat+ent at 18B8U /19>8U!0 Question: Is W@S su((orted by a @Q. %it' 18B8U /19>8U!0 solution 'eat treat+ent &ualified to %eld @2"o 6 base +aterial as described in a0 and b0 of t'e back*round.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0')+ Subject: Section IX QW23B1/f0 and /*0 Date Issued: Dece+ber B, 81

!ile "o:


Question: # %eldin* o(erator /+ac'ine0 successfully &ualifies in accordance %it' QW2388, usin* an o(en root, sin*le2%elded, 2 Dissi+ilar 7ase $etal T'icknesses Date Issued: Dece+ber B, 81 !ile "o: 121633

Question: Does QW28> allo% a W@S &ualified on *rooe %eld, %it' s(ecified @2no 1 base +etal t'ickness ran*e of 1E in / 13 ++ 0 t'rou*' 1 in / 4 ++ 0, to be used in (roduction to %eld a 1E in /13 ++ 0 t'ick base +etal to a 3E6 in / 18 ++ 0 t'ick base +etal.e(ly: "o

V#l78e -0 Iner%re&i#n: IX'0') Subject: Section IX, QW281 Date Issued: $arc' 1, 813 !ile: 132119

Question: o+(any # o%ns o+(anies 7 and  $ay o+(any 7 use W@Ss &ualified by o+(any  in accordance %it' t'e re&uire+ents of Section IX %it'out re&ualification, (roided o+(any  describes t'e (rocess t'at t'ey follo% in t'eir Quality ontrol Syste+EQuality #ssurance @ro*ra+ for t'e o(erational control of (rocedure &ualification.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0' Subject: Section IX, QW2>891 and QW2>896, .eference to "on+andatory #((endi5 = Date Issued: $arc' 4, 813 !ile: 132>

7ack*round: QW2>891 and QW2>896 ariables reference "on+andatory #((endi5 = as a *uideline for understandin* of Waefor+ ontrolled Weldin* %'en &ualifyin* (ersonnel and  (rocedures

Question /10: Does "on+andatory #((endi5 = beco+e an essential, nonessential, or su((le+entary essential ariable %'en it is referenced %it'in t'e te5t of a ariable.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Does eit'er QW2>891 or QW2>896 re&uire t'at (o%er or ener*y s'all be s(ecified in t'e W@S %'en usin* a %aefor+ controlled (o%er source.e(ly /0: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0' Subject: Section IX, QW2>189 Date Issued: June 18, 813 !ile: 12149

7ack*round: I+(act testin* of %eldin* (rocedure &ualifications is re&uired by t'e onstruction ode and QW2>189 a((lies to t'e %eldin* (rocess used as a su((le+entary essential ariable QW2>189 re&uires re&ualification for a c'an*e fro+ +ulti(ass (er side to sin*le (ass (er side @er QWEQ72>9 Definitions, a (ass can result in a %eld bead or a layer Question /10: Does QW2>189 re*ard +ulti(le layer %elds as +ulti(ass %elds, so t'at a c'an*e fro+ +ulti(le layers (er side to a sin*le layer (er side re&uires a re&ualification.e(ly /10: Aes, %'en t'e sin*le layer is +ade in a sin*le (ass Question /0: Does QW2>189 re*ard +ulti(le beads in a sin*le layer /as s'o%n in beads 3, >, 4, and B of !i*ure QWEQ72>910 as G+ulti(assH.e(ly /0: Aes Question /30: # Weldin* @rocedure S(ecification is &ualified %it' +ulti(le layers (er side an t'is W@S be used to de(osit +ulti(le beads in a sin*le layer (er side, %it'in t'e li+its of all ot'er essential and su((le+entary essential ariables.e(ly /30: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0'0 Subject: Section IX, QW2>31 Date Issued: June 18, 813 !ile: 1294

Question: In accordance %it' QW2>31, +ay @2"o 1 base +aterials be substituted for @2"o 6  base +aterials %'en follo%in* a @2"o 6 to @2"o 6 W@S for t'e (ur(ose of a %elder &ualification, %'en ariable QW2>8316 a((lies.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0'*

Subject: Date Issued: !ile:

Section IX, QW23B8 2 Weldin* (erator @erfor+ance Qualifications June 18, 813 1329

Question: W'ile base +etal @2"u+ber is an essential ariable for %elder &ualifications, QW23B8 does not s(ecify base +etal @2"u+ber as an essential ariable for %eldin* o(erator &ualification Is it re&uired t'at %eldin* o(erators be &ualified se(arately for %eldin* ode ase base +etals %'en t'e ode ase s(ecifies t'at GSe(arate %eldin* (rocedure and (erfor+ance &ualifications s'all be conducted for t'e +aterial in accordance %it' Section IXH.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0'1 Subject: Section IX, QW23, ;5(iration and .ene%al Qualification Date Issued: June 18, 813 !ile: 132131

7ack*round: # %elder is &ualified for a s'o( t'at fabricates Section 2 Dissi+ilar 7ase $etal T'icknesses Date Issued: June 18, 813 !ile: 132B34

Question: W'en e+(loyin* a W@S to join flat (lates of dissi+ilar t'ickness in a *rooe2%eld tee  joint, is it a re&uire+ent of QW28> t'at bot' t'e t'icker and t'inner +e+bers +ust be &ualified %it'in t'e ran*e (er+itted by QW2>41 unless t'e alternatie (roided in QW28> is used.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0'( Subject: QW2>8>> and QW2>8>38, 'an*e in !2"u+ber and 7ase $etal T'ickness .an*e Date Issued: #u*ust , 813 !ile: 1321B1

7ack*round: # W@S %it' su((ortin* @Q. %as %ritten and &ualified %it'out i+(act testin* in 196 to t'e 19 ode %it'out addenda, on a "@S  /;"480 dia+eter ^ 8>3 in /11 ++0 %all t'ickness (i(e T'e (rocedure %as &ualified in B (osition usin* an ;B811 /!2"o 30 electrode on t'e root (ass and co+(leted %it' t%o fill (asses %it' ;816 /!2"o >0 electrodes T'e de(osit t'ickness for t'e root and fill (asses %as not recorded on t'e @Q. or s(ecified indiidually on t'e W@S Question /10: @roided t'e W@S and @Q. +eet all re&uire+ents of t'e 19 ;dition of #S$; Section IX ode, +ay t'e W@S continue to be used %it'out reision for %ork bein* co+(leted to t'e 19 #S$; ode.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: $ay a ne% W@S be %ritten or reised %it'out s(ecifyin* %eld +etal t'ickness ran*e for eac' %eldin* electrode /;B811 and ;8160 %it' t'e W@S (re(ared to t'e 818 ;dition of #S$; Section IX ode %it' 811a #ddenda, usin* t'e @Q. &ualified to t'e 19 ode.e(ly /0: "o Question /30: Is t'e de(osit t'ickness re&uired to be recorded indiidually on t'e @Q. and W@S for eac' !2"u+ber electrode used for t'e root (ass de(osited %it' t'e ;B811 electrode and t'e fill (asses de(osited %it' ;816 electrodes &ualified to t'e 818 ;dition of #S$; Section IX ode %it' 811a #ddenda.e(ly /30: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0'+ Subject: QW2B1, Stud Weldin* @rocedure Qualification Date Issued: #u*ust , 813 !ile: 1324B6

7ack*round: T'e re&uire+ents in QW2B1, Stud Weldin*: essential ariable QW2>86 addresses t'e stud siKe and s'a(e, and essential ariable QW2>831 addresses base +etal and stud +etal @2"u+bers =o%eer, t'ere are no re&uire+ents re*ardin* base +etal t'ickness Question: Is t'e base +etal t'ickness a ariable for stud %eldin*.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0'/ Subject: QW2>8>1, =ard2!acin* !iller $etal lassification Date Issued: #u*ust , 813 !ile: 132

Question: # @Q. s'o%s S!#241 +etal cored filler +etal classification ;.or2# %as used to &ualify T#W 'ard2facin* oerlay W@S Does t'is @Q. su((ort a T#W 'ard2facin* oerlay W@S usin* S!#241 bare /solid0 filler +etal classification ;.or2#-

.e(ly: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0') Subject: QW288 and QW2388 Date Issued: #u*ust , 813 !ile: 132939

Question /10: W'en (re(arin* @rocedure Qualification .ecords /@Q.0 and Weldin* @erfor+ance Qualification /W@Q0 test records in accordance %it' t'e re&uire+ents of QW288 and QW2388, is it re&uired to use t'e %ord GertifyH on t'e @Q. and W@Q docu+ents.e(ly /10: Aes Question /0: #re Weldin* @rocedure S(ecifications /W@Ss0 re&uired to be certified.e(ly /0: "o Question /30: Is it re&uired t'at a +anufacturer or contractor be an #S$; certificate 'older in order to certify &ualification records.e(ly /30: "o

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0' Subject: Q2186 /813 ;dition0 Date Issued: #u*ust , 813 !ile: 13218>>

Question: In t'e 813 ;dition of Section IX, Q2186 re&uires t'at all ne% &ualifications of  joinin* (rocesses and (ersonnel be in accordance %it' t'e current edition In (reious editions of Section IX, t'e fore%ord indicated t'at ne% editions beca+e +andatory B +ont's after date of issue Does t'at re&uire+ent a((ly to t'e 813 ;dition.e(ly: Aes

Iner%re&i#n: IX'0' Subject: QW2>43, rooe2Weld Dia+eter Mi+its Date Issued: #u*ust , 813 !ile: 132114>

Question /10: Does QW2>43 a((ly to %eldin* o(erators.e(ly /10: "o Question /0: Does QW2>43 a((ly to %elders.e(ly /0: Aes

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