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Ar t i k elBa ha saI nggr i sTe nt a ngPe ndi di k anda n Ter j ema mahannya

Nat i onalGr amm mmarDayi sHer e! What will you be doing on Friday? How will you have spent your day? Do you have trouble understanding these questions? Then you should mark your calendar! Language teachers learners and other proessionals across the "nited #tates are celebrating $ational %rammar Day on &arch '( The holiday celebrates the rules and best practices or the )nglish language( &artha *rockenbrough created $ational %rammar Day in +,,-( *rockenbrough is the ounder o  the #ociety or the .romotion o %ood %rammar or #./%%( #./%% operates a website where *rockenbrough writes about dierent language issues( *rockenbrough also wrote a book o advice about grammar and language called 0Things That &ake "s 1#ic(23 &ignon Fogarty is organi4ing $ational %rammar Day celebrations this year( #he wrote the book 0%rammar %irl5s 6uick and Dirty Tips or *etter Writing(3 Fogarty appeared on the $*7 television program 0Today3 on Wednesday( #he discussed new additions to the )nglish language( 0.eople think that dictionaries choose 1new2 words because they5re proper3 she said( 0*ut mostly they choose words because pe ople use them(3 The 8merican Dialect #ociety chooses a word every year that is new or used in a new way( The choice or +,9: Word o the th e ;ear ;ear was 0they3 used as a genderesearchers >esearchers or the dicti dictionary onary also look or eviden evidence ce the words will be used well into the uture( %rammarly is a sotware application or app th at can study writing and ind grammar mistakes( n preparation or $ational %rammar Day %rammarly studied the writing on the Twitter accounts o  the :, people with the most ollowers in the world(

%rammarly counted the average number o mistakes in the writing on all :, twitter accounts( The app then listed the top 9, accounts with the ewest mistakes( 7omedian 7onan /5*rien had the best grammar( He averaged ,(+9 mistakes or every 9,, words he wrote( *usinessman *ill %ates had the second best grammar with an average o ,(++ mistakes(.resident *arack /bama came third with an average o ,(+@ mistakes( The $at $ation ional al %ra %ramma mmarr Day web websit site e has man many y res resour ources ces or lan languag guage e lea learne rners( rs( ;ou can celebrate $ational %rammar Day by reading their weekly series 0)veryday %rammar(3 Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull For many years the school system in Finland has been very successul( n the .#8 survey which compares reading reading math and science knowledge o 9: year olds around the world Finland is not only the top )uropean country but also competes with 8sian giants like #hanghai #ingapore and #outh Aorea( *ut what makes the educational educational system in this small country so strikingly dierent dierent rom others in the western world( First o all the Finish government makes it possible or all children to attend preschool which comes ater kindergarten( 7ompulsory education begins at B( Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible( They They have little homework to do when they get get home( When teachers teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot o time in schools working working on the curriculum and new proCects( proCects( They teach in teams i it is needed to help them reach their goals( That is why dropout rates are low compared compared to other countries( n contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired proession( Finland selects its teacher teachers s very careully careully(( /nly talented talented students students can continue continue their their educatio education n to a universi university ty and receive a master5s degree in education( Finland only takes the best to educate its youth( #chools in Finland are small at least or international standards( However more than in any other  country teachers are ready to prepare children or lie( n some cases they know every pupil in their  school and can adCust to them( Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils( &ost o the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators( Mengapa Sekolah – Sekolah di Findlandia Sangat Sukses Selama Selama bertahu bertahun-ta n-tahun hun sistem sistem sekolah sekolah di Finlandi Finlandia a sangatla sangatlah h sukses. sukses. Dalam Dalam survei survei PISA, yang  yang  mencoba membandingkan kemapuan membaca, matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan dari anak usia 1 tahun di seluruh dunia, Finlandia bukan hanya negara terbaik di !ropa, tetapi "uga bersaing  dengan dengan raksasa raksasa Asia seperti seperti Shangha Shanghai, i, Singapu Singapura ra dan #orea #orea Selatan. Selatan. $api api apa yang membuat  membuat  sistem pendidikan di negara kecil ini "adi sangat berbeda dari orang lain di dunia barat. Pertama Pertama-tam -tama, a, pemerin pemerintah tah Finlandi Finlandia a mem%asil mem%asilitasi itasi semua semua anak untuk untuk menghad menghadiri iri pendidi pendidikan kan  prasekolah,  prasekolah, yang datang setelah PA&D. PA&D. 'a"ib bela"ar dimulai pada usia ( tahun. )uru beker"a mem%asilitasi sis'a mereka di sekolah sesering mungkin. *ereka memiliki sedikit peker"aan rumah yang harus dilakukan ketika mereka pulang. #etika guru tidak dengan murid mereka menghabiskan banyak 'aktu di sekolah untuk mengka"i kurikulum dan proyek-proyek proyek-proyek baru. *ereka menga"ar dalam tim "ika itu diperlukan untuk membantu mereka mencapai tu"uan mereka. Itulah sebabnya angka  putus sekolah sekolah di sana rendah rendah dibandingka dibandingkan n dengan dengan negara-negara negara-negara lain. +erbeda dengan negara-negara lain menga"ar di Finlandia adalah pro%esi yang sangat dikagumi. Finland Finlandia ia memilih memilih guru guru dengan dengan sangat sangat hati-ha hati-hati. ti. anya anya sis'a berbaka berbakatt yang dapat melan"ut melan"utkan kan  pendidikan  pendidikan mereka ke universitas dan menerima menerima gelar master dalam pendidikan. egara Finlandia hanya mengambil yang terbaik untuk mendidik generasi mudanya. Sekolah di Finlandia kecil, setidaknya untuk standar internasional. amun lebih baik dari guru negara lain, mereka mempersiapkan anak-anak untuk men"alani kehidupan. Dalam beberapa kasus mereka tahu setiap murid di sekolah mereka dan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan mereka. )uru mencoba

segalany segalanya a untuk untuk sukses sukses dengan dengan murid murid mereka. mereka. Sebagian Sebagian besar besar sis'a mendapa mendapatkan tkan bantuan bantuan tambahan di tahun sekolah dasar mereka, baik oleh guru sendiri atau melalui pendidik yang terlatih khusus. Shanghai is Number One in World Education Rankings  8 global educational educational study called .#8 .rogram .rogram or nternational nternational 8ssessment E tests over  :,,,,, :,,,,, pupils in over B, countrie countries s every every three three years( years( The +,9, results showed showed that pupils in #hanghai are the world5s best in reading mathematics and science( .#8 studies 9: year old and their abilities in the the three ields( ields( The study did did not rank rank 7hina as a whole whole but #hanghai #hanghai Hong Hong Aong and &acao as separate countries( #outh Aorea Aorea #ingapore #ingapore Taiw Taiwan an and apan were were other other 8sian 8sian nations nations that ranked well( n many many western countries the reading reading score was down( down( n )urope )urope Finland Finland still stays in the number one spot althoug although h it is ranking ranking third third overall overall(( 8meric 8mericans ans are are at best best average average ranking ranking 9Bth in reading +Grd in science and G9st in mathematics( Why have 8sian countries overtaken overtaken )urope )urope and 8merica in the tests? First they put put more ocus on educa education tion(( 7hildre 7hildren n paren parents ts and and teache teachers rs know know that that a good good educat education ion is the the key to being being successu successul( l( They They are are not not tolerant tolerant when pupils pupils ail( 8sians 8sians belie believe ve that that i you you do do hard hard and and succeed in school you will be successul successu l in your Cob as well( #tarting at a very early age 7hina teaches its children that you can only succeed i you are better than the others( They are tested as soon as they come to school( /nly the best can go to college and then get a good good Cob( )=aminations )=aminations are are held very oten and lists o o students students rankings are posted on the walls o a school( #hanghai students study much harder than western pupils do and they spend less time on e=tracurricular e=tracurricular activities or sport( Teachers eachers are also respected  paid well and highly motivated ( $ah demikianlah sobat )nglishiana pembahasan kita berkaitan dengan artikel bahasa inggris tentang pend pendid idik ikan an(( &ung &ungkin kin kita kita haru harus s bany banyak ak bela belaCa Carr dari dari ke dua dua nega negara ra ters terseb ebut ut untu untuk k dapa dapatt mengembangkan pendidikan dengan lebih baik lagi( "ntuk melihat lebih banyak lagi tentang artikel dalam bahasa nggris cek di sini( #alam semangat salam )nglishiana(

*eberapa *ebera pa isi dar darii art artike ikell ini ini sem semut+ ut+,, ,,B B men mengun gungka gkap p rah rahasi asia a mud mudah ah dan cep cepat at belaCar bahasa inggris dan Cuga semut+,,B mengutipnya dari beberapa situs( #eirin #ei ring g de denga ngan n per perke kemba mbanga ngan n dan tun tuntut tutan an pek pekerCa erCaan an dan du dunia nia pen pendid didika ikan n bahasa inggris sudah sudah menCadi syarat yang yang ahrus dipenuhi untuk untuk bisa bersaing dan mendapatkan pekerCaan tertentu( Tapi untuk sebagian orang bahasa inggris memanglah hal yang sulit( Tapi tentu masih ada Calan untuk bisa memahaminya(  8da banyak cara yang bisa menCadi Cembatan agar kita bisa berkomunikasi dalam bahasa nggris orang
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