
February 11, 2019 | Author: Remus Nicoara | Category: Consciousness, Sacred, Planets, Reason, Soul
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Askokin 9 The Cause of the Genesis of the Moon




“But nevertheless, my boy, this Most High Commission, having then calculated all the the fact factss at hand, hand, and also also all all that that migh mightt happe happen n in the futu future re,, came came to the the concl conclus usio ion n that that alth althou ough gh the the frag fragme ment ntss of the the plan planet et art arth h might might main mainta tain in themselves for the time being in their e!isting positions, yet in vie" of certain so# called called $%astartoonarian#displacements %astartoonarian#displacements&& con'ectured by the Commission, they might in the future leave their position and bring about a large number of irreparable calamities both for this system $(rs $(rs&& and for other neighboring solar systems. “*nd they resolved that the best measure in the given case "ould be that the fundamental piece, namely, the planet arth, should constantly send to its detached fragments, for their maintenance, the sacred vibrations $as+o+in.& “%his sacred substance can be formed on planets only "hen both fundamental cosmic la"s operating in them, the sacred $Heptaparaparshino+h $Heptaparaparshino+h&& and the sacred $%riamai+amno %riamai+amno,& ,& function, as is called, $-lnosoparno $ -lnosoparno,,& that is to say, "hen the said sacred sacred cosmic cosmic la"s in the given cosmic cosmic concentrati concentration on are deflected independently independently and also also manife manifest st on its surfac surfacee indepen independen dently tlyof of course course indepen independen dently tly only only "ithin certain limits.

19 Beelzebub’s Tales Tales About His Second Descent onto the Planet Eath

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“$%his custom is at present so "idespread there, and the destruction of the e!istence of beings of various forms for this maleficent purpose has reached such dimensions, that there is already a surplus of the “1acred *s+o+in2 reuired from the planet arth for its former parts, that is to say, a surplus of those vibrations "hich arise during the sacred process of “4ascooarno “4ascooarno22 of beings of every e!terior form arising and e!isting on that planet from "hich the said sacred cosmic arising is reuired. “$5or the normal formation of the atmosphere of the ne"ly arisen planet Moon, the said surplus of the 1acred *s+o+in has already begun seriously to hinder the correct e!change of matters bet"een the planet Moon itself and its atmosphere, and the apprehension has already arisen that its atmosphere may in conseuence be formed incorrectly and later become an obstacle to the harmonious movement of the "hole system (rs (rs,, and perhaps again give rise to factors menacing a catastrophe on a greater common#cosmic scale.

!" Be Beel elzeb zebub ub’’s Su Su#e #e$ $ of the the Poc Poces esss of the Pei Peiod odic ic %eci& %eci&o oca call Destuction of Men' o Beelzebub’s (&inion of )a

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“- first learned that the destiny of beings arising on this planet of yours is chiefly to elaborate elaborateby by means of the process process of their e!istencet e!istencethe he vibrations vibrations reuired reuired by  ature for the maintenance of those former parts of the planet no" called Moon and *nulios *nulios,, "hen, do you remember, - became "orthy personally to converse for  the second time "ith His Conformity the then still *ngel, but no" *rchangel, ooisos.. ooisos “His “His Conform Conformity ity then then told told me that altho although ugh the movem movement entss of both forme formerr parts parts of  the planet arth "ere no" already finally regulated "ith the general harmony of  movement and that every +ind of apprehension of some or other surprise in the near  future had absolutely vanished, yet to avoid and possible complications in the distan distantt future future it had been been e!plic e!plicitl itly y decided decided by the Most High, High, Most Most 1acred 1acred

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-ndividuals to actualie the $corresponding& on the planet for the formation of "hat is called the 1acred *s+o+in so that this sacred cosmic substance, reuired for the mainte maintenan nance ce of that that planet planet&&s former former parts, parts, might might continu continuous ously ly issue issue from from that that  planet. “*nd further, His Highness also e!plained that this cosmic substance, the 1acred *s+o+ *s+o+in in,, e!ist e!istss in gene genera rall in the the ;niv ;niver erse se chie chiefl fly y blen blende ded d "ith "ith the the sacr sacred ed substances $*brustdonis $*brustdonis&& and $Hel+donis $Hel+donis,,& and hence that this sacred substance *s+o+in in order to become vivifying for such a maintenance must first be freed from the said sacred substances *brustdonis *brustdonis and  and Hel+donis Hel+donis.. “%o tell the truth, my boy, - did not at once clearly understand all that he then said, and it "as only later that - came to understand it all clearly, "hen, during my studies of the fundamental cosmic la"s, - learned that these sacred substances *brustdonis and Hel+donis Hel+donis are  are 'ust those substances by "hich the higher being#  bodies of three#brained beings, namely, the body )3 .//6>

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themselves for the forming and perfecting of their higher bodies, by means of  conscious labors and intentional sufferings. sufferings. “*nd “*nd so, my dear dear Hassein Hassein,, "hen it appeared that the instinctive need for  conscious labor and intentional suffering in order to be able to ta+e in and transmute transmute in themselves themselves the sacred sacred substances substances *brustdon *brustdonis is and Hel+donis and thereby to liberate the sacred *s+o+in *s+o+in for  for the maintenance maintenance of the Moon and *nulios had finally disappeared from the psyche of your favorites, then ?reat ature Herself "as constrained to adapt Herself to e!tract this sacred substance substance by other means, one of "hich is precisely precisely that periodic terrifying terrifying  process there of reciprocal destruction. “%he beings of the continent *tlantis *tlantis had  had a definite notion that beings of the male ale se! se! are are sour ources ces of acti active ve mani maniffest estatio ation, n, and and henc hencee in thei heir  *gooro+hrostiny they hey gave gave them themse sellves ves up to act active ive and and cons consci ciou ouss cont contem empl plat atiion the "hol "holee time time,, and and in thi this stat tate per perform formed ed thes hese corresponding sacred mysteries, so that there should be transubstantiated in them the sacred substances *brustdonis and Hel+donis Hel+donis..

!* Beelzebub E+&lains to His Gandson the Si,nificance of the -o. -o. and and Se Se/u /uen ence ce )h )hic ich h He Chos Chosee fo fo E+&o E+&oun undi din, n, the the 0nfo.ation Concenin, Man

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“- decided to do this in order that many diversely essenced $goplasti+oori& for your future logical confrontation should be crystallied in corresponding localiations in your common presence, and also in order that from active ment mentat atio ion n the the prop proper er elab elabor orat atio ion n in you of the the sacr sacred ed subs substa tanc nces es of  *brustdonis and Hel+donis Hel+donis for  for the purpose of coating and perfecting both of  your higher being#parts should proceed more intensively. “(nly than+s to this factor, in the process of the blending of ne"ly perceived impressions of every +ind in the presences of three#brained beings, are there crysta crystalli llied ed on the basis of the 1acred %riamai+amno data for one&s o"n cogni cognianc ancee and underst understandi anding ng proper proper to the being being alone= alone= and li+e"i li+e"ise se e!clusively only during such processes of the crystalliation of the data for  consciousness in the presences of three#brained beings does there proceed "hat hat is call called ed $@ernofoo+alnian#friction @ernofoo+alnian#friction&& than than+s +s to "hic "hich h the the sacr sacred ed substances substances *brustdoni *brustdoniss and Hel+donis Hel+donis are  are chiefly formed in them for the coating and perfecting of their higher parts.

Helkdonis !" Beelzebub’s Su#e$ of the Pocess of the Peiodic %eci&ocal Destuction of Men' o Beelzebub’s (&inion of )a )3.//6: )3 .//6:

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“*nd further, His Highness also e!plained that this cosmic substance, the 1acred *s+o+in *s+o+in,, e!ists in general in the ;niverse chiefly blended "ith the sacred substances $*brustdonis $*brustdonis&& and $Hel+donis,& and hence that this sacred substance *s+o+in *s+o+in in  in order to become vivifying for such a maintenance must first be freed from the said sacred substances *brustdonis and Hel+donis. “%o te tell th the tr truth uth, my my bo boy, - did not not at on once cl clearly un understand al all th that he he th then said, and it "as only later that - came to understand it all clearly, "hen, during my studies of the fundamental cosmic la"s, - learned that these sacred






substances *brustdonis and Hel+donis are 'ust those substances by "hich the higher being#bodies of three#brained beings, namely, the body ./)7



“*nd these blendings are called $ being#-mpulsa+ri.& “Dust in this is the point, that the beings having this three#brained system can,  by the conscious and intentional fulfilling of being#Aart+dolg#duty, utilie from this process of 'art+lom in the (mnipresent#(+idano+h, its three holy forces for their o"n presences and bring their presences to "hat is called the $1e+ronoolana+nian#state&= that is to say, they can become such individuals as have their o"n sacred la" of %riamai+amno and thereby the possibility of  consciously ta+ing in and coating in their common presence all that $Holy& "hich, incidentally, also aids the actualiing of the functioning in these cosmic units of (b'ective or ivine 4eason. “But the great terror of it, my boy, lies 'ust in this, that although in those three#  brained beings "ho have interested you and "ho breed on the planet arth, there arise and are present in them, up to the time of their complete destruction, these three independent localiations or three being#brains, through "hich separately all the three holy forces of the sacred %riamai+amno "hich they might also utilie for their o"n self#perfecting are transformed and go for further corresponding actualiations, yet, chiefly on account of the irregular conditions of ordinary being#e!istence established by them themselves, these possibilities beat their "ings in vain. “*nd so, my boy, the process of 'art+lom in the (mnipresent#(+idano+h  proceeds in the presence of each of these favorites of yours, and in them also, all its three holy forces are blended independently "ith other cosmic crystalliations, and go for the corresponding actualiations, but as, chiefly o"ing to the already mentioned abnormal conditions of being#e!istence gradually established by them themselves, they have entirely ceased to fulfill  being#Aart+dolg#duty, then, in conseuence of this, none of those holy sources of everything e!isting, "ith the e!ception of the denying source alone, is transubstantiated for their o"n presences. “%he crystalliations arising in their presences from the first and from the third holy forces go almost entirely for the service only of the common#cosmic %rogoautoegocratic#process, "hile for the coating of their o"n presences there are only the crystalliations of the second part of the (mnipresent#(+idano+h, namely, of the $Holy#enying&= and hence it is that the ma'ority of them remain "ith presences consisting of the planetary body alone, and thus are, for  themselves, destroyed forever.

19 Beelzebub’s Tales About His Second Descent onto the Planet Eath /9./>8

“- told you once, in the course of our previous tal+s, that most of those beings of our tribe "ho had chosen this planet of yours as their place of e!istence, e!isted during my first descent chiefly on the continent of *tlantis.





“-t appears that a year before the said catastrophe, our, as she is called, $Aarty# Aythoness& there, "hen prophesying, as+ed us all to leave the continent of  *tlantis and migrate to another small continent not very far a"ay, "here "e "ere to e!ist on that definite part of its surface she indicated. “%his small continent "as then called $?rabonti& and the part the Aythoness indicated did indeed escape the terrifying perturbation "hich then occurred to all the other parts of the common presence of that ill#fated planet. “-n conseuence of the said perturbation, this small continent ?rabonti, "hich e!ists until no" under the name of *frica,& became much larger,  because other terra firmas "hich emerged from the "ater spaces of the planet "ere added to it. “1o, my boy, the Aarty#Aythoness there "as able to "arn those beings of our  tribe "ho had been obliged to e!ist on that planet, and thereby to save them, as - have already told you, from the inevitable $*pocalyptic#fate,& o"ing only to one special being#property "hich, by the "ay, can be acuired by beings only intentionally, by means of "hat is called being#Aart+dolg#duty, about "hich shall tell you later.

51 The -ist 6isit of Beelzebub to 0ndia 0/.0)/






“-t turned out, indeed, that 1aint Buddha Himself had, in the course of His e!planations to some of His closest initiates initiated by Himself, very definitely e!pressed Himself concerning the means of the possible destruction in their nature of the mentioned conseuences of the properties of the organ .383





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“Mean"hile transubstantiate in yourself the follo"ing "hen the mentioned  particular psychic property of $egoism& had been completely formed in the common presences of these favorites of yours, and, later, there had also been formed in them various other secondary impulses already mentioned by me "hich ensued and no" still continue to ensue from itand furthermore, in conseuence of the total absence of the participation of the impulse of sacred conscience in their "a+ing#consciousnessthen these three#brained beings arising and e!isting on the planet arth, both before the period of the Gery 1aintly *ctivities of *shiata 1hiemash and also since have al"ays striven and still continue to strive to arrange their "elfare during the process of their  ordinary e!istence, e!clusively for them themselves. “*nd as in general, on none of the planets of our great ;niverse does there or  can there e!ist enough of everything reuired for everybody&s eual e!ternal "elfare, irrespective of "hat are called $ob'ective#merits,& the result there is that the prosperity of one is al"ays built on the adversity of many. “-t is 'ust this e!clusive regard for their o"n personal "elfare that has gradually crystallied in them the already uite particularly unprecedented and  peculiar properties of their psyche "hich - cited, as for instance $cunning,& $contempt,& $hate,& $servility,& $lying,& $flattery,& and so on, "hich in their turn, on the one hand are factors for an outer manifestation unbecoming to three#  brained beings, and on the other hand are the cause of the gradual destruction of all those inner possibilities of theirs, placed in them by ?reat ature, of   becoming particles of the "hole of the $4easonable Fhole.& “Fell then, my boy, at the time "hen the results of the Gery 1aintly abors of  the ssence#loving *shiata 1hiemash  had already begun to blend "ith the  processes of "hat is called their $inner& and $outer& being#e!istence, and "hen than+s to this, data for the ivine impulse conscience, surviving in their  subconsciousness, gradually began to share in the functioning of their  $"a+ing#consciousness,& then the being#e!istence both personal and reciprocal  began to proceed on this planet also, almost as it does on the other planets of  our great ;niverse on "hich three#brained beings e!ist. “%hese favorites of yours also then began to have relations to"ards each other  only as to"ards the manifestations varying in degree of a ;-; C(MM( C4*%(4 and to pay respect to each other only according to the merits personally attained by means of $being#Aart+dolg#duty,& that is, by means of personal conscious labors and intentional sufferings. “%hat is "hy, during that period, there ceased to e!ist there the said t"o chief  maleficent forms of their ordinary e!istence, namely, their separate independent communities and the division of themselves in these communities into various castes or classes. “*t that time, also, there upon your planet, all the three#brained beings began to consider themselves and those li+e themselves merely as beings bearing in themselves particles of the emanation of the 1orro" of our C(MM(

5*%H4 C4*%(4.

58 The Chief Cul&it in the Destuction of All the 6e$ Saintl$ 4abos of Ashiata Shie.ash


“*nd as regards the third +ind of Hasnamuss#individual, namely, "hen the highest being#body of a three#brained being becomes such, and "hen this certain something participates in his coating in such a uality that he never  loses the possibility of freeing himself from it, the matter is still more terrible, chiefly because heas a higher cosmic arising, "ho according to the foreseeing 5-41%#1(;4C#A4-C-A#(5#G4E%H-?#I-1%-? "as predetermined to serve the aim of helping the government of the "hole increasing Forld, and on "hom from the moment of the completion of his formation, even "hen he "as not yet perfected in 4eason, "as placed the responsibility for every sub'ective voluntary as "ell as involuntary manifestationhas the possibility to succeed in eliminating from his presence this something, e!clusively only by the action of the results of intentionally actualied Aart+dolg#duty, that is to say, of $conscious#labors#and#intentional# sufferings.&

59 The -uits of -o.e Ci#ilizations and the Blosso.s of the Conte.&oa$




“1o that you may better represent to yourself and understand "hy the duration of their e!istence is being still further diminished on account of this sport, it is no" opportune to e!plain to you a little more in detail about "hat - have already promised you to e!plain, namely, the difference bet"een the duration of being#e!istence according to the $5ulasnitamnian& principle and according to the $-to+lano& principle. “Eou remember that "hen - e!plained to you ho" these favorites of yours define the $flo"#of#time& - said that "hen the organ :8#9 39.>:9

“*nd so, my boy, as - have already told you, after these cosmic arisings had  perfected their 4eason to the necessary gradation of the sacred scale of  4eason, they "ere in the beginning ta+en onto the 1un *bsolute for the fulfillment of roles predestined for them by our C4*%(4 1111. “-t is necessary to tell you that concerning the determination of the degrees of  individuality, our cherubim and seraphim also then at the very beginning








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established that still no" e!isting sacred $eterminator#of#4eason& "hich is applied for the determination of the gradations of 4eason or, more e!actly, the $totality#of#self#a"areness& of all separate large and small cosmic concentrations, and by "hich not only are the gradations of their 4eason measured, but there is also determined their, as it is called, $degree#of#  'ustification#of#the#sense#and#aim#of#their#e!istence,& and also the further role of each separate -ndividual in relation to everything e!isting in our great Megalocosmos. “%his sacred determinator of $pure 4eason& is nothing else than a +ind of  measure, i.e., a line divided into eual parts= one end of this line is mar+ed as the total absence of any 4eason, i.e., absolute $firm#calm,& and at the other end there is indicated absolute 4eason, i.e., the 4eason of our -C(MA*4*B C4*%(4 1111. “-n this place - thin+ it might as "ell be e!plained to you further about the various +inds of sources, present in the common presences of all three#brained  beings for the manifestation of being#4eason. “-n every three#brained being in general, irrespective of the place of his arising and the form of his e!terior coating, there can be crystallied data for three independent +inds of being#mentation, the totality of the engendered results of  "hich e!presses the gradation of his 4eason. “ata for these three +inds of being#4eason are crystallied in the presence of  each three#brained being depending upon ho" muchby means of the $being# Aart+dolg#duty&the corresponding higher#being#parts are coated and  perfected in them, "hich should "ithout fail compose their common presences as a "hole. “%he first highest +ind of being#4eason is the $pure& or ob'ective 4eason "hich is proper only to the presence of a higher being#body or to the common  presences of the bodies themselves of those three#brained beings in "hom this higher part has already arisen and perfected itself, and then only "hen it is the, "hat is called, $center#of#gravity#initiator#of#the#individual#functioning& of the "hole presence of the being. “%he second being#4eason, "hich is named $(+iartaaito+hsa,& can be in the  presences of those three#brained beings, in "hom their second#being#body# 90






%etartocosmoses as a final result of their serving the purposes of the common#cosmic -raniranumange might become helpers in the ruling of the enlarged Forld, and "hich factors also until no" serve as the sole possible means for the assimilation of the cosmic substances reuired for the coating and perfecting of the higher being#bodies and "hich "e at the present time call $conscious labors& and $intentional suffering.& “Here it might as "ell be noticed and emphasied that of all the definite cosmic substances "hich are formed and in conseuence are al"ays present in the common presences of your favorites, they "ell +no" only this $being# !ioNhary& "hich they call $sperm,& and even masterfully perform "ith it various +inds of their $manipulations.& “*nd by this name $sperm& they give importance to the totality of the definite substances formed only in the presences of the beings of the $male se!& and ignore namelessly and "ith scorn a similar totality of the $sum#of#the# substances& "hich arise in beings of the $female se!.& “Dust this same totality of substances "hich inevitably al"ays arises as the final sum in the presences of all beings from their first being#food, became one of the chief causes of the fact that later, "hen they ceased to actualie $being#Aart+dolg#duty& in their common presences, and this totality of cosmic substances in conseuence did not receive, according to the 1acred Heptaparaparshino+h, the reuired foreign help for their completing evolution into other definite higher active elements, it began to involve bac+ in them to"ards those crystalliations from "hich their evolution began. *nd such involutionary processes in them began from this time to serve their common  presences as factors "hich began to engender in their common presences the data for the arising of their innumerable "hat they call $illnesses,& and thus on the one hand began to $de#perfect& their previously established essence# individuality, and on the other hand to shorten the general duration of their  e!istence. “*nd your favorites, the beings of the planet arth, particularly the beings of  the present time, do not use these same substances of being#!ioNhary at all consciously, neither for self#perfecting nor for conscious reproduction outside of themselves of ne" beings similar to themselves. “*nd these sacred cosmic substances, formed in them in such a manner, serve either only for the purposes of the Most ?reat cosmic %rogoautoegocrat entirely "ithout the participation of their o"n being#consciousness and individual desire, or for the involuntary conception of a ne" being similar to themselves, "ho is "ithout their cognied "ish a distressing result for them from the mi!ing of these sacred substances of the t"o opposite se!es, "ho actualie in themselves t"o opposite forces of the 1acred %riamai+amno, during the satisfaction by them of that function of theirs "hich has become, than+s to the inheritance from the ancient 4omans, the chief vice of  contemporary three#brained beings. “*fter the loss of the continent *tlantis, certain +no"ledge concerning the origin and significance of this same $being#!ioNhary& also survived, and this +no"ledge also began to pass from generation to generation.

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“*nd so, about thirty or thirty#five of their centuries ago, "hen after a big  process of reciprocal destruction, the ma'ority of them again beganas it usually usually happens there in general general after these terrifying terrifying e!cessesoften e!cessesoften to see reality and to be less satisfied "ith the conditions of their o rdinary e!istence, it so happened that the surviving fragments of the +no"ledge concerning the significance of being#!ioNhary being#!ioNhary reached  reached in their authentic form to certain of  them "ho had particularly strongly sensed the emptiness of their e!istence and "ho had begun to see+ possibilities by "hich they could someho" fill up this emptiness. “-n these though fragmentary yet nevertheless authentic informations, it "as very convincingly indicated that by means of the substances $!ioNhary $!ioNhary&& or  sperm formed in them, it "as possible to perfect oneself, but unfortunately for  them there "ere no indications, in this information "hich had survived and reached them, "hat and ho" precisely this had to be done. “%hen certain of them began to thin+ and to strive persistently someho" to underst understand and "hat "as necessar necessary y to be done, done, in order order,, by means means of these these substances inevitably formed in their presences, to struggle for self#perfection. “%he result of these serious ponderings of o f theirs "as that the conviction at first arose in them that this self#perfection could probably be actualied by itself,  by abstaining from the e'ection from oneself in the customary manner of these substances formed in them called sperm, and certain of them decided to unite and e!ist together, in order to convince themselves in practice "hether such abstinence could indeed give the supposed results. “Ho"ever hard these same beings of your planet "ho "ere first interested in this uestion strove to get clear about this, they arrived at nothing, and it "as only only the second second generat generation ion of them them "ho ultima ultimatel tely y, after after long long conscio conscious us observations and intensive active mentations, categorically understood that this this "as "as inde indeed ed poss possib ible le,, e!cl e!clus usiv ivel ely y only only on cond condit itio ion n of a ceas ceasel eles esss fulfillment of being#Aart+dolg#duty, and those of them, beings of the said generation as "ell as certain of the subseuent t"o generations, "ho began seriously to actualie this, did indeed attain the e!pected results. “But already the fourth generation of those beings "ho "ere first interested in this uestion and "ho "ere follo"ers not from essence#conviction but from a  property called $to imitate,& "hich had by that time also become inherent in these terrestrial three#brained beings, also began to e!ist together and to do as it "ere the same thing. “1o from that time it began and until no" automatically continues, that such follo"ers organie themselves in separate groups and sometimes form solid sects of various denominations and, putting this same $abstinence& as the basis of their aim, e!ist together segregated. “Dust these same places of theirs for segregated common e!istence together, are called there $monasteries,& and the separate beings belonging to these sects, $mon+s.& “*t “*t the the pres presen entt ti time, me, ver very y man many y of of the thesse $m $monas onaste terries& es& e!i e!ist ther there, e, and and the these se innume innumerab rable le $mon+s $mon+s&& "ho enter enter them them do indeed indeed strict strictly ly abstai abstain n from from the e'ection from themselves in the customary "ay of the being#!ioNhary being#!ioNhary - or 

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sperm formed in them= but of course, no sensible result at all is ever obtained from this abstinence of theirs, and it is not obtained, because the thought has ceased even to enter the heads of these unfortunate $contemporary& mon+s that although it is indeed possible, by means of these substances !ioNhary formed in them, to perfect themselves, yet this can proceed e!clusively only if the second second and third third being#f being#foods oods are intent intention ionall ally y absorb absorbed ed and consci conscious ously ly digested in one&s presence, and this is possible e!clusively only if all the parts of one&s presence have been accustomed beforehand consciously to fulfill both sacr sacred ed bein being# g#Aa Aart rt+d +dol olg# g#du duti ties es,, that that is to fulf fulfil illl $con $consc scio ious us labo labors rs&& and $intentional sufferings.& “-t is ho"ever un'ust to say that no sensible result at all is obtained among these mon+s there. %here are even obtained obtained among them $sensible $sensible results& results& of  t"o independent +inds. “1o that you may understand "hy these mentioned t"o independent +inds of  results are obtained among the contemporary abstaining mon+s, - must repeat to you once again that, according to the fundamental cosmic sacred la" of  Heptaparaparshino+h,, if everything in general e!isting in our Megalocosmos Heptaparaparshino+h Megalocosmos,, the great as "ell as the small, does not receive in the process of evolution at the time of its passing through both $Mdnel#-ns Mdnel#-ns&& of the sacred Heptaparaparshino+h corresponding Heptaparaparshino+h  corresponding foreign help coming from outside, then it  begins to involve bac+ to those definite states from "hich it began its evolution. “%he same of course proceeds "ith the definite cosmic substances "hich are formed in the presences of these same terrestrial abstaining mon+s. “*nd so, my boy, in conseuence of the fact that these terrestrial $mon+s,&  particularly the contemporary con temporary,, do not intentionally aid the further evolution of  these substances substances inevitably inevitably formed formed in them from the constant use of the first first  being#food, that is, do not actualie any $being#Aart+dolg#duty& at all in their  common presences, either intentionally or even automatically, and at the same time they do not remove these substances from themselves in the normal "ay forede foredesig signed ned by ature ature,, then then these these substa substance ncess begin begin to involv involvee in them them themselves, and during this involution of being#!ioNhary being#!ioNhary or sperm there is "or+ed "or+ed out, out, among among the many many trans transien ientt defini definite te substa substances nces "hich are in general formed in their common presences by such an involutionary process, a definite transient substance "hich has the property of having t"o +inds of  action on the general functioning of the planetary body of a being. “%he first +ind of action of this definite substance consists in this, that it  promotes the depositing of superfluous "hat is called $: )/.8>>

“%here, at present, ho"ever, one being may in"ardly "ish another "ell, yet if  for some reason or other this "ell#"ishing being "ere in some "ay to e!press himself to another in "ords conventionally regarded as not good, then all is over= in all the different spiritualied localiations of the latter, data are invariably crystallied "hich al"ays by association engender in his common  presence the conviction that the former, "ho as a matter of fact in"ardly "ished him very "ell, only e!ists to do him al"ays and every"here every +ind of "hat they call $vileness.& “-t has become very important there, particularly during recent times, to +no" every +ind of form of $verbal address& in order to have friends and not to ma+e oneself $enemies.& “%he abnormal e!istence of these strange three#brained beings has not only spoiled their o"n psyche, but this abnormal e!istence of theirs has by repercussion gradually also spoiled the psyche of almost all the other one#  brained and t"o#brained terrestrial beings. “ata for engendering the aforesaid inner being#impulse are not yet formed





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either in the presences of any of those terrestrial one#brained or t"o#brained  beings "ith "hom these strange three#brained beings "ho have ta+en your  fancy have long had and still have freuent contact and relations. “*lthough these being#data are still formed in the presences of certain terrestrial one#brained and t"o#brained beings of other e!terior forms, as for  e!ample those named by them $tigers,& $lions,& $bears,& $hyenas,& $sna+es,& $phalangas,& $scorpions,& and so on, "ho have not had and do not no" have in their mode of e!istence any contact or relation "ith these biped favorites of  yours, nevertheless there is already formed in their common presences, than+s of course to the abnormally established conditions of the ordinary e!istence of  your favorites, one very strange and highly interesting particularity, namely, that the enumerated beings, tigers, lions, bears, hyenas, sna+es, phalangas, scorpions, and so on, perceive the inner feeling of fear in other beings before them as enmity to"ards themselves, and therefore strive to destroy these others in order to avert the $menace& from themselves. “*nd this so happened because your favorites, than+s al"ays to the same abnormal conditions of e!istence, have gradually become, as they themselves say, $co"ardly& from head to foot, and because at the same time the need of  destroying the e!istence of others has been inculcated in them, also from head to foot. *nd so, "hen they, being already co"ards $of the highest degree,& are about to destroy the e!istence of the beings of these other forms, or "hen they chance to meet such beings"ho it must be said, to their misfortune and to our regret, have become at the present time already much stronger than they,  physically as "ell as in other being#attainmentsthen they become $afraid,& as they say there in such case, $to the point of "etness.& “*t the same time, than+s to the inherent need in their presences to destroy the e!istence of other beings breeding on their planet, they at such moments contrive "ith their "hole Being ho" to destroy the e!istence of these beings of other forms. “*nd as a result of all this, from the radiations issuing from these favorites of  yours inherent in their peculiar presences there are gradually formed in the common presences of these other beings of the aforementioned formsside  by side "ith the data "hich should e!ist in them for engendering the aforementioned impulse of $instinctively sho"ing respect and sympathy& to every form of beingother data "ith a special functioning, than+s to "hich the feeling of co"ardice appearing in the common presences of other beings, chiefly in the presences of your favorites, is perceived as a $menace& to themselves. “%hat is "hy "henever these other mentioned one#brained and t"o#brained terrestrial beings meet "ith your favorites, they, "ishing to escape the danger  to their o"n e!istence, al"ays strive to destroy the e!istence of these favorites of yours. “%here on your planet also, all beings, in the beginning, in spite of difference of e!terior form and brain system, e!isted together in peace and concord= and even no" occasionally, one of these favorites of yours perfects himself firstly to the degree of sensing "ith all his spiritualied parts that every being or, as is

said, $every breathing creature& is eually near and dear to our C(MM( 5*%H4 C4*%(4= and secondly, than+s to having actualied in himself   being#Aart+dolg#duty, he attains the complete destruction in his presence of  the data for engendering the impulse of co"ardice before beings of other  forms, in conseuence of "hich these beings of other forms not only do not attempt to destroy the e!istence of this perfected being from among your  contemporary favorites, but even sho" him every +ind of respect and service, as to a being "ith greater ob'ective possibilities.

!5 Beelzebub in A.eica








“%he beings of the %i+liamishian civiliation invented a certain +ind of  $comfortable couch bed& "hich could be used for sleeping as "ell as for "hat is called $lounging& so that "hile lying on this $"onderful contrivance,& and "ithout manifesting the slightest being#effort "hatsoever, they could perform this same inevitable being#need for "hich the contemporary beings of the continent *merica have invented their $seats of ease.& “%hese $"onder beds& "ere so adapted for this purpose that a lever by the side of the bed had only to be touched lightly to enable one instantly, in the bed itself, to perform this same indispensable need freely and of course very $cosily& and also "ith the greatest so to say $chic.& “-t "ill not be superfluous, my boy, for you to +no" also, by the "ay, that these same famous $beds& had the effect of causing great and momentous events in the process of their ordinary e!istence. “1o long as the previous relatively normal system still prevailed among the  beings there for the said being#functions, everything "ent along very  peacefully and uietly, but as soon as certain "hat are called po"er#possessing and "ealth#possessing beings of that time had invented for this purpose the mentioned $comfortable beds,& "hich came to be called $if you "ish to en'oy felicity then en'oy it "ith a bang,& there then began among the ordinary beings of that time that "hich led to the said serious and deplorable conseuences. “- must tell you that it "as 'ust during those years "hen the beings of  %i+liamish "ere inventing these $"onder beds,& that this planet of yours under"ent a common cosmic process of $Chirnooanovo,& that is to say, that, concomitantly "ith the displacement of the gravity center movement of this solar system in the movement of the common#cosmic harmony, the center of  gravity of this planet itself "as also displaced. “uring such years, as you already +no", than+s to this cosmic manifestation, there increases every"here on planetsin the psyche of the beings inhabiting any planet undergoing $Chirnooanovo&a $Blagonoorarirnian sensation,& or, as it is other"ise called, $remorse of conscience& for one&s past deeds against one&s o"n convictions. “But there on your planet, than+s to the common presences of your favorites having become so odd, from a variety of causes both proceeding from outside of them and arising through their o"n fault, the result of the action of this common#cosmic actualiation does not proceed in them as it proceeds in the  presences of the three#brained beings arising on other planets during $Chirnooanovo&= that is to say, instead of this remorse of conscience, there




usually arise there and become "idespread certain specific processes, called the $reciprocal destruction of Microcosmoses  in the %etartocosmos,& "hich  processes, "hen proceeding in them, they themselves loo+ upon as "hat are called among them $epidemics& and "hich in ancient times "ere +no"n by the names $



“*nd no", my boy, in order that "hat - am saying at this moment should  become still more comprehensible to you, - find it necessary to repeat in another and more definite form about the difference already mentioned by me many times for different motives, bet"een "hat are called $+no"ledge& and $understanding& present in three#brained beings in general. “-n order that this difference should stand out more clearly, - shall again ta+e as an e!ample the ordinary 4eason of your favorites. “-f one ma+es an analogy bet"een this as they themselves call it $conscious 4eason& of theirs "hich is completely fi!ed in contemporary beings, and that 4eason of three#brained beings in general "ho breed on other planets of our  ?reat Megalocosmos, then the former "hich they have in them might be called the $4eason#of#+no"ing& and the latter the $4eason#of#understanding.& “%he conscious 4eason#of#understanding, "hich in general it is proper for  three#brained beings to have, is a $something& "hich blends "ith their  common presence, and therefore information of every +ind perceived "ith this 4eason becomes forever their inseparable part. “%he information perceived "ith this 4eason, or results obtained than+s to  being#contemplation of the totality of formerly perceived information  ho"ever a being himself may change and "hatever changes may proceed in the spheres around him"ill be forever a part of his essence. “*nd as for that 4eason "hich for most of your contemporary favorites has  become habitual and "hich - called the 4eason#of#+no"ing, every +ind of  ne" impression perceived through this 4eason, and li+e"ise every +ind of  intentionally or simply automatically obtained result from formerly perceived impressions is only a temporary part of the being, and might result in them e!clusively only in certain surrounding circumstances, and on the definite condition that the information "hich constitutes all his foundation and entirety should "ithout fail be from time to time so to say $freshened& or $repeated&= other"ise these formerly perceived impressions change of themselves, or even entirely, so to say, $evaporate& out of the common presence of the three#  brained being. “*lthough in respect of the 1acred %riamai+amno the process of the arising of both +inds of being#4eason flo"s eually, yet the fulfilling factors for the actualiation of its three separate holy forces are different. amely, for the formation of the 4eason#of#+no"ing the formerly perceived contradictory impressions crystallied in any one of the three localiations "hich three#  brained beings have, serve as the affirming and denying factors and the ne" impressions proceeding from "ithout serve in this case as the third factor. “*nd for the 4eason#of#understanding these factors are as follo"s the first, that is the $sacred#affirming,& is the ne"ly perceived impressions of any localiation "hich has at the given moment "hat is called $the#center#of# gravity#functioning&= the second or $sacred#denying& is the corresponding data  present in another of his localiations= and the third factor is "hat is called the





$ being#*uto+olii+ners,& or as they other"ise call it $ Hoodababognari,& the sense of "hich name signifies, $the results of the persevering actualiing of the striving to"ards the manifestation of one&s o"n individuality.& “By the "ay, you might as "ell hear still once more even if you do +no" it, that the said  being#*uto+olii+ners  are formed in the presences of three#  brained beings in general in all three localiations e!clusively only from the results of the actualiation of $being#Aart+dolg#duty,& that is to say, than+s to those factors "hich, from the very beginning of the arising of the three#  brained beings, our ;-#B-? C(MM( 5*%H4 designed to be the means for self#perfection. “-t is these same formations in the common presences of three#brained beings "hich are actualied as the third holy force of the 1acred %riamai+amno for  the arising of the 4eason#of#understanding. “(nly than+s to this factor, in the process of the blending of ne"ly perceived impressions of every +ind in the presences of three#brained beings, are there crystallied on the basis of the 1acred %riamai+amno  data for one&s o"n cogniance and understanding proper to the being alone= and li+e"ise e!clusively only during such processes of the crystalliation of the data for  consciousness in the presences of three#brained beings does there proceed "hat is called $@ernofoo+alnian#friction& than+s to "hich the sacred substances *brustdonis  and Hel+donis  are chiefly formed in them for the coating and perfecting of their higher parts. “- must tell you here that only the ne"ly perceived impressions "hich are crystallied in the said order and "hich ne"ly arise in beings from conscious mentation, settle in the localiations of beings, 'ust in those series of formerly fi!ed data "hich are similar to these impressions and "hich correspond to those already present in them.

!2 The 0ne#itable %esult of 0.&atial Mentation )>.//>7


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Fhen the Hymn had been sung, the venerable archangel approached Beelebub and solemnly proclaimed “By the decree of his *ll#uarters#Maintainer, the *rch#cherub Aeshtvogner , and bearing his o"n sacred rod, "e appear before you, your 4ight 4everence, in order to restore to you, in accord "ith the pardon granted you from *bove and for certain of your merits, "hat you lost during your e!ileyour horns.2 Having said this, the venerable archangel turned to"ard the cas+et borne by the cherubim and "ith pro found reverence carefully too+ from it the sacred rod. Mean"hile all those present +nelt do"n on one +nee, "hile the angels and cherubim began to sing the appropriate sacred canticles. %a+ing the sacred rod in his hand, the archangel turned again to"ards Beelebub and spo+e thus to the beings of Beelebub&s nature “Beings created by our same ;-#B-? 1111 Fho has  pardoned this once erring being Beelebub, "ho by the infinite grace of our  C4*%(4 "ill again e!ist among you, beings li+e Himself. “*s the virility and degree of 4eason of beings of your nature are defined and manifested by the horns on your head, "e must "ith the permission of our *ll#





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uarters#Maintainer, and "ith your help, restore the horns lost by Beelebub. “Beings created by our ( C(MM( 5*%H4, your aid "ill consist in this, that each of you should consent to renounce for Beelebub&s merited  pardon certain particles of your o"n horns. “Fhosoever therefore consents and "ishes to do so, let him approach the sacred rod and touch its handle, and on the length of time the handle of the sacred rod is held "ill depend the amount of active elements passing from your o"n horns for the formation of the corresponding horns on this pardoned  being of your nature.2 Having said this, the venerable archangel, holding the chief end of the sacred rod, that is, the ball, over the +neeling Beelebub, turned the handle to"ards those there assembled in such a "ay that "hoever "ished might touch it. *s soon as the venerable archangel had finished spea+ing, a very great commotion began among the beings of Beelebub&s nature, each desiring to approach nearer and to be the first to touch the sacred rod "ith their hands as long as possible. (rder, ho"ever, "as soon established and each then in turn approached and held the handle for as long as "as indicated by the captain of the ship, "ho had ta+en upon himself the necessary direction. uring the solemn, sacred action, horns little by little began to gro" upon the head of Beelebub. *t first, "hile 'ust the bare horns "ere being formed, on ly a concentrated uiet gravely prevailed among those assembled. But from the moment that for+s  began to appear upon the horns a tense interest and rapt attention began to be manifested among them. %his latter state proceeded among them, because everybody "as agitated by the "ish to learn ho" many for+s "ould ma+e their  appearance on Beelebub, since by their number the gradation of 4eason to "hich Beelebub  had attained according to the sacred measure of 4eason "ould be defined. 5irst one for+ formed, then another, and then a third, and as each for+ made its appearance a clearly perceptible thrill of 'oy and unconcealed satisfaction  proceeded among all those present. *s the fourth for+ began to be formed on the horns, the tension among those assembled reached its height, since the formation of the fourth for+ on the horns signified that the 4eason of Beelebub had already been perfected to the sacred %ernoonald and hence that there remained for Beelebub  only t"o gradations before attaining to the sacred *n+lad. Fhen the "hole of this unusual ceremony neared its end and before all those assembled had had time to recover their self#possession from their earlier   'oyful agitation, there suddenly and une!pectedly appeared on the horns of  Beelebub uite independently a fifth for+ of a special form +no"n to them all. %hereupon all "ithout e!ception, even the venerable archangel himself, fell  prostrate before Beelebub, "ho had no" risen to his feet and stood transfigured "ith a ma'estic appearance, o"ing to the truly ma'estic  horns "hich had arisen on his head.












*ll fell prostrate before Beelebub because by the fifth for+ on his horns it "as indicated that He had attained the 4eason of the sacred Aod+oolad, i.e., the last gradation before the 4eason of the sacred *n+lad. %he 4eason of the sacred *n+lad is the highest to "hich in general any being can attain, being the third in degree from the *bsolute 4eason of H-1 1111 H-M15. But the 4eason of the sacred Aod+oolad, to "hich Beelebub  had already  perfected himself, is also very rare in the ;niverse, hence even the venerable archangel prostrated himself before Beelebub  because his o"n degree of  4eason "as as yet only that of the sacred egindad, i.e., "anting three degrees to the 4eason of the sacred *n+lad. Fhen all had arisen to their feet, the venerable archangel, addressing this time all the assembled beings of various natures, proclaimed “Beings created by (ne C4*%(4, "e have all 'ust become "orthy to be the first to behold the final formation of the appearance of that "hich is the dream  both of all those present and of the beings in general of the "hole of our great Megalocosmos. “*nd no" let us all together e!ult and re'oice over such a "orthiness, "hich is for us such a revivifying shoc+ for our ability to struggle against our o"n denying source, "hich ability alone can lead us to that sacred Aod+oolad attained by one of the sons of our C(MM( 5*%H4, "ho although he first transgressed on account of his youth, yet after"ards "as able by his conscious labors and intentional sufferings to become "orthy "ith his essence to be one of the very rare 1acred -ndividuals of the "hole of our ?reat ;niverse.2 *fter this proclamation of the archangel all the beings "ithout e!ception  present on the space#ship 6/


in conseuence of "hich such beings began, as is proper to them for their  egoistic aims, to invent for the $confusion& of surrounding beings similar to themselves, various fictions, among "hich "ere also every +ind of fantastic, "hat are called $religious teachings&= and "hen, on the other hand, other of  your favorites began to have faith in these fantastic religious teachings, and gradually lost their $sane mentation& than+s to these same crystalliations, then from that time on there began to arise in the process of the ordinary e!istence of these strange three#brained beings a large number of  $Havatvernoni& or $religions& having nothing in common "ith each other. “- already told you that "hen it became clear that than+s to the unforeseeingness of certain Most#High#1acred#Cosmic#-ndividuals, the results of the conseuences of the organ 83

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“*t this place of my e!planations concerning chiefly the fundamental la"s of $Forld#creation& and $Forld#maintenance,& it is interesting to notice by the "ay, that the three#brained beings of this planet "hich has ta+en your  fancy, already began, at that period "hen the conseuences of the properties of the organ
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