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Sunday, August 21, 2011 The Symptoms and Causes of Mesothelioma - Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the thin tissue that lines most of the internal organs (mesothelium). The doctor divides mesothelioma into several types based on which part of this cancer occurs. • • • •

Pleural malignant mesothelioma, which occurs in the tissue lining around the lungs and is the most common type. Peritoneal mesothelioma, occurring in tissues that line the stomach. Pericardial mesothelioma, occurring in the tissue lining around the heart. Mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis, occurs in the lining around the testicles

The symptoms of Mesothelioma Signs and the symptoms of mesothelioma varies based on where the cancer occurs. Pleural mesothelioma, signs and symptoms include: • Shortness of breath • Pain when breathing • Pain when coughing • Pain in the lower rib • an unusual lump in the chest under the skin layer • Lost weight suddenly • Dry cough Peritoneal mesothelioma, signs and symptoms include: • Pain in abdomen • Swelling in the abdomen • Changes in bowel movements, such as more frequent diarrhea or constipation • Lump in the tissues in the abdominal area • Lost weight suddenly Other forms of mesothelioma

Signs and the symptoms pericardial mesothelioma and tunica vaginalis are unclear. On health , there is no complete information about this. Pericardial mesothelioma have signs and symptoms that may include difficulty breathing or chest pain. While mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis can be detected first by the enlargement of the testicles. The Causes of Mesothelioma In general, cancer occurs when cell DNA mutation. This mutation makes the cells continued to grow and flourish while others have normal cell cycles of life and death. Accumulation of cancer cells can form a malignant tumor. It is unclear what causes the initial genetic mutations that lead to mesothelioma although scientists identify factors that may increase the risk. Cancer may result from a combination of several factors, such as heredity, environment, health condition and lifestyle. Benign pleural mesothelioma Benign tumors that form in the chest sometimes called benign mesothelioma. But the term is misleading. Benign mesothelioma is not started on the same cell where the cancer is formed. And in some cases kacil, benign mesothelioma can be very aggressive. For this reason, some doctors now prefer to call this tumor as a solitary fibrous tumor. Solitary fibrous tumors usually do not cause signs and the symptoms. It is unclear what caused the solitary fibrous tumor, but tumors are associated with asbestos contamination pollutants. Treatment for solitary fibrous tumors usually includes surgery procedures.

Saturday, August 20, 2011 Gold Create a New High Record in The History - World gold prices rocketed back and create a new high record in the history of this precious metal trading close to 1830 US$ by trading on Thursday (08/18/2011) local time. Gold prices rise more than doubled since the start of a recession beginning in 2007. The price of this yellow rose 19 percent since last June when the European Leaders fight to keep the debt crisis did not spread to the main economic areas as well as U.S. politicians barely make contact with the country's default. That forced the rating agency Standard & Poor's cut U.S. credit rating to AAA . The price of gold for December delivery, the most actively traded, was closed in 1822 US$ per ounce, up 28.20 US$ or 1.6 percent. In early trading, the yellow had a chance to touch 1829.70 US$, which is the highest level in history. While in Indonesia, which is the Noble Metals business unit of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, to fix the price of gold at Rp 552 000 per gram for the purchase of 1 gram. As for the purchase of one kilogram which is the benchmark market price of gold, precious metals fix the price of Rp 510,000 per gram.

Saturday, August 20, 2011 Cost of Living in the United States Increasingly Expensive - Cost of living in the United States rose a higher than forecast in July. Conditions that would make the leaders of the Federal Reserve (The Fed) Ben S. Bernanke, increasingly difficult to convince his colleagues to act quickly to boost economic growth. Data released by the U.S. Commerce Department showed that U.S. consumer price index rose 0.5 percent from June. That figure is two-fold higher than the median of economists surveyed by Bloomberg by 0.2 percent. Meanwhile, the Philadelphia region's economic index data released by The Fed also dropped to minus 30.7 in August, the lowest since March 2009. "Lots of negative data. Increasing evidence that the economy is heading towards a recession will push Bernanke to take immediate action before the end of the year," said John Herrmann, Senior Fixed Income Strategist, State Street Global Markets LLC in Boston. However, continued Herrmann, rising cost of living data will limit the choice was. "Inflation data does not give The Fed ammunition to re-spawn unconventional monetary policy easing," he said. In addition, a number of negative data center clung indeed the U.S. economy. Call it the stock market plunged and gold prices hit a record high.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011 Asus launches world's thinnest notebook - Asus finally launching a netbook product called the thinnest and lightest in the world. With a thickness of 17.6 millimeters and weighs 920 grams totaled, X101 series product is challenging thin laptops that are already on the market without sacrificing functionality. This product has actually been exhibited in celebration of International Computer, Computex 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, a few months ago. The design is lightweight and slim netbook is meant to fit easily into a briefcase and can be carried easily anywhere. This netbook allegedly deliberately made for cloud computing to boost the ability to surf the internet. The proof lies in the use of Solid State Drives at 8 Gigabit without any harddisks. The operating system used is MeeGo which basically has the functionality to work through the cloud computing as well as access to exclusive services such as Asus Vibe Asus, Asus AppStore, until online file storage facility that is Dropbox. Specifications X101 is also not lost though initially targeted for netbook users and people who want to have a secondary computer. Processor which is embedded in this netbook is the Intel Atom, 1 Gb RAM, 2 USB 2.0 plugs, a micro SD slot, and a webcam. Innovations such as the Asus Super Hybrid Engine proud ensure the continued efficient performance of netbook so that it can save battery usage.

Sunday, August 21, 2011 Sampoerna Launches International Standard School - Putera Sampoerna Foundation in collaboration with ExxonMobil launched a boarding school level of upper secondary school (high school) and the first international standard in Indonesia. The school is dedicated to students and student achievement from pre-prosperous families across Indonesia. Nenny Soemawinata, Managing Director Putera Sampoerna Foundation said there were as many as 200 students and students who have passed through stringent selection process and managed to set aside more than 1,000 registrants from all over Indonesia to get a full scholarship with a total value amounting to 3.15 million U.S. dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation. The male and female students selected are those that have been set aside more than 1,000 applicants from various regions in Indonesia. The selection process is divided into five stages of strict selection, the selection of documents, academic tests, psychological tests, interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), as well as home visits to prospective students (home visit). Sampoerna Academy Bogor Campus consists of students from throughout the region in Indonesia, including Sumatra, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara (NTT), to West Papua. In addition, a number of students or students there are also derived from the operation of ExxonMobil, among Blora, Cepu and Bojonegoro, East Java. Furthermore Nenny explained, Sampoerna Academy is an international education curriculum adapted from Cambridge University with a national curriculum or the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC). Meanwhile, Regent Bogor, Rahmat Yasin said it strongly supports the opening of school Sampoerna Academy Campus in Bogor Bogor regency, West Java. He hopes one day this school can print more students and student achievement and an example for other schools so that the quality of education in Indonesia continues to increase. For information, Putera Sampoerna Foundation in 2009 has opened Sampoerna Academy in Malang, and Palembang, in which male and female students in Malang majority

coming from the East Java region, while the students are girls at Palembang comes from Sumatra and Kalimantan. The total students of all Academy Sampoerna has currently reached 993 students with 525 students and new students 2011/2012 force. This year, Putera Sampoerna Foundation Sampoerna Academy plans to inaugurate in Bali.

Sunday, August 21, 2011 School to Japan Without Learn Japanese Language - Asia Pacific University (APU) provides scholarships for foreign students to undergo studies in of Sakura. This scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 4 years (until graduation) and no ties whatsoever. Scholarship selection process incoming and APU based on the quality of documents submitted, without the written tests or interviews. In addition, the APU uses English as an introduction to learning. So, you do not need to learn Japanese first. Interested? Scholarships are awarded APU includes only 124 credits over four years for freshmen (first year student), 94 credits for 3 years for second-year transfer student (second year transfer student), and 62 credits for 2 years for a third year transfer student ( third year transfer student). This scholarship program does not apply if the student takes additional credits, or decide to study more than 4 years. Well, there are several scholarship options, namely Pre-Enrollment scholarship that covers 100 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship programs 80 percent, 65 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship program by 50 percent, 30 percent scholarship, and Honor Scholarship. 100 percent for the scholarship program, all tuition fees paid by the university, without the cost of tickets and living expenses. Similarly, 80 percent of the program, pays 80 percent of university tuition fees and so on. Meanwhile, Honor Scholarship is a scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology valued at 600,000 yen per year. Students only pay 130,000 yen entrance fee, airfare, and tuition 1200000-1375000 yen per year and the cost of living, and can be combined with other APU scholarships. There are also Scholarships Post-enrollment, ie internal scholarships to students who have been in Japan, achievement and meet the requirements. In addition, there are

external scholarships are awarded to international students, and 19 kinds of scholarships are awarded for those who have student visas. For enrollment to April 2012, application deadline 30 September 2011 and the regular application deadline November 30, 2011. For enrollment September 2012, application deadline January 31, 2012, the regular application deadline March 31, 2012.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 Got Kids Can Make Healthy -Baby is a beautiful gift given by God. Almost every married couple must have longed for the presence of the baby. However, in some situations, there are some couples who deliberately delaying to have a baby. But, you know that the baby's presence will make your life healthier. Here are some health benefits that you can get with the presence of a baby in the middle of your life: 1. Lowering your blood pressure A new study from Brigham Young University found that becoming a parent can help you lower your blood pressure. Researchers studied 200 couples who had been married to monitor blood pressure for 24 hours. The result, found that couples who have children, her blood pressure will be significantly lower than those without offspring. 2. Mental Health According to a growing confidence in today's society, children often make parents become stressed due to their mischievous behavior. However, the results of research in the Mental Health Foundation, Taiwan, showed the presence of the child's parents will only make it look more mentally healthy. A new organization has interviewed 1084 randomly selected families, and found that the mental health of families with no children 6.4 points lower than those with children. "The results show that people who have children are happier and have greater emotional satisfaction than those who do not have children," said Tom Yang, a researcher of the study. 3. Updating knowledge Anyone with children can prove that the words are often spoken of a child is "why." Children are basically always have a great curiosity, such as, "Why do cats' eyes shine at night?" "Why smell so fresh after the rain, "and so forth.

As a parent, you should certainly be able to answer any questions posed little one with a reasonable answer. Indirectly, you have been directed to polish their knowledge with relearn something. 4. Child as an excuse Many single men who often complain that their friends who are married and have children is very difficult to be invited to hang out. This happens because most parents use their children as an excuse to shy away from social activities that are not desirable. 5. Improving self-esteem Anyone who has a child will feel proud and satisfied when his son gave a positive speech, for example, "You are the best dad in the whole world". Remarks such as this will certainly have a profound effect on your self-esteem as a parent. This allows you to complete all forms of work, which according to your estimates were previously impossible, possible. 6. Happier The parents have long assumed that an offspring will make them much happier. Recently, there is a study that supports the claim. A study by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic found a direct correlation between the presence of children and the happiness of parents over the age of 40 years. Researchers surveyed 200,000 people in 86 countries between 1981 and 2005 and found that at age 40, parents with 1-3 children feel a lot happier than couples with no children. Even when the age of 50 years, parents who have children will be happier than couples without children. This finding is not surprising. The reason, most parents will be easier to care for children when they grow up.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011 Fry Healthy Tricks - Fry is the best way of cooking is not recommended by most nutrition experts because it adds to the fat content in foods. Then, what we then have to stop eating fried crisp, crunchy, and tasty it? It seems impossible for most of us, especially the tongue pristine Indonesia. Let me not feel too bad, let us follow the various tricks. So we can bite the kemripik fried, without piling up bad fats and excess calories in the body. Fried food product is not completely "bad" for our bodies because it still contains nutrients. In fact, the nutrients in foods that are fried suffered minimal damage to more than the food is boiled, baked, steamed, and other processing methods. Protein content in fried foods are also relatively intact for almost the same as the raw materials. However, the oil or fat content of fried foods is higher than the raw materials. That is why we are often advised not to eat fried foods did not increase blood cholesterol levels. We also need to choose cooking oil savory flavor, stable or not easily rancid, and nutritional value, such as unsaturated fatty acids are high. However, be reminded that the unsaturated fats will be broken at high temperatures and can turn into trans fats, which can cause blood cholesterol levels rise. Almost all types of oil containing saturated and unsaturated fats, just different levels. According to data from the POS Pilot Plant Corporation, Canada, coconut oil contains saturated fatty acids of about 91 percent, while the unsaturated fatty acids of 9 percent; palm oil 51 cent saturated fat; 49 percent saturated fat; peanut oil (19:81), soybean oil (15:85), olive oil (15:85); corn oil (13 `.87), sunflower oil (12:88), canola oil (7:93). Smoke Point Height Oils with high smoke-point (at high temperatures is not easy smoky), indicating a good quality oil. Smoke point is the temperature when the oil is heated before exiting the smoke, and discolored; which is an indication of changes in the composition in the oil.

When it will issue oil smoky odor and make food taste so bad makanah. The temperature when frying to be precise. If the oil has not been hot, the food is immersed, will cause the food to absorb too much oil. If it is too hot, fast food will burn while the interior is not yet ripe. After frying, the food better-drained (can be with a special paper) to reduce the levels of oil. There are several ways to fry, namely shallow frying or frying with a little oil is suitable for meat or food is sliced thin. That uses a semi-deep frying oils with a high half of the fried ingredients; suitable-for thicker pieces, such as cakes. Fry with lots of oil (deep frying) suitable for fish, chicken, croquettes, etc., while sauteing (stir frying) uses very little oil. Tips on cooking oil so durable: - Frying washed and dried properly. - Use a stainless steel pan, avoid copper materials. - Drain, drain, remove the clot of ice on food to be fried. - Heat the oil slowly and enter the food setefah hot oil. - Note the temperature of the frying pan, so food does not absorb much tothe oil. - Clean the sediment or crust (food scraps) in a frying pan. - Add the oil so that the ratio of oil: the material adatah 6: 1. - After frying oil is cooled and then filtered. - Keep container closed datam oil, in the dark and cool. - If you want to use, add fresh oil - If the form of foam berartu damaged oil, contain toxic substances and should be discarded. New Oil Change In order for fried foods that we make at home to stay healthy, do not hesitate to change the oil. When cooking oil should be replaced with a new one? - If you have changed color to brown, even black. - Smelly, very strong, much less rancid. - Excessive smoke at normal temperatures. - Appears Excessive foaming around the food being fried

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