As 1554 Part 3 - Welding Reinforcing Steel

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AS 1554, Part 3—1983


This Australian standard was prepared by Committee WD/3, Welding of Structures. It was approved on behalf of the Council of the Standards Association of Australia on 28 June 1983 and published on 8 August 1983.

The following interests are represented on Committee WD/3: Aluminium Development Council Association of Consulting Engineers Australia Australian Chamber of Commerce Australian Institute of Steel Construction Ltd Australian Welding Institute Australian Welding Research Association Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia Confederation of Australian Industry Department of Defence Department of Housing and Construction Electricity Supply Association of Australia Institution of Engineers Australia Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia National Association of Australian State Road Authorities Railways of Australia Committee Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Steel Reinforcement Promotion Group University of Sydney

Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australi an Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editi ons as necessary. It is important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest editi on, and any amendments thereto. Full detail s of all Australi an Standards and related publications will be found in the Standards Australi a Catalogue of Publications; this information is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australi an Standard’, which subscribing members receive, and which gives details of new publications, new editi ons and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards. Suggesti ons for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head offi ce of Standards Australi a, are welcomed. Noti fi cati on of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australian Standard should be made without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.

This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 82154..

AS 1554, Part 3—1983


First publi shed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Second editi on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1974 1983


AS 1554, Part 3—1983


PREFACE This edition of this standard was prepared by the Association’s Committee on Welding of Structures to supersede AS 1554, Part 3—1974. It establishes requirements for the welding of reinforcement intended to form part of concrete structures designed and constructed in accordance with AS 1480, SAA Concrete Structures Code. An important difference between this edition and the 1974 edition is that it applies to the welding of reinforcing bars of Grade 410Y to AS 1302. As the weldability of Grade 410Y had not been fully determined prior to the publication of AS 1302—1982, an amendment to AS 1302 was subsequently issued involving the lowering of the carbon equivalent value for Grade 410Y from 0.60 to 0.39 for the purpose of ensuring ease in weldability. Requirements for steel material with carbon equivalent value greater than 0.39 are incorporated in this edition. It is intended that welding operations, other than flash butt welding and name pressure welding, will be carried out under the supervision of a person certified in accordance with AS 2214, SAA Structural Steel Welding Supervisors Certification Code.

 Copyri ght STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Users of Standards are reminded that copyri ght subsists in all Standards Australi a publications and soft ware. Except where the Copyri ght Act all ows and except where provided for below no publications or software produced by Standards Austr alia may be reproduced, stored in a retri eval system in any form or transmitt ed by any means without pri or permission in wri ti ng fr om Standards Australi a. Permission may be conditi onal on an appropriate royalt y payment. Requests for permission and information on commercial soft ware royalti es should be dir ected to the head off ice of Standards Australi a. Standards Australi a wil l permit up to 10 percent of the technical content pages of a Standard to be copied for use exclusively in-house by purchasers of the Standard without payment of a royalty or advice to Standards Austr alia. Standards Australi a wil l also permit the inclusion of its copyri ght material in computer soft ware programs for no royalt y payment provided such programs are used exclusively in-house by the creators of the programs. Care should be taken to ensure that material used is fr om the current editi on of the Standard and that it is updated whenever the Standard is amended or revised. The number and date of the Standard should therefore be clearly identif ied. The use of material in pri nt form or in computer soft ware programs to be used commercially, with or without payment, or in commercial contracts is subject to the payment of a royalty. This policy may be vari ed by Standards Austr alia at any ti me.


AS 1554, Part 3—1983

CONTENTS Page SECTION 1. SCOPE AND GENERAL 1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Referenced Documents . . . . . . . . 1.4 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Welding Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Welding of Reinforcing Steel . . . . 1.7 Joining Reinforcing Steel to Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Welding Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 Welding Equipment . . . . . . . . . . .

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SECTION 2. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 2.1 Parent Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Backing Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.3 Welding Consumables . . . . . . . . . . 6 SECTION 3. DETAILS OF FUSION WELDED CONNECTIONS 3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2 Butt Splices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.3 Lap Splices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.4 Tack Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 SECTION 4. QUALIFICATION OF WELDING PROCEDURES AND WELDING PERSONNEL FOR FUSION WELDING 4.1 Qualification of Welding Procedure 8 4.2 Method of Qualification of Welding Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.3 Prequalified Welding Procedures . . 8 4.4 Prequalified Joint Preparations . . . . 8 4.5 Qualification of Welding Consumables 8 4.6 Requalification of Fusion Welding Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.7 Qualification of Welding Personnel . 8 4.8 Workmanship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SECTION 5. FLASH BUTT WELDING 5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Bar Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Cleanliness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Workmanship . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10

Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qualification of Welding Procedure Production Control Tests . . . . . . . Defective Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 18 18 19 19

SECTION 6. FLAME PRESSURE WELDING 6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.2 Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.3 Bar Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.4 Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.5 Cleanliness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.6 Workmanship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.7 Qualification of Welding Procedure 20 6.8 Production Control Tests . . . . . . . 20 6.9 Defective Welds 20 SECTION 7. QUALIFICATION OF WELDING PROCEDURE BY TESTING 7.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7.2 Method of Qualification . . . . . . . . 21 7.3 Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7.4 Retests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 SECTION 8. TEST REQUIREMENTS 8.1 Production Control Test Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Macro Test Requirements . . . 8.3 Tensile Test Requirements . . 8.4 Bend Test Requirements . . . SECTION 9. INSPECTION 9.1 Examination of Welding . . 9.2 Qualifications of Inspectors 9.3 Privileges of Inspectors . . . 9.4 Inspection of Welders . . . . 9.5 Inspection of Work . . . . . . 9.6 Inspection after Welding . .

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APPENDICES A A Check List of Matters for Discussion B Recommended Method for Joint and Process Identification . . . . . . . . . . . C A Suitable Form of Welding Procedure Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANNEX. LIST OF REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

24 25 26 27

AS 1554, Part 3—1983


STANDARDS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA Australian Standard for STRUCTURAL STEEL WELDING PART 3—WELDING OF REINFORCING STEEL SECTION 1. SCOPE AND GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE. This standard sets out requirements for materials of construction, prequalified weld preparations, methods for the qualification of welding procedures and welding personnel, together with workmanship and inspection requirements for the welding of reinforcing steel in concrete structures designed and constructed in accordance with AS 1480 and AS 1481. It is intended for the welding of reinforcing steel complying with AS 1302, AS 1303 and AS 1304, but applies also to the welding of steel connection devices, inserts, anchors and anchor details, including prefabricated assemblies required in reinforced concrete and precast concrete constructions, in the fabrication shop and in the field. NOTE: Appendix A gives a li st of matters of a contr actual nature which might need to be finalized between the pri ncipal and the contr actor.

1.2 APPLICATION. This standard applies primarily to the welding of reinforcing steel and other steel devices intended for use in reinforced concrete construction complying with AS 1480 and AS 1481. 1.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. A list with titles of the documents referred to in this standard is given in the Annex. 1.4 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this standard, the welding symbols and terms given in AS 1101, Part 3 and AS Z5 apply, together with the following definitions: 1.4.1 Approved—except as may be otherwise stated, approved by the Principal, the Designer or the Supervising Engineer, as appropriate. 1.4.2 Contractor —the person, persons or organization responsible for executing the work. 1.4.3 Contract drawings—the drawings forming part of the documents in which is set out the work to be executed. 1.4.4 Designer—the person, persons or organization responsible for the design of the structure. 1.4.5 Direct butt splice—a splice between two bars of reinforcing steel whose axes are approximately colinear, the bars having been joined by a butt weld made from both sides or from one side with permanent or temporary backing and having complete penetration and fusion of weld and base metal throughout the depth of the splice. 1.4.6 Double lap splice—a joint consisting of two welds, deposited in the two grooves formed between two bars in contact.

1.4.7 Indirect butt splice—a splice between two bars of reinforcement whose axes are approximately colinear wherein the bars are welded to a common splice member by either single or double bevel welds, the cross-section of the bars where they butt together remaining unwelded. The splice member may be plate, angle, bar or other shape approved by the Supervising Engineer. 1.4.8 Principal—the purchaser or owner of the structure being fabricated or erected, or his nominated representative. 1.4.9 Reinforcing steel—material complying with AS 1302, AS 1303 or AS 1304, as appropriate. 1.4.10 Single lap splice—a joint consisting of a single weld deposited in the groove formed between two bars in contact where only one side is accessible. 1.4.11 Specification—the specification forming part of the documents in which is set out the work to be executed. 1.4.12 Supervising Engineer—the Engineer responsible for the supervision of the construction. 1.4.13 Tack weld—a short weld used for assembly and fixing purposes only. 1.5 WELDING SYMBOLS. Welding symbols shown on drawings shall comply with AS 1101, Part 3. 1.6 WELDING OF REINFORCING STEEL. 1.6.1 Approval and Type of Welding. Welding of reinforcing steel shall not be carried out unless it is shown on the drawings, or in other appropriate documents, or is otherwise approved. Welding of reinforcing steel shall comply with the requirements of this standard. 1.6.2 Limitations on Welding. The following limitations on welding shall apply: (a) Where tack welds are not shown on the drawings but are required to maintain the reinforcing steel in its correct position, only approved tack welds that comply with the requirements of Clause 3.4 shall be made. (b) Except where tack welding of main bars into the corners of fitments is approved, welding shall not be carried out within 75 mm of any bent portion of a bar which has or had a bend of internal radius less than 6 times the bar size. 1.6.3 Welding Different Grades of Reinforcing Steels. It shall be permissible to weld together



different grades and types of reinforcing steels provided that the appropriate requirements of this standard are complied with for each grade. 1.7 JOINING REINFORCING STEEL TO STRUCTURES. Where reinforcing steel is to be joined to steel plate, rolled sections or hollow sections by butt or fillet welds, the welds shall comply with the requirements for structural welding given in AS 1554, Part 1. Interconnection of precast concrete members by way of reinforcing steel projecting from the concrete may be made by fusion welds complying with this standard. 1.8 WELDING PROCESSES. Welding shall be performed using manual metal-arc welding, semiautomatic or automatic gas-shielded or flux cored metal-arc welding, flash butt welding, or flame pressure welding. Other welding processes may be approved following satisfactory procedure testing.

AS 1554, Part 3—1983

1.9 WELDING EQUIPMENT. 1.9.1 Compliance with Standards. Welding plant and equipment for metal-arc and flash butt welding shall comply with relevant standards issued by the Standards Association of Australia and with any requirements of the Statutory Authority. The electrical equipment of the machine shall comply with the appropriate requirements of AS 3000. Applicable standards are AS 1966, AS 1995 and AS C301. 1.9.2 Safety Precautions. The requirements of AS 1336, AS 1337, AS 1338, AS 1470, AS 1674 and AS CC5, as appropriate, shall be complied with during welding. Suitable welding screens shall be provided to protect welders or other persons in the immediate vicinity of welding. NOTE: AWRA Technical Note 7 also gives guidance in safe practi ces to be employed.


AS 1554, Part 3—1983


SECTION 2. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 2.1 PARENT MATERIAL. Parent material shall include steel reinforcement, steel plates, rolled sections and hollow sections (including tubes), complying with AS 1163, AS 1204, AS 1205, AS 1302, AS 1303 and AS 1304, as appropriate. Other steels shall be used only after the welding procedures have been established and approved. NOTE: This standard applies also to repair s and alt erations to existi ng buil dings where care should be taken to identif y steel in existi ng str uctures and special care should be taken to ensure that the electrodes and welding procedures selected are appropri ate to the parent material to be welded.

2.2 BACKING MATERIAL. Steel backing material to be fused in the welding process shall have weldability not less than that of the parent material. 2.3 WELDING CONSUMABLES. 2.3.1 Electrodes and Filler Wires. Electrodes for the welding of the parent material specified in Clause 2.1 shall comply with the following: (a) For manual metal-arc welding . . . . AS 1553.

(b) For processes other than manual metal-arc welding . . . . . . . . . . AS 1588 and AS 2203. Other electrodes may be used provided that they are qualified in accordance with the requirements of Clause 4.5.2. 2.3.2 Storage of Welding Consumables. Electrodes shall be stored in their original packets or cartons in a dry place, adequately protected from the effects of weather. Where special protection during storage and use is recommended by the manufacturer, they shall be stored in accordance with the recommended conditions. Filler metals shall be dry, smooth and free from corrosion or other matter deleterious either to satisfactory operation or to the weld metal. If the electrodes or filler metals are coated, the coating shall be continuous and firmly adherent. Where the manufacturer makes specific recommendations covering conditioning and pre-treatment of electrodes prior to use, such recommendations shall be followed. NOTE: AWRA Technical Note 3 contains recommendations for the storage and condit ioning of electr odes.



AS 1554, Part 3—1983

SECTION 3. DETAILS OF FUSION WELDED CONNECTIONS 3.1 GENERAL. 3.1.1 Types of Fusion Welded Connections. A fusion welded connection shall be a butt splice, a lap splice, or a tack weld. 3.1.2 Design Throat Thickness. For stress calculations, the design throat thickness shall be the throat size of the weld (see Fig. 3.1). 3.1.3 Throat Size of Weld. The throat size of a weld S shall be as follows: (a) For an indirect butt splice and a lap splice . . . . . not less than 0.25 times the size of the smaller bar joined. (b) For a direct butt splice ..... the size of the smaller bar joined. 3.1.4 Effective Length. The effective length of an indirect butt splice or of a lap splice shall be taken to be the length of the weld that is of the specified size throughout. 3.1.5 Finished Width. The width of a finished weld of an indirect butt splice or of a lap splice shall be not less than 0.45 times the size of the smaller bar joined. 3.1.6 Effective Area. The effective area of a weld for an indirect butt splice or a lap splice shall be taken as the sum of the products of the effective length and the applicable design throat thickness. The effective area of a weld for a direct butt splice shall be taken as the area of the smaller bar joined. 3.2 BUTT SPLICES. 3.2.1 Direct Butt Splices. Direct butt splices shall comply with Table 4.1.

NOTE: Double-V and double-bevel butt spli ces may have preparations unequal in depth.

3.2.2 Indirect Butt Splices. Indirect butt splices shall comply with Table 4.2 and the following requirements: (a) Welding of reinforcement to the splice plate or angle shall be by means of fillet welds, or to the splice sleeve by means of end fillet welds. (b) As applicable, the splice plate, angle, sleeve and attaching welds should have sections of sufficient strength to meet the requirements of AS 1480. 3.3 LAP SPLICES. Lap splices shall comply with Table 4.3. The width of a finished weld of a lap splice shall be not less than 0.45 times the size of the smaller bar joined. 3.4 TACK WELDS. 3.4.1 Limitations on Tack Welds. The number of tack welds shall be kept to the minimum necessary to locate the reinforcing steel during erection and placement of concrete. Tack welds shall not substantially reduce the cross-section of the reinforcing steel nor adversely affect its strength. 3.4.2 Size of a Tack Weld. Tack welds shall— (a) have a throat thickness not less than 4 mm; (b) have a length not less than the size of the smaller bar; and (c) comply with the preheat requirements given in Table 4.7.

* W = width of weld.



AS 1554, Part 3—1983


SECTION 4. QUALIFICATION OF WELDING PROCEDURES AND WELDING PERSONNEL FOR FUSION WELDING 4 .1 Q UA L I F I C A T I O N OF W E L DI N G PROCEDURE. The welding procedure, i.e. the joint preparation, the welding consumables and the welding parameters, shall be qualified before welding commences. The Contractor shall establish a welding procedure and shall list the applicable parameters in a document known as the ‘welding procedure sheet’. A suitable type of welding procedure sheet is shown in Appendix C. 4.2 METHOD OF QUALIFICATION OF WELDING PROCEDURE. A welding procedure shall be qualified by one of the following methods: (a) A procedure prequalified in accordance with Clause 4.3. (b) Production of documentary evidence of relevant prior experience by the Contractor. NOTE: A completed welding procedure sheet such as that shown in Appendix C, together wit h records of any tests carr ied out, including suitable photographs of the test pieces, consti tutes documentary evidence of pri or experience.

(c) Preparation of a test piece which simulates as closely as practicable the weld preparation, the grade, type and size of the reinforcement and the welding conditions to be used in production. The test piece shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of Section 7. 4.3 PREQUALIFIED WELDING PROCEDURES. Welding procedures shall be deemed to be prequalified where— (a) the joint preparations are prequalified in accordance with Clause 4.4; (b) the consnmables are prequalified in accordance with Clause 4.5; (c) the workmanship and welding techniques, including the preheat and interrun temperature requirements, comply with the requirements of this standard; and (d) where required, documentary evidence is available of a satisfactory macro test in accordance with Clause 7.3. 4.4 PREQUALIFIED JOINT PREPARATIONS. 4.4.1 General. The joint preparations prescribed in Clauses 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 shall be deemed to be prequalified provided that the welding processes and consumables used are in welding positions recommended by the electrode manufacturer. 4.4.2 Prequalified Butt Splices. Joint preparations conforming to the dimensions given for the processes indicated in Tables 4.1 and 4.2 shall be deemed to be prequalified. All butt splices that are to be welded from both sides using these prequalified preparations shall have the back of the first run gouged out by suitable means to sound metal before welding is started on the second side, unless evidence is produced by macroetching that complete fusion can be obtained without such gouging.

4.4.3 Prequalified Lap Splices. Joint preparations complying with Table 4.3 shall be deemed to be prequalified for all processes. 4 . 5 QU AL I F I C AT I O N O F W E L D IN G CONSUMABLES. 4.5.1 Prequalified Welding Consumables. Where welding consumables are matched with the steel type in accordance with the requirements of Table 4.4 and comply with the other relevant requirements of this standard and provided that they are used in the positions recommended by the manufacturer, such welding consumables shall be deemed to be prequalified and shall not require qualification testing. 4.5.2 Qualification of Welding Consumables by Testing. Where welding consumables are not prequalified in accordance with Clause 4.5.1, they may be qualified in conjunction with a welding procedure qualification test in accordance with Section 7. 4.6 REQUALIFICATION OF FUSION WELDING PROCEDURES. 4.6.1 Changes in Essential Variables Necessitating Req u al i fi cati o n of W el d i n g P roced u re. Requalification of a fusion welding procedure by testing in accordance with Section 7 shall be required where changes in the essential variables for the welding procedure exceed the limits given in Table 4.5. 4.6.2 Minor Changes Necessitating Requalification of Welding Procedure by Macro Test. Requalification of the welding procedure by a macro test taken either from a production splice or from a special splice welded for the purpose shall be required where changes in the essential variables for the welding procedure exceed the limits given in Table 4.6. 4 . 7 QU AL I F I C AT I O N O F W E L D IN G PERSONNEL. 4.7.1 Weldin g Supervisor. Welding shall be carried out under the supervision of a welding supervisor employed by the Contractor. The function of the welding supervisor shall be to ensure that all welding is carried out as specified in the plans and specifications or other documents in accordance with the requirements of this standard. Such a supervisor shall be a person who— (a) holds an Australian Welding Institute welding supervisor’s certificate in structural steel welding in accordance with AS 2214, or has equivalent qualifications acceptable to the Supervising Engineer; (b) has served an apprenticeship in an appropriate metal trade and during or subsequent thereto has had 5 years’ experience in the fabrication of welded steel structures, and is able to satisfy the Supervising Engineer that he is suitable for the work upon which he will be employed; (c) has had at least 7 years’ experience in the fabrication of reinforcing steel and is able to satisfy the Supervising Engineer that he is suitable for the work upon which he will be employed; or



(d) is the holder of a diploma or a certificate in Engineering or Metallurgy of an approved technical college or is a graduate in Engineering or Metallurgy of a recognized university and subsequent to obtaining his diploma, certificate or degree has had 3 years’ experience in the fabrication of welded steel structures. 4.7.2 Welders. The following requirements shall apply to the qualification of welders: (a) All welders shall be suitably qualified to carry out the welding procedures on which they will be employed. The Contractor shall provide satisfactory evidence that welders are suitably qualified. (b) A welder not already qualified for the welding process required by the welding procedures on which he is to be employed shall be required to demonstrate his ability to comply with the appropriate requirements of this standard by means of a macro test. (c) A person operating automatic or semi-automatic equipment and qualified to use a particular process with an approved consumable or combination of consumables shall be considered qualified to use other approved consumables or combinations of consumables with the same process. (d) Qualifications established under this Clause with any one of the steels covered by this standard shall be considered as qualification to weld any other of the steels covered by this standard. (e) Where a welder repeatedly produces welds not complying with the requirements of this standard, welding by the welder shall be discontinued until additional tests are carried out by the welder and the welds so produced comply with this standard. (f) The names of all welders qualified in accordance with this Clause together with particulars of any tests passed by each, shall be recorded and made available for perusal by the Inspector for the duration of the job. 4.8 WORKMANSHIP. 4.8.1 Preparation of Material for Welding. The surfaces to be welded shall be free of defects, and from heavy scale, moisture, slag, rust, oil, paint, cement or any other foreign material likely to affect adversely the quality of the weld. If preparation or cutting of the fusion face is necessary, this should be carried out by a method approved by the Supervising Engineer. 4.8.2 Assembly. Where reinforcing steel is to be assembled prior to welding, it shall comply with the following requirements: (a) Bars to be welded shall be held in the correct position until welding has been completed. Fastening devices shall be adequate to ensure safety during welding operations. Suitable allowances for warpage and shrinkage shall be made. Each joint shall have adequate clearance for accessibility to make the weld. (b) Before the welding of a butt splice, the surfaces of bars of equal size shall not be out of alignment with one another by more than 0.10 times the size of the bars or 3 mm, whichever is the lesser.

AS 1554, Part 3—1983

The surfaces of bars of unequal size shall lie wholly within the projection of the surface of the thicker bar in the joint. (c) Parts to be lap spliced shall be brought into as close a contact as practicable to minimize distortion. The gap due to faulty workmanship or incorrect fit-up shall not be more than 0.25 times the size of the bar or 3 mm, whichever is the lesser. If separation occurs locally, the effective throat thickness of the weld shall be maintained. (d) All tack welds, whether to be consumed ultimately or not, shall be subjected to the same initial treatment (preheating) as for the final welds. Tack welds that are to be consumed in the final weld shall be cleaned of slag before being fused into the weld. Defective, cracked or broken welds shall be removed before the final welding. 4.8.3 Gouging. In all butt splices that are to be welded from both sides, the back of the first run shall be gouged out by suitable means to clean metal before welding is started on that side, unless evidence is produced that the welding procedure employed is such that complete fusion is obtained without such gouging. 4.8.4 Positioning of Work. The work should, whenever practicable, be positioned for welding in the flat position. 4.8.5 Welding in Adverse Weather Conditions. Welding shall not be carried out in the following conditions: (a) Where the temperature of the parent metal is below 0°C unless preheating is carried out in accordance with Clause 4.8.6 to a minimum of 20° C. (b) Where welding surfaces are wet from condensation, rain, snow or ice. (c) Where rain or snow is falling on the surfaces to be welded. (d) During periods of high wind, unless the welder and the work are properly protected. 4.8.6 Preheat Temperature. Preheat temperatures and electrode sizes for the fusion welding of reinforcement shall be in accordance with Table 4.7. 4.8.7 Correction of Defective Welds. Where a weld is found to be defective, the Contractor shall repair the weld, or, if required by the Supervising Engineer, shall remove the weld and then reweld the splice. Repairing or rewelding shall be carried out in accordance with this standard, and the Supervising Engineer shall be advised of all such repairs or rewelds. The removal of weld metal or portions of the base metal shall be effected by machining, grinding, chipping, oxygen gouging, or air/carbon-arc gouging. It shall be done in a manner that ensures that the remaining weld metal or base metal is not nicked or undercut. Defective portions of the weld shall be removed without substantial removal of the base metal. The surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly before rewelding. Defective undercutting shall be made good by the deposition of additional weld metal to comply with the requirements of Clause 8.1 or by the removal of the undercut by grinding provided that this complies with the requirements of Clause 8.1.


AS 1554, Part 3—1983


TABLE 4.1 PREQUALIFIED DIRECT BUTT SPLICE PREPARATIONS NOTATION: db = bar size G = root gap Fr = root face θ = included angle of preparation, degrees F: flat, H: horizontal, OH: overhead, V: vertical NOTE: All linear dimensions are in mil li metr es. Joint identif ication (See Appendix B)


Joint type


Single-V butt spli ce (welded both sides)

Preparati on detail

Manual metal-arc

Flux-cored arc, self- shielded and gasshielded

Gas-shielded metal- arc Spray transfer

Dip transfer






Posn G Fr θ

All 3.5 1.5 60

See θ 3 3 50-F,H,OH 60-V

F 0 4 50

See θ 3 0 50-F,H,OH 60-V






Posn G Fr θ

All 3.5 1.5 45

See θ 3 1.5 50-F,H,OF 60-V

F and H 1.5 4 50

See θ 4 0 50-F,H,OH 60-V

Where the root is root is accessible for back-gouging and appli cati on of a sealing run (see Clause 4.4.2)



Single-bevel butt splice (unequal bars) (welded both sides)

Where the root is accessible for back-gouging and appli cati on of a seali ng run (see Clause 4.4.2)





Single-V butt spli ce with spli t pipe backing

AS 1554, Part 3—1983

db Posn G Fr θ

All See θ See θ 0 20-F,OH:G=12

All See θ 6 0 30-F,H,OH 45-V

All F 3 1.5 30

All See θ 6 0 30-F,H,OH 45-V

All See θ 3 3 50-F,H,OH 60-V

All F 0 3 50

All See θ 4 0 50-F,H,OH 60-V

30-F,OH:G=9 45-A11:G=6

Where access to the root of the weld is unobtainable. Alt ernati vely, a removable copper backing bar may be used in place of the permanent backing shown BD-3a


Double-V butt spli ce

db Posn G Fr θ

All All 3.5 1.5 60

Horizontal bars should be welded in the flat posit ion wherever practicable


Root not gouged

G (root gap without backing) . G (root gap with backing) . . . θ (angle of preparation) . . . . . Fr (root face) . . . . . . . . . . . .

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±1.5 mm . . . . +6, -1.5 mm . . +10, -5 degrees ±0.5 mm . . . .


Root gouged ... ... . . ...

. . . .

+1.5, -3 mm Not applicable +10, -5 degrees No upper limit, -0

AS 1554, Part 3—1983


TABLE 4.1 (continued )

Joint identif ication (See Appendix B) BD-3b

Joint type


Double-V butt spli ce (unequal bars)

Preparati on detail

Manual metal-arc

Flux-cored arc, self- shielded and gas-shielded

Gas-shielded metal- arc Spray transfer

Dip transfer

db Posn G Fr θ

All All 3.5 1.5 60

All See θ 3 3 50-F,H,OH 60-V

All F 0 4 50

All See θ 4 0 50-F,H,OH 60-V

db Posn G Fr θ

All All 3.5 1.5 45

All See θ 1.5 1.5 50-F,H,OH 60-V

All F 0 3 50

All See θ 4 0 50-F,H,OH 60-V

Horizontal bars should be welded in the flat positi on wherever practicable



Double-bevel butt splice (bars vert ical)




AS 1554, Part 3—1983

TABLE 4.2 PREQUALIFIED INDIRECT BUTT SPLICE PREPARATIONS NOTATION: db = bar size G = root gap W = width of weld S = size of weld F: flat. NOTE: All linear dimensions are in mil li metr es. Joint identif ication (See Appendix B)

Joint type

Preparati on detail

Manual metal-arc

Flux-cored arc, self-shielded and gas-shielded

Gas-shielded metal- arc Spray transfer

Dip transfer

BI- 1a


Indir ect butt splice with fl at backing

dn Posn G

All F 20 max.

All F 20 max.

All F 20 max.

All F 20 max.

BI- 1b


Indir ect butt splice with angle backing

dn Posn G

All F 20 max.

All F 20 max.

All F 20 max.

All F 20 max.

BI- 1c


Indir ect butt splice with sleeve

dn Posn G

All All 20 max.

All All 20 max.

All All 20 max.

All All 20 max.


AS 1554, Part 3—1983


TABLE 4.3 PREQUALIFIED LAP-SPLICE PREPARATIONS NOTATION: db = bar size W = width of weld S = size of weld F: flat, H: horizontal, OH: overhead, V: vertical NOTE: All linear dimensions are in mil li metr es.

Joint identif ication (See Appendix B)

Joint type

Preparati on detail

Manual metal-arc

Gas-shielded metal- arc

Flux-cored arc, self- shielded and gas-shielded

Spray transfer

Dip transfer

L-( a)


Double lap splice (bar superimposed)

db Posn

All H

All H

All H

All H

L-( b)


Double lap splice (bars side by side)

db Posn

All F,OH

All F,OH

All F,OH

All F,OH



L-( c)


Double lap splice (bars vert ical)

AS 1554, Part 3—1983

db Posn


All V, OH

All V,OH

All V,OH

All V,OH

AS 1554, Part 3—1983


TABLE 4.4 PREQUALIFIED WELDING CONSUMABLES Steel grade 230S 230R 410C 450W 410Y (CE≤0.39) Bars not complying with AS 1302 or where CE > 0.39

Manual metal arc (AS 1553) E41XX, E48XX E41XX, E48XX E4816, E4818 E4816, E4818 E48XX E4816, E4818

Flux-cored arc (AS 2203) W40X, W50X W40X, W50X W50X W50X W50X W50X

NOTE: Where X is shown in a classifi cati on, any number is acceptable.

TABLE 4.5 CHANGES IN ESSENTIAL VARIABLES NECESSITATING REQUALIFICATION Nature of change (a) A change fr om one process to another (b) A change fr om a low-hydrogen type electr ode to a non-lowhydrogen type electrode (c) A change in electrode/f lux/shielding gas combination (d) A change fr om one gas or gas mixture to another gas or gas mixture (e) A change of more than ±7 percent of the specifi ed mean arc volt age of the electrode used for automati c arc welding processes, or more than ±15 percent for manual metal- arc welding (f ) A change of more than ±10 percent of the specifi ed mean welding curr ent for the electr ode used for automati c arc welding processes, or more than ±15 percent for manual metal-arc welding (g) A change of more than ±25 percent in the specifi ed number of runs. If the cross-secti onal area of the preparati on is increased, it is also permissible to increase the number of runs in proport ion to the increased area (h) An increase of 25 percent or more, or a decrease of 10 percent or more in flow rate of shielding gas (j ) A change in the posit ion in which welding is done or a change in direction for a verti cal weld (k) A change in welding curr ent fr om a.c. to d.c. and vice versa or a change in d.c. polari ty or a change in metal transfer across the arc (l ) A decrease of more than 20 K in the minimum specifi ed preheat and interr un temperature (m) A change in material thickness outside the range 0.75 to 1.5 times materi al thickness

Applicabil it y MMAW GMAW FCAW X X X X — —

— X X

— X X





















X indicates applicabil it y.


An increase in the diameter of the electr ode A change in the shape of any one type of joint preparati on— (i ) a decrease in the included angle of the joint preparation (ii ) a decrease in the root gap of the joint preparation (i ii ) an increase in the root face of the joint preparation (i v) the omission or inclusion of backing material

X indicates applicabil it y.



Applicabil it y GMAW FCAW X X X X X X



AS 1554, Part 3—1983

TABLE 4.7 MINIMUM PREHEAT TEMPERATURES (a) Hydrogen Controlled Electrodes (EXXX15,EXX16,EXX18,EXXX28) Semi-Automatic and Automatic Welding Processes Steel designati on

230 230 410 450


410 Y (where CE≤0.39) Bars not complying with AS 1302 or where CE>0.39

Range of bar sizes mm ≤24 >24≤36 >36≤50 >50 All ≤24 >24≤36 >36≤50 >50

Minimum preheat temperature, °C Electrode sizes, mm 3.15 4 5 6.3 Arc energy (semi-automatic processes), kJ/mm >1≤1.5 >1.5≤2.5 >2.5≤3.5 >3.5 Preheat not requir ed 75 Preheat not requir ed 100 75 N/R N/R 100 100 75 N/R Preheat not requir ed 75 125 150 175

100 125 150

Preheat not requir ed N/R N/R 100 N/R 125 100

(b) Non-hydrogen Controlled Electrodes EXX10,EXX11,EXX12,EXX13, EXX14,EXX20,EXX24,EXX27 Steel designati on

230 230 410 450


410 Y (where CE≤0.39) Bars not complying with AS 1302 or where CE>0.39

Range of bar sizes mm ≤24 >24≤36 >36≤50 >50 All

Minimum preheat temperature, °C Electrode sizes, mm 3.15


100 125 125 125



50 N/R 100 50 100 100 100 100 Preheat not requir ed Welding not permit ted

NOTES: 1. N/R indicates preheat not requir ed. 2. CE indicates carbon equivalent of elements:


6.3 N/R N/R 50 50

AS 1554, Part 3—1983


SECTION 5. FLASH BUTT WELDING 5.1 GENERAL. The flash butt welding of reinforcement shall comply with the relevant requirements of other Sections of this standard and the specific requirements of this Section. 5.2 SIZES. The size of the bar to be welded shall be within the machine capacity as specified by the machine manufacturer and shall be confirmed in the procedure qualification test (see Clause 5.8). 5.3 BAR PREPARATION. The ends of bars to be welded shall be prepared in a way that will facilitate the starting of flashing (see Note). The face areas in contact during welding shall be approximately equal and the difference in size of the contact faces shall not exceed 15 percent of the smaller face. NOTE: Shearing, cropping, fl ame cutti ng and saw cutt ing are acceptable methods. A smooth machined face, normal to the axis of the bar, is not recommended.

5.4 ALIGNMENT. The bars to be welded shall be set in the machine so that the axes are coincident. The axes of the bars at the weld shall be in line within 10 percent of the size or 3 mm, whichever is the lesser. 5.5 CLEANLINESS. The bar ends and adjacent material, and parts of the bar in the region of the clamping dies shall be free from insulating material, rust, paint, grease or other foreign matter, immediately prior to welding. The dies shall be kept clean and any adhering spatter shall be removed before each weld. 5.6 WORKMANSHIP. 5.6.1 Overhang or Projection from the Dies. The two bars to be welded shall be clamped so that the overhang of each is equal. The overhang shall not exceed twice the size of the bar. 5.6.2 Clamping Force. The clamping force exerted by the clamping dies on the bars being welded shall be sufficient to prevent movement of the bars in relation to the clamps during the upsetting operation but not enough to deform the bars. 5.6.3 Preheating. Preheating shall be as follows: (a) Hot-rolled bars. For hot-rolled bars it shall be permissible to shorten the flashing cycle by preheating. (b) Cold-worked bars. Cold-worked bars shall be welded without preheating. Once the flashing action has been initiated, it should be maintained by matching the feed rate with the rate of burnoff. 5.6.4 Flashing. The speed of advance of the moving platen and the value of the welding current shall be regulated to ensure that the flashing is continuous throughout the cycle, and that the welding operation does not freeze up or the platen stops moving. The flashing shall be smooth, continuous, and be maintained until upset takes place. The current shall be maintained at least until upset has started. 5.6.5 Upsetting. The value of the upset force required to weld steel bars of different quality depends upon

the temperature gradient in the plastic zone and the compressive strength of the steel at high temperature. The length of upset shall be sufficient to ensure the closing of all voids and the expulsion of oxide and molten metal from the weld. It shall not be enough to cause distortion of the weld or excessive expulsion of plastic metal. 5.7 EQUIPMENT. 5.7.1 General. An automatic or semi-automatic flash butt welding machine shall be used for all welding, except that a manual machine may be used where it can be established that the welding complies with the requirements of this standard. 5.7.2 Machine Controls. The machine shall be equipped with control gear which, after the bars have been clamped in the dies, performs at least the following cycle of operations in the sequence given: (a) Maintains the flashing cycle for the desired period of time and length of stroke. (b) Upsets the bars to complete the weld. (c) Cuts off the current to the bars after the commencement of upsetting. NOTE: The foll owing cycling operati ons are normally under the control of the operator: (i ) Closing the electri cal circuit and bri nging the bars into init ial contact. (i i) Establishing the preheating cycle (where appli cable). (i ii ) Init iati ng flashing.

5.7.3 Flash Guards. Flash guards shall be placed at such a distance from the clamped bars as will minimize the possibility of particles thrown off during the flashing period rebounding into the weld. 5.7.4 Cleanliness of Machine. The welding machine and particularly the die faces shall be kept free from spatter, and the contact faces shall be cleaned of oil, grease, oxide or metallic dust and globules after every weld. 5 .8 Q U AL I F IC A T IO N O F W E L D I N G PROCEDURE. 5.8.1 General. The welding procedure shall be qualified before production welding of the reinforcement commences. The Contractor shall establish a welding procedure and shall list the applicable machine settings for each type, grade and size of reinforcement in a document known as a ‘welding procedure sheet’. 5.8.2 Method of Qualification of Welding Procedure. When acceptable machine settings have been obtained, a welding procedure shall be qualified by producing a set of test splices of reinforcement in accordance with the material specification to be used in production and subjecting these splices to the tests specified in Section 7. 5.8.3 Requalification of Flash Butt Welding Procedure. Requalification of the flash butt welding procedure by testing in accordance with Section 7 shall be required where—



(a) there is a change in— (i) material specification, grade or type; (ii) bar size; (iii) joint preparation; or (iv) significant machine component; or (b) there are consistent failures in production control tests. 5.9 PRODUCTION CONTROL TESTS. 5.9.1 General Production Control Tests. During production, in order to ensure that the splices continue to comply with the quality requirements of Section 8, bend tests and tensile tests shall be carried out in accordance with the frequency requirements of Clause 5.9.2. 5.9.2 Frequency of Tests. Test joints shall be made at the following times: (a) Commencement of production run. Two test joints shall be made at the commencement of

AS 1554, Part 3—1983

each production run of each welding procedure: one to be subjected to the bend test and one to be subjected to the tensile test. (b) During production run. Test joints shall be made in accordance with one of the following procedures: (i) Where more than 100 joints are made in a production run, for each 100 joints or part thereof after the first 100 joints an additional test joint shall be made and bend-tested in accordance with Clause 7.3.3 and an additional test joint shall be made and tensile-tested in accordance with Clause 7.3.2. (ii) Where 100 joints or less are made in a production run, at least one additional test joint shall be made and bend-tested in accordance with Clause 7.3.3. 5.10 DEFECTIVE WELDS. Production welds that fail to comply with the requirements of Clause 9.5 shall be removed and a new weld made.


AS 1554, Part 3—1983


SECTION 6. FLAME PRESSURE WELDING 6.1 GENERAL. Flame pressure welding of reinforcement shall comply with the relevant requirements of other Sections of this standard and the specific requirements of this Section. 6.2 SIZES. The size of the bar to be welded shall be within the equipment capacity as specified by the equipment manufacturer and shall be confirmed in the procedure qualification test (see Clause 6.7). 6.3 BAR PREPARATION. The ends of bars to be welded shall be prepared by either sawing or shearing approximately normal to the axis of the bar so as to facilitate welding. 6.4 ALIGNMENT. The bars to be welded shall be set in the equipment so that the axes are coincident. The axes of the portions of the welded bar shall be in line within 10 percent of the size or 3 mm, whichever is the lesser. 6.5 CLEANLINESS. The bar ends and adjacent material shall be free from rust, paint, grease, or other foreign matter, immediately prior to welding. 6.6 WORKMANSHIP. 6.6.1 Positioning. The two bars to be welded shall be clamped so that the overhang of each is equal and the weld interface is centrally located in the flame. The gap between bars before welding shall not exceed 3 mm. 6.6.2 Clamping Force. The clamping force exerted by the clamping dies on the bars being welded shall be sufficient to prevent movement of the bars in relation to the clamps during the upsetting operation, but not enough to deform the bars. 6.6.3 Upset. The diameter of the upset after welding shall be not less than 1.3 times the size of the smaller bar, and shall be uniformly distributed around the circumference of the bar. 6 .7 Q UA L I F I C A T I O N PROCEDURE.



6.7.1 General. The welding procedure shall be qualified before production welding of the reinforcing bars commences. The Contractor shall establish a welding procedure and shall list the applicable machine settings for each

type, grade and size of reinforcing bar in a document known as a ‘welding procedure sheet’. This procedure shall include the following: (a) Heating tip type. (b) Gas pressures and preferably flows. (c) Heating time. (d) Upset pressure. 6.7.2 Method of Qualification of Welding Procedure. When acceptable machine settings have been obtained, a welding procedure shall be qualified by producing a set of test splices of reinforcing bars in accordance with the material specification to be used in production and subjecting these splices to the tests specified in Section 7. 6.7.3 Requalification of Gas Pressure Welding Procedures. Requalification of the flame pressure welding procedure by testing in accordance with Section 7 shall be required where— (a) there is a change in— (i) material specification, grade or type; (ii) bar size; (iii) joint preparation; or (iv) significant machine component; or (b) there are consistent failures in production control tests. 6.8 PRODUCTION CONTROL TESTS. During production, in order to ensure that the splices continue to comply with the quality requirements of Section 8, bend tests and tensile tests shall be carried out in accordance with the following requirements: (a) At the commencement of each production shift two welds shall be made by each welder: one to be subject to a bend test (see Clause 7.3.3) and one to be subject to a tensile test (see Clause 7.3.2). (b) During the shift, at least one further weld shall be made by each welder and shall be subject to a tensile test. 6.9 DEFECTIVE WELDS. Production welds that fail to comply with the requirements of Clause 9.5 shall be removed and a new weld made.



AS 1554, Part 3—1983

SECTION 7. QUALIFICATION OF WELDING PROCEDURE BY TESTING 7.1 GENERAL. This Section applies where the qualification of welding procedures by the testing of a sample of spliced reinforcing steel is permitted by Clause 4.2(c). 7.2 METHOD OF QUALIFICATION. The welding procedure shall be qualified by producing a set of test splices by the applicable procedure and subjecting these splices to the tests specified in Table 7.1. Provided that the splice complies with the relevant test requirements of Section 8, the welding procedure shall be accepted as qualified. 7.3 TESTS. 7.3.1 Macro Test. The macro test shall be carried out in accordance with AS 2205.5.1. 7.3.2 Tensile Test. The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with AS 2205.2.1.

7.3.3 Bend Test. The bend test shall be carried out in accordance with AS 2205.3.1, using a former having a diameter as specified in AS 1302, appropriate to the size and grade of bar. The exposed section of the bar shall be ground or machined smooth to the diameter of the bar, i.e. overall diameter including deformation. NOTE: The bend test may be perf ormed on a commercial bar bending machine in the same way that normal bends are made.

7.4 RETESTS. Where any one specimen of all those tested during a procedure qualification test fails to comply with the test requirements, retests for that particular type of test specimen may be performed with two specimens of the same type of procedure-qualification test piece. Both retests shall comply with the test requirements. However, if any failure is due to cracking in the heat-affected zone or in the weld, the procedure shall be modified and a new procedure test splice shall be prepared and tested.



Prequali fi ed in accordance wit h Table 4.4 Not prequalif ied

Flash butt Flame pressure

Not appli cable Not appli cable

Tests required Direct butt splices

Macro 1

Tensil e Nil

Bend Nil

Lap spli ces and indirect butt spli ces Macro 1









1 Nil Nil

1 2 2

1 2 2

2 Not appli cable Not appli cable


Prequali fi ed in accordance wit h Tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 Other preparati ons Prequali fi ed in accordance wit h Tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 Other preparati ons All All


AS 1554, Part 3—1983


SECTION 8. TEST REQUIREMENTS 8.1 P RODU CTION CO NTRO L T ES T REQUIREMENTS. Test splices shall comply with the following requirements:

8.2 MACRO TEST REQUIREMENTS. The test specimen shall comply with the requirements of Clause 8.1(a).

(a) Welds shall be sound and of full size throughout except that imperfections such as undersize welds, porosity, piping, undercut, slag inclusions, incomplete penetration, incomplete fusion and similar generally elongated imperfections may be disregarded where they result in less than 5 percent loss of effective cross-sectional area.

8.3 TENSILE TEST REQUIREMENTS. The tensile strength of a butt splice shall be not less than 1.15 times (for 230 grade) and 1.05 times (for 410 grade) the minimum specified yield strength of the reinforcing steel used in the splice.

(b) Weld metal and adjacent parent metal shall contain no cracks.

8.4 BEND TEST REQUIREMENTS.On completion of the test, no crack or other imperfection in the weld or the heat-affected zone shall have a dimension greater than 3 mm measured in any direction at the outer surface of the test specimen.

(c) Weld reinforcement shall not exceed 3 mm in height, except for flame pressure welding.



AS 1554, Part 3—1983

SECTION 9. INSPECTION 9.1 EXAMINATION OF WELDING. All welding shall be subject to the examination of an Inspector appointed by the Principal. 9.2 QUALIFICATIONS OF INSPECTORS. The Inspector shall have had suitable training and experience in the fabrication and inspection of welded structures. He should have at least the qualifications required for a welding supervisor. The holding of an Australian Welding Institute Certificate either as a Welding Inspector or as a Structural Welding Supervisor shall be accepted as evidence of these qualifications. 9.3 PRIVILEGES OF INSPECTORS. An Inspector shall have access at all reasonable times to the work and shall be provided with facilities for the inspection thereof. He shall be notified in advance of any welding operations. He shall have access to a complete set of relevant drawings showing size, length, type and disposition of welds and any weld procedures which are to be used for the work. 9.4 INSPECTION OF WELDERS. Where the quality of the work of a particular welder does not in the opinion of the Inspector, comply with the requirements of this standard, the Inspector may request that welder to undergo test(s) to show that he is capable of welding satisfactorily. 9.5 INSPECTION OF WORK. 9.5.1 Inspection Prior To and During Welding. The Inspector shall inspect the set-up of the work and satisfy himself that—

(a) the shape and the size of joints are in accordance with the approved design; (b) the welding is being carried out with the specified materials and suitable equipment; (c) correct welding conditions at the work are being maintained; and (d) the work is being done in accordance with the requirements of this standard. He shall particularly check that thorough fusion of the weld, proper penetration and clean weld metal are being obtained. NOTE: It is recommended that if the type and nature of a defect consistently appears in the welds performed by any part icular welder, further welding be discontinued unti l additi onal tests are carr ied out by the welder and the welds so produced are considered sati sfactory.

9.6 INSPECTION AFTER WELDING. The Inspector shall ascertain that the size, length and location of all welds comply with the plans and specifications. A careful systematic check shall be made to ensure that no weld called for on the drawings is omitted. The Contractor shall have the surface of the weld cleaned to the satisfaction of the Inspector. Welds shall be examined carefully for contour, dimensions, surface defects, significant undercutting and cracks in the weld or parent metal. Contour and dimensions shall be checked with a gauge where practicable. The Inspector should keep a complete record of the position of all corrections made and the procedure that was used.


AS 1554, Part 3—1983



CHECK LIST OF MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION Some matters of a contractual nature which may need discussion are listed below for reference and it is recommended that the Principal resolve these with the Contractor where practicable, before work is commenced: (a) Approval for welding to proceed (Clause 1.6). (b) Joining reinforcing steel (Clause 1.7). (c) Limitation on welding processes (Clause 1.8). (d) Approval of parent material (Clause 2.1). (e) Qualification of welding procedure (Clauses 4.1, 4.2, 5.8, 6.7 and 7.2). (f) Qualification of welding personnel (Clause 4.7). (g) Cutting fusion face (Clause 4.8.1). (h) Correction of defective welds (Clause 4.8.7). (j) Manual flash butt welding (Clause 5.7.1). (k) Availability of records for perusal by Inspector (Clause 9.3). (l) Type and extent of inspection (Clause 9.5).



AS 1554, Part 3—1983


RECOMMENDED METHOD FOR JOINT AND PROCESS IDENTIFICATION B1 PREQUALIFIED JOINT IDENTIFICATION. Weld preparations in Tables 4.1 to 4.3 are identified by the following letters and numbers: (a) Joint type identification. B—butt splice L—lap splice (b)

Penetration identification. D—direct penetration I—indirect penetration (c) Preparation identification (butt splices). 1—square 2—single-V 3—double-V 4—single-bevel 5—double-bevel The lower-case letters a, b, and c are used as suffixes to the numbers in (c) above, to distinguish between diagrams showing variations of the same prequalified joint. B2 PROCESS IDENTIFICATION. Welding processes are identified as follows: FCAW(N)* —flux-cored arc welding without gas shielding FCAW(C or M)* —flux-cored arc welding with gas shielding GMAW —gas-shielded metal-arc welding—spray and dip transfer MMAW —manual metal-arc welding B3 EXAMPLE. ‘BD-2 MMAW’ is a single-V direct penetration butt splice welded by manual metal-arc welding which can be made either without a backing bar (BD-2a MMAW) or with backing bars (BD-2b MMAW). *N refers to no gas shielding. C refers to shielding with carbon dioxide. M refers to shielding wit h mixed gases.


AS 1554, Part 3—1983



A SUITABLE FORM OF WELDING PROCEDURE SHEET (For use in detailing prequalified welding procedures and for recording qualified welding procedures) Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Welding Procedure No* . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Welding process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (or combination, if used)


Material standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Bar size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Joint design (use sketch if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Filler metal Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Shielding gas Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gas flow rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Shielding flux (type and size) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Power source characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a.c. or d.c. and polarity)


Position of welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (include direction of vertical welding)

10. Number of runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Maximum time lapse between runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (if critical for preheat) 12. Back gouging method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Preheating and interrun temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Postweld heat treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (method, temperature, temperature control methods, time at temperature, heating and cooling rate) 15. Run details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Run No

Electrode size

Welding current

Welding voltage

Travel speed

Welder’s name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. ... .. ... .. ... . .. . ...

Electrical stick-out

Joint detail (include run sequence where necessary)

Approved by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* This procedure may vary owing to fabri cati on sequence, fit -up, material thickness, number of runs, etc within the essential vari ables (see Clause 4.6).



AS 1554, Part 3—1983


LIST OF REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (a) Materials. AS 1163 Structural Steel Hollow Sections AS 1204 Structural Steels—Ordinary Weldable Grades AS 1205 Structural Steels—Weather-resistant Weldable Grades AS 1302 Steel Reinforcing Bars for Concrete AS 1303 Hard-drawn Steel Reinforcing Wire for Concrete AS 1304 Hard-drawn Steel Wire Reinforcing Fabric for Concrete (b) Safety. AS 1336 Recommended Practices for Eye Protection in the Industrial Environment AS 1337 Eye Protectors for Industrial Applications AS 1338 Filters for Eye Protectors AS 1470 Code of General Principles for Safe Working in Industry AS 1674 Fire Precautions in Cutting, Heating and Welding Operations AS CC5 Rules for the Prevention of Electric Shock to Arc Welders AWRA Technical Note 7—Health and Safety in Welding (c) Electrodes. AS 1553 Covered Electrodes for Arc Welding Part 1—Low Carbon Steel Electrodes for Manual Metal-arc Welding of Carbon and Carbon-manganese Steels AS 1588 Filler Rods for Welding AS 2203 Carbon Steel Electrodes, Cored (for Arc Welding) AWRA Technical Note 3—Care of Manual Arc-welding Steel Electrodes (d) Other. AS 1101 Graphical Symbols for General Engineering Part 3—Symbols for Welding AS 1480 SAA Concrete Structures Code AS 1481 SAA Prestressed Concrete Code AS 1554 SAA Structural Steel Welding Code Part 1—Welding of Steel Structures AS 1966 Electric Arc Welding Machines AS 1995 Welding Cables AS 2205 Methods of Destructive Testing of Welds in Metal 2205.2.1 Part 2—Tensile Tests—Transverse Butt Tensile Test 2205.3.1 Part 3—Bend Tests—Transverse Guided Bend Test 2205.5.1 Part 5—Metallographic Tests—Macro Test—Cross-section Examination AS 2214 SAA Structural Steel Welding Supervisors Certification Code AS 3000 SAA Wiring Rules AS C301 Manual Arc-welding Electrode Holders AS Z5 Glossary of Metal Welding Terms and Definitions


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