Under the Americans, the Philippine Assembly launched numerous attempts to lobby for Philippine independence. Their efforts culminated in 1934 with the Tydings!c"uffie Tydings!c"uffie Act, which led to the foundation of the Philippine #ommonwealth in 193$. %hen the constitution of the #ommonwealth was being drafted, #amarines &orte 'epresentati(e %enceslao )in*ons proposed the inclusion of an article on adopting a national language. +is proposal bore fruit in Article ---, ection 3 of the 193$ #onstitution, which directed the &ational Assembly to /ta0e /ta0e steps toward the the de(elopment and adoption adoption of a common national national language based on one of the eisting nati(e languages.2 -t also states that until otherwise pro(ided by law, nglish nglish and panish shall remain as the official languages of the Philippines. Pursuant to this, #ommonwealth Act 14 established the -nstitute of &ational 5anguage 6-&57 in 1938, to study eisting Philippine nati(e nati(e languages and dialects and select one of them to be the basis of the de(elopment of a ilipino national language. -n &o(ember 193:, following studies and numerous d ebates among eperts and proponents of (arious regional languages, the -&5 recommended Tagalog Tagalog to be the basis for the national language of the country.. This is based on epert opinion that Tagalog country Tagalog was found to be widely used and accepted by the greatest number of ilipinos, and that it already has a large literary tradition. ;ased on this recommendation, President !anuel
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