Arthur Joseph - Vocal Awareness

January 26, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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‐^oiac is tjc od`y brtistia cxpcricdac tjbt is motj ‐^oiac niditc bde idniditc bt tjc sbkc tikc. It is nb``im`c bde nrbli`c, lodc id bd idstbdt―udsccd, od`y nc`t. It is rckckmcrce nrok tjc pbst, cvcd b `odl kokcdt blo. Bdtiaipbtce, scdsidl its nuturc cvcd bs its prcscdt is hust oaaurridl. It’s tckporb`, visacrb`, orlbdia. Quaj b aokp`cx-sikp`c bde mclui`idl trbdsacdecdt stbtc.‛


Ujbdf you ky `ovidl  Kytokotjcr Mctty,nbki`y―]cmcaab/Isbba/C`i. Mctty , ky orilidb` jcro. jcro.  Bde tjbdf you to to ky stuecdts, bde Loe nor ky ky hourdcy. hourdcy.

 Baaokpbdikcdt bde bde Brrbdlckcdts8 Kiajc`c Mrourkbd Ujckc Kusia8 Mrbe Nicec` Kusia rcaorece bt ]oafid’ Bdlc`8 K.@. Ecdtod, Wroeuacr/C Wroeuacr/Cdlidccr dlidccr

Nor korc idnorkbtiod od worfsjops my Brtjur Hoscpj, aodtbat8 ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Idstitutc, W.O. Mox =>27=2, Cdaido, AB 925=>-27=2  B`` aodtcdts aopyriljt © 2995 Brtjur Hoscpj

 \orfmoof  \ orfmoof Erbwidls8 Erbwidls8 Wclly Wclly ^bd ^bd Wc`t Wc`t

Wridtce id tjc Sditce Qtbtcs


Ubm`c on Aodtcdts QCQQIOD ODC Idtroeuatiod to ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Bwbrcdcss ............................ ............................... ... 2 Mcliddidl tjc Hourdcy.......... ..................... ...................... ..................... .................. ........ 2 Ujc Wrikcvb` Wowcr on Qoude ...................................... 1 Our Kbliab` ^oiac Mox8 Ujc @brydx ............................ 1 Cxcraisc Odc8 Your Kissiod & Lob`s Qtbtckcdts .......... 5 Ujc Wrikbry Lob` on ^oab` Bwbrcdcss .......................... 5

QCQQIOD NOS]  Wuttidl It B`` Uolctjcr Uolctjcr ............................ ............................................ ................ 2: Ujc Aokp`ctc ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Ajcaf`ist .................. 2: Cxcraisc Nourtccd8 ]cbeidl b Wock ............ .......................... ................ 29 Cxcraisc Nintccd8 Cxp`oridl Your ^oab` Wcrsodb ........... =7 Cxcraisc Qixtccd8 Ybwd-Qiljs witj \ores ................... =2 Ujc Ujrcc Bspcats ................. ........................... ..................... ...................... ................ ..... ==



Cxpcricdaidl Qoudes/Ujc Mbsia Wridaip`cs Wridaip`cs ............... 3 Cxcraisc Uwo8 Uwo8 Ujc Mrcbtj/  Your  Y our ^oab` ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Bwbrcdcss Dotcmoof......... .................... ...................... ............... .... 3 Cxcraisc Ujrcc8 Ybwd-Qilj Qoudekbfidl ..................... > Ujc ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Ajcaf`ist/]itub`s ......................... <

Cxcraiscs witj Kusia bde Qidlidl ........................ .......................... .. =1 Ujc ]osc .................................................................... =1 Fuk-Mb-Ybj .............................................................. =3 Ujis @bde Is Your @bde .............................................. =:  You  Y ou Brc Ky Ky Qudsjidc .......... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................. ....... =9 Qokctikcs I Ncc` @ifc b Kotjcr`css Aji`e ............... .................. ... 17  Bkcriab tjc Mcbutinu` Mcbutinu` .......... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................. ....... 1= Sp od tjc ]oon .......................................................... 15  \jcd tjc Qbidts Lo Kbrajidl Id............. Id........................ .................. ....... 1< Jokc od tjc ]bdlc ................................................... 57 Uokorrow .................................................................. 5=

QCQQIOD UJ]CC Ujc ^oab` ^oab` Bwbrcdcss \orfout \orfout .................................. .......................... ........ 9 Cxcraisc Nour8 Mrcbtjidl ............................................... 9 Cxcraisc Nivc8 Ujc Uodluc ]c`cbsc .............................. 27 Cxcraisc Qix8 Ujc Hbw ]c`cbsc ...................................... 22 Cxcraisc Qcvcd8 Ujc Ybwd-Qilj ................................... 2= Cxcraisc Ciljt8 Korc Aokp`cx Ybwd-Qiljs................. 21 Cxcraisc Didc8 Ybwd-Qilj Mcdeidl nrok tjc \bist............................................................ 25 Cxcraisc Ucd8 Ybwd-Qilj witj Hbw ]c`cbsc .................. 23 Cxcraisc C`cvcd8 Uwo Nidlcrs Sdecr tjc Uodluc ......... 23 Cxcraisc Uwc`vc8 Ujc Uodluc Wu`` ............................... 2> Cxcraisc Ujirtccd8 Ujc Wcdai` Ucajdiquc .................... 2<

I``ustrbtiods8 Ujc @brydx bde ^oab` No`es ......................................... = Ujc Bra ........................................................................ < Ujc Dbsb` Celc ............................................................ : Ujc Uodluc ]c`cbsc .................................................... 27 Ujc Hbw ]c`cbsc .......................................................... 22 Ujc Ybwd-Qilj ........................................................... 2= Ujc Bmeokidb` Kusa`cs ............................................. 21 Mcdeidl Ovcr ............................................................. 25 Uwo Nidlcrs Sdecr tjc Uodluc................................... 23 Ujc Uodluc Wu`` ......................................................... 2> Ujc Wcdai` Ucajdiquc ................................................. 2<


Ssidl Uji Ujiss \orfm \orfmoof  oof  jc ^oab` Bwbrcdcss \orfmoof jbs mccd arcbtce bs b aokpbdiod to tjc ^oab` Bwbrcdcss  bueio  bueio prolrbk. It aodtbids writtcd idstruatiods nor cbaj cxcraisc prcscdtce, bs wc`` bs kbdy ikportbdt i``ustrbtiods. It b`so aodtbids sokc kbtcrib` bde idstruatiods dot noude od tjc bueio prolrbk.



Qcssiod Odc

Idtroeuatiod to ^oab` ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Mcliddidl tjc Hourdcy  ‐\c sjb`` dot acbsc nrok cxp`orbtiod  Bde tjc cde on b`` our cxp`oridl  \i`` mc to brrivc wjcrc wc stbrtce   Bde fdow tjc p`bac nor tjc nirst tikc.‛   

―U.Q. ―U .Q. C`iot 

ou brc bmout to ckmbrf upod b rckbrfbm`c hourdcy. Ujc lob` on tjc hourdcy is to eisaovcr bde ecvc`op your dbturb` voiac, tjc voiac wjiajyou ckmoeics cxprcsscs your iddcrk iddcrkost ost sc`n. B`tjoulj usc yourbde voiac cvcry eby on your `inc, you kby mc bkbzce to nide tjbt your voiac eocs dot rcb``y cxprcss wjo you brc bde jow you ncc`. Our voiac rcvcb`s us nu``y, abrryidl our kooes, ncbrs, tcdsiods, bde ckotiods. It rcprcscdts us to tjc wor`e bde tc``s cvcryodc cvcrytjidl bmout us―cvcd wjcd wc brc udbwbrc on it. Our voiac is nu``y wjo wc brc, bs a`osc bs our owd mrcbtj. It durturcs bde cdvc`opcs us id b scaurc bde kcbdidlnu` wby, wby, yct bt tjc sbkc tikc, sccks to tjrcbtcd bde eistbdac us nrok our truc sc`vcs. Nurtjcrkorc, our voiac kby sokctikcs ncc` b`icd, scpbrbtc, bde ‐outsiec‛ on us. Nor cxbkp`c, wjcd wc brc ab``ce upod to spcbf id pum`ia, our voiac abd ncc` ‐eisckmoeice‛ ‐eisckmoeice‛ bde our mrcbtj sjort. \c \c kby stbkkcr id nrodt on otjcrs, bde jbvc troum`c tjidfidl bde brtiau`btidl our tjouljts. Ujc voiac is b udiquc fide on kirror nor it rcvcb`s oursc`vcs to us id cd`iljtcdidl, bde sokctikcs eisturmidl  wbys, yct b`wbys b`wbys witj jodcsty. jodcsty. Ujc kirror on tjc voiac rcvcb`s wjo wc tjidf wc brc―tjc pcrsodb wc brc bttckptidl to prohcat. Our voiac abd b`so rcvcb` tjc rcn`catiod on wjo wc tru`y brc. Odc aou`e sby in tjc


cycs brc tjc wideows on tjc sou`, tjcd tjc voiac is tjbt  wideow opcdce opcdce up, bde tjc tjc soude on tjc sou` aokidl aokidl out. Cvcryodc wjovoiac, worfsbde witj our nirst b korc kcctidl witj odc id kc tjc aokcs proacsstoeisaovcrs butjcdtia bde aokprcjcdsivc voiac on wjiaj tjcy wcrc dot cvcd bwbrc.  Bs you mclid to to tbfc tjis hourdcy hourdcy,, you wi`` eisaovcr eisaovcr tjc truc kblia bde kystcry on tjc voiac. You wi`` lbid b eccpcr udecrstbdeidl on tjc powcr on your voiac id your `inc bde jow it abd jc`p you `ivc korc nu``y bde suaacssnu``y. You wi`` b`so nide tjbt tjc mcdcnits you rcacivc b`odl tjc wby brc korc pronoude bde nbr rcbajidl tjbd you aou`e cvcr ikblidc. Cxp`oridl your voiac wi`` b`so ajb``cdlc bde aodnrodt you, udcbrtjidl jieecd ncc`idls bde bwbfcdidl b nrcsj bde cd`ivcdidl scdsc on vu`dcrbmi`ity bde nrcceok. Nrcceok Nrcceok to mcaokc you! Uo Uo bwbfcd to bde eisaovcr dcw ajoiacs bde kbfc b aokkitkcdt to yoursc`n.  \orfidl  \ orfidl witj tjc voiac voiac wi`` b``ow us tjc opportudity opportudity to lo mbaf to our orilid, to bd ckmryodia cxpcricdac  witjid oursc`vcs―tjc iditib` bde prikoreib` prikoreib` bwbrcdcss on mrcbtjidl, soude, bde sc`n-iecdtity. My loidl to tjc orilid, wc abd mclid to udecrstbde jow wc jbvc mcaokc eisaoddcatce nrok our butjcdtia voiac bde `cbrd to rcaoddcat tjroulj soude.



Ujc @brydx @br ydx & tjc ^oab` ^oab` No`es Cpil`ottis Jyoie Modc Ujyroeyoie Kckmrbdc Ujyroie Abrti`blc Ujyroie Abrti`blc @bkidb

Ariaotjyroie @ilbkcdt Ujyroie Abrti`blc Ariaoie Abrti`blc Urbajcb Bdtcrior Bspcat

Wostcrior Ariao Brytcdoie Kusa`c Urbdsvcrsc/Om`iquc Brytcdoie Kusa`cs @btcrb` Ariao Brytcdoie Kusa`c Aryaotjyroie Kusa`c Ujyro-Brytcdoie Kusa`c ^oab`is Kusa`c ^oab` @ilbkcdt Ujyroie Abrti`blc

Idtridsia Kusa`cs on tjc @brydx



Ujc Wrikcvb` Wowcr on Qoude


oecrd pjysias tc``s us tjbt soude is vimrbtiod, bde tjbt vimrbtiod is tjc mbsis on cvcrytjidl id tjc udivcrsc. Bdaicdt Jideu saripturcs sby tjc sbkc tjidl8 ‐Loe orilidb``y kbdincsts bs soude. soude.‛‛ Qoude is tjc csscdac, tjc vcry aorc on b`` dbturc, tjc aokkod tjrcbe tjbt aoddcats b`` bdikbtc bde idbdikbtc `inc norks, bde idtcraoddcats witj cvcrytjidl id tjc udivcrsc bt tjc kost idniditcsikb` `cvc`s. Our cbr`y bdacstors eisaovcrce tjc powcr on soude vimrbtiod to jc`p id cxpcricdaidl b scdsc on bttudckcdt witj tjc udivcrsc broude tjck. Ujc usc on soude to cxprcss bde cxpcricdac tjis eccp

scdsc on aoddcatiod jbs aodtiduce udmrofcd eowd tjroulj tjc blcs. Wcop`cs on b`` au`turcs idstidativc`y jbvc usce ritub`istia sodl, ebdac, prbycrs, bde ajbdts to aoddcat  witj tjc acdtcr id tjcksc`vcs, tjcksc`vcs, bde to mridl tjbt tjbt acdtcr idto rcsodbdac witj tjc outcr wor`e. Qodls bde ajbdts jbvc b`wbys mccd bd csscdtib` pbrt on tjc rc`ilious bde jcb`idl acrckodics on jukbd au`turcs. Nrok tjc kcskcrizidl sodls bde ajbdts on tjc sjbkbds on Qimcrib, Bnriab, tjc  Bkcriabs, bde Bustrb`ib, Bustrb`ib, to tjc ajbdtidl rbmmis, pricsts, bde kodfs on Huebisk, Ajristibdity, Is`bk, Jideuisk, bde Mueejisk, soude jbs mccd our prikbry kcbds on rcsodbtidl witj tjc sbarce idsiec bde broude oursc`vcs. Kbdy ikblcs aokc to trbdac kide8 wjiaj tjc sjbkbd idtodidl ajbdt to mridl od b kystiab` rcabpturcs tjbtborilidb` cxpcricdac on udity6 tjc so`itbry yoli rcpcbtidl tjc sbarce sy``bm`c ‐Ok‛ id b Jikb`bybd abvc6 b Dbvbho kceiaidc kbd ebdaidl bde sidlidl id b jcb`idl acrckody6 Uimctbd Uimctbd kodfs ajbdtidl id udisod id b rckotc kodbstcry6 bde ]okbd Abtjo`ia pricsts sidlidl Lrcloribd ajbdts.  \jbt is tjis kblia idstrukcdt idstrukcdt tjbt b`` tjcsc kystias bde rc`ilious tcbajcrs jbvc `cbrdce to usc so pcrncat`y? Id toeby’s soaicty, b `css sbarce cxbkp`c kiljt mc tjc aurrcdt arbzc bde idtcrcst id rbp kusia wjiaj aokkudiabtcs

its powcrnu` kcssblc id bd idarceim`c `itbdy on idtcdsc rjytjkia soudes bde rbpie spcbf/sidl todidl. \jbt is it  wc brc b`` scbrajidl scbrajidl nor bs wc cxp`orc cxp`orc vbrious cxprcssiods cxprcssiods on soude? \c \c abd lbid b wjo`c dcw pcrspcativc od tjcsc bde otjcr qucstiods in wc cxbkidc our batub` voab` kcajbdisk.

Our Kbliab` ^oiac Mox8 Ujc @brydx  Ujc prikbry nudatiod on tjc `brydx is dot spcbfidl, it is mrcbtjidl. Nor cxbkp`c, wjcd tjc `brydx is surliab``y rckovce nor kceiab` rcbsods, eoators opcd b jo`c id tjc trbajcb, mcabusc jukbds abddot mrcbtjc witjout b `brydx. Ujc `brydx is b rckbrfbm`c idstrukcdt. Ujc voab` kusa`cs brc tjc od`y kusa`cs id tjc moey wjiaj brc dot nixce bt two poidts. Ujcsc kusa`cs `ic jorizodtb``y nrodt to mbaf, bde brc jousce witjid tjc ‐Bebk’s bpp`c.‛ Ujcy brc b`so tjc od`y kusa`cs wjiaj nudatiod tjroulj bir prcssurc. \jcd wc kbfc soude, our voab` kusa`cs sjortcd or `cdltjcd bde cxpbde or aodtrbat. Ujc vc`oaity on tjc bir prcssurc kovidl tjroulj tjc voab` no`es arcbtcs tjc pitaj. Ujc cvcdts on ebi`y `inc ontcd arcbtc iddcr aodn`iat wjiaj eocs dot b``ow us to propcr`y cxprcss our ncc`idls. Ujis kby id turd arcbtc tcdsiod id tjc todluc bde hbw hbw,, stin`ce bir n`ow, bde otjcr aodeitiods wjiaj prcvcdt tjc voab` kcajbdisk nrok nudatiodidl id bd optikb` kbddcr. In you rcstrbid your truc ncc`idls voab``y, voab``y, spcbfidl id b ‐po`itc‛ ‐po`itc‛ kbddcr  wjcd nriljtcdce or bdlry, bdlry, it abd `cbe to udwbdtce udwbdtce tcdsiod id tjc moey bde bmusc on tjc voiac. You You abd b`so bmusc your voiac my dot supportidl your soudekbfidl witj bd becqubtc, n`uie bkoudt on bir-n`ow, suaj bs wjcd you sarcbk or sjout bde cde up mcidl jobrsc. Ujis abuscs tjc voab` no`es to spbsk, bde tjc `ilbkcdts bde kckmrbdcs broude tjck to aodstriat.



 Your  Y our Kissiod Kissiod & Lob`s Qtbtc Qtbtckcdts kcdts Cxcraisc Odc A`brity, visiod, bde aokkitkcdt brc rcquirce to bajicvc A`brity, bdytjidl id `inc. ^oab` Bwbrcdcss is do cxacptiod. Uo nbai`itbtc tjis proacss, it is jc`pnu` to writc tjidls eowd id b vcry aodarctc nbsjiod.

 Your  Y our Kissiod Kissiod Qtbtckcdt  Qtbtckcdt 

 Your  Y our Lob`s Qtbtckcdt  Qtbtckcdt  Uo support your Kissiod Qtbtckcdt, you kust b`so jbvc b Lob`s Qtbtckcdt. \ritc \ritc eowd tjc aodarctc bde spcainia stcps you idtcde to tbfc to nu`ni`` your Kissiod Qtbtckcdt. Id tjc dcxt six kodtjs, I idtcde to ...

 \jbt is your `inc’ `inc’s purposc? \jbt ro`c eocs ^oab` ^oab`  Bwbrcdcss  Bwbr cdcss p`by id tjis kissiod? \ritc your bdswcrs jcrc. jcrc. Ujis is your Kissiod Qtbtckcdt. ]cbe it rclu`br`y rclu`br`y.. ]cwritc it (od scpbrbtc sjccts on pbpcr) bs it ajbdlcs ovcr tjc ycbrs.

Id tjc dcxt tjrcc ycbrs, I idtcde to ...

Ujc Wrikbry Lob` on ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Wowcr ecvc`ops out on nrcceok, nrcceok out on `cttidl lo, bde `cttidl lo out on fdow`celc. Ujc korc Wowcr idnorkbtiod wc jbvc, tjc nrccr wc mcaokc to rc`cbsc our powcr id wjbtcvcr wby wc ajoosc to kbdincst it.



Qcssiod Uwo

Cxpcricdaidl Qoudes/Ujc Mbsia Wridaip`cs Cxcraisc Cxcrai sc Uwo Ujc Mrcbtj

 Your  Y our ^oab` ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Bwbrcdcss Dotcmo Dotcmoof  of 

2. Qtbde, or sit aoknortbm`y id b ajbir, ajbir, witj your mbaf strbiljt. Mc rc`bxce. In possim`c, jbvc b tbpc rcaorecr bvbi`bm`c to rcaore your worf bde your aokkcdts, bde b kirror to `oof idto. =. Ubfc b eccp mrcbtj, bs in it’s it’s tjc ‐top ‐top on tjc kordid’,‛ bde it’s it’s lrcbt to mc b`ivc. Bs you idjb`c, dotiac jow it ncc`s. Ujcd cxjb`c bde rc`bx.

 You wi`` wbdt to dotc your prolrcss bde  You bde ajbdlcs od your ^oab` Bwbrcdcss hourdcy. Mclid fccpidl b ^oab` Bwbrcdcss dotcmoof, id wjiaj you abd hot eowd your ikprcssiods. Dotc wjbt ncc`s kost dbturb`, kost nu``, kost `imcrbtidl, bde kost aoknortbm`c. Ujis wi`` jc`p you to `cbrd jow to rcpcbt tjc ecsirce cxpcricdacs bt wi``.

1. Dow tbfc tbfc b einncrcdt fide fide on mrcbtj. Ujis tikc, b``ow your moey, moey, kide, bde spirit to rcspode to tjcsc tjouljts8  B``ow b si`cdt mrcbtj. mrcbtj. Mclid. Eo you mclid to dotiac bdy einncrcdac id tjc ncc`idl? Ujis tikc b``ow b si`cdt bde `ovidl mrcbtj. Mclid. Jow is tjis einncrcdt? Ujis tikc b``ow b si`cdt, `ovidl, eowd-tjroulj-yourmoey mrcbtj. Mclid. 5. Ujis tikc aodsaious`y, aodsaious`y, bde witj witj lrcbt bwbrcdcss bwbrcdcss cdhoy cdhoy yoursc`n bs you b``ow b si`cdt, `ovidl, eowd-tjrouljyour-moey mrcbtj. Mclid. Dotiac tjc ajbdlc id tjc  wby tjis ncc`s. Ujis is tjc mcliddidl on your ^oab` Bwbrcdcss hourdcy. Ujcsc sumt`c einncrcdacs abd `cbe to pronoude ajbdlc.



 Ybwd-Qilj  Y bwd-Qilj Qoudekbfi Qoudekbfidl  dl  Cxcraisc Ujrcc


ow you wi`` mclid to bee soude to your cxjb`btiod. Id tjc ^oab` Bwbrcdcss prolrbk, tjis typc on soudekbfidl is ab``ce tjc ‐Ybwd-Qilj,‛ ‐Ybwd-Qilj,‛ sidac it rcsckm`cs ybwdidl bde siljidl bt tjc sbkc tikc.  You  Y ou abd cxp`orc sustbididl sustbididl kbdy einncrcdt einncrcdt fides on soudes (your koutj opcdce, a`osce, jukkidl, kobdidl, wbi`idl, or siljidl. Kbfc usc on b`` tjc vowc`s, cta.). Uo Uo mclid witj, usc hust odc vowc` soude pcr mrcbtj. You You abd aokmidc tjc soudes id kbdy wbys, bde cxprcss bdy ckotiods you ecsirc. Omscrvc tjc proacss on soude-kbfidl bt b`` tikcs. Ujis pbrt is mcst eodc id aodhudatiod witj tjc bueio prolrbk. 2. Ury kbfidl b ybwd-sil ybwd-silj j nor cbaj on tjc mbsia vowc` soudes, b``owidl bdy ckotiodb` ‐ao`or ‐ao`or‛‛ you wbdt.


=. Dow try kbfidl ybwd-silj ybwd-silj soudes. Dotiac Dotiac abrcnu``y jow tjcsc ncc`.

Jbb ... Bbbj ... 1. Dow turd onn tjc bueio prolrbk. prolrbk. Wrbatiac Wrbatiac mrcbtjidl bde kbfidl ybwd-siljs od your owd. DOUC8 Eod’t jcbr tjcsc cxprcssiods sikp`y bs ‐soude.‛ ]btjcr, ncc` tjck bs ckotiodb` cxprcssiod. ]c`cbsc yoursc`n ]btjcr, tjroulj your mrcbtj. Ubfc your tikc.

AB]CNS@! In you ncc` bdy `itt`c irritbtiods (tiaf`cs, sarbtajcs, cta.), it is prombm`y your voiac tc``idl you tjbt you brc eoidl sokctjidl wrodl, suaj bs8 your todluc is too tiljt, your hbw is too tiljt, your mrcbtj is too nbst, your dcaf bde sjou`ecrs brc too tiljt. B`` on tjcsc tjidls abd idhurc your voiac my idjimitidl its dbturb` nrcceok.



Ujc ^oab` ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Ajcaf`ist/ Ajcaf`ist/]itub`s ]itub`s

oab` Bwbrcdcss rcquircs pbticdac, bttcdtiod to ectbi`, bde b nork (or struaturc). Ujc ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Ajcaf`ist is b vcry spcainia ‐kbp‛ ‐kbp‛ nor nu`ni``idl tjcsc rcquirckcdts. Ujis ajcaf`ist is b `ist on aokkbdes  wjiaj you wi`` livc yoursc`n yoursc`n bs you prcpbrc prcpbrc nor bde eo tjc worf. Ujcy brc ‐ritub`s‛ ‐ritub`s‛ wjiaj wi`` bie you id your ^oab` Bwbrcdcss hourdcy. Ujcrc is b totb` on 2= itcks od tjc Ajcaf`ist. Ujc nirst scvcd brc prcscdtce jcrc. Ujc rckbididl nivc wi`` mc idtroeuace id sumscqucdt scssiods, bs tjcy mcaokc dcacssbry. Nor dow, aodacdtrbtc od tjcsc scvcd pridaip`cs, bde lo tjroulj bpp`yidl tjck mcnorc cbaj cxcraisc.

1. Cdhoy tjc \orf ‑ ^oiac worf is kcbdt to livc p`cbsurc. It is b scdsub` cxpcricdac, `ifc b abt strctajidl id tjc sud. My ‐Cdhoyidl tjc \orf‛ you brc rcaoldizidl tjbt tjc proacss on ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Bwbrcdcss is mridlidl you idto nu``cr bde eccpcr aodtbat witj yoursc`n, bde tjbt tjis proacss is nud. Kbfc tjc kost on it. Your hoy wi`` sjidc tjroulj your voiac. 5. Qcc tjc Bra ‑ ‐Qcc tjc Bra‛ kcbds to bpp`y b visub` ikblc to your proeuatiod on soude. Ikblidc your voiac aokidl up bde out on your koutj (`ifc b lcyscr on wbtcr), sobridl out idto spbac bt b 53-eclrcc bdl`c.

2. Ujbdf You to Ky Qourac ‑ Livc tjbdfs to Loe, your pbrcdts, your owd mcliddidls, or to wjok or wjbtcvcr you ncc` kost lrbtcnu`. Qcc yoursc`n bs surrcdecridl to tjis sourac, bde to tjc worf. Fdowidl tjbt you brc scrvidl sokctjidl lrcbtcr tjbd your owd clo wi`` livc you aourblc bde strcdltj  wjcd tjidls ‐lct ‐lct toulj.‛ toulj.‛ It b``ows b``ows you to mcaokc tjc millcst bde mcst you possim`c. =. @ovc bde @ct Lo ‑ ]c`bx bde b``ow tjis pjrbsc to mc tjc iditib` ikpu`sc wjiaj mclids tjc proacss on arcbtidl soude. Ujis pjrbsc wi`` jo`e b pcrsodb` kcbdidl nor you. ‐@ovc‛ rcncrs to cxpcricdaidl b ncc`idl on aoddcatcedcss witj b`` pcop`c bde mcidls. ‐@ovc‛‛ b`so kcbds lividl yoursc`n pcrkissiod to mc ‐@ovc tjc vcry mcst you abd mc. ‐@ct lo‛ kcbds to rc`cbsc bdytjidl wjiaj eistrbats you nrok your purposc. Mcaokc opcd, a`cbr, bde nrcc to eo tjc worf.


Ujc Bra


3. Ubfc Ky Uikc ‑ Dcvcr jurry. ^oiac worf is bmout proacss, dot rcsu`ts. In you rusj tjroulj your worf, you ajcbt yoursc`n bde ec`by your owd prolrcss. Mc id tjc kokcdt. @ct your kusa`cs lct tjcir nu`` worfout. @ct yoursc`n mrcbtjc nu``y bde propcr`y. propcr`y. B``ow your kide tjc opportudity to kbfc tjoroulj omscrvbtiods. Lo bt your owd, dbturb` pbac.

. Mc Kysc`n ‑ B``ow ‑ B``ow yoursc`n to mc mc id tjc kokcdt bde cxpcricdac aokp`ctc`y wjo you brc. @istcd6 ncc`6 cxpcricdac your pbssiods, pbssiods, ecsircs, ncbrs, bde jbmits. Cxpcricdac b`` tjc dubdacs on tjcsc cxprcssiods bs you mclid tru`y noausidl od yoursc`n. B``ow your owd nu``dcss to aokc tjroulj od cvcry `cvc`.

Ujc Dbsb` Celc



Qcssiod Ujrcc

Ujc ^oab` ^oab` Bwbrcdcss \orfou orfout  t  Cxcraisc Nour Mrcbtjidl 

oab` Bwbrcdcss mclids witj bd bwbrcdcss on our mrcbtjidl―tjc sourac on b`` soude. \c usc tjc mrcbtj to acdtcr oursc`vcs, bde to rcbaj b`ildkcdt bde mb`bdac. Ujc iecb` mrcbtjidl tcajdiquc―tjc si`cdt, `ovidl, eowd-tjroulj-your-moey mrcbtj, wbs mricn`y idtroeuace od Qcssiod =. Dow Dow,, you brc loidl to idaorporbtc tjis tcajdiquc idto your mrcbtjidl cxcraisc. Qtbde or sit, wjiajcvcr is kost aoknortbm`c. Mc bwbrc on your posturc (jcbe crcat, sjou`ecrs eowd bde rc`bxce, ajcst jc`e jilj bde aoknortbm`c, spidc bde uppcr torso strbiljt). B``ow your koutj to nb`` opcd id b rc`bxce bde cbsy wby. wby. ]c`cbsc tjc todluc norwbre, b``owidl it to rcst aoknortbm`y blbidst your mottok tcctj.

 ]ckckmcr Your ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Ajcaf`ist/]itub`s!

2. Dow, Dow, b``ow b si`cdt, `ovidl, eowd-tjroulj-your-mo eowd-tjroulj-your-moey ey mrcbtj (cdhoyidl it bs you eo so) to n`ow id tjroulj your rc`bxce bde opcd koutj. Ubfc six to ciljt aoudts od tjc idjb`btiod. Aodtiduc mrcbtjidl id tjis kbddcr nor sokc tikc. Dotiac jow it ncc`s. Ncc` tjc mrcbtj kovidl dbturb``y eowd bde broude tjroulj your moey. B`wbys mrcbtjc tjroulj your koutj.  \jcd you b``ow yoursc`n yoursc`n to mrcbtjc id tjis kbddcr, kbddcr, you brc ab`kidl tjc moey bt tjc sbkc kokcdt you brc cdcrlizidl it. Ujc mrcbtj jc`ps to mridl us idto mb`bdac. Odac you mclid to ncc` aoknortbm`c witj tjis cxcraisc, you abd mclid to visub`izc tjc Dbsb` Celc, bde mclid to scde tjc mrcbtj up tjroulj tjc Bra.

=. Nor optikuk optikuk cnncativcdcss, cnncativcdcss, you wi`` wbdt to rcpcbt rcpcbt tjis mrcbtjidl cxcraisc nor b pcrioe on odc to two kidutcs. Cvcd bt tjc cde on tjis sjort pcrioe, you  wi`` jbvc rcbpce ikportbdt mcdcnits nrok nrok tjc cxcraisc. In pcrnorkce nu``y bde aodsaious`y, you wi`` ncc` acdtcrce, cdcrlizce, bde nrcc on uddcacssbry tcdsiod. 1. Hot eowd eowd sokc on your ncc`idls bde bde ikprcssiods id your ^oab` Bwbrcdcss dotcmoof. Ujrouljout tjis nirst cxcraisc, koditor yoursc`n nor tcdsiod. Mc bwbrc on your moey bde pby spcaib` bttcdtiod to tjc dcaf bde sjou`ecrs, todluc bde hbw hbw,, bde nidlcrs bde jbdes. Aodsaious`y rc`cbsc bdy tcdsiod you ncc`. @ct lo. In you dotiac bdy pbrtiau`br tcdsiod id your todluc brcb, Ujc Uodluc ]c`cbsc (Cxcraisc 3, od tjc dcxt pblc) is b sikp`c bde cnncativc tcajdiquc to jc`p you to rc`cbsc it.

UJC ^OAB@ B\B]CDCQQ AJCAF@IQU/]IUSB@Q 2. Ujbdf You to Ky Qourac =. @ovc bde @ct Lo 1. Cdhoy tjc \orf 5. Qcc tjc Bra 3. Ubfc Ky Uikc >. Mc Kysc`n . Mc Kysc`n . Mc Kysc`n

Bde wc wi`` bee two dcw pridaip`cs to tjc `ist8  :. B``ow b Nu``, Qi`cdt, @ovidl, Eowd-UjrouljKy-Moey Mrcbtj 9. ]c`cbsc Ky Uodluc, Hbw, Dcaf, bde Qjou`ecr Ucdsiod

. Mc Kysc`n . Mc Kysc`n

Ujc Bmeokidb` Kusa`cs . Mc Kysc`n , pblc 22)  witj tjc Ybwd-Qilj. Ybwd-Qilj. Ujis wi`` rc`icvc bdy hbw prom`cks you kby mc cxpcricdaidl. 2. Bs you `cbrdce mcnorc, mcnorc, kbfc kbfc b ‐^‛  witj your your jbde jbde bde bde p`bac p`bac it od od your ajid bde hbw. Bpp`y b lcdt`c, eowdwbre prcssurc to cbsc your hbw opcd. Your Your koutj sjou`e mc m c opcd to bmout tjc wietj on tjrcc nidlcrs.  B``ow tjc todluc todluc to rcst rcst blbidst blbidst tjc tjc mottok tcctj. Fccp your jcbe `cvc`.  You  Y ou eo dot wbdt wbdt it to erop erop or rbisc bs your hbw is rc`cbsce. Ajcaf your kirror to scc tjbt you brc eoidl tjc tcajdiquc aorrcat`y a orrcat`y.. =. Dow, Dow, eo b Ybwd-Qilj wji`c b``owidl tjc hbw to mc cbsce opcd id tjis kbddcr. Ssc tjc soude ‐Jbw.‛ 

Uwo Nidlcrs Sdecr tjc Uodluc Cxcraisc C`cvcd


jis tcajdiquc `imcrbtcs tcdsiod id tjc todluc bde koutj, bde aodtrimutcs kcbdidlnu``y to b nu``cr nu``cr,, riajcr voiac. On aoursc, p`baidl your nidlcrs id your opcd koutj sokctikcs lcts b `itt`c ‐huiay,‛ ‐huiay,‛ mut tjc mcdcnits nbr outwcilj bdy idaodvcdicdac. ]ckckmcr Your ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Ajcaf`ist/]itub`s!

2. W`bac two nidlcrs udecr your todluc, b``owidl b``owidl tjc todluc to rc`cbsc norwbre od top on tjc nidlcrs. Ssc tjc tjukm to prcss up udecr tjc ajid bt tjc spot wjcrc you abd ncc` tjc mbsc on tjc todluc kusa`c. (Qcc i``ustrbtiod.) =. Nirst, prbatiac sikp`y tiljtcdidl bde rc`cbsidl tjc todluc id tjis positiod, so tjbt you mcaokc nbki`ibr witj tjc scdsbtiod. Your Your todluc sjou`e ncc` sont bde rc`bxce. Ucdsiod wi`` abusc it to mudaj up bde ncc` jbre. 1. Dow, Dow, witj tjc nidlcrs id p`bac, try bdotjcr Ybwd-Qilj. Ybwd-Qilj. Ssc tjc ‐Jbw‛ soude. Ujc soude sjou`e mc cxtrckc`y dbsb`. 5. Ujis cxcraisc b``ows b``ows you to rbisc your sont pb`btc witjout cvcd tjidfidl bmout it. Ujus, you jbvc arcbtce korc spbac id your voab` trbat. Ujc jilj`y-dbsb` todc kbfcs your `brydx worf jbrecr. jbrecr. Ujc tcdecday id tjis cxcraisc is to sprcbe tjc koutj, or lct vcry tiljt. Eo dot b``ow tjis to jbppcd. Ury Ury eoidl tjis cxcraisc witj b dukmcr on einncrcdt soudes. 3. Dotiac tjc mcdcnits on tjis cxcraisc. B`kost B`kost ikkceibtc`y you wi`` dotiac b riajcr, riajcr, wbrkcr todc id tjc voiac. \itj prbatiac, you wi`` lbid b jilj eclrcc on aodtro` a odtro` ovcr your todluc. ]caore your ikprcssiods id your ^oab` Bwbrcdcss dotcmoof.

UJC ^OAB@ B\ B\B]CDCQQ B]CDCQQ AJCAF@IQU/]IUSB@Q 2. Ujbdf You to Ky Qourac =. @ovc bde @ct Lo 1. Cdhoy tjc \orf 5. Qcc tjc Bra 3. Ubfc Ky Uikc >. Mc Kysc`n

Uwo Nidlcrs Nidl crs Sdecr tjc Uodluc

. Mc Kysc`n


Ujc Wcdai cdai`` Ucajd Ucajdiquc iquc Cxcraiscc Ujirtccd Cxcrais


ou kby try tjis tcajdiquc odac you ncc` aodniecdt tjbt you wi`` dot tcdsc up wji`c pcrnorkidl it. Uo Uo eo tjis cxcraisc, you wi`` dcce to lct b pcdai` tjbt you abd usc to lcdt`y mitc eowd od. ‐Lcdt`y‛ is tjc ikportbdt  wore jcrc. Ujis is b vcry bevbdace bevbdace nork on tjc Ybwd-Qilj.

UJC ^OAB@ B\ B\B]CDCQQ B]CDCQQ AJCAF@IQU/]IUSB@Q 2. Ujbdf You You to Ky Qourac =. @ovc bde @ct Lo

]ckckmcr Your ^oab` Bwbrcdcss Ajcaf`ist/]itub`s!

1. Cdhoy tjc \orf 5. Qcc tjc Bra

My dow, dow, you sjou`e b`kost jbvc it kckorizce.

3. Ubfc Ky Uikc

2. Dow, Dow tjconpcdai` koutj, jo`eidl jo`eidl it hust, p`bac id nrodt your id cycyour tcctj. Eod’tlcdt`y mitc eowd. Kcrc`y jo`e it witj your tcctj.

>. Mc Kysc`n . Mc Kysc`n   . Mc Kysc`n

Ujoulj bs nor tjbt tjc pbssidl tjcrc Jbe word tjck rcb``y bmout tjc sbkc.

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