ASHRAE Standard 202P Cx Process for Bldings & Systems

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BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P

 ______________  _____________________P _______Public ublic Review Review Draft

Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review (August 2012) (Complete Draft for Full Review) This draft has been recommended for public review by the responsible project committee. To submit a comment on this proposed standard, go to the ASHRAE website at and access the online comment database. The draft is subject to modification until it is approved for  publication by the Board of Directors and ANSI. Until this time, the current edition of the standard (as modified by any published addenda on the ASHRAE website) remains in effect. The current edition of any standard may be purchased from the ASHRAE Online Store at or by calling 404-636-8400 or 1-800-7274723 (for orders in the U.S. or Canada). The appearance of any technical data or editorial material in this public review document does not constitute endorsement, warranty, or guaranty by ASHRAE of any product, service, process, procedure, or design, and  ASHRAE expressly disclaims disclaims such. © 2012 ASHRAE. This draft is covered under ASHRAE copyright. Permission to reproduce or redistribute all or any part of this document must be obtained from the ASHRAE Manager of Standards, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329. Phone: 404-636-8400, Ext. 1125. Fax: 404-321-5478. E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]..

ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta Atlanta GA 30329-2305

BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 202 Cognizant TC: TC 7.9, Building Commissioning SPLS Liaison: Janice C. Peterson Gerald J. Kettler Chair*

William J McCartney

Timothy F. Corbett 

Dr. Charles Dorgan Vice-Chair *

Rod Rabold*

Justin F. Garner 

Dr, Walter Grondzik Secretary*

Reinhard G. Seidl*

Earle Kennett 

Michael Mich ael Amstadt* Amst adt*

Daniel J. Lemieux*

Kenneth Simpson

Dennis E. Jones*

Jeff J. Traylor*

Brian E. Toeves

Harry Jay Enck*

Stephen R. Wiggins*

David Underwood

Bradley Brooks*

Jean-Francois Pelletier*

James Magee*

Alonzo B. Blalock

* Designates members of voting status  ASHRAE STANDARDS COMMITTEE

SPECIAL NOTE This Standard was developed under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). ASHRAE Standards are developed under a review process, identifying a standard for the design, testing, application, or evaluation of a specific product, concept, or practice .

 ASHRAE Standards are prepared by project committees committees appointed specifically for the purpose of writing Standards. Standards. The project committee chair and vice-chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be  ASHRAE members, members, all must be technically qualified qualified in the subject subject area of the Standard Standard . The Assistant Director of Technology for Standards and Special Projects of ASHRAE should be contacted for: a. interpretation of the contents of this this Standard, b. participation in the next review of the Standard, c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard, or  d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard

DISCLAIMER  ASHRAE uses uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information information and accepted industry practices. However, ASH RAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components, or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAE’s Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its Standards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk .or that it will be nonhazardous or free from risk.

ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDS  ASHRAE  ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines Guidelines are established to assist industry industry and the public by offering a uniform method method of testing testing for rating purposes, by suggesting safe practices in designing and installing equipment, by providing proper definitions of this equipment, and by providing other information that may serve to guide the industry. The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them, and conformance to them is completely voluntary. In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or  implied, that the product has been approved by ASHRAE.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 202 Cognizant TC: TC 7.9, Building Commissioning SPLS Liaison: Janice C. Peterson Gerald J. Kettler Chair*

William J McCartney

Timothy F. Corbett 

Dr. Charles Dorgan Vice-Chair *

Rod Rabold*

Justin F. Garner 

Dr, Walter Grondzik Secretary*

Reinhard G. Seidl*

Earle Kennett 

Michael Mich ael Amstadt* Amst adt*

Daniel J. Lemieux*

Kenneth Simpson

Dennis E. Jones*

Jeff J. Traylor*

Brian E. Toeves

Harry Jay Enck*

Stephen R. Wiggins*

David Underwood

Bradley Brooks*

Jean-Francois Pelletier*

James Magee*

Alonzo B. Blalock

* Designates members of voting status  ASHRAE STANDARDS COMMITTEE

SPECIAL NOTE This Standard was developed under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). ASHRAE Standards are developed under a review process, identifying a standard for the design, testing, application, or evaluation of a specific product, concept, or practice .

 ASHRAE Standards are prepared by project committees committees appointed specifically for the purpose of writing Standards. Standards. The project committee chair and vice-chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be  ASHRAE members, members, all must be technically qualified qualified in the subject subject area of the Standard Standard . The Assistant Director of Technology for Standards and Special Projects of ASHRAE should be contacted for: a. interpretation of the contents of this this Standard, b. participation in the next review of the Standard, c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard, or  d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard

DISCLAIMER  ASHRAE uses uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information information and accepted industry practices. However, ASH RAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components, or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAE’s Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its Standards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk .or that it will be nonhazardous or free from risk.

ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDS  ASHRAE  ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines Guidelines are established to assist industry industry and the public by offering a uniform method method of testing testing for rating purposes, by suggesting safe practices in designing and installing equipment, by providing proper definitions of this equipment, and by providing other information that may serve to guide the industry. The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them, and conformance to them is completely voluntary. In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or  implied, that the product has been approved by ASHRAE.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD........................... ........................................ ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .................. .... 4


PURPOSE ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................ .............. .... 5


SCOPE .......................... ......................................... ............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...................... ................... ........... 5


DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ....................... .........5


UTILIZATION UTILIZATION........................... ........................................ ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ....................... ........... .. 8


INITIATING THE COMMISSIONING PROCESS ...................... ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ............ 9


OWNER'S PROJECT REQUIREMENTS .................... .......... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .............. ... 11


COMMISSIONING COMMISSIONING PLAN .......................... ........................................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ................... ...... 12


BASIS OF DESIGN ..................... ........... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .............. ... 13


CONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, VENDORS, AND MANUFACTURER COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ 14

10. DESIGN VERIFICATION TO REQUIREMENTS ...................... ........... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............. 15 11. COMMISSIONING SUBMITTAL REVIEW ..................... .......... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .......... 15 12. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING..................... .......... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................. ........ 16 13. ISSUES AND RESOLUTIONS DOCUMENTATION ..................... .......... ...................... ..................... ..................... ................. ...... 17 14. SYSTEMS MANUAL .......................... ....................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... .............18 15. TRAINING ............................ .......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................ ............ .. 19 16. POST OCCUPANCY OPERATION VERIFICATION..................... ........... ..................... ...................... ..................... ................ ...... 20 17. COMMISSIONING PROCESS REPORT ...................... ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ........... 21 INDEX TO ANNEXES ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............... 22


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.) FOREWORD The Commissioning Process is the Owner’s quality-oriented process for achieving, verifying, and documenting that the performance of buildings, systems, and assemblies meets defined  objectives and criteria. The Commissioning Process assumes that owners, programmers, designers, contractors, and  operations and maintenance entities are fully accountable for the quality of their work. The  Commissioning Team uses methods and tools to verify that the project is achieving the  Owner’s Project Requirements throughout the delivery of the project. The Commissioning Process begins at project inception (during the Pre-Design Phase) and  continues for the life of the facility (through the Occupancy and Operations Phase). Because  this standard details a process, it can be applied to both new and renovation projects as well  as existing buildings. The Commissioning Process includes specific tasks to be conducted to  verify that design, construction, verification, testing, documentation, and training meet the  Owner’s Project Requirements. This standard describes the overall Commissioning Process in  order to provide a uniform, integrated, and consistent approach for delivering and operating  facilities that meet an owner’s on-going requirements. The Commissioning Process is a quality-based method that is adopted by an owner to achieve  successful construction projects. It is not an additional layer of construction or project  management. In fact, its purpose is to reduce the cost of delivering construction projects and  increase value to owners, occupants, and users. This standard has been developed to assist  those who are adopting or plan to adopt a quality-based and cost-effective process. Development of guidelines for the Commissioning Process began formally in 1982 when the  American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) formed a  committee to document best practices to provide and operate facilities that performed according  to the Owner’s Project Requirements. ASHRAE published its original commissioning guideline  in 1989 and an updated version in 1996. The Commissioning Process detailed in these  guidelines is the result of experience on projects requiring that systems and assemblies worked  from the first day the project was turned over to the Owner. This Commissioning Process is  further based upon experience with projects that met the requirements of owners, occupants, users of processes, and facility operating-maintenance-service organizations at a high level of  satisfaction and that reduced the cost to deliver the project. In 2008, it became evident that a standard with minimum requirements for the Commissioning  Process was necessary to support many other standards and programs. Standard 202  presents the minimum requirements for the Commissioning Process without focusing upon  specific building types, systems or assemblies, or on specific project sizes. Supplementary  technical guidelines have been and continue to be developed to provide specific and detailed  information on how to implement the Commissioning Process for each major building/facility, system or assembly, and for various stages of facility development and operation. The scope  and budget for the Commissioning Process is set by the Owner for each project at the  beginning of the development process. Due to the integration and interdependency of facility systems, a performance deficiency in one  system can result in less than optimal performance by other systems. Implementing the  Commissioning Process is intended to reduce the project capital cost through the warranty  period and also reduce the life-cycle cost of the facility. Using this integrated process results  4

BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

in a fully functional, fine-tuned facility, with complete documentation of its systems and  assemblies and trained operating and maintenance personnel. Emphasis is placed on documentation of the Owner’s Project Requirements at the inception of  the project and the proper transfer of this information from one party to the next. Owners adopt  the Commissioning Process to achieve their stated objectives and criteria—starting with the  inception of a project instead of after a facility is occupied. While circumstances may require owners to adopt the Commissioning Process during the  Design or Construction Phase of a project, such later implementation must capture the  information that would have been developed had the Commissioning Process begun at project  inception. Beginning the Commissioning Process at project inception will achieve the maximum  benefits. This standard describes the Commissioning Process; the role of the Commissioning Authority;  and a framework for developing an OPR, BOD, Commissioning Plan, specifications, procedures, documentation, and reports. This standard also describes the general requirements  for a training program for continued successful system and assembly performance. 1.


The purpose is to identify the minimum acceptable Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems.



This standard provides procedures, methods, and, documentation requirements for each activity for project delivery from pre-design through occupancy and operation, including: a) b) c) d)


Overview of Commissioning Process activities, Description of each process step’s minimum activities, Minimum documentation requirements, and Acceptance requirements.


Acceptance :  A formal action, taken by a person with appropriate authority (which may or may not be contractually defined) to declare that some aspect of the project meets defined requirements, thus permitting subsequent activities to proceed. Authority Having Jurisdiction:  Where public safety is primary, the authority having jurisdiction may be a federal, state, local, or other regional department or individual having statutory authority. For insurance purposes, an insurance inspection department, rating bureau, or other  insurance company representative may be the authority having jurisdiction. In some circumstances, the property owner or his or her designated agent assumes the role of the authority having jurisdiction; at government installations, the commanding officer or  departmental official may be the authority having jurisdiction Basis of Design (BOD) : A document that records the concepts, calculations, decisions, and product selections used to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements and to satisfy applicable regulatory requirements, standards, and guidelines. The document includes both narrative descriptions and lists of individual items that support the design process. Checklists : Project and element-specific checklists that are developed and used during all phases of the commissioning process to verify that the Owner’s Project Requirements are being achieved. Checklists are used for general verification, testing, training, and other design and construction requirements. 5

BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

Commissioning : (Cx): See Commissioning Process. Commissioning Authority (CxA) :  An entity identified by the Owner who leads, plans, schedules, and coordinates the commissioning team to implement the Commissioning Process. Commissioning Plan (Cx Plan) : A document that outlines the organization, schedule, allocation of resources, and documentation requirements of the Commissioning Process. Commissioning Process : A quality-focused process for enhancing the delivery of a project. The process focuses upon verifying and documenting that the facility and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the Owner's Project Requirements. Commissioning Process Activities : Components of the Commissioning Process. Commissioning Process Progress Report :  A written document that details activities completed as part of the Commissioning Process and significant findings from those activities, and is continuously updated during the course of a project. Commissioning Process Report : A document that records the activities and results of the Commissioning Process and is developed from the final Commissioning Plan with all of its attached appendices. Commissioning Team : The individuals, who through coordinated actions, are responsible for  implementing the Commissioning Process. Construction Checklist :  A form used by the commissioning team to verify that appropriate materials and components are on-site, ready for installation, correctly installed, functional, and in compliance with the Owner’s Project Requirements. Also see Checklists. Construction Documents : This includes a wide range of documents, which will vary from project to project and with the Owner’s needs and with regulations, laws, and countries’ requirements. Construction documents usually include the project manual (specifications), plans (drawings), and General Terms and Conditions of the contract. Contract Documents : This includes a wide range of documents, which will vary from project to project and with the Owner’s needs, regulations, laws, and countries’ requirements. Contract Documents frequently include price agreements, construction management process, subcontractor agreements or requirements, requirements and procedures for submittals, changes, and other construction requirements, timeline for completion, and the Construction Documents. Coordination Drawings : Drawings showing the work of all trades to illustrate that equipment can be installed in the space allocated without compromising equipment function or access for  maintenance and replacement. These drawings graphically illustrate and dimension manufacturers’ recommended maintenance clearances. Current Facility Requirements (CFR):  A written document that details the current functional requirements of a facility and the expectations of how it should be used and operated. This includes goals, measurable performance criteria, cost considerations, benchmarks, success criteria, and supporting information to meet the requirements of occupants, users, and owners of  the facility. Design Checklist:  A form developed by the commissioning team to verify that elements of  the design are in compliance with the Owner’s Project Requirements. Also see Checklists.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

Design Review– PEER:  An independent and objective technical review of the design of the Project or a part thereof, conducted at specified stages of design completion by one or  more qualified professionals, for the purpose of enhancing the quality of the design. Design Review – Constructability: A review of a document to determine whether the engineering and/or architectural content of the work is correct, complete, and suitable for  the intended purpose. Design Review – Code or Regulatory: A review of a document conducted by staff or  designated entity of an Authority Having Jurisdiction to determine whether the content of  the document complies with regulations, codes, or other standards administered by the  Authority Having Jurisdiction. Design Review – Commissioning:  A review of the design documents to determine compliance with the Owner’s Project Requirements, including coordination between systems and assemblies being commissioned, features and access for testing, commissioning and maintenance, and other reviews required by the commissioning plan. Existing Building Commissioning Process: A quality-focused process for attaining the Current Facility Requirements of an existing facility and its systems and assemblies. The process focuses on planning, investigating, implementing, verifying, and documenting that the facility and/or its systems and assemblies are operated and maintained to meet the Current Facility Requirements, with a program to maintain the enhancements for the remaining life of the facility. Facility Guide:  A basic building systems description and operating plan with general procedures and confirmed facility operating conditions, set points, schedules, and operating procedures for  use by facility operations to properly operate the facility. Issues Log :  A formal and ongoing record of problems or concerns and their resolutions that have been raised by members of the Commissioning Team during the course of the Commissioning Process. On-Going Commissioning Process (OCx) : A continuation of the Commissioning Process well into Occupancy and Operations to continually improve the operation and performance of a facility to meet current and evolving Current Facility Requirements or Owner’s Project Requirements. OnGoing Commissioning Process activities occur throughout the life of the facility; some of these will be close to continuous in implementation, and others will be either scheduled or un-scheduled as needed. Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) : A written document that details the functional requirements of a project and the expectations of how it will be used and operated. This includes project goals, measurable performance criteria, cost considerations, benchmarks, success criteria, and supporting information. (The term Project Intent or Design Intent is used by some owners for their Commissioning Process Owner’s Project Requirements.) Performance Test (PT or FPT):  Performance Testing is the process of verifying that a material, product, assembly, or system meets defined performance criteria. The methods and conditions under which performance is verified are described in one or more test protocols. Re-Commissioning : (See Existing Building Commissioning.)  An application of the Commissioning Process requirements to a project that has been delivered using the Commissioning Process. Retro-Commissioning: (See Existing Building Commissioning.) The Commissioning Process applied to an existing facility that was not previously commissioned. 7

BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

Systems Manual : A system-focused composite document that includes the design and construction documentation, facility guide and operation manual, maintenance manual, training information, commissioning process records, and additional information of use to the Owner during Occupancy and Operations. Test Procedure :  A written protocol that defines methods, personnel, and expectations for tests conducted on components, equipment, assemblies, systems, and interfaces among systems to verify compliance with the Owner’s Project Requirements. Training Plan :  A written document that details the expectations, schedule, budget, and deliverables of Commissioning Process activities related to training of project operating and maintenance personnel, users, and occupants. Verification : The process by which specific documents, components, equipment, assemblies, systems, and interfaces among systems are confirmed to comply with the criteria described in the Owner’s Project Requirements. 4.




The application of this standard can be for the delivery of all or selected systems and assemblies in a project. The scope will depend upon the Owner’s Project Requirements, the Cx Plan, and how the project will be designed, built, and operated. The process described in this standard is written for a generic project and must be adapted to each project. This standard describes the Cx Process and can be supplemented by companion technical documents and guidelines to describe the specific details and to properly implement the Cx Process relative to a specific facility, system, or assembly.




The requirements of this standard are to:

a) Provide the minimum activities for the application of the Cx Process in the design, development, construction, operation, and modification of physical buildings and systems. b) Establish process activities and sequence of activities. c) Establish deliverables and documentation for the process application.


Commissioning Process Activities and Deliverables  Activity


Initiate Commissioning Process


Decide Project Requirements

Deliverable Roles and Responsibilities

Owner’s Project Requirements


Develop Commissioning Plan

Commissioning Process Plan


Design Approach to Requirements

Basis of Design


Set Contractor Cx Requirements


Verify Design to Requirements

Commissioning Specifications

Design Verification Report

↓ 8

BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft


Review Submittals

Submittal Verification Report


Observe and Test

Construction Checklists & Reports


Resolve Issues

Issues Log


Assemble Systems Manual

Systems Manual


Conduct Training

Training Plans and Records


Verify Post Occupancy Operation

End of Warranty Cx Report


Assemble Commissioning Process Report

Commissioning Process Report

4.3 Acceptance. The process for each activity and deliverable shall include an acceptance step as defined in the OPR and Cx Plan. 5.






 At the initiation of the Commissioning Process, the Owner is responsible for determining the scope of the Cx Plan (that is, the systems and assemblies to be included), selecting the leader of the Cx process team, selecting the Cx process project team, incorporating Cx activities into project team roles and responsibilities, establishment of Cx budget, and providing direction to the Cx team throughout the project.


Project Team Selection-Commissioning Process Providers The Owner is responsible to select qualified Cx process professionals.


Providing Direction and Acceptance The Owner shall provide reviews and acceptance as required during the Cx process.


Commissioning Requirements

The Owner shall include in the design and construction team’s contracts or roles and responsibilities the Cx activities contained in this standard and the project Cx Plan. The Owner shall determine the systems and assemblies to be included in the project team’s scope.


Owner’s Project Requirements For new construction or major renovations, the Owner shall ensure development of the OPR as described in Chapter 6 of this standard prior to development of the architectural program. The Owner shall provide a final updated and approved OPR at substantial completion. .


The Commissioning Plan

The Owner shall require the development of the Cx Plan as described in Chapter 7 of  this standard and associated documents that define the project team’s roles and responsibilities, communication protocols, Cx procedures, documentation, activities, and the schedule of those 9

BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft



Checklists The Owner shall require, by agreement, design and construction service providers to develop, utilize, and complete Cx procedures and written Cx observation and testing checklists in accordance with the Cx Plan. 5.2.4

Basis of Design Documentation For construction or renovation projects requiring design, the Owner shall require, by agreement, the development and updating of the BOD by the designers as described in Chapter  8 of this standard. 5.2.5

Commissioning Specifications The Owner shall require, by agreement, the design/construction team to include Cx specifications in the project contract documents. The Cx specification shall include the meeting of all requirements defined in the OPR and follow the Cx Process contained in the project’s Cx plan and Chapter 9 of this standard. 5.2.6

Commissioning Design Reviews The Owner shall require, by agreement, the design team to review, respond to, and participate in an issue resolution process to resolve issues identified during the Cx design review process in Chapter 10 of this standard. The Owner or designated representative shall review the Cx Process design review comments, participate in issue resolution process, and provide direction to the team when needed to meet the OPR. 5.2.7

Construction Submittals Verification The Owner shall require, by agreement:

CxA to identify construction submittals to be provided by the Contractor for the systems being commissioned. The Contractor to provide construction submittals to the CxA concurrent with submittals to the designer. The CxA to review the construction submittals concurrently with the designers and provide comments to the designer. The designer to consider the CxA’s comments and provide direction to the Contractor in accordance with the designer’s best professional judgment with a copy to the CxA.

In the event that the Owner does not retain the designer for construction administration services, the Owner shall: 

Require the CxA to review the construction submittals concurrently with the Owner or  owner’s representative and provide comments to the Owner or owner representative. Consider the CxA’s comments and provide direction to the Contractor in accordance with the Owner’s best professional judgment with a copy to the CxA.


Observation and Testing The Owner shall require, by agreement, for construction or renovations requiring design and construction, that project observation and testing be performed as required in the Cx Plan and Chapter 12 of this standard.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft


Issues Log and Field Reports The Owner shall require the development and utilization of field reports and issue logs as required in the OPR and Chapter 13 of this standard. The Owner shall review Cx issues log and field reports, participate in collaborative team resolution, and provide direction when needed.

5.2.10 Systems Manual The Owner shall require, by agreement, the development and delivery of a project Systems Manual and that deliverables be provided for the Systems Manual in accordance with Chapter 14 of this standard. The Owner shall ensure that specific entities are designated for the development and assembly of the Systems Manual and the Facility Guide. 5.2.11 Training The Owner shall require, by agreement, that the design, construction, and Cx teams perform training defined in the OPR or Cx Plan as described in Chapter 15 of this standard.

5.2.12 Post Occupancy and Operations The Owner shall require, by agreement, that the Cx Process activities described in Chapter 16 of this standard be performed. This shall include additional training, seasonal tests, problem resolution, site visits, updating drawings and specifications, or other requirements performed during the Post Occupancy and Initial Operations period defined for the project in the OPR and Cx Plan.

5.2.13 On-Going Commissioning Process The Owner shall require, by agreement: 

CxA perform ongoing Cx throughout the warranty period.

Updating Systems Manual based on modifications to operations to meet the OPR.

Updating OPR to meet changes in the Owner’s objectives and criteria.

5.2.14 Commissioning Process Report The Owner shall require, by agreement, the development and delivery of a Cx Process Project Report and that deliverables be provided in accordance with Chapter 17 of this standard. The Owner shall ensure that specific entities are designated for the development and assembly of the Cx Process Project Report.





The OPR forms the foundation for the design, construction, and occupancy and operation of the facility and are the basis for the Cx Plan and schedule. The OPR is a document that evolves throughout each project. It is the primary tool for benchmarking success and quality at all phases of project delivery and throughout the life of the facility.  As decisions are made during the Design, Construction, and Occupancy and Operations activities, the OPR document shall be updated to reflect the current project requirements of the Owner.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft



6.2.1 During Pre-Design, the Owner, along with the Cx Team, shall facilitate development and documentation of the OPR. 6.2.2 The OPR document shall list and define the systems and assemblies to be commissioned, including sampling strategies, if defined by the Owner. The systems and assemblies being commissioned shall have defined performance and acceptance criteria. 6.2.3

The PR document shall address:

a. Facility objectives, location, user requirements, size, and owner directives. b. Environmental, sustainability, and efficiency goals and benchmarks. c. Indoor environment requirements, including temperature, humidity, and ventilation. d. Space usage, occupancy, and operation schedules. e. Commissioning process scope and requirements, listing of equipment, and systems. f.

Equipment, systems and assemblies requirements, expectations, and warranty provisions.

g. Maintainability, access, and operational performance requirements. h. Installation verification and testing requirements. i.

Project documentation and Systems Manual requirements and formats.


Training requirements for owner’s personnel and occupants.

k. Applicable codes and standards in addition to local building codes. l.

Project schedules.

m. Future expansion and usage change requirements. n. Special project requirements.


The OPR shall be included in the Contract Documents.


The OPR shall provide the requirements for Cx process verification.

6.2.6 The OPR shall be updated regularly throughout the project and Cx process to reflect changes necessitated by owner, designers, and construction team decisions, issues resolutions, and/or operational decisions. 6.3


The OPR shall be formally accepted by the Owner during Pre-design. Updates to the OPR made during subsequent project activities shall also be formally accepted by the Owner.




Introduction The Cx Plan shall be a written document and provide organization, documentation requirements, and tools to facilitate the design and construction of the project to meet the OPR. 7.2


7.2.1 The initial Cx Plan shall be developed by the Owner’s project team with the assistance of  the CxA at the initiation of the project. The Cx Plan shall be updated and expanded during 12

BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

design and construction as the project evolves.

7.2.2  A copy of the final Cx Plan shall be included in the Cx Process Report. 7.2.3

The Cx Plan shall include the following information:

a) Overview of the Cx Process developed specifically for the project. b) Roles and responsibilities for the Cx Team throughout the project. c) Documentation of general communication channels. d) Detailed description of Cx Process activities and a schedule of activities. The design milestones shall include the Cx Team meetings, OPR development, design reviews, and the completion of the BOD and the Cx specifications. e) Project design documentation verification procedures. f)

General description of Cx Process activities that will occur during Construction and Occupancy and Operations.

g) Guidelines and format that will be used to develop the Cx Process documentation, including Systems Manual and Training Plans. h) Cx Process verification checklists and testing forms that will be used during the project phases to communicate and track critical Cx Process information. i)

Project commissioned systems and assemblies verification procedures description.


The framework for procedures to follow whenever Cx Process verification does not meet the OPR.


Acceptance The Cx Plan shall include a process for approval by the Owner of the initial document and subsequent revisions. 8.




The BOD is a written document that shall provide detailed information on the design team’s approach to meeting the OPR, provide the Owner with a better understanding of design issues, and secure the Owner’s approval of critical design decisions.



8.2.1 The OPR shall define the content, organization, and milestones of BOD submittals for  the design and construction process. 8.2.2 The BOD shall be developed by the design team in accordance with the OPR. The BOD shall be updated and expanded during design and construction as the project evolves. The function of the BOD shall be to: 1) Describe in detail the design team’s technical approach to each of the Owner’s requirements.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

2) Provide a platform for the review of the design and changes as the project progresses. 3) Coordinate applicable technical and code requirements.

8.2.3 The design team shall submit the BOD to the Owner and CxA for review at each milestone defined by the OPR. 8.2.4 The Owner and CxA shall verify each BOD submittal for: 1. Agreement with the OPR. 2. Requirements for updating of the BOD. 3. Requirements for sustainable design certification. 4. The design assumptions. 5. Consideration of design alternatives at each phase. 6. That systems, assemblies, and equipment are commissionable and maintainable. 7. Opportunities for improved performance. 8. That provision for ongoing Cx over the life of the building is addressed.

8.2.5 The CxA shall document and track issues related to the BOD using the Cx Issues Log, including issues identified by the Owner and members of the design team. 8.2.6

The design team shall work with the Owner and CxA to resolve Cx issues.



Each submission of the BOD shall be formally reviewed and accepted by the Owner to facilitate the next step in the design process.





The responsibilities of the contractors, suppliers, vendors, and manufacturers, including those contracted directly to the Owner, shall follow the contract documents, including the Cx Process defined by the Cx specifications. The Cx Process does not relieve the Contractor from meeting codes, standards, or contractual requirements.



9.2.1 The applicable Cx Process requirements shall be included in all contracts with contractors, sub-contractors suppliers, service providers, vendors, and manufacturers for  systems and assemblies being commissioned. 9.2.2 Contractors, sub-contractors suppliers, service providers, vendors, and manufacturers shall provide the required documentation as defined in the contract documents and Cx Plan. This includes: submittals, shop drawings, installation, operations, maintenance, and close-out documents; code compliance; and existing conditions documentation.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft




Introduction  A Cx design document review shall be performed to verify compliance with the OPR.



10.2.1 The CxA shall perform a review of the commissioned systems and assemblies in the design documents to verify compliance with the OPR. The number and scheduling of design reviews shall be defined in the OPR and as a minimum, prior to the start of construction for  systems being commissioned. 10.2.2 The CxA shall provide a document review report with comments, questions, and observations to the Owner and design teams for compliance with the Owner’s project requirements. This review shall not be considered a design PEER or Code Review. 10.2.3 The design team shall respond to the CxA document review report with necessary answers and document modifications for the project. Revised documents shall be back checked by the CxA. 10.2.4  A copy of the document review report(s) and response shall be included in the final Commissioning Process Report. 10.3


10.3.1 The Owner shall approve the CxA document review report and the design team's response before the start of construction. 11.




 A submittal documents review for commissioned systems and assemblies shall be performed to verify compliance with the OPR. The commissioning submittal review does not replace the designer of record submittal review.



11.2.1 Submittal review will be concurrent with Design Team and Owner review. A designated Commissioning Team member shall review project submittals for systems and assemblies to be commissioned for compliance with the OPR. 11.2.2 The submittal review shall be documented with the following information: 1. Submittal review date. 2. Submittal reference number. 3. Document containing requirement a. Specification Reference b. Construction Drawing Reference. 4. A summary of the submitted equipment/materials properties that appear not to meet the OPR. 15

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11.2.3 A copy of the submittal document review report(s) and response shall be included in the final Commissioning Process Report. 11.3


The CxA shall maintain a record of all Cx submittal reviews and shall submit a written report to the Owner and design authority. If it is determined that any reviewed submittals do not comply with the OPR, then it shall be submitted to the Owner for determination if the system or  equipment shall be accepted or rejected.





The proper installation, coordination, performance, and interaction among commissioned systems and assemblies shall be verified.



12.2.1 The systems and assemblies identified in the OPR and Cx Plan shall be verified to comply with the OPR and with the contract documents. 12.2.2 Checklists and test procedures with necessary report forms shall be developed before equipment or assembly installation. All completed checklists and test reports shall be included in the final Cx Process Report. 12.2.3 There shall be a uniform and effective process for documentation of testing to provide verified performance of and interaction between commissioned equipment, systems, and assemblies 12.2.4 The CxA shall conduct a scoping meeting with the construction team to explain Cx procedures and coordinate commissioning activities at the beginning of the construction process and at other times as necessary. 12.2.5 Verification of the systems and assemblies shall include the following: 1. Vital information on the equipment or materials being supplied. Information shall detail what equipment/material was specified and submitted. What was actually delivered on the site shall be documented and verified. 2. The condition of the equipment at the time it is delivered at the site and prior to its installation. 3. Checking proper installation of the systems and assemblies. Verification shall focus on the physical installation of the systems and assemblies on its ability to meet the CD and accessibility for Cx, testing, and maintenance. 4. Proper functioning of systems and assemblies.

12.2.6 Establishing Test Procedures 1. Project-specific Construction Checklists and test procedures shall be established for  review by Owner and appropriate team members. 2. The test procedures shall list the entities responsible for executing each of the tests.


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3. In cases where testing involves the risk of damaging any portion of a system or assembly, such risks shall be clearly identified in the test procedures. 4. Sampling procedures shall be utilized if required and defined in the OPR.

12.2.7 Executing Test Procedures 1. Once Construction Checklists and test procedures are established, the responsible entities shall execute relevant test protocols and repeat testing as necessary until equipment, systems, or assemblies being tested pass all tests. 2. After completed test procedures by the Cx Team, the CxA directs, witnesses, and documents the tests conducted. Failed tests are repeated in accordance with the Cx Plan. 3. Tests requiring extended periods of time to evaluate the equipment, system, and assemblies performance whose execution period exceeds reasonable limits for contractor or witness site testing shall be executed as long-term tests. 4. The entities responsible for executing long-term functional testing shall configure the means of recording historical data collection as defined in the approved test procedures, and upon completion, inform the Cx Team members that systems and assemblies are ready to be tested. 5. Once the test period is complete, the entities responsible for conducting the tests shall collect a record of historical data and transmit this to the project team for verification of  results.

12.2.8 If any negative response is identified, the reason for the negative responses and whether any action has been taken to correct the problem or problems that led to the negative responses shall be documented.  Any negative response that cannot be resolved in a timely manner shall be given an issue number and recorded in the issue log to facilitate follow up. Whenever a test data result is required for a specific system or assembly, there should be an item in the associated Construction Checklist for the test data to be submitted to the CxA.



 All verification checklists and test procedure results shall be compiled into the Final Commissioning Process Report. A summary of the testing shall be reported to the Owner in a written Cx Process Report following completion of the testing or at intervals noted in the Cx Plan. Review of the summary reports shall have a response of concurrence or acceptance by the Owner.





Issues formulated during the Cx Process shall be documented and any open or  continuing items listed in an Issue Log and Cx Process Reports.



13.2.1 The CxA and Cx Team shall develop a formal Issues and Resolutions Log with supporting documentation. 17

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13.2.2 The active Issues Log will have all open and continuing items, with status and responsible person or organization for resolution. 13.2.3  A formal Issues and Resolutions Log shall be maintained throughout the project until all issues are resolved or accepted by the Owner. 13.2.4 A Cx Process Progress Report shall be assembled and distributed at intervals required in the OPR. 13.2.5 The Issues and Resolutions Logs and Cx Progress Reports shall be available for owner  review throughout the project. 13.3


The Owner shall review and accept the Issues and Resolution Report. Upon acceptance, this will be included in the final Cx Process Report.





The Systems Manual documentation shall be provided to the Owner for use in building operation and the training of personnel.



14.2.1 The Systems Manual shall provide the information needed to understand, operate, and maintain the building’s systems and assemblies. 14.2.2 The Systems Manual is the repository of design, construction, and testing information, including updates and corrections to systems and assemblies as they occur during Construction. The Cx Team shall be responsible for updating the Systems Manual during Construction as required in the OPR and Cx Plan. 14.2.3 The following shall be included in the Systems Manual: Section 1 – Executive Summary Section 2 – Facility Design and Construction 2.1 Copy of OPR Document 2.2 Copy of BOD Document 2.3 Copy of Building/Project Design and Record Documents

Section 3 – Building, Systems, and Assemblies Information 3.1 Copy of Building and Equipment Specifications for Commissioned Systems and Assemblies. 3.2 Copy of Approved Submittals for Commissioned Systems and Assemblies 3.3 Copy of Manufacturer’s Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Data for Commissioned Systems and Assemblies 3.4 Copy of Warranties for Commissioned Systems and Assemblies 3.5 Copy of Verified Controls Sequence of Operation and Integrated Systems Performance. 3.6 Contractor/Supplier Listing and Contact Information 18

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Section 4 – Facility Operations 4.1 Facility Guide, including verified: Operating Plan; Building and Equipment Operating Schedules, Set Points, and Ranges; Systems Operation Control Sequences, System Limitations, and Emergency Shut Down Actions 4.2 Copy of Maintenance Plans, Procedures, Maintenance Checklists, and Records 4.3 Copy of Maintenance Schedules 4.4 Procedures for On-going Operational and Maintenance Record Keeping

Section 5 – Training 5.1 Copy of Training Plan and Materials 5.2 Training Records

Section 6 Commissioning Process Report 6.1 Copy of final Cx Process Plan(s) 6.2 Copy of Testing Reports for Commissioned Systems and Assemblies 6.3 Copy of Verification Forms—Completed for Commissioned Systems and Assemblies 6.4 Copy of Performance Forms—Completed for Commissioned Systems and Assemblies 6.5 Copy of Issue Logs, disposition of open issues, and Item Resolution Plan



14.3.1 The contents of the Systems Manual, Sections 1 through 4, shall be reviewed and approved by the CxA prior to training of operational and maintenance personnel. 14.3.2 The Owner shall approve the final Systems Manual for use in building operations. 15.




The O&M personnel and occupants shall be properly trained, in accordance with the OPR, to operate and maintain the building. The training plan is considered an essential element in designing, preparing, and delivering the training to the participants.



15.2.1 The training plan shall include the following items: a. Outline of instructional topics related to the systems, subsystems, equipment, and assemblies. These topics shall address the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of specific systems, assemblies, and equipment. b. Learning objectives and training delivery methods for each instructional topic. c. The location of the training sessions (classroom, onsite, and offsite) and the duration of  each training session in hours to be completed. d. Instructor’s qualifications for approval by the Owner. e. Training materials employed during the instructional process. f.

Training report and records.


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15.2.2 Archival of instruction, delivery of instruction, and training materials shall be provided as specified in the Contract Documents and per the OPR. A copy of the Training Plan, training materials, and records shall be included in the final Systems Manual as Section 5 as shown in Chapter 14 of this standard. 15.3


The Training Plan, the execution of the Training Plan, and the delivery of instruction shall be reviewed for acceptance by the CxA. The Training Plan shall be submitted and accepted prior to the delivery of any instruction. Evaluation or survey of the participants shall be as defined in the OPR and Contract Documents.





Post construction commissioning, including delayed and seasonal testing and warranty performance, shall be provided to deliver buildings and construction projects that meet the Owner’s needs, prior to the time of warranty completion. The Post Occupancy and Operations  Activities of the Commissioning Process begin at substantial completion. Post Occupancy and Operations Phase Cx Process objectives include the following: a. Using the CxA’s project knowledge and experience to minimize contractor call-backs. b. Providing on-going guidance on operations and maintenance (O&M) to achieve the OPR. c. Documenting lessons learned from applying the Cx Process for application to the next project.



16.2.1 The Cx Process activities shall continue through the end of the contractual warranty period. 16.2.2 The seasonal, delayed, and incomplete testing of facility systems and assemblies shall be completed. The CxA shall determine when the performance verifications shall be performed based on weather conditions, load conditions, or occupant interactions that are required to complete the activities for all systems and assemblies being commissioned. 16.2.3 The general contractor or owner shall coordinate contractor call-backs to resolve issues identified during the Cx Process and provide written documentation to the CxA that the issues have been resolved and/or the Owner has accepted the final conditions. 16.2.4 Additional training shall be performed during the Post Occupancy and Operations activities in accordance with the Training and Cx Plans. 16.2.5 During the Post Occupancy and Operations activities, the on-going operation, maintenance, and modification of the facility systems and assemblies, and their associated documentation, shall be verified against the updated OPR. 16.2.6 By the conclusion of the Post Occupancy Operation commissioning activities, the Systems Manual, testing documentation, issue logs, training report, and a final Cx Process Report shall be updated and submitted for acceptance.


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 A Cx Process Report shall be provided to summarize the Cx Process and the building operation for delivery to the building owner and other required recipients.



17.2.1 The Final Cx Process Report shall include the final Cx Process Plan and the results of  the implementation of that plan. The report shall include an executive summary describing the Cx Process and identifying the systems and assemblies commissioned. The report shall identify the location of the final OPR and BOD documents or contain a copy if these documents are not otherwise available. The location of the project record drawings shall be identified. 17.2.2 Intermediate reports shall be issued as required in the OPR or by the AHJ. 17.2.3 A copy of the commissioning design review records and logs and submittals review logs shall be included in the report. 17.2.4 The report shall contain a completed copy of the approved supplier, contractor, and CxA verification, testing, and performance test forms, including those utilized during the Occupancy and Operations activity. 17.2.5 All systems or assemblies that do not meet the OPR shall be identified in the Issues Log. 17.2.6 For all incomplete issues, delayed or seasonal tests shall have a resolution plan approved by the Owner identifying who is responsible for resolution. 17.2.7 A copy of all Issue Logs shall be included, including the descriptions of the issues and the measures taken to correct them. 17.2.8 A copy of the Training Plan and report shall be included or its location identified. 17.3


17.3.1 The CxA shall submit the Cx Process Report to the Owner and others as required by the OPR and AHJ for review and acceptance.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

ASHRAE Standard 202– The Commissioning Process INDEX TO ANNEXES Informative Annex A – Commissioning Process Documentation Matrix Informative Annex B – Quality Based Sampling Process Informative Annex C – Initiating the Commissioning Process Informative Annex D – Owner’s Project Requirements Informative Annex E – Commissioning Plan Informative Annex F – Basis of Design Informative Annex G – Commissioning Specifications Informative Annex H – Design Verification and Report Informative Annex I – Submittal Verification and Report Informative Annex J – Construction Observation and Testing Checklists and Reports Informative Annex K – Issues Log Informative Annex L – Systems Manual Informative Annex M – Training Plans and Records Informative Annex N – End of Warranty Commissioning Report Informative Annex O – Commissioning Process Report


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

Informative Annex A This annex is not a mandatory part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.

Commissioning Process Documentation Matrix ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005 contains flow charts that are a graphical representation of the building development and parallel Cx Process. These show relationships and processes that may be beyond the requirements of this standard but are referenced here to provide a more complete understanding of the Cx Process and its potential. The following table summarizes the documents that are produced during the implementation of  the Cx Process on a project. The participants shown are options and need to reflect the needs of the Owner and the specific project.

Activity Project initiation


Provided By Owner, CxA, or  Design Team

Document Owner’s Project Requirements

Input By Owner, CxA, O&M, Users, Design Team (?)

Initial Commissioning Plan

Owner, Design Team, CxA

Owner or  CxA

Systems Manual Outline

Owner, O&M, CxA

Training Requirements Outline

Reviewed/ Approved By

Used By CxA, Design Team

Notes Design Team may not be hired yet.


CxA, Owner, Design Team, Construction Team

Design Team may not be hired yet.

Owner or  CxA


Owner or  CxA


May be included in OPR May be included in OPR

Issues Log Format

Owner, O&M, Users, CxA, Design Team Owner, CxA

Design Team, Construction Team Design Team, Construction Team

Owner or  CxA


May be only format at this time

Cx Report Format

Owner, CxA



Owner’s Project Requirements Update

Owner, CxA, O&M, Users, Design Team

CxA or  Designer 


CxA, Design Team Design Team, Owner  CxA, Design Team

Basis Of Design

Design Team

Owner, CxA

Construction Specifications for  Commissioning

Design Team, CxA, Owner 

Design Team Design Team or  CxA




Design Team, CxA Contractors, CxA, Design Team

May also be provided by Project Manager/ Owner’s Rep.

BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

Systems Manual Outline Expanded

Design Team, CxA, O&M, Contractor 

Design Team or  CxA

Training Req. Requirements

Owner, CxA O&M, Users,

Owner, CxA, Owner O&M

CxA, Design Team CxA

Design Team, CxA


Design Team



Design Team




Issues Report




Design Commissioning Process Report




CxA, Design Design Team, Owner  Owner 

Owner’s Project Requirements Update

Owner, O&M, Users, Design Team, Construction Team

CxA or  Designer 


CxA, Design Team, Contractors

Basis of Design Update Commissioning Plan Update

Design Team

Design Team CxA

CxA, Owner

Design Team, CxA CxA, Owner, Design Team, Contractors

Requirements In Specifications Design Review Comments Issues Log


Submittal Review Comments System Coordination Plans Inspection Checklists Inspection Reports Test Procedures

Design Team, CxA, Owner, Contractor  CxA Contractor, Design Team

Design Team Contractor

CxA, Contractor, Design Team Contractor


CxA, Contractor, Design Team Contractor



Owner, CxA

CxA, Owner, Design Team, Design Team CxA, Design Team CxA, Design Team CxA, Owner

Design Team, Contractor 

Design Team

Contractor, CxA Contractor 

Contractor  Contractor 






Contractor  or CxA

Owner, CxA

O&M, Users, Contractor 


Owner, CxA

O&M, Users

Issues Log

Design Team, CxA, O&M, Contractor  Design Team, CxA, O&M, Contractor  CxA



Issues Report



Preliminary Construction Commissioning Process Report



Owner, Design Team Owner

CxA, Design Team, Design Team, Owner, Contractor  Owner

Systems Manual


Contractor  input


CxA, Design Team CxA, Owner

Test Data Reports Commissioning Meeting Agendas and Minutes Training Plans

Contractor  may not be hired yet.


Prior to Occupancy

BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

Final Construction Commissioning Process Report

Occupancy and Operations





Owner’s Project Requirements Update

Owner, O&M, Users, Design Team

CxA or  Designer 


Basis of Design Update Maintenance Program

Design Team

Design Team Owner or  CxA

CxA, Owner

CxA, Design Team, Contractors Design Team, CxA O&M, Users

Contractor, CxA, O&M, Design Team Contractor



Design Team, CxA CxA, Owner




Issues Report




Commissioning Process Report ReCommissioning Plan




Contractor, O&M CxA, Design Team, Owner  Design Team, Owner, Contractors Owner

O&M, Users, CxA

CxA or  Owner 



Test Procedures

Test Data Reports Issues Log

Owner, O&M, Contractor, CxA

Owner, CxA


Final Report

Notes: 1. The term “contractor” is understood to refer to any of several entities that provide construction services. Depending upon the project, this could include, among others, the owner’s representative, construction manager, contractors, and sub-contractors.  Abbreviations: CxA: Commissioning Authority; O&M: operations and maintenance; OPR: Owner’s Project Requirements.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

Informative Annex B This annex is not a mandatory part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.

Quality Based Sampling Process This annex provides an example of how to implement a sampling process for Standard 202 if  directed by the Owner. It is not intended to be a comprehensive representation or a best  practice example. Practitioners applying the Commissioning Process should carefully follow  Guideline 0 and applicable commissioning technical guidelines tailored to their specific  projects. Use of Sampling  The use of sampling in the design and construction review and the sampling process must be defined in the OPR. Sampling processes should be used only as defined in the OPR and/or with the specific agreement of the Owner. The Cx Plan can also add requirements and information to the design review process and procedures.

Design Submissions   A critical step in the Cx Process is the review of the design submissions from the design professionals. It is important to remember that the role of the CxA is to verify that the OPR are met and that the system is designed in a quality manner. There are three distinct reviews that are completed on a drawing set – general, coordination, and field specific. A review of the specifications is also required. The procedures for design review and sampling are included in Annex H of this Standard.

Construction Review Sampling There are three primary areas relating to systems and assemblies where quality-based sampling is utilized for the on-going verification of achieving the OPR.

These are:   

Submittal reviews Site visits Final commissioning process testing.

Submittal Reviews The role of the CxA and the Cx Team in the review of submittals is for on-going verification that the OPR is being achieved; it is not to relieve the design professional of his or  her responsibility that the submittals meet the contract document requirements. Therefore, the CxA accomplishes a two-part review of submittals—one to evaluate the Contractor’s submittal development process to verify OPR achievement and one to evaluate the design professional’s submittal review process to verify OPR achievement. These reviews can be accomplished utilizing a random sampling approach of the submittals as directed by the OPR and Cx Plan. Random (quality-based) sampling is utilized because it is a way to accomplish effective, unbiased evaluations of materials against given 26

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criteria. The random sampling approach for a specific submittal varies based upon the number  of attributes and components contained in the submittal and upon the importance to the OPR. There are two random sampling approaches that can be used. These include randomly sampling the attributes and components (when there are multiple attributes and components to sample from) and randomly sampling the pages of a submittal (when there is only one or few of  the component type and several pages). In addition, the CxA may select submittals to review from a random sample of all submittals, especially on projects with a large number of submittals as required by the OPR and Cx Plan. The process to be followed by the CxA in evaluating the Contractor’s submittal creation procedures is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Review OPR. Review Construction Documents and BOD. Identify Key Criteria. Determine Sampling Rate as defined in the OPR.  Accomplish Review. Document Results (provide timely comments to the Design Team).

The first three steps in the submittal review process should be accomplished prior to receiving submittals since this will significantly reduce the turn-around time for submittal reviews by the CxA.

Review OPR. The CxA should review the current OPR to ensure understanding of the project success criteria. Specific attention should be given to those criteria that could be adversely impacted by the HVAC&R equipment performance, the system performance (includes parameters such as comfort, energy efficiency), and the ease of operation and maintenance in the submittals being reviewed. Review Construction Documents and BOD. There is typically significant OPR information in the project specifications, plans, and the BOD for equipment, assemblies, and systems. Therefore, it is important to review the appropriate specification section(s) and plans prior to reviewing the submittal, with particular attention given to those items that could adversely impact achievement of the OPR. Identify Key Criteria. From the OPR and construction document reviews, the key criteria that will be used in reviewing the submittal should be identified and defined. Determine Sampling Rate. The actual sampling rate to be utilized is based upon multiple factors. For components, in addition to specific requirements listed in the OPR, BOD, and Construction Documents, the impact on energy efficiency, maintenance, operability, comfort, indoor air quality, life of the component, and the relationship to other systems are criteria for evaluating the submittals. There may also be key code and standards issues. All the criteria for evaluation of submittals can be developed and listed in table format to be randomly sampled for evaluation. Note 1:  For sampling rates greater than 100% (e.g., extremely critical laboratory equipment that results in loss of life if fails), the approach is that two independent reviewers accomplish their evaluation following documented procedures. Therefore, if a 400% review is warranted, then there would be four independent reviews. Even when 100% sampling of a submittal is required, random sampling and verification of the component attributes should be a part of the process.


BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

Sample Rate Determination

(% of components or % of pages)




Components of greater complexity typically require additional maintenance space and access points, as well as have a greater likelihood of involving multiple OPR criteria. Therefore, with greater complexity, the rate of sampling typically increases.  As the criticality of a component increases, relative to achieving the OPR, the sampling rate increases to provide a higher level of assurance that the OPR will be achieved. For example, in a data processing center where any downtime results in the loss of significant revenue, there is an obvious need for increased review compared to a retail clothing store.  A submittal that has very little information (length) will typically result in a high sampling rate, whereas one with hundreds of pages will typically result in a low sampling rate of the submittal document. For non-critical components, a random subset of  the evaluation criteria may be used.



Owner Input


5%–10% for low complexity 10%–20% for medium complexity 20%–40% for high complexity

5%–10% for low criticality 100%–600% for high criticality (see Note 1)

100% for less than 3 pages 75% to 100% for 4 to 10 pages 25% to 75% for 11 to 100 pages 5%–25% for greater than 100 pages

The Owner’s understanding of quality-based sampling and level of assurance desired will typically have the greatest influence on the sampling rates utilized (see Note 2) The CxA’s understanding of quality-based sampling and the Cx Process impacts the sampling rate (see Note 3)

 Although data and evaluation of construction has not been fully confirmed, the use of  random samples in concrete and other construction products has been successfully verified using random samples. This is due to the fact that there is only a given amount of resources available to accomplish review during the design, construction, and operation of the project. For  a given hour, the quality-based sampling approach allows for a more thorough, in-depth review of a portion of the submittal against the OPR, whereas the 100% review is more of an overview trying to find errors. Because the purpose of the Cx Process is to evaluate OPR achievement (both positives and negatives), the quality-based sampling approach enables an acceptable evaluation and improved results. For further information on sampling, refer to the references listed in Section 9 of Guideline 0-2005.

Accomplish Review. With the evaluation criteria and sample rate established, the submittal review is accomplished. Since the sample rate directly impacts the level of effort required by the CxA, the sample rate needs to be determined during scope negotiation between the Owner and CxA. During these negotiations, it is important to remember that it is the Contractor’s duty to create 100% of the required submittals, and it is the design professional’s duty to review 100% of the submittals. It is the CxA’s role to evaluate the Contractor’s and design professional’s work relative to OPR achievement. It is important to a successful Cx Process to keep complete records of the review findings for both items that meet the criteria (especially OPR) and items where the deficiencies are noted throughout the whole review process. 28

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Document Results. The recommended approach to documenting the results of the CxA’s review is as follows: 1. Clearly state what was observed during the review. 2. Clearly state which OPR criteria was violated in the submittal. 3. Clearly state your recommendation for achieving compliance with the OPR.

Each comment needs to have space for the design professional to reply to the CxA on the disposition of the comment. The process to be followed by the CxA in evaluating the design professional’s submittal review procedures is as follows: 1. Review responses to CxA input. 2. Identify OPR concerns. 3. Document results.

Review Responses to CxA Input. For each comment, the CxA reviews the reply from the design professional. For those comments where the design professional incorporated the CxA’s input, follow-up with additional contractor submittals or as required. Identify OPR Concerns. For those comments where the design professional did not incorporate the CxA’s input, review the potential adverse impact on achievement of the OPR. Document Results. Document any adverse impacts on achieving the OPR and work with the design professional and owner in resolving the issue—either by changing the OPR to match the new conditions or by getting the design professional to incorporate comments into submittal review response. This should be accomplished in a timely manner to avoid disruption of the construction process. Site Visits The Contractor is responsible for installing and starting up 100% of the building system and assemblies. The design professional is responsible for verifying adherence to the project design and specifications. It is the CxA’s responsibility to accomplish on-going verification that the Contractor’s work achieves the OPR. This is best accomplished through quality-based sampling of the completed Construction Checklists. The intent of quality-based sampling of the Construction Checklists is that the CxA reviews the completed Construction Checklists for accuracy, completeness, and any negative responses that require follow-up and resolution as each section is a completed component. This is based upon the Contractor completing all checklists and upon the fact that sampling a random quantity will verify the quality of the Contractor’s action. The Construction Checklists verify components from delivery through start-up. An individual component may be seen by the CxA several times throughout its installation. Qualitybased sampling allows for unbiased evaluation of OPR achievement at anytime during construction. The sampling rate to be utilized during a particular site visit varies depending upon the factors in the table below. The table provides general guidance for components. This may not apply to assemblies and systems that support all systems or assemblies if they are not part of  the Cx Process scope. For example, if the envelope is not included in the scope of the Cx

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Process for a specific building, there will not be any checklists for the envelope components, and this will be included in the site visits as an item to be checked to evaluate the quality of the envelope as it impacts the performance of the other systems or assemblies.


First Completed Construction Checklist

Pace of  Construction

Number of  Components

Guidance It is recommended that for the first Construction Checklist to be completed by the contractor for a particular component type, it should be verified and reviewed with the contractor to improve their  understanding of the importance of completing all checklists as the work progresses and to eliminate systemic issues before they become problems. This is required, even though it will be included in the preconstruction commissioning process session When the pace of construction is slow and there ha ve been few Construction Checklists completed since the previous site visit, the sampling rate increases. When the pace is fast and many checklists have been completed, the sampling rate decreases If there is only one instance of a component, the rate of  sampling is typically 100%, and where there are many similar components the sampling rate decreases.

Sample Rate (% of components or % of pages)


40%–100% for slow pace 20% to 60% for medium 5%–30% for fast pace 100% for a single component 5%–75% for several to many

Final Commissioning Process Testing The sampling rate for the final commissioning process tests to verify OPR achievement is based upon the following:




Owner Input


Sample Rate

The greater the complexity of HVAC&R system and interaction of OPR between multiple components, typically the more additional evaluation and testing is required to verify OPR achievement. Therefore, with greater complexity, the rate of sampling typically increases.

5% to10% for low complexity 10%–20% for medium complexity 20%–40% for high complexity

 As the criticality of component increases, relative to achieving the OPR, the sampling rate increases to provide a higher level of assurance that the 10%–20% for low criticality OPR will be achieved. For e xample, a data processing center where any downtime results in the loss of significant revenue, there is an obvious need for increased testing compared to a retail clothing store. The Owner’s understanding of quality-based sampling and level of assurance desired will typically have the greatest influence on the sampling rates utilized (see Note 2).

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10%–20% for low criticality 100%–600% for high criticality (see Note 1)

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The Commissioning Authority’s understanding of  quality-based sampling and the Commissioning Process impacts the sampling rate (see Note 3)

Note 1:  For sampling rates greater than 100% (e.g., extremely critical laboratory equipment that results in loss of life if it fails), the approach is that two independent testers using different instrumentation accomplish their evaluation following the documented test procedures. Therefore, if a 400% review is warranted, then there would be four independent testers. Note 2: 

It is important to understand that even if the sampling rate is 100% or greater, the approach to be taken is still one of random sampling. For example, for a facility that has 40 rooms, the test to verify the comfort OPR would use a random approach of  first checking rooms 100, 105, 110, 115..., then rooms 101, 106, 111, 116, etc. This random approach enables an unbiased evaluation of the comfort throughout the facility relative to the OPR. If issues are identified early in the testing process (e.g., after a 20% testing, systemic issues have been identified), then there is no reason to accomplish the other 80% of the testing, as it has been shown that the system does not achieve the OPR and something needs to be changed .

Note 3: 

Because the final Cx Process tests to verify OPR achievement, it should focus on specific OPR criteria, and the skills of the CxA in developing appropriate, tailored tests will greatly impact the sampling rate required to determine OPR achievement.

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Informative Annex C This annex is not a mandatory part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.

Initiating the Commissioning Process Commissioning is a team effort, and the entire project team is part of the Cx Process. The Cx Plan defines project team’s roles and responsibilities, communication protocols, Cx activities, and the schedule of those activities. Success is dependent on each team member’s understanding of what is expected of them and obtaining their buy-in. That is why it is essential that the Owner clearly define, contractually, each team member’s role and responsibility and their part in the Cx Process and achievement of the defined objectives and criteria defined by the OPR or current facility requirements. The Owner is head of the project and shall be engaged in defining the team’s goals and objectives, verifying they are clearly documented in the OPR documents, and requirements the Cx provider uses to implement the Cx Process for the Owner’s benefit. The Owner shall require the update of the OPR as defined objectives and criteria contained in the document are changed as the project progresses. The Owner shall mediate and provide direction to project team for Cx issues identified but unable to be resolved among the team as part of the issue resolution process to resolve disposition of issues identified through the Cx Process. The Owner shall approve, in writing, the resolution directed by the Owner.

Commissioning Process Provider Request for Qualifications  ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005, Annex E, outlines a recommended process for obtaining and contracting with a Cx process provider.

Setting Contractual Requirements This annex provides suggested examples of how to implement the process contracting activity of Standard 202. It is not intended to be a comprehensive representation or a best practice example. Owners and practitioners applying the Cx Process should carefully follow Standard 202 and applicable Cx technical guidelines tailored to their specific projects.

Suggested contract language must be developed for each activity applicable to a specific project or building such as: Owner’s Project Requirements The Commissioning Plan: Basis of Design Documentation Commissioning Specifications Commissioning Design Review Construction Submittals Review Observation and Testing

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Issues Log and Field Report Systems Manual Training End of Warranty Commissioning Report Commissioning Process Report

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BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Process for Buildi Buildings ngs and System Systemss First Public Review Draft

Informative Annex D This annex is not a mandatory part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.

This annex provides an example of how to implement part of Standard 202. It is not intended  to be a comprehensive representation or a best practice example. Practitioners applying the  Cx Process should carefully follow Guideline 0 and applicable Cx technical guidelines  tailored to their specific projects.

Owner’s Project Requirements The OPR is developed and defined in the beginning of the project delivery process. Information about the project is gathered, including program requirements, community context, codes and regulations, site and climate, facility context and function, facility technology, sustainability, cost, schedule, and the client’s (including owner, occupants, operators, and maintenance personnel) needs and capabilities. The OPR provides the basis from which all design, construction, acceptance, and operational decisions are made. An effective Cx Process depends upon a clear, concise, and comprehensive OPR document, which includes information to help the project team properly plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain systems and assemblies. The OPR is often developed in an OPR workshop that is described below. The Owner is encouraged to provide a minimum of five participants that equably represent the various groups associated with the existing building or future project.

OPR Workshop Guidance The OPR are considered the heart and soul of the Cx Process. When the OPR are not developed, the Owner, designer, contractors, and operation and maintenance (O&M) personnel each interpret the building requirements, including their individual responsibilities, from the standpoint of their own specific needs. This often creates a range of diverse views of the constructed project’s needs. Developing OPR that reflect the actual needs of the Owner, the users or occupants, service and operating units, and sometimes the community is one of the, if  not the, most important aspects for successful implementation of the Cx Process. The following sections detail an example format to follow in developing the OPR and a discussion of how to obtain the required information. Note that historically, the OPR has often been referred to as “design intent” or “project intent.”

Format  While there have been many formats used for presenting criteria for the OPR, the OPR workshop is one that has been well received by owners, designers, contractors, and O&M personnel. The workshop initially addresses general needs/requirements and progresses to specific requirements (i.e., moves from project needs to system/equipment/control needs). It is organized around and focuses upon assemblies and systems that have been identified as targets of the Commissioning Process. The workshop needs to be well organized and it is very desirable to have the results formatted for immediate input into a computer analysis program for  rapid feedback on consensus of the group.

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Information from the workshop is only one of various resources from which the OPR document is developed. Following is a description of some of the information that can be included in an OPR document. Key sections of the OPR document are: 

Background – A narrative description to provide context about the project. Objectives – For any project, there are goals that must be achieved for the project to be successful. Goals can range from first cost, to time schedule, to number of change orders, or  to life cycle cost. Regardless of which goals are identified, they must be summarized up front to ensure everyone is on the same page. Green building concepts – This is an optional section for owners who wish to focus upon the sustainability aspects of their building. Functional uses and requirements – In addition to general documentation produced by the architect on functional uses of the building (office, storage, kitchen, etc.), the specific requirements for each functional area must be documented. This can include such items as security, safety, comfort, energy, maintainability, and indoor air quality. Lifespan, cost, and quality – It is important to clearly document the Owner’s expectations for  lifespan of materials, cost of construction, and the level of quality desired. By providing this information, unrealistic expectations are identified and eliminated. Performance criteria – Often the most difficult to define, performance criteria detail minimum acceptable performance benchmarks for various aspects of the facility. Maintenance requirements – The maintenance requirements are a mixture of the level of  knowledge of the current O&M staff (what can they maintain) and the expected complexity of the proposed systems (what they can learn). If there is a significant gap between the two, no matter how well the building is constructed, it will not be maintained or operated properly.

The following are examples of OPR elements that are common to most of the Technical Commissioning Process Guideline topics. 

Benchmarks for performance – Specific criteria for the functional use of each space, assembly, and system must be defined. These include temperature, humidity, airflow, light, noise, durability, aesthetics (materials and colors), service life, reliability, redundancy, and the like. Typically, upper and lower limits are provided for general spaces, with exceptions noted as required. Problems to avoid – Since occupant/user/operator complaints are common, it is important to identify and document those problems that have caused complaints in the past. If these problems are not documented and the situation recurs, the occupants often consider the entire project as a failure. Specific occupant requirements – Specific items that are deemed important to the various occupants in a building must be identified and documented. In speculative-built buildings, this section would detail the limits to which occupants can make use of their spaces. For  example, a chemical laboratory cannot be put in a space designed and constructed for  general office use without significant changes to the systems and possibly to the building as a whole.

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Obtaining the Information  While it may be easy to obtain the information related to development of the OPR, it is difficult to obtain quality information that the Owner, O&M staff, service contractors, customers (i.e., students, patients, retail customers, renters), visitors, sub-tenants, occupants, and the community all agree upon. In quality-based processes, it is critical that input be obtained from all the users (the various user groups) and that the consensus of and differences between the groups are documented. There usually are requirements for which users do not all agree. These must be documented as unresolved items. Normally, the Owner will make final decisions on what the priority order of OPR will be. However, the Owner and the rest of the Cx Team must be aware of all requirements so that the final product will include as many individual group requirements as are deemed appropriate and within the budget.  A simple, three-step three-step process is recommend recommended ed for developing developing the the OPR: 1. OPR Workshop. 2. OPR Documentation Documentation (Report). 3. Project Team Approval of the the OPR. OPR.

OPR Workshop The OPR workshop is typically facilitated by the CxA, who elicits elicit s the primary prim ary concerns concern s of  the project team. The workshop is organized to encourage identification of all requirements, to encourage interaction and discussion among all team members, and to arrive at group consensus of priorities for the OPR. This is accomplished through the presentation of multiple questions in an ordered structure. A typical process uses a modified Nominal Group Technique workshop format. This is a formal means of gathering the highest level of consensus that approaches the real needs of the group. The procedure consists of the following steps: 

Provide each question or open concept to each individual participating in the workshop. Allow three to five minutes of quiet writing time for each individual to respond with as many answers and ideas as he/she can. Record individual responses in a round-robin fashion – no discussion at this point, just record the responses on a visual flipchart, overhead, chalkboard, or multi-computer link to all participants. participants. Review all responses, consolidate similar ones, and clarify so all in the group have the same understanding of all responses. Have individuals rank the responses for importance (1 through 5). Determine a group ranking from individual rankings. A re-discussion of the top 10 items—and any responses ranked most important—is desired, followed by a second round of individual and group combined rating/ranking.

The questions asked during this workshop must be broad in nature, elicit discussion, result in a variety of viewpoints, and must not leave the workshop. The questions should not focus on such items as “at what temperature are you comfortable?” but should be broader, such as “how do you define comfort?” or “how will you measure the cost success of this project?” (versus a

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broader question, such as “how will you determine if this was a successful project?”).

Owner’s Project Requirements Documentation The OPR workshop will identify key items and priorities important to the project team, the Owner, users, and the Cx Team. However, it does not provide specific values. For example, the number one OPR may be good air circulation in the rooms. It is the responsibility of the CxA to take the individual requirements developed by the project team and translate them into physical properties that can be measured, designed, and documented. This transformation of the OPR often requires input from a variety of sources, including the design team, contractors, specialists, standards, and guidelines. Typically, the CxA has sufficient experience in the planning, design, construction, and operation of facilities to provide the oversight of such a task. If not, then experts should be retained to aid in the development of  OPR.

Project Team Approval of the OPR  After several iterations and reviews of the OPR by the project and design teams, the requirements must be approved to provide the design team adequate direction for their  design. It is important to distinguish development of the OPR from the traditional role of the architect in the planning or programming process. The OPR defines the criteria required for  success, whereas the architect’s document may only address specific space size and occupant flow requirements. Where the OPR may state that the functional use of the facility is X, Y, and Z, the architect’s document may specify the locations of, the size of, and the flow of people through X, Y, and Z.

Summary  The OPR workshop is one means to provide consistency in the implementation of the Cx Process from project to project. It should be a topic addressed in the lessons-learned workshop during the Occupancy and Operations Phase of the Cx Process. Other techniques for developing the OPR, such as interviews and surveys, do not allow interaction between the user groups. Further, it has been shown that the results or answers are biased by the beliefs of the expert that develops the questions for the interviews or surveys. Frequently, using such techniques, the questions can be analyzed and the conclusions pre-determined whether the interviews or  surveys are completed or not.

OPR Document  A general format for an OPR document is presented in this annex. The structure provided is intended to encompass the facility requirements and enable the addition of sections depending upon the systems and assemblies to be constructed and commissioned. The OPR document shall address: a. Facility objectives, location, user requirements, size, and owner directives. b. Environmental, sustainability, and efficiency goals and benchmarks. c. Indoor environment requirements, including temperature, humidity, and ventilation. d. Space usage, occupancy, and operation schedules.

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e. Commissioning process scope and requirements, listing of equipment, and systems to be commissioned. f.

Equipment, systems, and assemblies requirements, expectations, and warranty provisions.

g. Maintainability, access, and operational performance requirements. h. Installation verification and testing requirements. i.

Project documentation and Systems Manual requirements and formats.


Training requirements for owner’s personnel and occupants.

k. Applicable codes and standards in addition to local building codes. l.

Project schedules.

m. Future expansion and usage change requirements. n. Special project requirements. Document sections may be arranged as follows:

Introduction – Includes an overview of the project and the general reasons why the project is being undertaken. A description of the Owner’s processes (Cx Process) is typically contained in this section. Key Owner’s Requirements – Includes a listing of the key owner’s requirements that the Cx Process will focus upon and that the Owner (Cx Team) has determined are critical to the success of the project. General Project Description - The size and scope of the project are included in this section. Objectives – The objectives for accomplishing this project are detailed in this section. Functional Uses – The expected functional uses (spaces) for the facility are detailed in this section. A short description of each functional use is included to provide the context in which it was detailed. Occupancy Requirements – Includes the number of occupants (users and visitors) and the schedule of occupancy, including all special conditions. Budget Considerations and Limitations – The expected budgetary restrictions and considerations are contained in this section. Performance Criteria – The performance criteria upon which the project will be evaluated by the Cx Team are included in this section. Each performance criterion should be measurable and verifiable. Include subsections as appropriate to organize and explain the criteria:         

General Economic, efficiencies Environmental, sustainability User Requirements Construction Process Maintainability Operations and Training Benchmarks Systems and Assemblies

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Owner’s Project Requirements Version History – Includes a summary of the changes made throughout the Pre-Design, Design, Construction, and Occupancy and Operations Phases. This information is critical to understand and document the trade-offs made over time and the resulting impact on the project.

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Informative Annex E This annex is not a mandatory part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.

This annex provides an example of how to implement a Cx Plan from project initiation through  occupancy. It is not intended to be a comprehensive representation or a best practice example. Practitioners applying the Cx Process should carefully follow Guideline 0-2005 and applicable  Cx technical guidelines tailored to their specific projects. The following is an example outline for a Cx Plan. The basic structure of this example is such that each phase of the plan has its own section detailing what activities will be accomplished and guidance on who accomplishes it and how it is completed. The deliverables for each activity are included in an appendix. Each section of the plan will have a description of the requirements for  that subject. The intent of this format is for the Cx Plan to become the Final Cx Process Report at the end of the project by updating the plan and filling in the results for each section as the project progresses. Depending upon the size and scope of the Cx Process activities, it may be beneficial to have three Cx Plans: one for the Pre-Design Phase, one for the Design Phase, and one for the Construction Phase. If separate Cx Plans are used, then care must be taken to inform those that are involved in only a portion of the process of the previous material.

Commissioning Plan Table of Contents  OVERVIEW COMMISSIONING PROCESS DESCRIPTION PRE-DESIGN ACTIVITIES Develop Owner’s Project Requirements  Develop Initial Commissioning Plan  Commissioning Process Issues  Step 1 - Identify systems and assemblies to be commissioned. Step 2. Record Issues, Schedules, Budgets, and Expectations. DESIGN ACTIVITIES Develop and Update Basis of Design  Update Commissioning Plan  Develop Commissioning Process  Develop Contract Documents  Develop and Review Project Specifications  Accomplish Design Reviews  Pre-Bid Meeting  CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Conduct Pre-Construction Meeting  Contractor Submittal Review 

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Construction Checklists  Delivery Process Pre-Installation Checks Installation and Start-Up Checks Performance and Coordination Checks Testing  Documentation  Training  OCCUPANCY AND OPERATIONS ACTIVITIES Seasonal Testing  On-Going Training  Warranty Review  Lessons-Learned Meeting and Report  Final Commissioning Report  CONTACT INFORMATION SCHEDULE REQUIREMENTS

Appendices in the initiation and design stages of the project will state the requirements and  responsibilities for that deliverable. The final results and documentation for each item will be  inserted in the final report. It is not necessary to include copies of documents included in the Systems Manual in the final  Cx Report if that Cx report is included in the Systems Manual, but the location of the  document(s) shall be noted.  APPENDIX A - OWNER’S PROJECT REQUIREMENTS  APPENDIX B - BASIS OF DESIGN  APPENDIX C - PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS  APPENDIX D - COMMUNICATION STRUCTURES  APPENDIX E - ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES  APPENDIX F - COMMISSIONED SYSTEMS [listing of systems and assemblies]  APPENDIX G - COMMISSIONING PROCESS SCHEDULE  APPENDIX H - PRE-BID MEETING  APPENDIX I - PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING  APPENDIX J - SUBMITTAL REVIEW  APPENDIX K - COMMISSIONING PROCESS ISSUES  APPENDIX L - CONSTRUCTION CHECKLISTS  APPENDIX M – TESTS AND DOCUMENTATION  APPENDIX N – SYSTEMS MANUAL ASSEMBLY  APPENDIX O - TRAINING  APPENDIX P - MEETING MINUTES  APPENDIX Q - CORRESPONDENCE  APPENDIX R - WARRANTY REVIEW  APPENDIX S - OPEN ISSUES  APPENDIX T - LESSONS LEARNED

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BSR/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems First Public Review Draft

Informative Annex F This annex is not a mandatory part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.

Basis of Design The BOD should be reviewed and updated as part of each design submission during development of the design, after issue of supplementary instructions during the construction process, prior to occupancy, and after completion of acceptance testing.

Sample Basis of Design Requirements to be contained in Owner’s Project Requirements Introduction: The BOD is a written document that shall detail the design team’s approach to the OPR. Process: The general process for producing the BOD shall be: 1. The OPR shall provide a list of required information and the format for the BOD to the design team prior to the start of design. 2. The design team shall gather and organize the information during the creation of the design. 3. The design team shall submit the BOD to the Owner and CxA for review and comment with each design document submittal. 4. The BOD shall be updated by the design team to provide increasing levels of detail as the design evolves.

5. The BOD shall be updated by the design team to reflect changes to design criteria and systems during the subsequent phase of the project and the reason for those changes. 6. The design team shall work with the Owner and CxA to resolve review comments. 7. The BOD shall include signature blocks for acceptance by the Owner and CxA.

Basis of Design Content The content of the BOD shall be as follows:

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