Aslinn Dhan's Christian Witches' Book of Shadows
April 2, 2017 | Author: herbgurl82 | Category: N/A
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The book of Shadows of a Christian Witch....
Welcome to the Christian Witches Book of Shadows When I came into the Craft there were no real books for the Christian Witch. This is because Christians have only now begun to embrace the magik that once was theirs as much as any other religion. If you are following a Christian Craft path, then you know that there are people who disregard what you are doing on both sides of the practice. The Christian religion still holds that the faithful cannot practice magik and the Pagan sides of the Craft hold that you can’t practice the Craft. This is because there is a misunderstanding of language. The Craft or Witchcraft is a practice that is separate from religion. You will see this explanation many times because I think it is important for everyone who practices Craft to understand this sole notion. There are Wiccans and Pagans who follow many pantheons and have their own unique practices and then there are Christians, Jews, Hindi, Muslim, and Buddhists who practice their own ways of religion. Then there are those who practice witchcraft within their own religious disciplines. Wicca and Witchcraft are not one and the same. This Book of Shadows is an amalgam of knowledge that I have collected and spells that I have done and lore I have read. It is not authoritative and I include a rather extensive bibliography so you may consult any of the books that I have read and studied for yourself. What I have done is try to understand this wisdom and lore and how to relate to it from my own unique perspective. Witchcraft is not the path for everyone. Anyone getting into the Craft must know this up front. It doesn’t necessarily make your life easier nor does it lead to automatic acceptance. In fact, it may isolate you more from people around you. What it can do is bring you closer to the divine and help you gain overall confidence. Within these pages you will find out how Christianity can see witchcraft as a viable practice within your own religious beliefs. This means however that you must, in addition to studying the Craft, study the Bible and you must look at it from various translations and examine the words of the original texts and modern translations. You must not only be a scholar of the esoteric mysteries of magik but a true Bible scholar and a historian of the days the scriptures were written and the times they were written in and the days they were translated and the politics and social beliefs the period they were written in. Placing the Bible in these contexts helps us to understand the ways in which magik and the Bible work together. Above all, if you at any time feel uncomfortable about your practice of the Craft along side your Christian practices and beliefs, by all means do not practice magik. Magik is not about conversion or changing ones most fundamental beliefs. It is about relating to the natural and supernatural world around with the help of the Creator of all Life.
There are many different types of Christian witch. Even among Christian witches I am a rare bird. Many Christians who practice witchcraft embrace the notion of the Goddess. I simply don’t. I don’t judge those who do, I simply don’t. There are some who see themselves as completely pantheistic, embracing all notions of the Deity, including the Pagan/Wiccan notions. I don’t do that either. I am, for lack of a better term, a Jesus Only witch. I stick to the Holy Trinity, the angels and Saints and the forces of nature, which are expressions of God’s presence on earth. I do acknowledge the sacred feminine in the form of Mary, the Blessed Mother of Jesus, but I don not worship her as divine. But I understand the ways of my Pagan Brothers and Sisters and do not white wash the pain and anguish the Pagans experienced at the hands of the Christians during times of Crusade and Inquisition. These are simple, albeit, ugly truths. I respect those who have gone on before because I have studied them and learned so much from them. They have been my teachers and I appreciate them. The intention of this book is to record my own experiences as a witch and to help those who may be interested in the Craft. There are wonderful spells, basic information about the Craft, about herbs and the cycles of the moon and the art of divinations and the use of tools and symbols. There is some history here and advice. But above all, there is faith and wisdom and belief that the age of miracles is not over, it simply is time to reclaim the wisdom we knew before it became more politic to forget them. Brightest Blessings Be Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk
The Foundation of Life This ritual is based on a Cherokee ritual used when the entire tribe was in trouble or danger. This ritual is meant for the world entire. Materials Salt Wine Feather or Feather Fan Bread Cauldron Fruit Sand White Candle Water Wand Chalice Shaman’s Coat Flowers Anthame Incense Cleanse your sacred space and call the corners, just as in any ritual. Begin with the Lord’s Prayer. Create your circle of salt and place the white candle in the center. Using your wand, intone: The salt is a sacred circle of protection; the flame is the light of the world. We are all responsible for the preservation of the light in ourselves and the light in others. If we preserve our light we can be a beacon to the lost and helper in times of trouble. May the protective influences of this circle of salt create the soul of charity in each of us. 1st Corinthians 13: 1-2 says: ―Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and have all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could move mountains and have not charity I am nothing.‖ Light incense. If you use cones, sit it in your bowl of sand. Incense represents the prayers of the people to God. Using your feather, fan or wand waft the smoke to the four corners intoning: ―God ordered the burning of incense in the temple. Angel of the four corners, ask for God’s favor and hear our prayer. Amen ― Take your Chalice and pour in a bit of wine. Add a little water. Raise it to your cross and bless it with your wand in the sign of the cross and intone: ―The Water in this chalice represents the tears of the world. Let these tears be consumed so that people will be comforted. The wine is blood spilled in anger, crime and war. Let me consume the wrath and give it new meaning as the water of hope. (Add a pinch of salt) Let the salt purify the wine and water and what they represent. When I consume it, let it purify me from greed, prejudice, and hatred, the source of all pain in the world.‖
Drink all of the wine and announce: ―Blessed Be!‖ Take the bread and bless it with your wand, making the sign of the cross. The elements in this service echo holy communion but not in this case. It is a symbolic meal to consume the evils of the world threatening the harmony of the world. The worker of the ritual is also symbolically feeding the world. In order for this ritual to have full meaning, the witch must also work to feed others: give money and time to a soup kitchen or pantry, prepare dinner, something of that type to engage the witch with the workings of this ritual. ―Bread is the staff of life feeding the world. Though I do not starve, this bread is my spiritual offering for food for the world. (Add a pinch of salt) May this salt protect the world from hunger and strengthen me to help those who suffer from hunger. Consume the bread and announce: ―Blessed Be‖ Take the fruit. The fruit can be any fruit. With your wand, bless it intoning: ―Fruit reminds us of the importance of protecting the earth. If the earth is damaged then she will not yield fruit, vegetables and grain that feed the world. (Add a pinch of salt to the fruit) May this salt offer protection to Mother Earth, given to Adam by God and may sterile lands yield and fruitful land bear that people will eat and be satisfied, that they shall beat their swords to plowshares and learn war no more.‖ Consume the fruit and announce: ―Blessed Be‖ Now pray the Shepherd’s Prayer: The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil For thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies Thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen.
―I call now on the Angels of the four corners. Carry the sentiments of this ritual to God in Heaven. May all of the elements of this ritual enlighten me and help me to minister to those who suffer.‖ Perform closing ritual ―This closes the Foundation of Life. (make the sign of the cross) Blessed Be‖
Binding Spells Binding spells are cast to protect the witch or the seeker of the spell and to protect the object of the spell from harm. This is very good for the timid or the physically small and it is pretty simple and there are many types. Binding Spell One Materials Anthame Bowl White and Black Candle paper and pen wand Incense Sacred Fire salt water Perform cleansing and the calling of the corners to begin each spell. Pour some of your water into a bowl and bless it with the sign of the cross. Using salt, cast your protective circle and light the white candle from your sacred fire. Place the candle in the center of your circle and with your wand intone: Angels of the four corners, hear my cry. Carry my words to your Master and mine. Within this space stands one who believes Protect me and give me the strength I need. Write the name of the one who is harassing you. Roll it like scroll or fold it and lay it in your sacred space.
On this paper is the name of who is vexing me. Bind them from harassing others, and me, from harming others or me. The harm they inflict comes back to them. By the power of three make it be. May their heart grow heavy with regret but may they make amends. St. Michael the Archangel, I ask your help in this matter. Burn or otherwise destroy the paper. Say the Lord’s Prayer. Take up your wand and say ___________ I admonish you from harming yourself and others. Your hurtful ways harm not only others but yourself, Angels of the four corners, protect him from harm and protect others from being harmed by him. Announce: Blessed Be! Angels of the four corners carry the sentiment of this spell to God in heaven. May all of the elements of this spell enlighten me to help me to withstand evil and encourage those around me to put aside their evil ways that are harmful to themselves and to others. May all we do come back to us seven times. Perform closing ritual.
Binding Spell Two This is a quickie spell for when you don’t have time for a full-fledged ritual casting. Write the name of the person who is harassing you on a piece of paper. Put it in a bottle bound with black thread. Fill with salt and protective herbs. Seal the bottle and bury the spell. Binding Spell Three Make a poppet of black cloth, fill it with earth and piece of paper with the person’s name ( I would add salt) intone with wand: Creature of earth thou art Now creature of flesh and blood you be. I name you __________ No more shall you do me harm or say evil against me Nor will you interfere in my life or the lives of my loved ones. By the power of God it must be (make the sign of the cross over the poppet) (With black thread)
I bind your feet from bringing you to do me harm. I bind your hands from doing me harm. I bind your mouth from speaking to do me harm I have bound this person from doing harm and by the powers of God I fix this spell and set it free. T’will give no harm to return to me. Bury the poppet or some other appropriate conclusion. Close the ritual. There are ways to simplify these rituals. If you cannot bury the object in dirt, you can crush or drown the object in water. If you are unable or uncomfortable with poppets, you can write the name on a piece of paper and destroy it that way. Some witches even prefer to eat their spells. Use what you are comfortable with. An Unbinding Ritual A binding is when a witch feels harassed or in danger of harm and the witch performs a binding spell to keep the harasser from harming the witch, himself or others. If a witch feels they may be bound in a binding and cannot work the Craft successfully, the witch may be under a binding. Before performing an unbinding ceremony, the witch must examine her conscience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Have I broken any of God’s commands? Have I intentionally worked the Craft for evil or greed? Have I been uncharitable? Have I worked a spell against someone who is innocent? Have I carelessly worked a spell or ritual?
If your answers are yes, go to confession, and do an act of penance. If you have gained from an evil worked through the Craft, donate a cash gift equal to the gain to charity. If possible, ask for forgiveness of the person harmed by your spell. If you are unable to that, do some act of good in their name. If you carelessly worked a ritual, refrain from the Craft for a moon cycle. During this moon, study your rituals and meditate on your calling to the Craft. If you answered no truthfully to the questions, then do this unbinding ritual: Begin with cleansing and calling the corners. Materials
Wand Anthame Bottled Water Salt Rose Oil Lilac Dragon’s Blood Gardenia Vanilla Broom Begin with the Lord’s Prayer and the Shepard’s Prayer. With the salt, draw a protective circle around your altar stone. Place a few drops of the oils in the cauldron and begin cooking it together. With your wand intone: Beleaguered am I and I call upon my personal angel, __________and ask him to cast his protection around me. Wave your wand around your head in a halo motion. Strengthen me to wield the Craft in the name of social concern. Unbind me and remove all hindrances to my service to God from whom comes all my strengths and knowledge. By the power of three let this evil flee from me! With your anthame, make the sign of the cross to the four corners. I cut the bindings surrounding me and ask God and all of the angels to protect the one who has done me disservice. Protect him and guide him that he may turn his Craft to the service of God. Say Prayer to St. Michael, submitting the name of your personal angel guarding you. Bless yourself and your sacred space with the potion. Spend some time in your sacred space and meditate. Close ritual
Banishment Spell Materials Oils: Rose and Patchouli Herbs: Cloves and Salt Candle: Silver Sacred Fire Pen and Paper Wand and Anthame Bottled Water Cauldron
Cleanse sacred space and call the corners. Write down your concerns or the object of your banishment. With your wand raised, intone I am on my path but there is an obstacle in my way called _______Remove it! Place three drops of rose in cauldron with water I have envisioned my goal but this obstacle_______is in my way. Remove it! Place three drops of patchouli in cauldron. I see myself climbing over this obstacle __________and overpowering it. It is removed. Place cloves in cauldron I light this candle to guide me over the obstacle _______ so I do not stumble over it. It is removed. Jesus said if I had faith I would move mountains. I trust in you Lord Jesus. It is removed! Closing ritual and destruction of the obstacle. Use the potion for seven days as an aromatic or as an ointment for the pressure points
Spells for Attraction There are three spells in this next grouping which can be worked together. Witches are often asked for spells for love. Witches know that love spells and potions are dangerous. In place of love spells and potions, the witch can prescribe spells for confidence, for beauty and courage. These qualities in and of themselves are conduits to attraction and love. Spell for Courage Materials Oils: Rose and Dragon’s Blood Candles: Blue and silver Paper and Pen Caldron and Wand
Cleanse sacred space and call the corners, draw your salt ring. Write the name of the person for whom you are working and place it in the center of your salt circle. With wand in hand intone: Courage of soldiers, Priests and Believers, Courage of Lovers, Witches and Seers embolden _________ strength of heart to do what is right and give no harm. Make them eloquent of speech, compassionate and true to attract the one they wish to woo. Help them to plant the seed of heart’s love to grow. This is what I ask and by the power of three make it so Light the candles May this flame burn like the love in __________’s heart. Mix oils May this potion remind ___________of their courage Close the spell or continue with the next. Spell for Confidence Materials Oil: Lemon Verbena, Orange Candle: Yellow Pen and Paper Wand Light the candle. With wand in hand intone: I must speak before crowds, give me eloquence. I must present my best inspiration, give me vision. I must speak to one I care for; untie my tongue with the feelings of my heart. Give ____________ the power of confidence. Give _____________faith in himself as a creature of God. Give__________understanding of all circumstances helping and hindering his intended goal. By the power of three, let it be, let it be! Close Spell or continue with the next.
Beauty Spell Materials Oil: Rose and Cloves (if you are performing this spell with courage and confidence, you need only cloves) Catnip, Orange and Green Candles Pen and Paper Sacred Fire and Wand. With wand raised, intone: All people have the spark of beauty. With this candle let it strike the flame of recognition of beauty within myself and others. (light the candles) ______seeks beauty within themselves, make them see their own personal beauty without and within and may those they love see their beauty and appreciate and love it. Write their name on a piece of paper if it hasn’t already been done and place it in salt circle) With wand raised intone: Help this person recognize their own self worth for all things of value has its own intrinsic beauty. So it must be. Combine your herbs and oils to the cauldron and with wand intone: Rose of beauty, Cloves of purity, catnip of playful charm and grace combine your essences and make beautiful _______’s face. Blessed Be! Close spell. Banish Loneliness Spell 1 Yellow Candle High Meadows Oil Frankincense Sage Picture of Wolf Cauldron Bottled Water Wand
Anthame Mirror Cleanse sacred space and call the corners. Light sacred fire and draw sacred circle. Annoint candle with High Meadows oil. Light Candle With wand intone: See my candle dispelling shadows. I am free from being lonely. Comfort me with golden glow as through this world I go. Light Incense. With Anthame The lonely witch draws moonlight Calling the children of the night Lovely music of the wind And of the lonely wolf within A magical tune will sing with delight And reflect a dancing light Each time a wolf makes a friend And put loneliness to an end. So it mote be. Close ritual
Predivination Ritual Materials Incense Runes Paper and Pen Cauldron Sacred Fire Tarot Nutmeg Cinnamon Vanilla Yellow Candle Purple Candle Water Shaman’s Coat. Cleanse your sacred space and prepare it with the protective circle and the lighting of the sacred fire. Call the corners. Merry Meet! Young men will dream dreams and young men will see visions. Meditate on your essential question Mix and lay out your tarot deck Study, interpret and record
Shake and toss your runes Study, interpret and record. You should spend a lot of time studying your layments and considering their meaning. Record all castings and if they occur mark them as fruitioned. If only a few of your castings fruition don’t be discouraged, they either were not to happen in this present future, have already happened or happened without notice from you. Close ritual Meditation Ritual Materials Incense Sacred Fire Intention Candle Paper and Pen Rosary/ Prayer Book Bible Bottled Water Light the sacred fire. Fire is symbolic of the fire of faith, the fire of the Holy Spirit and the fire of hope. May it bless my meditation and my intentions. Write down intention I place this intention in my sacred space and from my sacred fire, I light my intention candle and place it over my sacred space. Light a cone of incense Read a special prayer or say the Lord’s Prayer Say your rosary Remove your intentions and burn them Intone: I leave my intentions to the keeping of God. Proceed to your next ritual or close devotions, announcing Blessed Be.
Healing Spells Healing is an important part of the Craft. Though all belief in the power of the healer is important, it is equally important to encourage the person for whom you cast to seek conventional modern treatment. The Craft is a complimentary part of healing and is not a substitute for modern methods of treatment and healing. It should be noted that even modern medicine uses herbs and narcotics extracted from healing plants. As a healer of the Craft, your role is to help people deal with physical and mental problems associated with illnesses using their own body and faith. The first of these spells is a Relaxing Spell. Relaxing Spell Materials Oils: Lavender, Gardenia, Chamomile Herbs: Thyme and Sage Candles: Red and light blue Sacred Fire Cauldron Paper and pen Wand Anthame Salt. Begin with cleansing and calling the corners. Write the name of the person in need and the name of the disease if known on a piece of paper. Place it on the altar stone and encircle it with salt. With your wand intone: ____________I encircle you in a protective circle of salt. From this circle, I banish all anxieties from your life. Light your angel candle. Take up your anthame and intone:
St. ___________the Archangel, protect ____________from all anxieties and worries. God is the creator of all things. He loves those who serve him. I beg him now to protect you (make the sign of the cross over the candle with the anthame.) Light the light blue candle: ______________I light this candle of relaxation and as it burns let all of your anxieties be burned away. Man’s great adversary is Satan, the author of deception, of misery and evil. Pick up your anthame: I defeat you Satan and force you to end this torment. I abjure you for contributing to the suffering of ____________. Say the prayer of St. Michael. I defeat you Satan, as Christ said we should by telling you to get behind me. I command you to stop your vexation of this person. (Make the sign of the cross to the four corners with your anthame. Say Hail Mary I defy you Satan and commit the well being of __________to God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ who defeated you by defeating death. May the power of God protect_________. Make the sign of the cross with anthame. Mix your oils and herbs together These oils and herbs represent my desire for ___________. May their mixture and aroma send them protection and peace. Blessed Be! Close the spell.
Oils: Lavender and Gardenia Herbs: Thyme and Salt Candle- Red Sacred Fire Cauldron
A Healing Spell Materials
Water Wand Anthame Paper and pencil Cleanse sacred space and call the corners. Write the person’s name and place it on the altar. Draw a protective circle of salt around the person’s name. Spend some time in meditation. Light the red candle from your sacred fire and with your wand intone: I light this candle for _________who is suffering from______________. May the light of this candle and this circle of salt surrounding them bring them healing. With the anthame, turning to each corner intone: I call upon the angels of the four corners: Michael, defender of the weak, commander of the heavenly host protect ______as they battle illness and give them strength. Gabriel, holy messenger and bearer of good news, deliver ______good news of healing and carry my prayer to God our Creator. Uriel, servant of the earth and the inspiration of Healers, guide the hand of the doctors and nurses and medical staff trying to deliver _______ of their suffering. Raphael, bringer of wisdom and knowledge, give inspiration, hope and compassion to ____through those who love and support them and give them confidence of a cure. Mix the herbs and oils together and with wand intone: May this potion seal my casting and may healing come for________. Blessed be. Spend some time meditating on the person for whom this spell was cast. Close the spell. Antipain Spell One of the things that people dread about illness is pain. Pain is real whether it is pain from wounds disease, surgery, treatments like chemo or radiation or pain in the mind caused by stress or anxiety. Esoteric healers or practitioners of the Craft or Witches deal not only with the spiritual but the physical. We are not however licensed doctors (unless we happen to be a doctor who also practices the Craft) and our roles are metaphysical and magikal.
In days of old, witches practiced pharmacology and used herbs with narcotic properties. Now, as responsible healers and practitioners of the Craft, we encourage sufferers to consult with physicians and therapists and specialists. Practitioners of the Craft do not mix, dispense, or give drugs, legal or illegal to patients, nor do we encourage or advocate the use of illegally obtained or illegal narcotics. In this spell, it calls for the use of opium but it is not true opium, the drug obtained from the poppy. It is an essential oil representing the healing and pain relieving properties of the poppy. Materials Oils: Opium and Lavender & Chamomile and Gardenia Herbs: Thyme and Salt Cauldron Water Sacred Fire Green Candle Wand and Anthame Incense-Sandalwood Pen and Paper With your wand intone: ___________, this candle has been lit in your name. May its glow send my spell to you and may your pain lessen and stop so you can concentrate all your being on healing mind and body. Mix your oils and herbs together in the cauldron. With your wand intone: May these herbs and oils send a calming perfume to you. May you know painless sleep, relaxation and calm and hope and love from God and from friends and family and from the sender of this spell. Say the Lord’s Prayer, The Shepard’s Prayer, Hail Mary, and Prayer to St. Michael. Announce Blessed Be and close this spell. General Healing Spell Wand and White Candle.
Cleanse Space and Call the Corners This spell works for the four facets of health: Physical Health, Emotional Health, Spiritual Health and Social Health. With your wand intone: I call upon the archangels of the four corners to minister to ______________who needs your help. Uriel, Archangel of the North, Guardian of Healers and Herbalists, protect the physical health of ____________. Let no pain, no sickness, no fever, no congestion, no infection of any kind come upon them. Hear me! Michael, Archangel of the South, Guardian of the Defenseless and defender of Heaven, protect the emotional health of _________. Let no worry or anxiety or fear or trouble, let no sleeplessness or doubt or depression come upon them. Hear me! Gabriel, Archangel of the West, Guardian of the intuitive, protect the spiritual health of ________. Let no doubt, no falter, no denial of faith disrupt the spiritual relationship with their God and the practice of their faith. Hear me! Raphael, Archangel of the East, Guardian of the seekers of knowledge, protect the social health of ________. Let no bigotry, racism, genderism, classism, ageism, discrimination or hatred cloud their ability to see the value of the children of God and their service to those facing social injustice, poverty and need. Hear me! Light Candle As you guardians of the compass points guard us all, great and small as walk in the service of God in our divergent paths. Help us greet one another with love and understanding and the basic truths that God exists for all of us whether we believe or not. We all live on one earth and all we all depend on one another. Close Spell.
Samhain Ritual Samhain (sowin) or All Hallows Eve is the beginning of the New Year for witches who practice the Craft. It is the time when the seeds of flowers and grasses have dropped to the ground and the days are shorter and the world is dormancy. It is a time when the spirits of those who have gone on before us and the Saints await our prayers and remembrances. So, just as Catholics remember the dead, so Samhain celebrates the lives and the deaths of our loved ones and remember them with love and grace and we pray for them and ask for their prayers, too. Shaman’s Coat Candles (White and Lt Blue) Incense (Frankincense and Evergreen) Chalice Wand Anthame Wine Salt Paper and Pen Sacred Fire
Begin your ritual for the New Year with a meditation ritual. During your meditation time, write down the names of loved ones who have gone on to the next world and a second list of faults and goals. After meditating do your cleansing ritual and call the corners. Say the Lord’s Prayer, the Shepard’s Prayer, and the prayer to St. Michael. Take now your white candle and light it: Merry Meet and happy Samhain. May God bless those who have gone before us and are in the presence of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and among the angels and the saints. May God bless those who sleep in purgatory. May they awaken soon and be admitted into glory. Samhain contains the mystery of sleep and rebirth. On this night, the spirits of those who have gone before are present among the awaiting seeds of life in the great circle of life, death and resurrection. Just as Jesus was born, died and resurrected in glory, so will ourselves and our loved ones be.
Light the Light Blue Candle This candle represents my prayers to God for you, my thankfulness to my creator. May he hear my words and have mercy on me This night of renewal, accept these faults and help me erase them from my life. Create in me a desire for growth and wisdom and inspiration to aid my fellows from your divine being and from my Craft, which comes from you Lord. This night of renewal, accept these goals. Help me to understand your will and strengthen my search for knowledge, new and ancient. Help me devote my Craft to the glory of God in service to my fellows Pour some wine in your chalice This wine was made from the fruit of the vine, a thing crushed and destroyed and transformed. So shall we all be. I celebrate with this cup the souls of those who have gone on and those who will be. Merry Meet and Blessed Be until we are all together. This wine is my covenant between God, thee and me. Drink the wine. The ritual is over. Close the corners and clear your space. Continue celebrating with friends and family with music and stories. Materials A Samhain Activity Materials Masks or mask shapes Feathers Lace Stickers Markers or Pens or Pencils Glue Glitter Ribbons Tape
Create an inner self and an outer self mask or masks representing the four corners or the many facets of your personalities. Blood on the Moon To honor the deceased, excellent to perform as a part of your Samhain ceremonies. Also good for Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, or days that loved ones are passing over. Purple Candle Frankincense Myrrh Lavender Evergreen (or other tree oil) Simmer Cauldron Pictures of loved ones (or list) Wand Athame Salt Anise Star herb Incense (your choice) Mix the oils and a crushed anise star in the simmer cauldron and begin warming. Take some of the oil and anoint the candle Light the incense and candle and with wand intone: The Circle round the pearly moon Pulls the spirits from their tomb We invite you to our circle of live From here on earth to heaven above. Grands and parents, sisters and brothers Gone before, we invite you to hover Be our guardians and our guides As we honor you tonight. With Athame, intone: Warriors, knights, soldiers and braves For our freedom your lives you gave We honor you for your sacrifice And pray you have found your paradise
We honor you and hold you near Join us now, the veil is sheer Open your heart and receive us well Blood on the moon, we cast this spell. Welcome loved ones, friends and guests Touch our hearts as you do best Blessings and prayers we offer you And thank you for these moments few Blessed be and Merry Meet So Mote it Be
Spirit Aid No materials are needed. As you say the spell X3 make the sign of the cross in your palm with your wand hand and encircle it deosil (clockwise) while chanting: Gather Spirits to this hour To protect me with your power Harm and fear are out to get me In your love, I’m in your keeping Thank you for your gracious aid I’ll with blessings to you repay Gird and empower against the force As I go along my course Blessings Be, oh benevolent ghosts And Merry Meet o loving host So mote it Be To Protect the Home 2 white candles 1 black candle (a dark blue will work) Sandalwood incense or Frankincense Wand Intone while lighting a white candle:
Here I light the candle Which symbolizes my need My home will be a fortress As I secure its safety The angel’s influence now take sway To bless my home in every way To protect it through the day’s sunlight Protect it through the dark of night (light black candle) Energy white, energy bright Strengthening my charm tonight Powerful protection my energy As my spell is made lovingly (Light white candle) With your wand May this spell protect from harm And keep the house from all alarm Working through the day and night Angels guard us, hidden from sight Safe from harm our powers keep This no trouble shall permeate The walls angel energy penetrate The wall make an energy all their own And my spell sets the tone A mighty shield shall it be Keeping my home danger free From robbers and murderers and harm that be Keeping my family safe and free Now my charm is done at last And my spell is now cast Merry meet and blessed be So mote it be
Exorcism Holy Water Salt Wand Anthame Paper and Pencil Red Candle Sacred Fire
Exorcisms are dangerous and any witch must be very careful before taking on an exorcism. Though it is a simple ritual with elements similar to a banishing spell, the exorcist must be strong of mind, spirit and body. Cleanse Sacred Space Call the Corners Begin the ritual by casting your sacred circle and writing down the name of the person who is vexed and placing it in the sacred circle. Say the Lord’s Prayer, the Shepard’s Prayer and the Prayer to St. Michael. Light the red candle as you say St. Michael’s prayer. Intone now with your wand: I charge this person___________to the care of St. Michael and all of the angels in the heavenly host. Make the sign of the cross with your wand. As a worker of the Craft, I have sworn to help the helpless. ___________is vexed by the enemy of God, the deceiver of man and the father of lies. I call upon God, Our Father in Heaven to cast out this demon from________and restore him to his service. I commend this soul to St. Benedict, who rebukes Satan and drives him out of his victim and commands him to leave ________in peace to love and serve the Lord.
I commend this soul to St. Michael, who does battle with Satan now and will do ultimate battle with him soon. Protect and strengthen _________and keep them from harm. I commend this soul to the sweet Virgin Mary. She is the refuge of sinners and the great intercessor to the throne of God. Take my prayers on behalf of __________ and bring them peace. Burn the person’s name and place the ashes in a small bowl. Place ashes on a small square of paper and tie it with a black string and bury it or otherwise discard. Close the ritual. This ritual can also be done with a poppet. Use the poppet in the place of the person’s name or with the person’s name. If you have one, use a St. Benedict’s charm with the poppet
Various Blessings There are various blessings for everyday things and for anytime rituals. These are a few I have collected so far. Water Blessing My God, I call upon you, in need of your help. Bless this water (Hold up bowl of water) With your power, purification and healing May this water harm none This spell is done So mote it be Blessed Be. Room Blessing With blessed water intone: Where this holy water is cast
No spell or thing of darkness lasts That’s not in harmony with me From this moment to be free Through this holy water pure No negativity endures Consecrated as you should Dedicated to God thou be As I will it, So Mote it Be A Witches Ladder You should have a long blue cord and seven symbols or trinkets or charms, sprigs of herbs, whatever seems right. Charge it by holding it in your hands and intone: This rope is my ladder, to blessings I climb, Bless this my ladder in this space and time. There are two possible charms to say as you make your knots, and there are more, I am sure, Charm One By the knot of one, the spell has begun By the knot of two, my words are true By the knot of three, it comes to me By the knot of four, may the spell be strengthened more By the knot of five, may the spell come alive By the knot of six, the spell is fixed By the knot of seven, by the power of heaven it is given By the knot of eight, may the power be great By the knot of nine, I thank God divine In the name of God, the spell is cast So mote it be. Charm Two Rung #1 This is the first rung to be climbed by_____. May their journey be easy and their burden be light. Rung #2 This is the second rung, ___is on their way. Bring them good luck, good health and a good day.
Rung #3 This is the third rung, climbing toward hope. _________is making their way up this ladder of rope. Give them good blessings to hang on and cope. Rung #4 This is the fourth rung, the place for concerns. May ________leave their troubles well behind. Rung #5 This is the fifth rung, the journey nearly done _________is climbing to heaven above. Rung #6 This is the sixth rung, completion in sight. Guide _______through the day and the night. Rung #7 This is the seventh rung, my spell at an end. May all good blessings come to my friend. For Rain May the rain come down in parched places Not the tempest nor the flood Blessed water from above Nourish the land and people with love. Bring to life withered plants Awaken fertility in a divine bath End the dry and the drought Give drink to the earth within and without. Restoring and Refreshing Magik Powers Materials Wand anthame Sacred Fire Candles (Purple and white) Cloves Myrrh Lily of the Valley mint cedar sage sandalwood jasmine frankincense a small bell pencil and paper. Cleanse sacred space and call corners, light the sacred fire and draw sacred circle. Anoint the purple and white candles with the oils and light them. In the bowl mix the salt and sage. Write down goals or intentions. With your wand intone: The circle is cast The watchtowers are set The guardians and God assists Draw in power Infuse these works Each step a process To bring in the right
Whether in sunshine or shade Sunrise or set My life, love and works attend. Do this for strength renewing And so it is and so it must be. With the sage and salt, place in the heated water in the cauldron Salt quickens and makes all things savory Sage brings wisdom to this hour Water binds our great work And drives off evil where it lurks. I ring the bell times three So it must be, Merry Meet and Blessed Be Sprinkle the room with your potion Close spell. Spell for Generosity Materials Green Candle Helping hands Incense (your choice) Pen and paper Cleanse your sacred space, call the corners, light sacred fire, draw sacred circle. On a piece of paper write or draw a character being poor and a character being rich. Fold the paper together. Anoint your hands with oil and hold the paper between them As these symbols show The rich will know the way to go Let the plight of the poor show And he who shares his blessings grow Let generosity in the world spread Until Poverty is a word dead Generous people of stature and wealth Aid the needy in life and wealth So it must be blessed be and merry meet. Close spell
A Spell for a Peaceful Home Materials Brown candle Chamomile oil salt water musk incense, rosemary and mint and a small bottle and cauldron and sacred fire As always, cleanse sacred space, light sacred fire, call the corners and draw sacred circle. Anoint candle with oil and light the candle and the incense. Add herbs with water in cauldron and start to simmer. With the potion, sprinkle the home and intone: I conjure this power of tranquil peace Make all trouble disperse and cease Encompass our home like a united nation Rosemary, salt and mint I conjure the power of wolf and raven To make our home a more peaceful haven So must it be. Close ritual Talisman/ Charm For a Brave Heart Materials Red Candle Dragon’s Blood Myrrh Salt A trinket, charm or bead Red cord, string or ribbon As always, cleanse your scared space, call the corners, draw sacred circle. Light sacred fire, place string/trinket and candle in center. Anoint red candle with dragon’s blood and light candle and incense. String trinket on the string or cord and pass amulet through the smoke of the incense intoning: Over my heart, I conquer the dark Upon my breast, I feel my quest With this charm, I’m never alone
No weakness nor wave for I am brave So must it be.
The Witches Book of Shadows is the book where witches write down spells, blessings and rituals and keep notes on their results if known. They also record the results of the divinations they perform and evaluate their skills carefully. Not every witch is adept with all forms of magic. The next two blessings are to bless a new book of shadows. Witches can hand write their book of shadows or they can type in into a computer. Usually, though, a witch will write at least their first copy of a book of shadows and transfer it later into a computer file. Blessing a Book of Shadows One Prep: It should be blessed on a night of the full moon. In the light of the full moon, draw your pentagram or other magical symbol and write your Craft name and date and time and any other astrological information you think pertinent. Intone: Here as the full moon shines on me Bless this book I have made tonight I humbly ask this of thee Underneath your sacred light I serve and give reverence to God Standing firmly balanced on earth Yet open to the winds of heaven And enduring through time May God witness my words. Blessing a Book of Shadows Two Harken as the witches word
Moon above and earth below Sky’s cool blue and sun’s hot glow In this right and ready hour Fill these pages with thy power May no unprepared eye see The secrets which trusted be To I who walk the hidden road To find the hearthstone’s calm abode Guardians from the four directions Hear me and lend my protection Powers of the north, the earth below Help me to learn, to live, to grow. Powers of the wind, the sky, Watch over these pages with thine eye Powers of the south, fire and hearth Help me learn the magikal art Powers of the west, the water and sea Change and growth are granted by thee Your wisdom and knowledge, for these I ask That this book be worthy of the task Bless these pages with all you know That righteous learners may learn and grow And to the unschooled eyes that see Confusing words and sophistry For free will to all and harm none As I have willed it, it is done.
A Candle Blessing To send a blessing through a candle, write the person’s name on the candle and place the candle over the name. Burn the candle for seven days and with wand intoning: _______, may you be blessed. May all good things come to you May nothing whatsoever harm you May your heart be light May your travels be safe
May your health be good May your mind be sound May your friendships sustain you May you be blessed in every way. Wolf Protection Spell Materials 2 Green Candles 1 White Candle A picture or symbol of wolves Essential oil Salt Water Wine Wand Cleanse sacred space and call the corners Light the candles and with wand intone: Candles three, green and white Bring protection here tonight The moon is full, the sky is clear Misfortune and evil disappear The mighty wolf shall ever reign And be protected from harm or bane Come hither, Come hither Spirits of the wolf, strong and great May I be guarded by this circle for life Drink wine and announce Blessed Be Close spell. Dedication of a Poppet Materials Poppet Poppet Blanket Poppet Box/ Case Red Candle
Myrrh Wand Sacred Fire Cleanse the sacred space and call the corners. Light the sacred fire and draw sacred circle. Lay the poppet in the center of sacred circle and with wand intone: May this Poppet assist the healer Blessed Be, Blessed Be Become the person that I see Blessed Be, Blessed Be Light the red candle. I dedicate this poppet to the healing work of the Craft. Take a drop of myrrh and rub it into your hands and lay them on or over your poppet I anoint this poppet to the healing work of the Craft. Let it send the good work of my craft them and bring them healing. Wrap the poppet in its blanket and place it in its case and close the spell Use the poppet in any healing ceremony. Just place it in your sacred circle and perform the healing spell of your choice.
Poppet Blessing Number Two Materials Poppet White Candle Anointing oils (Frankincense and Myrrh) Wand Cleanse sacred space and call the corners and draw your protective circle. Lay poppet in the center of your circle and take some of the anointing oil and intone Little one I made you, now I give you life I name you________ Its body is your body Its breath is your breath
Now with wand intone Its passion is your passion Its blood is your blood Though Separate you were Now you are one. Proceed with the appropriate healing ritual you desire
Best performed at the New Moon
Handfasting 1 Materials Flowers 2 White Candles Incense Wand Rings Wine Chalice Cakes Shaman’s Coat Officiate- a priest or priestess of the Wicca practice or a witch May the power of this rite be consecrated by God as we are gathered here in a ritual of love with two who would be wed. Calling of the corners Gabriel be with us here, oh being of the air. With your angel’s fingers tie closely the bonds between these two. Michael be with us here, oh being of fire. Give their love and passion your own allconsuming ardor.
Raphael be with us here oh being of water. Give them the deepest love and richness of the spirit. Uriel be with us here oh being of earth. Let your constancy bind them together for as long as they wish. Blessed Lord we ask for your love and protection. Blessed be. Officiate now places the couple’s hands together palm up and places the rings in their palms. With a wand intone: Above you are the stars and below is ancient earth and above us all the Eternal God. Remember, like the stars, like the earth and like the Eternal God your love should be constant and firm. Be close but not to smother; possess but give freedom and above all have patience for one another through the storms and winds of life. Love with compassion and let no word or action by others separate you. For God is with you, now and forever. The officiate then takes the rings and to the person on the officiates right, give them the ring they are to give and ask: Is it your wish _______ to become one with ___________. Answer: Yes Place this ring on the finger of your beloved. Repeat for the other. Does anyone here object? The officiate then takes the chalice and offers it to the couple intoning: This wine is the cup of blessings and promises. Let it seal your binding. Couple drinks from the cup. With the ribbons or cords, bind their wrists together and intone: Like the umbilical at birth, you two are one. You are now fasted to one another. Then as God and this gathering are witness to this rite I now proclaim you love and life mates.
The ceremony is finished and wine and cakes are served. Handfasting Two (Longer ceremony) Commonly, the structure of a wedding ceremony includes some or all of these elements: Processional, creation of sacred space, welcoming of guests, declaration of intent, charge, exchange of vows, rings and the final benediction, closing and presentation. Opening: Couple and Officiate are at the altar We stand before this company on this beautiful day/evening to join ______and _______. Welcome are you friends and family. Today, before you and God, you will witness transformation as _________ & ________ become one in their vows: Blessed be to all who attend this celebration and blessed be our lovers about to be joined. Charge: To the couple: You stand before this company and before God seeking to become one with each other. You have entered into this union with open eyes and a full hearts. If either of you or any of these present know of any reason why these vows should not be made, speak now. Declaration of Intent: _______ &__________ you stand before me, God and this holy company desiring the bond of marriage. Do this of your own free will; coming here today without coercion by any means. Answer: We do. Do you consecrate your life to truth, honesty, trust, communication, and leave your solitary road to walk together? Answer; We do. Will all of you witnessing this handfasting support and assist this couple as they begin their lives together?
Answer: We will. So must it be. Vows: We will now hear the vows. I _______do take you_______as my true love. Never will I seek to do harm and always will I strive for your happiness. Your love is my treasure in poverty, my healing in sickness, my comfort in sadness, my guiding light in darkness and I promise to be the same for you. Blessing of the rings: These rings, a token of your love, serves as a reminder that in all life is a cycle: all comes to pass and passes away and returns. May the four elements bless these rings: Air- the element of renewal- renew each day the love of this couple. Fire- the element of passion- may you burn for each other today and forever. Water- the element of harmony- bring fulfillment and contentment to this couple. Earth- all life springs from the earth- bless this couple with life and prosperity. Exchange of rings: _______this ring I give you is a symbol of our love and the vows we have made. Answer ____I will wear this ring as a symbol of our love and the vows we have made. Binding: (A cord or several ribbons should be braided or knotted together before hand. I t should contain the colors: Red, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Green, and Orange) Woven in this cord and imbued in its fibers are all of the hopes of your friends and family for your new lives together. With this knot I tie all the desires, dreams and love and happiness wished here in this place to your lives together. (Tie the couple’s wrists together) Blessings and benedictions:
Lord, in Your sight these people have promised themselves to one another, made vows before You and have been handfasted. Bless them in their new life together. Closing and Presentation: You have witnessed the promises made by _____and _______one to another and exchange the symbols of their union. They are now soul mates under heaven to experience life together and meet challenges and rewards together through their lives. I am honored to present to you ______ and ______. Blessed Be
Full Moon/New Moon Ritual This ritual is to be done when you do a ritual on the first night of the new or full moon, which are the most sacred times of the month for witches. Your altar should be set up ahead of time. Materials Candles for the Angels of the Four Corners and for your intention (Uriel-North-Earth-Brown; Michael-South-Fire-Red; Raphael-East-Air-Yellow; GabrielWest-Water-Blue) Sacred fire Wand Holy Water Paper and Pen Salt Light your sacred fire and from your sacred fire, light your candles clockwise, starting with the candle of your particular guardian angel. After the candles are lit, bless the area with holy water. Take a moment to meditate on your intention and write it on a small piece of paper and place it in your circle of salt. With your wand intone: This circle of protection is cast for me and those I love. Within this circle I commit the concerns of all my family. Light the candle(s) representing your concerns.
Close the ceremony or continue with the ritual or spell you wish. Dressing a Candle Use the corresponding oil that symbolizes your intention. To draw something toward you, rub the oil toward you, to repel, rub away. Keep drippings for talismans and charms. As you rub intone: Candle of power, candle of might Create my desires here on this night Power streams from this candle’s fire Bring to me my heart’s desire My words have strength, the victory’s won So say I, this spell is done
Imbolc Ritual February 1 Imbolc is the early spring renewal festival. It is an excellent time for cleansings, rededications, and the celebration of light and warmth and thanksgiving. Materials Milk Wand Water Sacred Fire Bread Cauldron Oils(Frank.&Cypress) Sandalwood Incense Candles (white and Pink) Herbs (rosemary and sage) Cleanse sacred space and call the corners and light the sacred fire. Merry Meet and Nollog Imbolc. We celebrate this feast thanking God for seeing us through the harshness of winter and showing us the promise of spring. Light white candle and place it in the center of your altar stone. With your wand intone:
The winter snows are falling The frigid air remains But we our blessings find In the promise of spring days This candle burning brightly Like the golden sun it shines To remind me of the warmth of life And of God divine. Light incense and intone: This a time of renewal, preparing for spring May the sandalwood bring blessings For every little thing May it bring warm winds And sweet and gentle rains As we wait in darkness for the sun’s sweet rains Light pink candle: Purify this hour, purify this space Purify this ritual in its place So above in heaven So on earth below May God give his blessings To all of us who know. Place oils in cauldron of water Frankincense bless this place and this craft Cypress make the worker steadfast. Add the herbs Rosemary purify me and with God’s world make us one Sage give me wisdom and success in all that’s done. Raise bread This is bread, the staff of life A man who has bread, has a wife Bless oh Lord this holy gift Heal all wounds and mend all rifts
Raise Milk This milk the wine of the babe Nourishing from birth to the grave Bless oh Lord this sign of love As on earth in heaven above. Spend some time in meditation and close ritual.
Good Sleep Spell You can use this spell as part of a ritual in closing or you can simply stand in front of your altar and intone it with no accoutrements. If part of closing: Materials Lavender and chamomile Sandalwood incense Blue candle Light blue candle and incense and mix oils and rub it on body, especially the head, intoning: This blue candle is the candle of sleep The four angels my spirit you keep Guard me through the night and day Hasten to my spell I say Give me rest and give me sleep Until the sun I merry meet. Extinguish candle. Good night. Anti Nightmare Spell Materials White candle, black candle Paper and pen
Nightmares are useful warnings dreams and should be recorded in a dream journal for interpretation. On a small piece of paper, write the basic details of the dream or main theme of the dream. Light white candle and intone: Peace be to all who see this light Peace be to all through the night Merry meet and blessed be Let this nightmare flee from me. Light black candle Peace be to all who see this light Peace be to all through the night Protect the one who sleeps tonight And repel the evil blight. Merry meet until the dawn Blessed be and all is calm. Burn the nightmare in the firelight and extinguish candles. A Dimming Spell A witch cannot really be invisible but they can work a charm that makes the witch unobservable to anyone around them. It requires no tools or magikal objects. The spell should be said three times. Veil of smoke; veil of mist Cover me from another’s midst Give me eyes to see it all And ears to hear secret talk Make me a shadow; make me a shade Make me thin as the thinnest blade First they see me, now they don’t Make me as incorporeal as smoke.
Black Candle Frankincense
Dimming Spell 2 Materials
Done at the waning of the moon. Imagine being surrounded by a one way mirror and repeat:
The energy you send Cannot reach me It cannot find the target Behind the wall You cannot see.
Renewal Spell Materials Red Candle Black Candle White Candle Arrange the candles left to right: Black, red, and white Lighting black candle intone: Remove all stress around me. Lighting white candle intone: I affirm the peace inside me. Lighting red candle intone: I am full of energy and vitality Meditate until you feel centered. Extinguish the candles and intone: With Harm to none, so mote it be. Cure Illness Materials Light Blue Candle Sandalwood Incense Light candle and incense and intone: Sickness,
Vanish into the sky. Pain, fly up into the air. Burning vapor Rise up into the air So that the wind may Take thee away So that the storm may Chase thee to far places Where neither sun nor moon gives light Where no hot wind burns the flesh Close spell. Protection of Ancestors Spell Materials Pictures of Ancestors or those who you love who have gone before you in a circle on your altar. If you don’t have pictures, write the names of the deceased on a piece of paper. Light a candle ( lt. Blue) and sandalwood incense Clear your mind and say: Here I see the line of love, Stretching down from above Kinsmen whose love never leaves Protect me in my time of need Add a picture of self. See the circle of love around you and know you are blessed. Blow out the candle and visualize the smoke from your candle and incense carrying wishes to your loved ones. Serpent Stone Spell Find an egg shaped stone and bathe it in spring dew. Set it in a dish of spring water or bottled water or rainwater. Pick some spring flowers and spread the petals on the surface of the water and set it aside for three days. Consecrate the stone and use it for healing, protection, fertility or spiritual growth. Consecrate a Divination Cloth Materials Cloth and Tarot cards
Spread out cloth and cards and say: Tools of power, tools of art Tools that see the hidden heart Tools that tell the path before Be you blessed by ancient lore Wrap your tarot deck in the cloth Now together be you bound Cards and cloth that wrap around One in two and two in one By these words my will be done. Keep your cloth wrapped around your deck. Morning Dew Blessings Materials A clean cloth For healing, beautification or blessings, use a cloth and gather dew. Wipe down with it saying: I wash my face in water That has neither rained nor run. And I dry it on a towel That has never woven or spun. Allow the dew to air dry on skin. Dry your cloth but do not wash it. For May New Moon On the new moon in May, spend some time organizing and cleansing your Book of Shadows. Buy new spell books or spend some time on the net to get new spells to add to your BOS. House Renovation Spell Anoint a black candle, green candle, and yellow candle with patchouli. Burn the candles intoning: To change this space And make it mine
To finish the job In reasonable time For weather fair And no cost overrun May it be as I envision When it is done. Increasing Will Power Materials Oils- Cloves, Cinnamon Herbs- Ginger John the Conqueror Dragon’s Blood Red candle with your name on it. Add the symbol of the thing you want to accomplish. Anoint the candle with the oils and say, lighting the candle: God increase my will power So I may achieve my goal Give me the power to resist Anything that may block my path So mote it be. Antiterrorism Spell Light a red candle and ask: May all of our leaders be guided toward a world that honors the spirit in everyone and accepts any differences in people’s lives, beliefs, and cultures. May no one religion seek to oppress others either by terrorism or dictatorship. So mote it be. Stones of Change Spell Make a small bowl and place it on your altar. Begin collecting small pebbles, one a day and place them in your bowl. As your bowl fills, so will your bank account. Spread Peace Spell Materials White candle Evergreens Anthame
With your anthame carve symbols for love and peace on your candle. Decorate it with evergreens. Anoint candle with Gardenia oil and light and chant X3. May I find peace and love that resides in me. May I feel the peace and love of God and nature and the Holy Spirit. May I share peace and love with all. May I know love and peace wherever I go. Let the candle burn out. To Find Lost Things Walk around the room where you last had the object now lost and intone: I invite the elements As I walk around To help my lost item Soon be found
For May 1
Beltane Spell
Materials One Blue Candle One Yellow Candle Patchouli oil Opium or Patchouli Incense Ginger powder Pen and paper Blue string Anoint both candles and light with the incense. Write down the thing you need help with and fold and tie with string. Anoint the paper with oil or hold in your anointed hands. Say the incantation and burn the paper: Ancient ones I ask for your help I need your assistance Read these ashes And open your heart And come to my aid So mote it be.
Positive Growth For Beltane
May 1st Materials One Yellow Candle One Red Candle One White Candle White Solstice Oil (or Gardenia) Pinch of lavender Spearmint Bottled water and cauldron Clean white cloth
Anoint all candles and light them and the incense. Add all herbs with the water in the caldron. Self visualizing, see all of your positive qualities coming together and all the negative energies leaving you. Add white solstice to the water. With your cloth, dip it into the water and begin your ritual cleansing intoning: As the Spring arrives Rebirth and change are not denied. Like the risen Christ and Beloved Mother Bless me with eternal bliss I ritually cleanse to mark the start Of rebirth and celebration in my heart. Almighty God will show Within me, possibility, happiness and peace will grow. This is my will so mote it be.
A Witches Cleansing Full moon in May Three white candles Moonlight Oil Frankincense Anoint three white candles with moonlight oil. Light the candles and incense. Stand in the middle of your sacred space and stretch out your arms toward the heavens. Visualize the full moon and the elements sweeping over the body, cleansing your mind and spirit of anything negative. Recite the incantation over and over again. When you feel energized, extinguish the candles and know you are cleansed.
Incantations: In this time of the growing season Stand in the moonlight for this reason Let the moon’s shining light Purify me in its cleansing sight Banish negative energy and feeling Promote good health while sealing The promise of cleansed spirit and mind Leaving negativity behind By the power of three So mote it be. Protected Places Materials 4 small blue candles Lavender Oil Frankincense Cauldron Salt Lavender leaves Cloves Bottled water Anoint 4 candles with lavender oil. Light the candles and the incense. Place them either in the four corners of the room or four corners of your altar. Combine salt, lavender leaves, cloves in the cauldron with water. Sprinkle the area and then to the four corners intone: God protect this home and hearth Bring positive energy from our earth Protect this house from evil and sadness Do away with corruption and madness Banish anger and toil Draw the positive to our soil Only love and happiness will fill this home Protect the place I call my own. So mote it be.
Negative No More Materials Large white candle Rose oil Incense (any scent that makes you feel good) Wine Chalice Paper and Pen Best done on February 1 or 2. Anoint candle with rose oil. Light candle and incense. Pour wine into chalice. Write down positive influences and goals or negative things that you want to get rid of. Gathered here on Candlemas night To chase away our negative plight Wine is our witches’ brew To bring about something new A little taste of sweet and sour Makes the old have no power Swirling in my chalice womb So goes away the negative gloom Start the waters of life flowing Keep the good and new growing Drink wine and burn the bad Consume positive energy that I have.
Chastity Belt To promote chastity for a short time or a long time or for a period before a marriage or handfasting. This can be a belt or a bracelet. Materials One blue candle Chamomile oil Incense A black cord
Two crystal beads 18 black beads White beads= to age Three Ornate beads for the Trinity Anoint the candle and light it and the incense. Tie a knot in the end of the cord. Add a crystal bead, a trinity bead, 6 black beads, a trinity bead, 6 black beads, and a final trinity bead and all of the age beads and end with a crystal bead. Tie a knot. Wear it as a bracelet, and anklet or a belt. Pass the belt through the incense smoke deosil intoning: When the full moon rises in haste Create a cinch for those who are chaste If the wearer has tasted of lust Then kiss the beads in ultimate trust. But if the blush of purity is on thy face Then circle it round the flam in haste The first act a knot then a crystal bead Honor you the Father of the trinity. Add six beads and when you are done Honor the Father’s only Son. Add six more beads in solemn black And honor the Holy Spirit at last. A Token to God my chastity Now add your age for your sagity And a final crystal for the magic it brings Now tie the knot and finish the sash Dark as pitch and black as ash And may you wear it for purity For a day or eternity. So mote it be. To Protect the Home 2 White candles 1Black Candle Sandalwood or Frankincense incense Wand Intone while lighting the white candle: Here I light this candle Which symbolizes my need My home will be a fortress
As I secure its safety The angel’s influence now takes sway To bless my home in every way Protect it through the day’s sunlight Protect it through the dark of night (Light black candle) Energy white, energy bright Strengthening my charm tonight Powerful protection, my energy As my spell is woven lovingly (Light white candle) With Wand: May this spell protect from harm And keep the house from all alarm Working through the day or night Angels guard us, hidden from sight Safe from harm our powers keep This no trouble can permeate The walls angel energies penetrate The walls make an aura all their own And my spell sets the tone A mighty shield shall it be Keeping my home danger free Robbers and murderers and harm that be This charm will keep far from my family and me Now my charm is done at last And my spell is now cast Merry meet and Blessed Be As I will it so mote it be.
Stop Gossip Spell If you are doing this charm on the spot all you need is paper and pen. Simply tear up the charm when you are finished. Otherwise: 1 Black candle Pen and Paper Bowl or cauldron Write the Gossip’s name on one side of the paper seven times. On the other draw a smiley face. Light the candle .While intoning the charm make small x’s on his lips This mouth I bind this very day Binds fast the evil this mouth will say Never more causing stress and alarm Never more to cause harm Truth and justice enters here A quality most hold so dear To counteract the many lies In the mind where slander resides Destroy the Gossip Face and throw it away. This can be done by burning or by drowning.
No More Delinquents
Incense (your choice) 4 Red Candles dressed in Myrrh
Paper Poppet
If known, write the name of the delinquent on the poppet. Surround the poppet with the red candles. Light a candle deosil after each verse
These candles I light do symbolize The troubled soul thus inscribed God give them strength to change And become better each day Here is love to guide their life And keep the young one from strife Hoping one day they will lead A life of serving other’s needs Understanding comes their way Beginning now, this very day For this child cannot manipulate Nor will they be led astray Now give me patience with this child Because I can teach them to be mild I can in straight paths this child lead And guide them care for humanity Child, grace and courage has come to your side to resist negativity in your life. For good you live and strive and a good name you take pride. Only that which is right stays forever in sight. A leader you will be for all humanity. Doing what’s right for the entire world to see. Blessed Be and Merry Meet As I will it, so mote it be. St Francis Spell 1 Blue Candle Catnip Eucalyptus Oil Frankincense St. Francis Medal or Holy Card Paper and Pen Anoint candle and light along with incense. Hold the medal or holy card in your palms. Write the name of your pet on a piece of paper or on the back of the holy card. Hold card in your hands and intone: We don’t mean to cause alarm
Just keep our pets safe from harm This Saint will bless all animals and pets From every wind and storm be warned Humble Francis will protect from hate and neglect This spell shelters from the young and the old Safe and sound, all pets will be found This is my will, so mote it be. Midas Touch 1 Green, gold and orange candle Midas oil (Jasmine, Patchouli, Mint, Opium, Orange oil) Opium or Musk incense Green Bead and cord or ribbon. Anoint candles with Midas Oil. Do the same with the bead and cord. Light candle and incense and pass bead on cord through incense smoke deosil For the wealth we have and the wealth to come To guard it well, grant me this wisdom Protect us always from those who dare To take all we have without care Good Lord above hear and answer my plea An it harm none, so mote it be. Wear the talisman when you play the lottery, pay bills, or work. Wisdom’s Fire White candle Honey Suckle oil Opium Incense Lavender and Sage herb Simmer Cauldron Bottled water Wand Anoint Candle with oils, rubbing from the wick to the base. Mix the oils and herbs with a couple of teaspoons of water in simmer cauldron and set to heat. Light the candle and incense. With wand intone: The Golden wisdom of the law of three be with me Make me as wise as Solomon and Moses With these herbs in my cauldron
I infuse these waters with wisdom Give me grace, purity, and knowledge divine Rise now in heart and mind So mote it be. Use the potion to cleanse a work space, or a sacred space.
Gargoyles at the Gate 4 Blue Candles Witch Hazel Frankincense 4 Gargoyle images (pictures or statues) Athame Anoint the candles and light the candles and the incense. Place each gargoyle in a corner of your home. Wave incense into the four corners. With your athame before your altar intone: Positions at the towers and gates Gargoyles watch in earnest haste For Protection of the house and grounds And all things of sight and sound Keep us safe from danger and harm Watch over us in every storm Jump from the roof tops if in need To frighten away all evil deeds So Mote it Be! Keep the Gargoyles in their places and refresh each year by reciting the charge to the image.
All Patched Up 1 Pink Candle Friendship Oil (Rose, Cedar, Lavender oil) Patchouli Incense Turquoise Bead White cord thread or ribbon Paper and Pen
Anoint candle with friendship oil. Light the candle and the incense. Visualize you and your friend reconciling. String the bead and pass it deosil 3x in smoke. Do the same with the piece of paper with the friend’s name on it. Carry both in your pocket until reconciliation. A turquoise stone to find Harmony and peace; leave differences behind Disagreements and hurt taken out of our hearts Our true friendships shall not part Let pink burn bright throughout this night To reconcile this troublesome fight. So Mote it Be! For Strength 1 Red Candle Dragon’s Blood oil Pinch of salt Dragon charm or picture or red bead and thread. Anoint the candle and the charm or bead and intone With the crimson of this cord Ancient powers or strength are born Herbs will stir beneath the form Creating energies with talismans worn Boost the body with greatest power As if Mars is in tune with a full moon hour Place the strength upon my feet And all my powers now complete. So mote it be. Respect 1 Yellow Candle Patchouli and Dragon’s Blood Spicy Incense Paper and Pen Gold tone Bead Brown Bead Red String Bowl
Anoint candle. Light Candle and incense. On paper, list 9 characteristics of respect. String beads. Anoint palms in oil and hold the paper in your anointed palms. Burn the paper and take the ashes and rub it in the talisman and pass talisman deosil through the smoke. Carry your talisman in your mojo or tie around ankle or wrist.
To Pay Karmic Debt After you have been through a rough patch 1 Pink and 1 white candle Opium oil Fave Incense Sage Water Check (or a piece of paper) Simmer Cauldron Anoint and light candle and incense. Put a bit of water and sage and opium oil in the simmer cauldron and heat. Fill out your check: Date: Date of Ritual Pay to the Order of: Karmic Debt Amount: All Amount: Live, Learn, Love, and Grow Memo: Truth and Peace Signature Burn Check and add ashes to cauldron. Stir cauldron while intoning: Karmic Debt is a wonderful thing Through this process, my soul takes wings This check is now due I can start anew
To live learn love and grow Till truth and peace is all I know So mote it be. Sprinkle potion around the room Witch Charms 5 white candles (Tea Lights, birthday candles) Low John Oil (Cinnamon, eucalyptus, and sandalwood oil) Salt Sandalwood Incense Amulet ( Star, medal, cross etc.) Piece of cord Small cup or bowl Anoint amulet with oil. With salt draw a pentangle placing a candle at each point. Light incense. Pass amulet deosil through the incense and then lay it in the center of the pentangle. Light each candle, intoning at each candle, moving deosil: On this day of the year Witches have no fear Love, beauty, passion and energy And our brethren far and near By blessings of God an amulet is born That protects from evil each time it is worn A magical charm that wards off all alarm So mote it be and none it harm. World Peace One of the ways that you can bring world peace is to work to have peace in your corner of the world. If you can bring peace to yourself and to the people around you, you can encourage peace around the world. 1 blue candle Peace oil (Sandalwood, Musk, Rose, Gardenia) Sandalwood incense Salt Lavender leaves Simmer cauldron Pounded Lavender leaves Bowl
Alcohol Bottle Anoint the candle with the peace oils. Mix left over oils, salt, lavender leaves and pass the cauldron through the incense smoke. Once the incense is burned down and the ashes are cooled, add it to the cauldron. Heat the potion in the simmer bowl for thirty minutes, then cool and decant into bottle. The oil is placed on the altar and lasts for a year. After you fill the bottle, intone over the opening: Angels all around us, where ever we may be In our small towns and great countries Around the world please hear our call To guide and heal us one and all Protect us from each other’s harm Reverse and rid bad energy til it’s all gone Bring peace and love to every kind All around our world will be Happiness, peace and harmony Heal us from our heart within So we will judge no other friend Forgive us our sins and protect our hearts From fears we have within us all Religion and politics and whatever we believe From each hurt protect and heal May we receive blessings be Until we again merry meet So Mote it be
Thanks For Giving To honor God for the first harvest by making a harvest basket totem. Can be done to celebrate Thanksgiving or the new moon of November. 1 White candle Musk and Lavender oil Small basket Chalice Wine Fruit, Cheese, Meat, Bread, Cookies Plastic fruit and veggies Silk Flowers
Slips of paper with at least six blessings Anoint candle and light. Arrange the little basket with the plastic fruit and veggies and flowers. Intone over the basket and your small ritual meal and chalice with wine. Place the blessings with the fruit arrangement. Little basket full of good Sent by God, our blessed food Grown from the ground with care and love Watched by the spirits from above Gathered from the bountiful harvest From the fields and the forest To Mighty God that be With thanks we offer this bounty This is my will, so mote it be. Libate and drink the wine from the chalice. Blind Justice For truthful testimony in court. Don’t use if you intend to lie. 1 Gold Candle 1 Gray Candle 1Purple Candle Rose, Vanilla, and Musk oil Myrrh Incense Purple bead and cord Anoint the candles and light. Light incense. String the bead and pass deosil intoning: A winged courier now takes flight Aid me in my legal plight Shame the devil, truth be told Habeas Corpus in this court Grant me favor of legal support Release the magik and be just Hear my plea and statement of trust As I will it, so it must be
Spread Peace Spell White Candle Evergreens Athame Gardenia oil Carve symbols of love and peace in your candle. Anoint with gardenia oil. Decorate with evergreens. Chant times three. May I find peace and love that resides in me May I find peace and love in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. May I share peace and love with nature and wisdom May I know love and peace wherever I go Let the candle burn out. To Find Lost Things Walk around the room where you last saw the lost object and intone: I invite the elements As I walk around To help my lost item Soon be found Dressing Candles Use the corresponding oil that represents your intention. If you don’t have the particular oil, use a bit of olive oil. To draw something toward you, rub the oil towards you, from wick to base. To send something out or to repel something, rub from the base to the wick. Save wax from your candles, making little discs to use as talismans and to put in mojos. As you rub, intone: Candle of power, candle of might Create my desires here on this night Power streams from this candle’s fire Bring to me my heart’s desire My words have strength, this victory’s won
So say I, this spell is done As I will it, so mote it be Continue with spell or ritual. Help of the Innocents Blue and Yellow Candle Patchouli Oil Spicy scent incense Ginger Bowl Blue String Pen and paper. Mix the oils with the ginger in a bowl. Anoint both candles. Light candles and incense. Write the thing you need help with and tie with the blue string. Anoint the paper or hold between your anointed hands. Intone the spell and burn the paper. Ancient Ones I ask for your help I need your assistance Read these ashes Open your heart Come to my aid So mote it be Positive Growth Yellow, red and white candle Gardenia Oil Bottled water Pinch of lavender or some oil Simmer Cauldron Mint oil Clean white cloth Anoint all candles and light them with the incense. Add water to simmer cauldron and put in herbs and oils. Allow to heat for about 10 minutes. Meditate on powerful positive energies coming together to come into you body and spirit and negative energies going away. Dip your cloth carefully into cauldron and begin to wipe yourself off. Intone as you do:
As spring arrives Rebirth and Change are not denied Like the risen Christ and his beloved Mother Bless me with holy bliss I ritually cleanse and anoint myself To mark the start Of rebirth and celebration in my heart Within me possibility, happiness, and peace will grow This is my will, mote it be so. New Moon May Cleansing Three white candles Bowl Lily of the Valley Lavender Dragon’s Blood Frankincense Incense or other spicy Anoint three candles in the mixture of the oils in the bowl. Light candles and incense. Raise your arms to the heavens and intone as many times as you feel you need to. In this time of the growing season Stand I in moonlight for this reason Let the moon’s shining light Banish negative energy and feeling Promote good health while sealing The promise of a good health and clean mind Leaving negativity behind By the power of three So mote it be Spell to Make Work Go Faster Angels of heaven, angels above Here I have work that I loathe Help me to start, help me complete Help me quickly make my house neat By the power of three, Blessed Be, blessed be Make my house neat and sparkling clean.
The power of three in Christian practice is always Father, Son and Holy Spirit but it is also Creativity, Intuition, and Empowerment.
Protected Places 4 small blue candles Lavender oil Bottled Water Frankincense Salt Athame Simmering cauldron Cloves Wand Anoint four candles with lavender oil. Light them and place them on the four points of the altar. Combine all the ingredients in the simmer cauldron. After the potion simmers for a few minutes, sprinkle the potion around the house. Holding both wand and Athame, intone: God protect this home and hearth Bring positive change from our earth Protect this house from evil and sadness Do away with corruption and madness Banish anger and fruitless toil Draw the positive to our soil Only love and happiness will fill this home Protect the place I call my own. So mote it be Negative No More Yule or Samhain Full or New Moon Large white candle
wine paper/pen incense(your choice) rose oil, chalice, sugar
Anoint candle with rose oil. Light candle and incense. Pour wine into chalice. Write down positive influences or goals you want to reach, or negative things you want rid of.
Gathered here on this full moon night to chase away our negative plight Wine is our witches brew to bring about something new (add pinch of sugar) A little taste of sweet and sour makes the old have no power Swirling in my chalice womb so goes away the negative gloom Start the waters of life flowing; keep the good and new a growing Drink the wine and burn the bad or conserve the positive things I have As I will it, so mote it be. Ties that Bind One black candle Dragon’s Blood Myrrh Incense Cinnamon Pen and Paper Black ribbon or string Bowl Anoint candle with Dragon’s Blood and cinnamon. Light the candle and incense. On paper, write down all negative things bothering you. Roll the paper and tie it with black string. Pass the scroll through the smoke widdershins (counterclockwise). After the incantations burn scroll. Take these problems, fears and doubts, bind them now, inside and out Release me from this negative plight; remove the darkness from my sight Leave me positive in my thoughts; a balanced life is what I have sought The day is done and buried deep, removed forever and put to sleep As I will it, so mote it be. Old Haunts Burning cauldron or bowl Mirror Myrrh Oil Frankincense Grey, white, or black candle
To release an earthbound spirit
Burn some incense in your cauldron or bowl. Anoint and light your candles and place them around your mirror. This becomes your astral door for the spirit to leave. Wandering soul, nameless spirit, come to my voice when you hear it. Welcome to my circle round, unleash the bonds where you are bound
Enter in this dance of smoke, down and in as I invoke The smoking cauldron is your gate to release you from your daunted fate Gather here for your release, spirit gone and haunt to cease. As I will it, so mote it be. Happiness Full Moon, especially in October Yellow Candle Lavender oil Catnip and lavender leaves Chamomile and Mint tea Cup of hot water Burning Cauldron Piece of paper Anoint and light candle. Mix the herbs and fold into a small packet. Steep the tea. In the cauldron burn the packet of herbs and intone over the tea: From this being, sadness is gone, you have been depressed too long Happiness fills you, self esteem takes over Looking forward to a new dawn Open your eyes, help you see, how joyous life can be A positive attitude will be the notion with happiness and joy in this potion Lavender and catnip turned to ash, ensuring happiness will ever last Chamomile and peppermint tea prevents sadness, makes it flee. As I will it, so mote it be. Drink the tea. Soul Release To rid yourself of other troubles Yellow candle Sandalwood Oil Eucalyptus Oil Paper and Pen Bowl Incense (favorite)
Mix sandalwood and eucalyptus oil to make Forgiveness oil. Light candle after it is anointed with the forgiveness oil. Write down your troubles, as you burn the paper, intone. As these troubles burn and turn to ash Release the soul from the past In a prison of painful feelings Let this soul begin its healing So Mote it Be Astra’s Energy Full or New Moon Purple candle Catnip Lavender incense Cinnamon and lavender oil Oil medium or alcohol Small Bottle Anoint the candle with cinnamon and lavender oil. Mix oils and catnip together with oil medium or alcohol and decant. Light candle and incense. Pass the bottle of the oil through the incense smoke deosil. Oil will then be used as an aromatic or fumigant or perfume. While incensing intone: As the moon shines its wondrous beauty The power of three is called to duty Creativity, Intuition and Empowerment Will bring the user much relief The flames reach high with intensity As negative energy loses density May happiness and rebirth win the heart May this joyful feeling never part With each tiresome feeling Open the bottle and feel the healing The moon shines bright with beauty And now I take it inside of me. So Mote it Be
Respect One yellow candle Brown bead Paper and pen
Patchouli or Dragon’s Blood Musk or other spicy incense Bowl
Gold tone bead Red string
Anoint candle. Light candle and incense. On paper list nine characteristics of respect. Fold paper and hold in anointed hands. Burn the paper with the flame of the yellow candle. Rub ashes on the talisman and pass deosil in the incense smoke. Carry the talisman at all times. Stormy To conjure rain and wind Purple candle Particle of Low John or Ginger Dragon’s Blood oil Simmer Cauldron Bottled water Broom Anoint candle with the dragon’s blood. Cast a circle and place the candle in the center and light it. Mix dragon’s blood and low john in the simmer cauldron with about four ounces of water. Anoint the broom with the potion and sweep in each cardinal direction intoning, each time replacing the direction: Watchtowers of the ___________ Carry my prayers to heaven God, shed tears of rain Storm the earth in appropriate moisture We ask in the name of the Lord So Mote it Be Anger Be Gone 1 Grey/silver candle Lavender herb Favorite incense 1 Blue candle Sage herb
Envelope or blue mojo bag
rose oil
Anoint candles with rose oil. Light incense. Place lavender, sage and salt in the envelope or mojo bag. Light candle and pass herbs widdershins 10 times through the incense, incanting: Thoughts of darkness now take flight. Anger and hate will purge with right In our lives we need not bitter images in our thoughts From our minds and our hearts send the light to what was dark Light our spirits and make them bright, make the wrong into the right As I will it so mote it be Use herbs for bath or as a talisman.
Honoring the Tree of Life CoCreated by Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk and Tanith LunaCrevan Ideally you should have access to a tree or a grove of trees or you may wish to take the opportunity to plant a tree. If not, a symbol of a tree will suffice Materials: 3 white altar candles (tea candles) set up in a triangular formation to define sacred space 1 green, yellow, red and blue candle to represent the elements Cedar oil (if unavailable, a good olive oil will suffice) At least ten 1‖ square pieces of paper Pen Favorite incense 10 freshly minted pennies Chalice
Wine/Cider, bread, fruits and nuts and other treats to eat, share with friends or leave for the creatures of nature. On scraps of paper, write ten affirmations (positive/growth words) Attach these pieces of paper to the tree with small stick pins or tacks or some other that will not harm the tree . Anoint all candles and your pennies. Place the elemental candles around the tree, calling the elements with a simple call of the elements. Set up the altar candles and place your chalice, drink and food inside the triangle. Light all of the candles and your incense. Intone: Holy nine woods of lore, lend me your ears through the spiritual door Willow, elder, oak, pine, birch, sycamore, ash and hazel Your roots do grow and intertwine Wise willow, she whose branches reach the earth, beloved of the moon’s rise and rebirth Ancient oak, he who reaches to the heavens, beloved of the sun and earth’s strength Venerable Elder, favorite of our Virgin Lady, open the door of life and death Beloved Pine, golden child of the woods, stir our minds to imagination Illuminating birch, doorway to intuition, guide us to visions and new beginnings Gracious sycamore, rod of divinations, help communicate and receive instruction Loving Ash, teacher and guide, instruct us in the way of wisdom and sacrifice Shy hazel, seeker of secrets, show me the unknown magikal ways Holy Hawthorn, wand of creativity, endow us with magik and fertility Wands and brooms and holy leaves too Magical gifts we receive from you The trees of life we honor you In our hearts we find your roots Joined with earth and divinity Source of life eternally Shed on us your wisdom and light As our roots intertwine with the Tree of Life The tree of life in Eden stood And then our Christ, nailed in your wood The stately tree, our forest priest We your children of the heath Offer us hope from violence and strife Past, present, future; death, rebirth and life We celebrate with libation This symbol of Christ’s salvation So bless us now, o holy one We bring our hopes, our ritual now done Brightest Blessings Be Our circle eternally
And for that we honor and praise God above all our days So mote it be Offer libations to the tree and eat and drink in celebration with friends and nature..
Accept Me To inspire the world to accept all people of good will 1 White candle
Patchouli Lemon Grass All Spice or Anise Rosemary Red Bead and String Symbols of all religions or simply words Incense (patchouli or musk or nag champra) Envelope
Anoint candle and light with incense. Combine spices in envelope. Add religious symbols (words) and amulet in the envelope. Hold the placket between your palms and intone: Freedom is what I long to find From all people with closed minds My wishes in my hands and heart My choices protected from all harm Freedom is what is right for me Acceptance will now abound
Judgments will not my choices impede But tolerance for me and thee As I will it, so mote it be. You’re Fired To get rid of negativity Gray Candle Dragon’s Blood oil Small Envelope Mirror Piece of paper (Especially pink) with ―You’re fired written on it) Bowl or burning cauldron Anoint and light candle. Write down negative aspects of your life you want to get rid of. Hold the list between your palms and burn the paper. Take the ashes and throw away. Intone: From the winter’s ice to summer’s fire I call out for aid in my desire Bind the negative as in a tomb To receive the bounty from it’s gloom Mirror its face so it shall see The effect it used to have on me Join in the banishment as negative goes Ashes to ashes fresh winds away evil blows As I will it, so mote it goes. Free at Last Ending Addiction 1 White and 1 gray candle Jasmine and gardenia oil mixed Frankincense Paper and pen Burning Cauldron Anoint candles and light incense. Write the nature of the addiction on a paper. Hold the paper in your anointed hands and intone.
By the powers of three Take this habit from me Take from me the power of need Bad habits no more shall I feed This is my will, so mote it be Burn the paper in the cauldron I am an ex ________ By the power of three Take these thoughts from me This is my will. So mote it be The Flame Dance To accept change Heather, chamomile, and Sandalwood oil Small bottle and cap or stopper Mix the oil and anoint yourself. Intone: Change may be scary and sometimes sad But we must remember not all change is bad Change is serious, and not a jest But change is always for the best In the days ahead help me find The strength I feel has been left behind And give me the courage to enjoy The new beginning I employ I must remember not to shy away At the uncertainty of coming days So mote it be
Well Being Witch Bottle Spell Cinnamon incense (or other spicy) and Cinnamon oil
Orange or gold candle Picture of the sun Small Marigold flower Wineglass or chalice Water Small jar or bottle Teaspoon of alcohol Light the candle and incense. Anoint your hands with cinnamon oil. Intone: May the sun’s eternal power Found in this gentle flower Grant me good health From this hour. Place the flower and water and alcohol in the bottle. Intone: That which I seek So might it speak That I would know I will understand so That I would receive So I might achieve That wisdom comes near Let it begin here. As I will it, so mote it be. Keep your bottle in a safe place where it can be seen and handled for access to the power of the sun. Dawntide Spell To achieve beauty A green candle in a jar Silk or fresh flowers in a vase on your altar Light the candle and intone In the east, I honor the element of air In the south, I honor the element of fire In the west, I honor the element of water In the north, I honor the element of earth
I call upon the Lord God, creator of green fields and creators of sky, water and earth, the essence of nature. To reflect in me the Lord’s glory and natural beauty. Repeat the spell nine times. Blow out the candle and light it each day and intone spell until it is completely gone.
Healing Cauldron Spell To heal grief and emotional pain Black candle Penny Bowl Bottle or small box Small dark stone Water and Wine (about a teaspoon each) Salt Spoon or stir stick The bowl will act as your cauldron. You can substitute vinegar for wine. As you intone, stir the cup and its contents Light the candle intoning: Light upon grief, cast out all pain Tears to be lost, happiness gained Place the coin in the bowl, intoning: Ties are now rent, anger is spent Place the stone in the bowl, intoning: Banish the frown weighing me down Pour a bit of water into the bowl, intoning: Hence the last teardrop passed Pour the wine in the bowl, intoning: Bitterness soothed in the tears of my sorrow Sprinkle the salt into the bowl, intoning: The earth soaked up the last of this cup Place the wet contents in a small bottle or box, acting as a casket for the objects of the bowl. Discard it.
Bale Fire Spell To destroy worries or concerns 1 tea light candle Pen with red ink Paper Envelope Light the candle. Write your worries on a piece of paper with the red ink. Burn the paper, intoning: By this bale I root you out By this boon I cancel you Troubles be gone Sweetness anon Place the ashes in the envelope and discard. Let the candle burn down. Ouroborus Spell For Balance Dark or black candle White candle Pen and paper Nine strands of floss (3black, 3red, 3white) One grey thread Nag Champra Incense or other spicy Light a dark candle and incense and light white candle intoning. Eternal God Grant this boon of perfect balance Draw the symbol pictured on the page. Pass the picture through the smoke of the incense. Braid your threads. (all except the grey one) When you have braided all the threads, wrap your ouroborus symbol around the string. The wrap your grey string around the charm. Tie the ends together and wear the charm until it falls off. You can wear it around your ankle or your wrist.
Sunflower Spell Happy Disposition Frankincense (incense or oil) Orange Candle Symbol of the sun Yellow Thread Sunflower Seeds Small gold coins or shiny copper pennies Yellow Mojo bag Light incense or anoint candle with oil and light. Intone: Sister Sun, empowered by God You are honored here Shine your blessing down On me, your earthly child. Hold the Sun symbol in your right hand and intone: Your power to pass to me Eat some sunflower seeds: Your strength to abide in me Place the symbol and the remaining seeds in your mojo and rub it on your body and intone: Happiness reside within me Sister Sun blessed be May I give as I receive Hang the mojo near your bed.
Lavender Spell Restful Sleep Lavender colored candle Lavender incense or oil Tea light Holly twig Purple string or ribbon Do not work this spell on a Saturday. Make a circle of your holly twig or decorate a holly cross with the purple ribbon. Add purple flowers or beads if you chose. Anoint the amulet and the candle and intone: The purity of light Guide thy way to perfect sleep Hence may I be known For the peace that I keep This amulet opens the door to dreamland With this I shall pass To my sleeping world and find my rest at last As I will it, so mote it be This Amulet is good for a year. Hang it near your bed. Spider Spell For Happy Dreams Tea Light Water Opium incense or oil White mojo pouch Nugget of gold, glitter, or coin or penny Picture of a spider Picture or medal of the Blessed Virgin Light the tea light and intone:
There is a lady with a crown of twelve stars And the moon under her feet The spider spins the lady’s veil A veil of sweetest dreams Place the gold symbols in the bag with the symbols of the spider and the Blessed Virgin. Anoint your hands with the oil and hold the mojo in your palms or pass it deosil through the incense smoke and intone: Spider spirit, weave your threads Wrap all beauty in your web Happy themes enter my dreams As I will it, so mote it be. Hang the mojo by your bed.
Spread Peace Spell White Candle Evergreens Athame Gardenia oil Carve symbols of love and peace in your candle. Anoint with gardenia oil. Decorate with evergreens. Chant times three. May I find peace and love that resides in me May I find peace and love in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. May I share peace and love with nature and wisdom May I know love and peace wherever I go Let the candle burn out.
Tattered Cloak Spell 1Purple Candle Wicca Oil (Frankincense, vanilla, rose, honeysuckle, sandalwood, lilac, cinnamon, gardenia, orange oil equal parts)
Myrrh incense Thirteen strips of paper with prayers or intentions Cloak or other sacred garment Needle and thread Salt Mojo bag Anoint candle and mojo bag with the Wicca oil. Light candle and incense; place the intentions in the bag. Intone over cloak or clothes: Around the moon and around the sun Empower these prayers gathered as one Release your energy as we invoke All the power in this cloak (these clothes) Secret prayers in this suit I weave (sew the mojo inside the clothes) Magikally empowered and stitches within Power from each stitch delight In the blessings of moonlight Wearer and bearer of this cloak Its warmth and power I shall know Empower this witch, wearer of this cloak To do no harm to any of my folk So mote it be Heaven’s Power To Increase Psychic Power Purple Candle Heather oil Lavender oil Frankincense Lt. Blue Bead String cord Anoint candle. Light candle and incense. String bead and pass deosil through the smoke. Intone: When the night has pulled his shades down tight And the moon rides full and high
We gather round the things we need To help us with second sight A purple candle anointed Blue moon is on the wick Incense burning steady Frankincense is our pick Our protection now in place Our minds open and clear Send to us wisdom And understand what we hear. So Mote it Be Good Wife Tisane Spell For general good health Pale blue candle Dandelion Leaf and flower Chamomile mint tea Tea cup Hot water Sweetener Light candle and steep tea. Place hand over cup and intone: By the goodness in this brew. Sickness slay and life renew Drink tea until you have just a sip left and use the dandelion to anoint the room or yourself. House Guardian Spell To protect the home One white candle One black or dark candle A picture or medal of Mary or other saint Light black candle, light white candle, and intone: May Mary and all the saints Witness and empower my spell Defend this home by holy power
Let no evil pass through my door Keep this house safe by the hour To this task I do implore. So mote it be Knitbone Pouch Spell To knit quarrels Frankincense oil Eucalyptus oil Cloves Rosemary Low John Sage wand/Incense Red Bag Small stone Blue Candle Light blue candle intoning: Let peace be among us now and forever Anoint stone with the oils. Place stone and cloves into sack and intone: Let healing be among us now and forever Put in Low John, rosemary and passing the bag deosil through the smoke of the incense or smudge and intone: May quarrels end and hurts a-mend Each heart shall be whole again So mote it be Elf Shot Spell To keep troublesome relatives at bay Red candle Favorite incense Black pouch Black stone Salt Plate
Do this spell on Tuesdays during the Mars hour (12:00 midnight) during a full moon. Light the candle and place stone before it. Light the incense and draw a circle of salt around the stone Intone: By the dark of the moon By the energies of Mars This spell is made In fire I forge thee My intent will empower thee As I will it, so mote it be. Put the salt and the stone in the pouch and place near the door. Harmony Spell Pink candle White candle Tray Lavender oil Lavender leaves Orange oil Anise/Cloves oil Small jar Draw a pentangle on the pink star and intone: Star of love Star of peace Witness and empower The work of this hour Mix the oils and herbs together in a bowl. Light the white candle and begin to melt the wax into a disc shape on the tray. Before the wax cools, add drops of the oil to the disc. Do this until you have used up the candle. Allow all the discs to cool and place them in the jar. Intone over the jar: May all changes come with love May love come with change The circle is open, the spell unbroken
So mote it be Melt one when you need a little harmony. Magik Jar Spell Perform on a Saturday For Protection Black or dark candle Nail Sun Symbol Jar Chilis or chili powder Stickers with chilis Put the stickers on your jar along with any other decorations you wish. Light the candle. Intone: Saints around us, saints be praised Bless this spell and the power raised All who wish us ill are spurned With all evil thrice returned Place the nail in a jar Throw yourself upon this thorn And only your blood will be drawn Add powder or chili Every spite that shall be given For each bite you shall be bitten Add sun symbol Fire from the sun about Fly into a spiteful mouth Pass the jar around the candle widdershins I abjure thee from harming others And prevent you from harming yourself
Place jar in a window facing east Earth Dragon Green candle Sandalwood incense Patchouli oil Green Pen and Paper or Dragon’s Blood ink Dragon or dragon fly charm Green cord or string Small jar or bottle To be performed in early spring or on a new moon Light the candle and incense. Anoint the charm with patchouli. Intone, wafting charm in the incense smoke deosil Within and around me The power of earth A creature eating fire Come through the air Come by water And make this good earth home On paper write ―Draco Erce Venit‖. Place it in the small bottle and wear your dragon/fly charm as you plant your garden. Bury the bottle in your garden.
Imbolc Seed Spell Packets of seed White candle Light candle and intone
Brigid you are welcome Times three you are welcome She blesses the seed upon the earth Her warmth will bring new seeds to birth Holy Brigid bless all who lives Between my right and my left. Let the candle burn for an hour. Imbolc Brigid’s Spell White candle Small bowl Three small stones Salt Water Pouch Light candle. Put the stones into the bowl. Name each stone an ailment. Sprinkle Salt over them. Breathe on them muttering By my breath (put your hands over them) By my flesh (pour water over them) By the waters of St. Brigid may health prevail And good reside With palms out to candle Earth, water, flame, work in Brigid’s name Earth water and flame work my desire Put the stones in the pouch and carry them with you, place them on your altar, or put them on your hearth. Imbolc Cloutie Spell Myrrh Incense or oil White Candle Purple Candle Pen Small pieces of white ribbon Dead Branches or a Yule tree
Light white candle and incense or anoint the palms of your hands Blessings are here Light purple candle And justice will come Write down the injustices committed against you on white ribbons. The Cloutie is a prayer ribbon or rag. Hold ribbons in incense smoke or hold in anointed hands Bless these rags and may justice come Tie to branches or Yule tree intoning: Pity this branch As it lifts up my cause And brings justice to my enemies May the earth hear me And the air hear my cry May the sun take up my pleas And the moon decry it And may blessings be on my side My cause to heaven will rise So mote it be Keep the prayers there for three days and three nights. The chop them up and throw them away. Eostre Door Post Spell Frankincense and myrrh incense Black or dark candle White candle Oil (sweet oil or sandalwood oil) Salt in a small dish 3 Plates 2 incense holders Place dark candle on the left and white on the right with plate in the middle of the floor. Light the incense (myrrh) and the black candle intoning:
The pillar on the left is night All things within it is held in potential Light white candle and Frankincense The pillar on the right is day All things within are held in fruition Anoint knees, breast, mouth and forehead with oil I make myself sacred to enter sacred space Pour a bit of salt onto the plate and intone I make myself pure to enter a sacred place Place the plate on the floor and gently place one foot then the other in the salt In the doorway of the year Between the vale of night and day I have a small word to leave: Balance And a big word to take Close your eyes and wait for the word. Never doubt it will come. It will be the key to attaining balance through the year. Beltane Almond Spell For firm Promises Besom 2 Green Candles Small bowl of Almonds Mojo Bag Place besom across a path with candles at each end. Intone as you light the candles: Here is Mary, mother of Jesus Here is Joseph, her beloved earthly spouse Hold your bowl of almonds in your palms. Intone: These are my troubles, bitter in my mouth.
Eat three almonds. Intone: These are my solutions, sweet in my mouth. Eat three almonds and step over the besom. Intone Sweetness comes to those a firm promise make Bitterness then goes with each step I take Take three almonds and put the m in the mojo bag and tie it to the besom. Pick up the besom and sweep toward the door. Use the broom to rid yourself of problems when troubled. Good for one year. Beltane Ribbon Spell To Attract a Lover Best worked at Beltane but can be worked on the full moon anytime. A tall green candle Rubber Band Red, Green and Gold Thread Heart Charm Red Pen Paper Ylang Ylang Oil Anoint candle with ylang ylang oil. Wrap the rubber band on the candle about an inch from the top. Light the candle. Braid the threads. Write the name of two lovers or write someone special and braid it into the threads. Add the heart to the end; anoint it with ylang ylang oil. Hold it between the palms and intone: This charm I endow with my fond vow He/She should seek me and find me now And He/She be kind that I not repine And He/She be loving send him/her to me And he/she bring love I’ll thank heaven above Allow the candle to burn to the rubber band and blow out the candle. Move the rubber band down an inch each day and burn the candle to the band each day for seven days. Carry the charm in your pocket.
Lughnasadh Winnowing Well For blessings and ridding bad habits 1 Orange Candle Pen with brown ink Paper Cauldron or bowl Spend some time making two separate lists. One with blessings and one with bad habits. Light the candle and intone: Come the harvest, come the truth Those I need and those I don’t Some I’ll keep and some I won’t Light your bad habits list. Use the ashes to bless the Blessings list (mark with the cross and pentangle) Now burn the blessings list. Blessings and curses come from the harvest Return to earth and nourish us next year. Place the ashes in your garden. Great spell for Samhain too. Fortuna’s Wheel To turn bad luck to good Waxing moon on Tuesdays 1 Purple candle Three sticks at least six inches each Purple thread 2 yards Water Lavender oil Salt Bowl
Light the candle. Pour water and lavender oil and salt into bowl. Make an equidistant cross and weave the purple threads in and out of it until it looks like a disc. Anoint it by baptizing it with the potion, intoning: Lady Madonna, robed in royal purple Turn your wheel for me and my fortune is blessed Weaver weave in what is best By the warp and by the weft. Hang it on your hearth. Mojo Luck Spell Six nights after a new moon 1 cream colored candle Red thread Red pouch White pebble Silver pen Paper Small nail Religious picture or medal Sage Shamrock Light a cream colored candle. Take the pebble and draw small pentangle on the surface with the silver pen. Take red thread and tie knots in it. You might want to do a simple witch’s ladder. Each knot will represent a wish. Write your wishes down on paper with your pen. Place everything in mojo. Hold the mojo in your hand and intone: Hear me! I stand between light and dark Between a high place and a low place And none that inhabit these places May gainsay or cross the luck I seal within All within is pure and safe That within is without And without is within Let the charm begin So mote it be Seal the bag shut. Carry it with you wherever you go. Lasts a year.
Berry Necklace Spell Waxing moon on Tuesday, the hour of Mars (midnight) If done at Yule, hang it on your tree Red candle Green Candle Needle and thread Berries or red beads Light the red candle: Health and heart prevail Light green candle: Wealth and weal prevail String berries or beads and intone: Berries in your house of light Never hold your bounty high Berries in your house of red blood Keep me hail and do me good Holly berries for my sake Happy find and merry make Three bright things I would possess Health, wealth and happiness Health show, wealth grow, and happiness I will know All in this row. Hang in an eastern facing window or on your Yule tree.
Herb Garden Spell To protect your home from burglary and theft White candle Black or dark candle Small nail Plate Sage
Dragon’s Blood oil Black ribbon Small Pin Light the black candle. On the plate, loop the piece of ribbon in the familiar memorial ribbon. Pin it with the small stick pin. Light the white candle and drip wax where the ribbon is joined. While wax is hot, add the small nail, some sage and dragon’s blood oil. Let cool and intone: As the planets and stars turn My guardian angel protects my home Evil deeds and words Are banished from my home Hang near the front door. Mexican Eye Spell Guard against the evil eye Orange candle Frankincense Two twigs about 6‖ Embroidery floss in : Black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Cinnamon oil Light incense and candle. Intone: Power of the mighty sun All seeing eye Light upon all enemies Who dwells beneath the sky Find them out Put evil to rout Cross the twigs and weave threads, nine turns per color in the order on the list. When you are finished, anoint your hands with cinnamon and hold the talisman between the palm. Intone, spinning in incense deosil. I seal and proclaim you Let no one defame you Hang over the bed.
Snap Dragon Spell To guard against spite Tuesdays on a waning moon Waning moons are the usual time to cast removing spells. Red candle Nail Rosemary Picture of Bee Red pouch Witch ladder Sandalwood or Dragon’s Blood incense Light the incense. With a nail etch a triangle on the red candle. Sprinkle some rosemary into the bag. Take witch cord and tie seven knots reciting: Power of one the mighty sun Power of two right and true Power of three sting of the bee (place the bee in the bag) Power of four all harm deplore Power of five voice of the five (buzz into the bag) Power of six, all harm desist Power of seven all harm be driven Hold the bag over the incense smoke; visualize the energy of the bee. Place the witch cord in the bag and tie or sew it up and carry in your pocket for your own protection. Herb Poppet Spell To protect against hardship Black/Dark Candle Sage wand Small sack with human shape drawn on it Dandelions Thyme Rosemary Salt Thorns Pen Write the name of the person you are working for. Light your incense and candle. Fill the bag with your flowers and herbs. Close the top. Intone:
Guard my wealth Guard my weal None to envy None to steal Walk in the ways of fortune Protect all I need Guard against wrath Avarice and greed As I will it, so mote it be.
Health Spell To Bless the Spiritual Health of the Home Waxing moon on Sunday or Monday Cinnamon Incense or oil Red Candle 12 straight twigs White or purple twine Light incense and candle. If you use cinnamon oil, anoint the candle first. In a square design tie the twigs together. Intone: Holy Brigid of the holy flame Bless this charm made in your name I call upon the four winds To blow gently on this house And call upon Brigid’s blessing Upon this sacred hour So mote it be Hang talisman over the hearth. Good for a year. Shield Spell
For stressful situations Best on a waning moon on Tuesday Black or dark blue candle String or cord Plate Coffin (small box or bottle Light the candle and intone: Banish my fears. Now visualize with closed eyes a shield coming up around you, completely covering you. As you visualize your shield, tie knots in your string or cord, enumerating your stresses. With the dark candle drip wax on each knot, intoning: My stresses are trapped. Place the cord in the coffin. You cannot escape, you are my prisoner. Keep the coffin in a safe place for a year. When the year is over, throw away the coffin. Salt and Water Spell Self blessing during times of trouble Frankincense White Candle Salt Water Chalice Light the candle and incense intoning: I walk the path of courage Where truth brings light May God hear me in the darkest night Pour salt in your left hand and put right hand over the chalice with water. Wash away all evil Place your right hand over your left hand and intone: Salt cast out impurity and evil
Add the salt and anoint your body with the brine. Anoint feet, knees, navel, breast, and forehead. Pour some salt around you in a clockwise motion intoning: God walk with me in my footsteps. Meditate on finding solutions to your problems.
Major Arcana Tarot Spell Purple candle Major Arcana of the Tarot deck For me, the deck means the Rider Waite deck, the traditional deck of all witches, but you may use other oracle decks if you are comfortable with them. You may also use the face cards of a regular deck of cards. Light the purple candle and intone: Fortune’s angels look kindly On my quest for truth Not for vanity but protection Shuffle the cards and lay them in a circle. Using your wand or wand hand, chose three and lay them left to right in the order they were drawn.
Add up the numbers at the top of the cards. If it is even you are expected to seek the truth. If the numbers are odd, you are being deceived. If the cards depict mainly males, your outcome will come very soon. If the cards are mainly female, you will have your outcome in a year. If you have mainly couples, get out of your situation quickly, you are in danger. If there is a cup in your cards (heart) then you can look for positive outcomes. If there is a sword (spade) look for negative outcomes. If you see a wand (clubs) look for magik or divine intervention or spiritual help. If you see a pentangle (diamonds) seek the counsel of another wicce or witch. Celestial symbols of the sun, moon, or stars suggest that your judgment or intuition is correct, Animals mean justice served, water foretells change.
Ancient Knot Spell To find a solution to a problem Light Blue Candle Sage Wand Witch cord Light incense and candle and intone: You who know the secret Of the unhewn Stone Whose light shines in the darkness Light my way Begin tying knots at the end of each line of this spell One for the sun that brings the light
Two for the stars that shine at night Three for the moon that sails through the sky Four for the clouds that pass it by Five for the Babe inside the moon Six for the question on my tongue Seven for secrets yet unknown Within a se’night all undone As I will it, so mote it be. Cord and Candle Spell To diminish the power of a deceitful person White household candle Iron Nail Piece of paper with deceiver’s name Thread Draw the outline of an eye on the candle with the nail Light the candle, Role the paper with the name of the deceiver written on it into a small scroll and wrap with black thread. Intone: ___________ if thou be a liar You sins shall find thee out And all thy deeds be marked to thee As I will it, so mote it be. Burn candle until the eye is consumed and burn scroll. Seat of Thorns To get rid of a bully Always report threats of physical harm to law enforcement 1 black or dark candle Name of bully on a piece of paper 6 pins Small bottle with a lid Light candle saying I cast you out I send you hence Let none protect you And none defend
Your rule of force Is at an end Burn the paper and put the ashes and pins in the bottle I hold the means of your dismay Until your cruelty goes away As you are cruel So these thorns will be When you are kind You’ll kindness find. As I will it, so mote it be Severing Spell To break with the past 1 Black or dark candle Myrrh incense Black thread Light candle and incense intoning: By this token I am freed and walk toward the light. Tie a knot on each end of the cord. The knot on the left side is the past and the knot on the right is the future. Burn the knot in two and burn the past knot completely. Keep the future knot in a safe place. Tyr Amulet To gain Employment Yellow candle (Wednesday) Red candle (Tuesday) Small Flat Stone Red Sharpie Pen Light the candle intoning: Spirit of sure victory Look well and kindly on me Hold the pebble in your hands and visualize yourself going to work and having money in your pocket
Blow on the stone and intone: By my breath I charge thee
Paint the above symbol on the stone. Carry it wherever you go until you get your job, then discard in natural running water. Solar Cross Charm To find your career path. Yellow candle Myrrh and cinnamon incense Black thread or cord A paper tag or piece of paper Pen in gold, orange or yellow Light incense and candle and intone: Eternal sun, Throne of Christ Lamp of the universe Shine upon and bless my pathway Light my way forward.
Draw this symbol on the tag. The best tag is the little tags they put keys on, but a piece of paper with the talisman drawn on it will work just as well, Pin it inside your coat or carry it in your wallet. Teacher’s Good Luck Spell
White candle Sage Wand Apple (uncut) Light the candle on your desk and smudge the room with your sage wand. Intone: The summer is over, the school bell has rung Give me good luck in the year to come Quiet excited mouths and open little minds Make trouble makers absent and hard workers try Help me inspire all who sit in my class Make them want more than just to pass Help me be prepared and have great notes Pass on relevant knowledge they need the most Give me patience to help the one who is slow Give me compassion for those with worries and woes Today give me strength and have no fear So I can relax and teach and really care As I will it, so mote it be After casting, eat the apple. It’s now full of good luck Casting a Circle With an Athame East- I call upon you, powers of air to witness this rite and guard this circle. South- I all upon you, powers of fire to witness this rite and guard this circle. West- I call upon you, powers of water to witness this rite and guard this circle. North- I call upon you, powers of earth to witness this rite and guard this circle. This circle is bound With power all around Between worlds I stand With help in my hand. Banishing a Circle with an Athame East- Depart in peace o power of air, my thanks and blessings to you. South- Depart in peace o power of fire, my thanks and blessings to you West- Depart in peace o power of water, my thanks and blessings to you North- Depart in peace o power of earth, my thanks and blessing to you The circle is open though it still remains
Around and through me Invested with its power I feel its blessings and magik As I will it, so mote it be
Michaelmas Spell Protection for those in war. Generally cast on September 29, but can be cast on November 11. Image of St. Michael Red Candle Eucalyptus oil Musk incense Athame Anoint and light candle and light the incense With Athame pointing toward the image of St. Michael, intone: Armies gathered on the field Neither side will yield Give protection in the fight And comfort those who die Bless the ones who protect The free from evil kings
And those who are fallen And the sadness their deaths bring Remember those who have served And need the help they deserve Help them in their injury Of soul body and mind St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil May God rebuke him we humbly pray And do you o prince of the heavenly Host By the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits Prowling about the earth Seeking to destroy the spirits of men So mote it be The image of Michael is now charged and may be used as a talisman. Baptize a Crystal Small bowl Salt Crystal Candle Altar stone Mugwort Small dinner plate Draw a circle on the altar stone. Place the small bowl in the midst. Lay the crystal in the bowl and sprinkle mugwort over it. Leave for an hour to charge in the light of the moon. Best done in the full moon. Keep the stone in small box or cloth. Do monthly.
Womanhood Spell 1st Day of Menses Favorite treat Milk Chalice Wand Athame White Candle Musk Incense Light candle and incense. Pour milk in chalice. With wand intone: Here is the milk of comfort From the breast of Mother Earth And here is sweet celebration For our womanhood night feast With Athame: Angels of the four corners I call To comfort our sister’s hurts Help her rest and be comforted As she releases her menses With hands raised in benediction: Virgin to mother she passes Good Craft folk raise your glasses
Make a toast to our daughter. May Holy Mother Mary And all holy women of God Accept our little sister Into our fold So mote it be Libate and jump into bed. Ancient One’s Harvest Spell Sage Wand Small Basket Twine Ribbons of Harvest colors (Purple, brown, orange, yellow and red) Scissors and tags Pen Tie the colored ribbons to your basket. Twine, scissors and tags, pen and basket are smudged with the sage wand intoning: Consecrate the produce of our land Bestow prosperity and peace In the name of God and our forefathers So Mote it Be
Giving Thanks Spell Thank you O God for your abundance Thank you O God for your generosity So mote it be
Celtic House Blessing St Joseph may your blessings be On our home and family Bless us by day And bless us by night Bless our children As they sleep tight Blessed Be, So Mote it Be Witch Ball Spell A glass, plastic, or Styrofoam ball Some purists say it must be a hollow ball, but magic is about removing obstacles, not creating them, This is also a great activity for young people (witches or not) and great for both Yule and Samhain. Bows, ribbons, beads, pins, pictures, glue, scissors, glitter etc Favorite incense Decorate your balls however you wish and attach hangers to them. Light incense and pass deosil through the smoke, intoning: Globe of power, globe of creation Give me protection and every nation Bring on blessings, bring on peace Witches ball, evil’s release So mote it be
Nostradamus Divination Spell December 14- Nostradamus’ Birthday Tarot cards Two white candles Bowl and water Light the candles. Washing your fingers in the scrying bowl intone: I wash myself of all confusion and distractions I cleanse myself from selfishness I come with pure intent Hold your cards in your hand Grant me clear vision Let me see clearly through the veil Give me strength to accept truth Wisdom to make choices based on my vision Perform the readings and record May I gain wisdom from what I have seen To serve others and help those in need. So Mote it Be White Candle Frankincense Pictures of people traveling
Home Safety Spell
Light the candle and the incense and intone:
May my family be blessed with protection Clear thinking Vitality Energy Peace Harmony May God bless my loved ones As they make their way to me With harm to none So mote it be done A small piece of paper Pen Small Bottle or Box
Home Protection Spell
Draw a picture of a house and place it in the bottle or box. Repeat the spell three times: In the days to come This home be guarded My will be done From fire, disaster or robbery This home be safe So mote it be As long as the container is sealed, the house is protected Wishing Well Spell Take a coin and rub it with frankincense and carry it with you until you come to a fountain and can make your wish. As you rub it with oil intone: Silver coin I will set you free In this pool I release thee Boundless as drops in the sea Unlimited wealth Now it comes to me So Mote it Be
Scarecrow Spell Great for Samhain Drawing of a scarecrow Candle Bowl On the scarecrow write down your troubles or bad habits. As you burn the scarecrow intone: Strawman, I fill you with my weakness, troubles, fears and doubts. Strawman I rid myself of any weakness, troubles, fear and doubts. Burn the strawman Thank you for preparing me for a brand new year Thank you for setting me free to dream Thank you for making a better me So mote it be Sweep Away the Past Salt Bell Incense (cedar or sandalwood or sage wand) Besom Water and bowl Clean your house and sweep, vacuum and mop. Dust…in short clean your whole living space. Use the magikal floor wash. When everything is clean and you have had a bath, light incense, ring the bell and begin to sweep the room, back to front Sprinkle salt water around the room. Many in the magikal community argue about whether or not one should actually sweep the floor or ground with your besom. Your broom may be a conventional broom blessed to ritual use or it may be a nice ornamental broom. Do what seems right to you. Whether you sweep or don’t sweep is up to the individual. Your goal is not to physically clean but to spiritually clean. The real cleaning should take place before hand. As you sweep during the ritual, intone: I sweep out the old and gather in the new
Take your incense and move around the room, smudging the room By air and fire I cleanse and bless my home Let it be a place of wisdom and love Using the salt water By water and earth I cleanse and bless my home May it be a place of healing and sanctuary With your blessings O Lord this rite is done So Mote it Be
One Clean Sweep Cleanse Life 1 White Candle Eucalyptus Oil Sandalwood Incense Besom Holy Water Resolutions on paper Bowl Anoint white candle and light with sandalwood incense. Write a list of resolutions. Intone‖ Black and void I sweep away All I want to keep away I present this list to put to rest That soiled energy that was a pest Burn the paper My life is now free from this woe Knowing I have cleared my soul I take up my besom and sweep I’ve cleansed my life with one stroke So Mote it Be
Sweep the room
Phantoms of Fear Anti-Nightmare Spell Black candle Musk oil Opium Incense Light anointed candle and incense Phantoms that creep into my fears Now will vanish and disappear I wear this potion over my heart Anoint heart When negativity will never start This holy rite destroys the foul Of fear and evil that lurks and prowls No longer living near my thoughts Phantoms be gone I destroy the lot So mote it be Sticks and Stones Purple Candle Wand (plain) Dragon’s blood oil or incense Wire and Crystals (you can use semi precious beads from a craft store) Frankincense oil or incense Anoint candle and light with incense. Decorate wand with crystals and wire. Intone: Little crystals and some wood
Channel the magik, as it should Harness the power within this wand Adhere to me and my bond Unleash the magik as I invoke Concentrates energy with every stroke Charges by earth and holy power God blessed by day and hour Anoint wand Wand of earth, wand of stone Harvest the magik I have grown Incense of wisdom and power Release the magik of my desire So mote it be.
Turning Spell 1 White candle 1 Brown Candle 1 Black Candle Sea Salt Pen and Paper Bowl Plate Set up candles: on the plate. Pour a salt circle around them deosil. Write down the nature of your conflict. Intone, lighting candles from the left to right, black candle first: Black, brown, white candle aflame Into my life bring positive change Let misunderstandings become understood So what was once bad now will become good So mote it be Burn you conflict. Allow candles to burn down.
Getting Over Grief Pink Candle Black ribbon Paper and Pen Bowl Tie black ribbon around the pink candle. Write the name of the person you are mourning. This can be someone who has passed away or someone you once had a relationship with. Intone: Sacred fire cleanse my grief with your flame Warm my heart and soothe my soul once again By the divine love of the Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary I do make this most fervent request As I will it, so mote it be Burn the paper and allow the candle to burn for an hour. Banishing Nightmares Lavender oil Anoint self on the head, wrists and the bottoms of the feet. Intone: Unwanted nightmares I bid you farewell Now and forever more My hands help me My hands wake me From bad dreams Blessed be My hands help me My hands wake me
From my bad dreams Blessed Be So mote it be
Free From Stress Charm 1 Blue Candle 1 White Candle Light the candles and intone: I am now full of stress And feelings of excess I am now free of worry And no longer feel buried I am completely free from stress And any feelings of excess I am completely free from worry And no longer feel hurried I am free from stress And filled with bliss May I now be blessed So mote it be Banishing Stone To rid yourself of illness or bad habits A small stone Water Salt
Bowl Hold the stone in you hand and intone: Banishing stone, Fill yourself with all my pains and hurts So that I may be well again Blessings be on me from thee So mote it be Stir three pinches salt into the water, stirring widdershins (counterclockwise). Add the banishing stone. Stir once more widdershins and throw the stone away.
Addiction Spell Small white candle (birthday candle) Pen and paper Sage Wand On paper, write the name of your addiction then strike it out with an x. Smudge both candle and paper with the sage wand and intone: Sacred sage cleanse me of this addiction Let my strength burn bright and dim I no longer need___________ I know I am healthy and bright Today, tomorrow and the next day So mote it be Break the candle as a symbol of breaking your addiction. Announce: I am no longer addicted to_______________ Tear up the paper and announce the same thing and throw the bits of candle and paper away.
Tree Power Magik You should be near a tree or have a symbol of a tree. Intone: I am the tree The tree is me And together we live forever As one So mote it be Trees are an excellent place to remember ancestors.
A Healing Circle Salt in a bowl White Candle Water in Chalice Athame Sandalwood incense Altar stone Crystal
Place salt in the north position, water in the east, candle in the south, and incense in the west. With your athame acknowledge the corners Element of the (north, south, east, west) let your healing powers come into this circle. Blessings be. In the center of your newly formed circle, place your crystal. Intone: I thank the Sacred One for its power upon this rite. Upon this hour come into this circle. Blessed Be. So mote it be Perform your rituals, spells or rites as you chose. Closing the Healing Circle Facing the west intone: Element of the west (south, east and north) we thank thee for your healing powers. Be thou released from our circle with thankfulness. Intone of all the directions. Pick up your crystal and present it to the heavens: I thank the Sacred One for its power upon this rite Upon this hour be thou released from this circle. Blessed Be. So mote it be
Reversing Your Spell Work Go back over the spell you have cast and perform it up to the point of releasing the spell and intone the out: Backward, o backward, o time in its flight Unfetter the binding of magik and might Reverse the intent with love and space Disperse and return to your original state
Make statement of reversal and sprinkle the spell materials with holy water and discard all of the materials. This is your sacrifice you pay for the ending of the spell. Intone: The spell is reversed without hatred or curse So mote it be Always be careful with spells. Think things through before you cast. Ask yourself why you are casting this spell. Is it about revenge or anger? Is the spell about helping someone? Is there a way you can bind this person from harming others or themselves instead of cursing them with a baneful spell? Spells are powerful and potentially dangerous and could harm someone, and because of the law of return, they can harm you. Remember the Rede: Harm none. Holiday Prosperity Draw a picture of the Elixir of the Moon
Red, Gold, silver white and black candles Favorite incense Favorite oil Birthday candle Anoint the candles and light the incense. Light the black candle, red candle, white candle, gold candle and silver candle in that order. Intone, holding the talisman in your anointed hands. Out of the black, into the red Out of the red into the white Out of the white into the gold Out of the gold into the silver Out of the silver into the world Where my hand is laid, enchantment is made Out of the void into action
Out of action into the spirit Out of the spirit into the world Where a witches hand is laid, magik is made Say three times and wave the talisman deosil in the incense smoke. After saying the charms three times end with: I manifest love, luck, and happiness and serenity during the holiday season. Light the birthday candle and intone: I activate the power of the sun and the moon, Mars and Mercury, Venus and Jupiter for luck and happiness, love and serenity, energy and vision and all rewards for the season. With candle wax from the white candle, draw and pentangle of wax and carry the talisman through the holiday season. A small box Mirror or foil Small magnet Holy water Black marker Hexagram paper talisman
Astral Nasty Trap
Make a hole in one end of the small box and paint the inside black. Glue the mirror or the foil on the bottom of the box and the lid. Sprinkle the talisman with holy water and glue the talisman in the box. Place the magnet on the altar and with your fingers encircle it with a triangle shape and intone: Little magnet of darkest grey Work my will this very day Pull towards you all that is ill Catch it up in darkness till It’s gobbled up by pure white light Vanquished by this sigil bright Kept from doing what is not right As I say it, so it will be done Place the magnet in the box and place it under the bed
An astral nasty can be any energy, force or spirit that causes any pain or distrust, depression anger or sickness. Sigils are great instruments and easy to draw or carry around. Drawing it as you need it is always the best policy because it makes your talisman strong.
Cauldron Candle Black ribbon Bottled Water Rose Oil Wand Salt Paper and pen Bowl 2 Birthday candles
Time to Move On
Create your sacred space by calling on your angel guardians. On a piece of paper write the name of someone or something you wish to lay down as a burden. Light an anointed candle and place the birthday candles on each side. Mix your oil and water and salt in your cauldron. With wand intone: I light this candle for the Lord Creator And the Holy Trinity For the four elements: Earth, air, fire and water For memories of those I have loved and lost who must travel to the other world. The hopes of the future I see Make me healed with no feelings of pain Dispel evil spirits who plague me So Mote it Be
With the oil mixture anoint yourself first with the sign of the cross and then the sign of the pentangle. Light the birthday candles. Intone: Blessings be for one who seeks harmony love and peace Roll your burdens in a tube and tie with the black string or twine with wand intone: Water blesses and renews Oil anoints the chosen few Now that I am truly blessed Let go the past go to what’s next So mote it be Burn your burden. Decant any potion you have left or use it to bless the room. Nine Sisters Spell Mix water, salt, eucalyptus, and lemon oil and bless home or sick room with the wash. Smudge same with sage wand. With hands down over the person or wound say: Nine were the sisters Fever disappeared and then there were eight Eight were the sisters Cramps disappeared and then there were seven Seven were the sisters Sweats disappeared and then there were six Six were the sisters Inflammation disappeared and then there were five Five were the sisters Pain disappeared and then there were four Four were the sisters Infection disappeared and then there were three Three were the sisters Congestion disappeared and then there were two Two were the sisters Cough disappeared and then there were one One sister left and away she flew The sickness is done, bright blessings to you As I will it, so mote it be Money and Prosperity Spell
Small black bag Coins Mint leaves or oil Garlic Bell Pepper Paper and pen Paper pentangle drawn with silver ink or with grey pencil Write your name, the amount of money you need and the words ―a little extra‖. Place paper into bag with a pinch of each herb or after having anointing the coins and chant: Money, money come to me Bring to me prosperity Silver coins and ringing bell (ring bell) Silver star, the money swells So mote it be Say this spell three times. Add the pentangle at the last to the bag.
Anti- Stalker Spell Performed at night, especially midnight Patchouli Oil Low John or Ginger Root Name, picture or description of stalker World or Justice Tarot Card Athame
Small padlock and key or a picture of one Bottled water Small bottle or jar Mix a few drops of patchouli oil into the water with a sliver of low john or ginger. With athame call the corners. To the spirit of the Bull of the North (Snake of the East, Lion of the South, Eagle of the West) Ruler of the valleys and mountains (of the seas, of fire, of wind,) Master of the forces of Protection (transformation, growth, courage) Attend this circle, guard this space from all perils seen and unseen in this lane and the next. Heavenly Father, Blessed Mother, help me in this hour of need Everyone knows you reap what you sow Captured and caught your folly is known The dead have arisen the hound is at your door You will be called to settle a score Pester me not from earth air or sea I’ve locked you away and tossed away the key So mote it be Place the bottle and paper with vitals in the box. Seal the box with the lock. Bury the box or throw it away. Remove an Enemy and Promote Harmony Seven small charms (can be small beads in various colors) String: 3 pieces at 30 inches Patchouli Oil Pen and paper Birthday candle Sandalwood incense Braid and string the seven charms. Anoint the candle with patchouli oil. On a piece of paper write down the names of things and people you need protection from. Slide paper into the braid and braid and knot at the end. Light the candle and incense. Smudge the talisman in the incense and turning deosil intone: O Gracious Virgin bring to me Peace and acts of harmony Banish Evil, make it flee As I will it so mote it be
Repeat as many times as you feel or need to recite it.
Fool’s Card Spell To clear a path, remove obstacles, protect those who are traveling Fool’s Card from Tarot or the Joker Card from a playing deck White Candle Light candle and place it before the card All who wander is not lost May we be protected on our way Help us to reach our journey’s end And find love and joy with our friends All who wander are not lost So mote it be Blow out the candle and carry the card with you.
Accepting Change Spell To cope with the stress of change Note: Many people outside the Craft or occult practices do not understand the relevance of the Death Card as a symbol of change. If you are working for someone who and they do not understand the symbolism, use the ace of spades from an ordinary card deck. Black candle (or dark blue) Opium oil Death card or ace of spades Anoint and light the candle and place it before the card. Intone: As the seasons turn so does change occur It is not always bad and does you good Help me to deal with sudden change And explore possibilities as they take shape Blessings be and So mote it be Carry the card until you feel comfortable in your new situation.
Lavender oil Lavender incense Pen and Paper
Trouble Me No More
Write down the nature of your problem and anoint your palms with oil This problem has troubled me for the last time I banish it from my heart and mind I have been put through the test Now I command trouble to rest With lavender I soothe my head (anoint your head) And lighten a heart that felt like lead Trouble me no further and go As above, so below So mote it be. The phrase as above so below acknowledges the bliss of heaven and the desire to feel that comfort on earth. Likewise it is also a statement of faith and a belief that all you empower on earth comes from the power of God.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
The ingredients mentioned in Simon and Garfunkle’s song Scarbourough Fair are ingredients for a bath sachet to bring love. A couple of equal pinches of each herb are placed in a nylon rice bag like those filled for weddings with bird seed or in a coffee filter, folded around the herbs and stapled securely like a tea bag or tied in a thin linen handkerchief and knotted. This sachet may then be thrown in the water. As you mix the herbs intone: Parsley protect me from a broken heart Make a lover take my part Sage give me wisdom beyond my years Defeat the things that which cause me tears Rosemary give me beauty to behold So the one I love loves me til I am old Thyme bring me love that is best And my broken heart will forget the past So mote it be. If you make the sachet for someone else, have them chant the charm as they put it in their bath. Ritual Bath Ritual baths are performed before esbats and sabats. You should already be clean before you take the ritual bath. Run a bath of a desired nature or draw a large bowl of warm water to simply wash key parts of the body. Add oil: Lavender, lily of the valley, gardenia, and three pinches of salt. Intone: Bless this bath May it calm the senses Quiet the nerves Open the mind Bless this bath Infused with the purity of salt And soothing oils To prepare my body for the esbat (sabat) Bless this bath With the element of water Remind me of birth waters Remind me of Baptism
Prepare my mind to the esbat (sabat) So mote it be
To Blow away a Burn Blowing on the burn intone: Old clod beneath the clay Burn away, burn away In the name of God thou be healed So mote it be This is a part of the Pennsylvania Dutch Powwow Christian spell working tradition. Healing Spell Visualizing the sick person Arise o Faithful One Through Christ be thou healed In blood, marrow and bone May the sickness die in midair as I make the sign of the cross Make the sign of the cross So mote it be. Lovers Known A full moon spell A clean sock Parsley Sage
Rosemary Thyme Stuff the sock with the herbs and put the sock under your pillow. Moon, moon tell unto me When my true love I shall see What fine clothes am I to wear How many children shall I bear? For if my love comes not to me Dark and dismal I shall be Sleep with the sock for seven nights. You should discover all you need to know. If you don’t, repeat the spell in three months.
To Stop a Lover’s Quarrel Rose oil Picture of a rose Pen White candle Anoint the candle with rose oil. Write down the name of the people arguing on the picture of the rose. While burning the candle, holding the picture in your anointed palms intone: Lovers quarrel, lovers fight Let their anger cease tonight Full of doom, full of gloom May passion fill the lover’s room
Making up and making love May blessing come from heaven above Let these lovers tryst tonight In the moon’s pale night light So Mote it Be
1 white candle Piece of Paper and pen Small Box
A Wish Box Spell
Light the candle and write your wishes on the paper. Intone: Merry Meet and Blessed Be This is my wish I give to thee It could be love, it could be luck The little box, the wish I give By the Power of three My dream fulfills. So mote it be Place the wish in the box. Each wish you make intone the spell. At the end of the year burn the wishes to set them free. Headache Spell Lavender oil Chamomile oil Purple candle Anoint the candle with both oils. Anoint the forehead and the temples and glands of the throat. Light the candle and intone:
Headaches hurt very bad Feeling like a tight steel band Lavender will calm the ache And chamomile the stress will take I banish you from my brain And from now on will feel no pain. So mote it be
To Charge a Crystal Ball Bottled water Pinch of Mugwort Bowl (big enough for your crystal ball to sit in) Crystal ball On the first night of the full moon place water, mugwort, and crystal ball in bowl and intone: Clear orb, magik eye Gather power from the full moon light Show me the future Show me the past So I will know the right path Angels above and holy God Let me bridge the unknown gorge So I can protect the ones I love With messages from heaven above.
So Mote it Be Expose the crystal to one hour of moonlight Fresh flowers, especially roses White candle Small vase or bowl Water
Petals of Love
Place fresh flowers in a vase or bowl. The flowers should be real but can be as simple as dandelions, wild violets or buttercups. Pour some water in the bowl for the flowers. With the candle lit and hands outstretched toward the flowers intone: I see love I breathe love I hold love I feel love I nourish love Love is before me Love is behind me Love is beside me Love is above me Love is below me Love is within me Love flows from me Love comes to me I am loved And I love So mote it be
Small bowl 7 dimes Green candle Paper and pen
A Silver Spell To Draw Money
This spell works over a period of seven days. Write your affirmation ―I will have money‖ and add it to your bowl. Every day for seven days, drop a dime into the bowl. On the seventh day, light the candle and intone:
Money flow Money shine Money grow Money’s mine Repeat the charm seven times, surrounding the lit candle with the dimes. Then take the dimes and give them away in a charity bucket or leave as a part of a tip. To Bless a Gift to be Given Lay your hands on the gift and intone: Perfect love and perfect peace The world will dance as one I dream the wish to make it real The magik now is done So mote it be
Triple Circle Casting Cast deosil using your wand or athame 1st pass: In this place the circle round I consecrate this sacred ground With golden light this space surround All power here contained and bound 2nd pass: From earth with the things that manifests From air the things of mind From fire the things that motivate
From water the soul is refined 3rd pass: And yet no place or time there be Between the words my wand (athame) and me Welcome Father, Son and Holy One to see This place is sealed, so mote it be
Success Spell You may want to knot a witches ladder or charm a braid as you repeat this spell Let go my troubles are no more I am I will begin what I have planned I conceive the things that I need I accept my very next steps I know the way I must go I believe I know I will achieve So mote it be, send my desire to me Let Go I am I conceive I accept I know I believe I will it to be Purification Spell for Earth Signs Carve the earth signs on a green candle, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Taurus charms are: Medals of the Blessed Virgin, keys, bells, paper with the Taurus symbol. Charms for this sign best made on a Friday.
Virgo charms are: Purple stones, medals of the Blessed Virgin, Silver crosses, brown stones, nails, and the Virgo sign on a piece of paper. Charms for this sign best made on Wednesday.
Capricorn charms are: Black beads, zircon or crystal beads, holly twigs, Capricorn sign on a piece of paper. Charms for this sign best made on Wednesday. Hold the green candle with the carved earth signs in your hand and intone: Earth to earth Angels to ancestors Riches to riches Treasure to treasure Hearth to hearth Bring blessings of the Virgin Mary Upon me and upon the earth So mote it be. Purification for Fire Signs Carve a red candle with the signs for fire: Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries.
Cat charms or symbols, suns, gold beads, tiger’s eyes, Leo signs, best on a
Unicorns, holly twigs, arrow heads, turquoise beads, purple stones, tin charms, Sagittarius signs, best on a Tuesday.
Gold coins or charms or beads, iron rings or nails, red beads, coral, crystal beads, and the symbol of Aries. Best on a Tuesday. Fire makes the magik go Inner peace begins to flow Rise o flame and purify Enchant this place, ground and sky So mote it be Purification for Water Signs Carve symbols of water: Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. Use this for the birth of a baby, to end a drought, to protect people on and in the water. Use a blue candle and set it in a bowl of water, about 1/4 an inch.
Silver beads, moon images, silver rings, nails, sea shells, Cancer symbol, best on a Monday.
Amethysts, images or charms of fish, yellow beads, silver, Pisces symbol best on Wednesday.
Pennies, copper beads, silver rings, charms or beads, Scorpio symbol, best on a
Water protects the embryo Ancestor, love of long ago Tides and rivers dance and flow Enchant this place let magik go Revive! Bring Change! Make it so! Purification for Air Signs Carve symbols of air signs on a yellow candle. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Use incense with this spell and a bell.
In pairs: Any color beads, any holy medals, symbols of Gemini (everything in twos), best done on a Monday.
Pennies or copper beads, sword pendants, gold beads or charms, Libra symbol, best done on a Friday.
Aluminum foil, silver beads, bits of coral, moons and stars, nails, blue beads, best done on a Saturday. Air flows pure, spirit unbound Inspiration, sky to ground Bring creativity all around Realize energy, love and imagination with this sound. Ring the bell or clap your hands 7 times. Use the zodiac symbols for any charm using the person’s sign.
Spider Healing Spell For any and all diseases or illness. Picture of a spider or spider charm strung on a red cord hung over the bed Here the spider spirit came in She had her web in her hand She said that you were her steed She laid her cords around your neck You began to set off from this land As soon as they came from the land Then they began to cool Then the sister of the steed came in And put an end to it And she swore oaths That the rider should never hurt The sufferer of illness Or the witch who can cast this charm So mote it be.
Heart Chalice Spell For Self Esteem Frankincense Green Candle Pale Blue Candle Nail Chalice or wine glass Rosemary Apple Juice Water Shiny penny Light incense and green candle blue candle. Grind just a couple of leaves of rosemary to a fine powder. With nail, scratch your initial on the penny inside a heart. Place it in the chalice and intone: By whom I hold dear (add rosemary) By which I love best (add water) By which I value (add apple juice) By that which is sweet and pure (pick up chalice) May I hold myself dear May I love myself well May I be that which I value Leave the chalice on the altar for an hour. Drink the potion. Place penny in your garden.
Bowl of water Bowl of salt Frankincense White candle Black candle Pale blue cord Bowl
Four Winds Spell For Harmonious Living
Cast a magikal circle and place your elementals at the four corners with the black candle in the center. Tie four knots in the pale blue cord. Arrange the knots in a circle around the black candle. Intone: I stand between the darkness and the light I invoke the east wind by my breath I invoke the south wind by my body’s heat I invoke the west wind by the water in my blood I invoke the north wind with my flesh and bones Place the cord in salt and intone: I show you to earth (add water) I show you to water (pass deosil over the incense) I show you to air (pass over black candle deosil) I show you to fire May all around me balanced be Whenever the four winds blow on me May I retain true harmony Blessed and so mote it be Keep the cord on your altar- good for one year. Close your circle.
One white candle Sandalwood or myrrh incense Bell Wand
Peace Spell
Cast your circle and place the candle in the center. Light incense in the center. Moving wand deosil intone: Mary Queen of Peace aid me in my quest (ring your bell) Intone the following spell over and over until you feel peaceful and calm: Air flows within and around me Air flows around me and within Life flows within and around me Life flows around me and within Fire flows within and around me Fire flows around me and within Water flows within and around me Water flows around me and within Earth flows within and around me Earth flows around me and within When you have repeated the spell enough times, end the spell with: Grant me peace and solitude So mote it be Ring bell when chant is ended Close your circle. Candle Thorn For Improved Mental Health Pale blue candle 1 Black candle Pins to represent your troubles Incense Household candle Light incense and black candle and blue candle. Place household candle in the center, and place the pins in the candle near the top. Light the candle and intone: I baptize thee ________ (name your troubles) As you burn you shall release anxiety Which shall cease as you burn The thorns shall fall away and so shall my worries And shall be cast away
Enter Sandman For Sleep and Good Dreams A teaspoon of salt 5 drops of each oil: Opium Chamomile Opium Small blue bag Lt blue candle Bowl Add as you wish any relaxing herb Mix the salt, oils and any herbs. Place in the blue bag and tie it up. Hold it between your palms and intone: Sandman take a hand Give me entry to dream land Sprinkle your dust Good sleep I trust Let me rest In my little nest So mote it be Put your dream bag under your pillow.
Black candle Frankincense Oil Nag Champra Incense
To Bind a Witch Using Dark Magik
Anoint candle with the oil. Light the incense. I call upon the spirit of light Angels and faeries, sylphs and sprites Surround this troubled darkened soul Empty of purpose in his role Allow no harm to come to him And protect his inner zen A child of light has wandered far Because of another’s mindless harm Bind his powers, make him seek Earth’s healing power we hope he’ll meet If he continues to harm those around His powers shall remain bound Angels and saints, friends and fay Take his evil powers away And should he try to return this spell May it come back to us in blessings and health For to harm we do not seek As we are taught and blessings be Protect us all in positive light Through the day and through the night As above so below
From the heavens our love shall flow As I will it an it harm none So I have spoken, so mote it be done
1 White candle 3 Blue candles
To See a Past Life
Place the candles in a circle. Walk widdershins around the circle then sit in the center. Intone I call upon the ancient powers To turn back this sacred hour Return me now to a life I’ve known To understand the now I own As I will it, as time I turn So mote it be, my lesson I learn. Meditate, throw the tarot, do divinations to get insight onto your past life.
Hexes and Spellwork of the Pennsylvania Dutch Part of the practices of the Plain people (the Amish, Mennonite, Quakers), also known as Pow Wow is primitive Christian magik. It is also known as Hex, the German word for Spell. The master of Hex is called a Hexenmeister, and they use hex work to heal, protect and bind. 1 White candle
To Stop Bleeding Intone: Jesus Christ dearest blood That stoppeth the pain and stoppeth the blood In this I help you _________ God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost As I will it, So mote it be Pow Wow spells have no accoutrements but I add simple Craft elements. These may be used as the witch wills it.
Protection against Slander Intone, making the sign of the Cross
Dullix,ix,ux. Yea you cannot come over Pontio; Pontio is above Pilato Psuedo words are important to Pow Wow. It is also used in muttering. Muttering is when the witch intones under the breath repeating the charm 3,7, or 13 times depending on the need. If I were to mutter this spell, I would do it over a glass of water and then give it to the person to drink.
To make a Wand to find Water or Ore Water witches have a history outside of Craft. Dousing for water was an important ability and a lucrative one. Not everyone is a douser but everyone can try it. This is a Pow Wow prescription. This wand might also be used to find natural sacred spaces to optimize magikal workings outside. On the first night of Christmas, between 11 and 12 midnight go outside to find your wand. The twigs must be forked and dedicated to the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To use the wand, hold the forks firmly in both hands, with the third fork to pointed toward the ground. Bless the wand saying: Archangel Gabriel, I conjure thee in the Name of God, to tell me where water (ore or sacred space be). As I will it, so mote it be. Bless the wand with the sign of the cross. As you hold the wand, allow the energies from your wand to lead you. If the third arm of the wand draws downward, you have found your water, ore or sacred space.
To Release a Person from Evil White Candle Sandalwood Incense Oil (frankincense or myrrh or a combination) Anoint the candle with oil, light the candle and incense. Anoint the afflicted with oil (or use a poppet) with the sign of the Cross or pentangle. Intone: Three evils have attacked ___________ A bitter heart, a sharp tongue, an envious eye Three Holies shall help____________ Father, Son and Holy Ghost As I will it so mote it be
To Stop Bleeding Laying hands on the victim There was a man born in Bethlehem Whose name was called Christ Jesus Baptised in Jordan’s Holy Flood This Holy Child meek and good To this task the water stood So I for __________desire the blood In the Name of God Father, Son and Holy Ghost
As I will it so mote it be To Ease Fear Take the right of the patient in your right hand and a small stone in your left hand I forbid the hellish fevers From all humors, winds and rains And all the fevers God ordained Out of head, out of heart Out of mind, out of soul Out of the fingers, out of the toes Out of the body, into the stone Find another harmless home In the names of Peter and Paul And all the saints in heaven Pray to God for us all Father, Son and Holy Ghost As I will it, so mote it be Throw away a stone or place it in a bowl of cool water
Three Magi Spell Frankincense and Myrrh oil Sandalwood incense 3 White candles tied with red ribbons Gold or Copper coin Paper with victim’s name Anoint the candles and tie red bows on the candles calling upon Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. Light incense and intone:
Caspar with his myrrh be gone The presents to unfold Then Melchior brought Frankincense And Balthasar brought gold Now he that of these holie kings The names about shall bear The falling sickness by grace of Christ Shall never need to fear Heal this person, set them free As I will it so mote it be. Who you gonna call Ghost Busters This usually a spell undereducated people need to get rid of séance provoked spirits or ghosts. This may sound harsh but any witch will tell you that unless you are a psychic or experienced channeler medium you have no business summoning the dead. You simply do not know enough about the spiritworld to keep out an invading or intrusive spirit or ghost. Besom (broom) Salt 4 Candles Create a circle with salt but leave an opening of a few inches as an astral door in the north end, Put your candles on the direction points but do not light them. Begin sweeping with your broom around the room and toward the astral door. As you sweep, intone: Spirit I release you I revoke my invitation Spirit I did not mean to disturb you I revoke my invitation From the astral plane you have come Through my home you havd freely roamed With no malice in my heart I command you to this spot. Seal the astral with salt. Light the four candles, dedicating them to the four corners. I call upon the 4 angels The elements and the directions Protect me and my family and home
Angels of the four corners Escort this beloved spirit to the place it belongs And beg its pardon for disturbing it Sweep the salt into a pile and throw the salt away or pour it down the drain with warm water. Intone As above, so below As I will it, it must be so And whatever you do, so not have any more séances. Once your exorcism is over, sprinkle holy water or holy oil over the room or incense it.
Love Spells Always remember we never cast spells to hamper a person’s free will to love that they chose. These spells simply bring destined people together and enhance the caster’s best qualities. Symbols of Love Magik 2 Pink candles Rose oil Piece of Paper Book of Love Poems Salt Anoint pink candles and light. Draw a salt circle deosil around the candles. On the paper write the names of the lovers and draw love symbols around them. Intone: Two lovers guided by an unseen hand Two lovers guided by love’s sweet command From here to eternity These lovers are now you and me As I will it so mote it be Say the charm three times and fold the paper and place it in a book of love poems. Let the candles burn an hour.
Soul Mate Charm
Paper and Pen White Candle Rose oil Salt water Small white stone
Anoint candle and light. Draw the salt circle and anoint the stone. Take the stone and hold it in your hand By the intercession of St. Valentine I pray show me my soul mate In this flame, in this fire Show my soul mate to me As I will it so mote it be Meditate into flame and write what you see. When meditation is ended fold the paper and seal with wax. Carry your talisman until you meet your soul mate. Loving Angel Affirmation Photo of Lover White, pink and red candle Light candle and look at picture and intone You are my loving angel, my love My delight, my joy, my day and night Every love song was written for you My spirit sings every moment with you I love to be in your arms, wings unfurled May we be as one As above, so below As I will it, mote it be so Loving You Placket A placket is a piece of colored paper, usually the color of the type of spell you are casting. Red candle Placket
Photo of Lover Pen and Paper Rose oil Salt Anoint candle. Write I love you on placket. Place photo and name inside your placket. Hold the placket in your hand and intone: Loving you delights me Loving you excites me Loving you empowers me Loving you inspires me Put placket under your bed for 30 days
Love Card Spell To draw love or to give someone courage to woo Materials: The Lovers card from the Tarot deck or the king of hearts for a woman (or a gay man) and the queen of hearts for a man (or a gay woman). A pink candle and rose oil. This card is the one I love Let this card draw my love to me This card is the one I love Blessed Be, Blessed Be This card is the one I love Blessed Be Carry the card in your pocket and approach the object of your affection.
Give Peace to a Troubled Person 1 White Candle Light the candle and lay hands on the afflicted person Within a man of light There is light…our universal light He lights the whole of the world With us, the universal light When we do not shine There is universal darkness Jesus is our universal light When we are filled with the Universal Light We know the truth And the truth is thus And Jesus said: I give thee what eye has not has not seen What ear has not heard What hand has not touched What has not risen in the hearts of men To loose your troubled mind He says ―I am the light that sparks the Universal Light I am the beginning and end All is attained through me The Kingdom of the Father Is the heart of Jesus When Jesus rises up in our hearts So is the Kingdom there also May your heart be troubled no more Peace becomes the marvel of us all And all things great and marvelous are a part of us all We understand this because we are part of the Universal light
We blow away our troubles as we blow out this candle (blow out the candle) As I will it so mote it be
A New Beginning 1 White candle Floss or cord Small square of green cloth Key Iris or violets (real or artificial) Chamomile or daisy petals White ribbon Write your name on the candle and intone: Fresh and clean with flame so pure My old life I now obscure Light the candle and visualize a new life for yourself. Place the floss on the cloth. Take time and visualize one end as the life you are leaving behind and the other as the life you want. Intone: Remove all obstacles, liberate me from my troubles Place the key in the center of the cloth and intone: Doors locked to me will now open wide Place the violets or iris in the center of cloth and intone:
I cross the bridge to what I wish Place chamomile or daisy in the center. Intone: Jesus, you make all things fresh and new Hear my prayer and plea As I will it, so mote it be Tie up the bundle with the white ribbon. Intone: A brand new life, I start today I seal my old life, out! Away! I now embrace what comes to me In growth and opportunity Let the candle burn down and carry the pouch with you in your pocket, purse or briefcase.
Amethyst Spell Rose oil Tea candle and holder Piece of amethyst A picture of your lover Wand or Athame Anoint the amethyst with rose oil. Hold it in your hand and intone: Near or far I shall be in the good part of your memory Remember me in your heart We shall never part As I will it, so mote it be
Place the amethyst in front of the photograph and draw a circle of protection around the picture and the amethyst with your wand or athame. As you do so, intone: An it harm none, so mote it be Anger Stone A small black stone and some sandalwood oil Anoint the stone with sandalwood. Intone: This stone is my anger Black as Pitch Harm none says the rede of the witch I throw this stone far from me As I will it so mote it be This spell can be worked for worries, problems, and conflicts. Throw the stone away. Subtle Spell for Protection Say this spell before working a spell in public Only in my mind The spell takes shape Power lies still And can’t escape Proceed with the spell
Abundance Spell Bread
Water/tea White candle Patchouli incense Light Incense and intone: O Lord God, creator of the universe Thank you for my many blessings Protect me and guide me from step to step I seek blessings and abundance with this bread And this chalice, the symbol of plenty In respect and honor may I live in peace (light candle) In the name of the Holy Trinity And the angels and saints and the spirits seen and unseen This charm is done, blessed be Three Kings Protection Spell Water Salt Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh Symbols of the three Magi A small piece of wood or cardboard with the initials CMB on it Gold Candle Light the gold candle. Set up symbols of the kings and their gifts. Bless the token and the symbols with the salt water and intone: Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar Protect me this year from danger Of fire, water and wind And let no thief or murderer within As I will it, so mote it be Place the token near the door. Wishing Spell Pen and paper
Write your dearest and most secret wish and while folding and unfolding the paper intone: For the good of all With harm to none As I wish So it be done Place the paper on your altar
Blessing Pets Spell Picture of St. Francis Brown candle Symbol of pet Create sacred space by calling the corners. Light the candle and intone: By air I seek knowledge To keep my pet safe By fire I will the power To do what must be done By water I call love To bless them throughout their life By earth I pledge their soul To thee loving Francis Bless their health and protect them all their life As I will it so mote it be Release Negative Energy Spell Your favorite incense Light incense and intone:
Smoke that rises take away Negative Energy These thought can’t stay Anger, misery, worry and doubt Smoke please carry them out, out, out As I will it so mote it be Melting Estrangement Silver or white candle This is the coldness between ______ and me (light the candle) Warming, heating, melting, diasappearing There will no longer be coldness between ______and me When the candle burns out announce: So Mote It Be Fun at Work Light a red candle No more the dull and dreary days Of mundane work, no time to play With this spell I bring a change Let fun infuse and rearrange Smiles I bring and laughter be The spell is cast, so mote it be Inspiration 5 candles yellow or white Small bowl with ice cubes Light the candles and place them on the plate in the shape of a pentangle. With hands over the bowl of ice, intone: Nut to tree, seed to flower Nurture my creative power Growing as it fills this dish Inspiration is my wish As I will it so mote it be
When the candles burn down and the ice melts, drink down the water. Personal Healing Lilac or purple candle 5 Small white or clear stones Small dark bag Encircle the candle with the stones. Light the candle and intone: As the moon returns from darkness So shall my healing begin tonight? By the power of the Queen of Heaven You shine upon the world with healing light Shine upon me now So mote it be Let the candle burn down and put the stones in the small bag and carry them as a charm. 1 Red candle Frankincense
Full Moon Blessing
Create sacred space and intone: Lady Mary, mother of God I who am I your child Stand between the worlds in sacred space As once more I affirm my joy in life And my union with you And God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit You set me upon my path I honor you Holy Mother, Maiden of the Moon And My God and my Savior Thank you for the light and beauty You bring to my life Thank you for the blessings you give me Empowered to walk with grace in the world So Mote it Be Empathy Mirror
Small Mirror Candle Light this candle and intone: Open me, open mind Open us in kind I see similarity To treat all with charity Open me, open mind Mystery unwind So Mote it Be Meditation for Change See in your mind the last injustices you saw Now imagine yourself righting that wrong So mote it be See in your mind the last hurt you witnessed Now see how you can heal that hurt So mote it be See in your mind the last abuse you witnessed Now see how you can undo the abuse So mote it be See in your mind the last uncompleted task you witnessed Now see the task completed So mote it be See in your mind the last person in need you saw Now see yourself meeting that need So mote it be Now be the change you want to see in the world As I will it, so mote it be
To Gain a Goal A tea light or birthday candle is the only material. Light it and visualize your goal and intone: Candle of power, candle of might Create my desires this night Power stream from the candle’s fire Bring to me my heart’s desire My words have strength, the victory is won So I say it, this spell is done So mote it be. Let the candle burn itself out
The Rune Spell 1 candle in the color that reflects the intent of the spell Rune symbol Upon this candle I will write What I receive from the Lord tonight Grant what I wish for me As I dedicate this rite to thee (Scratch the rune symbol on the candle I call the earth to bond my spell Air speed its travel to me well Fires give it spirit from above Water quenches my spell with love
So mote it be. Allow the candle to burn down
Overcoming Addiction Paper Poppet 1 White candle Patchouli Myrrh Incense Bowl Perform during a waning moon Write addiction on the paper poppet. Anoint the candle with patchouli (rubbing away from base to tip) Light candle and incense. Intone over the dolly Here is __________ addiction (the name of the person addicted) I name it ___________(name of addiction) Already this bad habit grows weaker Spiritual strength comes to your side A strong faith within you resides A conqueror you will be Over the enemy you see victory Conquered enemy you’ve been done away From you I am free today
Only good health will now remain So mote it be Burn the dolly
For Knowledge 1 Light Blue Candle 1 Yellow Candle Pen and paper Write your topic of interest or area of knowledge or special skill. Light yellow candle. Light of knowledge shine this way Dispelling ignorance today As we learn, we understand The truth revealed with each new day Once was blind but now can see As understanding comes to me So Mote it Be Repeat the charms times three. Allow candles to burn for an hour. Repeat the spell for three days allowing the candle to burn all the way down on the third day. Uncrossing/Unbinding Waning Moon Spell
2 White candles 1 Black candle Patchouli Oil (anoint from base to wick) Pen and paper and bowl Anoint candles with patchouli oil. Place the black candle between the white candles. Anoint yourself with patchouli. Write down your problem and the name of the person crossing you. Intone: Protection comes to you this day This crossed condition no longer has sway I’m returning this negativity To the one who has crossed me Light black candle Surrounding me is a crossed condition From which I desire to be set free Soon is dispelled this bad energy Blessed Be, Blessed Be Burn the paper Light one white candle and intone: This candle will do its best To uncross and free you day and night From the North, East, South and West Dispelling evil sent my way Uncrossed and happy You will be set free from attacking energy Blow out black candle Light the second white candle Consumed by this mighty flame Your evil will no longer reign As all things come to an end Your victim does now smile again As I begin my life anew
No harm to any can you do I send your evil to a place of rest Leaving your victim to a life that is best Blessed be, so mote it be Burn the white candles everyday for an hour until they are burned out.
Death to Bad Habits Waning Moon Spell Black Candle Patchouli oil Bowl Death Card or Ace of Spades Pen and paper Anoint candle with patchouli and place it before the card. Light candle. Write a list of things you wish to get rid of from your life A witch’s work is never done Herself always to improve I make now lists of things I loathe And habits to remove So now I call upon the winds To blow my faults away
For better things to clear my mind For a better day I commit my faults to you my friend I know you will do them in And kill off all my bitter ways And make a better end So mote it be Burn the list Spider Healing Spell For any and all disease A picture or talisman of a spider Hold the talisman in your hand and intone: Here the spider spirit came in She had her web in her hand She said that you were her steed She laid her cords around your neck And began to set off from the land As soon as they came from the land Then they began to cool Then the sister of the steed came in And she put an end to it And she swore oaths That the steed should never hurt The sick person or the witch who could pronounce this charm So mote it be. Hang the spider amulet over your bed World Health Spell A picture of the Blessed Virgin A picture of the earth White candle Rose oil Anoint the candle and light and place before the picture(s). Intone:
Hail Mary, Queen of Heaven Hail Lady of the Angels Salutation to thee, root and portal Of Christ’s humanity To thee the light of the world was born Our Lord Jesus Christ I ask for your blessings in the form of world healing Heal the sick and wounded And may the passing of the dying be eased into your embrace Call forth the power of curative forces That they be understood and used to heal Particularly in __________(name a specific disease) I affirm your love Blessed Mother of God Brightest Blessings Be, So Mote it Be
Blessing Medicine Spell Witches use modern medicine along side magikal healing techniques. Both compliment each other. After much care, witches ask for blessings over medicine. Blessed God, you were at the beginning of the world You who command the energies of love, peace and healing Bless and consecrate this medicine given to me Bring health and healing to my body I believe I deserve better health, happiness, joy and contentment May this medicine work for me And work for my body the way it is intended So Mote it Be Restraint Spell Paper Towel Paper and Pen Black candle
Bread Nail White candle Tear the bread into the shape of a poppet and draw a circle on a piece of paper and write the name of the person you must restrain and place it on top of the bread. Wrap the bread in a paper towel. Light the black candle and intone: The darkness you have created is bound to you I do not own your darkness You own your own darkness You may not share this darkness with others Light white candle As this bread rots so shall your negative power Your evil shall be banished The process begins now So mote it be Allow the candles to burn down and take the bread and allow it to grow stale and moldy and begin to deteriorate. When it is done, discard the bread.
Caduceus Spell to Resolve a Fight A small forked twig 2 pieces of paper and a pen White candle This spell is best done outside but can be done inside Write the name of the two combatants and tie them and twist them onto the forked twig. Light the candle and intone: I beseech and call upon thee O Lord in the hour of my need It is I, ________, who seek the wisdom of your counsel I set before you a symbol of healing
To resolve arguments of men and beasts And bring Harmony to our earthly life I ask thee O Lord to activate this symbol and find resolution between _______and _____ Hold talisman in the middle of your altar and intone: Sun to moon and moon to sun the evil is broken and harmony is won It has been done So mote it be Throw away the talisman
Spring Blessings for the Garden 4 pretzels Turn the soil of your garden well and bury the four pretzels at the four corners of your garden. Use unsalted pretzels. Fresh turned earth filled with treasure I give the garden my love and pleasure I work the magik 3 times three To plant great joys and harmony Bugs be gone with other pests Elemental magik weave your spell Keep my plants both strong and well As I will so now is done By leaf and vine and rain and sun So mote it be Lore: the pretzel’s twisted shape represents praying angels. They are being called to protect your garden
Thunderstone for the Home Protect from Storms Tiny mirrors or sequins or a small square of aluminum foil Small stone Glue the mirrors or sequins or wrap the stone in aluminum foil Intone: To guard, to protect, to ward off evil Keep my world safe from upheaval Thunder to shatter, lightening to blast So mote it be, the magik is cast As above, so below This magik is sealed Make it so Empower the stone over thirty days by repeating the charm over the stone every day. Best begun during a thunderstorm Skin Spell To clear the skin of acne A bowl of clean water (bottled is the best, but tap will do) Clean washcloth Candle Pen and paper Draw a picture of a monster and call it ―My Acne‖ May you now be consumed as a coal upon the hearth May shrink as dung in the hot sun May you dry up as water in a pail May you become as small as a linseed grain And even smaller than the hip bone of an itch mite May you become so small you are nothing And never abide in me again Burn the picture. Fill a bowl with water. With a cloth begin wiping your face with the water intoning: I conjure the holy drink of earth
Water of the moon, sun and stars And in the name of the Most High Transmit your healing energy So that as this water touches my skin I will recover and heal So mote it be Do this spell every evening, burning the picture and wiping your face each evening.
Spirit of Acceptance Spell Envelope Paper and Pen Clover Mustard Seed Incense (your choice) Crystal or clear glass beads Place all of these things in an envelope along with things you should accept. Passing envelope deosil once and widdershins twice through the incense smoke intone: Crafted so it does no harm With magik I enchant this charm Winds of change blow through me This I command, so mote it be Place the charm under your pillow for at least thirty days or until you feel yourself accepting the change in your life.
Bursting Bubbles Spell Pen and Paper Purple candle Bowl Sandalwood Incense Small bottle of bubbles Write down personal issues you need to rid yourself of. Do this slowly and take your time. Light the candle and incense and begin reading your issues. As you mention an issue, blow some bubbles. As you read each issue intone: I release _______ Go forth and harm none And never return to me So mote it be Burn your list when you are finished. Get Over It Spell Favorite incense Paper and Pen Candle Write your problem on a piece of paper and burn it. As it burns, intone: Smoke furl, paper curl By the power of this scent I expel you from my thoughts You have no power over me Door jamb, door slam By the power of three This chapter of my life is finis So mote it be Burn the paper if you haven’t already One Big Thing Spell Pen and Paper Incense (spicy and strong) Salt
Write the one big thing you wish for your life on a piece of paper. Present the paper to the four corners. After the presentation of the wish, tear it up into tiny bits and sprinkle the wish like confetti over the altar. After your spell is cast, sprinkle the bits with salt and sweep up. Guardians of the north Powers of earth and clarity Make this spell reality Guardians of the East Powers of air and thought Make this spell work as sought Guardians of the South Powers of fire and energy Make this spell work immediately Guardians of the West Powers of water and emotion Put this spell into motion As I will it, so mote it be Zodiac Charm See pages____ and ____ to find out what goes on your charm To be worked at Midnight Go ahead and make your charm, use as many of the elements associated with your sign or intent. At Midnight, hold the charm in your hand and intone: Light a candle and burn your favorite scent By moonlight and midnight By starlight and insight By smoke and candlelight I accept my birthright At the four corners: Charged on this day and this hour To help me grow and let me flower By the power of this watchtower This talisman stimulates my power By the power of this watchtower This talisman stimulate my power
Do this at each direction and carry the talisman with you. It lives for 30 days and must be taken apart (killed) for seven day before you can remake it, Chess Family Charm Chess Pieces representing the family Runes or stones to encircle the family White candle Frankincense or myrrh incense Salt Paper and pen Water Light the candle and place in the center of the circle made of stone or runes. Set the family pieces and incense in the center of the ring. Write down your hopes, desires and concerns about the family. Draw the salt circle. Call the corners and intone: Mother, father, siblings and more Spread to the corners four Let them be healthy, wealthy and wise Let them have success, win every prize No matter how close or far away Let them gather together another day Blessings upon parents who love us all May we be safe in love’s protective walls If one of us should be led astray Angels watch over us to the end of days Give us all patience to deal with one another Siblings father and mother May we be blessed by the power of three Until we again Merry Meet So mote it be Goals, Hopes and Dreams Paper and pen Your favorite incense Clearly identify your goal and the steps you have taken to reach your goal. Decide how long you will need to reach your goal (2 weeks, 6 weeks, 6 months, a year) On a piece of paper, begin your count down in numbers of days. Ex: 1 year is 365. The second day is 364, the third in 363 and so on. Each day intone:
I am strong I am determined Nothing will distract me or divert me Or prevent me from reaching my goal So mote it be Footsteps Goal Spell A map- either hand drawn showing a straight line from point a to point b or one from an atlas Orange Candle Red pen Pentangle, either drawn over your map or on a separate piece of paper Dragon’s Blood incense or other spicy scent Draw the map in red (or outline route on map) ex Home
Draw footsteps going from home to job. Draw a compass North West
South Draw a pentangle around the map and compass Light the candle and incense and intone: By Mary and Joseph In their footsteps I follow As I will it, so mote it be I will work in this industry
My foot is in the door I can offer this job more Let my interview be great And a good impression make So mote it be
Star of Hope Spell Star Tarot or Ace of Diamonds Tin Box White feather (or one made of paper) Pentangle Paper and Pen Incense (sandalwood or myrrh) Beginning on a new moon, write your secret hope on the paper. Place paper and star card in the tin. Waving your secret hope in the smoke of incense moving deosil and intone: Mother Mary, hear my cry I send to you this bit of hope I name this box Mary’s Box And if it will do no harm I ask you to fulfill the hope You will find within Place wish and feather in the box and keep it on your altar until the full moon. On the full moon, burn some incense and intone: Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven Receive my hope
Repeat the spell until the wish feels empowered. Then consign the wish to the flame Lore: The Amish and Mennonite people still recognize the power of the pentangle and use it to protect them and their homes and farms and animals from evil hexes. The word hex means spell in German and is neither light nor dark, though in more modern times, the word hex is associated with dark magik.
The Lord of the Air Spell Piece of white paper with wish written on it. Your favorite cologne Sage Wand Light the sage wand (or your favorite incense) and waft the wish in the smoke deosil. Intone: Creator God, Father of the Universe, Grant my wish if it be fair. Repeat until you are satisfied. Tear into tiny pieces and shower your altar with your wishes. Ocean Mother Full Moon Spell 1 Blue Candle (can be white or silver) Sandalwood Incense A piece of white or blue paper Flowers, seashells, crystals or clear beads Picture of the Blessed Virgin or a medal Pale blue thread (three pieces) Silver coins
Braid the flowers, seashells, clear beads or crystals, picture or medal, and your greatest wish written on the paper into a charm. Wave the charm deosil in the incense and intone: Mother Mary, star of the sea Hear my plea and answer me Mother of God, Queen of Heaven Accept my gift and grant my wish By the power of midnight which you rule Grant my wish with the times three rule So Mote it Be Leave the silver coins on your altar and carry the charm with you for 7 days then disassemble and recharge. Alphabet Spell Midnight on a Friday Night 2 sheets of nice paper or stationery Pen with green ink or blue ink A green candle Incense (your favorite or a smell you associate with love) Write the alphabet A-I on the left hand side of the paper, moving down the page, leaving a bit of room. Write J-Z on the back, doing the same. Begin writing attributes, affirmations and desires for your life. When you finish it, fold it up and place it on your altar for one week. Each day, look at your list and tweak it, adding details and bits and pieces. The following Friday, make another list and list the best parts of you, the worst parts of you and the parts of you that you can improve. Fold both papers together and during the following week, tweaking both of them each day. On the final Friday, fold and unfold the papers many times and wave in the incense smoke intoning: So long as it will do no harm Grant these wishes of my heart Trust be deep and trust be strong Trust be true and last long If this is a spell to find love, the spell will take a third week. Do a list for an ideal mate and tweak over a week’s time. Then with all of the lists fold and unfold over and over again and wave into the incense smoke and intone the first spell and add the following spell: So long as it will do no harm
Lead us to each other’s arms Love be deep and love be strong Love be true and last life long So mote it be. Bury, burn or drown the lists. Broadcast Spell Love Charm Pink Candle Rose Oil Pen and Paper Anoint paper and candle. Write the name of the person you love and your own name. Fold paper and light candle. Hold the paper in your hand and intone: Hear ye, hear ye spirits of love I call from below and above I call from need and not from greed I call only what will be good for me And do no harm to thee or me So mote it be
Come Back to Me Spell From One Full Moon to the Next Pentangle Red Candle Any small artifacts that remind you of your lover Your lover’s favorite song, playing softly Bowl or candle holder A piece of paper with your lover’s name Small box with lid Place star, paper and objects in box and put a lid on it and light it. Extend hands over it and intone: As these words aloud are spoken Repair the ties that have been broken If it harm none and is meant to be Valentine, patron of love, bring ____to me If it agree with the universe Restore _______to me with this verse Valentine, counselor of lovers Please return _______ to my life As these words aloud are spoken Heal the bond that has been broken
So mote it be Place the container under the bed. Light the candle once a day and intone spell. If at the end of month the spell does not work, it may be against the universal plan for you to be reunited. Consult divinatory tools. Home Blessing Spell Water Salt Chalice Fresh Rosemary or Garden grasses Blue or white cord or ribbon Mix water and salt in chalice. Toe rosemary or garden grasses together to create an aspergant. Dipping the aspergant into the water intone: Lord Jesus, Holy Trinity Grant blessings in this home of mine Sprinkle the whole house or living space.
Abundance Spell Green and Orange Candles Wine Bread Salt An old credit card or debit card Chalice Place the card between the two candles. Set the bread and wine in the chalice and salt on the altar. The bread is symbolic of plenty, the wine symbolic of joy, and salt the spice of life and purity and favor. By the bread of earth And the salt of the sea By the fruit of nature And the purse of plenty I welcome abundance in my life
Jesus, Mary and Joseph Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel St.s Augustine, Francis, Clare, Patrick, Jude, Therese, and Bernadette By the will of God And the Blood of Jesus And the Holy Chalice And the Bread of Haste May I know the wealth of Heaven To be benevolent to others May I know the multiplication of fishes That my family never know hunger I command abundance into my life So mote it be Burn the candles once an day for five days. Immediately consume the bread and drink the wine and meditate on all the blessings of this spell. Chalice of Fertility Spell Milk Chalice Incense (opium or dragon’s blood or patchouli) Bowl Symbols of Creation White candle Three days before lovemaking or other creative project, this spell is great for couples that want to have a baby or someone about to begin a creative project. For example, you would want to use this spell to bless your garden tools. You might also use other symbols for any other project you are undertaking. While pouring milk from your chalice into the bowl containing your symbols of creation, intone: The milk of human kindness Poured out upon the earth Just as milk comes from mother’s breast Mother Mary, please bless ______ So mote it be Be creative and thoughtful. Dry your symbols and clean your chalice and bowl and continue the spell for three days.
Protective Shield of Michael For Protection and Defense A piece of card board or paper in the shape of an heraldic shield Picture of St. Michael Pictures of Family White candle Dragon’s Blood oil Salt Glue or tape Fix pictures on your shield. Decorate the shield with symbols and words associated with family. Use both sides if you like. Anoint candles and light Powers of God, Powers of Michael Through the year and around the clock Protect us better than a lock Powers of God, Powers of Michael Across, about, between, together and alone Protect all that is our own. So mote it be Display the Shield in your house, room or sacred space. When there is trouble or danger, repeat the spell. Witch Bottle Seven Blessings Spell
Small bottle with a cap or cork Pentangle White candle White sugar White salt Any protective herbs up to five Bowl In layers, pour the herbs into the bottle until filled. Close bottle and seal it. Tape the pentangle on the bottle. Light candle and intone: With health and happiness enchanted be With love and prosperity enchanted be With peace and protection enchanted be With good fortune enchanted be Whether in the house or the yard Make life better and less hard Drip candle wax over bottle and when completely sealed, bury it near house or place it somewhere in the house. This same spell can work over home made soup. Leave out the sugar or add just the barest pinch. Intone: With health and happiness enchanted be With love and prosperity enchanted be With peace and protection enchanted be With good fortune enchanted be Simmered in soup, seasoned to taste Let all who eat it good blessings take So mote it be.
Bad Kitty Spell A cat statue Black candle Egyptian sandalwood or musk oil Blue beads as a small collar Bowl or plate Anoint cat statue with oil and place blue beads around the neck. Anoint candle and light. Call the cat’s name and intone: It’s okay for cats to play Or laze away a sunny day But kittens who make stinky messes Add to witches daily stresses Feline will now behave And enjoy a spank free day Kitty cats that use kitty litter Are happier, friendlier, and fitter So mote it be Burn the candle for three days for an hour each day.
Healthy Clan Spell 1 Small green tower candle Rose, Orange, Cinnamon, Cloves, Lavender, Dragon’s Blood and Vanilla oil Carve the sign of the cross and the names of the family. Anoint the candle with the combined oils. Light it and intone: Power of light Candle burn bright As it glows Our health grows By the power of God I wish good health to everyone So mote it be
Wings of Michael Spell A red pillar candle Carving tool Carve the sign of the cross and the personal sigil for Michael the Archangel.
Intone: Michael with me in the light Michael with me in the night Angel mighty, angel mild In thy wings protect your child Work the spell for 14 days for an hour every day. If the candle is not completely melted, throw away remainder. Silver Bullet Spell
Done on a full moon A silver candle Pen and Paper (felt tip red or black pen) Pentangle Pen with silver ink (or grey pen) Carefully identify your problem. Sum it up in a couple of words. Draw a red bull’s eye (or black) deosil around a pentangle drawn in silver or grey. Light your candle and drip the wax widdershins around the pentangle. Intone: Hail Mary, queen of Heaven Patroness of the Witch I call upon thee Full of Grace Mother of God, Mystical Rose Please help me Holy Virgin I call upon thee Steady my right hand Let me do no harm And make my work true So mote it be Bullet speed through the dark Straight on course to the source Find your target, hit your mark By candle’s light By bullet’s flight Queen of Heaven Make things right Mary Mother of Jesus Christ Let a good solution be mine Discard paper. If a solution has not come by the next full moon reconsider the source of your problem and redo the spell. King of Peace Seven-Day Spell Blue pillar candle Patchouli, sandalwood, or sage incense Small bag
Small stone Seven coins (dimes) Small picture of Christ Light candle and burn a stick of incense. Place one of the dimes and the small stone in a small bag. Place the bag at the foot of the candle and lay the picture of Jesus on top of it. Light the candle. Place hand over the bag and intone: Jesus, King of Peace Salvation of the world Brother of humanity Bringer of peace and harmony I charge this bag and its elements with positive energy Jesus by your power This bag is charged with your power. For peace with myself For peace with my past For peace with my present For peace with my future For peace with my path For peace with those who love me For peace with those who don’t Hold the remaining coins in your hands For peace of mind For peace of heart For peace of spirit For peace at home For peace at work For peace in the family For peace in the world Burn the candle for an hour each day for seven days, adding a coin and repeat the spell but add: By the power of seven By the clouds of heaven With blessed peace and harmony
This bag enchanted be On the seventh day completely seal the bag, placing the picture of Christ inside the bag. Carry it with you for a year. After a year, tear open the bag; give the coins to charity or place in the offering plate at church. Discard the candle if it has not been completely consumed. Crossroads Uncrossing Spell Black candle Purple candle Holy Water Salt Pepper Dish Pen and paper On the paper, write down nine things you seem to having trouble with. Turn over the paper and draw a pentangle. Light the black candle and put the paper on the plate and drip wax over the pentangle. Let the paper cool. Light the purple candle now. By the power of nine A positive cycle will be mine Fruition and culmination An end to thee Repeat the charm nine times Intone to close Hard times are done Good times begun By the power of nine A positive cycle is mine Throw away the paper Lady of Bright Inspiration Purple pillar candle A length of black cord Purple and silver beads Lemon oil
Dress the candle and dedicate it to St. Brigid. Bead the beads on the cord and tie it to the candle. Light and intone: St. Brigid be my guide Bless this candle with the flame of inspiration St. Brigid be my guide Bless this candle and talisman with the spirit of inspiration St. Brigid be my guide Enchant the spell with inspiration So mote it be Burn the candle and handle the talisman when you need inspiration Ancestors and Family Honored Altar Spell Assemble your altar with pictures of relationships and symbols of your culture and Craft. Light a green candle and intone: These are the ones I love Sent to me from heaven above Some have passed and some remain Keep us safe till we are together again So mote it be When you need help or one of your family needs help, light a candle and intone the spell. If there are ancestors without pictures, find a beautiful angel card or picture and write the loved ones name on it and place it and the picture in a frame for your altar. Boundary Spell Paper and pen Salt Black candle Picture of your house Picture of St. Joseph Envelope Make a list of invasions of property. This can include housemates, neighbors, and work. Put this list away for 24 hrs and review and add to the list as needed. Now define your boundaries and include things you will and will not allow. Write strategies to put these
boundaries in effect. Put this list away for 24 hours and review and add to the list as needed. On the night of the spell take the list to the altar and place them under your picture of the house and encircle it with salt. Place light black candle in the center of salt and intone: St. Joseph, guardian of the home Protect me from every annoyance, interference, and incursion From harassment, intrusion and invasion From all that besieges, poaches and encroaches From all that creeps, seep, and prevent sleep From all pressures, stresses and trespasses From all that disrupts, interrupts, pushes, assails and infringes Beloved Joseph, spouse of our Lady Protect me from all that is rude, crude or intrudes From all crowds that are too loud Protect me from everyone and everything That would overstep my boundaries So mote it be Place lists, salt, pictures of house and St. Joseph in the envelope and seal with black wax. Place on threshold.
Our Lady’s Nightmare Spell Besom
White candle Rosemary Pentacle White ribbon Picture or Medal of Our Lady Tie the white ribbon with picture/medal of Our Lady of Grace and the pentacle to besom. Place besom near bed and sprinkle with rosemary or tie the sprig to your besom. Sweep around the bed and intone: Nightmares will not torture me I will not torture myself In the name of Our Lady of Grace I banish my nightmares In sleep let me not find them By day let me not mind them Nightmares, my Lady binds them My nightmares are banished. So mote it be Burn the white candle all the way down and leave the besom near your bed for three days. Per Diem Work Charm Nag Champra or Patchouli incense Yellow or green candle Pen and paper Write down the name of the job you want. Be specific. Place the list under the candle. Light the candle and incense and intone The phone must ring Each day to bring Good jobs my way For decent pay Per Diem Work I will not shirk If a safe place needs me To keep it. So mote it be
Insanity Protection Spell To protect the loved ones of a mentally ill person and to keep the ill person from harming himself. Black string Small box Black or dark paper Silver pen Sandalwood Black candle Salt Lavender Opium oil Mirror St. Michael card On black paper write the name of the afflicted. Roll the paper into a tight scroll and wrap with the black string. Anoint the candle with opium oil and light with incense. Waft the scroll in the smoke and intone: In madness you live Like a turning tornado Sucking everything in your path into your vortex We do not need your insanity But you shall look into a mirror (show the scroll the mirror) And see the sickness in your face You will turn to the angels And they will lead you into the light of sanity You will seek professional help But no more shall you hurt others I will not allow you to hurt yourself You shall be calm and seek help Be free of your demons Free those who love you from their pain So mote it be Place scroll in the coffin and place the lavender leaves and St. Michael card and salt and close the coffin. Work this spell for 30 days and kill the spell by burning the scroll and discard everything but the angel card. Place it in your prayer box.
Healing Stone Spell On the Waning Moon Sharp Iron Nail Candle Small bag Flat pebble Chalice or bowl Water Etch a cross into the candle intoning: All things are crossed out And sickness brought to rout Light the candle and take stone and rub it over the body of the person who is in need of healing. You may use a poppet for distance healing. Intone: The waning moon shall shrink to bone And take with her what is in this stone Tie the bag and place in bowl or chalice and drown the bag and stone in water for an hour and throw away. Clock Spell To reverse the fortunes of an evil doer This spell has some real ethical implications. Examine your reasons for working the spell and remember three fold law. On the flip side, you might do this spell to reverse bad luck. Do this spell on the waning of the moon, finishing on the stroke of midnight. A clock with hands A hearth or similar (a hearth high bookcase) Black or dark candle (or white candle if your are reversing the bad luck) White candle Black pen and paper (or yellow pen and white paper if reversing) Black thread (white thread) Bowl
Place the clock in the center of your mantle. Place white candle on the right of the candle and the black candle on the left and intone: May all ill deeds be wiped out (light the white candle) And good take their stead (draw 0 on the paper and fold it twice and wrap with black thread intoning) This spell I intone shall see thee undone By circle and line by flesh and by bone By sea and by sky By sun and by moon At the stroke of midnight, turn the arms of the clock back one-hour intoning: For each ill thought I set you back one hour again Turn the clock back another hour For each ill word I set you back one hour Turn the clock back another hour For each ill deed I set you back one hour Burn the paper and intone: There you will stay until you pay May ill luck grow until you know It is my will mote it be so Throw away the ashes. If you want to do this to fix a case of ad luck follow the spell’s beginning. Set up the clock, this time with two white candles. Light the right and then the left and intone: May bad luck be wiped out And good luck take its place Draw a 100 on the white paper in yellow ink and bind with the white thread. Intone: This spell I intone to see good luck come
By circle, by line, by flesh and bone By sea and by sky By sun and by moon At the stroke of midnight, turn the arms of the clock forward one-hour intoning: For each positive thought I set you forward one hour again Turn the clock forward another hour For each positive word I set you forward one hour Turn the clock forward another hour For each good deed I set you forward one hour Burn the paper and intone: Here you will stay until each and every day May good luck grow until happiness grows It is my will mote it be so Throw away the ashes Triangle Spell Purple candle Sandalwood incense Piece of paper Light the candle and incense. Draw the triangle
Visualize your wish as you draw it and intone: Gift of gifts
Need of needs Leave my dreams And come to me As I will it so mote it be Hang from bedroom ceiling until you get your wish
The Triskelion Spell Blue candle Shell Sharpie Pen Paper Salt Light candle and intone: Spirit of waters Spirit of movement Look well upon ________ That they may be hale going out And hale going in Draw Triskelion Once it is drawn, sprinkle it with salt, blow breath upon it and pass it over the candle flame (but do not burn it) It should be carried by the traveler Note: You should never pass over a spell because you think you can’t draw it. Do the best you can. Magik understands and you have imprinted your magikal intention on the talisman. The Daeg Rune Spell To fight deceit
Gold or orange candle Chalk Flat stone Salt Light the candle and whisper the name of the person who is being deceitful. Draw the daeg rune on a stone with chalk. Pour or sprinkle salt over the symbol. Hold it toward candle and intone:
Let it be uncovered That which was hidden And ____ tell the truth As he/she is bidden Blow away the salt. Set the stone outside, exposed to rain until the rune is washed away. You should find out the truth in 3 months. Sigil Spell Waxing Moon on a Sunday Yellow and white candle Pen with green ink Paper Light your candles and on a piece of paper inscribe CVTR on the paper on the center:
Write around the sigil: Sol Omnipotens Axillio Ab Alta Sol Victorioso Fold the paper and hold hands intoning: Victory be mine
Fortune be kind Carry this in your pocket to important meetings Black Pepper Spell For Concentration Waxing Moon Saturday Add the oils together with the water and place them in your simmer cauldron to warm while you set up your altar and prepare for the spell Yellow candle Water Cauldron Pepper Corks or knots of cloth Mojo Bag Sweet oil Lavender Cinnamon Mint Light your candle and intone: I summon the element of air To bring me clarity of purpose To aid me in my firm intent And help me keep my mind in focus Add pepper to your cauldron. Dip your corks or knots and place them in your mojo bag and hang it in your study area. Iron Spell To promote confidence and courage for interviews and exams Waning moon Tuesday Heat a couple of tablespoons of water in your simmer cauldron. Add a couple drops each of basil and sage , either oils or herbs and salt. Other Materials:
Red candle Saucer Nail or athame Light the candle and intone: Sword of Michael, commander of the heavenly host Pierce timidity Iron Sword Give me courage Pour a bit of the potion into the saucer and rub it lightly over the center. Shake some salt into the plate and with the nail or athame write the word fear. Shake the salt to make it disappear. Draw a circle with an equidistant cross in the center and place the candle in the center and allow it to burn for about an hour. Blow out candle and pour off the salt. Add a pinch of the salt to the mojo with the nail.
Arrow Spell- for promotion Red candle Yellow candle Red Pen and paper Red paper clip Light both candles and place piece of paper in between. Draw an arrow
Fold it after a few minutes and make like an accordion fan and press it together and put it in the paper clip. Intone:
This arrow should fly straight To direct this spell May I earn the promotion I deserve so well Chant six times Wind of change, carry forward Flight of arrows, carry me onward An it harm none, So mote it be Carry it with you when you put in for the promotion. Burn candles once a day for a few minutes till you get your promotion or until a month is over. Dandelion Spell To be recognized for achievement Waxing Sunday 2 Yellow candles 2 Dandelion heads Pinch of lemon grass Magnolia or sweet oil Lemon or orange oil Small bag Put the anointed dandelions with a pinch of lemon grass and close the bag. Place the bag between the two candles. Light the candles and intone: Power of the sun Caress me Flower of the sun Bless me Rub mojo over body. Carry bag with you wherever you go. Good for six months.
Sesame seeds or oil Water Bowl Sage Black candle
Sesame Spell To remove obstacles
Dandelion greens or sweet grass Small bottle with cap Mix oil, seeds, sage and finely chopped garden grasses in a bowl. Anoint the black candle with the mixture. Light the candle and intone: Holy oil, mover of barriers I anoint my hands to push away obstacles Turn all things to work No hindrance remains Away all that chokes Anoint my way So mote it be Decant the oil and use it before you begin a difficult task Fire Stone Spell For inspiration at work Frankincense Cinnamon oil Red Candle Stone Copper or gold pen or paint Clear nail polish to seal the design Light incense and candle and intone as you anoint your hands with the cinnamon oil. Like lightening it will come Sweet inspiration Fire of imagination To me come Paint the lightening shape on the stone. Pass it through the incense in your anointed hands. Ideas come Fire of inspiration Sweet imagination Like lightening it will come As I will it so mote it be Seal the symbol with the nail polish. When inspiration is needed, rub the stone. Store the stone in your personal charm bag.
Silver Candle Spell Aid in study and the workplace Silver candle Yellow paper Pen with silver ink Light the candle intoning: Angels, silver winged Lend me your swift aid Let my head judge quickly Gift my wits with speed On each corner of the yellow paper draw the image of mercury on each corner then from the center of the paper draw a spiral outward, Hang your talisman where you do your thinking. Air Incense Spell To make your Ideas known Yellow Candle Favorite incense Lavender oil Salt Lavender leaves Pine or Tree leaves or Pine oil Water Bowl Small bag Wand Light incense and candle. Mix small amounts of the dry ingredients in a bowl. With wand, intone. I invoke the element of air To witness and empower my spell Flower of Uriel, angel of earth, bring me courage Drink of Raphael, angel of water, purify this mix Light of Michael, angel of fire, charge this work Messenger Gabriel, angel of air, send blessings to this spell
Place a drop of water and a drop of oil on the dry mix and incense the bowl deosil and place all the contents of the bowl in a small bag. Carry this talisman to your next business meeting. Owl Charm Yellow candle Image of owl Small white stone Small pouch Light candle and place small stone in bag. Place the image of the owl on top of the bag and intone: This flame I light in honor of wisdom This flame I light in honor of learning This flame I light in honor of Owl’s spirit Great Spirit you know my thoughts Help me bring them to paper Great Spirit you know my wishes Help me bring them to pass Hang the bag in your workspace
Tarot Spell To find an Advisor 1 White candle 1 Lilly (real or artificial)
Sage Wand One Tarot Card (empress for a woman, emperor for a man) Light candle and sage wand and place card before the lilly. Good counsel I invoke thee Bring fair advice to me Bring fair words Bring fair counsel Generous counselor and wise Look to me with friendly eyes Before another moon is past Seek me out to give advice And make me wise enough to think of it As I will it, so mote it be Keep card in front of mirror for 30 days or until the advisor appears.
Ivy Spell Success in Business Blue candle Green candle Sandalwood incense
Ivy (artificial) Mother Mary smile upon your child (Light the incense and blue candle) Mother ever Virgin smile upon my work (light green candle) Twist the ivy into a crown and hang on your bedpost Steadfast and pure Hold fast and endure Semper, Semper, Semper, Guard and protect me I harm none, so mote it be Hang crown on your mirror Magnet Spell To draw good business Water Lavender oil Tea light Needle Yellow paper Magnet Silver pen Anoint the candle with lavender oil. Draw a stick person on the candle in the middle. Draw a spider’s web in silver ink on the yellow paper and put it front of the candle. Intone:
I draw you forth by the power of north I draw you in like a spider spins Stick close by as the web to the fly
By Iron, web and sting I draw you to this ring As I will it so mote it be Hide magnet and web inside business.
Broomstick Spell Commerce and prosperity for business Sage wand Green Candle Yellow candle Besom Rosemary Green ribbon Mint oil Small bag Flowers and greenery to decorate Light the sage wand and green candle intoning: Earth witness my spell Light yellow candle Air carry it well Decorate the besom with ribbons and greenery and flowers. Put the rosemary and mint oil in the bag and tie it to broom. Anoint the broom handle with mint oil Once I invest thee
Twice I impress thee Thrice I bless thee As I will it so mote it be Hang your besom over the door of your business Sunburst Talisman Spell Revive good fortune Frankincense Orange or gold candle Small tag with a hole Gold or yellow pen Yellow thread or ribbon Light incense and candle intoning I call upon the infinite sun To shine upon my business With gold or yellow pen write on one side of the tag: Bell, Sol, Solve
On the flip side draw the sunburst. Swing the talisman gently in the incense smoke in a deosil direction and hold it between your palms, which have been anointed with cinnamon oil. Hang the talisman in your business or place of work Quarter Days Cleansing Spell Sage wand White candle Salt Water Small Bowl
Light white candle in sacred space and light sage wand. Smudge the house, intoning: I ask God and his elements air and fire to cleanse this house of negativity Take salt and sprinkle in water. Sprinkle the water around the room intoning: I ask God and his elements earth and water to clear this house of negativity End spell by intoning: Lord this house is clear Bless all occupants I hold dear As I will it so mote it be Broken Heart Spell To prevent two former lovers from hurting each other Jasmine and Chamomile Oil Opium Oil Bowl Paper and pen White or pink candle Write the names of the couple breaking up. Tear their names apart from each other. Light the candle anointed in the oils and intone: _________ and __________are breaking up May their hearts find comfort Though they have hurts and bad luck They shall not hurt themselves or others As I will it so mote it be Burn candle for 7 days Peace in the Home Spell Pentangle (drawn on paper) Gardenia oil Lavender oil White tea light Opium Incense
Wand Athame Mix oils anoint candle. Place pentangle in front of candle and incense. With wand intone: Peace dispel the shadows of doubt Give this house harmony inside and out Salve broken nerves and give us peace Give tranquility to this family With athame intone: Defend our home with evil discord Do not allow us to be annoyed Dispel the negativity of worry and doubt Protect all who live here within and without As I will it so mote it be With athame and wand together Happiness be with us joined Patience be lovingly employed Blessed in and blessed out Blessed be without a doubt An it harm none so mote it be Display your pentangle in sacred space or place it near the door Love Triangle Spell White candle Dark paper Silver pen Draw and label three little stick people holding hands Tearing the three people apart intone: Here are three people who used to be Good friends for life
Two of them were a couple One caused the strife Roll each piece of paper and bind with thread into separate rolls I bind you and protect you From this love come to an end I bind you and protect you And this triangle I rend An it harm none, so mote it be Tie the scrolls and everyday for three days burn one of the scrolls, intoning the spell
Tarot Card Banishing Purple candle Magician or Hermit card Burn the candle before the card and intone: Energy of the ancestors, far and near Bring your protective powers here Banish one who seeks to do me harm Keep me in your loving arms As I will it, so mote it be
You can use the devil card if you are not bothered by the imagery. You may also use any of the major arcana cards that seem right to you. Frankincense Bad Habits Spell Frankincense oil Cinnamon oil Mint oil Myrrh Scented paper Red pen White candle Mix a little of all of the oils together and dress the white candle. Anoint the paper with myrrh Light the candle. On the paper write the name of the addicted. Burn the paper This should be preformed on the 1st night of the waning moon Banish Gossip Ginger or Hi/Lo John Create a small mojo bag and make a smiley face on the front. Place the John in the bag and tie it shut. Carry the mojo with you until the problem is solved. Cleansing Frankincense oil Sandalwood oil Myrrh oil Four candles Anoint candles with the oils and place the candles in a circle and sit in the middle of it. Intone: Frankincense, sandalwood and myrrh Come and bless my home I thank the energies for coming hence And blessing my home with these healing scents Meditate on cleansing energies
Invocation of St. Michael For help in the courtroom Red candle Picture of St. Michael Sandalwood incense Light candle before a picture of St. Michael. Intone, lighting incense: Michael to the right of me Michael to the left of me Michael above me Michael below me Michael within me Michael all around me Michael with your flaming sword Protect me as on my way I go As I will it so mote it be Saxon Protection Spell May you trouble me no more Black candle Patchouli Paper and pen Anoint candle. Write the name of the person or trouble. Light candle and burn paper. Intoning: May you be consumed as a coal form the hearth May you shrink as fat upon a hot grill May you dry up as water in a pail? May you become small as the linseed grain May you become so small you become nothing As I will it so mote it be Taken from ancient Saxon texts Four Elements/ Four Winds Sending to the Afterlife Spell This ritual will take one moon cycle to complete.
Black candle Vetiver Spirit Money Sandalwood Incense Salt Pepper Paper with the name of the beloved dead Anoint and light the candle and draw circle around it with salt. ________ Listen to me: The four winds blow The elements show South and west, fire and water (Burn the paper with the name) North and east, Earth and air (light incense) Send their spirit to the otherwhere Cool their anger, comfort their fears Your responsibility is finished here Move on our loving one, move on our dear Take your gifts (burn money) The moon’s door is open, the way is clear Hold not to the past which restrains thee here May your spirit fly free As I will it, so mote it be Burn the candle for a few minutes every day and intone the spell.
Magik with Words Alone Not all magik is done with tools, either herbs or wands or athames or cauldrons or any other form of magikal tool. Some magik is performed with words alone. These are spells intoned, empowered by God, will and visualization and belief that the spell you cast will work for you. To Remove an Obstacle There is an obstacle in my way I sweep it all away today Obstacles I will remove And make my path clean and smooth So mote it be To Promote Peace In this world or war and discord I chant this spell to push peace forward May hate and spite disappear So we call live without fear So mote it be To Heal Minor Hurts Scrapes and burns and paper cuts Even bouts of bad luck Be healed and vanish away As I go along my day So mote it be Pretty Spell Inner beauty come forth Vanquish feeling ugly Because I am pretty Now make others see So mote it be Turbulent seas today I sail
To Calm Down
I am being rocked by the waves Calm the winds that make me ill And make me calm today So mote it be My head hurts About right here Make it stop, make it clear Let it dissolve in midair
For Headaches
So mote it be You are trying to hurt me And fill me with fear But you will not harm me As I am safe right here
Protective Spell
So mote it be My batteries are running down My energies really low But I must get up and do my share Now my energy is here
Energy Spell
So mote it be Stop Gossip or Verbal abuse I will not hear your words of abuse Your evil talk I will refuse You will cease to speak of me Or to you it will return times three So mote it be
Against all fears I fear nothing on earth Dreams nor anxieties nor doubts I am strong in the Lord I fear nothing on earth
Against Sadness With token in your hands intone: Sadness flees from me Like the dust on the breeze No longer in sadness shall I be
For Sorrow With the token in your hands intone: I release the pain of sorrow There is a new tomorrow What I have lost is gone There is a new tomorrow
Against Sorrow of Death My beloved one who is dead Nothing really dies I believe you have gone to better place Nothing really dies
Appreciate Life Life is the spark of God I will respect all life in nature and my fellow man I will not trample upon a single precious life Life is the spark of God
For Beauty For I am beautiful Only look to see I am Sheba For I am beautiful to thee
Spring’s Fertility Mother Earth is gowning In her multi floral robe The spring is here and flowering Mother Earth is gowning
Dividing Lovers These lovers suffer Because the love they have is not true They hurt those around them Because the love they have is not true
Protection from Earthquakes I live upon the shivering land Protect the place Ion which I stand Earth be still and do not shake Till I and those I love in safety wait
Suffering in Death My beloved is suffering And waits upon death Give them peace o angel of mercy My beloved is suffering
Power of the Eclipsed Sun The midnight sun is before us May we be blessed in this noon time darkness Give us the powers of warmth and life As the sun reveals herself again
For Fertility Do not leave me barren Of Earth’s fertility Give me precious children As life you give to me
To Fight Evil I am the guardian of the innocent The helpless I do defend Give me strength and power To put evil at its end
Fear of Death Our mortal bodies die and become the dust of the earth Through this, our bodies are immortal as we feed each flower and seed Our souls are the immortal gift of God We go on to become one with him in the heaven of heavens
To find Passion I have no desire But want it in my life Fill the cup of desire To do the best and the right Help me to find love, or keep it in my life Or drive me to accomplishments to fulfill my life
For creativity including fertility Make me creative And give birth to new ideas Make me creative To make the world I want to live in
For eternal Youth I can be a fresh young babe Or the oldest of the oldest But my heart and mind shall be Youthful eternally
Inner Strength I call out for inner strength Make me mighty in my ways Let me have no fear or faultering Through my busy days
Freedom from Bad Habits Human we are And sometimes weak I have bad habits From which I must be free
Given in Love My beloved I give you This symbol of my love Carry it with you A gift of heaven above
Good Fortune Good fortune comes my way Today and everyday I call upon the sacred powers To bring me good fortune this very hour
Good Health I call upon the hand of God To bring good health to me As I walk this ancient sod Keep me strong and healthy
Harmony with the Earth The Earth is my Mother From her God brought me forth The elements are my siblings Earth, Wind, Fire and Water
Heavenly Assist I call upon the angels four To help me in this hour I am in need of their heavenly aid Assist me with your power
Sun’s Healing Power I stand in the light of seventh heaven On Mother Earth I stand Brother Sun I call now Bring healing to me and my land
For Wisdom I am God’s ignorant child But I seek to be wise So I may serve my fellow man In any way I can
Improve Health I am sick Raise me up from this bondage Lord of Hosts I am suffering Raise me up from my pain Lord of Hosts
Inspire Passion Where the heart is cold there is no love Bring my beloved fire from heaven above Where there is no love, good does not grow Make in his heart as above so below
Invoke the Help of God Father we trust in you We are your children We claim the inheritance you gave us That all we do in your name is granted us
For Long Life Not the tares, but the wheat Preserve me to work for you Give me strength and good health So I may proclaim your glory
Magik of the Scarab We learn all things from nature From the humblest of God’s Creation The lowly beetle does labor for his keep So shall I learn to labor for my Lord
To Overcome Winter Sadness The days are grey and dark And the earth continues her sleep I am sad because the trees and flowers and birds hide from me Make me remember the promise of spring
Power Amulet The moon’s phases are the power of God His eyes are upon me As in heaven so on earth The power of God endows me
To Uncover Deception Evil ones are all around me Each step I take they confound me Remove the plague of lies Scatter them like pesky flies
Protection from Evil The evil one is around me I look to God to protect me As he protected the Children of Israel With Moses snake and staff
Protection from Fire and Flood Protect my home From the destruction of Fire Protect my home from the Flood Fire and Water are my elemental siblings We shall have no enmity
To Protect Heritage I am as old as the first of our people And the youngest of our children unborn Grant me wisdom to teach our culture And young minds transform
Help of the Moon The moon is the celestial carriage Of our Great and Noble Lady Send your sign to protect us o Mary And keep us in our ways
Protection on the Sea We go upon the waves Traveling over earth’s holy womb Protect us from the wind and waves Till we meet again with you
Refreshing the Spirit I weary of the way I have traveled My days are long and full of strife Give me strength to walk my path Now and all my life
Safe Travel We travel far and wide To the sea and the divide Protect us as on our journey we go For strange places and places we know
To Soften a Hard Heart We all have troubles and strife As we go through our life Some times it makes a heart of woe So soften it now for peace to know
Speak to the Dead The ones who have gone before Do not always enter heaven’s door They come to us our beloved dead Help us understand the thoughts in their head
For Stability Think of the spider in her web So slender, so delicate, yet strong her silken home So shall the bonds of family be Gentle, silken but holding us firmly
Sun Healing The warm and gentle rays of the sun Bring health to everyone Clearing of the mind of body Banisher of pain and disease
Increase Creativity I have a project or idea That needs prompting from my mind Into the world Show me the way to do it
To Invoke the Powers of the Sun and the Moon The sun and the moon are our elders We look to them for power and energy The power of the tides and the winds Shall be in our lives
To Control Fleshly Desires Obsession is bad for any of us Tempered we must be Control is the way to be for us So mote it be
To Fight the Demonic Evil is all around us Demons and imps interfere We know that God will protect us And around us angels appear
To Seek Wisdom It is good to have all wisdom And understand the ways of God But true wisdom is knowing No one knows it all
Protection from Evil Forces We know the world has evil in it In the form of demons, criminals and war We are the servants of peace And will allow evil to rule us no more
To Understand the Spiritual We are as children to the Lord And the Lord is the Great Mystery Open us up to the Riddle Of God’s Spirituality
To Win Love I am lonely and my heart aches to love Send me the truest heart that seeks me out Make me wise to know my beloved at first sight And open their eyes to me
To Win Power I cast my web to the winds of the world To catch within it power I will use it to do good for all my brethren Come to this holy hour
Understanding Life and Death I embrace the understanding that life is God’s Gift There is also another gift I must embrace and understand That death is nothing but physical, the spirit is eternal And nothing ever really dies, man, beast or flower
Understanding Great Wonders The age of Miracles is not over We still see miracles today Healing, uplifting and visions Are parts of our wise way
For Wealth I am poor As the widow with her mite Give me wealth So I may help the world to right
Lose Weight I take more than my fair share Of God’s beautiful earth I ask him now to help me Lose my heavy girth
For Winter Warmth God made us naked, like innocent Babes Now we are cold in the world he made The fox has its fur and the wolf its den And we have the fire God gave to mortal men
For Wisdom Sometimes we make decisions Great and foolish We ask for wisdom To know the difference
For Seeking Wise Counsel We stand at a crossroads Unable to make a decision Send us wisdom To find the right direction
The Turning of the Wheel Come all ye gentle witches Come all ye of good will The feasting table is laden The drinking vessels are filled Come gather with rejoicing A holy day is here With songs gladly voicing All the turning of the year At Samhain we celebrate The blessed dead is hallowed The darkness holds no fear When the fields at last lie fallow At twilight of the year The yew and hazel showing Rebirth and vision true The lights of need fires glowing Shall mark the passage through The Yule comes in with gladness Though weather be unkind And banishes all sadness From every heart and mind The spruce and pine and holly The proof that life will last The Yule log burning brawly Defies the icy blast With candles all a glowing There comes the Imbolc maid With milk and honey flowing Our winter hunger’s laid The apple in sweet flower Shows our beloved star The fire of early spring’s hour Will break the winter’s hold With day and night in measure Our Jesus is our King Who brings us sweet salvation And the seed that sparks the spring Safe in God’s holy keeping All ill has been fast bound The spring fire wakes from sleeping
The green things underground With ribbons spiral winding We dance the Beltane pole The angel’s light inviting Divided worlds made whole The hawthorn brings in whiteness The blessings of the May On high the balefire’s brightness Ill fortune drives away When day is at its longest Folk, fields and flocks all thrive The sunlight at its strongest Feeds everything alive The stately birch most splendid Brings all good things within The summer fire is tended To be bright sun’s twin For Lammas to our Lord is given The first fruits of the grain Oats and barley riven But rises up again The oak is the door of wonders The blessed shade it bears The fire of Lammas sunders All sorrows and all care At Mabon we thank the earth who feeds us And raise the harvest home The frosts with light steps lead us To dance the seasons come Ash links the worlds intertwining Our world with God and angels The bonfire blesses, shining Our food, our drink, ourselves So the wheel starts again Turning to each Sabat Day And we good witches With the Lord comes out to play.
Celebrations of the Seasons All religions have recognition of the seasons. The pagans of antiquity and of the present celebrate the seasonal changes of the earth. The warm wet days of spring, the hot steamy days of summer, the cool crisp days of the harvest in the fall and the cold barren days of winter turn like calendar leaves from old black and white movies to denote the passage of time. So do the Christians, whether they are witches or not. Admittedly, may of the dates we celebrate as dates marking events in the life of Christ are arbitrary but they are more than just a way to understand the passage of time but the cycle of life. In the fall we have we have the secular celebrations of Harvest Home, secular Halloween, Veteran’s day and American Thanksgiving. We also have religious feasts such as All Souls Day and All Saint’s Day. In the winter we have secular New Year’s Eve and religious Christmas. In the spring, we have secular Mother’s Day and religious Easter and Mary’s Crowning Day. In summer, we have secular Independence Day and religious Corpus Christi. For Christians, when formalizing the calendar of feast days we had more than one reason for setting our celebrations on the times as old Pagan feast days. One is the simplest reason and that was to take advantage of an already set routine of feast days and days of celebration. The second and most complicated was to replace feasts celebrating the old gods and goddesses in the minds of former pagans with the events of the life of Christ in an attempt to obscure the old beliefs and practices of an earlier time. The fact that Christ was probably born in the spring or summer has very little meaning to me. Fact is the only date we can point to with any level of accuracy is the time of Jesus arrest, trial, death and resurrection. What interests me is the preservation of the cyclical year with the seasons and the faith. It acknowledges the movement of nature and the natural world and the movement of God and the world of the supernatural. To acknowledge both nature and super-nature is the truth of all basic religious paths. We read mythology of ancient times and acknowledge the simple and basic truths that run as an undercurrent of all religious calendars. But what of Magik? Why celebrate
magikal feasts? Whether traditional Christians wish to acknowledge magik or not the life of Christ is full of magik we can draw from. From his conception in the unsullied womb of his mother to his life of miracles all the way to his death magik surrounds us as we celebrate these wonders. We often speak of Mother Earth. Is it okay to think of the earth as a mother, to revere the earth and seek to protect and love her? Certainly. In many ways she is the first woman in our lives, just as Eve was our human mother and just as Mary is our spiritual mother. God created the heavens and the earth with the clap of his hands, the ultimate big bang. He shaped Mother Earth with his hands, molding her mountain breasts, flattening her belly of valleys, filling up her ocean womb. Then, God, with a sweep of his hand planted the seeds of trees and flowers and herbs and grasses. Like a child with bits of clay, God created the creatures. Form tiny aphids to the gigantic lizards we only know about from their tattoos deep in the earth, the Lord made them in all their tiny details. God’s master design was in play. And earth recorded her own story in her own body. Days of sun and icy storm, of drought and fire to tumultuous flood, of the rising of species to their fall, Mother Earth preserved these snap shots of eons of change and natural revolutions and uprisings and evolutions. The fact that the Earth evolved does not detract from the hand of God’s creative force. In fact, it reveals the grace of Divine origins. As Mother Earth went through her cycle of seasons, so did the creatures of God’s design. What a wonderful mind to have, in the blink of God’s eye to have created this world and the creatures who live on it. God created the ritual of the seasons. To ignore these rituals is to ignore the creative and divine forces of God. Mother Earth, like any fine lady, clothes herself in riotous colors. Not just from the leaves and flowers and grasses but the soil itself. Think of the silken champagne colors of the deserts, the azure seas, the reds and silvers of clay and the rusts of Iron stained stone. Earth is a gypsy who clothes herself in bright colors. The most amazing colors come from the change of seasons. The dark greens of summer, the lighter greens and yellows and pinks of Spring, the ermine of the snows of winter and the red, gold, and purple of the fall. The Church changes her colors too. Royal purples of Easter, reds for martyrs, whites for virgins and initiates, greens for ordinary times, blacks for the passing over mark the calendar of the church’s cyclical year. Again, to recognize these changes is to recognize God’s plan, his glorious hand in the seasons and nature and in human thought. So we begin to examine the cyclical year and how it works in faith and in the practice of witchcraft and how it applies to the Christian Witch.
Samhain Samhain is the witches new year. During this celebration, we cast off old regrets, remember those who have passed from this life into the next and look forward to renewal and rebirth. We long for the revelation of hope in this season that just as there is the rebirth of the earth, so shall we be reborn to eternal life in heaven. Primitive man, not unlike modern man today, feared the mystery of death. To contemplate mortality was to try to penetrate the mind of God. We observe the simple violence of nature. Creatures eat and are eaten; wars in miniature are fought over valuable hunting and living space. So it is with man. We struggle to find meaning in the violence of nature. We die, sometimes by our own hand, by accidents, by war, by crime, and by disease. We ask like Job why this is so and God answers ―Where were you when I created the earth?‖ Later, God answers our questions of suffering and death with the life and death of Christ so that if we embrace the teachings of Jesus we will understand the will of God. Death need not terrify us. Death becomes the passage way through which we travel to the ultimate blessings of heaven. The dead become one with the celestial being of God. As God speaks to every one of us, so we are spoken to by the dead in the form of dreams, visitations and memories. We celebrate this oneness by recognizing the relationship between the dying back of the earth and in our physical mortality. During the feast of Samhain we invite those who have gone before us to come and celebrate with friends and family and to bear witness to us that those who die wait their own time of rebirth. We forget about the pain, struggles and sadness of the year before
and we embrace the promise of the season to come. We promise God and our beloved dead that we shall remember them and the lessons they taught us. We look to the future. We divine the symbols of dreams and portents and visions and rituals to understand what the future holds. Not just for ourselves but the future of the earth and her children. There is no fate. Fate is unavoidable, written in stone. Instead we have the future, mutable, changing and free to be acted upon. This is the purpose of the feast of Samhain.
Yule For primitive man wintertime was a desolate time of darkness and cold. It was a time when the nights were longer, the temperatures were lower and food was scarce if the primitive man had not prepared himself sufficiently. But primitive man knew that spring would come and bring with it the season of plenty. To assure himself and to prove his faith in the seasons that God had created, he made a great feast celebrating the coming of salvation from the cold, the dark and from hunger. Spiritually, this was a time to contemplate the soul, to figure out man’s relationship with God. If a man had no particular religious faith, then he walked a time of darkness in his soul. If he was at peace with his soul’s wanderings and knew what he believed and had faith in that, then the feast of Yule was just another way to celebrate the promise of rebirth of the seasons in spring and to rejoice that he had with him his family and his people. For those who are Christians, or became Christians, the Yule season was a time for expectation, waiting for the recreation of the birth of the Christ Child. When a man felt that his soul was dark, he could recall the light of a blazing star and the three Magi who followed this celestial herald to a cave where a small child, the light of the
world, was lying in both glory and poverty in a stable, with straw underneath him in his manger cradle. The star had told the Magi that the child was the redeemer, who would die for the sins of man and free all men who accepted his gift from the darkness of the soul. We imitate these far away magi in the giving of gifts. Though in modern times, Christmas, or Yule, has been made an obscene commercialized thing, we should remember who it is we imitate when we give a gift, who the receiver is to us. When we give a gift at Christmas, we tell the person we give it to that we recognize the Divine Christ residing in their own hearts. Even when we give a gift to a person of another religion or creed, we are telling them we see the Sacred Spirit in their soul and we honor them. We also celebrate the season with the colors we so desperately miss, by bringing aromatic evergreens and holy and smilax and mistletoe into the house. We buy poinsettia plants and red and green candles and decorate with tinsel representing the treasures fit for a king. We set up our crèche and remember the babe born to bring the light of the world and the magikal strangers who saw his beacon in the dark night. We gather with friends and family to go to church or come together in the home and feast and celebrate and remember that the winter is not so long after all.
Imbolc We celebrate the feast of Imbolc in February. Imbolc was known as the milk feast as the new spring lambs are born in the darkness of the late winter nights. It is appropriate that this feast should be represented with the lamb as this is the time to contemplate the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. In Christianity, Imbolc occurs very near to the Mardi Gras/ Lenten period of the Church calendar. The Christian Witch can, therefore, use the feast of Imbolc to prepare for the greater feast of Ostara or Easter. Christians prepare for Easter by examining their lives, confessing sins and other short comings, and repairing relationships or preparing for new ones. It is also a time of letting go of regrets and setting goals for the coming year and cleaning out not just their homes but their spiritual selves. Fasting, prayer and celebration of the season and
letting go of negativity energize us, helps us refocus and prepares us for the rebirth of nature. For the Christian Witch this is a time that we can rededicate old tools, dedicate new ones, look at the past year of workings and sorting out or herb closets and our Book of Shadows for good spells, so –so spells and rituals that simply don’t work for us. It is also a time when initiates prepare for final tests and prepare for their initiations. They may also take this time to gather their basic tools of chalice, wand, athame, cauldron and broom. They may also buy their first hard bound Book of Shadows and decorate it to prepare for the writing if their own spells and lore.
Ostara Ostara or Easter is the feast of rebirth and resurrection. It is also the time for initiates to become a part of the Church and take steps into the ways of the wise. While initiations can take place anytime during their year and a day of study the tradition is to complete the full year and a day and it is a good rule. It is a period of collecting your basic knowledge and tools and it forces you to invest in the act of learning. It makes you anticipate the moment that you have invested in to become entitled to be a witch. During this feast, we rejoice and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the dawning age of salvation and righteousness. We consider the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection and the faith, and even the lack of faith, of his disciples as they waited to see if prophecy would be fulfilled or were they to wait for some other. Christ is God made flesh and his life, from birth, to youth, to ministry to trial to death and finally to resurrection mirrors the passage of time. He is the great seed, planted and expended and reflowering and with this feast we celebrate the promise of life everlasting and the power to do all things in his name. We are his Brothers and Sisters, filled with the spirit of God and able to do all wonders. We are taught by his example that all things may pass away only to be reborn.
Beltane Beltane is the feast of the mother: Mother Earth, our birth Mothers, the Mothers of our Craft and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ. We crown her with flowers and show her honor and respect promised her by the angels and by her cousin Elizabeth when she was recognized as the mother of Christ. We remember that Mary was the first Christian, accepting Christ in the most personal and intimate way. She is the true royal blood line which gives Christ his noble human ancestry tied with his divine being. We also celebrate the fertility of women and of Mother Earth. We acknowledge that the earth is primed for sowing that intimate act of readying the ground for planting. We relearn the first command God to Father Adam and that was to care for his Garden of Eden and to care for the plants and herbs and creatures who lived in it. It is also a time to show respect and gratitude to the women who imitated Mother Eve and Mother Mary and gave us life. There are human complications, of course, not all of us were blessed with loving and caring mothers as I was, but even if this is the case for you, you can give this same love and respect to the women who treated us as their own, who cared for us and gave us love and support though they did not physically give birth to us. Beltane is also the time when we celebrate the women of the Craft who taught us the ways of the wise and guided us in understanding herbs and spells and charms and
talismans, who preserved the knowledge from antiquity and gave it to us with the love of any mother for her child.
Litha Litha is the feast of the fathers. We honor God the Father, creator of the heavens and the earth and who gave us life in our mother’s wombs. He adopted us into the royal blood line of Christ who called us all brothers and sisters. We also celebrate our earthly fathers. These may be our biological fathers or they may be men who stepped up and loved and cared for us. There are men who are fathers and them there are sperm donors, that is a sad fact, that it why it is important to celebrate these men who are real men and real fathers. There are also the fathers of the Craft. These are men who joined female witches and learned the way of the wise. Though this wisdom was not limited to women, it took a long time for men to realize that they could benefit from the knowledge women had known for centuries. Because the Craft and the Craft culture is female centric, when men came into the Craft it began to balance the female centeredness of the Craft with the male centeredness of religion and society. As Christian Witches we embrace this balance of male and female through God the Father and Mary the celestial spouse. We draw energy from this balance and learn to combine both energies
Lammas Harvest begins in the late summer with the gathering of the first fruits of the harvest. Early grains, gourds, squashes, grapes come as the promise of even greater abundance at Mabon and Samhain. We honor the plentiful bounty of the first fruits and thank God for his love and care. It is also the time to begin counting your blessings. Not just from your garden but the blessings of life. Think of the health of your family and friends, your work, even your struggles are blessings and you grow and learn and gain wisdom. This notion of gratitude is lost on modern men and women. Our self-centeredness and greed makes us forget about gratitude. We forget that our lives are intertwined and we depend on each other and God. Many countries and cultures have a day of gratitude or thanksgiving. These three feasts of Lammas, Mabon and Samhain are the periods of thanksgiving when we show our gratitude to God, the earth and the ancestors and each other.
Mabon Mabon is the second feast of gratitude. It is also a time of self examination. This is not only for your blessings but for your failings in life as they are lessons we learn to be better people and better Christians and better witches. Since we follow not only the Golden Rule but the Witches’ Rede we must consider our lives and how we impact each other. Have we done all that we can to protect, honor and respect each other? Have we served God and the Craft? Do we harbor hatred and pettiness against others? Have we reached all of our goals? Have we honored ourselves with rest, good healthy food, and work and play in equal parts? Mabon is that time to find balance, seek guidance, forgive others and ourselves and to ask for forgiveness, resolve conflicts, and dedicate ourselves to improving our lives for others as well as for ourselves. Remember, Harm None applies to all of us, even ourselves. Do not burden your soul with negativity.
Samhain Ritual One October 31 Samhain (sowin) or All Hallows Eve is the beginning of the New Year for witches who practice the Craft. It is the time when the seeds of flowers and grasses have dropped to the ground and the days are shorter and the world is dormancy. It is a time when the spirits of those who have gone on before us and the Saints await our prayers and remembrances. So, just as Catholics remember the dead, so Samhain celebrates the lives and the deaths of our loved ones and remember them with love and grace and we pray for them and ask for their prayers, too. Materials Candles (White and Lt Blue) Incense (Frankincense and Evergreen) Chalice Wand Athame Wine Salt Paper and Pen Sacred Fire Begin your ritual for the New Year with a meditation ritual. During your meditation time, write down the names of loved ones who have gone on to the next world and a second list of faults and goals. After meditating do your cleansing ritual and call the corners. Say the Lord’s Prayer, the Shepherd’s Prayer, and the prayer to St. Michael. Take now your white candle and light it:
Merry Meet and happy Samhain. May God bless those who have gone before us and are in the presence of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and among the angels and the saints. May God bless those who sleep in purgatory. May they awaken soon and be admitted into glory. Samhain contains the mystery of sleep and rebirth. On this night, the spirits of those who have gone before are present among the awaiting seeds of life in the great circle of life, death and resurrection. Just as Jesus was born, died and resurrected in glory, so will ourselves and our loved ones be. Light the Light Blue Candle This candle represents my prayers to God for you, my thankfulness to my creator. May he hear my words and have mercy on me This night of renewal, accept these faults and help me erase them from my life. Create in me a desire for growth and wisdom and inspiration to aid my fellows from your divine being and from my Craft, which comes from you Lord. This night of renewal, accept these goals. Help me to understand your will and strengthen my search for knowledge, new and ancient. Help me devote my Craft to the glory of God in service to my fellows Pour some wine in your chalice This wine was made from the fruit of the vine, a thing crushed and destroyed and transformed. So shall we all be. I celebrate with this cup the souls of those who have gone on and those who will be. Merry Meet and Blessed Be until we are all together. This wine is my covenant between God, thee and me. Drink the wine. The ritual is over. Close the corners and clear your space. Continue celebrating with friends and family with music and stories.
Masks or mask shapes Feathers Lace Stickers
A Samhain Activity Materials
Markers or Pens or Pencils Glue Glitter Ribbons Tape Create an inner self and an outer self mask or masks representing the four corners or the many facets of your personalities. Blood on the Moon To honor the deceased, excellent to perform as a part of your Samhain ceremonies. Also good for Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, or days that loved ones are passing over. Purple Candle Frankincense Myrrh Lavender Evergreen (or other tree oil) Simmer Cauldron Pictures of loved ones (or list) Wand Athame Salt Anise Star herb Incense (your choice) Mix the oils and a crushed anise star in the simmer cauldron and begin warming. Take some of the oil and anoint the candle Light the incense and candle and with wand intone: The Circle round the pearly moon Pulls the spirits from their tomb We invite you to our circle of live From here on earth to heaven above. Grands and parents, sisters and brothers Gone before, we invite you to hover Be our guardians and our guides As we honor you tonight. With Athame, intone:
Warriors, knights, soldiers and braves For our freedom your lives you gave We honor you for your sacrifice And pray you have found your paradise We honor you and hold you near Join us now, the veil is sheer Open your heart and receive us well Blood on the moon, we cast this spell. Welcome loved ones, friends and guests Touch our hearts as you do best Blessings and prayers we offer you And thank you for these moments few Blessed be and Merry Meet So Mote it Be Samhain Ritual Two Materials Black candle Frankincense or other pleasant scent Pictures of loved ones now gone Moon symbol Chalice Wine Cookies or cakes Dress your altar as you see fit with small pumpkins and gourds and fall leaves. Play music that inspires you to the season like Camille Sansan’s Danse Macabre or a requiem mass. This sabbat should be performed at midnight. It is sabbat; the holy hour chimes (a bell may be rung) Let us keep the season, let us mark the times God of creation, God of Craft, God of Good and God of life Be with us now, the time is right. Pour wine in the cup and raise it We pour this wine in sweet libation
Open the doorways between life and death Send away evil and strife Send those we love to celebrate with us tonight Set the cup with the cakes or cookies By the mystery of night And the silvery moonlight By our most sacred rite Join us in merriment and delight. Light the candle and incense Through the flickering candle glow Let your presence to me show In the incense smoke so dense Thy blessed presence we sense Though death does part us, this you know In love and trust I do you show In celebration I drink and feast Merry meet and blessed be Drink from the chalice and eat some of the cake or cookie as a token Return beloved dead with the morning sun Our midnight revelries are now done Return to heaven with break of day Let peace and blessings guide they way Blessed be and merry meet The Ritual is complete Blow out the black candle and save it for spells requiring the intervention of the ancestors.
Yule Ritual One December 21 Small green and red and silver and gold candles All spice or cinnamon oil Frankincense or myrrh incense Small Yule log Holly and evergreens Small nativity set Dress your altar to celebrate the Christmas season. Play Christmas Carols. Light the candles and incense and intone: God our Father, Glory of Heaven Hear our heartfelt praise For the Lamb of God comes to us Born on Christmas Day You are the child of promise The Lord of Light is born today Blessed be on all this night Blessed be o Child of Light In this season of Joy and Delight Love and laughter on our side A child is born of a Virgin Bride Defeating death and bringing life Lord of Life we call to thee Let the reign of goodness be Come to us this sacred night And live within our inner sight
Warm us, heal us, bring us joy Blessed Mary’s baby boy The curse of death is broken now We have our soul’s salvation vow Upon the earth below blessings from above Purer than a snow white dove In perfect sacred love In perfect sacred trust Good witches all this blessed Yule With God’s own Son we do commune We thank the Lord for this time of mirth In celebration of Jesus’ birth Brightest blessings be, this sabbat is done Yule Ritual Two Nativity scene with the three Magi Wand Athame Wine Chalice Evergreens Simmer Cauldron Cinnamon or All Spice oil Green and red candles Ginger and anise spice Water Yule log with four tea light candles Sacred fire Christmas cookies Frankincense and Myrrh incense Pen and Paper This ritual is to celebrate the Three Magi who came to visit the Christ Child and the mages who have taught us our Craft. Cleanse your sacred space and decorate your altar for the Yule season. Light the red and green candles, placed on either side of your nativity scene. With your wand intone: Red is the color of the blood of our Salvation from the one born in this blessed season. Green is the color of everlasting life. May the light of these candles bless this season.
Set up the log and light the first candle. With wand intone: This first candle is represents the three Magi, mystics and wizards and stargazers and seers. You searched for the Christ child in fulfillment of prophesy and faith. May all of us who seek esoteric knowledge remember your devotion to God and the Craft. Light the second candle. With wand intone: This second candle represents the witches and wizards who have come since and shared their knowledge. May their natural works and esoteric wisdom thrive among the generations and bring us together. Light the third candle and with wand intone: This third candle represents the wise people in my family and in my life, the ones who Crafted naturally, who dreamed dreams, moved things with the powers of their mind, called the animals in their own spirits, made charms and talismans and totems and speak to the beloved dead all around us. I remember you and ask that you guide me. Light the fourth candle and with wand intone: This fourth candle is for me, that I grow in wisdom of the Craft, allow the Craft to imbue me and celebrate my magikal self. I thank God for my knowledge, energies and skills. Pick up your Athame: I promise to defend all, to champion the weak, fight injustice and seek the strength and wisdom and courage to do all in the name of God. Light your incense. With wand intone: This incense represents the skills I wish to learn or improve. I ask the angels of the four corners help me obtain knowledge and the skills I seek. (if you have not already done so, write down the skills you wish to learn or improve) Place the list on your altar before the nativity scene. Mix water, cinnamon, cloves, anise and ginger in the cauldron and intone: This potion is the blessing of the earth, water, stars, and fire. I bless my sacred space to encourage my work. (sprinkle your sacred space) Pour the wine into the chalice
I celebrate the esoteric life of the Craft and thank God for all his blessings and the blessings I receive working for others. Take your small plate of cookies and intone with wand: May life be as sweet as this small treat and may I celebrate the sweetness of life. This sabbat is ended, brightest blessings be.
Imbolc Ritual February 1 Imbolc is the early spring renewal festival. It is an excellent time for cleansings, rededications, and the celebration of light and warmth and thanksgiving. Milk Wand Water Sacred Fire Bread
Cauldron Oils(Frank.&Cypress) Sandalwood Incense Candles (white and Pink) Herbs (rosemary and sage) Cleanse sacred space and call the corners and light the sacred fire. Merry Meet and Nollog Imbolc. We celebrate this feast thanking God for seeing us through the harshness of winter and showing us the promise of spring. Light white candle and place it in the center of your altar stone. With your wand intone: The winter snows are falling The frigid air remains But we our blessings find In the promise of spring days This candle burning brightly Like the golden sun it shines To remind me of the warmth of life And of God divine. Light incense and intone: This a time of renewal, preparing for spring May the sandalwood bring blessings For every little thing May it bring warm winds And sweet and gentle rains As we wait in darkness for the sun’s sweet rains Light pink candle: Purify this hour, purify this space Purify this ritual in its place So above in heaven So on earth below May God give his blessings To all of us who know. Place oils in cauldron of water
Frankincense bless this place and this craft Cypress make the worker steadfast. Add the herbs Rosemary purify me and with God’s world make us one Sage give me wisdom and success in all that’s done. Raise bread This is bread, the staff of life A man who has bread, has a wife Bless oh Lord this holy gift Heal all wounds and mend all rifts Raise Milk This milk the wine of the babe Nourishing from birth to the grave Bless oh Lord this sign of love As on earth in heaven above Spend some time in meditation and close ritual. Imbolc Ritual Two Spring-cleaning for the soul Large White candle Pen and paper Patchouli Incense Cauldron Beforehand, write down your regrets, problems, desires for the coming year. Light the large white candle and incense and intone: This is our Sabbat rite The holy hour is struck We celebrate before the cauldron of life Our cauldron of renewal We await the coming of spring As the signs of renewal begins Winter comes now to her close
The world slumbers but the waking will soon begin. I have lit a candle to Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and Earth Mother of Earth, Mistress of Angels Guide us now and protect us As we contemplate the miracle of life, death and rebirth We release our needs, habits and troubles To the flames they are consigned (burn your paper) We trust them to your keeping To bring before the God divine Mother of Christ, God’s Virgin Bride Approve our act of love and faith May we be renewed and prepared for new growth The spirit of the Sabbat has been kept Brightest Blessings Be
Easter Sabbat One White Flowers for Altar Purple candle Empty Cross with purple ribbons draped Athame Wand Pentangle Bible Play light, happy music or favorite hymns Easter sabbat is upon us The Holy Day of Resurrection The day of salvation
We call upon God the Father And give thanks for God the Son Life and death and eternal rebirth The day is given to us Blessed Be In the blessed sabbat we celebrate The word made flesh Who brings all wisdom And endows it upon all who bears the name of witch I see the symbol of God the Son The Cross of Sacrifice I see the symbol of the witch The star of the night sky I see the Bible, the word of God I see my rod and my sword Living by the rule of God And the witches’ rede I seek balance in my life In perfect love and perfect trust My Lord God, I serve thee As I bear these symbols of my faith. I believe in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit I believe in the continuing Age of Miracles I believe in the balance of prayer and Craft I believe in the salvation of the Cross God is present in our hearts and minds God is present in the four compass points God is present in earth, air, fire and water God is present in every human soul God is present in every living child of nature I believe in patience with an unbelieving world I believe in humble charity I believe in the sincerity of all religion of light Blessed be the wisdom of prophets and seers Blessed be those who suffered for their knowledge Good Christians all, brothers and sisters of the Cross Good witches all, brothers and sisters of the Craft Let us go forth to heal the world
Increase our knowledge and guide our lives And may the God of Light guide our paths forever Merry Meet and Blessed Be Easter Sabbat Two Easter Eve Midnight White Candle Spring Flowers Bowl of Water White Stone Salt Incense Nuts and Wine Chalice Clean and decorate your altar. You may use the materials from Easter Sabbat One as well as those above, Light the candles and incense and intone: Farewell to winter Turn the wheel Here is your memory And your promise This day the promise is fulfilled Hand and flower thank and bless In the heavens and in earth This is the beginning, this is birth In all that creep, walk, swim and fly Here is newness and here is day And Our Lady Virgin Sweet Comes to us mild and meek And in kindness to our need Drink a bit of the water from the bowl Dancing water of sacred birth The darling secret of a virgin girl In love and praise That she may guide us
In our ways Dark before light we sleep and wake Our souls were in darkness and now stands in the day We acknowledge the one who like the seed was buried Who now is our risen Jesus Through his sacrifice we have rebirth In the power of Mary’s Holy Son We are born again Life renewed and scared, we are born again Blessings upon all powers of renewal Upon all things made new And shines with the radiance of the risen Lord Announce: Christ is Risen alleluia Lady Mary this day is the day of shining The seed of salvation, broken and buried has risen Lady Mary this day is newly made water, earth, air and fire And Christ from death arises In our hearts you make us new In Jesus name the world is new In our minds you give us light Jesus is the light of the world Blessed is the name of the Lord Drink some wine This is the Spring, the moment of the day of salvation And Blessed is the Sacred Son, resurrected and reborn He brought us our redeeming grace On his cross he took our place Through him all life increase Through him all life is blessed be Eat some nuts and drink the wine in libation.
Beltane One May 1 Celebrated on Mary’s Coronation Day, it is a celebration of the Blessed Virgin, Mother Earth, and the mothers of the Wise who taught us the Craft, and planting the new plants of the year. Athame Wand Chalice Green candle Musk incense Flowers Wine Fruit Chocolate Salt Sage Envelope Seed packets Nollog e Beltane, merry meet and blessed be! I celebrate the beginning of Spring and the beginning of our growing season. Light the green candle and place it in the center of the altar. With wand intone:
This light is the spark of life. So shall my garden be blessed with life and the herbs used to heal, enrich, and savor life. Light the incense. With the athame intone: Blessed Mother, I am your champion. Guide my hand in all I do to the glory of God, Our Father and your blessed Son, Jesus. Mix the salt and sage in an envelope and lay hands palm down over it, I remember the mothers who have taught me the way of the wise. Salt protects us and sage imparts wisdom. Help me be wise and protect all I love, like those who taught me way to wisdom. Pick up seed packets and intone: Bless these seeds so that they may die to the soil and be resurrected as life and health giving plants. May they grow and give energy through their life force. Pour wine in chalice I celebrate the coming of spring, the warm air and the healing sun, and the blessed rest. I lift my chalice to the coming fruit and vegetables, herbs and flowers. Blessed be Drink from the cup May the earth yield to our love and care nourish us from her breast. I celebrate the earth’s fertility and my responsibility to her So mote it be Eat and drink in celebration. Beltane Ritual Two White candle Pictures of Mary and Jesus Flowers Seed packets Light the candle and set the pictures on each side of it. Intone:
Blessed Virgin, Queen of Heaven We celebrate your blessed day And in grateful remembrance We let God have his way Just as when the angel came And you replied to God ―So Mote it Be‖ With this simple act of grace The Lord Jesus came to thee Through thee we came to know salvation And from thee we learned perfect trust From thee we learn intercession To God in heaven above From Christ we learned perfect love Which like flowers his love does bloom Bless these seeds to grow and flower To remind us of your healing power Upon this day, this moment, this hour I bless your name, our source of power Each spell I work, each act of healing I invoke Christ’s name the core of my being I celebrate the Queen of Heaven And her Beautiful Son With each flower, herb and seedling God’s work to be done
Litha Ritual One June 24 This ritual is a cleansing ritual and can also be used to celebrate the men in our lives, from God the Father to our birth fathers or the fathers of the Craft who taught us the wise ways. In preparation, clean your home and sacred space box and bag things to donate, recycle and throw away. Red fire Bible Sun symbol Wine Chalice It is sabbat, let all evil and negative things flee before the God of Light. Let our home and temple be cleansed by God’s might. God of the Universe, God of Light Attend us during our sabbat rite Bless this temple and our lives As we dedicate to you our lives May God bless this circle And bless those who come To gather before God our Father We light this candle
To celebrate his presence with us Light the candle This is the light of all lights, the flame of all flames It represents the powers given to us as His servants We are the children of God, brothers and sister to the Christ And we are empowered with His great might May the God of Love and Light and Life Bless thee and all thy works Brightest blessings be As this flame represents our God So it also represents our wisdom We praise those who teach us the way of the wise We are the guiding light who lives in the world of darkness So Mote it Be Litha Ritual Two The Feast of Our Fathers June 24 Flowers Chalice Wine Pictures of Fathers Cross Dark Blue Candle Decorate your altar with flowers and pour wine in the chalice. Light the candle and intone: Nollog e Litha We celebrate our feast in honor of our Fathers. God the Father Creator who with his loving hands created the universe, the planets and our Mother Earth. He is the celestial gardener who placed us in the home second only to our heavenly home. Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom And the power And the glory Amen We celebrate our fathers who raised us, nourished us, protected us and taught us. They held us in love and gave of themselves. This does not speak only of biology but those men who claimed us as their own and made us one blood with their love and commitment. We celebrate our Spiritual Fathers, who came to us as preachers, pastors and priests who taught us the love of our Heavenly Father and shows us all compassion. We celebrate our Fathers of the Craft those we know personally and those we know only through their words. From them we have found our calling and know the way of the wise. Raise the cup in libation: We celebrate the fathers who guide us along our paths and remember all those living and dead Drink form the cup Brightest blessings be to the fathers in our lives and may we be forever blessed
Lammas Sabbat August 1 Red candle Wine Chalice Bread Spicy Incense (especially cloves) Cornucopia This feast is the feast of the first harvest. This is the first fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables. Dress the altar and light the candle and incense and pour some of the wine in the chalice. This is the sabbat of the first harvest, the holy day of the God of Life, the celebration of the earth’s fertile bounty and the turning of the year. As the days shorten and the nights become longer, let us celebrate with the Lord and give him joyous thanks for the love he so richly bestows upon us. Good witches partake of bread and wine and celebrate the goodness of the Lord. You have sustained by his love. We give thanks for the fruits and vegetables and herbs and trees that give us nourishment and sacred power through the love of God. Eat some of the bread and drink some of the wine
Lord of life, be thou blessed. May we be forever blessed. May we acknowledge the wonder of God’s love and generosity to us through the gifts of nature and may we always find the Face and the way of God through out our lives. Blessings be as we keep our sabbat Lammas Ritual Two Red candle Wine Chalice Bread Cauldron Paper and pen Take some time before hand and make a short list of all the things you have been blessed with. Light the red candle and intone: Jesus Christ the Living Bread Hear this our gratitude For the wealth of the year Burn your paper and place it in the cauldron Jesus Christ, Son of the Father Giver of eternal life You make the world new Hear our gratitude for every gift On the first day of the harvest Blessed Mother of God You brought Christ into the world For the good of us all We acknowledge our love to you And our ties with all creation Raise the chalice and intone: As the night is the womb of the day And the day of the night And man a part of woman And woman of the man All that is born dies
And that which dies is born again We celebrate our oneness with the elements We celebrate the blessings we have received And having been blessed We are empowered to bless And all that is loosed is bound And all that is bound is loosed With each sorrow there is joy And with each joy there is sorrow Thus we know the balance of nature Thus we know the Lord And thus we know the Craft Drink from the chalice. All good witches, this we know, we are blessed by heaven above. We go forth now in perfect love and perfect trust. Brightest Blessings Be
Mabon Ritual One September 21 Mabon is the feast of balance, of self-examination and preparation for Samhain. Think about the events of the last year and your triumphs and failures and any injustices you are suffering in your life or any injustices you have inflicted on others.
Think about your hasty words, your disrespect to your brothers and sisters, your pettiness. Think now about what you would like to happen in your life. Though Samhain is a time of renewal, this feast can be the time of thoughtful meditation, repentance and understanding the consequences. Red flowers Sliced fruit Red, purple and yellow candle Chalice Wine Bread Jam Justice card Strength Card Judgment Card Pen and paper Cauldron Write your list of troubles and regrets. Set up your altar with the tarot cards before each candle. Set up your chalice and fruit and bread. Light the candles and intone: We celebrate this sabbat and turn the great wheel. Now is the time of preparation for the great Witches Day. Now we recall our failings, regrets, and great and small deeds, of goals reached and goals yet to attain. This is the hour of mercy and miracles from our Blessed Lord. Light the candles and the incense: Before us lies Justice, the great karmic leveler. Those who have done us harm will feel the hand of karma in their lives. And we will accept our good karma with thanks for the lessons we have learned and let go of our regrets and move to the next great thing in our lives. Before us lies strength. We call upon the strength of the Lord to serve him. Through service to God, we are blessed and all blessings we share with others and bless him for his generosity. We take upon us the mantle of strength to welcome the turning of the year so we may start anew.
Before us lies Judgment. We know that we all stand in judgment before the Lord. We ask for mercy for our wrongdoing and the fortitude to judge not and let the power of the Lord be our defender. Pour the wine into the chalice: Come the comfort that we seek Come the blessings from his glory We have taken the bitter with the sweet Into joy we pass from our mourning Drink form the chalice We have reaped what we have sown The fruit of redemption or the meat of woe Help us o Lord on our path To love and nurture those who cannot And forgive those who do not And use our knowledge only for good Eat some of the fruit Come Lord of Creation Come God of Justice and Might Celebrate with we good witches On this wonderful sabbat night Burn your list in your cauldron Brightest Blessings Be Mabon Ritual Two Red Candle Green Candle Blue Candle Yellow Candle Fall flowers Cornucopia Spice incense Wine Chalice Fruit
Bread We stand in grateful observance of this harvest feast and thank the Lord for his bounty. We thank the Lord also for the blessings of the Craft and renew our vows to work for the good of all. Call the corners of the elements and intone: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost In the name of earth, air, water and fire We gather together in gratitude For the wealth of the earth’s bounty And the blessings we have received from God our Creator To receive gifts, we must give them Through or devotion and love To receive great blessings We must bless those around us Pour the wine in the cup and raise chalice and plate of food We have given food to the hungry And drink to the thirsty We have given the captive the breath of freedom And shared enlightenment with the spiritually blind We have given strength to those who falter Set the chalice and plate back on the altar Now we call upon the sacred power To strengthen us for the coming year We libate in celebration And celebrate the gifts of the Lord We are a part of all We give and are given We thank the Lord of Creation For his gifts to us on earth As above so below As we will it, mote it be so Brightest blessings be
Eat and drink the feast
Christian Witch Christening Some Christians practice infant baptism in imitation of the ritual purification of Orthodox Jews, called a mikvah. This generally occurs a few days after birth. In the case of males, the mikvah occurs about the same time of the circumcision. Some Christian Churches may wait for baptism as they consider it a sacrament of free will, undertaken after they formally and publicly accept Christ as their Savior. Other churches perform a Christening. A christening is not a baptism but a ceremony where the baby is introduced to the church and the congregation vows to teach the child the Christian faith and is then blessed with water. Christians who practice witchcraft may wish to have a baptism or christening done by their priest or pastor and then have a Christian Witch Christening. Wiccans and pagans call this a Wiccaning. The Christian Witch Christening is the opportunity to vow before God and their coven or circle to not only raise their child in the Christian church but to teach it the wisdom of witchcraft. This service may be restructured for a traditional Wiccaning. Materials White candle dressed with violets Bowl
Water Sweet Oil Book of Shadows Clothes Cross Pentangle (these two items should be given as gifts to the child) We gather together to bless this beautiful child. He/she has been blessed and vows undertaken to teach him/her of the Lord Jesus. Now we bless this child and vow to share the wise ways of the craft so that they shall know the nature of God’s Creation and the powers and gifts of Mother Earth. The parents bring the child to the altar Name now this beautiful boy/girl The parents name him/her _______you stand before this circle of love and life. From us and your parents you will hear the whispers of the wind, speak to the stones, dream dreams and see visions. You will know past, present and future. Parents and congregation: Blessed Be ______you will count the stars, seek wisdom from the flowers and herbs of the fields and embrace the creatures of the earth. Parents and Congregation: Blessed Be ________you will learn the ancient wisdom and know magik as your ally. Parents and congregation: Blessed Be _________ our beautiful boy/girl we call upon the ancients and the wise ones of our way and of our family to teach you the Craft. I bless you with the element of water, the drink of life. The priest or priestess dampens his fingertips and makes the sign of the cross and the witches’ star on the baby’s forehead. ________ our beautiful boy/girl we call upon the ancients and the wise ones of our way and of our family to teach you the Craft. I bless you with oil and make the sign of the witches’ star on your forehead.
The priest or priestess turns to the congregation. We have a responsibility brother and sister witches. We must teach our beautiful boy/girl the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ and the way of the Craft. Those who promise seal this rite with So Mote it Be Congregation: So Mote it Be Brightest blessings be and may God bless you in all your days and through all your ways.
Sending Forth of the Soul The Christian Witches Funeral Many witches, regardless of religious practice, practice in secret, that is, in the Broom Closet. Because of this, the Ritual of Sending Forth will likely be a memorial service. Funerals, after all, are for the family and friends. This service not only reflects the loved one’s Christianity but their witchcraft practice. This ritual may be adapted for the Pagan or Wiccan beloved dead. Materials A white candle A picture of the deceased White flowers Incense White tablecloth Pentangle Crucifix
Bible Book of Shadows When the ritual begins, the officiate should light the candle. Welcome brother and sister witches and brightest blessings be We gather together to send forth our beloved brother/sister witch. He/She stands now before God our Creator, one with the elements and the seasons who loved his/her work he/she did in the name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. We mourn his/her absence from our presence but rejoice in his/her peace with God with His Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He/she stands with Mary, our Mother, and sings the praises of heaven with the angels and the saints. On Earth, he/she practiced the way of the wise and danced in unity to the pulse of nature. The flowers called him/her brother/sister and the beasts called him/her friend. He/she followed the path of the sun and worked by the phases of the moon. Our brother/sister witch lead his/her life by the golden rule and by the witches rede. He/she consulted the stars, divined the future and protected the innocent. He/she cast spells for the benefit of all. We thank God for our brother/sister witch and thank Him for allowing us to know him/her and work with him/her and practice Craft with him/her. Comfort us as we let go of our sorrow and rejoice in his/her sending forth into the heaven you have prepared him/her. Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again Brightest Blessings Be
Handfasting One Best performed at the New Moon Flowers 2 White Candles Incense Wand Rings Wine Chalice Cakes
Officiate- a priest or priestess of the Wicca practice or a witch May the power of this rite be consecrated by God as we are gathered here in a ritual of love with two who would be wed. Calling of the corners Gabriel be with us here, oh being of the air. With your angel’s fingers tie closely the bonds between these two. Michael be with us here, oh being of fire. Give their love and passion your own allconsuming ardor. Raphael be with us here oh being of water. Give them the deepest love and richness of the spirit. Uriel be with us here oh being of earth. Let your constancy bind them together for as long as they wish.
Blessed Lord we ask for your love and protection. Blessed be. Officiate now places the couple’s hands together palm up and places the rings in their palms. With a wand intone: Above you are the stars and below is ancient earth and above us all the Eternal God. Remember, like the stars, like the earth and like the Eternal God your love should be constant and firm. Be close but not to smother; possess but give freedom and above all have patience for one another through the storms and winds of life. Love with compassion and let no word or action by others separate you. For God is with you, now and forever. The officiate then takes the rings and to the person on the officiates right, give them the ring they are to give and ask: Is it your wish _______ to become one with ___________. Answer: Yes Place this ring on the finger of your beloved. Repeat for the other. Does anyone here object? The officiate then takes the chalice and offers it to the couple intoning: This wine is the cup of blessings and promises. Let it seal your binding. Couple drinks from the cup. With the ribbons or cords, bind their wrists together and intone: Like the umbilical at birth, you two are one. You are now fasted to one another. Then as God and this gathering are witness to this rite I now proclaim you love and life mates. The ceremony is finished and wine and cakes are served.
(Longer ceremony)
Handfasting Two Commonly, the structure of a wedding ceremony includes some or all of these elements: Processional, creation of sacred space, welcoming of guests, declaration of intent, charge, exchange of vows, rings and the final benediction, closing and presentation. Opening: Couple and Officiate are at the altar We stand before this company on this beautiful day/evening to join ______and _______. Welcome are you friends and family. Today, before you and God, you will witness transformation as _________ & ________ become one in their vows: Blessed be to all who attend this celebration and blessed be our lovers about to be joined. Charge: To the couple: You stand before this company and before God seeking to become one with each other. You have entered into this union with open eyes and a full hearts. If either of you or any of these present know of any reason why these vows should not be made, speak now. Declaration of Intent: _______ &__________ you stand before me, God and this holy company desiring the bond of marriage. Do you do this of your own free will; coming here today without coercion by any means. Answer: We do. Do you consecrate your life to truth, honesty, trust, communication, and leave your solitary road to walk together? Answer; We do. Will all of you witnessing this handfasting support and assist this couple as they begin their lives together? Answer: We will. So must it be.
Vows: We will now hear the vows. I _______do take you _______ as my true love. Never will I seek to do harm and always will I strive for your happiness. Your love is my treasure in poverty, my healing in sickness, my comfort in sadness, my guiding light in darkness and I promise to be the same for you. Blessing of the rings: These rings, a token of your love, serves as a reminder that in all life is a cycle: all comes to pass and passes away and returns. May the four elements bless these rings: Air- the element of renewal- renew each day the love of this couple. Fire- the element of passion- may you burn for each other today and forever. Water- the element of harmony- bring fulfillment and contentment to this couple. Earth- all life springs from the earth- bless this couple with life and prosperity. Exchange of rings: _______this ring I give you is a symbol of our love and the vows we have made. Answer ____I will wear this ring as a symbol of our love and the vows we have made. Binding: (A cord or several ribbons should be braided or knotted together before hand. I t should contain the colors: Red, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Green, and Orange) Woven in this cord and imbued in its fibers are all of the hopes of your friends and family for your new lives together. With this knot I tie all the desires, dreams and love and happiness wished here in this place to your lives together. (Tie the couple’s wrists together) Blessings and benedictions: Lord, in Your sight these people have promised themselves to one another, made vows before You and have been handfasted. Bless them in their new life together. Closing and Presentation:
You have witnessed the promises made by _____and _______one to another and exchange the symbols of their union. They are now soul mates under heaven to experience life together and meet challenges and rewards together through their lives. I am honored to present to you ______ and ______. Blessed Be.
The Way of Merlin We know Merlin through the legendary tales of King Arthur. Though we understand that the story of Arthur and his knights of the round table and the search for the grail is an allegory, many of us do not understand the significance of the tale in real history. Those of us interested in the Arthurian legend, try to see it in a historical context. Historically, we do not know if Arthur really existed. We believe that Arthur may have been a regional or tribal king of questionable birth. As he gains power and his story is told and retold, this question of his birth takes a magical turn. Arthur may simply be symbolic of the move from Celtic Paganism to early Christianity. We can suppose that Arthur may well have been a Pagan in his youth and childhood but later becomes a Christian. It may even be that he converted for the love of Gueneviere, who may have been a cradle Christian. He may have converted to stabilize his claim of kingship, if he were chosen by the One God to be king who would oppose him and his rule? But has Arthur become a Christian in name only? Or has he developed a sense of early Christo-Paganism? This question comes because of his close ties with Merlin, the Pagan counselor. If Arthur was a committed Christian, why didn’t he have a Christian priest as his counselor? This suggests that Arthur may have been clinging to the past of the
Pagan culture and faith. This is further supported by the ill fortunes that strike Arthur and his kingdom, suggesting that his clinging to the Pagan past and the use of his wizarding counselor Merlin is the source of all the evil that follows. But who is Merlin? Many scholars suggest that he was a real person, really two people. The Merlin we know from Arthurian legend may be an amalgam of these two historical men and a generous wash of mythology. Merlin is a Pagan, clinging to the old ways, tapping into the symbol of the source of magic: the earth, which in some Celtic cultures is said to be a great dragon, imbued with all of the elements and the powers of creation. From the beginning of Arthur’s story, there is Merlin. It is said that Merlin possessed the power of the earth dragon and had the power of creation: the creation of earth and all of its creatures and energies. It is also the power of creation itself. According to the tale, Merlin called upon the dragon and caused Uther Pendragon to transform into Cornwall, his enemy and husband to Egraine, the most beautiful woman of the empire. Uther seduced Egraine in the form of her husband, even as he died on the battle field and that night conceived a son, who was promised to Merlin in exchange for the magic that killed Cornwall and made it possible for Uther to possess Egraine and the kingdom. The problem is, now he is a King of bad repute and bound to be overthrown. The magical sword Excalibur, the sword Merlin gave Uther to symbolize his kingship, was driven into the stone to keep it out of anyone else’s hands. At the moment of the act, Merlin casts a spell on the sword, keeping it imbedded until Arthur would have the opportunity to claim it as his birthright as heir to the throne of the kingdom. To understand Celtic kingship, you must look to the tales of the Irish and Scottish kings who felt the pull of Christianity later. To be a Celtic king, you must have no blemish, physically or spiritually, even in battle, or men who were whole and healthy replaced you. And the kingdom did not always pass through the blood from father to son, but rather to those who had proved themselves in battle and in wisdom. But Arthur’s place as king is assured because of the sword. The sword was the king’s symbol of the right to rule in Celtic culture. It was only through might that the King had the right to claim his leadership. A king must not only be able to expand his kingdom but to protect it. This strength is endowed by the gods, and later by the Christian God who made kings and gave them ―God given‖ rights to rule absolutely. The sword, Excalibur, we are told was given to Merlin by the water nymph known as the Lady of the Lake. Merlin calls her out of the waters with his magical connection to the earth dragon. But how does Merlin access the earth dragon? He has a charm, the charm of making. Let’s just think about the Charm of Making. What does its title mean? What are we making? He is not making anything in and of himself. Merlin is simply invoking the
energies of the dragon to come out of the earth and into the lives of men. His charm of making opens a door to invite the energies of creation (the dragon) to come and dwell in the lives of human beings. Was there a real charm of making? We may never know for sure. The writers of the early legends of Arthur and Merlin do not even speak of a charm like this. Early Celts did not write much in the way of their religion or practice. What little was written was destroyed or lost with first the conquering Romans and then the conquering Christians. Between Pliny and Venerable Bede Celtic religion was a vicious savage religion that was Satanic and evil. What we have a seed of imagination and inspiration. And that, after all is the power of the dragon, the art of creation. We also have a wonderful film called Excalibur.
Excalibur was a film by John Boorman and filmed in Ireland. Ireland, by the way may
well have been the fabled Avalon, though some place it on the Isle of Man. In the opening scenes we see a gruesome battle scene with Merlin walking through the smoke and the chaos calmly, as though he walked through a quiet meadow. Uther quarrels at Merlin because he does not come when he is called. He takes Uther to receive the sword and then takes him to parley with Cornwall. The peace is made and they feast. At the feast, Uther sees Egraine and is enraptured with lust. He breaks the peace and calls to Merlin to use his magic to have a night with her. Merlin takes Uther to the standing stones, on top of the hill equal with the entrance of Cornwall’s castle fortress. There he speaks the charm: anail nathrach, ortha bhais is beatha, do cheal deamaimh. The charm is said in Irish and translates to: Serpent’s breath, charm of death and life, thy omen of making. The question I can hear you asking are: Is this real? Or it just for the movies? Does it have any cultural facts or it just for entertainment? You can look at it like that. But remember what the charm is meant to do. It is the Charm of Making, calling the earth dragon of creation to release its earth magic to us and take the form of whatever creative project we desire. So, since I am writing this Book of Shadows for Christian Witches, what might the Christian Charm of Making look like in the Irish language? Dia nathrach, ortha bhais is beatha, do cheal deamaimh. God’s breath, charm of death and life, thy omen of making. The Other Red Riding Hood Rebecca lived in a deep forest in a little cottage. The forest was nestled in the deepest hollow and was inhabited by many creatures and plants and flowers. No one could want for food so long as they knew what plants and herbs they could eat. Few town people made their way into the wood but Rebecca was never afraid because she knew
that the wise folk, people we call witches today, lived all around her. Though they lived far apart within the mountains and hollows, they always gathered at the new moon and the full moon to praise the Sacred Spirit and to celebrate the bounty they had from the forests and to teach the younger generation. Rebecca was such a girl and was excited because on this full moon, she was to become one of the wise people, a witch. She had made a basket of cookies and cakes for the celebration and had also a jar of honey and a jug of wine. She put on her little red cap, the cap of the student and headed out to the meadow where the wise ones always met, where the moon in her fullest looked enormous and gave the innocent children of nature more than enough light for their frolic and worship. She headed out and walked alone in the deep shadows of the forest. She was not afraid because she knew the forests well and she could see the dark cottages of other people as she made her way to the sabbat. Along her way, she heard a noise and sensed some movement. Though she was not afraid, she knew that she must be very aware of the things around her because her teacher had told her that she would encounter a test and how she reacted would tell whether or not she was a good student of the Craft. Suddenly, walking along side her was a large old gray she wolf, loping along as if she had nothing better to do. ―Good evening little sister, where are you going this evening?‖ asked the Wolf. ―I am going to the sabbat, Mother,‖ she answered the She Wolf. ―I see you have a red cap, are you being initiated this night?‖ asked the Wolf. ―Yes Mother, and I have brought good cakes and honey and wine,‖ answered Rebecca. ―You must have wonderful eyes to see through the darkness,‖ commented the Wolf. ―Not like your own large eyes Mother. Tell me, do all wolves have such eyes as yours?‖ asked the girl. ―Yes, for we see far into the future and understand the past,‖ answered the Wolf. ―And those claws, they must be very helpful. Do all wolves have such wonderful claws Mother?‖ asked Rebecca. ―Yes, for we dig deep for the knowledge of the world and the secrets of the earth,‖ answered the Wolf. ―And those wonderful teeth, Mother, like athames we use for directing energy and defense against evil. Do you use them that way as well?‖ asked the initiate. ―Yes, we care for all of the innocent children of nature and guard them all from evil and protect the wild things from disease as we hunt the weakest of them,‖ said the Wolf. ―You are very wise my Mother Wolf and have taught me much during my walk, for I have never thought of the wolves as one of the wise ones before. Is there nothing I can do for you?‖ asked Rebecca of the Red Cap. ―You can take me to sabbat with you. I have been a witches’ familiar for these many long years and now the crone is dead. I was hoping that one of your teachers would
appreciate my service to the wise one and make me human so I can be a teacher, too and live out my life a human,‖ answered the Wolf. ―I shall take you to sabbat and be honored and take you before my teacher, for she is very wise and will surely know what to do in this matter,‖ said Rebecca. They walked along in silence and came finally to the moon bathed meadow. The whole group was astonished to see the initiate in the company of such an enormous wolf. She walked quickly to her teacher and made her a little bow and said: ―Teacher, as I was walking to sabbat tonight, I met this she wolf and she told me many things. She was the familiar of a wise crone and now her mistress is gone to the Summerland and she wishes to become a human now and live out her days as a wise one and teach her knowledge. Can we help her?‖ asked the young girl. ―I remember the wise one with the wolf companion and wondered what became of her familiar when she journeyed to the Summerland. You were very brave my little student and took the time to understand the Wolf. You have passed your test and will be initiated tonight. Sister Wolf, your wish will be granted. Brother will you help me?‖ the Teacher said, motioning to a large man who carried an axe on his belt. He nodded. The Wolf wheeled around to face the man and stood up on her hind legs. In one swift motion, the man used his axe and opened the chest and belly of the Wolf and out came an older woman, peeling away the skin and standing in the moonlight. The wise ones came to her and led her to a stream and helped her bath and gave her clothes to wear. Rebecca’s teacher turned to the people and said: ―Our sister has no home and needs a place to live out her days. Who among you can take her to your hearth?‖ asked the wise woman. ―Teacher, I should like to offer my humble home to Mother Wolf if she will stoop to share it with me,‖ said Rebecca. ―I should be happy to share your home my daughter,‖ said Mother Wolf. The night was a great one. Rebecca was initiated and given a black cap in place of her red cap, her cakes and honey and wine were considered superior and she had someone to share her life with and to learn from and the She Wolf got her wish and became a human and a wise one and found a home with a lovely young witch. Blessed Be Herbs and their Substitutions
Ambergris- the spicy discharge from whales- can be subbed with synthetic amber oil or with patchouli Lion’s Tongue- subbed with dandelion leaves. For the drug opium you can use non-narcotic poppies, poppy seeds or opium oils and scents. For love spells you can use purple leaves, red leaves, or heart shaped leaves and long thin vine leaves can sub for deer’s tongue. Lettuce or cucumber or chamomile can sub for feverfew. Used to calm a fever or to cool a love affair. To improve potency, in men prescribe cucumbers, asparagus, long cut green beans, squash, whole tomatoes, bananas, and green onions. For women, peaches, eggs (boiled), nuts, milk (suggested for both) eat roses (naturally grown with no pesticides or fertilizers), strawberries with cream, share an apple with your partner, cut vertically exposing the pentangle star) Eat chocolate with sex spells and spicy foods (but beware of your tummy. If spells call for bones, use a calcium pill or an antacid with dietary calcium. For carrier oils when mixing potions use castor oil, sweet oil, mineral oil, light extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil or almond oil. Graphite can be used in place of lead and magnets for lodestones. When spells call for body fluids, use these substitutes for health reasons: Blood with iodine Urine with vinegar Semen with milk or salt water paste Tears and sweat with salt water dilution If you must work a spell at a cross roads but this is impractical, draw a crossroads or print out a map with a crossroad clearly marked. If you must cast a spell at a cemetery and one is not near you or conveniently private, print a picture of a famous cemetery and anoint with patchouli, a sub for grave yard dirt. Rule of thumb for measures: 3 drops of oil
3 pinches of herb 12 inches of cord Mugwort can be subbed with marigold, mustard, eucalyptus, basil, anise, witch hazel, vanilla, sandalwood, pepper, and parsley. Asofetida can be substituted with ammonia Vetiver can be subbed with patchouli and mint Grave Yard Dust can be substituted with dragon’s blood and patchouli If you need a jack-o-lantern but you can’t lay your hands on one, use a pumpkin scented candle If you still need a jack-o-lantern make one out of paper. If a spell calls for using the Devil card, use a joker card from a regular deck of cards. If you are asked to use licorice root, use licorice scent, clove oil or anise oil or herbs. Use anisette liqueur. Pregnant women should avoid handling slippery elm or mugwort. They can cause miscarriages. Starch can substitute for arrowroot Herbal teas can be subbed for some roots and herbs, simply read the package. If the spell you are casting calls for animal parts, use pictures of the animals, organs, or simply draw representations of organs. High or Low John can be subbed with ginger Bend over oil is a mixture of anise, cloves and all spice Substitute cinnamon for hot sauce Envelopes make excellent spell coffins Kill a spell (send) by drowning, burning, or by shredding and dispose of far from home Regular nails can be used in substitution for coffin nails
Sweet Flag can be substituted with anise star and a bit of sugar Exotic cow’s milk or goat’s milk can be subbed with milk from the grocer’s (give me a small Wiccan break) Spells calling for coffee can use instant coffees or with coffee scented candles If you can’t find Job’s or Apache tears, use glass brown beads or wooden beads If flax is called for, use cotton thread Silver ink or paint, glitter and aluminum foil can be used to substitute mercury or lead Exotic or out of season fruit can be subbed with an apple Wormwood can be substituted with a mixture of vinegar, lime, dill, lemon, and ammonia. Fenugreek grass can be subbed with sour grass or wild shamrock A whole ginger root will substitute a mandrake root Where creek water or rainwater is called for and unavailable, use bottle water. Where seawater is needed, add a pinch of salt or use saline solution A Christian’s Charge of the Moon The moon is the symbol of Mary, who stands with her feet on the moon and wears a crown of twelve stars on her head. She is the sacred feminine, the mystical spouse of God who bore the Son of God, our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. This ritual invites her in her glorified state as the Queen of Heaven to attend us as we worship and glorify her Son. With hands upraised to the full moon, the symbol of Our Lady Mary, Queen of Heaven we intone: Brightest Blessings Be Children of the Christian God. Whenever you have need of anything, once in the month as the night orb rises, we go to quiet secret places and stand in the light and adore the spirit of God and call upon the Queen of Heaven. There shall we who call ourselves witches assemble and learn all magik, teaching a sharing our knowledge as we have come to understand it from God and from our brothers and sisters who have gone before us. There we will work all signs
and wonders known and learn the things unknown. Her attendance to our rites blesses us. We are free from slavery, the slavery of closed minds and prejudiced thinking and judgmental attitudes. We shall be innocent in our rites and we shall dance and sing and love all in praise of God from whom all good things come. For here is the ecstasy of the Spirit and here is joy on earth, and here is the law that we love all our brothers and sisters as we love ourselves. In your rituals keep pure your highest ideal, strive forever toward it, let no man tell you in which way to serve God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and His Blessed Mother. For here is the secret door which opens to the land of youth, here is the cup of Life, the cauldron of plenty, healing and knowledge, the grail of everlasting life. Here we find our Blessed Mother, the Queen of Heaven, and the Maid of God. Mary is the gracious mother, given to us by Christ at the cross. She is the gift of purest joy unto the hearts of all who claim Jesus as their King and Brother. Upon earth she taught us that service to the Lord is brightest blessing and she lives beyond the kingdom of death, but in the Realm of Life Everlasting. She is Co Redeemer with her Son. She gives us peace and freedom and reunion with those who have gone before. Her heavenly Spouse, God, the Father and Creator does not demand sacrifice for our redemption, for his Son has redeemed us all. His love has been poured out upon the earth. Lady Mary, Mother of Christ, God Incarnate, is the beauty of the green earth, the white moon is her footstool, she is the mystery of the waters and the object of man’s yearning. She calls upon my soul. I call upon us to rise and come into her midst for she is the soul of nature, the new Eve, who gave life to Christ and the universe. From her inviolate womb came the Savior of the World and from him all things must come as our physical natures return to earth so our eternal souls go to the Christ. Mary is beloved of all the women on the earth and in heaven and she is the source of our rapture and our ecstasy. Her devotion to God is found within each heart that rejoices for all acts of love and compassion are her rituals. Let us reflect her gentleness in our rejoicing. Let there be beauty and strength and power and compassion and honor and humility, mirth and reverence. If you behold her with your eyes then your searching is over. She is revealing to you the mystery, that what you seek is not inside you but in the mind of God and you will not find this knowledge unless you embrace him in your heart. She has been with us from the beginning, as God knows the coming and going of us all. She is the model of perfect grace and the Mother of us all. As I will it, so mote it be
Much thanks to Mother Crone Doreen Valiente, who wrote The Charge of the Goddess and who inspired this Christian Charge of the Moon. The Christian Witches' Creed Inspired By Doreen Valiente Hear Now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night, When dark was our destiny's pathway, That now we bring forth into light. Mysterious water and fire, The earth and the wide-ranging air, By hidden quintessence we know them, And will and keep silent and dare. The birth and rebirth of all nature, The passing of winter and spring, We share with the life universal, Rejoice in the magical ring. Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns, and the witches are seen At Lammas and Candlemas dancing, On May Eve and old Hallowe'en. When day-time and night-time are equal, When sun is at greatest and least, The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned, And Witches gather in feast. Thirteen silver moons in a year are, Thirteen is the coven's array. Thirteen times at Esbat make merry, For each golden year and a day. The power that was passed down the age, Each time between woman and man, Each century unto the other, Ere time and the ages began. When drawn is the magical circle, By sword or athame of power, Its compass between two worlds lies, In land of the shades for that hour.
This world has no right then to know it, And world of beyond will tell naught. The Father God is invoked there, The Great Work of magic is wrought. For the two are mystical pillars, That stand at the gate of the shrine, And two are the powers of nature, The forms and the forces divine. The dark and the light in succession, The opposites each unto each, Shown forth as God and Our Lady: Of this our ancestors teach. Christ the Lord lights the dark night We have no reason to fear He is the king of quiet places Of forests, woodlands and of glades Lady Mary, Mother of God Our Lady of the Moon With 12 stars for her diadem Bless the witches rune The ancient ways of magic, That dwell in the deeps of the mind, Immortal and ever-renewing, With power to free or to bind. So drink the good wine to the Old Gods, And Dance and make love in their praise, Till Heaven’s fair land shall receive us In peace at the end of our days. And Do What You Will be the challenge, So be it Love that harms none, For this is the only commandment. By Magic of old, be it done!
How do you define Witch? I was reading Judika Illes book, The Element Encyclopedia of the Magical World A-Z, and she begins her book with a question "How do you define the word witch?" And I had to really think about it. How do I define the word that I and others would apply
when describing myself? To tell you the truth, I had more ideas about what a witch is not: 1. I do not cast spells to control people. 2. I do not worship the devil. 3. I do not sacrifice animals or people to the afforementioned devil. 4. I do not play quiddich 5. I am not a hag (though I might soon be a crone) 6. I have a black cat but he is not my familiar spirit or daemon (which is not the same as the devil) 7. I am not Wiccan (but not all Wiccans are witches) 8. I am not one of the Charmed Ones After much thought I came up with this: It is by no means complete but it is a jumping off place. Maybe this is the way it should be, always evolving as we grow. We are never the person we were from one year to the next, so perhaps this truth should also apply to being a witch and how we see ourselves as witches. A witch is someone who has a personal relationship with their sacred spirit, who acknowledges, embraces, and loves the energy endowed to them by their sacred spirit. A witch is someone who seeks not only to serve themselves but help others explore, embrace, and cherish the sacred for themselves. A witch studies and enriches themselves and immerse themselves in multiple traditions and disciplines so they have a wealth of wisdom from which to draw protective, healing and intuitive powers to help others from diverse paths find their own notion of the sacred. A witch serves their sacred spirit through their Craft and from their sacred spirit comes their Craft. A witch, above all things is a believer. So throw away all those stereotypes of the witch. Accept and love yourself and your sacred spirit and your witch self. I am a witch And I love the person I am. Working with herbs First off, be careful with herbs. Some folk may be allergic or sensitive to the herbs you use. Second of all, herbs are pretty basic and many of them can be easily grown or bought, sometimes fresh, at your local grocery or Asian or Ethnic food store. Some can
even be bought in Health food stores, so don't let the idea of herbs bother you. There are basic herbs. Lavender is a great all purpose herb for nerves, anger, fear and any type of calming. You can get lavender at your local florists, or at art stores where you can buy sachets of lavender. You can get lavender oil, but I will talk about oils a little later. There are some teas that contain small amounts of lavender in them. Lavender is used primarily in sachets or mojo bags or as a bath packet. You can make a herbal bath packet by gathering the leaves or spices you want and folding them into a coffee filter and stapling the filter shut so the herbs don't come out. Chamomile is a another great herb. It is a soother as well. It is also great for stomach complaints and headaches and tired eyes. You can get this in a tea form. Drink for stomach complaint just as you normally would. Headaches the same. For tired eyes, make your tea but do not add milk or sweetner and when it cools, take a clean wash cloth and soak your cloth in the tea, wring it out and place on the eyes. Mint is great for many things. Mint can be used as a tea to drink for stomach complaint or indegestion. You can use it as a muscle relaxer by soaking in it in a tub of water. It is good for chest colds and complaints, and good for skin trouble if strained and used straight as a facial rinse (no milk or sugar, please) Esoterically, it can cleanse the house of troubles and quarrels and be used in love rubs or potions. Garlic has been an old time herb for health. Just seasoning food while it cooks or making garlic butter, whatever you like in garlic makes the dish healthier for you. You can use it as a muscle rub...but brother do you smell afterwards. It is also sovereign against evil spirits, ghosts, and monsters of all sorts. Wearing a piece of it in your mojo or having it at your door protects you and your house. Salt, humble and common is great as a gargle for sore throat, cleanser for mind abrasions, wash for the face, add savor to any food, preserve meats, vegetables, even breads. It is also sovereign against evil spirits and if you believe in the faery folk, it will keep them out of your house. Sage is great for all fowl and fish and dressings and pork. It is also good for clearing the mind for careful thought, just sprinkle a little in some tea. It is good for smudging, which is burning like incense. If you don't have a sage wand, take a small square of paper and place a half teaspoon in the center and twist the sage up into the paper and place in a heat resistant bowl. Light the paper and waft the smoke toward your room or the person you wish to bless. Caution, sage has a very strong grassy smell, almost like marijuana, so be careful if you are practicing in secret. Thyme is another great herb. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme are true and real love herbs and can be used to make a love bath and sachets for the love bed. Thyme is also good for physical and spiritual healing in teas for sleeplessness and anxiety and head
aches and in baths for aching and sore muscles and as aromatics for congestion. Thyme is good for meditations and clairvoyance as it does open the mind. Ginger, preferably in root form but good in powdered is great for seasoning Asian food and pork some fish. It is also good in a tea for menstrual cramps along with cinnamon and nutmeg. It works well, especially in root form, sliced in a coin sized slice, to draw success or to increse personal power. Rosemary is good for chicken and fish in cooking. It can be added to teas especially floral teas. Rosemary can be used in ritual anointing to dedicate someone or something. It can be used in blessings like a wiccanings or hand fasting. Used in wisdom and inspiration spells and potions, it can open the mind. It can be added to catnip and used as a beauty wash. Its fragrant scent can be used to chase away negative energy. There are all sorts of ways to use common kitchen herbs and many of them are extremely easy to grow. You don't need a lot of room and you don't need really great soil and once they are established the herbs do okay if they aren't watered everyday like flowers. They are great to grow in containers, you should especially grow mint in containers because they spread and are invasive. Learn all you can about herbs and flowers. Many times, archaic and exotic herbs, plants and roots are members of more common families that you can find easily. When you harvest your herbs, harvest in the full moon so you get the most of the plant's energies. Learn how to dry the herbs and how to clean and store them. If you can't grow your own herbs, do the best you can with the herbs you can get at the grocery store. Magik understands. Sex, Magik, and the Goth Life This is probably the most sensitive subject to discuss as a practitioner of the Craft. Witches have for years been accused of practically anything and everything and one of the things they are accused of is immorality and sexual deviance. There simply is no evidence of sexual immorality, even among my Pagan and Wiccan colleagues. That having been said, I want to discuss the Great Rite. The Great Rite is the joining of the priest and priestess of a coven of Wiccan/Pagan practitioners. This can be either a symbolic union or it is an actual act. In The Witches' Bible by the Farrars, the Great Rite can be accomplished by the priest and priestess by drawing the athame (which is male energy) into the chalice (which is female energy) joining the powers of both great opposites and charging the ritual with that conjoined energy. If it is enacted physically, the priest and priestess are generally alone and take place in the sacred space while the rest of the coven waits outside of the sacred space for the conclusion. In most cases, and this is suggested by the Farrars, the couple is in a
loving and stable marriage and or other committed relationship. Usually the priest and priestess is a couple anyway, or at the very least a loving partnership from which they run the coven. It does not break down into an orgy and there are no minors involved. If you are a young person joining a coven and the priest or priestess says that you must have sex, get away from them. Wicca does not believe in forcing anyone to do anything that is against their convictions. The same with Pagans. So, do Christian witches have the Great Rite? Perhaps, but this is a personal matter for practitioners. How about solitaries? The symbolic reenactment can suffice, I suppose, but I see no need in it. I am a celibate. I have made a vow of celibacy and have dedicated myself to the service of God and the study of the Craft and developing my practice to reflect my devotion. Some witches from many different disciplines take temporary or permanent vows of celibacy. This form of self dedication is very important and should not be taken lightly. This dynamic grouping of differing disciplines reflects the differing social groups in our world. One of those social groups in the world today is Goth. The Goth Life is often mixed up with the Victorian spiritualist movement. The Goth movement is an off branch of the 1950's beatnik movement. The Beats believed that the world was shrouded in delusion and they fostered a mix of truth telling and cynicism. They went against the grain of society and sought to expose truths about the "Leave it to Beaver" "Ozzie and Harriet" world that society and popular media wanted to sell us. They did not believe in phony optimism and dressed, spoke and behaved in a way that ran at odds with what their families thought were "normal". Today's Goth movement seeks to do the same but while the Beats desired to wake up the generation and get them to change, I am sorry to say that the Goths seem to thrive in a sort of unrelenting gloominess and belief that there is no hope for themselves or society. They are socially depressed and often emotionally as well. They also get to rebel. They wear black and dye their hair black, they wear clothes that harkens back to the days of the Victorian spiritualist and they have rather romantic views about the desperate lives they are living. They think death is a wonderful release and the only truth. I think too, that the Goth movement tends to wallow in a sort of perpetual pity party. Life is grim on the whole but for the individual, life can be pretty good and it can be as rich and fulfilling as you want. Nothing can stop you from believing in yourself. Goths also have a reputation for dabbling in the occult. They should be careful. The supernatural is nothing to play with and dabbling is always dangerous. And it was not my intention to be rude; I just think it needed to be said as plainly as possible. Finding something positive to believe in is important, it doesn't have to be church, or God, or the Craft, or anything else. It can be just about yourself and your
potential, and no one else’s. Should We Shun the Word Witch? Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk I was reading the latest issue of PanGaia magazine and in one of the letters to the editor; the writer explores the use of the word Witch. Witch is of course a word coming from the word Wicce, which means wise and is the root of the word witch. The word has come to have negative connotations associated with the Burning Times. It is also used today to describe a disagreeable woman, along with the word Bitch, a word so popular in modern music today. But should we taboo a word so many of us have worked so hard to accept about ourselves and now use with pride? Is the word witch the same as derogatory words used to denote and degrade others because of their race? Or is there a hidden agenda to make witchcraft a Pagan/Wiccan only club. There is an argument inside the witchcraft community that they, through past life regression, have discovered that in one of their past lives they were witches of the Burning Times, had the name witch hurled at them, and they underwent horrible torture and degradation and ultimately to die with the word being shouted at them as they were burned or hung. Because of these uncovered memories, witch has become a word of trauma and unease and brutality, in short has become a derogatory word. The meaning of the word, I would argue, is older and has a more reverential meaning from before the time of Christianity. Just as Jew has its own reverence and glory before the Holocaust, Jews do not shudder at the word because what was suffered by them or their kin. Indeed, the word Jew has become synonymous with being strong, noble and a survivor. Simply because one was accused of being a witch should not sully the word witch. Being called a witch simply is not the same as being called a derogatory word like the N-word. Opinions vary, but generally the use of the N-word by whites to or about Blacks is a derogatory word and is inappropriate. African Americans are of the feeling that use of the N-word by and among African Americans is appropriate because it gives the word new meaning within the community. I am a woman and despise the use of the word bitch regardless of who says it, male or female. I am also Irish and the words once used to describe Irish people are all but forgotten in America simply because we do not use those words anymore. But, again, being called a witch is not the same as being black and being called the N-word. So what is the real reason? Is it another form of deliberate prejudice hidden by an agenda for reform in the magikal community? I called on Clover Little Cat, a Christian Mystic and Witch about the word in question. She said: ―We in the Craft community have always had a problem with words. Particularly in modern times, we have had a great deal of confusion about words and language as
more and more Crafting communities come together to create their own groves and temples of worship. When I first became a witch, I was a Wiccan, following a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Then I went back to Christianity and rediscovered my love of Christ and saw the notion of witch and witchcraft in a different light. Many people believe that Witch and Wiccan is the same word, but it isn’t. Wicca and Paganism are two of many nature-centered religions. Witch is a person who practices witchcraft and can be of any religion. It seems to me that this is an attempt to do away with the word witch so that magik is associated simply with only non-Christian religions. This is an insidious move on the part of the Wiccan/Pagan community to shun whole other parts of the Craft community. While I hate to use euphemisms from Harry Potter (as much as I love the books) we Crafters from other religious communities are being made ―mud bloods‖, especially those of us who practice witchcraft as Christians.‖ So, is Clover right? Is there a hidden agenda or is the word witch truly that traumatizing? For me, I am proud of being a witch. Witch, after all, is not a four-letter word. Clover Little Cat is a professor of folklore and mythology and an active member in her Lutheran Church. She also runs a magikal grove for Christian and Christo-Pagan witches in the Midwest. Auras By John Ravenwind I remember being a child and seeing colored lights shining around the other children and thinking this must be like the halos that are depicted in the religious cards and icons of my Orthodox Christian faith. The first time I realized that not everyone could see these colorful glowings was when I was sitting in the city park with my baby niece and I told her that she looked like a fairy princess with that pretty pink light around her and my aunt asked me what I was talking about and I said that she had a pretty pink light glowing around her and my aunt told me to dry up, that it was just my imagination. So I never spoke of it. I was eight Auras are the energy waves that all creatures emanate. They are ultraviolet, meaning they are invisible to most people. Those of us who see auras are born seeing them, some of us develop the ability in early childhood and some of us train the ESP abilities that most of us have and can develop through exercises and mediations. Those of us who see auras can tell if a person is healthy, or sad, or sick, or evil and dangerous. We are also sensitive to smells also and associate certain smells with certain problems and situations, mostly illnesses and diseases. Those of us sensitive to auras also feel that they can sense the past life of a person, identifying them by aura the type of person they may have been in another life. Not all
auraists believe in or have developed this special ability. Others get an aura reading off places and things, believing that even inanimate objects have souls. They may even sense haunted places and the auras of people long gone. There are some people that believe that auras can be photographed with Kirilian photography done with a special heat sensitive camera but I believe that auras are not heat waves but pure color phenomena. A Kirilian camera seems to photograph heat, the way a heat camera takes infrared photos of heat signatures. Christians who see auras understand this phenomenon as being similar to the glowing countenance of Moses after being in the presence of God and the luminescence of holy people encircled by the glory of the Lord, as the angels who visited the shepherds on the night of the nativity. Christians who are sensitives and practicing witches often use auras to help them understand the needs of a person who turns to them for healing or exorcism. Auraists develop their own sense of what colors in auras mean. Black generally means fatal illness or coming death or possession, green signifies illness, gray or blue-gray is depression, yellows and pinks are happiness, red are love or lust, but combined with green can mean fever, dark blues or purple are feelings of being abused, lavender denotes calm or shyness, white is impending traumatic experience or change of life. If you wish to develop your sense of auras, meditate on people that you see. Study them unaware of your scrutiny and relax your mind and your eyes. Not all people see auras but you may open yourself up to the possibility of auras showing themselves to you. John Ravenwind is a deacon in his Greek Orthodox Church and teaches Greek language at the local High School. He is also a spiritualist and psychic medium and ghost hunter in his town. Why We Need Christian Witches Cerrunos of the Wand We Pagan and Wiccan covens are engaged in a hateful activity: We have become just as bigoted as we accuse other religions of being. We have become the worst version of ourselves. We are ignoring and persecuting Christian Witches. We ignore the fact that we were once the main religion in its various incarnations and that we victimized the Christians as their religion spread. We are arrogant in thinking that there are true ―innocent‖ religions that have never victimized another religion to protect or further our own. We are holding modern Christians responsible for the sins of early Christians. We judge modern Christians by the dogmas of a few and do not open the doors to embrace
these fellow workers of the Craft, these brother and sister witches. We ignore them and scorn them in an act of bitterness and hate. We can’t do that and proclaim ourselves disciples of the Witches Rede. Witchcraft, I keep telling people, is a discipline, a practice, knowledge of the natural and the supernatural. Witchcraft is not a religion. Wicca, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam are religions and all have magikal and mystical traditions which are being explored and uncovered and revived by witches of these faith systems. These people are witches, just as I am, just as any Wiccan or Pagan is. W e must embrace them, understand their approaches to the Craft, encourage their community and teach one another. May the Goddess thou bless o children of the God Blessed Be Cerrunos Cerrunos of the Wand is a Celtic Culture reinactor and a priest in his grove in Leeds, England with his priestess wife Bodicea Rain Fox. He also writes for various Pagan and Wiccan newspapers and creates leather bound Books of Shadows. Mary, My Mother By Elizabeth Starwolf Native Americans have a real love hate relationship with Christian religion because so many of us were forced to become Christians and adopt white ways in all manner of our lives. I hated going to church with my mother and father and brothers and sisters and would have much rather have stayed in the kitchen with my Ulsi, or Grandmother, and listen to her tell me stories of the Corn Mother and her daughters, the corn maidens. My Ulsi said she was too old and too connected to her old ways to adopt a new religion. So she was the only one who could be a pagan or heathen and we young ones had to go to church. We were Catholic. We went to the mission church on the reservation and I remember the first time I was given a rosary and a little book and told by the catechist to learn the rosary and be able to do it for the next Sunday CCD class. I resented it and remember sitting on the kitchen stoop with my rosary and little pamphlet explaining how to pray the rosary. My Ulsi came and sat down by me and looked at the booklet. ―You know Elizabeth, your Mary looks like a pretty corn maiden we dress up for the Green Corn ceremony. Wouldn’t it be something if we were to discover that Mary is just another daughter of the Corn Mother?‖ I nodded and began to learn my rosary.
After that I went to church and began to love Mary a little more each time and through her, I got to know and love her Son, Jesus, who always seemed so distant to me. Knowing that he had been her little boy made him close to me. I am now an old woman and my Ulsi long gone to the Nightland. I am a Christian shaman and native healer and I still say my rosary everyday. My parents would not have approved of my Ulsi’s methods but they did approve of my being a Christian all of my life. And Mary has become my mother. Jesus gave her to us from the cross and many people have seen her since. She is everyone to all people. If she appears to an Irish man, she looks like an Irish woman. If she appears to a French girl, then she is French and if she appears to a tribal person, she appears as a tribal person. My mother has many faces so that all of her children will recognize her. Elizabeth Starwolf is a Cherokee who was born and raised in Oklahoma. She now resides in North Carolina in the Smoky Mountains of her people’s ancestral homelands. She is a healer, teacher and story teller. Sons of God and the Daughters of the Goddess By Gaelyn Moonraven I was brought up in an upper class Episcopal Protestant house hold. My Grandfather was a minister and my mom taught Sunday School and confirmation class. When I was 12 years old, I became interested in other pantheons and wondered why people do not follow these Gods as well. I knew the Bible forbad worshipping other deities before God, but what if they worked with God the Father of Christian tradition. This is when I began to think of myself as both Christian and Pagan. But this did not kill my love of God and Jesus and the Christian Faith. It simply seemed that the pantheons of primarily the Norse culture was just as alive to me and I just could find no reason that I couldn’t honor both, within and without competition between my Christian and Pagan religious beliefs. Because, for a while, I thought I would have to choose when I read an interesting verse in the Book of Genesis. It was concerning the Sons of Heaven finding the Daughters of Man fair and begetting a race of giants with them. I contemplated this verse for a long time. The first thing I had to do was ask who these people were. Were the sons of God celestial beings, fallen angels? Were they the beings who taught the daughters of man the Craft? Maybe they were. But what if the sons of God were the people of the one God and the daughters of men were the people who served the goddess? What if this is the mystical marriage of the God in the Judeo Christian Sense and the Goddess in the Pagan sense? Now, my dear fiancé is Catholic and embraces what she calls a sacred feminine in the form of Mary, the Blessed Mother and I have come to love this celestial maiden with the crown of twelve stars and the moon under her feet. But I also love the Goddess
Freya the mother goddess and goddess of love, marriage and fertility, and the Goddess Kwan Yin, the goddess of compassion. There are many men who complain about the goddess centeredness of the Pagan/Wiccan traditions but the strategy here is to simply make time for God in private and public worship. There is nothing wrong with demanding time for recognition, invocation and praise of the God. And I mean God in the Christian and Pagan sense. I am an oxymoron in my religious life as is my beloved fiancé who is a Christian witch. I personally believe that the mere existence of us is proof of balance when we blend religions and practices and embrace the balance of all elements of deity and magik. Brightest Blessings Be and God/dess Bless You The Bible and the Four Elements By Siobhan FaeryWoman Irish people have a long history of having a co-mingled relationship with their preChristian past. So when I came to the conclusion that you could practice magik within the Christian religion I felt as though I'd embraced a part of myself that I had long denied. As Ireland has struggled for her independence, our identity as Celts and Catholics have been undermined for the sake of unity. Being too religious or overemphasizing your Celtic background is on many levels discouraged unless you are contributing to the tourist industry in someway. So imagine my surprise when I met Aslinn and her lovely man in a magik Shoppe in Dublin. I was simply standing there when I see this young woman with a small hip bag embroidered with a Celtic cross and a pentacle star in the center. I asked her if she walked the path of the wise and she said she did through her Christian practice. I had found another Christian witch. I spent a great deal of time with this lovely couple and she and I had a great discussion about the elements. The elements of earth, air, fire and water are very important to Wiccans and Pagans but they are also very important to the Christian Crafter. The Bible is full of references to the elements. Earth of course is the first element and of course we first encounter the earth with the creation story. Then we have the creation of humans and the Bible tells us that God shaped man from the earth and blew the breath of life into him. Then we have references of the end of life, that from dust we were made and to dust shall we return. In the New Testament, Christ himself wrote in the dirt before a crowd of men who wished to stone a
woman to death for prostitution. Jesus took dirt and mixed it with his own saliva to press upon a blind man's eyes. Air is the second element. It begins with the Lord blowing the breath of life into humanity, of the four living creatures caught up in the whirlwind, and the vision of Christ's return in the air and his being caught up in the air to return to the Father. Fire is also well spoken of. In the creation story, again, there is the fire of the sun, the flaming sword held by the angel who guarded the entrance of the Garden of Eden and the flames of the burning bush and the pillar of fire that led Moses out of slavery. Moses himself had a change of countenance when he glowed with the glory of the Lord so intensely that the people asked him to wear a veil. The sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed in a heat so great that it turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt when she looked into it. The presence of the Holy Ghost in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost was said to have been tongues of flame burning on the foreheads of the apostle and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Then there is the promise that the end of the world would come with fire and the old world will be burned away. Water is the final element. Water is there at creation, when the atmosphere is separated from the water and seas separated from the fresh water. It is present in the flood which purified the whole world from sinful men. It is the element of birth present in the waters of the womb. We are baptized in water, Jesus turned water into wine, he walked on water, and begged water from the Samaritan woman. Many of his disciples were fishermen who harvested their crops of fish from the water. The rich man in Gehenna begged Lazarus to come down from Abraham's bosom and give him a drop of water to wet his mouth. There are many references to the elements in the Bible, and many more I am sure than I have mentioned. For those of you who walk the dual path of Christianity and Witchcraft, take comfort that though you may not always honor the various sacred spirits who come to a circle, you can rejoice in your connection to the elements. Siobhan FaeryWoman is a spiritual counselor in hospitals and hospices. She runs a small eclectic, Christ centered circle in Dublin and is an active catechist in her church. The Meaning of the Broom Mother Meave Stardancer I remember my mum used buy a new broom every year. The local blind school made them. What I loved the best about these brooms was what the brushes were round, bound with hemp cord with neatly cropped wheat straws. The old brooms would go to my uncle who would cut off the brush, sand stain and varnish the stick and put a rubber cap on them
to use as canes. Most of the ladies of the neighborhood would give him their old broom and mop sticks that he would sell for 2 pounds. I loved those brooms, I innately understood them. I knew they were more than simple housekeeping implements. They were powerful tools, weapons and symbols. Even long before I became a witch, I knew they were instruments of wise women and had their own energies hidden in the stick and the broom. I remember watching the film ―Bed knobs and Broomsticks‖. Angela Landsbury played an apprentice witch in England at the beginning of World War II. I remember how excited she was when her broom arrived by post. When I went to university the first thong I ordered for my flat was a blind made broom. It arrived by post in a long box. I became a witch in college. This was of course during the heady days of the 60’s. Gerald Gardner and Alex Sanders had come screaming from the broom closet and there were a lot of debates about what was ―witch‖ and what wasn’t. Many witches ignored the sweet broom for the sword and Athame and wand and staff. Brooms were far too annexed by Hollywood and secular Halloween. Few witches had a real ritual broom. The first Brooms were simple bundles of sticks, twigs and straws to brush out the debris of daily living. As the simple brush evolved so did housing. Shelters became more permanent homes and cleaning needed to be more efficient. By simply adding a stick to the brush, the woman could be upright and sweeping could be a faster more thorough chore. Many superstitions began to evolve: Sweep the house from the back to the front and you’ll sweep away bad luck. If a lazy girl allows another woman to sweep around her, she will never marry. Never bring an old broom (domestic, that is) to a new house. If a broom falls, company is coming. In some communities, a woman set her broom by her back door to tell her friends she was not at home. A broom by the back door with its brush up signaled she was home and open for visits and gossip. In earlier times, villagers came together for mutual support. If defense was necessary the men might have a few swords among them but they also had pitchforks, axes, sickles, and scythes and staffs and clubs and hand knives. Women too had their weapons and her broom became her staff or club to fight with. The broom is a symbol of domesticity. If the man was the king of his castle, the woman is the queen of the hearth. The broom is her scepter.
How does the broom then become symbolic of the witch? Well there is an awful lot of codswallop about priaptic wands hidden in the brush and hobby horses and squeamish little details about witches flying brooms to black masses and murdering babies and doing things with the fat. The truth is, brooms are associated with witches because they are associated with women and the world of women. To demonize women is to demonize their tools: witness the cauldron filled with cats heads and toads, where once the cauldron was where the food came from, the recipe book which becomes the devils black book of spells, the hen party which turns into a coven. Why not the broom as well? But, imagine the woman with her broom, sweeping her house, deep in thought over her family: Her worries over the harvest and her husband who sometimes works too hard, her child who may be ill, her friend with a difficult pregnancy. As she ponders deeper and deeper, as she sweeps she feels the tension flowing out, down to the floor, under the broom and out the door. Perhaps she prays as she sweeps. Then the broom becomes magikal. Well, that’s the way I think it happened, anyway. You are free to disagree. In the meantime, I order my broom every year from the blind school and I have my ritual broom, decorated with symbols, ribbons, flowers and bits and pieces by my hearth. No witch should be without one. Mother Meave Stardancer is a ritual toolmaker, herbalist and yoga instructor. She has been a witch for forty years. She lives in London with her husband and her dog Shelby. Handfasting By Sybil Greyraven As spring comes thoughts of love bring us to the topic of Handfasting, the witch’s wedding ceremony. On of my first acts as a priestess of my Christo Pagan coven was to officiate a Handfasting ceremony. It was a lovely ritual in a public park for a lovely gay couple that wished to have their relationship solemnized. Though not considered a legal ceremony (yet) it is a popular service or ritual. Surprisingly, I and other Crafters can confirm that it is popular among gay couples who still seek a religious wedding ceremony. This is despite the fact that no state or federal government regularizes same sex unions. These matters are of no concern for the witch priest or priestess (regardless of your tradition) Even Christian and ChristoPagan priests and priestesses do not judge these couples that stand before us. We are taught; after all, that we are not to judge any man, that judgment is dangerous and thoughtless and goes against Christian and witchcraft philosophy. There is no one set ritual for a Handfasting. The couple can write their own vows. Elements like music, flowers, candles, and other details can be added to a basic ritual.
The format should include a processional or presentation, an introductory explanation of what Handfasting is, the exchange of vows and or rings, the lighting of a unity candle, the tying of wedding cords, stepping over the broom and final presentation of the couple. Handfasting can be made for a year and a day and can be used to solemnize an engagement prior to a church/ legal wedding service. There may also be lifetime bindings. Some people celebrate periodic Handfastings throughout the relationship. The couple may Handfast for the traditional year and a day and at the five-year mark, the fifteen-year and the twenty-five-year mark, celebrating each phase in their relationship. Regardless of what you wish, the Handfast is a generous ritual that accommodates the need of each couple. In the matter of money, the priest or priestess should not set a dollar amount but allow the beloved couple to make their own free will offering. There just simply is nothing like a wedding in the spring. Sybil Greyraven is a Christo-Pagan and Python magician and illusionist performance artist. She makes Celto-Norse leather accessories. She lives in San Diego with her partner Nicodemus Starstag Psychic Vampires How to be your own Abraham Van Helsing Isaac Littleowl You have this friend you dread to see coming because you know that by the time they leave you will feel exhausted while they feel energized. They always say things like: ―You always make me feel better‖ and they make you feel like the flu is coming on by the time you close the door on them. You may have even said something like ―They would suck the sun from the sky‖ And you’d be right. You’ve just met a psychic vampire. Sometimes people don’t know they are psychic vampires. This is usually because they are more than a little self-centered. They have very little sense of apathy and are never on hand to help anyone else in their time of need. To them, it is all about them. They swear they hate the waves of trouble that wash over them, but we know they are drama queens and kings. They come for advice and ignore it because they love the trouble they are going through. Magikally they want constant tarot readings, ask for charms and take no heed to your warnings. In short all they do is tire you out. What should you do? Obviously you must rid yourself of the vampire. The most complete way is to cut yourself off, make yourself unavailable to them. I know you want to help
them, but the thing is there is no helping them. They do not want your help. It may even take the drastic step of you telling them you cannot be their friend anymore. Keep in mind that the psychic vampire feigns emotions to their own purpose but the truth is the only honest emotions the psychic vampire feels is the self-motivated, self serving ones. Then clean your house. Make a simple alcohol spritz with alcohol, garlic, salt and pepper and vinegar and spray it lightly around the house especially at doorways, windows, and even on the favorite chair of the psychic vampire. You may smell the faint scent of garlic around your house for a few days but as the scent dissipates, the residues of the psychic vampire do as well. Isaac Littleowl is a Kabala teacher and Jewish Mystic in New Jersey. The True Holy Grail Marc the Wise I remember the furor caused by Dan Brown’s book The DaVinci Code. Let me say on the outset there is no Priory of Sion, there are no bones of Mary Magdalene, and the person sitting on the right of Jesus in the DaVinci painting The Last Supper is not Mary Magdalene. If that figure is Mary Magdalene, then where is John the Beloved? Why aren’t there fourteen people sitting at the table? The first remark I want to make is that Brown does nothing that a good episode of In Search Of or Mysteries of the Bible has done in the past. The legend that Christ married at Cana (some say this is why Mary tells him that there is no more wine) and lived an ordinary life including fathering children is an old one that has floated around for centuries. The second remark I wish to make is Dan Brown’s book is pure fiction, drawing upon Judeo-Christian mythology, various anti-Catholic conspiracy theories and fractured art theory and his own imagination. The book isn’t even very articulate. Mythology of the Holy Grail is the progression of ancient mythologies about cups or cauldrons of plenty, healing, and wisdom. These stories evolved as Christianity was thrown into the mix. It is a natural progression of the early religions to the Christian religion. The story of the Holy Grail, that is the cup of the Last Supper, are romantic medieval tales where the knights bold and true and pure of heart went out to find the thing that would heal the king and country. It may be a moot point but I would like to point out Celtic kings could have no blemish, no wounds, no disease, no defect of mind and as preChristian Celtic become Semi Christian Celtic kings (like the archetype of Arthur) where Christian images and themes begin to mix and eventually supplant ancient Pagan themes.
Legendary stories of the Christ and his marriage to Mary Magdalene were a part of medieval mythos and this is where this mythos seems to begin. The myth seems to reflect the growing Christian supremacy and the lingering Pagan imagery. These tales float around for centuries and are the subjects of early religious art and story telling and as this is happening the Church goes through periods of both peaceful and violent transformations with the reformation and the counter reformation and periods of Inquisition and witch hunts and Jew baiting and Crusades. It is from these periods of turmoil within the Church that the stories are the most pervasive. Something incredible then happened in the twentieth century. In the late 1940’s a young boy found a collection of scrolls that seem to suggest there is more to the New Testament than the orthodox religions would like to admit. They are intriguing and capture the imagination but are worthless unless you can read them in the original languages. They have special insight into the lives of early Christians who heard not only the gospels we are familiar with but heard mythos that were already forming even during Christ’s life. Remember, Christ even asks the disciples ―What do they say of me, who do people say that I am?‖ But these writings which may have been very important to read for people of the Christian faith except that their authenticity is compromised by the attempt to translate into Elizabethan English to seem a part of the King James Version of the Bible. In the 1960’s and the rise of feminism there was a sudden surge in interest in the old Jesus and Mary Magdalene are married theory. But what about Jesus’ blessed Mother? Mary of Nazareth was a direct descendant of King David. According to Church Theology Mary was preserved from the stain of original sin, ―Full of Grace‖ she is called. When she was 15 and 16 years old she is betrothed to Joseph who may have been considerably older than her and may have had children from a previous marriage (women often died in childbirth was not uncommon). This would account for Jesus having brothers and sisters in the Bible. At about the same time, Mary of Nazareth is visited by an angel and told she would be the mother of the Son of God. Then we are told that the Spirit of God overshadowed her and she conceived a child. The church then teaches us that she remains a sexual virgin all her life. (A fact argued by Protestants all over) Feminists also ignore Mary, the mother of Christ. She is, they contend, a prisoner of God, prisoner of her grace and her virginity and her submission to a patriarchal system. I’m glad God didn’t have to depend on modern women to have the Son of God. We’d still be waiting for his birth.
Christianity and Ecology I remember there was a program on television hosted by William Shatner called the Gaia Project. It extends the various world myths of Mother Earth or Mother Nature and the idea that she is dying because her children were killing her with emissions and the green house effect and with toxins polluting every one of her elements. This program was decried by Christian fundamentalists who said that environmentalists were pagans in disguise trying to "convert" people to the notion there was no heaven and that this earth was all there was and that we must worship the earth instead of God. Christians believe there is no reason for us to try to preserve the earth because there will be a great tribulation and the world will be burned away anyway to make place for the new earth. I believe in the end times myself but I also believe we have an obligation to God that he gave us in the beginning. Man was place in the garden to tend it, to be a husbandman and this spouse was his help meet. Just because we believe in a new heaven and earth does not mean we should abdicate our job here on earth. St. Francis of Assisi was a Christian mystic and naturalist and he wrote this poem in praise of God within nature. Most high omnipotent good Lord. All praise, glory honor and blessings are yours. To you alone, Most High, do they belong. And no man is worthy to pronounce your name Be praised Oh Lord, with all your creatures Especially Sir Brother Sun, who brings the day and give us light through him. How handsome, how radiant he is with great splendor Of you, Most High, he bears your likeness Be praised , My Lord, for Sister Moon and the stars. In the Heavens you have formed them, bright, precious and beautiful. Be praised, My Lord, for Brother Wind and for air, for cloud, for all weather By which you give your creatures nourishment. Be praised My Lord, for Sister Water, she is useful, humble, precious and pure. Be praised my Lord for Brother Fire, by whom you light the night How handsome, happy and powerful and strong Be praised my Lord for our Sister, Mother Earth Who nourishes and governs us and produces the flowers and fruits herbs.
Praise and Bless the Lord and give thanks and serve him with all humility.
Color and Magik One of the simplest ways we work magik is the wearing of colors. We know through research that color affects us emotionally and spiritually. One of the things that people who are Catholic or Anglican/Episcopalian is the change in colors with the various parts of the church calendar. For example, the colors predominately in our church now are purple. On Good Friday, a catafalque will be draped with black cloth. On Easter everything will be white. So what about color in magik? First of all, take a piece of paper and make a list of the primary colors. Think about what they symbolize to you. Your attitude about color may be affected by culture or taboos. From a western witchcraft perspective, the colors are thus: Color Red illness Orange rheumatism Yellow problems Green troubles Blue Purple Black White Gold Silver strengthening powers
Energy Stimulant Cheering
Magikal use Sexual excitement, Courage, blood Depression, mental illness,
Detox, Hormones, Menstrual
Antiseptic, balancing, money
Calm Leadership the Occult Reflection Divinity Magik/Moon
Insomnia, nerves, reflection Self Respect, courage, protection Protection, discipline, binding Purity, initiation, curing, release Supplications, gratitudes Emotional balance and
These are just a few and they be different from tradition to tradition. When you work spells you should try to use colors that correspond with the need or the person invoked.
For example, if you invoke God, you should burn a gold candle. For Christ, you should use gold or a purple or both if you desire. For the intercession of Mary, you might use white or blue or silver. Some candles are tough to find, like black candles. You can sub them with either very dark blue or brown candles or with white candles. With Halloween becoming an even bigger decorating holiday that ever before, I stock up on these little black tea lights.
A Priesthood of Women I am a Catholic, and while I write this I will be thinking in terms of the Catholic Church. This should not make any of you feel slighted because I know there are many churches who would not allow female priests. Not in the ordinary, anyway. Women have a unique and sometimes problematic relationship with the Church. They are like Janus with his two faces; dual sided entities, the two faces of the same sexual coin. Woman is both Whore of the Devil (Eve) and Mother of God (Mary). Some of the apostles loved women, some admittedly did not. But I never thought of women's relationship to God as a popularity race and I never thought Jesus ever said anything to exclude the woman from her own priesthood. The hearth was the center of the home for many millennia. It was where the family could find warmth, food, a face with softness to see into them and know what they needed. Here, the early Christian, particularly in the early days of the Church under persecution, would find the woman of the house cooking up a little unleavened bread, roasting a little meat and stirring a little soup. Before the meal, she would take the crisp little bread and a cup of wine, or maybe even water and sit it by her husband's place and he would say "This is the body of Christ";"This is his Blood" and the family would remember the Eucharist with each other. But what if she was alone? What if it was just her and her little kids? What if she was all alone? Then she would take the bread in her hand and give God thanks and praise and break it and give it to her children and tell them to remember Jesus who gave up his life for them and she would do the same with the cup. Any Christian who does not feel empowered to remember Christ in the breaking of bread needs to examine their relationship with Christ. Not the Church. I love my Church, I would die for my Church,
but I know that the Church is a human construct. But your relationship with God. Just as I am empowered by my sisterhood with Christ as I am an adopted Child under the contract of blood Jesus shed for me, so I may celebrate in the most profound symbols of Christ's sacrifice. It is not something for women to fight over and screech like scalded cats about. It is something for them to do when the time has come when gathering in houses of worship will be dangerous and the home becomes God's kingdom on earth and the hearth once again becomes the altar. That time has not yet come, but it may be in the future. Ironic though, the hearth is also the place of worship and Craft for the witch.
Which Bible for the Christian Witch The Bible is full of esoteric knowledge, including herbals and rituals and affirmations but what Bible should you use? Should you use the King James Version? The Catholic Version? Which Edition? Translation? What about the Gnostic Gospels? While no one edition, translation or version may be the right one, or the whole one, we must all begin somewhere. I was brought up a Protestant so all of my experiences were of the KJV Bible. When I became Catholic in later life, and was going through my conversion process, I demanded that the priest defend the doctrine of the Catholic Church with the KJV translation of the Bible. Later, after I was a Catholic, I read the books that made the Catholic version different from the KJV. Catholics include in their Bible Deuterocanonicals, also known as Apocryphal books by the Protestant Church. These books include I and II Macabees, The Book of Wisdom, I and II Esdras, Sirach and Baruch and Tobit. They imparted critical cultural practices of the Jews and told teaching stories and recorded historical events in the lives of the early Jews. These books were written in Greek and were a part of the Greek Septuagint. These Greek texts were not only known by the Jews but to many tribes of Gentile people who loved and respected the wisdom contained here. They were originally included in the King James Version of the Bible as the apocrypha, non canonical but a part of Biblical history. It was not until England's increasing tension with Catholics in Ireland the apocryphal books was removed. If you want a good edition of the Bible with an extensive and non denominational
historical overview of the organization and translation of the Bible with the Apocryphal books of the Bible included, get the Oxford edition of the Bible. It is wonderful and very denomination neutral. As for the Gnostic Gospels and or the Lost Books of the Bible, I have no problem with reading them as well as books like the Book of Mormon for a sense of scriptural fullness and wider view of how the Bible influenced or is influenced by these collections. I also recommend the reading of the Talmud and the Koran. No scholar of the Bible can ignore the interconnection of these books and faiths with one another. What to do when friends take advantage We have all been through it. We have a circle of friends that you relate to and you share with them that you practice the Craft and suddenly, everyday you have someone who wants "spiritual" advice in the form of tarot readings or other Craft work. And though you spend a lot of time and effort and energy to work for them and give them advice, they do not follow it or they completely ignore your advice and end up coming to you over and over again. What should you do? One of the things that you can do is explain that you cannot help them if they are not willing to take your advice. You can also tell them that Craft work done on their behalf is defeated if they are not willing to work with the energies you have made on their behalf. If they work against it their situation will not improve. Finally, you may simply have to tell them that you can no longer help them. Be compassionate but firm. Tell them why you can no longer help them. They may be mad at you but if they are true friends they will accept what you have said to them and reconcile with you. If they don't they may have been those pesky psychic vampires we witches speak of from time to time. If you are ending a therapeutic relationship, it may be important for you to recharge your energies and rid yourself of spiritual debris. Take a ritual bath, cleanse your sacred space, and do a healing ritual for yourself. Remember, the rede includes you, too. Is there only one path to God? I know, I know, there are those who will say that to believe this way is counter Christian. I know that there will be those who will even decry me as even ―unsaved‖ but this is an important issue and I think it needs to be said so that anyone who is reading my blog will understand.
Often one of the things that is held up to me as insurmountable in my religion and the Craft is the belief in sin and hell and the notion of salvation through Jesus Christ. Yes, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and the Son of God, who was born of the Virgin Mary and was crucified for his beliefs and teachings and his miracles and that in three days he rose from the dead and went into heaven with his father and to help us on earth, he sent down the Holy Spirit who comforts and helps us and empowers us to carry on Jesus’ work. But, what of non-Christians? What of Buddhists, Hindi, Muslim and Jews? What of Pagans and Wiccans? What of people who believe in nothing? What happens to them? I believe that the afterlife is everything each and every one of us thinks that it is. If you believe in Heaven like Christians do, you will go there if you have done all you can do to live by the laws of Christianity. If you believe in Nirvana you will go there. If you believe in the Summerland you will go there. If you believe that your soul is reincarnated, that is what will happen to you. If you believe that you simply disappear, you will simply disappear. Do I believe that non-Christians will go to a Christian hell? No, I don’t. Do I believe in the punishment of sin? Absolutely. Sin is a concept in every faith system even if it is called taboo or karma or self-centeredness. It is behaving in contrary of your particular faith beliefs. What about those who do not have a faith system? They have ethics, and unethical practices are criticized and punished by prison or social exclusion. There are lands of the dead and Hades and hells and sheols for every principle faith system in the world. It is simply an exclusion from the love and compassion of their sacred spirit. So what do I do when I am questioned about this peculiarity in my Christian belief. I tell them Jesus said judge not lest ye be judged.
The Christian Witch and the Pagan/Wiccan Community As a student of the occult and witchcraft and a practitioner of Christian Witchcraft, I am, of course, always on the look out for writings and opinions of the Christian Witch community within the larger Craft community. I am currently studying the Christian Wicca entry on Wikipedia and I am constantly writing a consulting various writings and works on the subject. And the topic is growing, whether it is an essay for or against the idea of Christian Witchcraft. Those who are against any form of Christian Wicca or Witchcraft usually harbor the ugly prejudices one associates with the neo-Nazi movement or with the ultra fundamentalists like the Phelps’s and their queer philosophy
(no pun intended)about American soldiers who pay the ultimate price. But, increasingly, I have noted a more open, progressive attitude, interested in understanding and compassion and sympathetic support. While these writers may not believe in what we do, they appreciate the fact that we share much of the same knowledge and respect many of the same beliefs. The first time I read an article about the practice of Christian Wicca in a Wiccan publication, was when I read a copy of Llewellyn's 2004 Wiccan Almanac. The article was entitled: "Jesus in the Circle: Blending Christianity and Wicca" by S. Tifulcrum. The article explains that Christians simply use the Christian Archetypes and the Holy Trinity where a Pagan would use the pantheon that appeals the most to them. They do this because they more closely identify with Christianity but do not hold with all traditional practices in the Christian Church or find that the traditional rituals of the Church are lacking. Tifulcrum Writes: "It's easy to imagine a Christian witch when you consider witchcraft as a set of techniques that can be employed by someone of any religion." (233) In his The New Encyclopedia of the Occult John Michael Greer writes of Christian Occultism: "Despite two thousand years worth of stereotypes, Christianity and the occult are far from strangers to each other..."(102) He further discusses the power of faithful followers reciting from I Corinthians 12:8-10, "The gifts of the Holy Spirit which includes healing powers, the power of prophesy, and the power to work miracles." (102) He also discusses the active use of "white" magic by Medieval Christians and the original rules of the Order of the Rosicrucian which said that you must be a Christian or friendly to Christian symbols in the rituals of the order. Today, however the Rosicrucian has become anti-Christian. Under the heading Christian Wicca, Greer writes "Christian Wicca has not been well received by the wider Pagan community with responses to the movement ranging from reasoned to the hysterical... Still, given that modern Paganism champions absolute religious freedom (and makes room for such dubious creations as Klingon Wicca....) it is hard to come up with a meaningful reason why Christian Wicca should be excluded." (105). Further in his entry for Magic, Greer writes: ―In fact with the exception of a few forms of Protestant Christianity, every form of religion in the world deals with spiritual powers by a combination of approaches….‖ (289) So, what is the problem? Is it that Pagan groups are still judging Christians by what was done in the Church when the Church was more than religion but also government? Is it that they have forgotten that at one time, the Pagan faith was the majority that tried to stamp out Christianity as a dangerous cult through torture and martyrdoms, just as in the Burning Times? Is it because so many Pagans were formerly some form of Christian who for whatever reason felt put upon, maybe even abused and know have simply become the Pagan version of some closed minded bigot? I hope not. At any rate,
they must simply get used to us, the Christian witches who are just as much a part of their community as any other. Where to find Magikal Makings When I started to work the Craft, I thought you had to go to great lengths to get magikal tools. I thought that I could only get a cauldron from a metaphysical store, I thought I could only get herbs from an herbalist, I thought I could only buy incense from a religious shop. The secret to being a witch is that magik is supposed to be about simplicity. My friend Celeste and I went to a flea market in my town and there was this dude selling all of this cast iron stuff. I noticed this little three legged bean pot about four inches high and about 12 inches around with a handle on it. Celeste pointed it out to me and told me that I should get it because I had been talking about buying a cauldron. I bought it for $10. My athame is an ornate letter opener that I used an electric engraving tool on. I bought it for three dollars. I buy fresh herbs at the grocery store and at health food stores, I buy oils and incenses from head shops and hippy stores and I have an alternative medicine shop that buy things from that really doesn't cost that much. True, there are times that you have to spend money, like some true essential oils are very expensive, but I know you can buy a big box of kosher salt at most grocery stores. Dollar stores are also okay places. You can find small boxes to store things in, you can get candles fairly cheap and you can get many things like sacks of decorative stones to make into charm stones. You can also get things like little toys to use as charms. Magik isn't just about following a recipe, it's also about imagination. And I understand about Wal-Mart. For the socially conscious person, Wal-Mart is a problem and I recommend care when buying things, especially food and medicine from there because it comes usually from China and India and may not be safe. If you have to shop from Wal-Mart for things, ask yourself if you really need those things. If you do, buy these things and wear then over and over until they are literally worn out. I patch my pants and make them last a little longer, I take good clothes that I can't wear any more to Goodwill (not the patched stuff) If a garment is too ragged to wear anymore, I cut it up and put it in a rag bag and when I get enough, I braid and sew rugs and cloaks and bags out of it. I use a thing until it is absolutely used up. So don't be afraid to buy second hand, don't be afraid to use non-magikal sources of goods, and if you have to patronize a box store, make sure you can't do without it and if you can't, make it last a long time when you buy it.
Calling on Angels As a Christian Witch, I use the heavenly energies that come from the blessed angels of heaven. God placed us in the protection of the angels just as he placed people in the Bible under their care. People like Job, Jesus, Joseph and Mary, Lot and Abraham. During many of my protective spells and rituals, I call upon the four archangels. Michael, the guardian of the south, and help of soldiers and police officers and firemen. Uriel, the guardian of the north and help of doctors and healers and herbalists and pharmacists. There is Gabriel, the guardian of the east and the help of speakers and communicators and teachers and lawyers and all those who seek peaceful justice. And Raphael, the guardian of the west and the aid of mystics and seers and philosophers. They create a heavenly shield around me and sanctify my sacred space and hear my spells and send me the help I need. I also call upon the guardian angels. Since so many of us do not know the name of our guardian angels, I simply call out to the guardian of _____and name the person for whom I am working. Padre Pio, who is a saint and served God with humility and the pain of the stigmata, wrote that often if he needed to speak to someone there in the monastery or even in the town, he would speak to his guardian angel and tell this angel to speak to the guardian angel of the person with whom he wanted to speak. That person would feel an overwhelming desire to see Padre Pio. It was from him that I got the notion of inter-angel communication. So, if you have never worked with angels (and for my Pagan and Wiccan friends, you may call upon angels or devas or djinn or faerie folk) give these sweet servants a try. You will find a lot of comfort and help from them.
Is the Blessed Virgin Mary the Christian Goddess? This topic is a lively one because witchcraft is a feminine centered practice and the Wiccan religion is a Goddess religion. But what about the Christian witch? What if you simply cannot integrate a Goddess into your practice, just as you may not be able to incorporate the Gods and Goddesses of other pantheons? Some open minded Wiccans and eclectic witches see the Blessed Mother as a Goddess for Christian witches. Some see Mary Magdalene, particularly if you are a Gnostic Christian who believes that Jesus actually lived an ordinary man's life before his ministry and married and had children, as a Goddess. But what if you can't see that as a part if your work in the Craft or it rubs uncomfortably against your faith system? Well, this is the conundrum that many of us feel in our Craft work. This is how I deal with it. Not all of us who practice Christian Craft are Catholics, and for those of you who aren't, I can tell you that though it is helpful for energy balance to acknowledge a sacred feminine, it is not necessary. For Catholics who practice craft, the issue of sacred feminine is answered with Mary, the Mother of God. Notice I call her sacred feminine. To me, she is not Goddess, but a sacred woman who serves the will of the Lord, who ministers to her Son, Jesus, the God made man, and our mother in salvation and our source of hope. She is "blessed among women" and "full of grace" she is the woman "caught up in the heavens with the moon under her feet and the crown of twelve stars". She is the female archetype for Christian Crafters, beloved and trusted. For the mater of simple observation, it is a shame that Protestants and Wiccans alike ignore her nobility and the power in her sexual virginity. Mary is discarded as a simply a vessel, an incubator for the Son of the Living God. If we follow that train of thought, then that means that God abandons the woman he chose from the moment of her conception, who bore the brunt of human scrutiny and derision and risked quite possibly her own life to be pregnant and bear the Son of God.
No, God blessed her for her holiness and humility, protected and loved her, and when her time came, made her the Queen of heaven, the co-redemtrix and the handmaid of the Lord
Harry Potter and the Craft I remember when the Potter books came out and everyone was in such a dither about them. I resisted reading them for some years after the first book in the series came out. It wasn't because of the subject matter, it was because I had heard excited whispers about the books being well written and exciting and literate, as apposed to the silly, underdeveloped offerings that are today's young reader's fare (that is also the way I would categorize much of adult reading, by the way). Being a teacher, I feared that they might be endlessly cute and silly but what I discovered when I first read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was that the book was literate and serious and very engrossing. And then it seemed that is when I heard about the criticism that many in the Fundamentalist Christian community were protesting the book because they felt that the Potter books were promoting witchcraft. I had seen this sort of thing before with rock music, videos, even cartoons so no, it doesn't surprise me that some Christians are against the Potter books. I even saw a web site that said Harry Potter was a symbol of the Anti-Christ, Hermione was the Whore of Babylon and Voldemort (get this) was a Christ figure and Malfoy was a faithful believer. It made me wonder what edition of Harry Potter they were reading. They even cast Nearly Headless Nick as the Holy Spirit. But, on some levels they are right. While we do not fly on brooms, nor do we play Quiddich and there is no Hogwarts Express, there is a lot of classical alchemy, mythology and lore hidden in the books if you care to investigate. But the students of Hogwarts are not practicing witchcraft as religion, they are using magic as a part of every day life, it simply is to them. It would be great to be able to wave my wand and have my house cleaned, or at least conjure up a great little house elf, or to cook food with a flick of my wand, or to apparate and have an extra hour of sleep before going to school in the morning. But fantasy witchcraft is not what we do. I love the Potter books. I love them not just because of the magic that is in them, I love the message they teach and that is that good can triumph over evil and that the love of your friends is greater than the love of one's own life and that sometimes good is harder than evil. I believe that someday, all people of faith will be like Harry Potter and his friends and
we will have to stand up against an evil that will be interested in eradicating all religion; not just Christianity or Judaism, or Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism. This evil will be after all people, even the Pagan and the Wiccan. We will then have to stand together to survive. And that, I think is the true story of the Potter books, love one another, help one another, honor one another, and protect one another. It is a shame that some people can't see that.
Candle Magik Candle magik is an ancient practice and it survives in most cultures in one form or another. Even people, who would never consciously practice magik, do so when they light candles on a birthday cake and then blow them out. How many of you, when you were married, lit a unity candle? How many of you have had the misfortune of lighting a candle at the shrine of a terrible event, like 9-11? How many of you light candles at church or at home in front of an icon or statue? Candle magik is one of the easiest ways to send out a spell. You can make the ritual of preparing the candle as elaborate or as simple as you want. White candles are good universal candles for all needs but some people find it useful to correspond the color of the candle with the specific need of the person for whom the spell is being worked. Spices, herbs and oils can be rubbed onto the surface of the candle and the candle can be inscribed with a pin or a knife or, if you are very strict, a boline. The thing that you have to remember is that you have to have a clear intent...what do you expect the spell to do? Then, you have to visualize it happening. And as you work the spell, you have to ask for the help of your sacred spirit. Because the candle is only a representation of your spell, the sacred spirit is the one who makes or empowers the spell, through you. You should allow the candle to burn itself safely out. Here is a hint....tea lights are great candles and they only last for about four hours but if you are doing a spell and it must be completed quickly, use a birthday candle. You can buy them cheaply at the grocery store in various colors and they burn down in no time at all. How do you anoint a candle? If you do not have a lot of expensive oils on hand, a good olive oil will do the trick. Just dip your finger in it and rub it on the candle. If the spell is to draw something to you, you rub the oil from the wick end to the bottom. If you want to cast it away from you, like a protection spell or a health spell to someone far away, you anoint bottom to wick. It's that simple.
Celebrating the Witch in Me I am Healer Advisor Thinker Fortune Teller Spell Caster Petitioner to God Scryer Believer Faerie Seer Talisman Maker Student Master Moon Phaser Crystal Gazer Witch Why would people fear? They fear the words they hear. Witch, Crone, Hag Warlock, Sorcerer Whore of the devil Evil Necromancer Notice, these words are not on my list Only theirs except Witch I am
Witch in the Workplace OK, you are at work in one of these little cubicles or you are a teacher in the classroom, or some other profession is it okay to display a small altar (a framed picture of the elements or a pentacle or just a candle with a symbol on it)? Some people would say that it is inappropriate to display anything of a religious or spiritual matter in the workplace. This may be to protect people's rights to practice the religion of their choice or it may be a way to keep down "witnessing" or proselytizing. Others do it for professional reasons. At the same times, these businesses may not even permit family photos or other objects that present a cluttered workspace. Generally, however, I recommend that witches play it low key. If you are allowed some personal objects in the work space, you may want to just have a small picture or a small potted plant or simply wear something that represents the sacred for you and would have no meaning to the casual observer. The truth of the matter is that while the mundane world may not be actively burning us at the stake right now, there are other ways we can be persecuted. And remember, one of the ways of the witch is know, to do and to keep silent.
Coming out of the Broom Closet: Don't ask, don't spell I have had conversations with many witches of diverse traditions. I have also met many gay folk. Many gay folk who practice the Craft and they all say the same thing: I was easier for me to come out of the sexual closet than the broom closet. I thought to myself why that is, and with hopes that I don't offend any gay folk, this is what I have come up with. Gay folk are looked at as misguided folks who may be sinners but have done nothing
that God cannot forgive, but tell your family that you are a witch and images of grotesque blasphemies rise up in the minds of your family. They assume you have done something to commit the unforgivable sin and that is "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit". And this simply comes from a place of ignorance. They believe all those scary stories that have been told since the Middle Ages that we sacrifice children and have sex with the devil and attend black masses. The thing is, a true witch would find that distasteful to do something to insult another religion, the second thing is that the activities themselves would have very little meaning to a true witch, as their religious beliefs do not acknowledge the importance to such things as the black mass, as these are simply parodies of a Christian activity. And no witch would harm a child, it is against the rede and the legends of child sacrifice exist as a part of testimony only after torture by the Inquisition. For me, I believe that I will likely be in the broom closet all of my life. It doesn't bother me, it simply is this way. The Craft does not require me to convert, in fact the Craft is esoteric, but it is sad that the reason I can't be more up front about my practice is that people refuse to accept the diversity of the world. Experiencing Resistance: How to deal with rejection, even inside the Wiccan/Pagan Community Every human organization has its down side and this is also true about the Craft. As a Christian Wicce, I have experienced many different problems with other disciplines that close their door and knowledge to me because I am a Christian Crafter. Because of this, I have always looked at any human organized group with a sort of healthy skepticism. I have a feeling this is why I love and cherish my solitary practice. I remember I went to a Metaphysical Fair years ago in the central part of the state while I was in college. This was just when I was Craft curious and searching. I was having a wonderful time, buying Celtic crafts and music and incense and candles and broomstick skirts and blouses. I was talking to a lady who was selling tarot decks and I was looking to buy an inexpensive set with a guide book. I bought them and started toward a booth that caught my eye. This lady was selling beautiful pewter cups, swords and athames and crystal balls. "I'm Lady Midnight Gloomy Gus," (that was not her real name, I don't remember what she said her name was, but I am a big fan of Dickens, who gave his characters names that sort of described who they were.) "I belong to the celebrated Temple of the Insufferably Doomed. To what magikal tradition do you belong and what is your magikal name?" I was a bit taken aback, as you can imagine.
"I don't have a magikal name. I study with my friend, Celeste, over there," I answered, nodding my head toward Celeste, who was juggling wax candles to amuse a small group of kids while she taught them about spiritual concentration and balance. She was always good about a teachable moment. "What discipline?" she asked. Now, Celeste had been the one to call me a Christian Witch or Wicce, so, I said : "Christian Witch," You know how you have just committed a faux pas and you know you have offended someone? This lady certainly had that look on her face. Sort of a face that I would recognize later as the look Malfoy gives Hermione just before he calls her a mudblood. On the way home, as I fingered the holes of the wooden flute I had bought, I told my friend Celeste about the woman. She shook her head and rolled her eyes a bit as I told her about the single blemish on my day. "Aslinn," she said, as she explained her take on this situation. "The Craft community is split into two groups. One group is very militant and very public and confrontational. They are primarily men and women who are angry and have come into the Wicca/Pagan religion as angry former Christians. They want to be the direct opposite of their families. The usual Lord and Lady of Darkness are the witches the newspapers and TV reporters want to interview. They dress like Dracula and Vampira 24/7/365. They tend to do what they claim to hate about Christianity, they hate anyone who is not like them," she said. "Then you have us. We're the hippy dippy witchies, the fluffy bunny witches. We are more tolerant but not any less passionate about our beliefs. But we acknowledge magik exists in all religions. We may look side ways at your pentacle and your cross and your Marian devotions but we also know that we can rely on you to help us with a magikal problem and you know how to use most any herb. You are a part of what I call the universal coven and your Craft is just as important as anyone else’s." she finished finally. From then on I was never self conscious with my Craft and I offer no explanations or apologies. I always strive to be better as a person in and out of the realm of the Craft. I believe there will be hard times ahead and we will all be in trouble, regardless of what you believe in. Someday it will be against the law to practice any form of religion, whether you are Christian or Pagan, Wiccan or Jew, Muslim or Buddhist or a little mix of everything and we will all have to stand together with whatever magikal or spiritual tools we have and fight a monster that would have no God before him at all. Let us all be Brothers and Sisters, in and out of the Craft and may we all stand together.
Oils and the Craft Oils have been used as curatives for thousands of years and they have been used as a part of religious practices for just as long. Oils were used as preservatives to keep the body until burials could take place. They have been used in medicines as lubricants, muscle relaxers and laxatives. Scented oils are very important in cures and ritual as well. Many times oils were made of botanicals and purified animal fats and oils collected from plants. It was time consuming work to extract purified oils from the source and the herbs and flowers and resins used to perfume them were rare and costly. That is the point of the tale of the fallen woman who anoints Jesus feet. Judas tells Jesus off for allowing the woman to use the oils because they are costly and he feels that Jesus is indulging in some selfish vanity by allowing her to anoint him. Oils were mostly used by the wealthy and Jesus was supposed to be living the life of poverty and suffering. Today, there are many types of oil that we call perfumed oils. Witches and Wiccans and Pagans of all traditions are renowned for the purity of their oils and the materials they are made from. Even if you are not a practitioner of any magikal art or tradition but you enjoy making wax candles and soaps and lotions with wonderful scents in them, then buy your goods from metaphysical shops. There are also the kinds that you find in art and hobby stores and even at your local shopping center or grocery. These are usually just fragrance oils that you put in simmer jars or on sachets to perfume a room. These are often artificially scented and use petroleum oil as a carrier. Petroleum oils are like mineral oils or oil for your car. They are made of the same oil that is pumped out of the ground and refined to run our cars. It is not natural and is not good for mystical purposes in most regards. There are some mass produced brands of essential oils. Spiritual Sky is a popular one and can be found in most "head shops" or hippy stores. It simply takes time to find those dealers who sell the real deal. The most important are Myrrh, Sandalwood, Amber, Dragon's Blood, Lavender, Peppermint, and Cinnamon. The corresponding incenses are great to have, as well. If you need to make potion and need a carrier oil, use sweet oil, or almond oil. If all else fail, use extra light, extra virgin olive oil or corn oil or sunflower oil. They may have a bit of an odor but they work well. Sweet oil can be found in pharmacies or grocery oils. Now, I know that you see people drink potions all of the time in movies and shows, but do not drink your potions. The potions you make are to be used in the following ways: You may anoint candles with them. The way to anoint is that if you want your spell's desire to come to you. You anoint from the top of the candle to the base of the candle. If you want to the spell's desire to get away from you, you anoint from the bottom up. You may anoint a person with them. If you are bringing them into the Craft, for instance, you would want mix a potion used for dedication. Or if you were healing them, you might want to gently massage the afflicted area. You can use it as a fumigant. You can
thin the potion by adding a teaspoon of whisky (or if you are a minor, rubbing alcohol) to every two ounces of potion and sprinkle or spray the potion in a spray bottle around the room to bless or exorcise or to bring healing, whatever you happen to be doing. You can simmer the potion in a simmer pot to incense a room. You can also add herbs and flowers to you potion as they are called for or if they match the energies of the oils you are using. This is by no means comprehensive; in fact it is pretty basic. So, the next time, I will give you a book list that will help you study into your second and third degree. Some are written expressly for young people, which are still good for the adult novice, and some have a revolving value that comes with reading and rereading the books as you advance in your studies. What are the Druids and how are they related to Wicca? As you read about magik and the mystical arts and the Craft, you will read about the Druids. What are the Druids and how do they relate to us, the modern witches and covens of today. No one is really sure about who the Druids are. There are some who say they were some sort of ruling class, some where after the chief or king but above the ordinary citizenry. They were the wise men and women who formed the basic legal system, made decisions about crime and punishment, advised kings when and when not to make war, alliances, marry and crown heirs. They functioned also as the leaders of religion, presiding over marriages, divorces, births, funerals, coronations and religious feasts, sports, and rites. We know this very small bit not from Druids themselves, but from the invaders of Europe, namely the Romans under people like Julius Caesar. In Julius Caesar's Commentaries, he wrote that the Druids were blood thirsty, savage men ( ignoring of course the roles of women in the Druidic culture) who sacrificed humans in large quantities and ate human flesh and burned people alive in their wicker man festivals before Samhain. And following largely in this same vein, writers like Pliny the elder spoke of some elements of Druid religion, like the veneration of trees and the worship of the moon and the sun and the use of mistletoe and some meanings of the varying woods. But this is all we really know, and we should have some skepticism about histories that were not written by the people themselves either through art or written language. Did the Druids write their own history? I'm afraid the Druids themselves wrote very little about their work and their religion or their knowledge. Most of the Druid's knowledge was oral history, told from one Druid to another, taught from generation to generation and handed down as legacy of sorts. It is thought, because no one really knows for sure, they were a culture who believed in leading strenuous lives of hard work and play. If things were written down, then no one need learn things and memorize
them, they could look it up anytime. So just as there were people who did wondrous athletic feats, so too were there people who memorized millions of words of poetry and formulas and spells. This is fantastic in and of themselves, but imagine now, the death of the group of people! It would be the death of all that learning. And that is what happened, and just all invaders do, they bring their pantheons of Gods and Goddesses to replace the native Gods. Now, does that mean the Druid religion and their magical practices are lost forever? No, but you can never call it "Druid" again. There were people who remembered little bits, a spell here, a practice there, maybe even a ritual or two and keep it in their hearts, teaching their family, celebrating with others, adding to the parts they have forgotten with some new bit they thought would enhance the rite and make it respectful and memorable for them in their time. And over time, the faith system of the conquerors become absorbed by the conquered, that is why we see Greek and Roman spirits and imagery of European Wicca and Native American imagery in North America and we are now see in Christian imagery in the Craft, as we have come to call it. There are reasons for everything under the sun. There may be a reason why we don't know must about the Druids. It may be that it was simply their time to go away from us. Perhaps it was some divine way of teaching us to appreciate the Craft we have and to help it grow as we see fit, just as the ones who remembered a few spells worked hard to learn more. And we have to appreciate others. I have to thank my Pagan and Wiccan brothers and sisters for writing those wonderful books I studied and read and learned from and thank other Christian Wicces for coming out of the broom closet and telling me that I was not alone. And finally, thanks to all of those ancient Craft traditions who went before us all and suffered for their Craft and taught us to never take learning for granted. Witchcraft Without Tools While we may not have to fear being burnt at the stake, at least only in metaphor, there are those of us who cannot practice the Craft in the open. It may be that you are a minor living at home with parents, who would not approve, or you may be in a prison or in the military, or you may be sharing a residence with someone who would not approve of your practicing the Craft. It may seem to you that this is unfair and do a lot of rebelling and screaming and hair pulling, but you might also consider this a challenge and a true test of your desire to practice the Craft. All of those things that we use, the athame, wand, cauldron, pentacle, are magic only because we imbue these things with our own magical energies. True, herbs, scents and candles are sources of healing and spiritual comfort, but if there is a reason for not
being able to practice the Craft in a physical way, there is a mental way of practicing the Craft. It is more difficult to master and requires more spiritual discipline and concentration but it can be done. If you do not believe in your own magical powers, no amount of cauldron brewing, candle lighting and wand waving can give you power to work the Craft. As with all magic, you must have an imagination. Being able to make images in your head of the magic you wish to perform is essential. It is essential in physical magical and essential in mental magic. Another thing you need is an understanding of the elements and the cardinal directions. Being in tune with the moon is also essential. Using the power and energies of the moon are crucial. Being creative and spontaneous is great. Having some dramatic ability to make casting gestures is great, too. But most of all, concentration is the key. There are many times in life when just going through the motions are not enough but in magic, sometimes going through the motions are just enough to send magik out on the spot. If you have been working with your wand, then you know what hand you use to work with it. For the sake of this discussion, I will simply say wand hand. The other will be called your opposite hand. When I need to use a wand and I have only my finger, I use one finger, my index finger, to be my wand. Remember when your mom or dad told you it wasn't nice to point? This is why, I think, because people believed that not only do witches use wands to cast, but they can use their index finger too, and they were right. To symbolize the athame, I use two fingers. If I need a cauldron, my opposite hand is the cauldron, cupped and ready. Simple gestures and seeing the brewing, casting and cutting in the mind are the only things that you need for mind casting. Imagine the simplest herbs, oils and flowers in your cauldron. If we believe that all things have a soul, then we can call upon the soul of our herbs and flowers and the four directions and the sun and the moon to help us at a moment's notice. Can we cast this way? Yes....all you have to do is believe that you can, through the powers of God or by whatever way you define the creator, the elements and the magic around you at all times. If you do not believe in all of these things then you are just a potion maker or fortune teller and you are no witch. The Craft is about absolute belief in your ability and your place in the magical world around you. You are magic, and if you don't believe that then you cannot work the Craft. No amount of reading or casting will work for you. It is said that magik doesn't work if you don't believe in it and I believe that is true, whether you are a Christian Wicce, or a Wiccan or Pagan, whether you practice dark magic or light magic. This is a real test of who you think you are as a witch. Are you
fortunate enough to work with a great study group or coven? Or are you plodding on alone and in secret to learn as much as you can? Don't ever doubt the energies that each of us have and always think of the energies you create with each casting or ritual. Study all of the time. Understand not only that potions work but why they work. And always thank the spirits for the things you do.
Magical Clothes : Or Do I have to Wear that Conical Hat? When people ask you to describe a witch, what do you hear? "Well, first of all, they wear all black except for their red and white stripy socks!" is probably the firm answer you will get from most anyone. And I admit that on a few Samhain celebrations I have embraced the Witch Hazel in me. Besides, black is so slimming and sexy. But the truth of the matter is, there simply is no correct ritual dress code for the working witch. One of the rules of thumb is dress in clean clothes, wear clothes that symbolize the magical part of you, and realize that color has meaning. Red can be healing or protection, black can be binding or new moon spells, purple can be worn for divinations, white for dedications or purifications. Greens and gold can be worn for fertility and handfasting, and silvers and metallic gold can be worn for wiccanings (or christenings). Whatever you plan to do during your ritual, think of clothes or colors that suit the occasion. I have spoken of this briefly and it has to do with skyclad. Skyclad is being naked. If you are a minor and are joining a coven and they demand that you have to have to be naked, get away from that coven, no coven of the Craft that follows the Wiccan Rede will demand nudity (most Wiccans won't allow you to join until you are in your majority anyway) And no coven will demand sex as the entrance fee for your acceptance into the coven. If they do, get away from them. Even sexual rituals are private affairs between the High Priest and Priestess and do not involve the direct energies of the coven. There are some Gardnerian tradition witches who do skyclad work and that is something they do if they have adequate privacy and the weather is with them. But skyclad has fallen out of fashion right now and like all groups and systems it will take a while for another nudie witchy movement come back round. Even Raymond Buckland states that there is some mild but none the less infantile curiosity about your Witchy Brother or Sister's shape under their robes. One word of warning: If you are wearing long ritual robes, capes or dresses, be very careful with candles, fire, incense, and cauldrons.
Magik and Karmic Return For those witches who don't know or don't understand the term Karmic Return, I'll try to explain. The Witches Rede states that we are to harm none and that all we do either magikally or otherwise comes back to us threefold. If you do good, then you are rewarded with good times three. If you do bad, then you are rewarded with bad times three. I want to refer to a book called The Wiccan Rede by Mark Ventmiglia and reworked the old lessons I made for myself when I was a novice witch. In a footnote he wrote: "Restrained freedom is the practice of living a free life and executing one's free will but not at the expense of others." I am free to live, work and believe and practice as I will but I can't infringe on the rights of others or harm others, even if I perceive that they are doing me some harm. If I believe in Karmic Return, then a person who does evil deeds will be rewarded for their deeds and I for mine. One of the first things I ever learned was to never cast in anger and I haven't yet, but boy, have I come close. The Magikal Life and Health The magikal life is directly affected by your physical, emotional and spiritual health. If you are healthy in all aspects of your life, then your magik will be strong and positive and will work to heal yourself and others. Because our rede says that we must harm none, we must consider the spirit in which we cast, our emotional mind set and our physical well being. Physical well being means that we are healthy, that we try to eat balanced meals which includes plenty of fruit and vegetables and water that we avoid harmful substances like cigarettes and excessive alcohol and illegal drugs and take medications correctly. We should be fairly fit. If you are chubby, that doesn't mean that doesn't mean you have to diet and become reed thin, but you should try to eat sensibly and fast occasionally to purify your system. Fasting may mean only taking small meals of fruits and vegetables, avoiding heavy foods and foods full of fat. It is not required to be a vegetarian, but cut back on heavier or fattier meats. Some of our Wiccan Brothers and Sisters are vegetarians, and some feel that consumption of some meats are a part of the world life cycle. If you smoke, like I do, you may want taper off your smoking and try to quit, like I am. The Craft is full of spells and talismans to help you stop bad habits. Illegal drugs or drugs we are prescribed and abuse are dangerous because they alter our perceptions and hinder our judgments. The same for the excessive use of alcohol. If you are under age, do not use alcohol in rituals. Use instead natural or organic juices and ciders. Make your own juices to ensure their organic composition. Keep spiritually fit by going
to church, temple or the religious services of your choice. If you do not belong to a religious group, meditate in your own spiritual way and speak to the creator in your own way and your own voice. Should you be depressed, do not hesitate to consult a counselor or mentor or religious leader or the leader of your coven or study group. Depression is dangerous among practitioners of the Craft because we are often so open to the spirits and elements and supernatural movements that our emotional states can open us up to extremes in positive or negative energies. And don't wait...Confide in someone now....Your problems are never so small that they cannot be aided in some way by positive guidance. Remember, the rede doesn't just mean the castings we do out to the world, it means we must not harm ourselves as well
Magikal Ethics One of the things I often hear is that witches or Wiccans can do anything so long as they follow the rede and I would agree with that but does that mean there is no sense of sin in the traditional sense. Not at all. The rede functions as our basic outline of the rules of practice. It tells us to think carefully when we cast and think about what the outcomes might be and whether it will harm anyone, even you. If you are declaring yourself a witch and you are hurting people with it, then you are not following the rede and you are not a true disciple of the Craft. As witches, we are to do all things for the good of the earth and the health and welfare of our fellows on this earth. When you prepare to work for someone or for yourself, you should examine your conscience: Have I hurt anyone today in thought, word or deed? Have I hurt myself? Have I polluted the earth needlessly? (There simply is very little you can do about your car exhaust until they come up with a reasonable alternative, but have you littered? Have you needlessly killed a living creature? Have you wasted a natural resource?) If you have done any of those things, you must make atonement. You must pray to your God, by what ever name you call them and you must try to correct your misdeed by apologizing or by cleaning up your mess or seeking counsel from a professional or an elder of your faith. If you are unable to make a personal apology, then you must do some good in that person's name or do some anonymous good with that person in mind if you don't know them. Simply praying or seeking absolution through some sacrament or rite is not enough. You must act as well. The second thing you must do is take a ritual bath or perform some other sort of physical act of cleansing. This should be a part of regular practice anyway before you do any work or ritual. You certainly wouldn't go to your church or a sabat dirty and
dressed in dirty clothes. You would want to present yourself to God, by whatever name you call them, with high respect to them and yourself. Meditation is important too. If you aren't doing some form of meditation, then you may well be dashing off a lot of spells and rituals that have very limited powers and do very little. And remember, everything you do comes back to you three fold, so don't be lazy and indifferent and don't be careless. You want all good things to come back to you. If you aren't meditating now, start a regiment of meditation and this can be 10 minutes or it can be longer. To meditate, you should be comfortable but not so comfortable that you fall asleep. Sitting up in high back chair with your feet on the floor is best. Unless you are practicing yoga and are adept, don't worry about getting into the lotus position either. You should designate a focal point for yourself, a candle, a picture or a statue. Breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. Visualize a nice place, a spirit guide, your guardian angel and have discussions with them in your mind. Be careful of using visualizations of the dead and if they ask you to do something that is uncharacteristic of them turn away from them and visualize yourself coming out of meditation. Some people who meditate use a sacred sound like o-m (This is part of a Buddhist mantra. My late husband and practicing Buddhist always taught me not say the word Om because you should not contaminate the listener with the sound of the mantra in your voice. When you see groups of monks chanting the mantra together, they do so after they have perfected their ability to withdraw and hear the sounds of their own unique voice, not the voices of their fellows.) Drugs and the Craft do not mix. That include so called natural narcotics like marijuana or hashish or opium or shrooms. Our native brothers and sisters practice a form of the Craft that uses marijuana and shrooms in their religious work and these are handled only by the Shamans or priests of the faith. And though the practitioners of the Craft use wine, they warn against using too much. And witches do not use absinthe. Sorry all of you Goths who dabble in the occult and the Craft....absinthe is a no-no. So if you are using the Craft to get your buzz on, you are going against the Craft. Harm none includes harming yourself. And any coven who asks or demands that you use drugs and alcohol in their rituals are the sort you should keep clear of. Responsible covens provide alternatives to wine, substituting cider, fruit juice or even non-alcoholic ginger beer in their rituals or workings. And they would never serve the underage.
Grimoires, Books of Shadow, and Initiations A grimiore is a fairly high level piece of magical writing and should be used only by experienced people. This is a book that calls upon the secrets names of gods and spirits to ask them do you a service. There are several grimoires out there. They are very
difficult to follow and call upon someone who has a very in-depth study of symbolism, astrology, and the occult. For the beginner I suggest that they leave grimoires alone or use them as study only. Not many witches are ready to practice the rituals set down in grimoires. For those interested in seeing what a grimiore is, look up Key of Solomon, it is a very good grimiore with excellent notes and original charts for consideration. But remember; use it for study only until you are of sufficient level to use it. A Book of Shadows on the other hand is a wonderful thing to have. It is your magik book, where you write rituals, copy rituals from other people and record results of your magikal work. Every witch has one. It is a dedicated book, meant for only one thing and that is to preserve a witches’ personal learning. When you come to certain level and have recorded successes then you can share your BOS with other learners. But as in all things, remember that ours is an esoteric practice and you should be careful who you share your BOS with. Teens should keep their BOS to themselves until they find others who are of their faith. It is not something to show around and impress people with. Now, there are a lot of commercially published Books of Shadows on the market, in any mainstream book store you can go into the metaphysical department and buy a book of shadows. There are a lot of people who do not believe you should buy a BOS. I myself do not mind buying them and reading them and then altering them to fit my needs and I still have a lot of success with it though I do alter it to fit my discipline. A good BOS can also help you learn to think about your Craft and familiarize yourself ritual formats and to learn about ingredients and significant symbols and colors and the times of the lunar calendar and seasons. But eventually, you should seek to write your own spells and rituals. Many BOS are written for the coven in mind but increasingly you can see BOS written for the solitary witch. There are plusses to covenry, which is that you have the opportunity to work with others, to call upon the more experienced for help and you can share what you know. But in a coven, as with all organized human groups there can be a tendency to be fixed in one system of belief and some form of jealousy and a slight disdain for people who do it a different way. This is not an indictment; it simply is the way of human kind. So, in a lot of ways, being a solitary is much better because then you can practice the Craft on your own terms and within the limits of your own discipline. Whichever way you go, you will want to do some sort of initiation or rite of confirmation, if you will. Many covens have their own rite and if you seek initiation into a coven, then you must go along with their ceremony. Before you decide to initiate, discuss your desires with the priest or priestess of your coven. They can help you decide when to take the initiation and what are in the rites and answer your questions. If you are a solitary, you might write your own initiation. Some covens of various disciplines believe you can only self initiate the first level, others believe you can self
initiate through the second and third levels. Others believe you can't self initiate at all. I believe you can self initiate all the way to the third level. If you are self initiating, you can write your own rite or you can find a ritual in a book or on the web and tailor it. Do what feels right to you. You should have something for each ritual, like a ring or necklace or bracelet that you can wear all the time or during rituals to celebrate your initiation. Broom, Cauldron and Wand: Magikal Tools One of the things I suggest anyone who is seriously studying the Craft is to begin to collect your tools. The most important of the magikal tools are a broom, cauldron, wand and athame. These items have a great deal of significance to the witch. Broom- why do witches use brooms if they do not fly on them? The broom is strong symbol of the hearth and domestic life and a tool for cleansing. In antiquity there were those who believed that witches flew on their brooms, using them as magikal conveyances to Sabats. It was also symbolic of the May Pole, a fertility symbol and is also a sort of phallic symbol among my Wiccan and Pagan friends. The broom is in reality a "woman's" weapon. It is her staff and defender and her baton of authority in the home. Modern witches use their broom to cleanse their sacred space and when used in a coven, it symbolizes the sacred circle. Cauldron- For my Wiccan and Pagan friends, it is a symbol of the Goddess, the nurturing mother providing food and medicine for her children. For the Christian witch it is the well of healing. In my cauldron, which is simple affair, I brew herbs for ointments and washes, burn incense from time to time, light the Beltane fires from it and consume negative energies in small fires in it. Wand- My wand is a found holly branch which has been stripped of its bark and smoothed and varnished using tung oil. It is about 16 inches long and hanging from its grip are symbols of my faith, my culture and my magik. In and of itself, it is not magikal, but used in castings, it is tool to direct my intentions. For the Christian witch it is one of my weapons, my rod, with which I protect my family. Athame- an athame is a dagger or knife that is used very much like a wand. I use it to inscribe candles with intentions and to direct protective spells. It never tastes blood. Contrary to many people's belief, the athame is not used to kill anything. Wiccans and Pagans do not use the athame for blood rituals either. Wiccans do not have blood rituals, Pagans may, I don't know, and I invite Pagan brothers and sisters to write to me and let me know so I can up date my information. Candles, the pentangle and other objects can be tools as well. Contrary to popular
belief, the pentangle is not a sign of the Devil. Even when inverted. Wiccan and Pagan practitioners use the inverted pentangle to represent the forest god commonly thought of as Pan or the Forrest Lord. Satanists have annexed the symbol to represent a horned image they call Satan. I myself do not use the inverted pentangle, but I will use the pentangle to represent the elements, the seasons, the four directions and the spirit of God. Orthodox Christians such as the Amish have been known to use the sign of the pentangle to ward off hexes and curses. Christians in antiquity used the pentangle to represent the star of Bethlehem.
Esoteric Rites: Secrecy in the Craft Secrecy in the Craft has been going on for millennia, or at least as long as there were people who knew and did things other people didn't. Fortunately, the times have changed and there is more tolerance for divergent beliefs and practices. But must witches still be careful and remain secretive? Sure. And that is unfortunate. There are many reasons why. Most are because of cultural attitudes that still linger about the Craft and those who practice it. But the most important reason is that as you grow in the Craft, the more powerful you and your castings become, but public acknowledgement has the tendency to drain power from the witch and their castings. For the Christian Witch this goes along with the idea of praying in private. Jesus said that when you pray, you should go into your closet and pray in secret, that God, who hears all in secret, is listening to you. We are also reminded that when we pray, we should not stand in the streets or in the open places in the synagogue where everyone can see us so we can get the admiration of those around us. If we do that, then we have been rewarded already and God can disregard your prayer. So, if casting in a way is praying with props, then you should do all in the privacy of your sacred space. The witch, regardless of your discipline, is still a target for derision. This comes from early writings from the Church, from history, and from social teachings that witches are evil, that they pray to the Devil and they sacrifice babies and parody the sacraments of other religions. The truth of it is, witches, while they may not be Christians, they are certainly peace loving folk in tune with nature and the supernatural and trying to do the best they can for the world. The witches whether they be Pagan, Wiccan or Christian or any other discipline seek deeper and more intimate relations with the world and their neighbors. They look to nature and the environment inside themselves and outside themselves to learn how to heal and comfort their fellows. As I mentioned before, they were the first doctors and pharmacologists and midwives in society. The Burning Times, as many witches call the period of persecution, was a time of danger not just for witches but for Jews and Muslims and anyone else of diverse faith or no
faith at all. But this was also a time of calamity! The ravages of the Plague and the wars and crusades that killed so many for useless reasons and the problems of the poor and the corrupt rich keeping them that way added to the troubles for the common ordinary witch. The Church, in her arrogance, said they had all the answers. When terrible things happened like the plague, the people asked the question why and the Church didn't have the answer. But rather than admit that they didn't, they decided to blame it on that ancient adversary, the Devil and just as there are representatives of God on earth, there are representatives of the Devil on earth and that representative was your local herbalist or midwife or wise woman or man. They were the ones to blame and blamed they were. This is where the larger chunk of the need for secrecy comes from. Witches will always be a scapegoat for the ills, physical, mental, social or spiritual of a community. That is why witchcraft is esoteric or secret knowledge and esoteric in practice. Why be a Christian Witch and isn't that impossible? One of the things that I am sure will be a question posed to me some time or another is why be a Christian Witch and not just a Wiccan and isn't that impossible for you to do? Believe me, I have struggled with that question and while I have not come up with any sort of concrete answers, I know that I have made one of the most important decisions of my life. When I embarked on my journey, I encountered many people who call themselves Sophia Christians and Christo-pagans and I don't have a problem with their view point, it is their choice, but I decided fairly early on that I didn't feel their path was necessarily my path. For those of you who don't know what a Sophia Christian is or a Christo-pagan, a Sophia Christian believes that in addition to the male divinities of Christ and God as Christians believe, there is also a female divinity called the Sophia or Wisdom. A Christo-pagan believes in the Christian concepts of God and Christ but also embraces the divinities of the Pagan cultures as equal divinities. Modern Witchcraft has deep feministic views that eschew the male dominated priesthood of Judeo-Christian and Islamic views of God. They believe that in order for there to be balance there has to be a feminine divinity equal to God. This Goddess is the co-creator of everything and works hand in hand with the male divinity. This, they believe, is the way to bring harmony in all things in nature and the supernatural and the various opposites that create energies that are the foundation of the Craft. They tend to overlook strong women of scripture who play important roles in the Christian faith because they see them as some how hampered by society or by orthodoxy or by modern religion. For me, the feminine is represented by Mary, the virgin mother of Christ. She is, I feel the only female archetype. She was a young girl visited by an angel and overshadowed by
the spirit of the living God and through her all prophecies were fulfilled and the promise of salvation was delivered to us. But is she a "goddess"? No, but she is blessed on earth and in heaven and she is the mediator to the world and hears the prayers of God's people. She is described in the Bible as the woman with the moon at her feet and wearing a crown of twelve stars. She is caught up in the heaven of heavens and sits before the throne of the Lord and her Son, Jesus Christ. She is the new Eve, redeeming woman for the perceived crimes of temptation. My Wiccan and Sophia Christian and Christo-pagan colleagues see her as a defeated woman because she remained sexual virgin. But I would remind my brothers and sisters in the Craft that there are many female divinities in antiquity who remained virgins and had great power. Because I could not give up my Christian beliefs, but believed in the power of the Craft, I began a course of study and found that though there are many things I cannot reconcile myself to, there are many things I can. And as so many of the books say that I have studied, the Craft is elastic and can be molded to accept change. But what about other Christians, what do I say to them? This is what I say. The Bible is full of the Craft. It talks about seeing angels and mixing herbs for healing and ritual cleansings. It speaks of dream interpretation and exorcisms and the laying on of hands. It contains rituals that call for cymbals and bells and incense and candles and food offerings. It has the supernatural powers of the bronze snake and it has the rod of Moses which is thought of as a wand. There are even times when women will prophesy and testify and will even act as the priest of the hearth. There is even astronomy and astrology. Astrology, for instance when the three magi went in search of the Christ Child, they followed the star. The star not only led them to the place he was born, but told the magi the type of person born under that star. That is astrology. Does that mean that if I read my horoscope and it tells me that I will have bad day that I will cower under my bed? No, but I will be careful in all that I do. If I lay out a tarot spread and it looks like a gloomy future ahead, will I give up? No, but I will try to avoid the things that will be obstacles in my path. The Craft isn't about calling up demons and blood sacrifices; it is about embracing the nature God gave us and the nature God lives in and understanding it to the betterment of those around me. I have heard it said that casting spells is "praying with props" and in some ways that is true and while my colleagues who follow other magikal disciplines call upon their divinities, I will be calling on mine. I imagine there are a lot of people who wonder what I mean by being a Christian Witch. It is simple. I am a Christian who practices witchcraft as a spiritual discipline. There are fine lines I draw between witchcraft as a religious practice and witchcraft as a discipline. I am a Christian, I go to church, I pray to God only and I identify myself as
a Christian. There are many Christian Witches who identify themselves as Sophia Christians or Goddess Christians and I am not one of those. I don't have a problem with what they believe; I simply don't share their belief. I can hear you now: Doesn't the Bible prohibit you from practicing witchcraft? The Bible prohibits me from practicing witchcraft if I depend on necromancy and child sacrifices. I do not practice necromancy nor do I practice child sacrifice. I integrate a true appreciation for nature and the natural and supernatural forces in the world today. I use dream interpretation, tarot card readings and runes to understand the future and I use castings and spells to heal, encourage, protect and purify myself and those who come to me for guidance. I am also a student of the esoteric and spend a lot of time studying my craft and how it works within God's will in my life. Can anyone be a witch? Sure, as long as you are willing to dedicate yourself to study and research and most of all understand that what you do comes back to you x3. You should be willing to assume the responsibilities of your craft and take on the Witches Rede: Do what thou will and harm none. Will I be able to fly and hex people? Is what I am doing like Harry Potter or The Craft? No, and we do not have a Quiddich team and we are not a bunch of girls dressed as Catholic School girls. We are men and women who learn to be in tune with nature and the supernatural and call upon the forces of healing herbs and the phases of the moon and understand the good that comes from meditation and a belief that all things are possible. Do you worship Satan? No absolutely not. Even most Satanists do not believe in the personage of Satan. In fact, as Christian Witch, I feel that it is my duty to use all my powers and abilities to fight evil. Should young people become witches? I would say that young people can become witches and be devoted to the discipline required by the Craft, just as many young people join religious groups and become devoted followers of a religious discipline. I do advise a young person that they explore what they think witchcraft is and what they think they will get out of it. And if they think witchcraft will give them license to do anything they want without consequences, they are wrong. Even if you lean more towards Wicca or Paganism, you will still be confronted with strict rules and taboos and feasts and fasts. You can't do any brand of the Craft without some form of structure, so be ready to give up certain personal freedoms to practice the Craft. This means sex, drugs and alcohol. I am even giving up tobacco for the Craft so that my mind and body is as clean as I can make it. Being a witch is an important step. It is something you don't do at the spur of the moment. If you are thinking of being a part of a coven or being a solitary witch, spend
at least a year reading and writing and learning, then dedicate yourself to a first year of apprenticeship and practice to see if the Craft is for you. And remember, not all witches are Wiccan and not all Wiccan are witches. The Wise Witches Way I found a wonderful web site called and it had all these random proverbs so I took these proverbs and put them in verse. In all the world it is known The witch belongs everywhere and none A citizen of the kingdom of God and Craft Knower of knowledge now and past A place of signs, the well spring of miracles Of magikal beings and magikal wonders The paths of magik vary from witch to witch But on a crooked path there is no brother or friend The path to the kingdom is narrow and straight And to the wise one the paths are well made But no more difficult a path is laid To the witch-born, man or maid The purpose of life is the experience of a day Greif or joy on the wheel of fate Of casting all the witches say: Be careful what you wish for it may come to you this way Be careful how you judge, as judging you must do For what you condemn today will in the long run become you And when you wish, wish boldly Then conjure just the same Believe it is yours and so mote it be today Mind how you drink wine, in drunkenness do not cast For a tipsy witch is foolish and makes of herself an ass Regardless of what you do, do not forget to fast But libate yourself once the spell is cast Practice makes perfect, so we are taught A wand is strengthened by the good work it has wrought So say the witches of the of the arm that wields the rod If you call upon the spirits, do so with faith And speak to them daily with thanks and praise In conversations with them, do not prattle, whine and bore The spirits are your true friends you should not ignore Remember those who have met their end To the living and the dead be a good friend
For to forget the ancestors is to be a fool In the matter of fools learn this basic rule As it is wisdom for old and young The truths in streets go naked Beware the foolish lying tongue With a silent mouth, as you are taught to do What you learn under the full moon Should stay secret in the sun For silence and secrecy Makes a witch a powerful one Though you may have experienced the Mystery, whatever that may be You may not understand all the ways of divinities. Find your inner child and take a faery by the hand for they are friends to thee Know ye the virtues of the best witch under the moon, If a man is hungry she gives him a full spoon If the land of his garden is tired he gives Mother Earth her ease If the garden is crowded, she pulls up all the weeds All witches have their secret garden Extracting sweetness from the bitterest herb And from her vast knowledge Heals every wound and hurt Brewing blessed potions to bring to a sick one’s door Keeping always in mind The curing comes quickly but the healing takes more The witches’ power is not simply in the palm of the hand But a link to heaven between God and Man A powerful witch is humble Making good use of every spell Nothing goes to waste, nothing goes to spoil When troubles seem to haunt you And bad luck is here to stay Always remember where there is a witch there is a mighty way Listen children, for this is wisdom Each witch does surely know Keep yourself to your own cauldron Potions do not cook where the gossip goes Never forget what the old ones say What one witch cannot, another may For even if you are of the witch ways born Witchery must be learned, knowledge never scorned Ever mind the old one’s path And embrace your families Craft Of evil ones, beware their tricky contracts
No fair bargain, evil pacts A warning to those new born to witches power Evil as good oft masquerades in your weakest hour Heed this rule of thumb for the witches’ mind Leave all extreme notions behind And to others who are different be courteous and kind For always on your soul is known Evil returns times three but good a hundred fold Keep clean and clear your precious soul For a clear conscience breaks the strongest curse But understand sometimes Tis a better blessing to lose And of magikal tools and ways Keep this wisdom all your days An old wand in young hands is twice blessed But two hands on one wand leaves both witches distressed The wands, brooms and pots In inept hands have magik not For heaven’s power makes the witch in the eyes of God Never forget who you serve A witch is the hand of the Father on earth Serve God by serving those in need Follow these words, they are the key Do not be so heaven minded that on earth you are of no use Your job is to care for those who suffer illness and abuse And any creature suffering is the blessed face of Christ Doing good to those in need adds value to his sacrifice In the learning of your Craft Chose a teacher on the sacred path One not only teaching the way But learning magik every day Ignorance is not forever, but ignorant you are doomed to be If you do not inquire of a sage of witchery When in sabats you revel Do not forget sacred mirth For where the witches cackle Magik is given birth When a sabat is overlooked Do not in your heart be vexed Sabats are all moveable feasts And when remembered are twice blessed Call all you love to your table Man and woman and beast
If your food be humble The company outshines the feast When in covens you do pray Embrace all in love and boon Keep this wisdom in your heart We are all equal under the moon Of matters of divinations And fortune telling of all kinds Practice, have faith and know with a look A pack of cards are an open book To dream your dreams and not interpret Is a letter left unlook’d And do not the messengers of God blame If the crystals predict rain Above all these things my witchy friends Then my song is through In perfect trust and perfect love Is the best way to know and serve God Brightest Blessings Be, from Me to Thee The Thirteen Goals of Witchcraft Know yourself. If you don’t know yourself and your relationship to others, the earth and the energies of the Craft, then you cannot have full access to the wonders of working witchcraft Know your Craft. Witchcraft is a system of life long work, study and devotion. Reading one book or one web site will not do it. You must read, write and think about your work in the Craft to be a successful worker of the Craft. Apply knowledge with wisdom. Know when to work witchcraft and when to let things be. It is not always good to cast. Pain and disappointment and failure are sometimes necessary for learning and growth in and out of the Craft. Learn. Avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. Learn from the negative as well as the positive. Never assume that you know everything and there is nothing left for anyone to teach you. Don’t remain ignorant. Ask questions. Seek knowledge.
Achieve balance. Learn to work, study and to play. As you ask, always thank. Take nothing without leaving something behind in return. Plant as well as reap. Teach as well as learn. Keep your words in good order. It is not true that words will never harm you. So watch the way you cast and watch the way you talk to others. You may be hurting one another’s feelings. Celebrate life. Thank your Sacred Spirit for the life you have and what you have in the way of needs being met. Honor life and those coming into it and those going out of it. Death is just the next thing in the adventure of life. Keep your thoughts in good order. The ideas in your head usually come out of the hole in your face. Try your best to keep good positive thoughts. They bless you and those around you. Attune with the cycles of the earth. Recognize and celebrate the changing of the seasons and the changes of mother earth and the stars and the moon in his phases and recognize our own connection with nature. Breathe and Eat correctly. Getting plenty of air and eating a balanced diet will help your body and mind be well and will help you rest and work and play and work the Craft to your best potential. Exercise. And this means mind, body and soul. Meditate. Focus your mind and personal energy and draw upon your relationship with the inner space of your mind and body and the outer space of the world around you. Honor God. God is the prime mover of everything you do, including the Craft. The Wiccan Rede and the Christian Witches Rede
There are multiple editions of the Wiccan rede. The rede or rule of Wiccans is the basic ethical guide for Wiccan and some pagan traditions. It is steeped in primarily Celtic cultural tradition. The Wiccan Rede was recorded by Gerald Gardner who is credited with the basic organization of Wicca as a new revival of the old ways or the Old Religion. Since the Rede has undergone many revisions. The Wiccan Rede I am familiar with comes from the book The Wiccan Rede by Mark Ventmiglia. While Ventmiglia writes primarily for a Wiccan /Pagan group, it examines the details of the Rede and gives a basic understanding of the ethics of witchcraft. And though, like most witchcraft books, Ventmiglia define witchcraft as a religion and plays ―My religion was mistreated worse than yours,‖ it is worth a look for any Christian Witch to read it, overlooking his sometimes uncharitable and incorrect views of Christian belief. The original Rede that he discusses is twenty-six lines long, but at the end, he provides a shorter version for easier memory. It is this version I have revamped to reflect the Rede for the Christian Witch. Wiccan Rede Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, In perfect love and perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An’ ye harm none, do as ye will. And ever mind the rule of three; what ye send out comes back to thee. Follow this with mind and heart, An’ merry ye meet an’ merry ye part. The Christian Witches Rede which I altered for our use is just generic, which I think reflects the truth about what is witchcraft vs. Wicca. The Rede of the Christian Witch To bide the wise law you must; in perfect love and perfect trust Eight words the witches law fulfill; an’ ye harm none, do what thou will An’ ever mind the rule of three: what ye send out comes back to thee Follow this with mind and heart; an’ merry ye meet an’ merry ye part What is Wicca and what is Witchcraft Wicca is a religion framework which embraces many traditions of early shamanic and pagan traditions, pre-dating Christianity. It recognizes a god and a goddess of multiple pantheons and follows a basic cycle of eight major feasts. Some of these traditions practice witchcraft but not all Wiccans are witches and not all witches are Wiccan.
Witchcraft is a magikal and natural practice, invoking the natural forces to bring change in partnership with the deity which reflects your religious tradition. This means there are Wiccan witches, Buddhist witches, Confucian witches, Hindi witches, Jewish witches, Muslim witches, and there are Christian witches.
This notion is contentious and troublesome for many people on all sides of the argument but this is the reality. The witch from another tradition is just as legitimate as any other. To bash another serious practitioner of the esoteric arts is to fly in the face of the Witches Rede, Wiccan or otherwise. This bitterness seems to come from anger for a period that Wiccans call the Burning Times. And they were terrible times of mistreatment for Wiccans but other cultures and belief systems were just as abused by the Pagan peoples of pre Christian and early Christianity. We are all guilty of abusing one another. The only answer is to stop fighting among ourselves and try to help each other. I always acknowledge the wisdom I gain from my Wiccan and Pagan brothers and sisters. The power found in nature does not live only for the Wiccan or the Pagan. Its life force and energies live for all who have the wisdom to know it and learn it and use it. That is why I, as a Christian practicing witchcraft can use knowledge and work the Craft as well as any Pagan or Wiccan. Remember, prejudice is what caused terrors like the Burning Times and the Holocaust and the Removal of the Cherokee and the Crusades and the Inquisition, and the early Christian persecutions by the Pagan world, and the Slave trades in America and Europe. None of us have clean hands in the matter of prejudice.
Reading Playing Cards The Art of non-Tarot Fortune Telling The playing cards with their four suits and two Jokers come from the Tarot cards of the past. When tarot was considered taboo or just plain hard to come by, fortune tellers simply transferred their skills to the playing card deck. The tarot deck has 78 cards in it and is divided into the major and minor arcana. The suits consist of the swords, pentacles, wands and cups. The major arcana are made up of the emperor and empress, the Devil, the lovers, the magician, and hermit and a host of other cards that represent people, the zodiac, and the elements. The ordinary playing deck has four suits. The hearts (cups), clubs (wand), spades (swords) and the diamonds (pentangles). The way I learned the meanings was first based on the suits. Hearts are of course love. Clubs mean disagreements. Spades represent news or gossip. Diamonds represent money, wealth or personal value.
Numbers correspond with intensity. For example, the ten of spades denotes important news or a shocking revelation. Two of hearts denote small affection or loss of love. Five of clubs represent a moderate disagreement. Nine of diamonds symbolize a sizable gift or inheritance or even a debt due or owed. It all depends on the cards around them. The royal cards or court cards represent people. The King and Queen of any suit are older people or people who have power over their lives. The suit they belong to tells you about their character. For example a king of diamonds might suggest that this man is an older man who the querent sees as an important person in their lives. If this card is surrounded by spades then the querent might wish to consult this person about something important in the reading. The Jacks are usually young people. They can be male or female. This is fairly intuitive. Take your time getting a feel for the identity. Three of the cards show only half their face and are therefore considered untrustworthy. Aces denote change. The hearts, change in the status of a love affair. Clubs change in a relationship for the bad, usually after a big blowup. Diamonds denote a change in money or in importance of a person. Spades however denote life change. This card would be the Death card in the Tarot. It extends the notion in ultimate change but very rarely death in the natural sense. If it is joined with other aces or a predominance of one particular suit the situation is one that will cause ultimate change in ones life. Intuition also comes into play if you are trying to figure out if the story is about friendships or love relationships or about family. As you work the cards, take your time with the reading. If you come up with number cards that repeat, for example, a nine of clubs with a nine of hearts, you can look around and see if there are conflicts concerning love. If the love card appears in the reading before the club card, you may see that the love affair or friendship may be in trouble of being overcome by disagreements. The situation would be reversed if you see the clubs card come first in the reading with the hearts card coming later, meaning that love will overcome any and all problems. You may look around and see if there is any face or court cards around. This may denote problems with a rival or enemy. Taking time to see the whole picture is important. With a basic understanding of the cards you will amaze yourself with the level of understanding and insight you have of the person you are reading for. One of the most important parts of the ritual is to have the person touch the cards. After you shuffle cards to blank them, have the querent cut the cards. Have them think to themselves what they might like to know. The cards are not bound to answer their question. They may have something else to tell the querent. But whatever you do, tell them to keep the question to themselves. You do not want to be influenced by the querent’s question. Spread the cards out and have the querent select ten cards from the deck.
You can use any sort of spread to look at the cards, even a straight line going left to right with the left hand cards being the near past and present and the far right cards being the future. I use the celtic cross spread, which looks like this:
The center red card is usually the querent or the immediate situation. The blue card suggests the immediate thing influencing the querent. The green cards are the developing situation. All of the cards on the left are the near past and present. The purple cards reading from the bottom to the top are the future. Here are some rule of thumb hints for you to consider. Is the querent obviously pregnant? Suggest the person to put off the reading until after the birth. You are essentially reading for both and the futures may be for one or the other or both and this will lead to a foggy reading. If the lay looks bad or seems like extremely bad news, wipe the spread and recommend they not read today, the situation is bad for foretelling. And you will know these spreads immediately. You intuitiveness will tell you that the reading is bad. Don’t tell the same person their fortune every day. There should be at least a week, though two weeks are better, between readings. If you have read for the person before and they call you up and ask for an emergency reading, go ahead and do it. They have already touched the cards and you are connected to them. Do not do readings for people without their permission unless you are prompted by a troubled feeling for them. And phone psychics and phone in tarot readers are not reliable readings. They have not offered you the cards for handling and you have not made any physical connections. In matters of money there are people who say they can’t read for you unless you pay them. That’s hogwash. If you wish to make money from your readings, set up a tip jar and let them put in their own offering. I personally never charge for readings and have only set out the tip jar once to raise money for charity. As a spiritual counselor, I never charge money nor do I ask for a tip.
Also, if you decide to do readings, buy a deck of cards and commit them to that work. They don’t have to be expensive but should be fairly good quality because you are going to be working them for a long while. As with any other tool, keep them in a special pouch or cloth. To charge a new deck, just shuffle and sort them many times (at least 100). You should flip them over, sorting and shuffling them to get your psychic impression on them.
Witchcraft and the Warrior Ways A Christo-Pagan Perspective Gaelyn Moonraven These are troubled times. You know this, you read about it in the news papers and on the web and you see it on the TV. The war, regardless of who gets the top job next November, will apparently be going on for some time. Even when America leaves Iraq, the civil war will begin and war will likely go on for a much longer time I have a wonderful friend who is serving his third tour in Iraq. He is a Christo-Pagan and a very bright and sensitive man. When he was between tours, he and I went to dinner and over steaks and brews, I got to talk to him about his role in the war and his Craft practice. ―I know there are many people who are in and out of the Craft who say this war is wrong,‖ he explained. ―And to be entirely truthful, I think we were lied to by our government. But I am there to try to help people who are eventually going to be greater victims when we finally leave there.‖ ―What is your mission in Iraq?‖ I asked. ―As a marine, my job is to protect indigenous personnel, secure the safe zones against insurgents and support the military mission in Iraq,‖ answered my friend. ―As a witch I am trying to understand what constitutes the way of the warrior.‖ ―Come to any conclusions?‖ I asked. ―Some will disagree and say the you can’t learn warrior ways because the war is unjust, but I say I can. Folks are basing their opinions on what they are seeing in the news. And like they always the news is always the same, always bad. They don’t see the good we are doing there.‖ My friend looked at me, ―I am not naive, I know exactly how bad things are. I have developed a real affection for the
Iraqi people. I worked securing our hospital post and a group of tribal Iraqis, sort of like gypsies or nomads came to our hospital. We gave prenatal care to twelve women, inoculated babies and children and delivered two more over the two weeks they stayed near us. These people did not have this sort of care under Saddam Hussein. We help people, we build schools and hospitals. I haven’t met anyone who says they regret having us here.‖ ―So, how is this working with your Craft practice?‖ I asked. ―Well, I am solitary and I practice in the broom closet. But I receive such blessings from these people by being a protector. You never get over the feeling of grabbing people, just ordinary people and pulling them behind you to shield them during a raid or a firefight, to feel their frightened hands at your back and you know they holding their breaths as you walk ahead of them. And I’m not just protecting civilians, I am protecting fellow Marines, fellow Americans. In the end of the shift I tend to end up being something of a spiritual advisor. It is as if they sense I get another kind of…positive energy from my work. They don’t know I am a Christo-Pagan and they don’t know I am a witch, but they pick up on the vibe. This really is about warrior ways. My mission is not to harm other people if I can help it.‖ ―Do you know if you have killed anyone?‖ I asked. ―Yeah, I’ve killed people. I don’t know how many. I suppose my CO’s have my ratios. I regret having to do it but when I do it, it is protect fellow Marines, civilians, even POWs in our care.‖ ―Speaking of prisoners, how do you fell about Abu Graib?‖ I asked carefully. ―That was so bad on many different levels. But I have to believe in the law of return and that justice will come to those who lose their humanity and do those unspeakable things. You can’t torture people, even if they are the enemy. Isn’t that like the Inquisition? And water boarding. Isn’t this just witch cradling and swimming the witch all over again? I know they will be repaid, ―he answered. My girl, Aslinn made you something. What was it and how does it effect you?‖ I asked. He smiled. ―Aslinn made me a Christo-Pagan Scapular. She made a talisman with two patches on it, just like a Roman Catholic Scapular. On one patch she sewed a cross and the words ―Be Not Afraid‖ and on the other patch, she sewed the pentangle with the words ―Blessed Be‖. It means a lot to me because she acknowledges my journey in this time and space and she acknowledges me as a warrior. It blesses me,‖ he said frankly. Now my friend is in Iraq and Aslinn and I both pray and cast for his safety. My friend is a warrior, carrying on warrior ways and I have a profound sense of gratitude towards him.
The Christian Power of Three By Chrystal Moonchilde I am guilty. I loved the series Charmed. I loved it not because it was a bastion of Wiccan knowledge but because, as fictionalized as it was, there were some elements that were dead on and one of them was the notion of the power of three. I loved it when the girls at the last minute would come in chanting ―The power of three will set us free!! The power of three will set us free!! Of course the power of three for them was the three sisters and their sisterhood and their unity. This of course harkens back to the maiden, mother and crone and the law of return that all we do comes back to us. Three is a sacred number in many cultures, especially in the Christian culture. This led me to wonder if there was a power of three for us Christian Witches. There is of course the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost and that is the most important element. Then there are the three talents and abilities: To heal, to free, to comfort. Then there are the three common sacraments: Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confession. To make these powers yours, think about them and how you use or interact with these powers. Who is God the Father to you? When was the last time you contemplated him and the wonder of the world he has created. How about God the Son? Have you taken advantage of you full siblinghood with him and invited him to be your guide and teacher and brother before God the Father? And who is the Holy Spirit? Do you commune with the comforter and the source of miracles and power? Is the Holy Spirit perhaps feminine to you, the Sophia? In order to create a closer bond with the Holy Trinity, you must have spiritual conversations with them through prayer and meditation and study. They will speak to you and guide you. How about the second elements of the Christian Power of Three; the three talents? As a witch are you healing people around you? Are you trying to heal the earth? Are you learning to understand and appreciate differences in other people? How about freeing
those afflicted by negativity? Those who come to you afflicted by demons, either of the underworld or the demons of abuse, addiction, troubles or worries or spiritual bondage? How about comforting people? When was the last time you gave someone a kind word, a bit of hope or encouragement? When was the last time you sat up with someone who was afraid or sick? How about the lonely person who needed to know that they were not alone? And third element to our Power of Three: Are you close to a church or other spiritual community? Are you interested in your own spiritual growth? Have you received baptism? Holy Communion, either with a church or at your own hand? Do you speak to God regularly about your good deeds and bad. Do you seek guidance from the Bible or prayer group or minister or spiritual guide? When you act on all of these elements and make them a part of yourself, your Christianity and Craft then you truly have the power of three. And in the words of the Halliwell Sisters: The Power of Three will Set You Free. Chrystal Moonchilde is a Christian Witch and artist and dance instructor in classical ballet in Virginia. She lives with her husband, incidentally named Cole and has two little Christian Witches in high school where they run the school’s Prayer Club.
The Symbol of the Tree in Christian Craft Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk All cultures and faith systems have some connection with a tree. In the Craft the tree is symbolic of one’s inner connectedness with the earth and the sky and one’s historical, cultural, and Craft backgrounds. The tree has various titles based on tradition but it is universally known as the tree of life. In the Christian tradition there are multiple ways in which the tree is figured in scripture, tradition and art. There are two very important trees figured in the Bible. They are first mentioned in Genesis in the Garden of Eden. One is the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is the tree Eve is said to have eaten from bringing the downfall of man. To eat of this tree was to lose your innocence.
The second tree is the Tree of Life. To eat of this tree you would have immortality. This tree is also thought of as foreshadowing of the Cross of Christ. The Bible tells us that when Adam and Eve are cast out of the garden, God sealed the garden and sets an angel at the entrance to keep humans from returning to it. When the flood occurred, the garden disappeared for all tie and we do not hear from it again until we read of it in the Book of Revelation 22:2 that the tree of life stands on either side of the river of life that flows before the throne of God. As a Christian Crafter, the tree of life as a symbol is important, as it is the symbol of life renewing itself, reaching toward heaven and being in contact with the elements. Of course, just all witches do of all traditions, we gather sticks as wands, seeds and leaves for talismans and visualize the tree in our castings and spells and charms and brew teas and potions. Because we do not know the species of either tree (no, Eve did not feed Adam an apple, that is artistic symbolism) we Christian Crafters keep the sacred trees of witchcraft before us. The mighty oak, the wise old elder, the spiny hawthorn and holly, and many other witches keep as sacred in the Craft of the Wise. So Christian Crafters, never forget that the symbol beloved by Wiccans and Pagans can and should be loved and respected by you. The trees are for everyone.
Balancing the Magikal and the Mundane Michael Braveheart Those who live with Magik in their lives love the lives they live. I personally love being a witch; it is a part of who I am. But I also live in the mundane world and there has to be a balance of magik and the mundane in the everyday world. When I first became a witch, I wanted to live in a world of magik: intense, incredible magik. But it can distract you from the necessities of life. There must be a balance. One of the things to keep in mind is that you do not have to be working magik to have magik around you. This is because you are magik, in and of yourself, bound to the forces of earth all around you. Magik is natural. When you become aware, awakened to the
energy of the magikal world around you, it can have an intoxicating effect on the neophyte witch. One of the ways you can balance your magikal life is to incorporate short rituals into your daily life. For example, when you shower or bathe, perform a magikal blessing on you and the day. Schedule regular full moon and new moon rituals through the month. If you attend church on Sundays, have a Saturday prayer and meditation session so you can do divinations, any casting and healing services or simply work with your herbs and oils. Scheduling rituals and spell work helps you focus your energies, prepare in advance, gather materials, and organize group activities making rituals and spell work important, especially and truly magikal in a mundane world. Michael Braveheart is an elementary school teacher and practicing Christo-Pagan. He’s also very shy and living in Salem, MA Celtic Christianity: The Link between Christ and Craft Stephen MacClaine Christianity may be identified by the symbol of the Cross, but like a flower of a thousand petals, it is rich with variation and style. Even now Christianity is evolving, in ritual, in philosophy and in doctrine. From its primitive beginnings as a Jewish fringe cult to the Christianity we see today, its struggles, troubles, and triumphs prove its power to grow and reflect the diversities of its believers. As a person of both Irish and French heritage, I have studied Celtic culture. Folks are tempted to identify Celtic culture as early British and Irish identity. The fact is, the Celtic people stretched throughout the European landscape. The spread of Christianity was slow and steady and often Christian communities were established and then left to explore its Christian faith in isolation. Celtic Christianity creates a dimension of Christian practice that reflects earlier beliefs in creator and connects the Sacred with nature. Though some would say this is simply a co-mingling of late Paganism with its mixture of Celtic Mythology and Roman Mythology, but the truth is, Celtic Christianity is far subtler. By the time Christianity comes to the Celtic people, the ancient Druid religion has been supplanted to the Roman Pagan religion. Druidry is a faint memory, as even the smallest bits of written history about the Druid religion are destroyed and practices are largely forgotten. These later Romano- Celtic people remember small bits of the Celtic religion and practice it as well as they can with the Roman Pagan religion. As Christianity grows,
under the guidance of the Pagan Constantine, the early Christians simply do what they have always done; blend the new religion with the old. Nasty accusations about the ancient Christian Church being the church of domination simply are not true. Christians seeking friendly conversions used a form of syncretism, explaining dogma by using parallels from their own religion. The best-known example of this is the story of St. Patrick explaining the Holy Trinity by using the shamrock clover, a symbol of the Triple Goddess. These early Christians understood the Christian Gospel in the simplest terms and created their special brand of devotion to a church whose religious rituals were not well developed. There was no real regularization of ritual yet and each region of the new Christian world had its own cultural mixture to the worship and practice of the Christian faith. In Ireland, this Celtic Christianity is intact and offers a great contrast to the Catholicism practiced in other parts of the world. This uniqueness leads its followers to seek God in the trees and forests, in the myths of the wee folk or faery people and the lingering Paganism contributes to the wonder and beauty of such tales as of King Arthur, the Mabigon and the tales of Gerald of Cambriesius and exists even today in the strong Marian devotion seen throughout Celtic countries. This special brand of Christianity shows not a destruction of Pagan/Celtic pantheons but something of an evolution. Cerrunos and Cerwiden become Jesus and his Mother and the Fay into the angels and saints who serve them. What this shows us is the universality of images, of mythos and of faith and confirms a connection as religions evolve and take on new shapes and roles. Stephen MacClaine is a practicing Druid and Bard and studies and teaches comparative religion in New York. Come to the Freak Show What to say to those who just want to watch Sparrow Woodwitch You have a circle of friends and you trust them with everything, including the fact that you are a witch. For the most part, you have their respect. They ask you curious questions and some even come to you for advice. Then you have one friend. You know the one. This is the friend who is a tad obnoxious, who blurts out: ―Man, I would just love to watch one of your witch things, you know, one of your rituals.‖ Their eyes are all lit up and they are excited about the idea. It is the same look when they know they are going to see something weird and little scary perhaps. It is the excited look of someone who likes to watch those really gruesome death movies that show gruesome car accidents, crime scenes and disasters. They are the first
in line to freak shows and the tent exhibition of pickled punks, instruments of torture and deformed animals or people. Suddenly you know. This person thinks you are a freak. Perhaps you are asking yourself if your other friends think the same way. You are the weird friend, the one who will entertain them and spook them a little. It hurts deep down. Chin up fellow witch. First of all, you are not a freak. Friends who say these sorts of things say it because they have little or no knowledge about the craft except what they have heard from others and what they have seen on TV or in movies. Ask the person what they expect to see in a ritual or gathering. It is usually some stereotype involving nudity or sex, blood letting or some extreme magik they have seen on The Craft or Charmed. This is your chance to educate. Explain to them that it is very true witches sometimes do rituals in the nude and that yes there is a sexual ritual but these rituals are performed in private, out of view and hearing of the group. Most times, witch rituals do not look very different from an ordinary prayer meeting with readings, discussions and prayer and songs. Demystify, defreakyfy the practice of the Craft. You will see the light go out of their eyes and disappointment on their faces. If they persist, ask them about their religion. Then ask if you can attend because you hear (insert stereotype here). They may not appreciate it but they will feel what it feels like for you. They will likely wander away angry and you may have lost their friendship, but that is okay. It is their loss. Sparrow Woodwitch is a Christian witch, freelance photographer and Craft educator. The interviews for local newspapers and TV programs about the Craft all year long except in October. Witches, after all, are not freaks. Wand Work Is it all just swish and flick? Daphne Moonowl I remember the first time I used a wand. I was six and I was a fairy princess and my wand was a thin plastic stick with iridescent streamers and a star. Long after my costume died a death at the foot of my closet, my wand hung on my mirror. Believe it or not, I still have it, pack rat that I am, hanging on my wall in my home office. When I became a witch some twenty years ago, I made the wand I still use today. It is an oak wand, taken from a tree that had been struck by lightening and was chopped
down. I peeled off the bark and lightly sanded it and stained it and affixed a rose crystal. But once I made it, it took me a long time to use it. I didn’t use it because I really didn’t know how. The Wiccan books spoke of ―directing energy‖ and casting, but none told you how to use it. How does one use a wand? I felt sheepish handling it, more than a little foolish and then I met a sister witch and confided in her. Wands are an extension of the hand. Think of the conductor of a symphony leading with his baton. Think of the professor with his telescoping pointer. As a Christian Witch, I was reminded of Moses and how this rod was elevated to bring the power of God upon the earth. ―Play with it,‖ I was told ―Reach back into a time when you were the witch or the fairy at Halloween. How did you do it then?‖ So I went home and took out my wand and played with it. I pointed it, made circles with it, even thrust and parry with it. I resolved to work with my wand more. A few years ago, my grandson and I were watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Hermione was encouraging Ron to ―swish and flick‖ as Professor Flitwick had taught them. My grandson said, ―See grandma, even Ron can do it…. just swish and flick‖ Now I use my wand during all my spells, even if it is not absolutely necessary. I have fallen in love with this simple tool and though I am sure that Professor Flitwick would recommend that I go for remedial wand work, I feel closer to my wand than ever before. Daphne Moonowl is a professional artist and book illustrator. She has been a witch in 20 years. She lives with her family in South Carolina.
Dragons Like most mythological creatures, dragons are perceived in different ways by different cultures. Dragons are sometimes said to breathe and spit fire or poison. They are commonly portrayed as serpentine or reptilian, hatching from eggs and possessing typically feathered or scaly bodies. They are sometimes portrayed as having large yellow or red eyes, a feature that is the origin for the word for dragon in many cultures. They are sometimes portrayed with a row of dorsal spines, keeled scales, or leathery batlike wings. Winged dragons are usually portrayed only in European dragons while
Oriental versions of the dragon resemble large snakes. Dragons can have a variable number of legs: none, two, four, or more when it comes to early European literature. Modern depictions of dragons tend to be larger than their original representations, which were often smaller than humans. Although dragons occur in many legends around the world, different cultures have varying stories about monsters that have been grouped together under the dragon label. Dragons are often held to have major spiritual significance in various religions and cultures around the world. In many East Asian cultures dragons were, and in some cultures still are, revered as representative of the primal forces of nature, religion and the universe. They are associated with wisdom—often said to be wiser than humans— and longevity. They are commonly said to possess some form of magic or other supernatural power, and are often associated with wells, rain, and rivers. In some cultures, they are also said to be capable of human speech. The term dragoon, for infantry that move around by horse yet still fight as foot soldiers, is derived from their early firearm, the "dragon", a wide-bore musket that spat flame when it fired, and was thus named for the mythical creature.
Jewish In Jewish religious texts, the first mention of a dragon-like creature is in the Biblical works of Job (26:13), and Isaiah (27:1) where it is called Nachash Bare'ach, or a "Pole Serpent". This is identified in the Midrash Rabba to Genesis 1:21 as Leviathan from the word Taninim and God created the great sea-monsters. In Jewish astronomy this is also identified with the North Pole, the star Thuban which, around 4,500 years ago, was the star in the Draco constellation's "tail". However this can also have been either the celestial pole or the ecliptic pole. The ancient observers noted that Draco was at the top of the celestial pole, giving the appearance that stars were "hanging" from it, and in Hebrew it is referred to as Teli, from talah - to hang.[5] Hebrew writers from Arabic-speaking locations identified the Teli as Al Jaz'har, which is a Persian word for a "knot" or a "node" because of the intersection of the inclination of the orbit of a planet from the elliptic that forms two such nodes. In modern astronomy these are called the ascending node and the descending node, but in the medieval astronomy they were referred to as "dragon's head" and "dragon's tail".
Greek In Ancient Greece the first mention of a dragon is derived from the Iliad where Agamemnon is described as having a blue dragon motif on his sword belt and a threeheaded dragon emblem on his breast plate. Christian In the biblical book the Revelation of John, Satan is portrayed as a dragon that can emit a flood of water from its mouth.revelation 12:16 Chinese Chinese dragons (simplified Chinese: 龙; traditional Chinese: 龍; pinyin: lóng), and Oriental dragons generally, are usually seen as benevolent, whereas European dragons are usually malevolent though there are exceptions (one exception being Y Ddraig Goch, The Red Dragon of Wales). Malevolent dragons also occur in the mythology of Persia (see Azhi Dahaka) and Russia, among other places. Dragons are particularly popular in China and the 5-clawed dragon was a symbol of the Chinese emperors, with the phoenix or fenghuang the symbol of the Chinese empress. Dragon costumes manipulated by several people are a common sight at Chinese festivals. Modern Literature In the 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit, the major antagonist is a dragon named Smaug. Smaug hordes a great treasure but is ultimately defeated by band of dwarves, the "men of the lake" and a hobbit named Bilbo.
Speculation on the origin of dragons Dragons may be mental representations of natural human fears of snakes, wildcats, birds of prey, as well as teeth, claws, size, and even venom blending with fear of wildfire. Others believe that the dragon may have had a real-life counterpart from which the various legends arose — typically dinosaurs or other archosaurs are mentioned as a possibility — but there is no physical evidence to support this claim, only alleged sightings collected by cryptozoologists. Loren Coleman argues that monitor lizards were the basis of some dragon tales and that the breath of the dragon is the fantastic imagery of the steam from the warm Montane Valley monitors emerging from a body of water into the cold air of some Asian locations.
Dinosaur and mammalian fossils were occasionally mistaken for the bones of dragons and other mythological creatures — for example, a discovery in 300 BC in Wucheng, Sichuan, China, was labeled as such by Chang Qu.
Phoenix A phoenix is a mythical bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. At the end of its lifecycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix is destined to live, usually, as long as the old one. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of the old phoenix in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek). The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — a symbol of fire and divinity. Although descriptions (and life-span) vary, the phoenix (Bennu bird) became popular in early Christian art, literature and Christian symbolism, as a symbol of Christ representing his resurrection, immortality, and life-after-death (1 Clement 25). Michael W. Holmes points out that early Christian writers justified their use of this myth because the word appears in Psalm 92:12 [LXX Psalm 91:13], but in that passage it actually refers to a palm tree, not a mythological bird, [2] however, it was the "flourishing of Christian Hebraist interpretations of Job 29:18 that brought the Joban phoenix to life for Christian readers of the seventeenth century. At the heart of these interpretations is the proliferation of richly complementary meanings that turn upon three translations of the word chol -- as phoenix, palm tree, or sand -- in Job 29:18." Originally, the phoenix was identified by the Egyptians as a stork or heron-like bird called a benu, known from the Book of the Dead and other Egyptian texts as one of the sacred symbols of worship at Heliopolis, closely associated with the rising sun and the Egyptian sun-god Ra. The Greeks adapted the word bennu (and also took over its further Egyptian meaning of date palm tree), and identified it with their own word phoenix φοίνιξ, meaning the color purple-red or crimson (cf. Phoenicia). They and the Romans subsequently pictured the bird more like a peacock or an eagle. According to the Greeks the phoenix lived in Phoenicia next to a well. At dawn, it bathed in the water of the well, and the Greek sungod Apollo stopped his chariot (the sun) in order to listen to its song.
One inspiration that has been suggested for the Egyptian phoenix is the flamingo of East Africa. This bright pink or white bird nests on salt flats that are too hot for its eggs or chicks to survive; it builds a mound several inches tall and large enough to support its egg, which it lays in that marginally cooler location. The convection currents around these mounds resembles the turbulence of a flame. In zoology, flamingos are part of the family Phoenicopteridae, from the generic name Phoenicopterus or "phoenix-winged." Some medieval Jewish commentators comment upon the Hebrew word Hol ( )חולin the biblical book of Job ("...Then I said, I shall die in my nest, and I shall multiply my days as the sand (Hol)...", Job 29:18, the King James translation) as referring to phoenix. "Phoenix" is also the English-language name given to the most important bird in Chinese mythology, the fenghuang, with its own set of characteristics and symbolic meanings.
Related usage In Persian mythology, Si'morgh, (Persian: س يمرغ, Middle Persian: senmurv) was a winged, bird-like creature that was very large and extremely ancient. The Simurgh appears in many Iranian literary classics such as Farid ud-Din Attar's Conference of the Birds as instructor and birds leader, and in Ferdowsi's epic Shahnameh (The Book of Kings); Phoenix raised up and cherished Zaal or Zal, grandfather of Rostam. The phoenix is a central figure in Lebanese ancient and modern cultures, as Lebanese are descendants of the Phoenicians and often claim themselves sons of the Phoenix. Lebanon, and Beirut particularly, is often depicted symbolically as a phoenix bird having been destroyed and rebuilt 7 times during its long history.
The phoenix in the Forbidden City, Beijing, China. In China, Fenghuang ("鳳凰") is a mythical bird superficially similar to the phoenix. It is the second most-respected legendary creature (second to the dragon), mostly used to represent the empress. The phoenix is the leader of birds. In Japan, the phoenix is called hō-ō(kanji:"鳳凰") or fushichō (不死鳥?); "Immortal Bird". In Russian folklore, the phoenix appears as the Zhar-Ptitsa (Жар-Птица), or firebird, subject of the famous 1910 ballet score by Igor Stravinsky. The phoenix was featured in the flags of Alexander Ypsilantis and of many other captains during the Greek
Revolution, symbolizing Greece's rebirth, and was chosen by John Capodistria as the first Coat of Arms of the Greek State (1828-1832). In addition, the first modern Greek currency bore the name of phoenix. Despite being replaced by a royal Coat of Arms, it remained a popular symbol, and was used again in the 1930s by the Second Hellenic Republic. However, its use by the military junta of 1967-1974 made it extremely unpopular, and it has almost disappeared from use after 1974, with the notable exception of the Greek Order of the Phoenix). In Jewish folklore, it is said that the phoenix was the only animal not to join Adam in his banishment from the Garden of Eden
Unicorn A unicorn (from Latin unus 'one' and cornu 'horn') is a mythological creature often used in fantasy stories, picture book, and novels.Though the modern popular image of the unicorn is sometimes that of a horse differing only in the horn on its forehead, the traditional unicorn has a billy-goat beard, a lion's tail, and cloven hooves - these distinguish it from a horse.[1] Marianna Mayer has observed (The Unicorn and the Lake), "The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. In even the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means, and his single horn was said to neutralize poison." Medieval knowledge of the fabulous beast stemmed from biblical and ancient sources, and the creature was variously represented as a kind of wild ass, goat, or horse. The predecessor of the medieval bestiary, compiled in Late Antiquity and known as Physiologus, popularized an elaborate allegory in which a unicorn, trapped by a maiden (representing the Virgin Mary), stood for the Incarnation. As soon as the unicorn sees her, it lays its head on her lap and falls asleep. This became a basic emblematic tag that underlies medieval notions of the unicorn, justifying its appearance in every form of religious art. The two major interpretations of the unicorn symbol hinge on pagan and Catholic symbolism. The pagan interpretation focuses on the medieval lore of beguiled lovers, whereas some Catholic writings interpret the unicorn and its death as the Passion of Christ. The unicorn has long been identified as a symbol of Christ by Catholic writers, allowing the traditionally pagan symbolism of the unicorn to become acceptable within religious doctrine. The original myths refer to a beast with one horn that can only be tamed by a virgin
maiden; subsequently, some Catholic scholars translated this into an allegory for Christ's relationship with the Virgin Mary. The unicorn also figured in courtly terms: for some 13th century French authors such as Thibaut of Champagne and Richard de Fournival, the lover is attracted to his lady as the unicorn is to the virgin. With the rise of humanism, the unicorn also acquired more orthodox secular meanings, emblematic of chaste love and faithful marriage. It plays this role in Petrarch's Triumph of Chastity. The royal throne of Denmark was made of "unicorn horns". The same material was used for ceremonial cups because the unicorn's horn continued to be believed to neutralize poison, following classical authors. The unicorn, tamable only by a virgin woman, was well established in medieval lore by the time Marco Polo described them as:
scarcely smaller than elephants. They have the hair of a buffalo and feet like an elephant's. They have a single large black horn in the middle of the forehead... They have a head like a wild boar's… They spend their time by preference wallowing in mud and slime. They are very ugly brutes to look at. They are not at all such as we describe them when we relate that they let themselves be captured by virgins, but clean contrary to our notions. It is clear that Marco Polo was describing a rhinoceros. In German, since the 16th century, Einhorn ("one-horn") has become a descriptor of the various species of rhinoceros. The ancient Norwegians were said to believe the narwhal to have affirmed the existence of the unicorn. The unicorn horn was believed to stem from the narwhal tooth, which grows outward and projects from its upper jaw. In popular belief, examined wittily and at length in the seventeenth century by Sir Thomas Browne in his Pseudodoxia Epidemica, unicorn horns could neutralize poisons. Therefore, people who feared poisoning sometimes drank from goblets made of "unicorn horn". Alleged aphrodisiac qualities and other purported medicinal virtues also drove up the cost of "unicorn" products such as milk, hide, and offal. Unicorns were also said to be able to determine whether or not a woman was a virgin; in some tales, they could only be mounted by virgins.
The hunt of the unicorn One traditional method of hunting unicorns involved entrapment by a virgin. In one of his notebooks Leonardo da Vinci wrote:
"The unicorn, through its intemperance and not knowing how to control itself, for the love it bears to fair maidens forgets its ferocity and wildness; and laying aside all fear it will go up to a seated damsel and go to sleep in her lap, and thus the hunters take it."[3] The famous late Gothic series of seven tapestry hangings, The Hunt of the Unicorn are a high point in European tapestry manufacture, combining both secular and religious themes. The tapestries now hang in the Cloisters division of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. In the series, richly dressed noblemen, accompanied by huntsmen and hounds, pursue a unicorn against millefleur backgrounds or settings of buildings and gardens. They bring the animal to bay with the help of a maiden who traps it with her charms, appear to kill it, and bring it back to a castle; in the last and most famous panel, "The Unicorn in Captivity," the unicorn is shown alive again and happy, chained to a pomegranate tree surrounded by a fence, in a field of flowers. Scholars conjecture that the red stains on its flanks are not blood but rather the juice from pomegranates, which were a symbol of fertility. However, the true meaning of the mysterious resurrected Unicorn in the last panel is unclear. The series was woven about 1500 in the Low Countries, probably Brussels or Liège, for an unknown patron. A set of six engravings on the same theme, treated rather differently, were engraved by the French artist Jean Duvet in the 1540s. Another famous set of six tapestries of Dame à la licorne ("Lady with the unicorn") in the Musée de Cluny, Paris, were also woven in the Southern Netherlands before 1500, and show the five senses (the gateways to temptation) and finally Love ("A mon seul desir" the legend reads), with unicorns featured in each piece. Facsimiles of the unicorn tapestries are currently being woven for permanent display in Stirling Castle, Scotland, to take the place of a set recorded in the castle in the 16th century.
Gargoyle In architecture, a gargoyle is a carved stone grotesque with a spout designed to convey water from a roof and away from the side of a building. The term originates from the French gargouille, originally "throat" or "gullet";[1] cf. Latin gurgulio, gula, and similar words derived from the root gar, "to swallow", which represented the gurgling sound of water (e.g., Spanish garganta, "throat"; Spanish gárgola, "gargoyle"). A chimera, or a grotesque figure, is a sculpture that does not work as a waterspout and serves only an ornamental or artistic function. These are also usually called gargoyles in laypersons' terminology,[1] although the field of architecture usually preserves the distinction between gargoyles (functional waterspouts) and nonwaterspout grotesques.
Reproductions of statues representing gargoyle-like creatures, available in some retail stores, although sometimes functional, are more often than not grotesques modeled after famous gargoyles.
History The term gargoyle is most often applied to medieval work, but throughout all ages some means of water diversion, when not conveyed in gutters, was adopted. In Egypt, gargoyles ejected the water used in the washing of the sacred vessels which seems to have been done on the flat roofs of the temples. In Greek temples, the water from roofs passed through the mouths of lions whose heads were carved or modelled in the marble or terra cotta cymatium of the cornice. At Pompeii, many terra cotta A local legend that sprang up around the name of St. Romanus ("Romain") (631– 641 A.D.), the former chancellor of the Merovingian king Clotaire II who was made bishop of Rouen, relates how he delivered the country around Rouen from a monster called Gargouille, having the creature captured by the only volunteer, a condemned man. The gargoyle's grotesque form was said to scare off evil spirits so they were used for protection. In commemoration of St. Romain the Archbishops of Rouen were granted the right to set a prisoner free on the day that the reliquary of the saint was carried in procession (see details at Rouen). Many medieval cathedrals included gargoyles and chimarae. The most famous examples are those of Notre Dame de Paris. Although most have grotesque features, the term gargoyle has come to include all types of images. Some gargoyles were depicted as monks, combinations of real animals and people, many of which were humorous. Unusual animal mixtures, or chimeras, did not act as rainspouts and are more properly called grotesques. They serve more as ornamentation, but are now synonymous with gargoyles. Both ornamented and unornamented water spouts projecting from rooves at parapet level were a common device used to shed rainwater from buildings until the early eighteenth century. From that time, more and more buildings employed downpipes to carry the water from the guttering at roof level to the ground and only very few buildings using gargoyles were constructed. In 1724, the London Building Act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain made the use of downpipes compulsory on all new construction. Gargoyles were also used to scare off demonic spirts. At that time no-one knew much about the Earth and thought that evil spirits would come and take over their homes, to keep these aways people used Gargoyles to make the evil spirits think there was already a spirit there.
19th and 20th centuries Monsters, or more precisely chimarae, were used as decoration on 19th and early 20th century buildings in cities such as New York (where the Chrysler Building's stainless steel gargoyles are celebrated), and Chicago. Gargoyles can be found on many churches and buildings. One impressive collection of modern gargoyles can be found at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC. The cathedral, begun in 1908, is encrusted with the limestone demons. This collection also includes Darth Vader, a crooked politician, robots and many other modern spins on the ancient tradition. The 20th Century collegiate form of the Gothic Revival produced many modern gargoyles, notably at Princeton University, Washington University in St. Louis, Duke University and the University of Chicago.
Gargoyles in fiction In contemporary fiction, gargoyles are typically depicted as a (generally) winged humanoid race with demonic features: generally horns, a tail, and talons. These fictional gargoyles can generally use their wings to fly or glide, and are often depicted as having a rocky hide, or being capable of turning into stone in one way or another
Mermaid A mermaid (from the Middle English mere in the obsolete sense 'sea' (as in maritime, the Latin mare, "sea") + maid(en)) is a legendary aquatic creature with the head and torso of human female and the tail of a fish. The male version of a mermaid is called a merman; gender-neutral plurals could be merpeople or merfolk. Various cultures throughout the world have similar figures. Much like sirens, mermaids would sometimes sing to sailors and enchant them, distracting them from their work and causing them to walk off the deck or cause shipwrecks. Other stories would have them squeeze the life out of drowning men while trying to rescue them. They are also said to take them down to their underwater kingdoms. In Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid it is said that they forget that humans cannot breathe underwater, while others say they drown men out of spite. The Sirens of Greek mythology are sometimes portrayed in later folklore as mermaidlike; in fact, some languages use the same word for both creatures. Other related types of mythical or legendary creature are water fairies (e.g. various water nymphs) and selkies, animals that can transform themselves from seals to humans.
Prior to the mid 19th century, mariners referred to Manatee and Dugongs as mermaids. Legend and myth
Ancient Near East Tales of mermaids are nearly universal. The first known mermaid stories appeared in Assyria, ca. 1000 BC. Atargatis, the mother of Assyrian queen Semiramis, was a goddess who loved a mortal shepherd and in the process killed him. Ashamed, she jumped into a lake to take the form of a fish, but the waters would not conceal her divine beauty. Thereafter, she took the form of a mermaid — human above the waist, fish below — though the earliest representations of Atargatis showed her as being a fish with a human head and legs, similar to the Babylonian Ea. The Greeks recognized Atargatis under the name Derketo, they have been proven to be real and seen very often Prior to 546 BC, the Milesian philosopher Anaximander proposed that mankind had sprung from an aquatic species of animal. He thought that humans, with their extended infancy, could not have survived early on. This idea does not appear to have survived Anaximander's death. A popular Greek legend has Alexander the Great's sister, Thessalonike, turn into a mermaid after her death.[1] She lived, it was said, in the Aegean and when sailors would encounter her, she would ask them only one question: "Is Alexander the king alive?" (Greek: Ζει ο βαζιλιάρ Αλέξανδπορ;), to which the correct answer would be "He lives and still rules" (Greek: Ζει και βαζιλεύει). Any other answer would spur her into a rage, where she transformed into a Gorgon and meant doom for the ship and every sailor onboard. Lucian of Samosata in Syria (2nd century AD) in De Dea Syria ("Concerning the Syrian Goddess") wrote of the Syrian temples he had visited: "Among them - Now that is the traditional story among them concerning the temple. But other men swear that Semiramis of Babylonia, whose deeds are many in Asia, also founded this site, and not for Hera Atargatis but for her own Mother, whose name was Derketo" "I saw the likeness of Derketo in Phoenicia, a strange marvel. It is woman for half its length, but the other half, from thighs to feet, stretched out in a fish's tail. But the image in the Holy City is entirely a woman, and the grounds for their account are not very clear. They consider fishes to be sacred, and they never eat them; and though they eat all other fowls, they do not eat the dove, for she is holy so they believe. And these things are done, they believe, because of Derketo and Semiramis, the first because Derketo has the shape of a fish, and the other because ultimately Semiramis turned into a dove. Well, I may grant that the temple was a work of Semiramis
perhaps; but that it belongs to Derketo I do not believe in any way. For among the Egyptians, some people do not eat fish, and that is not done to honor Derketo." Arabian Nights The Arabian Nights include several tales featuring "Sea People", such as Djullanar the Sea-girl. Unlike the depiction in other mythologies, these are anatomically identical to land-bound humans, differing only in their ability to breathe and live underwater. They can (and do) interbreed with land humans, the children of such unions inheriting the ability to live underwater. British Mermaids were noted in British folklore as both ominous, foretelling disaster, and provoking it.[3] Several variants of the ballad Sir Patrick Spens depict a mermaid speaking to the doomed ships; in some, she tells them they will never see land again, and in others, she claims they are near shore, which they are wise enough to know means the same thing. They can also be a sign of rough weather. Some mermaids were described as monstrous in size, up to 160 feet Mermaids could also swim up rivers to freshwater lakes. One day, in a lake near his house, the Laird of Lorntie saw, as he thought, a woman drowning, and went to aid her; a servant of his pulled him back, warning that it was a mermaid, and the mermaid screamed after that she would have killed him if it were not for his servant. On occasion, mermaids could be more beneficient, giving humans means of cure. Some tales raised the question of whether mermaids had immortal souls to answer it in the negative.[7] The figure of Liban appears as a sanctified mermaid, but she was originally a human being transformed into a mermaid; after three centuries, when Christianity had come to Ireland, she came to be baptized. Mermen were also noted, as wilder and uglier than mermaids, but they were described as having little interest in humans. Other Among the Neo-Taíno nations of the Caribbean the mermaid is called Aycayía.[10] Her attributes relate to the goddess Jagua, and the hibiscus flower of the majagua tree Hibiscus tiliaceus.[11] Examples from other cultures are the Mami Wata of West and Central Africa, the Jengu of Cameroon, the Merrow of Ireland and Scotland, the Rusalkas of Russia and Ukraine, and the Greek Oceanids, Nereids, and Naiads. One freshwater mermaid-like creature from European folklore is Melusine, who is sometimes depicted with two fish tails, and other times with the lower body of a serpent. It is said in Japan that eating the flesh of a mermaid can grant unaging immortality. In some European legends mermaids are said to grant wishes.
Also, some people claim they have seen dead or living mermaids in places like Scotland, Malaysia, British Columbia and Haiti. Two recent Canadian reports took place in the Strait of Georgia. Mermaids and mermen are also characters of Philippine folklore, where they are locally known as sirena and siyokoy, respectively. Mermaids are said to be known for their vanity, but also for their innocence. They often fall in love with human men, and are willing to go to great extents to prove their love with humans (see mermaid problem). Unfortunately, especially younger mermaids, often tend to forget humans cannot breathe underwater. Their male counterparts, mermen, are rarely interested in human issues, but in the Finnish mythology mermen are able to grant wishes, heal sickness, lift curses and brew magic potions
Symbolism According to Dorothy Dinnerstein’s book, The Mermaid and the Minotaur, humananimal hybrids such as the minotaur and the mermaid convey the emergent understanding of the ancients that human beings were both one with and different from animals and that, as such, humans' "nature is internally inconsistent, that our continuities with, and our differences from, the earth's other animals are mysterious and profound; and in these continuities, and these differences, lie both a sense of strangeness on earth and the possible key to a way of feeling at home here". Representations in Art and Literature One influential image was created by John William Waterhouse, from 1895 to 1905, entitled A Mermaid, An example of late British Academy style artwork, the piece debuted to considerable acclaim (and secured Waterhouse's place as a member of the Royal Academy), but disappeared into a private collection and did not resurface until the 1970s. It is currently in the collection of Andrew Lloyd-Webber. The most famous in more recent centuries is Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale The Little Mermaid (1836), which has been translated into many languages. Andersen's portrayal, immortalized with a famous bronze sculpture in Copenhagen harbour, has arguably become the standard and has influenced most modern Western depictions of mermaids since it was published. The most famous musical depictions of mermaids are those by Felix Mendelssohn in his Fair Melusina overture and the three "Rhine daughters" in Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen. A more recent depiction in contemporary concert music is The Weeping Mermaid by Taiwanese composer Fan-Long Ko.
Representations in Popular Culture
Like many creatures from mythology and folklore, mermaids appear regularly in popular media. The two most ubiquitous images are surely the Disney character based on the tale by Andersen (see "Art and Literature," above) and the logo for the Starbucks coffee chain, which features a twin-tailed mermaid wearing a crown under a star. In Disney the two-fold nature of mermaids is exploited to tell a coming-of-age story in which the sea represents childhood and land represents adult life--a place where one stands on one's "own two feet." For most of the story the adolescent heroine is torn between the two worlds. The Starbucks mermaid echoes the nautical implications in the name of the franchise (drawn from the famous Starbuck character in Herman Melville's Moby-Dick) while the representation itself is indebted to the pictures of mermaids often encountered on the "Star" card in many Latin suited Tarot decks.
Bear Bears (family Ursidae) are mammals in the order Carnivora. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives. Although there are only eight living species of bear, they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern Hemisphere. Common characteristics of modern bears include a large body with stocky legs, a long snout, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five nonretractile claws, and a short tail. While the polar bear is mostly carnivorous and the giant panda feeds almost entirely on bamboo, the remaining six species are omnivorous, with largely varied diets including both plants and animals. With the exceptions of courting individuals and mothers with their young, bears are typically solitary animals. They are sometimes diurnal, but are usually active during the night (nocturnal) or twilight (crepuscular). Bears are aided by an excellent sense of smell, and despite their heavy build and awkward gait, they can run quickly and are adept climbers and swimmers. Bears use shelters such as caves and burrows as their dens, which are occupied by most species during the winter for a long period of sleep similar to hibernation. Bears have been hunted since prehistoric times for their meat and fur. To this day, they play a prominent role in the arts, mythology, and other cultural aspects of various human societies. In modern times, the bear's existence has been pressured through the encroachment of their habitats and the illegal trade of bears and bear parts, including the Asian bile bear market. The IUCN lists six bear species as vulnerable or endangered, and even "least concern" species such as the brown bear are at risk of extirpation in certain countries. The poaching and international trade of these most threatened populations is prohibited, but still ongoing.
Myth and legend Some evidence has been brought to light on prehistoric bear worship, see Arctic, Arcturus, Great Bear, Berserker, Kalevala. Anthropologists such as Joseph Campbell have regarded this as a common feature in most of the fishing and huntingtribes. The prehistoric Finns, along with most Finno-Ugric peoples, considered the bear as the spirit of one's forefathers. This is why the bear was a greatly respected animal, with several euphemistic names. This kind of attitude is reflected in the traditional Russian fairy tale "Morozko", whose arrogant protagonist Ivan tries to kill a mother bear and her cubs - and is punished and humbled by having his own head turned magically into a bear's head and being subsequently shunned by human society. There has been evidence about early bear worship in China and among the Ainu culture as well. In the Korean mythology, Korean people identifies bear as their ancestor and symbolic animal. In addition, the Proto-Indo-European word for bear, *hr̥ktos (ancestral to the Greek arktos, Latin ursus, Welsh arth (cf. Arthur), Sanskrit *ṛkṣa, Hittite hartagga) seems to have been subject to taboo deformation or replacement (as was the word for wolf, wlkwos), resulting in the use of numerous unrelated words with meanings like "brown one" (English bruin) and "honey-eater" (Slavic medved). Thus four separate IndoEuropean language groups do not share the same PIE root. The theory of the bear taboo is taught to almost all beginning students of Indo-European and historical linguistics; the putative original PIE word for bear is itself descriptive, because a cognate word in Sanskrit is rakshas, meaning "harm, injury". In the arms of the bishopric of Freising (illustration, right) the bear is the dangerous totem animal tamed by St. Corbinian and made to carry his civilised baggage over the mountains: the allegory of the civilising influence of Christianity is inescapable. A bear also features prominently in the legend of St. Romedius, who is also said to have tamed one of these animals and had the same bear carry him from his hermitage in the mountains to the city of Trento. Imaginary bears are a popular feature of many children's stories including Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the Berenstein Bears, and Winnie the Pooh. The constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor represent bears. Names In Scandinavia the word for bear is Björn (or Bjørn), and is a relatively common given name for males. The use of this name is ancient and has been found mentioned in several rune stone inscriptions.[16] The name was also used by J.R.R. Tolkien in his book "The Hobbit", where a bear-like character is named Beorn.
The female first name "Ursula", originally derived from a Christian saint's name and common in English- and German-speaking countries, means "Little she-bear" (dimunitive of Latin "ursa"). In Switzerland the male first name "Urs" is especially popular. In Russian and other Slavic languages, the word for bear, "Medved" (медведь), and variants or derivatives such as Medvedev are common surnames. In East European Jewish communities, the name "Ber" ( )בער- Yiddish cognate of "Bear" - has been attested as a common male first name, at least since the 18th century, and was among others the name of several prominent Rabbis. The Yiddish "Ber" is still in use among Orthodox Jewish communities in Israel, the US and other countries. With the transition from Yiddish to Hebrew under the influence of Zionism, the Hebrew word for "bear", "Dov" ()דב, was taken up in contemporary Israel and is at present among the commonly used male first names in that country.
Gray Wolf The gray wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the timber wolf or wolf, is a mammal of the order Carnivora. The gray wolf is the largest wild member of the Canidae family and an ice age survivor originating during the Late Pleistocene around 300,000 years ago. Its shoulder height ranges from 0.6 to 0.9 meters (26–36 inches) and its weight varies between 20 (sometimes even lower) and 68 kilograms. DNA sequencing and genetic drift studies indicate that the gray wolf shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and might be its ancestor.[3] A number of other gray wolf subspecies have been identified, though the actual number of subspecies is still open to discussion. Though once abundant over much of North America and Eurasia, the gray wolf inhabits a very small portion of its former range because of widespread destruction of its habitat, human encroachment of its habitat, and the resulting human-wolf encounters that sparked broad extirpation. Considered as a whole, however, the gray wolf is regarded as being of least concern for extinction according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Today, wolves are protected in some areas, hunted for sport in others, or may be subject to extermination as perceived threats to livestock and pets. Gray wolves play an important role as apex predators in the ecosystems they typically occupy. Gray wolves are highly adaptable and have thrived in temperate forests, deserts, mountains, tundra, taiga, and grasslands. Wolves have been featured in the folklore and mythology of many cultures throughout history. Norse mythology tells the legend of the giant Fenrir. More sympathetic depictions include the suckling of Romulus and Remus in the Roman creation story. Wolves have also appeared in Western fairy tales such as Little
Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs, in which the wolf plays the role of the villain.
Wolves function as social predators and hunt in packs organized according to strict, rank-oriented social hierarchies.[21] It was originally believed that this comparatively high level of social organization was related to hunting success, and while this still may be true to a certain extent, emerging theories suggest that the pack has less to do with hunting and more to do with reproductive success. The pack is led by the two breeding individuals that sit atop the social hierarchy. The breeding pair has the greatest amount of social freedom compared to the rest of the pack. Although they are not "leaders" in the human sense of the term, they help to resolve any disputes within the pack, have the greatest amount of control over resources (such as food), and have exclusive rights to mating. While most breeding pairs are monogamous, there are exceptions.[29] An alpha animal may preferentially mate with a lower-ranking animal, especially if the other alpha is closely related (a brother or sister, for example). The death of one breeding wolf does not affect the status of the other, who will quickly take another mate.[21] Usually, only the breeding pair is able to rear a litter of pups successfully. Other wolves in a pack may breed, but when resources are limited, time, devotion, and preference will be given to the alpha pair's litter. Therefore, non-alpha parents of other litters within a single pack may lack the means to raise their pups to maturity of their own accord. All wolves in a pack assist in raising wolf pups. Some mature individuals choosing not to disperse may stay in their original packs so as to reinforce it and help rear more pups. After the breeding pair, there may also, especially in larger packs, be a beta wolf or wolves, a "second-in-command" to the alphas. Betas typically assume a more prominent role in assisting with the upbringing of the breeding pair's litter, often serving as surrogate mothers or fathers while the breeding pair is away. Beta wolves are the most likely to challenge their superiors for the role of dominance, though some betas seem content with being second, and will sometimes even let lower ranking wolves leapfrog them for the position of breeding animal should circumstances necessitate such a happening, such as the death of the previous breeding animal. More ambitious beta wolves, however, will only wait so long before contending for breeding position unless they choose to disperse and create their own pack instead. Relation to the dog Much debate has centered on the relationship between the wolf and the domestic dog, though most authorities see the wolf as the dog's direct ancestor. Because the canids have evolved recently and different canids interbreed readily, untangling the relationships has been difficult. But molecular systematics now indicate very strongly that domestic dogs and wolves are closely related, and the domestic dog is now normally classified as a subspecies of the wolf: Canis lupus familiaris. The main differences between wolves and domestic dogs are that wolves have, on average, 20%
larger brains, better immune systems, a better sense of smell, and are generally larger than domestic dogs. North American domestic dogs are believed to have originated from Old World wolves. No known dog breed is derived from wolves indigenous to North America. The first people to colonize North America 12,000 to 14,000 years ago brought their dogs with them from Asia, and apparently did not separately domesticate the wolves they found in the New World.
In folklore and mythology Humans have a complicated relationship with wolves. In many parts of the world they were a creature to be feared and held in distaste. This was notably accentuated in European folklore beginning in the Christian era. Settlers brought this view with them as they settled North America. The gray wolf, once found in every ecosystem across the Northern Hemisphere, was one of the first species to be culled by settlers. As technology made the killing of wolves and predators easier, humans began to overhunt wolves and cause their numbers to dwindle significantly. However wolves have also been revered and respected by humans. In Altaic mythology of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples, the wolf is a revered animal. The shamanic Turkic peoples even believed they were descendants of wolves in Turkic legends. The legend of Asena is an old Turkic myth that tells of how the Turkic people were created. In Northern China a small Turkic village was raided by Chinese soldiers, but one small baby was left behind. An old she-wolf with a sky-blue mane named Asena found the baby and nursed him, then the she-wolf gave birth to half wolf, half human cubs therefore the Turkic people were born. Also in Turkic mythology it is believed that a gray wolf showed the Turks the way out of their legendary homeland Ergenekon, which allowed them to spread and conquer their neighbours.[57][58] In modern Turkey this myth inspired extrme-right nationalist groups known as "Grey Wolves". The genesis story of the Turks and Mongols is paralleled in the Roman myth of Romulus and Remus, the traditional founders of Rome. The twin babies were ordered to be killed by their great uncle Amulius. The servant ordered to kill them, however, relented and placed the two on the banks of the Tiber river. The river, which was in flood, rose and gently carried the cradle and the twins downstream, where under the protection of the river deity Tiberinus, they would be adopted by a she-wolf known as Lupa in Latin, an animal sacred to Mars. In Norse mythology, Fenrir or Fenrisulfr is a gigantic wolf, the son of Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Fenrir is bound by the gods, but is ultimately destined to grow too large for his bonds and devour Odin during the course of Ragnarök. At that time he will have grown so large that his upper jaw touches the sky while his lower touches the earth when he gapes. He will be slain by Odin's son, Viðarr, who will
either stab him in the heart or rip his jaws asunder according to different accounts. Stories of werewolves can be found in virtually all European countries; these date back from Ancient Greek legend of Lycaon, who in one story was transformed into a wolf as a result of eating human flesh, and the writings of the Roman scholar, Pliny the Elder.[59] Many languages have names meaning "wolf". Some examples include, for instance: Scandinavian Ulf, Albanian "Ujk", Hebrew Ze'ev, Hungarian Farkas, Serbian Vuk, Ukrainian Vovk, Romanian Lupescu/Lupulescu and Bulgarian Vǎlko. In Japan, grain farmers once worshiped wolves at shrines and left food offerings near their dens, beseeching them to protect their crops from wild boars and deer. Talismans and charms adorned with images of wolves protected against fire, disease, and other calamities and brought fertility to agrarian communities and to couples hoping to have children. The Ainu people believed that they were born from the union of a wolflike creature and a goddess.[60] Many Chinese proverbs use wolves as a description towards any ill-willed person with a hidden agenda like Wolf hearted (狼子野心) which could also mean a bad person can never be tamed, Wolf heart with a dog lungs (狼心狗肺) refer to an ungrateful person who later betray you after you helped them. There are others proverbs and meaning that refer to the wolf and many of them have a negative connotation. More familiar still are the fairy tales where the wolf appears as a villain such as in Grimm's Fairy Tales, as well as the Aesopian Fable The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Raven Raven is the common name given to the largest species of passerine birds in the genus Corvus. Corvids are also commonly referred to as crows and other species in the same genus include jackdaws and rooks. In most of Europe and North America, raven is used as a synonym for the widespread Common Raven, and much of the literature and culture surrounding ravens refers to that species. Ravens have high intelligence and are perhaps the smartest birds.[1] Their intelligence might be on par with canids such as wolves and some breeds of Dog.[2] An obsolete collective noun for a group of ravens (or at least the Common Raven) is an "unkindness". The true crows are large passerine birds that comprise the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Ranging in size from the relatively small pigeon-sized jackdaws (Eurasian and Daurian) to the Common Raven of the Holarctic region and Thick-
billed Raven of the highlands of Ethiopia, the 40 or so members of this genus occur on all temperate continents (except South America) and several offshore and oceanic islands (including Hawaii). The crow genus makes up a third of the species in the corvid family. Other corvids include rooks and jays. Crows appear to have evolved in Asia from the corvid stock, which had evolved in Australasia.
Systematics The genus was originally described by Linnaeus in his 18th century work Systema Naturae. The name is derived from the Latin corvus meaning "raven".[2] The type species is the Common Raven (Corvus corax); others named in the same work include the Carrion Crow (C. corone), the Hooded Crow (C. cornix), the Rook (C. frugilegus), and the Jackdaw (C. monedula). There is no good systematic approach to the genus at present. Generally, it is assumed that the species from a geographical area are more closely related to each other than to other lineages, but this is not necessarily correct. For example, while the Carrion/Collared/House Crow complex is certainly closely related to each other, the situation is not at all clear regarding the Australian/Melanesian species. Furthermore, as many species are similar in appearance, determining actual range and characteristics can be very difficult, such as in Australia where the five (possibly six) species are almost identical in appearance. The fossil record of crows is rather dense in Europe, but the relationships among most prehistoric species is not clear. Jackdaw-, crow- and raven-sized forms seem to have existed since long ago and crows were regularly hunted by humans up to the Iron Age, documenting the evolution of the modern taxa. American crows are not as welldocumented. A surprisingly high number of species have become extinct after human colonization; the loss of one prehistoric Caribbean crow could also have been related to the last ice age's climate changes.
Crows and Humans Certain species have been considered pests; the Common Raven, Australian Raven and Carrion Crow have all been known to kill weak lambs as well as eating freshly dead corpses probably killed by other means. Rooks have been blamed for eating grain in the UK and Brown-necked Raven for raiding date crops in desert countries. Hunting In the United States it is legal to hunt crows in all states usually from around August to the end of March and anytime if they are causing a nuisance or health
hazard. There is no bag limit when taken during the "crow hunting season." According to the US Code of Federal Regulations, crows may be taken (i.e., shot) without a permit in certain circumstances. USFWS 50 CFR 21.43 (Depredation order for blackbirds, cowbirds, grackles, crows and magpies) states that a Federal permit is not required to control these birds "when found committing or about to commit depredations upon ornamental or shade trees, agricultural crops, livestock, or wildlife, or when concentrated in such numbers and manner as to constitute a health hazard or other nuisance," provided that none of the birds killed or their parts are sold or offered for sale, that anyone exercising the privileges granted by this section shall permit any Federal or State game agent free and unrestricted access over the premises where the operations have been or are conducted and will provide them with whatever information required by the officer, and that nothing in the section authorizes the killing of such birds contrary to any State laws and that the person needs to possess whatever permit as may be required by the State. In the UK, the crow is considered a pest and under certain conditions can be shot under a number of general licenses issued by DEFRA. In Australia it is illegal to kill native birds.
Tradition, mythology and folklore Crows, and especially ravens, often feature in European legends or mythology as portents or harbingers of doom or death, because of their dark plumage, unnerving calls, and tendency to eat carrion. They are commonly thought to circle above scenes of death such as battles. The Child ballad The Three Ravens depicts three ravens discussing whether they can eat a dead knight, but finds that his hawk, his hound, and his true love prevent them; in the parody version The Twa Corbies, these guards have already forgotten the dead man, and the ravens can eat their fill. Their depiction of evil has also led to some exaggeration of their appetite. In modern films such as Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Damien: Omen II and Exorcist: The Beginning, crows are shown tearing out people's eyes while they are still alive. Crows have never been known for this behavior due to their high preference for carrion. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Chaldean myth, the character Utnapishtim releases a dove and a raven to find land, however, the dove merely circles and returns. Only then does Utnapishtim send forth the raven, who does not return. Utnapishtim extrapolates from this that the raven has found land, which is why it hasn't returned. This would seem to indicate some acknowledgement of crow intelligence, which may
have been apparent even in ancient times, and to some might imply that the higher intelligence of crows, when compared to other birds, is striking enough that it was known even then. In occult circles, distinctions are sometimes made between crows and ravens. In mythology and folklore as a whole, crows tend to be symbolic more of the spiritual aspect of death, or the transition of the spirit into the afterlife, whereas ravens tend more often to be associated with the negative (physical) aspect of death. However, few if any individual mythologies or folklores make such a distinction, and there are ample exceptions. Another reason for this distinction is that while crows are typically highly social animals, ravens don't seem to congregate in large numbers anywhere but: 1. 2.
Near carrion where they meet seemingly by chance, or At cemeteries, where large numbers sometimes live together, even though carrion there is no more available (and probably less attainable) than any road or field. Amongst Neopagans, crows are often thought to be highly psychicand are associated with the element of ether or spirit, rather than the element of air as with most other birds. This may in part be due to the long-standing occult tradition of associating the color black with "the abyss" of infinite knowledge (see akasha), or perhaps also to the more modern occult belief that wearing the "color" black aids in psychic ability, as it absorbs more electromagnetic energy, since surfaces appear black by absorbing all frequencies in the visible spectrum, reflecting no color.
Compendium of Materia Medica states that crows are kind birds that feed their old and weakened parents; this is often cited as a fine example of filial piety.
In Chinese mythology, they believed that the world at one time had ten suns that were caused by 10 crows. The effect was devastating to the crops and nature, so they sent in their greatest archer Houyi to shoot down 9 crows and spare only one. Also Chinese people believe that crows mean bad luck, probably due to the colour black. Having a "crow beak" is a symbolic expression that one is being a jinx. Gods and goddesses associated with crows and ravens A very incomplete list includes the eponymous Pacific Northwest Native figures Raven and Crow, the ravens Hugin and Munin, who accompany the Norse god Odin, the Celtic goddesses the Mórrígan and/or the Badb (sometimes considered separate from Mórrígan), and Shani, a Hindu god who travels astride a crow. In Buddhism, the Dharmapala (protector of the Dharma) Mahakala is represented by a crow in one of his physical/earthly forms. Avalokiteśvara/Chenrezig, who is reincarnated on Earth as the Dalai Lama, is often closely associated with the crow because it is said that when the first Dalai Lama was born, robbers attacked the family home. The parents fled and were unable to get to the infant Lama in time.
When they returned the next morning expecting the worst, they found their home untouched, and a pair of crows were caring for the Dalai Lama. It is believed that crows heralded the birth of the First, Seventh, Eighth, Twelfth and Fourteenth Lamas, the latter being the current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso. Crows are mentioned often in Buddhism, especially Tibetan disciplines. In Greek mythology, it was believed that when the crows gave bad news to the goddess Athena, she flew into a rage, and cursed their feathers to be black. Myths in India: In Hinduism, it is believed that people who died will take food and offerings through a variety of crows called "Bali kākka". Every year people whose parents or relatives died will offer food to crows as well as cows on the Shradha day. A battle between crows and owls is said to have inspired the final bloody night of the Mahabharatha war.
Bull (mythology) The worship of the Sacred Bull was widespread in the ancient world. It is perhaps most familiar to the Western world in the Biblical episode wherein an idol of the Golden Calf is made by Aaron and worshipped by the Hebrews in the wilderness of Sinai (Exodus). Young bulls were set as frontier markers at Tel Dan and at Bethel the frontiers of the Kingdom of Israel. In other cultures, Marduk is the "bull of Utu" and the Hindu God Shiva's steed is Nandi, the Bull. Nandi the bull can be traced back to Indus Valley Civilization, where dairy farming was the most important occupations. The bull Nandi is Shiva's primary vehicle and is the principal gana(follower)of Shiva. Aurochs are depicted in many Paleolithic European cave paintings such as those found at Lascaux and Livernon in France. Their life force may have been thought to have magical qualities, for early carvings of the aurochs have also been found. The impressive and dangerous aurochs survived into the Iron Age in Anatolia and the Near East and was worshiped throughout that area as a sacred animal. The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh depicts the killing of the Bull of Heaven, Gugalana, husband of Ereshkigal, as an act of defiance of the gods. From the earliest times, the bull was lunar in Mesopotamia (its horns representing the crescent moon), though we cannot recreate a specific context for the bull skulls with horns (bucrania) preserved in an 8th millennium BCE sanctuary at Çatalhöyük in eastern Anatolia. The sacred bull of the Hattians, whose elaborate standards were found at Alaca Höyük alongside those of the sacred stag, survived in the Hurrian and Hittite mythologies as Seri and Hurri ('Day' and 'Night') — the bulls who carried the weather god Teshub on their backs or in his chariot, and who grazed on the ruins of cities. In Cyprus, bull masks made from real skulls were worn in rites. Bull-masked terracotta figurines and Neolithic bull-horned stone altars have been found in Cyprus.
In Egypt, the bull was worshiped as Apis, the embodiment of Ptah and later of Osiris. A long series of ritually perfect bulls were identified by the god's priests, housed in the temple for their lifetime, then embalmed and encased in a giant sarcophagus. A long sequence of monolithic stone sarcophagi were housed in the Serapeum, and were rediscovered by Auguste Mariette at Saqqara in 1851. The bull was also worshipped as Mnewer, the embodiment of Atum-Ra, in Heliopolis. Ka in Egyptian is both a religious concept of life-force/power and the word for bull. Walter Burkert summarized modern revision of a too-facile and blurred identification of a god that was identical to his sacrificial victim, which had created suggestive analogies with the Christian Eucharist for an earlier generation of mythographers:
The concept of the theriomorphic god and especially of the bull god, however, may all too easily efface the very important distinctions between a god named, described, represented, and worshipped in animal form, a real animal worshipped as a god, animal symbols and animal maskes used in the cult, and finally the consecrated animal destined for sacrifice. Animal worship of the kind found in the Egyptian Apis cult is unknown in Greece. ("Greek Religion," 1985). When the heroes of the new Indo-European culture arrived in the Aegean basin, they faced off with the ancient Sacred Bull on many occasions, and always overcame it, in the form of the myths that have survived. For the Greeks, the bull was strongly linked to the Bull of Crete: Theseus of Athens had to capture the ancient sacred bull of Marathon (the "Marathonian bull") before he faced the Bull-man, the Minotaur (Greek for "Bull of Minos"), whom the Greeks imagined as a man with the head of a bull at the center of the labyrinth. Earlier Minoan frescos and ceramics depict bullleaping rituals in which participants of both sexes vaulted over bulls by grasping their horns. Yet Walter Burkert's constant warning is, "It is hazardous to project Greek tradition directly into the Bronze age";[3] only one Minoan image of a bullheaded man has been found, a tiny seal currently held in the Archaeological Museum of Chania. In the Olympian cult, Hera's epithet Bo-opis is usually translated "ox-eyed" Hera, but the term could just as well apply if the goddess had the head of a cow, and thus the epithet reveals the presence of an earlier, though not necessarily more primitive, iconic view. Classical Greeks never otherwise referred to Hera simply as the cow, though her priestess Io was so literally a heifer that she was stung by a gadfly, and it was in the form of a heifer that Zeus coupled with her. Zeus took over the earlier roles, and, in the form of a bull that came forth from the sea, abducted the high-born Phoenician Europa and brought her, significantly, to Crete. Dionysus was another god of resurrection who was strongly linked to the bull. In a cult hymn from Olympia, at a festival for Hera, Dionysus is also invited to come as
a bull, "with bull-foot raging." "Quite frequently he is portrayed with bull horns, and in Kyzikos he has a tauromorphic image," Walter Burkert relates, and refers also to an archaic myth in which Dionysus is slaughtered as a bull calf and impiously eaten by the Titans. In the Classical period of Greece, the bull and other animals identified with deities were separated as their agalma, a kind of heraldic show-piece that concretely signified their numinous presence. Alexander the Great's famous horse was named Bucephalus ("ox-head"), linking the self-proclaimed god-king with the mythical power of the bull. The bull is one of the animals associated with the late Hellenistic and Roman syncretic cult of Mithras, in which the killing of the astral bull, the tauroctony, was as central in the cult as the Crucifixion was to contemporary Christians. The tauroctony was represented in every Mithraeum (compare the very similar Enkidu tauroctony seal). An often-disputed suggestion connects remnants of Mithraic ritual to the survival or rise of bullfighting in Iberia and southern France, where the legend of Saint Saturninus (or Sernin) of Toulouse and his protegé in Pamplona, Saint Fermin, at least, are inseparably linked to bull-sacrifices by the vivid manner of their martryrdoms, set by Christian hagiography in the 3rd century CE, which was also the century in which Mithraism was most widely practiced. Irish Gaelic myth features the tales of the epic hero Cuchulainn, which were collected in the 7th century CE "Book of the Dun Cow." In some Christian religions, Nativity scenes are assembled at Christmas time. Most of them show a bull or an ox near baby Jesus, lying in a manger. Traditional songs of Christmas often tell of the bull and the donkey warming the infant with their breath. The sacred bull survives in the constellation Taurus.
Hounds A black dog is a spectral being found primarily in the folklores of the British Isles. The black dog is essentially a nocturnal spectre, and its appearance was regarded as a portent of death. It is generally supposed to be larger than a physical dog, and often has large, glowing eyes. It is often associated with electrical storms (such as Black Shuck's appearance at Bungay, Suffolk), and also with crossroads, places of execution and ancient pathways. Its Welsh form is confined to the sea-coast parishes, and on the Norfolk coast the creature is supposed to be amphibious, coming out of the sea by night and travelling about the lonely lanes. The origins of the black dog are difficult to discern. It is impossible to ascertain whether the phantom originated in the Celtic or Germanic elements in British culture.
Throughout European mythology, dogs have been associated with death. Examples of this are the Cŵn Annwn, Garm and Cerberus, all of whom were in some way guardians of the underworld. This association seems to be due to the scavenging habits of dogs. It is possible that the black dog is a survival of these beliefs. The myth been encouraged by smugglers who wanted to discourage nocturnal movements by people who might witness the movement of contraband. On mainland Normandy, the dog is referred to as the Rongeur Black dogs are almost universally malevolent, although few (such as the Barghest) are held to be directly harmful. Most are a portent of death, or are in some way associated with the Devil. Some, however, like the Gurt Dog in Somerset and the Black Dog of the Hanging Hills (below) may sometimes act benevolently.
Black dogs by locale Some of the better-known black dogs are the Barghest of Yorkshire and Black Shuck of East Anglia. Various other forms are recorded in folklore: England In Lancashire the spectre-hound is called Gytrash, Trash, Striker or Shriker. The Drummer of Tedworth sometimes manifested itself as a huge black dog. In Tring, Hertfordshire, a fierce-looking black hound with red eyes is said to haunt the middle of the road in the area where the gibbet once stood. Locally it is known as Lean Dog, and is the spirit of a chimney sweep executed for murder. When approached, the lean dog sinks into the ground. The Gurt Dog of Somerset is an example of a benevolent dog. It was said that mothers would allow their children to play unsupervised on the Quantock Hills because they believed that the Gurt Dog would protect them. It would also accompany lone travellers in the area, acting as a protector and guide. The Black Dog of Winchester. Padfoot of Wakefield. A black dog has been said to haunt the Newgate Prison for over 400 years, appearing before executions. According to legend, in 1596, a man named Scholler was sent to the prison for witchcraft, but was killed and eaten by starving prisoners before he was given a trial. The dog was said to appear soon after, and although the
terrified men killed their guards and escaped, the beast is said to have hunted down and exacted revenge upon each murderer. One has been said to have been Corsham in Wiltshire on April 28th 2008 Channel Islands and Isle of Man In the Isle of Man it is styled Mauthe Doog, or Moddey Dhoo (black dog in Manx). It is said to haunt the environs of Peel Castle. People believe that anyone who sees the dog will die soon after the encounter with the dog. It is mentioned by Sir Walter Scott in The Lay of the Last Minstrel— "For he was speechless, ghastly, wan Like him of whom the Story ran Who spoke the spectre hound in Man." In the Channel Island of Guernsey, there are two named dogs. One, Tchico (Tchi-coh two Norman words for dog, whence cur), is headless, and is supposed to be the phantom of a past Bailiff of Guernsey, Gaultier de la Salle, who was hanged for falsely accusing one of his vassals. The other dog is known as Bodu or tchen Bodu (tchen being dog in Dgèrnésiais). His appearance, usually in the Clos du Valle, foretells death of the viewer or someone close to him. There are also numerous other unnamed apparitions, usually associated with placenames derived from bête (beast). In Jersey folklore, the Black Dog of Death is also called the Tchico, but a related belief in the Tchian d'Bouôlé (Black Dog of Bouley) tells of a phantom dog whose appearance presages storms. The story is believed to have d'Os (bone-gnawer). Wales In Wales its counterpart was the gwyllgi, the "Dog of Darkness", a frightful apparition of a mastiff with baleful breath and blazing red eyes. Also related are the spectral Cŵn Annwn, connected with the otherworld realm of Annwn referred to in the Four Branches of the Mabinogi and elsewhere; however they are described as being dazzling white rather than black in the medieval text. Cornwall A black dog appears in Penzance harbour as a foreteller of someone's death. The victim is the only one who can the see the dog, who is described as Labrador Retriever sized, but not actually of this breed. Shony is a Cornish ghost-dog whose appearance heralded a storm.
USA In the U.S.A. a twin set of black dogs is said to roam the country sides of north middle Tennessee near the county of Macon. Legend has it that two black puppies were adopted by a cruel farmer who was so evil that the Devil would not allow him to enter Hell, but gave him the job of hunting down unsuspecting travellers after the stroke of midnight. Some stories state that death is quick; others say that death will fall days, months, or years (this last is considered a catch-all) after viewing the demonic beasts. Others say that death may not follow at all, but something "bad" will happen to someone close to those who set eyes on the twin hounds. Lastly, some stories skip the evil farmer and claim the hound to have multiple heads and is, in reality, Cerberus the hound who guards the gates of hell. This story may have been made-up to fit the satanic claims that some have made about the county. The Black Dog of the Hanging Hills of Meriden, Connecticut is unique in that it does not take the guise of a large, fearsome hound. Instead, it appears as a small, sad black dog. The Black Dog of the Hanging Hills leaves no footprints and makes no sound, even when it appears to be barking happily or howling. It also appears to enjoy human company, somewhat ironically. Seeing the Black Dog of the Hanging Hills once is supposedly good luck, twice is bad luck and three times means death. Packs of black dogs with glowing yellow eyes are rumored to prowl U.S. Route 666, slashing the tires of passing motorists with their sharp teeth. Along Sweet Hollow Road on Long Island, NY, there is said to be a black dog apparition that walks on its hind legs and has glowing red eyes. Making eye contact with it is supposed to cause death within a month. 2 black dogs inhabit highway 97 from Madras Oregon to Sunriver Oregon Latin America Black dogs with fiery eyes are reported throughout Latin America from Mexico to Argentina under a variety of names including the Perro Negro (Spanish for Black Dog), Nahual (Mexico), Huay Chivo (Mexico), Cadejo (Central America), Familiar (Argentina) and Lobison (Argentina). They are usually said to be either incarnations of the Devil or a shape-changing sorcerer. There were also recent reports of a huge black dog with flaming red eyes roaming the southeastern Brazil coast, haunting and scaring people. However, there were no reports of any kind of physical harm caused by it In fiction
One of the most famous black dogs in fiction is the Hound of the Baskervilles from the book of the same name by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In the book, the villain uses the long-standing legend of a ghostly dog that haunts the Baskerville family in his plan to murder them. In Russell Hoban's novel Riddley Walker (1980), Riddley's postapocalyptic quest is initiated by a dog sacrifice and a folktale, "Why the Dog Won't Show its Eyes." Death dogs are important in the "Eusa" story that guides Riddley's quest, as is a companion black dog later in the quest. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling, Harry comes across what he believes is a Grim. He is told that it is a powerful omen of death. In the Patrick Swayze trucker movie Black Dog, the legend is updated for the motorized 20th century as a beast that is seen "when you've been on the road too long and pushing too hard. When you get greedy, it comes to take everything away from you." In The Mighty Boosh, Series 3 Episode 4 "The Strange Tale of The Crack Fox", Saboo mocks Dennis, the Shaman Council Leader, for his inability to handle drugs: "You once used a glue gun and thought you saw the Black Dog". In Goethe's Faust, the Devil Mephistopheles first appears to Faust in the form of a black poodle which follows him home through a field. In Supernatural (TV series) episode 2 "Wendigo" they mention the possibility of a black dog being the creature that is killing campers. They also encounter another mystery containing black dogs in season 2 episode 8 "Crossroad Blues" The Moddey Dhoo is one of the many "guides" to appear in the webcomic Gunnerkrigg Court. In Black Dogs by novelist Ian McEwan, a character encounters two black dogs that she believes to be evil incarnate. Dracula transforms into a black dog to leap from from the boat to land when he arrives in Whitby. In the movie No Country for Old Men the main character, Llewelyn Moss, comes across a stray black dog immediately before running into the botched heroin deal. Later, he will die under tragic circumstances, being hunted down for the money he found there. In the book Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson one of the pirates is called Black Dog. He is the first to threaten and harass Billy Bones. As soon as the
unwelcome visitor is gone, Bones suffers a stroke. Also Jim Hawkins' father dies shortly after Black Dog's visit. In the movie The Omen, Damien the AntiChrist is guarded and protected by black dogs.
Cerberus In Greek mythology, Cerberus or Kerberos (Greek Κέρβερος, Kérberos or Sürbürǔs, the daemon or ker of Erebos) was the hound of Hades, a monstrous three-headed dog[1] with a snake for a tail and snakes down his back like a mane, whose analogs in other cultures are hellhounds. Other hell hounds included Orthus, his two-headed brother. Cerberus guarded the gate to Hades and ensured that spirits of the dead could enter, but none could exit (additionally, no living person was to come into Hades). Among his siblings are Chimera and the Hydra. He is the offspring of Echidna and Typhon. In Dante's Inferno, he is described as having a human head. This symbolizes the possibility of Cerberus being more human than animal. Cerberus was overcome several times, with the aid of gods or supernatural talents: Heracles' final labour was to capture Cerberus, which he did by wrestling it into submission. Orpheus used his musical skills to lull Cerberus to sleep. Hermes put him to sleep with water from the river Lethe. In Roman mythology, the Sybil of Cumae lulled Cerberus to sleep with drugged honeycakes in order to permit Aeneas fuller entry to the underworld. In a Roman tale, Psyche also lulled Cerberus to sleep with drugged honeycakes. In The Inferno, Cerberus punishes the gluttons and is passed by Virgil and Dante due to Virgil throwing into one of his mouths some of the putrid earth found in the Third Circle. In the Greek Oracle of the Dead at Cumae in southern Italy, the recently excavated subterranean shrine was found to contain giant chains fixed to the wall for three large dogs before the entrance to the shrine of Hades and Persephone. The three dogs would have represented Cerberus in this ancient temple. Today, it also appears in popular culture; for instance, Cerberus is the name of the "Smoke Monster" on the popular television show Lost.
Twelfth Labour of Heracles (or Hercules) In the last of his Twelve Labours, Heracles was to capture Cerberus from Hades, the God of the dead and the ruler of the Underworld. After having been given the task, Heracles went to Eleusis to be initiated in the Eleusinian Mysteries so that he could learn how to enter and exit the underworld alive, and in passing absolve himself for killing centaurs. He found the entrance to the underworld at Tanaerum, and Athena and Hermes helped him to traverse the entrance in each direction. He passed Charon with Hermes's assistance and his own heavy and fierce frowning. Whilst in the underworld, Heracles freed Theseus, but the earth shook when he attempted to liberate Pirithous, so he had to leave him behind. They had been imprisoned by Hades, by magically binding them to a bench, because they had attempted to kidnap Persephone. The magic was so strong, that when Heracles pulled Theseus free, part of Theseus's thighs remained on the bench, explaining why his descendants had notably lean thighs. Heracles presented himself before the throne of Hades and Persephone and asked permission to take Cerberus, to which the gods agreed as long as Heracles did not harm the hound in any way. Some say Persephone gave her consent because Heracles was her own brother (both were children of Zeus). In any case, Heracles wrestled the dog into submission and dragged it out of Hades, passing through a cavern entrance in the Peloponnese. When he returned with Cerberus to the palace, Eurystheus, the man who had assigned the task to Heracles, was so afraid of the fearsome beast that he jumped into a pithos (large storage jar) to hide. From the spittle of the dog which fell upon earth, the first poisonous plants were born, including deadly aconite. In Norse mythology, Fenrir or Fenrisulfr is a wolf, the son of Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Fenrir is bound by the gods, but is ultimately destined to grow too large for his bonds and swallow Odin whole during the course of Ragnarök. He will be slain by Odin's son, Viðarr, who will use a shoe made throughout time using the pieces of leather waste left over from repaired shoes to hold the lower jaw while he grasped the upper up, tearing the beast apart and avenging his father. Fenrir has two sons, Hati ('hate') and Skoll. Skoll chases the horses Árvakr and Alsviðr, that drag the chariot which contains the sun. Hati chases Máni, the moon. 'Skoll', in certain circumstances, is used as a heiti to refer indirectly to the father (Fenrir) and not the son. This ambiguity works in the other direction also, for example in the Vafþrúðnismál, where a confusion exists in stanza 46 where Fenrir is given the sun-chasing attributes of his son Skoll. This can mostly be accounted for by the use of Hróðvitnir and Hróðvitnirson to refer to both Fenrir and his sons.
Learning from the prophecy of the sybil (cf. Völuspá) and from his contest with Vafþrúðnir (related in Vafþrúðnismál) that the children of Loki and Angrboða would bring trouble to the gods, Odin had the wolf brought to him along with his brother Jörmungandr and his sister Hel. After casting Jörmungandr into the sea and Hel down into the land of the dead, Odin had the wolf raised among the Æsir. Only the god Týr was daring enough to feed the growing monster. The gods, urged by the wolf's increasing strength and by prophecies that he would be their destruction, attempted to bind the great beast. Twice he agreed to be chained and twice easily burst out of two successive fetters. The first, made of iron, was called Lœðingr. The second, also of iron, but of twice the strength, was called Drómi. Odin then had the dwarfs forge the chain Gleipnir ("deceiver" or "entangler"). It appeared to be only a silken ribbon but was made of six wondrous ingredients: the sound of a cat's footfall, the beard of a woman, the roots of a mountain, bear's sinews (meaning nerves, sensibility), fish's breath, and bird's spittle. Skírnir, Freyr's messenger, brought it back to Ásgarðr. Then, in the island called Lyngvi ("Heathery") in the lake called Ámsvartnir ("Redblack") (places unknown to us), the gods challenged Fenrisulfr to break this chain also. But the wolf noted the thinness and fineness of construction of Gleipnir and not unreasonably suspected a trick. He agreed to make the test only if one of the gods was willing to place his hand in the wolf's mouth during the binding as a pledge to free him if he failed to break the chain. No god was willing to do this, until Týr stood forth and placed his hand in the wolf's mouth. Fenrisulfr strained to burst the chain but the more he struggled the tighter he was held. When the gods would not free him, the wolf bit off Týr's hand at the wrist, the point afterwards called "the wolf joint". The wolf in his rage then tried to bite at the rest of the gods, but then they thrust a sword in his mouth to keep him from biting at his bounds. Then, as told by Snorri in Brodeur's translation: When the Æsir saw that the Wolf was fully bound, they took the chain that was fast to the fetter, and which is called Gelgja 'Thin', and passed it through a great rock— it is called Gjöll 'Scream'—and fixed the rock deep down into the earth. Then they took a great stone and drove it yet deeper into the earth—it was called Thviti—and used the stone for a fastening-pin. The Wolf gaped terribly, and thrashed about and strove to bite them; they thrust into his mouth a certain sword: the guards caught in his lower jaw, and the point in the upper; that is his gag. He howls hideously, and slaver runs out of his mouth: that is the river called Ván 'Hope'; there he lies till the Twilight of the Gods.
It is prophesied that at Ragnarök the wolf will at last break free and join forces with the enemies of the gods and will then swallow Odin himself whole. After that Viðarr, Odin's son, will slay the wolf to avenge his father.
Reinterpretations of the legend Many books, television serials, roleplaying games and video games use the name "Fenris" or "Fenrir" in reference to a wolf or wolf-like character, including Harry Potter, Doctor Who (as Fenric), Final Fantasy and the Narnia series, while several modern comic books and fantasy novels have specifically reworked the story of Fenrir. In Mike Carey's fantasy comic book Lucifer, Fenrir appears with the Anglicised name "Fenris", and his role in the book is similar to his role in mythology, as he attempts to trigger the destruction of creation. In the Ragnarök manhwa, Fenris Fenrir is the reincarnation of the wolf Fenrir, while in Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok, Fenrir is freed from his bindings and comes to Earth as a small, black puppy to find Loki. In volumes 5 and 6 of the Japanese comic book Oh My Goddess!, by Kosuke Fujishima, a giant wolf by the name "Fenrir" embodies the "programme for total destruction of the Earth" and calls himself "the Great King of Terror". In the Guilty Gear X manga, Guilty Gear Xtra, a young boy named Tyr has a giant dragon named Fenrir sealed inside his right arm. In the novel, The Sight, by David Clement-Davies, the wolves believe in a male sun god Fenris, and a female moon god Tor. In World of Warcraft, Fenris is one of the final bosses in the Shadowfang Keep, a dungeon in the game. He is portrayed as a large worg.
A Christian Speaks of Wicca and Witchcraft by James Clement Taylor
I am a Christian and not a Wiccan. A Christian is one who has been baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and who has made a personal, free-will decision to commit himself and all his or her life to our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Both of these things are true of me. I am a member of St. Mary's Eastern Orthodox Church, Calhan, Colorado. In this paper, I am not speaking as agent for any church, but I am, entirely on my own responsibility, speaking the truth in love, as we Christians are supposed to do. A Situation of Strife and Shame: There are many Christians today who believe that anyone who is not a Christian is doomed to
an eternity of suffering in hell. Any decent person, believing this, would be compelled to try to save as many people from this fate as possible. But is this belief correct? Jesus Christ, having noted the faith and righteousness of a Roman centurion, a Pagan, proclaimed: "Assuredly I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 8:10-12) If we accept these words as true, and surely we should, then it is clear that heaven will contain many who are not Christians, and hell will contain many who are! Clearly, throughout the Gospels, Jesus Christ sets forth the criteria for entrance into the kingdom of heaven, and those criteria include love, kindness, forgiveness, and a refusal to judge others: "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15) "For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you." (Matthew 7:2) "But go and learn what this means: `I desire mercy and not sacrifice.'" (Matthew 9:13) "Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." (Luke 6:36-38) Is it not clear? Anyone who fails in these things, will calling himself a Christian save him? Anyone who obeys God in these things, will being unbaptized condemn him? Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." (Matthew 7:21) Yet it is not by good works that we earn our way into heaven, because there is no way we can earn the free gift of God's mercy and grace, which alone can save us. But it is clear that it is not by faith, in the sense of sharing the Christian faith, that we are saved, either. The faith which saves us is not faith in the goodness of our works, nor faith that we have the right theology and/or belong to the right church. Rather, it is faith in God, and in His mercy: "So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who has mercy." (Romans 9:16) But the Wiccans, you will say, do not have faith in God. Yet by their own theology, they certainly do. Those who call them Satan-worshippers are entirely wrong. They do not worship
Satan, or even believe that Satan exists. Instead, they worship a Goddess and a God whom they understand as manifestations of a higher and unknown Deity. Now if you are a Christian, this will sound familiar to you, and it should. In the Bible we find the following: "Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, `Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, The One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you" (Acts 17:22-23) The Wiccans worship the Unknown God, as manifested to them in the form of a Goddess and a God. Therefore, our Bible tells us they worship the same God we do; and if they do not know this, we should know it! For those of us who are unable to simply stand on God's Word, and must prove to themselves the truth of what it proclaims the holy Apostle John has given us the method for doing this. You have only to attend any public Wiccan ceremony, and test the spirits which are there, to see "whether they are of God" (1 John 4:1). You will find that, while the power manifested there may be less than what you have experienced as a Christian, that power is clearly the power of God. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, these people of Wicca have been terribly slandered by us. They have lost jobs, and homes, and places of business because we have assured others that they worship Satan, which they do not. We have persecuted them, and God will hold us accountable for this, you may be sure, for He has said, "Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." (Matthew 25:40) Let us, from this point onward, repent of our misdeeds and declare that henceforth we shall obey Christ our God, and not judge others or condemn them, so that He will not have to judge and condemn us for our sins.
Can you be a Christian and a Witch??? Dawn Thebarge Hill 2001
This is a question I get a lot when I teach Intro to Wicca. My answer is, ―Of course you can be anything you want to be!" Although I know there are many out there that disagree with me the reasons I feel this way are not really all that complicated. I have heard the debate rage from both sides of the fence. The Christian community is on one side and the Pagan community on the other. "How can you be Christian and a witch?" "Christian Witch is an oxymoron." "There's no such thing as a Christian Witch! You can't be both." "Christian Witches are wannabe witches." "You can't be a
real Christian and a Witch." "You can't be a real Witch and Christian." "If someone calls themselves a Christian Witch it is just because they can not face facts." ―They just say that so people will accept them," etc. Well, I hate to burst anyone's bubble (and you are definitely entitled to your opinion), however, if you look at the true definition of Witch you will see that it is not an impossibility to be both. Witch" comes from the Anglo-Saxon wicce which derives from an Indo-European root word meaning to bend or change. To me, and to many pagans out there, a Witch is a person who moves, changes or bends energy. Therefore, ANYONE, who moves, bends or changes energy is a Witch. So if you are a Christian, Satanist, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan, Druid, Wiccan, Shaman, or any other faith, and you move or bend energy you can consider yourself a Witch. The problem comes when we equate all Witches. This is not only wrong to do, but unfair to those who are practicing the differing forms of Witchcraft. You would never lump all Catholics, Baptists or Protestants together. They have differing beliefs but still consider themselves Christian. This is how many witches feel. They are practicing different religious doctrines but are still moving, bending and changing energy and consider themselves Witches. So, you may ask, if they are "true" Witches, why don't they just forget about their Christian beliefs and embrace those Pagan traditions that they seem to be drawn to? Why do they continue to straddle the fence on the issue? The answer is, that while there are definitely Christian beliefs that they no longer personally believe, there also many beliefs and rituals that they find helpful in finding and communicating with their sense of the Divine. In all honesty, my concern isn't really about the validity of calling one's self a Christian Witch, or whether anyone does or does not believe in this term. It is about the reaction of many people in the Pagan community to those that use the term. Aren't they allowed to call themselves whatever they want? No one needs your judgment because they decided to be part of a spiritual path that doesn't make sense to you. Is that not one of the reasons so many of us get aggravated at people who preach to us? They do not believe we can or should do what we want to do and that is unacceptable to us. The same can be said to those of you who say to the Christian Witches that they cannot be both. There seems to be a belief among some Pagans that one needs to completely renounce all things remotely considered Christian in order to be a "real" Pagan. Why is this? If there are things that still work for them then why shouldn't they keep them as part of their spirituality? So long as they are causing no harm to themselves or others why does it matter to you?
Most of us come to our Pagan path from a Christian one, and no matter how much we want to deny it, it is extremely difficult to rid one's self completely of all Christian beliefs, ritual and structure after having them indoctrinated in us for most of our lives. It has made us, in some way, the persons we are right in this moment. If these folks see fit to embrace that part of their lives then I say let them do so in peace and with acceptance. This is not an "Us against Them" issue. It is about accepting and being accepted for whom we are and not the label that is on us.
How to be a Christian Wizard Ambrose Hawk
I have often written that Wizards Can Too Be Christians! The reverse of that statement, however, may be even more startling. I firmly believe that a Christian should be a wizard. Several of my articles have clearly implied such a theme. Each time I post such a statement, someone writes me to ask, "How?" Actually, I've had a lot of trouble answering that question. I was fortunate enough to be raised in an environment in which the concept was obvious. Christians believed in miracles, believed in the power of rituals to release the Divine power into their world, believed in speaking with saints and angels and other spirits, and believed that every created being was mystically connected to every other in a dynamic way. Furthermore, my introduction to the Tarot was through books, which treated them as mystical illustrations of the great questions of the spiritual path of the Christian. So when somebody asked me how to become a Christian wizard, my response was, "be a Christian and practice magic." When pressed how to start; I'd respond, "Pray as if you believe prayer works." Neither response worked very well. Too many folks come from backgrounds in which it was assumed that magic and Christianity necessarily was in conflict. Also, any mage with experience soon realizes that magic is not prayer, though prayer can be an effective part of magic. After some years and reflection, I believe I've found a better and more useful response; but first allow me to diverge on those two concerns. By the way, the answers addressed here to the specific problem of Christian wizardry should be easily transformed to apply to other paths. After all, it is Judaism which gave us the Kabbalah, and it was Islam which gave us many of the tools and tables that magicians rely upon today as well. Alchemy, one of the basic features of the Hermetic path is an Arabic word. While I've addressed the illusion that magic and Christianity are in conflict elsewhere, I'll briefly discuss the issue again here. Just as folks assume that science and faith must be in conflict (even though the father of science is Roger Bacon, a monk), their view is derived entirely from their
definitions. When "magic" is defined as working with devils and or demons to violate the Divine order, well magic and Christianity are in conflict. When magic is defined as using the subtle powers of our nature to access the energies and entities on other planes, and in communication with them to harness these powers to create effects or attain experiences which might otherwise be unattainable (drawing a big breath after that one), then this is no more "evil" than driving a car, flying a plane, listening to radio, or watching T.V. Of course, I must admit that many folks have gotten rather hostile to those behaviours on "religious grounds" as well. Around the turn of the century, the sermons preached against radio could be matched word for word with sermons now being preached against paranormal studies. I'll never forget a cartoon I once saw. Two angels are riding above the clouds on the back of a jet airliner. One says to the other, "I don't know. If God had wanted us to travel this way, He would have given us tickets." Every creature has powers built into it by design. Just as cars roll down highways, birds and planes fly, we can be sensitive to and draw upon subtle powers and realms. If we could not, then we could not even pray! As a Christian, I believe, that we are designed to do this so that we can become effective conduits of the Divine Power. Moreover, as a Christian, I believe that part of this design includes us building new things with this ability. Things which never appeared before and which are truly the products of our own imagination and will can be made by humans – not just mundanely but magically as well. Indeed, true art is magic, and most great artists, authors, and scientists all speak mystically of their inspirations. How then is the practice of magic not just a form of prayer or prophecy? Again, it comes back to the idea that it really is our own creation, our own fault. I've observed that when folks participate in prayer, miracles happen. It is as if the power of God is magnified in manifestation when people happily and freely join their wills and powers to Hers. Secondarily, we have rarely considered the boundaries of the term miracle. Birth, evolution, reason, and the flight of the bumble bee are all improbable "miracles." Yet they are also quite "natural." Each being has power by design. It is my argument that magic is part of our designed abilities. Thus, we can submit our work to union with the Deity, but also we can and all too often do build things outside of the perfect will. Sometimes, these are good ideas, sometimes not. Either way, Deity is powerful enough to anticipate, to make adjustments, and to let us take our lumps. Thus the wizard or wise woman, even when uniting his or her will to the Deity, also has the responsibility to consider the effects and boundaries of the action and to involve their own beings in the miracle. This is an act of conscious will, and it does not require the magician to be Christian. Healers of all paths work healing miracles. According to Christian theology, this is the way it is supposed to be. Jesus taught clearly that healing comes from God alone and that it is never forbidden. Of course, we might not realize just what is being healed. A bitter man suffering advanced cancer may suddenly find harmony with his relatives and die. Has he not been healed fully?
As the much maligned and misinterpreted St. Paul wrote: "It is God for His own loving purpose, who puts both the will and the action into you." (Phil. 2:13) . Also: "Glory be to Him whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine." (Eph. 3:20). Further, the visionary mystic St. John wrote: "God is love; and anyone who lives in love lives in God, and God lives in him." (I John 4:16b). Bluntly, all of these passages don't say word one about the sort of conscious faith that evangelists seem to want folks to have. All of them speak of caring for others and uniting with the power of God to do real things to help. Which is why I am not as horrified by the average Wiccan as many of my Christian brethren. I can easily see the hand of God in their concern for other living creatures, for respect for others, and for their dream of healing harmonies. How many of your Wiccan friends have discovered "magical" healing? How many of your Christian friends have discovered healing prayer? . In such a manner, same God (though folks might not see this), same gifts, and same fruit. "By their fruits, shall ye know them." It's right there in the Bible, though it's been my experience that the so-called "fundamentalists" rising in every path from Buddha's to Zoroaster's seem to misinterpret their foundational doctrines and to ignore the inconvenient inconsistencies. Just as the onion has to pull those nutrients out of the ground and put them together with the sun and the rain to make its sweetness, the wise woman and the wizard must pull together the spirits and forces and the Divine power to create marvels. Martha Stewart is merely paraphrasing the Creator when she declares, "It's a good thing." So after abusing that poor carcass of a false issue, let's return to the original question. How do you become a Christian wizard? Folks seem to expect a series of elaborate initiations and secret teachings such as bedeck the famous esoteric orders. I will have to tell you that essentially all such measures are outside of the question. What those initiations do is enable you to access and to work with the energies and eggregore of those particular orders in a more effective and harmonious fashion. Some of those orders, such as the Temple of Memphis Misraim or the various societies descended from the Golden Dawn can be more amenable to a Christian than others. These affect quite real changes in a person, enabling them to experience a new reality. In Christianity, however, such rituals already exist that when properly embraced actually alter the kind of being you are. Baptism, Confirmation (or Baptism of the Holy Ghost), and Holy Orders create radical differences in their recipient. All of them focus upon the Eucharist as the empowering force to affect radical events in the relationship between Deity and the Cosmos. Each of them is a response to a call. Be aware that I am not saying, nor do the orthodox theologians teach, that such rites make anybody any better than anybody else. They make them different. They, as people still have the same choices and may make the same mistakes. Just as our magical friends are full of irritating foibles. It's easier to see the hypocrisy in a person who is proclaiming a path they fail to actually attempt. On the other hand, nobody really perfects their ideals in one life (okay, I dodge the question of reincarnation here ... I can claim I'm talking about Purgatory, for instance).
Having had these sacraments, however, such people naturally exist in a realm where they have access to encountering the same trials on a different plane. If our magical friends have financial difficulties, they may need to take the mundane steps to correct their budget and spending habits just like anybody else. They also know that they need to also take steps to correct their occult nature so that such errors are healed as well. Mundanely, you may campaign against higher prices, but magically you seek to bind the obstacles to releasing your prosperity. Yet there are no such transcendent rituals endowed specifically with the virtue of making you a Christian Wizard. So how do you become a Christian Wizard? If I were you, I'd begin with a ceremony in which you ask the Deity to show you whether or not you are called to such a path. Knowing about something is no license to practice it. Then after study, meditation, and signs which you submit to folks whose spirits you trust to help you understand. Act. Create for yourself a ceremony in which you commit to the path. Understand, however, that in esoteric paths there is nothing without price. Greater knowledge means greater ordeals and greater skill means bigger jobs and responsibility! I can just about guarantee that if you haven't already gone through such a wizard's ordeal you'll not truly understand the nature of that warning! Now in this ritual of commitment, understand that you are entering a special relationship with the Deity. Such rituals are very similar to marriage. Yes, you're making a commitment, but the Deity is also making a commitment. In this act, if you are called to it, the Deity is basically promising to help you see how some things work so that you, yourself, can take care of them. There are some companies that used to pay for scholar's training on the understanding that the company will be their employer for at least a set period afterwards. In this case, you'll find not only work related uses of your new skills, but plenty of entertaining uses as well. Pathwalking, for instance, can be a tool for self-transformation and self-initiation; yet it can also be a fantastic vehicle for sight seeing among the planes! Not enough attention, I believe, is paid to the practical and to the fun applications of theurgy! I've sometimes dreamed of flying into some cloud of a night and creating there the kind of lovely light displays I've occasionally seen in summer storms. Again, it is like a marriage. Try to find out what the angels and the Deity want to do for you. Believe me, if you are called to this path, then thee are some marvellous gifts that God and the bright powers want you especially to share. What are those gifts? I don't know. I don't know what powers anybody else has really, except as they are used on me. We all receive our own special mix because we are all meant to work together. You are not alone in the magical cosmos. You have brothers and sisters and team mates. Just as the fullback might not count on the place kicker for a good block, neither does the coach expect the fullback to kick the field goal! Such a relationship must be sealed by a promise. I've found the oath of Diane Duane's lovely series of stories about children wizards to be excellent and non-denominational. Wizard's
from Diane Duane "So You Want To Be A Wizard?" "In LIFE's name, and for LIFE's sake, I say that I will use the "ART" for nothing but the service of that LIFE. I will guard growth and ease pain. I will fight to preserve what grows and lives well in its own way; and I will change no object or creature unless its growth and life, or that of the system of which it is part, are threatened. To these ends, in the practice of my "ART", I will put aside fear for courage, and death for life, when it is right to do so till Universe's End." Note: The taking of this oath is made effective by the passing of an ordeal. No others can set this ordeal for the speaker, but the ordeal shall reveal itself in the speaker's presence. The concept "change to object or creature" means to make its essential self to alter. IE: You shouldn't deliberately or irrevocably go around turning people into toads just because you think it might be an improvement in their looks and personality – unless they ask for and seem to truly to desire that change as an assist in their growth! I'd also advise that somehow blood be involved in the ritual. Biblically, all covenants must be sealed in blood. Now I'm not talking about slashing yourself or some other poor creature. The "blood" can be and often is purely symbolic, as in red wax, ink, or preferably wine. If you feel that "real" blood would have a stronger impact on your psyche, then I'd advise you get one of those special tacks made to help diabetics get blood samples for their blood sugar tests. Having made this commitment in this ritual, you then need to take the ultimately vital next step. Be a Christian and practice magic or practice magic and be a Christian. This is not nearly as simplistic as it sounds. Examine yourself. Are a you Christian entering into the magical path? Are you a wise one called to follow Jesus? If you are Christian first, I'd tell you to look at all the marvels and gifts poured out by God in the Scriptures. Ask yourself what magical patterns you see in this. Then go ye and do likewise. If you are a mage, look at your magic and ask yourself why would Christ do this? Then go ye and do likewise. This means that when you create a charm or a talisman, consider whom you should invoke and/or evoke. Think of how it should work and imbue it with blessing. Remember that your purpose and your target are holy, respect them. Then, when you are a Christian who wants to do magic, think, since I call upon God to achieve this, how should I join the action, what did God give me with which I can enhance this work. When you are a magus who wants to unite with the Deity, think what spiritual growth will this act help? What angels and saints or other of God's servants might want to join this action? Whom will I affect and how will I affect them? Both of you think of how this action will fulfil the prayer: "For Thine is the Kingdom, the Glory, and the Power unto all ages. Amen." Okay, I can't walk on water yet and my control of the storm is fairly spotty. Raising the dead is WAY out of my league. Talking with Moses and Elijah, however, is not beyond my aspirations even now. I've a friend who could probably duplicate the feat of walking through a crowd that was trying to catch him. Folks have seen the angels that I've called and my totems guarding my sick bed. No brag, just fact.
On the other hand, I've also seen folk miraculously healed, lives changed, and all that sort of thing that some Sunday morning TV preachers like to shout about. I believe I see a connection. God either loves me or hates me. What do I do about that? Well, I believe God loves me, and frankly I rather think She's pretty marvellous too, but that's just my feelings. What I do know is that in every major path He has always said true religion was quite simple. Take care of each other. Care about each other. Care for each other. Not just people, but nurture the plants, tend the animals, and build up the soil too. Build up a bright city that both excites and heals, with lovely gardens to rest in and vineyards to party in. And to do this, we have to overcome the spirits of the air, work with the angels, and use all the spiritual gifts of the heavens. Sounds like magic to me, but it's all in the Scriptures. I believe that the Sacred Writings of other religions have similar themes. So I practice "Christian magic." And, if you feel called to that, you can too. Be Blest, Ambrose Hawk
Perspective of a Christian Witch
Sometimes we do things in this life that are not easily understood by others. I have been practicing the Craft for a number of years. At first, I thought I was the only person alive that practiced yet still maintained a belief in Jesus Christ as one of the forms of the Divine. It was a lonely feeling. I often struggled with integrating the concepts of the Craft with things within the Catholic Church that I did not want to let go of. It was an unsolvable mystery to me that I could believe in Pagan Philosophy, as I do and maintain an alliance with a Church that condemns what I believe and live as a Magickal Practitioner. It took a number of years to rectify these things within myself. But gradually over time, I began to find my own way. There were days when I received pieces of my own truth that helped me to realize that what I believe for myself is not wrong for me. It took time for me to understand that great deceptions have taken place over many centuries; untruths intentionally spread to lead to the downfall of the masses of practicing Pagans, when Christianity began its snowball of growth. Even now wisdom overtakes me occasionally with wisps of the truths I still have yet to find. In expressing this opinion, I do not seek to malign the Catholic Church. What was done hundreds of years ago is not to be blamed on the masses who often are unaware of manipulations of the ―powers that be‖. Nor should past wrongs be blamed on the present hierarchy of the Catholic Church. I do not seek to assign blame. My only thought is to point out strands of truth in the current beliefs of the Catholic Church that have helped me to see that my own truth is validated from within that same church. I also wish to highlight inconsistencies within, that also validate the wisdom of the Craft. Following is an example of my thinking, not only for myself,
but for others who may be trying to follow down the same road I once took. This past weekend I took my children to Mass. That might seem like a conflict, since I do call myself ―Witch‖, but some days it is not as contradictory as one would think. The first scheduled song was ―This Day God Gives Me‖, apparently ascribed to Saint Patrick. The words are as follows:
THIS DAY GOD GIVES ME This day God gives me Strength of high heaven, Sun and Moon shining, Flame in my hearth, Flashing of lightning, Wind in its swiftness, Deeps of the ocean, Firmness of Earth. This day God sends me Strength as my mainstay As the congregation was singing this verse and the Priest walked down the aisle past me it suddenly occurred to me that this is a song that contains Pagan and Christian philosophy. All five of the elements are mentioned at least once in this same verse. The elements are written of as God given gifts of strength. Isn’t that how Witches view the elemental energies? I don’t know when the song was written; the first thing that occurred to me is that it was unintentionally written as one of those tenets of belief that Christians and Pagans have in common. The lyrics actually validate the idea that they are a gift of God that are to be relied on and used. The five elements are the foundation from which all Magickal Practitioners draw their power for magick and spellwork. How fascinating that this is perhaps unintentionally acknowledged by the Christian Church. Mass this week was rather enlightening. The theme for the day was a reminder of the importance of living life with wisdom. The Reading and sermon were based on the section of the Bible: Wisdom (of Solomon) 6:12-16. In the King James Version of the Bible the closest correlation is from Song of Solomon, yet this does not contain the verses I refer to. The Catholic Bible contains more books than the Protestant version. In the Catholic Bible Wisdom 6:12-16 says:
Wisdom shines brightly and never grows dim; those who love her and look for her can easily find her. She is quick to make herself known to anyone who desires her. Get up early in the morning to find her, and you will have no problem; you will find her sitting at your door. To fasten your attention on Wisdom is to gain perfect understanding. If you look for her you will soon find peace of mind, because she will be looking for those who are worthy of her, and she will find you wherever you are. She is kind and will be with you in every thought.
Further in these passages, in Wisdom 7: 17-20, it says:
It is he (God) who gave me true knowledge of the forces of nature, what the world is made of; how the elements behave, how the calendar is determined by the movements of the sun, the changing seasons, the constellations, and the cycle of the years. He has taught me about the nature of living creatures, the behaviour of wild animals, the force of the winds, the reasoning power of human beings, the different kinds of plants, and the use of their roots as medicine. There is so much of what Witches believe here, it is impossible to understand how at one time, almost a millennium ago, Catholics could ever condemn the Witches of this world. In Wisdom 6 it is most obvious to me that the author is giving feminine attributes to the Lord God (of the Christian Church). And indeed recently the Pope announced that God has masculine and feminine traits. How could a God who is all things, be only male? There is no sense in the latter words. So now the Christian Church (the Catholic branch specifically) validates the male and female attributes of the Creator - an age-old mainstay of the Pagan belief system. In the second Bible verse recorded above, Solomon speaks of allowing wisdom to open his mind and soul. As he does all the secrets of nature are revealed to him... he understands the animals, the seasons and stars and even herbal healing. How much is this the life of a Witch? The Bible, which Christians cling to as the end all and be all of their faith, has at least one author that sees the wisdom of our ways. He writes of only wisdom as necessary to hear the secrets on the winds of these things. What does this mean to us, the Witches of the modern era, especially those who espouse a Christian slant? It means that there are pearls of Wisdom in the Bible. There are truths and secrets to be found, for those with wisdom in their ears. There is also corruption and manipulation within: such as ―thou shall not suffereth a Witch to live‖(Exodus 22:18), ―...Don’t let your people practice divination or look for omens or use spells,...and don’t let them consult the spirits of the dead. The Lord your God hates these people who do these disgusting things...‖ (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). There was once much reason to turn the masses against their old Pagan ways, to drive people to Christianity from fear. It meant growth to a newly forming Christian Church, political advancement, powerful allies and money. What does a Catholic do when he or she prays to a Saint, if not consult with the dead and this is most sanctioned and even encouraged by the Catholic Church. As far as divination and looking for omens goes, how often does the Catholic hierarchy look within to determine if the end of the world is near? Every few years some group declares the end is near and the Church is quick to reassure its members that the signs are not here. They could do nothing else, and yet are they not looking for signs and omens, the same practice they so quickly condemn Witches for? What were the Three Wise Men doing when they looked to the stars to tell them when and where their Saviour was
born if not practicing Divination? How does Solomon know what God hates and does not hate? Was God whispering in Solomon’s ear or was perhaps Solomon assuming things that would help the young Christian church prosper? I believe that the Wisdom we seek as Witches is found in every heart and soul. The wisdom we need to live our lives with, the wisdom we need to use to read the Bible or cast a spell for world peace and tolerance. Why is it right when a Priest does it, but somehow different and even evil when a Witch does it? The truth is, it is no different. It cannot be right for one group and not for another. My point is, for those of us who are Christian Witches, that the truth for each soul is their own. No one can say that there is only one truth; there are many. The Church knows this. Somewhere, wrapped within the folds of History, lost in time, the truth lives. But only those with wisdom will find it; the wisdom in and from the five elements: the wind, the sun, the water, the earth and the Creator, as even the Christian Church’s own Saint Patrick acknowledges. It is there for the taking. Reach out your hand. The Creator will give it to you. And it is not only for the Christians; but the Hindus, the Moslems, the Jews, and the Witches as well...we all come from the same Divine spark, no matter what name we choose to call God. So how can the direction each of our own tiny flickers of light may take matter, as long as it comes from and returns to the same Divine place? There is hope within. At some point, at some time, in some place, the Catholic Church must realize how contradictory their unequivocal condemnation of Witchcraft is. If the Church and its hierarchy truly seek truth and wisdom then it is inevitable that they must someday see the error of their ways when it comes to their treatment of those who practice magick. In the meantime, let those who practice as Witches with a Christian slant, take comfort. Our ways are too quickly condemned. Find peace in the knowledge that we must not condemn ourselves and this is so validated, although unwittingly, by the very group that tries the hardest to keep us from the truth within.
Author unknown. Taken from:
What Is Christian Witchery? By Tara Christian Witchery, as I see it, is the combination of a Christian religious viewpoint and the actual practice of magic and ritual. In order to properly understand the significance of Christian Witchery, it is necessary to understand what kind of Christianity is being practiced; likewise, what kind of magic is to be practiced. For one to become a Christian Witch, one's understanding of Christianity must be relatively liberal. Taking the Bible as one's only source for spiritual knowledge is a valid enough path, but it
would be immensely difficult to incorporate that with magical practice. Another definition of Christianity would be much more flexible: a path that incorporates a version of Jesus at least loosely based on Biblical (or Gnostic Christian/rejected canon) sources as its central figure. Someone who believes strongly in Jesus Christ (and God, and the Holy Spirit, either as three separate entities with one divine essence or three aspects of the All) can potentially still practice magic. The definition of magic is also important. By magic, are you referring to the desire to cast love spells on your crush? Are you referring to more advanced Kabalistic ceremonies, or the Golden Dawn esoteric rituals? Do you love the rituals and "poetic aspects" of witchcraft? Do you enjoy practicing magic and being able to make changes in the world through supernatural means? Is magic to you venerating nature? Honestly, becoming a Christian Witch is not necessary for one to venerate nature; one can still be an environmentalist and love the earth and celebrate its seasons without practicing magic. If you are only into magic to cast a single love spell or be "cool," it's probably not your path. Magic, while it may not have any spiritual connotations still should not be something to be taken lightly. The symbolism of magic and spell craft are not exclusive to these things. It is possible to call yourself a Christian mystic and perform religious prayer rituals that do not incorporate actual magic and changes caused by the individual as opposed to a deity (this will be covered further in the "So You Want to Be a [Christian] witch section). If you feel that you can and desire to make changes in your world through working and practicing magic, but you simultaneously believe in the Christian tenets, then the practice of Christian Witchery may be right for you. While it is difficult to define magic, due to conflicting definitions, a good definition as defined by Crowley is "the art and science of change in conformity to will." One cannot take Christianity and Witchcraft, even when one has defined them, and slap them together and call it a system. There are still limitations where some parts of Christianity cancel magical practices out. For example, the importance placed on love and forgiveness in Christian belief would restrict "harmful" spells. While it is fine for some witches to cast curses, and it does not go against their ethical code, when a potential Christian witch is practicing magic, he or she must take into consideration her own ethical code. Also, with Christianity's worship of God and the belief in His presence in all things, I believe that magic would be hard to separate from spiritual and religious presence in rituals. So, why become a Christian Witch? Simply, if both Christianity and witchcraft are part of your spiritual/magical/supernatural beliefs, and you are willing to "compromise" in some cases parts of your beliefs in which the acts or faiths of one cancel each other out, you may be a match for Christian Witchcraft. If you are unwilling to not take the entire Bible literally, or if you do not want to be restricted by parts of Christian belief that would inhibit your magic, perhaps it is better for you to limit yourself to one practice. The most important thing to remember is that religion is deeply personal. Your personal relationship with the divine transcends any piece of literature, whether a Book of Shadows or the
Bible, that states what the right path is. If you disagree with this article, it is, after all, a piece of literature, and your religious practices are your own business. In religion, where nothing is definite, it is better to "pick and choose" beliefs than to take a mold that does not fit who you are. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. But if it does, there is no reason to change your practices and beliefs. Hellfire Fears: It is nearly impossible to have encountered Christian Witchery without ever hearing threats of Hell coming from either side, as well as others who say that Christian Witchery is impossible without a literal translation of the Bible. Is that really true? The Bible is not taken literally by a great number of practicing Christians today; my Episcopalian congregation, for example, takes the Bible as a guideline, but not necessarily the be all and end all of the Christian faith. But even looking at the Bible, it can be seen that possibly Witchcraft condemned in the Bible may refer to pure malignant witchery. Seeing as those who are not followers of the Bible are not bound by Biblical law, and those who are Christian witches and that follow the Bible already have a "Harm None" clause in their ethical system, it is not difficult for Christian Witches to follow this rule. The original Hebrew word in the Old Testament in the famed passage "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exodus 22:18) was not witch but m'kashepah, meaning a woman who uses spoken spells to harm others.(1) In Deuteronomy 18:10-11, seven other Hebrew words are used, in addition to m'kashepah, most of which refer to others who contact the dead or spirits that are not "of God." A few, however, refer to those who practice divination. Again, however, it is a purely personal decision whether to follow the Bible totally in these cases. In the New Testament, the original word now taken to mean "witch" in Galatians 5:19-20 and Revelations 21:8 was the Greek pharmakeus, meaning one who poisons others, a person practicing "poisonous' black magic. Some interpreters take the term to mean one who spreads enmity and 'poisons" people's minds. And is Hell itself anything to worry about? Hell too might be a Biblical mistranslation. Aside from the logical contradiction of a loving god sending His people to eternal flames, the terms most often used for Hell: Sheol and Gehenna(2), do not mean "hell" at all. Sheol was a proper noun, the Jewish term for the land of the dead, where even good Jewish patriarchs were said to have gone. Gehenna was a burial ground outside of Jerusalem. More on Biblical mistranslations of Hell and its eternity and pain can be found in the essay "To Hell With Hell," by J. Cleveland. Even if you do feel uncomfortable practicing Christian Witchery with its Biblical connotations, it is also clear that modern day versions of the Bible may be inaccurate in their translation, and knowledge of the "original" Bible is necessary before making any decisions. But again: if it makes you uncomfortable, don't do it. 1: All material in this paragraph concerning Biblical terms now translated as "witch' was taken from 2: All information from this passage concerning the Biblical mistranslations of "Hell" is from "To Hell With Hell," by J. Cleveland. His essay can be found at the following address:
So You Want to Be a [Christian] Witch? Is Christian Witchery the right path? Certainly it has been considered a controversial one by both Christians and Witches alike, but is that any reason to not follow what you believe is right? After all, if Jesus himself hadn't preached what he believed instead of traditional doctrine, the world would have been a drastically different place. But that does not mean that Christian Witchery is necessarily the right path for you. A surefire way to determine that Christian Witchery is not your path is if you want to be a witch, but you're too scared of Hell to back out of your religion. This has problems for many reasons: you're still going to be feeling guilt even in your new path. Likewise, if you are frightened of your own religion, it indicates some severe discomfort that needs to be examined before you add to your spiritual path. Finally, if you aren't wholeheartedly sure of what you want to be, it's foolish to use Christianity as a safety net. Only be Christian if you believe in Christianity; only use magic if you're sure that's what you want. A second "wrong reason" for becoming a Christian witch is, in my opinion feeling that Christianity is missing feminist aspects or a connection to a goddess/Mother Earth. While that is certainly a plausible feeling, magic is not going to suddenly make Christianity more feminine. Neo-Wiccan or pagan elements can be incorporated into your belief systems without actually practicing magic. Feminist-wise, the study of female mystics like Hildegard of Bingen, the mythology surrounding Mary Magdalene, and the study of the personification of the Holy Spirit as Sophia in Gnostic Christian mythology is recommended, not magic. Likewise, if you want to venerate the earth and its cycles, you don't have to totally change your religion or start to practice magic to do so. Finally, there is the Christian who is really interested in ritual and the symbolism involved in magic. Having been this kind of Christian, I really thought that Christian Witchery was for me. However, using great symbolism in rituals, even rituals at home, that are worshipful and involve petitioning a deity through "magical" and "spell" phrases and incense or Tarot card symbolism is really prayer, as opposed to magic. Granted, it is a type of prayer more intricate and ritualistic than most prayer. The mysticism involved in this is not magic. If you are this kind of seeker, I would recommend the term "Christian mystic," which is how I label myself, and the study of other mystics who longed to experience the divine and ecstatic experiences of God is recommended. It doesn't mean it is any less legitimate to rely on a deity instead of one's own will in a ritual; it just means it is a prayer instead of a spell. For those that are really interested in symbolism and ritual, but are not interested in actively performing magic, I would recommend doing as I am currently doing and looking into the Roman Catholic branch of Christianity. If you do magic and feel no qualms about it or guilt, but you simply cannot give up Christian beliefs and feel no need to, if you love magic and feel that you can positively influence your life through it, then Christian Witchcraft is quite possibly your path. Jesus, Magic, and Me: My Experience I never believed in Hell for non-believers. Whatever else I believed as a child, that was constant.
Growing up as a liberal Episcopalian Christian, I changed my religion constantly: I was Hindu one day, Sikh the next, and even, horror of horrors, a fluffy pseudo-Wiccan, reading a basic book and finding something in it I believed. I was only eight or nine, then, not old enough to grasp the concept of intense study. I never found something to really hold on to until I was given an assignment (in fifth grade, at the age of eleven) to write about what I believed in religion before starting to study the Bible from a literary perspective in English class. Then, whatever was bottled up began to flow. I wrote three pages instead of a paragraph; I felt completely released as I documented unorthodox beliefs about God, Jesus, and the universe. That essay proved the basis for my novel, Father Luigi's Chameleon, when I tried to incorporate creative writing and my decidedly unorthodox worldview. It was around that time that I started to do more research. For a while I considered myself pagan-undecided and cast a few spells as a witch, worshipping a Goddess who resembled Alanis Morissette from Dogma as the Mother of Christ, an enlightened man. Eventually I realized that, despite my qualms about sharing a religion with those who believed in Hell, a faith that I could never reconcile myself with, and the concept of sin, I could not take my faith away from the idea of the Trinity and Jesus Christ. I considered Gnosticism for a while, but that too seemed wrong. An interest in witchcraft left over from my fluffy days and desire for ritual, paired with my Christo-centric beliefs and inspiration from reading the novel Quo Vadis, about Christianity in ancient Rome, provided the basis for a few months as a Christian Witch. I really thought I had found a perfect fit; I had reconciled my love of ritual with unorthodox Christianity. This was ninety-nine percent right, but not perfect. My definition of magic was ritual; I never cast spells as much as symbolic prayer. It simply didn't feel right to me. I began to look deeper into my love of magic. It wasn't the "power" that I liked; it was the smell of the incense and the sight of the flickering candles, all arranged and charged with meaning. My rituals were unions with God, not energy manipulation and whatever power there was came from God, not from me. It was not magic; it was mysticism. This led me to discover Catholicism. It seemed to me, in spite of a belief in Hell that, at least, was slightly subdued from the "fundies" I had encountered, to be what was right. I believed in the basics of Christianity: Jesus was divine, God was good and a Creator, an artist who longed for beauty in His world (a theme inspired by Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray) and a father who wanted to love His children, the Trinity existed, Mary was a virgin, Jesus’ message of love was supreme, and the rituals, such as the literal belief in transubstantiation, seemed to make Catholicism the closest things to my beliefs. I still practice rituals at home, and that is an important part of my spirituality. But still, as a mortal who is as yet unenlightened, I'm still learning. A Sample Devotional/Petitioning To Perform 1. Choose a day and time associated with whatever you are asking for. 2. Perform a symbolic action, like turning on a light, which symbolizes entering into the spiritual mentality. 3. Light sandalwood, lotus, or lavender incense for spirituality, along with a candle of the appropriate color for what you want. 4. Take a bowl of water. In it mix herbs and oils corresponding to your desire. 5. Place symbolic tarot cards for your desire in front of the altar. I also recommend the Queen of
Cups as good symbolism for God. 6. Take three glasses/chalices of water, along with a pitcher. Pour water into the first cup, symbolizing God the Father containing divine essence. From this cup, pour water into the other two cups, representing the Son and Holy Spirit/Sophia, but always leave a little bit in the first cup. Keep on replenishing the first cup and pouring almost all of the water into the other cups until all three are filled. This is symbolic of God, with an infinite amount of divine essence, giving "birth" to the other two parts of the Trinity, which now also contain divine essence. 7. Let the smoke from the incense pass through the Tarot cards, and then through the watersymbolic mixture. Anoint yourself with this water, and pray for your desire. Ask for divine blessings. 8. When and if you feel the reply of God giving you His blessing, take some of the "Holy" water and anoint yourself with this, feeling His divine love overcoming you. 9. Perform a closing ritual and symbolic action.
Christian Witchcraft Recently, witchcraft has become almost solely thought of as the domain of Pagans and Paganism. Many people think of the Earth-based Neopagan religion Wicca when they hear the word witchcraft. This all started in the 1950s when Gerald Gardener proclaimed the Wiccan religion as The Olde Religion and started calling it Witchcraft. Both of these alternative names are incorrect. The Olde Religion speaks of Paganism, traditional Pagansim, as a whole and Witchcraft is a very old craft that includes many things. Practices such as divination, herbal healing, and alchemy are all under the subject of Witchcraft and the domain of witches. These things, like reading tarot cards, crystal gazing, and using herbs to heal are not associated with any religion. Many people seem to think you cannot be Christian and a Witch, however you can. Christians have many systems of magick nearly custom tailored for them. You do not have to be of a certain religion to meditate, practcie divination, or any other sudject of witchcraft and nor must you worship the Wiccan God and Goddess. Should you wish to Christianise a certain ritual or spell you can substitue the God or Goddess names for the name of a saint or simply with God or Jesus or Mary. You do not have to be a Pagan to practice witchcraft.
Saint Magick If you've been here before, you'll notice this page has changed. I have added more in depth information on some of the saints I am more familiar with. The older page has more saints, however less indepth. If you would like the old page, Click here. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the newer page and the indepth format. Saints are helpful when they are prayed too. Some saints even have rituals which are specifically for them. There are saints with their own sacred places, items, and even objects. When I was younger a common spell I heard was "something's lost, can't be found. Please Saint Anthony look around!" when objects went missing around the house. As well as that, there are Saint Joseph statues to bury in your yard whenever you wish to sell your home and The Virgin Mary statues many people set outside their homes for protection! Saint magick is a very powerful form of magick, and an ideal practice for a practising Christian.
The Infant Jesus of Prague
25 December
Red or Orange
Special requests, guidance, wisdome, health, and surgery
The Infant Jesus of Atocha
25 December
Gold or Yellow
Court matters, law matters, and sickness
Freedome from binding situations and protection against evil.
Calming anger, fidelity in marriage, finding love, and speical
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Grace
13 May
21 January
Our Lady of Guadelupe
12 December
Our Lady of Charity
8 September
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
8 December
Our Lady of Loretto
10 December
Our Lady of Lourdes
11 February
Our Lady of Mercy
24 September
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
27 November
First of the month
White, Pink, or three colours: Green, white, and red.
Sickness, help, luck for the month, and peace. She is patroness of the Americas and Mexico.
Protection of family and home, bring new love, or money, and return love.
Fertility, general health, and help in sickness.
Protection when traveling by place, peace in the home, and help in finding a place to live. Patroness of Aviators.
Help to regain health and special favours
Needed justice and release from jail.
Blue and White
Breaking bad habits, averting danger, health, and special favours
Our Lady of Hope
1 August
Enemies and protection in times of war
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
7 March
White or Blue
Protection of Children
Fertility, money problems, and protection of children
White or Brown
Invoke protection from sudden death or accidents. Patroness of Chile
Sickness, epidemics, and to bring change. Patroness of Louisiana.
White or Blue. A Lamb.
To find a mate, sincerity in relationships, and problems with fertility.
Our Lady of Relga
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Prompt Succor
Saint Agnes
7 September
16 July
1 August
21 January
Saint Ana/Anne/Ann
26 July
Helpt for the deaf or blind. Patroness of housewives, women in labour, cabinet makers, and Canada.
Saint Barbara
4 December
Red. A twer
A protector of women, drives
away evil, protection during storms, and for love problems. Patroness of builders, artillery, architects, and storms.
Saint Maria Goretti
Saint Brigid (Bride) of Kildare
Saint Claire of Assasi
6 July
1 February
11 August
Concerning fideilty in marriage and abusive relationships.
Yellow. A Cow
Protection from fire, fertility, childbrith, love, animals, and husbandry. Patroness of Ireland and dairy workers.
White. A Monstrance.
Help with drug or alcohol problems and protection against evils of body and soul
Saint Catherine of Alexandria
25 November
Yellow or White. A Wheel
Fertility, love, beauty, femininity, healing, jealousy, dreams, and visions. Patroness of jurors, philosophers, and teachers.
Saint Dymphna
15 May
Blue. Sword or a book with a sharmrock crest
Family, Nervous disorders,
afflictions, obsession, insanity, demons, and family.
Saint Cecilia
22 November
Green and the organ
Success for composers, poets, singers, and organ makers. Patroness of those also.
Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini
13 November
Health and education
Red or Pink. A cross.
Return of love, love, and overcoming of sadness. Patroness of archaeologists.
Grey. Suit of Armour
For courage, freedom from containin situations, and to overcome enemies. Patroness of France.
White. Two eyes in a dish
Tempations, eye problems, and legal problems
Green and White. A dragon.
Money problems, domestic problems, to draw love, to keep a partner faithful, and beat ememties.
Saint Helen of Jerusalem
18 August
Saint Joan of Arc
30 May
Saint Lucy
13 December
Saint Martha
29 July
Patroness of housekeepers, happy homes, innkeepers, and dieticians.
Saint Philomena
Saint Rita of Cascia
Saint Therese of Lisieux
Saint Anthony of Padua
Saint Alphonsus Liguori
11 August
22 May
1 October
13 June
1 August
Pink or Green. An anchor
Expectant mothers, priests, child problems, unhappiness in the home, the sick, money problems, mental illnes, and sterility.
White. Wound on forehead.
Abusive relationships, healing wounds, loneliness, and tumours. Patroness of hopeless cases.
Yellow. Roses.
Drug and alcohol problems and protection from enemies.
Depends on the request:: green for money, brown for special requests, and orange for marriage.
To find lost items, improve memory, love or marital problems, bring back strayed love, and overcome financial problems.
Arthritus, gout, rheumatic fever, and ailments that afflict muscles,
bones, and/or joints.
Saint Aloysius
21 June
Saint Bartholomew
24 August
Saint Benedict
Saint Alex/Alexis/San Alejo
Saint Florian
Saint Christopher
11 July
17 July
4 May
25 July
Epidemics, plagues, and invoking cases for fevers
Red. Butcher knife
Protection against violence, surgery, and truth
White. Raven and brandy cup
Kidney disease, protection against infections disease, ending fevers, safe labour, healing sick animals, and assistance at a time of death. patron of monks
Pink. Crucifix
To keep enemies away and patron saing of Beggers and Alexian Brothers
Red or Orange. A burning hose.
To protect the home against fire and protection from danger.
For protection against accidents, sudden death, and safe travel. Also to cure contagious diseases. Patron
saint of travelers.
Saint Gerard Majella
Saint Francis of Assiasi
Saint George
16 October
4 October
23 April
White. Crucifix and Lily
To become pregnant, for expectant mothers, ecstasies, channeling, prophecy, mediumship, and healing. Also for when falsey accused.
Brown. Sitgmata
Peace, detection of evil plots, conservation, and animals.
Red. Shield with white cross. The dragon.
To overcome jealousy, fear, and skin problems. Also the patron saint of England.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
31 July
White. The Book and plums.
To protect the home from intruders and evil spirits.
Saint Joachim
26 July
Green. Two doves seated in a basket.
For a faithful husband.
Saint John Bosco
31 January
For temporal needs, problems with children, and for students.
Saint Joseph
19 March
Yellow. Lily
For protection, finding employment, to
end famine, selling a home, married couples, and happy death.
Saint Jude
Saint Patrick
28 October
17 March
Red, white, and green. Medal and a staff
For impossilbe or hopeless cases, help against drug addictions, and to get out of jail.
White. Shamrock and Snakes
Against snakebite, for prosperity, luck, guidance, and spiritual wisdom. Patron Saint of Ireland To stop gossip and the protection of unborn children.
Saint Raymond Nonnatus
31 August
Red. Monstrance and a plam with two crowns.
Saint Thomas Aquinas
28 January
White. Star.
To improve memory, exams.
Red, purple, and green.
For deleverance from enemies, protection from evil, victory, and protection of the home and business
For safe journey, reunited with loved ones, to cure all sickness, keep out evil spirits, and to
Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint Raphael the Archangel
29 September
29 September
protect from possession, and for any time of need.
Christian Candle Magick There are many forms of Christian witchcraft. While Christians certainly can use the candle magick system I have already mentioned on this webpage, there is a more specifically Christian system some may want to use more. Many spiritual stores and Catholic Supply stores carry Seven Day Vigil lights. These candles may or may not be dedicated to certain saints, however should you wish to work with a saint there is no candle for most people use one that matches the colour. Like any spell, be sure to match the candle to the spell you are working. Also, these candles are not ordinary candles and will burn much longer. You cannot replace them and have the same effect you would with a seven day vigil candle. When the candle is first lit, should it emit a black smoke it is beginnin to remove negative energy from your desire. Once the smoke becomes white, your prayer will be answered. A strong flame indicates the candle is working with a lot of energy to bring about an answer to your prayer; the stronger the flame the more rapidly the prayer will manifest. A low or weak flame indicates that the candle is slowly working to remove an obstacle or answer your desire. Jumping flames indicate spiritual warfare on your behalf. Should the smoke blow towards you, your prayer has been acknowledged. If the smoke blows away from you it's a sign that you will need perseverance to obtain your desire. Smoke turning toward your right is a sign you need more patience; success will come through using your head; towards the left means you are becoming too emotionally involved with the situation and are in danger of subconsciously sabotaging your prayer. If the candle crackles, the saint is pleading for your case on your behalf, the stronger the crackling the stronger your opposition. Should you notice the glass breaking, whatever was working agianst you (curses, bad luck, etc.) has broken. The glass of the candle also may affect your reading of the
spell. If the glass of the candle remains clear as it burns, despite opposition, your prayer will be granted. If the glass begins to turn black at the top, but clears at the bottom this means someone is working against you. The darker the glass, the stronger the opposition; however this does not mean your prayer will not be answered, try not to give in to negative thoughts. Should the glass turn black the whole way down you have major obstacles blocking you from your goal. Maybe an uncrossing for yourself would be a good idea; this may indicate you are a victim of black magick. If this is the case, a stronger counter than candles is probably a good idea. Working with these candles is quite simple really. Set them upi n a line on your altar, also use a saint candle in front of a picture of the saint you are invoking to help. It's tradition to leave these candles burning continuously until they burn themselves out. Do NOT touch the glass of the candles, it will be much too hot to touch. Before you begin burnning set the candle in a bowl or metal pan in cale the glass breaks so it won't drip all over. However, the glass breaking is rare because it's usually very thick. In most traidional cases zodiac or astral candles are not used with vigil lights. The name of the person/people involved is written on paper and the paper is then placed under the candle or taped to the side. Name
Adam & Eve
Red or Pink
Pink is used to initate friendship or love, red is used to bring two people closer together
Ajo Macho
To restore health
Allan Kardec
Two coloured, gold and green
Good fortune, to turn away evil
To find lost items, bring back lost love, and for peace to those mentall
Anima Sola (lonely soul)
disturbed. Also, should be burned if there is a spirit in the home.
All purpose candle used for attracting love and other things; including money, health, or to keep a person attracted to you
Seven day bayberryscented candle for money drawing and to keep prosperity within a home.
Black Cat
Black or White
To change bad luck to good luck
Black Tobacco
This is a Voudoun candle containng herbs along with black tobacco used to win court cases.
Block Buster
Two colour candle, either dark with black, gold and pink, or pink and green. Situation determines colour.
All block buster candles are used to break up any kind of working, spells, curses, etc. someone has cast against you.
Break Up
White, Black, or Red
Breaks up any kind of love affair or friendship. Black can
be used witht he white to substitue for a grey. Red is good for creating strife and arguments between people.
Pink, Gold, or Green
Pink is for marriage, green of health and harmony, and gold for wealth.
Good fortune, luck in love and lust
Chango Macho
Change bad fortune into good fortune.
Come to Me
To bring a person to you, or bun with Fast Luck candle if you wish for luck.
To gain power over or control a person or situation
Orange (only)
Mostly the same as Commanind but directed toward controllingp people.
Cross of Caravaca
Also known as "the wishing cross" use with tonka bean to bring good luck and open your roads.
General protection
Saviour Don Pedrito
Red or White
Burned in times of sickness.
Revenge, to give bad luck.
To delay a court case.
Fast Luck
Green, or two coloured: Gold and Green, Green and Pink
To Bring Luck
Get Away
Two coloured: Black and Red
To send someone away from you and keep them there.
High John Conquerer
Draw money, coquer another, or good forune
Holy Trinity
Protection against evil, to escape jail.
Indian Spirit
Burnt as an offering to Indian Spirits for protection, courage, and to turn away black magick.
Gambling luck.
For control and domination over others.
King Solomon
Many purposes. Love, money, health, etc. When burned with other candles will only represent the one desire you need at that time.
Nino Fidencio
Burned to invoke the saint for a general protection.
Three combinations: White and Black, Black and Red, Green and Black.
To reverse or send back black magick, bad luck, against envy, the evil eye, or someone interfering with your love life.
Three Skulls
Black, Red, or White
Evil doings, Peace, or Love
Purple or White
To remove negative or crossed conditions.
There are other purposes though where you may need to make a candle yourself. These are plain seven day vigial candle correspondences. To make the positive candle represent the negative qualities (sort of reverse it) add black wax on top of that candle. The negative things must be made my you in this way. As with any magick, charge your materials for your desire before use! Colour
Breaks crossed conditions and curses
Impurity, timidity, weakness,
corruption, devility, impotence, and infirmity
Represents honour, morality, friendship, love, and overcomes evil.
Love, lust, sexuality, and passion
Anger, anarchy, cruelty, hatred, revenge, violence, and war
Ability to concentrate, attraction, and strenght
Inconsistency, cowardice, distrust, adultery, and perfidy
Yellow or Gold
Attraction, charm, confidence, persuasion, and joy.
Decay, adultery, lack of ambition, and disease and illness.
Luck, fertility, money, good crops, and harvest
Envy, avarice, disharmony, resentment, suspicion, jealousy, and greed
Health, tranquility, general happiness, peace, and understanding.
Lack of emotions, apathy sorrow, tears, loss of love, depression, and frigidity.
Power, tension, ambition, and expansion of what you already have
Grey (if unavailable black and white together may be used)
Stalemate and cancellation
Uncertainty, hesitation, and doubt
Loss, mourning, confusion, sadness, and discord
Seven Colours
General love, luck, and health
Psalms Psalms have been used with candle burning for prayer works. Though the psalm may not have a connection with the problem it has been kabbalistically they have been shown to change the condition.
Psalms for Illness or Pain: 2 - For sever headaches 3 - For frequent headaches or backache 6 - For healing various diseases or pain in the eyes 9 - To restore health of a male child 12 - To protect from major injury or danger 13 - For serious eye problems 15 - For those with mental illness or depression 18 - When a sick person is having difficulty recovering
20 - Protection from danger or pain for twenty-four hours 37 - For safety while under the influence of alcohol 49 - To aid a person with a difficult fever 67 - To remove fever brought on by negative influences 84 - To remove body odors from a long illness 89 - For a quick recover from a long wasting illness 91 - For those troubled with incurable disease `02 - To cure a three day type fever 106 - For fevers lasting three days 107 - For fevers lasting one day 119:121-128 - For pain in the left hand or arm 119:1-8 - For those with palsy whose limbs quiver 119:81-88 - For swelling or infection to the right side of teh nose 119:57-64 - To relieve pain in the torso 119:25-32 - To cure or remove pain from an injury to the left eye 119:17-24 - To restore eyesight to an injurted person 119:145-152 - To heal an injury to the left leg 119:97-104 - For pain or paralysis to the right hand or arm 119:129-136 - For swelling or infection to the left side of the nose 119:153-160 - For pain and infection from a boil in the right ear 119:161-168 - For sever headaches 119:49-56 - For those who are spiteful or depressed
For Business: 8 - To secure a good business partnership/relationship 36 - To protect from unjust defamation of character 108 - For success in all business dealings 114 - For success in your business or your occupation
Concerning Bab Habits: 56 - To be free of excessive habits of passion and to rid oneself of temptation of the senses 137 - To release deep rooted hate, envy, or spite from the heart
Dealing with Enemies:
7 - To overcome an enemy plotting in secret against you 9 - To protect against the power of an evil enemy 44 - To be safe from hostile people 48 - To overcome people who hate you out of envy. To strike fear in your enemies.
Friendship Issues: 47 - To be liked by all 85 - To be ronciled with a former lover or friend (say with 123)
Marriage: 45-46 - To have peace between husband and wife 113 - To resolve disloyalty of a mate 139 - To keep and increase love and marriage 140 - To remove increasing hate between husband and wife
Pregnancy: 1 - To prevent premature delivery 10 - For problmes with delivery in pregnancy 33 - To protect a child's life at the time of their birth 102 - For women who find it difficult to conceive (say with 103) 127 - To protect an unborn from evil influences or natativity 128 - To have a safe pregnancy and delivery
School and Study: 134 - For those entering college/University 119:9-16 - To improve your memory. To broaden the intelligence and increase the desire to learn. 19 - To be able to learn and study easily.
The Many Faces of Christianity There are many forms of Christianity. From Catholism to Protestant denominations there are great differences in ideas and practices. However, loosely defined to be a Christian you
must accept Jesus Christ as your savuoir. This is how I define Christiantiy, and for the sake of simplicity this is what this section the site will focus on. I can only list a few denominations here but hopefully will add as I can. Roman Catholic Christianity - Also called "Catholic" but this is it's more official name. The Roman Catholic Church is the original Christian Chruch. I have a seperate page on the Catholic Chruch and it's beliefes, and another on it's history, because it is such a great amount of information. Eastern Orthodox - This denomination was formed early on in the history of the Church. It is found in Greece, Serbia, Russia, and most of Eastern Europe and the Eastern Roman Empire. This is a conservative church and was formed after the Pentacost by the Apostles. They believe the Bible is God's inspired word, but not exactly in "the Bible;" overall they believe in God. This denomination uses Holy Icons which are pictures as reminders of the Presence and glory of God. In Orthodox temples there are no statues however you will find icons. (Some more information can be found on the Catholic History page.) The Amish - The Amish began as a sect of the Swiss Mennonites and was founded by Jacob Amman. Amman based his beliefs and practices on the writings of Menno Simons and the Mennonite Dordrecht Confession of Faith (1632). In the 1720's many Amish settled in Lancaster County, PA and some groups moved to Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, New York, Illinois, and Missouri also. They have tried to preserve the elements of the European rural culture of the 17th century and reject most developments of modern society. They are a concervative faith and their belifes are the same as those of Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christian churches, a literal
interpretation of the Bible and baptism are two examples. Some belifes unique to this group are: their belife in remaining separate from the rest of the world, rejection of involvement with warfare or the military, traditionally avoided attempts to seek converts although recently some groups have become actively evangelical, and the Ordnung is an oral tradition that regulates the Amish way of life, details will differe among different church districts. Another interesting thing about the Amish is they have no centralised Amish organisation. Some practices among traditional gropus of Amish are: members usuallyu speak a German dialect called "Pensylvania Dutch" (Deutsch) and High German is used durning worship while at school they learn English, the schools are one room buildings run by the Amish and formal education beyond 8th grade is discouraged though many youth are given further education at home after they have completed 8th grade, members do not own or use automobiles, electricity, radios, or televisions, they celebrate traditional Christian holy days and observe a Fast Day on the 11th or October. Marriages outside the faith aren't allowed and couples who plan to marry are "published" in late October and they are married in one of their homes during November or early December. According to laws of the Hebrew Scriptures men grow beards but do not grow mustaches, and usually dress in plan, dark coloured suits. Women usually wear plain coloured dresses with long sleeves, a bonnet, and an apron; if they are married women wear a white prayer covering, if she is single it is black. Women are usually buried in their bridal dress, often a blue or purple. Funerals take places in the home without flower decorations, eulogies, or other display with plain,unadorned caskets and simple tombstones. Religious services are held in members homes biweekly on Sunday and meet in a different home each week. They do not take photographs. Nor do they collect social security,
pension plans, unemployment insurance, or welfare; they maintain mutual aid funds for members who need help with medical costs and the like. Christan Science - Christian Science was founded by Mary Morse Baker Eddy, who studied alternative medicine, in 1870. This church is based on the teachings and words of Jesus Christ. There is no orgaisation creed but seeking and finding God is a large part of this practice. Christian Scientists daily study the Bible and Science and Health. The Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints This is the chruch of the Mormons. Mormons are a conservative Protestant Christian group. They follow the "Word of Wisdowm" and do not smoke; they also avoid black teas, harmful drugs (ecspecially abused prescription drugs and street drugs), coffee, and alcohol. Some Mormons even avoid caffeinated sodas. There are about 68 Mormon temples worldwide and aren't open to the general public. Members must have a personal "temple recommend" from their biship before attenting one. Unlike most conservative Christian groups the Mormons discourage rather than support the spanking of children. They support huge missionary movements and dedicate two years of their life to seeking converts. It is rare for a Morman to date a person not of their faith and about 70% of the population of Utah is Mormon. Mormans believe in the truthfulness of the Bible as it was originally recorded by the books' authours, atonement, resurrection, tithing, and the influence of angels and of Satan and his demons. They oppose equal rights for homosexuals and women's access to abortion. Community of Christ - This Chruch was formally known as the Reorganised Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or RLDS. They were
organised in 1860 in Amboy, IL but finally settled in Independence, MO in 1920 after many moves. They do not refer to themselves as "Mormans" because they do not believe this was a part of the original church and it's associats with polygamy. The temple was dedicated in Independence, MO in 1994. Unlikes the LDS they do not baptise or marry by proxy their ancestors, they reject the "Eternal Progression" theory, they reject the sexism of the LDS (Women have been ordained since 1984), and they reject polygamy (and always have). They see God as teh "eternal Creator, source of love, life, and truth." They believe in Jeusu Christ, and his crucifixion and resurrection. Salvation and eternal life in heaven after death are available to those who accept the gospel; those who do not accept the gospel will have a second opportunity after their death. God's revelation expands in the present day. There are eight sacraments: the blessing of children, adult baptism by immersion and the laying on of hands, confirmation of membership, the Lord's supper (communion), marriage, administration to the sick, ordination, and the evangelists blessing. Gnosticism - Gnosticism is a philosophical and religious movement that started in pre-Christian times. They claim to have secret knowledge about God, the rest of the universe, and humanity. It was one ot the three main belief systems in the 1st centruy Christianity. This faith was remembered for it's unusal beliefs about Gods, the Bible, and the world that was different from other Christian groups, it's religious tolerance, and lack of discrimination against women. They believed they alone really understood Christ's message and other streams of Christianity had misinterpreted Jesus' sayings and mission, knowledge had a redeeming and liberating function that helped the individual bread free of bondage to the world, the Supreme Father of God (or Supreme God of
Truth) is remote from human affairs. God created a series of supernatural finite beings called Aeons, one was Sophia, a virgin, who gave birth to a defective, inferior Creator-god called Demiurge. The lower God created the earth and its life forms. Another beliefe is the spirit is of divine origin and good, the body is inherently earthly and evil. Salvation is attained by learning secret knowledge of their spiritual essence; a divine spark of light or spirit. Humanity was also divied into three groups: the spirtiual, who would be saved irrespective of their behaviour on earth, the Soulish, who could be saved if they followed the Gnostic path, and the Carnal, who were a lost cause. An interesting thing to note is that many Gnostic texts were written by, or attributed to, women. Mary Magdelene played an important role in many Gnostic writings, sometimes second only to Jesus. Both male and female images were used for the Supreme God. In some Gnostic groups members were expected to remain celibate while in others ritual sex magick was practiced. Quakers - Also called the Religious Friends of Society. The Religious Society of Friends rely heavily on spiritual searching by individual members, individual congregations and meetings. Some basic belifes of the founder, George Fox, were: every man and woman has direcet access to God and that no priests or churches are needed, every person is of equal worth, there is no need in one's religious life for elaborate ceremonies, rituals, creeds, dogma, gowns, or the like, and following the inward light would lead to spiritual development and towards individual perfection. He also encouraged his followers to worship in silence. Longstanding Quaker belifes are simplicity, pacifism,a nd inner revelation. Many do not see the Bible as the only source of belief and conduce and rely upon their intuition and take advantage of science and pholosophy.
Seventh-Day Adventist Chruch - Seventh-day Adventists follow most conventional conservative Christian belifes such as: the creation, fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, origiinal sin, the virgin birth, divinty of Christ, nature of the Trinity, belife in Satan, the scriptures, the resurrection, salvation by the atonement of Christ, and the like. However Ellen White is recognised as a phrophet. They deny the concept of "innate immortality" and believe people are not naturally immortal; when a person is dead they are unconscious until resurrected eternal life is a gift God gives only to righteous Christians, and that the second coming of Christ is immiment. They observe Saturday (from sundown Firday to sunset Saturday) as the sabbath. Baptism into church is done by full immersion. Members are expected to abstain from tea, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco and avoiding red meat. Members are also expected to dres simply and modestly. They should only watch uplifiting entertaiment and avoid "worldly amusements" like dance adn theater. Inter-faith marriages are discouraged. Divorces are only premitted under certain conditions (adultery/fornication or abandonment by an unbelieving spouse, or physical violece. Adultery/fornication includes child sexual abuse, homosexual behavior, and incest. Abandonment by a fellow SDA member is not grounds for divorce. Remarriage is only allowed if one's spouse is guilty of fornication/adultery. United Pentecostal Church International - There are many non-traditional beliefs in this church. They believe that the ability to speak in tongues is a necessary indication of a valid religious conversion and deny the legitimacy of the conversion of "born again" Christians from other denominations where tounges are rarely if ever spoken. As with other "oneness pentecostals"
they baptise in the name of Jesus Christ only. Also they believe anyone not baptised in the name of Jesus only will not be accepted into heaven upon death. They reject the traditional concept of the Trinity and do no believe God is composed of three persons. Their service includes footwashing and members are forbidden to join the Masonic Order and other "secret societies." Members are not allowed to attend movies or watch televisoin. Strict dress and hair codes are followed, especialy for women.
The Angel Hierarchy Angels are a pretty accepted fact in Islam, Judaism, and Christianty. They are considered to be mindless, bodieless spirit entities that who prefom various services for God or for people on God's behalf. They are considered to be "good" and are frequently mentioned in the Bible, Koran, and Torah. Angels are classified by rank. Each type of angel has a different duty. There are three tirads of angles. The First The The Third Triad Second Triad (highest) Triad (lowest) The The Seraphim Dominions Principalities The The Cherubim Virtues Archangels The Thrones The Angels Powers
The First Triad Seraphim Seraphs are the highest order of God's Angels. They stand by God's throne chanting "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His Glory" (Isaiah 6:3) or "Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh." These are being of pure light and thought and have direct communication with God. They appear with six wings
and four heads glowing with the Fire of Love. There are only four Seraphim according to Enoch which correspond to the four directions or winds. It was later interpreted that this means there are four princes who rule over the Seraphim. These four are Gabriel, Kemuel, Nathanael, and Matatron or Satan. There are passages which refer to Seraphim as "fiery serpents." There is a lot of confusion in the ranks of angels and some of the Seraphim are also considered Archangels; despite that Archangles are ranked signficiantly lower than the Seraphim. Metraon is identified as Satan, Prince of Darkness, or "old dragon" sometimes and is said ot have thrity-six wings and many eyes. Cherubim "On the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to tree of life." (Genesis 3:24) The Hebrew word "kerub" is usually transalted as "one who intercedes" but it may also mean "knowledge." The Karibu were the terrible, monstrous guardians of the temples and palaces in Sumer and Babylon. There were similiar guardians in the Near East and there were winged, eagle-headed deities that guarded the Assyrian Tree of Everlasting Life. These are said to have four faces and four wings. In Exodus 25 it is said the Ark was to be decorated with Cherubim but Samuel 4:4 states the Lord is "enthroned between the cherubim" on the Ark. Thrones The Thrones are also known as Galgalin or Ophanim. They are God's actual chariots. Galgal in Hebrew means both "pupil of the eye" and wheels. They are said to reside either in the third or fourth heaven. They inhabit a region in which Heaven meets Earth. Raphael is thought to be their ruling Prince.
The Second Triad The Dominions These are the angels that "regulate" angels' duties
according to Dionysius. They are described as Lords, Kuriotetes, Hashmallim, or Dominions. They reside in the second heaven, the same place where the celestial letters of the Holy Name are. There ruling Princes are said to be Muriel, Yahriel, Zadkiel, and Hashmal (also known as Chasmal or the "fire speaking angel"). The Virtues Also called Tarshishim, Dunamis, and Malakim they are known as "The Brilliant or Shining Ones." These are the angels that bestow blessings usually in the form of miracles. These are the angels which escorted Christ to Heaven during the Ascension. They were also present at the birth of Cain according to the Book of Adam and Eve. The leaders are said to be Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Bariel, Trashish, and before his fall Satanel. The Powers Also known as the Authorities, the Potentiates, and the Dynamis they are said to have been the first angels created by God. They reside along the border between the first and second heavens. It is their job to guard against demons. The leader of the order is Camael who's name means "he who sees God." The Magus suggests that he is one of the seven angels who stands in the presence of God. Camael is said to have the body of a lepard. Another intersteing fact is that Camael is also identified as a Duke of Hell. Some people associate him with the god of war, Mars. He is a commander of Vengeance, Punishment, Destruction, and Death and as Kemuel a mediator between Israel and the Hierarchs of teh seventh heaven. Camael is said to be the angel who wrestle Jacob, appeard to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsmane, and tried to prevent Moses from receiving the Torah from God. It is the powers who guide the soul. They are the angels who attempt to balance the good and bad in hopes the bad will not overpower the good leaving the individual to fall to the darker sie. They also guide soulds who have left the body and lost their way.
The Third Triad
The Principalities These are the angels who are in charge of great cities and nations on Earth. Later they were interprated as the protectors of religion. There is no one leader, but many possiblitiels. One possible leader is Nisrock; an Assyrian diety sometimes considered the chief chef to the Demon Princes of Hell. Anael, one of the seven angels of creation, is another possiblity. Anael is governor of the second heaven and associated with human sexuality. Another Principalitie is Hamiel, the angel who transported Enoch to Heave (despite that he is called the Chaldean diety Ishtar). Cervil, the Prince of Strenght who helped David to slay Goliath is also a principalitie. Archangels In Chrisitan and Jewish traditions there are seven Archangels, however, in the Koran there are only four. Also in the Koran, only two of the four archangels are named. The two named are Michael and Jibril (Gabriel). There is a difference in who the Jewish and Chrisitan sources in who they are named. They do agree that Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Michael are archangles. The three other archangles are either Remiel, Sarile, Raziel, Raguel, Anael, and Metatron. The archangles are in a constant battle with the Sons of Darkness. They are the m ost important intercessionaries between God and Man. Angels The Angels are the last order of the hierarchy. The angels are intermediaries between Man and God. The term "angel" comes from the Greek "angelos." The Greek took "angelos" from the Persian "angaros"which means couirer from the Sanskrit "angeres." Finally we come to the Hebrew word "mal'akh" which means "a messenger."
The Black Madonna Just to clarify, there are two kinds of "black madonnas" in the world today. There are
Black Madonnas, and black Madonnas. For the latter, another term for these figures is "intercultural" Madonnas. These figures are not what will be discussed on these pages. These images are important in that they show the unirversiliaty of Christ and Christianity. Some of these images are recently created by many individuals of varying backgrounds. Other black Madonna images are much older created in Africa and these images have been for the most part largely ignored. The Black Madonnas discussed here are statues or paintings of mainly medieval origin of dark coloured or black features whose exact origines are unknown or difficult to determine. The prominence of the Black Madonna is said to be due to the miraculous character of the image. They are popular among the faithful and hundreds exist at various shrings. Some well known Black Madonnas exist at Our Lady of the Hermits in Einsidedeln, Switzerland, Our Lady of Jasna Gora (Czestochowa, Poland), Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexic City, Mexico), and Our Lady of Tindari in Sicily. Many authours used to equate the "Black Virgins" to pagan goddess images of similiar appearance, however recently feminist writers have suggested that the Black Madonna is indicative of a perspective on Mary not strongly emphasized in traditional Christian belifes. Whatever their purpose, they have proved to be devotional aids for many people. Important early studies of dark images in France were done by Emile Saillens, Jacques Huynen, and Marie Durand-Lefebvre. The first notable study of them in English was presented by Leonard Moss in 1952. Based on a study of about a hundred samples from all over the world, Moss gave three categories for the images: I. Dark brown or black madonnas with skin pigmentation and features matching that of the indigenous population. II. Various forms of art that have turned black as a result of physical factors (like accumulated smoke from the use of votive candles, accumulation of grime over time, and deterioration of lead-based pigment for example). III. No explanation. A percentage of black images falls into the first group, which seems obvious. African features accompany dark colour in African images. The second explanation is also cited often and it applies to some Black Madonnas. An example of this is the statue of Our Lady of the Hermits in Einsiedeln, Switzerland. However, some images dark colour is left unaccounted for. Artistic liscense is of course a popular theory. One strong theory as to why these images where darkened intentionally is to illusrate "I am black but beautiful" from the Song of Songs. This is supported by the fact that many black madonnas exist in France and are dated to around the Crusades when Bernard of Clairvaux wrote many commentaries on the Canticales. It is also said he visited many shrines of the Black Madonna. Another likely theory is that the Black Madonna is an ancient earthgoddess who was integrated into Christianity. This is supported in that many goddesses were depicted as black. Ceres and Isis for example were depicted as black. Ceres is the Roman goddess of agricultrual fertility (her Greek counterpart is Demeter). Being an earth mother, and the best and most fertile soil being black, this theory could be tied together. Many other
practices and dieties were placed in Christian terms so this is likely.
Astrology and Tarot Have you ever felt as if you were unconsciously driven to live your life in a specific way, even though you think you'd rather not? Have you ever been fascinated with a certain profession – to the point where you'll defy everyone around you to follow it? To answer could be "karma." What you have or haven't done in previous lifetimes is at the root. But if you're not aware of this, you can feel as if you're not in control of your own life. A young man once demanded to know why his former girlfriend had elected to become a nun. Her answer? "I have no choice." The unconscious mind – especially when it stretches back over millennia – is the most complex and bewildering factor in our world. Your Sun Sign provides a clue, however, and can help shed a little light on your karma. The main point to remember is that extremes in one life need to be balanced in another one.
Aries: In previous lifetimes, you always did the proper thing. You ate, dressed, worked, and lived just the way everyone else did. Conforming made you feel comfortable and accepted, yet at times you went too far, going against your principles because others believed differently. Now you're meant to stand up and be counted. Your point of view, your chosen way of life, is just as valid as anyone else's.
Taurus: You love nice things, but often you deprive yourself of them, even when you can afford it. After all, do you really need to buy that bestseller when you can get it at the library? In several lifetimes, you were, frankly, a miser. You lived like a pauper when you had plenty of money. Now, you need to accept that it's all right to enjoy nice things. They are part of the gifts of the Earth.
Gemini: The simple things in life fascinate you: clouds, flowers, ripples on the creek. You could walk or sit for hours, observing whatever you encounter. Throughout many incarnations, you were a scholar, caught up in higher knowledge: law, philosophy, theology, science. You rarely took the time to notice the simple things – and the profound truths they represent. In this life, you're meant to notice them. Keep it up!
Cancer: You love your home, and there isn't a place on Earth you'd rather be. Your family is top priority and, as a result, you're very deeply loved. But you weren't always this way. There were lifetimes in which you cared about nothing but business. Whether you were a king, a merchant, or a simple farmer, you probably knew your associates better than you knew your family. This lifetime should balance the scales.
Leo: Are you often teased because of your big ego? It's OK! You're meant to acknowledge your own magnificence now, because previous personalities were too busy taking care of the poor and downtrodden. You treated each and every one as if they were part of your own family. Now it's your turn. The secret is to be quietly aware of your strength without coming off as a braggart.
Virgo: Priest, priestess, monk, nun, healer – you've been them all, dedicated to the spiritual life, retiring from the world, though willing to help others in their time of need. In this life, you may have found yourself cast into the world of mundane commerce. You're responsible for administration, management, personnel, and such. You may still long for the cloister, but learn this lesson first.
Libra: Society – and its expectations of you – tends to be very important to you. Your manners are impeccable, you feel most comfortable when you behave in a way that others consider acceptable. In past lives, you didn't. Previous personalities may have been egotistical, arrogant, and somewhat selfish. Therefore, it's your job in this life to behave yourself and to be very nice to everyone.
Scorpio: Do your friends think of you as secretive? Chances are, this is true. You never reveal anything about yourself or anything if there's any way you can avoid it. In long-ago lifetimes, however, you may not have been that way. You probably had very few secrets, sometimes bordering on giving too much information. The lesson to be learned here is to find a balance between the two.
Sagittarius: You enjoy a good time, but often your idea of fun is different from that of your friends. There are times when you'll pass on a good party to attend a lecture on a highly intellectual subject that would bore most people. You probably came to terms with frivolity in lifetimes in which you learned most of what you knew from observing life. You do that still, but you prefer intellectual puzzles.
Capricorn: In spite of the fact that you're a very career-oriented person, there are times when you long to spend all your time at home. This results from previous lives in which your home was your entire world. In this life, you're meant to be successful in the world outside your home – and probably, you are. But don't forget to channel energy into your home as well. Remember, the keyword is balance.
Aquarius: Do your eyes well up with tears when you hear about victims of war or famine, people whom you'll never know, but still feel a connection with? In prior incarnations, you never even thought about these people. Your family and friends were all that you cared about. Now, in this incarnation, you're meant to look beyond your immediate circle and realize that we're all one family. Think about it!
Pisces: As a native of the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, your previous lifetimes have covered almost all the lessons outlined above. The main one for you, however, is embracing spiritual practices and expressing your feelings about life through art. In past lives, you were very practical and down to earth, perhaps too much so. In the present lifetime, you're meant to look above and beyond it all.
Tarot Astrology and the tarot are two ageless, powerful tools for divination and reflection. Combined, they form the ultimate pair for self-discovery. Did you know that each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a Major Arcana tarot card? Knowing your personal card can enhance your astrological knowledge. In addition, you can deepen your self-understanding by learning the card's characteristics, strengths and symbolism. If you have a copy of your natal chart, try the following technique to experience the powerful interaction of astrology and the tarot: First, look at the sign ruling each of the 12 houses in your birth chart. Next, write the name of the corresponding tarot card next to each house cusp. Now, picture the symbol or character of the card "living" in that house, and see your chart really come alive! For a quick introduction to astrology and the tarot, read on for a sign-by-sign correlation. The connections just may surprise you! Aries Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, which begins on the Spring Equinox. Those born under the sign of the Ram are marked by a heated determination to take control. Equally as passionate as they are intelligent, Aries are born leaders with incredibly strong wills.
Tarot Card Associated with Aries: The Emperor
As expected, the Emperor of the tarot is an illustration of the authoritarian side of Aries' personality. The stern commanding figure depicted in the Emperor card represents that same leadership trait common to Rams, as well as their love of power and order. The Emperor carries a vision through the action stages and toward fulfillment. Taurus Notorious for being practical, determined and extremely focused, Taureans can be amazingly stubborn. Usually quite stable, their preoccupation with security can be overwhelming. As a general rule, Bulls enjoy living well, and make excellent educators, teachers and guides.
Tarot Card Associated with Taurus: The Hierophant
The Hierophant is a teacher or sage, and deals with belief systems, social structures, and established organized groups. Typical of Taureans, with their strong sense of remaining true to themselves, the Hierophant is the epitome of ordered things that do not alter over time. This is most apparent in the arena of guarding universal spiritual truths. Gemini The most elusive sign of the zodiac has to be Gemini, the Twins - the sign of duality, complexity and contradiction. Consistency is not one of Gemini's strong areas, yet flexibility and agility are their forte. Although excellent communicators in speech and writing, they can have mercurial moods that change rapidly.
Tarot Card associated with Gemini: The Lovers
With duality so strong in the Gemini personality, the Lovers card is the perfect match. This card signifies the art of making decisions and crucial life choices, where both sides of the picture must be seen. The Lovers applies not only to love relationships and marriages - it pertains to any relationship where people may be drawn together. It is also the card of uncertainty - a familiar Geminian trait. Cancer Cancer, the least clear-cut of the astrological signs, can be imaginative, sensitive, moody, creative and home-loving. Known for being easily hurt, those born under the sign of the Crab tend to be highly receptive to others, and can recall events with great detail. Cancers never forget, and rarely forgive an insult.
Tarot Card associated with Cancer: The Chariot
The Chariot represents the ego and the ability - with the passionate desire - to make dreams or wishes real. Victory over adversity is what the Charioteer races for in the end. Determination, assertiveness, and persistence are all qualities that Cancerians possess, but may not expose publicly. The Chariot also reminds us of the importance of balancing conflicting emotions, triumphing over obstacles, and sustaining an effort to reach a goal. Leo Leo, like the king or queen of the jungle, is proud, dominant, and easily the most forceful of all signs. As expected, Lions are extremely extroverted. Ambitious and courageous, they know what they want, and they thrive on adversity. On the negative side, they tend to be arrogant and stubborn.
Tarot Card associated with Leo: Strength
The Strength card, depicting a gracious queen-like figure and a wild lion, shows that real strength has to be combined with graciousness and gentleness to become a force. It symbolizes inner strength, determination to overcome obstacles, self-knowledge and self-discipline, as only when we know ourselves and act in a responsible manner will we be able to deal with challenging situations and overcome difficulties successfully. In every way, the Strength card corresponds with what it means to be a Leo. Virgo The only sign represented by a woman, Virgos are creative and highly refined. Often they appear as remote, even cold. Calculating and observant, they are shrewd and aristocratic in temperament. Reliable, refined Virgos are patient teachers, and excellent with children.
Tarot Card associated with Virgo: The Hermit
Contrary to popular belief, the Hermit is not solely about isolation. This card represents the search to find one's self. The Hermit also encourages one to seek the truth without interruptions, or pursue a vision without distractions. Like Virgo's temperament, the Hermit symbolizes deliberation about which path to follow, careful assessment of achievements and goals, and taking the time to diligently reflect and plan. Libra Libra is the only sign that is an inanimate object. Considered by some astrologers as the most desired sign, those born under it are perceived as kind, generous, knowledgeable and mellow. They enjoy living well, and place a great value on aesthetics, even if they are quiet about enjoying luxury.
Tarot Card associated with Libra: Justice
The scales represent weighing options (and decision-making is always hard for Libras). The scales on the Justice card are all about making choices. The Justice card is equally concerned with making the right ones with respect to all involved. Based on the realization that life is ultimately fair and just, the Justice card symbolizes balance, harmony, and fairness in our lives - right in line with the karmic destiny of Libra. Scorpio Hands down, Scorpio is the most profound sign of the Zodiac. Although they may appear controlled by their amazing minds, it is their emotions that rule. Like a volcano, the Scorpion can go off without warning. Incredibly deep, Scorpio natives usually have penetrating eyes and magnetic personalities that make them highly desirable.
Tarot Card associated with Scorpio: Death
Initially a nameless card, the Death card very seldom literally means death. Instead it is the image of profound transformation, the ending of one cycle, and the transition into a new state. It symbolizes sudden and inevitable change, death of the old self so that the new consciousness can emerge. Scorpios are driven by their emotions and their demands, and deep, intense, life-altering changes are often the result.
Sagittarius With a reputation for being enterprising, energetic, versatile, and willing to experience whatever comes their way, Sagittarians are ambitious and optimistic. They are also trustworthy, and as a rule generous. With a strong sense of right and wrong, Archers have short fuse, but high principles.
Tarot Card associated with Sagittarius: Temperance
Moderation is the key for temperance. This card represents compromise, cooperation and finding a balance, an area that is a sore spot for those born under the sign of Sagittarius. Not overdoing it is the purpose of this card. In Temperance, an angel between heaven and earth blends different elements into a harmonious substance, which represents a bridge between polarities like heaven and earth, masculine and feminine, beginning and end. Capricorn Stability is a feature common to Capricorns. Serious, independent, rock steady, Sea Goats are confident and hardworking. They finish what they start no matter what happens. They are fair, but can be demanding. Capricorns, ruled by Saturn, are also the keepers of tradition and structure.
Tarot associated with Capricorn: The Devil
Accepting the shadowy side in us can help channel the energetic powers that the Devil represents. By understanding that the chains that tie us down can indeed be lifted by confronting our dark side, and not letting self-hatred and shame take over, we are empowered to be free. Like Capricorn traits, the Devil card warns us that excessive ambition, rigidity, and abuse of power in the emotional as well as the material realm can lead to our downfall.
Aquarius Aquarians come in two types. The first type of Water Bearer is lively and outgoing, nearly exhibitionist. The other type is shy and patient. Capable of being very deep, the latter hide their shyness behind an air of frivolity and lightness. Social settings are a natural for Aquarians, and they like attention.
Tarot card associated with Aquarius: The Star
If Aquarians are hopeful and like to shine, the Star card couldn't be a better match. The Star card is not about rational actions or practical reality. It is about knowing, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that your dreams are attainable, desirable and worth pursuing. Like the encouraging Water Bearer, the Star protects the future and gathers the forces necessary to expand our knowledge and develop emotionally and spiritually. Pisces Pisces are incredibly popular due to their patient, gentle personalities. Easygoing Fishes tend to be more concerned with others than themselves. They can be prone to living in worlds of their own imagination. Intuitive and versatile, they listen well and are open to new ideas.
Tarot card associated with Pisces: The Moon
Wishes and dreams, imagination and illusions are the subjects of the Moon. On the flip side, the Moon can indicate
hidden fears, or continued anxiety. Much like Pisces, who is concerned with things that are beyond the here and now, the Moon card represents those things we desire, and our apprehension in obtaining them. The lessons of the Moon lie in patience, understanding cycles, and trusting one's intuition.
Herbs, Oils, Woods, Incenses, and Foods and Their Magikal Uses Some herbs are extremely hard to get. If you cannot find a particular herb or plant, go the next herb. Most spells or potions require three of the particular herb. If you have the oil, use the oil as substitute. If you have the incense, use the incense. Remember, magik is about accessibility. If you don’t have a particular herb, look for a substitute. Astral/ Spirit People- honeysuckle, lilac, rose, lemongrass, cinnamon, thyme, nutmeg, cypress, dittany, orange, tangerine, hibiscus, lily, poplar, anise, bay, carrot, cloves(banish evil spirit people), garlic (same), hawthorn, juniper(protect), mugwort, tobacco/hemp, deer’s tongue. Balance- Bergamot, birch, benzoin, Chamomile, jasmine Banishing- Lilac, cedar, patchouli, cloves, rose, garlic, salt, eucalyptus, pine, basil, hyssop, rowan, penny royal, Beauty- cat nip, rose, rosemary, clary sage, lavender, lemon, patchouli, sandalwood, cedar, cypress, frankincense, and thyme. Business- Benzoin, cinnamon, basil, dill, ginger, honeysuckle, spearmint. Calm- Lavender, Chamomile Cat Magik-Cat nip Clairvoyance - Honeysuckle, lilac, rose, lemon grass, Cinnamon, thyme, nutmeg, vanilla, rosemary, lily of the valley, sage, chamomile, sandalwood, frankincense, orange, cloves, mugwort Cleanse Negativity- rosemary, salt, garlic, lilac, cedar, patchouli, cloves, rose, eucalyptus, pine, basil, hyssop, rowan, pennyroyal. Communication- cypress, dittany, orange, tangerine, lemongrass, lily, poplar, caraway, dill, fennel, lavender, sweet marjoram, lemon verbena, mustard, parsley Confidence- fennel, ginger, thyme, black pepper, onion, Conscious Mind- peppermint, rosemary, balm of Gilead , basil, hyssop, lily of the valley, thyme, sage, cloves, coffee, costmary, dill, caraway, petit grain, rue.
Courage- fennel, ginger, thyme, black pepper, onion. Divinations- Honeysuckle, lilac, rose, lemon grass, Cinnamon, thyme, nutmeg, vanilla, rosemary, lily of the valley, sage, chamomile, sandalwood, frankincense, orange, cloves, mugwort Dreams- clary sage, cloves, pink or red carnation, jasmine, lemon balm, meadowsweet, myrrh, sweet cicely, wisteria, anise, chamomile, dandelion, hibiscus, holly, lavender, marigold, mistletoe, mugwort, calendula, mimosa, Energy- bergamot (lemon or orange zest), lavender, patchouli, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, benzoin, galang galang, nasturtium, nutmeg, saffron, Female Health- ginger, rose, grapes, hops (beer), lily Fertility- ginger, rose, grapes, hops (beer), lily, basil, garlic, cucumber, walnut, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds Forgiveness- sandalwood, cypress, and cedar. Friendships- rose Frigidity-- ginger, basil, heather, catnip, musk (synthetic, harm none) gardenia, apple (fruit, preferably red, cut across the core to reveal the pentangle) tomato, vanilla, opium, orange, jasmine, honey, honeysuckle, chocolate, patchouli, licorice, lemon grass. Gossip- cloves, all spice, anise star, asphoetida (ammonia), vinegar Grief- cat nip, rose, rosemary, clary sage, lavender, lemon, patchouli, sandalwood, cedar, cypress, frankincense, and thyme. fennel, ginger, thyme, black pepper, onion, Happiness- Lavender, Chamomile , basil, cumin, frankincense, rose, valerian, st. john’s wort almond, basil, bergamot (orange or lemon zest subs) bryony, chamomile, cinquefoil (or domestic clover), cloves, High John (ginger subs), hyssop, Jasmine, mint, patchouli, pine, sage, sassafras, vervain, wheat (can use flour) Home- Lilac, cedar, patchouli, cloves, rose, garlic, salt, eucalyptus, pine, basil, hyssop, rowan, penny royal, angelica, cyclamen, dill, fennel, fern, hyssop, mistletoe, mullein, peony, rose, geranium, rosemary, rowan, rue, St. John’s wort, snap dragon, tarragon, vervain. Inspiration- cloves, rosemary, lily of the valley
Learning - cloves, rosemary, lily of the valley, agrimony, borage, chervil, cumin, endive (lettuce sub), hyssop, sage, thyme, violet. Legal Matters - marigold, mandrake (sub with dragon’s blood or fresh ginger) salt, cloves, sage. Longevity- sage, garlic, salt, frankincense Love- ginger, basil, heather, catnip, musk (synthetic, harm none) gardenia, apple (fruit, preferably red, cut across the core to reveal the pentangle) tomato, vanilla, opium, orange, jasmine, honey, honeysuckle, chocolate, patchouli, licorice, lemon grass. Male Health- ginger, basil, garlic, cucumber, walnut, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds Magikal Energy- bergamot (lemon or orange zest), lavender, patchouli, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, benzoin, galang galang (aka ylang ylang- can be subbed with gardenia or jasmine), nasturtium, nutmeg, saffron, Magikal Tools- myrrh, sandalwood Marriage- ginger, basil, heather, catnip, musk (synthetic, harm none) gardenia, apple (fruit, preferably red, cut across the core to reveal the pentangle) tomato, vanilla, opium, orange, jasmine, honey, honeysuckle, chocolate, patchouli, licorice, lemon grass. Meditation- chamomile, sandalwood, frankincense Melancholia- cat nip, rose, rosemary, clary sage, lavender, lemon, patchouli, sandalwood, cedar, cypress, frankincense, and thyme. fennel, ginger, thyme, black pepper, onion, Memories- cloves, honeysuckle, salt, water, sage, coriander, evergreen, pine, cypress, rosemary, cedar, frankincense, sage, chamomile, opium, eucalyptus. (to ease the pain of memories) Mental Health- Lavender, Chamomile, basil, cumin, frankincense, rose, valerian, st. john’s wort Mental Powers- Honeysuckle, lilac, rose, lemon grass, Cinnamon, thyme, nutmeg, vanilla, rosemary, lily of the valley, sage, chamomile, sandalwood, frankincense, orange, cloves, mugwort- peppermint, rosemary, balm of Gilead , basil, hyssop, lily of the valley, thyme, sage, cloves, coffee, costmary, dill, caraway, petit grain, rue. Money- almond, basil, bergamot (orange or lemon zest subs) bryony, chamomile, cinquefoil (or domestic clover), cloves, High John (ginger subs), hyssop, Jasmine, mint, patchouli, pine, sage, sassafras, vervain, wheat (can use flour), cabbage leaves,
Obstacles- grave yard dirt (patchouli sub), clover, comfrey, fern, heather, horsetail, nutmeg (aka mace), and vetivert Nightmares - clary sage, cloves, pink or red carnation, jasmine, lemon balm, meadowsweet, myrrh, sweet cicely, wisteria, anise, chamomile, dandelion, hibiscus, holly, lavender, marigold, mistletoe, mugwort, calendula, mimosa, Lilac, cedar, patchouli, cloves, rose, garlic, salt, eucalyptus, pine, basil, hyssop, rowan, penny royal, Peace- Lavender, Chamomile, basil, cumin, frankincense, rose, valerian, st. john’s wort Powers- Honeysuckle, lilac, rose, lemon grass, Cinnamon, thyme, nutmeg, vanilla, rosemary, lily of the valley, sage, chamomile, sandalwood, frankincense, orange, cloves, mugwort- peppermint, rosemary, balm of Gilead , basil, hyssop, lily of the valley, thyme, sage, cloves, coffee, costmary, dill, caraway, petit grain, rue. Prophecy- Honeysuckle, lilac, rose, lemon grass, Cinnamon, thyme, nutmeg, vanilla, rosemary, lily of the valley, sage, chamomile, sandalwood, frankincense, orange, cloves, mugwortpeppermint, rosemary, balm of Gilead , basil, hyssop, lily of the valley, thyme, sage, cloves, coffee, costmary, dill, caraway, petit grain, rue. Prosperity- almond, basil, bergamot (orange or lemon zest subs) bryony, chamomile, cinquefoil (or domestic clover), cloves, High John (ginger subs), hyssop, Jasmine, mint, patchouli, pine, sage, sassafras, vervain, wheat (can use flour) Protection- Lilac, cedar, patchouli, cloves, rose, garlic, salt, eucalyptus, pine, basil, hyssop, rowan, penny royal, angelica, cyclamen, dill, fennel, fern, hyssop, mistletoe, mullein, peony, rose, geranium, rosemary, rowan, rue, St. John’s wort, snap dragon, tarragon, vervain. Purification- anise, basil, bay laurel or bay rum, dragon’s blood, elder, frankincense, hyssop, lavender, lemon, lovage, myrrh, orange, rue, saffron, peppermint, pine, rosemary, sandalwood, Solomon’s seal, salt. Regeneration- vanilla, rosemary, salt, mint, dragon’s blood, thyme, myrrh, lavender, parsley, lemon, basil, anise, patchouli, cowslip, oak, sage Releasing Love- witch hazel (wood or astringent) cinnamon, thyme, lavender, sage, sandalwood, opium, eucalyptus, asphoetida (ammonia), gardenia, mint, salt. Remembrance- evergreen, pine, cypress, rosemary, cedar, frankincense, sage, chamomile, opium, eucalyptus. (For the ancestors and those gone before us) Self Esteem/Image- cat nip, rose, rosemary, clary sage, lavender, lemon, patchouli, sandalwood, cedar, cypress, frankincense, and thyme. Fennel, ginger, thyme, black pepper, onion,
Sleep- Lavender, Chamomile, clary sage, cloves, pink or red carnation, jasmine, lemon balm, meadowsweet, myrrh, sweet cicely, wisteria, anise, chamomile, dandelion, hibiscus, holly, lavender, marigold, mistletoe, mugwort, calendula, mimosa, Spirituality- sandalwood, gardenia, myrrh, frankincense, nag champra Success- ginger, cinnamon, mint, allspice, patchouli, cloves, jasmine, opium, orange, mustard, anise, nutmeg (also known as mace), honeysuckle, cedar, rose, chamomile Transformation- myrrh, cloves, rosemary, lily of the valley, sage, tobacco, dandelion, dog bane, camphor Travel- cypress, dittany, orange, tangerine, lemongrass, lily, poplar, caraway, dill, fennel, lavender, sweet marjoram, lemon verbena, mustard, parsley Visions/Vision Quest Honeysuckle, lilac, rose, lemon grass, Cinnamon, thyme, nutmeg, vanilla, rosemary, lily of the valley, sage, chamomile, sandalwood, frankincense, orange, cloves, mugwort- peppermint, rosemary, balm of Gilead , basil, hyssop, lily of the valley, thyme, sage, cloves, coffee, costmary, dill, caraway, petit grain, rue. Wisdom- cloves, rosemary, lily of the valley, agrimony, borage, chervil, cumin, endive (lettuce sub), hyssop, sage, thyme, violet. Youth- vanilla, rosemary, salt, mint, dragon’s blood, thyme, myrrh, lavender, parsley, lemon, basil, anise, patchouli, cowslip, oak, sage
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