ArtCam 17 Feature Machining

July 27, 2017 | Author: Milannet Milannet | Category: Machining, 2 D Computer Graphics, Engraving, Computing, Technology
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17. Feature Machining

ArtCAM Pro 5.5

17. Feature Machining. Overview Feature Machining is the engraving strategy and requires a feature to be specified in the 2D view. The vectors that make up the feature are selected in the 2D View. The type of feature required is then defined using the options on the Toolpaths page.


Using these options you can set the height of the feature, the name of the feature and how the vectors should be interpreted (Raised, Recessed, Centre Line etc.)

Dragon Badge Example • Use the File menu to Close any projects that you are working on. • Load the relief Dragbadg.rlf from Examples/Overview.

Because there is no matching 2D image for the relief, ArtCAM creates a grayscale representation of it in the 2D View.

• Select the 2D View • Select Import – Import Vector Data from the File menu • Open Art_txt.eps from the Examples/Overview directory.

Issue ArtCAM-P 5.5


17. Feature Machining

ArtCAM Pro 5.5

The word ‘ArtCAM’ appears in outline over the scroll at the base of the badge. This lettering was created in an external vector art package. Initially all the letters are grouped together.

• Zoom in on the base of the badge.

• Select the vector and select Ungroup Vector(s) from the Right Mouse menu. • Select the vectors Art and select Group Vectors from the Right Mouse Menu. • Select the vectors CAM and select Group from the Right Mouse Each group can be given different feature machining properties. N.B. vectors do not need to be grouped in order to define them as a feature.

Following a simple raster pass you will be able to use a finer tool to machine these features separately.

• Select the vector group ‘Art’ in the 2D View. • Select the Create Recessed Feature button on the Toolpaths page.

This allows you to give the feature the required depth and specify if the vector selected defines the top or bottom edge. It is good practise to name the vector.


Issue ArtCAM-P 5.5

17. Feature Machining

ArtCAM Pro 5.5

• Select a Feature Depth of 1mm, Vector at Bottom Edge and enter the name Art. • Select Create and then Close. You have now defined a feature based on the ‘Art’ vector group. The vector shapes in the group will be engraved 1mm deep into the underlying relief.

• Select the ‘CAM’ group in the 2D View. • Select the Create Raised Feature button on the Toolpaths page.

With a raised feature ArtCAM will automatically allow material to be left on during the raster machining to give the feature engraving tool something to cut the feature from. Using an Allowance setting you can define a further amount of material to be left by the raster pass around the edge of the feature rather than just the exact feature.

• Set the Feature Height to 1mm, Allowance to 1mm, select Vector as Top Edge and enter the name CAM. • Click Create and then Close. A blue line around the edge of the text indicates the Feature Allowance. A raster pass needs to be generated to clear away the bulk of the material.

• Click on the Setup Material button on the Toolpaths page. • Enter a Material Thickness of 8mm, since the Thickness of the relief is 7.402mm. • Click OK.

Issue ArtCAM-P 5.5


17. Feature Machining

ArtCAM Pro 5.5

• Select the Machine Relief button on the Toolpaths page. • Select Whole model with a Raster in X strategy with an Allowance of 1, and a Tolerance of 0.01. • Select a 1.5mm diameter Ball nosed Tool and set a Stepover of 0.4. • Name the Toolpath Rough. • Click Calculate and then Close. Simulate the toolpath

The whole relief has been machined and the feature relief has been generated. This can be displayed in the 3D view. The features are machined using feature machining.

• Click the Feature Machining button on the Toolpaths page. This page allows you to select the values per feature

Profile only– The vector will be machined with no area clearance operations. This option is used for centre line machining or when you just wish to profile a vector (to sharpen an edge for example). Area clear and Profile– Performs an area clearance between the vector and the Feature Allowance (plus any Overcut if defined) and then profiles the vector. Overcut Distance - used to clear excess material between roughing pass and engraving. Ball Mill Engraving Tool

Feature Allowance


Issue ArtCAM-P 5.5

Overcut necessary to remove this material

17. Feature Machining

ArtCAM Pro 5.5

Corner sharpen On checking the Corner Sharpen box ArtCAM Pro will automatically move the tool in 3 axes just in the regions which need sharpening. The following example shows the effect of corner sharpening on a letter "M“.

Multiple Z Passes This option allows you to perform the chosen machining strategy (just profiling or area clearance plus profiling) in a series of Z passes.

Drop Tool The tool is not simply sunk to the cutting level. A collision check of the tool geometry with the surfaces is made so as to avoid gouging. The cutting depth will be adjusted as necessary.

Project Tool With this option the cutter geometry is ignored and the centre line of the cutter simply projected onto the surface. Gouging of the surface at the edge of the cutter is possible.

• Select the Feature CAM, Area Clear with an Overcut Distance as 2mm and select Corner Sharpening. • Set tolerance as 0.01, select a conical 0.125 flat tool and set the stepover to 0.1. • Enter the name Cam and press Calculate and then Close.

Issue ArtCAM-P 5.5


17. Feature Machining

ArtCAM Pro 5.5

The feature is machined.

• Simulate the toolpath. A toolpath is copied by editing the original toolpath and giving it a new name.

• Select the toolpath Cam on the toolpaths page and double click on it using the left mouse button. • Select the feature called Art, enter a name of Art and press Calculate Now and then Close. The Art feature has been machined.

You will use the same tool and many of the same settings to perform the second feature

• Simulate the toolpath.


Issue ArtCAM-P 5.5

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