Artículo 2 Biostructural theory of the living systems

April 23, 2018 | Author: jefferson84 | Category: Carcinogenesis, Phenomenology (Philosophy), Organisms, Matter, Earth & Life Sciences
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BioSystems 109 (2012) 126–132

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BioSystems  j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / b i o s y s t e m s

Biostructural theory of  of the the living systems Manuela Murariu a , Gabi Drochioiu b ∗ ,

a b

Petru Petru Poni Poni Instit Institute ute of Macrom Macromole olecul cular ar Chemi Chemistr stry, y, 41AGrigore 41AGrigore Ghica Ghica Voda Voda Alee, Alee, Iasi, Iasi, 700487 700487,, Romani Romania a Bioche Biochemis mistry try Group, Group, Facult Faculty y of Chemi Chemistr stry, y, Al.I. Cuza Cuza Univer Universit sity y of Iasi, Iasi, 11 Carol Carol I, Iasi, Iasi, 700506 700506,, Romani Romania a

a r t i c l e

i n f o

 Article history:

Recei Received21 ved21 July July 2011 2011 Recei Receivedin vedin revise revised d form form 24 Januar January y 2012 2012 Accepted Accepted 21 Februar February y 2012 Keywords:

Biosystems Structural levels The biostruct biostructura urall theory theory A structural-phenomenolog structural-phenomenological ical conception

a b s t r a c t

Eugen Macovschi is among the few scientists who tried, and partly succeeded, to explain the differences between “dead” and “living” in biological sciences. He discovered and characterized the so-called biostructure of the of the living bodies and worked out a biostructura biostructurall theory, which is the first supramolecular conception in biology. Nevertheless, complex biological systems are currently considered only from the molecular point of view, of view, although they may be regarded as specific phenomena on highly structured bodies within the four-dimensional Universe. According to Macovschi, the biostructure provides organisms with life properties and controls their life processes and chemical changes. Nevertheless, plant cells or bacterial ones differ much from the animal or human cells. In fact, there are various biostructures which are related with cell properties. Hence, this theory creates confusions and cannot be easily used to explain all all the the properties of the of  the biosystems. Consequently, it is our our goal to highlight the principles, advantages, limitations, and applications of the of the biostructural theory, which might support new ideas and theories in modern modern life sciences. © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

1. Intr Introd oduc ucti tion on

Sinc Since e 1958, 1958, Euge Eugen n Maco Macovs vsch chii (1906– (1906–198 1985) 5),, a Roma Romani nian an biol bioloogist gist and and chem chemis ist, t, has has asse assert rted ed that that the the livi living ng orga organi nism smss poss posses esss anoth nother er form form of diff differ eren entl tly y str structu ucture red d matt matter er givi giving ng them them livliving ing fea featur tures (Ma Maco covs vsch chi, i, 19 1969, 69, 197 1976 6). He name named d it bios biostr truc uctu ture re,, and this kind of biological structure is present withi thin the living ing cell cell toge togethe therr with with the well well-k -kno nown wn mole molecu cula larr subst substan ance cess and and solu soluti tion ons. s. Star Starti ting ng from from the the rela relati tion onsh ship ip betwe between en struc structur ture e and and prop proper erti ties es in chem chemis istr try, y, he conc concei eive ved d livi living ng feat featur ures es as rela relate ted d to a bio biologi logica call stru struct ctur ure e in livi living ng cel cells and and orga organi nism sms. s. On usi using  just a laboratory press he was able to demonstrate the presence ence of so-cal so-called led biostr biostructu ucture re or biostr biostructu uctured red matter matter in the living living cell cells, s, whic which h is a supr supram amol olec ecul ular ar bios biosys yste tem m resp respon onsi sibl ble e for for the livliving ing feat featur ures es.. Unfo Unfort rtun unat atel ely, y, most most biol biolog ogis ists ts have have no idea idea abou aboutt the the bios biostru tructu cture re or the bios biostr truc uctu tura rall theor theory y beca becaus use e Maco Macovs vsch chi’ i’ss experi experimen ments ts andconcepts andconcepts were were mostlypublis mostlypublishedin hedin Romani Romanian an and Russ Russia ian. n. Besi Beside des, s, the the few few arti articl cles es publ publis ishe hed d in Fren French ch or Engl Englis ish h appea ppeare red d in jou journal rnalss of nati natio onal nal or loca locall inte intere rest st,, such such as Revue known n that that the the livi living ng orga organi nism smss conconRoumai Roumaine ne de Bioch Biochimi imiee. It is know sist sist of chemic chemical al combin combinati ations ons and these these latter latter of molecu molecules les.. Hence, Hence, it follows the belief that in vivo the molecules have the main role. role. Howeve However, r, accord according ing to Macovs Macovschi chi’s ’s theory, theory, living living matter matter conconsist sistss of two two qual qualit itat ativ ivel ely y disti distinc nctt and and inter interde depe pend nden entt form formss that that

Corresponding author. E-mail E-mail address: address: [email protected] (G. Drochioiu Drochioiu). ).

0303-26 0303-2647/$ 47/$ – see front front matter matter © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2012.02.006 doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2012.02.006

are mutual mutually ly transf transform orming ing one into into another another:: biostru biostructur ctured ed matter matter (biost (biostruc ructur ture) e) – the living living matter matter itself itself – and coexis coexisten tentt molecu molecular lar matter matter (chemic (chemical al combina combinatio tions) ns) – a non-li non-livin ving g matter matter (Macovschi, 1981a). 1981a ). Nume Numero rous us phys physic icoc oche hemi mica call theo theori ries es have have been been adva advanc nced ed by now now to expl explai ain n the the natu nature re of the the livi living ng matt matter er such such as memb membra rane ne theo theory ry (Off Offner ner,, 1970 1970), ), sorp sorpti tion on (Tro Troschi schin, n, 1968 1968)) and associatio associationninduct induction ion (Li Ling ng,, 199 1994, 4, 19 1998 98)) theo theori ries es.. The The membr membran ane e theor theory y was was form formul ulat ated ed by the Germ German an neur neurop ophy hysi siol olog ogis istt J. Bern Bernst stei ein n in 1902 1902 and and devel develop oped ed by the the Briti British sh scie scient ntis ists ts P. Bo Boy yle an and d E. Co Conw nwa ay in 1941 and A. Hodgkin, B. Katz, and A. Huxley in 1949 (Bernstein, 1912;; Hod 1912 Hodgki gkin n andHuxle andHuxley,1952; y,1952; Hod Hodgki gkin n andKatz,1949a andKatz,1949a,, 1949 1949b b). They They have have beco become me part partss of the the so-c so-cal alle led d mole molecu cula larr conc concep epti tion on,, whic which h was was proved to be very promising to help the the biological stud studie iess up to the intr intrac acel ellu lula larr and and mole molecu cula larr leve level. l. Howe Howeve ver, r, the the mode modern rn biol biolog ogy y deve develo lope ped d in the the ligh lightt of the the mole molecu cula larr conc concep ep-tio tion has has not not yet succ succee eede ded d to give give a sati satisf sfa actor ctory y expl expla anati nation on to the the probl roblem em of the the natu naturre of the the livin iving g matt matter er,, to its its qua qualita litati tive ve spec specifi ificc char charac acte ter. r. It cann cannot ot make make the the diff differ eren ence ce betw betwee een n “dea “dead” d” and and “liv “livin ing” g”.. More Moreov over er,, thes these e theo theori ries es were were not not comp compre rehe hens nsiv ive e enough for all of the experimen mental data data acquired of late in life sciences. 2. The The bios biostr truc uctu tura rall theo theory  ry 

Maco Macovs vsch chii and and his his co-w co-wor orke kers rs star starte ted d from from the the obse observ rvat atio ion n that that afte afterr expo exposi sing ng to 200 200 atm atm hydr hydros osta tati ticc pres pressu sure re,, the the tiss tissue uess remain remain alive, alive, and if their their life life depend dependss on the biostr biostructu ucture re integr integrity ity,,

M. Murariu, Murariu, G. Drochioiu Drochioiu / BioSystems BioSystems 109 (2012) 126–132


Fig. Fig. 1. The living living tissue tissuess remain remain alive alive after after exposu exposure re to 200atm 200atm hydros hydrosta tatic tic pressu pressure; re; if their their life life depend dependss on the biostr biostruct ucture ure integ integrit rity, y, then then the biostr biostruct ucture ured d matter matter can stand rather rather high hydrosta hydrostatic tic pressure pressuress without without breakdow breakdown, n, i.e. without without releasin releasing g the water water it comprises comprises ( Macovschi, 1979b 1979b). ).

it means tha that the biostructured matter ter can stand rathe ther high hydr hydros osta tati ticc pres pressu sure ress with withou outt brea breakdo kdown wn,, i.e. i.e. witho without ut rele releas asin ing g its its cont conten entt of wate water. r. He call called ed this this kind kind of wate waterr as bios biostr truc uctu ture red d wate water. r. By pres pressi sing ng-o -out ut the the livi living ng tiss tissue ues, s, only only the the free free wate waterr and and the substances dissolved in it are removed in the form of sap (Fi Fig. g. 1). In case case of dead dead tiss tissue ue the situ situat atio ion n is quit quite e diff differ eren ent. t. On kill killin ing g thetissues, thetissues, thebiostruct thebiostructure ured d matterbreaksdown matterbreaksdown andthe biostru biostrucctur tured wate waterr beco become mess free free wate water. r. The The newl newly y form formed ed free free water ater toge togeth ther er with with the the exis existi ting ng free free wate waterr in the the livi living ng tiss tissu ue befo before re kill killin ing g can can be remo remove ved d at high high pres pressu sure re.. Ther Theref efor ore, e, the dead dead tiss tissue ue contai contains ns more more free free water water and yields yields more more sap by pressi pressingng-out out than than the living living tissue tissue.. After After remo removi ving ng the free free water water from from a livi living ng tiss tissue ue,, the rema remain in-ingresidue ingresidue will will contai contain n biostr biostructu uctured red matter matter andbound water.The water.The kill killin ing g of this this resi residu due e lead leadss to bios biostr truc uctu ture re brea breakd kdow own n and and loss loss of  biostr biostructu uctured red water water (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1980a 1980a). ). Ther Theref efor ore, e, by kill killin ing g the the residu residue e a new quanti quantity ty of free free water, water, corres correspon pondin ding g to the releas released ed bios biostr truc uctu ture red d wate waterr appe appear ars, s, and, and, ther theref efor ore, e, by pres pressi singng-ou outt the the kille illed d resi residu due e yiel yields ds a new new quan quanti tity ty of sap sap (pla (plasm sma atic tic sap sap). The The boun bound d wate waterr is remo remove ved d only only by heat heatin ing g over over 100 100 ◦ C. Unde Underr thes these e circ circum umsta stance nces, s, it is clea clearr that that the the resi residu due e left left afte afterr remo removi ving ng the the free free wate waterr by pres pressi sing ng-o -out ut of the the livi living ng bio biologi logi-cal cal mate materrial ial cann canno ot yiel yield d a new new qua quanti ntity of sap sap by a subs subseq eque uent nt pres pressi sing ng-o -out ut,, as ther there e is no othe otherr free free water water in the the tiss tissue ue.. The biostr biostruct ucture ured d matter matter may be comp compar ared ed with with a spon sponge ge (the (the biostr biostructu ucture) re) filled filled with with water, water, this this last last one being being the corres correspon pondding part part of the coexis coexistent tent molecu molecular lar matter matter (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1969 1969). ). The biostr biostructu ucture re shows shows a specifi specificc organi organizat zation ion,, charac character terist istic ic to the livliving ing matte matter; r; it has has a high higher er devel develop opme ment nt and and orga organi niza zati tion on;; it is the the bear bearer er of the the biol biolog ogic ical al feat featur ures es that that are are assi assign gned ed to the the livi living ng it belong belongss to. Hence, Hence, the living living matter matter (cytop (cytoplas lasm m ground ground substa substance nce)) has has a struc structur ture, e, whic which h is spon spongy gy,, and and the the skel skelet etal al part part of this this struc struc-ture ture consis consists ts of biostr biostructu uctured red matter matter,, wherea whereass the interst interstiti itial al part part is filled filled with with molecu molecular lar soluti solution. on. Ther There e is mol molecul ecula ar matt matter er with within in both both livi living ng and and non non livin iving g bodi bodies es in the the surr surrou ound ndin ing g envi enviro ronm nmen entt (Mac Macovs ovschi chi,, 1983 1983). ). The physic physicoch ochemi emical cal laws laws domina dominate te at this this level level and the systems systems react react to the extern external al enviro environme nment nt conditi conditions ons.. Theexternal Theexternal forcesalso forcesalso act upon upon the the mole molecu cula larr matt matter er in the the livi living ng body body.. Howe Howeve ver, r, they they act act not direct directly, ly, but togethe togetherr with with the intern internal al forces forces genera generated ted by the biostr biostructu ucture, re, whose whose integri integrity ty is suppor supported ted by the energy energy produc produced ed by metabolism. metabolism.

 2.1. The breakdown of the biostructure

Cellul Cellular ar biostr biostruct uctureprovi ureprovides des cells cells with with life life proper propertie tiess and concontrol trolss their their vita vitall proc proces esse sess and and chem chemic ical al chan change gess (Gal Galavi avina, na, 2008 2008). ). The The bios biostr truc uctu ture re show showss a rema remark rkab able le char charac acte teri rist stic ic of part partia iall lly y and and reve revers rsib ibly ly brea breaki king ng down down,, under under the the influ influen ence ce of a wide wide vari vari-ety ety of fact factor orss (Mac Macovs ovschi chi,, 1981 1981a a). This This proc proces esss may may be prod produc uced ed by metabolic inhibitor tors (such as sodium azide or dinitrophenols nols), ), heat heat,, elec electr tric ical al stim stimul ulat atio ion, n, ultra ultravi viol olet et irra irradi diat atio ion, n, or may may occur spontaneousl spontaneously y under various various physiologi physiological, cal, pathological pathological and experimenta experimentall conditions, conditions, including including non specific specific and nervous nervous irritairritation tion (str (stres ess) s) (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1976 1976). ). The partia partiall breakd breakdown own result resultss into into the rele releas ase, e, under under mole molecu cula larr stat state, e, of the comp compon onen ents ts of the the oute outerr layers layers of the biostr biostruct ucture ure (water (water,, chemic chemical al compou compounds, nds, enzymes enzymes,, ions). ions). Thus, Thus, the compou compound nd concen concentra tratio tions, ns, bioche biochemic mical al proces processes ses,, bioele bioelectr ctrica icall potent potential ial,, permea permeabil bility ity,, etc. etc. are all altere altered. d. The deeper deeper layer layer of the biostr biostruct ucture ure,, with with origin originall ally y inactiv inactive e enzyme enzymes, s, areconsequ sequen entl tly y disc disclo lose sed d and and brou brough ghtt into into conta contact ct with with the coex coexis isti ting ng mole molecu cula larr matte matter, r, resu result ltin ing g into into alte altera ratio tion n of the the cell cellul ular ar beha behavvior. ior. The compon components ents of biostru biostructur cture e are releas released, ed, becomi becoming ng simple simple molecu molecules les when when the protop protoplas lasm m dies. dies. In this case, case, the biostr biostruct ucture ure is breaki breaking ng down down and the biostr biostrucucture tured d matt matter er is tran transf sfor ormi ming ng into into usua usuall nonnon-li livi ving ng matt matter er.. The The intr intrac acel ellu lula larr solu soluti tion on cons consis ists ts of wate waterr and and wate waterr-so solu lubl ble e subsubstan stance cess diss dissol olve ved d in it. it. This This solu soluti tion on has has a mole molecu cula larr cont contai aini ning ng and and repr repres esen ents ts “non “non-l -liv ivin ing g matte matterr of livi living” ng”.. Due Due to its cont conten entt of  enzymes enzymes and other other substa substance nces, s, this this intrac intracell ellula ularr soluti solution on become becomess the cent center er of nume numerrous ous bioc bioche hemi mica call react eactiions, ons, some some of them them supp supply lyin ing g the the ener energy gy nece necess ssar ary y for for main mainta tain inin ing g the the inte integr grit ity y of  biostructure. The The bios biostr truc uctu ture re may may exis existt only only toge togeth ther er with with the intr intrac acel ellu lu-lar lar solu soluti tion on,, with with whic which h it form formss an indi indiss ssol olub uble le unit unity. y. The The livi living ng prot protop opla lasm sm made made up of the the bios biostr truc uctu tura rall matt matter er and and nonnon-li livi ving ng intr intrac acel ellu lula larr matte matterr is funda fundame menta ntall lly y and and qual qualit itat ativ ivel ely y diff differ eren entt from from the nonnon-li livi ving ng prot protop opla lasm sm wher where e the biostr biostruc uctu ture re exis exists ts no more.  2.2. The validity of the biostructural theory

A larg large e amou amount nt of phil philos osop ophi hica cal, l, theo theore reti tica call and and expe experi rime menntal tal fact factss in supp suppor ortt of this this theo theorry have have been been bro brought ught (Macovschi, 1980 19 80b, b, 19 1981 81b, b, 19 1982 82). ). Firs First, t, bios biostr truc uctu ture re was was conc concei eive ved d only only by the induc inducti tive ve and and dedu deducti ctive ve thin thinki king ng (Mac Macovs ovschi chi,, 1969 1969,, 1976 1976). ). By


M. Murari Murariu, u, G. Drochi Drochioiu/ oiu/ BioSys BioSystem temss 109 (2012) 126–132

rese resear arch ch with with the the labo labora rato tory ry hydr hydrau auli licc pres press, s, and and by high high reso resolu lu-tion tion nuclea nuclearr magneti magneticc resona resonance nce (Mac Macovs ovschi chi,, 1969 1969,, 1981 1981a a), a larg large e amou amount nt of indi indire rect ct proo proofs fs and and expe experi rimen menta tall fact factss in supp suppor ortt of the bios biostr truc uctu tura rall theo theory ry have have been been brou brough ght. t. Fina Finall lly, y, the the high high volt voltag age e elec electr tron on micr micros osco copy py has has allo allowe wed d not not only only taki taking ng a pho photo of the the spon spongy gy stru struct ctur ure e of the cyto cytopl plas asm m grou ground nd subs substa tance nce,, but but also also the invest investiga igatio tion n of certai certain n behavio behaviors rs of thisstructure thisstructure (Galav Galavina, ina, 2008; Porter Por ter and Tuc Tucker ker,, 1981 1981). ). In order der to chec heck the the validity dity of the bio biostructural the theory, a larg large e body body of expe experi rime ment ntss were were perf perfor orme med d by vari variou ouss scie scient ntis ists ts using using both both plant plant (maize (maize leaves leaves)) and animal animal (frog (frog sciati sciaticc nerves nerves)) livliving materi material. al. Herewi Herewith, th, two metabo metabolic lic inhibi inhibitor torss were were tested: tested: one organic organic (2,4-dinitro (2,4-dinitrophenol phenol)) and the otherinorganic(sodium azide), azide), wherea whereass as contro control, l, two chemic chemical al combin combinati ations ons with no inhibi inhibitor tory y actionon actionon the bioche biochemis mistrywere trywere used. used. Four Four differ different ent methodswere methodswere applie applied, d, namely namely:: the method method of pressi pressingng-out out,, the estima estimatio tion n of free free water,the highresolutionnuclearmagnetic resonance,and resonance,and the spin echo echo nuclea nuclearr magnet magnetic ic resona resonance( nce(Mac Macovs ovschiet chiet al. al.,, 1974 1974;; Ior Iordac dache, he, 1985). 1985 ). For For exam exampl ple, e, the sodi sodium um azid azidee-in indu duce ced d rele releas ase e of amin amino o acids acids from the biostru tructur ture of wheat seedli dlings has been followed (Ma Maco covs vsch chii et al al., ., 197 1974 4). One One foun found d that that the the high higher er is the the conc concen en-trat tratio ion n of sodiu sodium m azid azide e solu soluti tion on,, the the grea greate terr is the the yiel yield d of the the sap sap as wel well as its its amino mino acid acid cont conten ent. t. Unde Underr the the acti action on of meta metabo boli licc inhi inhibi bito tors rs part part of aspa aspara ragi gina nase se is rele releas ased ed from from the the bios biostr truc uctu ture re.. Meas Measur urin ing g the the free free wate waterr from from the the whol whole e leaf leaf of plan plantl tlet etss as well well as from from cut leaves leaves,, living living or previo previousl usly y destroy destroyed ed by variou variouss methmethods, ods, it was was foun found d grea greate terr and and grea greate terr amou amount ntss of free free wate water. r. This This increa increase se in percen percentageof tageof thefree water water came came from from theenlargem theenlargement ent of the cont contac actt surf surfac ace e betwe between en the foli foliar ar tissu tissue e and and the sacch sacchar aros ose e solu soluti tion on.. Besi Beside dess the the grow growth th of the the cont contac actt surf surfac ace, e, the the prog progre resssive sive dest destru ruct ctio ion n of the the bios biostr truc uctu ture re also also occu occurs rs (Ior Iordac dache, he, 1985 1985). ). It was was esta establ blis ishe hed d that that the the heat heatin ing g of plan plantt tiss tissue uess brin brings gs abou aboutt the appearance,respectiv appearance,respectively ely disappeara disappearance, nce, of some aminoacids in the the sap sap obta obtain ined ed from from thes these e tiss tissue ues. s. Under Under the the actio action n of meta metabo boli licc inhi inhibi bito tors rs,, some some of the the l-alanine-k -alanine-ketoglu etoglutarat tarate e aminotransf aminotransferase erase in the the bios biostr truc uctu ture re is rele releas ased ed.. Howe Howeve ver, r, they they have have no influ influen ence ce uponthe uponthe acti activi vityof tyof the the enzy enzyme me (Mac Macovs ovschiet chiet al. al.,, 1974 1974). ). It has has been been foun found d that that both both vacu vacuol olar ar and and plas plasma mati ticc saps saps have have an aspa aspara ragi gina nase se activi activity ty that that demonstr demonstrate atess the presen presence ce of the aspara asparagin ginaseboth aseboth in bios biostr truc uctu ture re and and in the matt matter er outsi outside de it. it. Under Under the actio action n of dini dini-trophe trophenol nol,, dichlor dichloroph opheno enol, l, dinitr dinitrona onapht phtol ol and sodium sodium azide azide part part of aspa aspara ragi gina nase se is also also rele releas ased ed from from the bios biostr truc uctu ture re.. The The rele releas ase e of phos phosph phom omon onoe oest ster eras ase e from from the leav leaves es of seed seedli ling ngss is prog progre resssive sive depen dependin ding g on the incr increa ease se in the the conce concent ntra ratio tion n of inhi inhibi bito tors rs (Ma Maco covs vsch chii et al al., ., 19 1974 74). ). The The enzy enzyme me may may be found both in the biostr biostruct ucture ure and in the vacuol vacuolar ar sap, sap, its releas release e being being also also progre progresssive sive depe dependi nding ng on the the incr increa ease se in the the conc concen entr trat atio ion n of inhi inhibi bito tors rs.. The The beha behavi vior or of bios biostr truc uctu ture re from from the the whit white e and and red red cabb cabbag age e leav leaves es heat heated ed at diff differ erent ent tempe tempera ratu ture ress was was inve invest stig igat ated ed,, as well well.. It has been state tated d tha that the the heatin ting for 1h at 40 ◦ C is suffi suffici cien entt to bring bring about about a partia partiall teasin teasing g ofthe biostr biostructu ucture,relea re,releasin sing g water water and onwards. hydrosolubl hydrosoluble e substances.The substances.The teasing teasing was totalfrom 60 ◦ C onwards. The biostr biostruc uctu ture re from from appl apple, e, pear pear and and quin quince ce frui fruits ts when when kept kept at room temperature seems to be not stable; after 4 days, by sque squeez ezin ing g out out the the resi residu dues es,, they they got got a grea greatt amou amount nt of plas plasma mati ticc sap. sap. Cons Conseq eque uent ntly ly,, the the heat heatin ing g for for 1 h at 40–6 40–60 0 ◦ C is suffi suffici cien entt to bring bring about about a partia partiall teasin teasing g of biostr biostructu ucture,with re,with subseq subsequen uentt water water and hydrosolub hydrosoluble le substances substances releasing releasing (Iorda Iordache, che, 1985; Macov Macovschi schi et al al., ., 197 1974 4).

3. The The bios biostr truc uctu ture red d wate waterr

The biostructural the theory considers thr three water ter species in the living tissues, and not only two, as conceived by modern

mole molecu cula larr biol biolog ogy. y. A cont conten entt of 19% 19% free free and and 61% 61% bios biostr tru uctur ctureeintegrated water of rabbit striated muscle tissue have been dete determ rmin ined ed usin using g the pres pressi sing ng-o -out ut meth method od (Mac Macovs ovschi chi O., 1979; Macovs Mac ovschi chi and Bot Botos os¸ an anea ˘ eanu nu,, 196 1963 3). The The bios biostr truc uctu ture red d wate waterr is the the wate waterr inte integr grat ated ed in the bios biostr truc uctu ture re of the livi living ng tissu tissues. es. This This kind kind of water water has has diff differ eren entt char charac acte teri rist stic icss from from thos those e of both both free free and and boun bound d wate water. r. For For exam exampl ple: e: the the bios biostr truc uctu ture red d water water cann cannot ot be expr expres esse sed d from from the the livi living ng tiss tissue uess at high high pres pressu sure ress that that allo allow w the the expres expressio sion n ofthe free free water,and water,and it is releas released ed concur concurren rentlywith tlywith the deat death h of tiss tissue uess (this (this is thediffer thedifferen ence ce as comp compar ared ed to boun bound d water water,, that that is not not rele releas ased ed from from the the hydr hydrop ophi hili licc coll colloi oids ds). ). FarFar-in infr frar ared ed laser laser vibrati vibration on rotati rotation on tunnel tunneling ing experi experiment mentss on supers supersoni onical cally ly cooled cooled cluste clusters rs allow allow charac character teriza izatio tion n of geometr geometric ic structur structures es and low-energytunnelingpathwaysfor low-energytunnelingpathwaysfor rearrangeme rearrangement nt of the hydrogen hydrogen bond bond netw networ orks ks (Braum Brauman, an, 1996 1996). ). These These findin findings gs on wate waterr clus cluste ters rs give give insigh insightt into into fundam fundament ental al proper properties ties of water water (Li Liu u et al al., ., 19 1996 96). ). Accor ccordi ding ng to the the pres presen entt mole molecu cula larr thi thinkin nking g in bio biology logy,, wate waterr occu occurs rs in both both livi living ng and and dead dead tiss tissue uess under under only only two two main main stat states es:: freeandboun freeandbound d (Macov Macovschi,1980a, schi,1980a, 1981a 1981a). ). However, However, waterbinding to the compon component entss of the cytosk cytoskele eleton ton could could increa increase se enormo enormousl usly y in the the exci excite ted d sta state as comp compar ared ed to the the grou ground nd stat state e (Drochioiu, 2006). 2006 ). TheNMR investi TheNMR investigationindicatedthat gationindicatedthat a considerabl considerable e rangeof  hydrat hydrationwaterdyna ionwaterdynamic micss ispresent ispresent onthe protei protein n surfac surface.In e.In addiaddition, an unprecedente unprecedented d clustering clustering of different different hydration-d hydration-dynami ynamics cs clas classe sess of site sitess is eviden evidentt (Nu Nucc ccii et al al., ., 201 2011 1). Wate Waterr is cons consid ider ered ed as the the mate materi rial al whic which h medi mediat ates es the the weak weak acti action onss on bios biosys yste tems ms (Bu Burrla lako kova va et al al.., 20 2006 06). ). Crystallographic data data sugg sugges estt the the form format atio ion n of hier hierar arch chic ic modu module le str structu ucture ress of  boun bound d wate water, r, whic which h conc concur ur with with the the morp morpho holo logi gica call patte pattern rnss frefrequentl quently y observ observed ed in living living organi organisms sms.. The The char charac acte teri rist stic icss of ultr ultra a low low dose dosess of chem chemic ical al subs substa tanc nces es were were expl explai aine ned d on the the basi basiss of the the stru struct ctur ural al prop proper erti ties es of wate waterr (Bu Burl rlak akov ova a et al al., ., 20 2006 06). ). Thus Thus,, it is beli believ eved ed that that long long livi living ng clus clus-ters ters are are pres presen entt in water water itse itself lf.. Alter Alterna nati tive vely ly,, water water clus cluster terss may may be indu induce ced d by inje injecte cted d biol biolog ogic ical ally ly acti active ve subst substan ance ces. s. Clus Cluster terin ing g with ith solv solven entt mol molecul ecules es such such as up to more more than than 27 mole molecu cule less of  water water has often often been been report reported ed in mass mass spectr spectrome ometri tricc experi experimen ments ts (Sc Schl hlos osse serr et al al., ., 20 2003 03). ). Besi Besides des,, larg large e wate waterr clus cluste ters rs arou around nd proprotons tons coul could d be argu argume ment ntss for for the the hypo hypoth thes esis is that that wate waterr is a high highly ly struct structure ured d matrix matrix (Yan Yang g and Cas Castle tleman man,, 1989 1989). ).  3.1. The biostructural theory as root research

The biostr biostruct uctura urall concep conceptio tion n has alread already y genera generated ted new theotheories ries and and hypo hypoth thes eses es.. Thes These e refe referr to the the prob proble lems ms conc concer erni ning ng the the cellular cellular permeabili permeability ty (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1980b 1980b), ), the memory memory mechani mechanism sm (Mac Macovs ovschi chi,, 1980 1980a, a, 1981 1981cc), the the rela relati tion onss betw betwee een n the the drug drugss and and enzy enzyme mess or the the drug drugss and and haza hazard rdou ouss mate materi rial als, s, the the mech mechan anis ism m of horm hormon onal al acti activi vity ty,, the the appe appear aran ance ce of intr intrac acel ellu lula larr form format atio ions ns,, the the orig origin in of elec electr troe oenc ncep epha halo logr grap aph h wave waves, s, the the gene genesi siss of livi living ng matt matter er on Eart Earth h (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1979a 1979a), ), ecol ecolog ogy y (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1980c 1980c), ), carcin carcinoge ogenes nesis is (Mac Macovs ovschi chi,, 1984 1984a a), and and the the alle allerg rgic ic phen phenom omen ena a (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1972a 1972a). ). Sinc Since e the the stat state e and and beha behavi vior or of organ rganis isms ms depe depend nd on and and are cond condit itio ione ned d by the the stat state e of thei theirr bios biostr truc uctu ture red d matt matter er,, it mean meanss that that the investi investigat gation ion of biocen biocenosi osiss organi organisms sms at the biostr biostruct uctura urall leve levell will will poin pointt to a bette betterr know knowle ledg dge e of the phen phenom omen ena a occu occurr rrin ing g in ecos ecosys yste tems ms.. Also Also,, the bios biostr truc uctu tura rall theo theory ry gave gave info inform rmat atio ion n on the the livi living ng matte matterr with with its spec specifi ificc mani manife festa statio tions ns;; cons conseq eque uent ntly ly it suppor supports ts the hypoth hypothesi esiss on the life life origin( origin(Macov Macovschi, schi, 1979a 1979a). ). Thus, the primitive primitive biostructure biostructured d matterhas been formedspontaneously, formedspontaneously, with with no extern external al interv intervent ention ion,, in the non-li non-livin ving g prebio prebiotic tic systems systems,, in the the mome moment nt when when cond condit itio ions ns were were prov provid ided ed,, by the the comb combin inaations tions liable liable to be transf transform ormed ed into compon component entss of the biostr biostruct ucture ure,, wher wherea eass the rema remain inin ing g unas unasse sembl mbled ed combi combina nati tion onss have have form formed ed the coexis coexistin ting g molecu molecular lar matter. matter.

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Fig. Fig. 2. Sodium Loligo forbesi forbesi are not the same Sodium and and potas potassiu sium m activi activitie tiess in giant giant axons axons from from the hindmo hindmost st stella stellarr nerve nerve of Loligo same throug throughou houtt the cell cell sugge suggesti sting ng a highly highly struct structur ured ed content content of these these cells contrary contrary to membrane membrane theory theory assertion assertion..

Theactivetranspor Theactivetransportt of Na+ /K+ ions ions hasbeen explai explainedby nedby means means of the biostr biostruct uctura urall theory, theory, showin showing g that that there there is probab probably ly no “ions “ions pump” ump” with within in the the livi living ng cell cellss (Dr Droc ochi hioi oiu u et al al., ., 20 2004 04). ). Thus Thus,, the the efflu efflux x and and influ influx x of pota potass ssiu ium m ions ions in the the frog frog hind hind limb limb musc muscle less and and the the efflu efflux x of sodi sodium um ions ions from from Sepi Sepia a axo axons were were expl explai aine ned d taki taking ng into into cons conside idera rati tion on the exis existe tenc nce e of the bios biostr truc uctu ture red d matmatter. ter. Thei Theirr cont conten entt in pota potass ssiu ium m is high higher er than than that that post postul ulat ated ed by the the memb membra rane ne theo theory ry (Fi Fig. g. 2). Hink Hinke’ e’ss expe experi rime ment nt was was anot anothe herr exa example mple of data data that that sup suppor port the the bio biostr structu uctura rall theo theory ry and not not the the mol molecul ecular ar theo theori ries es.. This This expe experi rimen mentt show showed ed that that both both elec electri tricc pote potent ntia iall and and sodi sodium um and potas tassium activi tiviti tie es are not homog mogeneous in a given cell (Fi Fig. g. 3).

4. Agin Aging g and and bios biostr truc uctu ture re

In orderto orderto elucid elucidatethe atethe biolog biologica icall cause cause ofaging, ofaging, Galavi Galavinabased nabased her experi experimen ments ts on the biostr biostruct uctura urall concep conceptio tion n on the nature nature and stru struct ctur ure e of the the livi living ng matt matter er (Gal Galavi avina, na, 2008 2008). ). As a result, she reache reached d the conclu conclusio sion n that that the decreas decrease e of biostr biostruct ucture ure is a fundafundamenta mentall caus cause e of agin aging. g. Alzh Alzhei eime merr dise diseas ase e is also also char charac acte teri rize zed d by subs substa tant ntia iall shri shrink nkag age e in the the brai brain n over over the the time time (de den n He Heij ijer er et al al., ., 2006; 200 6; Ho Hoˇ  rínek rín ˇ  ek et al. al.,, 2007 2007). ). Conseq Consequen uently tly,, the role role of amygda amygdale le volvolume in the assess assessmen mentt of clinic clinical al diagno diagnosis sis should should be invest investiga igated ted..

4.1. 4.1. Cancer Canceroge ogenes nesis is and biostr biostruct ucture ure

The The bios biostr truc uctu ture red d matt matter er in the the canc cancer er cell cell is foun found d unde underr an alter altered ed,, abno abnorm rmal al stat state e and and the the inve investi stiga gati tion on of this this state state is esse essenntial tial for for the the know knowle ledg dge e of carc carcin inog ogen enes esis is (Mac Macovs ovschi chi,, 1984 1984a a). The alter alterat atio ions ns that that take take plac place e in the nonl nonliv ivin ing g matte matterr may may induc induce e cercertainalterations tainalterations of both the compositionof compositionof biostructur biostructured ed matterand the struc structu ture re of the the mole molecu cule less it cons consis ists ts of. of. It resu result ltss that that the funfundamenta damentall proces processes ses of carcin carcinoge ogenes nesis is are develo developed ped at the level level of  the livi living ng matte matterr (bios (biostr truc uctu ture re), ), wher wherea eass the chemi chemica call alter alterat atio ion n in the nonliving matter ter are not the cause, but the effect of the the neoplasm-in neoplasm-inducing ducing phenomena. phenomena. The The carc carcin inog ogen enss alte alterr the the stat state e of livi living ng matt matter er acti acting ng both both on the chem chemic ical al comp compon onen ents ts and and the bios biostr truc uctur tural al matte matter. r. They They also also exert exert their their influen influence ce upon upon the metabo metabolic lic pathwa pathways ys acting acting directl directly y on thecell enzy enzyme mes, s, or by means means of bios biostru tructu cture red d matte matter, r, i.e. i.e. by its its enzymecomponents. enzymecomponents. Cancerogene Cancerogenesis sis is accompanie accompanied d by the partial partial brea breakd kdow own n of the the biostr biostruc uctu ture re,, lead leadin ing g to alte altera ratio tion n of cell cell beha behavvior. ior. The The bios biostr truc uctu tura rall theo theory ry of carc carcin inog ogen enes esis is asse assert rtss that that DNA DNA inte integr grat ated ed in the biostr biostruc uctu ture re and and the bios biostr truc uctu tura rall gene geneti ticc regu regu-lation lationss are import important ant in cancer canceroge ogenesi nesis, s, with with unknow unknown n effect effectss yet. yet. The The prese resenc nce e of nucl nuclei eicc acids cids with within in the the bios biostr truc uctu ture re as well well as its capaci capacity ty to partia partially lly and revers reversibl ibly y break break down down the filamen filamentou touss structu structure re of DNA allow allow the develop developmen mentt of a biostr biostruct uctura urall mechamechanism nism of genet genetic ic regu regula lati tion on.. Cont Contra rary ry to the mole molecu cula larr mech mechan anis ism m

Fig. Fig. 3. Hinke’ Hinke’ss experi experimen mentt suppor supports ts thebiostruc thebiostructur tural al theory theory and and not themolecula themolecularr ones. ones. There There aregradient aregradientss of potass potassium ium or sodiumin sodiumin thehighly thehighly struct structur ured ed cell. cell.


M. Murari Murariu, u, G. Drochi Drochioiu/ oiu/ BioSys BioSystem temss 109 (2012) 126–132

disc discov over ered ed by F. Jaco Jacob b and and J. Mono Monod, d, the the biostr biostruc uctu tura rall mech mechan anis ism m involv involves es no repres repressor sors, s, inductor inductors, s, co-rep co-repres ressor sors, s, or other other chemic chemical al comb combin inat atio ions ns of this this kind kind.. When When the the DNA DNA withi within n the the bios biostr truc uctu ture re is enti entire rely ly cove covere red d by other ther comp compon onen ents ts,, and it has has no cont conta act with with the the coex coexis isti ting ng mole molecu cula larr matt matter er,, it is gene geneti tica call lly y inac inacti tive ve,, as it is isola solate ted d from from the the chem chemic ical al comp compou ound ndss it may may react react with. with. Once Once the the bios biostr truc uctu ture re star starts ts to brea break k down down part partia iall lly y so that that cercertain tain comp compon onen ents ts or even even laye layers rs are are rele releas ased ed from from it, it, part partss of the the DNA DNA comp compon onen entt may may be unco ncovere vered d and and come come into into cont contac actt with with the the coex coexiistin sting g mole molecu cula larr matt matter er.. The The gene geness in thes these e DNA DNA fragragments ments are are acti activa vate ted d and and they they may may work work prob probab ably ly acco accordi rding ng to the know known n mole molecu cula larr mech mechan anis isms ms.. When When the biostr biostruc uctu tura rall matt matter er is rest restor ored ed and and the the ment mentio ione ned d frag fragme ment ntss are are re-c re-cov over ered ed,, the the gene gene activ activit ity y is ceas ceased ed.. Acco Accordi rding ng to Maco Macovs vschi chi,, the part partia iall brea breakd kdow own n of the bios biostr truc uctu ture re depe depend ndss parti particu cula larl rly y on the activ activit ity y of cell cellul ular ar regu regula lato tory ry mech mechan anis isms ms so that that eith either er ones ones or othe others rs of the the DNA DNA gene geness may may be gene geneti tica call lly y acti activa vate ted. d. The The latt lattic ice e of canc cancer er cell cellss is dens denser er than than tha that of norm norma al cell cellss and and sho shows sign signss of a lack lack of nornormal organizatio organization, n, particular particularly ly an altered altered distribution distribution of polysomes polysomes (Po Port rter er an and d Tu Tuck cker er,, 19 1981 81). ). Star Starti ting ng with with the the obse observ rvat atio ion n that that the bios biostr truc uctu ture re is part partia iall lly y brok broken en down down duri during ng hypo hypoxi xia, a, it was was also also sugg sugges este ted d that that a resp respir irat ator ory y and and pH imba imbala lanc nce e coul could d be foun found d in the cancer cancer etiolo etiology gy (Droch Drochioiu, ioiu, 2008 2008). ). Consequently Consequently,, curing curing cancer woul would d mean mean both both the the dest destru ruct ctio ion n of the the canc cancer erou ouss cell cellss and and the the re-equ re-equili ilibra bratio tion n of the whole whole body. body. 4.2. 4.2. Limi Limits ts of the the bios biostr truc uctu tura rall theo theory ry

Sinc Since e this this theor theory y refe refers rs to newl newly y disco discove vere red d facts facts and and phen phenom om-ena, ena, it woul would d have have to intr introd oduc uce e new new term terms. s. The bios biostr truc uctu ture re term term was was alrea lready dy used used for for any any stru struct ctur ure e in livin iving g cell cellss or organ rganis isms ms.. Theref Therefore ore,, other other terms terms shouldbe shouldbe introdu introducedto cedto describ describe e more more accuaccurate rate the the new new disc discov over erie ies. s. We may cons consid ider er othe otherr term termss such such as living living system system or livsys livsys,, which which would would be prefer preferabl able e to biostr biostruct ucture ure.. The The term term bios biosys ystem tem may may be appl applie ied d to cert certai ain n func functi tion onal al syst systems ems in the the livi living ng body body,, but but it cann cannot ot be addr addres esse sed d to cell cell bios biostr truc uctu ture re.. Bios Biostr truc uctu ture re is more more than than a bios biosys yste tem, m, it is a livi living ng bios biosys ystem tem.. Macovs Macovschi chi’s ’s great great merit merit isto findsomethingwhichhas findsomethingwhichhas theproperty erty of bein being g aliv alive. e. Sinc Since e two two chem chemic ical al comp compou ound ndss such such as ethy ethyll alco alcoho holl and and meth methyl yl ethe etherr have have diff differ eren entt prop proper erti ties es due due to thei theirr diff differ eren entt stru struct ctur ures es,, in spit spite e of the the same same chem chemic ical al comp compos osit itio ion, n, Maco Macosc schi hi thoug thought ht the the life life prop proper ertie tiess must must be rela relate ted d to bios biostr truc uc-ture ture.. Inde Indeed ed,, he demo demons nstr trat ated ed the the pres presen ence ce of this this bios biostr truc uctu ture re.. Neve Nevert rthe hele less ss,, he was was not not able able to expl explai ain n phen phenom omen ena a such such as feel feel-ings ings or thinki thinking.Howev ng.However,such er,such phenom phenomenaare enaare notpart of hismain theo theory ry.. The The bios biostr truc uctu tura rall theor theory y is a comp compre rehen hensi sive ve conc concep epti tion on able able to descr describ ibe e the biol biolog ogic ical al pheno phenome mena na,, whic which h devel develop op on the biostr biostruct uctura urall matter matter or biostr biostruct ucture ure,, differe different nt from from the molecu molecular lar one. Bios Biostr truc uctu tura rall alte altera rati tio ons resul esultt in var various ious dise diseas ases es,, yet the the mechan mechanism ismss of these these altera alteratio tions ns remain remain obscur obscure. e. Accord According ing to the biostructura biostructurall theory, theory, a certain certain biostructurecorrespond biostructurecorrespondss to a certain certain state state ofa givenorgan givenorganism ism.. Howeve However,it r,it is notclearhowa biostr biostruct ucture ure chan change gess into into anot anothe herr one. one. Besi Beside des, s, nobo nobody dy know knowss how how a heal health thy y bios biostr truc uctu ture re look lookss like like.. In addi additi tion on,, it is not not clea clearr how how the the bios biostr truc uc-ture ture comp compon onen ents ts are are inte integr grat ated ed in the the bios biostr truc uctu ture re of the the whol whole e organism. 4.3. 4.3. In sear search ch for for the the phys physic ical al carr carrie ierr of bios biostru truct ctur uree

Savva Sav va (200 (2006) 6) has devel develop oped ed a theor theory y of biofi biofiel eld d contr control ol syst system em (BCS (BCS), ), stat statin ing g that that there there is a nonnon-el elec ectr trom omag agne netic tic cont contro roll syst system em of a living living organi organism. sm. While While Macovs Macovschi chi’s ’s cellul cellular ar biostr biostruct ucture ure refers refers to a supram supramole olecul cular ar struct structure ure to which which a biofiel biofield d is associ associate ated, d, BCS is an enti entity ty,, whic which h exis exists ts only only in livi living ng cell cellss and and contr control olss chem chemic ical al proces processes ses and proper propertie tiess of organe organelle lless and bioche biochemic mical al molecu molecules les,,

Fig. Fig. 4. Stru Struct ctur ural al leve levels ls of livi living ng orga organi nism smss and and thei theirr char charac acte teri rist stic icss (Drochioiu,

2006). 2006 ).

leavi eaving ng spac space e insi inside de the the cell cellss for for solu soluti tion onss that that are are in equi equili libbrium with intercellula intercellularr liquids. liquids. Macovschi’s Macovschi’s cellular cellular “Biostructur “Biostructure” e” is equi equiva vale lent nt to the cell cellul ular ar BCS. BCS. In BCS, BCS, the gene genetic tic info inform rmat atio ion n is re-enc re-encode oded d on someth something ing other other than than the bioche biochemic mical al physic physical al carcarrier. rier. Macovs Macovschi chi has proper properly ly emphas emphasize ized d the necess necessity ity of viewin viewing g cell cells, s, as well well as the the whol whole e orga organi nism sm,, as the the most most comp comple lex x cybe cyberrnetic netic systems systems (Sav Savva, va, 2006 2006). ). A cybern cyberneti eticc view view of biostr biostructu ucture re was advanc advanced ed earlie earlierr (Nicule Niculescu-M scu-Mizil, izil, 1981, 1982 1982). ). On the the othe otherr hand hand,, BCS BCS is the the oper opera ative tive cont contro roll syst system em of the the organi organism. sm. At alllevels alllevels BCSholds four four fundam fundamenta entall progra programs ms of life: life: development, development, maintenance, maintenance, reproductio reproduction, n, and death. Sotina(2006) has also also taken taken intoconsider intoconsiderati ation on a physic physical al carrie carrierr of biostr biostructu ucture. re. Accord According ing to Sotina Sotina,, any living living system system and pre-li pre-life fe mole molecu cula larr orga organi niza zati tion on have have thei theirr “con “conti tinu nuat atio ion” n” in the the phys physic ical al vacu vacuum um,, whic which h are str structu ucture ress comp compo osed sed of elem elemen ents ts of a nonnonmole molecu cula larr natu nature re.. Thes These e struc structur tures es hold hold info inform rmat atio ion n and and ener energy gy nece necess ssar ary y to main mainta tain in the stabi stabili lity ty of comp comple lex x orga organi nicc mole molecu cule less and and to contr control ol bioc bioche hemi mica call proc proces esse sess in livi living ng orga organi nisms sms that that are are diff differ eren entt from from thos those e obse observ rvab able le in regu regula larr solu soluti tion ons. s. A biofi biofiel eld d in the the physi hysica call vacu vacuum um can can be cons consid ider ered ed as a typ type of matt matter er,, not not a process process.. Since Since a structu structure re is notmatter, notmatter, thebiostruct thebiostructure uress compos composed ed of elemen elements ts of nonmol nonmolecu ecular lar mater mater along along with with unknow unknown n proces processes ses determ determine ine thebehavior thebehavior of molecu moleculesin lesin a livingorgan livingorganism isms. s. The parparticl ticles es of the the phys physic ical al vacu vacuum um part partic icip ipat ate e in the the livi living ng proc proces esse sess (Draga Draganescu, nescu, 2004 2004). ). 4.4. A structura structural-phen l-phenomen omenologi ological cal conception conception

The biostru biostructur ctured ed matter matter togeth together er with the molecu molecular lar one form form the the bios biosic ical al matt matter er,, whic which h is pres presen entt with within in the the plan plants ts and and give givess them them its its beha behavi vior orss (Maco Macovschi, vschi, 1981d 1981d). ). In the the anim animal al bodi bodies es,, this this form form of matt matter er is depe depend nden entt on an uppe upperr leve level, l, the the psyc psycho ho stru strucctura turall one one (Droch Drochioiu, ioiu, 2008 2008). ). For For this this reas reason on,, thespecifi thespecificc laws laws of the the biostructur biostructural al levelact differentlywithin differentlywithin the vegetable vegetable kingdom kingdom and the the anim animal al one. one. As Fi Fig. g. 4 shows hows,, the huma human n bein being g feat featur ures es are are difdifferent ferent from from those those of the animal animal because because of the noesis noesistru tructu ctural ral level level which which should should subord subordina inate te the psychi psychical cal matter matter (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1981c, 1984b, 1984 b, 1985 1985). ). Start Startin ing g from from the the bios biostr truc uctu tura rall conc concep epti tion on,, whic which h obvi obviou ousl sly y have have to be enla enlarg rged ed,, a stru struct ctur ural al–p –phe heno nome meno nolo logi gica call theo theory ry of  mental processes and consciousness seems to be necessary (Dr Drag agan anes escu cu,, 20 2004 04;; Ti Till ller er,, 20 2006 06). ). Of course, the high voltage

M. Murariu, Murariu, G. Drochioiu Drochioiu / BioSystems BioSystems 109 (2012) 126–132

elec electro tron n micr micros osco copy py confir confirmed med the the pres presen ence ce of so-c so-cal alle led d micr microotrab trabec ecul ular ar latti lattice ce,, whic which h seem seemss to be ident identic ical al to the bios biostr truc uctu ture re descr describ ibed ed by Euge Eugen n Maco Macovs vschi chi (Po Porte rterr an and d Mc McNi Niven ven,, 198 1982 2). However ever,, the the stru struct ctur ural al conc concep epti tion on by Maco Macovs vsch chii is stil stilll depe depend nden entt on a mate materi rial alis istt phil philos osop ophy hy,, whic which h enli enligh ghte tens ns only only the the mate materi rial al aspect aspectss of the Realit Reality, y, and consid considers ers only only the structural information derived derived from from the physic physical al structur structures. es. Theref Therefore ore,, the biostr biostruct uctura urall theory theory treats treats best only only the molecu molecular lar and the biostr biostructu uctural ral aspect aspectss of the the biol biolog ogic ical al phen phenom omen ena. a. A stru struct ctur ural al–p –phe heno nome meno nolo logi gica call think thinkin ing g cons consid ider erss also also the the time time;; any any orga organi nism sm belo belong ngss to a four four-dimensi dimensiona onall univer universe, se, this this one may have have also also four four dimens dimension ionss and a more more comp compli lica cate ted d shap shape e (Drochi Drochioiu, oiu, 2008 2008). ). Acco Accord rdin ing g to Drag Dragan anes escu cu,, any any struc structu tura rall info inform rmat atio ion n is base based d upon upon a phen phenom omen enol olog ogic ical al sens sense e or aims aims to a phen phenom omen enol olog ogic ical al sense, sense, and it comes comes direct directly ly or indirec indirectly tly from from the phenom phenomeno enolog log-ical ical inform informati ation on (Draga Draganescu, nescu, 1990 1990). ). A ‘ physics (includin ding g  physics of living ’ (inclu human mind and social processes) can be understood as a structural–phenomenological structural–phenomenological process. In thedeep matter,primo matter,primordi rdial al info inform rmat atio ion n is  phenomenological  phenomenological; it makes possible and generate struc structur tural al inform informati ation on and, in time, a struct structura urall univer universe se like the one known at presen sent-day (Dra Dragan ganesc escu, u, 1991 1991). ). In fact, act, matter in our Universe is associated to a complex made of   substance–energy–information–space–time. The The brain brain,, as enti entity ty,, cont contai ains ns both both stru structu ctura rall and and phen phenom omen enoologi logica call part parts, s, and and is a subs substr trat atum um for for the mind mind (Draga Draganescu, nescu, 1991 1991). ). Mind Mind can can be rega regard rded ed as an instr instrum ument ent with with the main main role role to comcompare pare the the expe experi rien ence cess and and data data usin using g mode models ls and and prog progra rams ms.. Unde Underr these these circ circum umst stan ance ces, s, the the cons consci ciou ousn snes esss shou should ld be diffe differe rent nt from from the mind and the latter one may high highli ligh ghtt the the exis existe tenc nce e of the the consci conscious ousnes ness. s. In additi addition, on, the consci conscious ousnes nesss may subordinate subordinate the mind mind (Droch Drochioiu, ioiu, 2008 2008). ). In spite of the fact that consciousness is the most evident reality for humans, it is considered the oldest and most most diffi difficu cult lt prob proble lem m faci facing ng huma human n epis episte temo molo logy gy.. Ther Theref efor ore, e, a stru struct ctur ural al–p –phe heno nome meno nolo logi gica call thin thinki king ng on plan plants ts,, anim animal alss or humansand humansand even even their their diseas diseases es shouldtake shouldtake into into consid considera eratio tion n that that these these may may be seen seen as spec specifi ificc phen phenom omen ena a devel develop oped ed on mate materi rial al structur structures es (Dro Drochi chioiu oiu,, 2006 2006,, 2008 2008). ). Star Starti ting ng from from his his biol biolog ogic ical al theo theory ry,, Maco Macovs vsch chii also also atta attack cked ed diale dialecti cticc mater materia iali lism sm and and mecha mechani nist stic ical al conc concep eptio tions ns in biol biolog ogy y and and life life scie scienc nces es (Mac Macovs ovschi chi,, 1979 1979b b). He conc concei eive ved d the the bios biostru trucctur ture as a cell ultra tra structure, which is different from notio tions such such as biol biolog ogic ical al mate materi rial als, s, biom biomat ater eria ials ls or even even bios biostr truc uctu ture re assign assigned ed to materi materials als extrac extracted ted from from biolog biologica icall materi materials als (dead (dead tistissues sues)) (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1972b 1972b). ). When When turned turned toward toward the large large Univer Universe, se, he took took into into cons consid ider erat atio ion n the the plur plural alit ity y of stru struct ctur ures es arou around nd us (Macov Macovschi, schi, 1979c 1979c). ). The The bios biostr truc uctu tura rall conc concep epti tion on was was used used to desi design gn new new expe experriments, such as those on the origin of life (Sc Sco ore reii et al. l.,, 19 1996 96). ). Howe Howeve ver, r, it is diffi difficu cult lt to expl explai ain n some some phen phenom omen ena a such such as proprogramme grammed d cell cell death death or the change changess in bacter bacterial ial biostr biostructu ucture re within within resting state bacteria. bacteria. A biostructura biostructural–phe l–phenomeno nomenologic logical al approach approach may cons consid ider er apop apopto tosi siss as a pha phase in whic which h the the cell cell is no long longer er able able to susta sustain in life life phen phenom omen enon on.. The The bios biostr truc uctu ture re is brok broken en down down beyond beyond a certai certain n thresh threshold old..

5. Conc Conclu ludi ding ng rema remark rkss

Eugen Eugen Macovs Macovschi chi founde founded d the biostr biostruct uctura urall theory theory based based on the idea dea that that the the livi living ng stat state e is dete determ rmin ined ed by a pecul eculia iarr stru struct ctur ure. e. Acco Accord rdin ing g to his his conc concep epti tion on,, the the livi living ng prot protop opla lasm sm is inte integr grat ated ed into nto a part partic icul ula ar str structu ucture re,, whic which h he cal called led “bio “biost stru ruct ctur ure” e” and and the the othe otherr part part is an intr intrac acel ellu lula larr solu soluti tion on.. The The bios biostr truc uctu ture re is not not a chem chemic ical al or phys physic icoc oche hemi mica call stru struct ctur ure, e, but but a high higher er,, biol biolog ogiical, cal, unceas unceasing ingly ly develop developing ing structu structure. re. Hence, Hence, the biostr biostruct ucture ure is a


biol biolog ogic ical al entit entity, y, whic which h obey obeyss biol biolog ogic ical al laws laws,, and and not not a chemi chemica call stru struct ctur ure. e. To avoi avoid d conf confus usio ions ns,, new new term termss shou should ld be intr introd oduc uced ed and and new new expe experi rime ment ntss have have to be done done with withiin the the fra framew mework ork of  the bios biostr truc uctu tura rall theor theory. y. The The exis existen tence ce and and integ integri rity ty of bios biostr truc uc-ture ture depe depend ndss on an influ influx x of ener energy gy.. In the the livi living ng tiss tissue uess trea treate ted d with with inhi inhibi bito tors rs of the the meta metabo boli lism sm,, part partia iall brea breaki king ng down down of the the bios biostr truc uctu ture re occu occurs rs and, and, cons conseq eque uent ntly ly,, the the amou amount nt of free free wate waterr and and hydr hydros osol olub uble le subs substa tanc nces es incr increa ease ses. s. The The bios biostr truc uctu tura rall theo theory ry has has majo majorr adva advant ntag ages es comp compar ared ed to all all mole molecu cula larr theo theori ries es in life life scie scienc nces es,, beca becaus use e it rela relate tess to biol biolog ogic ical al stru struct ctur ures es on whic which h the the life life phenom phenomena ena occur. occur. The main main limita limitatio tion n of the biostr biostructu uctural ral thetheory ory cons consis ists ts of its its quar quarter terin ing g to biobio-str struc uctu ture ress that that inte integr grat ate e only only the chemic chemical al compou compounds nds.. Althou Although gh Macovs Macovschi chi has postul postulate ated d the exis existe tenc nce e of a biofi biofiel eld, d, his his theo theory ry was was confi confine ned d only only to the the mole moleccular ular and supram supramole olecul cular ar structur structures. es. The biostr biostruct uctura urall concep conceptio tion n is genera generatin ting g new theori theories es and hypoth hypothese esess on biolog biologica icall phenom phenom-ena ena and a larg large e body body of rese resear arch ch is need needed ed to take take adva dvanta ntage of  Macovschi’s Macovschi’s heritage. heritage.  Acknowledgment

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