Ask Dr Clark - Raw materials Q: What is SO3 in linker i! SO3 in lime st"ne is #$3% &$ Sulphur in Petcoke is 6-6.5%.Petcoke is firing in kiln with a 40-45% of total coal consumption per hour.if any direct formula/calculation is there for getting S! in clinker.Please suggest. A: 'he "ntri(uti"n t" the linker SO3 !r"m the limest"ne will (e )i*en (y #$3% x #$+ x ,$%%$ 'he "ntri(uti"n !r"m the !uel will (e )i*en (y SO3 "ntent "! !uel x k) !uelk) linker$ •
.ak t" '"p
Q: new ement plant t" (e (uilt and needs expert ad*ie do you offer such a ser"ice in which you pro"ide expert advice for newly #uilt cement manufacturers$ A: Certainly$ 'hat is "ur main line "! (usiness$ •
.ak t" '"p
Q: /i)h 0)O limest"ne e are in the process of doing sampling of limestone to check on their &uality #efore making a proposal to ac&uire the limestone hill for setting up an integrated cement plant.e ha"e taken random surface samples co"ering a#out '0% of total hill area and found out that (a/)g reading as follows 55.!/0.**+ 55.*/0.*5+5!.!/'.4,+5'./*.,+4'.!/''.0+!6.4/'!.,+54.'/'.!*+55.4/0.'+4.6/6.'6+55.5/0.*4.e ha"e now used ack hammer so that we can deeper sample at the high )g areas again ust to retest the &uality..o u e1pect difference in )g le"el #etween surface sample and sample at * feet depth$2s the limestone hill usa#le if we carefully mi1 it$hat is the limit for )g at raw mi1 stage$(an we use the high )g limestone as additi"e for cement grinding$ 3ppreciate your further ad"ice on our ne1t step. A: I kn"w n" reas"n t" expet a di!!erene in 0)O "ntent "! the limest"ne (etween sur!ae samples and th"se at 1 !eet depth$ .ased "n the in!"rmati"n pr"*ided s"me "! the limest"ne is hi)h purity and there!"re ertainly usea(le with are!ul (lendin)$ 3& 0)O in limest"ne is the maximum limit2 dependent t" s"me extent "n 0)O "ntent "! se"ndary materials and y"ur national standard !"r ement$ 'he hi)h 0)O limest"ne an (e used as an additi*e !"r ement )rindin)$ •
.ak t" '"p
Q: Whih sla) is suita(le !"r pr"duin) "rtland sla) ement 4 hich slag is suita#le for producing portland composite cement$ Air cooled slag or last furnace slag$ ahmid A: 5ranulated (last!urnae sla) that has (een 6uenhed in water when drawn "!! the (last!urnae$ Air-""led sla) has little "r n" hydrauli pr"perties and is n"t suita(le$ •
.ak t" '"p
Q: /"w I an detet sla) in "rtland C"mp"site Cement ear Sir+ ow 2 can detect Slag or &uantity of slag mi1ed in portland composite cement #y chemical method $ ahmid
A: 'hat will (e di!!iult (eause the sla) will (e "mp"sed mainly "! lime2 silia2 alumina and iron oxide there!"re •
undistin)uisha(le !r"m the linker minerals (y hemial meth"ds$
.ak t" '"p
Q: Raw 0ill Residue ear Sir+ is there any effect of raw mill residue on the bag house #ags either we grind finer or coarser. A: 7"2 I d"n8t expet the !ineness "! )rindin) the raw meal will ha*e any e!!et "n the (a)h"use (a)s$ •
.ak t" '"p
Q: /"w I an estimate !lyash2sla)2limest"ne "ntent in p"rtland "mp"site ement ow 2 can estimate of 7ly ash+ slag +limestone in portland composite cement A: 'he (est way w"uld (e (y 9-ray di!!rati"n$ •
.ak t" '"p
Q: Dear Sir2 we are usin) hi)h sulphur "al$ Clinker t$ wt$ is ,3## -,3%#$ we want t" inrease C3S m"re than ;%&$ lease ad*ie !"r re6uired li6uid phase in the linker$ Our kiln !eed S2
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