Introduced by Spaniards during 16th century. Spaniards use paintings as religious propaganda.
Watercolor paintings
increased and the subject matter of paintings began to include landscapes, Filipino inhabitants, Philippine fashion, and government officials.
Portrait paintings
featured the painters themselves, the mselves, Filipino jeelry, and native furniture.
landscape paintings
featured artists! names painted ornately as ell as day"to"day scenes of average Filipinos parta#ing in their daily tas#s.
$uring World War II, some painters focused their artor# on the effects of ar, including battle scenes, destruction, and the suffering of the Filipino people.
%ypes %ypes of Filipino dance
illustrates the grace and strength of omen in the (alinga tribe.
Women performing the 'anga balance heavy pots on their heads hile dancing to beat of ind chimes.
)umagen or %acho# %acho#
is performed to celebrate happy occasions
When )umagen is performed, it is meant to symboli*e flying birds and is musically"paired to the beat of gongs.
%ribal ural Spanish style dances.
bar# cloth
%e-tiles, clothes, rugs, bas#ets and hats ipis
From the transitional carving of anitos to the santos to &hrist and don to the saints, Filipinos find it rather not difficult as they are already familiar ith the ays of the ood.
ceramic jars
ater vessels
0%anaga is a type of Filipino poetry. 0(ut#ut is an art techni2ue used beteen the 13th and 14th centuries.
Other arts
%he techni2ue as a combination of 5uropean and riental style and process mastered by indigenous tribes of Samar island.
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