March 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download ARW1 Ms MANCILLA...







Dedication: In this opportunity I want to dedicate this portfolio to my dear mother, for the reason that she all the time supports to me to finish my studies, and obviously Ms. Mancilla, because she always is sharing different kinds of slides and also showing videos to help us understand better. She tell us everyday the importance of reading, and I really appreciate it.


  Reflection: Reflection:   In this advanced reading and writing course, I hope to be able to write correctly and also to  be able to read without any help. help. I know that I will  better understand understand what a par paragraph agraph has to contai contain. n. How to write different types of documents. I will learn vocabulary as much as possible to write like an expert. During this time of the pandemic, we learned a lot about remote study and thats not mean that we have to copy from another websites.

Writing 1




Final Version:


Ms. Mancilla´s opinion:


Writing 2 Outline:


Final Version:


Ms. Mancillas´s opinion:


Opinion essay (W3)



Final versión: There is currently a contentious argument over genetic testing. In my opinion, I believe that genetic testing can cause you a stressful


moment in your life because you are going to feel f eel very worried about the results, and also when you decided to do genetic testing, you run the risk that people will discriminate against you. The main reason why I believe doing genetic testing causes stress is that the people that are going to do that test feel very worried, and anxious about the result, and when it is positive, they lock themselves in their world and don´t stop crying and also abandoned themselves. Another reason why I support the notion that genetic testing is unwise is that many people are concerned about discrimination based on their genetic test results. In conclusion, I totally agree with some professionals when they say that doing genetic testing is not the best option because gives you somefeel stressful moments and and you also don´t want tothere do anything because you you are dying soon, because is a possibility that you will suffer discrimination, there are many people who do it. Given this situation, you have to continue your life also enjoy your family, and every moment with them, be happy and live the day by day and does not matter the people say.

Vocabulary log Unit 1 Word 1




Someone who is disabled canno use a par o heir body properly.


I you are elderly or physically disabled, massage can be benefcial.

Word 2 Defniton Sen Se nen ence ce

Senence Word 4 Defn De fnit iton on

Savan Someone w wh ho k kn nows a lo a ab bou a subjec. A he he ssa ar r o his his rres esea earc rch h iin no o ssav avan ans s her here ew wer ere eo onl nly y5 50 0k kno nown wn ca case sess in he world. Predicable I so some meh hin ing go orr ssom omeo eone ne is pred predic ica abl ble, e, yo you uk kno now ww wha ha wil willl h hap appe pen no orr wha hey will do. The snow had a predicable eec on rac. Benef An a adv dvan ana age ge,, imp impro rove veme men n,, or he help lp ha ha yo you ug ge e r rom om so some meh hin ing. g.

Senence Word 5 Defniton Senence Word 6 Defniton

I never had he benef o a unive iversiy educaton. Anxious Nervous or eager. He w wa as a bi a an nxious a ab bou h he ssa aey o o h he m ma achine inery. Compensae To make up or a weakness.

Sen Se nen encce Word 7 Defniton Senence Word 8 Defniton Sen Se nen encce Word 9 Defn De fnit iton on

Be Beca caus use em my y lle e ey eye e iiss sso ow wea eak, k, my ri righ gh e ey ye h has as o w wor ork k har harde derr o o compensae. Emerging Sartng o appear. The w wo orld iiss o on nly ssllowly e em merging rrom recession. Transorm To change. Inc ncrrea ease sed d po popu pula lato ton n ha hass rans ransor orme med d he la land ndsc scap ape. e. Ineracton Th The e act actvi viy y o a alk lkin ing g o oo oh her er pe peop ople le,, w wor orki king ng o oge geh her er wi wih h hem hem..


She observed he verbal ineractons beween siser and learner.

Word 10 Defn De fnit iton on

Expertse Sp Spec ecia iall ski skill llss o orr k kno nowl wled edge ge in a p par artc tcul ular ar su subj bjec ec, , h ha a yo you u llea earn rn by experience or raining. Wha ha he he’’s br briing ngin ing g o he com ompa pany ny is fna nanc ncia iall ex expe pert rtse se..

Word 3 Defn De fnit iton on

Sen Se nen encce

Unit 2 Word 1 Defniton

Deeaed Sad and unable o deal wih problems.

Senence Word 2 Defn De fnit iton on

He looked los and deeaed. Sel-relian Ab Able le o do or de deci cide de hin hings gs by yo your urse sel l,, w wi iho hou u de depe pend ndin ing go on n he he he help lp or advice o oher people.


Senen Sen ence ce Word 3 Defn De fnit iton on Senen Sen encce Word 4 Defniton Sen Se nen encce Word 5 Defn De fnit iton on Sen Se nen ence ce Word 6 Defn De fnit iton on

Ou Ourr a aim im is o eac each ho our ur so son n o ob bec ecom ome ea an n iind ndep epen ende den n se sel l-r -rel elia ian n ad adul ul. . Pride A e eel elin ing g ha ha yo you u are are prou proud d o som ome ehi hing ng ha ha yo you u or so some meon one e conneced wih you has achieved. He ak akes es gr gre ea pride ride in his his chil hildr dren en’s ’s ac achi hiev evem emen ens s.. Laborious Taking a lo o tme and eor. Col olle lect ctn ng he he ra raw wm ma ae eri rial alss p pro rove ved d a long long an and d lab labor orio ious us a ask sk.. Inquisitve As Aski king ng oo oo m man any yq que uest ston onss a and nd r ryi ying ng o fn fnd do ou u oo oo m man any y de deai ails ls ab abou ou somehing or someone. I’d I’d ha have ve as aske ked d mo more re qu ques esto tons ns,, bu bu I didn didn’ ’ wa wan n o se seem em inqu inquis isit itve ve..

Senence Word 7 Defn De fnit iton on

Sruggle To ry ry e ex xre reme mely ly ha hard rd o ac achi hiev eve e ssom ome ehi hing ng,, e eve ven n ho houg ugh h ii is is v ver ery y dicul. Mil illlion ions o people ar are ssruggling o or ssu urvival. Give up To sop sop do doin ing g ssom ome ehi hing ng,, e esp spec ecia iall lly y ssom ome ehi hing ng h ha a yo you ud do o rreg egul ular arly ly

Senence Word 8 Defn De fnit iton on

She gave up her job and sared writng poery. Paradise Ap pla lace ce or siu siuat aton on ha ha is ex exr rem emel ely yp ple leas asan an, , be beau aut tul ul,, o orr e enj njoy oyab able le..

Senen Sen encce Word 9 Defniton Senence Word 10 Defn De fnit iton on

The ho hoel el el like like pa para radi disse aer wo we wee eks o ca cam mping ping.. Exaled In a sae o o e ex xreme h ha appiness. The ly lyrics o o S Sh hake kesspeare e ex xaled h he a au udience. Misery Gr Grea ea ssu uer erin ing g ha ha iiss ccau ause sed d or or ex exam ampl ple eb by yb bei eing ng ve very ry po poor or or ve very ry sick.


The miseries o war.

Unit 3 Word 1 Defn De fnit iton on

Reliable So Some meon one eo orr ssom ome ehi hing ng ha ha is re reli liab able le ca can n be be ru rus sed ed or de depe pend nded ed on on..

Senence Word 2 Def efni nito ton n Senence Word 3

Miller was a quie and reliable man. Advocae To p pu ublic blicly ly su supp ppor or a pa part rtcu cula larr w way ay o do doin ing g ssom ome ehi hing ng.. We were he only ones advocatng or he vict ictm. Poental


Defnit Defn iton on Senence Word 4 Defn De fnit iton on Sen Se nen ence ce Word 5 Def efni nito ton n Sen Se nen encce

Li Like kely ly o de deve velo lop p iin no oap par artc tcul ular ar y ype pe o pe pers rson on or h hin ing g iin n he he u uu ure re.. New wa ways o o aractng poental ccu usomers. Impac Th The e ee eec c or inu inuen ence ce ha ha an ev even en, , siu siuat aton on ha hass on on ssom omeo eone ne or somehing. High Higher er mo mor rga gage ge ra rae ess ha have ve alre alread ady y ha had d a ma majo jorr im impa pac c on spe pend ndin ing. g.

Word 6 Defn De fnit iton on

Skeptcal No ea eassily ily ccon onv vinc inced ed;; h hav avin ing g do doub ubs or re resser erv vaton atons. s. The hr hree ee ai aihs all all a aug ugh h pr pro oo ou und ndly ly ske kept ptca call v vie iews ws o h hum uma an exisence. Conventonal Ba Base sed d on or in ac acco cord rdan ance ce wi wih h wh wha a is ge gene nera rall lly yd don one eo orr b bel elie ieve ved. d.

Senen Sen encce Word 7 Def efni nito ton n Senence Word 8 Defn De fnit iton on

The dise disea ase is o oa ally lly u un nres respo pons nsiv ive e o o ccon onv ven ento tona nall re rea ame men n.. Linked To m mak ake e a co conn nnec ecto ton nb be ew wee een n w wo o orr m mor ore e hi hin ngs or pe peop ople le.. Police h hink h he m mu urders are lliinked. Environmen Th The e peo peopl ple ea and nd hing hingss ha ha a are re arou around nd yo you u iin ny you ourr li lie, e, o orr e exa xamp mple le he he

Sen Se nen ence ce

buildings you use, he people you live or work wih, and he general siuaton you are in. Th The e com compa pany ny ha had d ail ailed ed o prov provid ide e a sae sae en envi viro ronm nmen en or or is is wo work rker ers. s.

Word 9 Defn De fnit iton on Senen Sen encce Word 10 Defn De fnit iton on Sen Se nen encce

Revolutonize To co comp mple lee ely ly ch chan ange ge he he w way ay pe peop ople le do so some meh hin ing go orr hi hink nk ab abou ou somehing. New ec echn hnol olog ogy y iiss goin going g o rev evol olut uton oniz ize ee eve very ryhing hing we do do.. Risk Facors So Some meh hin ing g ha ha incr increa ease sess h he e ch chan ance ce o de deve velo lopi ping ng a dis disea ease se.. Risk isk a ac cor orss or or he hea ar dis disea ease se do n no o jus us a ad dd u up p, he hey ym mul ult tply. ply.

Create: Pages 19 – 20, 51


Many people who suffer from ASD have flexible problems.

According to Gladwell, Transform talent into expertise requires at least 10,000 hours.

A lack of structure makes Daniel Tammet anxious.

For many people with ASD, social interaction is difficult.

Scans of the brains of autistic savants suggest that there might compensate the right hemisphere for damage from the left.

Retaining large amounts of information is usually not a problem for autistic savants.

Daniel Tammet memorized pi to 22.514 decimal places to show people that, although he has a disability, it doesn´t stop him from being successful.


Dear Marla Runyan:   Good afternoon Marla, I want to tell you that my little son suffers from the same condition as you. For some parents, it is difficult to go through this moment because we think that because of their disability, their life will be different. I was able to read your story and you are an excellent example of self-reliance and struggle. You never gave up and finished your college, your university, and also you became the fastest American woman, which is admirable. That means that not exist disability to achieve your dreams.




Project: Stevie Wonder: a child prodigy Stevie Wonder, whose original name is Steveland Judkins, was born on May 13, 1950 in Saginaw, Michigan, United States. He is a singer-songwriter and social activist and is one of the most successful and recognized artists, he has sold more than 100 million of records. He was a premature baby, which caused his retinas to not fully develop, leaving him completely blind. Stevie's childhood was very difficult. Her mother left home, leaving her alcoholic husband, 30 years her senior, who beat her and forced her into prostitution. His mother bought him a radio and he listened to rhythm & blues for hours, which he then managed to reproduce using kitchen utensils: pots, pans, and cutlery. However, this disability did not prevent him from dedicating himself to the world of music, where he discovered his true passion. He began to play the piano at the age of four, at nine he also mastered the harmonica and the drums; he released his first album at twelve, and in 1963 he achieved success with his second album, called Fingertips. In addition, he has been a producer for many artists. In conclusion, despite his blindness, he was able to learn different kinds of instruments and be recognized around the world, which means that having a disability is not an impediment to being sucessfull.

My english lab.







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