Aselsan Staj

November 14, 2018 | Author: hittaf_05 | Category: Drilling, Machining, Welding, Bending, Stress (Mechanics)
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Aselsan Staj...


INTRODUCTION In mechanical engineering department the junior year students have some basic knowledge from the previously completed courses. In ME113 and ME114 mechanical engineering students got some theoretical theoretical and practical practical knowledge knowledge about engineering engineering drawing and also in ME!"! ME!"! #Manufact #Manufacturing uring $echnolog echnologies% ies% they have learned theoretical theoretical data and practical practical applications applications of some. &owever the students have been told only a small part of these applications especially in ME!"! course.

In mechanical engineering the manufacturing technologies have an important role. In order to improve the manufacturing technology knowledge the junior year  students must attend a summer practice program for mechanical engineering. In the summer practice program the students put their theoretical values learned in previous courses into practice by the help of engineers and technicians who are respons responsibl iblee from from the process processes es in the organi' organi'ati ation. on. Especi Especially ally for the product production ion techni(ues the summer practice program is much more useful. In this program the student can inspect the processes like milling drilling turning grinding etc. and learn some of the details about the working principles of the machines which are used in the company. )lso the student gets some information about the speed mechanism capacity and the fields of use of these machines. $here is one to one correspondence between these increments band also the working principles of the machines. *uring the summer  practice practice the students students can easily get answers to their problems problems and (uestions (uestions about the details of the processes. Moreover in the company not only the students get some more detailed information but also they see some industrial applications. In this report you will see the detailed information that were mentioned above. DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPANY Company name:  )selsan Military Electronics Industries Inc. Company location:

+) ,- 3" Etlik "/"11 )0)2)

Organiation !tr"ct"re o# t$e company:  $he organi'ation structure of the

company is given in )++E0*I hart.


N"m%er an& &"tie! o# engineer! employe&:

In )kyurt facilities of )elsan 15

engineers are employed. 6" of them work in 2esearch and *evelopment #27*% /5 of them in production 1" of them in planning and 1" of them in maintenance. In +roduction Engineering *epartment there are 1! enginners 3 of whom are mechanical engineer and the others are electrical engineers. ! of the mechanical engineers are work in 27* and production the other engineer is interested in planning. #)lso see )++E0*I% m ain divisions in )selsan. $he detailed Main area o# %"!ine!!: $here are three main information about the area of business of each are mentioned below. Comm"nication! Di'i!ion (CD)

$he ommuni ommunicat cations ions *ivisi *ivision on is engage engagedd in researc research8de h8devel velopm opment ent8des 8design ign marketing8sales and production in the fields of military and civilian communications e(uipment and systems electronic fuses power electronics and systems operations. In its facilities located in Macunk9y and in its ,ranch offices in :stanbul and :'mir the division employs a total of 11/! personnel of whom !5" are engineers. ;ithin the borders of $urkey there are 54 provinces and !3 towns in which over 5"" outlets are in service and that this can only be achieved by fully meeting customers? demands which are changing in parallel with the rapid progress of technology and by developing new products in a short time. *ue to this awareness in 166 the * enriched its capacity and capabilities in the fields of research8development8design produ producti ction on and servic service. e. It also also ent entere eredd into into new areas areas develop developed ed new produc products ts succes successfu sfully lly and improved its (uality in all areas. In order to develop a product in the least possible time with the least possible cost the * has benefited from all kinds of e@ternal sources used ready hardware and software blocks and cooperated with other firms universities and institutions speciali'ed in their respective fields. $he result of such an approach and all the hard work put into it has lead to a higher increase in sales than e@pected without causing any delivery delays. $he leading products sold in 166 areA the B&CDCM Ci@ed Cre(uency and the Cre(uency &opping Military 2adio Camilies the B&CD&C8CM Fynthesi'ed 2adio Camily $runked 2adio Fystems &ave Guick )ir to Hround 2adios Mobile +hones F(uad 2adio +ersonnel ocator Fystems Encryption E(uipment &C 2eceiver and &C F)2+ E(uipment Cield $elephones *ata $erminals ,roadcasting Fystems ) *riving Fystems &eating and $emperature ontrol Fystems for ;agon ars ,ank )larm Fystems $B $ransmitterD2eceiver $ransmitterD2eceiver and +ro@imity Cuses. -ne of the most important events throughout 166 was the marketing of the first $urkish Mobile +hone which is designed and produced by )selsan.


=$actical )rea ommunications Fystems8$)FMF project is one of the biggest projects. ,y the implementations of this project the $)C will become one of the first armies in the world using such a prior  system and )selsan will become one of the world leading firms in this field. $he $he +28 +2845 451! 1! Fhor Fhortt 2ang 2angee Fold Foldie ierr 2adi 2adios os whic whichh were were orig origin inall allyy deve develo lope pedd for for the the commun communica icatio tions ns re(uir re(uireme ements nts of the $urki $urkish sh )rmed )rmed Corces Corces s(uad s(uad member memberss may also also be used used in shopping and business centers hotels and factories.  ) contract contract has been signed in which )selsan will be producing the the &ave Guick )vionics )vionics 2adios for  the ougar )F 53! helicopters which are to be produced in our country. In order to fulfil the $urkish )rmed Corces? need the ME,F Integrated ommand ontrol Fystem #ME)% was developed and demonstrated for the first time at the ECEF?6 Military E@ercise. )selsan has started taking orders for further productions. $he development in the substructure for power electronics is continuing. )s a result of the co8 operation with $JlomsaK )selsan has started designing and producing the electric8electronic systems of  locomotives. In 166 the ) *riving Fystems and &eat ontrolled carriage systems were developed designed and all deliveries completed. &aving a 5L share in $JlomsaK?s capital will increase the teamwork between two firms in the future years. In the year 166 all the efforts made have brought about positive results within the $urkish 2epublics in central )sia. $he sales of various products have reached a significant amount and sum in  )'erbaijan. )selsan has started its preparation for its new company which is to be constructed in ,aku and aims at increasing sales operating radio systems and making investment in the areas of production  maintenance and repair. ) contract has been signed with 'bekistan for the sale of the 4""" series vehicu vehicular lar radio radio and base base statio station. n. )not nother her contra contract ct made made with with yrgh yrghy's y'stan tan aims aims at improv improving ing the communications system of the police force in yrghy'stan  yrghy'stan by establishing an operational and secure radio system containing hand held vehicular radio and base station system with digital encryption. $he * meets the re(uirements of the other departments of )selsan and gives service to e@ternal customers by using the available facilities in the electronical mechanical printed board and moulding areas with the use of computer aided design #)*% and manufacturing #)M% capabilities. ;ithin the electronics production sections there are all kinds of boards modules cables coils and transformers being produced to be used for civilian and military products. In addition to this electromechanical mounting and testing procedures are being kept up to international standards. ;ith the investment of the new reflow soldering machine the available FM* production line has been developed and testing "ability and capacity capacity have been increased increased due to the investments investments made on new functional functional testing devices. In the mechanical production and platingDpainting workshops mechanical parts are produced with the use of precision 0 machine tools. In addition to this the plating and painting processes are made according to the military standards and conductive painting processes are carried out on plastic using silver and nickel for electromagnetic protection. In 166 a variety of appro@imately 15"" parts were produced in these workshops in which the investment made on the  and N8a@is numerically controlled precision turn8mill center the video measuring system and the temperature and humidity controlled meas me asur urin ingg room room gave gave way way to an incre increas asee in auto automa matition on fle@ fle@ibi ibilility ty and and prec precis isio ionn as well well as an improvement in (uality. *ouble8sided multi8layer and fle@ible printed circuit boards are produced at the printed circuit board production workshops which work according to the MI8+2C85511" an I+8/"1! standards. $he printed circuit boards are produced with the selective solder plating and chemical nickel8gold plating processes in which all types of surface mount components are used. ;ith the investment on the vacuum press in 166)selsan has started the production of printed circuit boards of up to 1/ layers.


In order to produce the parts according to the (uality and precision re(uired by military standards small and medium type plastic injection molds metal cutting and shaping dies investment casting wa@ moulds aluminium profile e@trusion dies aluminium injection moulds jigs and fi@tures are designed and produced in the mechanical design directorate workshops. 166 was a year in which the * has increased its performance effectiveness and speed in the areas of sales services design and production and made valuable accumulations for coming years. Micro*a'e an& Sy!tem Tec$nologie! Di'i!ion (MST)

$he Microwave and Fystem $echnologies #MF$% division located at Macunk9y facilities of   )selsan provides total system solutions in the functional areas given belowO Electronic warfare and intelligence Cire support Corward area air defense Maneuver control • • • •

;ithin the framework of these functional areas MF$ division designs develops manufactures and integrates sensor command and control communications and counter measures sub8systems and e(uipment for ground navy air platforms. MF$ division also provides military grade integrated logistic support services to its products throughout the life cycle of the e(uipment. E@amples of MF$ product spectrum are as followsO Electric support measures #EFM% systems Electric counter measures #EM% systems Hround surveillance and artillery fire control radars  )rtillery mu''le velocity radars  )rtillery fire control systems and fire support automation systems Cield artillery meteorology systems +edestal mounted Ftinger systems ommand and control consoles and terminals ommand and control information systems Fensor fusion command and control systems • • • • • • • • • •

$he MF$ division applies its e@perience and technological knowledge accumulated through military programs in civil professional applications such as Motorway Emergency ommunications and ontrol Fystems )utomatic $oll ollection Fystems Motorway -bservation Fystems and $raffic ontrol Fystems. $he national fre(uency spectrum monitoring system project is another important application of  MF$ division?s capabilities in a civil professional area. In 166 MF$ entered into a challenging field where it is able to apply its e@isting e@perience and technologiesO nmanned )ir Behicle #)B% Fystems for  which the MF$ division with other divisions of )selsan shall provide command and control stations data8 links and mission payloads. $he key elements of MF$ division?s technological infrastructure can be summari'ed as followsO  ) high technology computer aided new product development environment  ) capable engineering work force speciali'ed in critical technologies Manufacturing systems integration and test capabilities in military standards Fystems engineering and project management e@perience in related fields • • • •

$hese elements are managed through a computer aided information system based on computer  networks and Intranet services to lead the division to the state of the art original products. Independent 4

technology development programs various international data access channels Internet in company training programs can also be e@pressed as the e@amples of the important elements used to keep the division on the leading edge of technology. ;ithin its infrastructure and capabilities MF$ division successfully applies key technologies in its products. In addition to system level analysis and design capabilities basic design and development e@perience of the MF$ division is accumulated in the given fieldsO Microwave and 2C circuits  )ntennas and transmission  )nalogue digital and mi@ed circuits including the design of )pplication Fpecific Integrated ircuits #)FIs% Electro8mechanical design including structural design and servo control design Foftware design for real time applications Electro warfare algorithms design ommunications algorithms design *igital signal processing applications omputer and communications network applications Information management applications • • •

• • • • • • •

Engineering specialty areas such as reliability engineering electromagnetic compatibility engineering etc. are also integrated to design and development activities through the system engineering process. oncurrent engineering which has become a part of product development culture is now in a transmission process to the integrated product and process development approach.  )ll processes of the MF$ division are continuously improved in a total (uality management program implemented teams. $he MF$ division also actively updates its capability maturity goals and milestones for all its processes to provide the best products and services to its customers. ;ith these characteristics and capabilities the MF$ division is a reliable partner and a high (uality product and service supplier for its domestic and international customers. Microelectronic!+ ,"i&ance an& Electro-optic! Di'i!ion (M,EO)

In 1666the MHE- division is proud to continue supplying the $urkish )rmed Corces technologically advanced products with a total staff of 5 including 15 engineers and 41 specialists. In this conte@t various projects in areas of $hermal Imaging #I2% +assive 0ight Bision Inertial 0avigation Huidance aser and &ybrid Microelectronics have continued. In 166 following products are successfully delivered against contractual schedulesA I. generation $hermal Furveillance Fystems II. generation $hermal Hunner Fights II. generation )irdefence $hermal Fighting Fystems II. generation Image Intensifier 0ight Bision E(uipment ncooled $hermal ;eapon Fights aser 2ange Cinders aser +ointers 2ing aser Hyroscope Inertial 0avigation Fystems #2HDI0% Electronic Huidance Fection of Ftinger Missile &ybrid Microelectronics ircuits • • • • • • • • • •


 )lways having 2esearch 7 *evelopment #27*% in precedence developing new e(uipment and systems applying advanced technologies and tracing developing technologies are )selsan?s objectives. ;ith this vision 27* has reached a level to compete with other companies in international arena. $he prototype for the $arget )c(uisition Fystem to be integrated to the ,aykuK $hermal amera Fystem in the $urkish )rmed Corces inventory has been completed and prepared for the serial production stage. $he engineering and design effort for the Hround aser $arget *esignatorD2anger a re(uirement by the $urkish )ir Corces to be used together with the aser8Huided ,ombs has continued.  ) fast prototyping workshop is established and integrated in to the )*D)M network. Cull automation in design and manufacture of parts for investment casting and plastic injection processes are achieved. ,y using =hip 7 ;ire> technology the design and production capabilities for hybrid microcircuits devices in metal and ceramic packaged forms have been achieved for a semi8conductor packaging and =Multi8hip Modules> #MM% technologies. In order to fulfil the avionic e(uipment re(uirements by the $urkish )rmed Corces 166 was a year in which )selsan obtained the e@pected results of the efforts spent in this area. $hese avionics e(uipment can be installed on almost all kinds of aircrafts including )B?s. 0ot only does )selsan fulfil the strategic re(uirements of the $urkish )rmed Corces but also has a high potential for e@porting the above mentioned e(uipment. $he project work carried out on the )FECI28!"" Hyro8Ftabili'ed II. Heneration  )irborne $hermal Imaging Fystem and the 01""H H+F embedded 2ing aser Hyroscope Inertial 0avigation Fystem had been completed in 166/. 166 started with the production and the engineering investments of these e(uipment and continued into 166< in a status ready for production. ) contract signed with the ndersecretariet for *efense Industries in 166 is based on the procurement of the  )FECI28!"" and 01""H e(uipment used for the ougar helicopters needed for the $urkish and and  )ir Corces. $he +hase8I delivery of 0863 2ing aser Inertial 0avigation Fystems produced for +eace -ny@8II C81/ +rogram had been completed and deliveries for +hase8II started. In addition to this a contract was signed for the e@portation of !" 0863 model 2HDI0F devices to the F). )selsan?s application made to the F Hovernment for a (ualified source in 0863 project resulted with receiving a =Gualified Fource ertificate>. Curthermore )selsan has entered into the field of manufacturing sophisticated Multi Cunction *isplay E(uipment embedded with moving map feature. ) future advancement to this capability is total avionic integration. It is of great importance that the high8tech e(uipment and systems produced maintain their reliability and precision and be in contrast use throughout their lifetime. In order to meet this objective ogistic Fupport +lans were made to support the maintenance and repair of products and comprehensive training provided to the customers. Bisits were made to the sites with customer  representatives where the e(uipment were used where e(uipment failures were evaluated at site and preventative measures initiated. $he Hendarme Heneral ommand has ac(uired the ability for third and fourth level maintenance and repair of e(uipment regarding the ,aykuK $hermal amera and its accessories. ) similar contract has been signed with $urkish and Corces ommand for the ,aykuK and 0ight Bision e(uipment.  )selsan participated in the working group of the nion of hambers 7 ommodity E@changes of  $urkey #$-,,% regarding )F which is one of the methods for the e@change of electronic information for  logistical purposes. Intensive on8the8job seminars and skill training programs are being conducted according to the international and military standards to refresh the skills and recertify the employees in the MHE- *ivision. In addition end users and customer training are carried out for maintenance and repair of the delivered systems. &ence efficient and effective utili'ation of such e(uipment is ensured.


.rie# $i!tory o# t$e company

 )selsan was founded by $urkish )rmed Corces Coundation at the end of 165 to produce tactical military radios and defense systems for $urkish )rmy. $he first decisions taken at the foundation stage wereO 8)selsan will be a facility which is more developed than the other European factories. 8$he board of directors and auditors will be the young university graduated persons . 8onstruction will be started immediately and the facility will be functional in two years.

8$he first production will be started with foreign licensed. 8In order to improve the design of the new e(uipment a powerful 2esearch and *evelopment division will be established. 8Every year our facilities will be improved at the end a powerful *efensive Electronic Industry will be established and )selsan have a part in 0)$- projects. 8$urkey will become an e@porting country rather than an importing country in the *efensive Electronics. In 16< )selsan signed a contract with $urkish )rmed Corces for tactical radio family. In early 166 following an investment and infrastructure establishment period  )selsan started its production at Macunkoy )nkara facilities. In 16
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