Article Review of Journal For Entrepreneurship Final

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 NGV college, 2021 

MBA program

A CRITICAL REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON “Digital entrepreneurship ecosystem: How digital technologies and collective intelligence is reshaping the entrepreneurial process”

As a part of curriculum for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development ( MBA 611) By Markos Wodato ID NGVC/MBA/R/ NGVC/MBA/R/447/13 447/13 st



Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 10th Aug. 2021 Submitted to: (Ass.Prof.) Yibeltal M.

Critical Review by Markos Wodato NGVC/MBA/R/447 /  3 /1  13

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 NGV college, 2021 


MBA program



entrepreneurship ecosystem: How digital

technologies and collective intelligence are reshaping the entrepreneurial process ” AUTHORS - Gianluca Elia , Giuseppina Passiante and Alessandro Margherita, University of Salento, Italy   JOURNAL- Journal of Technological Forecasting & Social Change 150 (2020) 119791, Published by Elsevier Inc. II. II.

Rese Resear arch ch Ti Titl tlee and and Repo Report rtin ing g For Forma matt

Appropriateness of the Research topic with respect to the content of the article The title of the journal is appropriate and most suitable to the contents and the title of the article;

The research report is written and organized based on accepted format Yes, it contains, abstract, introduction, literature review and conclusion. It is descriptive type research.


1. Qual Qualit ity y of of Abs Abstr trac actt

A brief theme sentence to orient the reader about the overall issues used, Digital technologies have potential of  collaboration and collective intelligence to design and launch more robust and sustainable sustai nable entrepreneurial initiatives.  


Clarity of objective:

the objective of the study is clear and easily understandable. Research methodology used: qualitative (descriptive) approach has been utilized

Major findings of the study: A collective intelligence approach is then adopted to define a descriptive framework and identify the distinguishing genes of a digital entrepreneurship ecosystem. Four dimensions associated to digital actors (who), digital activities (what), digital motivations (why), and digital organization (how) are defined and discussed. Contribution of the study.  This study has provided provided a useful useful effort effort of synthesis and a basis to condu conduct ct further investigations investigations around the ultimate meaning and distinguishing traits of a digital entrepreneurship ecosystem along with a sample of  relevant real cases.  A collec collectiv tivee int intell ellige igence nce approa approach ch is then then adopte adopted d to define define a descrip descriptiv tivee framew framework ork and identify identify the distinguishing genes of a digital entrepreneurship ecosystem Indication of future area of investigation  Future work could be addressed to validate the definition and the model also through desk-based expert  

feedback and the study of other initiatives of digital entrepreneurship ecosystems. identification of key words and is the number of words in the abstract within acceptable range?

Collective intelligence, Digital entrepreneurship, Digital technologies, Entrepreneurial process, Ecosystem 

Framework Most of database organizers and publisher demand 5 to 8 single words in key words and this article listed 5 words (1 single words and 4 phrasal words).

2. Prob Proble lem m Sta State teme ment nt 

clarity of background & scope of the study:  There is no background for the entitled journal but statement of the problem and research questions are stated

in Introduction. 

clarity of the statement of the problem /research gap to be bridged

statement of the problem was” there is a limited literature discussion on the real impact of digital Critical Review by Markos Wodato NGVC/MBA/R/447 /  3 /1  13

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 NGV college, 2021 

MBA program

technologies and collaboration on the entrepreneurial process. Further research res earch is needed to describe the nature and characteristics of the entrepreneurial ecosystem enabled enabled by the new socio-technical paradigm. paradigm. Yes, it is very clear.   Clarity of Research questions articulated.  It is clear and articulated very well besides this, the problem statements agreed with the title and seemed to be of  digital entrepreneurial significance. The problem was not clearly visible to the average reader, and it required several readings to establish why the researchers felt this study needed to be done. It was limited to the researchers’ capabilities and resources. 3. Rese Resear arch ch O Obj bjec ecti tive vess General objectives To describe the nature and characteristics of the entrepreneurial ecosystem enabled by the new socio-technical


 paradigm 

To Describe the building blocks of a digital digital entrepreneursh entrepreneurship ip ecosystem and discuss the impact impact of the digital “

and collective intelligence on digital-output, digital-environment and hybrid entrepreneurship processes.” 

Specific objectives

Discussion about the results and a research agenda for future studies.

  To The framework framework was also applied applied to describe describe real cases of companies companies and initiatives, initiatives, which are analysed as digital entrepreneurship ecosystems along the four key dimensions presented

Propositions/Hypothesis Propositions/Hypoth esis of the study (if any) “ Digital technologies enabled the creation of new business

ventures and digital start-ups, which incorporate novel technology as a vital component of their business models and operations.  

Clarity of hypothesis formulated to be tested

It is very clear and tested with different reference from perior articles. Background/ Theoretical support for the set hypothesis

The hypothesis is supported by theoretical literatures and the determinants of bank credit maturity – empirical hypotheses 1. Review Review of Relate Related d Litera Literatur turee 

Critical evaluation of the theoretical literature: Of course, the literature was evaluated with relevant references and concepts. It is sufficient to the title of the

article and the author cited clear review of literature; and several appropriate references were used in the int introd roduct uction ion sectio section. n. These These sta statem tement entss contri contribut buted ed to the overal overalll unders understan tandin ding g of the subject subject and to the reasoning for establishing the problem statement. 

Critical evaluation of the empirical literature:

 The Author illustrated those hypotheses with literature reference and all concepts and article were theoretical. So, it needs to be evaluated in experimental literatures.


Organization of the literature review -broad to specific, logical division

The author organized from broader to specific concept and nature and characteristics of the entrepreneurial ecosystem has lengthened significantly over time. Digital technologies enabled the creation of new business ventures and digital start-ups, which incorporate novel technology as a vital component of their business models and operations . Critical Review by Markos Wodato NGVC/MBA/R/447 /  3 /1  13

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 NGV college, 2021 

MBA program

Conceptual /Theoretical frame work to guide the study: 

literature part of the article clearly explained the concept of the title with sufficient theoretical frame work. And also, the article is easy to understand even for amateur readers too.

 

Overall Quality and relevance of reviewed literature:  As the characteristics of the title and its main variable who are going to be explained, it was clearly described.

So is overall quality and relevance being excellent. 2. Rese Resear arch ch Meth Method odol olog ogy y  

Description and justification of the chosen research design, /approach:   The Author choose descriptive descriptive approac approach h was utilized utilized but it would be better if he utilized utilized combined approach approach

(qualitative and quantitative approach too for better research design. There might be further finding would have  been found if he utilized both approached. approached. Procedures followed for ensuring ethical research. 3. The author followed all the required for copy right issues and cited all sources which would have been used for   

the document. 

Appropriateness of statistical tools used to analyse the data The reliability of the data was cited from reliable journals and the article is worthy of further reference. so it is relevant and appropriate to analyse the data. i t is generalizable.   Discussion of findings –reliability, limitation, extent to which it The article`s most finding is from secondary research and its primary result finding were mostly based on comparison among the results. Its findings were either positive or negative. In my opinion, its main limitation was its finding were from secondary research and the way of explanation was more subjective.  Discussion linked with prior research works for possible consistency or inconsistency Most of its finding was from prior researches. So, this article findings mostly depend on prior research work and consistent.  Overall Quality of analysis focus, accuracy, interpretation inferences.

Over all hypothesis test was “Digital technologies enabled the creation of new business ventures and digital start-ups, which incorporate novel technology as a vital component of their business models and operations. ” It justifies the relentless convergence between entrepreneurship and digital technologies is giving rise to a new breed of entrepreneurs that use digital technologies and Internet to execute most of the processes required to launch a new venture. So that, the hypothesis was tested to be true . 4. Conclu Conclusio sion na and nd Recomm Recommend endati ation on 

A statement of Conclusion –quality and relevancy:  This study study revealed  revealed that organizational performance is associated with the leadership style and they have both a  positive and a negative impact on the performance. performance. So it is relevant to the tittle.  Theoretical and practical Contribution:    the article enforced the prior research finding and it did not fill any gap between theoretical and practical  contribution. It only justified the prior study was correct   Quality of recommendations-relevance, recommendations-relevance, practicality, importance  The The   Recommendation part of the article was support with prior research references and it is relevant and  practically applicable to solve the research problem. problem.  Area of further investigation/research identified The author recommended that, to validate the definition and the  model also through desk-based expert feedback and the study of other  initiatives of digital entrepreneurship ecosystems.

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 NGV college, 2021 

MBA program

Referencing 

Citation appropriateness & consistency   All references are very relevant to the title of the journal and clearly articulated.  Decency of citations Most journals referred are from more 10  years  years but a few are from 2013 to 2020      Most   Citation source mixes –journals, websites and books  106 reference material is cited and among those 95  was   was journals, 6 is from website and remaining 5 are either 

book or articles Recommendations


" . Fut Future ure research research can explor exploree in more more detail detail the eff effect ect of ban bankin king g sector sector competit competition ion.. We use market market concentration but there are other measures that can be used to investigate the role of competition in making longterm finance available. Similarly, future research can investigate the role of state owned versus private banks in  broader samples." Comments: The recommendations to a call for additional research in the area.  

Overall Critique

This was a very in-depth research project, particularly for a journal article. For the most part, it was well written and well organized. There was a definite need for a short review of literature to develop the situation. The article did get a little complicated in the reporting of data due to the complicated statistical procedures used. Overall, it was a very interesting, significant contribution to the field of research. 


Authors have worked on the use of new provided deep insights of the provision of long-term financing in the transition economies. , work carried out by the author of this paper is not original but innovative. Bibliography

Authors have cited all the references given in the text and those references which are in the text have been mentioned in reference section also. Paper Paper accurately represents statements in cited reference references. s. Also references given in the reference section are sufficient to understand this paper.  

Title and Abstract

Title is self-explanatory. Therefore, title is suitable and sufficient. Abstract explains summary of whole paper in very precise way.  


Illustrations and Tables Authors have given very good explanation of their experimental data in table form and by using graphs. Graphs of modelling and chart study gives very good understanding about the new competence-based modelling levels. l evels.

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