As Tragalo Mantic A

May 7, 2017 | Author: defaens8053 | Category: N/A
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Special Report: Astragalomantica I COPYRIGHT © The Pro Shop and Dr. Charles Green 2015 All rights to this publication are reserved. Reproduction or utilization of this work in any form, by any means now known or hereinafter invented, including, but not limited to, xerography, photocopying and recording, and in any information and storage system, is forbidden without written permission from the copyright holder. For more information, contact: The Pro Shop P.O. Box 807 Colchester, VT 05446 USA Website: Rev. 051315

Special Report: Astragalomantica I

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Table of Contents Introduction........................................................................................................................ 4 Section One: Dr. Green's System.........................................................................................5 Section Two: Possibilities.....................................................................................................8 Appendix: Background......................................................................................................10

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Introduction A lot easier to perform than pronounce, an astragalomantical system is a quick and easy way to add color and interest to your readings. Highly visual and dynamic, the dice used in astragalomancy are very compact and can be added easily to your readings kit. Like a pendulum, you can use the dice as the featured oracle in a standalone reading or bring them into play when a client says, “Oh, I just have one more question.” The inspiration for this Special Report came directly from Dr. Charles Green, a professional reader from Key West, Florida. Drawing from 40 years of experience and a thriving readings practice, Dr. Green graciously contributed the excerpt from his forthcoming book, “A Path To Readings”, which comprises Section One of this report.

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Section One: Dr. Green's System The following description of Dr. Green's dice divination system is excerpted from his forthcoming book, “A Path to Readings”. “Dice have been used for readings since they were first created, because they generate random number streams that can be easily read. C. Dayton’s book, “Two Thoughts”, got me thinking again about adding dice to my reading kit. I found a set of 5 dice, each a different color, for $1.00 at Family Dollar which works perfectly for my reading set. I put three dice in a small felt draw-string bag and now always carry it with me. The three dice are red, green, and white. Here is how I interpret them: Red = Past

The red flags of the past create the challenges of the present. Green = Present

The green means growth now to meet those challenges. White = Future

The future is always bright, and then we go to The White Light. I write down the cast results on a business card, and then interpret them for the client. This gives the client has a take-away from the reading to remind them of my services. ALWAYS carry business cards as they will grow your business more than anything else. The first cast establishes the Past, Present and Future based upon the numbers on the colored dice. Note the numbers on the business card.

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Next, have the client do three more casts which give the number influences for each period of time. It is now a simple matter to create the reading based upon the numbers on the business card as previously described in this book. Once the reading is completed, I give the business card to the client and tell them to call me if they have any questions about the reading. This opens up the avenue to book a future reading. EXAMPLE READING

First cast: Red = 6, Green = 4, White = 2 “In the past, family influences have made your development a real challenge and now it is up to you to outgrow those negative influences and create the future you were meant to have.” Second Cast sheds light on the Past: Red = 1, Green = 3, White = 6 “You were dominated in your youth by a very strong person who never let you develop on your own, and that colored your thinking and attitudes. Now you need to find the creative solutions that will help you go beyond those influences and leave them behind you so that family does not rule your life.” Third Cast sheds light on the Present: Red = 1, Green = 2, White = 3 “You now need to learn to be Number One in your own life by cooperating with others to make your life what you want it to be. Find creative ways of writing your own script.” Fourth Cast sheds light on the Future: Red = 6, Green = 3, White = 3 “The 'family' that you gather around you in the future will be what will gives your life meaning and fulfillment. You have the power to create your future happiness by finding what it is that makes you happiest and

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doing it. Use the creativity you were given to make your life what you want it to be.” This is just a quick easy-to-follow example. This easily gives you at least a dozen key paragraphs to expand upon depending upon time to give either a quick or more complete reading. Combined with the other suggestions in this book you are well on your way to your PATH TO READINGS.”

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Section Two: Possibilities The following is excerpted from “How To Tell Your Fortune with Playing Cards and Dice” 1, and describes one way to present a reading with dice. 1. Draw a circle on a large sheet of paper. 2. Take 3 dice and shake with the left hand and cast them so that they fall within the Circle. 3. Add the numbers on each die and interpret according to the following rules.

3 - Pleasant surprise. 4 - Disagreeable surprise. 5 - A stranger will prove a friend. 6 - Loss of property. 8 - Deserved reproach. 9 - A wedding. 10 - A christening. 11 - A death. 12 - A letter. 13 - Tears and sighs. 14 - Trouble from a secret enemy. 15 - Prosperity and happiness soon. 16 - A pleasant journey. 18 - Great profit.

Used in this way, the dice function much like a low-tech Magic 8 Ball.

1 One of the pitch books included in the “Dreams, Omens & Superstitions” package available from The Pro Shop.

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While it is possible that traditional astragalomancers simply assigned arbitrary meanings to the numbers that came up, contemporary readers may prefer a more flexible approach like Dr. Green's that allows them to do more than look at a dice throw that adds up to 12 and say, “A letter.” You can also create a streamlined variation on Dr. Green's system in the following manner: 1. Add up the total of all three dice and interpret the total as the overall theme the client may need to be considering. 2. Interpret the meaning of number on the Past die. 3. Interpret the meaning of the number on the Present die. 4. Interpret the meaning of the number on the Future die.

Presented as simply as described above, the reading will only take about three to five minutes, making it ideal for venues where you want to provide a lot of readings in a short amount of time. By incorporating additional elements into the presentation, however, the reading could easily range anywhere from five minutes to a full one-hour. One aspect of the casting process to use for additional inspiration when reading comes from a method used in traditional astragalomancy, which is to interpret where the dice land within a real or imagined framework. Two books which explore this idea are C. Dayton's “Two Thoughts” and Fred Rosenbaum's “The Sweet Psychic”2. While both Dr. Green and C. Dayton use colored dice, there's no reason you couldn't use dice that are all the same color. One distinct advantage of using similarly-colored dice would be that you would be able to define, on the fly, which dice represented Past, Present and Future, which could then allow you to shape and direct the reading in a way similar to the impromptu stacking procedure discussed in Larry Baukin's “The Unholy Grail”3.

2 “Two Thoughts” and “The Sweet Psychic” are both available from 3 Available from

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Appendix: Background The term Astragalomancy is derived from the Greek astragalos (“knucklebone”) and manteia (“prophesy”). Wikipedia reports that “Astragalomancy, also known as astragyromancy, is a form of divination that uses dice specially marked with letters and numbers. Originally, as with dice games, the 'dice' were quadruped knucklebones or other small bones. Marked astragali of sheep and goats are common at Mediterranean and Near Eastern archaeological sites, particularly at funeral and religious locations. For example, marked astragali have been found near the altar of Aphrodite Ourania in Athens, Greece, suggesting astragalomancy was performed near the altar after about 500 BC. Also known as cleromancy, the use of contacting the divine truth with random castings of dice or bones is a practice that stretches back before recorded history. The Metropolitan Museum of Art shows bone 'dice' used by the Shona people of Africa. These are called Hakata. They have been in use for thousands of years, and remain extant. Being that astragalomancy is a form of sortition, numbers are scrawled into the dice; the numbers are associated with letters, thus bearing on the questions of the diviner. The diviner then casts the dice, resulting with a random sequence of numbers. This sequence is to be interpreted by the diviner with regards to certain rules, which are usually specific to his/her religion. In Tibetan Buddhism, The Dalai Lama is reported as using the 'mo', balls of dough in which have been placed pieces of paper with possible 'choices' written on them, to help in making important decisions. Tibetan divination has long featured the mo in making everyday decisions, too.”

The full article can be found at Additional background information on the use of dice in divination can be found at, including the following: “The Greek practice of rolling dice was associated with the gods Hermes and Athena and was far more popular than visiting oracles.

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Divination with dice involved drawing a 12" circle on cloth and then dividing it into 12 equal portions, each numbered from 1 to 12. Dice would be rolled thrice and if one dice stayed put on top of the other it meant that the enquirer would be the recipient of something valuable. European fortunetellers used an ancient method known as "The Part of Fortune" which included dice throws on a grid representing the planets. The result would be interpreted as the role of luck in a person's life. In ancient occult practices, the days deemed most favourable to cast the dice were Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.”

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