Art of Advocacy Cross Examination of Lay Witnesses

May 27, 2016 | Author: John Durst | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Part of the Art of Advocacy series, Cross-Examination of Lay Witnesses was published in 1987, written by John E. Durst, ...


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Art of

Advocacy ow.. .·s



f A l' H''1TN ESSES'


John E. Durst, Jr.

and Fred Oueller

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9(6 I LO·~g "'1'UI1"P ,.'p ·u,J 'P!""'" W'lt ~S"n~"c[ ~'n 1 1iu o r plcjudic.:, sud . 3!. the "'il ncs~' rela ti onship o. f.icml~hip with Ihc ad,'erlC p~t1y, or innu~nl.'C hy the opposing attOllley, Su,h nn opening ,au ieS the jllry 10 Ix: ,hPLk~1 fo c"~rylhi n8 the " i tneu wys I l\cr,aft ~r, c~~ ' nin3tion

Afler d"'cll ing on Ihe b i ~., prejud ice , nnd corruption of the witIhe c:-rn\.~ c~m ination C\"cnluall~' tu rns 10 1fK: subSlancc nf 11M: ,H'~CI testimuny, Th. questioner ShO lll d rx>int oul defect. in nbs.Ivalion, memory. ~m1 n~ rrat ian, While th is l ~pe of i"' llI'~dlln ~nt is j'.enct;tlly Ec~r~d tnw:t rd '~emc in!tanen of faCl, tilt Ci'Q» t~amin­ cr, if II ..a l')' lIi~ !.Cripl .... h,m neCC$~ry. A s.... ip. is 1I\~'1'elr :t 1I:lI1i ng p'l11ln:, se nse of C'Onfiocnce, C'O nlrol , cOM kt lon, cnthlJ$t. :ISm, ~inrerity, i lllcm!lCn~, and hOl>CSly all pi a)'" majo r role III d elerm in ing Ih.: df.:c1i\'~n ~ss of Ih ~ "'ill I.:nd 10') ILIIS! I I~ C'O nd llsion more ir Ih,,'), Ihc u;;hl o f i i ,


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c.~II ",i tlCr"l ~1}'Jc h~~;II' efTeel on lhe wi lntlo.'> :,. wen a' For in!.l~ n~, CO\l n~r i ~u~lio~ins !1)'1c m~)' d is:lrlll Ihe witness, c~joJi n~ agrec menl , or il !lI:l y ;ll li mid:,lc th e wi llie"",, ,'0c,dng attl0 th at particular [1WJrd .hl1 ptrson. ·n ", linkins of Ih~st IWO '1\;00' prcn,iscs (rc Ll .iOllollip ,0 part)· anoJ j).lrt ;$im, sh ip) L. O1

1>C> p..ct"'~I..""id',m"h , of , "";"" flood. """,1 pt.

C:tIbty •. J ob n ," M" ".~I. s..k. C.,..,.. 116 F.1d I S06~ I"'~ e ' r. 1 ~ 3SL wi. OIn:r.

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,.,!roIlk.. ",_il iDn ~"'l l h, """""u_ de""" Ik.· 'I'uth. 1 ....• in;on~ or ;nfo:>cl\Ce'§. B«3U'l: a lay y;i\ncs~ is nOI an expert wil nc,~.' the by wi ln en ' com[l~ lclice 10 gh-e opin ion. or in· fC fCn C~'5 i. li nliled. The lay " ';III-C'" lil a)" &c" er:t ll y o"ly S;,·c ~n opinion 01 infclentx lba( i~ bnu:d UIJ(!n bi ~ own IlCfn-"[lt io ll ~lId ' Jo¥ ~t 'no fac,~, ;"il Co. ' .. Sol:> Ib,;o Inll. ~. ~~J ~,~d t ~ (3d (i • . , ~~.:~ In on act;"p a ,i,;"" (toni ,t.:- t.;lu", ,,( 'v.." (urn."" b) lilt ",",n,;lT ('om Ih, lIoron,"'nt. Ih' t,;,1 r OUIl 'l",,,, ~ I" 'I~\t . nd hi, '",'i", oll~ ~ ." b,,,",, in J>.1 n on, '""'"lO ry of ,,,,,mil ,,«i,',J (' 0"' Ih o ~l.> in ,in: tl,o n,d .,Ion,h'o 1'lil', pbn'~ i" bu, u.,.,ioq: pi"';.... anti "'. (uon, .... in '1u",.i"". IIi. I.>t~..r ina Out of a .... I."ion bT, TIl . ~,r. ", don' 'lid "'" to>", ni, !""); '.g li 1)'" "u , n , .1ppli"h]. " .1"1< I\ "'" """",,1 tho! 11,. wi",,,,. ",. OOl~.r ""'lfi",~' , b«>luidy ....'''"'' a_ ",. ,,10.\ I>< ,,"-.

2- 10 t "cms in qU C~liun' or prior ~1~lCmcnIS .'

I b~1


"'iln~ ss' I· on a p~nicuklr ma"cr. O~ lite I.;at rou" dct"rm; n~~ that II ~nabl~ jury coul~ tind 1!1~1 the wi lnes' [)Crl:ch'cd Ih e evcnu in q uc!ti en, Ihe is. ~ue of cre dib il hy i. ~ m:tllcr for Ihe ju ron.' til proving lack of J'C'r$OMI knowli.'.: imp~ i lC",i l~' 10 drin k alco hol i. " 01 o ,uina rily ' Ck'OI nl IQ llLe wilIKU' condilion :01 Ihe lime o f Ihe c"ent ' The (acl that , ",itn~'S1 i , , I1h:mbcr of Ako lmli ..'S Anony_ o I,dd.... .-\llh 01J~h il "" " p,nl"." 10 '~mi'. ~i'nM>' ' '''1"'00)' Ih " 'h' !,!,in'i!f . ~pur0 .,,111>:"", or inl~.i, .. i"~ I>do.~ ,..., ""''' and ' '''' jUl). 'ho ,h.1 ",,,,, did MIl ,r< in ,,j ,ni,,i", ,...;""",. Ih" Ihc 1,',in"IT ~m 1>«" ~ ';"'i "~ J")' prir O'!-""v,lin ~,

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So... 1'«1, It. f.I."Cfl " .. "I.)nn ,., lIo1"'.. l .... p.. ! ~. ,\ri" 164, 6~K P,ld \~SJ (Ct, '\PIl, 1 ~~4): fl)"" Y, ~lrllm)' Il>nk" TM\ {'u" : &J M~, I~~, "~1 S,II',!d 114 11~~ SI; J),,;, ", s,,,!. II", ..-;"" '" II \h< t'''''' '" ,bidO>d ~"Ml ~r ' If P~ '''' ,,, ! ~t '>~. r;: 'III ' 6 ''I'lo:) -, ...,w..',1 ;({ ~~I1 " , ", 'T S sur 'ro; -.I~~' '.!) ~" I "' I'OV I"""',l r UI' l1 "'""11\' u.I"";'w -" ',wI '1"11 'l",u·~"(I, '" "'II ' \,~(d ·"u\, '''!'''U'''l', ""I"~'I 'O~&I ''''!I ~) :~, p,'~ .(1 'n I~,ull rol JJJI{,\\ 1~41 310,,,,

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,1(' uo !pnpO)IU! ,1 111 l11U);">II n 5 1~ Ur.) pnU,1 V ' IU;lIU . "!,,I " II '1" ! I>J~S". , ," UI !," "'II JII:st:>l. ;llUl "I AI!U!llJ O~~() ue 1'_1PIO}]\) ' I .\ )joo 31!suddn 341 puc Hl"UI~l e!~ ~'-Il ,iu" p JO U !C'~_'L.J UI .{I!U nlloddn lie l' lPJ"ll" '! $SlUl!," l 'll J! fI" I I!Wpe :.q !l C) jIIl UI -l)eIS IIP1I!"""''' 1 J O !'~ p..l0 ))U"I' !'';' "! SU!JI\;'O '('Il£ 19 "ln~1 J,lpU n 'u Oll1:P U\1".1 c ~\\I'\\: I "mp'l "~U"P!" " !I"n~ ll'IJ' " Isu!dr. JI:I)lnC OIhn part ial pc '~n . 1 he b~si~ fm Ihe ,e\aliUII,hip (wh..1hcr f3"0I"3hlo or unf~yorab!c) llIay be M> '" lIul",


!'mP< .... h">', F.ld I'JS IN (i, _ I ~"' ). Thf p4in,ilT bi. (""'''' "", plo)"'" ror MOl" , ,;.,.. '"~ 1i".,J. n .. ""f""I,", " "m,.,,",;n,,·,1 fQ' d,."" ~,, .• 1I" ltin ~ II" pl,in,;ff\ ;n.'cl"JlI.n' in, I(I00n," ,,, ,I. f" u" il . n , , ...,,, """'«! hI


I j~h L Lo t!l~bli, h bia$ ~~ iM. Finl. Lh~ n31urc anti cxtent o f CJOSS \!.\lIn,in;Uion i, krt 10 Ihe soond discrelion of Ihe Irb! aw n . Th" ~o url gCIl ~ra1ty [1crr()rm~ a we ighing nel in dctermill i ll~ Lhe propri o ely of Lh~ crOH .Unlinaliun. If Ih e "'lnC.1< Ill , pl.'oi ." rr ~', mnlr; bulr"ilr ""f];~'" ' ''' "'.,,". of I,\~, .. in",T ~"" ,~"n,i"'d ,n ,111100",", " ,limon)' ,L." 4>0,' hL,""," ....~"C"C. bim ""d ,h. ,, ~ n«.. >I,d "'" ...... ~,tt", thO "i'n." >hoWd b< ..."" . .... iMll. "Mill. ~. E,te\k. SS~ f '::o3 II') Uth ei •.). ,"'.l ""IKJ. . ,).l II.S. 871 11 9;7~ TlIt,e ,,~, .... ,bi". ,I,", "' iokn« p,n",,,ti"" "'n"",,' p,io, ,""nl'ill> 1 " " ,,. " " , .... tl6

m. """

(\ ~SO). '\ ro' '''''!"' nn . b •• l>. P 9 F,l d J I9 {~I~ ("or_ I ~Xl ! . "/,, '" " nIh "" ,. 1',.1 67 C". M'[" ld $Ol . ~I) C,l- liptr. ~:~ (19~ 5 r. ~ ", j, ~v. Smi' h. -'!).> So>• .;!J )61 mo. Ill". n . _-\~ P. 1'Ji1): Ih~ K''- v. ~""'. f>J;(l " .!,! ' '''' (NcIi . 19Ul . .. 1'".1'cr ' . S'.tto. 4j ) ,\!d (,7. 11>':1. 19~ :I ': 1t,'fC" ,'. lIl "o~ . III G, . M~. :!~'!. I II ~Ud ~ }I 1' 9701.

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ceipl or 11lO1I~)', ~ Willl~'" nlay \>ol dir('(:t~' ", ked wlml he i, llei,,& paid 11.1 1~$li f~'." Compcno;,Hil.ln In ICllify in a sivcn C~!C dIll" nOI n"cc ,~aril~' c()n~li\uIC"

bribe. howc'·cr.

$inc~ ~

1)' paid for h i~ lime ~ nd expense in com ins

w;lncs5 is

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:md Ic,tir)'ing,"

An y acli on or I~nsun&~ cxpn:nlng ~ 5)' mp~lh)' or 11 0Il il ;I)' In_ ward ~ flJ" )' ;s ~dmi s!iibk \0 infer hillS. For namplc. :l JUI)' ,n) ' inFer b ias or p. ej udice ,,-hen :I wi\n,'l& coopilI"JtC!i ,,·;tll one p~l1y lalhCT 1ha n a nolhel," when .!>erc is "" id e""" 11131 the wi tn,,,,, ha~ filed cri nli na! cha'Se, :I~ inM a p;l l'l l'," o r whe n the wi l n~~~ h:l$ been Illrc~lencd by ~ pal'ly 10 th e I:lw&llil."

E"id crlCc Ih311110 wilness a nd n P31'1), 'lfe or werc ad"cr);c p~l'Iic~ in it 11Clldinl: bw. uit is rclev:!nl to" ~howi ng of prcjud ic~." Also . :1 pal'l>' ca n show bias where the witn~s! hm settled hi. 511 il wilh Ihe ad,·cfSe Illrt)"" ,. Jtq,on • • 81,d:, 11 1 ("....\~r- !~? I;) S.~. ::.I 4JI ( ' ~1D~ "5.,1>0 ' '. Qr>' 1'.,n,I.,. In •. ' .. Porrin (''''T',,~'' 111. '\IIfI, J.d ~~ .l . 41 7 :-;.f_:!.l ~l~j19~1), l'.i .,ine. In" ' .. I'min r~'p .. ~.' llI. .\pp. Jd 60). ·117 :-;. ~.lJ SH



1191 II. >& Ci ...1 , . W.Il,,,, 1'I"n'hi"~ .I,; II , .. I"~, I""" (,1, l'."d !(I(, I~h,nt. I'J~nl, "n"U) v. ('~,~, i',' 1 (,,,,,II,. COfll .. lJ O F.ld 19l11d Ci,. !~S' l, Th. pl>;I1I; (I' _.. 04 ~" ",,""'. !.... ",('""" io" .rwllib1o ~ htlh ... h. bod ...,1«1 bi. """,,,n,1 in)ID), "I"Ii.\I ,h. ,,.101 '" ,,'oid ,b, ,,,lIi,ion ~' j~ " ....,. ..r rl>in"fT 1>;01111 .. !<

01 ..h!", "",,,,'«I "'" ti",n ,ft),h'fIJ lOt 111< d,,,,,,i..,. .

•,s.,·" o'd"" . .... T ho )lIJ,lm jff.", 0 "". n,." ""dn-..,.OO'i ..''''''''''M. " " . >10. ...1 "hoth., II< hod >t' rl,", «Iun. I!>c: ~, IOI Co. 737 I'.~d )6S \M I,. O . '\PI' 1'l!}J(19 ~01.

TIl. pl.J.lft,;(r ~"'utht • p'",h •• " li , l);li'l 'eli"" . ... in'! , m,nUr","",. 0( ' h'«·~ h "I, d 011 '«T.,in \·,h,< 11;"1 ","m ~,al"'lly ,ull.i" o.I .~'j,,,,,,,," I~ 'l"'";''''' d;"",,,d 10) ,II,

pi.l;""n ,. > "';' ,, ,,~"' ,. ••.• f", 'M d."""",,",. Th< ".,';"'DJl' "'" '" 10< ~n, ,"",' h . 10«"•• ,", r"~Ik .

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• Uni, • .! 11,;;1,•. 6.• 0 !'.! .! ! I)l (! ," (if, ,g~OI. '\1,h""~h .1 \\;1",'1> n" l \>C qU"l i" ",1 of mi"'""oJ ....... Ih. ,~ .. ,\ I",. II" ro".f '0 P« •..." < o" ~",' flU'" I~ inf , .~ ;",;",''io& > ,,'II ..... _100) b» olIO"' } ' D' "",«I !' " "",., ;" .n a'''''''r' '" ••u t>-

• • ro";(~1 ':wh .. , ..... , n " ... " no i ~ it_ "'" .r" ri n~ ~I"" , ,,,,,;",,!i o,, "'tl"i «.! • '" " .. I ol~" lOb!",,}' 'M.·i 'li "" . ,\I • •I""'!,h I~ " ",n hold ,hoI '1>< .'v........ _-Wk talllm' 0"" 'he of qlK'\';ftni~ "~o,,> i, '" I"I01n:I. .. t~ ,


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' ('/X',il;"''', The ~nlwed is wi thin the di scretion of th ~ trial court,' ''',umi nE Ihill the wilnc~s &i"es n co mplet c answel 10 a ljues lion. il j~ Slound~ (or ot>jeclion 10 Icpcal lhc ljuC5Iion in hope I!I:I\ Ih~ witllC'Sl ""ill ehanS\! h i~ Il~timon)·." On Ihe u i liel h:l ll"'. Ihe COlI n m ~)' pcrmit repetilion ir th e w itncss' a nswer is uncle ar or inrnm plctc. "





or tudin~


In Gcncral

A It':3d in, q ueslion is u ' 1llC!liun rr.lmed in such :I man ner 11131 it SIl &\Csts to the "'itne n the :lnSWer the .l,,,,,ld be l, ,,,"",,,1 " ditT",n' r""" "I' 't"·";O";"G-"""'. , I" "' t. ,,,,,.11; I"o,!,", ".0 0'''''> ,in," du,;n~ {!"!ionin~_ Ab,en' " 01"" ,hu" ~f ,II"'''';~''. i"", """,

''') \\'1111'"'''''' T il "oSllfe 11131 a qll ~!\io n will cli~i l I' "y~" or "no" r~\p{) n*, lhe trOS! "A~nl;l1e r .h ou ld ll1 ah ~ !)('~;I;\'C J I~r1 io!l to Ihe jllf)" Tile wi ln\;u oII""ld merd)" respond, SI~ l i"S ",h~lb~. be !IS~ o r d i\, "~'e~ s , u~ of one of Ih~ r"ll' '''..(nt l,b,aU5 will in~urc lhm Ihe (IUCs,ion u.ked will can Ii" agrc~",c nt or d;5~SrCClll cnt 11)' tl' e wit, n .u; " h o't II l\ f3,\ Ihat" "I,n'\ i, corr«l lhal ," "D idn', ~-ou,"

"'I:" 'en',


or "I,n'\ ,I


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Si n",' a kJd ing IIUt !lion SUl!!:"SI~ 3n an'''cr. ;\. u~ is ord inariI)" f"'hidden on (l i«'C\ c~~ ",ina!ion," ~xCell\ "'h':l\ qUcllioni nB on b"C~fOUnd n n~ olhe. prd imi n,,'>' mJllc.s, " In ,ddi,i"n, " co un h"~ Ill\1"" ,hoI' , II"" 1It. 1l", ..ric...!;"¥. q.... ,ia .... . uU.." d '0 ,"""",1

, ~l\r.II:"' f,,,", ~f ~"",;"" I",_n''''~' ,1"""" ;,.,.."~ "'W". .,h' n.,,', ';m, J",i"" Q,,,,,\i',,,i"~. ,\bl""" cI", ",,"'" "f ~i ~",.,i Llll, the l,i.1 mOl"" d,~'" i,," """hi ",1\ II<

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\>"" Sio. 1)0_. 1";0"" s.., W1. Stp.t"!oo,: W.,,_d • • d I:'" ...... T ••IT", \\'It""., I)Id 1'>""" 110"""" SprOl !oCil o,'er h OH.' (inlJitati n ~).

"0..·• take 3 loo~ at Ihis r ietu .e. I lti~ i~ Plainli O'"~ ) in e"idencc. Ih;, is tak.m from tht opposite dil\"rtion; d oc. Ihl .ho'" the C\,,"\'C tll31 you JUM lold us aooul, behind )·ou or weSI of Ih e inlcfiCt"\ion? ,\ . YI:"'.



l'osillua 01" Vehirk.-s

No"'. "·h.,, you We re coo"; n~ down in IIiaI tis!t l·h3 nd bn~ Reed A'"t1Iue. Ih;5 a. IOU . m}' ler, to s.,'C if .hen,) wa5 J e~r "on'in& Ih ~ ol her " 'lIY, L $\; corner? MM. 1l1.,Kr.: I 2m soi ng to Objo.'Cl to II>Oj l "~ '''''''I1~ ~ uu ~;l{IPUI ~~ ~4 W41 a'i !liIQ 01 5,om l 0111 ~~ A~w ;)";~Od5JI P"lqwn! ,ii!IU1!'" a'll ' IU iP I~'c Jill )0 "lUI) ~ In )e ~~SSCI3 alO" "q I! $loUI!·" ~1 ~~ " losuno, 'u C)ll ~~ 'W~'J '"on 10 )iJJWn.1 :J~ !M01101 ~In 01 :lNlWWO::>


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Di d )·Otl ~ an)" !ish's of Qny ,·ch id ,... In 'he imcrseelion of Sprint Rood w..... n ~ou WeN Ihe len&,1! of Ibis ,-Our1foom fro11\ the corner? 1" 0. ddinilcl)' 110. :0;0'/



Spcrd of

Wi.n e!' tim ~. as }1)\1 wc,~ ""proachin g RCl'd Avenue. see t!le maU which !~ par.Jlcd Ihe ,"'",,"I ano ~:lllbou no IT:lffic al Ihe ;nle lwct ion of Sprin!; Roau? No. When I U"" ma)'\)c, lei me tak~ thnl b:l(k. Wh~1l I Yt'~ ! nl",'bI: ~ few-le!"s !.:.Iy " half a mile h;lcl; . I collld Ke tho: ~ e.;t ion . th e il'llc rscet ;on 011 the lefl . und ! cell id 5C~ Spring RO;HJ on Ih~ ri~lu-h"nd &iuc. I cOlll d I CC t !l ~ li ghlpOSl an d llu:n I ~"\W the high Khool, so. t of, on the co.ner.

Q. nmt's whcn you w~r.: a hal f mik back'! A, No. bcl"'"C'I.' n ;I qua ll~r of a mile :lnd a half: I don'l kno'" e~ ~ct l r·


W..-tl. a qua .ter of a mile. Wil en yo u wcr~ ~ ILII3m. of a milition and SI\H'd nf Inlt.!l('ttion


Ca. I'.io< I" I!m.....;nl:

Q. AU , ight . No .... oomin& dO,,"11 Il\;It ro., d )"00 ...~ riding in the center lane anoJ you "'er~ doini, between 40 ~ nd 4S miles all hour; isn't lhal .ight?





Do you 10:11 U$ Ibat)1 r.ome poi nl bero!"!:),w ,tach. d Splin!: Road, }'ou not iced n enr co ming from )'our ("(,:I f in Ihe lane ruonglldt: of ~O ll, 0( 10 )·ou. ,i~t: isn't Iba l so? y...".

Q. ,\ n:l lhal nr M ~. B!"'K~ :



o\'crlaking )"011, wasn', il? ObJ~'u' Itwrnony. co"",el should .emembe. 10 ! >U~I point ,,"t. ;!"s no, " CUtIn R'1'Ortcr. i"~ " M,,· lor Vchfdc h.a tin, r.:r>nc, ~" c ~ pctil.'1"lCC is tlial hi, qu~l· "~)' of profidcnc)"M1Icrrcll l ~lifi .."t11 0. TIt¥ ((11.;1recdcd


"A n.v'er: Wdl. " hel' I YJI onlll 81s\\"illo T umpikc. I lumed to Ihe .iShl la ne and mll"cd Ilve r 10 \ ~ c c:cn,c. or may ha,·~_ r umlCd'o tho cenler. I·c,. J did. nn~ mll'·cd 10 lhe left , ~nd Ih e'~ W::lS :, ca, behind me. I oou'd ........ Ihe liglus in nI)· mirror an d I kept on Goi ng ~nd \hi , ell' pulled u p 1i~e ;1 "·as coing 10 1'::1,' me.Did you IIi"" thi, yes or no'! ,\ .


to Ihat question on ,1\:'1 dny : j ust


Did you Sh'c this lll1 S"·cr 10 Ihi 5 ql.lcstio n, Ih e vc')" nc.1


li ne:: "Qunlion; Abaul how



)'O U ~oinll

at the timer·

" An ~,,"Cr: Too\; 11 whil e ror my y . I ju,t don'l f(l"~n whcth ~ r I ~aid Iho ~ wonl,. I .".\.'~ 11Ial"s rishl. OnIIr brJ kc? .\ . 11'c ....M "~.IS in (h.:: Iuruins 11Ine: bUI ma vi ns. 1'd ~ay t h~ fronl ~nd of the cat w;" ill th e left la ,,~ or .asthoumi tr:,ffir when I firM an~llcd my bmk~,. Q,

~ [l~ tied

.' .

Q. So


il lml :11,(,,11)' crlMt'd Ibe m311 ami " -J\ ,nlo SUffi\: ()(mi ll n of Ihe lefl·lI.a nd km" or ~Ihou nd Imm" ",hell Y"Y fin l ""I ) '01,1, fOOl o n Itlc brdl;e; hn' l Ihl l 001

~II\. Ill-'''C ACI" Ih~

m.n, Your HOllor?


-- . --

In lo Ihe d'\";tkr. TIJ~ C:II~W.,.: \'ou r II. Q. ,\.

Did )"ou go 0\11 10 lunch " 'ill! hi",'! With 111. att orn .)'?


§ 3,04

Q. A.

1' lund! lod.:1y ",ilh !Ii.. ~ ' Hlrncy ~nd Mr. !)I a~b~nJ'! Ko. I h.., d lunch ....ith .\1•. OI» b;md . :",d my "ife :md his wi fe. Th31'S ~n.

Q. You A. No. ~

n" "~r mlk~d \0 an)' aHe rnc)' about tt1ii~

J.II.1 Q.

Did you e-'c. give ~ u~'cmcnl 11> ~ " l' ... nc abcnll II,;:., ~ M~lc mcnt, where you wlh-d aoom Ihi~ wh ole claim'l




Q. Nc""'- l.o:1'-C a M3tcmcn l \0 A. No.


§ .l.OJ CO MMENT: The Wltr.eSS look on ; rnpl~u.ibll! po~ilkln . that he 1:0\ up cYe at1emp!i ng to eontradict the (k!~r p/'I ~I tvi.... nec in [nt 'S e:.. [icr"1

COMMENT: This qlJe'Shon is Clearly direcled to th~ III!)'. I~ put the c,i!jc nce in pe rspecti"c JII!IL$ lime .• uble~1 10 lale, POIK>[. ,\ . On Jll ly Will il IIi\l nOI look like Illal. I am ""~! nol like lha! (In Jul y lOth.


SII' ''. That

,\ .

Dill you e,'et "h !~r" c th~ r.Iisjl'c< i.. i,m. "' .... d , i ~l\I "I"" "' ('"" id,., "f ,I", 1(00"'< ('"u"' 2U(l fec I hch ind 311O Ih.: r b u~ al the li me or th~ :t,:ci. d t nt. e,'en Ihousll it ~h ou l d h~ ,'c bet ll m uch rurther be)lind. ,\d(il· t;",,:,II )", th or" ",er~ nu ~ id m:tr!;s. ~uppurti ng tll.: p!:ointi rTs con' I~n tio n Ih ~ l the driver nc ,'cr rully ~pplic(l th e bmkel , ntr" uchout this erG ... "~~ tni n~t io n, Judge Fuch~bcT!l dwcll~ on llle wca kn e~. o r Ih ls ... j lnc~ '!l'e , n~~~' n'any ront :lCt~ with Ihe ddcn~ ~tto rncy. in addition 10 I,is ro nl~ C I ~ willt in " c~ti S:!I0"" and Olher ...; tlll.'Ui!!I in the ~ ron,bi rK: \0 n'~h his " cilibilily ,u~ IX'I' I .


Of course, you discussed }'o ur te slimo ny be fore yo u lOok

the sl.:md , t1idn't yu u? COMMENT: Judge Fuchsbe,1!. opens his t'O!.S el amination by point' lng t)U1 th~t the wit n ~$s tu tifi eu a fter bei ng p[ep~,e~ to do s~ by the ~Pl>QSinl!. auc ,nc ~ .

,\. Yes. sit. I read tit c' e.

§ 4.'1 I b,:& fllU' p:Jrdoll~ ,\ , I r~ad 1 ' (C!' llIe w;tn H~ originally led the jUly 10 belielfe Chat lie

did not recall l.Ceing the lawyeo' before . A.


Q. A.

! ".."C. YeMS "8(1. I Il a"~n'l IIftn i n coun for a 1;00yirl\l he "may h~"c' 'r>OkGn wilh ~~ in"C5tigal ()r. TIIO wjln. , ~ m~y b~ lie"e h£ C,:In avoW committing Itlm!iClt un(le< IIi1tll. An aUa,ney a n "rOSS".., amlMlion cannot ne rmit ~ witn ess 10 cQ uivl)Ca le . Th e Tact lhat he 1.. ls comjlllllflti~~t"r.: ", lIl en from Ihe bill C:In Itlc law}'Ct "lid ~ "ul he, i n,·~t i!l'l'o' ot ),,'r; is lhat ""hal y()U mean?

T II;,,,~


al,tiles a,e o! Ga , clt'S ~ .n. Q.


s 'ghl

WI' en YO II sil in the 0",,- t h~':\.e a'~ ,nubOloso."t! bu~s: I "t~:1Il t hey arc Itl't li\;~ a ,flick or nn a ULOm"bile ,hal ml ~llI ),U\'C ils ~n~nc ~ h.:.w or )'0"; the d, iw< "; I~ ,'oq ~l[' ."1" no,{ 'aJ~ll PIP no., p!n~ no,,, ~u ',\oq J'!l ,"1" no.' UOI!,\\ ,mil 'U)l:)Ja, S! llU)'ll ~UO ',\IOU IP,\\


'111'"!J ~JU11.L


;,P)P.' no,( l"'!,\\ lP.'!) S! ~.'oq J4' JO l'lfi!s ]~Ol ))0,' U~1{1 pun ,'0,] ~q) .",:, no" IP.\l! .{n, '" lqll!J no.' J\1~\j ] PIP oS


'H{il!J ~JCll.L


~J,)I{,,, JU 1!WJJ U! ~lJl{,,,~UIO,


IC1!l l,U') :U,\\OP ~1I!1001 'I~!q dn 11u)1l!s ' I lullmit he tlI;lY ~!lswer.

,,.. ,,,,,,

§ 4.05


Tile COIJ~T: You asked him tim!. You tion, so h~ WaS gh'ing you onc. Rcfmm~ your que;tion.

Q. A.




You were here ulread)" thi . morning and then tile)" gave you ~ subpoena? Th~t"' right.


Wl10 is ~thcy"? The investigator. I don't know his name.


Is he here'!





M~. Ft:(1"IlE:~(i:

Will you SWIl(l up, plCUle.


Do you know his name,



Q. YOII don't? THE Co\;RT: Do YOII wunt to put hi~ name on Ihe record? MR. FI)C,",IIERG: I don't rcnlly care. TilE C01.lRl: All right. go ahead. Q.

WhnL time did he give you the


Abolll nine-thiny.


YOII havo twu subpoenus here'! Tllat", right.

,\. Q, A.


A. Q.

A. Q.



Which one of lhese did he gi," ~ }'OU this morning? The olle Ihat', gOt the datc 011 it for today. You mc~n une of them say.' you arc tu come to collrt the 17th'! Tuday i, the 17tb. That" right.


SO "fler you arc here in coun todny you arc gwin~ a subpoena that you should come here today? This w;,sn't " ,ubJ'O"na to come tomorrow, w~, if! Do you want me to answer that que'lion rur you'! No. nO. It was today'/ On you w:tnt me tn llcip you nut on Ihat? ,"~." , ,,


,\ ,

No. '''', III~ nk you . I wit! tl1' to du witnOUI )'our h ~ lfI. J j\l~t wnlll 1(1 know \\"helh ~r it was I"d~y he E''''C )'0\\ Ihe ~\1bllQCn~ 10 tell you tu CO Ill ~ here loony. '111'0\1 loo k il'! T hJl'S righ t.

,\ , § 4,116

after >'011




"f Caw With ,\UorfICj' ~nd Willln",,'


No ..·• I. t'~ Sftl:"": ~ f10. sir.

S.h_'"1". the ho)' ahead u r )'(l u. I SUr>1H1SC. YOllr C)"\.'lo, like the ~)·es of 1111»1 peo ple, l'QY can sec '(l nl. di,t anc~ :tcr~" th e ",dth in fro m o f you , rir,II!'!

,\ . 'nut"s Q.

ri~JI1 .

' n fa ct.


S'O u sa)'. "'hen YOIl km . iShl "r him'! Y.s.


,\ nd

yo ~ 1011 .igh t or him. ~ nd do you remem ber wh on >'01' S.1W hi'11. wh ~n )'OU lOSt 5;g:I!t or him'! Y~,. A ~o .. "l~ o r r(~'\ Ix ror~ I rn.'lIl1lt l.t ,hud , I~M


Q. You wer~ ~urpri! ~d "'l1 en you hC:lrd the tllll ml"! !>IK. S.."" x I " 'ill obj~>Cl 10 l ~ . form of Ilk: qu~~ lon. T",: COl!kT : Nt n n ~n ~"'er thl l. Q. A.

We re YO II ~urpri! .d when ~ml h~ard the lil "n'l'? No, I d o..•• 'bi .. ~ I wa\ " " 1'ri5r...,.. I e~po;''''ro hinr. I expected him t" hit the hu •• til e "'ay he WJ ! ru,mips.


r sec. You d id,,'\ Sl": him di'" you~


:,11 when til . CO ,lIac' '''ok


[ ~\)'




1 didn"t loCe him at n1l




~ .....

Q. A.

nut )OU ll c ~rcl :L lo ud Ih um))? It "':1, ~ ,hu mp. )·cs. 1 don'l know ho'" 1011 \1 il w~s :l 1hump there.

Ille C"U1l13CI



w:, ~.

hili il

§ 4.09 Wilh cl rnl< ;ng Quest;',n 10 A"oi d f;Xplnna1inn COMM EN T: H."e Jutlge Fuchshe,c 1I5ked • QUC'l.lion which lnadv(". ICfltll aceo"led Ihe wilneu ~n oPP DrtUn1ty 10 give an e.planaticn . Judge ~LJ c ll .tle,c 5'oPrICd the wilnen. ar>d \'Ih.n lil a ju dea 'uled [he wilnes~

could e'pI;IlfI his


Jutl£c Fudlsbelll w,lhO,ew the

qUCl.hon 10 :l...,ill t11e e l pl.l\,ltion.



,\\ lh~ ' ti m~ ~ou d idn' , 'l:C him conw.. r;sJll inlo ,hc f,om o r Ihe hUI: you didn', "'e him come right ill111, the .arne :IS ~'o ~ arC now1 Thm'~ righi,



Q, II nd ,:\5 3 mali n of f~c t ,



ye ur t~li meny wUI type ,! UIl, d id Ih.::re rome a li me when you wcm 10 the bu~ C'Ump;tn~' nnd looked il o\'e r 10 see if there werc un)' torrcnio n Ii~ ""~"'-T. Go righl aru,:u!.

Q. ,\ .


Fini sh Y(lur an, ....w.


) ,U\\' ll!e tIo~' wi ll! lhe lerl C)'C l'0l11ing I()w;ud, nw. A~ '''011 "" I 'IO~ ;!X h inl • • ".~ afra id h. wa~ golt~ to) t"nlC In fmnl o r nH:. alltl I p mmcd d""'n-

Q. ,\.

WlI;\I'!! coul d n'L te t tllm ,

I "' D ~ afr~i~ jamm ,

his ,i'ler', aid. whcn nsked to do ~o by the mother hdore the a,· s:mll. If thc cily wm negligent. was he; thcrefore. hI' defcndinl~ tllc city. he defends himsclf from blamc.


§ 5.01 Condu,ion of Dir",,! EXlll1linlltiun ,\.

What Can I say? It's a father nnd daughter normal rc\nlion~hip. I mClin, he loved the child. 1'l1,t w,~ the ani).' thing he hnd left was her, and he was morc Ibnn, he did a lot for her. as far as stayinS with her and taking ellrc of her, He had J IN of custody. I mean. he w~s with her ninety perc.nt of the time. He used to take her to school in Ihe morning. IOmclimc, pic~ her UP. because my mother h"d ninc to five hOUr>. My father', hours were vcry ftc.,iblc.


Well. when your mOlher was working. who was il that Iookcd aftcr Diane? ),1), fnther.

A. Q. ,\.

When she wasn't in school? She went 10 school in the neighborhood. II was vel).' do,e. and he would bring her "1(1 most of the times he would pick her up,

Do you remember where the apartment w~, thm ),ou stayed that weel in Augu'l or S~plel11ber of 1975 with your parents? A. Cramer Avenue. l\JR_ REICH: All right. I ha\'c no rurt)ler Que~tionl your Honor.


§ 5.02 Op"ning Cro" Exomin:ltion b}' Dcmonstmling " Sprdlio Error by Wimess COMMENT: A quick op.cning blow to the cmdibility of Ih~ witness 'hould be ",,,dc. wllcnever po~'ible. to mnke th ~ jury skept;c~1 of tile w;tne,~' testimony, SIIOwin& Clno specific error I.~ds a jury 10 believe Oilier errors may al,o !lave occurred. Here. tile e"or by the witne" may be innocent. but tim witness hi' " "or so poorlY;lS to rellect on Ilis intellig" rICe and hones·



CROSS EX,\""~'ATM)" Ih MR. Q\;LtU:R:


Hello. Mr. Cicdli. Do )'0\1 know in Augmt and Septcmber of 1975 there was no longer an apartment on Cramer A'-enuc'!



1.:>Jo' \\ LI" li me_

,\ ,

~crr he~'·ily .


Q. In I%Y! ,\ , '111m , "'ID. 3 ' ime he did n't .!rink for le ' ·Cll year, . Tu ~ (Ol'Ml; CO)uns.:l. pk;\M' k l Ihe ..-ilnes. a ns,wr IhOdqn~ ~U.\\ Oil' ~Sn\iJ~U 'JJIj llll,\I ~IIIC~ noA


i.lJnO~ 01 \l"U!1II0~ sn.\I O\IS "'OU, I P!P .\loH l·{llplll 111l0J 01 ~JOlt 3UilIlOJ 'U.\I ;at! A\OUl no, op .\101·1


I puu '\nOC'. nm !;(:cn ;",ybody. no l I"'. h.... him to tile puin, ,,'hcr.:: he would 1t ~"c III drink and So into the ~I :UC he ",:I I pu~lied inlO, I belie"c he W'I' pushed illlo ii, nOI that he WJ< cnp;lbl o o f doing it. Anyth illg lhJ l ha d h:ll'f'Cncd ~ bl;QU!;eliuas;ve

! wa~n'l ~wmc nfWr'~1 wa. goin~ on . I did n', ma);e ;1 'n>' busi.>t'5S 10 GCI ;,,,·ol'eJ. lh"I ' ~ righi,


. ..

"", ' 'I) 0)

'C.I' \ 1"'1 ' 1'11' "'I Itlll 1)IUPV ."UU 1\ 1/.\ '1"! II," "'J P.'UI~."-l I'~ll ' 1M.'" -'UJ 'UrJ!J ' r~ pl J Il l II: ,911~~1 "I \U~," 1I(),'; '\).1U!1""1110,'; ,"UI( S.l1lI11 pun 'Ir.JP poull C S U)l1J31,US"'" ~'1 11(.>" " 41 '10.' " 1 I""' !CI\I>:'> ')" ." d ( " .. S!-, IIV LU!tlu q :, ~"o.) .111J, 'n(l.{ ~ur.'11 ' l'lfi!J ltv :um:J.t) '~ l"

'UO!I';,)!!\> "'-II 1'''-'0,'''"11 J."n (l" _PJJ~,"~ U " ',~II ' p;>I! !" U(l)~qO ' 1. ,\0.) J lI,l

- ',unt.!.

';\{)I II I

PU JII IIlOJJ 1"','11$ :II J J:l lJ _

" II


' MI~


'''''! I')["o :n,l1:f~1 'lIl~

' ON


i,~ n.1\

11:1l1 I,IIS! :1': ~ (1 1'1"1 " P~ 01 1")11 I U~." I,UP) P 110,( :>sn~~:>q dl,'I! OJ 1m.. " mIl no.\ ''''-IltJ In,,'; ~" ~O l 0 1 (\c "10th", Mel her Colle (o/(I,~ all his t!lllmooy.


a huiklint;. The (lbinlirTe!:limoo th ll he MtPpc... Oil :I P;~ of I~r­ r~'coila, which ca\ll[. o r III ~ J gr ~ . mcm bet ween \h~ DiJ I Telephone Com p~oy :t no! Ja mes II r~dle)' & S"" Pl: n3 inin& ! .... •hio ""IIf k 3\ . his loc~tioll . MM. R' "'[Mn : Yom li onllr. cuut\wl rl ~' been Tl"" 'idod .. i lh ;J. COpy :llld r h.we no IIbjcc!ioo I.... ro(lnwl u, ing .h ~ \"Ufl)'. Ctlun-


1 ~_1O

I.'!!! C,n;RI, Vcry well. Mft . ROlll.Rl ~ I ha'.... 110 objection to th~ ~. l:Oinr, illl!! c"i · (';ltion .Ianed aTaLmd May of 1er. 1 would say I couldn't rClllcmt>er.-

Q. Then Mr. Brown srokc up. Hc wnl Ihe :tItOnlc)' represcntins you at Ihis hearing. AI the time Mr. [lrown said to you: -Without Hucsling, whnt i~ your bc§( estimate," "A, I woutd say around the J1rst weel: of No,·cmber. It would t>e ,ometime in :-.Iovcmt>er."· Q,

Did you give those anslVers to





Q. Am 1 correct, sir. thm the wan. to that machine rnom were demotisll.d ~ometime in :-.Io"embcr of t9 .. ? A. I would say yes. COMMENT: TtlC witness has lirst answer!>d tim question "t d(}ll't re' meillber. when you mention \tIe d~te: Then, whon confronted willi his deposition testim(}llY. he change. Ilis answer to "Yes." He thus appears to tie cvasi.e at tI,e trial.

Note tll~! counsel repeats the same question ~fter quoting tile de· position, 50 lila! \lie jury can eo"tr~'t the two diflerent anSwerS to

the s leading IIUC!>lion5

h~W ~n

Pfep,n ed dir«t,

IV h om . he witn~$' Ic~!imany ~t the depo.~ iQlI. Counsel l.07

E\.(.b'; s";"~

Su"d",d "r C~ ..

COMMEHT: The p/J,nlift r>OW esl abl;~ne~. Ih,uugh 11K: sl, ,,,,,111 have bee n done to preve nt thl i oc cident .



w~'e Ihc nr~dk:y's m~n r~'!uir~u to ucb, i, into :lome kinu of cunlai MI":\'!

Q. ,\nC mc'!


l oon', know,


Api " , I ~C)up lc

\h ~ ''''Ii lll!my II, Ii ...., 17:

am lC':Id ;"t;

of )'cm~

~go. I'~&I'


) ' ()U

g,wc a

-Q. Wlml -,\,

W:1.' tlt ~ .il.c of the roOl'll, ~PP,,)_~im~lIel)"r' ApplOxi nH'lcl)' I ~ by 15 f. cl. or ~mncthitlr;. "

n'", I"')



Q. Did you p "c

Ih~I ~n.~ .....:r


10 tb~t (I"ellion? wha1 il wn~.

,\ .

If I d id tben. Ib . 1


,\ .

\Viii )'Ou 1\'1[ US whal th. "'.\\5 or Ihe 01(1 mllch ino room were co nstrucled or t>llfore the ,,"l!!~ wcr~ d~mel;r.hcd7 WII.1t we re IhOll' w;tll~ made n r! I I:II/Iie ..., i1 ..·M l~n."'~'Ha blrn:l:.


And "'hal "'J< Ihe color of


lerra·eoli a hl od: 00 the

i n~idc'!


ReI! . so meth'nll. II, " color of hrid, b rown, .~dd i$h ('tIlor.


Pi n\:.. o r red . '5 Ihnl ,ith l1 Well. pinl:: Dr r~d. $Ontelhin& or 111:11 G'llier.


Q. Will ynll loll liS wl131 Iho: ~p"ro~jm~ tc «eml>,i\lly again.

Q. 1nM is 11'1: aOs",.:r )'011 1\. (1'; " rC_'J >O llw.) § ' S. IO Q.


Q. A.




.. llh " lllnllIT

No,,", wben )'ou p3ss..od Ih • •e Ihal mornin,. IKfon: ' 1;40 H I.. a m I coneel Ihal you "'''' a plan k hold ing up a duct a nd )"o u » .... Mr. J("plan an d ~n other man wo rking? (did . /1m I '(lrre.t sir tha i ~ou d idn' t l:1lk 10 I don 't n:m.nlller. I do n'l rcc~ll th ~t.

Q. Did )"ou


31 thai time?



anythin£ to Ihem ;11 lha l ti me? I r Decembe r 2. 19 .. ?

Q. Were the re a ny A.

I don't remember.


No w. whel\! was thi s I';~CC of plan~ ....,hich wa~ hDltl in\: up the d uet o n OcI.'l:mbcr 2. 19.. lhal you rkI'" Ih~1 mom i.,,:.: whele " 1:1$ ;1 localn!; where ,,~ il .... ~ccd? Ulldern c:uh onc side of Ihe duct .


Q. all Deccml>l:r 2. when )'OU saw tl\' h,m l\~ ~ u""r or Ihe Job? Mit. Ql!l:a~M: 1 wilt la\~ :1110111 him firs\. Q.

lI.e dCbri5

li U lhe C1>, Q. An d how o!'ten /- -., .


",~ !


contai ners,

IIIU) done?


1 bel; your JlJ,don'!


Ilo w onen was the debri s c1~l\noo w lhe p13ce WO\Ild be nludU !-:I'" your mtn .......c rernOl'ing debr is." y.'S."


Ditl you gi ve

Ih~1 a~s ..... ~ ,

10 tbal ' HE CSlion? Did

)'OU ~1Y

Ill at


.\ . Tloat"s riplll.


.'\nd .... ~ 11 )'011. IlCrson:llly. who direct .... ~ 'r. K"pl~n ~ nd tile mher Ol JU Flom IJ . Fla nnery to r~mo\'~ tilt dllCl ,,"o.k in Ih. "ct")' ,1I'\:" Ihe n\d mnchine roo", Oil th,\ ti l1 h noor on O"ccmbcr 2. 19 .. hcforc noon li me? The on ly one' Ihnt I save ~!\y direct ion< to w,m ld be- l1i~



rorcm~ n ,

Q. .\.

The forCn1.llI? I ~a,'~ tlt~ forem an dir~ctio"" 1 gaw the foreman dircclioM. hU I ;1 waSIl'1 nctt!>!O~ry on ~ n)" I'.m icl, lur da)'. bUI he kne .... ,,'1131 he "...". Iloing.

Q. Tile mller man w,' Io"w been lalking "boul. Ih:1I w::as Ih.: rorcm:",. "-~sn'l it? ,\ . T ile foreman, rc'. Q.


M)' 'Iue lli oo j, ; on I) occm(,." 2. 19 . . . ",lorn lilt)· "'e'~ rcm"" ins du'l ,,"ork Ihalltlum ing heFo rc noonlimc, "w~ n' l you the o n~ wno din:C1~d him 10 rCIllO"c Inal ,lu CI wluk r(l lhal loc ~t jo n'! Possibly':' "ouple of Ila)'s befme Ihnt. 1 di,ln'l go 10 him c"cl'}' p.mku lar d~)'. lie knows a plan whi ch h~ s 1(\ 1"",~d.


[lUI whal e" cr d;I\' il \\'ai. you di'cClcd him III(U lion, i~ Ib:1I rigln? :'111. Roa~II U; I obj"~1 10 lite QII\,'1>I;OIl. TII~ WU;SL'S- NOI ncc..~rily. Tllr. C,·" '.l: Obj.'Cliun ..... ainm.



work Ihal Ihe men "'.re ,'nS:L~cd i" f~mo" i nl!- on the lifth nOOf, is thai "hcI\' you dir"clcd Ihem to fcmo"c Ihe d"cI work'?"


I (i~hl."

Di,1 )"LlU ~ i" c Ihos.c "m"·"" 10 Iho~c ql.e"j"nl"! ri~ht. 11 cou ld hu,'c been 1\\'0 or I)m:c ,I")~ prior 10 thol\. bill 1I,e)' ln e,v.

11 !!\;IY b.:




' ~. ' 3


You told Illem 10 ~o imo thll nr~3 wl\cne "c, il ... ~ rOil II..:,"? A. :.101 A 10 C" a~c coun JCr~ cru •• "-""mioatiOn , Mr. ~lillCT dem on "' ~ R'l. . .." .•

em! lethn iqu cs for kccI,ing a wil neu "'ith;n Ihe narTC'" bo unds of the crCIS c~omin3!ion. J Ie Jiso rC"c nls the u~ of em" cnmil\~llon [0 co ml1nm icatt i ndirccII~' lC th e jury Ih~t a W;IOO%;S ",'a5i>'. :l nd di.honest. In fact. it ultimatel)' il[l!lCarcd n~ if Ihe witn ess W(t~ U}'ing In SCI n job wilh l),e bus tomIl-1")' by assi~tins their mIOrn~)'.

§ L6.l11 Q.

COlIllnLL1iu\: \\1In tss to l ·l·>!I.'GnY '" to SI"K'II ~1r. So~·.

Ihe ear A.




" ':I>;

rCO .;lid in ;lnS....( ( 10 Mr. 8akc.'~ q"""lion. II'3t &'en lhu ~Ollrt e .ple-s~s its ,nterest In 1I1is pO int 1/Ius hi£hlighting itS ionp' d id ask you?

or rU I o r medill m?

A. Ye., Q.

Did ynu Icll lhcm? Just )."" o. no.

A. TcH tllem wh at?



1 6.0~

16 - ~


D id you leil Mr. Iil:l!tba rul :tnd .b~ 1le O~nffil 'S J\teln")' on d;'~1 e~am;. Mlion of the wit ness.

Q•. Ohy. No\\". just lis"m 10



m~· qU

~'t)1I IOOJ)'?


Q , Did Mr. m:,sba nd sho", ;, In you I(l da)'? Nu.


Q, I '~I! linl )' did n'l. bccau..-, woul r1 )'OU

,,,,w .igtwbjee·

COMMENT: Tile hi, teSlimony.

ca lion ticn.







Isn' t it tfll Did Ihere W 'IIC a limc " 'hen II.: ", nl" em and he slowed dl}\\' n'! Ito\\" wa~ lr:lfroo 00 that -rU( \\''' ''1), on il? ,\ . lIe-


Q. •\.



liSlen 10 me . to an iW", what

t ~'; ng

) ' 0 11

,,,ked me.

1), d )' 0 11. when ) 'OU .~fll~cd w ~il\n il . ,ign il in Ihe "'ay I ha,·o j ut. lold the ju ry: "I ha,·c Icad Ihi. 5lll CnlCnl. U.I' .Did YOI1 do that o r did you not'/ ,\ . Yeo.. I did l lu l. I ~i&fll.'" il . yeo.



You d id tha i'!


I . igned il. yes.

COMMENT: Nelice how. in Ih.. conlusion, Ihe wilnes.s. .

Ih ~

ror Ihe

dcf~ n d an u .

bus co mp;l. Oy1

Q. n. ;I.fs ... h ~" ,\.


~'u ~

:>IMlcd \f) I binl.: 11m I 101d Illem 60 mile.1 ~II bour.


Yoo laId them 601 Yes.

Q, ,\.

U",... did yo'u gel 10 SO IlIto'! I"m "rpro.~inl ;l.l ins . T!Ial"s "'hal


ThCf~'~ ;I


A. Q,

In :l~' bc

i l ",~,"'I 801

1"", d ui nU_

biS di flc",oC1: b\:"....c n 50 10 60 " nd O,'cr SO. W~l], r ~~n ' , lell ,h e M lu,,1 lpo:cd. I didn ', , c..., , he SpccdOlnc'C"T", When

you Mc

'~)' ing

SO 10



~l i ll

)',l" r

;lppf(l~i ma, ion?


'Thal'S my ;I.P I,roxim :nion. ,~",,,,,

Q. ,\.

You r nppro~l M1al io n wh ich w~s m~d e !11I wi!h i!1 th e 1:\1;1 1"0 weci."S. c h~nced rrom 0 '·..... 80: i~n·1 th3\ Inle? >00.

I~n't it tnl~ ) 'OU to ld thi ~ jury your approxi ma ti on or il_l know )\)11 cOUldn', "l"C lhe s~ You m;ty 3nSWtr it far :l fin nl time. TIl~ Wlt~'J'.5S0 WIl:l t i~ th e qucslio n apin? T ilt: CO\!M~ W~ ~ it yo ur app ro~i mati on up un liliwo weeks n~o 111 31 it w;u; SO and o vd? 'rU E W lm [s~, Yes , Wh en I "'Us ~lIea king 10 the 11()Iicc officer, he :\;lid he looked Ii"" he w;I. b'Oi nC. ItO mil.." ~n IIour, I ,.. i ~ 3~ rar 3$ I can recall , Ih,u ', wlm 1 $aid to th~ pol ice offi cer,


§ 16. 11

I'J'Y-,[c~ 1

FI.:1s In eonsiSlcnl It'ilh l'~stlM1o,,)'

COMMENT: Counw l knows the area; where the wilr>ess' tes ti mony is Imf)fob. bl e, The witnes~ ' credibil ity is ~I' e" dy oxlrcmely lIIin.1 ~h is

point. bUI tho e ph)'Sical ,mprol)hi~ Icslim"0"', when )'011 ~I""prd ~ l 34lh Str....,1 and II ...~ ronlinu,n, up. ;1 IIc,'cr 1J""...'t! d,,-..·n. dicc.lu_,~ he h ~ d 110 Ir.>.mc ill front orllim. l ie paSSed

Q. lie I"d no tra me? A. (Co'" inu illf1.) iii:" p;I\~ :Ill the trame.


WlI.:n)"OII $:I.!, who!n ~ Oll Wff\: SlOP"'"'!! ' he wal .@ goi ng ~O.

60. or owr SO?

caMMENT: N010. ii', 3 l"C&ular block.


i t '~

on ly ISO


hloc l?

A .c£ul;lr cit )" btocl from lhc nUI111,.,n_thcy


n.cll >·





1120t h or II mile or .... hmc'·cr.

....... "..,

t lUI Q. A.

Prcu)" sbOl"l~ Pretty i ho rt. 11'. 1120th of caU "shorl .-


mile . ! don' l kn ow




When >'011 SI;lrltd ... p 10 &0 fr om l~l h Sme\ \0 35111 Str~~I. arc y0 11 \dHng tb l~ jUl)' you "'nil ... p to ) 0 milc"i an llou1'.' t l"o ,,,,botl rc~I"'IIsc.)


Il)' Ih ~ way. ,lid ~'IJ ha,'" allY trouble ~cci ns Ihe li<l al


351h Sued! 1'\.


Q. Wa, il red when you Id't 34th Si reel?




Wa &il m l wh en )'0 11 lefl 341h Sircet. dill il '(3)' rcd ~011 .ndtd up SlOPped 31 35th SI .....1? Ye l1ed afte r )'OU ,lopped


)61h Sirefi? A.

I{ig.hl . No.

COMMENT: This witr>cn c~ llnot lJct mc whether 10 ""1 hI! wao; st11 hDflC "11I~ttinil ~ job dr..ina a bus in~lcad of a la~ ;. Thi~ fxplain 5 the "..rt ila1>S ITip demon$Ifilled by IIII' Wllnc .. 110.00811001 the e~amin"t;en.

NetCe .. \lr al a ~ ttle attorney mO'O$ dO$er to Il, .. m()\ive !~ bl,l'. the ,';IM •• b«omM mOfI! CVilrJ_C. l his , ,,acticn 1$ bound \0 impren \II. jury witt, tll a wi\n e55 ' t»a5 .


Now. )'0 11 told us Ihal you wcr~ :I bus d,i.·c' fu r o nlr I"" ")oUlh~?

,\. Ye •. Q. A.

YOII s:lilli llal Mr. HIMba nd kne\,'



.. crc a blls .:Iri-·cr?

§ 16.1:\

Q. Al ,~ .


ti me Ihe


hap]>CJlcd. rOil "-.:rc a ,':11. d tiwr?


Q. Do you know h ow hc found mil



Q, A,

110'" "':i!. Ih~t ? II), my phone nu mber,


fly )' our


y~ s,


Wit;':!! pl«lnc nil"'''''' i~ th~t'! ~1)' home ]!hon ~ nunlbcr.




pho n~



~ b\1~



Your home ph'lIIe n u",hl'(t ,,~ •. nl~'Y "we HyinS 10 rc,~dl "," to $.eC ir I ,'o ulJ hcc()ll\c 1\ witne",

Q. Okay, In Ihis p'mitlll~ r C3St'. you ~ n()w Ili31 1I""re's a hu~ COlll pan)'- )'OIl ~now the t>,,~ co mp" "), is rCI" c! ~llIcd by Mr, U!~s""nd, You knew lhm? A. \~'1 1erc~ When 1 met hi n' at the o m c~? Q, A.

"O il haw :t IW"I' ~ kn ow n th at Mr, 1l\~~ha"" TI:c~11.


Q. Woul d )'OU nCC"I'l (h:tt f.t>!I\ m~, I,e r~l'rl"SCn" the OWllC ' (llc M ~'l ang'! A. No, I "un', ~. a r~ rm ,,-ot~cr. "'m. i njur~d "'hen his h ~"d WI\S cauShl in Ihe 010\,;"& P3r11 of ~ hay haler. Thi s cas~ ;,, __ oh'cd :I l'rodu(1s ii:lb ililY :u:tio n ar,:,i MI Ih~ nl:1IW fOlClur.:r of tile llay Ixli cl b",,,d on n f~i !urc 10 U(!eqU;lIc!y gU3rd th e 1110\"iI1$ pari ! of the mJchine. nti~

a Iyp ical r"ilur~ \() gu :m l c~~c. und thi ~ croSi cxn m i· n ~t ion i1!mu·atc. lite areas of \"\IlnCfahil ily or 1I pL1in.ifT ill .ltCh ~ U!iI:. The p l~ i nti ff_wit" cl~ hOl d pr cviou! ty worled wilh Ihe chi ne for Ol hu ~"" 'rlIoycr... mId h:ld r«elV,-d " a ini,,& in Ihe opo:r.11\(>1\ of Ihe machine. He ~l", ! r~i n~d Olhcr~ in Ihe lise or Ihe buy b.1 k •. The defenda", ma ,,"f~" "r.! r ~lIelnl't~-Q 10 em"Io~~i:ru that the plainli fflhrou Qh re aao nahle c~rc ,'ould h:l\"c ,",'oi d ... d hi5 inju ry. If Ihe [llaimilT h~d 3C.tQ rc:tSOnabiy. lite d efense 3'l:llCS . hlt dl~r.: ... ould h~\"e bee n no ne\'d for Ihe munu fac turer 10 pr\l" ide :I gu ard . Th'. 3~ m~111 3 ri~S "lm'N in"~riably in ("-.....os ilwoh'lut: a fa ilu re to guard movi ng p:m~. C;l'"



Thi~ cro.~

tnminati':Jn is an c~ 3 mple of Ihe Il;iI! flllll~ " f pri"r 10 impeach J ... itoes~ ", ilh conu udiclory Matcm enlS. :\Ir. S!'cltll a n aUC l11Pt~ 10 ~t Ihe pl:lin1 iff·"'i lnc:'>.~ 10 a~ mi t that h" "''' ~n c.• pcrl hay buter ope rat or. F~i\ ins to ~"'C t,r.: thai adnti-sio ll, he a.1is .Joe \\"i t ~ 10 "C' I;"lS ~x3min,,· lio n: (I ) 10 13}O"""",,.,,1l Co"""",


t;" of '. power ha(l lleen tvrne d 011. It j< n locie~1 I~!l ~cy. but nc"ertho'c~> appe,1fs like ,," imPOrlant ildmission 10 Iho jUlY, the ,,"ay ~ is empha,ized ~ the q\Kl~t~rle',


,\nd there "'~S ""Ihi,, & about )'OH ofh....~l ion Or ~'o"r "'Of:': ...·ith Ih~ , ...i Re lUbe Lha! '~'qlli rcd )'UII III hep tile power

t~ k~off ~nl~~~d and " 'qu iroo YOIJ to M't l> tile tt:l01" Iho»e l"lollt'ed 10 by him al tHa!. To " III"" Iho in1.

Q. A.

Do you hammer with il in yo ur riSh! h~nd? No.


COMMENT: Counsel now s~ l cific3 1lV direcls l1is ottenti on 10 ~J rl icu · I.. balla.ior captu'ad 00 the vi~cO I ~pc. He is the witn ess ple-n . ly of ',C>fl(l" so Ihal tha laler con lr;\diclory videotapn testimol' Y will driv~ !.omc l\l e eva siven ess atl~ dlshone.ty 01 the witness.


I W~!1I\O be pcrfwly fnl r with you. L:I,I w~ck. ,1;,1 )'ou nl)! 00 ""me ,,"ark on ~ big Jo hn [)eere ImClO' oUl at Jon,") Count)· In,pi. is 111"1 1!fII&" \ III~I users win n\ilke mlSbkes, beciluW' lhCl)''ve been m~k l n 8 lI'em and Ie" ng l i mb~ ~'C1" 51n'" ~nt1 f shO\\-ed I h~ m .


You Showed .hem?

Q. And . in


§ 17.12






..--- ---- --

',II "! 1" ,"'I' ;! ---- ~--

, " -' - '


- "'''(,( INIIJtI ~ l~n~.;I"'''l!

"'~"ln'''''''1 ~~l U\ ru~lll .v".... %j.c.,m"'I"" .'"~''' ~"'H ,';~~1~"

1"'1," 01 ."'" Jl

,,'~' ! 'I'

,', 1"·\1~ ·' I"' ;',' .,\ ',-", ,~ .11


I'''''''''P ·"!IIl'{i l" "~"":'l'

"'1\ 1"(1

"(' ''() ,~"': ) 'l)lI,'U) ;;S''-;'11ii'i'i'Mh 'iliiiliiffimim;;; Icnd.'J;>;,

--_._._.. --"._- -~Jl',\\ ,:



II':! ,'i'"i,';) T'ent i'l3P~ing: is IIot inconsls· tent .... Ih the event hiving h~ppened" Sinte lilt' witne» does not tt i ' Iii, 11\;11 ~ d ill 001 h~ PfI'l'n . ... tfinsle rMdef'Ke thilt il (!itl llilppI!n is nol ~dmi ~$iblt ~$ a prior inic: evidence Is mc re-ly cu· mulative . Or th e wltllCSS de nies iI, and m~e empllatic and ooubly conlradl ctOlY e~trin '~ evidence i~ ~ dmitle6 th,t Ih~ statement was ,,\adO! 10 him. 'M.... '


§ 1' .18

Q. (n)· ) 1,. Sbtl lll~lI) Mr. Cr::lllcpool, my q,,~~ti(lll is Ihis: ..." hell you s:!}' thm }"Il" do nn ! = 11 th.11 "illu o f a con"~Is:!ti'ln 1:\I.I?



Anll Ih~1 ~m~ yu r befo. e eol ns 10 "·OOt at Jon ~s Cll unly Im[llcmenl, you wo,h d for S:I"'ycr Grain amJ Fe..... Company, did )·011 nol'! ,\. Yes,


Q. An'" \·o u, V OSS inco me Ihere W3~ $3.762.361 ,\, Ye l,

Q. ,\ 10lal of

allPru.~imat~l )'

S 12,800.00 ror you


th ~l


OO, ' _)", 30.1 ~ .. "'On , ... ,i,k" " . (,),-;1 Tr0 11 tIle tractor OUI. I ~ 1il:J1 ccrrccI7


Yes. ,\nd )'011 recall as )'011 si t here looay IlInt l!le ~Iccring wh;:d frUin the tr~ct()r?


"'J~ loc:lIed al)ou\ 1':0 reel ~"'''' Y

J 1'CID(:l11hcr.



Q. ,\,

You remembe r tlml sir, Is lhal corl'l:cl? Yc~h. It W~ SIl '! on the tfactor.

Q. ,\ nd )'00 I'Cmember rcallndling the Sleering ",'hed'! A. One or IIi nl~ RklKcs Ih.c Inl/lC;Kllmt'~1 mOle e Uecrfve ymcn the prior sta lement Is raised , but makes it muctl ni OrO difficult lor the witne~s te



(Oflllad itllon~

Q, And \II a,'s llie "''' )' you rcmcmbcr il:U; )'on sit hefe tl.,h )·? ,\. § IIIJIJ


~ ir,





Wheel W. s Mhu:hod

Q_ :>Jaw. Mr. Frdd,
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