
February 11, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Cambodia is a small-size conry wih over 15 million people and locade in he  _________________  ________ ____________ ___ of he indochina peninsula in Souh Eas Asia. Asia.

Economics and miliary forces in Cambodia Cambodia are quie weak. Aer 3 years of  _________________  ________ ____________, ___, he counry had a GDP per capia of jus 269, makin making g i one of he poores counries in he world.

In 1961, he ASEAN or he ____________________ ____________________ was creaed by Thailand, Malaysia and he Philipines o help enhance economic growh, social and culural developmen.

A side noe is ha his union was also formed due o a fear of growing ____________________ ____________________ in neighbouring counries like China.

Along he way, his union helps srenghen he economies and also proves o be a unied  _________________  ________ ____________ ___ as hey showed unanimous response o many polical polical hrea and wars.

Over he pas decades, his Asian union has seen is ________________ ____________________ ____ grow. I now has beween he h and sevenh larges amoun of economic force.

In 1800s, NZ was a ____________________ ____________________ series of islands excep for he naves. Ausralia had  jus a few housand Brish setlers and Canada Canada was lled wih Brish and  _________________  ________ ____________. ___.

Bu laer hese naons wen hrough massive change and evenually became par of he  _________________  ________ ____________ ___ of counries under he Brish empire. empire.

KEY 1. Sou Souhe hern rn p por or on 2. Ec Econ onom omic ic co con nra raco con n 3. Associ Associao aon n of Sou Souh h Eas Eas Asian Asian Naons Naons 4. Comm Commun unis is regi regime mess 5. Po Poli lic cal al en eny y 6. Econ Econom omic ic in inue uenc nce e 7. Larg Largel ely y unpo unpopu pula lae ed d 8. Fren French ch loya loyali lis sss 9. Comm Commo onwea nweallh

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