As NZS 2433-1994 Plastics - Method For Exposure To Ultraviolet Lamps

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AS/NZS AS/NZS 2433:1994

Australian/New Zealand Standard 󰂮

Plastics Method for exposure to ultraviolet lamps PREFACE

 .   m   o   c  .    l   a    b   o    l   g    i   a   s  .   e   r   o    t   s   o    f   n    i    /    /   :   p    t    t    h    t   a   n   o    i   s   r   e   v    l    l   u    f   e    h    t   s   s   e   c   c    A  .   e    l   p   m   a   s   e   g   a   p    1   e   e   r    f   a   s    i    i   s    h    T

This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Methods of Testing Plast Pla stic ics, s, unde underr the di direct rection ion of the the Mult Multit itech echni nics cs Stand Standard ardss Pol Policy icy Board Board,, to prov provid idee a Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard to supersede the 1981 edition of AS 2433. This edition edition has been been reformatted reformatted and gives gives revised advice on suit suitabl ablee sunlamp sunlamps. s.

FOREWORD This Standard Standard provide providess a simple simple method method for exposin exposing g the surfaces of plast plastics ics to artificial artificial ultravi ultraviol olet et radiatio radiation n withou withoutt the need for expens expensive ive equipme equipment. nt. It was prepa prepared red for use as a comparati comparative ve qu quality ality control control test to complem complement ent kno known wn outdoo outdoorr exp exposur osuree perf performanc ormancee testing test ing f or assessing assessing the durabilit durability y of plastics plastics materials materials and products. products. The use of this test equipme equ ipment nt eli elimina minates tes the need for repeated ou outdo tdoors ors testi testing ng following following minor minor chan changes ges in the formulation or the manufacture of a plastics product. It needs needs to be emphasized emphasized that where durability durability data are required required in relation relation to time, e.g. du duratio ration n of acceptable acceptable exposu exposure re ou outdo tdoors, ors, then actual ou outd tdoors oors exp exposu osure re is neces necessary sary or a correla correlati tion on betwee between n natu natural ral and artific artificial ial weat weathe herin ring g need needss to be establ establish ished ed.. Suc Such h test test meth me tho ods ha have ve been been stan standa dard rdiz ized ed in AS 17 1745 45   Outd Outdoo oorr we weat athe herin ring g of plas plastic ticss in the the  Australian  Austr alian environment  envir onment , P ar Commercial product productss   and Guide for for de desi sign gn art 1:   Commercial and Par Part 2:   Guide  purposes  purpos es , and ISO 4892,   Plastics—Method Plastics—Methodss of exposure to laboratory laboratory light sources. Te Test stin ing g in the the deve develo lopm pmen entt of this this meth method od was was carrie carried d out out by CSIR CSIRO, O, Di Divi visi sion on of  Build Bu ilding ing,, Construct Construction ion and Engineerin Engineering, g, and is described described in their report report   A Quality Control Test for for UV Resi Resist stan ance ce of Shee Sheett Mate Materi ria als   by K. G. Mar Marti tin n and and I. Sa Sasn snaait itiis, 1978 78.. Reprodu Rep roducib cibilit ility, y, discrimina discrimination tion and assessment repeatabil repeatability ity were con confirmed firmed in a roundroundrobin series with two industry laboratories.


SC OP OPE   This Standard Standard sets out a method for exposin exposing g plasti plastics cs to artific artificial ial ultraviolet ultraviolet radiation. radiatio n. It is applica applicable ble to smal smalll plastic plasticss end-prod end-product ucts, s, pieces pieces of pla plastic sticss end-p end-prod roduct uctss or specimens spec imens prepared prepared from plastics plastics material material and is int intend ended ed as a qu qualit ality y control control proced procedure. ure. 2


  Th Thee fo foll llow owing ing docu docum ment entss are are refe referre rred d to in this this

Standard: AS 1745 1745 1745. 745.1 1 1745. 745.2 2

Outdo Outdoor or weathe weatherin ring g of pl plast astics ics in the Austr Australi alian an envi environ ronmen mentt Part Part 1: Comme Commerci rcial al pr prod oduc ucts ts Part Part 2: Guid Guidee fo forr desig design n pu purpo rpose sess COPYRIGHT



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AS/NZS 2433:1994, Plastics - Method for exposure to ultraviolet lamps  .   m   o   c  .    l   a    b   o    l   g    i   a   s  .   e   r   o    t   s   o    f   n    i    /    /   :   p    t    t    h    t   a   n   o    i   s   r   e   v    l    l   u    f   e    h    t   s   s   e   c   c    A  .   e    l   p   m   a   s   e   g   a   p    1   e   e   r    f   a   s    i    i   s    h    T

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