Articles 2+2

April 9, 2017 | Author: Victoria Baginskaya | Category: N/A
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ARTICLES 2 + 2 Getting into Small Stakes Online 6-max NLHE (nextgenneo)........................................3 My 5k post (fees)...........................................................................................................13 Basic theory – expected value (matrix).........................................................................27 A FRAMEWORK FOR POKER STUDY (learnedfromtv)..........................................31 What matters, What doesn't (cbloom)............................................................................36 6 Max fundamentals for SSNL players (Tien)...............................................................38 Tien's Article on Mentality, Image, and changing gears (Tien)....................................41 Almost there with Success and Failure (Gigabet)..........................................................44 Thoughts on Running bad for UNL guys (ssdex)..........................................................47 Do things for a reason (ofishstix)...................................................................................49 Evolving (MTG)............................................................................................................50 Opening Up Your Eyes and Your Game (AJFenix)......................................................52 How to use Poker Tracker (Pokey)................................................................................56 SOME THOUGHTS ON GAME SELECTION (fiksdal).............................................59 How to Put It All Together and be a Winning Player (MikeyPatriot)...........................62 Advice from a MHNL'er (whitelime’s).........................................................................64 UNL YOU ARE WEAK TIGHT (Pokey).....................................................................71 Working on your game (kom)........................................................................................74 The Basics: session review & " Deconstruction" (matrix)............................................77 THE EVOLUTION OF A POKER PLAYER (aejones)...............................................79 BETTING THE TURN vs BETTING THE RIVER (Reguin)......................................84 Crushing Short Stacks (Cry Me A River)......................................................................87 My Pooh-Bah post (C/R vs. b/3b) (Dan Bitel)..............................................................97 Small PP's - Moving beyond set mining (AZplaya)......................................................99 Where the !*$# is Valuetown?? (pokey).....................................................................101 Playing OOP (epdaws).................................................................................................118 LOOSE AGGRESSIVE PLAY (BalugaWhale)..........................................................122 You Should Open Limp......... (RichC.).......................................................................124 Suited Connectors, Implied Odds, and You (goofyballer)..........................................126 Reraised Blind Battles and Bluffing with Marginal Hands (sam h)............................130 3-betting light (Dan Bitel)............................................................................................134 Preflop 4betting (Theory) (tannenj).............................................................................137 Blind stealing (Pokey)..................................................................................................147 Taking stealing the blinds to next level (Dan Bitel)....................................................152 TILT and PSYCHOLOGY...........................................................................................154 The psychology of TILT (DaycareInferno).................................................................154 TILT and R.A.A. (Pjo336)...........................................................................................156 My Take On Tilt (beavens)..........................................................................................159 Variance, Tilt, Ego, and SSNL (lmw)..........................................................................162 EVERYTHING ABOUT CONTINUATION BET.....................................................164 Continuation betting – PART I (MYNAMEIZGREG)...............................................164 C-BETTING (The Machine)........................................................................................166 CONTINUATION BET ARTICLE (FreakDaddy).....................................................169 WHY AM-I C-BETTING AGAIN ? (biblio-san).......................................................173 Some thoughts on continuation bet sizing (Panthro)...................................................177 DOUBLE BARRELING (orange)...............................................................................184

GET IT IN (poincaraux)..............................................................................................186 PLAYING JUNK FROM LATE POSITION (tannenj)...............................................189 HAND RANGES, READS AND NOTES....................................................................201 READS (djoyce003)....................................................................................................201 HAND READING / BET SIZING (carnivalhobo)......................................................205 AN UNBELIEVABLY LONG GUIDE TO HAND READING (Pokey)...................209 Taking Notes & Making Reads Article (I) (FreakDaddy)...........................................217 Taking Notes & Making Reads Article (II) (FreakDaddy)..........................................227 HAND RANGES (Mercman572)................................................................................232 RANGES (supwithbates).............................................................................................234 The thought process during a hand (Nogastira) ......................................................................................................................................236 .....................................................................................................................................239 Profiling opponents using PAH (sh58)........................................................................240 SOME GOOD TO KNOW PAHUD STUFF (Nick Royale).......................................244 BLUFFING.....................................................................................................................248 Bluffing assay (ThePortuguee)....................................................................................248

Getting into Small Stakes Online 6-max NLHE (nextgenneo) Disclaimer: This is something I wrote for a friend who wanted to get into poker and I’ve decided to share it with the general populous. This is designed for uNL 6max and a lot of the concepts may not apply to higher stakes games against opponents thinking on higher levels. There could be plain wrong information, in here so question everything, in turn you will gain better understandings of fundamentals and maybe even help me overlook something I've forgot. I am not claiming that preflop 6max is "chart based" or a few simple rules will make you a winning player but for someone starting out I think the concepts here are good starting points. Take everything in this for face value. Some of the stuff might be fairly trivial however it never hurts to think about fundamentals. I don't claim to be the best in the world but I know I am a proven winner at MSNL so that counts for something. I've worked up from $300 on $25NL so I've put my time in on lower stakes and no the grind it is, however it’s got to be done. Introduction When it comes to NLHE, this is the fundamental theory: You're opponent has a range of hands, some are better and some are worse. Your goal is to maximize your profit from the worst hands whilst minimizing your losses from better hands and so, make the most money against their range. As the hand goes on and more betting decisions have been made, your opponents range is narrowed so at no point in the hand do you have to "find out where you are". This is a common misconception. Consider a hand where you have 99 oop in a 3bet pot on an 8 high board (without the lead). If you c/r the flop to find out where you are, your average opponent will fold all the range you beat (over cards, small pairs) and stack off against the opponents range of QQAA. The fundamental theorem has been violated by trying to "find out where you are" on the flop. Instead if you check called and check/raised the turn all in this would allow an opponent to double barrel a hand such as AK, over commit with pairs or check behind giving us free information to narrow the opponents range and profit more. This is how you should be thinking during your hands. Do not allow your opponent to make easy and perfect decisions against your hand by playing it poorly. Also if you want to play poker for fun then enjoy it, try and improve; whatever. But if you want to move up and make serious money you need to approach it from a different angle. When you have a bad session, instead of thinking “oh crap I lost 6 buy ins from bad beats”, think “how could I have saved myself I buy in or two”, “how could I have made more money than I did on so and so hand” etc. Until you are the best player in the world and playing every hand perfectly there is always room for improvement. Take responsibility for your play, and stop using variance as a scape goat. Stats are very important but not the end all of being a winning player. TAG stats are at minimum 15/13/3 and can range all the way up to 25/20/4 where its vpip/pfr/af. Try and aim for 16/14/4. The spread is also really important and it is vital to have your pfr close

to your vpip whilst learning, so I suggest you play a mainly raise / fold strategy preflop. The better you get and the more comfortable you feel postflop, the more you can cold call preflop and this spread can get wider. Its also very important to not play too many tables whilst you learn. This is a mistake a lot of people make and even I still do sometimes. Playing loads of tables means you need to be comfortable making 95% of decisions with little thought (autopilot) so until you are really experienced this isn’t going to be the case. First bit of advice is to play no more than 4 tables until you are a solid winner. Post flop is going to be a lot about thinking during hands and will come from reading, thinking, watching videos and mostly experience. Learning is key to playing good poker, its a lot of work but the monetary reward later and satisfaction in being truly good at something is a reward in itself. I really hope you read this and take something out of it, I wish someone handed all of this to me on a platter when I was coming up!

Recommend Stats for HUD I definitely recommend playing with a HUD. The stats that are a MUST are preflop raise, vpip, number of hands. Aggression frequencies / factors. Fold / raise / call continuation bet. Attempt to steal blinds and fold SB/BB to steal. Preflop Chart First thing to do with preflop is a general hand chart. This is a style that was successful for me. You need to keep in mind preflop that different table conditions and your image on each table can vastly shift these ranges. As you gain a clear understanding of how these factors should change your ranges then you can move away from this rigid form of play. Raises should always be 4 x the big blind + 1 big blind for every limper e.g If two guys limp and you are on the button with AK in .05-.10c game you should make it .60c. Open raise the following hands (open raise means if no-one has raised or limped). These positions are dependent on how far from the button you are so if its less than six handed then change accordingly. Early Position UTG (3 from button) 22 + AJo + ATs – AKs TJs, QJs, KQs KQo, AKo 56s – T9s (consider raising from time to time, especially if there are weaker players in the blinds) UTG + 1 (2 from button) 22 + ATo + A2s + TJs, QJs, KQs, KJs QJo, KJo, KQo, AKo 56s – T9s (consider raising from time to time, especially if there are weaker players in the blinds) Late Position Something interesting from a theory perspective, if you look at the small blinds fold SB to steal stat and the big blinds fold BB to steal stat, if they multiply to be > 0.7 and you assume every time they don’t fold you never win the hand then theoretically you can

raise any two profitably. If you consider you make money with these hands then this 0.7 number can be lowered further. CO (1 from button) 22 + A8o + A2s + T8s, 98s, T9s, TJs, QJs, KQs, KJs, KTs, QTs, K9s, Q9s, J9s TJo, QTo, QJo, KTo, KJo, KQo, AKo 56s – T9s Button The majority of your money comes from the button. 30-40% of my profits come from the button so you want to abuse it. 22+ Any Ax o / Ax s Kx suited Any suited connector 54s or better Any one gapper 68s or better Any two gapper T7s or better Any connector 89o or better J8s +, J9o+ Q8s +, Q9o+ K9o + Blinds This is the area I struggle with the most and when you’re starting out I recommend playing a very tight range in the blinds. Small blind when it folds to you (pretty much same as UTG+1) 22 + A8o + A2s + TJs, QJs, KQs, KJs QJo, KJo, KQo, AKo Big Blind when it folds around and someone completes (same as CO) 22 + A9o + A8s + T8s, 98s, T9s, TJs, QJs, KQs, KJs, KTs, QTs, K9s, Q9s, J9s TJo, QTo, QJo, KTo, KJo, KQo, AKo

Big blind when there are a few limpers 99+ (sometimes raise with lower pockets if the table is fishy) AQo + KQs + AKo Suited connectors Suited connectors are generally over-rated by a lot of players and are very tough hands to play. I wouldn’t be calling raises with suited connectors even from position because people over-estimate implied odds all the time and they can get tough to play post flop. Every now it is alright to call with 78s if the raiser is a bad player (as in he has 40+ vpip and is spewy). Also they are good to open according to my opening guide above. They are also good to 3bet. If someone is raising a lot of hands from position then you can reraise them occasionally with suited connectors but this has a lot to do with metagame and table image which is a little too advance for this but some food for thought. Suited connectors are good to be calling raises with however when you are playing deep i.e 150bb + with someone but don’t get carried away. Playing from the blinds When you are starting out the blinds are going to be the trickiest spot to play from. They are for most experienced players including myself. First off don’t fall into the, its only ½ big blind to complete trap. Hands like 96o are garbage and should never be completed! You will have to play the rest of the hand out of position and unless you flop the absolute stone cold nuts your gonna get in a lot of trouble and be throwing money away. Play as tight as you possibly can from the small blind but with pocket pairs you probably want to be raising when there are limpers. The big blind can be tricky but I prefer to check my option most of the time and see a flop.

Preflop Concepts Position As you can see from this guide position is everything. These are very general rules for how I beat micro stakes and as you get better with these you will gain a feel for hands and situations and be able to change these ranges depending on opponents, your image on the table and how the table has been playing. I can’t stress enough though you want to play tight from all positions other than CO and Button and loosen up from those spots but still play aggressive! Limping Limping in 6 handed NLHE cash games is always going to be a mistake. It will also add another level of complexity to your game that is unnecessary. For instance if you limp 22-55 UTG then you will have to start limping other hands, including strong ones, and limp/raising AA and limp/raising bluffs to balance your ranges. By always raising you’re making yourself harder to play against, keeping your ranges balanced without the bigger headache, and always gaining the positive expectation of putting yourself in a position to steal the blinds. Limping also leads to people playing less than optimal hands. If its not good enough for a raise, its not good enough to play so fold. Limpers Having said that about limping, limpers are and will be a part of the games for the foreseeable future. To exploit these players mistake you need to be isolating (raising) there limps with a fairly wide range. It is also good to watch there play and get an idea if they limp/call or limp/fold a lot. A player that limp/folds a ton means you can isolate him with any ace and even hands like Q7s / 78s. Also players that limp/call and then fold lots of flops to c-bets are good candidates to isolate very wide. However, be weary of players who limp/call a lot and rarely fold to c-bets. It is generally a mistake to isolate them with weak connector type hands. By doing this you will be putting money in with the worst hand a lot of the time and not enough fold equity pre or post. Pockets if there are limpers in front You want to raise any pocket pairs as standard if they are full stacked. This is so you can:   

Punish their limp and pick up the free money You build a pot so if you hit your set its going to be easier to get their stack in. Deception. If you are always limping behind with pockets its going to be obvious against thinking opponents

Reasons to just limp behind with pockets are if their stack is not a full 100bb. Generally if your raise is going to be more than 10% of their stack then don’t make the raise. However if one person who limps has a large stack and another is short, still make the raise. For instance: In a .05c-.10c game someone open limps UTG with a $2.10 stack. It is onto you in the CO with 44, you prob don’t want to raise to 0.4c because the implied odds are cut short due to his


small stack and he is going to be much more willing to just stick it in with any draw / pair on the flop which will lead you to some tough decisions and often folding the best hand. However, in a .05c-.10c game someone open limps UTG with an $11 stack (you cover). It is onto you in the CO with 44, you do want to make it 50c to go always with any pocket. Calling raises and re-raises with pocket pairs This is a very general rule which applies to all of small stakes but won’t work in mid stakes and beyond. There’s lots of literature on this in the sticky section of 2p2. If someone raises and you have a pocket pair, call if it is 5-10% of your stack. Reasons for this are you will flop a set about 1 in 10 times and if you assume you will win their stack you have the implied odds. You want to look at poker ace hud stats though in making the decision. The higher the vpip the more you can call profitably pre looking to hit a set because generally this means they are poor players who will stack of lightly. If someone with a 20 vpip raises I wouldn’t want to call more than 5% of my stack off because they are good enough to not pay you off all the time. Whereas if someone with 55vpip raises I would have no problems calling 10% off with 22 because you will often win unimproved and generally they will continue with any piece of the board so its going to be very easy to play a big pot with them. Also, if you are facing a large raise or reraise you want to call off less of your stack out of position than in position. E.g 1 In a .05-.10c game you make it 0.40c from UTG+1 with 33, a solid player with 20vpip raises to $1.20 from the button, its onto you. You are $10 deep here I’d be inclined to fold because they are probably re-raising you wide enough that you would need a setup flop to stack them and this will happen too infrequently. You are also out of position. E.g 2 In a .05-.10c game you make it 0.40c from UTG+1 with 33, a solid player with 20vpip raises to $1.20 from the big blind, its onto you. You are $14 deep here I’d be inclined to call because you are in position so it will be easier to put money in, and you are also slightly deeper so you have better implied odds. E.g 3 In a .05-.10c game you make it 0.40c from UTG with 33, a very tight player with 15vpip raises to $1.00 from the button, its onto you. You are $5 deep here I’d be inclined to fold because you don’t have the proper implied odds. E.g 4 In a .05-.10c game you make it 0.40c from UTG with 33, a very tight player with 15vpip raises to $1.00 from the button, its onto you. You are $10 deep here I’d be inclined to call because even thought it is tight his range is a big pocket pair enough of the time that you can be confident the majority of the time you hit a set you will be good. Hope you see the point of calling raises for set value. This changes drastically in mid limits because people’s 3betting ranges are much wider but I feel this can be used almost perfectly against micro / small stakes players. This is all very important as pocket pairs are where most of your money comes from when you play tight aggressive 6max.


Important concept: Something else to consider is their raise and aggression statistic. If someone has a large raise % or is very aggressive then if it’s a tight call from implied odds perspective then you might want to dump it because they could be reraising you light with AQ/AJ type hands and you would need the perfect flop to stack them (A3x if u hold 33) whereas if they hardly raise their range is drastically cut down and contains big pockets a lot of the time so you don’t need that “perfect flop”. I would consider a large raise % to be anything >17 and a high aggression factor anything > 3.5. Bare in mind that poker ace statistics like agro factors are only useful when u have 100+ hands but vpip is generally a good indicator from 30-40 hands on. A brief note on 3betting When I played micro stakes entering a raised pot I pretty much never flat call a raise out of position ever! So if I have KQ in the blinds or AJ in the blinds and some raises I am either folding or raising. If they have a full 100bb then I will raise 3-4times their raise. Out of position I recommend when your reraise should be 4 times and in position you can get away with raising 3 times because its going to be easier to play the hand. When you are considering entering a raised pot you should look at their preflop raise stat. The higher it is, the wider the range of hands you can reraise with is. If some1 raises 2% of flops you prob just want to call with TT and play for set value and fold KQ because their range is so strong but if someone raises 18% of hands you should be reraising KQ and TT often against them because you are ahead of their range. 3-betting “light” is a very hard style to play against and most people on microstakes think that when some1 reraises they have AA/KK so your c-bets don’t have to be as big because they are going to get A LOT of respect. However I don’t recommend 3-betting too light at these stakes because there is no real need and when you are starting your poker career its best to keep it simple. If you feel the hand isn’t good enough for a reraise then dump it! Something very important which I forgot to mention is when someone raises look at what position they are raising from and if there are limpers in front. This can give you a lot of information on their hand but only take into this account if they seem to be a good player (because only good players widen their range in position). If you think they could have a wide range then 3-bet more liberally. Continuation bets Heads up when you’ve raised preflop you want to be c-betting 60-70% of flops. This is to do with the overall concept that your opponent will only hit the flop 1 in 3 times, thus 66% of the time your opponent will have missed and be unable to continue. The fishier the opponent the less you want to c-bet completely missed hands. Board texture comes a lot into this but there are lots of great threads about this which I will try to link to some other time. I generally try to keep my continuation bets the same size, between 2/3rd and ¾ pot depending on stack sizes. The smaller their stack size the less you can bet is what I find. Anything less than 2/3 rd pot most of the time gets no respect. Into multiple opponents you can get away with betting ½ pot occasionally but I don’t really recommend it.


When I’ve missed a flop or hit a flop I always like to continuation bet to disguise my hands well and build a pot (when I have something). The best way to get money in the pot when you have a strong hand is to bet it out. Especially on lower stakes games your edge comes from people playing dominated / bad hands and not being able to fold them when they hit or paying too much for their draws so value bet your hands to hell! But for a quick example on board texture: Boards like: K26 rainbow are GREAT to c-bet any hand because its really hard for the opponent to have hit this board with a lot of his hands. Boards like: KJT with two diamonds are not good to be continuation betting 22 because so much of the range has hit this board you prob just spewing money away. Boards like: KQ7 with two spades have hit a lot of the range but are still good to c-bet against tighter opponents because if u bet 2/3rd pot as a c-bet you need to win it a little less than 50% of the time for it to be profitable which it should be. Boards like Q88 with a pair are usually good to be c-betting too. Into multiple opponents you want to be c-betting less on boards like the KQ7 but its still good to c-bet great textured boards like K26. Also when you bet into multiple opponents you get more respect (generally). Obv by multiple opponents I mean 2ish, not the whole table!


Summary Things that I have just touched on and need A LOT more depth are c-bets, 3betting, metagame, table image and all that jazz. I suggest tight and aggressive. Don’t get out of line and avoid marginal situations. Wield position like a hammer because it really is the most important concept in NLHE. Try not to over-estimate implied odds or suited connectors as it will cost you in the long run! In future I will write articles on: • 3betting and playing against 3betting • Double barreling • Check raising continuation bets (both for value and as bluffs) Keep in mind this is all written quickly and off the top of my head. There may be mistakes in here but using a system like this and lots of experience I was able to cruise through micro stakes. Practice and thinking about this game / posting hands / asking questions is the real fun and learning process. This is just a start. Good luck.


My 5k post (fees) Hey guys, I started out here at 2p2 sometime last Feb at uNL as a pretty terrible strategy poster. Since then not much has changed (=P) still pretty lazy and rarely get around to making truly great strat posts, but this post will be an exception. I tried to write an ebook a little more than a month ago but about half way through I realized how much I hate writing and how lazy I was so I finished about half of it. Maybe if this thread gets positive feedback I'll finish it, but here's what I have thus far written of an ebook on the topic of beating uNL-MSNL online 6max. Enjoy=D (sry if it doesn't read well I haven't had anyone proofread it) Table of Contents: (this is what the book would look like if I wrote the whole thing, I got up to floating=/) 1. Preface 2. Preflop: A. UTG B. MP C. CO D. BTN E. SB F. BB 3. Flop A. Cbetting B. c/ring C. Floating D. Raising F. Unraised pots 4. Turn A. Double Barreling B. c/ring C. Floating D. Raising F. Unraised pots 5. River A. Triple barreling B. c/ring C. Floating D. Raising F. Unraised pots 6. Psychology A. betsizing B. Timing C. History 7. Mentality A. Health B. Game analysis C. Downswings D. Upswings E. Session Length F. Multitabling Preface


This book will cover small stakes online 6 max ring games. All hands will be assumed to be 6 handed, though other situations will be discussed. The focus of this book will be the progression of a hand or; preflop, flop, turn, river. Your hand ranges in general should adjust and be contrary to the way the game is playing. This means that if the game is loose (meaning there are a lot of bad players, generally players with VPIP’s higher than 28, for example a player that plays 32/5/1 is a weak bad player) you should be playing a tighter more solid game, bluffing less often (including semibluffs) and value betting thinly with 1 pair type hands. You should also play less starting hands. On the flip side if the game is tighter you should loosen up your starting range (incorporating hands such as 65s UTG as discussed previously) to exploit the your opponents tendency to fold. In these instances you should semibluff and bluff more , as you will find more fold equity. Loose players will search for an excuse to call, whereas a tight player will look for an excuse to fold. Table selection When Table selecting you want to look for the following things: • Players that play too many hands, anything above 40 VPIP is gravy, but 30 is too many hands as well. Also players that play something like 25/10 (meaning they are limping/calling WAY too much preflop) will do as well • Stack sizes. Generally you want players with full stacks to the right of you. You want to have position on players that you cover, as it is +EV. At the same time you want players with short stacks to your left, as short stackers that have position on you are +EV for you. In a perfect world you would play with 3 full stacks with VPIPs over 40 to your right, and too tight short stackers to your left, but this will rarely ever happen, its just something to think about. • Position and hands played. As described in the second feature for good game selection you want loose players to your right and tight players to your left. Again this isn’t essential but its something to think about when switching/selecting seats, as well as changing games. • Losing/breakeven regulars. Your strategy should involve you playing 4 tables or less and really focusing on your opponents and developing very strong reads. Feel free to play with a regular that you have as a loser or marginal winner in your database. Avoid winners. Your superior strategy will make it profitable to sit in a game with these players and exploit them, so feel free to sit, just don’t search them out or make a habit of it unless they are really bad. • As a general guideline it is better to play at a table with a bunch of loose passive/weak tight type players than a table with someone who players 80% of their hands and 4 other solid TAGs. For example I prefer a table with a: 40/10, 30/20, 25/14, 20/12, 17/12 than a table with a 70/30, 23/20, 20/18, 20/18, 18/15. Its going to be easier to play against several bad/mediocre opponents that 1 very bad opponent and 4 good ones. Poker is simple, as your opponents make mistakes, you profit. Agaisnt Loose/bad players you generally want to play straight forward tight solid poker. Agaisnt Tight/good players you generally want to mix up your play and play a trickier or deceptive style. Do not make the mistake that every 20/17 multitabling tag is tight AND good. Agiasnt these types of players you want to lean towards a looser pre-flop strategy and a solid postflop strategy, as they will make mistakes for you, forcing them is not necessary.


Preflop: This chapter is going to demonstrate preflop strategy and will focus on raising ranges, calling ranges and 3betting preflop (3B) aka preflop reraise. Under the Gun (UTG) Being under the gun means that you have three players to act that hold position on you; middle position (MP), cut off (CO) and the button (BTN). It also means you have two players to act that are out of position relative to you, the small blind (SB) and big blind (BB). Your UTG raising range should be the tightest of the four non-blind positions. Lets take a look at a standard preflop UTG range, assuming full stacks and a mix of tags/lag fish (players that play too many hands without purpose)/and loose passive (fish that check call and are easy to extract value from): Range: 22+ (all pairs) A10s+ (meaning A10s, AJs, AQs, AKs) (s meaning suited) AJo+ (meaning AJo, AQo, AKo) (o meaning offsuit) 98s+ (meaning 98s, 109s, J10s, QJs, etc) KQo KQs KJs+ (KJs and AQs[which was already covered]) (meaning suited 1 gappers)` This will account for 13% of hands and is a conservative but very solid and profitable preflop raising range. Your UTG range can adjust based on the game quality you are in. Adjusting: Loose games: Add hands like KJo or A10o, because you can make 1 pair type hands and extract value from players calling with weaker top pair hands or second pair hands. The reason we typically avoid these type of hands in tight games is because we will frequently show up with second best 1 pair hands out of position (OOP) and will put us in tough spots and to lots of decisions. Always try to make poker easy to play. Tight Games: Include hands such as 65s+ or A5s. These hands have a lot of potential and will less often put you into situations where you have weak 1 pair hands out of position. These hands widen you range against likely better players and make you a more difficult and tricky opponent. Stack Sizes: You should also adjust your raising range based on stack sizes. For instance say you are UTG and there are two or three players with say 40BB stack sizes (or less). In this scenario you should avoid hands like 22-66 and 98s, and instead substitute in hands like KJo, QJo, A9s, A10o, because against these players you again are simply looking for a top pair type hand to get it in against (These 40bb stack players will generally be very bad and play poorly postflop getting it in with a wide range that doesn’t include many top pair type hands) Though it should be made clear in the higher MSNL and HSNL (medium and high stakes games) there are players who play a very tight and solid short stack game that are more difficult to play against, however it is uncommon to encounter one of these players anywhere below 3/6NL. Middle Position (MP)


Being in Middle Position means that you will have one player to act in front of you (UTG) whom you have position on, two players to act behind you (CO and BTN) who have position on you, and two players to act behind you (SB and BB) that you have position on. Middle position is very similar to UTG, you will incorporate a few more hands, however all the same principals apply. Again lets exam a standard preflop MP range, assuming full stacks and a mix of tags/lag fish (players that play too many hands without purpose)/and loose passive (fish that check call and are easy to extract value from): 22+ (all pairs) A9s+ A10o+ 98s+ KQo/KJo/KQs/ KJs/K10s This accounts for about 15% of total hands. Just like UTG this range can be manipulated based on the game quality. Adjusting: Loose games: You generally want to avoid things like A9o, as its potential is very small. Just like UTG you can still profitably raise 98s and 109s, just do it less frequently. For example maybe you only raise these hands roughly half the time you are dealt them. Use your image/table history to determine the optimal raising opportunity. For the most part in a looser game you want to keep things closer to the vest, so just simply raise less hands in this position. Tight Games: These games you can open up more from this position, include; 65s+ A8s, A5s Q10s Isolating: Pending a very weak player, playing 40% or more of his hands, you need to keep in mind that peoples limping range UTG is as tight as it will get for them (even though it could be wide). You have to be careful about isolating in this position because there are two players with position on you that understand you can isolate these players with a wide range. It is ok to try and add a hand like J9s to your range here for the purpose of isolating a weak player (by weak I mean folding too much, whether it be limp folding, or to cbets/double barrels) however if you have one or two tight aggressive opponents behind you that will exploit your extended range you should err on the side of folding to avoid marginal situations. In the event that these players are in the blinds or you game selected well and you aren’t at a table with opponents that go after you, sure go for it, isolate that limper. 3betting: In general you should be 3betting far more in position that OOP. The only person you can 3bet in MP is UTG. You need to be very cautious when 3betting an UTG opener, because this is where their raising range is likely the tightest (ignoring when they are in the blinds). Light 3bets are certainly profitable, however the ratio of light 3bet to value 3bet should be weighted heavily towards value. Lets say for numbers sake we value 3bet an UTG opener 80% of the time, and light 3bet 20%. First lets assign our 3bet range: Value: AKo/s AQo/s(situational)


AJs(situational) KQs (situational) AA KK QQ JJ(situational) 1010(situational) When I say situational I mean that it is possible that 3betting with these hands is marginal to the point where you are not clearly ahead of their range. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t 3bet them, it just means you shouldn’t do it every time and that you should be more inclined to do it in position. A player that plays 14/12 and raises UTG probably raises the top 8% of hands. The top 8% of hands looks like the following: 88+,AJs+,KQs,AJo+,KQo The equity of these hands against this range are: AQ (all combinations) 48% AJs 41% JJ 54% 1010 50% KQs 38% Whereas: AA 85% KK 72% QQ 63% AK 56% Light 3bet hands: 56s-QJs Axs (x should = 5 most often, as you will be able to flop gutshot+FD+over type hands,but 4-10 are all fine as well) 22-77 KQo AJo It will generally be more profitable to call with small pairs preflop (as I will outline in post flop chapters) however they can certainly make their way into a light 3bet category every once and a while. You generally want to 3bet an UTG opener with 56-109s or Axs because with the SC’s you will generally avoid second best hands and have tremendous flop potential, and the Axs hands will block combinations of AA and AK (which will help avoid him 4betting you) and also have tremendous flop potential. Avoid all other hands as they will form second `best hands often and get you in marginal spots. Anyway back to examining when to 3bet. We said we wanted to use an 80/20 ratio, 80 value, 20 bluffs. This means for every 4 times you 3bet an UTG opener with something like AK or AA, you want to 3bet him once with 56s. Stack Sizes: Just like UTG you should also adjust your raising range based on stack sizes. As stacks get shorter this scenario you should avoid hands like 22-66 and 98s, and instead substitute in hands like KJo, QJo, A9s, A10o, because against these players you again are simply looking for a top pair type hand to get it in against (These 40bb stack players will generally be very bad and play poorly postflop getting it in with a wide range that doesn’t include many top pair type hands) Though it should be made clear in the higher MSNL and HSNL (medium and high stakes games) there are players who play a very tight and solid short stack game that are more difficult to play against, however it is uncommon to


encounter one of these players anywhere below 3/6NL. Cut Off This is where poker will become more interesting. The cut off is the first position considered late position and is a spot where you will more often than not, be in position. There is a much bigger transition in our range from MP to CO, as will be shown in our hand selection. The cut off is one of your most profitable positions, second only to the button. This position is where you will start isolating weak players that limp, and 3betting players to keep the pressure on. Lets get to our range: 22+ (all pairs) A5s+ A9o+ 65s+ J10o+ Q10o+ K10o/K9s 108s+ (suited one gapers) Q9s+ (suited two gapers) Roughly 23% of total hands. The idea here is to steal blinds and isolate limpers. If you successfully steal someone’s blind you have earned 1.5BB’s (big blinds). If you beat a game for 5 PTBB (poker tracker big bets, or two big blinds) you will notice that you earn .1BB per hand. That means that stealing blinds earns you 15 times the average profit per hand. Beginning to understand why it’s so important and profitable? Lets focus on adjusting. Loose games: Believe it or not but playing from the CO in loose games is more tricky than tight when it comes to isolating. In a tight game you can raise anything and most decisions will be easy. In a loose game you run the risk of playing a lot of pots with marginal hands and (despite being IP) losing money. As you become better post flop you will have the capacity to raise more and more hands from position to isolate limpers, but first we have to examine situations where we should and should not isolate a player. Lets imagine the following scenario: You are in the CO with K9s, UTG who plays 38/10 limps (you’ve seen this player limp UTG with KQo, and with K4s in LP), This player is on the passive side and folds to cbets 50% of the time. The button is a mediocre TAG playing 18/15 and doesn’t have a penchant for 3betting light IP, though you have seen him do it. The blinds are two half stacks playing 30-35% of their hands. What’s your play? Fold ->[Although the player UTG is bad and limps a wide range we can be sure he’s at the top of his limping range UTG and is aware of the significance of position. We also know that he folds to 50% of cbets, and likely less when his range is strong (which it is due to him being UTG). The button is of very little concern, but we know he’ll reraise us with AQ+ and 1010+ and on rare occasion with a bluff, so this is something to consider. The second biggest concern of the hand is the shorties in the blinds. They play way too many hands and don’t care about position. Without flopping sometime strong it will be hard to play against these players as they will regularly be out of line. You have a hand with some potential, as it is suited, however implied odds come from deep stacks, not short ones. This compounded with dealing with a player limp-calling UTG is problematic because it is very possible you will be three way to the flop.] Let’s examine another situation:


You are in the CO with 65s, MP limps, he has a full stack and plays 25/12, with a fold to cbet of 66%. The button is a 20/10 weaktight player. The blinds have one good winning TAG who 3bets too much OOP and one donk who plays big pots with marginal hands too often, and has between 140 and 180BB’s, and you cover. Raise ->[ You definitely want to raise to isolate the player in MP who is definitely weak tight. His fold to cbet is on the low end as far as weak tight goes, but you have full stacks and position, combined with a hand with major potential is a very profitable situation. We don’t want the button to come along, but if he does we still can represent something cbetting the flop, and we also have major flop potential if the flop comes our way. The TAG who 3bets too much is kind of problematic, but this is a situation where once and a while we can call and bluff some flops, if need be. The other great feature of this hand is the weak player in the blinds who we cover. We will have position on this guy with amazing implied odds, so we definitely don’t mind if he comes in.] If a player calls too much after the flop you want to lean towards raising something like K9s, instead of 65s, unless you are 100bb+ with that player. General against these guys you can milk them with strong pairs/draws, so it supports raising a Kx hand that can make strong pairs. In the first scenario we didn’t raise K9s due to short stacks, but that was only because we we’re afraid that UTG would also come along with a hand that might dominate us, also we’d rather have 65s in a multiway pot, as opposed to k9s with much less potential postflop. It may seem somewhat counter intuitive and as if I was contradicting myself, but focus on each facet of the hand and how one hand can be a more profitable raise than the other, if they are in fact profitable at all. FWIW I’d rather raise 65s in the first scenario, though its close between raising and folding. Lets focus on a scenario where it would be preferable to isolate with K9s/K10o/A9o, etc. You are in the CO with A9o, MP limps, he has between 75 and 100BB’s and plays 4050/5-15. The button is a tight player, and the blinds are also on the somewhat tight side, maybe playing as many as 35% of hands, but less OOP. This player folds to cbet 70%+ of the time. [As his fold to cbet increase, so should your isolating range, and visca versa] Button: Button is the most fun and interesting position to be in. There are more opertunities to raise, 3bet, isolate and cold call than any other position. You will play loosest on the button. Your button raising range can be very wide or very tight, it really is all about the game you are in. It is very possible to raise 50% of your hands on the button, profitably. Lets get into the range: 22+ A8o+ K9o Q9o+ (offsuit 2 gapper) J9o+(offsuit 1 gapper) 98o+ 54s+ 64s+ 96s+ 106s+ K8s A2s+ This entire book is going to try to teach you how to make decisions by yourself, through detailed explanation and examples. This range is very tentative, it can be widened and


tightened by as much as 15% based on your table. Looser games: The button is so complicated that I want to give you some very straightforward guidelines and let you come to your own conclusions as to whether or not a button raise is profitable. Anything you would raise from MP you can open or even isolate OTB. The other hands will put you to decisions in loose games. In loose games where there are a lot of limp-calls you want to avoid things like 64s or 98o. If for the most part you can isolate the one donk who is limp-calling lean towards a K9s or a J9o. In the event that people are loose by will limp-fold with a decent frequency you can use almost the entire range, maybe cut out 2% of hands or so, just the bottom of the range (64s-86s, A8A9o, 106s-Q9s, 54s-76s, A2-4s, etc) If you prefer some hands and dislike others that’s fine, earlier analysis should provide examples of how certain hands are easier to play/more profitable than others in certain situations. In the event people are limp-calling or there are frequently multi-way flops (3 or more players) you need to really cut it down, raise maybe a tight CO range and raise it bigger, it’s okay to make it 5bbs+1 for each limper, in these games people will tend not to notice or care. Tighter Games: These are far more interesting. As the game gets tighter and there’s less limping or people limp-fold or play weakly you can really open up. The most important factor when opening the button is the blinds tightness. Most TAGs (tight-aggressive player) will be very tight OOP, this means that on the button you can profitably raise just about any two suited cards, any ace, and medium offsuit cards (though, these less than anything). The idea here is that players will just willingly give up 90% of their hands, and even if they do make it to the flop we will have position. I think for the most part tight players are going to limp strictly small pairs, suited connectors, and KQ type hands from early position. Take this into account, these types of hands are hit or miss, they will c/f the flop or try and play a big hand with these, which makes it easy on us b/c if we are weak we can give up our hand with ease, it lets us select when we want to play big pots with opponents. I am far more inclined to isolate a weak tight player with a marginal hand, than a loose/passive player. Stack sizes: Like most things as stack sizes grow so does opening range and your strategy. I just said “. I am far more inclined to isolate a weak tight player with a marginal hand, than a loose/passive player.” In the event I am deep (200BB+) this equation changes and I would Instead rather play with a loose/passive type because I know that all my twopair+ type hands can really get paid off by these guys, and I can also cbet/extract with 1 or no pair type hands. Same thing if you want to open into Looser blinds, you can raise the entire range plus more with marginal hands because you will have position and an unlikely holding that has tremendous potential and will often be a disguised hand. As stack sizes shrink, avoid 64s type hands, and embrace K8s or A9o, as they are the bread and butter of the bottom of your range. You should focus on trying to raise when a loose player limps and there are tight players to act behind you (all of these situations are talking about marginal hands, your core range should always be raised). So lets say a 40/20/1 limps in MP, you are OTB with 57s, he has about 110BB’s and you cover. The blinds are a nit and a 29/14 that folds BB to steal often (this is a statistic you should be using) You can for sure profitably raise your 75s, probably 90BB+ in this situation (effective stacks). In the event that the BB plays 40% of his hands and the SB


is a 20/18 tag, you should raise this hand less often. Understand that these situations are fictional, real poker at a table online is completely different from table to table, each one unique, just focus on every factor, for example the loose player in the BB. He makes you want to raise this hand less often, but let’s say the limp folds to 90% of cbets, that makes you more inclined to raise. Consider all these things when making your decision, and then come up with a solution (to raise or fold). FWIW if someone folds 90% of cbets I’ll isolate them VERY loose, almost regardless of other players in the hand, unless the blinds are two loose shorties or something of this nature. 3betting: Here your range is also the widest. You want to 3bet on the button far more than any position (go after people in position, not OOP). Here you probably want your ratio to be 3:2, so for every 3 value 3bets, you throw in two bluffs. This equation changes against more adept opponents that will really play back at you and go after you preflop or after the flop, but until an opponent shows a willingness to combat our strategy, continue to exploit his weak play and keep the pressure on. When 3betting you must first consider position, the CO is when our opponents range is the widest, and the position we 3bet this player the most. The second thing (but most important thing) is the % of hands this player raises. This was discussed in an earlier street, but the general idea is that the more raises this player makes the more we can 3bet, however players that raise way too much, say a 38/26, avoid 65s and lean towards AJo, these players will frequently see the flop with you and you want to show up with a strong pair type hand. The third part of the equation is history. If a player keeps folding to 3bets or c/f’s every missed flop continue to pound on him. If a player is good and willing to 4b bluff or c/r a flop with a draw or complete air, avoid bluffing so much and lean towards more value 3bets. Almost any range, ratio, principal, idea or strategy in this book can be manipulated to exploit your opponent, you just have to analyze his play and come to conclusions about how he plays, then figure out how to exploit it (a simple example of this is someone who 3bets 80%+ of hands, here you c/r this player with air to exploit him cbetting so often with marginal holdings, thus exploiting him and making you money. It also makes you harder to play against and helps your made hands get paid off by weak holdings) Flop Play: A. Cbetting Continuation betting is one of the most important elements of your strategy, it allows you to win a wealth of small pots and makes you difficult to play against if executed correctly. Let’s focus on situations to profitably cbet: 1. The first scenario is the easiest to understand and grasp, any opponent with a high fold to cbet (70% or higher), you can cbet basically your entire range profitably. When cbetting you want to have some hope for your hand, i.e. cbetting 98s on 552 is generally something you want to avoid doing, except against these players. There are three instances where I do not cbet against these players: A. They are short and my hand has very little potential, which worries me, (i.e. 98s on 552, or 22 on 1098) B. I have a note that says when I do not cbet they go bluff crazy, in these spots I’ll check very strong hands like 99 on 922 flop or something of this nature. (FWIW never check 99 on something like 974cc, anything with texture like this, even if they do go bluff crazy when you check flops). Another situation I would check would be something like AK or AA


on K52, K22, K94 (rainbow, bet all flops with any FD). C. I have QQ on K52r (Or any second pair type hand where you are in a WA (way ahead)/WB (way behind) situation, where by checking you can get value from like 77 (on this board) on later streets. Other WA/WB situations include like 1010 on Q77, or A2 on AK6. 2. Now lets focus on loose/bad players that are calling way too many cbets (calling way too much in general). Lets assume they fold to cbet 50% or less of the time. Against these players you have to be more cautious and give things up more easily, Before I go forward I want to interject and mention that: You generally want to be cbetting almost every single Ace or King high board, as players will view your range weighted towards these types of hands (and coincidently they will not have these types of hands very often) and will give you extraordinary amount of credit. Even against two opponents I would cbet the vast major of Ace and King high boards (pending stack sizes and notes), however anything more than two I wouldn’t get fancy, but that doesn’t mean I check when I do hit. This is somewhat contrary to what I’ve been describing about how to play against these types of players (being very close to the vest), but on occasion you are missing value by not double or triple barreling these types of players. For the most part I’m not going to indulge in any complicated triple barrel spots, so for instance say we raise in EP (early position) and cbet a AQ4 (two flush or rainbow) and get instantly called by a player playing somewhere between 30-45% of his hands and folds to very few cbets (as described earlier). One of my favorite indicators for a good double/triple barrel spots is the SNAP flop call. This can never be a big hand (or very rarely) because if he does have AQ or 44 (and in some instances A4), he would at least have to think momentarily about his action, whether to raise or just smooth call. By instantly calling (btw this is something you should focus on avoiding, a lot of information can be drawn on timing) he’s basically telling you “My range here is some A7 type hand, or a draw”. Pending some read that this player will never ever fold TP (which is uncommon for the games you’ll play in, for the most part these loose/bad players will not be stacking off with marginal 1pair in this particularly type of situation) you will be able to profitably double or triple barrel. In this situation I would most love to have a gutshot or FD myself (against these players I’ll put a lot of pressure on with FD’s, FD=flush draw) so you have some equity. Anyway the point is put the pressure on, if they are going to snap call your flop bet and have a range that is for the most part on the weak side (in this instance the strong hands he could have are AQ, 44, and A4, however is calling range is MUCH wider) put the pressure on. Don’t be surprised if he takes a while to call the turn, if hes a particularly weak player this will rarely be him trying to disguise his very strong hand inducing a triple, it will be him genuinely weak trying to figure out whether to call or fold, If this is the case I probably fire a river barrel. Also if you have the opportunity to bet something like $99 or $199 on the river or something I suggest it, this bet size will terrify them. Anyway when thinking about theory/strategy of approaching these call-too-many cbet type players, the simple answer is to tighten your range (which widens/tightens based on stacksizes, don’t forget) and simply c/f the flop. There are situations I don’t mind a c/c or a vbet with like A10+ or something, so say the board is like 1099, some loose guy calls OOP, I don’t mind cbetting AJ here because him having a better hand is rarely, and if he has some under pair his equity sucks. Also say I’m like BvB with AK on 332 (I’m SB) against one of these guys, I will probably c/c this board, and pending a read c/c or c/f turn (your default is fold until he proves that he will put you on AK in this types of situations and try to take you off of it)


3. Ok, so we’ve talked about weak-tight and loose-passive type of players and what our cbet tendencies should be, now lets get to the fun stuff, TAGs. These will generally be your toughest opponents (even if they are bad TAGs), these are the types of players where we like to mix up our play and throw in curve balls from time to time. Agaisnt these guys I’ll cbet just about every ace and king high flop, because their preflop calling range is rarely going to contain TP, unless its like they flatted AJ or KQ or something, but instead their range is weighted to small pairs and suited connectors (FWIW a pair has a 1 in 9 chance of flopping a set). There is danger here, against your better/more thinking opponents simply cbetting will not be enough. I remember playing against a player at FTP 200 who played something like 21/18 and played me tough/tricky. He definitely love to go after me and my cbets. Anyway I raised 98s from the SB and he called in the BB. The flop came K85r. I cbet $8 (4 BB’s), he raised to $32. This is a very suspicious line from him, if he had any king it doesn’t really make sense because we didn’t have enough history for me to get it in with anything worse than a strong king, so this isn’t really a possibility. The flop was rainbow so he can’t be semi-bluffing anything but a 76, and the only made hand he reps is 55 and far less often 88. Anyway In this situation my opponent is likely bluffing because his range contains very few made hands, now I did like the fact that I had 98 because if he does have 67 I have the best hand and a blocker, or if he has something really weird like KQ or 77 I have the equity/the best hand (however this is a small factor in my thought process). Anyway I discourage calling because then you are in a very marginal OOP spot and you don’t have the initiative in the hand, which makes your hand have less value intrinsically (Initiative simply means that you were the last person to bet/raise). So the simple answer Is that it is profitable to 3b/fold in this situation given the information (this is the yeti-theorem , which states that a 3bet on a dry board is always a bluff, and in this situations it kind of is, however we think we’re bluffing with the best hand) I 3bet to $76 and he folded quickly, so our analysis was very likely correct as we ran into the majority of his range in this spot (bluffs). You probably won’t have a ton of history with TAGs (when it comes to cbetting and stuff) because your game selection should for the most part allow you to avoid these guys (you aren’t trying to avoid them, we would rather exploit them, but we want to exploit everyone we play, and fish are simply more exploitable and more profitable). Out of position you generally want to just bet your entire range (made hands, semibluffs, second pairs and bluffs), I remember recently watching a hand with Krantz and Peachykeen where peachy raised UTG and Krantz called in MP. The flop came K74r, peachy c/r’d the flop, and krantz shoved. Peachy had AK and Krantz had KQ. There is clearly a lot more here than meets the eye and a ton of history, but nothing about this makes sense or is any sort of standard, you will never run into a situation at anywhere below $1000 where this is even remotely necessary, so out of position just cbet your range. (FWIW its ok to c/f like AK on 765 or something, against these guys you want to be more cautious about cbetting marginally, just look at their fold to cbet, if its low give up more and if its high go after them more, simple right=D). Also keep diligent notes about how they react to cbets so that you can adjust accordingly. In position it becomes more interesting, IP I mix it up a lot and check tons of flops back, particularly when I’m marginal (this is called polarizing your range, which for the purpose of most MSNL games and lower is OK, but fundamentally against tough opponents is bad because its exploitable if they figure out what your doing. For the most part your opponents here will not). What I mean when I say I want to polarize my range is that say I raise A2cc OTB and the BB (TAG) calls. The flop is AK5r and he checks, this is a great situation to check it back. It’s going to be very unlikely that he will ever call will a worse hand, and we will occasionally be c/r’d off the best hand and we will miss value from something like KQ or 88(if its suited I will on occasion still check it back, just less frequently). Anyway this is a great spot to check it back and maybe fire the turn. If the turn is something like a King or 5 I will probably check it again because nothing about this board has really changed and it will still be difficult to extract, I’ll probably just vbet the river. I would probably play QQ the same way, or I might just check it down depending if my opponent does or does not have the capacity to call with worse, fwiw if something like a K or A peels on the


turn or river you should be more inclined to bet because its unlikely he’s checking trips and its very likely he thinks you don’t have trips either, so he might make a marginal call down. Against very tough player you will occasionally be river c/r’d with a range of trips/bluffs, but this is very uncommon amongst even good players at these stakes. Check-Raising: Let’s now focus on the flop check-raise. For the most part you have probably already cultivated an aggressive image by 3-betting your opponents, so now lets suppose you slow it down and coldcall preflop. For the most part when we check raise it will mean that we have defended our blinds. Lets look at c/r situations: (For these situations lets assume we’re up against a LP TAG opener who plays somewhere between 23/18 and 20/15. 1. Say we flatcall with something like 33 from a CO open. The flop comes 1053r. This is not a good spot to check raise unless one of the following two conditions are met: A. You have a reason to believe that the villain is bad and spewy and will always put in way too much money with a TP or overpair type hand, especially if you play your hand fast. B. You have a history of check-raising dry boards against a decent-good opponent and he has reason to believe you are doing it with air frequently, so we c/r with a monster to balance our range. Both of this scenario’s require us to have some sort of read or note on an opponent, so lets assume we are just vaguely familiar with how he plays and we have his stats. You want to avoid check-raising these spots, with strong hands because you are polarizing your range between air/sets and it will be difficult to get paid. Since we probably will peel (check/call) a hand like A10 or 88 (pending history, as you build history you could c/r something like TP on this board for value) we want to simply c/c our entire range (of course not bluffs, it’s probably a good idea to fire away a c/r with something like QJss on this board because you have backdoor straight draws, potentially a backdoor flush draw, and two overcards, it is a good idea to go after your opponents without history in these spots because they will have to be very spewy to continue with most of their cbetting range and worst case scenario you develop an image that you like to c/r bluff which we can later exploit by c/ring with big hands). Anyway the point is when you flop a monster on a dry board start by check-calling, and go from there. 2. This was mentioned in example one but now lets say we have QJss or 76ss on 1053r (one spade). Assume same type of villain, this is a great check-raise spot because we have backdoor draws or a gutshot, and because our opponent will also have a tough time having a hand strong enough to continue with on this flop. Be more and more inclined to make these sort of bluff c/r’s against players that cbet a lot, really anything greater than 70% and you can for sure do it fairly often, as their cbet % decreases so should your c/r frequency. History also plays a roll, if he gave up the first time, do it again, put him to the test and make him adjust or just get run over. If he has seen you do it and is inclined to not give credit then change gears and just c/f and let him have it. Also you should see an increase in success of these types of plays in multiway pots. So say for example you have been really going after a guy preflop and decide not to squeeze so you overcall something like A5s. The flop comes 732r, you check, the PFR cbet, whoever called preflop comes along, you should c/r this spot, you have assumably backdoor flush outs, an overcard, and a gutshot. Not to mention a ton of FE, and it appears as though you have to have a huge hand because you just c/r’d a particularly dry board into two players. The risk you run is the overcaller having a set on this board, however this will generally be unlikely and in the event that he does we should have a little bit of equity. (FWIW it’s a c/r, fold to 3bet, we obviously don’t want to put our money in with ace high


and a gutshot) As far as bet sizes go, for the first scenario lets assume your opponent cbets 6bb’s into 8bb’s, you should c/r to 18bb’s with everything. In the second scenario, lets say your opponent cbets 8bb’s into 10bb’s, someone calls, you should c/r to 30bb’s with your entire range (this is to keep it consistent and avoid giving away something on bet sizing). These are rough numbers, just keep it somewhere within this range and you should be fine. 3. Now lets imagine we flop a made hand on a drawy board, say we have 87 or 55 on 965dd. In this situation we instead want to play our hand quickly and c/r (as discussed previously, big hands should be slowplayed on dry boards), but on boards with draws and texture we should opt to play our hands quickly, our opponents will be far more incline to play their 1 pair/big draw type hands fast to maximize fold equity, and since they have none and we are way ahead we want to get the money in now. These boards should on occasion also be c/r’d with draws, but keep in mind that depending upon the opponent you should likely weight your range towards made hand, rather than draws, as you will likely be getting money in behind/flipping most of the time, and there is likely a more optimal way to play your draw (FWIW big draws should likely be played for a c/r, for example 98dd on 762dd, whereas 109dd should be played for a c/c on 742dd [unless your opponent folds to c/rs more than most, in which case exploit this by c/ring draws and stone bluffs, and probably c/c most big hands, unless you’ve really been going after him and you suspect he is sick of you]). Float: 1. Lets first focus on floating with over cards. First of all we will never float OOP, it’s way too tricky and complicated, its just –ev. This means all of our floats will be done in position. What we do by floating is calling with a marginal type of hands with the intention of winning the hand on later streets. If we never floated people could just simply cbet every flop and give up because he knew he wasn’t good on the turn and would make us very easy to play against. When someone cbets and you are in position you can raise, call or fold. We want to balance each range and raising certain situations simply isn’t a good idea because our opponents will realize we raise bluff too often and we are basically giving him a free pass to 3bet bluff us, or do so with a marginal hand. Also by raising certain situations we give away the opportunity of a free card to make our hand. Anyway lets suppose MP or CO opens and we call IP with QJss. The flop comes 1084r (with or without a spade). Our opponent is a normal TAG and cbets, which he will likely do with a big part of his range. Lets say on average he opens 20% of hands from these positions (combined, more from CO and less from MP). Lets see what his range looks like at best in relation to this board: 22+,A8s+,KTs+,Q9s+,J9s+,T8s+,98s,87s,ATo+,KTo+,QTo +,JTo There are a lot of 1pair or no pair hands in there. This is also a fairly conservative estimate, so if this is the top of his range we can certainly peel. So lets say we call his cbet and the turn is a brick, a deuce or 6 or 4, whatever, he checks. Now we execute our float and bet 60-75% of pot. He will generally be c/ring or c/fing this spot, leaning towards folding, if he check/calls who knows, he probably has like 109 or 99 or something, but I would probably just give up unless you are sure he has some under pair, in which case bet the turn and river (FWIW you should do this with made hands like A10 as well to valuetown him). Ok now lets suppose we hit our gin card, 9. Again if he checks we have no option but to bet and hope he c/r’s for us to shove over. If he bets again it is probably because he has a strong hand, and at this point I would probably just put in a medium sized raise, so say he cbets 15bb’s into 22 or so on the turn, I would likely make it 40bb’s to entice him to come along with something like JJ or QQ, or to hopefully reshove a worse made h and. In


the event that I know my opponent is spewy or will make loose triple barrels calling is best, but raising is probably a good default. Lets now suppose we hit something like the A or K of spades. In this spot if he bets again you should just call, in the event that he is doubling representing this card we still can take the pot away on the river if he checks, and if he has this one pair hand its probable that he will want to go with it after making TPTK. FWIW raising isn’t a bad play, however it is high variance, and without a read as to his double barreling tendencies calling is likely best because if god forbid we do hit we can definitely get paid off on the river. If he’s super aggressive, definitely raise this situation. Now lets suppose we hit a Q or J, and he bets, just call again and figure out what to on the river UI, you will likely have to fold unless the player is unusually out of line (to a triple barrel, though if he gives you a pass like betting half pot on the river, look it up and figure out what he’s doing). Let’s now suppose he checks, just like when we were going to bet the turn if we missed we bet with made hands, some players will check call something like 10x or 99 on this board (which is bad) and we should certainly be looking to value town these guys. Fold if c/r’d pending a phenomenal read. I should mention that despite this board is rainbow you can also float something with like a flush draw, so let’s say for example the flop comes 10d8c3d, you can still float this board, and however realize that on later streets you need to bluff-represent the flush to make this profitable. It is more tricky and should be played around with a little, try not to get crazy with this because it is a bit higher variance but it’s certainly a good play if you can become comfortable representing the flush on later streets. 2. Now lets say we have 109s in this situation and the board is A72r or K85r, since we know our opponents will cbet a ton of A and K high boards we should certainly throw in floats, in these situations we have at least a back door straight draw, if not flush draw as well, either way if checked to on the turn bet it 100% of the time (that’s why you floated right?), and if he bets into you again just call if you pickup a draw. If you make middle pair and he bets again it depends on him, if he thinks you are peeling the flop light (this requires a read, don’t do this blindly) then you can peel another street, but never 3 UI without a read. FWIW this hand with these flops is another good spot to bluffraise IP, I don’t think either is preferential, you generally want to mix it up, if I had to assign a frequency I would say raise 15%, float 35%, fold 50%.


Basic theory – expected value (matrix) edited to fix glaring typo in 2nd example and to clear up AA v KK example - edits are in italics (matrix128) Expected Value - is commonly referrred to as EV. from here on in positive Expected Value is +EV and negative Expected Value is -EV. Poker is a game in which skill will beat luck every time assuming that you play for long enough. While it's true that any two cards preflop can win any given individual hand and that luck is a large part of this game if you hold any aspirations whatsoever to beat Poker overany significant amount of time/hands you must learn to make +EV plays and not make -EV plays. EV is simply what you expect to make on average with any particular play. here is a simple example Hero(100BB) has A A and raises preflop to 4xBB from the CO. Villain(100BB) calls from the BB and both see a HU flop of 9 3 6 Villain tells us he has black Kings (he's not lying) and then raises all-in and Hero calls. Villain tables K


(disregarding how good the play is in this hand) what is the EV of calling knowing we are against specifically K K ?) If we punch those numbers into Pokerstove we get this output.. Board: 9c 3d 6h Dead: equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 08.3838 % 08.38% 00.00% { KcKs } Hand 2: 91.6162 % 91.62% 00.00% { AcAs } we can see here that if this hand goes to showdown (as it is going to) that Hero will win on average ~92% of the time. so if we run this hand 100 times Hero ought to expect win 92 times and lose 8 times. there are ~200BB at stake so Hero wins 18400BB the 92 times his AA holds up - and loses 1600BB the 8 times he loses the hand. Total net win of 168BB/hand. This play is +EV and has an EV of 168BB *every* time you make it. It's important to note that EV and actual results can vary massivley over any short term period. e.g. if we actually ran the hand above 100 times you might win all 100 times -


does this mean the EV has changed? or you might be unlucky and lose 25 times in 100 does this mean the play is now less EV? - no EV remains 168BB per hand. Everytime you make this play you "earn" 168BB and the more times you repeat this the closer your actual real results will get to the "perfect average" of winning 92% of the time. Once you have played enough hands (an infinite amount) your total actual results will equal the sum of all of the total EV of the plays you have made. The closer your total number of hands gets to infinity the closer your actual results will get to this theoretical figure. So in theory every time you make a -EV play and get chips in when you are an underdog you a "losing money" regardless of the actual results of the hand - and conversely everytime you get chips in when you are a favourite in a hand you are winning money. If you added up all the "Sklansky Bucks" (theoretical EV money) you made in the long run and compared this amount to your actual winrate - after playing an infinite amount of hands these two numers will be identical - and the more hands you play the closer these two numbers will get to each other. Lets look at a more complicated example, in our simple example above we knew villains exact hand before calling so we don't have to put him on a range (which affects the EV of our play) in practice we never know what particular hand we are against when we make our decisions. This is a real hand from my database. Poker Stars No Limit Holdem Ring game Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 6 players Stack sizes: UTG: $27.85 UTG+1: $24.65 CO: $28.95 Button: $23.95 Hero: $25.15 BB: $27.80 Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is SB with 2 2 UTG calls, 2 folds, Button calls, Hero calls, BB checks. Flop: J 2 5 ($1, 4 players) Hero bets $1, BB raises to $3, UTG folds, Button calls, Hero raises to $8, BB raises all-in $24.9,Button folds, Hero calls. Turn: 9

River: 9

($53.8, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $53.8)

($53.8, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $53.8)

Results: Final pot: $53.8 - it's the flop action I am interested in here. In real life we don't know what sepcific hand we are facing at the point in time where we make a decision. What hand does BB have here? is my hand strong enough to call his allin? and how do we work out the EV of this play??


The answer is to put BB on a range of hands - if we re-run this hand 1000 times say sometimes he has AA and we are a huge favourite, sometimes he has 55 and we are a huge underdog, he might also have JJ-KK, AJ,KJ,J2,52,J5, Ax , or he might be bluffing. In this particular case his range is wide because there was no preflop raise. Also we are not saying htat he will always play every hand in this range exactly this way - but that he isn't playing any other hand apart from the ones in this range in this fashion. Against most of these hands I am a favourite, and against some of them I am an underdog. I have no way of knowing what hand he has and certainly don't have time at the table to put the numbers into Pokerstove so we just make an educated guess. I play using the general rule that I should never fold a flopped set for ~100BB. The reason being that no matter the flop if we can get all the money in on the flop we are almost always a favourite to win the hand at the showdown vs our opponents range of hands. So I happily call his all-in. But have I made a +EV play and will this earn me money in the long run??? Lets put his range and my hand into pokerstove and see... Board: Jc 2h 5h Dead: equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 78.7155 % 78.72% 00.00% { 2d2s } Hand 2: 21.2845 % 21.28% 00.00% { JJ+, 55, AhKh, AJs, J5s, J2s, Ts7s, 52s, AJo, J5o, J2o, 52o } (T7ss is included in this range to represent a bluff) and the numbers say that on this wide range of hands my play is +EV and that calling his all-in here means that vs that range I expect to win ~79% of the time. The actual results don't matter, as long as my range is accurate, and what cards come on the Turn or on the River don't matter either (as the decision is already made by then) if I make this play everytime it is +EV and in the long run I expect to win ~170BB everytime I make this play. As this play costs me 100BB to make I make a profit everytime here of 70BB, whether BB shows me JJ for top set or A 8 for a busted flush draw I still "gain" ~70BB everytime I make the play. Whenever you determine at the table that a play is +EV you should make it EVERY time. If you don't you are losing money in the long run. Do You See Why? Ultimately it is EV that will decide what your true winrate is, you can't beat it, or get around it in the long run eventually your total real results will match your expected results. Closely tied in with EV is variance - a lot of people misunderstand what variance is and try to avoid it. But you shouldn't. The very very best players at poker don't care about variance and try to make every single +EV play that they can (this is the main reason why they are such big winners) Variance is simply how much your actual results can vary from the statistical EV results in the short term. It's the reason that a 20x buyin roll is recommended. So that you don't go broke in the short term making +EV plays that you lose in the short term because the real results vary from the Expected results. Variance is neither good or bad - and the bigger bankroll you have to absorb variance the more you ought to be willing to risk on a marginal +EV play.


Lets say you determine that a play is +EV and you'll win 51% of the time, the more money you stake on this play the more you stand to win in the long run. 51% of 200BB is more than 51% of 20BB - though in the short term real results will vary lots and you stand a great chance of losing this particular bet if you can afford it (have a large enough bankroll) you should bet as much as you can on this 51% shot. As a final thought here is an exercise you can try when you next get a big losing session. Review all the hands in the session and for each hand you play work out a range of hands for each villain, run the numbers into pokerstove and see how much you made in EV. I do this sometimes and often find out that I had a +EV session that in real results lost me lots of real money. If most of the losiung sessions you have are +EV you are paying well and eventually real results will catch up with your EV results and you will be a long term winner, so despite losing now in the short term you can be happy that in the long run you're still winning


A FRAMEWORK FOR POKER STUDY (learnedfromtv) Below is an essay I've written for my Carpal Tunnel post. It's long (> 2500 words for a 2500th post, I guess). I'm posting it in MTT, where I spent most of my time since joining 2p2, and in MSNL, where I have spent more time lately. Introduction Recently I have put some thought into strategies for studying poker, in particular NLHE. It is frequently said that there are too many variables involved in the play of a hand for anything resembling a formulaic, component-by-component analysis to be practical. I agree with this, and agree that in even the simplest cases (short-stack push/fold calculations, for example), there is a significant margin for error in the final result which is due to necessarily imprecise assumptions about an opponent’s ranges. So even if a poker hand is one giant math problem, complete with game theoretic opponents who do a, b, and c x%, y%, and z% of the time, it’s an unsolvable problem. That said, I think a lot can be learned from thinking about poker hands in terms of their component variables, from thinking about the structure of that giant math problem and how it could be solved if it were solvable. This essay is my attempt to categorize and analyze those components. I call it a framework for poker study, because I think that one good approach to getting better is to spend time away from the table focused on these component variables one at a time, in order to be better prepared to think through all of the relevant information when faced with decisions at the table. Core Ideas There are three core ideas with which I assume everyone is familiar – the concepts of pot equity and Expected Value (EV), Sklansky’s Fundamental Theorem of Poker, and what I will call “hand range calculus.” Pot equity and EV are functions of basic probability and govern every action in a poker game. Your hand has some % chance of winning the pot, the pot contains some amount of money, so you have a claim of some part of the pot. Every bet you make is an investment; you should bet when your expected return from the bet is larger than the cost of the bet. The FTOP formalizes how to maximize your return in the special case of complete information; every time you make a bet that maximizes expectation versus your opponent’s actual hand, you win, every time your opponent fails to maximize his expectation given your actual hand, you win. “Hand range calculus”, which is the form most analyses take on these forums, acknowledges that poker is actually a game of incomplete information, and attempts to define best actions in terms of maximizing expectation versus the range of possible hands your opponent could have, in light of the range of hands it is likely he thinks you have. Because in every case, both you and your opponent have a specific hand, the FTOP is still the final theoretical measure of what is profitable or unprofitable action. In practice, however, we work with incomplete information; thus poker skill is a combination of the ability to make best decisions within the context of “hand range calculus” and the ability to read your opponents’ ranges better than they read yours. Situational Factors We all know that the proper play of a hand and the correct read on an opponent’s range depends on a lot of situational factors. I think we are accustomed to thinking about these factors in the context of whatever particular hand we are playing or analyzing, where


many relatively small factors accumulate to a read and a decision. The framework for study that I suggest in this essay (and which I am following myself) is to separate the most important situational factors and analyze them individually. The factors I want to talk about are position, board texture, betting patterns, betting frequencies, pot size in relation to stack size (there are two others I’m not going to cover but that I want to mention – table image, and bet sizing, table image because it is obviously so important, and bet sizing because I find it interesting. Maybe another time, this will be long enough as is). All of these factors are interrelated, but by isolating them I hope to get a better sense of the role each plays in the core goal we're all seeking - to maximize EV versus an opponent’s range and know his range better than he knows yours. Position The most familiar, most analyzed, and easiest to understand situational factor is position. Hand ranges automatically widen with better position. Not only does someone in position have fewer people left to act and more information on that particular round, they and their out-of-position opponents have the knowledge that the player with position on this round will have position on future rounds. So CO and Button preflop raising ranges are much wider, and in-position bettors on the postflop streets usually have wider ranges. A 20/12 is 7/5 UTG and 40/25 on the button, or whatever; if you check the flop first to act in a three way pot, independent of any other knowledge, the Button is more likely to bet than the guy in the middle; etc. I don’t think much more needs to be said about this, as it is already built into every thought any of us has about the game. If position was all I had to talk about, this essay wouldn’t be very useful. Onward. Board Texture This one is more interesting, and might make clearer what I’m getting at with the “isolating situational factors” idea. Imagine a heads up raised pot with a dry ace-high flop, Axy rainbow. You’ve probably played hundreds of hands that fit this description, thousands, maybe. What percentage of the time does one of the two players have an ace? How often can one of them beat AK? How often does someone bet this flop with less than an ace? If you are called the raise and are in position, what percentage of the time should you expect an honest opponent to bet into you? How much more frequently than honest does he have to bet before you can exploit him by representing the ace? There’s a whole game theory problem right here, on this simple board where the only hands people “should” have to continue are TPTK-TPGK, sets, pocket pairs, and the rare two pair. What about a medium two-tone flop, the kind with straight draws (T85 or 974). Now there are lots of draws, combo draws, still sets, there are always sets, but now if you get action that looks like a set, it might be a draw instead. What does a bet mean on this flop? How different is that from what a bet means on an A-high flop? How often does someone betting this flop have no pair? Compare a raiser betting this flop to the A-high flop – how often should he bet, how often should he get called, raised? Raised pot again, now K-high. Raiser is going to rep the K a lot, but have it less often than he has the A on the A-high flop. How often should an “honest” raiser bet the flop, allowing for bluffing as long as it isn’t done too frequently? How frequently is that? Paired board, like J88, or JJ8. Now there are only 5 cards that could have hit the board, instead of 9. Pocket pairs are stronger, the monsters are in plain sight. Same questions how often should this flop be bet, by what hands, how easy or hard is it to push someone off a mediocre hand? Etc. etc. How many flop textures are there? Dozens, hundreds even, and they all blend into each other, but questions like “how often should the preflop raiser bet the ace”, and “how fast should JJ play on a T85 two tone board” are things that are partly determined simply by


the kinds and number of hands that can like a given flop. Betting Patterns Because NLHE is a game where you can bet any amount at any time, it could feel like there are a ton of ways to build a pot. In fact, especially among decent players, the same patterns repeat themselves over and over. Think about how often a hand plays out like this: preflop raise, call. Raiser bets, call. Raiser checks, caller bets, raiser folds. Or, raiser in position, checked to the raiser, bet/call, turn goes check/check, OOP bets, raiser folds. Or, raiser OOP, bet/call, check/check, bet/fold. Or bet/call, check/check, bet/call. Or bet/raise/call, check/bet/fold. Or, checked to raiser, raiser bets, check-raise, raiser folds. It’s easiest to categorize headsup pots this way, but patterns repeat themselves in multiway pots also. Some patterns are more common than others. What I suggest is that thinking about these patterns and the frequency with which they occur is instructive, for two reasons. One, the patterns that occur most frequently are also the patterns that match the most frequently occurring situations (weak to moderately strong hands building and contesting a small to medium-sized pot). Two, the majority of profit comes from creating large pots with big hands, which is easiest to get away with if done quietly. Especially against good players, this can be very difficult. Betting Frequencies Under “betting patterns” I was talking about an observer’s view of all participants in a hand, here I’m referring to the frequency with which individuals bet, call, fold, and raise. There are big meta-theory questions here, like what % of the time should a preflop raiser bet the flop (or optimal frequencies for any action sequence), but I am more talking about things like “what % of the time do I (or this opponent, or that opponent) bet the turn after having bet the flop and being called? What % do I bet three streets in a row? What % do I bet two streets then check/fold? What % of the time do I check-raise the flop, then bet the turn? Do I ever check-raise the flop, then check the turn? How often do I call three barrels? How often do I follow up my turn bet with a river bet? Clearly, the board often changes from flop to turn and turn to river. If the draw hits, and you know 100% that your opponent was drawing, you should check/fold, and no frequency mumbo-jumbo changes that. But since some of the time you should bet the flop with that obvious draw and some of the time your opponent is calling without it, then some of the time, you should follow up when it hits on the turn (whether you have it or not). Etc. These are the things you start thinking about when you think about action frequencies. Are there optimal frequencies for all of these? Maybe, sort of, in a game-theoretic, perfectly-playing opponent sense. Pots grow exponentially, so maybe in theory we should bet the flop 75% of the time we raise, bet the turn 25% of the times we’re called and 50% of the time the flop checks through, and bet the river 10% of the time the turn is called and 20% of the time the turn checks through, all with appropriate bluffs mixed in. In practice, we set these frequencies to exploit specific opponents, but I think analyzing these questions in general can help us understand how to do that. Pot Size/Stack Size Dynamic 100xBB stacks. Limpy McLimper limps in front of you. He does this with 20% of his hands and he never raises. You have two cards and raise. He calls and you see a flop with 9 BB in the pot. How strong a hand do you need to play for 100BB? For 50? For 25? Too broad a question? Dependent on too many other factors? Yes, of course. But contrast: Same 100xBB stacks. Raisy McRaiser raises in front of you. He does this with 20% of his hands and he never limps. You reraise with the same two cards, he calls (he


calls raises as often as Limpy). 27 BB in the pot. Now how strong do you have to be to play for it all? What size pot should you play, on average, with one pair? With a big draw? The only difference is that the pot is a bigger percentage of the stack. With more to fight for, people’s ranges for postflop actions necessarily should change toward being more aggressive. If your opponents don’t make this adjustment, exploit them – reraise a lot, then play aggressively, let them fold too much. If they do make this adjustment, you have to adjust with them in reraised pots. Go broke with AA against Limpy, you’re usually a fish, against Raisy, probably not. The point is not that there is a formula for proper size pot with xx on flop abc in terms of preflop pot size “AA is worth 3x preflop pot size”. Clearly there isn’t. There may be times to fold a set in a reraised pot and times to felt middle pair in a limped pot. But on every flop, you should be able to look at the pot size, look at the stack sizes, and have some general idea of what kind of hands should be willing to play for how much. Sure, that general idea has to be adjusted based on all of the other situational factors, but it plays its role too. Obviously, in MTT’s, pot/stack dynamic is always present because of increasing blinds and variance in the size of opponent’s stacks. I find the 30-40xBB range particularly interesting, because it is a time when raisers with one pair have a hard time folding, but callers with speculative hands still have odds to call and try to outflop (also because allin reraises are too overaggressive in this stage and easily exploitable). This generates a cat-and-mouse game where you have to accompany the raising hands you do plan to go broke with hands you don’t plan to go broke with in order to deny implied odds to speculative hands. But do too much of this, and you become vulnerable to preflop reraises. Also, in MTT's, a significant shift in pot size/stack size ratio happens when antes are introduced. There is more to fight for, so ranges change and more aggressive play is rewarded. In cash games, where stacks are usually 100x and there aren't antes, this dynamic shows up more in the differences between limped pots, raised pots, and reraised pots. All this theory in practice A short, simple example. Someone raises UTG+1, Button calls, you call in the BB with 55. The flop contains a 5. Before you say “lead” or “check,” you have to consider -the range the raiser raises from that position -how likely the particular flop is to have hit that range (AQ5? T85? 522?) -what betting pattern is most likely to create a large pot without tipping anyone off that you want a large pot -how likely the raiser is bet the flop if checked to, raise if bet into, how likely the other caller is to be trapped with a marginal hand, how often the raiser will follow up on the turn with a marginal hand, how often he’ll give up the lead if you show flop aggression, etc., etc. -what the stack sizes are and how likely your opponents are to have a hand that is willing to play a large pot. All I am arguing in this essay is you will be better prepared to make the best decisions if you have thought independently about how different board textures play, about the amount of strength different betting patterns represent, about how to play versus different betting frequencies, about how ranges and betting frequencies change in vs out of position, and so on. Clearly, there are plenty of other factors that I didn’t discuss, like table image, what various bet sizes mean, how sure you are that you're ahead (or behind), how easily you


can improve, how vulnerable your hand is to the type of hands that are willing to play with you, how likely you are to end up paying off a second best hand if someone catches you. I don’t pretend this covers everything it could cover, or even close, but this is what I’m thinking about right now. I hope this is useful/thought-provoking to some of you, and that some of the many of you who are better than me will take the time to comment.


What matters, What doesn't (cbloom) Well, I never made a "Poob" and I'm coming up on my Carpal Tunnel so I figured I better get this in first. I thought I'd drop some thoughts on what really matters in being a winning player. I've almost reached 100k hands at about 8 PTBB/100. I've struggled with questioning my game, downswings, taking breaks; my win rate would be a lot better if not for some stretches where I was way off my "A" game, so I know what it's like to be a breakeven/losing player and where win rate really comes from. The first thing is to remember that the goal : being a profitable player, not making fancy moves, not doing what you're "supposed to", not being super-aggressive like you think you should be. Whatever it takes for you to be a winner, do that. Secondly, most of the things you need to be a winner are NOT strategy. Yes, read the forum, play hands, get practice, work on your game, but assuming you've got the basics (and trust me, any monkey can get the basics), strategy is probably not your problem. What Matters : 1. Being on your "A" game. Poker is not easy. One of the traps I think we all fall into is thinking that the fish are so bad, we can be on our B or C game and still be profitable. Maybe we can tilt a bit and try to play through it. The fact is, that's not true. Beating the rake is hard and you probably can't do it on your C game. Furthermore, being on your "A" game is like a habit - you get in the groove and can keep it up. Once you start playing your C game, you get used to that and before long you find you're playing your C game all the time. It's better to just take a break when you're not on your A game and try to only play in that state. 2. Not "spewing" - just throwing away money. This isn't just bluffing, it's folding decent hands to tiny bets, folding monster hands because you imagine he has the nuts, etc. Anybody who's struggling with their game - I gaurantee that "spewing" in one way or another is a big part of it. If you really review your sessions you'll find hands where you just threw away a lot of money. Playing vanilla good poker and eliminating major "spew" will make a huge impact on your win rate. Note that "spew" can be subtle - not value betting top pair on the river against a calling station is a form of spew; you had an almost gauranteed big bet you could've made and you didn't. 3. Don't make the fish's mistakes correct. You should be playing most of your hands against terrible players if you're using good game & seat selection. These terrible players will do odd things, and you need to adjust properly. If you don't, you can make their mistakes into good plays. When you bluff a calling station, you've turned the fish into a better player than you. Most fishies have very high VPIP's, trying to get lucky on the flop. You punish them by usually having better hands and charging them to see flops. You turn them into experts if you pay them off when they hit. For example : Fish UTG raises A 6 to 2 BB You reraise K K to 12 BB folds to Fish who calls Flop 6 6 7 Fish checks You bet pot Fish pushes all in You call!!!!


Oh no! you made the fishes -EV style of chasing flops into a profitable style. What Doesn't : 1. "Tough" Decisions. If you're playing a hand and you hit a really really tough spot and you just can't figure out what's the best move - it doesn't matter! If it's truly a tough decision, that means the EV of the choices is nearly the same! Yes, you might lose a huge pot because you made the wrong decision in this particular case, but if you're thinking about the range of hands it was actually EV neutral. These sort of "tough" decisions are fun to analyze because they're very close and complicated, but the fact is they have almost zero effect on your win rate. You'll see these some times when you post a hand and good/respected posters disagree about the best move. Maybe there is in fact one move that's better than others, but it's a very small EV difference. 2. Little details about your play. Maybe you're 15% vpip, maybe you're 30% vpip. Maybe you complete T7o in the SB, maybe you don't. Maybe you reraise a lot preflop, maybe you don't. Again, these could be slightly +EV or slightly -EV, but the fact is, they have almost zero effect on whether you're a big winner. What you should not do is play in a way you're not comfortable with. Don't complete hands in the SB because you think you should if you're not comfortable playing them postflop. Yes, maybe folding T9o in the SB is a small leak, but it's a tiny tiny leak and not worth worrying about. 3. Marginal situations. You will run into lots and lots of marginal situations. You could fold almost every one of them and it wouldn't hurt your win rate that much. On the other hand, it's very easy to make a big mistake in a marginal situation, and that will hurt your win rate a lot!! This is sort of like a reverse implied odds situation. It's almost never bad to just be a wuss in these spots unless you do that too much. A lot of people are scared of being "weak" or "easy to run over", but that's not really a problem unless someone starts trying to do it, in which case you can try to trap them. (synopsis for the tl;dr crowd : stop worrying about trivial details that don't affect your win rate much; fix your big leaks and play solid)


6 Max fundamentals for SSNL players (Tien) Some 6max Fundamentals Now that I have decided to walk away from poker and pursue other ambitions, I have decided to give something back to community that I have received so much from. This comes from a player that played primarily (only) 6max 200NL, 400NL, and 600NL (when the games were fishy). One of the hardest things I had to learn was the fundamentals of 6 max and how to play like a proper TAG for medium stakes. There is quite a lack of information on how to properly play 6 max TAG and I am mostly appalled at how the lower stakes players are completely missing out on the fundamentals. This post will merely cover the basics of 6 max, positional preflop play and image, and not quite on advanced play. First thing I want to mention is position and the button. It is a no brainer to why position is so important in NL. Being last to act simply gives you a world of advantage over your opponents. That is why if you open up pokertracker and a large enough sample size, you will see that the button and CO is the most profitable position to play in. I would also like to make a note here that you should almost never open limp. Open limping is just gross. Don't do it with suited connectors or whatnot. Raise rather than limp. Take down the blinds and move on to next hand. Open limping in 6 max is a very very big sin. DO NOT OPEN LIMP. Open raise. For all you poker tracker statiticians out there, I play 22/18 and consider myself TAG. When you are on the button and CO, consider yourself the gatekeeper. It is up to YOU to decide whether or not people get to enter a pot cheaply or not. And hell, why let them play out of position hands for cheap? Abuse the [censored] out of the button and CO. True tags understand this concept and abuse the [censored] out of the button. Hands that a true TAG will raise with if folded to them on the button / CO is: 22 -> AA, meaning every single pocket pair, every single Axs, every single suited connector, and a HUGE variety of high cards, A10o and better. That includes KJo, QJo. Hell, even any Axo if folded to them. The reason you MUST do this is because: 1) you steal the blinds if they all fold 2) if they call you, they are playing a raised pot out of position and you have the advantage. Continuation betting with nothing often takes the pot down. 3) Flopping sets / monsters in unraised pots is basically a crap pot. 4) People are more likely to go broke on raised pots than unraised pots, they will bluff you more and ship more money your way. One example of why you need to raise. Would I have stacked him in an unraised pot? Most likely not. Another positional hand. If he doesn’t have an A, or draw, he folds to my raise. If he calls my raise, I can check behind for a free card. This play is better than calling his flop bet.


Example: UTG limps, folds to you on the CO, you have 22. What do you do? Answer: RAISE. How much to raise, 4-5x BB is good. Example 2: UTG limps, MP limps, you hold 22 on the button. What do you do? Answer: RAISE THAT [censored] UP If they call, you will take it down often enough with a continuation bet to make it profitable. And BTW, continuation bet 75-90% of the time. They will most likely fold a hand that didn’t hit. So now that you understand basic fundamental button and CO play. It is time to figure out how to play UTG and MP. UTG: You want to play real damn tight, fold suited connectors, fold high cards, fold Axs hands. But continue to raise pocket pairs in ANY POSITION. Pocket pairs have the ability to flop such powerful monsters that you just can’t fold them in any position. Raising pocket pairs is so mandatory. Assume 100BB stacks. You raise 44 in MP and get reraised. You call and flop comes 346, 2410, 410J, 345. You are stacking KK AA 100% of the time. Don’t limp either. It is so transparent when a weaktight (who thinks he is a TAG) limps UTG, and calls you raise. He has small pocket pair or suited connector 99% of the time. Continue to raise AJo and better. Folding QKo and KJo, as well as QJo is not bad play at all. These hands are pretty garbage out of position. MP: You can still fold the QKo, KJo, or QJo, but start loosening up your standards. Start mixing up raising or folding those Axs hands, suited connectors. Blinds: You want to play real tight in the blinds. Calling too many raises out of position is just a death trap. You don’t want to build big pots with marginal holdings in the blinds. Fold suited connectors, Axs, call with pocket pairs obviously. But just because you are playing tight in the blinds doesn’t mean you are a big sissy either. Facing a button raise or an MP raise, if you hold hands like AK, AQ, JJ, 1010, RERAISE. It’s much much better to reraise these hands in the blinds that many SSNL players normally just call with. Reraising these hands start to become advanced play so be careful. New players trying these things out often lose stacks because they are out of position and are bad post flop players. Example: You are in BB or SB with AK, AQ, JJ. UTG limps, MP limp, button limps. What do you do? Answer: RAISE THAT [censored] UP. Raise it up to 6-7 even 8x bb depending on players. Take down the pot without even seeing a flop is better than checking and playing a multiway un raised pot.


Raising all these hands allows you to play raised pots against players that have no idea of positional or image. You will stack them more often than not. And don’t sissy up on continuation bets. Bet 75-90% of the time no matter board texture. Only if 2 people call you and u completely missed the flop can you decide to check and give up on the pot. Example: You have A8s on the button, UTG limps, you raise 5x BB and get called by BB and UTG. Flop comes 48Q rainbow. BET 100% of the time if checked to you. That covers the BASICS of positional preflop play. Combo Draws Another thing which I think is standard to most people but may not, is combo draws. Hands where you have say 13-15 outs on the flop should be taken to the felt. Here is an example of properly playing a combo draw. Same goes with open ended straight and flush draws. Play these hands strong and very fast. There is a ton of fold equity as well as getting money in being a 50/50 if they do decide to take their hand to the felt with you. Best case scenario for the hand I played above is that everyone folds. Making them fold in spots like this is what makes playing combo draws this way profitable. You don’t profit by them calling a 50/50 shot. You profit making them fold. I wanted to talk more about 2nd barrels, increasing range of reraising hands preflop, and pot control, but that is a bit more advanced than the basics and maybe I’ll write something later on. In conclusion. Don’t make dramatically changes to your game. Start implementing one concept at a time. Don’t start raising 6-7% more hands just because I told you. Start one different hand at a time and slowly make changes. I hope this helps the struggling low stakes player out there. If you keep these strategies and tactics in mind, it will definitely improve your play.


Tien's Article on Mentality, Image, and changing gears (Tien) Ok, This is a follow up article to the last one I wrote: I finally got around to writing this and will probably be the last one I write before I disappear from the online poker world altogether. Although I think this article should have been written before the first one, since I will talk a lot about mentality which I feel is the most important thing a player needs to develop first. I will mix up image in here somewhere too. First though I would like to rant about a couple of things first before I really start. Starting players hoping that they will make something out of this game really need to ask themselves a question. How badly do you really want it? What it takes to continuously go from level to level in poker is an insane desire to continuously challenge yourself and improve. You won’t go anywhere thinking how you play right now is sufficient for whatever stakes. IMPROVE YOURSELF. There is a huge growing army of 12 tabling hudbots continuously grinding away. Some of them are improving, some of them are not. If you belong in the category of players who don’t improve than you will be left in the dust. The games ARE getting tougher for those who are NOT continuously improving. 1.5 years ago, I don’t think I even heard of multitabling TAGs playing at 25/22 at Mid stakes with insane relentless post flop aggression. Now, if you visit the mid stakes forums, it’s the norm. Ok, so the first thing you need to change is your mentality. And by surfing these forums, I can guess there are thousands of winning players who need a total mentality re-haul. You may ask, but Tien, they are winning, what’s wrong with them? My Answer: They still complain, whine and bitch about irrelevant things. They still get angry and emotional when a doofus fish sucks them out when they are a 85% favourite. They get frustrated and cry out to people who don’t even care saying how badly they are taking it. It doesn’t make any [censored] sense whatsoever to complain about getting sucked out. And if you are running bad, guess what, I DON’T [censored] CARE. Poker player who needs a total mentality re-haul: “OMG MY AA JUST LOST TO 44 ALLIN PREFLOP 134993024 TIMES TODAY, IM DOWN 15 BUYINS, OMG I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE” My answer: “I don’t care” Poker player who doesn’t need mentality re-haul, this time he is thinking to himself whenever the following happens: Loses AA vs KK allin pre 3423432 times. “Whatever I don’t give a [censored]” Loses a bunch of coinflips on monster draws. “Whatever I don’t give a [censored]” Loses a whole bunch of buyins. “It’s about time these weaksauce [censored] win something from me”


You need to be cool and remain calm. Your reaction to winning a 200 BB pot should be the same as the reaction to losing a 200BB pot. Next time you complain to someone. Remember that deep down what they are really thinking is “I don’t care”. Complaining serves no purpose whatsoever and should be completely and 100% erased from your character. Getting sucked out and going on downswings is the nature of the beast. It can’t happen any other way. How does complaining or whining help you improve? It doesn’t. It makes you a worse player. You can’t win if you don’t get sucked out. You can’t improve if you never go on downswings. You can’t succeed if you never fail. Mentality change goes beyond complaining / whining / bitching. If you want to change yourself from a weak tight player to an aggressive player (Notice TAG and LAG both have the words aggressive in it) you need to change your mentality first. No matter how hard you try to change something, if you don’t program it into your head, YOU WILL NOT CHANGE. You need to start to think aggressive every time you sit down in your sessions. Think about opportunities to raise and re-raise and win pots. You need to have that image of a player who is constantly raising and re-raising and instilling FEAR into the other players. Don’t make sissy as hell bets and raises either. Every time you bet or raise, bet and raise like you mean it. 2/3, to ¾ pot size bets to build big pots to stack people or make them fold. Again, for the mid stakes players nowadays, this is the NORM. For a lot of you starting players out there, there is an entirely new concept that you NEED TO LEARN AND IMPLEMENT. I don’t want to get so much into post flop because that subject is really complex, but I’ll give a couple of examples. 1) You raise 10Js on the button and some weaktight fish who limps before calls. Board comes 48K rainbow and he donk bets into you meakly. Raise the [censored] out of him! 2) You raise A5s in middle position and flop comes 3s4sQx. You lead out and bet and get miniraised or raised. RERAISE. You have 12 outs here and plenty of fold equity, ALLLIN. 3) You have 98s and raise in the button and some guy calls. Flop comes 7810 rainbow. He leads into you. RAISE THAT [censored] UP. Results in these hands don’t matter nor should you care if you lose being 40% dog or whatever. You played these using concepts of fold equity properly. These are just a couple of examples of what kind of an aggressive mentality you need to have. Don’t take these examples in stone every single time, but the mentality behind these examples is what you need. Once you change your mentality into the one proper for poker, many many postflop decisions will become easy to you. I guarantee that. On towards Image. So what image do you really need? As mentioned before you need an image of a player that the table is afraid to play against. And at small stakes NL, there are a bunch of weak tight players waiting to be afraid of you. So go out there and instill fear into them! Play


solid positional aggressive poker. Look for spots to raise and re-raise in position holding draws, marginal hands, etc etc. Achieving that image cannot be done unless you yourself believe inside you possess that image. What you think about yourself inside reflects a lot on how people think about you. Again, this goes back to your mentality. This type of image will also get you a lot of action too. You are in there building pots and people will give you action in return. You don’t care about that because if you play solid positional poker, you will have the advantage. People will also give you their respect and fold to your bluffs or semi-bluffs. Don’t show down a losing hand. But once your image has been shot to [censored]. You’ve been caught bluffing or people see you have been playing a lot of big pots lately and are starting to play back at you. It is time to tighten up a bit. You can slow down on the cont bets if you feel these guys will look you up with any 2 cards. You can also raise less in MP and UTG with marginal hands. Once you feel you have been playing tight enough and showing a lot of aggression but also showing down big hands, you can then again loosen up and become more aggressive with marginal hands / bluffs. That is changing gears. Reacting to your table dynamics and how you think people are observing you. In conclusion, this article again covers the BASICS of what I have been talking about. Continue to go out there, post hands, discuss hands, observe hands. That’s what it takes to improve. And when you are done a session or whatever. Review your hands, post them, analyze, observe etc etc etc. Lots of players are doing that right now, and they are improving. Bah, I can review this a couple of times and make a better article but I’m really too lazy. The most important point in this article is your mentality. I can’t stress that enough. An aggressive mentality towards poker will continue to open countless opportunities, doors and $$ in the world of poker. Some important reads: Cat=0&Number=5615820&an=0&page=0&vc=1;o=&vc=1


Almost there with Success and Failure (Gigabet) This post is in response to Irieguys Post "The Difference Between Success and Failure." Here is the link Cat=&Number=1822484&page=1&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=14&fpart=1 When I read Irieguys post I wasn't planning on responding, I rarely respond to posts, because most of the time I am the dissenter, and frankly, it isn't good for my long term financial situation. As I started reading the responses I soon felt obligated to respond. He is so close, but travelling in the wrong direction. The wording he uses in the text lets me know where he is at on the "path," so to speak(the very beginning). Let me start with the words success and failure. These are words that mean such different things to each individual that to use them to label your accomplishments, or lackthereof, is setting yourself up for a long ardurous journey, that most won't finish. Success and failure are just ideas created by society to improperly judge others against ourselves. There are no successful people, or rather, using these words, I should say that there are no failures and everyone is a success. Quote:

Everybody will eventually run worse than they thought was possible. The difference between a winner and a loser is that the latter thinks they do not deserve it.

This statement is truer than anyone can know(even though I think most of you do know, it just seems impossible for me to believe that someone else can understand). What he says about winners and losers though, will keep you from attaining a more complete game. There are no winners or losers, to think that, is to let yourself be affected by negative variance. If you are not in the positive for the day, then you therefore must be a loser, and so the downward spiral begins. All of those negative ideas must be eliminated from your mind, or you will not perform to your potential. The trick is recognizing these negative ideas, since there are so many and so commonplace in our society, it is a large task indeed to sort them out as real, or just ideas created by the masses. Our labels for winners and losers simply identify individuals who play the same game a different way. Just because one person doesn't achieve the same goal that I strive for, doesn't make that person a "loser." Everyone is the same, and everyone has the same potential, some just direct their energies in different directions. The sooner you can get that into your head and really believe it, the sooner you will start to have a real understanding of the game. Quote:

I am beginning to realize that most people don't have the psychological fortitude or spiritual perspective to manage the vicissitudes of this game. I also believe that of the very small number of professional poker players who have been successful for more than a few years, most of them are actually quite lucky. I believe that there are many pros who will fail once they begin to experience average luck.

I really believe that everyone has the "psychological fortitude" to manage the vicissitudes of the game. It is simply a choice. A choice to change the way you think about results. Stop thinking in terms of winning as good and losing as bad. The two concepts should be


grouped in your mind exactly the same. When God "blessed" man with shame, failure became a real entity we had to deal with. That is what we are trying to achieve when we label a person as a failure, we are attaching shame to A meaningless act. Throughout my life I have been around alot of people that most would classify as "failures" and not one of them seemed any different than myself. The problem comes to life when a person starts their downswing, which we classify as "losing," they begin to suspect that they may "fail" and rather than become susceptible to the shame that comes with "failure" they decide to quit. They stop because they fear things that aren't even real. The people who come to realize these negative labels aren't real, either concretely or intuitively, are the same people that do not give up, no matter how bad things seem to be running. Eventually they become the "professionals" in whatever walk of life they choose. You have to find your own way to deal with these thoughts that have been brainwashed into your mind for your whole life. Identifying every negative thought as it creeps into your mind is a start, it takes practice to monitor your thoughts, but you cannot eliminate what you do not recognize. I try very hard not to allow any negativity in my life, ask my brother(ship_it_tome) how upset I get when he is at my house, playing, struggling, for hours on end, and finally says "I can't win." We get along very well, but I get very irate with him when he utters those deadly words, as I am sure you all have muttered them at one time or another. Quote:

I think you can learn how to avoid this trap of psychological betrayal. I think I'm beginning to learn it myself. It involves turning your noise filter all the way up.

Turning your noise filter up will work for a time, but eventually it builds and seeps through at one time or another, and everything that has been blocked comes pouring out at once, which creates the very worst tilt imaginable. Believe me, I have been there many times. I have come to realize that it is much better to acknowledge the negative or angry thoughts as they arrive, that doesn't mean just noticing their presence, when they approach, actually talk to your mind and announce their arrival, and then identify the reasons behind them. As your mind comes to realize how trivial and meaningless these thoughts are, it will eventually stop creating them in the first place. It takes alot of time and effort to do this, but the long term results will be well worth it.

OK....SO HOW DOES ALL THIS REALLY RELATE TO POKER? The game that most of us play is really very simple. You get 2 cards, 5 cards come up, and you do a little betting here and there. Best 5 card hand wins. With a game this simple, why do so many people have so much trouble ending up ahead of where they started? The real game is about people, not the cards in your hand. If you know a person well enough, you can read their hand, and once you know what they have in their hand, the game becomes a cakewalk. The problem is, we have all of these predisposed ideas of who a person is based on ideas that have been placed in our heads by our society. You have to be able to eliminate all of these ideas. Once you train yourself to be completely judgement free, you will become a more complete player. Anyone can read a persons


hand based on his actions and seeing common tendencies, ie., a beginning player will commonly bet small when on a draw, and bet big when he has a made hand. What about more experienced players? What does it mean when they bet 2/3s of the pot one time, and than bet pot the next? They are certainly experienced enough to know not to bet the same pattern for the same types of hands. So how can you figure out what they have? Well, get to know him, watch him play. Try and figure out what he is thinking, he has to be thinking something. Put yourself in his spot, what kind of hand would you have if you were betting like that? Now do this for every hand for every player that is in the hand, for every player at the table, for every table that you are playing at. Try and eight table while doing this exercise. Put effort into every single hand that is played out at your table, not just the ones you are involved in, every single hand. Every time there is a showdown, and the losing hand is mucked, open up the hand history file, and see what he had. Go through the hand again and see if you can figure out why he willingly showed down a losing hand(something that should rarely be done.) I call this an exercise, but this should be done on every single hand that is played out at any of your tables for the rest of your poker career. This is how you become a real player, then you can ignore the "sng" formula and really start to play. Post flop is where the real game is at, and it is fun to play. Use your bets to pull information from your opponent, and then when you know what he has, trust your judgement 100%. If you think he is on second pair, but will not fold unless you bet your whole stack, then bet your whole stack(unless of course you have a better hand than second pair, which is unlikely since players like us can rarely beat bottom pair), even if it means your tournament is over if you are wrong. Practice trusting yourself, you will be wrong enough in the beginning to doubt yourself, but don't let that stop you. There is a strong possibility that I am the most active player in the world, and I can honestly say that this is something that I do on nearly every hand. Imagine, 6000 hands a day on average, just watching and learning, with no predisposed judgements of the other players. This is what it takes. Bad beats are no longer bad beats, they are just the cards coming out randomly, evening themselves out over time. What is really important is learning the thousands of languages that different people speak through their actions at the table. Believe me, it isn't some spiritual science, it is listening and learning without prejudice. Gigabet


Thoughts on Running bad for UNL guys (ssdex) I browse through posts really often in the brew and in general where I see people who have 10 buyin downswings and are ready to quit poker, or are just on life-tilt in general. It is really hard when you first begin poker to understand the concept of "variance". I have written before on my uber nitty strategy of bankroll management. I am pretty sure there is no other 50nl reg that plays as overrolled as I do, even if I moved up to 100nl, I would still probably be the most overrolled reg there. The reason I prefer to play lower and overrolled has a lot to do with the emotional side of poker. Running bad at higher limits, the downswings emotionally effect me too much and prone me to tilt, much more so than I already am. The point of this post is to understand that you should be emotionally "numb" to the limits you choose to play. If you don't have a lifestyle that relies on poker for $ then I think you can emotionally move up much faster. I know at the beginning of my poker career when I was in school I could care less about the money at first. But it is hard to deal with when you think you have/take ownership to $15k sitting in a poker account and then 3 weeks later there isn't anything there because your busto. I'm to lazy to link ama's pooh bah post, but if you havent read it, you should. He calls it "connecting", I just say you should be numb. So, here is my 2 cents. 10 buyin downswing happen people. I have a lot of "unnecessary variance" in my game. So I will always have multiple 5 buyin downswings per month and a really good month won't include a 10 downer. A really bad month will probably have a downswing much larger than this. Over 100k hands you can expect 2 or 3 of these type of downswings. But if you are playing where you belong (this in my opinion has nothing to do with your bankroll), then you will be emotionally numb to these swings. You will understand your moves are +EV and you have been playing good just running poorly. You will shove b/c you know you have the right equity, and not be scared to pull the trigger just because you've missed 9 of your last 10 combo draws. It won't matter if your on a 15 buyin downswing or you've played 20k hands at breakeven. Just because you have 30-40 buyins for a level doesn't mean you should feel obligated to play it. You should play at levels you can emotionally beat, not just beat +EV. Taking shots is obv ok, but take small shots, not big ones. Lots of players can beat levels way above the one they are playing, but they are emotionally -ev at those levels because they can't become "numb" to the instant results. Being emotionally -ev can often overcome even the greatest edge in cards for the shorterm. Often bad enough to bring us close to busto and crush our confidence in poker. Tilt during this time becomes way worse then normal, and they find themselves in the utter state of busto. Most of us have been there. I play nl100 nl200 and even nl400 from time to time, when I am having good months or I feel like I am really keen on my game, but when I find myself venting over beats and not being "numb" towards the results I come back to my haven which is nl50 at stars. There have been times during my poker career during my worse downers where I considered the fact that I had just run good over hundreds of thousands of hands and was not indeed a winner, times where I wasn't sure if I could beat nl10, much less nl100. If you are playing at levels where you are "numb", I think it is possible to avoid these moments in your poker career. Learn from others mistakes! This post was inspired by my last 100k hands which were my worse ever at nl50. I ran 4bb/100, which is kind of cancerous and had several very bad downswings (1 20 and 1 25 buyin downsing). Ive also been running at 2bb/100 at nl100 over the last 20k, which is also a poor result, but after review, I feel better about it. The next 100k will go better,


maybe like the 400k before that. I am in no hurry to move up permanently, and i'm ok with that now. I'll move up when i'm "numb" at those levels again, i'm just not there yet. Happy reading and good luck at the tables, hope this post is helpful..... great pooh bah post ama.... in his words... connect!


Do things for a reason (ofishstix) It has been a little over four years since I started playing poker and about three years since I’ve done so online. In this time, I’ve learned and forgotten a bunch of ideas and concepts. Some things my friends and I learned/reasoned out were right, others were terrible wrong. In terms of advice, though, there is one piece that is so important I’ll never forget it… I got to durrrr’s house around midnight when he was playing some 200/400 PLO. He was already up 600k on the day and was about to cal it a night. After he finished up his sesh, we went out to take care of some things. In the car he was telling me how soft the heads up games on Prima were. “They’re all sports betters who like gambling. Sit at 5/10, find a fish, and they never stop reloading. I’ll take half your action.” I three tabled 3/6 6 max, 5/10 full ring, and 5/10 HU. He was helping me out with the HU match as I had never played HU NL outside of SNGs. This is when I learned that limping the button is fine. If you’re going to get called anyway, why would you want to bloat the pot with marginal hands like 45s? Limp and outplay your opponent postflop. Good advice, but not exactly epiphany-type stuff. Though I don’t remember the exact hand, I remember the lesson it prompted. I hadn’t 3bet preflop in a while so I decided to do it with something marginal like J9o. durrrr asked me why I did that and I told him that I hadn’t 3bet in a while so I thought it would be a good time. He told me: Always have a good reason for everything you do Don’t 3bet for the sole reason you haven’t done so in a while. Don’t bluff raise the flop just because you haven’t done that lately. You must reason out every move you make. Doing so will make you play more actively/not in autopilot mode. You will constantly be analyzing your play and improving. It will help prevent you from making terrible, tilty, and spewy plays because you’re not just acting on a whim, you’re consciously reasoning through your options. Despite the great advice, I still ended up being down 4k because I lost one 200bb and two 400bb coin flips. Now owing him 2k, I decided to take a nap and .5% of his session. I woke up a few hours later and durrrr was up 400k which covered my debt. That day, in fact, turned out to be his famous million-dollar-day. Though I broke even that day, the lesson helped me make plenty over the last 10 months. In addition to poker, this lesson can be applied to everything. It’s much harder to make a poor decision when you think through it first. Good luck, ofishstix


Evolving (MTG) The quality of posts in this forum has been incredibly bad recenty. So, inspired by this I thought I'd examine the stages a poster goes through, and examine the ways we can all get better. Step 1: The Newb The newb has just stumbled onto this site. Thye know poker basics like simple preflop hand selection and basic pot odds. The rest of poker is still a mystery, however. Generally they enter into the forum asking a pretty simple question like "UTG with 6BBs and AKo, raise, push, or just fold it," or, "I'm in the CO with 15BBs and an MP player raises, should I just call so I can get away if an A flops." The newb comes in 3 distinct brands. There is the passive newb, the angry newb, and the interested newb. The passive newb posts a hand to be told what to do. He (or in much rarer cases she) posts a situation so that the better posters on the forum can tell him what to do in the given situation. The angry newb posts so that he can crow about how his decision is right and berate those who disagree with him (even though it is clear to most that the angry newb is clearly a worse player than the ones he berates). Then there is the interested newb who is much rarer than the other 2. The interested newb posts the same type of threads, but becomes involved in debate in an attempt to understand the advice he receives. Unlike the angry newb he doesnt assume he is right, and unlike the passive newb he is seeking to understand how to make decisions, not how to play only the hand he posted. In order to progress further, both the angry newb and the passive newb must first transform themselves into the interested newb. Step 2: The Confuzlleds Generally speaking this stage occurs when a newb sticks with it. They begin reading and posting and get bombarded with concepts they are not prepared to deal with. Thus they end up making posts like "KK and 8 BBs, should I stop n go," or "Restealing with QQ." The confuzzled understand basic strategy but get confused and puzzled by anything but the most simple of situations. You often see phrases like, "if you want to gamble then call" or, "if you want to play for first call, if you want to make the money then folding is ok." Most confuzzled players games consist of trying to apply rules they read about to situations they are confronted with, often without rhyme or reason. The majority of players stall here because again they do not make the effort to understand the thinking and reasoning that dictates these rules, (for example open pushing with roughly 10BBs), instead they just try to use them, and often incorrectly. Players games have improved from when they were newbs, but generally they remain break even players at best. However, a small number of confuzzleds strive to understand the "rules" (they understand that "rules" should be in quotes) and the leads them to progress. Step 3: Leapers If a poster progresses this far they are on their way. They have made the first leap, that is, they have found math. They have grasped that the "rules" are just a shorthand way to deal with frequent situations, and that they stem from the math. Specifically they begin assigning hand ranges, and figuring out how their hand fares against those ranges. This stage usually finds posters responding to many many posts (usually authoratatively and usually correctly) because while they are helping answer the question the poster is asking they are also helping themselves become more comfortable assigning ranges and doing complicated EV calculations. If a poster makes it to this point they are more than likely a winning player which makes it oh so tempting to stall and not continue on to.....


Step 4: Poker Players If you make it here, the math has become 2nd nature (even the most complicated of it). You main focus is no longer individual decisions but rather lines (the series of decisions you make in a hand looked at collectively). Often when responding to basic questions these posters leave out explicit calculations because it has become so second nature that they can intuit the correct action without having to do the math out (this can occasionally make them a little hard to distinguish from the cunfuzzled). By focusing on how to play the hand as a whole these posters learn how to make better postflop decisions and often it leads to them leaving the forum in favor of cash games as for the first time they may be equipped for it. A poster who reaches this level is clearly a very good tournament player (although might still be a very middle of the road cash game player) and its easy for them to think they have nothing left to learn. Step 5: Meta The elite. They are focused on playing poker instead of just an individual hand, or decision. They think about how to play their hand in relation to all the other hands they play. Often they have no time for the simple decisions, which sucks for the rest of the forum. Still, more than anything else this category stands as a reminder to us all that there is a level to which we can improve. No matter how good we are there's always a way to get better.

So, my advice to everybody is stop being lazy, quit being comfortable with where you are and start trying to improve your game. There are always ways to get better, and persuing those avenues is interesting and rewarding. Its a shame that so many posters here have their games stuck in neutral because its brought the forum to a grinding halt.


Opening Up Your Eyes and Your Game (AJFenix) Recently I have had some interesting discussions with a few regulars, and some interesting points were brought up from which I learned quite a bit, and I figured it might benefit players on here if I shared a little of what I learned and observed. A lot of players seem to be stuck in a mode, whatever that mode may be. They have gotten to midstakes playing a particular way, and even though they may have somewhat adjusted to the different dynamic of this game, they are still unwilling to open their game up whether they recognize it or not, and/or its simply hard for them to do certain things differently as it has all become routine. This generalization encompasses a lot of solid midstakes players, and it is whom I am directing this post towards. These players may have pretty big leaks in their game (that may very well be unknown to them, and really not that big of a deal to them at this point in time as far as the games they are playing in go) and still be winning players or even be doing very well, simply because the vast majority of their opponents are not exploiting their leaks, and also have much bigger leaks themselves. As these solid players move up, they encounter more players that are capable of exploiting their leaks and that also possess fewer themselves. Just as the solid grinder is preying on the fish to pay off his big hand, the 30/20 in the 10/20 Party game is preying on the solid grinder's leaks. I don't think people realize how crazy the dynamic at a game like the 10/20 6max on party can be, and after all, midstakes are (hopefully) only a gateway for you, getting you ready for the next level. I will touch on this game dynamic within the next few parts. 1) Reraising Preflop Many midstakes players have a very tight reraising range. They will reraise their big hands, and even though their range is so slim, they still make far more money on these hands than they should be making, given how well defined their hands tend to be in certain spots. These same players are content to just call preflop with certain hands, and even though their decision to call may be +EV, they don't even consider their third option, which is to reraise. In certain spots calling may even be your worst option. When you are on the SB facing a button raise or even button facing a CO raise, what do you accomplish cold calling a raise with the majority of your hands? Sure, calling may be +EV in some of those situations but many don't even consider the +EV situation a reraise would set up for them and how much greater that EV would be than that of calling (the same thing often applies in many spots as far as raising vs overlimping, where both may be +EV but raising may be a much better option). You likely have a +EV situation right there preflop, and if you get called you will often have another +EV situation postflop, even disregarding your actual hand. By reraising you gain momentum, you overrepresent your hand and force them to make a hand, and your reraising range obviously increases, both decreasing the implied odds of your opponents calling and trying to crack your big hand, and increasing your action on your big hands as observant players will realize that you are capable of reraising light. The higher up in stakes you go, the more observant players you encounter. As far as calling, with clunkier hands like KQ/AJ you will often be folding the best hand when you miss (which will be most of the time), and even when you do get a favorable top pair flop, you will often be unsure of your hand if you are facing a lot of pressure in certain spots. Your hand carries reverse implied odds. With more deceptive hands your actual implied odds to call the LP preflop raise are generally very poor, as LP's raising ranges tend to be very wide. You are also going to be missing the majority of the time, or getting forced off of your more marginal hands (which will often be the best hand) by


aggressive players. In both cases you also lack initiative. You have to ask yourself what you are really accomplishing by calling with some these hands. Just about all of the biggest winners in the 10/20 game on Party have a very "opened up" game. To be even more specific, I believe 4 of the top 5 have close to 30/20 stats, and one is an amazing 47/29. They are awesome post-flop players, and their analysis of situations is dead-on the majority of the time. One other thing that they are very good at doing is spotting and setting up profitable situations preflop. Over and over and over and over. The reraising ranges of some of these top players are astounding. These players are squeezing each other left and right, and have absolutely no problem reraising/rereraising light. You will see full stacks go in with relative garbage. If you didn't know any better, you may chock it up as donk-on-donk violence, when the hand may have just went down between the 2 biggest winners in that game. And believe me, fireworks do fly when they are at the table together. And they aren't the only ones you will see this kind of action from, either. Their preflop game is so much different than what the average midstakes player is used to that it can really be amazing. Their variance shoots up, but the number of +EV situations they are involved in does too, and of course their profits do as well. 2) Firing the Second Barrel Everyone knows and loves the continuation bet. Far fewer people fully appreciate the value of his big brother, the second barrel. They make use of him from time to time, but far less than they should. The continuation bet is a transparent play that tends to work often enough on its own merit, even though everyone is fully expecting you to bet at almost any flop with any hand you came in raising with. If you are raising a fairly wide range of hands, and betting at a lot of flops, someone might actually put 2 and 2 together (!!!) and realize//exploit the fact that you don't have anything on the flop a good amount of the time you are betting. If you run into a player that is playing back at you light, and you simply give up on the turn the majority of the time when you get called on the flop and you don't have anything, you are begging him to keep running you over and you are throwing money away if you yourself are coming in light and then playing bad postflop. If you would be giving up the pot by checking, but you realize that firing the turn will probably get him to fold often enough to be +EV disregarding any outs you may or may not have, there really isn't a decision to be made as far as what your play should be. Not only is the situation itself +EV, but future implications are there as well. When your opponent realizes that he has to expect a turn bet from you a high percent of the time and you aren't just giving up whenever he calls you and you don't have a very good hand, he is going to be much less inclined to contest pots against you with weak holdings. Now your continuation bets are going to be getting more respect from this player, and you are further bettering your overall situation. This also leads to forcing your opponents into making mistakes, and also leads to you getting more overall information in various subsequent situations and reading hands better. Everything leads to you making more money, though. That being said, I am not advocating players to fire the second barrel without considering all of the important factors, and firing again will be lightning money on fire in many spots (as their hand will already be well defined as unfavorable for you after their flop call in a particular spot and/or the situation is not a profitable one for other reasons). I am simply pointing out that this is a very common spot in which players are passing up on clearly profitable situations and are really hurting themselves in the long run. They can become much stronger players by utilizing these situations. Going back to the discussion of higher stakes games, the top high stakes players are generally firing that second barrel at a drastically higher rate than the solid regulars at


mid stakes, and there isn't any hesitation. That isn't to say they are just brainlessly firing away, although some spots are so clear that it really doesn't require much thought. They simply play very well postflop, and playing very well postflop indicates that they are good at spotting +EV situations, which the turn brings very often. The second barrel is really just the tip of the iceberg, though. 3) Giving Yourself a Bigger Cushion I have observed the bankroll discussions on this forum and have a few comments on the subject. If you asked me a couple months ago whether I could have a 10 buyin downswing playing my normal game without any real tilt in there, I really doubt I could foresee it happening. Now 10 buyin downswings are not only a possibility, but they are expected/inevitable, as are long breakeven stretches. Poker is very good at painting an illusion because of how deceptive and subtle variance in poker can be, and how many small things go into running bad and running good that you do not pay attention to. Swings are inevitable over the long run. This is obvious and everyone thinks they realize this, but people don't fully grasp it. Swings become exponentially more violent as you move up and your winrate drops. Some people are perfectly fine with giving themselves a small cushion, and have no problem hopping up and down in limits at a crazy pace on the whim of their latest upswing or downswing. Others give themselves a small cushion without knowing what can possibly happen. A 2p2 regular who is a consistent winner at 5/10NL moves up to 10/20 with 30-40 buyins, and gets crunched for 10 buyins. That can seriously be devastating to that person. To give a point of reference, the biggest winner in one particular game was apparently recorded as to having TWO 25 buyin downswings last month alone. More than one very good player has been known to run at almost breakeven for 100k hands. Some posters have said that your "move up" shouldn't be a big event. You should gradually move up, and be willing to play multiple levels as your bankroll allows whenever you spot a good game. You can't really argue with that, but most people do have a "regular" limit for them where they put in the bulk of their hands. When they make the next level their "regular" game, some people do not give themselves enough cushion because they do not realize that a big downswing near the beginning of their move up is very well within the realm of possibility. The players who were moving up from 100NL to 200NL and from 200NL to 400NL very quickly as soon as they attained 25 buyins for the next level probably have never experienced a decent sized downswing, and they think that if they drop 5 buyins at 5/10NL it will prove to them that they are not ready for that level. As I have been pointing out, they can lose far more than that and still have evidence of absolutely nothing if they do not analyze their situation properly. What it comes down to is realizing what goes into variance and what it is capable of, and adjusting according to what you are willing to accept. If you like the rollercoaster thats up to you and its your choice. But if your goal is a nice steady ride up the money hill with a few bumps that aren't going to wreck your ride in more ways than one, then you may want to consider giving yourself a bigger cushion. 4) Conclusion Hopefully this post helps people realize whats in store for them at the higher limits, helps some people become more willing to open their game up and attempt changing their thinking a little and getting better, as its really going to be necessary if they want to continue moving up in stakes and doing well in the higher games, and hopefully those players that aren't trying to ride a rollercoaster both emotionally and bankroll-wise have a slightly better grasp of the capabilities of variance. I also want to add that I am


nowhere near the skill/experience level of some of the players discussed here at this point in time. I am simply relaying my thoughts and observations.


How to use Poker Tracker (Pokey) This is a how-to post, but it doesn't belong in the software forum; it's to teach people how they can use the Poker Tracker data to find flaws in their game. Not a week goes by that someone doesn't ask if they are playing the game right. In that post, they include a dozen numbers from Poker Tracker and hope that the old-timers on SSNL can fix all their holes. While it's true that Poker Tracker can help find problems, this is not the way to approach it. I'm going to try to give you a rough guide for the things you can do to check on your game. These are all just my opinion; they're all subject to interpretation, and other people may disagree with me strongly. The best way to play is usually player-specific, but these strike me as some things you can check on that are frequent flaws in the small-stakes player's game. 1. Do you have sufficient preflop aggression? To answer this question, open up your ring game statistics and go to the "position stats" page. For each position other than the small blind, divide the "PF Raise %" by the "Vol. Put $ In Pot." If you get a number smaller than 0.5, you're not aggressive enough out of that position. See, aggression is a relative term; it should be a function of your level of looseness. You can be a consistently winning player at SSNL with a VPIP of 12%, and you can be a consistently winning player at SSNL with a VPIP of 30%, but only if you are sufficiently aggressive. My general guideline is that you should raise at least half the hands you play, from every position on the table. 2. Are you positionally aware? Positional awareness means that you understand Ed Miller's comment when he said: Quote:

Total all the dollars you've ever bet playing poker. The large majority of those dollars should have been bet from late position. Only a small percentage of your total handle should have been bet from up front.

To test this, go to the Position Stats and look down the list of VPIP from Button to UTG. You should see that VPIP steadily dropping the farther you get from the button. I'd love to see my button VPIP at double my UTG VPIP, but if my Button VPIP is at least 50% larger than my UTG VPIP, I'm happy with the situation. 3. How's my stealing? To check on your performance when trying a blind steal, go to the General Info. tab. Where it says "Att. To Steal Blinds" I'd like to see that number at LEAST 20%. (Personally, I like mine to be over 30%, but I'm very aggressive in these situations. If you're trying to steal the blinds less than 20% of the time, you're leaving lots of money on the table.) Now click on "Filters..." and under "Chance to Steal Blinds" click "Chance to Steal & Raised." Select OK and look at the numbers. This shows every time you've tried to steal the blinds, and how the attempt turned out for you. Under "Totals" see the "BB/Hand" statistic. That shows your per-hand winrate on blind steals. If you multiply this number by 100, it should be at least double your "PTBB/100" average winrate. If it's much less than that and you have a decent sample size, you have a hole in your game when it comes to blind stealing. This should be an exceedingly profitable thing to do when you try it; if it's not, you need to work on your strategy. 4. Defending the blinds. Click on "Turn Filter Off," and then click on "Filters..." again. Under "Blind Status" click on "Either Blind." Now under "Vol. Put $ In Pot" click on "Put


Money In." This shows you if you're bleeding money out of the blinds. A "BB/Hand" of about -0.375 would indicate that you were no better off putting money into the pot than if you had folded. If your "BB/Hand" is larger than that, then you typically win back some of your blind money when you put money into the pot from the blinds. That's all you can really hope for. If you click on "Filters..." again and go under "Steal Attempted Against Your Blind" and click on "Steal Attempted." After you click "OK" you'll now see how you did when you chose to defend against a blind steal. Again, the magic number is for your "BB/Hand" to be bigger than -0.375; that means you're making back some of your blinds when you try to defend against a steal. If either of these numbers is lower than -0.375, you'd lose less money by always folding rather than doing what you're doing. 5. Heads-up play. Click on “Turn Filter Off,” then click on “Filters…” again. Under “Hands With Between…Players Seeing The Flop” change the range from “0 to 10 players” to “2 to 2 players.” Hit “OK” and see what comes up. This shows you how you’ve done when you were heads-up preflop, but a flop was dealt. See how you’ve done in these situations. If things look OK, go back to “Filters…” and under “Pre-flop Raise” select “No Raise.” This will show you how you’ve done when you didn’t raise preflop, but the hand was heads-up on the flop (this includes pure limping and when someone ELSE raised preflop, but not when you were the preflop raiser). Is this number positive? If not, it could be an indicator that you have trouble when you are not the aggressor preflop, especially without padding in the pot. 6. Multiway pots. Clear the filter and go back under filters. Change “Hands With Between…Players Seeing The Flop” to “3 to 10 players.” This shows you how you do in multiway pots. If things look good, go back and select “No Raise” under “Pre-flop Raise.” Is it still positive? If so, you’re selecting good times to play/limp multiway pots, and you’re playing them well postflop. 7. Pocket pairs. Under “Filters…” change the “Type of Hole Cards” to “Pairs.” This will show you how you generally play and perform with pocket pairs. Your Total VPIP with these should be EXTREMELY high; unless you play at highly unusual tables, I’d be surprised to see this number below 85%. Pocket pairs make extremely powerful hands that are extremely well-hidden; if you’re not playing them almost all the time, you’re leaving money on the table. Also, your Total PFR% with these hands should be rather high -- at least 1/3 of your VPIP, if not 1/2. Some people have this number higher still, and I don’t have a problem with that, especially at short-handed tables. If you have enough hands, I’d expect every one of these lines to be positive, and reasonably significantly so. If you have any glaringly negative numbers, especially AA-88, it may indicate bad play. Look over individual hands where you lose lots of money and see if you played too timidly early in the hand, or if you went too far unimproved in the face of resistance. Also, look at the hands where you won to see if you played too timidly, or if you routinely forced weaker hands out when you should have been milking them for profits. 8. Suited connectors. Under “Filters…” change “Type of Hole Cards” to “Suited Connectors.” I’m much less likely to play suited connectors than pocket pairs, but some people play them religiously. As a result, I don’t really have a good suggestion as to how high your VPIP or PFR should be. However, your BB/hand should be positive; if it’s not, you’re probably not playing your suited connectors well. Remember: these hands play best in a multiway, unraised pot, or as a steal move. In the “Filters…” change “Vol. Put $ In Pot” to “Cold-Called.” When you hit OK, you should have almost no entries to view. Of the times you cold-called, you should be able to come up with a specific explanation for why you did so in each and every one of them. Review the hand histories; if you can’t come up with a really good reason why you thought it better to cold-call, rather than raise or fold, you need to rethink your suited connector strategy. Good explanations: the raise was very small, villain is passive post-flop, I had position on villain, villain and I are both extremely deep-stacked, villain is incredibly aggressive preflop, my suited


connectors are particularly strong, there are several cold-callers in front of me, etc. I’m not saying you shouldn’t ever cold-call with suited connectors; rather, I’m saying you shouldn’t AUTOMATICALLY do so. Your default play here should be to fold weak suited connectors and reraise strong ones. 9. Unsuited connectors. Clear the filter and then go back into it. Change “Type of Hole Cards” to “Off-Suited Connectors.” Your VPIP for these hands should be noticeably smaller than your VPIP for suited connectors. Check your winrate and make sure it’s positive. Filter for cold-calling and see if you had good reasons for doing so, keeping in mind that the reasons need to be even stronger than for suited connectors. 10. Postflop aggression. Clear the filter. Select the “More Detail…” button above the “Filters…” button. Scroll down. There is a section marked “First Action on Flop After A Pre-flop Raise.” This shows your likelihood of continuation betting. If you add Bet and Raise, the total should be at least 40%. If it’s not, you’re probably giving up too soon on your good hands, and that will cost you money in the long run. Remember: people who cold-call a preflop bet are often in fit-or-fold mode. If you don’t bet, you don’t give them a chance to fold. The pot is already decent-sized, and there’s no reason to give some donk a free look at a turn card that could sink you. If you raised preflop, you need a good reason NOT to raise the flop. Continuation betting should be your default play. Scroll down a bit farther to “Aggression Factor.” Your total aggression factor should be at LEAST 2. No-limit is not a game where you can call frequently and turn a profit. You should always be looking to see if you can raise or fold; only if you have a good reason why you CANNOT raise or fold should you call. As a result, calling should be an infrequent occurrence in your play, which gives you a large aggression factor. 11. Check-raising. Some people never check-raise; others check-raise infrequently. I personally like to check-raise at least once in awhile; 1% would be fine, 0.5% would be acceptable. The goal of the check-raise is to remind your opponents that just because you checked does NOT mean that you don’t have a hand. However, circumstances need to be very specific for a check-raise to be appropriate. Typically, I check-raise on the flop when OOP against a preflop raiser, or on the turn when OOP against a flop bettor/raiser who was clearly not on a draw (uncoordinated flop). If you are check raising much more than 2% of the time, you’re being entirely too tricky for a SSNL table, and straightforward play would probably be more profitable for you. All of this is just an introduction to the kinds of self-analysis you can/should do with Poker Tracker statistics. Notice how much more in-depth it is than just glancing at a few VPIP numbers. Typically, the only person who can truly do a “check-up” on your playing style and ability is YOU. As always, if in your searching you find hands that indicate you may have a flaw in your poker reasoning, post them up (one at a time, of course). Tell us the problem you are worried you might have, and why you think this hand might indicate the problem. Then, open the discussion up to see if 2+2ers agree or disagree.


SOME THOUGHTS ON GAME SELECTION (fiksdal) Game selection is something every serious poker player should have in his mind when he starts a session. Obviously what kind of table you are at and which opponents you are facing, is gonna be crucial for your expected win. Game selection gets more important the higher in stakes you get, but even at 10NL, I’d definitely recommend considering what kind of tables you chose to sit down at. Different kinds of players prefer different types of opponents. For instance, if you are a loose aggressive player who get a lot of your profitable situations from fold equity, you’d perhaps prefer tight, passive and nitty opponents that will be easier to run over. If you are a tight aggressive player who usually have the goods when you play big pots, you probably like to have the loose/passive kind of fish, who calls down a lot, by your side. For serious uNL players, this is usually the case, because pretty much no matter what kind of micro stakes table you are at, bluffing several streets with air/a marginal hand, is something you aren’t gonna be doing, even if they are kind of tight. So how do you find the typical loose/passive fish that go to showdown a lot? At 10NL for instance, most of the tables are gonna be filled with them. But even there you would like to find the very juiciest tables, with perhaps even 2 or more 70/8/1-ish types. However, the higher you get up in stakes, the fewer will the true fish be. At 50NL for instance, every table will have at least a couple of TAGs on it. There are of course a lot of fish on 50NL too, but they are rarer. This is where game selection gets even more important. The POT SIZE strategy A lot of people start their session by putting themselves on the waiting list for the games with the currently highest average pot sizes. The reasoning behind this tactic is obvious, at the tables where the pots are big; the players seem willing to usually put a lot of money in the pot. This is good for us, who will usually have good cards when we decide to play those big pots. Personally I have used this game selection strategy a lot, and I have had mixed experiences with it. Problems with this strategy: 1. As a result of other people using the same strategy, there aren’t usually any free seats at the table with the highest average pot. Most of the time there are even a couple of people on the waiting list already. So it’s probably gonna take something like 10-15 minutes from when you register to when you actually get a seat. By that time, the fish who were putting all that money in the pots might already have been stacked by one of the more solid players at the table! Several times have I waited for a seat at the juiciest game, only to eventually sit down on it to find a bunch of 17/13 tight aggressive players sitting around folding preflop. Clearly this kind of table is also beatable if you adapt, but it is not where the highest possible winrate can be achieved. 2. Big pot size doesn’t necessarily mean bad players. First of all, it could simply be a result of variance. For instance, if in one hand BTN pick up KK while BB has AA (they’ll probably get it all-in preflop or on the flop), and then in the next time to deep-stacked players both flop a set, then those pots, and thus the average pot size is gonna be huge no matter how skilled the players are. Also, good players know how to value bet their strong hands, and build big pots with them. Let’s say you have a 6-handed 50NL game with $10 as the average pot size. This is a pretty low number, and the logic assumption about the players at it, is that they aren’t gonna pay off your big hands. But is this given? Not necessarily. Ask yourself, what is your favorite kind of fish? Different people might have a different answer to this question, but personally, I definitely prefer the loose passive kind of opponent. I’d like


him to play a lot of hands, call preflop raises all the time and rarely use aggression himself but rather call, call, call. The advantages of facing these kinds of opponents are obvious. We get the ability to decide when the money goes in against them, and they aren’t even the aggressive type who bluffs us off the best hand from time to time. Example hand: Hero (CO): 100bb: T T Fish (BB): 70bb [70/6/0.5]: 9


Preflop: (1.5bb, 6 players) UTG folds, MP folds, Hero raises to 4bb, BTN folds, SB folds, BB calls 3bb. Flop: 6 8 A (8.5bb, 2 players) BB checks, Hero bets 8bb, BB calls 8bb. Turn: K (24.5bb, 2 players) BB checks, Hero checks. River: 7

(24.5bb, 2 players)

Now this is a spot where a lot of villains will usually put out a bluff. He missed his OESDFD (something that makes most players frustrated), and he saw us showing weakness by checking behind on the turn. So most of the time they are gonna put out that bluff, taking the pot away from us. However, the 70/6/0.5 player doesn’t bet that river. He just wants to see that showdown, after all he has a pair (and we all know how these players overvalue their hands). So he checks, and we get to check behind and take down that 24bb pot.) Such small pots make a surprisingly big difference in your final result. A table with a small average pot size, may very well be filled with that kind of loose passive fish. Their passive nature has just prevented them to build a lot of big pots. For instance, let’s look at another hand where both the involved players are fish with similar stats to the villain in the other hand: CO: 130bbs: 8 8 BTN: 130bbs: 9 9 Preflop: (1.5bb, 6 players) UTG folds, MP folds, CO calls 1bb, BTN calls 1bb, SB folds, BB checks. Now only on the preflop round have we seen an example of bad players who you’d love to sit with, but still they don’t create big pots. If at least one of these players was a TAG, there would have been at least a raise preflop in this hand, maybe even a 3bet. Flop: 9 8 2 (3.5bb, 3 players) BB checks, CO checks, BTN checks (lol) Now both players decided to slow-play their flopped sets, which is of course a felony on this board and these stacks. It is however an extremely common play by loose/passive fish. Turn: 4 (3.5bb, 3 players) BB checks, CO bets 2bb, BTN calls 2bb, BB folds. CO notices the pot being tiny, and is (correctly) trying to get some money into it. BTN however, decides to keep slow-playing, out of fear of CO going away if he raises.


River: 7 (7.5bb, 2 players) CO bets 4bb, BTN calls 4bb. CO sees the card completing the draws. In a scared fashion he puts out a small value/blocking bet. BTN who is also afraid of the draws, just calls! The final pot size is 15.5bb. An incredibly small pot considering the monsters the players had, but such hands go down between passive fish all the time. If this hand had been going on between two TAGs, the final pot size would by all likeliness have been 260bbs. So a high average pot size doesn’t always mean bad players, and a low one doesn’t always mean good ones. However, if a good, aggressive player sits down at a table full of these opponents, he will be able to control pot sizes against them. They usually call down too much, and if the aggressive player picks up a bunch of hands that qualify to value bet multiple streets with, pots involving the calling stations and him could get rather large. This is why the tables with the low average pot sizes might not always be that bad at all. Players at it could be very willing to put money in the pot with medium hands. All they need is someone to make bets that they can call. Someone who will build big pots: YOU. How do you find the tables with this kind of opponents? Personally, there is a strategy I have been using more and more lately. When I start a session I open a couple of empty tables, and sit down at them. What kind of players do you think is gonna sit down with me? Do you think the other decent TAGs who play multiple tables are gonna sit down and play heads up with another regular? Very unlikely. Most of the time the people that come to me are total fish. They usually buy-in for like 20-50bb (a very good sign), and start limping all over the place. It usually doesn’t take long before I have 5 sweet loose/passive fish sitting with me, and the average stats of my table are amazingly often along the lines of 50/10/1 when I use this strategy. Then the fish double up through each other and I get to play with them 100bbs deep. uNL, I encourage you all to use this table selection technique the next time you start a session.


How to Put It All Together and be a Winning Player (MikeyPatriot) My poker career has been a long journey. I started out playing in an unorganized, blindless home game and donating my paychecks online. After a 9 month hiatus from the game for personal reasons (moving/not having a home game/dating someone I spent a majority of my time with), I got the itch to play again. Since then, I've made an effort to improve at all times rather than assume I know how to play because I've read Super/System. I read any book I couldn't get my hands on, started lurking 2+2/SSNL, and most importantly started to manage my bankroll responsibly. When I first started reading here, I couldn't believe that some people were beating the game for 8, 10 or 12 PTBB/100 hands. Even when I became a consistently marginally winning player (3-4/100), I figured the big winners were liars or luckboxes. Slowly, but surely (and switching to six max) I started to see my winrate improve. I understood where these people were coming from. You COULD beat the game that bad. I should start by saying this: it isn't easy. When people say you should post hands, read SSNL, evaluate your play in PT, etc. they aren't kidding. Doing these things help build the fundamentals which make everything else such a breeze. It's comparable to a musician playing scales over and over or a basketball player taking jump shot after jump shot. Once you get the basics down, the advanced stuff starts to come to you piece by piece. I'm not going to try and tell you I know it all. I certainly don't. Like I said before, I'm trying to learn all the time. But these are some things I've noticed in my playing experiences that I think are important to my success. 1) Passion - Poker is a game. You can beat it with a good understanding of the fundamentals. Like most professions though, those who are truly passionate about what they're doing are the most successful. Michael Jordan didn't get to his level by shooting free throws on the weekends. Bill Gates didn't become successful by writing software in his free time. These people were/are passionate about what they were/are doing. This doesn't mean you have to play 8 hours a day or be thinking about poker 24/7 away from the table. But it does mean you should constantly be looking for ways to improve and never accept complacency - especially when you first start out. 2) Bankroll management - I'm sure this sounds like a broken record to those of you who read this forum with any regularity, but it can't be said enough. If you are playing at a level you are uncomfortable at, it will be very hard to be successful. If you don't mind going bust and reloading, by all means play as high as you can afford. If you're scared of getting it all in and being sucked out, you're probably playing far too high. 3) Marginal situations - The more experience you acquire, the more able you will be to handle marginal situations. This can definitely add a BB to your winrate. However, as other posters have made note of, they aren't that important! If you have a hard time in marginal situations, you will save yourself money and frustration by keeping yourself out of them. Fold QJo on the button if everyone has limped to you and you don't want to raise, but don't want to call. It may not be optimal (and I may get flamed for suggesting it), but when you enter a pot, you're potentially risking your whole stack. The marginal EV you gain playing the hand isn't worth the risk if you'll get stacked a bunch when you hit top pair. 4) Participate on the board! - Post hands. Reply in other hands. Sign up for a session review (I highly recommend this). Do something. The more you challenge yourself to critically think about the game, the easier decisions will come to you at the table.


5) Stay humble - I don't know how many times I started my own downswing by getting to cocky. Sure, we want to play as many hands against the fish as much as we can, but (and this goes with point 3) that doesn't mean we should be putting ourselves into super marginal positions. Playing ATo from UTG is trouble for most everyone. Don't let an upswing twist your head into thinking otherwise. These are the things that have led me to becoming a winning player. Finding Two Plus Two kickstarted all of it. Just the fact that you are here is a great start. Keep learning and don't be afraid to make mistakes! Also, if anyone would like to discuss hands, poker, life, politics, etc. AIM me at MikeyPatriot.


Advice from a MHNL'er (whitelime’s) (PART I) Hi. I normally play 5/10 NL and higher. I don't post often in MHNL because at that level, some of the advanced concepts and thought processes are better left unsaid since some people still don't understand them. Many other posters hold back their thought processes to a certain degree as well. However, I have gained some knowledge from 2+2 and would like to repay by helping out some Small Stakes players. I will try to post one solid piece of advice for SS play each week. If I forget, someone send me a PM. 1) Isolate against the fish VERY FREQUENTLY I see this mistake made very often. A donkey, lets say VPIP over 50 limps. Our 2+2'er limps behind. This is very bad. Your range of hands for raising the weak limper with position on him should include AT LEAST the following and probably more if you play halfway decent postflop: AA-77, AK, AQ, AJ, AT, Axs, KQ, KJ, KT, QJ, QT, JT, Q9s, J9s, K9s, 9Ts.... The amount you raise can vary, but a general rule is 3.5BB + 1 per limper (pot size raise). If you get HU with the fish, and he checks the flop, you should be betting almost 100% of the time. Bet your monsters and bet your crap. Your bet amount should vary between 1/2 the pot and the full pot. Mix up the bet amount so no one can read your hand. However, use some common sense. If the flop is A55 rainbow, a half pot bet probably makes the same hands fold as a pot bet...etc. Think about it from a game theory perspective. If you bet the full pot every time, he will have to fold LESS than 50% or you show an automatic profit. Since most HE hands miss more than 50% of flops, unless the fish can adjust to your strategy, you will show an automatic profit. Additionally, even if does call once in a while, you will have a hand once in a while so he'll have to be calling/raising not just 50% of the time, but way more. Furthermore, if he does start raising and playing back at you, he is bad, so you should be able to outplay him. Bottom Line - Start Isolating. There is one situation where you should not isolate. This is if you have someone who is VERY loose in calling raises to your left. If this is the case, you won't be able to isolate that effectively. Naturally, the closer you are to the button, the more frequently you should be isolating. You should be looking to sit to the direct left of the very loose players. You should pound on them. Attack them relentlessly. I've actually heard it debated whether you would rather sit to the left of a very loose player or the TAG so to avoid him having position on you. Let me put an end to this debate. Sit to the left of the loose player. It's not even close. If you have a 6 handed table with 3 average players, 1 very loose player, and one very


solid TAG and you have to sandwhich yourself between the TAG and the loose player, I would estimate your BB/100 will be DRAMATICALLY higher sitting to the left of the loose player with the TAG to your left. The reasons for this should be obvious. I'll try to think of another important concept for next week. Enjoy! (PART II) Hi. I normally play 5/10 NL and higher. I don't post often in MHNL because at that level, some of the advanced concepts and thought processes are better left unsaid since some people still don't understand them. Many other posters hold back their thought processes to a certain degree as well. However, I have gained some knowledge from 2+2 and would like to repay by helping out some Small Stakes players. I will try to post one solid piece of advice for SS play each week. If I forget, someone send me a PM. 2) VERY VERY rarely is slowplaying correct This goes not only for postflop play, but preflop play as well. First I'll discuss the simpler preflop play. Every time you smooth call a raise preflop with AA or KK There is one common condition smooth calling preflop is correct. This is against a player who is recklessly aggressive postflop, but will fold to a reraise preflop. Note that just being recklessly aggressive postflop is not enough to warrant a smooth call. If he is willing to call a pot size reraise preflop, he has very slim implied odds regardless of his holding. Factor in that he will often incorrectly put money in the pot postflop as a big underdog and slowplaying becomes very incorrect. There is a second minor reason to slowplay preflop and this is for deception purposes. This, however, is the most overrated reason at almost any limit. This is because it takes a ridiculous number of table hours against a particular opponent to deduce that he will NEVER slowplay AA/KK. If you still like to slowplay your AA/KK, make sure you do it against an opponent whose PFR is small enough to the point where you know the range of hands you are trapping. If you smooth call a loose raiser and see a Q44 flop, you'll only end up trapping yourself when he shows you a 45 which you could've either pushed out preflop, or forced to make an incorrect call preflop. Preflop slowplaying is bad, but postflop slowplaying is usually much worse. I call the following "The Idiot's Monster" Call Preflop with a drawing hand (pocket pair, suited connector) Call raiser's flop bet when you hit your monster. Raise the turn small (whether it's minraise or raise f/ $200 to $500). Value bet the river. I'm not saying to get rid of this line completely, however, pick your spots. Against most thinking players, you will not take their stack this way against an overpair. However,


against some loose calling station whose entire thought process is "he bets more so he has a better hand", use this line (raising the flop is still superior) and value bet him into submission. He will never fold his TPGK. Reasons slowplaying is bad: 1) Fastplaying is deceptive, slowplaying is not (against thinking players). You heard right. Because the overwhelming majority of players online slowplay their very strong hands, most thinking players will never see what hit them when you fastplay yours. 2) Fastplaying builds pots. This one should be obvious. You don't want streets checked when you have a very strong hand. You want the maximum amount going in on every street. When you flop a set and sense that your opponent has an overpair, pound him. Don't plan on taking half his stack. Go for it all. He probably isn't folding unless... 3) a scare card hits. I'm going to use a simple example to illustrate this point. You have 77 OOP against a preflop raiser. The flop comes T74 with a heart flush draw. You check call the flop. Think about how many turn cards could potentially kill your action. Any heart, T, J,6,3 could result in your opponent not willing to go to the felt with his overpair. Check-raising and leading out are both acceptable options. Check-calling is pretty bad. Here is another example from a hand that I played recently: Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (6 max, 6 handed) converter BB ($949) Hero ($1342) MP ($286.12) CO ($992) Button ($704.35) SB ($769.75) Preflop: Hero is UTG with 6, 5. SB posts a blind of $5. Hero raises to $35, 3 folds, SB (poster) calls $30, BB calls $25. Flop: ($105) K, 6, 6 (3 players) SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $70, SB calls $70, BB folds. Turn: ($245) 6 (2 players) SB checks, Hero bets $175, SB calls $175. River: ($595) A (2 players) SB checks, Hero ??? So many players will check the turn. Checking the turn is 100% wrong. It allows your opponent to play a small pot in a hand where he is either way ahead or way behind. Betting it also disguises your hand and most probably stacks Villain if he holds Kx. However, I forgot that an A could hit the river and potentially kill my action. The correct play in this situation is not only to bet the turn, but to bet all-in. This assures that you disguise your quads, get 95%+'s opponent's stacks all-in with Kx, and prevent a scare card (Ace) from killing your action on the river. This example illustrates how much can go wrong when you try to slowplay. 4) Your opponent doesn't bet! In the previous 77 example, I stated that check-raising and leading are both good options. The reason check-raising is equally good is because your opponent will often make a continuation bet when he misses which you would not gain if you lead. However, you should be wary of the fact that any time you check


intending to trap, your opponent may check also. Disclaimer: Don't take what I write as black and white, wrong and right. Whether I state them as absolutes or not, they are my opinions. However, the important thing you should be taking in from this is the thought process involved in making decisions. In this case, the decision is whether to slowplay or not. Sure there are times when you should be slowplaying. The important thing is that you have the thought process to recognize when those situations arise and why slowplaying is more profitable than fastplaying in those situations. For my third post next week, I have an idea, but it is more of a profitability discussion, rather than a pure strategy discussion. Anyone opposed to this? Enjoy. (PART III) Hi, Sorry it took me so long to get this one out. I've been busy lately, but a bunch of you bombarded me w/ PM's so here goes: The first two posts focused specifically on poker strategy while this one will deal with profitability. Here are a few specific ways to improve your profitability (roughly in order of importance) 1) Game Selection: This is by far the most important thing you can do to improve your winrate. If your game selection consists solely of putting yourself on the waitlists of the tables with the biggest avg pots/highest% to the flop, your game selection sucks. First, think about how important game selection is. At small stakes, if you are a good player, chances are there might be 4 or 5 tables out of 100 that you are unable to sustain a positive winrate. However, there is a big difference between winning 2BB/100 on a certain table as opposed to 15BB/100. Think about the times where you sat down with a fish on your table playing 70-100% of his hands. How quickly on average does he go broke? 30 hands? 50 hands? 70 hands? If you are on his table, sometimes you'll be the one taking his stack, sometimes you won't. However, the bottom line is, on average you will take x% of that player's stack. If you follow most of the following advice, x will be around 30%. Depending on how much he bought in for, this may average out to around 9-12BB's. If we take a conservative estimate and say he lasts 70 hands, that's a ridiculous 9-12BB/HR raise on your winrate. I don't think there are many doubters to the fact that game selection is important so I won't spend much more time on it. Rather, let's move on to how you go about picking good games.... 2) Identifying Fish If you are to exercise good game selection, obviously you have to know what a good game is. Since most of you are probably multitablers, the easiest way to do it is to use PokerTracker and an add-on which superimposes everyone's stats onto the table. When you aren't playing, you should leave your computer on and datamine. Within a few days you can easily recognize the regular, winning players, and the regular, losing players. Be warned that you shouldn't automatically assume that because a certain player's VPIP is over 30, he is a fish. There is a wide range of styles with which people can play


profitably. Believe it or not, there are 50/20's who are winning players at 5/10NL and 10/20NL. However, like most things, you are playing the numbers game. Chances are that a player with a VPIP of 50 is much more likely to be a loser than a player with a VPIP of 15. The next way to identify the fish is to observe how they play particular hands. TAKE NOTES. When you see someone check-call the KQ4 flop OOP w/ A7o, no draws, you can be pretty sure that he is a losing player. It's important that you note specifics of how the weak player plays, and ways for you to exploit that. For example, don't write "donkey" as your note. Sure this tells you he sucks, but what good is that if you are unsure of how to exploit it. Instead, write "calling station". Now you know not to bluff him. Or write "doesn't extract proper value from strong hands". Now you know that you should just check-call him down with your top pair type hand. Or write "fires three barrels with overcards". Now you know to just check-call him down to the river. Once you are able to identify the fish, you need to learn how to take advantage of them. 3) Play more hands with the fish and less with the sharks This should be obvious, but it is amazing how many players play on complete auto-pilot and disregard for who they are playing the hand against. Here's an example. Standard starting stacks. You have 55 in the SB. Solid player raises 4-5x from middle position. All folds around to you. A lot of players will call and take a flop to try and flop a set. However, this is incorrect for a number of reasons. First of all, a solid player's opening range is going to be such that every time you flop your set, he will not necessarily have a strong enough hand to pay you off. Say he raises KQ and the flop comes J75. You aren't going to win much off him. Remember, that you have to plan on getting 50 big blinds worth of his stack in the middle just to BREAK EVEN on your small pocket pair. Next, because this player is good, there's no guarantee that he will even go broke with an overpair or top pair. Maybe a scare card hits on the turn to kill your action. Maybe he reads your hand well and can get away quickly. The bottom line is that speculative hands fluctuate in value depending on the player you are playing them against. Here is another example. Very bad player minraises UTG. One caller. You have 46s on the button. Standard stack sizes. You should be seeing a flop here every single time. Playing 46s profitably against a very bad player in this situation should be pretty easy if you know what his leaks are and how to properly exploit them. Other than widening your range of hands you will play against a weak player, how else can you increase the number of hands you play against him... 4) Learn to play short-handed This is probably one of the biggest fears of a lot of small stakes full ring players. I know when I first started out, I was scared to death of SH play. Now, I'd have to play postflop and not just win exclusively on the strength of solid starting hands. However, I can honestly say that after 2 or 3 days of playing 6 MAX, my winrate was significantly higher than what i was earning at full ring. This isn't because I improved my postflop play that quickly but rather because there are more fish on the 6 MAX tables, and I am now playing more hands against each fish.


I think that every player takes a progression throughout their poker careers from full ring to 6 max, to 3 handed and HU play. The fewer the number of players, the more potential the game has for profitability. The reasons for this are fairly obvious. 5) Seat Selection Issues It is often argued whether it is better to sit to the left of the players who play well, or the players who play poorly. The overwhelmingly correct answer is the players who play poorly. Think about it. Not only are you now able to isolate against that player at will, but now when you raise, you don't risk getting 4 callers behind you. Even if once in a while you have to play a hand out of position against a tough player, you should be playing 4-5 times as many hands against the weaker player. If a seat to the direct left of a loose, weak player opens up, CHANGE YOUR SEAT. Now what happens if you aren't able to move to the left of the weaker player. Let's say you are to his direct right. This is what is going to happen. You are going to have to significantly tighten up your preflop raising. You can't open JTo anymore because the loose player will call, and this will entice others after him to follow. Who wants to play a 4 handed pot out of position with hands like that? Furthermore, every time you are in a pot against the player you are trying to play as many pots with as possible, you are out of position. You'll have to control your continuation betting because that player is probably a calling station. The bottom line is that because that player is so bad, the game will still be profitable. However, if possible, you should definitely look for another table where you can get more favorable seating. 6) Psychology How psychology applies to poker is something a lot of people don't properly understand. One of the important aspects of any hand is how your opponent perceives you. Unless you have a long history with the opponent, this usually involves how you've been playing for the past 40-50 hands. Here is an example: Say you've been making a lot of continuation bets after PF raises, and C/F turns when you miss. You raise xy. Flop comes 982. One caller. Check, Bet, Call. Turn is a 2. In this situation, sometimes if you don't have a piece you might give up. However, given your table image, it might be very profitable for you to fire a second barrel as your opponent probably thinks you only fire 2nd barrels with legit hands. The point of this example is that your table image can greatly influence certain decisions. One of the reasons it's so difficult to comment on HU NL hands is because a lot of that depends on the previous hands that you've played with the opponent. Let's say an average player opens from the button. You reraise AQo from the big blind and he folds. Very next hand you are dealt AA. He opens from the cutoff. You should very seriously consider making an abnormal size raise. If he raises 4 times the blind, maybe you should consider reraising him 20 times the blind. This is especially the case when you have just sat down at the table. Most players don't have the thought process required to deduce the real reason you are reraising so much and will think your a nutjob


and go broke with a mediocore hand. Similar situation, however this time you hold a hand like TT or JJ. In this case, you should almost always just call his preflop raise. The reason is that he won't give you as much credit for a strong hand since you are reraising him two times in a row. You are very likely to be put all-in preflop, or get raised on the flop. A hand like TT or JJ will have trouble dealing with this much pressure. This is all I can think of at the moment but I'll try to add something next week. If you have ideas on what you would like me to discuss, feel free to PM them to me. I'm too tired to proofread this, so if something doesn't make sense, lemme know and I'll try to address it. Enjoy.


UNL YOU ARE WEAK TIGHT (Pokey) A little over a year ago I tested SSNL and found out that they were weak-tight. Well, this month I tested uNL and found out that we're still weak-tight as a group. What does weak-tight mean? In a nutshell, weak-tight means you have MUBS: (M)onsters (U)nder the (B)ed (S)yndrome. You give your opponents too much credit for hands and too much credit for hand-reading. I like to call it "Psychic Villain Syndrome," where you feel like your opponents can see into your soul. You know what? They really can't. They're just as lost as we are. Unfortunately, when we give them credit for being paranormally perceptive poker players we shoot ourselves in the foot, failing to make +EV moves because we fear that our plays will be obvious (no matter how far from the truth that might be). Why do I accuse uNL of being weak-tight? Well, because I tricked you into telling me that you were. First, I gave you this thread where hero flops air: ---------Poker Stars - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.10/$0.25 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) SB: $28.60 BB: $22.55 UTG: $10.00 Hero (MP): $29.80 CO: $48.30 BTN: $10.35 Preflop: Hero is dealt J T (6 Players) UTG folds, Hero raises to $1.00, 3 folds, BB calls $1.00 Flop: ($2.10) 9 8 5 (2 Players) BB checks, Hero bets $2.00, BB calls $2.00 Turn: ($6.10) 2 (2 Players) BB bets $5.00, Hero calls $5.00 River: ($16.10) 3 (2 Players) BB checks, Hero bets $14.55.... ---------I then asked you how often villain calls the bluff. The results as of right now: Less than 25% of the time: 6 (15% of responders) Between 25% and 50% of the time: 11 (27.5% of responders) Between 50% and 75% of the time: 18 (45% of responders) More than 75% of the time: 5 (12.5% of responders) After that thread died down, I had my sneaky moderator-accomplice make another post. It should look reasonably similar to you: ----------


Poker Stars - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.10/$0.25 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) SB: $28.60 BB: $22.55 UTG: $10.00 Hero (MP): $29.80 CO: $48.30 BTN: $10.35 Preflop: Hero is dealt 7 6 (6 Players) UTG folds, Hero raises to $1.00, 3 folds, BB calls $1.00 Flop: ($2.10) 9 8 5 (2 Players) BB checks, Hero bets $2.00, BB calls $2.00 Turn: ($6.10) 2 (2 Players) BB bets $5.00, Hero calls $5.00 River: ($16.10) 3 (2 Players) BB checks, Hero bets $14.55.... ---------NOTE WELL: stacks are the same. The flop and flop action are identical. The turn and turn action are identical. The river and river action are identical. The ONLY DIFFERENCE is that instead of air we've got the immortal nuts. We then asked you how often THIS river bet gets called, and you told us: Less than 25% of the time: 7 (29.2% of responders) Between 25% and 50% of the time: 12 (50% of responders) Between 50% and 75% of the time: 4 (16.7% of responders) More than 75% of the time: 1 (4.2% of responders) Bummer -- you're weak-tight. You've mistakenly assumed that an identical, unknown villain calls MUCH more often when we've got nothing than he would when we've got the nuts, even though every possible factor in the hand is otherwise identical. This makes no logical sense, it cannot be correct, but it's how we think as a group. That, my friends, is the very definition of weak-tight. What are the consequences of being weak-tight? Well, the main consequence is that we make incorrect plays because we give our opponents too much credit. We bluff too little because we're just SURE that villain is calling, but in the same situation when we've got the nuts we bet small because we KNOW that villain won't call a big bet. I'm not saying that both of these statements are wrong, but at LEAST one of them MUST be. I honestly don't know where the truth lies. IF our villain will call our bluff-pushes too often for bluff-pushing to be profitable, then pushing with the nuts will be extremely +EV for us. On the other hand, IF our villain dumps most of his hands to a river push, then bluff-pushing will be extremely +EV for us. Only empirical evidence and reads will tell us which answer is correct for a particular villain, but believing that NEITHER pushing the nuts for value NOR pushing air as a bluff will be +EV cannot be correct -- if one doesn't work, the other will. My pure and uneducated guess is that at uNL, pushing for value is usually +EV and pushing as a bluff is usually -EV, but this will vary from villain to villain, and the formula will change as you move up in stakes. How do we beat this weak-tight curse? Let's assume that we err on the side of overestimating our folding equity. If that's the case, then the next time you have the


nuts on the river, ask yourself "if I had air, would pushing be +EV?" If your answer is no, then push. If your answer is yes then decide how large a bet you could make with air and still have it be +EV, reduce that amount by a couple BBs, and bet that much. This adjustment will reduce our predicted folding equity when we have the nuts. It might over-reduce it, but it's probably a move in the right direction. Give it a try for a couple days and see how it works for you. I don't point this out to insult you or try to make you feel stupid; rather, I point it out because it's an EXTRAORDINARILY common problem for poker players in general, at all stages of development. Let's try to get around our psychological stumbling blocks and start making rational decisions instead.


Working on your game (kom) I decided to post what is most of my 50nl "career" because I thought it might be useful for some players. First we begin with my first ~150k hands which can only be described as mediocre.

As you can see I was pretty much the typical "tagfish". I was tight preflop, vaguely aware of position, knew how to c-bet etc but still had some pretty big holes in my game. So I signed up for cardrunners, spent alot of time reading posts across unl-HSNL, got some coaching and did some sweat sessions with friends. The results are my last ~100k hands...


I think the things I learned in the second batch of hands are: 1. Turn aggression is important. Alot of players have gotten flop aggression down, ie cbetting, check raising flush draws etc, but alot of uNl players are not aggressive enough on the turn. Looking at the two stats samples you can see in the 2nd one my turn aggression is significantly higher and I think that has been one of my biggest improvements. Work on identifying profitable places to fire again on the turn (Scare cards against habitual floaters etc) and it will pay dividends. 2. Showdown Comparing the 2nd sample to the first you can see that i went to showdown less and won more often when I got there. Look to make river folds!! Too many times I used to make alot of very bad, "meh, whatever pot odds" calls on the river when it was obviously -EV. Working on stopping this has brought my showdown numbers into the range which I think is about right for a taggy style. 3- Table image Be aware of your image at the table! My default is to c-bet ~100% of the time and look to aggressively take down pots with or without a hand. If early in a session I showdown premium hands and establish a tight image then this becomes very successful as I can abuse this image to steal and rob lots of small-medium pots. However, I never used to adjust my play if my image wasn't so great. If you have been caught stealing with trash/double-barrelling with air etc, then ADJUST!! Tighten up a bit from late position, c-bet less and wait for a good spot to use your bad image to get paid off. One good tip here is to include your net $won/lost in your HUD. I find it can be a decent indicator of how you are viewed by the table. 4- Variance In the brew etc people are always moaning about tiny swings over tiny samples. Man up and play the hands and don't talk about variance until you've played at least 50-100k hands, and even then probably don't talk about it. The one thing I will say


is it is quite obvious that the 2nd graph has far less variance than the first due to the significantly higher ptbb/100. Although even with a >6 winrate I still experienced a ~13 buy in downswing while playing my A game. In conclusion, whilst I still have alot to learn I feel I've at least grasped the fundamentals of playing good ABC tag poker. Those of you struggling as breakeven/small winners like I was, take heart. You are on the right track and with some small adjustments you can join me in beating the uNL games at a good clip and getting ready to take shots at the higher games.


The Basics: session review & " Deconstruction" (matrix) Poker - how do you play yours? are you a TAG a LAG a sLAG a nit ? However you play and whoever you play against one often overlooked part of paying goot is reviewing the hands you play afterwards and looking to see what good decisions you made - what bad stuff you did and trying to not repeat the bad stuff again and versa vice. Often times I find myself playing on autopilot - I get the poker fired up I open up 3279874574305790428590480 tables - I look through the players that are sitting choose what tables I want to play and off I go. An hour or two later I finish up happy that I ran goot or mad that I lost monies and I go do something else. Sound like you? A lot of mediocre players play like this - they know the basics they know what plays are goot and what are not - for the most part they make the right plays most of the time hey nobodies perfect right. I think this is a one way ticket to breakevensville. How do we make $ playing poker?? We make more with our good hands and lose less with our bad hands than the other players we play against. We make less FTOP "mistakes" than the rest of the opposition thats it. It's *very* hard to get out of the "woot I won x buyins today I rule" or the "Holy sheet I ran so bad I am down $x" mentality when you finish a session. All we ought to really care about is whether we made goot decisions or not and think after a sesh "woot I made some great +EV moves today ++ Sklansky bucks for me" or "man I really sucked calling there and sucking out for 300bb" But if you play a bunch of tables you don't have nearly enough time to review how +/your EV was for the big decisions you made that session. Here are some handy steps that help me after I play a session to get a handle on how well I am playing - and in what spots I really need to work on and improve. i) Open up notepad or use pen/paper or something - open up the tracker s/w and filter it to show the big pots you just played. ii) Open poker stove - replay the big hands you wanna look at in the replayer and pause the action when you had to make a decision. Punch the hand into the stove take your time and put the villain on a range and check your equity vs that range. iii) MAKE A NOTE! - and move onto the next big hand. This takes you 15-20 mins after you're done playing for a 90 min 4table session or thereabouts. If you got all-in pf AAvKK and stuff ignore those - just focus mostly on the hands where you had to think a little. You should end up with a notepad file that looks like... Session 5th Nov - Party $50NL


i) raised a 19/16 MP TAGs "CB" with air on rags flop - folded to shove - villain plays v tight from E/MP - but can't continue with whiffed OC's - OK play. ii) called a b/3b all-in OOP vs TAG on flop w TPGK, V had naked fd. Good call - he is often semi-bluffing. iii) ... etc. Save these then once a week look back through your cliffnotes and see if the same spots come up often - get into the habit of writing down why you did x in y situation and I find it helps me to think better at the table and overall make less FTOP "mistakes". Which leads me onto "Deconstruction" Basicaly taking other peoples games apart - and looking for ways to possibly exploit their weaknesses. We all maintain large databases of opponents play - we ought to use these more. Once a week I sit for an hour - pick out a villain I play against often that I have a LOT of hands on and I look at what moves they make - how they lost the big pots they played how often they fold to a re-raise - what size of raise is need to get value - or to get a fold. I write up a huge pile of notes on this villain and either import them directly to the poker s/w or I notepad them and copy/paste them in later when I see them again. Some villain giving you trouble at the table? - instead of keeping out of their way get under their skin, figure them out and be better armed next time you play them.


THE EVOLUTION OF A POKER PLAYER (aejones) Disclaimer and qualifier: I have played well over one million hands of online poker, and almost that many this year alone. I’ve just recently started to reflect on my career in poker, and I was able to find the points in time in which I really had epiphanies. I remembered that was a question that is asked in most “wells.” I was asked more than once in mine, and right now jman is doing a great well in HSNL in which people are asking him the same question. I’ve decided that I’ll take the time to answer it comprehensively, since I haven’t made a serious post in MSNL in a very long time- this is my Christmas present. I’d appreciate it if HSNL people read it and expounded upon it (and the future- most notably) and if SSNL and MSNL people would ask questions related to this thread that others could help them answer. The goal of this ‘essay’ is to expedite the education process of all those who read it indirectly. (would also appreciate if someone who visit SSNL would link it there, thanks) The Evolution of a Poker Player by aejones Poker is discovered differently by many individuals. Clearly, if you’re reading this, you’ve received it a specific way. This essay is designed to describe a successful way to go about educating yourself about this game (a ‘method’ that many of you will be able to identify with), the pitfalls to avoid along that path, and what you can expect in the future. Although there are a variety of ways to go about discovering the game, including dreams of wanting to become the next half-witted accountant from Tennessee with a weight problem to make seven figures, there are specific channels to go about educating yourself on it. After many of you found poker and decided you wanted to get better at it, you picked up a poker book at your local bookstore. This book was in all likelihood terrible (with the exception of Super System), but nevertheless an integral part of your poker career. You learned about pot odds, or how to squeeze out an extra bet with two pair playing 3-6 limit, where the only person who can beat the rake in that game is Jerry Yang. Basic concepts, but fairly important ones nonetheless. Through these books, you learned to play tight. Tight was right. It worked. You might have won some money in home games or online- it seemed fairly simple enough, no one else was folding enough, so by folding a lot and only playing strong hands, you would have an advantage. If you really got more hungry, you searched Google for poker articles, or read excerpts by Phil Hellmuth or Daniel Negreanu from their websites. For me, Daniel Negreanu was my most important teacher before I was any good at poker. He was one of the few people 3 or 4 years ago that actually went through some thought process fairly publicly, and I benefited greatly from knowing how he thought. To this day, I believe that if/when I play with DN, I’ll have a huge advantage recalling his thought process from hands I read over and over back in the day (without him knowing the information I’m using). These kinds of things will help the average railbird, and might even assist you to winning low stakes NL online, or even tournaments, but it’s not nearly enough to win online. Thus, you reach the first milestone in your poker career. Milestone #1: Poker is not played inside of a box, if you want to surpass the fgators’ of the world, you need to learn to think outside of it. Around this time you start thinking about things other than your cards. You realize that other people have cards too! What if you could figure out what they have? A novel


concept, indeed, and one that many players have not come into contact with yet. Second and third level thinking come into the picture, and you get excited about poker. You realize there are all sorts of player types, and you should try to cater to the way they play (tight in loose games, loose in tight games) instead of imposing your impressive will of folding in an already nitty game, or splashing around with bottom pairs and draws when no one is folding second pair on any street for any bet. You learn about Gabe’s girlfriend Shania- I can do anything as long as I balance! You likely overvalue balance, which in time you will learn to de-value, and then value highly again. This is around the time most of us learn how to play LAG as well. When you learn the nuances of playing loose and aggressive and the effects of your image on the table, you are brought into a whole new world of poker. Everything looks and tastes different than it did before. Suddenly, you’re looking to fillet a different kind of fish- a TAGfish, specifically. You realize your image can effect others into making awful plays. Hell, we all see how bad people play against Poly Baller. You learn to play draws super fast- anytime you can get it in with more outs than you have fingers on one hand, you’ve done alright! Hello fold equity! Anytime I go all in, I’ll just be like ‘fold equity, fold equity, fold equity’it’s a chant to the poker gods. You make this transition over and over again. You get aggressive, get tight, get loose, get tight, get loose, get tight. People change their ideal style based on what is sexy at the time, and eventually settle on something that fits their personality. When you’re loose and losing, you blame it on the loose leaks. When you’re tight and losing, you complain about not getting enough action. The human brain is constantly conditioning itself to be results oriented and doubt anything that doesn’t work at the moment. We’ll likely revisit this transition later in our poker careers. A note about discovering LAG play. It is at this moment that Grimmstar shot off from the standard evolution of a poker player. He moved straight up from this first milestone, stunted his growth in poker, and became a terrible, terrible high stakes player. The man burned nearly a million dollars, true story. There are other examples about players who left here to success- for instance, I think cts and jman had fairly instant successs at higher stakes. They were lucky enough to move up and run good, but wise enough to learn along the way. If you are fortunate enough to run good at 25-50 and continue to ask questions, study game theory, and be open to moving down anytime you hit a bad run- then you’re clearly smart enough to ‘learn on the fly’ and discover other milestones in your poker career as they come. Oftentimes, the period before this next milestone is characterized by a great humbling at the poker tables. Downswings from playing too fancy and getting your ass handed to you by regulars will lead to low confidence. Usually a shot goes wrong or you just start experiencing extreme variance, running 50 buy ins below expectation in back to back months, perhaps. It all causes you to retool your game, and hopefully, have this epiphany. Milestone #2: Playing the hand in the fanciest manner does not necessarily equate to making the most money. This was by far the most difficult concept for me to understand. I spent the greater part of a year worrying about how loose and aggressive I could play, and checking the size of my dick every time I showed a bluff. I’m not sure at what point I came to understand that you could play “straightforward” and be extremely successful. I guess I could think of a few examples… I remember one time I was taking a shot at 25-50 on about a 50k roll, with a friend having some of my action (probably a quarter). I was playing straightforward, and after about 50 hands I was looking at my PAHUD and it said this


player was like 15/12 preflop… I won’t mention who it was (not a 2+2er) but I asked one of my friends who played high stakes- and he said this guy is the BEST 25-50 player on the internet. How can he be the best playing 15/12? That baffled me. Around here you will learn a very valuable lesson that aggression post flop is not the same as aggression preflop, and although they are inevitably related, they are not a direct product of each other. Some people like to LAG it up pre, and then a flop c-bet is as far as they go aggression-wise. They’re easy to float, easy to bluff-raise, easy to 3-bet pre. In general, their upfront aggression is strong, but their backdoor aggression is pedestrian. (re: upfront vs. backdoor aggression. I’ve been using these terms with friends of mine for a while now, but I just realized that it might not be standard lingo on here. Upfront aggression is basically betting with the lead, lots of c-bets and obvious second barrels; Backdoor aggression is basically tricky stuff- turn check raises, river check raises, leading the turn without initiative, etc. Some players have absolutely no backdoor aggression, while I had been using entirely too much of it for most of my poker career- before the second milestone). Regardless, once you learn about stats like WWSF and just general dogfights for flops that you know you both missed, you will have real battles with other regulars. A lot of you write posts in MSNL that say “Tough battle vs. reg with history.” I call horse****. Most of you are standard 19/17 TAGs and your only ‘battle’ with regs are “zomg, one time he called me down with third pair- an ace peeled the river, but he still called!” In most of these cases, it’s super standard without real history. Most of you haven’t seen history. I remember Ansky and irockhoes played a hand months ago where they got it on 4-bet on the flop with KQ on J high dry. THAT is a hand with history. Guy bet-calls AQ high on the river, THAT is a hand with history. Most of what you guys play is just crappy, obvious aggression, no offense. As soon as I learned how you could play relatively straightforward and just add some tricks up your sleeve (when you image warrants you getting away with it) I instantly became a better player. If you all haven’t graduated from the whole “2+2 says I should be super tricky in agro” stage of your careers, hopefully you found this past section very insightful. The next milestone, however, is by far the most important in any players career. Milestone #3: The realization that TheWorstPlayer is awful at poker. Okay, that was a bit harsh. It was the most concise way to say this: At some point in your career you will be humbled. If you reach this stage, you’ve likely been humbled many, many times. There are, however, spots where you should gain extreme confidence. Times when the heavens open up to you and you are being spoken to by the poker gods’ themselves. Perhaps when you make your first sick ace high call down (or in Gabe’s case, your first king or queen high call down), or you bluff (or 3-bet bluff) the river for the first time successfully. Eventually, however, you will learn that not everyone on 2+2 is good at poker. You will realize that quantity does not equal quality and that high post counts are more a function of boredom than wisdom. This is where you try to find your niche. All great players are not made the same. Most of us come from different backgrounds and therefore employ different thought processes. You realize that you also have a valid opinion, and maybe you don’t agree with someone like Jason Strasser on a hand- but that’s okay, neither does durrrr! Point being, not everyone can play the same, so at this point in your poker career you gain a great deal


of confidence. Maybe you start posting in HSNL more regularly, maybe your opinion is well received; alternatively, if you get to this stage too quickly, you need to have a strong self-confidence to survive it. I’ve been trying to surpass this milestone for 3 years. Mostly, I was humbled by players that were better than me (at the time, and still) by posting in HSNL. I didn’t have experience, but I had ambition. If you have thick skin and an open mind, this can be a strong learning experience. If you don’t, it can be confidence-shattering enough to induce people to quit the game. This is the milestone around most people in MSNL struggle- most, in fact, may never ‘conquer’ this stage. Most will find MSNL grinding to be satisfying enough. (note: reading this does not mean you’ve passed the third milestone, you have to realize it for yourself) Once you realize everyone sucks, you’ll start to see it everywhere. In fact, there are winning 10-20 and 25-50 players, regulars, who are very bad. They do most things as good as a 3-6 player, but game select like a 100-200 player, perhaps. Seeing is believing. Maybe these guys aren’t that good! You see certain players playing a lot of hours high stakes- he must be good! You see Dario Mineri’s Sharkscope- he must be good! You see Phil Hellmuth’s bracelets- he must be good! If you can get past those three statements, your chances of succeeding in poker will increase exponentially. The final Milestone is one that I’ve only recently come to discover. Milestone #4: There’s more to life than poker. A truer statement could have never been written. During nearly this entire maturation process, most of us who strive to ‘be the best’ were obsessed to some degree. I know you sat in freshman composition class, did not read the assigned chapters the previous night, and did math problems with win rates and tried to figure out how much money you were going to make this week, this month, and this year. I know if you ever took the time to learn equity calcs that you sat in the back of algebra and figured out how much fold equity you needed preflop to 4-bet shove Ax in a bvb battle. I know you skipped your 8am chemistry class because you were up until 6am getting unstuck. We all know that. This is the moment when you realize that there is a certain burnout point in the game, and in order to achieve maximum success you need to play quality hands, not a minimum quantity. Here is where you will decrease the number of tables you play and increase your reads on the regulars in the game. Many use this milestone to better their social life, spend more time with their family, increase their exercise regiment. The fact is that many of us live unhealthy, we spend all of the time that we used to on athletics and our family sitting in front of a computer and reading a stupid website with ingenious posters like aejones. The more endorphins you can release through exercise or sex or something, the better decisions you will make. The fact is that this website, these forums, they feel like a fraternity- we laugh together at reef, we cry together at ddubious. Get past the internet, get past the 45/12 on your right, and improve your life. Only by doing so will you ever improve your poker game.


In summary, many of us will cycle between loose-aggressive and straightforward. We will repeat this cycle many times until we reach a happy medium. We will second guess this medium, rightfully so, because it will be wrong. We will change styles again, doubt ourselves, rightfully so, because again we will be wrong. We will repeat this process over and over again. The best have found their niche; the best understand their place in the poker universe.


BETTING THE TURN vs BETTING THE RIVER (Reguin) This has been under discussion recently in a number of threads, and I'd like to write my ideas about this down so that its clearer to me and so I can get some feedback on it. Basically, I want to examine if we should prefer betting on the turn vs. the river with two types of hands: middling made hands that you would like to value bet once more with, and bluffs (obviously by bluffs I mean air that you have decided you would like to bluff with. I'm not getting into when you should bluff, assume that decision has been made). Then I'd like to see how Shania fits into all of this. To keep it simple, everything I discuss assumes Hero is the preflop raiser from the CO after it was folded to him, and villain called from the BB. Both have slightly deep 150bb stacks. I only do this so we have room to manoeuvre, the deepness of the stacks won't be much of an issue since I am mostly discussing times when villain check/calls us down. The postflop action was that Hero continuation bet on a dry board with one face card and two unconnected low cards and got called by villain. Villain then checked a blank turn. We can assume that villain likely has a weakish made hand. Not always, of course, but the majority of the time. I know that that is kind of vague, but I'd prefer to keep it abstract. Now lets look at our turn options. If we are bluffing, is it better to bet the turn or to check it? We do not need to consider the case where villain is going for a CR because if he is, we should lose about the same amount of money overall. Actually, we might save some money from bluffing if we checked the turn and villain bet out on the river, but on such a dry board villain will often go for a CR again on river if he missed it on the turn, and so I don't consider our EV much different between a turn bet and a river bet if villain wanted to CR us. So I will consider only those times where villain is simply check/calling us down with a weak made hand. I think that in this case, it is better to bluff on the turn than the river. Why? Well, it is easier for villain to call the river imo. It is harder for villain to call the turn than the river with a weakish made hand because villain knows that by calling here, he basically turns his hand faceup as a weakish made hand. This makes him extremely vulnerable to thin value bets on the river as well as to river bluffs, things he doesn't have to worry about if he is just calling a river bet. The other factor is that if we have the nuts we are almost always betting the turn. That involves shania though, we will get into that later. Essentially all I've said here is that it is harder to call 1 bet on the turn than 1 bet on the river (if the turn was checked), so I think bluffing the turn is more effective. What about your middling made hands? Well, the opposite of the bluff applies, in that you want it to be easy for villain to call. So for the above mentioned reasons, you would prefer to check the turn and bet the river. By doing so we lose the ability to multistreet bet; luckily, with this type of hand we don't want to do that anyways, so we lose nothing. An important consideration, though, is that by checking the turn we are less likely to be CRed off the best hand. I say less likely instead of impossible because if villain decent then he should often go for a CR on river (given the dry board) if he missed it on the turn. However, even if this is true, it is harder for us to call a turn CR than a river CR for, once again, the reasons mentioned above; we don't have to worry about another street. So even when considering being CRed we prefer to bet the river with this type of hand. Anyways, I feel that it is better to bluff the turn than the river, and better to bet your middling made hands on the river than the turn, all based on how easy it is for villain to call. Now I want to examine Shania here, which on such a drawless board means we only have to consider one more thing; the nuts. By this I mean hands that we are happy to bet all 3 streets with, assuming villain keeps checking to us. Obviously this is different than the best hand possible, in that we might not want to get our stack in with the nuts


so described if we get CRed on the turn. Anyways, thats the term I'm using. It should be obvious that we prefer to bet the nuts on the turn than to check it. While the arguments of being easier for villain to call on the river than the turn still apply, the value of the ability to mutistreet bet is enormous with this kind of hand and outweighs other considerations. So the nuts, like a bluff, should be betting the turn. So if the above assumptions are true, we can say that it is optimal to bluff and bet the nuts on the turn, and to valuebet middling hands on the river. But the problem, obviously, is that villains adapt. Now we have to ask, how do we balance this out? Or perhaps most importantly, should we balance this out? That is my main question here, the reason I took the time to write all this down. If we don't balance this, is it exploitable, and to what degree? I will examine checking the nuts behind on the turn later, because we should not be doing that too often, as we would lose too much value. In terms of balancing I want to first consider bluffing more on the river instead of the turn (not talking about 3 barreling here), and/or betting weakish made hands on the turn for value and then checking behind on the river. So mixing up the 'optimal' betting pattern for bluffs and middling hands. Lets examine the exploitablility of only betting middling hands on the river and never on the turn. What can villan do to us if we bet that way? Well, he would then correctly recognise the turn bet as a nuts or air situation. Thus he can correctly assume that all of his middling made hands are of equal value in that situation. Ok, but does that actually give him an equity edge? If we mix it up and bet some of our own middling hands on the turn, then it becomes correct for him to call down with only the stronger part of his range. Fine, by balancing our game we dictated the villain's actions and forced him to do something. But where is the gained equity? I can't find it. If, for example, we are betting 'optimally' without balance, and it is correct for villain to call say X% of the time on the turn, then he can arbitrarily choose what hands will make up this X%. If, however, we mix it up, the villain will be forced to make up his X% from the top part of his range. He cannot just randomly choose when to call down because it is not a nut-or-air situation, so he has to wait for certain stronger hands. But he is still calling the theoretically correct X %, right? (the top X% of his range) So we aren't gaining any real equity. Thus I don't see the point to balancing our game by betting middling made hands on the turn. Now I want to examine balancing our game by sometimes checking the turn and bluffing the river, instead of the 'optimal' way. What does this accomplish? Well, say we bet in an 'optimal' pattern. Then villain knows almost exactly what kind of hand we have when we check the turn and bet the river, because we almost never have the nuts and aren't bluffing here. I keep saying 'almost' because there will be those times when the river improves our hand, and we are in fact betting a very strong hand on the river after checking the turn. This only happens a fairly small percent of the time though, and so I will ignore it. Anyways, by not mixing up our game on the river, we have have turned our hand face up as a valuebet once we bet the river. This allows a villain who knows what your valuebetting range is to play optimally. However, if you throw in some bluffs, all you have to do is adjust your bluffing % (even while keeping a constant valuebetting hand range) in order to make profit off your opponent. I can't tell you what that % is, of course that depends on the game/villain, but I think we do need to bluff the river sometimes or else villain will simply play perfect poker. Once we got here, we have to bluff sometimes for the exact same reason we have to bluff sometimes in spots where we have the nuts; we are valuebetting and don't want villain to play perfectly, simple as that. The real problem with this 'optimal' betting pattern seems to be that our hand is faceup as air/middling hand once we check the turn, and should we choose to bet the river, it is faceup as a middling hand. Now the usually downside to turning your hand faceup


applies; it is easy for villain to valuebet thinly against you, and you are vulnerable to bluffs. However, compare this to a situation when your hand is faceup by check/calling the flop and checking the turn OOP. Here the downside to turning your hand faceup is much more extreme; villain has 2 streets to bluff or valuebet you. In this spot, he has only 1. That's a very big difference. So while there are obvious downsides to turning your hand faceup, it is much less of a problem if you do it on the river than on the turn. And of course, the only option you have in terms of not turning your hand faceup is to check the nuts on the turn sometimes. So you have to ask, is it worth it to lose all that value of multistreet betting with the nuts in order to keep your hand a mystery on the river? I think you have to balance this spot much less than you would in other situations on poker, where you turn your hand faceup on eariler streets, simply because it hurts you much less here. Anyways, I hope that wasn't too rambling, and am very interested to hear your thoughts on this. This isn't so much a post intending to educate as it is my looking for comments and criticism on my thoughts, because this is how I see it and want to know that I am not making some wrong base assumption that is hurting me without my knowing it. I also know that there are a lot more Shania issues that I haven't touched, so please feel free to point them out. Anyways, I won't be able to respond right away as I'll be away most of teh day but I'll check back in later.


Crushing Short Stacks (Cry Me A River) I should hit 5K posts sometime in the next couple weeks. Consider this an early PoohBah post. Like the weather, everyone talks about short stackers but nobody does anything about them. This is the thread where you learn not only how to deal with them, but how to crush them. There are a couple things you need to keep in mind. Dealing with short stacks is higher variance than dealing with big stacks. What would normally be small pots become medium sized pots. Short stacks generally only play, at most, 2 streets. These two factors mean you tactics against short stacks may be radically different from your tactics against full stacks. If you do not have the bankroll or the stomach to deal with this you need to find another game. All the whining in the world is not going to change a structure that is VERY profitable to the poker sites. Your only recourse is to learn to beat the short stacks. If you take nothing else away from this post, think of this. Short stacks are successful because they have no difficult decisions on later streets, they rely on fold equity and abuse full stacks who are loathe to take a coin-flip or get it in as a dog even when pot odds dictate they should. The thing is, there is no reason you can't do this too. When you are head's up against a 20BB short stack, you ALSO have a 20BB stack. So all those moves you hate? Pushing over your preflop raise? Donk-pushing flop? Well you can do those too. And they're just as devastating when used against a short stack as when used by one. Even more so because short stacks don't ever get to win 100BB pots to make up for those losses. The only real advantage a short stack has over a full stack is the ability to squeeze two full stacks against each other and force full stacks to fold for fear of other full stacks. However this advantage is often only one of perception. In such a squeeze, the other full stack is likely to be as afraid of you as you are of him. So you should usually concentrate on the short stack. So even though you may not have odds to call against a short stacker's raise, call him anyway and then open push flop with ATC and see what happens. Do this sometimes with big pairs too to put the fear if god in him. Any chip you take from a short stack hurts him worse than the chip he takes from you. Any time you get him to fold after he's put a third of his stack in it's a smack in the mouth. And any time you stack him it's a knife in the gut. The way to beat any enemy is to analyze their strengths and weaknesses, then avoid or neutralize those strengths and exploit their weaknesses. Advantages to Short stacking Fold equity and Gap concept Only have to play preflop and flop, no worries about what to do against scare cards etc on later streets


Opponents seldom have odds to chase draws Full stacks who hate shorties and play badly against them Disadvantages/mistakes from short stacking No implied odds Low ceiling to the amount won with monsters Need to push with a wide range to be profitable Short stacking is a limited game plan with no depth that tends to rely on mathematics and tight opponents who fold too much High variance From this I have derived three keys to victory against short stacks. They are: 1) Know your shorties. Not all short stacks play the same. 2) Effective stacks and pot odds. Know when you have to get it in with the worst of it. 3) Raise, raise, raise. To exploit shorties, the price of playing poker MUST go up. Know your shorties Obviously everything is on a continuum, there are seldom absolutes. However, I am going to group short stackers into three basic types. The Good Short Stackers Good short stackers are the guys you hate. The ones who have a clue and put you to tough decisions. Fortunately These kinds of short stacks are in the minority. And even so, you can make their life just as difficult by putting THEM to the tough decisions. Tight, Bad Short Stackers Tight, bad short stackers are the short stackers with reasonable preflop stats, something like 12/6/2. However, they are still very bad. These are the guys who sit in with 20BB and call preflop raises with 44. These are the guys who don't abuse their fold equity. These guys are generally sitting with short stacks NOT because they know how to play short but because they're either scared money or short rolled. Loose, Bad Short Stackers Loose, bad short stackers are the nuts with stats like 40/20/4 who are looking for any excuse to gamble and get their stack in. These guys are basically free money, however, they can be VERY high variance. These three different types of short stacks require slightly different approaches to play against and exploit. Spotting the loose/bad short stackers is generally quite easy just from their stats. Differentiating between the good short stackers and the bad tight short stackers can take a little more time. You can spot the bad tight short stackers because the make bad plays. In particular, they will try to set mine or call raises with suited connectors without anything resembling implied odds and then fold flop. Essentially, short stacks, particularly short stacks around 20BB should be calling raises almost never. There are a few situations where calling preflop raises with a short stack is a good idea and I'll outline a couple here so you can spot them: - If the short stack has a big pair QQ/KK/AA and the player raising preflop is likely to fold


to a 3bet/push the short stack may be wise to just call a preflop raise and try to get it in on the flop. - If the preflop raiser is weak-tight and likely to fold flop too much then the short stack can call and push flop with a wide range and make a lot of profit from these bad folds. If you see a short stack calling raises outside of these parameters then you're likely dealing with a bad short stack, or at least a short stack who is not playing optimally. It's important to know which type of short stack you are dealing with since it helps determine their hand ranges and how best to implement the other parts of our plan. Effective stacks and pot odds This is really the meat of the equation. If you are having a hard time against short stacks, you are almost certainly folding too much. There are three very common situations you face all the time against short stacks. They are: 1) You raise preflop, short stack pushes all-in. Everybody else folds. Do you call or fold? 2) Short stack limps, you raise preflop, short stack calls and pushes flop. 3) Short stack limps, you raise preflop, you cbet and short stack checkraises all in; OR You raise preflop, short stack calls, you cbet flop and short stack pushes all in. Situation 1) In this situation, the short stack usually has 20BB to 30BB. Larger short stacks don't usually push preflop like this and if they do you should probably treat them like full stacks. So the question is, what do we call with here? This all depends on the range we can put the short stack on. We need to do that first. If the short stack is of the loose, bad variety his range is very wide. Something like 88+/AT+ is not unreasonable. Some will do this with any pair, some are pushing KQ or KJ here as well. However, we will stick to 88+/AT+ The tight, bad short stacker actually has the tightest range here. He isn't good enough to take full advantage of his fold equity and he's waiting for a hand that gives him a good chance to double up. He's not looking to re-steal. So a reasonable range here is JJ+/AQ+. The good short stacker is the toughest to put on a range. This is because he's good enough to try and abuse his fold equity. So his range here is going to be somewhat dependent on your raising range and position. If you're in a position where your raising range is wide (i.e., button) and/or you're an aggressive raiser his pushing range will be much wider than if you are a nitty player. In addition, he may take into consideration whether or not you fold too much to short stack pushes. For the purposes of the math that follows, we are going to assign good short stackers a range here of TT+/AJ+. However, keep in mind that their range may be almost as wide as the loose short stacker or as tight as the bad/tight short stacker. You need to adjust your reads according to the situation. I will use these three ranges to give you an idea of


where you stand in a variety of scenarios. Scenario 1A) Short stack has 20BB and is not in the blind. You raise 4BB. Short Stack pushes. Everyone else folds. The pot is 25.5BB and you need to call 16BB. You need a hand which has 38.55% equity against short stack's range to make a call break-even. If short stack has a range of 88+/AT+ AK has 55.54% equity vs range AQ has 47.26% equity vs range AJ has 39.186 equity vs range AT has 31.63% equity vs range 99 has 45.61% equity vs range 88 has 41.83% equity vs range 55 has 39.88% equity vs range 44 has 39.41% equity vs range 33 has 38.87% equity vs range 22 has 38.28% equity vs range 76s has 32.8% equity vs range If short stack has a range of TT+/AJ+ AK has 54.19% equity vs range AQ has 42.49% equity vs range AJ has 31.18% equity vs range TT has 43.79% equity vs range 99 has 40.86% equity vs range 44 has 39.93% equity vs range 33 has 39.36% equity vs range 22 has 38.75% equity vs range 76s has 33.39% equity vs range If short stack has a range of JJ+/AQ+ AK has 50.11% equity vs range AQ has 33.07% equity vs range JJ has 42.745% equity vs range TT has 40.11% equity vs range 99 has 39.32% equity vs range 66 has 39.25% equity vs range 55 has 39.044% equity vs range 44 has 38.525% equity vs range 76s has 32.772% equity vs range As you can see you're going to be getting it in behind the short stack's range quite a bit. However, the dead money in the pot dictates your calling range. Against the loosest range, call 33+/AJ+. Against the medium range, call 22+/AQ+. Against the tightest range, call 55+/AK+. In addition, this assumes villain has a stack size of exactly 20BB. This often isn't the case. So, how small a stack does villain need to have to make calling with 22/AQ/76s break-even in those situations above where it is otherwise a fold?


If villain has an 18BB stack, the pot is 23.5BB and you need to call 14BB. Break-even is 37.33% equity. If villain has an 15BB stack, the pot is 20.5BB and you need to call 11BB. Break-even is 34.92% equity. Villain's stack actually has to get down around 10-11BB for the equity value to shift enough to make 22/AQ/76s calls in these situations. Scenario 1B) Short stack has 30BB and is not in the blind. You raise 4BB. Short Stack pushes. Everyone else folds. The pot is 35.5BB and you need to call 26BB. You need a hand which has 42% equity against short stack's range to make a call breakeven. As you can see pot odds are such that you need a much tighter calling range. Against the loosest range, call 99+/AQ+. Against the medium range, call TT+/AQ+. Against the tightest range, call JJ+/AK+. Scenario 1C) Short stack has 20BB and is in the big blind. You raise 4BB. Short Stack pushes. Everyone else folds. The pot is 24.5BB and you need to call 16BB. You need a hand which has 39.5% equity against short stack's range to make a call break-even. Against the loosest range, call 55+/AJ+. Against the medium range, call 44+/AQ+. Against the tightest range, call 55+/AK+. So the fact that the short stack is in the big blind does mean your pot odds are not as good and you need to tighten up your calling range a little. But not a lot. Scenario 1D) Short stack has 30BB and is in the big blind. You raise 4BB. Short Stack pushes. Everyone else folds. The pot is 34.5BB and you need to call 26BB. You need a hand which has 42.98% equity against short stack's range to make a call break-even. As you can see, due to the larger stack size the fact villain is in the blind doesn't make much difference. So at 30BB in or out of the blinds can be ignored unless it affects the short stack's range (i.e,; big blind will have a wider push range against an open raise


from the button than a raise UTG)

The thing to take away from this is that calling these pushes is never far wrong. And if there are any mitigating circumstances, particularly other limpers or other players calling your raise, some of the close folds (like AJ or 76s) can quickly become calls. And this is assuming fairly tight pushes, you know sometimes these guys are pushing with 76s themselves. The point is that you're probably making a mistake by folding too much and NOT by calling too much.

Situation 2) In this situation, short stack limps, you raise preflop to 5BB, short stack calls and pushes flop. On the flop, the pot is 11.5BB. Villain pushes 15BB. You need to call 15BB to win a 26.5BB pot. You need 36.14% equity in this pot to make this call. Obviously there are hundreds of possible scenarios here, I can't list all of them. But here are some things to keep in mind. Bad, loose short stacks and good short stacks have a huge pushing range here, though for different reasons. The loose short stack can't wait to get his stack in and gamble. All the better if he can push you off pots. The good short stack has a hand sometimes, but he also wants to exploit his fold equity by making you fold the better hand. Bad, tight short stacks actually have the tightest range here by far. They are unaware of fold equity. They're check/folding any flops that miss them. If one of these guys pushes they usually have at least TP or a big draw. So let's examine some standard situations to see how much equity you typically have. I'm going to assume it goes without saying that you are calling the push with TP or better and any good draws. Overcards vs pocket pair: Board: 2c 2d 9s equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 24.343% 24.04% 00.30% 238 3.00 { AcKd } Hand 1: 75.657% 75.35% 00.30% 746 3.00 { 6c6d } Pocket pair vs bigger pair Board: 2c 2d 9s equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 08.384% 08.38% 00.00% 83 0.00 { 7c7d } Hand 1: 91.616% 91.62% 00.00% 907 0.00 { Tc9d }


Middle pair with overcard vs top pair Board: 2c 9s 5d equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 25.286% 25.29% 00.00% 751 0.00 { Ac5c } Hand 1: 74.714% 74.71% 00.00% 2219 0.00 { T9s }

These look pretty bleak, but only if the short stack has EXACTLY those hands. Against bad, tight short stacks we can often take them at their word and just fold. However against loose short stacks and good short stacks their range is usually much wider. So we will try to assign some appropriate flop push ranges: Loose short stacks will call preflop with a very wide range and push anything that hits their hand or if they think flop did not hit you. Good short stacks have a much narrower calling range preflop. They know not to try and set mine. However, they may call with a wide range if they think you are likely to fold preflop to their push, particularly if your raising range is wide (i.e.; from the button). I'm going to eliminate big pairs under the assumption they would have been raised preflop. This may not always be the case, but usually it should be. Against a loose short stack, pushing range on this flop and our equity in these hands looks something like: Board: 2c 2d 9s equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 49.146% 43.81% 05.34% 62017 7558.50 { AcKd } Hand 1: 50.854% 45.52% 05.34% 64436 7558.50 { TT-22, ATs+, KJs+, J9s, T9s, 98s, ATo+, KJo+, J9o, Tc9d, 98o } Board: 2c 2d 9s equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 58.971% 58.42% 00.55% 95434 895.50 { 7c7d } Hand 1: 41.029% 40.48% 00.55% 66125 895.50 { TT-22, ATs+, KJs+, J9s, T9s, 98s, ATo+, KJo+, J9o, Tc9d, 98o } Board: 2c 9s 5d equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 59.909% 59.67% 00.24% 89201 357.50 { Ac5c } Hand 1: 40.091% 39.85% 00.24% 59574 357.50 { TT-22, ATs+, KJs+, J9s, T9s, 98s, ATo+, KJo+, J9o, Tc9d, 98o } Against a good short stacker it comes down to figuring out what he's calling raises with. He should be calling raises very rarely unless he thinks he can push-steal against you on the flop. If he's going for a steal, his range is going to be similar to the loose short stacker. If he's not stealing then you can expect him to push TP or better like the bad/tight short stacker and you should be prepared to get out of his way.


You need to try and track what the good short stacker is doing. If he's calling raises with a fairly wide ranges and trying to steal on flops then you need to call him down lightly. If he's playing tight against raises then you have to be prepared to fold marginal hands. As the short stack's stack gets bigger, you need better equity to call his flop push. If short stack starts with 30BB On the flop, the pot is 11.5BB. Villain pushes 25BB. You need to call 25BB to win a 36.5BB pot. You need 40.65% equity to call. If short stack starts with 40BB On the flop, the pot is 11.5BB. Villain pushes 35BB. You need to call 35BB to win a 46.5BB pot. You need 42.94% equity to call. So while you should be tightening up your calling range slightly, keep in mind that you after still have plenty of equity against the short stack's range. The other big thing to keep in mind on flops is turning the tables on the short stacker.... Call his preflop raise and then push flop. Or push over his preflop raise. Put HIM to the tough decision for all his chips. This can work just as well against the short stacker as it does for him.

Situation 3) Short stack limps, you raise preflop, you cbet and short stack checkraises all in; OR You raise preflop, short stack calls, you cbet flop and short stack pushes all in. This situation almost becomes trivial against a 20BB stack. If the pot on the flop is 9.5BB, say you cbet 7.5BB. Short stack then pushes his last 15BB. You need to call 15BB in a 32BB pot. You only need 31.92% equity to call which you will have with a very wide range of hands. Against a 30BB stack, if the pot on the flop is 9.5BB, say you cbet 7.5BB. Short stack then pushes 25BB. You need to call 25BB in a 42BB pot. You need 37.3% equity to call. Against a 40BB stack, if the pot on the flop is 9.5BB, say you cbet 7.5BB. Short stack then pushes 35BB. You need to call 35BB in a 52BB pot. You need 40.23% equity to call. The last thing to consider here is that even head's up, you don't HAVE to cbet against the short stack. If you KNOW he's going to push over you and you don't have a hand that can call him then don't cbet. Either take the free card or let him bet and then YOU push over him and let him decide if he has enough equity. In fact, you should do this sometimes when you DO have a hand you want to felt. So he can't put you on a hand in these situations and sometimes HE has to fold the best hand.


Finally, when it comes to your preflop raising, keep in mind what, if any short stacks are in the hand (or left to act behind you) and whether they're likely to push on you either preflop or on the flop. If they are, then you may want to consider tightening up your range and not raising hands like 76s. Rather only raise hands that you will be able to get all-in on a wide variety of flops. Or if you do still raise 76s, try to do so in situations where you're likely to have good odds postflop even if the short stack pushes. For example, multi-way with several players calling the raise. In this case, also consider raising a smaller amount that your usual 4BB+1 to juice the pot rather than isolate. Raise, raise, raise Short stacks do not want to call raises unless they're planning to push-steal a lot of flops. The worst thing you can do to a short stacker is raise his limps, raise his blinds and 3bet his raises. Remember, he has no or very bad implied odds. And in raised pots he shouldn't have much fold equity against you. This is the worst possible situation for him to be in. You want to raise a short stack as much as you possibly can. Yes this will lead to high variance situations when he comes over the top, however you usually know when you have the best of it. For example, if a good short stacker overlimps from late position, you know he almost always does not have much of a hand or he would raise. So you need to raise. This forces him to fold 33 or 76s because he doesn't have odds to call and try to outflop you. Unless he's going to try push-steal flop. But his range is already well defined. So you know that on the flop you're going to have good equity to call his push. And if he realizes you're playing him tough this way he doubly can't afford to call because he no longer has the benefit of fold equity on the flop. So he needs to fold to your raise; calling becomes a big mistake. If he open raises, 3bet him liberally. His choice here becomes one of folding or pushing. He knows he has little fold equity against you and he can't afford to put in half his stack and fold flop very often. This becomes a very difficult situation for a short stack particularly if you keep 3betting him and raising his limps. You do not want to let short stacks see too many cheap flops. You also do not want to give them the opportunity to be the aggressor and exploit the gap concept and their fold equity. Raise them. Put them all-in before they put you all in. Leveling Keep in mind that several posters here short stack some time or all the time (also lurkers!). If they are aware that you will have read this post they may start adjusting their ranges against you. For example, if they think you've started folding AQ against their preflop pushes, they may start pushing with a MUCH wider ranger to exploit your propensity to fold. On the other hand, if they see you widening your range against them they may tighten up. Against the bad short stackers you really don't have to worry. But watch out for the good ones making adjustments to your game. Final Words Good short stackers are difficult to play against. OTOH, bad short stackers of both the loose and tight variety are very transparent and often amount to free money, particularly if you are willing to play them tough. If you can learn to play well against the bad short stackers they will more than make up for the good ones. What's more, the good short stackers are not unbeatable either. You just need to start playing them as short stacks NOT as big stacks who sit out the turn and river.


A lot of it is putting yourself in very marginal positions, but, the short stacks make a lot of profit getting people to fold too much. The only way to combat that is to not fold when you have decent equity, ensuring that they share in these tough spots. This can lead to very good things for you from a meta-standpoint if short stack alters his play so as to avoid you and not try to push you off hands very often. Thus taking away all the advantage that comes from short stacking.


My Pooh-Bah post (C/R vs. b/3b) (Dan Bitel) OK, I know it’s time for me to make my Pooh-Bah post, but my problem is, that I’m not good at these long posts, and I don’t really have a good, original idea what to post about, so I’m going to write a short piece on C/R vs. b/3b with both monsters and combo draws. Firstly though, I want to point out a general fact that is a lot of the time overlooked on this forum. Every1 (including me and a lot of the well respected posters) on this board keep harping on about playing combo draws and monsters the same way. We justify saying that by spouting the words “shania”, “metagame” or “game theory” usually. However, it’s quite obvious, that with the 2 hands we are looking for 2 different things. When we have a monster, we want to get paid off, and when we have a combo draw, we want folding equity. Against a very good opponent (one that is better than us or as good as us), then playing your draws/big hands the same way is the line that achieves optimal +EV. However, against a donk, this is not true. For instance, vs. a calling station that will always stack off with TP, what’s the point getting all in on the flop with 12-15 outs when you know he will call, when instead you could draw with good odds and stack him when you hit, b/c he’s that bad. Similarly, vs. a nit, there’s no point bet/3betting all in with a set on a dry board, b/c you’re letting him fold his overpair. OK, now that I’ve got that out of the way, let me tell you about some of the considerations when deciding whether to b/3b or C/R: Stack Sizes (in relation to the pot): This is really important. There’s nothing worse than C/R a board with a combo draw, only to get called, have a lot of money behind on the turn, and the turn bricks. You’re aim it normally to get AI on the flop with both a combo draw and a monster, so if unsure, it’s best to take the line that that gets you all in with the most ease. Eg. You have $20 behind and the pot is $10, then a C/R is the best option, as it gives your opponent a chance to cbet/bluff and your C/R will easily be all in. If however you have $95 behind and the pot is $17, then a bet/3bet is better. Lead for $17 and then after even a minraise, you’re 3bet all in, is a PSB. The other reason that stack sizes are important, is to figure out the FE you have on a draw. Obviously, the shorter stacked the opponent is, the less FE you’re going to have Dead Money: This again is VERY important and a point overlooked regularly. You want to take the line that traps the most dead money in the pot. E.g. Let’s say that UTG raises, and gets 3 callers, you call in the SB with a suited connector, BB fold. You flop an OESFD. If you lead out, and the PFR raises, then the 3 callers inbetween will all fold. If, however, you check, the PFR bets, then hopefully a few of the players inbetween will call with a draw/weak TP or whatever, and when you then C/R, you trap all of their money in the pot. The opposite of this is also true. I.e. you call the button’s raise in the SB and 3 others also call it, then it’s best to lead out, as you trap the most dead money in the pot that way. Image/Reads: Imagine the PFR is a LAG who cbets a lot, but gives up UI on the turn. Then obviously, a bet/3bet line is inferior to the C/R, as you lose his potential cbet. If however, the PFR is


very agro and can raise semi-weak leads with air/weak made hands, then the bet/3bet line is superior as we trap more of opponent’s money in the pot. As well as our read on our opponent being important, our own image is important. If for instance, we have been seen to C/R big with a monster hand before, then it might be best to C/R big next time with a combo draw, as we’ll have a lot of FE. Also, the tighter our image, the weaker our draw can be that we’re either C/R or bet/3betting as we’ll have more FE. If however, we have a very loose image, then its best to stick to very strong draws, as we will get looked up more often. Lastly, as I’ve already stated above, our read on villain is important as to how many draws we can play fast. If villain is a nit, then we can play a lot of draws fast, if he is a calling station, then very few. The Turn One of the biggest problems with a bet/3bet line, is if our opponent doesn’t oblige, and he just flat calls our lead. Here, reads are VERY important. If you think he is the type to just call on the flop with TP, then there’s little point making a big bet on the turn getting him to fold it, as it’s very likely he won’t. It is instead better to bet an amount that prices you in, or maybe just check/call. If however, you think that you’re opponent is floating you on the flop, then it might be best (albeit very high variance) to C/R the turn. C/R with other hands I see so many posts on this board that say “Well I flopped TP, but with a weak kicker, so I checked. He then bet, which I think could be a cbet, so C/R him to find out where I stand”. IMO this is a terrible (and expensive) reason to C/R. A much better line is to just lead the flop, or if you want to snap off the cbet, then call, and lead a blank turn. While this line is quite transparent at higher levels, it is VERY VERY effective at SSNL. Lastly, I’d like to introduce you to the dbitel rule of check-raising: “By default, never C/R, only C/R if you have a very good reason to do so”


Small PP's - Moving beyond set mining (AZplaya) In my transition from a full ring nit to a decent(not quite good) 6m player, I have found it necessary to add a bit of versatility to the way I play small PP's(22-66). In full ring, if we call a raise with a hand like 55, we are usually in set or fold mode, unless we hit a flop like 234. However, playing 6m, I have found it necessary to mix up my play with small PP's in order to add to their effectiveness. The following are some examples of plays I have been making that I feel can add BB's/100 if used correctly. There are, IMO, four very important items to analyze when deciding to make a play with a small PP. These are flop texture, type of opponent, your image, and position. Flop texture: Their are 4 types of flops I am looking for when I call a raise with a small PP - Paired boards, monotone flops, ragged flops, and flopping a set. Paired boards - Take a look at the following hand: Party Poker No Limit Holdem Ring game Blinds: $0.50/$1 6 players Converter Stack sizes: UTG: $96.50 UTG+1: $36.75 CO: $119.69 Button: $46.62 Hero: $103 BB: $109.04 Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is SB with 4 4 UTG folds, UTG+1 calls, CO raises to $4, Button folds, Hero calls, BB folds, UTG+1 calls. Flop: Q Q 9 ($13, 3 players) Hero bets $7, 2 folds. Uncalled bets: $7 returned to Hero. Results: Final pot: $13 This is a play I make fairly often with small PP's. A paired flop is a great situation to take a stab at the pot. We all know that a flop misses our opponents about 60% of the time, and on a paired flop, that percentage is far higher. A hand like 88 on a QQ9 flop will have a very tough time continuing when faced with calling a bet. Obviously, unpaired high cards are folding this flop as well. Even an overpair will get nervous when lead into on a flop like this. These are the types of flops that either hit our opponents very hard, or completely miss them. Monotone boards - If I call a raise with 33 from the BB and the flop comes down J95 all 's, I will often lead out into the preflop raiser. Unless the player has a flopped flush(very unlikely) or has a big heart, they will have a hard time calling my bet. This is especially good on a board that is monotone with all low cards, as it is unlikely to have given the preflop raiser a big pair or a set.


Ragged boards - This type of board is less desirable than the above two situations, but still deserves discussion. I consider a ragged board to be a rainbow flop of uncooridated cards all less than 10. Example, I limp UTG with 55, a LP player raises, and all fold to me and I call. If the flop comes down 269r, I will often lead out. Though the board is far less scary than the above situations, I will do this occasionally because often times my opponent is on whiffed overs. Flopping a set - Obviously our best case scenario when calling a raise with a small PP, and the important thing here is that we lead out with a big hand. If your observant opponents have seen you slowplaying your big hands, the above plays won't work. Our bets will pack considerably more punch when our opponents have seen us bet our flopped flush, set, etc. Type of opponent: This play works best against vanilla, straightforward players. We are looking for players who find two good cards, raise preflop, continue if they hit the flop, and fold if they don't. This is not a good play to try against tricky players who like to slowplay or float. This is also not a good play against calling stations. If your opponent will call down with 99 on a board of KK7, then don't try this play. It is better to wait for monsters and value bet against calling stations, not to try and take pots away from them. This is also not a good play against players with a very narrow PF raising range. If your opponent only raises QQ+ pre-flop, don't try this play. The way you make money against players who only raise top 5 hands pre flop is to flop a set and stack their overpairs. Bluffing them off the best hand is not possible in most situations. The type of opponents we are looking for are players who have a fairly wide pre flop raising range, and who play very straight-forward post flop. Your image: IMO, these plays are better suited for a TAG image. LAG's will have a difficult time making these moves, as most players think a LAG is bluffing, and will be more inclined to play sherrif. Also, if you play TAG but have had a good run of cards and have been active in alot of pots, don't try these moves. I have been most sucessful with these plays when I have been fairly card dead, have been playing in very few pots, and have been showing down the goods. Position: This is one of the few situations in poker when I think it is better to be OOP. If you are OOP, you can lead into the pre-flop raiser and put them to a difficult decision. If you have position, you will usually be facing a c-bet. These plays become a much more expensive and high variance proposition if you are required to raise a c-bet as opposed to leading into a pre-flop raiser. Therefore, I think they are much easier/lower risk to attempt when OOP. Finally: My final bit of advice is to not get carried away with plays like these. A key component to the effectiveness of these moves is that they are fairly uncommon. If you are making these plays quite frequently, your opponents are more likley to start looking you up. Also, I don't usually go beyond the flop with plays like these. If a player calls your flop bet, I would suggest giving up on the turn unless your hand has improved significantly. That said, it is important to occasionally fire a second barrel in spots like these to avoid becoming to predictable.


Where the !*$# is Valuetown?? (pokey) Sorry for my extended hiatus from the forums, everybody -- real life came nipping at my heels a few months ago and I wound up giving up poker playing and poker writing for a bit. The past few weeks I've been dipping my feet back in the soup, and I think I'm finally ready to go back to it. Rather than just dribbling back into the forums, I figured I'd come back with another PSA. You can thank z28dreams for this one: it was his suggestion. He PM'ed me the following: Quote:

I believe that my biggest "leak" is in losing value on the turn or river though, but I'm never sure where I should be betting. Could you a handful of examples where a river bet might be appropriate, but a typical USNL player might miss it? I'm not talking razor-thin value bets, but common spots that we should always be betting. Examples might be mid-pocket pairs on low boards (99-TT), top pair weak kicker, or strong hands that end up facing a 3-flush/paired/straight-completing board.

I think this is an outstanding question, and it's the kind of question that all uNLers should be asking themselves regularly. So, without further ado, let's try and find a roadmap to Valuetown. When should I bet the turn? As a general rule, there are a few good times to bet the turn: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

When your hand is strong enough. When your opponent is likely enough to fold. When neither #1 nor #2 applies, but TOGETHER they make betting +EV. When your hand needs protection. When you are in position and want the option of a free showdown. To better disguise your hand.

Let's look at these one at a time. 1. When your hand is strong enough. Could this be any more vague? Probably not, but it's as good as we can get. "Strong enough" is going to be opponent-specific. A few things to consider: - betting for value should happen less often against multiple opponents than heads-up. The strength required to consider a hand "strong enough" is going to go up as the number of opponents rises, simply because the odds of some sneaky lil' monster increases with the number of opponents out there. - betting for value should happen less often when your opponent is tight. This one is obvious -- if your opponent is tight he's not going to call without something, and when you get called you're less likely to be ahead. - betting for value should happen less often when your opponent is aggressive. While we think of aggro-monkeys as always wanting to get involved in huge pots, the reality is that most of them look so aggressive because they're always either betting ... or FOLDING. If you bet into a maniac, he's likely to release and move on to the next hand. If you check into him, he's far more likely to bet it for you, at which point you can snap off a bluff or two (or three, or four).


- betting for value should happen less often when the board is dry. You've got A7 on a board of J732 rainbow; what the hell is your opponent going to call with? Nothing that makes you happy, that's for sure. Now if the board were 9872 with two hearts, you've got more chances of getting a call from someone fishing for a hand. - betting for value should happen less often when you want a small pot. Generally speaking, you want a small pot if you have a weaker hand, because if two stacks go into the middle and you've got TPTK you've usually made a mistake. Before you build a pot, make sure you WANT a big pot. - betting for value should happen more often against calling stations. With JJ on a Q942 rainbow board, you don't want to build a pot against a tough and clever opponent, but against a calling station you're WAY ahead of his range. Make him suffer for being too loose. - betting for value should happen more often when your opponents are likely to be drawing. If you know your opponent is the kind of person who never folds suited cards, go ahead and value bet any pair on a two-suited board. Just be sure you can fold if the third card falls.... - betting for value should happen more often when your hand is subtle. If you raised 54s UTG and the flop comes 876 rainbow, start shooting -- nobody is going to see you coming, so you're very likely to get called by weaker hands. - betting for value should happen more often against bad players. Bad players don't understand hand values, don't understand when to fold, and don't understand when they are beaten. Charge them for the lesson. In short, value betting should happen not only when you are sure your hand is best, but when your hand beats villain's range. One more point: "raising for value" is harder than "betting for value," because raises often shut down your opponents, either causing them to fold and stop spitting money into your pot or causing them to check-call, adding far less to the pot than if you'd let them keep firing. 2. When your opponent is likely enough to fold. Again, this is going to be opponent-specific and board-specific. Some important points: - folding equity is stronger when a scare card falls. If you check-called your 88 on a board of Q74 with two hearts, consider betting when that K hits on the turn, especially against the kind of opponent who doesn't bet draws (you know which ones I mean). - folding equity is stronger with better players. While bad players call too often, good players often fold too often, especially at uNL levels. Typically bad players are calling stations and "good" players are weak-tight. Make use of that, and force them to fold on the turn. - folding equity is stronger if you've shown strength earlier in the hand. A preflop raise, followed by a flop bet, followed by a turn bet is EXTREMELY SCARY for most players, especially ones who "understand" continuation betting. You'll often find players who "test" the preflop raiser to see if he'll keep firing on the turn; against this sort of opponent, a "second barrel" often has ridiculously high folding equity. (SIDE NOTE: against this type of opponent, checking behind on the turn with a good hand is often extremely profitable, since they will either try to bluff the river or check/call your "obvious bluff" on the river. The preflop raise / flop bet / turn check / river value bet can be a very potent combination if used sparingly and if used against the right type of semithinking opponent.) - folding equity is stronger when the turn could have logically improved your hand. Say you were in the big blind, the flop comes A72, you checked through, and the turn is another 7. A bet here is going to have some solid folding equity -- it's unlikely that anybody has an ace (the flop was checked through), and that second seven is going to put the fear of trips in your opponents. Not only was it an unlikely card to have improved


anybody, but it's also going to get hands like 88-KK to fold quite often. Aces will often still call you down, but that's a risk you've got to take sometimes. Be realistic, though: if you were the preflop raiser, the flop was 765, and the turn was a 3, people aren't going to believe that you've got a 3....(this might be a good time to value bet your pocket pair 99+, though -- just strongly consider checking behind on the river if your opponent calls this turn bet.) - folding equity is stronger when the board matches your "likely holding." People typically assume the blinds have crappy random low cards and people typically assume that the preflop raiser has AK or a strong pocket pair. Don't pretend that the board pairing deuces helped your hand when you've got naked overs, and don't pretend that the KQJT board matches your big blind -- you're not going to get folds. - folding equity is weaker in a multi-way pot. Don't rely exclusively on folding equity here unless you've got a good reason to do so. - folding equity is weaker when your opponents are calling statiosn -- enough said. - folding equity is non-existent if your opponent's hand is strong. He's never folding the flush. He's never folding the straight. He's never folding his set. Don't even try. 3. When neither #1 nor #2 applies, but TOGETHER they make betting +EV. This is commonly called "semi-bluffing." You don't have a strong enough hand to warrant a bet (usually you're on the draw). You don't have enough folding equity to be +EV (you think your opponent probably has a good hand). But together, the two sources of value make the play +EV. Example: You've got 6 call.


Flop: A



in the big blind. CO (TAG) raises to 3xBB, button calls, SB calls, you

SB checks. You check. CO bets 8xBB. Button folds. SB folds. You call. (Not necessarily your best play, but let's say this is what you do for the example.) Turn: 9 You check. CO bets 20xBB. You should consider pushing. Let's say that your opponent either has an ace (70% of the time), a big pocket pair (20% of the time), or junk (10% of the time). Smooth-calling for flush value is pretty weak, here, because you're out of position and unlikely to get called by a hand that you beat if you manage to hit your flush. The pot equity isn't here and the implied odds are pretty poor, so you can't just smooth-call and hope to get lucky on the river. Folding is an option, but you've got lots of outs to a very likely winner. Also, your opponent doesn't NECESSARILY like his hand right now! If you push, things change around quite a bit. First off, your push will be a big enough bet to put the fear of jeebus into your opponent. If he folds, you walk away with a 48 BB pot with nothing but potential and guts, and that's always a nice situation. If he calls, you've still got twelve outs to a very likely winner, and that means you'll win money some of the time. Now, if you KNEW your opponent would call 100% of the time and be ahead, pushing is -EV (your hand strength alone doesn't make this a +EV move). Likewise if you KNEW your opponent would win 100% of the time at showdown, pushing is -EV (your folding equity alone doesn't make this a +EV move). However, sometimes villain will fold the best hand (value for you) and sometimes villain will lose the hand when he calls (value for you). Often, the COMBINATION of these two bumps the play into +EV territory.


Here you're risking about 80 BBs on the push -- if your opponent folds, you win ~50 BBs. If you get called, you'll win ~120 BBs about 1/3rd of the time and lose 80 BBs the other 2/3rds of the time. Let's say your opponent folds 25% of the time, here. EV from push equity: 1/3*(+120) + 2/3*(-80) = -13.3 BBs. This happens 75% of the time, so the total EV here is 0.75*(-13.3) = -10 BBs. EV from fold equity: 50 BBs. This happens 25% of the time, so the total EV here is . 25*(50) = 12.5 BBs. EV from pushing is +2.5 BBs. Note: if you always lost when you got to showdown, the EV would be 0.75*(-80) + 0.25*(50) = -47.5 BBs. Likewise, if you were always called when you pushed, the EV would be -13.3 BBs. It is only because of the combination of some folding equity AND some showdown equity that this move is +EV. For semi-bluffs to work, the following must all be true: - You must have outs. With outs, you can win at showdown if you are called. - You must have some folding equity. If your opponent never folds, you can't be semibluffing. 4. When your hand needs protection. This reason to bet is misused more than any other. You raised preflop 4xBB with KK. The flop comes A K 7 rainbow, you bet 6xBB (ooooh, sucker him in!), your opponent calls. The turn is Q putting two hearts on the board. Your opponent checks, you push for 90 BBs, your opponent folds. "Whew!" you say. "I protected my hand from the draw!" The reality is that "protection" is an excuse for timid play, here. And yes, pushing can be TIMID: you know your opponent will fold, and rather than trying to extract value while you're WAY ahead, you go for the safe win. What hand are you afraid of, here? JT? Do you really think JT is folding here?? Or maybe you think your opponent was calling you with J 7 and just improved his hand to a superdraw. Unlikely as this may be, you're still ahead -- make him pay for his draw! Don't chicken out just because your hand isn't the absolute nuts. Here's when your hand needs protection: - When you are ahead, but many, many hands could destroy you on the river. If you've got 99 and the board is now 8 5 4 3 , you've got a reason to protect. If you've got AA and the board is 8754 rainbow, you're not protecting anything against anything -- bet for value or check behind with an unusual read. - When you are out of position, be more likely to protect your vulnerable hands. You don't want to fold the best hand, so getting an opponent to fold when you're OOP is often a good thing. - When the board is extremely draw-heavy. - When your opponent likes to bluff. These last two combine in some pretty spectacularly ugly ways at times. For instance: say you've got black aces and the board is J T 6 5 and your opponent is loose and


aggressive, tricky and bluff-happy. Damn near every card in the deck is a scare card for you: villain could complete a straight with any 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, Q, K, or A. Also, any red card could complete a flush. Also, any J, T, 6, or 5 could give villain trips. That means that -- literally! -- any card in the deck is a potential scare card on the river. You know that your opponent is likely to have somewhere between zero and 15 outs, but you have no idea which ones are the magic ones. Given your opponent's style, you're going to have to call his river bet out of fear that it's a bluff. So what do you do? You bet the turn -- HARD -- to protect your hand. Doing so reduces his implied odds if he hits and charges him a big price for hunting. It also makes you look committed, decreasing the likelihood that villain chooses this hand to get all tricky with a bluff. Feel free to bet the pot, here. Don't go nuts with your protection bets: after all, you DO have the best hand -- that's what you're protecting, remember? Make a bet that your opponent can talk himself into calling, but that makes calling -EV for him. After all, we're trying to win MONEY, not POTS. 5. When you are in position and want the option of a free showdown. Here's another good one that uNL'ers often forget. You've got 88, so you raise 4xBB preflop. SB and BB call. The flop comes A74 with two hearts. The blinds check, you bet 9xBB, SB calls, BB folds. The turn comes with a black 2 and SB checks. What to do? Many uNL'ers will check here, hoping to get a cheaper showdown. Of course, this could create some very tough decisions for you on the river. What do you do when the river card is a heart, or another A, or a 7, or a 4, or a 2, or an overcard, or something that looks totally blank, and SB bets into you? Well, you cry, because you've got no idea what's going on. However! If you bet the turn, look at all the good things that happen: - You charge the heart draw to see another card. - You get more value from a stray 7 (or 4!) that happens to be overly optimistic. - You might fold out 88-KK, getting them to finally believe that you have an ace. Even if you are called on the turn, when the river card comes, you'll very often get a chance to check behind and see how the cards look. You get to set your own price for the showdown, losing very little to Ax or overpairs, and winning unusually much from weaker hands and draws. In a sense, this reason combines protection, bluffing, and pot control into one reason. Make sure that your betting strategy is internally consistent and well-disguised -- don't automatically slowplay the turn with stronger hands and automatically bet weaker hands on the turn, or you'll be obvious enough that you'll induce a ton of turn bluff check-raises that you won't like. In other words, bet your strong hands on the turn but ALSO bet the weaker stuff on the turn sometimes. Don't try this move on tricky-trappy opponents -- they love to smooth-call flop bets with monsters and then check-raise the turn. You'll hate it. Against these opponents, checking behind on the turn can be the better move, particularly if you've got outs to improve (even if it's only a few outs). Luckily, these folks are relatively rare. Against the typical opponent, calling the preflop and flop bets and check-raising the turn means you can safely let your hand go, especially if you're making this kind of play with very few outs to improve (like a pocket pair). 6. To better disguise your hand.


Here, the idea is that checking the turn would give away too much information about your holdings. The most obvious example is when you're OOP with a flush draw -check/calling the turn and leading a river flush card is equivalent to renting billboard space to announce your hand to your opponents. However, leading out on the turn makes it much sneakier if and when you hit on the river, and makes it more likely that you get paid off handsomely when your ship does come in. Also, if your turn bet is a continuation of previous aggression you will have the added benefit of folding equity to make your move more +EV. Many people would consider this a variety of semi-bluffing, but the intent is very different here: should your opponent choose to fold on the turn you wouldn't be too upset, but this bet will not be all-in, and the purpose of this bet is not to fold your opponent. Rather, the goal is to make your river payoff much larger if you are lucky enough to hit your gin card. Semibluffs want folds; disguise bets want calls. ---------When should I bet the river? For river bets, things are a bit simpler: now, your value comes from only three sources: 1. Getting your opponent to fold when he has the best hand. 2. Getting your opponent to call when he has the worst hand. 3. "Value bluffing." Once again, let's go through them one-by-one. 1. Getting your opponent to fold when he has the best hand. At the river, you either have the best hand or you don't. If you don't have the best hand then your only hope of leaving with the cash is to convince your opponent to fold. River bluffs take lots of courage, but if they are done properly they can be extremely profitable. Unfortunately, most people either bluff the river WAY too much (spewing cash left and right since their opponents know not to fold) or WAY too little (never betting unless they are fairly sure they are ahead, and therefore rarely getting called by nonmonster hands). How do you decide if a river bluff is a good investment? First off, we should bluff rivers more against good players than against bad players. Good players can see that they are beaten; bad players cannot see beyond their own cards. If a bad player likes his hand, he's not folding -- it doesn't much matter what you say about your holding. Don't bluff the calling stations -- it's an expensive habit. Secondly, bluff rivers more when your table image is tight and strong. If you've been showing down monsters for the past hour, getting involved in very few hands, betting strongly, and flashing nothing but the nuts, feel free to throw your weight around a bit on the river. You're air-tight play has earned you mountains of folding equity; cash in by bluffing more freely at the river. However, if you've been mixing it up left and right, and if you were caught betting with air a few times (especially against THIS opponent!), feel free to check behind and lose a smaller pot rather than a bigger one. If your table image is crap, your folding equity is floating in the toilet right next to it -- understand this, and save your money for when you get a hand. Third, bluff rivers more when your betting tells a logical story that means you've got a good hand. Your opponent limp-calls preflop. The flop comes KT8 with two hearts -- your opponent checks to you and calls your bet. The turn is 4 and your opponent check-calls your bet. The river is 3 and your opponent bets. He's telling a consistent story: "I've


got a speculative hand ... I've got a flush draw ... I've still got a flush draw ... I've got a flush!" This is the kind of bet that has TONS of folding equity, even if your opponent's actual holding is 9 7 . Too often, though, we tell an INCONSISTENT story: we raise preflop. The flop comes 876 rainbow, our opponent checks and we bet. He calls. The turn is another 7. Our opponent checks and we check behind. The river is a 3, our opponent checks and What strong holding is actually consistent with this betting strategy? Our opponent knows we're not doing this with an overpair, he knows we don't have a straight, and he knows we don't have a 7. Our hand screams of missed overcards, and a savvy opponent is going to call with his T6o and piss us off as he rakes the pot. "How can you call with that crap??" we scream, but the answer is obvious: "because you only make that play with air." Make sure that your bets make sense. So if you raised preflop, bet the flop, and checked the turn, bet a river scare card: an ace, a third suited card, possibly a king (on an aceless board) -- that sort of thing. Don't pretend that the river 3 made your straight when the board is now JT653 -- nobody's going to believe it. Conversely, don't pretend you were limped preflop and were check-calling all the way with AK; it's just not credible. Finally, bluff rivers more when you've got a read that your opponent knows how to find the "fold" button. This is related to the first point, but still separate enough to warrant mentioning. Some ultra-tight nits cannot ever fold after raising preflop -- they play so few hands that they are simply incapable of letting go of a hand once they've got one. Know this, and avoid bluffing them. Alternatively, some maniacally aggressive LAGs will release a hand the moment they face pressure; fight against them. Against these folks, river raises or check-raises are often the most profitable play you can make. Use it. 2. Getting your opponent to call when he has the worst hand. Ah, the art of poker. You've got the nuts -- the absolute, unburnished nuts! Now what? Well, now you've got to figure out how to get paid. One of the greatest difficulties in poker is deciding on bet sizing. We've got a dilemma: the bigger our bet, the bigger our payoff when we get called but the less likely our opponent is to call us. How do we maximize value when we think our hand is best? We pick our bet size carefully. Some general hints: - Bet bigger when our table image sucks. If we've been playing crappy poker, or if we've been unlucky enough to get caught stealing a few times, or if we've not shown down any winners lately, our table image will look bad. This is especially true if this particular opponent has caught us stealing recently. Feel free to make large bets -- it'll look desperate and scared, and our opponent will call more often than usual. - Bet bigger if you're "on tilt." I put "on tilt" in quotes because I'm assuming you're NOT on tilt (we're beyond emotional play, right? ) No, what I mean here is that you can bet bigger if your play will *look* like a tilt play to your opponent. The last hand your nut flush lost to a rivered full house? You're on tilt, baby! If you're lucky enough to catch pocket rockets this hand, play it to the bone -- nobody is going to believe you, and you'll be paid off because "he's tilting off another stack; I'll bet my 3PNK is good!" - Bet bigger if your opponent is bad and/or unobservant. Against a good opponent or a watchful one, you can't get away with sizing your bets based on your hands. But against an idiot you can bet big with a big hand and small with a small hand and suffer no negative consequences. Feel free to make these kinds of plays against the hopeless goobers sitting at your table; just be sure you behave yourself when a smart player is in the pot. - Bet bigger if your opponent sees too many showdowns. This is a useful number to have in your HUD for this reason alone. - Bet smaller if your opponent is timid. A weak-tight nit is not going to pay off a pot-sized river bet without a strong hand; make sure you give him enough odds to talk himself into a crying call. - Bet smaller if your opponent couldn't possibly have a big hand. If you've got AA on a


board of AAQ72, you simply can't get away with betting much under normal circumstances. Make a small bet and be happy that you got paid off at all. - Bet smaller if your opponent likes to raise or check-raise weakness. Some opponents LOVE to push people off their hands on the river; if that's the case, do whatever it takes to induce a bluff. A common betting pattern that might do this at uNL is "raise preflop, 3/4ths-pot flop, 1/2-pot turn, 1/2-pot river." That small river bet can induce a maniac to come over the top with a bluff raise, hoping to drag down a big'un. This is especially true if the "obvious draw" misses on the river. (Note that many of these hints work the other way around for sizing bluffs.) 3. "Value bluffing." Of all the ideas in this post, value bluffing is probably the least understood. It's the river equivalent of a semi-bluff: a bet that is not +EV as a bluff, is not +EV as a value bet, but is +EV as a combination of the two. How can you possibly have a situation at the river where your bet is "part bluff, part value bet"? Well, because your opponent isn't holding a hand; he's holding a range. I'll repeat that, because it's a really, Really, REALLY important concept: your opponent isn't holding a hand; he's holding a range. Anybody who says he can size up an opponent -- look him in the eye, stare him in the soul -- and identify his exact hand holding ... well, that person is a liar. It's what good players say to freak out their opponents. The truth is that unless an opponent is woefully straightforward in playing style, you won't know their exact holding. Best case, you'll know their range. Of course, this works the other way around, too: your opponent can't identify your exact holding, either. Now, the combination of these two scenarios leads to the interesting (though unusual) situation of the value bluff. Let's say that your opponent is an ultra-loose but not completely stupid player. He's not a "good LAG," because they don't exist at uNL (or SSNL, for that matter). Rather, he's a "semi-thinking LAG." A while back, someone coined the phrase "1.5th-level thinker" to represent a player who thinks about your hand but always puts you on AK. It was a joke, but beginning hand readers will often do something very similar to this, putting you on an overly narrow hand range and sticking to it despite any evidence to the contrary. So, let's say this is the kind of opponent you have: loose enough that you can't predict his holdings all that well, smart enough to try to put you on a hand, but amateurish enough to do a really bad job of it. The current board is AJ974 with no flushes. You have QJo and you attempted a steal. At the river, you've got second pair. Your opponent's range is quite wide, but you think there's an 75% chance you're beaten. If you bet the pot, there's a 1/3rd chance he'll fold a better hand than yours and also a 1/3rd chance he'll call with a worse hand than yours. How does this work out? He folds 1/3*(75%) + 2/3*(25%) = 41.7% of the time. Here you win 1xPot. He calls with a worse hand 1/3*(25%) = 8.3% of the time. Here you win 2xPot. He calls with a better hand 2/3*(75%) = 50% of the time. Here you lose 1xPot. Your net is 0.417*(+1) + 0.083*(+2) + 0.5*(-1) = +0.083xPot, making this a winning strategy. Note that this strategy doesn't work as a bluff -- villain only folds 1/3rd of the time, and you're risking the pot on the bluff (you lay 1-to-1 odds on a bet that's 2-to-1 against you


winning). Note also that this strategy doesn't work as a value bet -- villain's hand beats yours 75% of the time, but you're only getting twice your money when you win (you're getting 2-to-1 odds on a 3-to-1 longshot). In other words, the bet is -EV as a bluff, -EV as a value bet, but +EV as a combination of the two. Villain's sloppy hand-reading combined with villain's unidentifiable hand makes this a fuzzy enough betting area to be +EV. Here are some Valuetown examples from my $100NL play. Get the money in while they still have potential. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) Pokey (SB): $100.00 BB: $85.95 UTG: $46.50 MP: $34.70 CO: $85.25 BTN: $45.35 Villain is horrible: 66/11 preflop, 4 average aggression. He's bleeding money in every direction and he won't last long. Preflop: Pokey is dealt A A (6 Players) 4 folds, Pokey raises to $4.00, BB calls $3.00 Flop: ($8) J 8 4 (2 Players) Pokey bets $5.00, BB raises to $10.00, Pokey calls $5.00 Three-betting is SUCH a strong move that I don't want to scare him off yet. Turn: ($28) 3 (2 Players) Pokey checks, BB bets $28.00, Pokey raises to $79.00, BB calls all-in for $43.95 Uncalled bet of $7.05 returned to Pokey Given his aggression factor, I take the risk of a check-raise. He doesn't disappoint me, and he quickly calls off the rest of his stack with a cruddy draw. Note that he didn't even have the proper odds to call my raise. River: ($171.90) Q

(2 Players - 1 All-In)

Pot Size: $171.90 ($3 Rake) BB had 6 5 Pokey had A

(Queen Jack high) and LOST (-$85.95) A (a pair of Aces) and WON (+$82.95)

By getting the money in while villain still had a draw, I stacked him. If I'd waited until the river to try and take his money, he would have easily folded his unimproved 65o. Potential is great for a good player but extremely expensive for a bad one. ---------Sneaky hands can bet harder. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter)


SB: $142.00 Pokey (BB): $100.00 UTG: $35.10 MP: $58.95 CO: $28.05 BTN: $38.50 Villain here runs 47/15 preflop and 2.4 postflop. Preflop: Pokey is dealt 6 5 (6 Players) UTG calls $1.00, MP folds, CO calls $1.00, BTN calls $1.00, SB calls $0.50, Pokey checks Plenty of padding from limpers; I might as well see a free flop with my speculative hand. Flop: ($5) 2 8 4 (5 Players) SB checks, Pokey bets $4.00, 3 folds, SB raises to $8.00, Pokey calls $4.00 Double-gutter; that's a hand. I bet strong and get a minraise. I can nearly call on pot odds, and definitely on implied odds since I'm in position. Turn: ($21) 7 (2 Players) SB bets $21.00, Pokey raises to $50.00, SB calls $29.00 Bingo! I hit my hand. Villain bets hard and I have the absolute nuts -- I make a raise that villain can easily call, but that leaves villain with a crying call on nearly any river. River: ($121) 3 (2 Players) SB checks, Pokey bets all-in for $41.00, SB calls $41.00 No way does an aggressive opponent check through with a runner-runner flush. I make the obligatory all-in bet and villain makes the obligatory crying call. Pot Size: $203.00 ($3 Rake) SB had 8 2 (two pair, Eights and Twos) and LOST (-$100.00) Pokey had 6 5 (a straight, Eight high) and WON (+$100.00) This hand shows a good multi-street strategy that intends to make it very easy for villain to put all his money in the middle. Note that even though straights and flushes have hit the board, villain feels obligated to pay off the 1/3rd-pot bet (all-in) on the river with only two pair. A turn push is quite aggressive, throwing in a more-than-pot-sized raise, but smooth-calling the turn leaves too much behind to have a reasonable way of getting it all in on the river. The smallish turn raise followed by the tiny river bet are both easy for villain to convince himself to call, and I stack him with my straight. ---------Sneaky hands can bet harder, redux. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 5 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) SB: $68.90 BB: $42.65 Pokey (UTG): $98.50 CO: $45.05


BTN: $72.00 Villain is mediocre-to-bad, running 29/9 preflop and with a 2.3 average aggression postflop. Preflop: Pokey is dealt 2 2 (5 Players) Pokey calls $1.00, CO calls $1.00, BTN folds, SB raises to $2.00, BB calls $1.00, Pokey calls $1.00, CO calls $1.00 Deuces never loses, woo! Flop: ($8) 4 Q 2 (4 Players) SB checks, BB checks, Pokey bets $5.00, CO folds, SB calls $5.00, BB folds GREAT flop. Given that the preflop raiser just checked, I decide to bet for value and to try to build a pot (hoping for callers) and it works. Turn: ($18) 4 (2 Players) SB checks, Pokey bets $12.00, SB calls $12.00 I'm not afraid of the draw anymore, so rather than try to price him out, I offer a 2/3rdspot bet. Villain comes along for the ride. Either he's got a Q and he's drawing nearly dead or he's got hearts and he's drawing totally dead. Either way, I'm happy. River: ($42) 8 (2 Players) SB bets $6.00, Pokey raises to $50.00, SB calls all-in for $43.90 Uncalled bet of $0.10 returned to Pokey Thank goodness for position: we river the third heart and villain makes a pansy-sized bet. Rather than smooth-call my near-nuts, or make some weak-assed minraise, I push, knowing that I lose the three-pair hands and bluffs, but that I get called by the flushes. Since I was going to lose the bluffs anyways, this seems +EV to me. Villain pays me off with his heart flush. Pot Size: $141.80 ($3 Rake) SB had Q J Pokey had 2

(a flush, Queen high) and LOST (-$68.90) 2 (a full house, Twos full of Fours) and WON (+$69.90)

Lessons here: let villains draw if they're drawing dead (or nearly so). If villain shows interest and you know you've got him dead-to-rights, go for the freakin' jugular. Sneaky hands have the potential to win bigger pots than obvious hands. ---------Protecting your hand. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) Pokey (SB): $99.00 BB: $100.00 UTG: $109.10 MP: $67.10 CO: $134.10 BTN: $155.00


Both CO and Button are extremely loose and extremely aggro. Preflop: Pokey is dealt A A (6 Players) UTG calls $1.00, MP folds, CO calls $1.00, BTN calls $1.00, Pokey raises to $6.00, 2 folds, CO calls $5.00, BTN calls $5.00 Super-premium hand, so I charge 'em to see. Flop: ($20) 2 4 7 (3 Players) Pokey checks, CO bets $12.00, BTN calls $12.00, Pokey calls $12.00 I wasn't c-betting into these two very often, so I figured that with BOTH of them in the hand I had room to get trappy. I check, hoping for a bet, and they oblige. With a relatively blank board, I smooth-call to see a turn. Turn: ($56) 9 (3 Players) Pokey checks, CO bets $33.00, BTN calls $33.00, Pokey raises all-in to $81.00, 2 folds Uncalled bet of $48.00 returned to Pokey This board just became *way* too drawy to allow any cheap cards. I don't want to deal with a river decision, and I don't want to be looking over my shoulder if the river comes with a diamond or spade, not to mention a 2, 3, 4, 7, or 9. With this many scare cards, I just put all my money in the middle after the bet. To my great surprise, BOTH villains fold for the relatively small additional bet. I guess they trusted me more than they trusted each other.... Pot Size: $155.00 ($3 Rake) Read this hand as an example of showing weakness to induce bets, snapping off multiple bluffs, knowing your opponents, and protecting your hand. ---------Protecting your hand, redux. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) Over a short sample, villain is running 40/17 with a postflop aggression of almost 11. SB: $106.45 Pokey (BB): $169.25 UTG: $102.25 MP: $157.05 CO: $100.00 BTN: $461.15 Preflop: Pokey is dealt J J (6 Players) UTG folds, MP calls $1.00, CO folds, BTN calls $1.00, SB folds, Pokey raises to $7.00, MP folds, BTN calls $6.00 Flop: ($15.50) 2 9 7 (2 Players) Pokey bets $15.00, BTN raises to $30.00, Pokey calls $15.00 I bet my overpair expecting villain to fold; instead he minraises. I smooth-call, intending to check-raise a safe turn.


Turn: ($75.50) 3 (2 Players) Pokey checks, BTN bets $45.00, Pokey raises all-in to $132.25, BTN folds Uncalled bet of $87.25 returned to Pokey The good news is that I still have an overpair. The bad news is that the board is ridiculously drawy now. I check, knowing that this opponent simply cannot resist the opportunity to push me off my hand. After he makes his bet, however, I am unwilling to see a river card -- with well over half the deck as scare cards, I can't trust myself to make the right decision there. Instead, I put it all in the middle, expecting an improper call from any solid draw or strong 9, and a fold from everything else. Villain folds, and I snap off a large turn bluff, picking up a big pot uncontested. Pot Size: $165.50 ($3 Rake) On a less wet board I might have gone for a smaller check-raise to gain value; as it stands, I need to protect my hand from an increasingly unpleasant board. This is the kind of opponent who puts monsters under my bed; knowing that, I bet all-in to prevent an extremely expensive FTOP mistake on the river. ---------Protecting your hand, part III. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) SB: $148.05 BB: $101.80 Pokey (UTG): $145.40 MP: $78.10 CO: $207.80 BTN: $238.60 Villain in this hand has good stats, if a bit on the nitty side: 19/13 preflop with a 2.5 average aggression postflop. We don't tangle much, but sometimes it's inevitable. Preflop: Pokey is dealt A A (6 Players) Pokey raises to $4.00, MP folds, CO calls $4.00, 2 folds, BB calls $3.00 Obvious. Flop: ($12.50) K 2 Q (3 Players) BB checks, Pokey bets $9.00, CO folds, BB calls $9.00 Value bet hoping for a call from a good K. Turn: ($30.50) 2 (2 Players) BB bets $22.00, Pokey raises all-in to $132.40, BB calls all-in for $66.80 Uncalled bet of $0.00 returned to Pokey A very important turn: that 2 just counterfeited KQ and almost surely didn't help villain in any case (good news). There are now two flush draws on the board (bad news). Villain has bet into me, indicating something strongish (bad news). My hand is quite strong despite that (good news). If villain is drawing he's only got one more card for a suckout (good news). I make a pot-sized reraise to end this farce: villain is likely to fold here, but if he calls he'll still be behind most of the time.


River: ($208.10) 8

(2 Players - 2 All-In)

Pot Size: $208.10 ($3 Rake) BB had T K (a flush, King high) and WON (+$103.30) Pokey had A A (two pair, Aces and Twos) and LOST (-$101.80) Villain calls and sucks out on the river, but when the money went in he was far behind. I lost the hand, but I won the Sklansky bucks: my play was superior to his. After all, when the money went in the pot I had a slightly greater than 77% chance of winning the whole thing. Bad luck but good play -- hey, that's just poker. ---------Even if you're ahead, sometimes it's -EV to bet. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) SB: $100.85 BB: $47.20 Pokey (UTG): $149.65 MP: $106.50 CO: $42.35 BTN: $83.50 SB is a maniac: 87/50 preflop, 1.6 average aggro postflop. Preflop: Pokey is dealt A J (6 Players) Pokey raises to $4.00, 3 folds, SB calls $3.50, BB folds Flop: ($9) J A 4 (2 Players) SB checks, Pokey bets $6.00, SB calls $6.00 Pure value bet, hoping villain plays back. He doesn't. Turn: ($21) 2 (2 Players) SB checks, Pokey bets $10.00, SB calls $10.00 Weak bet to induce a raise. He doesn't. This is worrisome: when an aggressive player slows down, it's time to get frightened. River: ($41) T (2 Players) SB bets $20.00, Pokey calls $20.00 The inevitable scare card hits and villain bets it. Villain wins at showdown about 36% of the time, so the odds are strong that this is just a bluff. That means my hand is best more than 50% of the time. Despite this, I cannot profitably raise -- villain will almost never fold a better hand and almost never call with a worse hand, so even though I am ahead more than half the time, if I bet it will be -EV, winning me the same amount of money most of the time and losing me more on those unusual occasions when I'm behind. Pot Size: $81.00 ($3 Rake) SB had 4


(two pair, Tens and Fours) and LOST (-$40.00)


Pokey had A


(two pair, Aces and Jacks) and WON (+$38.00)

Moral of the story: aggression is good as a general rule, but being overly and blindly aggressive is -EV. Only bet when there's profit in it. ---------Checking to induce a bluff from an aggressive opponent. Opponent is 42.4/10.6/1.6, steals 16% of the time and LOVES to float flops. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 5 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) SB: $114.60 Pokey (BB): $183.55 UTG: $329.40 CO: $100.85 BTN: $160.20 Preflop: Pokey is dealt A Q (5 Players) 2 folds, BTN raises to $3.50, SB folds, Pokey raises to $15.00, BTN calls $11.50 With a premium hand I mix it up by reraising instead of calling, trying to get the upper hand. Flop: ($30.50) A T 5 (2 Players) Pokey bets $25.00, BTN calls $25.00 Standard continuation bet, combined with a standard float from villain. Turn: ($80.50) 9 (2 Players) Pokey checks, BTN bets all-in for $120.20, Pokey calls $120.20 I "show weakness" and villain fires all-in. I was surprised to see just how strong his hand actually was. River: ($320.90) 3

(2 Players - 1 All-In)

Pot Size: $320.90 ($3 Rake) BTN had A J (a pair of Aces) and LOST (-$160.20) Pokey had A Q (a pair of Aces) and WON (+$157.70) This hand shows another example of NOT betting to maximize pot size. It also shows the importance of knowing what story your betting line is telling -- in this case, I spoke of weakness to induce a bluff, so I had to call the resulting bet. ---------Not telling a consistent story. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 5 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) SB: $191.95


Pokey (BB): $144.45 UTG: $444.30 CO: $43.40 BTN: $87.40 I've been struggling on the table, and I've recently lost some big hands. Villain is superbad: 68/9 preflop, went to showdown 37% of the time and won there 39% of the time. He's sloppy and lucky, and he's got money I want. Preflop: Pokey is dealt A A (5 Players) UTG calls $1.00, CO calls $1.00, 2 folds, Pokey raises to $5.00, UTG calls $4.00, CO folds Time to use my lousy table image. Flop: ($11.50) 8 9 5 (2 Players) Pokey bets $8.00, UTG calls $8.00 I hope he pays off my c-bet; he does. Turn: ($27.50) T (2 Players) Pokey bets $23.00, UTG calls $23.00 Nothing has changed; I make a big bet to try and get some money in the pot. Villain calls. River: ($73.50) A (2 Players) Pokey bets all-in for $108.45, UTG calls $108.45 River time. Keep in mind that villian is *BAD* -- he's looking for a reason to call, not a reason to fold. So I give him one. My river bet is too big, and that looks very fishy. Villain KNOWS I don't have a flush because there's no way I could play a flush draw this way (in actuality, I definitely could, but like I said: villain is bad). Villain decides I must be making a desperation bluff with air, and talks himself into a heroic call. Pot Size: $290.40 ($3 Rake) UTG had J T (a pair of Tens) and LOST (-$144.45) Pokey had A A (three of a kind, Aces) and WON (+$142.95) I told an inconsistent story and villain got levelled into paying off an extra buyin on the river. ---------Know they enemy. Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter) Pokey (SB): $148.05 BB: $104.15 UTG: $39.00 MP: $259.05 CO: $77.25 BTN: $31.75 Villain hasn't been around long, but he's terrible AND he's on tilt. He just lost a big pot


and someone at the table is taunting him for it (not me, of course). Villain runs 45/3 preflop and 2 average aggression. He's a target. Preflop: Pokey is dealt 7 Q (6 Players) UTG folds, MP calls $1.00, CO calls $1.00, BTN folds, Pokey calls $0.50, BB checks Speculative hand, low price, lots of padding. I complete. Flop: ($4) 9 3 Q (4 Players) Pokey bets $2.00, BB folds, MP calls $2.00, CO calls $2.00 Flop gives me a mediocre hand. I bet weakly to try and pick up the pot and get two callers. Hmmmm. Turn: ($10) J (3 Players) Pokey bets $6.00, MP calls $6.00, CO calls $6.00 Now I've got a flush draw thrown into the mix. I make another weak bet and get two callers again. I'm liking my pot odds and implied odds. River: ($28) A (3 Players) Pokey bets all-in for $139.05, MP folds, CO calls all-in for $68.25 Uncalled bet of $0.00 returned to Pokey If my hand wasn't good before, it's DEFINITELY good now. Given that villains have been calling all along, I'm hoping someone just backed into two pair with their Ax hand. No stronger flush makes any sense, and my hand is wickedly-well disguised. Rather than try and get both to pay off a small bet, I go for the gusto and shove. MP escapes but CO pays off my massive overbet. Pot Size: $164.50 ($3 Rake) CO had Q T (a pair of Queens) and LOST (-$77.25) Pokey had 7 Q (a flush, Ace high) and WON (+$84.25) Again, I tell an inconsistent story, again I overbet to disguise my hand, again villain calls because of emotional reasons, and again my sneaky hand collects me a huge pot. Now, I'm not saying that overbets are always the best choice, but if you OCCASIONALLY mix them into your lineup -- particularly when your betting is highly inconsistent -- you can get a big payout from the right enemy.


Playing OOP (epdaws) Playing Out of Position -- Introduction We are operating under the assumption that everyone knows the following: You ought to be playing many more hands from LP than from EP. Take a look at your winnings and total hand investments. The bulk should come from LP. If there is a balance, you are playing too many hands out of position, and it is likely costing you money. Think of position like many of us thought of hooking up back in college. You want to end up on top of the hot girl at the party. If you do, you’ll always get what you want, and you’ll usually finish ahead of her. Occasionally, though, you have to let her get on top; she’ll enjoy the position more, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get what you want. I guess this analogy stops at busting: you’ll always bust, and it takes forever to reload. Anyway, moving on… Reads are Essential: Study Hands You Don't Play To be comfortable playing out of position, you must also be comfortable trusting your reads and your feel for flop textures. There are ways to make this easier on you. But before we get there… There will be hands, and circumstances, in which the highest EV line is to muck a reasonably strong hand when you are out of position. It will be much easier to develop reads and handle your positional disadvantage as a session goes on; playing big pots OOP early in a session is generally a bad idea because you haven’t had the time to develop reads and a feel for the rhythm of the table. Let’s say you raise A K UTG and get one caller, and you are both new to the table. You have no read on this player. Flop comes A



and you lead for 3/4 pot. Villain comes over the top for a PSR. He might certainly be wielding his position like a weapon, as many strong players do. But you will quickly be playing for your stack to find out if he flopped a set on you, and mucking your hand now is not a bankroll killer by any means. Make a note of his play. Watch how he handles position in future hands. Most importantly, do your best to pay attention to similar situations even when you are not in the hand. Players who like to multi-table often make the mistake of only paying attention to hands in which they are involved. Some of the best reads you can develop will come from studying these hands. If you notice a big pot that happened a hand or two ago while you were devoting your attention elsewhere, pull up the hand history if you can. Sit out for a few hands at your other tables. Party Poker in particular is very generous about revealing a player’s hand at showdown; use that information to make detailed notes. If you are dealing with aggressive postflop players who have a positional advantage over you, it will benefit you to carefully watch their play as often as you can. Again, this does not go for every opponent; you’ll run into players who like to raise less often than Clear Channel likes to raise salaries in a union negotiation. It’s the tougher players who will challenge you, but you will eventually be able to ascertain the times in which they are simply trying to intimidate you based on position. Having said this, sometimes the best advice is the simple "leave and wait for a better seat." But I’m only doing this against a maniac, not a tough TAG or a good LAG who


knows what position is. I want to beat those players at their own game. Eventually I won’t mind if a strong, aggressive player thinks he can float and bully me. I’ll adjust and there are multiple lines I can take to win pots from him. Here is an example from a hand that happened last weekend. I had the following notes on a player who is 21/12/3 in 500 hands: "Strong player, capable of making good laydowns. Seems to understand position and has pushed me out of several pots after I raised preflop. I wanted badly to call him and force him to show me a set, but I have backed down each time. Likes to raise flop Cbets, or float and raise turn. Worth watching some more." I was in MP with A Q heads up to the flop.

, and I opened for $4. He called on the Button, and we were

Flop came J 5 4 , and I led for $6. He raised to $18, a play he had used on me on my second orbit of the session. He would certainly make this play with a set, but he seemed to be raising with TP just as often. I thought it was possible I was behind to a JT suited, AJ kind of hand. I could have been behind a set or two pair, only occasionally an overpair, and often enough an unimproved PP. I decided it was, overall, much more likely that he had an unimproved pair, TP or air than a big hand like a set or overpair. In other words, he can not call a re-raise with much of his range, because by re-raising, I am telling him that I have a monster pair. If he beats that, he pushes, and I fold. But my reraise knocks out his drawing hands and folds out many hands that beat me, along with changing the table dynamic that had previously convinced him I could be run over. We were both reasonably deep, with effective stacks $175, and I made it $58. He seemed to think for a while and folded, but he might very well have been playing it up. I immediately made a note of the hand, as I felt this opponent was perhaps less likely to raise my flop Cbet, and more likely to float or fold. Keep in mind that had I attempted this play early on, I would have had to do it with no information about this player and I would have been simply hoping I was not up against a set. The 25% Rule I tend to make an assumption about players that I am not sure is perfectly accurate, but it has seemed to help me. It is this, similar to Harrington’s 10% chance of a bluff concept: If I have a strong enough sample size against an opponent I respect, and he has position on me, there is at least a 25% chance that any aggression he shows against me in a heads-up pot is based solely on his positional advantage. How did I come to that number? I spent a lot of time combing through the PT database, checking out hands, and making my best guess. I also considered my own tendencies and my proclivity to use position like a hammer on a stubborn nail. Again, this is quite a nebulous number and concept, but I try to keep it in mind when I make a reasonably strong hand against a solid opponent who has position on me. Is 25% a huge number? It is not, but it brings a bluff, a float, or a semi-bluff into the equation a lot more often. I don't expect everyone to agree with the range, but I the concept has worked for me. I would also assert that this number is going to rise based on the stakes you play. Recalling my long-ago days of 25NL, I would guess it’s much lower. I don’t use the number without a lot of hands or a solid read on a player, because at SSNL, most players tend to play their cards based on the strength of their hand. It’s pretty darn straightforward. We’re trying to improve our play against the strongest opponents and


prepare our game for higher stakes. Handling Min-Raises: They Don't Always Mean Sets Here’s a hand that I butchered like an overweight cow on Hamburger Day that indicates the power of raising in position. I was dealt A K and made my standard raise, one caller. He seemed solid, but I didn't have much history with him. Flop came A 7 6 . I led for $6, and he min-raised to $12. I called but feared a set immediately. Turn was a total brick, the 2 , I checked, and he checked. River was the T , I checked, he bet $30, and I called. He showed 9 8 for a straight. The min-raise froze me on the flop. I was convinced he would only min-raise for value with a set; instead I let him draw cheaply and I fell for the trap on the river. I still tend to think that the majority, or at least the plurality, of flop min-raises indicate a set. Even seemingly solid players – and I’ve seen plenty of 2p2ers do this – min-raise their set on the flop because they want to build a pot and get value, but they don’t want to lose their opponent. However, I’ve come to find out that it can mean something else. Many players know that a min-raise is regarded with dread because of what it represents, and I’ve run into plenty of players who use it to float or shut down their opponent. I’ve run into opponents who will min-raise a Cbet with top pair or an unimproved PP. It’s amazing how effective it can be against us, maligned as the minraise is. So here’s how I handle it: Every time I see a player min-raise a flop Cbet, I will make note of it. If that player shows his hand down, perfect. It’s a bounty of information. But let’s say I raise A K in EP and get one caller, and the flop comes K 8 3 or even T 8 3 . I’ll make my Cbet, and if I get min-raised, I’m coming over the top. If I lead for 6 and get raised to 12, I’m making it 35. My opponent’s action is then going to tell me a lot. If they push I fold and make a note that I believe they’ll min-raise sets. If they fold, I note that they’ll try to take away the pot with a min-bet and will back down to further aggression. Their best play with a set is to call, cause that makes it very difficult for me on the turn, but thankfully most opponents at SSNL won’t just call there with a set. They’ll push. Does it get expensive sometimes? Yes. But you’ll be surprised how often you can take the pot and when you get pushed, it’s helpful to know how opponents play their monsters. Having a note on what a min-raise means is one of the most helpful pieces of info you can have in this game at this level. A Default Line for Handling AA or KK vs. Resistance Playing AA or KK against resistance when you are OOP can be dreadfully difficult – harder than a group of teen boys at a Scarlett Johannson photo shoot. One of 2p2’s best posters, Foxwoods Fiend, shared some of his thoughts on handling this spot and I’ve built them into my default line. This is assuming the flop is at least somewhat innocuous. If I’m raised with normal or deep stacks, I’ll call and lead the turn for 2/3 pot. If I get called I have to check the river, and a call/fold will be reads-based. If I get raised again on the turn, I’m gone. There are also times when I will muck AA or KK on the flop to one raise, but of course that’s dependent on the read and opponent. I think folding to every raise when OOP is giving away too much value.


Conclusions Being OOP bites like a vindictive girlfriend who finds out you’ve been cheating. Lots of teeth. Not generally much fun, unless you’re into that kind of thing. So do yourself a favor and play the bulk of your hands in position. But don’t roll over dead just because you have to act first. Trust your reads. Use check/raises occasionally. It just takes some adjustments to get your opponents off balance, and then they’ll be dreading playing any pots with you at all.


LOOSE AGGRESSIVE PLAY (BalugaWhale) (forgive spelling mistakes, I am wearing a cast on one hand... stupid football) Note: This applies to 6max far more than FR. It applies somewhat to being in MP-LP in FR. I don't know about you guys, but everytime I see a flop and there are chips in the pot, I want them. I don't care if there are 20bb's in pf or 2bb.. I want them in my stack. Aggression wins money, period. Sure, playing passively against a maniac is right sometimes... but I want to be that guy people play passively against. It makes life easier for me, because I decide when the money goes in and when it doesn't. So, first let's deal with pf. I raise a lot pf (in 6max about 25% of my hands, maybe more haha). I do this because I am aiming to win the pot, and I'd like some money in there to win. Plus, raising gives me the ability to take down the pot when we both have nothing on the flop. caveat- Know when not to c-bet. This depends on two factors very heavily-Board Texture and Number of Villains. I might c-bet into 3 weak opponents if the flop was 842r. I'd check often vs. 2 opponents if it was K87 two-tone and I held AQ. Knowing when to/when not to c-bet will help your winrate a lot. Another reason I'm consantly raising and stabbing is that it helps me get paid off when I hit the flop hard. However, I'm not convinced it helps that much in a world where villains think about their own cards and not yours. However, villains will play back eventually. It's important to know what to do-- and this means knowing your villain. Lets say I've been hammering on a villain all game, stealing blinds with any A, any K, and most suited Q's. I open from the CO with A T . Villain calls in the BB. The flop comes down T 8 3 Villain checks, I lead for the pot ( 9 bb), Villain c/r for 32bb. Many people advocate folding here. With no image and playing a TAG game, folding may be the correct play here. But, as it stands, it may not. What hand would villain play like this? Very few that beat you from the average villain!! Do you think your average SSNL player c/r a set/2pair on the flop, into a pf raiser?? No! Rarely. I am more frightened if I lead and am smoothcalled. I call the c/r and play poker on the next two streets, thinking pot control on the turn, and value on the river. You will be amazed how many times you are shown J 8 here. The point is this: when people are willing to play back at you with less, you can value your average hands higher. How much higher is up to you--and up to your read of a villain. I try to avoid situations like the one above without a read, or when I first sit down. important caveat--> when you are raised on the turn... your top pair is still not good, even considering the previous statement. Lastly, know when to go TAG. Playing LAG gets a table worked up. If people start calling pf raises en masse, or reraising you... its time to stop raising 56s UTG and look for value from your big pairs. You'll still get the action, and now you always have the cards. Playing tight pf is rarely, if ever, wrong. I know a lot of you are interested in loosening up your game, I hope this was somewhat of a brief outline. It's not as long as Pokey's... but then again, Pokey can't count to 1600.


So heres a brief outline 1) Attack, pf and the flop. Put money in the pot, scoop it to your side. 2) Know when to c-bet and when not to. 3) Be strong when you connect- your opponents are likely to play back with less than you're used to. 4) Read the table so you know when to slow down and tighten up. One more quick thing to highlight- As you raise more pf and c-bet the flop constantly, people start floating you. Its not hard to notice... often the answer for me is double barrel bluffing. It is a powerful weapon... use it against the right opponents. Remember- Only an idiot bluffs a man he knows will call him!! Disclaimer- the word is still out as to whether or not I'm good at poker. So don't take any of this too seriously.


You Should Open Limp......... (RichC.) ...........NOT!!! First, to clarify, open limping is when you are the first one to enter a pot and just limp in. Limping behind someone is a different strategey all together. I will limp behind someone if I know I can stack them when I hit big. But, on to Open Limping: I feel this is one of the biggest leaks in a players game. Open limping is a pure chip spew. It tends to leave money on the table when you hit big, so you are therefore losing value. What do I mean by this? I'll give you an example from a 1/2 NL Live game from a while back. This was a regular game that I played in about 3 days a week. Hero is in MP1 with about $150 behind. (I know this is bigger stacks than many uNL players are used to, but we all know that this is about as micro as it gets live) It folds to me and I have AA. I limped in for $2. My friend (who also happens to be MP2) raises to $10 Button calls. Back to me, I reraise to $30, MP2 thinks and finally calls but I can tell he knows what I have. Button folds. Flop is AAJ, Turn x, river x. Awesome, i flopped quads. It was checked to the river when i finally bet $20 and he called and said "Show me your aces" So, in this very hand, and many more like it, had I just made a standard raise to maybe $8 in this case, I more than likely get to reraise all-in. My friend had KK, so yes, I left A LOT of chips on the table that should have been shipped to me by getting it all in PF. I figure that I cost myself $100 by limping that hand. This is just one example, there are many many more like it. Back to my intial point. Open limping will cost you money in the long run. This is a very hard concept for many players to grasp. Many do not want to raise SCs UTG, but yet they want to see a flop, so they limp in. When they miss, they feel that they got a chance to get away cheap while still playing a flop. IMO, this is bad for business. If you raise, you immediately take control of the pot until either everyone folds, calls or raises you. When called, you dont have to hit your hand, just evaluate the flop and determine if your opponent hit his hand. Either way, you should make a c-bet. An example or two: (assume full stacks for both examples at 50nl) You are UTG with 9 7 and raise to $2.00 One caller and the blinds fold (not taking out the rake) pot is $4.75


Flop is 7Q6r, one spade. Middle pair for you, lead out for $3.00 This is a fairly standard value bet and you will usually take down the pot. Hand 2: Again, you are UTG with 7 4 One call and the blinds fold.

and raise to $2.00

Flop is 744 You just flopped a monster. Our natural tendency is to check raise or check call here. Wrong. Lead out for $3 again. Why would you bet this monster you ask? Easy, no one in their right mind can put you on 74s and will believe that you missed this flop and a good aggressive opponent will try to take this away from you with A high or and over pair like 99. Also, your hand isnt the nuts and you make it pricey for an over pair to draw out against you that 5% of the time that they do. Now, think about if you had just limped in with those hands, odds are that you are leaving chips in your opponents stack that rightfully belong to you. Both examples are hands very similar to hands I have played. You dont have to play the LAGtard game that I do to never open limp. TAGs should not be open limping either. Now, you ask, arent there ever times that you should be open limping? So glad you asked. YES there are, but IMO, these type of situations occur more in tournaments than in cash games. When someone is constantly raising and reraising you, then open limping a big hand is fine IMO, but refer back to my first example and how I left a lot of money on the table and you will find it is still better to raise and then reraise them to get it all in PF. I'll leave you with this example from the same 1/2 NL Live game. I had been playing a fairly aggressive game and had been getting reraised all night long, felt like every hand actually. I had managed to build up to about $400 despite have gotten played back at all damn night when this hand, one of the biggest live pots I have ever seen (and won for that matter) came up. I am UTG and raise to $10 with KK 2 callers and then the expected reraise to $90. One more caller. folds back to me and I am just sick but I'm not good enough to fold KK PF. I just say to hell with and push, 2 folds and then the other two both call. I had them covered. We all flip, my KK>QQ>JJ and your hero wins about $800. I also won a tournament about 7 hours later. Sorry slight brag at the end there, but I hope I have provided you with some decent examples of why you shouldnt be open limping. ~Rich


Suited Connectors, Implied Odds, and You (goofyballer) A recent thread about using the 5/10 rule to call preflop raises with PPs and suited connectors got me thinking about the kind of implied odds required to call preflop raises with SCs; people tend to arbitrarily use things like the 5/10 rule, even though I've never seen any mathematical description of the kind of odds you need to call these raises. I'm going to attempt to solve that problem (but I still need some help!). I'll list the conclusions first, and leave the tl;dr math for the bottom for those of you that want to peruse it. I also encourage math-head-types to check my math to make sure I didn't mess anything up. There are two kinds of hands you can flop with SCs: Good made hands (most of which can be made by calling with ATC, which of course we don't do) and draws. First, made hands, stolen off some page I googled: Odds of flopping... Flush: 0.84% Two pair: 2% Trips: 1.35% Full house: 0.09% Quads: 0.01% Straight: 1.31% ------Total: 5.6% (1 in 18 times, 17:1) However, most of the time you will be flopping draws instead of big hands with SCs, and that's where things get complicated. Let's separate this into two categories: combo draws and regular draws. COMBO DRAWS Odds of flopping... 20 outer (OESD + FD + pair): 0.077% 17 outer (Gutshot + FD + pair): 0.153% 15 outer (OESD + flush draw): 1.424% 14 outer (Pair + flush draw): 1.450% 13 outer (Pair + straight draw): 1.147% 12 outer (Gutshot + flush draw): 2.664% -----------------------Total: 6.9% (1 in 14 times, 13:1) These draws are all hands that can be played profitably after the flop; either you are a favorite against an overpair, or getting AI on the flop is +EV when you take some fold equity (and thus taking down dead money) into account. Combining these big draws with good made hands, you'll have a relatively "big hand" on the flop 12.5% of the time, or 1 in 8 (very close to how often you will flop a set with an overpair). However, since a set is a near-invincible hand and you still have to improve with these draws, you can't say that you also need about 7:1 odds to call with a suited connector. Your average equity on the flop with these made hands and combo draws against an overpair is 66% (the made hands go from 75%-99%; the combo draws range from 45%-65%); compare this with sets, where your equity is generally 90+%. REGULAR DRAWS


Odds of flopping... 9 outer (flush draw): 5.2% 8 outer (straight draw): 8.0% ----------------Total: 13.2% (1 in 7.5 times, 6.5:1) These are your standard draws; when you flop a hand with which you can continue, it will most frequently be one of these. These draws improve to a flush or straight on the river about 1 time in 3. Summary - you have a 5.6% (1 in 18, 17:1 chance) of flopping a good made hand - you have a ~7% (1 in 14, 13:1) chance of flopping a strong (12+ outs) combo draw - you have a ~13% chance (1 in 7.5, 6.5:1) chance of flopping a standard OESD or FD Adding these all together, you will flop a hand you can continue with on the flop 25% of the time (1 in 4). However, only half of the time will these hands be immediately profitable (i.e. +EV to shove it in); the other half, you'll have your standard old OESD or FD which requires playing some poker. So, a question from me to all you math-heads: How do you combine these preflop odds with the odds of hitting your hand postflop to figure out the implied odds required to call with SCs preflop? If you don't like numbers, skip the rest of the post; what follows is how I calculated everything.

tl;dr math Made hands: I calculated the odds of flopping a straight myself; with 65s, for example, there are four flops that give you a straight (789, 478, 347, 234). The odds of hitting each of those flops are 12/50 * 8/49 * 4/48; multiply that by 4 flops, and you get 1.31%. Combo draws All examples assume you have 6c5c. OESD + flush draw + pair (20 outs ZOMG): You need a flop of 87(6/5), 7(6/5)4, (6/5)43, with two clubs each. 8c 7c 6/5x: 2/50 * 1/49 * 5/48 * 3 = .0255% Multiply by 3 to get odds for all three flops = 0.07653%. Not very high. Gutshot + flush draw + pair (17 outs): You need a flop of 98(6/5), 97(6/5), 8(6/5)4, 7(6/5)3, (6/5)42, (6/5)32 with two clubs. 9c 8c 6/5x: 2/50 * 1/49 * 5/48 * 3 = .00255% Multiply by 6 to get odds for all six flops = 0.153%. OESD + flush draw (15 outs): You need a flop of 87x, 74x, or 43x with two clubs; in addition, you can catch ultradeceptive flops of 973 with two clubs or 842 with two clubs.


Odds of flopping 87x with two clubs, where x does not complete a flush or straight and does not pair your hand: 87x: 7c 8c x = 2/50 * 1/49 * 27/48 * 3 = 0.138% 7c 8x xc = 1/50 * 3/49 * 10/48 * 6 = 0.153% 7x 8c xc = 3/50 * 1/49 * 10/48 * 6 = 0.153% Total = 0.444% Total for all 3 flops = 1.332% 973: 9c 7c 3x = 2/50 * 1/49 * 3/48 * 3 = 0.0153% *3 for 9c 7x 3c/9x 7c 3c = 0.0459% *2 for 842 = 0.0918% Total odds of flopping 15-outer: 1.424% Pair + flush draw (14 outs): Two clubs and one of your hole cards: 6/50 * 11/49 * 10/48 * 3 = 1.68% Since we already counted pair + FD + OESD and pair + FD + gutshot, subtract 0.07653 and 0.153 to get 1.45% Pair + straight draw (13 outs): using 65s, possible flops are 87(6/5), 7(6/5)4, (6/5)43 8/50 * 4/49 * 5/48 * 3 = 0.408% Multiply by 3 for all three flops = 1.224% Since we already counted pair + FD + OESD, subtract 0.07653 to get 1.147% Gutshot + flush draw (12 outs): You need a flop of 98x, 97x, 84x, 73x, 42x, 32x (where each flop has two clubs). Same calculation as OESD + flush draw; 0.444% per flop * 6 flops = 2.664% So, total odds of flopping a combo draw = 0.07653% (20 outs) + 0.153% (17 outs) + 1.424% (15 outs) + 1.45% (14 outs) + 1.147% (13 outs) + 2.664% (12 outs) = 6.915% = 1 in 14 times (13:1) Regular draws OESD (8 outs): There are five flops you can catch an OESD with: using 65s as an example, there's 87x, 74x, 43x, 973, and 842. Odds of flopping 87x (where x does not pair your hand and does not complete a straight): 8/50 * 4/49 * 34/48 * 3 = 02.94% Subtract 0.442% for the times it makes an OESFD (which we already counted) = 2.498% Multiply by 3 for the odds of 87x/74x/43x: 7.494% Odds of flopping 973: 12/50 * 8/49 * 4/48 = 0.33% Multiply by 2 for the odds of 973/842: 0.65% Subtract 0.0918 since we already counted double gutshot + FD: = 0.558%


Total odds of flopping non-combo OESD = 8.05% Flush draw (9 outs): Two clubs + a blank that does not complete a flush or pair your hand: 11/50 * 10/49 * 33/48 * 3 = 9.26% Subtract 1.424 and 2.661 since we already counted the times where the flush draw gives you an OESD, and you get 5.175% non-combo flush draws. So, your total chances of flopping a standard 8 or 9 out draw are 8.05% (OESD) + 5.175% (flush) = 13.225% (1 in 7.5, 6.5:1). I calculated the average equity of made hands/combo draws against overpairs by taking the weighted average of each: 0.077 / 12.5 * 65.556 (0.077 / 12.5 = %age of time you flop oesfd+pair, 65.556% = equity of 6s5s on 9s8s6x board against AcAd) + .153 / 12.5 * 57.677 + 1.424 / 12.5 * 56.26 + 1.45 / 12.5 * 50.71 + 1.147 / 12.5 * 45.86 + 2.664 / 12.5 * 47.78 + 0.84 / 12.5 * 97.17 + 2 / 12.5 * 74.55 + 1.35 / 12.5 * 87.78 + 0.09 / 12.5 * 91.414 + 0.01 / 12.5 * 99.899 + 1.31 / 12.5 * 96.717


Reraised Blind Battles and Bluffing with Marginal Hands (sam h) Hi. I am a lapsed limit player trying to get back into poker and trying to get serious about learning NL, especially about examining a lot of the math underlying various situations. Hopefully I will have some dedication and be around the forum relatively frequently for a while. I have gotten a lot from lurking around here and in MSNL the last month or so, and so thought I would try to "give back" by sharing some calculations and thoughts that I have been working on. There was a recent post where players were wondering about calling 3-bets after raising in position. I think many of us realize that we can’t call these bets if we are going to play weakly after the flop (only continue with a set or on really favorable boards) but the question of when to continue or bluff with marginal hands is tricky. Since most 100 and 200NL opponents are nits when it comes to 3-betting preflop, these situations are only applicable selectively. But those spots are still important against the more agro preflop players. And with 3-betting frequencies increasing so much as stakes rise, this seems like one of the issues that SSNL players need to figure out in order to move up. So let’s look at a situation (Stacks=100 units) in which you raise the button 3.5 units, the SB folds, the BB bumps to 11 units, and you call. So we have 22.5 units in the pot going to the flop. The flop comes down pretty dry, leaving you with a marginal holding, and the opponont of course c-bets. The rest of this post is going to look at the equity of bluffing on a relatively dry flop while manipulating three variables: (a) your hand – AK or 55 for simplicity’s sake (b) your opponents preflop 3-betting range and (c) your opponents range for calling a bluff if you raise. These equities can be then compared to folding, which is obviously 0 EV. Obviously, we also want to know the EV of calling given certain scenarios, but this post is so long just with bluffing that I will save that and maybe do it later if this post seems interesting to enough other posters. You Missed, but How Often Did Your Opponent? So let’s imagine the flop comes down T73r and your opponent makes a standard continuation bet of 16 units (into 22.5). Is raising crazy here? Well how often did he actually hit that flop hard? Let’s look at results for three preflop ranges with updated probabilities based on the flop cards. (These ranges and labels may not be accurate for many games but it captures to some degree three different ideal-typical players as far as 3-betting. I did not include a simulation for a total nit, like TT+ AK+ because intuitively I am pretty sure you don’t want to challenge this player post-flop with marginal holdings). Two simple observations to start: (a) Your opponent’s preflop range changes things dramatically but (b) generally speaking opponents will frequently have very little on a board like this.


I think the gut reaction of many players is to fold your whiffed overcards here for sure on the T73r flop and sometimes also your small pairs. But what if you raise? The EV of raising is going to depend on how much you are risking, his calling range and thus your fold equity (FE), and your pot equity (PE) against his calling range. A pot sized raise be a total risk of 70.5 units, which is awkward. So let’s look at the equity of a couple different bluffs – first a push for 89 units and then a small raise to 45 units. Pushing Has to be Crazy, Right? Let’s assume that you have AdKh and push and look at each of the preflop raising profiles based on whether they would call this push with only a very strong hand (first column in table above) or also a medium strength hand (second column in table above). (Note that now that we have AdKh, we have to discount the chance that he has an ace or a king in his hand so the probability of calling in each situation is slightly different although not very different than the probabilities in the table above). Your equity for each situation is going to be the sum of your FE and PE, which amounts to (1-x)(38.5) + (x)(111.5y + 89(1-y)), where x is the probability he calls and y is the probability you win against his range when called. Using pokerstove to get your PE if called by his range, here is your EV in units under those circumstances.

Wow! As long as the player is loose enough preflop but needs TPTK or better to stack off, pushing is just printing money when compared to folding. I think that a lot of “good” SSNL players, including myself, have adopted fairly laggy preflop styles but are not calling a push light here in the BB as a default play and have trouble figuring out when that’s necessary. While AK is a hand that we would always be continuing to the flop with in these situations, an obvious implication/generalization is that other high-card hands become more playable if we can identify which flops to profitably bluff raise. So perhaps a fairly powerful general conclusion can be drawn from this specific circumstance: Take Home Point #1 – Some of the most “surprisingly exploitable” players at SSNL are those who, in trying to improve and imitate the styles of known high-limit winners, have let their preflop aggression outpace their ability to counter post-flop aggression. Against this type of player, you can profit immensely by running them over on the right dry flops. This should expand your preflop calling range if you’re really going to capitalize on these opportunities. Another interesting conclusion from this is how dramatically the EV of plays changes based on seemingly small adjustments to ranges. The only difference between the SLAG and the TAG preflop is a willingness to three-bet with AJ or KQs, and the only difference between the strong and medium calling ranges of these players is a willingness to stack off with 99 or 88. But if you push here, the difference in EV between being up against a SLAG/strong range versus a TAG/medium range is 23 units! This may say something interesting about the notion of “changing gears.” Let’s pretend we’re the BB for a second. In some sense, changing gears is about establishing an image


for your opponent of the “state of the world” being a given cell of the table above and then adjusting your play to make a different cell the de facto reality. Moving to an iterated situation or one in which you are trying to mix strategies against a range obviously involves a lot more than the simple model presented here, but I think the table above does show how profitable it can be in some situations for the BB to shift gears and trap. Take Home Point #2: If your opponent is a thinking one and has likely become suspicious of your bluffing in these situations, then you need to track any changes in his 3-betting tendencies and be careful. Because if a SLAG/strong changes gears to a TAG/medium, then a must-capitalize +EV opportunity can quickly become a big –EV mistake. What About Underpairs? So lets get back to the main discussion. What if, instead of overcards like AKo, you have a small pair like 55? Is raising still better than folding?

Things are not quite as rosy if you hold an underpair, since your equity against his calling range decreases dramatically – the draw value of AKo is much preferable to having a pair. If you know with high probability your opponents’ 3-betting and push-calling ranges, then pushing may still be profitable. But notice how much it hurts if your assumptions are wrong. For instance, with AK we may not have a great grasp of the villain’s 3-betting range, but as long as we are relatively sure that he won’t call a push with 99 or 88 then it is hard for us to make a big mistake. With 55, pushing into the nittier preflop three betters is going to be a big mistake even if they are never calling light. Take Home Point #3: If you are going to attempt to run the opponent over, consider not the strength of your hand currently but its equity against your opponents calling range. Basically, overcards can constitute a semi-semi-bluff. Are Small Raises Really Donk-Like? Ok, so bluff raising dry flops looks like something that needs to be added to the arsenal in some situations. But is pushing necessarily the best idea? Small raises are often derided but may be pretty effective in SSNL games. Let’s consider a situation where you raise to 40 units and your opponent will still fold all the hands he folded to a push but will push all the hands he previously called, with you then folding to that push. What does your equity look like now? (Since you are folding to the push if it comes, having AK versus 55 only matters in so far as it slightly changes the probabilities of his holdings. These calcs assume AK.)

Behold the power of the donk raise! Of course, your opponent may be less likely to fold to this raise with a medium strength hand (and will not always push over, but that’s the simulation). But I do think many SSNL players at least will fold hands like 88 or 99 here


for 24 more units, feeling that calling commits them to the pot and being unsure what to do on the turn if they call and don’t improve. If you are up against that type of player, then the donk raise in this spot is almost always better than folding no matter what you have. Also notice that, against the looser preflop 3-betters, the small raise is a winning play no matter what unless they are willing to expand their repushing range even more. The small raise also obviously has the advantage of lower variance. Take Home Point #4 – Don’t discount the power of the small bluff raise. If you can find a player that will still fold medium strength hands to a small raise or is loose enough with preflop three-bets, then a small raise on dry flops can be devastating. What About Other Flops? For the ranges examined here, the T73r flop is pretty generalizable to other flops with three relatively low cards, no flush draw, and few straight draws. I don’t see why 962, 755, T83, etc would be much different. Even J high flops are pretty similar for players with the tighter ranges, since they won’t have many more jacks than tens. Flops with As, Ks, and Qs are a different beast. Also, flops with flush draws that are low may also play differently. The chances of your opponent having the draw are actually very slim, so it shouldn’t affect the strength of his hand that much. But we would assume that opponents are going to call raises lighter if there is a flush draw, since raising the FD in our position is so typical. Therefore, it probably makes sense to think of a T73ss flop to play roughly similar to the T73r one examined here, but that the opponent is significantly more likely to be calling with a range that includes medium-strength hands. Ok, so that got way too long. The major caveat I would add (other than the very real possibility that my math is wrong) is that naturally our overall strategy involves mixing our range and so looking at just one isolated situation should be taken with a grain of salt. Hope this provides some fodder for discussion.


3-betting light (Dan Bitel) What is 3-betting light? Firstly, I guess, we have to establish what a 3-bet is. Its a term used here to describe preflop (although can also describe post flop). And it is basically just a reraise. So an example is if UTG raises to 4BB and I then in UTG+1 reraise to 12BB, that would be a 3bet. OK, next, what is the "light" part about? Well, most players when they start to play poker to a decentish level tend to only reraise (3-bet) very strong hands preflop. Something like QQ+ and sometimes AK and that's about it. 3-betting light means that you do it with some weaker hands as well, like AQ, 66, 78s etc etc.

Why do we 3-bet light? Theres a few reasons here. The main 2 though are for image/shania/metagame and b/c cbets = $$$$$$. I'm sure every1 says that pushing a combo draw is so good because now you can play your sets the same way and get looked up light. Now I'm sorry, but this is really a bit of BS. Good players realise exactly what you were doing, so they will think nothing of it. And bad players don't fold TP+ anyway. Not to mention that people are still too scared to play their sets mega fast a lot of the time anyway. BUT when you 3bet light, it REALLY REALLY affects the way villains view you. When you showdown 79s after 3betting preflop, it make you look like a maniac, BUT they still have no idea how to respond. They start to call you down a lot lighter (so obv you have to readjust your frequencies) Now onto the cbet=$$$ point. You know how when you raise preflop and cbet the flop normally, you get looked up by bottom pair, gutshots etc. All sorts of trash, after all, you have AK, right? BUT, in rr pots, things work differently. Every1 puts you on AA all of a sudden. So, they call preflop b/c they think they have implied odds and they try and get a good flop with their 78s or their 22. But they c/f the flop all the time unless they flop a set or 2pair or whatever.

Important note on cbeting in reraised pots: DO NOT BET AS MUCH AS YOU WOULD DO IN A NORMAL POT! Your cbets in reraised pots should be between 1/2 pot and 2/3 pot, NOT more. The reasons for this is that normally you either have air as you're 3-betting light and so we dont have to take it down as often if we bet less. OR we have a very good hand, and due to pot/stack size ratio, we can get AI very easily by not betting all that much. Who to 3-bet light, with what hands and in what position? I can't stress how important reads are when 3-betting light. You firstly need to know how light some1 is raising. Theres not point 3betting light, if the guy who raised is a 11/3 preflop type, or even a 60/5 preflop type. The typed you want to go for are the 30/20 types, or even the 22/17 TAGs. Although a 70/50 player will raise too lightly, he'll also be


calling raises to light and not folding to cbets, so he's not a good person to 3bet light. Also, try to get a read on what their calling ranges of 3bets are and how they play postflop after calling. If they call a lot preflop and play fit or fold postflop, 3bet these guys. If they 4bet light and c/r bluff a lot of flops with a good frequency, dont 3bet lighgt these guys. This is mainly common sence, but is SOOO important. The hands you should be 3betting with are ones that CAN win you a big pot. So 78s, 33 etc. Also, hands that have good showdown value, like AQ, KQs etc. Position is also quite important. Remeber that people raise way looser on the button that UTG etc. Also, when you have position, you can check behind some flops for pot control etc.

Anything Else? One of the keys to 3-betting light is playing well is rr pots. This needs reads. You need to understand pot control and your image well. I really recomment that you just have a go and practice makes perfect. Maybe drop down a level if you're a bit scared. And if you need some help on hands in rr pots, just pots them, or PM a few to some1 you respect, and I's sure they'll help you out __________________________________________________ Here is where we are supposed to put example hands. But the beuaty of 3betting light is that we make most our money when every1 folds preflop or when they fold to a cbet on the flop, so theres littly point me posting those. Instead I will post a few hands that I won BECAUSE I 3bet light. But all, feel free to post hands you won or lost: This guy is a 23/16 TAG, who I had been 3betting light the whole time, and had finally tilted him: Full Tilt Poker No Limit Holdem Ring game Blinds: $1/$2 6 players Converter Stack sizes: UTG: $214.90 UTG+1: $142 CO: $218.55 Button: $343.10 SB: $147 Hero: $484.30 Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is BB with T J UTG calls, 2 folds, Button raises to $9, SB calls, Hero raises to $38, 2 folds, SB calls. Flop: 5



($87, 2 players)


SB checks, Hero bets $109, SB calls all-in $109. Turn: 2

River: K

($305, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $305)

($305, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $305)

Results: Final pot: $305 SB showed 9d 8d Hero showed Th Jh Note quite how bad his preflop call is. If I have a big hand, he's screwed, if I have a badish hand, I can still flop better than him and if he doesnt hit the flop (he only hits 1 in 3 times) he's folding to my cbet. This one is also vs a 22/16 type TAG. I think even a 2p2er. This is a classic example of some1 playing badly in rr pots. Sure I have AA here, but if I wasn't rr 56s and 22 all day, I doubt he would play his hand the same way: Full Tilt Poker No Limit Holdem Ring game Blinds: $1/$2 5 players Converter Stack sizes: UTG: $42 CO: $254.90 Button: $59.10 SB: $198 Hero: $201.70 Pre-flop: (5 players) Hero is BB with A A 2 folds, SB raises to $6, Hero raises to $18, SB calls. Flop: T 4 7 ($36, 3 players) SB checks, Hero bets $25, SB calls. Turn: 6 ($86, 3 players) SB checks, Hero bets $65, SB calls. River: 2 ($216, 3 players) SB checks, Hero is all-in $93.7, SB calls all-in $90. Uncalled bets: $3.7 returned to Hero. Results: Final pot: $399.7 Hero showed Ad As SB mucks Jh Tc


Preflop 4betting (Theory) (tannenj) This post was inspired by this thread, some brief AIM conversations with this guy, and a curiosity I’ve noticed I have about preflop play since I started datamining and dabbling with 400 NL -- a level known for a distinct spike in aggression, especially preflop -- a few weeks ago. The following discussion isn’t meant to be a be all, end all on preflop 4betting. If something like that could exist, poker wouldn’t be the fascinating game that has captivated the majority of this forum. Rather, I hope this post provides some food for thought about why to 4bet and helps some of SSNL with regard to how to think about villains’ ranges and how they should affect preflop decisions. If you read this post and think you got something out of it, you might like my Pooh-Bah Post. Why 4bet? It’s fairly simple, really. Two reasons (no order): 1. For value: Not much explanation necessary. If A) you think you have the best hand and B) the villain has 3bet and you think it’s likely that he’ll call or shove over the top of your 4bet with a worse hand, the play is generally to 4bet for value. There are times when it makes sense to just call a 3bet with hands like AA and KK, but for the purpose of this article I’ll advocate an aggressive preflop strategy and assume that A) many villains 3bet light, B) to counter this, it’s helpful to have the light 4bet in your arsenal, and C) to balance light 4betting, you want to 4bet for value with AA and KK, and at times, AK, QQ, etc. 2. As a bluff: As I touched on, this article assumes that villains 3bet light. In reality, at 200 NL, most villains don’t 3bet very light. I’ve found that some TAGs 3bet very light/frequently, especially if A) they suspect you’re raising light from late position or B) they have position on you. At 400 NL, most TAGs 3bet light. This is a personal observation, and my experience at the level is relatively limited. If you have played 400 NL, you might disagree. At the very least, however, there’s a significant increase in preflop aggression from the 1/2 games to the 2/4 games. Say you’re sitting with a 26/22 LAGTAG and he’s 3betting the crap out of your open raises. You have a few options: 1) Leave the table. This is often a reasonable approach, especially if he has position on you. Too many of us play poker with our egos, and I’ve been guilty of doing so myself. We play to make money, and if the light 3bettor is competent postflop, it can be pretty tough to make money. However, we also play to have fun and to improve, so it often makes sense to stay at the table -- especially if there are one or two weak players sitting. 2) Open up your calling range. This can be useful, especially if you’re in position. Even out of position, it can make sense to mix in some speculative calls with the knowledge that A) you’ll hit sometimes and B) you can check-raise a bunch of flops profitably to throw the villain off guard. 3) Throw in some light 4bets. This is what I’ve been setting up for, and it’s a key component of this article. The situation follows: A) the villain knows you’re a TAG (or a LAG) and are opening with a pretty wide range, B) as a result, he’s 3betting with a wide range, and C) being 4bet with the bulk of the hands with which he’s 3betting is going to put the villain in some very tough spots.


If a villain is 3betting light, your 4bets should have a ton of fold equity (perhaps not after the villain realizes what’s happening, but at least for the first session or two). Against some villains, 4betting light is major +EV. With that said, much of the importance of the move is rooted in metagame. It’s very bad for your raises to be constantly 3bet, and in general, a villain will be less likely to 3bet after he notices that you’re willing to 4bet his 3bets. Easy stuff. Show me some math: When I decided to write this article, the purpose I had in mind was to explore the small 4bet. As I explained, there are two reasons for the preflop 4bet (or any bet or raise, really): for value, and as a bluff. The first one is easy; when betting and raising for value, it’s tough to run into trouble. 4bet bluffing preflop is trickier. The issue is that poker is a game of math. There’s this stuff called pot odds, and more often than not, it dictates your decisions in this game if your goal is to play soundly. When you 4bet light, you’re hoping the other guy folds. Unfortunately, though, he won’t always fold. I suppose there will be times when he’ll call (especially if he’s bad -- but really, you shouldn’t be doing light 4betting against bad players). Much more often, however, he’ll shove. And when he shoves, things get fuzzy, because A) at this point, you’re being laid major odds, and B) obviously, you can’t know what hand he has (unless you’re Phil Hellmuth and have world class “reading ability”). When things get fuzzy, it becomes more likely that you’ll make a mistake. When you make a mistake, you give up expected value. The more expected value you give up, the lower will be your win rate. I hope the following calculations illustrate some of the reasoning behind small preflop 4bets: What follow are some assumptions I made for the purpose of my PokerStoving. At the risk of stating the (very) obvious, these things will rarely be exactly the case. This is a theory article. 1) effective stacks are always 100 big blinds. 2) players won’t call your preflop 4bet; if they continue with the hand, they’ll 5bet all in. 3) Nit will 5bet all in with AA and KK and fold everything else (note: you might be thinking, “If this guy is a nit, why are you 4betting his 3bets light?” The response is, “Whatever, it’s theory. For the purpose of this article, ‘Nit’ doesn’t mean he doesn’t 3bet light, it’s just a name I’m giving him to differentiate his 5betting range. For the purpose of this article, don’t worry about 3bets, how they should affect these players’ 5betting ranges, etc. -- just go with the assumptions, even if some of them seem contrived.”). 4) Conservative TAG will 5bet all in with the above two hands plus AKs, AKo, and QQ (and fold all other hands). 5) Aggressive TAG will 5bet all in with the above hands plus AQs, JJ, and half the combinations of TT (and fold all other hands). 6) LAG will 5bet all in with the above hands plus AJs, half the combinations of ATs, the other two combinations of TT, 99, half the combinations of 88, and half the combinations of 87s (and fold all other hands). I came up with these ranges in the span of a few minutes; if you think they seem “random,” you’re right. There’s little rhyme or reason to them, they’re just four ranges that start out tight and gradually increase in scope. Obviously, the number of ranges with which the following calculations can be performed is essentially infinite. Adding a broader range of ranges (ugh) to this analysis definitely has some merit, and hopefully someone will do this if it’s decided that the initial investigation is worthwhile.


First, let’s look at some scenarios in which you 4bet pot. Note that none of these 4bets are for value; each one is a bluff. The best hand you hold in the following scenarios is TT. Even TT is a dog against the widest of the villains’ 5betting ranges, so when you 4bet with this hand, you’ve decided to turn your hand into a bluff. TT does have solid equity against the range of LAG, but it’s important to realize what’s occurring. Turning TT into a bluff by 4betting isn’t necessarily a poor play; it is not, however, a value raise. You’re UTG with 65s. You open to $7. Two folds to Nit on the button. Nit makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a pot 4bet to $75. Nit 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You have to call $125 to win a pot of $278. You’re getting 278:125, or 2.22:1. 100/3.22 = 31.06. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 22.496% 22.29% 00.20% 18321336 168354.00 { 65s } Hand 1: 77.504% 77.30% 00.20% 63532548 168354.00 { KK+ } Are you priced in to call? No. You need a little over 31% equity to call, and you only have about 22.5%. You can fold the hand without making a mistake. You’re UTG with 65s. You open to $7. Two folds to Conservative TAG on the button. Conservative TAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a pot 4bet to $75. Conservative TAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: Same as above, $125 to win a pot of $278. You’re getting 278:125, or 2.22:1. You need 31.06% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 31.144% 30.92% 00.22% 72010208 515570.00 { 65s } Hand 1: 68.856% 68.63% 00.22% 159831996 515570.00 { QQ+, AKs, AKo } Are you priced in to call? Yes. You need a little over 31% equity to call, and you have it almost exactly. You’re priced in to call with only about 31% equity; you’ll get stacked more than twice as often as you’ll suck out, but calling is correct because folding would be a slight mathematical error. Since you’re priced in to call all in after making a pot 4bet with 65s against the range of Conservative TAG, you’ll be priced in with the same hand after the same action against both Aggressive TAG and LAG as well. These guys have wider 5bet shoving ranges, so folding against them becomes a significantly bigger mistake. The good news is that your 65s has more equity against their ranges. The bad news is that they’ll 5bet shove on your 65s more often, and your hand is still a pretty big dog against the group of hands with which they’ll be pushing. You’re UTG with TT. You open to $7. Two folds to Nit on the button. Nit makes a pot 3bet


to $24. You make a pot 4bet to $75. Nit 5bets all in. Pot Odds: Still $125 to win a pot of $278. You’re getting 278:125, or 2.22:1. You need 31.06% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 19.057% 18.86% 00.20% 23252328 242334.00 { TT } Hand 1: 80.943% 80.75% 00.20% 99548892 242334.00 { KK+ } Are you priced in to call? No. TT is generally a much better hand than 65s, but Nit’s range is so narrow that TT actually performs worse than 65s against the hands Nit could be holding. You need more than 31% equity to call and only have about 19%, so you can pitch it without making a mathematical error. You’re UTG with TT. You open to $7. Two folds to Conservative TAG on the button. Conservative TAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a pot 4bet to $75. Conservative TAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You need 31.06% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 36.413% 36.21% 00.20% 126502032 693396.00 { TT } Hand 1: 63.587% 63.39% 00.20% 221421192 693396.00 { QQ+, AKs, AKo } Are you priced in to call? Yes, 36.4% is enough equity that you should be calling. Like in the first scenario, since you’re priced in against this guy, you’ll also have to call against the remaining two fictional players. It’s notable that even against LAG, your TT is a slight dog (about 45.5/55.5). You’re UTG with KQo. You open to $7. Two folds to Nit on the button. Nit makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a pot 4bet to $75. Nit 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You need 31.06% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 11.486% 11.15% 00.34% 20613120 628650.00 { KQo } Hand 1: 88.514% 88.17% 00.34% 163058412 628650.00 { KK+ } Are you priced in to call? No. You’re UTG with KQo. You open to $7. Two folds to Conservative TAG on the button.


Conservative TAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a pot 4bet to $75. Conservative TAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You need 31.06% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 20.751% 20.26% 00.49% 99910656 2423022.00 { KQo } Hand 1: 79.249% 78.76% 00.49% 388386852 2423022.00 { QQ+, AKs, AKo } Are you priced in to call? No. You need a bit more than 31% equity to call, and you’re only getting about 21%. You’re UTG with KQo. You open to $7. Two folds to Aggressive TAG on the button. Aggressive TAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a pot 4bet to $75. Aggressive TAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You need 31.06% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 26.751% 26.33% 00.43% 194732364 3147627.00 { KQo } Hand 1: 73.249% 72.82% 00.43% 538687710 3147627.00 { JJ+, TcTs, TdTs, ThTs, AQs+, AKo } Are you priced in to call? No, you’re still not getting enough equity against the range you’re facing. You’re UTG with KQo. You open to $7. Two folds to LAG on the button. LAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a pot 4bet to $75. LAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You need 31.06% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 32.027% 31.67% 00.35% 351420780 3937734.00 { KQo } Hand 1: 67.973% 67.62% 00.35% 750276744 3937734.00 { 99+, 8c8s, 8d8s, 8h8s, AJs+, AhTh, AsTs, AKo } Are you priced in to call? Yes. This range is wide enough that you have to call, and when you do call, you’re a big dog. Now, let’s look at some similar scenarios. Your hands will remain the same, as will the villains’ ranges. However, in the following hands, you make a small 4bet to 2.25 times the villain’s 3bet ($54) instead of 4betting pot. Such a 4bet risks less money while still denying villains the odds to set mine against you and to call with speculative hands. In addition, it makes calling a 5bet shove less attractive from a pot odds perspective, so


you won’t be mathematically obligated to call shoves as often after making a light 4bet. Important note: you might be thinking, “Fair enough, but a small 4bet doesn’t have the same fold equity as a 4bet to pot.” IN REALITY, THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE THE CASE! For the purpose of this article, IT IS NOT THE CASE. If I were to assume that the villains’ 5betting ranges change when you decrease the size of your 4bet, the examples would become extremely lengthy and complicated. For the purpose of this article, assume that a small 4bet has the same fold equity as a big 4bet. You’re UTG with 65s. You open to $7. Two folds to Nit on the button. Nit makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. Nit 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You have to call $146 to win a pot of $257. You’re getting 257:146, or 1.76:1. 100/2.76 = 36.23 Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 22.496% 22.29% 00.20% 18321336 168354.00 { 65s } Hand 1: 77.504% 77.30% 00.20% 63532548 168354.00 { KK+ } Are you priced in to call? No. You need a little over 36% equity to call, and you only have about 22.5%. You can fold the hand without making a mistake. You’re UTG with 65s. You open to $7. Two folds to Conservative TAG on the button. Conservative TAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. Conservative TAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: Same as above, $146 to win a pot of $257. You’re getting 257:146, or 1.76:1. You need 36.23% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 31.144% 30.92% 00.22% 72010208 515570.00 { 65s } Hand 1: 68.856% 68.63% 00.22% 159831996 515570.00 { QQ+, AKs, AKo } Are you priced in to call? No. You need a little over 36% equity to call, and you only have a bit more than 31%. Note that when you 4bet pot, you were mathematically forced to call off your stack after the 4bet bluff with this hand. When you make the small 4bet, though, you can fold to the shove without making a mistake. You’re UTG with 65s. You open to $7. Two folds to Aggressive TAG on the button. Aggressive TAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. Conservative TAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: Same as above, $146 to win a pot of $257. You’re getting 257:146, or 1.76:1.


You need 36.23% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 30.045% 29.82% 00.22% 95998006 721187.00 { 65s } Hand 1: 69.955% 69.73% 00.22% 224472772 721187.00 { JJ+, TcTs, TdTs, ThTs, AQs+, AKo } Are you priced in to call? No. You still don’t have enough equity to call. In fact, your equity has dropped slightly despite the fact that the range you’re facing has widened. You’re UTG with 65s. You open to $7. Two folds to LAG on the button. LAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. LAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: Same as above, $146 to win a pot of $257. You’re getting 257:146, or 1.76:1. You need 36.23% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 29.368% 29.06% 00.31% 133367872 1400403.00 { 65s } Hand 1: 70.632% 70.33% 00.31% 322728794 1400403.00 { 99+, 8c8s, 8d8s, 8h8s, AJs+, AhTh, AsTs, 8h7h, 8s7s, AKo } Are you priced in to call? No. Even against LAG’s range, you can fold 65s to the shove after 4betting. You’re UTG with TT. You open to $7. Two folds to Nit on the button. Nit makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. Nit 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You’re getting 1.76:1 and need 36.23% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 19.057% 18.86% 00.20% 23252328 242334.00 { TT } Hand 1: 80.943% 80.75% 00.20% 99548892 242334.00 { KK+ } Are you priced in to call? No. You weren’t priced in to call against this guy even after making a pot 4bet, so clearly you’re not priced in now that your pot odds have become less favorable. You’re UTG with TT. You open to $7. Two folds to Conservative TAG on the button. Conservative TAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. Conservative TAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You’re getting1.76:1 and need 36.23% equity or more to call.


Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 36.413% 36.21% 00.20% 126502032 693396.00 { TT } Hand 1: 63.587% 63.39% 00.20% 221421192 693396.00 { QQ+, AKs, AKo } Are you priced in to call? Yes, barely. Note that TT also became a call against this guy when you were 4betting pot, but that then, the decision wasn’t a close one. Math dictates that with TT, the four villains’ 5bets should be dealt with the same way despite the difference in 4bet size (since you’re priced in against Conservative TAG, you’ll be priced in against Aggressive TAG and LAG too). However, folding would only be a very minor mistake because the small 4bet leads to much less favorable pot odds on a call. You’re UTG with KQo. You open to $7. Two folds to Nit on the button. Nit makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. Nit 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You’re getting 1.76:1 and need 36.23% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 11.486% 11.15% 00.34% 20613120 628650.00 { KQo } Hand 1: 88.514% 88.17% 00.34% 163058412 628650.00 { KK+ } Are you priced in to call? No way. You need more than three times the equity you have before calling becomes the right play. You’re UTG with KQo. You open to $7. Two folds to Conservative TAG on the button. Conservative TAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. Conservative TAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You’re getting 1.76:1 and need 36.23% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 20.751% 20.26% 00.49% 99910656 2423022.00 { KQo } Hand 1: 79.249% 78.76% 00.49% 388386852 2423022.00 { QQ+, AKs, AKo } Are you priced in to call? No, and it’s still not close. You’re UTG with KQo. You open to $7. Two folds to Aggressive TAG on the button. Aggressive TAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. Aggressive TAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You’re getting 1.76:1 and need 36.23% equity or more to call. Equity:


equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 26.751% 26.33% 00.43% 194732364 3147627.00 { KQo } Hand 1: 73.249% 72.82% 00.43% 538687710 3147627.00 { JJ+, TcTs, TdTs, ThTs, AQs+, AKo } Are you priced in to call? Nope. 26.8 < 36.2. You’re UTG with KQo. You open to $7. Two folds to LAG on the button. LAG makes a pot 3bet to $24. You make a small 4bet to $54. LAG 5bets all in. Pot Odds: You’re getting 1.76:1 and need 36.23% equity or more to call. Equity: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 32.865% 32.51% 00.36% 360688620 3972930.00 { KQo } Hand 1: 67.135% 66.78% 00.36% 740938512 3972930.00 { 99+, 8c8s, 8d8s, 8h8s, AJs+, 8h7h, 8s7s, AKo } Are you priced in to call? No. Even against this guy you can fold and avoid getting all in preflop as a 67/33 dog. Analysis When you 4bet pot with 65s, you were able to fold to a shove from Nit, but you were priced in to call against the other three players. When you 4bet bluffed small with 65s, meanwhile, you were able to fold against all four players’ shoves without making a mathematical mistake. When you 4bet pot with pocket tens, you were able to fold to Nit’s shove, but you had to call against the other three. The same was the case when you decreased the size of your 4bet with the tens: folding was correct against Nit, but you had to call against the other three (though against Conservative TAG -- the player with the next narrowest range -the decision to call in this spot was extremely close). When you 4bet pot with KQo, you were able to fold to shoves from the first three players, but you were priced in to call against LAG. However, when you made your 4bet bluff smaller with this hand, you were able to correctly fold against all four players. When holding TT, decreasing the size of your 4bet changed nothing with regard to the correctness of calling a 5bet shove against the given ranges. However, when holding the other two hands, the smaller 4bet provided you with increased leverage; with 65s and KQo, decreasing the size of your 4bet made it possible to correctly fold to 5bet shoves in spots where you would’ve had to call if your 4bet were bigger. The results were especially drastic with 65s, the small suited connector. With this hand, you were priced in to call three times out of four when making a 4bet to pot. When you made a small 4bet, though, you were priced in zero times out of four. Being mathematically forced to call off most of your stack is bad when you know you are a significant dog in the pot. Being able to 4bet bluff with the knowledge that you can fold to a 5bet all in is a nice luxury. Decreasing the size of a 4bet makes this process


possible, perhaps at the expense of some fold equity. How much fold equity (if any)? Tough to say. Won’t villains adjust to my small 4bets? Probably not, especially at 200 NL. But yes, if you’re pulling this crap often with junk, smart villains should notice eventually and begin to shove over your 4bets with a wider range. If they adjust, you adjust. 4betting small with premium hands is a good adjustment and is important for balance. So, according to this article, does it never make sense to 4bet pot? It never makes sense to 4bet pot according to the assumptions in this article. If I had some way of knowing that light 3betters react the same way to small 4bets as to pot 4bets, I’d eliminate the pot 4bet from my arsenal because if this were the case, 4betting pot would be inferior to both 4betting small and to 4bet shoving, in my opinion. However, it’s impossible to prove that fold equity is the same regardless of 4betting size. With the information I have, I’ll probably begin to replace pot 4bets with a combination of small 4bets and 4bet shoves. Note that it’s important to make both small 4bets and 4bet pushes with both hands that are marginal and hands that are powerful.


Blind stealing (Pokey) Well, if somebody hadn't changed my title, I'd be a Pooh-Bah now. Due to some…er, “irrational exuberance” on my part, I’m forced to make a SECOND Pooh-bah post. I haven’t had quite as much time to think about it the second time around, but I’ve decided to address an important and often-misunderstood topic in small-stakes no-limit poker: blind stealing. To those of you who consider blind stealing an insignificant part of the no-limit poker game, or perhaps just an “image move” to help get paid off on your big hands, think again – blind stealing can be an extremely valuable part of your poker arsenal. I’ll admit it: I’m a ruthless, heartless, helpless, hopeless, habitual blind thief. I stole blinds when I played limit hold’em, I stole blinds when I played tournaments, I steal blinds when I play no-limit hold’em. I’ve stolen blinds from my eight-year-old cousin and from an 85-year-old great-grandmother. I steal blinds when I’m playing my 16/9 full-ring TAG game and I steal blinds when I’m playing my 35/20 6-max LAG game. I’ve always stolen blinds, and I always will. Furthermore, I’m reasonably good at it. In the last 17,500 hands, I’ve attempted to steal the blinds a whopping 38.31% of the time – that works out to be 313 steal attempts out of 817 opportunities. Over those 313 blind-steal attempts, I’ve maintained a healthy win rate of 1.10 PTBB/hand: that’s 110 PTBB/100. Despite the fact that I’ve only attempted a blind steal one time every five orbits, those steal attempts have generated over 30% of my total profits at the no-limit poker tables. Like I said: done right, blind stealing is a VERY important contributor to your overall win rate. So, now that I’ve got your attention, let’s turn to the issue at hand: how do you steal the blinds successfully? What’s the formula, what’s the method, what’s the approach? The answer is that it’s quite easy, and despite that, it’s wildly successful. Pokey’s Rules for Blind Theft: 1. Know yourself and know your target. Blind steals rely heavily on folding equity. The more frequently you try to steal the blinds, the weaker the average hand you’ll have when you attempt a steal. That means that for the frequent blind thief, you’re hoping NOT to get to a showdown. The good news is that the odds of your remaining opponents having a decent hand are slim – there are only two or three players left to act, and they have random hands. The odds none of the remaining players have “good” hands are as follows: - “Super Premium Hand,” AA-JJ, AK: 94.1% chance with two players left to act, and 91.3% chance with three players left to act. - “Premium Hand,” AA-TT, AK, AQ: 90.8% chance with two players left to act, and 86.6% chance with three players left to act. - “Great Hand,” AA-99, AK, AQ, KQ: 87.8% chance with two players left to act, and 82.3% chance with three players left to act. - “Very Good Hand,” all Great Hands plus 88, AJ: 84.6% chance with two players left to act, and 77.9% chance with three players left to act. - “Good Hand,” any pair, any two broadway: 67.4% chance with two players left to act, and 55.3% chance with three players left to act. - “Above Average Hand,” any ace, any suited, any pair, any two broadway: 29.5% chance with two players left to act, and 16% chance with three players left to act. Note what this means: the “looser” your remaining opponents, the harder it will be to successfully steal the blinds preflop. If your blind steals are a standard 4xBB, then you


will wager 4xBB to win 1.5xBB, so if you immediately win 3 times out of 11 you will show an immediate preflop profit, even if you never win a hand when you don’t win preflop. Since 3 out of 11 is 27.3%, if our opponents are likely to fold 72.7% of the time, we win immediately. So against players who will only play “very good hands” versus a steal attempt, you should be stealing with literally any two cards from either BB or CO, and doing so will show an instant profit even before the flop. Of course, the hand range your opponent will consider worthy of a preflop call will expand as you attempt steals more frequently, so you need to remain aware of both your table image and your opponent’s play style. 2. Aggression, aggression, aggression. When you get called preflop, this is not a tragedy – it’s an opportunity. Most opponents crumble quickly against steady aggression; to successfully steal blinds, we need to apply that steady aggression. However, we need to do so CAREFULLY so as to make sure that our attempts are profitable. The flop is going to improve our hand about one time in three. Let’s assume that when we’re called, we’re typically behind. This will be the case when we are relentless with our steal attempts and our opponents are conservative with their calls. While this sounds like a recipe for bankruptcy, it’s actually not bad at all. Consider that even if our opponent is playing as incredibly tight, some of his hand range will include unpaired preflop hands like AK. So, what are the odds that by the flop our opponent’s hand is at least strong enough to beat unimproved pocket deuces? - If our opponent is only playing “Super Premium Hands,” his hand on the flop will beat unimproved pocket deuces 73% of the time. - If our opponent is playing “Premium Hands,” his hand on the flop will beat unimproved pocket deuces 64% of the time. - If our opponent is playing “Great Hands,” his hand on the flop will beat unimproved pocket deuces 59.4% of the time. - If our opponent is playing “Very Good Hands,” his hand on the flop will beat unimproved pocket deuces 56.7% of the time. - If our opponent is playing “Good Hands,” his hand on the flop will beat unimproved pocket deuces 49% of the time. - If our opponent is playing “Above Average Hands,” his hand on the flop will beat unimproved pocket deuces 40.1% of the time. Now we get into the art of blind stealing: how large should our flop bet be? We want to make sure our flop bet is at the same size whether we’ve flopped well or not, but we’re balancing competing issues: how often our opponent will improve, how often we will have a strong hand, how often our opponent will improve and still fold, how often our opponent will improve and we’ll improve more, how often we’ll improve but our opponent will improve more, etc. As complicated as this all sounds, we’ve got a few things going for us: namely, that we have played the hand aggressively so far and that we will have position on this and every remaining street in the hand. For people who steal infrequently (say, 20% of the time or less), your flop bets should be sizeable. Given that you are only attempting a steal 20% of the time, you will be stealing with reasonably solid hands yourself: collectively, all suited aces, any pair, and any two broadway cards make up 20.4% of possible holdings, meaning that your hand on the flop will beat unimproved pocket deuces 47.6% of the time. The odds that your hand is worth pursuing is therefore significant enough to warrant a full pot-sized continuation bet from you; if your opponent folds, great, and if not, you have a valuable hand often enough to make this a highly profitable hand for you. However, I don’t recommend stealing “only” 20% of the time. I recommend stealing much more often than that. As an example, my steal rate of 38.3% corresponds roughly to stealing with “any pair, any ace, any king, any two broadway cards, and any suited connector down to 87s.” If that’s your steal range, the chances that on the flop you have


at least a pair will be noticeably lower (something like 42.8%). The answer is not to bet less often on the flop; rather, the answer is to bet a smaller quantity on the flop. While a pot-sized bet needs to win 50% of the time to be immediately profitable, a 2/3-pot sized bet only needs to win 40% of the time to be immediately profitable. Notice what this means: if your opponent plays very tightly against your preflop raise, the odds that he has a decent hand on the flop go up, lowering the value of your flop bets. However, the odds that he CALLS your preflop bet go DOWN, raising the value of your PREFLOP bets. At this stage of the hand, we’ve already had two chances to win the pot: one if our opponent folds to the preflop bet and one if our opponent folds to the flop bet. Consider the value of a steal attempt from the big blind against the various opponents, assuming they will (a) fold preflop if their hand is outside of the specified range (winning 0.75 PTBBs), and (b) only call the flop with a hand that can beat 22 (when they fold, we win 2.75 PTBBs, and when they fold, we lose 5.5 PTBBs). This assumes our betting is 2 PTBB preflop and 3.5 PTBB on the flop. If we consider only the tightest and loosest opponents, we see this: - Super Premium Hands: 94.1% of the time they fold preflop, 27% of the time they fold on the flop. EV = 0.941*(+0.75) + (0.059*0.27)*(+2.75) + (0.059*0.73)*(-5.5) = +0.51 PTBB. - Premium Hands: 90.8% of the time they fold preflop, 36% of the time they fold on the flop. EV = 0.908*(+0.75) + (0.092*0.36)*(+2.75) + (0.092*0.64)*(-5.5) = +0.45 PTBB. Skipping ahead to the loosest players: - Good Hands: 67.4% of the time they fold preflop, 51% of the time they fold on the flop. EV = 0.674*(+0.75) + (0.326*0.51)*(+2.75) + (0.326*0.49)*(-5.5) = +0.08 PTBB. - Above Average Hands: 29.5% of the time they fold preflop, 59.9% of the time they fold on the flop. EV = 0.295*(+0.75) + (0.705*0.599)*(+2.75) + (0.705*0.401)*(-5.5) = -0.17 PTBB. Once again, this demonstrates a bizarre truism: the less likely your opponent is to fold, the less profitable your blind-stealing will prove to be in terms of folding equity. Note well two points, however: first, this assumes that our opponent is calling EVERY time he has a hand that is at least as strong as a pair of deuces; thus, the opponent holding 22 on a board of AKQ is assumed to call our continuation bet. Also, our EV calculations have thus far assumed that whenever we have not won with the flop bet, we lose every time. This should prove FAR from true, especially against the loosest of our opponents. A safe bet is that we will win at LEAST 1/3 of the time when our flop bet is called, and that safely makes all of these calculations +EV. After the flop, easy and simple rules must be thrown out the window. From here on in, there is too much “art” in the play to be easily categorized in a summary like this. I do want to point out a few simple points that might make help you in your blind-stealing adventures: 1. Much like bears in the woods, your opponents are more afraid of you than you are of


them. This is your hand – you’ve raised preflop and bet the flop. You’re SCARY, here. Given that your opponent has exhibited NO aggression at this point, your folding equity remains solid. Use that ruthlessly. If a scare card hits on the turn and your opponent checks to you again, fire that second (third?) barrel! Don’t be afraid to bet the turn ace, the turn king, the turn pair, the turn flush card, the turn straight card, or the turn blank if you think your opponent is running scared. This is another place where knowing your enemy helps. 2. If your opponent gets aggressive, TRUST him. There is no shame in folding your blind steal attempt. If the flop comes A83r and your opponent bets the pot, or check-raises big, feel free to fold your KQo. In fact, feel OBLIGATED to do so. Blind stealing is decidedly a “small pot game” strategy; if you are risking your stack on a blind steal, you’ve screwed up big-time. Similarly, if you are stealing with total garbage (86s or some such) and someone reraises, GET OUT. Fold immediately, and without hesitation. Don’t bother seeing what the flop brings – there’s no profit in it. 3. Take free cards if they are beneficial to you. One strength of this strategy is that you’ll often have good draws on the flop, and your opponent will usually offer you a free card on the turn. If you’ve got a good draw, feel free to take it. Don’t ALWAYS take it, though – I’ve often fired another barrel with a hand like Tc9c when the board looked like QcJd4s4c. Not only did that turn card 4c improve my hand by giving me nine more outs, but it also scared the doody out of my opponent, making him think that I just turned trips. Why not take advantage of the fear? Instead of playing for my 2-to-1 draw, I can bet immediately and win the pot a significant chunk of the time, and STILL win 1/3 of the time at showdown (usually for even more money, since my opponent won’t see my straight or flush coming). 4. Don’t get discouraged if your steals fail. We’re often worried that because our opponent played back at us the last time we tried to steal, we need to tighten up considerably. Don’t. Our opponents don’t adjust NEARLY as much as we think they do. Just because you got reraised preflop the last time you tried to steal doesn’t mean that they’ve got your number; more likely, SB had AA when he fought back. Now he’s got 92o, and he does NOT have a pair of balls. Hit him again, and keep hitting him. 5. Know your image! While players don’t adjust very well or very far or very effectively, they DO adjust. If you’ve picked up the pot with preflop bets and flop bets the last four hands in a row, fold your 98s in the CO this time. You are not a slave to your cards; understand your table image, understand that your opponents are getting pissed off at you, and understand that your folding equity falls every additional time you win a pot without showing your cards. After you’ve folded preflop three or four times in a row, you can go back to stealing and bullying, but give your opponents a tiny chance to catch their breaths between steals. 6. DO NOT SLOWPLAY. I cannot emphasize this enough. Your entire strategy here is a bluff that depends entirely on your playing your monsters and your junk identically. There’s always the temptation when you have AA preflop and catch A55 on the flop to suddenly change gears. Don’t! With any luck, your opponent won’t believe you, and will call all-in with QQ unimproved. Not only will you stack him, but you’ll also get even more respect the next time you play fast on a board of A55…only this time you’ll have 98s….Fast play of big hands is CRUCIAL to the success of this strategy. Not only does it boost the shania of all your weak junk by elevating your folding equity, but it also gets paid off much more frequently than it would if you were only nut-peddling. To those of you who read this entire thread, I thank the both of you, and I hope this gave you some additional insight into the ins and outs of blind stealing. Give it a shot – you may find it more lucrative than you ever imagined it could be.


Geez, I've made some lengthy posts in the past, but this one was longer than Ghandi. Sorry about that.


Taking stealing the blinds to next level (Dan Bitel) Secondly, what I'm about to write is not for every1. Unlike blind stealing, you don't HAVE to do this to play optimal poker. I know that a lot of good players/respected posters do this already and some don't like it at all. OK, what you have to realise is quite how +EV blind stealing is. Check you BB/100 when blind stealing in PT. I'm sure that for most of you it's bigger than 60 PTBB/100, now that a hell of a lot of $$$$!!!! The reason for this is in a way, NLTH is a badly structured game in the way that when you play without antes, the blinds are at such a disadvantage, they have to post their blind without even seeing their hand. Now considering that a good TAG player will normally only play about 20% of their hands, this means that on the BB , they're losing 4BB every 5 hands, that they normally wouldn't put in. OK, so lets say you're on the button and MP limps to you. You have K 2 , what should you normally do? Well folding certainly doesn't look too bad. We've got a poor hand after all. What do I think you should do? RAISE THAT [censored]!!! Reasons: 1) now, yourblind steal doen't even look like a blind steal, so it's less likely the blinds will see it as that and play back at you. 2) It's scary the amount of times that I've seen people limp/fold preflop, even from CO. It kinda baffles me realy!! What kind of hand can they have? 3) What do you opponents limp with? This is a very important consideration. Normally, either trash/SC/PP. These hands miss the flop very often. So even if you do get called, they won't continue after your flop cbet very often. 4) When we take it down preflop, we now win 2.5BB. Thats over 100PTBB/100.....freakdaddy, we'll catch you yet 5) We'll get paid off more on our big hands. 6) Our oppponents are plays sub-optimally by open limping. So by raising, we are punishing that mistake. Next, lets think about what will happen after we make this play a few times. Well, either you're at a table of mega mega unobservant fish and you just keep raking in the money from their limps. Or maybe you're sitting at a table of just mega unobservant fish, and they realise what you're doing and they stop limping. Well, is this a good thing or a bad thing? I think in a way, its a VERY good thing. It means 1) they will be folding more, so you can steal the blinds more, which as we've already discussed is $$$$$$. 2) They will be raising more and will be out of their comfort zone. This means they will usually make even bigger mistakes than usual as they try to adjust Next, what hands should you be doing this with? After how many limpers? After what sort of limpers. IMO, you should do it with your normal blind stealing range, so SC, unsuited connectors, suited 1 gappers, Axs, Kxs, low PP etc etc. No. of limpers: normally 1 or 2, but sometimes more if conditions allow


The type of limpers: the ones that like to fold, eihter preflop or 2 cbets. Lastly, the problems with this: 1) If you do this too often, you'll find that you open up your game tooo much and start raising poor hands OOP too and get into trouble. 2) watch out for LRR 3) You'll be put in a lot more marginal situations post-flop, so you need to make sure your reasing skills are goot. IMO, playing a huge range of hands from the button after 0 or 1 (and even 2 limpers), raising them all and then from all other positions just play pairs/big aces/KQ is a simpleish but very profitable strategy


TILT and PSYCHOLOGY The psychology of TILT (DaycareInferno) I have been giving a lot of thought today to what factors separate highly tilt-prone players from those players that struggle with tilt less often. I often feel bad, because a lot of friends of mine are severely inhibited by tilt, and I wish that I could at least help them start down the right road towards managing this problem. This is my attempt. First let me say that there are big differences between recognizing a problem, understanding a problem, and managing a problem. While there have been many attempts, both by amateurs and seasoned professionals, to help people with this particular problem, most of these attempts that I have seen are somewhat misguided, because they lack a certain fundamental understanding of human behaviour. If you missed an easy layup at the buzzer of a high school state championship basketball game, and your mother approached you and told you that it was okay, and that it's just a game, would you jump up and yell "Yay! Let's all go to McDonald's!"? Probably not. If your old man told you that you should stop smoking cigarettes because they are bad for you, would you say "Golly. I guess you're right, pops." and never pick up another cigarette again? Probably not. Things just don't work that way. Logic does not override peoples' hard-coded responses and urges. Fear can override them. Conflicting responses and urges can override them, but for the most part, logic isn't much help in the now. In order to use rational thinking to help manage your problems, you must work hard to condition yourself while you are thinking rationally. Having a mantra, or a cliche, or a picture on the ready for when you're thinking irrationally just isn't going to cut it. It will lose its effect, just like an ill conceived New Year's resolution. Ok, so how do we go about managing the problem? Well, first we should understand the problem, and not just look at the end effect. When it comes to poker related behaviours, this can be very hard to do, because there are so many unique factors in play. If a person that has problems with tilt control were to go to a psychologist, that psychologist would probably come to the conclusion that he/she was compulsive, addiction prone, egomaniacal, and displayed strong tendencies of any combination of various personality disorders that you can think of. Guess what, though? That same psychologist is going to draw similar conclusions about a high percentage of poker players that aren't as tilt prone, also. The fact of the matter is that these tendencies are very common among all poker players, whether they're tilt monkies or not. So, what is it then that separates players with regards to tilt? Well, for the most part, its simply a matter of anger levels and how conditioned an individual is to managing their anger. If you are very prone to tilt, think about how you would react in the following situations. If you are not very prone to tilt, think about how someone that you know well, and is every prone to tilt would react in the following situations: Your favorite football team throws an interception in the last minute of a close game that is returned for a game winning score by the opposing team. You get cut off in traffic. An old lady in front of you in line at the grocery store insists on sifting through change for 5 minutes in order to pay an exact amount. These are the moments that bring to light the levels of anger within a person, and the


people that lose it in any of these situations, tend to lose it in all of these situations, and tend to lose it at the poker table as well. If you're the guy that screams at your television when your team loses, you're going to have a real uphill battle with poker. Something else that should be added to that, is that although a marginal ammount of self control will suffice in those situations, its not going to do you much good when you're involved in something as intense as a game of poker, as opposed to sitting on your couch and eating potato chips. Don't think that you're going to be okay, just because you're not the type to lash out in those sorts of situations. If you're the type that just boils on the inside, like the guy from "Falling Down", that anger is still there, nonetheless. Your approach might keep you from getting punched at Aldi's, but it won't help you much in poker. What can you do? Well, you shouldn't go off the deep end just yet. You might be reading this and thinking "Oh my god! That's so me!", and maybe it is, but its everyone to a certain extent. There is no one that doesn't get mad, in life, or in poker. The easiest way to assess the severity of your problem, just like with anything else, is by the consequences of your actions. If your anger is causing you major problems in your life, then it would greatly benefit you to seek professional help, not just for the sake of your poker career. If your problem isn't severe, but its something you would like to work on, there are plenty of free resources available that can provide you with a foundation for that work. I can tell you right now that it will do you no good if you do not continue to work, though, just like lifting weights for a day isn't going to make you any stronger physically. Try to keep in mind that while the end result of your problem may surface on an imaginary card table, that does not mean that people that spend a lot of time around imaginary card tables are the most qualified to help you with that problem. As nice as it would be to be able to condition your behavior by taping some fortune cookie [censored] onto the side of your monitor, you'll come to find out that in the long run, these type of solutions aren't really any more effective than a rabbit's foot. If you're serious about looking into effective ways of managing your anger, get on google, start researching, and be prepared to actually spend some time and effort on it, instead of looking for a quick fix. I'll warn you ahead of time, though. Most online resources for these types of things really aren't very well geared towards younger age groups, and so a lot of them will probably come off as fairly cheesy. Its not that hard to improvise a little bit and put your research into a context that makes more sense for you, though. Final Thought: Watch more Kung Fu


TILT and R.A.A. (Pjo336) know there have been many posts on tilt and cures etc, but as a once chronic tilter, i thought i would throw in my thoughts and ideas on what I have learned on the topic. The fact is simple, you WILL NOT WIN if you continue to let tilt run thru your game. There are players who know this, and fix it, and then there are players who "know" this and basically ignore it. Im here to help the latter. I think its fairly safe to say, i am pretty well versed in tilt. Im not proud of this lol.

The process I developed in terms of tilt is called R.A.A. R.A.A. 1. Recognition 2. Alleviation 3. Adjustment Each portion is important, and if followed, your game will develop 10-fold. 1. Recognition This is perhaps the hardest thing about tilt, the fact that alot of the time, people will not KNOW they are actively tilting. I sweat people a ton, and alot of times I see people doing things that i know they know they shouldn't be doing. However they dont realize it. (hope i didnt lose anyone) So how can you come to realize it? Well, what is tilt first off? I would define it as a state of mind a player enters that causes them to deviate from ANY play they would make normally with sound reasoning, to a play of pure emotion. Lets face it, emotion will kill you in this game, and as much as the 12 tabling hudbots want to believe, we are all humans and prone to such emotions.


Common tilt thoughts: "This [censored] has min raised my cbet far too many times" Yes, annoying as hell, but worry more about his stats and reads. This is emotion getting involved and is deviating you from playing optimally "Come on gimme a hand" Patience child. Nothing makes a cold hand streak stick out more than tilt. If it seems to be bothering you especially today YOU MAY JUST BE ON TILT. "I never win flips" [censored] you dont. STFU noob, quit tilting. Recognition is the hardest part of this process, because everyone is different. Next time you have found yourself tilting, stop!, go thru the session and find what caused it, whether it was a beat, a player, or your gf bitching at you. Write it down and remember it. Eventually youll have a solid list of "What to avoid" while playing. 2. Alleviation This step is of course coming down off of tilt. There are 2 different forms of alleviation. #1- Long term: This of course means one thing. DO NOT CONTINUE PLAYING. STOP. Nothing is harder than the first time you leave a 60/4 monkey sitting on your right with 5 buy ins, but I promise you, it gets easier. Most of us have the advantage here in the micros of knowing there will ALWAYS be fish to feed us sharks. When you get rattled, you play less optimally and become part of the "force it" crowd. You start playing against the 60/4 with 89 offsuit, flop an oesd and check call half your stack. WHY? Leave the table until you are settled, whether its 5 hours or 5 days later. The fact is, THE GAME WILL ALWAYS BE THERE, BUT YOUR "A" GAME WILL NOT. #2-Short Term: I recommend trying to avoid this, but if you are for for any reason in a spot where you need to continue (i.e. a tournament), there are a few quick things you can do to calm yourself. Pretty simple: Have a smoke if you smoke, get a soda, wash your face with warm water or draw a warm bath and play in it, put on a soothing song. Even talk to someone, about poker or not, on the phone or aim. Hell im on this site way too much, pm me, ill help you out! Personally I light up a scented candle and reflect on finding my center. You would be surprised how much taking 10 seconds to breath and focus on something else would really help, but people fall into a trap of getting MORE into the game when they are urked. Dont do this. 3.Adjustment Finding what caused your tilt can help, but its more or less finding what you can do to avoid ANYTHING that will hurt you. Shorter sessions !!! I used to sit and play till i reached 1500 hands. By 1100 i was usually going batshit insane. Shorten it up. Play 500, take a five minute break, then play another 500. It adds 5 minutes to your time, but also adds to your ptbb/100. Less tables. Not all of us can handle 2 hour sessions at 12 tables. Hell I cant handle 8 without tilting. Lessen it up, even by 1 and im sure youd be surprised at the somewhat calmer pace calming you. Sufficient Br. This ones pretty obvious as well. Dropping 2 bis then noticing you still have 32 bis left is much easier to handle then realizing you were never really rolled for this level in the first place. Excercise. This is more important than you will know. Its science. Endorphins and what not people. Take a walk, pump some iron, hell [censored] someone ferociously. Do SOMETHING to get your blood flowing a few times a week. This will not only improve the quality of you emotional state, but even health state, and lets not forget, life isnt all about poker. Take a break. An hour. A month. A year, w/e. I tilted off a very sizeable roll in about a


week of nonstop tilting. I took a 4 month hiatus from poker, and I have come back stronger than ever. Guess what guys, the secret to success is passion and patience. If you lose either, you are screwed. Stop playing for a day and pick up a book, whether poker related or not. (I recommend Take Me to the River by Peter Alson as a non-strat poker book). Don't force anything! If your not in the mood to play today, there's always tomorrow.

Everything about tilt and its elements are pretty individual, so in reality, its up to you to find how it all pertains to your play and your emotions. Try filling in on a piece of paper one day how you recognize your tilt, how you alleviate it, and how you can adjust to avoid needing alleviation. It WILL help your game 100%. I PROMISE! And remember, dealing with tilt is just like sex. You can watch 100 people do it, but this does not make YOU a professional. Well I hope this rambling helped someone out so I can say only 99.9% of my posts are worthless. Id love to hear thoughts on the topic. ill start, tl:dr


My Take On Tilt (beavens) Tilt. If you've played poker for any amount of time you've experienced it. You flop top set with KK on a board of K58 rainbow. You lead, get raised by an obvious table-monkey, and cheer. You happily 3bet all-in and raise your fist triumphantly in the air as your push gets called. You already picture yourself stacking those chips (or virtual chips) in a huge pyramid. Turn card: 7 Ha, couldn't have helped the monkey. River card: 6 SHIP IT! But wait - why are all the checks being pushed to the monkey??? The table-monkey flips over his K9 for the runner-runner straight. It is like the 4th of July in your head, and your poor mouse doesn't even know what it's in for. You scream. You yell. "XXXX you, you XXXXing donkey XXXXX" is typed out into the chat box with such anger that the desk shakes with every keystroke. Steaming. Fuming. Pissed off at how this moron could go all-in with TPBK and a backdoor straight draw. You rebuy. Revenge is the only thing on your mind right. You want back the money you rightfully earned and Senior Donk took from you with his insane luck. Your mouse winces each time you click Fold Fold Fold. You get restless and frustrated by not receiving one playable hand. And then it comes - you get AJs in the cutoff. RAISE! Fold, fold. Gets to our friend, Table-Monkey - reraise. WTF? No way. Not this time, pal. You push - still steaming. Instacall. You don't even remember the flop, turn or river. All you see is the AA flipped over and another 100BBs being shipped over to Senior Donk; who now has taken you for 200BBs. What happened??? One event sparked a total change in momentum of your entire session. You tilted. I wanted to make this (obscenely long) post about the two different kinds of tilt: Loser's Tilt and Winner's Tilt, and also briefly talk about ways to cope with and prevent tilting in general.


First, is the most obvious one we've all dealt with - Loser's Tilt. This happens when an event takes place like listed above. You are an overwhelming favorite in a hand, and the villain catches a miracle card(s). Common reactions, obviously, are anger and disgust - both of which pave the path of you misplaying a future hand. You feel a need to win that money back as soon as possible, and in doing so, you set yourself up for more future losses. We do this by: opening up your preflop standards too much, raising/calling raises with marginal hands, not keeping position/stats/reads in mind during a hand, and becoming way too aggressive. I think we've all been in those situations are know them pretty well. The second form of tilt (that I didn't even THINK of until it was brought to my attention) is Winner's Tilt. You may think, "How can you tilt when you're winning??". Picture this You are on a heater and playing well. You're getting hands and they are hitting hard. Next thing you know you're up 150BBs and life is g00t. You laugh at the meager plebs and look down on them from your mountain of chips. Then winner's tilt comes into play but the scary thing about winner's tilt is that you don't even realize it! You find yourself playing marginal hands and pushing even the thinnest of edges because in your mind you're thinking, "Hey, I'm up big - I can afford to make this call. I'm running hot anyways, right?". So if you don't hit (don't worry, you were behind the whole time anyways), your stack starts to dwindle. But it doesn't faze you! You're still having a winning session, right? All is good, right??? No, by making these poor decisions and losing these "small" pots you’re basically burning money. Getting a deep stack should allow you some opening up of your game, but not to somehow rationalize making -EV decisions. Now that we've looked at the two different forms of tilt, let's look at way to cope/deal with tilt and ways to prevent tilting in the first place. There are infinite ways to cope or deal with tilt. I believe it depends on the person as to what calms them down the best. In almost all cases, it involves doing something OTHER than playing poker. For a lot of people, taking a break from poker altogether for a little while is the only way. Watch some TV, play some video games, read a book, go outside, hang with friends, etc - just get your mind off the game. For others, reviewing their plays for the session, posting/reading on 2p2, or reading their poker books help. The main goal in dealing with tilt is realizing that in the long run, the bad beats won't matter and that you'll come out on top more times than not. It's a numbers game! You get your money in as the favorite and overall you WILL make money. As SSNL players, we thrive on these people sucking out on us. Otherwise we'd be sitting at tables full of 4_2's, AJs, dbtiels, quarks, etc. - which I personally would hate. Everyone goes through the swings, as it is the nature of the beast. The sooner you can learn to roll with the punches, the better off your game will be. Your goal should be to be able to shrug off bad beats because you know that the short run is just the battle, not the war. This brings me to preventing tilt from happening in the first place. This part is more psychological, so I would love if some of the Psych regs could come in and shed some light on how to get in the proper mindset for poker. My practical suggestion for preventing tilt is being properly bankrolled. If you provide yourself a nice cushion to soften out the variance, then hopefully you will not flip out when you drop few buy-ins to bad beats. I've personally found that when I've got a nice BR for the level I'm playing on,


my tilting has dropped dramatically. Well, I hope this wasn't TOO long and it provided something helpful. If you don't get anything from this thread, I hope that no one follows my lead and blows their entire BR in one night by tilting your face off and jumping into a game that you are severely underrolled for.


Variance, Tilt, Ego, and SSNL (lmw) As a famous STT poster once said, “ there will come a time when you will run worse than you ever thought possible.” I find myself in the middle of such a time now. I am not posting this to bore the forum with tales of one outers or runner runner disasters, but to hopefully allow some of the newer players a chance to learn from my downswing, so that they may be able to cope with there own inevitable downswing better. Variance, Tilt, and Ego all play huge roles in the length and destructiveness of our downswings. As there are only two of these three factors we can control, I don’t intend to spend much time on variance. There has been several posts written on the subject by far superior players than myself. The bottom line is the 4-1 shots, the 10-1 shots, and the 45-1 shots, all have to hit sometime. Sometimes they all hit in a short amount of time. There is nothing you can do about it. Learn to be happy when you get your money in with way the best of it and lose. You successfully manipulated your opponent into making a huge mistake and that is all you can hope for. The other two factors, tilt and ego, are very closely related IMO. As 2+2ers, we make up a small percentage of the SSNL player pool who considers themselves serious students of the game of poker. We work at getting better with every post we make. We study hands, share ideas, and learn from others mistakes and we are better poker players for it. The problem is we know it. I believe that most of us feel like we are one of the better players at the table when we sit down. We see our opponent’s mistakes and do our best to manipulate them. When we win we pat ourselves on the back and feel good about the time we have put into improving our game. When we lose it’s usually because someone got lucky. Knowing we have an edge against our opponents makes losing to them all the more painful. It also can lead to us playing longer than we should when we are losing. We know we are better, so we ignore the warning signs of tilt in the hopes of stacking a bad opponent. We get impatient and try and force the issue when what we really need to be doing is waiting for the right spot. Not matter how big our edge is, we will never be able to win everyday. If any of you listen to The Circuit, You may have heard the interview with Chip Reese this week. . In this interview Chip mentioned that he felt like playing to long when they are losing was one of the biggest mistakes he sees his opponents make. He also said that it was one of the hardest things for him to over come early in his career. Before we can become truly great players we must learn to be able to quit behind and play longer when we are winning. Everyone plays better when they are winning and everyone plays worse when they are losing. If we normally play 2 hours a day but sometimes play 6 hours, we would be much better off playing for 6 hours when we are playing well and controlling the table than when we are stuck and trying to get even. IMO ego is the main reason players get stuck. It is important that we separate our self worth from the results of our poker sessions. We all need something outside of poker that we can be proud of and enjoy. We should all strive to be good friends, parents, students, or whatever. If you are a causal player keep other aspects of your life at a higher priority than poker. If you are a professional player, find other hobbies that you enjoy. Find something stable that brings you happiness. If you let poker determine you happiness, you are setting yourself up for one hell of a emotional rollercoaster ride. The less of your self worth you derive from poker the better player you will be. I don’t really have any more to say on the subject now. I hope if you’ve read this far,


that you have found some food for thought in this post. I got a lot out of writing it. I can only hope you got something out of reading it. I’m going to take a break from poker for a couple of days, read a book, take my girlfriend out, and help an old lady cross the street. Hopefully when I return the pendulum will swing the other way, but if not, hopefully I’ll be able to take it in stride. I have to if I ever want to be a true professional.


EVERYTHING ABOUT CONTINUATION BET Continuation betting – PART I (MYNAMEIZGREG) In this article, I will attempt to discuss the intricacies of continuation betting. For organization purposes, I will split continuation betting into categories of: heads up on the flop, 3way, and 4+ players. So, let’s hit it up. Heads up. I like to call it, “Find a flop for me not to continuation bet.” As a default, if you have a shot of winning the hand, or getting a piece, bet out. Yes, that means betting out AA on an A63 rainbow, and yes that means betting KJc on an AhTh3s board. You do, after all, have 3 outs to the nuts. You hold 65s on a 8c9c2s? Monster backdoor draws. Bet out. Of course, you can bet your draws as well, and bet your made hands as well. The only thing I will say about a specific situation in this paragraph is a quick synopsis of a monotone flop. Flop comes 9JKs, and you have 65h. Ok, you can give up. Just be sure to balance by betting out here, and sometimes firing out two barrels if you think you’ll be called by something like a ten, or Qs9x, etc. Now, these quick examples are merely defaults; you’ve just sat at a table vs a table of unknowns. But alas, poker is rarely an unknown in an unknown situation, so I guess we need a strategy for those situations too…. There are a few stats I care about. Honestly, as I moved up through the ranks, stats become less important, and dynamics becomes weighted more. However, there are a few numbers considered when continuation betting. Those numbers are: call continuation bet %, raise continuation bet %, and fold continuation bet %. I will discuss the types of players that fall into various categories based on their stats. *NOTE* Do not depend on these stats as the be all end all. Poker players may play in different moods on different days, or hate you because you just rocked them on some other table, or want to have a dick measuring contest with you because their girlfriend just broke up with them because they lost that contest with her. But, over a bunch of hands, you will have reliable stats. Once you observe your opponent and he seems to be in synch with his normal game play, they work well. Of course, if he is playing differently today, disregard the stats and go with how he is playing today. Heads up vs the weak-tight-OMFG-he-must-have-flopped-the-nuts-to-bet-atthat-flop. This is the guy who folds to continuation bets 70-80%+ of the time. Fire away. If he starts to call you thin (b/c you check through the turn and river and he shows down MP on the flop), start firing the turn and river more often. Without getting more into further streets, this is a good guy to represent scare cards on the turn with. When he raises or calls, proceed with caution. Until you know he has adjusted his game by calling thin/semibluff or bluff raising the flop, try to get to showdown and figure out what the hell this guy is doing. The normal player. This is your average tag, or average player who generally calls or raises with a hand, but will sometimes call you down thin, or sometimes bluff raise you. For this player, I resort to the bet if I can win strategy outlined in the opening paragraph. If I have some gutshot, or backdoor draw, bet it. Note that this player has NOT started playing back at you. The annoying ass “LOL I have two cards I call” player. This is the guys who calls around 50% of the time or greater. Sometimes, you’re going to have to concede some pots to him on the flop by check/folding. Of course, this will set you up for a check/raise on the flop with a real hand or bluff, so eventually he doesn’t always bet this flop when checked to, or fire the turn 100% if he is OOP. Now, let’s assume you are OOP and get called. You will have to start firing out at a few turns here. Essentially, this guy is going


to win some money from you at the beginning, until you figure out what exactly he is doing. But, once you make that note that he called your two street bluff with 63 on a 68JK board, the game is essentially over. The strategy against these people depends on what subset they are. The a) station is easily dealt with by value betting him to death. That means three streets with TPTK or TPGK, or a set, two pair, when your draws hits. He is the calling station, so you are losing a LOT of value by check/calling to see if he bets his busted draw when you are sitting there with aces on a Q high board. Remember, HE’LL talk himself into a call, and you can represent having a busted draw there too. Don’t check to these guys if you have a hand. The more difficult version of these players is the b) floaty type. This is the lag who wants to outplay you. This is the 2p2er who wants to stroke his ego. This is the idiot who has a 33% calling/folding/raising ratio when faced with a continuation bet. However, note that the normal player who just lots a few big pots, or seems generally tilty will also fit into this category. The normal player will also fit into this category after you’ve pounded him with continuation bets the last 30 minutes. The tool for combating these guys is to let them outplay you. Betting the flop and check/raising the turn is a sick move against these guys, whether you have air or a monster (I for one am not really a fan of showing bluffs, but if you decide it is +EV to do so, go for it). Also, these are the guys that might take one off with 88 on a 29Q board, or with a hand like 9T. Start to double barrel these guys. Basically, if they want to outplay you, they are going to have to call down with middle pair for their stack, because we’re gonna be firing at them all day long. Remember, however, that your aggression is going to cause them to make mistakes, while you will turn their aggression into a mistake. You tricky [censored]. Marginal hands are tricky to play. This would be QT on a TK3r flop, or KTs on a AK8 flop. You might be ahead but you might not be. OOP, you still should be betting these hands much of the time because check/calling doesn’t really get you a lot of information, and is generally a weak play. However, while in position, you have the option of checking behind. You are somewhat forced to call the turn if your opponents fires, and evaluate the river depending on the specific situation. Note that checking behind with marginal hands will be balanced by the times you check behind with air, a strong hand, or a monster (slowplaying). I will not get into the specifics of when to bet monsters or not, because it is pretty specific to the opponent, your image, and the table dynamics (ie 15 pages). However, I guess feel free to ask questions and I will do my best to answer. The last thing to take into consideration is your image. The board is really drawy, and your image is of betting into every single flop. It might be a good time to check/fold, as that flop hit a lot of hands and your image isn’t that great. Additionally, if you just showed down a bluff or something happened when it looked like you were full of [censored], considering not betting the next flop. Of course, this is a great time to pound the flop if you hit, because your opponent will give you less credit. The big thing not to forget is the importance of mixing up your play. Check/raise with good and bad hands. Check/call and lead the turn. Continuation bet monsters and air, and marginal hands, but also check behind on the flop with them. When players see you are capable to have a wide range of hands even doing any action (betting, or checking, calling or raising), they are less likely to play back at you, and there actions will define their hands more easily, allowing you to play closer to perfectly. So, that in a nutshell is continuation betting heads up. Next time we will talk about multiway pots, and how your hand and position affects what you do.


C-BETTING (The Machine) One thing when I first started playing poker that I noticed I did not have a good grasp on was betting, particularly continuation betting. Most of this post may be trivial to most but it may be helpful to some, or even just a good reminder to most Why continuation bet??? Well that answer is easy. In a heads up pot any random hand will miss the flop 2/3 of the time. So if we continuation bet at all of the pots we raise we should win at least 2/3 of them just because the other person hasnt made a hand, let alone made a hand strong enough to call us down with. How much should my continuation bet be??? That question depends on a few different factors. I will try to go through a few different examples to describe my meaning. Well its standard to PFR 4xBB + 1 for each limper. For the time being I would like to keep our post flop to heads up play. In the CO we hold AKo, so we came in for our 4xBB + 1 for one limper and we were called by the BB only. Lets assume our villain in this example plays a semi TAG game at 18/6/1.5. The flop comes 9 4 2 . It is very unlikely that this flop has helped our vilain unless he has 99, 44, or 22. his 18% range is much wider then these 3 hands and we are ahead of almost all of them. We would always come out for a C-Bet in this spot when checked to. #1 reason is to protect what is most likely the best hand at this point. If any further action is pursued then we can readjust our read and make the appropriate play. #2 reason is more of a semi bluff in which we are representing a hand which is stronger then ours really is. (this example will come into play more in a later example) Well I just read all this crap about why I should bet and this part was supposed to be about how much I should bet. Well I felt that getting that part out of the way was very relevant to how much we should bet. On a flop like this it is very drawless against this villain. it is unlikely that he holds 53 for an openender and there are no flush draws out. Our bet sizing does not need to be full pot here. This way we save money when we actually are behind. We only need to bet an amount that we feel is enough to "get the job done". In our AK example our job is to get villain to fold. If we feel that 1/2-3/4 PSB is the right amount then that is the amount we should bet; no more, no less. Now lets take the same villain and change our flop around. We still hold AKo in the CO and he is still in the BB. If we say the flop is 10 9 4 now we have a different situation to face. This board has become draw heavy as there are POSSIBLE flush draws and straight draws on board. Now our villains 18% has become much larger in possible holdings that can outdraw us. We likely are still ahead of his holdings so here we are betting for protection and value. If our villain is drawing to a flush or straight we want him to pay the most he possibly will while doing it unprofitably. If he is willing to call a PSB on the flop with an OESD then we need to make a PSB. (For simplicity's sake im negating the fact that villains possible QJ are also live outs against our AK here). By making a PSB villain loses the most when he does not outdraw us and he was willing to put more money in post flop because how the flop had helped him. All continuation bets should be no less then 1/2 PSB to no more then full pot.


Well I followed your advice but every continuation bet I make gets check raised or called and we check down This is ok. A continuation bet is a small bluff and from time to time they will get picked off. This is actually the beauty in a continuation bet (to be discussed later). Sometiems your villain will hit a flop and check raise you. It is then your decision to step back and play poker with AK on the 942r board. Go with your feel. Is there a time when I shouldn't be C-Betting YES. We do not want to be C-betting in a few different spots. #1 We do not want to be C-betting OOP in multiway pots. We still have a villain left to act behind us and we have no idea where they stand with this flop because they have no acted yet. #2 We hold a hand such as AA and the flop is KQJ. if we have our previous semi TAG villain it is very likely that this flop has helped him in a big way and we need to get our hand to show down as cheaply as possible so we would not want to continuation bet here. #3 A good quote from jjb108 "This is an important point to remember…the average donk plays Axo. Why semibluff the donks with an OESD or FD with when you know they’ll call with their TP and better kicker? IMO an A on the flop means that FE can quickly approach 0. The semi-bluff in this situation can be –EV IMO." This quote in our context I'm not only applying to a semi bluffing hand such as a FD or OESD. If we have notes on a villain that says plays any ace from any position in raised or unraised pots then our KQ which we raised from MP should be wary when this villain calls and an ace flops. Opponent dependent and note dependent I will sometimes not C-bet against this villain. I play a semi LAG stayle and love raising SC's so what to do on the flop when I miss? A continuation bet is also a stone cold bluff as much as it can be a semi bluff or a bet for value against a worse hand. We represented that we had a big hand preflop when we raised so most of the time (again opponent dependent) if I am raising SC's preflop I will be betting them on the flop. C-betting becomes espically important with SC's when we flop our draws. Say we raise 67 4xBB from the button and are called by BB. If villain holds a weak Ace and we flop a flush draw and lead for a 1/2-3/4 PSB on a A 10 2 and are called(say we are playing 25NL) The pot was 2$ on the flop and now between 4-5$ on the turn. Villain will most likely check his weak ace to us for fear of being outkicked/FPS with top pair. We have now bought ourselves a free card on the turn should we need it to complete a draw we may have flopped. Well it seems my C-bets keep getting called and i havent been improving. Should I stop C-betting for a few hands? The answer here may be yes for some reasons such as an incorrect perception of a player. When up against a calling station we do not need to C-bet bluff because he will be calling us down. Against this opponent we need to C-bet when we actually make a hand and have him pay us off with many worse hands. Aside from this aspect my main reason to keep C-betting (which I fail to do sometimes


when Im running bad) is to set up for later hands. Villain 3 times in a row picked off my AKo C-bet on a Q72r flop. By this time he has me pegged as a bluffer. When we come in for a raise with a PP and flop a set and lead out when checked to it is very likely that said villain will be paying us off from the perception we have given him about us. This here is a double edged sword also. We need to keep C-betting to set our self up for later hands. The same is true when we actually flop a big hand. Reason 1: When we were betting before with AK high it may become very suspicious to some villains if we decide to check behind on a flop where we were checked to when we flop a monster hand. We need to keep portraying the image we have set up with them and bet into the pot. The pot gets big and hopefully said villain who thinks we are donkey of the year pays us off with a nice big 100BB's Reason 2: If we are unknown to villain and we C-bet with a flopped set or TPTK and get to showdown, the whole table sees that we are leading out with powerful hands and not trying to slowplay them. THIS IS THE BEST PART!! This way in the future our C-bets when we have nothing but air will be getting much more respect because of the hands that we have been leading out with! There are so many different reasons for C-betting given certain hands. Against the same Semi TAG villain from the previous examples; with AA on a 942r board we are betting for value since its alomst certain we have the best hand. With AK on the same board we are betting for protection since our hand is most likely the best but could easily be outdrawn. We need to look at our villain, as well as flop texture and size up the appropriate bet. When done correctly you can C-bet your way from one level to the next. There are obviously circumstances where it would be wrong to C-bet that I have not mentioned here but anyone who would like to add some or add some other ideas about C-betting that I did not touch upon please feel free, and I hope you all do!!!


CONTINUATION BET ARTICLE (FreakDaddy) Continuation bets are exactly what the name implies. They are a continuation of pre-flop aggression, designed to win the pot if the pre-flop raiser missed the flop, or continue to build a pot when ahead. When continuation bets are used successfully, they are an important money making weapon of the solid poker player. When continuation bets are used incorrectly, typically by beginners who over use the concept, they can become a marginal, or even money losing play. This article is going to look at how to maximize your continuation bets by examining pre-flop situations, flop textures, betting sizes, and opponent player types, in order to make your continuation bets as successful as possible. The primary goal of solid continuation bet play should be to win your missed flops with continuation bets 50% of the time or more. The proper use of pre-flop raises, betting sizes, and balance, are important components in achieving better than break even numbers with your continuation bets. You can however, win only 35% of your continuation bets and still be profitable with them, as long as you make your continuation bet sizes small enough to provide for a higher failure rate. For example, here are the 3 common continuation bet sizes: (½ the pot) If the Pot is 12BB and you make a continuation bet of only 6BB then you need to be successful only 34% of the time. (¾ of the pot)If the pot is 12BB and you make a continuation bet of 8BB, then you need to be successful 41% of the time. (Full pot size)If the pot is 12BB and you make a continuation bet of 12BB, then you need to be successful 51% of the time. When determining the appropriate continuation bet size when you miss, you want to choose the minimum size you think will win you the pot with the least amount of risk. In a perfect world you could bet ¼ of the pot when you miss, and win the pot over 50% of the time. Then you could bet the full pot size when you connect with the flop and get called over 50% of the time. Unfortunately most opponents that are paying attention at all will soon catch on to your varying bet size. So the best way to combat this is to use two very similar bet sizes for your continuation bluff bets, and vary between them depending upon the flop texture and the types of opponents you face. This will create a randomizing effect that will be very difficult for your opponents to pick up, and at the same time maximize your profits. At small stakes No-limit Holdem the most optimal play is to vary your continuation bet sizes between ¾ of the pot and the full size of the pot. If you do this effectively enough, you can vary your bet sizes to provide you with slightly better odds when you do miss, and build an effective pot when you do connect. For example, when you miss the flop, if you don’t bet at all ~20% of the time, bet the full size of the pot ~50% of the time, and ¾ of the pot the remaining ~30% of the time, you are keeping your opponents guessing, while remaining intimidating at the same time. Also, if you bet the full size of the pot ~85% of the time when you connect, and ¾ of the pot the remaining ~15% of the time, you are again keeping your opponents guessing, while tilting the odds in your favor. You will however have to adjust these percentages depending upon your own style of play (See “The type of player you are” at the end of the article). So let’s take a rough example of this and say that your opponent calls half of the time, and folds the other half of the time, which is a fairly rough and approximate representation of small stakes No-limit Holdem. Let’s also say that the pot size is 12BB and we simulate this 100 times. Let’s also assume that you NEVER improve after continuation betting. The net result will look as follows simluate 100x: 20% of the time don't bet/30% of the time bet 3/4 pot/50% bet the full pot Your opponent calls -N/A- /You lose 120 BB /You lose 300


Your opponent folds -N/A- /You win 180 BB /You win 300 Your opponent bets- You /check/fold = 0 N/A N/A NET RESULT YOU WIN : 60 BB Let’s also remember that sometimes we will improve, and sometimes our opponent will fold on the turn. And that’s just when we don’t connect with the flop. When we do connect, and we’ve mixed in our continuation bets effectively, we should be able to net enough because we’ve kept our opponents off balance and guessing. One of the primary keys to effective continuation betting is BALANCE. When you achieve effective balance, you should actually become ambivalent as to whether your continuation bet is called or not. For if it is called and you missed, you’re still achieving the same goal. So the next time you do connect with a big hand on the flop and bet, your opponents have to guess, is he just continuation betting again, or does he really have a hand? While it is true that a lot of online opponents don’t pay particular attention because they’re watching T.V. or they’re playing multiple tables at the same time, an effective balancing strategy doesn’t care. We’re not concerned necessarily that they are always paying attention, but that we vary our bets in order to provide us the best possible odds considering the given flop and hole cards that we hold. Keep in mind also that 70% of flops are missed by our opponents. This is one of the primary reasons that continuation bets are so effective. If your opponent doesn’t hold a pocket pair, or have a very small pocket pair, they may not be able to continue if you apply the correct amount of pressure.

Good Players to Continuation Bet Against There are some types of players that are better to continuation bet against than others. You want to identify these players and use the continuation bet against them as often as possible. These common player types are as follows: The Mouse – The mouse plays a fairly weak/tight style of play. He doesn’t enter many pots, and when he does he is almost always holding a premium hand. He will almost never continue if the flop doesn’t hit him, or he doesn’t have a strong hand while facing aggression. You’ll have to look hard to notice the mouse because you’d almost swear he doesn’t exist. When you miss the flop, go ahead and take a stab at the pot, you’ll win it uncontested more often against the mouse than any other player type. When you do connect, try and lure him in by beating weak and inviting him to come along. If the mouse does bet into you, fold unless you have a strong hand. Typical Stats: VP$IP =< 12 / PFR =
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