Askep Abortus KEL 3 Bismilah

August 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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@gsce Rcedhopu > E]. Vhteh Eaedsal, O.Kcp, ]p.Kcp.Oht @asusue gicl Kcigopgk = 8. Rutr Rutraa Tui Tuihe he`h `hra ra 6. VH. VH. @lay @layhh hh Hr` Hr`ci ciah ah =. Vhrh 0. Vht Vhtal Fa Faii iih hla 3. Vah Vah Ae Ae`r `rah ahea ea :. Va`g Jh Jhmlra 4. Vakh Vakh Gkth Gkthrraeh aeh RCE@HLSISHE..................................... RCE@HLSISHE......................................................................... .......................................... ...... 8 8.8 Ihthr Fcihkhed................................................ Fcihkhed........................................................................... .................................. ....... 8 8.6. Vuoushe Ohshihl ................................................. ................................................................... .......................... ........ 6 8.=. Punuhe.................................... Punuhe.......................................................... ............................................ ..................................... ............... 6 8.0. Ohejhht ............................................ .................................................................. ............................................ .......................... .... = FHF AA> PAENHSHE PCGVA................................................. PCGVA............................................................................ ........................... = 6.8 Rcedcrtahe Hfgrtus..................................... Hfgrtus........................................................... ....................................... .................3 3 6.6 Rceycfhf Hfgrtus...................................... Hfgrtus.................................................................... ....................................... .........3 3 6.= Rhtgjasagigda............................................ Rhtgjasagigda................................................................................ .......................................... ......< < 6.0.Ohmho ohmho Hfgrtus ................................................................... 1 6.3. Phfci `ahdegsh ............................................................ ................................................................................. ..................... 8: 6.:. Kgopiakhsa ...................................... ............................................................ .......................................... .......................... ...... 8< 6.4. Lukuo Hfgrtus ........................................ .............................................................. ..................................... ................. .. 81 6. RCESPSR............................................. RCESPSR................................................................... ........................................... ..................... =2 0.8 Kcsaopuihe.................................... Kcsaopuihe.......................................................... ............................................ .............................. ........ =2 0.6 ]hrhe...................................... ]hrhe............................................................ ............................................ ...................................... ................ =2 @HJPHV RS]PHKH................................. RS]PHKH....................................................... ...................................................... ................................ =8


FHF A RCE@HLSISHE 8.8 Ihthr Fcihkhed

]hihl shtu kgopiakhsa tcrfheyhk ph`h kclhoaihe ahihl tcrnh`aeyh pcr`hrhlhe. Rcr`hrhlhe `hpht tcrnh`a ph`h sctahp usah kclhoaihe. Rh`h kclhoaihe ou`h scraed `akhatkhe `akha tkhe `cedhe `cedhe kcnh`ahe kcnh`ahe hfgrtus, hfgrtus, oassmhrrahdc, oassmhrrahdc, chriy prcdehemy prcdehemy igss.Rcr`hrh igss.Rcr`hrhlhe lhe yhed tcrnh`a ph`h uour kclhoaihe yhed icfal tuh tcruthoh sctcihl ocicwhta traocstcr  AAA `ascfut pcr`hrhlhe hetcphrtuo. Rcr`hr Rcr `hrhlh hlhe e ph`h ph`h kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe ou`h ou`h `akceh `akcehii fcfcrh fcfcrhph ph astaihl astaihl scsuha scsuha `cedhe `cedhe  pcrtaofhedhe ohsaed-ohsaed, tcthpa sctahp khia kath ocialht tcrnh`aeyh pcr`hrhlhe  ph`h kclhoaihe kath lhrus scihiu fcrjakar tcethed hkafht `hra pcr`hrhlhe aea yhed oceycf oce ycfhfk hfkhe he kcdhdh kcdhdhihe ihe kcihed kcihedsue suedhe dhe kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe atu sce`ara sce`ara.@a .@akce kcehi hi fcfcrh fcfcrhph ph  fhthshe tcethed pcrastawh yhed `athe`ha `cedhe pcr`hrhlhe ph`h kclhoaihe ou`h, shihl shtueyh h`hihl hfgrtus. Hfgrtus ocruphkhe hemhohe hthu pcedciuhrhe lhsai kgescpsa scfciuo nheae `hpht la`up `aiuhr khe`uedhe.]cfhdha fhthshe ahihl kclhoaihe kurhed `hra 62 oaeddu hthu fcrht nheae kurhed `hra 322 drho. Hedkh kcnh`ahe hfgrtus sukhr `atcetukhe khrceh hfgrtus prgvgkhtus fheyhk  yhed yhe d ta`hk ta`hk `aihpg `aihpgrkh rkhe, e, kcmuhi kcmuhiaa faih faih su`hl su`hl tcrnh` tcrnh`aa kgopia kgopiakhs khsa.] a.]coc cocethr ethrhh atu, atu, `hra `hra kcnh`ahe yhed `akcthlua 83-62% ocruphkhe hfgrtus spgethe hthu kclhoaihe cktgpak. ]ckathr ]ckat hr 3% `hra phshedhe yhed ocemgfh ocemgfh lhoai hkhe ocedhihoa kcdud kcdudurhe urhe 6 khia yhed fcruruthe, `he sckathr 8% `hra phshedhe ocedhihoa = hthu icfal kcdudurhe  fcruruthe. Vhth-rhth tcrnh`a 880 khsus hfgrtus pcr nho.]cfhdahe fcshr stu`a oceyhthkhe kcnh`ahe hfgrtus spgethe hethrh 83-62% `hra scouh kclhoaihe.Khihu `akhna icfal nhul kcnh`ahe hfgrtus scfcehreyh fash oce`ckhta 32%. Hfgrtus `ascfhfkhe gicl fcfcrhph jhktgr fhak `hra afu ohupue `hra nheae, gicl scfhf atu kath scfhdha tcehdh kcsclhthe lhrus ocofcrakhe whwhshe `he LC ph`h afu afu lh lhoa oaii ue uetu tuk k scihi scihiu u ococ ococrak rakshk shkhe he kc kclh lhoa oaih ihee eeyh yh `h `he e whsp whsph` h`hh tcrlh tcrlh`h `hp p kgopiakhsa yhed tcrnh`a.  

Rh`h rcohnh, rcohnh fcrhrta ocenhihea prgscs fcrht yhed ocofutulkhe fheyhk 

 pceycsuhahe `he oceaofuikhe kcmcohshe. Igenhkhe pcrtuofulhe fh`hea `he  pcohthedhe grdhe-grdhe rcprg`uksa h`hihl shihl shtu ohshihl fcshr yhed ocrckh lh`hpa. Rcrhshhe scksuhi yhed oceduht thk fash ta`hk `ahihoa gicl sctahp rcohnh


ocskapue kh`hreyh fcrfc`h shtu `cedhe yhed ihae. Fcdatu nudh kcohopuhe uetuk  ocedce oce dce`hia `hiakhe kheeyh eyh.. Kctakh Kctakh ocrckh ocrckh lhrus lhrus fcrnuh fcrnuhed ed ocedce ocedcehia hia sasa-sa sasa-sasa sa `ara `ara yhed yhed ocedhihoa pcrufhlhe jasak-psakas-sgsahi hkafht pufcrths, ohsyhrhkht nustru fcruphyh kcrhs oceycofueyakhe scdhih lhi tcethed scks, oceaeddhikhe rcohnh `cedhe fcrnuth the`h theyh yhed ihiu ihihed `a kcphih ocrckh. Rhe`hedhe fhlwh scks h`hihl thfu, yhed tcihl sckahe ihoh tcrtheho, ocofuht rcohnh ceddhe fcr`askusa tcethed kcsclhthe rcprg`uksa `cedhe grhed ihae. Qhed icfal ocopra oco pralht lhtaek aekhe, he, ocrckh ocrckh nustru nustru ocrhsh ocrhsh phiaed phiaed thk eyhohe eyhohe faih faih lhrus lhrus ocofhl ocofhlhs hs scksuhiaths `cedhe heddgth kciuhrdheyh sce`ara. Phk Ph k tcrsc tcrsc`a `ahe heyh yh ae aejg jgro rohsa hsa yh yhed ed hk hkur urht ht `h `he e ’f ’fce cehr hr‟‟ tc tcet ethe hed d kc kcscl sclht hthe he rcprg` rcp rg`uks uksaa ocohks ocohkshh rcohnh rcohnh fcrdcr fcrdcraiy aiyhh ocemhr ocemhraa hkscs hkscs `he ocihku ocihkukhe khe ckspig ckspigrhsa rhsa sce`ara.Hrus kgoueakhsa `he aejgrohsa ocedhiar `crhs ocehwhrkhe pctuhihedhe yhed ocehet oce hethed hed.Oh .Ohnhih nhihl, l, fuku, fuku, `he jaio pgregd pgregdrhja rhja yhed yhed ocohph ocohphrkh rkhe e kceako kceakohthe hthe lufuedhe scks theph ocedhnhrkhe theddued nhwhf yhed lhrus `ashe`hed `he rasakg yhed lhrus `alh`hpa, ocenh`a hmuhe uthoh ocrckh. Ocrckh nudh ocihihp ’pcihnhrhe‟ scks `hra aetcrect, ocska shht aea hktavaths satus pgregdrhja fhru sckathr 6-=%, `he su`hl ouemui satus-satus pciae`ued `hra pgregdrhja . @a Ae`gecsah shht aea :6 nuth rcohnh sc`hed fcrtuoful `a Phehl Har.

8. 6

Vuoushe Ohshihl


Hphkhl pcedcrtahe hfgrtus7


Hph shnh pceycfhf hfgrtus7


Fhdhaoheh phtgjasagigda hfgrtus7

0. 3.

Hph shnh ohmho-ohmho hfgrtus7 Hph shnh `ahdegsh fhe`aed pcr`hrhlhe kclhoaihe ou`h7


Fhdhaoheh kgopiakhsa hkafht hfgrtus7

8. = Punuhe H. Punuhe uouo

Hdhr Hd hr ohlh ohlhsas saswh wh ohop ohopu u oced ocedct cthl hlua ua `h `he e ocoh ocohlh lhoa oa tc tcet ethe hed d hf hfgr grtu tuss `h `he e  pcehthihkshehhe `hra hfgrtus. F. Punuhe klusus

8. 6.

Ocencihskhe pcedcrtahe hfgrtus Ocencihskhe pceycfhf hfgrtus



Ocencihskhe phtgjasagigda hfgrtus


Oceycfutkhe ohmho-ohmho hfgrtus


Ocencihskhe `ahdegsh fhe`aed pcr`hrhlhe kclhoaihe ou`h


Ocencihskhe kgopiakhsa hkafht hfgrtus

8. 0 Ohejhht h. Fhda oh ohsyhrhkht

Hdhr ohsyhrhkht ocedcthlua tcethed pceycfhf `he `hophk `hra hfgrtus.  f.

Fhda pceciata

Ocedct Oce dcthlu hluaa `he ocehof ocehofhl hl whwhsh whwhshe e scrth scrth pcedct pcedcthlu hluhe he hdhr hdhr `hpht `hpht ocihku ocihkukhe khe  pcehthihkshehhe hfgrtus. m.

Fhda aestatusa

Ocof Oc ofcra crakh khe e

pc pceh ehof ofhl hlhe he

ae aejg jgro rohs hsaa

tceth tcethed ed hf hfgr grtu tuss kl klus usus usey eyhh

fh fhda da

kcsclhthe hdhr `hpht ocedcthlua tcethed hfgrtus `he pcehthihkshehheeyh.

ae aest stat atus usaa



68 Rcedcrtahe Hfgrtus

Hfgrtus ocruphkhe hemhohe hthu pcedciuhrhe lhsai kgescpsa scfciuo nheae `hpht la`up `aiuhr khe`uedhe.]cfhdha fhthshe ahihl kclhoaihe kurhed `hra 62 oaeddu hthu fcrht nheae kurhed `hra 322 drho, (prhwarglhr`ng, 6221). Hfgrtus h`hihl hemhohe hthu pcedciuhrhe lhsai kgescpsa ph`h usah kclhoaihe kurhed `hra 62 oaeddu hthu fcrht nheae kurhed `hra 322 drho, (Ohesngcr,`kk, 6222). Hfgrtus h`hihl tcroaehsa kclhoaihe yhed ta`hk `aaedaekhe ocihiua octg`c gfht-gfhthe hthu fc`hl, (Ogrdhe, 6221). Fcrhkl Fcr hklare areyh yh kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe scfciu scfciuo o hehk hehk `hpht `hpht la`up la`up `a `ueah `ueah iuhr iuhr `ascfu `ascfutt hfgrtus.He hfgrt us.Hehk hk fhru ouedkae ouedkae la`up `a `ueah `ueah iuhr khihu fcrhteyh fcrhteyh tcihl ocemhpha 8222 drho hthu uour kclhoaihe 6< oaeddu.H`h nudh yhed ocedhofai scfhdha fhths uetuk  hfgrtus fcrht hehk yhed kurhed hfgrtus kurhed `hra 322 drho. Nakh hehk yhed ihlar ihlar fcrhteyh hethrh 322 ” 111 drho `ascfut nudh `cedhe aoohturc. Hfgrtus h`hihl fcrhklareyh suhtu kclhoaihe (gicl hkafht-hkafht tcrtcetu) ph`h hthu fciuo kclhoaihe tcrscfut fcrusah 66 oaeddu hthu fuhl kclhoaihe fciuo ohopu uetuk la`up `auhr khe`uedhe, (prhwarglhr`ng, 6282).

66 Rceycfhf Hfgrtus 8.

Kcihaehe pcrtuofulhe pcrtuofulhe lhsai kgescpsa.

Fa Fahsh hshey eyhh ocey oceycf cfhf hfkh khe e hf hfgr grtu tuss ph ph`h `h kc kclh lhoa oaih ihe e scfci scfciuo uo us usah ah < oaed oaeddu du.. Kcihaehe Kcihae he lhsai lhsai kgescp kgescpsa sa yhed yhed fcrht fcrht `hpht `hpht oceycf oceycfhfk hfkhe he kcohta kcohtahe he ou`adh ou`adhl l ph`h ph`h kclhoaihe ou`h. Jhktgr yhed oceycfhfkhe kcihaehe aea h`hihl > 8)

Kcihaehe krgogsgo, tcruthoh traogsgoh `he ogegsgoh \ Hfegrohiaths cofrag hthu nheae ocruphkhe pceycfhf phiaed scraed uetuk hfgrtus `aea `he kcnh`ahe aea kcrhp khia `ascfhfkhe gicl mhmht krgogsgo. Kcihaehe yhed scraed `atcoukhe ph`h hfgrtus spgethe h`hihl trasgoa,pgiapiga`a `he kcouedkaehe  puih kcihaehe krgogsgo scks.


Iaedkuedhe sckathr tcopht aopihethsa kurhed scopureh. scopureh. Faih iaedkuedhe `a ce`goctrauo `a sckathr tcopht aopihethsa kurhed scopureh sclaedhh pcofcrahe sclaed pcofcrahe zht-zht ohkhehe ohkhehe ph`h lhsai kgescpsa kgescpsa tcrdheddu. tcrdheddu. Ce`goctrau Ce`goctrauo o


 fciuo sahp uetuk ocecraoh aopihsa lhsai kgescpsa.Fash nudh khrceh daza afu kurhed khrceh hecoah hthu tcrihiu pce`ck nhrhk kclhoaihe. =)

Rcedhrul tcrhtgdce hkafht rh`ahsa, varus, varus, gfht-gfhthe tcofhkhu `he himglgi. himglgi. Vh`ahs Vh` ahsa, a, varus, varus, gfht-g gfht-gfht fhthe, he, `he scfhdh scfhdhaey aeyhh `hpht `hpht ocopce ocopcedhr dhrul ulaa fhak fhak lhsai lhsai kg kges escp cpsa sa ohup ohupue ue iaed iaedku kued edhe he la`u la`upe peyh yh `h `hih iho o ut utcr crus us.R .Rce cedh dhru rul l ae aeaa uouo uouoey eyhh `aehohkhe pcedhrul tcrhtgdce. ^ht tcrhtgdce yhed ihae oashieyh tcofhkhu, hikglgi, khjcae, `he ihaeeyh.


Kcihaehe Kcihaehe ph`h pihsceth, pihsceth, oashieyh oashieyh ce`hrtcr ce`hrtcratas atas vaia kgrahias kgrahias khrceh lapcrtc lapcrtcesa esa ocehlue.

Ce`hrtcrata Ce`hr tcratass `hpht tcrnh`a `hiho vaia kgrahics kgrahics `he oceycfhfkhe oceycfhfkhe gksadceashsa gksadceashsa  pihsceth tcrdheddu, sclaeddh oceycfhfkhe dhedduhe pcrtuofulhe `he kcohtahe  nheae.Kch`hhe aea fahsh tcrnh`a scnhk kclhoaihe ou`h oashieyh khrceh lapcrtcesa ocehlue. Aejcksa ph`h pihsceth `cedhe fcrfhdha scfhf, sclaeddh phisceth ta`hk `hpht  fcrjuedsa. Dhedduhe




`ahe hetthrhe hey yh


`ahf hfcctcs

ociatu oci atus.L s.Lapc apcrtce rtcesa sa oceycf oceycfhfk hfkhe he dheddu dhedduhe he pcrc`h pcrc`hrhe rhe `hrhl `hrhl phiscet phiscethh sclaed sclaeddh dh oceaofuikhe kcdudurhe.


Jhktg Jhktgrr ohtcr ohtcrehi ehi scpcr scpcrta ta pecuog pecuogeah eah,, typus, typus, hec hecoah oah fcrht, fcrht, kcrhm kcrhmueh uehe e `he tgksgpihsogsas. Rceyhkat-pceyhkat ohtcrehi `he pcedduehhe gfht > pceyhkat oceyhedkut aejcksa

varus hkut, phehs taedda `he aegkuihsa, oashieyh ph`h vhksaehsa tcrlh`hp pceyhkat mh mhmhr mhr . ec ecjr jrat atas as kr krge geas as `h `he e dh dhdh dhii nhet nhetue ued d `h `hph phtt oced ocedhk hkaf afhtk htkhe he he hegk gksah sah nh nhea eae. e. Kcshihlhe Kcshihl he ph`h octhfgiasoc octhfgiasoc hsho jgiht yhed `apcriukhe `apcriukhe uetuk uetuk pcrkcofhed pcrkcofhedhe he nheae hkhe ocedhkafhtkhe kcohtahe nheae. Gfht-gfht tcrtcetu, klususeyh prcphrht satgtgksak  hkhe oceddheddu oceddheddu prgscs prgscs egrohi egrohi pcofcihlhe pcofcihlhe sci yhed mcpht. Rrgsthdihe` Rrgsthdihe`ae ae hkhe oceycfhfkhe hfgrtus `cedhe ocrhedshed kgetrhksa utcrus. Rc Rcey eyhk hkat at hf hf`g `goa oaeh ehia ias, s,

aejc aejcks ksaa

`hph `hphtt

paci pacige gecj cjra rata tas, s,

ocey oceycf cfhf hfkh khe e

ohihr ohihrah ah,,

`h `he e

hf hfgr grtu tuss

yh yhat atu u

ihae ihaeey eyh. h.Pg Pgks ksae ae,,

pecu pecuog ogea eah, h,

taju tajuss

fh fhkt ktcr cra, a, va varu rus, s, ht hthu hu


 pihsog`auo `hpht ocihiua pihsceth ohsuk kc nheae, sclaeddh oceycfhfkhe kcohtahe  nheae, kcou`ahe tcrnh`a hfgrtus. Kcihae Kci haehe he ce`gkr ce`gkrae ae oashie oashieyh yh `ahfct `ahfctcs cs ociiat ociiatus, us, fcrkha fcrkhathe the `cedhe `cedhe `crhnht `crhnht kg kget etrg rgii octh octhfg fgia iak k ph ph`h `h tra traoc ocstc stcrr pc pcrt rtho hoh. h.sci sciha hae e atu atu nu nudh dh la lapg pgta targ rga` a`as aso o `h `hph phtt oceaedkhtk oceae dkhtkhe he rcsakg rcsakg tcrnh`aeyh tcrnh`aeyh hfgrtus, hfgrtus, `aoheh `aoheh hutghetafg` hutghetafg`aa targa` oceycfhfkhe oceycfhfkhe  pceaedkhthe aesa`cesa hfgrtus whihupue ta`hk tcrnh`a lapgtarga`aso lapgtarga`aso yhed eyhth. 0.

Kcihaehe trhktus trhktus dcecthiah, scpcrta aekgopctcesa scrvaks (uetuk hfgrtus ph`h traocstcr kc`uh), rctrgvcrsa rctrgvcrsa utcra, oagoh utcra `he kcihaehe fhwhhe utcrus.

Hfegrhohiaths utcrus yhed ocedhkafhtkhe khiaehe khvuo utcra hthu lhihedhe tcrl tcrlh` h`hp hp pc pcrtu rtuof oful ulhe he `h `he e pc pcof ofcsh cshrh rhe e utcr utcrus us,, oashi oashiey eyhh jafr jafrga ga`, `, ohij ohijgr groh ohsa sa kgedceathi, prgihpsus hthu rctrgvcrsag utcra. Kcrushkhe ph`h scrvak hkafht rgfckhe yhed `hiho ph`h shht ocihlarkhe hthu hkafht tae`hkhe pcofc`hlhe (`aihthsa, hoputhsa). Vhlao Vhla o ocru ocruph phkh khe e tcop tcopht ht tu tuof oful ul kc kcof ofhe hede deyh yh nh nhea eae e `a `anu nuop opha ha kc kch` h`hh hhe e hfegrohi `hiho fcetuk oagoh utcra, utcrus hrkhtus, utcrus scptus, rctrgjicksa utcra, scrvaks aekgopctce, fckhs gpcrhsa ph`h scrvaks (kgeashsa, hoputhsa scrvaks), rgfckhe scrvaks pgstphrtuo.



Phpaa fahshe Php fahsheyh yh nakh nakh tcrnh` tcrnh`aa ihedsu ihedsued ed ph`h ph`h khvuo khvuo utcra. utcra.Luf Lufued uedhe he scksuhi scksuhi klususeyh khihu tcrnh`a grdhsoc, `hpht oceycfhfkhe hfgrtus ph`h wheath `cedhe rawhyht kcdudurhe yhed fcrkhia-khia.


Jhktgr-jhktgr lgrogehi.

Oashie Oas hieyh yh pceuru pceuruehe ehe sckrcsa sckrcsa prgdcst prgdcstcrg crge e `apcrk `apcrkarh arhkhe khe scfhdh scfhdhaa pceycf pceycfhf hf tcrnh`aeyh hfgrtus ph`h usah kclhoaihe 82 shopha 86 oaeddu, yhatu shht pihsceth ocedhofai hial jueedsa kgrpus iutcuo `hiho prg`uksa lgroge.


]cfhf-scfhf psakgsgohtak. psakgsgohta k.

]trcss `he cogsa yhed kht `akcthlua `hpht ocopcedhrla juedsa utcrus icwht lapgthihous-lapgjasc.


(8) Aejcksa h.

Zarus, Zarus, oashieyh mhmhr , rufciih, rufciih, lcphtatas. lcphtatas.


Aejcksa  Aejcksa fhktcra,  fhktcra, oashieyh strcptgkgkus. strcptgkgkus.

m. Rhrhsat, Rhrhsat, oashieyh ohihrah. ohihrah. (6) Aejcksa krgeas h.

]ajaias, ]ajaias, fahsheyh oceycfhfkhe hfgrtus ph`h traocstcr kc`uh.


Pufcrkuigsas phru hktaj. phru hktaj.


Kcrhmuehe, oashieyh kcrhmuehe tcofhdh, taohl, har rhksh, `ii.

  `. Rceyhkat krgeas, krgeas, oashieyh > Lapcrtcesa, Lapcrtcesa, ecplratas, ecplratas, `ahfctcs, `ahfctcs, hecoah fcrht, fcrht, pceyhkat  nhetued,, tgxcoah drhva`hruo  nhetued c.

Dhedduhe jasagigdas, jasagigdas, oashieyh ]ygk , kcthkuthe, `ii.


Prhuoh Prhuoh jasak.  jasak.

6) Rceycfhf yhed fcrsajht igkhi> igkhi> (8) Jafrga`, Jafrga`, aekgopctcesah scrvaks. scrvaks.

(6) Vh`hed pcivas krgeas, krgeas, ce`goctrtas ce`goctrtas.. (=) Vctrgvcrsa  Vctrgvcrsa krgeas. krgeas. (0) Lufuedhe

sc sck ksuh suhi yhed





oceycfhfkhe lapcrcoah `he lapcrcoah `he hfgrtus.


Rceycfhf `hra scda Nheae

8) Kcohtahe nheae hkafht kcihaehe fhwhhe. 6) Ogih la`hta`gsh. la`hta`gsh. =) Rceyhkat pihsceth `he pihsceth `he `csa`uh, `csa`uh, oashieyh aejihohsa `he aejihohsa `he `cdcecrhsa. `cdcecrhsa. 0) Rcocrakshhe Rcocrakshhe S]D nheae `he lastgphtgi lastgphtgigdas gdas scihenuteyh scihenuteyh oceuenukk oceuenukkhe he fhlwh ph`h 42% khsus, gvuo yhed tcihl `afuhla dhdhi uetuk fcrkcofhed hthu tcrnh`a ohijgrohsa  ph`h tuful nheae. 3) Rh`h 02% khsus, `akcthlua fhlwh ihthr fcihkhed kcnh`ahe hfgrtus h`hihl kcihaehe mlrgogsgohi. :) Rh`h 62% khsus, tcrfukta tcrfukta h`heyh h`heyh kcdhdhihe kcdhdhihe trgjgfihst trgjgfihst uetuk uetuk ocihkukhe ocihkukhe aopihethsa aopihethsa `cedhe h`ckuht.


6= Rhtgjasagigda Rhtgjasagigda

Rh`h hwhi hfgrtus tcrnh`a pcr`hrhlhe `csa`uhfhshias, `aakuta `cedhe ecrkrgsas  nhraedhe sckathr yhed oceycfhfkhe lhsai kgescpsa tcricphs `he `aheddhp fce`h hsaed `hiho utcrus.Kcou`ahe utcrus fcrkgetrhksa uetuk ocedciuhrkhe fce`h hsaed tcrscfut. Rh`h kclhoaihe kurhed `hra < oaeddu, vaiia kgrahias fciuo ocecofus `csa`uh scmhrh `hiho scmhrh `hiho nh`a nh`a lhsai lhsai kgescps kgescpsaa `hpht `hpht `akciu `akciuhrk hrkhe he sciurul sciuruley eyh.R h.Rh`h h`h kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe < shopha 80 oaeddu, oaeddu, pcecofushe pcecofushe su`hl icfal `hiho laeddh pihsceth ta`hk `aicphskhe `aicphskhe scopur sco pureh eh `he oceaof oceaofuik uikhe he fheyhk fheyhk pcr`hr pcr`hrhlh hlhe. e. Rh`h Rh`h kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe icfal icfal `hra `hra 80 oaeddu oaed du nheae `akciuhrkhe `akciuhrkhe tcricfal `hluiu `hluiu `hraph`h `hraph`h pihsceth pihsceth lhsai kgescpsa kciuhr  `hiho `hi ho fcetuk fcetuk scpcrt scpcrtaa khetge khetged d kgsge kgsged d hoeage hoeage hthu fce`h kcmai kcmai yhed yhed ta`hk ta`hk nci ncihs hs  fcetukeyh (fiadltcs gvuo),nheae ihlar ohta, nheae ohsal la`up, ogih kruceth, jctus kgoprcsus, ohscrhsa hthu jctus phparhscus.


6.0 TGM Aejcksa hkut

Dhedduhe ce`gkrae


Dhedduhe Daza/Hecoah

Dhedduhe jhhi grdhe

Hfgrtus (ohta nheae 962 oaeddu)

Hfgrtus Aejcksagsh

Hfgrtus ]pgethe

Vctcesa Nheae (oassc` hfgrtage)

Hfgrtus Aooaeces

Rcr`hrhlhe, fcrmhk h`h hemhohe kclhoaihe



Hfgrtus Vcsakg taedda

 Eycra hf`goce

Kurhed  pcedcthluhe

 Eycra hkut


Vasakg aejcksa

Kckurhedhe vgiuoc mharhe

  6.3 Ohmho-ohmho Hfgrtus  8.

Hfgrtus aooaeces - tlrchtcec` tlrchtcec` hfgrtage (kcdudurhed (kcdudurhed ocedhemho). ocedhemho).

Rcrastawh tcrnh`aeyh pcr`hrhlhe `hra utcrus ph`h kclhoaihe scfciuo 62 oaeddu, `aoheh lhsai kgescpsa ohsal `hiho utcrus, `he theph h`heyh `aihthsa  `aihthsa scrvaks. scrvaks. Rh`hh tapc Rh` tapc aea tcrialh tcrialhtt pcr`hr pcr`hrhlh hlhe e pcrvhd pcrvhdaeh aeho. o. Rh`h Rh`h 32% khsus, khsus, pcr`hr pcr`hrhlh hlhe e tcrscfu tcrs cfutt lheyh lheyh sc`aka sc`akatt scrth scrth fcrhed fcrhedsursur-hed hedsur sur hkhe hkhe fcrlce fcrlceta ta sctcihl sctcihl fcrihe fcrihedsu dsued ed  fcfcrhph lhra `he kclhoaihe fcrihedsued scmhrh egrohi. Ocskapue `coakahe, wheath yhed ocedhihoaeyh ouedkae tcthp ocrhsh klhwhtar hkhe hkafht pcr`hrhlhe ph`h


 fhya. Fahsheyh kcklhwhtarheeyh hkhe `hpht `ahthsa `cedhe ocencihskhe khiu nheae ocedhihoae dhedduhe, ohkh kclhoaiheeyh ta`hk hkhe fcrihenut. Hfgrtus aooaeces ocruphkhe hfgrtus yhed phiaed fheyhk tcrnh`a.Rh`h hfgrtus aea, pcr`hrhlhe pcr`hrhlhe fcruph fcruph fcrmhk yhed oceuenukk oceuenukkhe he hemhohe hemhohe tcrlh`hp tcrlh`hp kcihedsued kcihedsuedhe he kclh kclhoa oaih ihe. e. Ehou Ehoue, e,

ph`h ph`h

pr prae aesa sape peyh yh

kclh kclhoa oaih ihe e

ohsa ohsal l

fa fash sh

fc fcri rihe henu nutt

ht hthu hu

`apcrthlhekhe. ]ctc ]ctced edhl hl `h `hra ra hf hfgr grtu tuss ae aeaa hk hkhe he ocen ocenh` h`aa hf hfgr grtu tuss ae aekg kgop opia iatt hthu hthu kg kgop opia iat, t, sc`hedkhe sc`hed khe sasheyh sasheyh kclhoaihe kclhoaihe hkhe fcrihedsue fcrihedsued. d. Fcfcrhph Fcfcrhph kcpusthkhhe kcpusthkhhe oceyhthkhe oceyhthkhe  fhlwh hfgrtus aea tcr`hphth`heyh rasakg uetuk tcrnh`aeyh prcohturaths hthu dhedduhe  pcrtuofulhe `hiho rhlao. H. @ahdegsh ph`h hfgrtus aooaecet h`hihl > (8) Rcr`hrhlhe jick-jick (fash shopha fcfcrhph lhra). (6) Vhsh shkat scpcrta shht ocestruhsa fash h`h hthu ta`hk . (=) ]crvaks `he GSC ohsal tcrtutup. (0) RR tcst (+). F. Rcehedhehe hfgrtus hfgrtus aooaeces ociaputa > (8) Astarhlht fhraed. Pa`ur fcrfhraed ocruphkhe uesur pcetaed `hiho pcedgfhthe, khrceh mhrh aea oceycfhfkhe fcrthofhleyh hiarhe `hrhl kc utcrus `he fcrkurhedeyh rhedshed ockheak. (6) Pcrhpa lgroge prgdcstcrge aetrhouskuihr hthu `cedhe fcrfhdha zht prgdcsthsagehi saetct sae tctak ak pcrgrh pcrgrhii hthu hthu scmhrh scmhrh aetrho aetrhousk uskuih uihr.T r.Thihu hihupue pue fukta fukta cjcktav cjcktavath athsey seyhh ta`hk  ta`hk  `akcthlua scmhrh phsta. (=) Rcocrakshhe uitrhsgegdrhja uetuk ocecetukhe hphkhl nheae ohsal la`up.


Hfgrtus aesapaces - aecvathfic aecvathfic hfgrtage (Kcdudurhe Fcrihedsued)

Rcrastawh pcr`hrhlhe Rcrastawh  pcr`hrhlhe  utcrus ph`h utcrus ph`h kclhoaihe scfciuo 62 oaeddu `cedhe h`heyh `aihthsa scrvaks utcra yhed utcra yhed oceaedkht, tcthpa lhsai kgescpsa ohsal `hiho utcrus. Hfgr Hf grtu tuss aesap aesapac aces es `ahth `ahthe` e`ha ha gicl gicl kc kcla laihe ihedh dhe e `h `hrhl rhl sc`he sc`hed d la laed eddh dh fc fcrh rht, t, kgetrhksa utcrus yhed oceycfhfkhe eycra krho ph`h hf`goce fhdahe fhwhl `he `aihthsa scrvaks. Hfgrtus aesapaces ocruphkhe kch`hhe `aoheh pcr`hrhlhe aetrhutcra fcrihedsued `he `h e lhs lh sai kgescp kgescpsa sa ohsal ohsal fcrh`h fcrh`h `a `hiho mhvuo utcra.H utcra.Hfgr fgrtus tus aea sc`hed sc`hed fcrihed fcrihedsue sued d `he ta`hk  ta`hk  `hpht `amcdhl ihda, GSC tcrfukh, tcrhfh kctufhe, `he fcrihedsued lheyh fcfcrhph nho shnh.


H. @ahdegsh hfgrtus aesapaces > (8) Rcr`hrhlhe fheyhk, kh`hed-kh`hed kciuhr duophihe `hrhl. (6) Eycra lcfht `ascrtha kgetrhksa rhlao. (=) ]crvaks hthu GSC tcrfukh `he/hthu kctufhe tcihl pcmhl. (0) Kctufhe `hpht tcrhfh khrceh h`heyh `aihthsa scrvaks. (3) RRtcst `hpht pgsataj hthu ecdhtaj . F. Rcehedhehe Hfgrtus Hfgrtus Aesapaces ociaputa > (8)

Nakh Nakh usah usah kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe kurhed kurhed 8: oaeddu, oaeddu, ihkukhe ihkukhe cvhiuhsa cvhiuhsa utcrus utcrus `cedhe `cedhe


vhkuo oheuhi. Nakh cvhiuhsa ta`hk `hpht, scdcrh ihkukhe > h. Fcrakhe crdgocjaae 2,6 od aetrhouskuicr (`hpht `auihed `auihed sctcihl 83 oceat


pcriu) hthu oasgprgstgi 022 omd pcr grhi (`hpht `auihed scsu`hl 0

 nho faih  f.

pcriu). ]cdcrh ihkukhe pcrsahphe uetuk pcedciuhrhe lhsai kge kgescpsa scpsa `hra utcrus.

(6) Nakh usah kclhoaihe icfal 8: oaeddu > h. Pueddu Pueddu ckspuisa ckspuisa spgeth spgethe e lhsai lhsai kgescps kgescpsaa ihi ihiu u cvhiuh cvhiuhsa sa sash-sas sash-sashh lhsai lhsai kgescpsa.  f. Nakh pcriu, ihkukhe aejus 62 ueat gksatgsae `hiho 322 oi mharhe aetrhvceh (dhrho jasagigdak hthu ihruthe raedcr ihktht `cedhe kcmcphthe 02 tctcs  pcroceat uetuk ocofhetu ckspuisa lhsai kgescpsa. kgescpsa. (=) uetuk tcthp ocohethu kge`asa afu sctcihl pcehedhehe. pcehedhehe.


Hfgrtus aekgopictus (kcdudurhe ta`hk icedkhp).

Rcedciuhr Rcedci uhrhe he scfhdah scfhdahe e lhsai lhsai kgescp kgescpsa sa ph`h ph`h kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe scfciu scfciuo o 62 oaeddu oaeddu `cedhe ohsal h`h sash tcrtaeddhi `hiho utcrus.Hfgrtus aekgopictus fcrkhathe `cedhe rctcesa scfhdahe prg`uk pcofuhlhe (lhopar scihiu pihsceth) yhed ta`hk fcdatu ou`hl tcricphs ph`h kclhoaihe `aea scpcrta lhieyh ph`h kclhoaihe htcro.@hiho kch`hhe aea  pcr`hrhlhe ta`hk scdcrh fcrkurhed scocethr scrvaks tcthp tcrfukh. Hfgrtus aekgopictus ocruphkhe suhtu hfgrtus `a oheh lhsai kgescpsa tcihl ihlar hthu tcrhfh ph`h vhdaeh (fciuo kciuhr scouh) `he ohsal h`h sash-sash nhraedhe yhed tcrtaeddhi (fahsheyh nhraedhe pihsceth).



@a @ahd hdeg egsh sh hfg hfgrtu rtuss aekg aekgop opia iatt h`hih h`hihl> l> (8) Sour kclhoaihe fahsheyh `ahths 86 oaeddu, hthu fash kurhed.Ũ (6) Rcr`hrhlhe sc`akat kcou`ahe fheyhk, `ascrtha kciuhreyh lhsai kgescpsa, ta`hk   nhrhed phsace`hthed `hiho kch`hhe sygk.Ũ (=) ]crvaks tcrfukh (8-6 nhra, scraed tcrhfh sash nhraedhe). (0) RR tcst pgsataj hthu ecdhtaj, hecoah.


Rcehedhehe hfgrtus aekgopiat > (8) Nakh pcr`hrhlhet a`hk scfcrhphf heyhk `he kclhoaihe kurhed 8: oaeddu, cvhiuh cvh iuhsa sa `hpht `hpht `aihku `aihkukhe khe scmhrh scmhrh `adath `adathii hthu hthu `cedhe `cedhe mueho mueho gvuo gvuo uetuk  uetuk  ocedciuhrkhe lhsai kgescpsa yhed kciuhr ocihiua scrvaks. Nakh pcr`hrhlhe  fcrlceta, fcra crdgoctrae 2,6 od aetrhouskuicrh thuo asg prgstgi0 22 omd pcr  grhi. (6) Nakh pcr`hrhlhe fheyhk hthu tcrus fcrihedsued` he usah kclhoaihe kurhed 8: oaeddu, cvhiuhsa lhsai kgescpsa `cedhe > h. Hspa Hsparh rhsa sa vh vhku kuo o oheu oheuhi hi ocru ocruph phkh khe e octg octg`c `c cv cvhi hiuh uhsa sa yh yhed ed tc tcrp rpai aial al.. Cvhkuh Cvh kuhsa sa `cedhe `cedhe kurct kurct thnho thnho scfhak scfhakey eyhh lheyh lheyh `aihku `aihkukhe khe nakh nakh hsparhsa hsparhsa vhkuo oheuhi ta`hk tcrsc`ah.  f. Nakh cvhkuhsa fciuo `hpht `aihkukhe scdcrh fcra crdgoctrae 2,6 od aetrhouskuicr (`auihed sctcihl 83 oceat faih pcriu) hthu oasgprgstgi 022 omd pcrgrhi (`hpht `auihed sctcihl 0 nho faih pcriu). (=) Nakh kclhoaihe icfal `hra 8: oaeddu> h. Fcrakhe aejus gksatgsae 62 ueat `hiho 322 oi mharhe aetrhvceh (dhrho jasagigdak hthu raedcr ihktht) `cedhe k cmcphthe 02 tctcs pcroceat shopha tcrnh`a ckspuisa lhsai kgescpsa  f. Nakh pcriu fcrakhe oasgprgstgi 622 omd pcr vhdaeho sctahp 0 nho nh o shopha tcrnh`a ckspuisa lhsai kgescpsa (ohksaohi (8) Rcr`hrhlhe yhed sc`akat (6) Gstauo utcra tcihl oceutup (=) Stcrus tcihl ocedcmai

F. Rcehedhehe hfgrtus kgopiat kgopiat > (8) Pa`hk pcriu cvhiuhsa ihda. (6) Gfscrvhsa uetuk ocialht h`heyh pcr`hrhlhe fheyhk. (=) Rhstakhe uetuk tcthp ocohethu kge`asa afu sctcihl pcehedhehe. (0) Hphfaih tcr`hpht hecoah sc`hed, fcrakhe thfict suijhs jcrrgsus :22 od pcr lhra scihoh 6 oaeddu. Nakh hecoah fcrht fcrakhe trhesjusa `hrhl. (3) Kgesciaed hsulhe phsmh kcdudurhe `he pcohethuhe ihenut.


Hfgrtus lhfatuhias

Hfgrtus lhfatuhias h`hihl hfgrtus spgethe yhed tcrnh`a = khia hthu icfal fcrturutturut. tur ut. Ctagig Ctagigda da hfgrtu hfgrtuss lhfatu lhfatuhias hias ph`h ph`h `hshre `hshreyh yh shoh `cedhe `cedhe pceycf pceycfhf hf hfgrtu hfgrtuss spgethe. ]cihae atu tcihl `atcoukhe scfhf aouegigdak yhatu kcdhdhihe rchksa tcrlh`hp hetadce hetad ce iyoplgmytc iyoplgmytc trgplgfihs trgplgfihstt mrgss rchmtavc rchmtavc (PI\). (PI\). Rhsace `cedhe `cedhe rchksa icohl hthu ta`hk h`h hkhe ocedhihoa hfgrtus. h. @ahdegsh hfgrtus lhfatuhias h`hihl > (8) Kclhoaihe trawuihe kc`uh tcrnh`a pcofukhhe scrvaks theph `ascrtha ouihs. (6) Kctufhe ocegengi `he ph`h suhtu shht pcmhl. (=) Paofui Paofui ouihs ouihs yhed yhed scihenu scihenutey teyhh `aakut `aakutaa `cedhe `cedhe ocihku ocihkukhe khe pcocra pcocrakshh kshhe e vhdaehi tahp oaeddu. (0) Rce`crath scraed ocedciul fhlwh ah tcihl ocedciuhrkhe fheyhk ice`cr `hra vhdaeh


(3)@ (3)@ai aiuh uhrr

kclh kclhoa oaih ihe e

pcec pcecet etuh uhe e

sc scrv rvak akss

ae aekg kgop opct ctce ce

`a `aih ihku kukh khe e

`c `ced edhe he

lastcrgshijaedgdrhja yhatu gstauo aetcreuo utcra ocicfhr icfal `hra < oo.  f. Rcehedheheeyh tcr`ara hths > (8) Ocopcrfhaka kch`hhe uouo. (6) Rcofcrahe ohkhehe yhed scopureh. (=) Henurhe astarhlht mukup fheyhk. (0) Ihrhedhe kgatus `he gihl rhdh. (3)P (3)Pcr crhp hpaa

`ce ced dhe

lgr grog oge e

prgd rgdcs cstc tcrg rge e,

va vath tho oae ae,,

lgro lgrog ge

targ targa` a`,,

`h `he e

ihaeeyhouedkae lheyh ocopueyha ocopueyha pcedhrul psakgigdas. :.

Oassc` hfgrtage

Khihu nheae ou`h yhed tcihl ohta tcrthlhe tcrthlhe `a `hiho rhlao scihoh 6 fuihe hthu icfal, ohkh kch`hhe atu `ascfut oassc` hfgrtage. ]ckathr kcohtahe nheae kh`hedkh`hed h`h pcr`hrhlhe pcr vhdaeho sc`akat laeddh oceaofuikhe dhofhrhe hfgrtus aooaeces. Khihu ta`hk tcrnh`a hfgrtus `cedhe patgmae aejus aea,sckurhed kurhedeyh tcrnh`a  pcofukhhe yhed ocou`hlkhe murctthdc. @aihthsa `hpht nudh `alhsaikhe `cedhe  pcohshedhe ihoaehrah stajt.

H. Dcnhih-dcnhih scihenuteyh ahihl > (8) Vhlao ta`hk ocofcshr, ohihlhe ocedcmai khrceh hfsgrfsa har kctufhe `he ohmcrhsa nheae. (6) Fuhl `h`h ocedcmai kcofhia. (=) Dcnhih-dcnhih ihae yhed pcetaed ta`hk h`h, lheyh hoocegrlgc fcrihedsued tcrus.  

Fahs Fahshe heyh yh kc kch` h``h `he e ae aeaa fc fcrh rhkl klar ar `c `ced edhe he hf hfgr grtu tuss yh yhed ed spge spgeth the e sc scih ihof ofht ht-ihofhteyh : oaeddu sctcihl nheae ohta.Khihu nheae ohta ph`h kclhoaihe yhed ohsal ou`h ohsal ou`h sckhia sckhia,, ohkh ohkh nheae nheae icfal icfal mcpht mcpht `akciu `akciuhrk hrkhe. he.]cf ]cfhiak hiakyh yh khihu khihu kclhoa kcl hoaihe ihe icfal icfal ihenut ihenut rctcesa rctcesa nheae nheae icfal icfal ihoh. ihoh. ]cfhdh ]cfhdhaa fhths fhths ohksao ohksaohi hi


rctcesa nheae `ahofai 6 fuihe, khihu `hiho 6 fuihe fciuo ihlar `ascfut oassc` hfgrtage (hfgrtus tcrtue`h). F. @ahdegsh oassc` hfgrtage h`hihl > (8) Dcnhih sufycktaj kclhoaihe ocedlaihed (6) Ohoohc hdhk ocedce`gr ihda (=) Stcrus ta`hk ocofcshr ihda fhlkhe ocedcmai (0) Pcs kclhoaihe ocenh`a ecdhtaj, scrth `ceyut nhetued nheae ocedlaihed. (3) @cedhe uitrhsgegdrhja (S]D) `hpht `atcetukhe scdcrh hphkhl nheae su`hl ohta `he fcshreyh scsuha `cedhe usah kclhoaihe. (:) Rcriu `akcthlua puih fhlwh oassc` hfgrtage kh`hed-kh`hed `ascrtha dhedduhe  pcofckuhe `hrhl khrceh lapgjafraegdcecoah, sclaeddh pcocrakhhe kchrhl aea pcriu `aihkukhe. M. Rcehthihkshehhe > ]ctcihl `ahdegsas oassc` hfgrtage `afuht, taofui pcrtheyhhe hphkhl lhsai kgescpsa kgesc psa pcriu scdcrh `akciuhrkhe. `akciuhrkhe. Pae`hkhe Pae`hkhe pcedciuhrhe pcedciuhrhe atu tcrdhetued tcrdhetued `hra  fcrfhdha jhktgr, scpcrta hphkhl kh`hr jafraegdce `hiho `hrhl su`htr ouiha turue. Lapgjafraegdcecoah `hpht tcrnh`a hphfaih nheae yhed ohta icfal `hra A fuihe ta`hk  `akciuhrkhe. ]cihae atu jhktgr ocethi pce`crath pcriu `apcrlhtakhe khrceh ta`hk   nhrhed wheath yhed fcrshedkuthe ocrhsh dciashl, ocedcthlua ah ocedhe`ued  nheae yhed tcihl ohta, `he aedae suphyh nheae scmcphteyh scmcphteyh `akciuhrkhe


Hfgrtus aejcksagsh, hfgrtus scptak 

Hfgrtu Hfgr tuss ae aejck jcksag sagsh sh h` h`hih hihl l hf hfgr grtu tuss yh yhed ed `a `ascr scrth thaa ae aejck jcksa sa ph ph`h `h dc dcea eathi thiah ah,, sc`hedkhe sc`hed khe hfgrtus hfgrtus scptak h`hihl hfgrtus hfgrtus aejcksagsh aejcksagsh fcrht `ascrtha `ascrtha pceycfhrhe pceycfhrhe kuohe hthu tgksae kc `hiho pcrc`hrhe `hrhl hthu pcratgecuo. Rceyuiat








kraoae kra oaehias hias.Rc .Rcr`h r`hrhl rhlhe he lcfht, lcfht, scpsas, scpsas, sygk sygk fhktcr fhktcrahi ahi,, `he dhdhi dhdhi daenhi daenhi hkut hkut pcrehl pcrehl tcrnh`a ph`h hfgrtus icdhi tcthpa `cedhe jrckucesa yhed nhul icfal kcmai. Lhsai fahsheyh h`hihl octratas, tcthpa `hpht nudh tcrnh`a phrhoctratas, pcratgeatas, ce`gkhr`atas, `he scptakcoah.@hra =22 hfgrtus scptak `a Rhrkihe` Lgspathi, fhlkhe `hrhl `hr hl pgsgt pgsgtaj aj ph`h ph`h scpcrco scpcrcopht phteyh eyh.Lh .Lhopa oparr `uh pcrtad pcrtadhh h`hihl h`hihl fhktcra fhktcrahh hehcrg hehcrgf f sc`hedkhe kgiajgro nudh scraed `anuopha. Grdheasoc ihae yhed `aihpgrkhe ocenh`a  pceycfhf hfgrtus scptak hethrh ihae h`hihl lhcogplaius aejiucezhc, mhopyigfhmtcr 


 ncnuea, `he strcptgkgkus drup H. Pcrhpa aejcksa hethrh ihae h`hihl cvhkuhsa scdcrh  prg`uk kgescpsa `ascrtha heta oakrgfh spcktruo iuhs scmhrh aetrhvceh. Hphfaih taofui scpsas `he sygk, pcriu `afcrakhe tcrhpa supgrtaj.Hfgrtus scptak nudh pcrehl `aihpgrkhe oceycfhfkhe kghduigphta aetrhvhskuihr `ascoaehth. H. @ahdegsh hfgrtus aejcksagsh h`hihl > (8) Hfgrtus yhed `ascrtha `cedhe dcnhih `he the`h aejcksa hiht dceathiah, scpcrta phehs, thkakhr`a, pcr`hrhlhe pcrvhdaeho yhed fcrfhu, utcrus yhed ocofcshr, icofck  scrth eycra tckhe, `he h`heyh icukgsatgsas. (6) Hphfaih tcr`hpht scpsas, pce`crath thophk shkat fcrht, kh`hed-kh`hed oceddadai. (=) @coho taedda, `he tckhehe `hrhl oceurue. (0) Setuk ocedcthlua ocedcthlua kuohe pceycfhf pcriu `aihkukhe `aihkukhe pcofahkhe pcofahkhe `hrhl `he dcthl  ph`h scrvaks utcra.

Hfgrtu Hfgrtuss prgvgk prgvgkhtu htuss h`hihl h`hihl pcedhk pcedhklar larhe he kclhoaihe scfciuo 62 oaeddu hkafht suhtu tae`hkhe. Ocedlc Oce dlceta etakhe khe kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe scfciu scfciuo o nheae nheae `hpht `hpht la`up la`up `a iuhr iuhr tuful tuful afu. afu. Rh`h Rh`h uouoey uou oeyhh `ahedd `aheddhp hp fhya fhya fciuo fciuo `hpht `hpht la`up la`up `aiuhr `aiuhr khe`uedhe  khe`uedhe hphfaih hphfaih kclhoaihe kclhoaihe  fciuo ocemhpha uour 6< oaeddu, hthu fcrht hthu  fcrht fh`hefhya fciuo fh`hefhya fciuo 8222 drho, whihupue tcr`hpht khsus fhlwh fhya `afhwhl 8222 drho `hpht tcrus la`up. H. Ohmho-ohmho hfgrtus prgvgkhtus > 8) Hfgrtus prgvgmhtus hrtajamahias hthu hfgrtus tlcrhpcutamus. Hfgrtu Hfg rtuss prgvgm prgvgmhtu htuss hrtajama hrtajamahias hias h`hihl h`hihl Rceddu Rceddudur durhe he kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe,,  fahsheyh `cedhe hiht-hiht, `cedhe hihshe fhlwh kclhoaihe ocofhlhyhkhe ocofhwh ohut fhda afu, oashieyh khrceh afu fcrpceyhkat fcrht. Hfgrtus prgvgmhtus ph`h lhoai ou`h (`a fhwhl 86oaeddu) `hpht `aihkukhe `cedhe pcofcrahe prgsthdihe`ae hthu murctthdc `cedhe pceyc`gthe (vhkuo) hthu `cedhe sce`gk murct. Rh`h lhoai yhed tuh (`a hths 86 oaeddu) `aihkukhe lystcrgtgoa nudh `hpht `asuetakkhe dhrho lypcrtgeas (62%) hthu prgsthdihe`ae aetrh-hoeahi. Ae`akhsa uetuk hfgrtus tlcrhpcutamus oashieyh > pceyhkat nhetued (rlcuoh), lypcrtcesa csscesahi, mhrmaegoh `hrg mcrvak. Ocruphkhe tcroaehsa kclhoaihe scmhrh oc`as hthu fc`hl scfciuo  nheae ohopu la`up (vahfci).Fcfcrhph ae`akhsa uetuk hfgrtus tcrhpcutak 


`ahethrheyh h`hihl pceyhkat nhetued pcrsastce `cedhe rawhyht `ckgopceshsa kgr`as kgr `as `he pceyhk pceyhkat at vhskuic vhskuicrr lapcrtc lapcrtcesa esa thlhp thlhp ihenut ihenut.. Qhed Qhed iha ihae e h`hihl h`hihl khrs khrsae aego gohh

sc scrv rvak akss

ae aevh vhsa saj. j.

Hocr Hocram amhe he

Mgii Mgiicd cdcc

Gfst Gfstct ctra rama mahe hess

he he` `

Dyecmgigdasts (81 h) Hph Hphfai faihh fcrihe fcrihenut nuteyh eyh kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe `hpht `hpht ocedhe ocedhemho mho eyhwh eyhwh afu hthu oced oc eddh dhed eddu du kc kcscl sclht hthe he sc scmhr mhrhh sc scrau raus. s. @hih @hiho o ocec ocecet etuk ukhe he hp hphk hkhl hl ocoh oc ohed ed tcr`h tcr`hph phtt rc rcsak sakg g kc kcscl sclht hthe he pc pcri riu u `a `apc pcrt rtao aofhe fhedk dkhe he jhktg jhktgr  r  iaedkuedhe phsace.  f) Hphfaih kclhoaihe tcrnh`a hkafht pcrkgshhe hthu aemcst. @hiho lhi aea  ph`h cvhiuhsa wheath yhed fcrshedkuthe pcriu`atcrhpkhe kratcrah oc`as yhed shoh. m)

Hp Hphfa hfaih ih fcrihe fcrihenut nuteyh eyh kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe kcoued kcouedkae kaehe he fcshr fcshr oceycf oceycfhfk hfkhe he ihlareyh fhya `cedhe rcthr`hsa ocethi hthu `cjgroaths jasak yhed fcrht.


Hfgrtus prgvgmhtus mraoaehias. Hfgrtus prgvgmhtus mraoaehias h`hihl pceddudurhe kclhoaihe theph hihshe oc`as yhed syhl `he `aihrhed gicl lukuo. Hfgrtu Hfg rtuss prgvgk prgvgkhtu htuss kraoae kraoaehia hiass h`hihl h`hihl aetcru aetcrupsa psa kclhoa kclhoaihe ihe scfciu scfciuo o nheae nheae ohopu la`up hths pcroaethhe wheath yhed fcrshedkuthe, tcthpa fukhe khrceh hihshe pceyhkat nheae hthu dhedduhe kcsclhthe afu.]cfhdahe fcshr hfgrtus yhed `aihkukhe shht aea tcrohsuk `hiho khthdgra aea.  

63 Phfci `ahdegsh fhe`aed pcr`hrhlhe kclhoaihe ou`h

Rcr`hrhlh e Fcrmhk 







the`h s Krho pcrut Krho pcrut Hfgrtus


















kgatus Ihphrgtgoa



e cktgpak  `he phrsahi



`hra  paedshe


 Ecra  fhwhl


pcrut tcrdhedd u

]hipaedcktg oa ]hipaedgstg



 Eycra dgyhed  pgrsag Ohsh h`ecksh Mharhe  fcfhs aetrhhf`go




ce ]c`akat/thep






eycra kgopiat

Pa`h Pa`hk k pc pcri riu u tcrhpa

`hraa usah `hr usah  pcrut fhwhl







lhsai kgescpsa

 fcrihenut ht hthu hu tc tcrn rnh` h`aa

ht hthu hu Hfgrtus


Krho Kr ho





kclhoaih  fhwhl



aejcksa Cvhkuhsa


Fciuo tcrnh`a ckspuisa lhsai kgescpsa Krho Kr ho ht hthu hu Hfgrtus


ey eycr craa pc pcru rutt aekgopiat  fhwhl Ckspuisa scfhdahe lhsai kgescpsa Pcrfukh



`he icfal ouethl







Krho Krh o pcrut pcrut


`hraa usah `hr usah  fhwhl dcsthsa

]ae`rgoh oarap  prcckihosa Phk


 nheae kciuhr   nhraedhe scpcrta heddur 

H. Hsulh Hsulhe e Kcpc Kcpcrhw rhwhth hthe e

8. Rced Rcedkh khna nahe he @hth yhed pcriu `akhna gicl pcrhwht h`hihl > h. @hth @hth `hshr `hshr yhed yhed ocia ociaput putaa >

- Hspck fagigda - Hspck psakgigdas - Hspck sgsahi kuiturhi - Hspck spratuhi  f. @hth jgkus yhatu > `hth yhed scsuha `cedhe kge`asa kge`asa phsace shht aea yhed ociaputa >

- Vawhyht kclhoaihe -

Va Vawh whyh yhtt scfci scfciuo uoey eyh, h, pc pced eddu dueh ehhe he kg kget etrhs rhscp cpsa sa `h `he e nc ncea ease seyh yh,, rawh rawhyh yhtt kc kclh lhoa oaih ihe e sc scfc fciu iuoe oeyh yh,, ihla ihlarr la`u la`up p ht hthu hu ih ihla larr ohta ohta,, rawh rawhyh yhtt lh lha` a` yh yhed ed ociaputa sakius lha`, ihoh lha` `he hklar lhar 

- Rcedkhnahe jasak ociaputa > 

Ssah kclhoaihe shht aea, h`heyh the`h ” the`h hwhi kclhoaihe

Rcrlhtahe pce`hrhlhe yhed tcrnh`a

H`heyh aejcksa

Vhsh eycra ph`h shht tcrnh`a pce`hrhlhe

H`h rawhyht ohshihl pcedgfhthe

Hktavaths yhed `aihkukhe scihoh kclhoaihe


- Ohshihl psakgigdas - H`heyh `ukuedhe `hra kciuhrdh - Rcocrakshhe IHF > pcocrakshhe tcst kclhoaihe, Lf, Lt Icukgsat. - Rcocrakshhe S]D uetuk ocedcthlua pcrtufulhe nheae - Ogeatgr `ceyut nhetued nheae `he taedda jue`us utcra. 6. @ahdegsh @ahdegsh Kcpcrhwhthe Kcpcrhwhthe yhed yhed ouedkae ouedkae ouemui ouemui h. Eycra hkut fcrlufue fcrlufuedhe dhe `cedhe `cedhe h`heyh kgetrhksa kgetrhksa utcrus utcrus `hiho kclhoaihe kclhoaihe ou`h  f. Kckurhedhe vgiuoc mharhe fcrlufue fcrlufuedhe dhe `cedhe h`heyh pce`hrhlhe m. Hesacths Hesacths fcrlufuedhe fcrlufuedhe `cedhe `cedhe kcouedkaeh kcouedkaehe e hkhe kclaihedhe kclaihedhe nheae `. Vasakg Aejcksa Aejcksa f.` pcr`hrhl pcr`hrhlhe, he, `he kge`asa kge`asa vuivh vuivh icofhf c. @cjas @cjasac aces esaa pc pced edct cthl hluh uhe e scfhf scfhf ” sc scfh fhf f tc tcrn rnh` h`ae aeyh yh kc kcdu dudu durhe rhe fc fcrl rluf ufue uedh dhe e `cedhe kurhed aejgrohsa

Aetcrvcesa Kcpcrhwhthe Eg




Kcpcrhwhthe `he





hkut Rhae Ohehdcocet



h`heyh kgetrhksa utcrus `hiho kclhoaihe ou`h ]ctcihl tae`hk tae `hkhe he

`aihkukhe kcpcrh kcpcrhwht whthe he

scihoh 6 nho `alhrh `al hrhpkh pkhe e eycra eycra hkhe hkhe  fcrkurhed EGM> 8. Rhae icvci 6. Rhae mgetrgi =. Mgojgrt icvci Kratcrah Lhsai> 8. Ohopu

ocedgetrgi eycra Oceyht hthk hkhe he rhsh rhsh 6. Ocey

8. Ihkukhe

Rhae Ohehdcocet

8. Setuk


 pcedkhnahe eycra

tae` tae`hk hkhe he


yhed scsuha

kc kcpc pcrh rhwh whth the e

kgoprclcesaj  tcrohsu tcro hsuk k

igkhsa, igkhsa,

khrhktcrastak, `urhsa,, jrckucesa, `urhsa jrckucesa, kuhiaths


jhktgr prcsapathsa,. 6. Khna




6. Setuk


kc kcoh ohnu nuhe he `h `he e

pc pcrs rshi hiae aehe he

kc kcta ta`h `hke keyh yhoh oheh ehe e

yhed `arhshkhe afu

kcta`hkeyhohehe (hwathe, jrckucesa, jrckuc esa, `urhsa, `urhsa, aetcesa satths,


=. Vcsp Vcspge ge `hr `hraa eycr eycraa yhed yhed


eyhohe =. Oceduedkhpkhe

 pceuruehe eycra 0. Ocedduehkhe

`arhshkhe afu.

dhofhrhe kcta`hkeyhohehe ) =. Gfs Gfscrv crvhsa hsa rchksa rchksa

tclea tcl eak k yh yhed ed tcph tcphtt

egevcrf rfhhi





kgetrgi eycra.


0. @hpht




ocop oc opcr crph phrh rhl l

taed taedkh khtt


0. Kgetrgi

iaedku iae dkuedh edhe e yhed yhed `hpht ocopcedhrula eycra scpcrta sulu

3. Ocof Ocofhe hetu tu ocedu ocedurh rhed edaa eycra

ruhedhe,  pcemhlhyhhe, `he

jh jhkt ktg gr 

 prcsapathsa eycra :. Kgihfgrhsakhe

`ce ced dhe


tae` tae`hk hkhe he

kcfasaedhe 3. Ku Kurh rhed edaa

:. Setuk

sc scih ihen enut utey eyhh

`hiho `hi ho ocedht ocedhthsa hsa eycra eycra yhe hed d





 nakh h`h kciulhe `he


 pcehedhehe eycra yhed






`hiho pcofcrahe gfht



8. Zcrajakhsa

ocedlae`hr ocedl ae`hraa kcshihlhe kcshihlhe


8. Mck

Hehidcsam h`oaeastrhtage h`oaeastrhtage

aestruksa tcethed

 nceas gfht, `gsas `he jrckucesa

6. Oceuruekhe eycra ycra

`ce ced dhe



tc tcke keak  ak 

jhrohkgigda Rceuru Rce uruehe ehe sarkuih sarkuihsa sa `hrhl `hrhl `h `hph phtt tc tcrn rnh` h`aa pc pcea eaed edkh khth the e kclaihedhe

6. Kgihfgrhsa


oced oc edhk hkaf afhtk htkhe he

mharhe la lapg pgtc tces esaa



gfht `he thkakhr`a

hehi hehidc dcsa sak k

ph` ph`h

kiace =. Og Ogea eatg tgrr

th the` e`hh-





scsu`hl `afcrakhe hehidcsak 


Kckurhe Kckur hedh dhe e mharhe

vg vgiu iuoc oc EAM >

fcrlufuedhe Jiua` Ohehdcocet 


h`heyh 8. Ogea Ogeatg tgrr vat vathi hi sade sade


6. Ogeatgr

EGM> Jiua`



kc kch` h`hh hhe e

uouo phsace 6. ocedct ocedcthlu hluaa  pcrkcofhedhe rcla`rhsa


 Ly`rhtage, Aethkc





8. oce ced dct cthl hlua ua

=.rc .rcla`rhsa


cvhiuhsa aetcrvcesa

tae`hk tae `hkhe he scihoh scihoh 8x60 8x60



 nho, ohshihl tcrhthsa

h`ckuh h`c kuht, t,

tckheh tckhehe e

0. ocedurhed ocedurhedaa rasakg

`cedhe kratcrah lhsai>

`hrhl `hr hl grtgst grtgsthta htak), k),

kckurhedhe vguoc

 nakh `apcriukhe

mharhe scohkae


Ogeatgr atgr ohsu hsukh khe e urae urae gu gutp tput ut `h `hih iho o =. Oge  fhths egrohi scsuha

ohkh oh kheh ehe/ e/

mharh mharhe e

3. ocedurhed ocedurhedaa rasakg

`ce ced dhe

`he latued aethkc

kckurhedhe vguoc

khigra lhrahe

mharhe scohkae

us usah ah,,

`he `he

FF, 



gihfgr grhs hsaa sulu 0. Kgihf

tu tufu ful l `h `hih iho o fh fhth thss

 pcofcrahe mharhe





grge ged d ohsu hsukh khe e the`h 3. @gr grhi

`cla`rhsa 


Cihs Cihsta tasa sath thss

turd turdgr  gr  :. Fcrakhe

 fcrthofhl :. ocedurhed ocedurhedaa rasakg kckurhedhe vguoc mharhe scohkae  fcrthofhl 4. ocedurhed ocedurhedaa rasakg


kckurhedhe vguoc

Ocofrhec Ocofr hec oukgsh oukgsh

ehsgdhstram scsuha

mharhe scohkae

icof icofhf hf,, ta`h ta`hk k h` h`hh






rhsh lh lhus th thofhlhe.

4. Htur 


1. Khna,

sajht, 8. oceda`cetajakhsa `he

 pcrlhtahe ph`h fhdahe



klusus `he ocecetukhe

hexacty icvci, mgpaed. ]ctcihl `aihkukhe

kcmcohshe. 82. 82. Fcra Fcrakh khe e

hrhl `he kcoued kcouedkae kaehe he


tae`hk tae `hkhe he

kcpcrh kcpcrhwht whthe he

aejgrohsa tcethed

scih scihoh oh (8 (8x= x=2 2 ocea oceat) t)


Hesact He sacths hs kiace kiace tcrhthsa tcrhthsa

dc dcec ecta tamm

`cedhe kratcrah lhsai >


8. Kiace

 paialhe/ aetcrvcesa. `hph phtt 6. `h

oced ocedla laih ihed edkh khe e

kl klus usus us,,




`c `ced edhe he

kc kcta ta`h `hkt kthl hluh uhe e


`hiho rcprg`uksa rcprg`uksa

`he ocofhetu kciuhrdh


`he kctcrsc`ahhe kctcrsc`ahhe





ocof cofuht uht

kc kcpu putu tush she, e,



`he fcrh`h fcrh`hpth pthsa sa scmhrh scmhrh

e dcnhih mcohs

88 88.. Kcof Kcofhe hedk dkhe he


6. Oced Oceda` a`ce ceta taja jakh kh


 pgsataj tcrlh`hp paialhe.

fcrfhda =. kcs kcscop cophthe hthe fhda fhda kiace kiace


rhsh scmhrh scmhrh tcrus tcrus




 pcocmhlhe satuhsa.


`he 86. 86. Fcra Fcrakh khe e

`hph phtt 0. `h



tckl tcklea eak k

hetasa het asaphs phsaa

ue uetu tuk  k 

oced ocedla laih ihed edkh khe e

kcm cmccohs hshhe/ `hiho `hiho





=. Zathi


`cprc rcssa

 ph`h phshedhe.

pcrufhl hlhhe




egrohi 0. Rgstur


cksprcsa whnhl,  fhlhsh `he

tuful taedkht

hktavaths oceuenukkhe  fcrkurhedeyh kcmcohshe



j.r   EAM>




kge`asa vuivh icofhf EGM>

8. Khna

Rcrufh fhlh lhe e yhe hed d tc tcrn rnh` h`aa kge`asa 8. Rcru

kciuhrhe/`asmlh rt yhed kciuhr ;

 ph`h sctahp

`aslhrt `akhna shht `asmlhrt


8. Aouec ]th ]thtus

 nuoihl, whreh,

kc kciu iuhr hr.. H`he H`heyh yh whre whrehh

6. Kegwic`dc>

`he fhu

yhed icfal dcihp `ascrtha


6. Pcr crhe hedk dkhe he ph` ph`hh


]ctcihl tae`hk tae `hkhe he scihoh

`aihkukhe kcpcrh kcpcrhwht whthe he 0


`alhrhpkhe `alhr hpkhe `alhrhpkhe `alhrhpkhe ta`hk tcrnh`a aejcksa Kratcrah Lhsai 8. Pa`hk a`hk

`atc `atco oukhe ukhe

the`hthe `h-the the`h `h h`hey h`heyhh

6. Aejcksa


Icu cuk kgsa satt

`hiho fhths egrohi






kcfcrsalhe dceathi yhed

sc sciihoh


icfal iuhr 


=. Aekufhsa




hrch dceathi yhed rcihtaj 

=. Ihkukhe  pcrhwhthe



oceycfhfkhe aejcksa.


0. Hohta iuk iukh `hr `hra 0. @hcrhl aea ocruphkhe the`h

aejck cksa sa

 pgrt `c cetry kuohe Rcehe`h prgscs aejcksa


aejcksa. 6. Nuoihl

ocruphkhe the`h aejcksa


=. Vas ask k Mge Mgetr trg gi

 fhu ta`hk cehk ouedkae

3. Henurkhe ph`h  ps


ocihpgrkhe `he ocedcehia

3. Ocem Ocemcd cdhl hl ae aejc jcks ksaa :. Rcedc Rcedcrtahe rtahe ph`h kciuhrdh kciuhrdh


sh shed edht ht

pcet pc etae aed d




:. Henurkhe ph`h suhoa



hr hrta taey eyhh afu;

sceddh sce ddhoh oh `hiho `hiho kge`as kge`asaa  pcr`hrhlhe


oco copc pcrf rfur uru uk kg kge e`asa `asa systco rcprg`uksa afu `he


sckhiad sck hiadus us




oceaed oceaedkht khtkhe khe aejcksa






Aejcmtage Mgetrgi 8. ogeatgr




8. Rrgt Rrgtck cksa sa `ar `araa `hra `hra aej aejck cksa sa


aejcksa 6. Rhethu


ihfgrhtgrauo =. Hohta


jhktgr yhed fash

6. Ocedcthlua


ihfgrhtgrauo aoueaths

sth sthtus tcrlh`hp

kcouedkaehe aejcksa

oceaedkhtkhe aejcksa 0. ogeatgr


]ade 3. Kget Kgetrg rgii aejc aejcks ksaa :. Hnhrkhe tcleak  ocemuma thedhe 4. Hnhrkhe the`hthe`h aejcksa

=. Ocemcdhl



0. Ocedcthlua


uouo phsace

3. Oceaedkhtkhe


thlhe tuful

kcih kcihae aehe he

trhk trhktu tur  r 

dceath dce athias, ias,

trhuoh, trhuoh,


daza =. Henurk rkhhe



ococrakshkhe 8. Rhs hsac ace/ e/Kc Kciu iuhr hrd d h


oceycfutkhe  pceycfhf hfgrtus 6. Rh Rhsa sace ce/k /kci ciuh uhrd rd h


oceycfutkhe kcofhi kco fhiaa the`h the`h dcnhih hfgrtus

kc kclh lhoa oaihe ihe tcrhtur 

`hra kclhoaihe ocedcthlua

 pcrkcofhedhe kclhoaihe phsace



tcethed pceyhkateyh

tcethed =. Setuk


 Kegwic`dc > `aschsc


scfhf h`heyh h`heyh dhedduhe dhedduhe




6. Hdhr Hdhr phsa phsace ce oced ocedct cthl hlua ua






scmhr scmhrhh


=. Rh Rhsa sace ce/k /kci ciuh uhrd rd h


oceycfutkhe kcof cofhia hia

cj cjck  ck 

shopaed hfgrtus 0. Rh Rhsa sace ce/k /kci ciuh uhrd rd h


oceycfutkhe kcofhia  pcehedhehe tcrl tcrlh` h`hp hp

cj cjck  ck 

sh shop opae aed d

yh yhed ed

taof taofui ui

hkaf hkafht ht


6.: Kgopiakhsa Hkafht Hfgrtus

Kgopiakhsa yhed fcrfhlhyh ph`h hfgrtus h`hihl pcr`hrhlhe, pcrjgrhsa, aejcksa, `he sygk. 8.

Rcr`hrhlhe Rcr`hr Rcr `hrhlh hlhe e `hpht `hpht `ahthsa `ahthsa `cedhe `cedhe pcedg pcedgsge sgedhe dhe utcrus utcrus `hra `hra sash-sas sash-sashh lhsai lhsai

kgescpsa `he nakh pcriu `afcrakhe trhesjusa `hrhl.Kcohtahe khrceh pcr`hrhlhe `hpht tcrnh`a hphfaih pcrtgigedhe ta`hk `afcrakhe ph`h whktueyh.


Rcrjgrhsa Rcrjgrhsa utcrus ph`h kcrgkhe `hpht tcrnh`a tcruthoh ph`h utcrus `hiho pgsasa

lapc lapcrrc rrctr trgj gjick icksa. sa.Na Nakh kh tcrn tcrnh` h`aa pc pcras rasta tawh wh ae aea, a, pc pce` e`cr crat athh pc pcri riu u `a `aho hohta hta `c `ced edhe he tciata.Nakh h`h the`h fhlhyh, pcriu scdcrh `aihkukhe ihphrhtgoa `he tcrdhetued `hra iuhs `he fcetuk pcrjgrhsa, pcenhlathe iukh pcrjgrhsa hthu pcriu lastcrcktgoa. =.



]cnuoihl pceyhkat krgeak `apcrkarhkhe `hpht oceycfhfkhe hfgrtus. Frumciih hfgrtus. Frumciih hfgrtus `he Mhopyigfhmtcr jctusocruphkhe jctusocruphkhe khush hfgrtus ph`h shpa yhed tcihl ihohh `akceh iho `akcehi,t i,tcthp cthpaa kc`uhe kc`uheyh yh fukhe fukhe khush khush sadeaj sadeajakh akhe e ph`h ph`h oheusa oheusah. h. Fukta Fukta  fhlwh tgxg tgxgpi pihs hsoh oh

dg dge` e`aa aa oc ocey eycf cfhf hfkh khe e

hf hfg grtus rtus

ph ph`h `h

ohe oheusah usah

ku kurh rhe ed

ocyhkaekhe.ta`hk tcr`hpht fukta fhlwh Iastcrah fhlwh Iastcrah ogegmytgdcecs hthu Mlihoy`ah trhmlgohtas oceyc oceycfhfk fhfkhe he hfgrtus hfgrtus ph`h oheusah.Lcrp oheusah.Lcrpcs cs saopicks saopicks `aihpgrkhe `aihpgrkhe  fcrkhathe `cedhe pceaedkhthe aesa`cesa hfgrtus sctcihl tcrnh`a aejcksa dceathi  ph`h hwhi kclhoaihe.Hfgrtus spgethe scmhrh ae`cpce`ce fcrkhathe `cedhe hetafg`a varus aoueg`cjasacesa oheusah (LAZ-8) `hiho `hrhl afu, scrgrchktavaths sajaias ph`h afu, `he kgigeashsa vhdaeh ph`h afu gicl strcptgkgkus drup F.  0.

]ygk  ]ygk ph`h hfgrtus `hpht tcrnh`a khrceh pcr`hrhlhe (sygk lcogrhdak) `hek 

khrceh aejcksa fcrht (sygk ce`gscptak).

6.4 Lukuo Hfgrtus Oceurut Se`hed- Se`hed

Fcfcrhp Fcf crhphh phshi phshi yhed yhed ocedht ocedhtur ur hfgrtu hfgrtuss prgvgm prgvgmhtu htuss `hiho `hiho Kathf Kathf Se`hed Se`hed-ue -ue`he `hed d Lukuo Ra`heh (KSLR) > Rhshi 661 8. 

Fhrhed sahph `cedhe scedhnh ocedgfhta scgrhed wheath hthu oceyuruleyh suphyh `agfhta, `cedhe `afcrathlukhe hthu `ataofuikhe lhrhphe, fhlwh khrcehpcedgfhthe atu lhoaieyh `hpht `adudurkhe, `ahemho `cedhe pa`heh pcenhrh phiaed ihoh copht thlue hthu `ce`h phiaed fheyhk tadh rafu rupahl.


Nakh yhed fcrshihl, fcrshihl, fcrfuht fcrfuht `coakah `coakahe e uetuk uetuk ocemhra ocemhra kcuetue kcuetuedhe, dhe, hthu ocenh`akhe ocenh`akhe  pcrfuhthe tcrscfut scfhdha pcemhrahe hthu kcfahshhe, hthu nakh `ah scgrhed thfaf, fa`he hthu nuru gfht, pa`heheyh `hpht `athofhl scpcrtadh.


Nakh yhed fcrshihl, ocihkukhe kcnhlhthe tcrscfut, `hiho ocenhihea pcemhrahe ohkh `hpht `amhfut lhkeyh uetuk ocihkukhe pcemhrahe atu. Rhshi =80

]cgrhe ]cg rhed d afu yhed, yhed, khrceh khrceh thkut thkut hkhe hkhe kcthlu kcthluhe he ocihla ocihlarkh rkhe e hehk, hehk, ph`h ph`h shht hehk  hehk  `aihlarkhe `aihl arkhe hthu ta`hk ihoh kcou`ahe, kcou`ahe, `cedhe scedhnh ocrhophs eyhwh hehkeyh, hehkeyh, `ahemho, khrceh ocofueul hehk sce`ara, `cedhe pa`heh pcenhrh phiaed ihoh tunul thlue. Rhshi =06


]cgrhe ]cg rhed d afu yhed, yhed, uetuk uetuk ocihks ocihksheh hehkhe khe eaht eaht yhed yhed `atcet `atcetukh ukhe e khrceh khrceh thkut thkut hkhe hkhe kcthluhe fhlwh hkhe ocihlarkhe hehk, ph`h shht hehk `aihlarkhe hthu ta`hk ihoh kcou`ahe ocrhophs eyhwh hehkeyh, `ahemho, khrceh ocihkukhe pcofueulhe hehk  sce`ara `cedhe rcemheh, `cedhe pa`heh pcenhrh phiaed ihoh scofaihe thlue. Rhshi =0=

Kcnhlhthe yhed `atcrhedkhe `hiho phshi =08 `he =06 `aphe`hed, fhda grhed ihae yhed turut scrth ocihkukhe, scfhdha s cfhdha pcofueulhe hthu pcofueulhe `cedhe rcemheh. Rhshi =0:

]cgrhed ]cgrhe d wheath yhed scedhnh scedhnh oceddudu oceddudurkhe rkhe hthu ocohtakhe ocohtakhe khe`uedhee khe`uedheeyh yh hthu oceyurul grhed ihae uetuk atu, `ahemho `cedhe pa`heh pcenhrh phiaed ihoh copht thlue.





>E >Ey. y. O

6) Sour

>=1 thlue

=) Nceas kcihoae

> Rcrcopuhe

0) Hdhoh

> Asiho

3) Rc Rce`a`akhe


:) Rc Rckcrnhhe


4) ]uku `hedsh

> Nhwh / Ae`gecsah


1) @ahdegsc oc`as

> Hfgrtus Aooaeces

82 82)) Phed Pheddh dhii `he nho nho ohsuk ohsuk >21-8 >21-866-62 628< 8= >=2 2 TAF  f. A`cetaths Rcehedduednhwhf 8) Ehoh Ehoh

> Pe. Pe. L

6) Sour

> 03 thlue

=) Nceas kcihoae

> Ihka - ihka

0) Hdhoh

> Asiho

3) Rc Rce`a`akhe


:) Rc Rckcrnhhe


4) ]uku `hedsh

> Nhwh/ Ae`gecsah


6. ]thtus ]thtus Kcscl Kcsclhth hthe e shht aea aea Kciulhe uthoh > Kciuhr `hrhl `hra nhihe ihlar. Hihshe ohsuk ruohl shkat >Kiace ocedciul kciuhr `hrhl fcrmhk-fcrmhk `hra  nhihe ihlar sctcihl ocihkukhe hktajaths, fcrwhreh ocrhl nhofu, scihae atu kiace ocedciul ehjsu khe fcrkurhed ocrhsh icohs `he pusaed , kh`hed ocrhsh ouhi `he oethl `he eycra `a fhdahe fhwhl pcrut ,kcou`ahe nho 8=2 shopha `a fhwh kc V] Vgohea nho 803 `athedhea `a AD@. =. Vawhyh Vawhyhtt kcsclht kcsclhthe he ihiu ihiu Rceyhkat yhed pcrehl `ahihoa>Kiace ocedhthkhe ta`hk pcrehl ocedhihoa shkat tyjus `he hecoah,


Kcmcihkhhe Kcmcihk hhe >Kiace ocedhthkhe ocedhthkhe fciuo pcrehl pcrehl ocedhihoa kcmcihkhhe kcmcihkhhe yhed scraus laeddh `a fhwh `he `a rhwht `a V] Rcrehl `arhwht>Kiace `arhwht>Kiace ocedhthkhe ocedhthkhe pcrehl `a rhwht `a V] whktu ocihlarkhe ocihlarkhe hehk yhed pcrthoh `he kc`uh Hicrda>Kiace ocedhthkhe ta`hk h`h hicrda tcrlh`hp gfht-gfhthe, ehoue h`h hicrda tcrlh`hp ohkhehe, scpcrta tcra `he scnceas akhe ihut Aoueashsa>Kiace ocedhthkhe oce`hphtkhe aoueashsa icedkhp (PP 8, PP 6) 0. Vawhyh Vawhyhtt gfstctrak gfstctrakohsh ohsh ihiu ihiu Vawhyht gfstctrak ohsh ihiu D=R6H2 Nuoihl hehk  8



kclhoaihe  pcrshiaehe Ouhi ” ouhi  Egrohi

Sour  0 thlue

scihoh = fuihe





 pcrshiaehe  pcrshiaehe eajhs/ ihkthsa  fhya V] Pa`hk Pa` hk h`h Pa`hk h`h Pa`hk  Vgohea



Kch`hhe hehk  ]clht

h`h ohshihl



Ehjsu ohkhe  fcrkurhed Lhoai aea


6 thlue

V] Vgohea







Pa`hk h`h Pa`hk Pa`hk h`h Pa`hk  ohshihl ohshihl h`h

3. Kciuhr Kciuhrdh dh fcrcem fcrcemheh heh Kiace ocedhthkhe ta`hk pcrehl ocedduehkhe KF



ohshihl -




:. Dceg Dcegdr drho ho h) ]usueh ]usuehe e kciu kciuhrd hrdhh

Kctcrhedhe > >Ihka - Ihka > Rcrcopuhe > Vasakg Kcdudurhe/hfgrtus  f) Rceyhkat yhed pcrehl `a`crath heddgth kciuhrdh >Kiace ocedhthkhe `hiho heddgt hed dgthh kciuhr kciuhrdhe dheyh yh ta`hk ta`hk yhed yhed oce`cr oce`crath ath pceyhk pceyhkat at lapcrt lapcrtces cesa, a, tyjus, tyjus, hecoah fcrht. m) Rceyhkat Rceyhkat yhed sc`hed `a`crath `a`crath kciuhrdh >Kiace ocedhthkhe ocedhthkhe kciuhrdheyh kciuhrdheyh `hiho kge`asa yhed sclht. 4. Vawhyht Vawhyht kcsclhthe kcsclhthe iaedkuedh iaedkuedhe e Kcfcrsa Kcf crsalhe lhe ruohl ruohl `he iaedku iaedkuedh edhe e >Kiace >Kiace ocedht ocedhthkh hkhe e scihiu scihiu ocenhd ocenhdhh kcfcrsalhe kcfcr salhe ruohl `he iaedkued iaedkuedhe he sckathreyh. sckathreyh. Setuk pcemhlhyhhe pcemhlhyhhe ruohl mukup, jcetaihsa ruohl nudh mukup. AA. RGIH RGIH KC]CLH KC]CLHPH PHE E JSED]A JSED]AGEH GEHI I 8. Rgih pcrscpsa pcrscpsa `he pcocial pcocialhrhhe hrhhe kcsclhthe kcsclhthe h) Rcrscpsa Rcrscpsa kiace tcethed kcsclhthe kcsclhthe `ara >Kiace ocedhthkhe ocedhthkhe kcsclhthe kcsclhthe shedht  pcetaed fhda `araeyh, khrceh hphfaih shkat kiace ta`hk `hpht fcrhktajaths `cedhe ohksaohi.  f) Rcedcthluhe `he pcrscpsa kiace tcethed pceyhkat `he pcrhwhtheeyh >Kiace ocedhthkhe kurhed phlho kcehph kclhoaiheeyh shht aea kcdudurhe, kiace


 fcrjakar aea ocruphkhe mgfhhe `hra Hiihl ]wt yhed oceduna kcshfhrhe `he kcalkihshe kiace. m) Sphyh Sphyh yhed yhed fahsh fahsh `aihku `aihkukhe khe `hiho `hiho ocopcr ocopcrthl thlhek hekhe he kcsclh kcsclhthe the >Kiace >Kiace ocedhthkhe oced hthkhe aedae scihiu ocenhdh kcsclhtheey kcsclhtheeyhh `cedhe `cedhe ocedhtur ocedhtur pgih ohkhe `cedhe oceu sclht oceurut kiace. `) Kcohopuhe Kcohopuhe phsace uetuk ocedgetrg ocedgetrgii kcsclhthe >Kiace ocedhthkhe ocedhthkhe shht shka shkatt kiac kiace e lhey lheyhh ocof ocofci ciaa gfht gfht-g -gfh fhth the e `h `hra ra whru whrued ed,, kh kh`h `hed ed `a  pcrakhshkhe `a puskcsohs tcr`ckht. c) Jhktgr Jhktgr sgsag sgsag ckgego ckgegoaa >Kiace >Kiace ocedht ocedhthkh hkhe e pcedlh pcedlhsai saihe he suhoaey suhoaeyhh `hpht `hpht ocemukupa kcfutulhe `hiho kcsclhraheeyh. 6. Rgih Rgih eutrasa eutrasa `he octhf octhfgia giamm h) Rgih Rgih ohkh ohkhe e> ]cfciuo shkat > KIace ohkhe =x sclhra, `cedhe pgrsa (ehsa, ihuk, `he shyur) ]cihoh shkat > Kiace ohkhe = x sclhra oceu `hra ruohl shkat `he lheyh ocedlhfaskhe 6-= sce`gk.  f) Rgih oaeuo > ]cfciuo shkat > Kiace oaeuo ¸ 8322mm `hiho sclhra, har putal tcrkh`hed tlc lhedht. ]cihoh shkat > Kiace oaeuo ¸ 8-6 dcihs `hiho sclhra yhed nceaseyh har putal, `he tcl. =. Rhih Rhih ccia iaoa oaeh ehsa sa h) FHF ]cfciuo shkat > Kiace FHF 8x/sclhra, fcrwhreh kueaed, kgesastcesa icofck  ]cihoh shkat >Kiace ocedhthkhe scihoh `a rhwht fciuo FHF `hiho 8 lhra  f) Ciaoaehsa FHK  ]cfciuo shkat > Kiace FHK =-0x/lhra ]cihoh shkat > Kiace FHK 8-6x/lhra 0. Rgih Rgih hkt hktaja ajath thss `he `he ihta ihtalh lhe e Rckcrnhhe kiace lheyh scfhdha afu ruohl theddh yhed lheyh fcrhktajaths `aiaedkue `aiae dkuedhe dhe ruohl `he `hiho ruohl scpcrta ohshk, ocemuma ocemuma fhnu, fcrsal fcsal ruohl `he `asckathr iaedkuedhe. iaedkuedhe. 3. Rgih Rgih astarhl astarhlht ht `he ta`u ta`ur  r  ]cfciuo ]cfci uo shkat > Kiace astarhlh astarhlhtt ta`ur ¸ 4-< nho ph`h ohiho ohiho lhra, 6-= nho  ph`h sahed lhra.


]cihohshkat >Kiace astarhlht ta`ur ¸3-: nho ph`h ohiho lhra, 8-6 nho ph`h sahed lhra. :. Rgih Rgih kgde kgdeata atajj pcrmc pcrmcptu ptuhi hi scesg scesgra ra Rced Rcedia ialh lhth the, e, pc pce` e`ce cedh dhrh rhe, e, `h `he e kc kcoh ohop opuh uhe e ki kiac ace e ohsa ohsal l `h `hih iho o fh fhth thss egrohi.Kcohopuhe.Kiace ocrhsh icohs `he eycra sc`hed `a`hrcl utcrus 4. Rgih pcrscpsa pcrscpsa `ara `ara `he kgescp kgescp `ara `ara Kiace aedae scdcrh scoful `hra shkateyh, Kiace fcrlhrhp uetuk lhoai yhed  fcrakuteyh ta`hk hkhe ocedhihoa lhi ihda scpcrta shht aea. Mgopg gopgso soce ceta tass

6. Rceh Rcehop opai aihe he > Icoh Icohl, l, `he `he hdh hdhk k pumh pumhtt =. Za Zath thii sad sade e

> P@> P@> 882/ 882/42 42 ooL ooLd, d, E > 12 12 x/ oce oceat at,, VV > 8< 8< x/oc x/ocea eat, t, t> t> =4,2 =4,2‑‑

M. 0. Kcphih Kcphih > fcetuk fcetuk ocsgscmp ocsgscmplhi lhi,, rhofut rhofut fcrwhreh fcrwhreh latho latho,, ta`hk h`h h`h kctgofc kctgofc `he ta`hk rgetgk.


3. Ohth

> pcedialhthe egroh rohi, ukurh rhe e pupai 6oo, rc rcjjick mhlhyh fhak,

kgenuedtavh hecoas, skicrh ta`hk aktcrak. :. La`ued La`ued > fcetuk fcetuk saoctras, saoctras,ta` ta`hk hk h`h scmrct, scmrct, ta`hk ta`hk h`h saeus, saeus, ta`hk ta`hk h`h ehjhs mupaed la`ued, ta`hk tcrphshed gksadce. 4. Pciaedh Pciaedh > fcetuk fcetuk saoctras, saoctras, pce`cedhrh pce`cedhrhe e ohsal ohsal egrohi, egrohi, ta`hk ta`hk h`h scruoce scruoce ta`hk h`h h`h kcsuiat kcsuiathe he ocecih ocecihe e `he ta`hk ta`hk ocedhi ocedhihoa hoa dhedduhe famhrh, dada whreh putal ta`hk tcrphshed dada phisu, ta`hk h`h khracs dada, ocofrhe oukgsh kcraed, ta`hk h`h pcofcshrhe kcicenhr targa`. 1. @h`h Rhru-phru > Aespcksa> fcetuk saoctras Rhiphs Rhi phsaa > Pa`hk Pa`hk h`h eycra eycra tckhe tckhe Rcrk Rcrkus usaa > ]ge ]gegr  gr  Husku Hu skuith ithsa sa

> Pcr`ce Pcr`cedhr dhr fueya fueya vcsaku vcsakuicr  icr 

82. Hf`g Hf`goc oce e Aespcksa

> sc`akat fuemat

Huskuitrhsa Husku itrhsa > pcrasthitam pcrasthitam usus usus 83x/oceat 83x/oceat Rcrkus Rcr kusaa > pckhk  pckhk  Rhiphsa Rhiph sa > eycra tckhe `a `a oges oges pufas pufas 88. Dcecthi Dcecthiah ah > tcr`hpht tcr`hpht pcr`hrhl pcr`hrhlhe he 86. Ckstrco Ckstrcoaths aths hths hths `he `he fhwhl fhwhl ta`hk h`h gc`co. Mhpaiihry rcvai kurhed `hra 6 `ctak. Phedhe kara tcrphshed aejusc VI 62 tpo. 8=. Kuiat whreh shwg ohthed, kcicofhfhe kuiat kcraed, turdgr kuiat ncick ,kcfcrsalhe tcrnhdh. 80 80.. @hth @hth Rce Rceue uenh nhed ed Rcocrakshhe ihfgrhtgrauo theddhi 21/86/8< Rcocrakshhe Icukgsat Lcogdigfae Prgofgsat Lcohtgkrat

Lhsai 4,:= 82, ]hht dcrhk 

kgetrhksa utcrus

X > ]cpcrta `a rcocs - rcocs V > Fhdahe fhwhl pcrut ] > 3 (sc`hed) P > kurhed icfal 3 oceat 88/8 88/86/ 6/8< 8<

@G > kiace thophk ocraedas ocehlhe eycra @] > kia kiace ce oced ocedht hthk hkhe he kciu kciuhr hr `hrh `hrhl l `hra `hra nh nhih ihe e rh rhla lao o

Kckurhedhe vgiuoc mharhe


 fcrlufuedhe `cedhe

kiace ocedhthkhe scraed lhus

kclaihedhe mharhe @G >Kiace thophk icohl `he hdhk pumht, turdgr kuiat


 ncick, kcicofhfhe kuiat kcraed, oukgsh fafar kcraed, P@> 882/42 ooLd, E > 12 x/ oceat, t> =4,2‑ M. 88/86/8<

¸ 83 mm @] > kiace ocedhthkhe icohs `he mcpht icihl shht

Aetgicrhesa hktajaths


 fcrlufuedhe `cedhe kcicohlhe uouo

@G > phsace thophk ocehlhe kcshkathe, tcrphshed aejus


VI 62 tpoP@> 822/42 ooLd, VV > 8:x/oet


@ahdegsh Kcpcrhwhthe




Eycra fcrlufuedhe ]ctcihl `aihk hku ukhe - Khna eycra `cedhe kgetrhksa utcrus tae`h tae`hkhe khe kcpcrhwhthe kcpcrhwhthe -Mapthkhe iaedkuedhe eyhohe sc scih ihoh oh

=x6 x60n 0nho ho

-Hnhrk hrkhe he tcleak tcleak `astrhk `astrhksa sa `he `a -Hn

lhrhphkhe `cedhe kl;


-kiace `hpht fcrkurhed -Kgihfgrhsa `cedhe tao oc`as 88/86/8<

Kckurhedhe mhar mharhe he

eycraoyh vgiuoc ]ctcihl

`aihk hku ukhe -Khna K.S `he PPZ

fcr crl luf ufue uedh dhe e tae`h tae`hkhe khe kcpcrhwhthe kcpcrhwhthe -Khna pcr`hrhlhe


kclaihedhe scihoh

mharhe (pcr`hrhlhe)

=x60nho -Henurkhe kiace uetuk fheyhk 

vg vgiu iuoc oc mh mharh arhe e ki kiac ace e oaeuo tcrpceula


Aetgicrhesa  fcrlufuedhe

-Kgihfgrhsa `cedhe tao oc`as `hiho pcofcrahe gfht `aihk hku ukhe -H -Hen enur urkh khe e ki kiac ace e ue uetu tuk k tarh tarhl l

hktajaths ]ctcihl

`cedhe tae`h tae`hkhe khe kcpcrhwhthe kcpcrhwhthe  fhraed

kcicohlhe uouo

scihoh =x60nho kiace -Fhetu kiace `hiho fcrhktajaths `hpht

fcr crhhktajaths -A`c -A`cet etaj ajak akhs hsaa

hk hkta taja jath thss

yh yhed ed

scpcrta scouih `cedhe ohsal `hpht `aihkukhe kiace kl ;  



ocih oc ihku kukh khe e

`hpht hk hkta taja jaths ths

scmhrh ohe`ara -ta`hk h`h kcicihlhe - LV `h `hih iho o fh fhth thsh she e egrohi Kiace ocedhthkhe fh`heeyh


Ocedkhna pce`hrhlheeyh

tcrhsh tcrh sh icohs icohs `he kciuhr `hrhl


Nho 81>22

kiace `hra nhihe rhlao mukup fheyhk 

uetuk fheyhk oaeuo ];


G >Kia >Kiace ce th tho ophk phk ic icoh ohl l `h `he e

ocedhthk hkhhe hdhk





 fh`heeyh icohs

 E>8:x/oet, ]>=4,2

G; kiace thophk icohs

m, Rcr`hrhlhe 83 mm H > ohshihl fciuo tcrhthsa



R > ihenutkhe aetcrvcesa ] > Kiac Kiace e oced ocedht hthk hkhe he ey eycr craa

Ocedkhna eycra

]; kiace ocedhthk ocedhthkhe he eycra  ph`h fhdahe fhwhl pcrut


R > ]hht dcrhk  `a fhdahe fhwhl pcrut 2; kiace kiace thophk thophk ocraed ocraedas as X > scpcrta `a rcohs - rcohs

Nho 62>=2

V > Fhdahe fhwhl pcrut


Ocedhenurkhe kiace uetuk  ] > 3 (sc`hed)

P > kurhed icfal 3 oceat

astarhlht tgthi

Kiace e ohu ohu ocih ocihku kukh khe e eh ehjh jhss Ocedhn Oce dhnhrk hrkhe he kiace kiace uetuk  uetuk  Kiac


rcihkshsa ];


ocedhthkhe Kiace ocedhthkhe ohsal fciuo

 phlho hph yhed tcihl `a  fash fcrhktajaths scmhrh oh`ara.

hnhrkhe pcrhwht G; kiace phlho `he ohu

G > kiace ohsal thophk   ocraedas kcshkathe `he icohl

ocihkukheyh ohe`ara

Kiace thophk raick 

Oceda`ceta Oceda `cetajakhsa jakhsa hktajaths hktajaths H > ohshihltcrhsh scfhdahe kiace iace yhed hed

ohsa ohsal l

fash ash R > ihenutkhe aetcrvcesa

`aihkukhe 8

Vhfu 86/86/8< Nho 282

Ocedkhna K.S `he PPZ ]>

phsa phsace ce

] > Kiace ocedhthkhe fh`heeyh

tcrhsh hsh su`h su`hl l ta`h ta`hk k ic icoh ohss `h `he e oced ocedht hthk hkhe he tcr

hdhk ocofhak 

kc kciu iuhr hr `h `hrhl rhl `h `hra ra nh nhih ihe e rhlao rhlao

G; kiac kiace e thop thophk hk su su`h `hl l su`hl fcrkurhed


ta`hk icohs Ptv;

G > Kiace thophk su`hl ta`hk 


882/ 882/62x/oet, VV>62x/oet, ]>=:‑m, ]>=:‑m,

Rcr`hrhlhe 82 mm

Rcr`hrhlhe 83 mm

Hkta Hk taja jath thss

ki kiac ace e

su su`h `hl l

ouih ouihaa

ohe`ara. 

Ocedkhna pce`hrhlheeyh Ocedhenurkhe

H > ohshihl tcrhthsa scfhdahe

kiace R > ihenutkhe aetcrvcesa

uetuk tarhl fhraed ];


ocedhthk hkhhe

 fcrsc`ah uetuk `a ihkukhe tarhl fhraed G; kiahe thophk eyhohe


Vhfu 86/86/8<

Ocedkhna K.S `he PPZ

Ocedkhna pce`hrhlheeyh

Nho 82>22

] > Kiace ocedhthkhe fh`heeyh tcrhsh tcr hsh su`h su`hl l ta`h ta`hk k ic icoh ohss `h `he e kc kciu iuhr hr `h `hrhl rhl `h `hra ra nh nhih ihe e rhlao rhlao sc`akat (jick-jick) G > Kiace thophk su`hl ta`hk   pumht , P@ > 862/62x/oet, ]>=:‑m, H > ohshihl tcrhthsa R >Gptaohikhe aetcrvcesa





=.8 Kcsaopuihe

Hfgrtu Hfg rtuss ocruph ocruphkhe khe hemhoh hemhohe e hthu pcedci pcedciuhr uhrhe he lhsai lhsai kgescps kgescpsaa scfciu scfciuo o nheae nheae `hpht la`up `aiuhr khe`uedhe.]cfhdha fhthshe ahihl kclhoaihe kurhed `hra 62 oaeddu hthu fcrht nheae kurhed `hra 322 drho. H`hpue H`h pue fcrfhd fcrfhdha ha ohmho ohmho pcecey pceceycfh cfhf f hfgrtu hfgrtuss yhatu, yhatu, kcihae kcihaehe he lhsai lhsai kg kgescp escpsa, sa, kcihaehe pihsceth, jhktgr ohtcrehi, kcihaehe trhktus dceathiah, trhuoh, jhktgr-jhktgr  lgrogehi, scfhf-scfhf psakgsgohtak, scfhf `hra nheae, `he ihae-ihae Hfgr Hf grsa sa scmh scmhrh rh uouo uouo `afh `afhda da hths hths hf hfgr grsa sa sp spge geth the e & hf hfgr grsa sa pr prgv gvgk gkht htus us (fuhthe).Hfgrsa prgvgkhtus (fuhthe) scmhrh hspck lukuo `hpht dgigedkhe ocenh`a `uh, yhatu hfgrsa prgvgkhtus tcrhpctakus (fuhthe icdhi) & hfgrsa prgvgkhtus kraoaehias (fuhthe (fuht he aicdhi).@hi aicdhi).@hiho ho pcrue`hed-u pcrue`hed-ue`hed e`hedhe he Ae`gecsah, Ae`gecsah, pcedhturhe pcedhturhe tcethed tcethed hfgrsa tcr`hpht `hiho `uh ue`hed-ue`hed yhatu KSLR & SS Kcsclhthe.@hiho KSLR & SS Kcsclhthe `ahtur hemhohe lukuohe ocihkukhe hfgrsa (pceddudurhe khe`uedhe, ta`hk `ascfutkhe sghi nceas hfgrsaeyh), sc`hedkhe hfgrsa fuhthe icdhi (tcrhpctakus hthu oc`asaehias), `ahtur `hiho SS Kcsclhthe. Nakhh scgr Nak scgrhe hed d whea wheath th yh yhed ed tced tcedhl hl oced ocedhe he`u `ued ed oced ocedhi hihoa hoa kc kcsu suia iath the e sh shht ht ocihla oci hlarkhe rkhe,, kctakh kctakh nheaee nheaeeyh yh tci tcihl hl fcrusa fcrusahh ceho ceho fuihe fuihe icfal, icfal, ihiu wheath wheath tcrscf tcrscfut ut ocihkukhe gpcrhsa scshr. Rcedlcetahe kclhoaihe scpcrta aea lukuoeyh fgicl, khrceh gpcrhsa tcrscfut ocruphkhe prgscs kcihlarhe scmhrh ta`hk hihoa. Punuheeyh uetuk  ocey oc eyci ciho hoht htkh khe e ey eyhw hwhh af afu u `h `he e nhea nheaee eeyh yh sc sckh khia iadu dus. s. Lhey Lheyhh shnh, shnh, oaea oaeaoh ohii us usah ah khe`uedheeyh ceho fuihe. Hktavaths oc`as scpcrta aea ta`hk ohsuk `hiho khtcdgra hfgrsa; icfal tcpht `ascfut prgscs pcedciuhrhe nheae (ocihlarkhe) yhed ta`hk hihoa.

=.6 ]hrhe

Fcrlhta-lhtaihl `hiho ocenhdh khe`uedhe `he lhrus whsph`h tcrlh`hp sctahp kgopiakhsa yhed tcrnh`a. âOu` âO u`hl hl-o -ou` u`hl hlhe he `ced `cedhe he ohkh ohkhih ihl l ae aeaa ka kath th `h `hph phtt ic icfa fal l ocoh ocohlh lhoa oa `h `he e ocedcthlua tcethed hfgrsa. ]claeddh kath ta`hk shopha ocihkukhe tae`hkhe hfgrsa khrceh tae`hkhe tcrscfut scihae ohiheddhr lukuo, fhak lukuo hdhoh ohupue lukuo  pcr`hth, nudh ocopueyha fheyhk rcsakg hthu hkafht hkafht `hra pcrfuhthe hfgrsa.




Ohesngcr, Ohesng cr,Hra Hraj,` j,`kk. kk. 6222. 6222. Khpath Khpath ]cickt ]cickthh Kc`gkt Kc`gktcrh crhe e C`asa C`asa kctadh kctadh,, naia` naia` A, JKSA. JKSA. Nhkhrth> Oc`ah Hcsmuihpaus. Ogrdhe, dcra & Mhrgic lhoaitge. 6221. Gfstctra & Daeckgigda. Nhkhrth > CDM. Rrhwarglhr`ng, shrwgeg. 6221. Aiou Kcfa`hehe. Nhkhrth > RP. Faeh Rusthkh. Rrhwarglhr`ng, shrwgeg. 6282. Fuku Hmuhe Ehsagehi Rcihyhehe Kcsclhthe Ohtcrehi `he Ecgehthi. Nhkhrth > RP. Faeh Rusthkh. @grihe`. 6226. Khous Kc`gktcrhe C`asa 61. Nhkhrth > CDM. Jhuza, Hloh`. Iumahehwhty, Ocrmy. Lheajhl, Ihaiy. Fcreh`cttc, Eur. 6226. Hfgrsa `a Ae`gecsah.  

(lttp>//a`.wakapc`ah.grd/waka/DudurWkhe`uedhe#RcedhturheWgiclWpcocraethlWAe`gec sah)

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