Articles A, An, The

July 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: the , a , an . “

1. I bought _____ a pair of shoes. 2. I saw______ movie last night.

3. They are staying at ____ hotel. 4. ____ girl is playing volleyball. volleyball.

5. That is _____ _____ problem I told you you about. 6. _____ price of gas keeps rising.

7. I read ______ amazing story yesterday. 8. I write write _______ letter to to my my sister.

9. I ate _______ apple this morning. 10. I was in _______ Italian restaurant. r estaurant.

11. Sara can play ______ the drums. 12. I would like _______ a piece pi ece of cake. cake .

13. _____ night is quiet. Let´s take a walk! 14. I am in ____ office. But, look for me in case I am not.


Answers 1. I bought __ a ___ pair of shoes.

2. I saw ____a __ movie last night.

3. They are staying at _the ___ hotel. 4. _   _The __ girl is playing volleyball.

5. That is _   _the ___ problem I told you about. 6. __ The The ___ price of gas keeps rising.

7. I read ___ an an ___ amazing story yesterday. 8. I write ___ a____  a____  letter  letter to my sister.

9. I ate ____ an an ___ apple this morning. 10. I was in __the_____  Italian  Italian restaurant.

11. Sara can ca n play _   _the ____ drums. 12. I would like __ a _____ piece of cake.

13. _ The The ____ night is quiet. Let´s take a walk! 14. I am in __ the the __ office. But, look for me in case I am not.

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