Arsenie Boca-Cararea Imparatiei

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CARAREA IMPARATIEI Tipariti cu binecuv6.ntarea Prea SfinJitului Dr. TIMOTEI SEVICru Episcopul Aradului gi Hunedoarei

Edifia a IV-a ingrijitd de:

Preot Conf. Dr. SIyIION TODORAN 9l


Editua Sfintei Epircopii Ortodoxe Romdne a Aradului 2003

sMERrrA iucnrxann pAnlxrnl.ul ARSENIE

Au trecut patru ani de la iegirea de sub tipar a

volumului Cdrarea impdrdliei datorat Pdrintelui Arsenie Boca, cunoscut indrumltor in cele ale duhovniciei, care a reprezentat pentru nenumdrafi credinciogi o prefioasd hrand spirituald. Iat6, acum apare aceeagi cane intr-o noud edi;ie, fapt care ne bucurd pe tofi cei care ne ddm seama cdt de mult poate folosi doritorilor de desdvArgire cuvdntul unui duhovnrc precum Pirintele Arsenie. Personal l-am cunoscut prin 1943 cdnd student in Teologie fiind, la Facultatea din Bucuregti, o parte din colegi au avut privilegiul de a-l fi descoperit pe Pdrintele Arsenie. Se bucura de mult prestigiu gi era cunoscut ca duhovnic plin de har. Se gdsea in acea vreme la Mdndstirea Brdncoveanu de la Sdmbata de Sus, spre care ili indr,eptau pa$ll numerogi cregtini doritori de mintuire. Printre acegtia s-au numdrat destui "teologi" care il frecventau cu asiduitate. N-am avut prilejul sa merg la mdndstire s6-l intAlnesc dar odatd a venit el la Facultate cdnd ne-am intdlnit: el un impundtor gi harismatic monah, eu un tdndr timid gi lipsit de experienf5. Nu mai gtiu dacd am schimbat mai mult de cdteva vorbe. Am rdmas insd marcat de privirea sa pdtrunzdtoare gi de intreaga infdfigare care impunea respect gi veneratie. Atunci am simfit dorinfa de a urma aceeagi cale a monahismului ca gi el, dorinfd pe care au gi pus-o in aplicare cdfiva din colegi. S-au scurs anii care au dus la instaurarea comunismului. In ce md privegte €rm pierdut urrna Pdrintelui Arsenie. El a fost dus de Mitropolitul Nicolae Bdlan sd restaureze Mdndstirea Prislop din Jara


Hafegului. De acolo a fost alungat in luna mai 1959. $i-a inceput pribegia in Bucuregti, unde a fost angajat la Biserica Sf. Elefterie ca pictor secund pe lAnga pictorul Vasile Rudeanu, iar in 1961 a fost angajat la atelierul de picturd al Patriarhiei, ca unul ce era inzestrat cu talent in aceastd directie. Eu insumi am strf,bdtut variate etape pAnd cAnd Dumnezeu a vrut sd fiu ales Episcop ia Arad, eparhie de care depindea Mdndstirea Prislop. A$a se face cd ag fi avut un cuvAnt de spus in ce privegte refacerea Mdndstirii Prislop. Atunci, in 196l insd, acest lucru n-a fost posibil. Am aflat totugi c6t de mult dorea Pdrintele Arsenie sd se reintoarcd la mdndstirea de care se simlea legat. intre timp am fost ales Mitropolit la Timigoara gi vizitdnd atelierul de picturd al Patriarhiei, l-am reintAlnit aici gi dupa o scurtd convorbire a acceptat sd execute icoana Sfhntului Iosif cel Nou de la Partog pentru regedinta mitropolitane. Apoi n-am mai ar,'ut privilegiul sd-l revdd. Totugi opresiunea comunistd sldbind gi in fine dictatura celor fbrd Dumnezeu prdbugindu-se, mAndstirile au putut sd-gi reia cursul de odinioard, inclusiv Prislopul cu obgtea cdlugdreascd de aici gi duhovnicul ei. Popularitatea Pdrintelui Arsenie cregtea, mullime de bdrbafi gi femei, tineri 9i vArstnici cdutdndu-l pentru a se addpa din infelepciunea gi experienla sa, pentru a-i solicita ajutorul gi izbavirea de necazurile cu care se confruntau. Popularitatea gi faima sa cregteau tot mai mult. Cdnd Dumnezeu l-a chemat la Sine, cregtinii pe care i-a indrumat gi ajutat, dar gi cei care numai au auzit de el, au continuat sd-l cinsteascd gi sa-i ceard sprijinul venind la mormdntul sdu. La ora actuald, ftrd a exagera, degi exagerdri felurite s-au produs, putem spune cd Pdrintelui Arsenie i se aduce o cinstire populard ca pufini altor slujitori ai lui Dumnezeu. Mi-am dat seama de aceastd realitate din contactul cu numerogi credinciogi, ceea ce mi-a redegteptat respectul pentru el resimfit in perioada tineretii, dar gi regretul de a nu md fi putut impartagi de harul sdu pe cdnd era incd in viaf6. Iatd insd cd a apdrut Cdrarea impdrdliei, aceastd minunatd carte din cuprinsul cd.reia putdndu-ne impartegi fiecare, avem ocazia sd ne imbogafim duhovnicegte gi sd inaintdm pe drumul desdvArgirii.

II Repet incd o datn, Pilrintele Arsenie Boca s-a implrtllgit din partea credinciogilor stri, precum se intAmplit adesea cu cei aflafi in obiectivul lor, de o venerafie care a alunecat gi spre exagerlri. Nu el le-a provocat gi nu el le-a alimentat. Personal era de o sincerl modestie gi de o exemplard discrefie. Gregeala admiratorilor a fost nu o date folositl spre a-l denigra. Rftn6ne oricum in venerafia bunilor credinciogi care au in el un bun exemplu de unntrtor al lui Flristos, iar in opera lui Cdrarea Impttrttliei un bogat izvor de infelepciune. E motivul pentnr care indemn pe toti doritorii de perfecJiune spirinrall sd deschidd aceasti carte, fiind sigrui cd vor gitsi in paginile ei boglfie de infelepciune.

t NrcoLAE Mitropolitul Banatului


lcoana Sfintului Iosif cel Nou de la Partos. executata de Plrintele Arsenie Boca pentru regedinta mitropolitand de la Timigoara

PREFATA Plrintelui Arsenie Boca, intre multiplel e-i insug i ri o are intr-un grad elevat pe aceea de a insufla un simflmdnt tainic al evlaviei acelora care se apropie de ea. Aga se gi explic[ num6rul crescAnd W zi ce trece al celor ce urmdndu-i pilda gi indemnul, ei inqigi sporesc in viala cea imbund+dlitl. Tuturor a implrtIgit cuvflnt de zidire, fie impreun5" fie in parte, dupl trebuinfd, rnultora scriind pentnr o mai temeinicil povdfuire. $i aga cum se intimpld in cele duhovnicegti el insugi se imbogi$ea pe mtrsura in care dldea altora. De aici iscusinla duhovniceasci aparte din care ne dE prilejul sf, ne imp5rtegim prin cartea de fafil, lEsati in manuscris, ca mErturie a dragostei pentnr sufletele ce au nevoie de mingdiere in incercdrile vietii pdrndntegti gi clltruzire pe calea celei ceregti. Se cuvine ca la sfdryitul citirii, desigur mereu reluate, sE aducem prinosul recunogtinfei ostenitorului pentu cagtigul sufletesc nepretuit pe care l-a prilejuit. Era de agteptat ca acela care atdt de mtriestrit a mdnuit penelul spre mijlocirea vederii celor nevllante, sl foloseasc[ in acelagi fel gi condeiul, infdfigdnd minunatele peisaje spirituale strdbltute de Cdrarea impdrdliei. Carlea aratAint-adevilr c6te sunt c6ile, pildele, chemlrile, luptele, problemele, dezleg[rile gi lucrlrile vielii bregtine in cele gapte pe{i, num[r sirnbolic pentru tot ceea ce este sf'ant gi din care chiar cel mai smerit credincios poate glsi ca proprie mScar o cdr[nrie spre mdntuire. Cwdnnl inainte atrage luarea aminte la firuI cdlEuzitor, gi anume: trdirea invtrflturii cregtine. Prefefei ii revine datoria de a reaminti avertismentul dat lectorului, dispunAndu-l spre un bilant suflePersonal i tatea



tesc gi este lesne a cunoa$te cum intreaga iconomie a lucrdrii se sfuctureaze pe dimensiunile unei mari inllfimi spirinrale oglindind lluntnrl scriitorului: chipul in care a l5sat sE incolfeascd in toatA fiinfa sa s[mfuifa miraculoasd a cuv6ntului dumnezeiesc spre rodire de viafd din belgug.

Smerilii ostenitori ce au dat lucrarea la lumina tiparului au awt gdndul indreptat spre acest scop, cunoscdnd desigur dorinfa autorului, care pe indelete gi vrdme indelungatil a cules din Scripture $i Tradifia Sf:infil ceea ce ar rlspunde pelerinului de azi pe Cdrarea impdrdliei lui Dumnezeu sau ceea ce i-ar fi mai potrivit spre ajungerea la fintA. Parcurgdnd Cdrarea, alctrtuitorul rdndurilor ce imbracit aproape vegmAnt de irnnografie face sd se simti aievea - gi ceea ce este minunat - cd Iisus Flristos Cel de pe Cruce insofegte pe cel ce cu credinfA se incumetll la suigul sfEnt.

De altfel pelerinajele ortodoxe incredinfeazl obignuit despre aceasta; iar Sfiinta Mdnlstire Prislop, una dintre vechile vetre monahale romdnegti 9i care a avut privilegiul a fi rectitoritit gi condusd de Prea Cuviosul Protosinghel Arsenie Boca, ilustrflnd totodatil prin cele fdptuite pane astAzi stahrra sa spiritualtr, este cea care in cadrul Episcopiei Aradului gi Hunedoarei oferi ca pe una dintre roadele nevoin;elor cdluglregti ale celui ce veglteazd in fintirimul cinstitului apez[m6nt la toatd buna rdnduial5, aceste file de filocalie spre binecuvdntare.

f TIMOTEI Episcop al Aradului gi Hunedoarei

invierea Domnului. Picturd in tempera, de leromonah Arsenie Boca. Biserrca din satul Drdginescu. dc ldngd Bucuregti.


CWANT INAINTE Adunatu-s-au aci o seamd de cuvinte, - rdspunsuri la atdtea lacrimi... gi unele gi altele se adunau la mlsufa sfintei spovedanii, unde mila lui Dumnezeu str6lucea in ele, ca soarele in picurii de roud.

Strdlucirile acelea, prinse din lacrimi, impreund le ddm - Plrinte gi plrinfi - invdflturi din vreme urmagilor, in neam $i-n neam, ea sd nu mai orbecdiascd 9i ei in noaptea negtiinfei gi a lipsei de sfat, de unde vin toate relele care chinuiesc pe oameni, intunecd vremile gi prea adesea cruntd. pdm6ntul. Este o singurd cale senind,; trdirea tnvdldturii creStine, in toatd addncimea ei Si tn toatd sinceritatea noastrd. Asta rdmdne singura cale sigurd, pe care trebuie s-o invdfim mereu, in fiecare rAnd de oameni. Cu pdrinteascl iubire, tuturor ostenitorilor, gi cu multd smerenie, la toti cregtinii. Arsenie



DE LA CARMA MINTII ATARNA... De la inceput e bine si plecdm cu cdteva lucruri gtiute gi anume: c[ tofi oamenii, fdri deosebire, suntem in aceeagi vreme gi fiii oamenilor gi fiii lui Dumneze,rt. Adi"6, dup[ trup suntem fdpturi pdmAntegti, iar dupd duh ldpturi ceregti, care insd petrecem,vremelnic in corturi2 pdmdntegti. De la Dumnezeu iegim', petrecem pe pdmdnt o vreme gi iardgi la Dumnezeu ne-ntoarcem. Fericit cine se-ntoarce gi ajunge iar Acasd, rotunjind ocolul. Aceasta e cdrarea. Unii insd nu se mai intorc... Sunt cei ce ascultd de o vrajd vrijmagd, care ii scoate din cale gi, cu pofte pieritoare, ii incdlcegte in lume. Vraja aceea, a plcatului, cu vremea le sldbegte mintea gi in aga fel le-o intoarce, incdt ajung sd zici binelui r[ua gi riului bine gi din fiii lui Dumnezeu se fac vrdjmagii lui Dumnezeu. Vremea li se gati, lumina minfii li se stinge... gi aga ii s prinde noaptea' - moartea - rdmagi r[tdcili de Dumnezeu gi neirrtorgi Acas6. Aci e toatd drama omului cdnt intre tdlhari pe cAnd se pogora din Ierusalim la Ierihon6, adicd a lui Adam cu tofi urmagii, pdrdsind Raiul pentru lumea aceasta. Dar s-a pogordt din Ceruri Samarineanul milostiv. El e Cel ce ne-a fbcut datori si gtim: ce suntem, cine ni-s Pir'rnfii, de unde venim, ce-i cu noi pe-aicea gi, intr-o lume cu viclene primejdii, crun sd ne purtim, cine ne cheamd Acasd gi cine ne-ntinde momeli ? ...Cd, de la cirma mintii atArni incotro pomim gi unde sd ajungem. ' Ioan L,12-73. 2 2Cointeni 5, 1. ' I Ioan 5, 19.


Isaia 5,20. Ioan 9,4. 6 Luca 10, 30. 5

E cARAREA ivpanATrcl


LrN TovAnA$ Npv


inaintea minfii oamenilor se deschid doud cdi: una lat[, plind de ademeniri gi de aceea mulli sunt cei ce merg pe dAnsar; iar alta suitoare gi ingust[ gi pufini se afl6 care s[ meargd p. Calea larga e calea ""'. Lucifer, cu toatd pierzirii. Pe ea aleargd de zor dou[ feluri de drumefi: ceata lui -de ingeri, aruncafi pe plmdnt gi toatd "lumea" pe care o ingeald el'. $i-i ingeald aga c6-i infeapi cu acul pldcut al picatului, care le amorfegte sufletul o vreme, sau chiar toatd vremea viefii pdmdntegti. Acegtia pentru Dumnezeu sunt morfi, degi lor li se pare c[ trdiesco, dar sunt numai trupuri5. Totri acegtia, cdtd vreme trdiesc, dar sunt morti, negtiind de Dumnezev, sunt cu ingerii cei rdi impreund c[l6tori la iadn pe calea pierzdrii. Aga au cdl[torit to]i nepoJii lui Adam, mii de ani de-a rdndul. Dar Dumnezeu preamilostivul, din iubirea de oameni, a ftcut totul din partea Sa, ca s[-i intoarc[ pe oameni din povdrnirea pierzdrii intr-o cale noud, in calea mdntuirii. De aceea Fiul, a doua Fa[d a lui Dumnezeu, S-a fbcut Om desdvdrgit - afard de pdcat - gi ne-a ardtat Cdrarea. Prin urmare, calea md.ntuirii e chiar cdrarea pe care a mers Dumnezeu insugi ca om adevdrat, fEcdndu-ni-Se pildd intru toateT gi ddndu-ne indrdzneal[. Pe cdrarea mdntuirii incd merg doui feluri de c6l[tori, cdci de-atunci... un Tovar6g nevdzut gi bun merge cu noi, cu fiecare, in toate zilele, cu fiecare rdnd de oameni, pdnd la sffirgitul veacului8: Dumnezeu insugi gi cu sfintii Sdi, intovdr[gind nev[zut pe oameni.



NOE $I IISUS Ceea ce odinioard era corabia lui Noe peste puhoaiele potopului, aceea e Biserica lui Hristos - Cel cu cruce - peste puhoaiele pierzirii. Matei 7,73. Matei 7,14. ' Apocalipse 12,9-13.

' 2

' Apocalipse 3, l.

t Ioan 13, 15.



Genezd.6,3. 6lov 21, 13.

Matei 28.20.



e cd aceea a fost inchisd pe dinafard de Dumnezeu



nimeni n-a mai putut intral, pe c6nd corabia Bisericii - corabia cu crucea pe catarg - are intrarea deschis[ gi mai pot intra oameni invilmdgili de puhoaie. Acolo era Noe, aci Hristos, iar in valuri ucigagul, inecAnd pe oameni.

Se intAmpld insd ceva de neinfeles: ci cei ce se chinuiesc in valuri, degi toli fin sd trdiasc5, totugi nu toli vor sd scape in corabie. Mai mult chiar, scuipd mAinile ce li se-ntind de la intrarea cordbiei. Iar mdinile sunt brafele pirintegti: brafele celor gapte Sfinte Taine ale lui Dumnezeu care izbdvesc pe oameni din potop, ndscdndu-i din trup in Duh2, din arn[rdta viafd la viata cereasc5. Acegtia, care nu vor si scape in corabia cArmuiti de Iisus Flristos - Cel cu cruce - sunt fiii pierzdrii', fiindcd n-au primit iubirea adevdrului ca si se mdntuiasc[. De aceea Dumnezeu ingdduie sd vind asupra lor amdgiri puternice, ca sd dea crezdmdnt minciunii gi sd cadd sub osdnd[ tofi cei ce n-au crezut adev5.ru1, ci au indrlgit nedreptateaa. Astfel, dupd trecere de vreme, ingdduind Dumnezeu, vrljmagul mAntuirii oarnenilor s-a iscusit tot mai mult in rele: a scornit gi el coribii gi cu ele dd tArcoale peste apele potopului, ca sI culeagd el pe cei ce-ntind m6inile sd scape, dar scuipd Biserica. Pentru ei, _pentru fiii pierzdrii, ingdduie Dumnezeu amdgirea nelegiuit6 a Satanei', care li s-a fbcut pdnd acum in peste 800 de hristogi mincinogi6, care de fapt sunt diavoli. Cdci pdnd acum nelegiuitul a scornit peste 800 de secte', luntri sau biserici mincinoase, in care pe mulli ii ia de minte gi-i duce cu el. ingeldciunea e u$or de prins: cordbierul vrdjmag gi hristogii mincinogi nu au crucea pe catarg, iar inlduntru nu au cele gapte Taine. ingeldciunea e gi mai vdditd, intrucdt oricare din hristogii mincinogi, luat in parte, nu e fiul Tatdlui; dovadd cd nu-gi lasd ucenicii sd zicd, "Tatdl nostru", degi scrie: "A$a sd vi ruga1i"8. Prin urmare hristogii mincinoqi igi scot ucenicii dintre fiii Tatilui gi-i fac fiii pierzdrii. Acegtia sunt cei nesiguri in adevd,r, dar siguri in ingeldciune. Apoi, oricare dintre hristogii mincinogi, luat in t

7,16. 2 Coloseni 2,12. Facere

'a Ioan 17, 12.

2 Tesaloni ceni


6 7

2, 10-12.

2 Tesaloniceni 2. 10.

Mat"i 24,24. 800 in 1946, acum cca- 3000.

t Matei 6. 9.



cARAREA h,tpAnATmr

parte, nu e fiul Sfintei Fecioare, dovadd c6-gi invafi ucenicii sI zic[ r[u de Maica Domnului; li in sfhrgit sd ne gdndim la intrebarea Apostolului Pavel: "Oare s-a implrfit Flristos ?"1 Cum ajunge cineva prad[ ingeldciunii, se va ldmuri la vreme. Aci, rdspunzdnd celor ce se fin mai presus de Bisericd gi sfinti, e destul sd le aducem aminte inqeltrciunea in care au cdzut iudeii, ucigagii drepfilor, primii cdlItori la iad cu Scriptura in mdna" intrebindu-i: Nu dupd Scripturi2 au rdstignit ei pe Dumnezeu?

DIN PACATO$I, SFINTI Mdntuirea e fapta milostivirii lui Dumnezeu, prin care ne scoate din p6cat, dacd wem gi ostenim gi noi. Dacd, insd nu wem, cu sila, nu ne mdntuiegte nimeni. Aga voiegte Dumnezeu, ca darul mdntuirii3 Sale s[ fie totdeodati gi roada cunogtintei, a voinlei gi a dragostei noastre. Dar Dumnezeu e a$a de milostiv, cd tot El ne ajuti gi sd vrem gi sl lucrlm. Calea m6ntuirii, sau Cdrarea, incepe cdnd omul vine - de cele mai multe ori abia viu din gdlceava cu moartea - gi intr6 in Biserica vdzut6, cea adevdrati, care e: "IJna, sfhntd, soborniceascd gi apostoleascl BisericS". Mentuitorul nostru a intemeiat gi are numai o Bisericd cregtind, nu opt sute. Biserica aceasta, un4 e sffinti pentru cd Sfrnt e Intemeietorul gi, ca atare, rimdne mereu sfhntd, ba chiar sfinfegte pe pdcdtogi. Celelalte "biserici" - casele de adunare ale sectelor - nu sunt sfinte, pentru cd sunt intemeiate de oarneni robili rdzvrdtirii gi, ca atare, nici nu sfinfesc pe nimeni. Biserica lui Hristos e soborniceascd, adicl std pe temelia celor gapte soboare a toati lumea 9i, prin furtunile istoriei, e cArmuitil nevdzut de Mdntuitorul insugia, nu de vreun inlocuitor al SIu, mai presus de soboare. Bisericq in care ne mAntuim, e apostoIeasci, adicd igi are slujitorii urrn6nd, ca dar, prin punerea mAinilor5, unii de la alfii in gir neintrerupt, suind pan[ la Apostoli gi prin ei pdnl I I Corinteni l,


\oan 19,7. 3 Efeseni 2, 8.



Matei 28.20. e' 'Fapte 6, 6.



la Iisus Flristos. Toate celelalte "biserici" ivite dupd. aseea, prin chiar aceasta sunt aldturea de cale, deci alIturea de mdntuire. Prin urmare, cei ce sti.m sub semnul cruciil , cdti weme petrecern in cortul plmdntesc, urmim calea mdntuirii in obgtea Bisericii vdnfie sau lupttltoare. "Pe ea nu o innegregte rugina r6utlfii, produsd de imprejurlrile p[mdntegti. Ea rdmdne nemicgorati gi negtirbiti, deoarece, cu toate c[ e ars[ din vreme in vreme in cuptorul prigoanelor gi incercati de fi:rtunile necontenite ale erezirlor, ea nu suferl sub povara incercdrilor nici o sldbire in invdfitura, sau viafa, in credinfa sau rAnduiala ei. De aceea ea intdregte prin har intelegerea celor ce cugetd la ea cu evlavie. Ea cheamd pe de o parte pe necredinciogi, diruindu-le lumina cunogtinfei adevflrate; pe de alta pdstoregte cu iubire pe cei ce contempld tainele ei, pdzind nep[timag gi fdrd betegug ochiul inlelegerii lor. Iar pe cei ce-au p6timit vreo cldtinare ii cheamd din nou $i, prin cuvfurt de indemn, le reface infelegerea bolnavi."2 lar dupi dezlegarea noastrd din cele pdmdntegti, dacd am luptat, uyrovt(ou, lupta cea bund3 pe plmdn! venim in obgtea Bisericii biruitoare din ceruri, - des6vdryirea neavdnd hotar. Biserica de pe pdmdnt se nume$te luptitoare, pentru cd aci, sub povdfuirea ei, ingii din obgte au de purtat o intreitii lupt4 care fine o viafi intreagd: lupta cu ei ingigi, cu patimile contra firii, dupd trup gi dup[ duh; o lupti cu "lumea" indiferenti gi necredincioasi; gi lupta impotriva uneltirilor vicleanului. Preofia Bisericii urmd.regte ca nici unul din fiii Tatdlui sd nu se invrdjbeascd in sine insugi, sau sd se rupd din obgte gi din duhul dragostei lui lkistos. Cdci El e Cel ce unegte obgtea laolalta, deci nimeni nu se mdntuiegte rd,zlefindu-se de Biseric[, oricdt ar crede cd tnfr-insul sildgluiegte Dutrul lui Flristos. Iar Biserica din Ceruri se nume$te biruitoare, fiindcd e alcdtuitE din obgtea bunilor biruitori mucenici, a sfinlilor slujitori gi cuviogi gi a tuturor sfinfilor purtdtori gi mdrturisitori de Dumnezeuo, unde sunt agteptafi toti ucenicii Domnului care vor mai fi pdnd la sfbrgitul vea-

I I Corinteni l, 18. 2 Sf. Ma:2, nu in literd... Cdci e cu neputintd sd existe gi sd lucreze impreund partea trupeasc[ 9i partea dumnezeiascd a legii, adicd litera cu duhul, odati ce nu poate lucra in armonie ceea ce nimicegte viafa cu ceea ce o h6r6ze$te prin fire."' Daci Saul mai reprezintd gi tipul legii scrise, litera legii, David reprezinti duhul ei, rafiunea ei. "Acest David spiritual, degi e piznuit de Saul, nu e biruit. Dimpotrivd, dat6 fiind marea sa iubire de oan:leni gi nepdtimirea la care a ajuns, chiar urat fiind, linigtegte prin chitara duhului pe dugmanul chinuit de duhul cel riu gi-l domolegte, scipdndu-l ca de un drac viclean, de boala cea rea a cugetului pd.mdntesc. CIci tot cel ce urd.gte din invidie gi ponegregte cu r[utate pe cel ce e mai tare in nevoinlele virtulilor gi mai bogat in cuvdntul cunogtinlei dumnezeiegti e un Saul chinuit de duhul cel rdu, intrucdt nu suferd faima gi fericirea celui mai bun in virtute gi cunogtinld, ci se infurie cu at6t mai tare cu cdt nu-l poate ucide pe binefdcdtor. Adeseori il repede I

Sf. Maxim

4,24. 'Ioan 3


Rdspunsuri ctttre Talasie,in

Sf. Ma*im Mdrturisitorul, idem,p.433.

op. cit.,p.421.



cu ciudd chiar $i pe prea iubitul sdu Ionatan, adicd gdndul tainic al congtiinfei, care osAndegte ura nedreapti gi spune, cu respect de adevdr, vredniciile celui urdt. Invidiosul se poartb asemenea lui Saul, nebunul de odinioarl, c[tre care a zis Samuil, dupd ce a cilcat poruncile dumnezeiegti: l Iar Saul este, cum am spus, legea scrisd, sau natia iudeilor, care viefuiegte dupd legea scrisd. Cdci de la amdndoud acestea, care sunt impletite intreolaltl in chip pdmdntesc, se depdrteazd Duhul Domnului, adic6 contemplafia gi cunogtinta duhovniceascd, in locul lor venind duhul rdu, adicd cugetul pdmintesc, care chinuiegte cu tulbur5rile gi zvdrcolirile neintrerupte, proprii celor supuse vremii gi striclciunii, ca pe unele ce-s scuturate de boala nestatorniciei gdndurilor. (Tare se potrivesc acestea la infdligarea vremii noastre, cdnd oamenii s-au rdzvritit impotriva Duhului, de aceea nu mai e literi s6-i impace.) CEci legea privitd numai dup[ literi gi infeleasi material e, parcd, stipdnit6 de epilepsie, fiind scuturatd de nenumdrate contraziceri gi neavdnd nici o armonie cu ea ins6gi; iar mintea iudaizantS, zdpilcitl, pen[ la nebunie de invdrtirea gi nestatornicia celor materiale, igi schimbd in chip necesar gi ea mereu dispozi1ia."2 "E de adaus cd pe cei scdpafi de Iisus (Navi) ii omoard Saul.

Cdci pe cei pe care-i izbdvegte duhul ii omoard litera. De aceea Dumnezeu, care a uns pe Saul - infeleg legea scrisi - ca sd impdr5teascl peste Israil, se cdiegte c6nd o vede inteleasl trupegte de cdtre iudei, gi dd putere impdrifiei Duhului, care este aproapele literei, insd mai bun decdt ea. >3 CEci precum David era aproape de Saul, la fel Duhul se afli in vecinltatea literei, avdnd sd se arate dupd moartea literei."a DupE alt inleles, Saul este tot omul, e toatii mintea, e tot sufletul, ddruit de Dumnezeu, prin Taina Ungerii cu Sftntul Mir, rege peste Israil. El primegte poruncd s[ poarte rdzboi cu Amalec, prin care se infelege diavolul, gi sE-l piardtr dimpreund cu tot ce are el: femeile pldcerile; pruncii lor - puii de drac; dobitoacele - patimile contra firii; cu un cuvint, toate ale lui Amalec, care a impiedicat iegirea din robia lui Faraon, care este o altd icoand a diavolului. I I Regi 15,19.


Regi 15,28.

2 o

Sf. Ma: Atunci cei doi frafi mi-au zis: >. Iar al treilea a zis: 'a


ee+z Hence, during the passions’ attack, the one who closes the senses and totally abandons the mind’s natural moves directed toward research of the outside one, that one covered alike Hezechiah did, the water springs outside the citadel and stopped the river which crossed the citadel. To do that, he was helped by the said powers and the crowd of people, that meaning the pious thoughts of each power. By doing so, the soul won and blushed, by God’s hand, the crafty and tyrannical power, came against him, and so he killed by divine command, through the tenable mind to defeat the passions, alike an agel defeated an army of 185.000 of passions’ soldiers. And this number shows the custom with the sin, which entered within the three powers of the soul by sensitive shapes, and also the work of senses directed towards them too. Viewing that, the mind, which wants to dissipate by knowledge the unseed fatures, must not be busy during the crafty devils’ attack with natural contemplation or anything else, but only to pray, to milden the body by toils, to extinguish with all the forces, the earthly thinking and to watch the walls of the citadel, the virtues” (Saint Maxim the Confessor, Answers for Talasie, in op. cit., pg. 182 -184). The gifts from the Saint Christening advice us, inside through the conscience, and outside through the Church to fulfil God’s commands. Acomplishing the commands, which keep the life clean and give life to the one who obeys those (Neemia 9, 29), has this purpose: to dig out the treasure or to awake the powers sowed in us during the second birth, to awake to the life in Christ Jesus and Holy Spirit. Because God is within His commands and through those He comes to us and moves us in Himself; and otherwise: by wrongdoings the enemy inserts within us and we get to be alike that one. So the ones who get to the limit of death not respecting the commands, that one will not save himself/ herself, due to the fact that they didn’t find out the treasure, but also the talant of trade they burried in the soil (Saint Mark the Ascet, About Christening, in op. cit., ed. I, vol. 1, pg. 294, and ed. II, pg. 289). While we go in the waves’ direction, in the direction of the nature inclined to sin, we have no fight, we don’t end in the traps of the enemy (2 Thimoty 2, 26); we really think we are going to the right direction, we end our days in happiness and we peaceful descend to hell (Jov 21, 13)! But once we find out our gifts and we awake and see what we have to be, the


powers of hell will hurtle to deal with us for our disobedience. But they will not hustle with all the wrath of malice, because God doesn’t allow them that, and they will come with all kinds of catches and traps, with lies and terror and many others hates. On the other way, they’ll use their tools (John 8, 44), to cheat those, who would do everything devils would teach them, - if all would depend only by them. That’s why the wise one says: “My son, if you come to serve the Lord, prepare the soul for temptation.” (Wisdom of Jesus Sirach 2, 1) The Holy Apostles, removed from this world by Saviour’s love and even they saw in the world they were not of the world (John 17, 14), still were warned by Saviour’s word through Peter: “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail.” (Luke 22, 30-32) From that we understand that the unseen war, between the soul and the devil, is allowed by God to happen in this life. That war has its rules we must follow so that at the end of running, God to admit our winning, the one helped by Him and according to our power, so that we don’t lose our time, our salvation and our humbleness. A Holy Parent said: “If you take the temptations there will be anybody to be saved”. The war of tempetions is the fire which clears what we are: woods, rocks, copper, straws, tow or “dust and ashes”(Genesis 18, 27) the gold of humbleness – cloth of God. Spiritual war looks like the war of the world. Both unleash you from that life. Only the temptations, the sorrows and all kinds of attempts of the unseen war manage to decrease our taste for this world and bring us to a sort of death for that world, represented by total humbleness and basic starting point for the continuous prayer. Saint Maxim the Confessor said that “Alike the body which by death dissociates from all the life’s things, so the mind when it dies, on the top of the prayer, breaks up by all the world’s thinkings. If the mind will not die by that death, will not be able to find and to live with God.” And “the highest step of the prayer, according to some, is the one when the mind is apart from the body and the world and became during the prayer totally imaterial and without a shape. Hence, the one who keeps undamaged this condition really is within a continuos pray” (Saint Maxim the Confessor, Heads about love, in op. cit , pg. 68). Still it is well to describe also the war in its elements, from human’s side, when he/ she plans it according to Parents’ advice, so according to law, and from enemy’s side, when the cheated one doesn’t ask anybody and believes his/ her mind, which gets step by step until the last breakage of madness.


Battle according to the law The ones who aim in this life only to be happy and to have a healthy body, those have no war with the devil: devil has those without any war. Because while those look only the rest and vainly happiness, that one will never awake from the enemy’s spell (2 Timothy 2, 26), which keeps them well anchored in that sensitive world, by which by absence of mind the devil takes those to sure loss. That’s why a Holy Parent said that the most dangerous cage is the one where in you feel good: you will never get out from there. The war begins only with the ones who want to rebuild the happiness of the lost Heaven, effort for why they learn to detach from all the rest and vainly slave of this world. And so it begins: All the passions or the works against the nature first arise in the mind, the finest part of our unseen being. Here it comes a thought or a face of this world and stays like a bait. And the mind, if it is not teached or warn about foreign work, like an untaught lamb, sees the wolf and goes to it, thinking it is a sheep. And if the wolf is crafty too, it dresses under the sheep skin and the por lamb, not being skilled through experiences, capers within the stumps of the hungry wolf. The first meeting between the lamb and the devil is the one at the edge of the bait the devil shows to the mind. If the mind doesn’t take into consideration the bait, the enemy insists, shows it more brightful, to make it to be loved by the mind. This is the second step of the war, or the oppression. If the devil managed to steal the mind with the bait and made it to be the same, we now have the begining of the union. But the mind realizes that it was robbed by a foreign thought and it stays within anything else than the place according to nature; and when it realizes that and where it stays, we have the decisive battle of the thought. Will the mind agree to follow the bait or will it turn back to itself? Here is the fight, and the moments are expensive; and most of the times one or some’s entire life depends by the unseen battle of a few moments. If we are late for battle, it may happen that, without knowing, our mind to be surrounded by the desire or the impulse, attacked by the devil’s flames. Hence, soldier of Christ, the fight must be quickly carried according to the law. See how Saint Mark the Ascet described the burst of the unseen war: „The bait thrown by Satan is the apparition of a bad thing under the exclusive shape of a thought. It uses the fewness of our faith as occasion to reach our mind. Because we received the command not to concern anything else except the protection of our hearts by all and to look for the Kingdom


of Heavens within us, when the mind drifts away from the heart and the said searching, it offers place for the devil’s bait and it is capable of receiving that one’s bad whisper. But not even then the devil has the power to incite our thoughts by force, because if would be like this way, the devil would not spare us and he would insert us only bad thoughts for not allowing us to think at something good anymore. He has only the power to show the exclusive shape of a thought, in its initial form, sinning meanings, to temp from inside us, offering the occasion to balance to what he wants, or to God’s command, viewing that those ones are in contradiction. So, if we love him, we immediately move our thoughts towards the showed thing and our thinking passionately starts to be concerned about that: but if we hate it, we can’t delay, because we hate and bait itself. And if the bait insists even when it is hated (because this happens too) this is not because of a fresh agglutination, but because it is consilidated by an old custom. That’s why it stays unmoved, like a simple thought, being blocked by the annoyance of the heart to progress to a developed thinking and to passion. Because this isolated apparition, being hated by the one who pays attention to himself/ herself, has the power to oblige the mind to stay in the passionately multitude of thoughts, only if the heart is sticked to pleasures. So, if we totaly abandon the adhesion to pleasures, we will not be harmed anymore by the apparition of the simple thought of the old customs, and the conscience will not have anymore doubts regarding the safety of the future ones. Because when the mind knows the lazzy hostility of this custom and confesses to God the old reason, immediately this tempation is removed. And the mind will have again the power to watch over the heart and to guard it with all the efforts, traying to get inside it’s deepest and undisturbed rooms, where are not clues of bad thoughts – which push the body and the soul in the abyss of voluptuousness and throw in the fountains with pitch -, on neither a large way, tesselated with words and faces of worldy wisdom, to charm the ones who step on it, no matter how wise those would be. Those clean rooms, from the deepest of the soul, which also are the house of Christ, don’t receive any of the empty things of those times, even they are rational or not, except for those three, the apostle named as: faith, hope and love. So, the one who really loves the truth and receives the effort of the heart, may not be alllured outside neither by the old customs, in the way we already showed before, but to watch over the heart and to cross more inside and to get closer to God, without any fear of attention and assiduity. Because that one can’t fag with the heart if he/ she takes into consideration the spreads of though and bodily pleasures, so being allways close between some inner and


external boundaries. Especially because often those spreads and pleasures deviate the thought and act too. Hence, its is true that the bait, as simple thought, exerts a forced power when it insists, even if it is hated. But the additional thougts that will come depends by our free will. Those were showed also by the ones how didn’t sin alike Adam did, since they couldn’t block the bait, but the friendly talking with that they totally abandoned.” (Saint Mark the Ascet, op. cit. pg. 303 -305; pg. 298 -300) Since the Old Testament it is known the war of the thought, about David wrote: „Oh, daughter of Babylon (by that menaing , doomed to be destroyed, shall he be who repays you


with what you have done to us! Bleessed shall be the one who

takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!” (Palsm 136, 8) The thoughts of the evil one, his illusions, his idols (his fixed ideas), his baits, those are the babylonian babies, or “devil’s cubs”, as Saint Maxim the Confessor names them. And the rock is Christ or the faith in Him, the basis of the soul’s citadel, the corner stone, which the builders of those times didn’t notice (Matthew 22, 42). And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4, 11-12). By this rock we must hit the baylonian babies. And the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him (Matthew 21, 44). That’s why Saint John the Ladder said: “There is no powerful weapon on earth and heavens than the name of Christ Jesus!”. The sky is the mind and the earth is the heart, where in must continuously spin the pray of the holy name: “Lord Christ Jesus, Son of God, have mercy of me, the sinner”, this returning as a weapon allways pointed against the enemy. Therefore God exalted Him (the Saviour) to the highest place

and gave Him the name that is

above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. (Philippians 2, 9-10) That word may mean also the following things, according to the letter’s understanding: the Sky is the saints, the winning Church the angels; the earth, the inhabitants of the earth, the fighting Church and the one thrown on earth, having great wrath; the ones from under, the ones moved from that life, but who are not inside the winning Church, but in the prison of the wrongdoings or the hell. Another meaning can be that one: the sky is the mind, the earth is the heart with all its desires, and the ones from under could be the ones from the subconsciousness, we usually are not aware of, but we carry within us. If during the war time, or better said in the moment of fight we hit the bait with God name, saying the prayer, we’ll see a wonderful thing: the Emperor Himself fights for the


soldier – alike in the seen war. Because our Emperor fighted to death and even death on a cross (Philippians 2, 8), and by that He broke the locks of the hell’s gates, winning for His soldiers and releasing them. And since then, God wins, wherever His name is called. And: His name is love. See what Saint Mark the Ascet teaches us, regarding this great importance of this moment of fight: “Human, know that God looks within everyone’s hearts; and for those who hate the first emergence of the bad thought, He comes to help them and make them justice, as He promised and He doesn’t allow the multitude of thoughts to invade and stain their minds and conciences. And the ones who don’t stop the first germs of bad thoughts, by faith and hope and they stick with pleasure by those, based on the reason that they want to know and test, He leaves those ones – as ones who don’t believe and wish to help by themselves – to be hit by the following thoughts, which He doesn’t break, due to the fact that their bait is loved, instead of being hated since the first emergence.” (Saint Mark the Ascet, op. cit. , pg. 311 and pg. 306) On stairs to damnation Even the time of fight has a great balance: if the mind doesn’t faithfully remember about „Lord Jesus..”, it happens that it agrees the bait of the enemy. Here is the boundary between the fight according to the law and the fall into wrongdoings. So the fallen mind into the land of the wrongdoings, gives its approval for the will, which is under the crafty one’s spell. The will allways decides on the mind’s advice and never before: - at least this is how things happen in the conciences’ facts. That’s why it is said that for any decision we have the freedom of the will, we have the possibility to choose whatever we want. The gift of free will was given to us by God, as a great honor and by that we can increase until divine measurements. See why all the entire stuggle of the soul’s powers manumission from the passions against nature brings actually the freedom to be called children of God (Matthew 5, 9), children of the truth, which release the ones who stay within the truth (John 8, 32) and not in lie and within the father of lies (John 8, 44). By the gift of free will we can raise from look to affinity. For rebuilding or for the new creation of human, God came among people, and for the same purpose He stays with us, with each generation of humans, and by all kind of ways He struggle to untie the freedom of our will from foreign chains; and we, the unable ones, after a while we surrender to harder chains. Love bavels the freedom alike a balance.


If the mind will find itself loving a foreign bait and the crafty advice, will bavel the balance of free will to the bait and foreign advice. So through the breach within citadel walls arises and multitude of enemies, which were waiting hidden outside and will now enter. And quickly begins the deplorable devastation of the soul’s citadel: doing the act and repeating that, until it becomes a custom. The rootedness of the custrom of sinning leads towards the agreement of the soul and the body until the incapacity to oppose or even to not wishing to stand against anymore. So it happens that working against nature, becomes humans’s “second nature” – the one of the wrongdoing, or the law of the sin (Romans 7, 7). This is the same with losing the gift of the free will. Still, the human, when the powers become weaker, realizes that he/ she is slave of the enemy, because once the babylonian babies were little and he/she was laughing about those, now the babies are mans and he/ she feels who they rob the powers and due to sinning, the power of the will to oppose is faded. When he/ she had the entire powers he/she didn’t listen the advice, and now when he/ she doesn’t have them anymore, would want to retun those to God, but has no where to take them. All his/ her youth energy gave it to the wrong side, and he/ she struggles to offer the ruining oldness to God. Sometimes God receives the remaing parts, only if there are any rests of the powers for the last battle, harder than the first one, a battle for life or death. Because the enemy who devastates through passions, when finds out that the mind, pushed by conscience’s call, wants to revolt against his slavery, the devil comes with great oppression, proving the soul that there is no way out. And as punishment of the soul, for daring that, the devil tries to push it into a harder agony: the spirit of despair. This spirit slavery is so hard that the soul, gathering the last forces, fights the battle of despair. Then the souls is between life and death. Some escape, some live in that way, more deads than alive; and others, not bearing anymore, due to the fact that their minds become dark, commit the last sin: suicide. And in the end, because of pain, some’s mind is totally lost and they fall into madness. We must say that each of leading passions may take the creation of God until the last decay, that being the suicide, the madness or even the devils’ possession. For instance, the greed for properties, the greed for power and the smoke of pride, how many did those lose their minds? The deseases caused by sexual immorality, how many did those cause their suicide? Whom from the drinkers did end well, for not abandoning that passion? But even lazzyness can do crazzy things when it sees itself in danger.


From where do come so many devastion? From a moment when the mind is without God, the moment when the enemy inserted the angle of hell, crafty hidden within a bait of a sensitive thing from this world. The enemy tempts everyone with the bait of pleasure for the thing they like more: the one prone to body, will be tempted with the sexual immorality; the one prone to thoughts, will be tempt with those times’ wisdom (1 Corinthians 1, 20), because of that, many lost from God and few returned; the ones hungry of God’s Word will be tempted with the Bible (2 Peter 1, 20), so nowadays many travellers to hell have the Scripture in their hands. All that look for pleasures, no matter their types, will not escape from dangers, because by any pleasure a snake is twined. The traps… The entire effort of the enemy is that one: to untie our love and knowledge of God and to give, by passions, as object for attention, the nothingness and the absurd. That’s why the crafty one, has no doubt to reduce to nothingness and absurd the virtues too. That’s why is is enought to manage to make a movement of the last purpose of the virtues, and by that he reduced to the nothingness of vainly slave and to the absurd the efforts of the virtue. See that through an artfull turn of the crafty one, he throws the virtues within the broken sack of the passions and instead he gathers empty words from humans and his sinister laugh. Hence, it is necessary to be made a deep difference between the thoughts. As a standing example, regarding those, we have the explanation of Saint Maxim the Confessor, in first place from 1 Ezra 4, 1-3. The historical context is that one: Judeans return from the babylonian slavery and their rush to rebuild the temple. Their enemies approach and ask them to be let to help in rebuilding too, because they pray the same God. But the leaders of the Judeans, Zorabel and Jesus (Joshua), refuse those help. This incomprehensible denial has a deep meaning, explained according to its spiritual sense, described by Saint Maxim, based on historical context. „,If Zorabel and Jesus (Joshua) mean active and contemplative mind and if Judas’s enemies are the powers of the mind, then viewing also the meaning of the ones who are enemies of the mind, we find there the vainly slave, the pride, the duplicity and the wish of be to people’s liking, which come closer to the people, bearly released by the babylonian slavery of the passions confusion, saying: . Because none of those crafty devils ever block the ambition of virtuos human, but removing the lacks of virtues, advice to bigger and bigger efforts, being ambitious along the ones who


make those efforts, to reach them hearts, after he/ she lost the constant measurement of moderation and to lead them, without humans to notice, to a different target than he/ she considered having. That’s why the crafty ones say: . Because the crafty ones don’t hate the purity and they are not disgusted by sharing helps or receiving strangers, or saying psalms, or reading prayers of the greatest teachings, or sleeping on the floor, or watching, or any others aspects which define the life according to God, until their purpose or the cause for what they stand for is accomplished. That’s why the ascet notices more quicky the other devils and easier escape from their harm. But that great mind can dicover those devils who seam to help human walk on virtue way and to build together the temple of God? The mind can do that only through the active and alive word of God, which penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow (Hebrews 4, 12), that meaning to know which thoughts or facts belong to the soul or those are forms and natural movements of the virtue, and which there are spiritual, or forms and natural movements above nature, which belong to God, offered to nature by the Grace… Because “nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Because “Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him” (Hebrews 4, 13), not only what was done or said, but also future thoughts and facts. Because the Holy Scripture says about future thoughts and facts, and not about past ones, that “there is no hidden creature”. Because those we know and are revealed to others. So much more those are revealed to God, Who knew long time before all the endless times… So, who, without having that word abode in the deepness of the heart, is able to escape from the hidden catches of the devils’ duplicity against us and stay alone and build the temple of God, alike Zorabel did? Because that one firmly and loudly says to the crafty spirits of the pride, the vainly slave, people’s liking and the duplicity: . Only the one who has that word, knows that devil’s interfering causes the damage and the collapse of the entire building and stains the Grace and the beauty of the efforts directed to God. Because none can build that for God, being helped by any of the mentioned devils. Because, in that work, he doesn’t have God as purpose to accomplish the virtue looking to Him. So, not because of the envy the ones escaped from foreign slavery didn’t allow to build the temple together with those, but because they noticed the traps hidden within devils’ pretended friendship, who wanted, by good, to bring unnoticed the death through the sin; by the right ones to sneak the bad temptations” (Saint Maxim the Confessor, Answers for Talasie, in op.


cit, pg. 291 -294). But traps don’t end here. All the battle field is covered by traps and there are many who fall into those. Some cut their minds in Scriptures In time, Satan became more skilled in bad one. When he can turn someone against God, he works on that with a joyful smile on his face (1 Peter 5, 8); for the one loves God, but travels without any advice or question, he teaches him/ her how to love God, and compliments him/ her, that is on the good way, -without that person to understand that in his/ her faith a fine grain of enemy power was inserted there. The crafty one notices what God does and he does the same. God sends servants, he sends too; God sends apparitions, he does too. God preaches love for humans without differences and limits, he preaches too. In other words: he fakes all that Goes does and lose people with his cheats. He is so daring, that even he fakes the divine light, not in the sense that he can approach to change the real light, because it would burn it and he can’t stay within that light, but he fabricates a light too, used to cheat whom he manage to do so or the one who dare to look for divine gifts, before getting the constant humbleness. So the masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11, 14) and as a fake christ (Matthew 24, 24) and cheats many saying: „I am christ!”(Luke 21, 8) And I’ll send you to preach this and that… Especially nowadays there is the time, the Saviour warned us about: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them!” (Luke 21, 8) That’s why is better to expound, according to our power, on that killing cheat of apparitions, because since a time many cheated ones arise and they make a lot of disturbance among people. See how that trp comes: The crafty one has two types of baits, according to human’s love, which can be balanced towards loss, ot towards salvation. There is a “bait of salvation” wherein many cheated one felt, saying that they are saved, when they didn’t chose or fighted according to law. There is the bait of sanctity, there is the temptation of the mission or being sent by “God” and also is the temptation of being a martyr. In all of those cheats fall the ones who avoid the endurances, the narrow minds, who say that there is nothing else to do but to believe and to consider they already reached the sancity, the mission, the martyr and the other inventions of the cheated mind.


They do an effort too: the one of reaching the gifts above nature, before the proper time and tempting God. So there is no wonder that they fall in the slavery of the mind’s cheater, to torture them. Some, fast to anger, due to their nature or some deseases, not having within their hearts the right judgement, cry in their hearts for gifts above nature, pushed not by any virtue but by the self-love. Those having love without mind, God allows the bad spirit to completely deceive them (2 Thessalonians 2, 11) as the ones who dare to get close to God, having impure hearts. That’s why for that daring, God allow the devil to punish them. So, when there is such a punishment agreed by God, Satan searches him/ her taking the liar face of Christ and speaking to him/ her with kind voice, compliments him/ her, by which quickly wins him/ her and maybe forever, as the one, who being on the narrow way (Matthew 7, 14) which through pains gets to the Kingdom, looks for “spiritual pleasures”. See him/ her with the bait in his/ her throat. Since now, after experimenting the school of loss, when his/ her trust will be totally won and consolidated, by matches of signs he/ she believes in himself/ herself and in his/ her christ and even capable of killing, sustaining on the Scripture. See how the “devil’s baby” of the self-love, become a man and helped by liar apparitions come from his father, the father of lie, distorts poor human’s mind, so that the sin will look like divine virtue. And more, killing the ones who don’t have the same faith he/ she has, he/ she will consider to do a service to “God” (the god who cheated him/ her) (Numbers 25, 7-13) When you talk to a such person, you will be amzed by his/ her certainty and safety, sometimes even the tie with his/ her words’ judgement and you can notice so quickly that you talk with a cheated and mindless one. That happens, until you notice the first break of the mind, from where all the enemy’s cheats can be revealed. You have to catch the bait he/ she swallowed, often is represented by the fail into compliments, by which the father of lie caressed the baby of self-love, created by the cheated one with so much fervour. And there is no wonder, because a philosopher says: it is enough to receive in your mind a single preconception, so that any desaster you think about you reach to it by logical manner. That’s why Church included within mind’s sins the preconceptions too. A testimonial from the Scriptures of the said ones will clear us better. It was the moment of liar prophets from Elijah and king Ahav times. Elijah the prophet annunced to the king the remonstrance of God, the sorrows and the death will have in the times of his followers.


3 Kings 22: 1. And there passed three years without war between Syria and Israel. 2. And in the third year, Josaphat, king of Juda, came down to the king of Israel. 3. (And the king of Israel said to his servants: Know ye not that Ramoth Galaad is ours, and we neglect to take it out of the hand of the king of Syria?) 4. And he said to Josaphat: Wilt thou come with me to battle to Ramoth Galaad? 5. And Josaphat said to the king of Israel: As I am, so art thou: my people and thy people are one: and my horsemen are thy horsemen. And Josaphat said to the king of Israel: Inquire, I beseech thee, this day the word of the Lord. 6. Then the king of Israel assembled the prophets, about four hundred men, and he said to them: Shall I go to Ramoth Galaad to fight, or shall I forbear? They answered: Go up, and the Lord will deliver it into the hand of the king. 7. And Josaphat said: Is there not here some prophet of the Lord, that we may inquire by him? 8. And the king of Israel said to Josaphat. There is one man left, by whom we may inquire of the Lord; Micheas, the son of Jemla: but I hate him, for he doth not prophecy good to me, but evil. And Josaphat said: Speak not so, O king. 9. Then the king of Israel called an eunuch, and said to him: Make haste, and bring hither Micheas, the son of Jemla. 10. And the king of Israel, and Josaphat, king of Juda, sat each on his throne, clothed with royal robes, in a court, by the entrance of the gate of Samaria, and all the prophets prophesied before them. 11. And Sedecias, thc son of Chanaana, made himself horns of iron, and said: Thus saith the Lord: With these shalt thou push Syria, till thou destroy it. 12. And all the prophets prophesied in like manner, saying: Go up to Ramoth Galaad, and prosper, for the Lord will deliver it into the king’s hands. 13. And the messenger that went to call Micheas, spoke to him, saying: Behold the words of the prophets with one mouth declare good things to the king: let thy word, therefore, be like to theirs, and speak that which is good. 14. But Micheas said to him: As the Lord liveth, whatsoever the Lord shall say to me, that will I speak. 15. So he came to the king, and the king said to him: Micheas, shall we go to Ramoth Galaad to battle, or shall we forbear? He answered him: Go up, and prosper, and the Lord shall deliver it into the king’s hands.


16. But the king said to him: I adjure thee again and again, that thou tell me nothing but that which is true, in the name of the Lord. 17. And he said: I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, like sheep that have no shepherd; and the Lord said: These have no master: let every man of them return to his house in peace. 18. (Then the king of Israel said to Josaphat: Did I not tell thee, that he prophesieth no good to me, but always evil?) 19. And he added and said: Hear thou, therefore, the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the army of heaven standing by him on the right hand and on the left: 20. And the Lord said: Who shall deceive Achab, king of Israel, that he may go up, and fall at Ramoth Galaad? And one spoke words of this manner, and another otherwise. 21. And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the Lord, and said: I will deceive him. And the Lord said to him: By what means? 22. And he said: I will go forth, and be a lying spirit, in the mouth of all his prophets. And the Lord said: Thou shalt deceive him, and shalt prevail: go forth, and do so. 23. Now, therefore, behold the Lord hath given a lying spirit in the mouth of all thy prophets that are here, and the Lord hath spoken evil against thee. 24. And Sedecias, the son of Chanaana, came, and struck Micheas on the cheek, and said: Hath then the spirit of the Lord left me, and spoken to thee? 25. And Micheas said: Thou shalt see in the day when thou shalt go into a chamber within a chamber to hide thyself. 26. And the king of Israel said: Take Micheas and let him abide with Amon, the governor of the city, and with Joas, the son of Amalech; 27. And tell them: Thus saith the king: Put this man in prison, and feed him with bread of affliction, and water of distress till I return in peace. 28. And Micheas said: If thou return in peace, the Lord hath not spoken by me. And he said: Hear, all ye people. 29. So the king of Israel, and Josaphat, king of Juda, went up to Ramoth-Galaad. 30. And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: Take thy armour, and go into the battle, and put on thy own garments. But the king of Israel changed his dress, and went into the battle.


31. And the king of Syria had commanded the two and thirty captains of the chasexual immoralitys, saying: You shall not fight against any, small or great, but against the king of Israel only. 32. So when the captains of the chasexual immoralitys saw Josaphat, they suspected that he was the king of Israel, and making a violent assault, they fought against him: and Josaphat cried aut 33. And the captains of the chasexual immoralitys perceived that he was not the king of Israel, and they turned away from him. 34. And a certain man bent his bow, shooting at a venture, and chanced to strike the king of Israel, between the lungs and the stomach. But he said to the driver of his chasexual immorality: Turn thy hand, and carry me out of the army, for I am grievously wounded. 35. And the battle was fought that day, and the king of Israel stood in his chasexual immorality against the Syrians, and he died in the evening: and the blood ran out of the wound into the midst of the chasexual immorality. 36. And the herald proclaimed through all the army, before the sun set, saying: Let every man return to his own city, and to his own country. 37. And the king died, and was carried into Samaria: and they buried the king in Samaria. 38. And they washed his chasexual immorality in the pool of Samaria and the dogs licked up his blood, and they washed the reins according to the word of the Lord which he had spoken (among thsoe was also Elijah). The spirit who came out and stayed in front of God, became a liar spirit within the prophets’ mouths, whom God said: „Go and do what you said!”, which is the same with the one who asked God’s permission to test Jov, to show the patience and constance of the right one. Jov 1: 6. One day God’s angels came in front of God and among them there was Satan too. 7. Then God asked Satan: And Satan aswered God:. With God’s allowance, Satan sieves and gathers the ones who look in that world only the pleasures, even the spiritual ones, only to catch them, if they didn’t abandon the self-love or any misery of that world, after so many preaches of Church. Because that passion makes human to fall, hit by the compliment’s arrows and so the human gets with cheated mind and taken out from the judgement of humbleness.


See that those who didn’t realized the cleanliness of their lives, the adulators from king Ahab’s court, He allowed to be deceived by the spirit of lie and their advice it was a temptation for king who loved the vainly slave, and in that temptation the king had to fall, for his sins. Alike those cheated ones who slapped the real prophet of God, so nowadays liar prophets have an amazing daring and slap the humbleness, considering themselves as having a great importance, and so they call themselves as: „John”, „Elihaj”, „Christ”, „Son of Man”. „Right claim obedience from humans because „God” sent them to say things, that froze your heart by hearing and the buzz the ears. Based on the following signs it can be seen that their mind is harmed: 1. They consider themselves so great, alike all the heretics (the lost ones) of times, who were curssed by the Church, by the holy synods. 2. They fall into compliments, having a liar humbleness. 3. They hold themselves above the Scripture (one of them even broke mine), above Church and the saints. 4. They die for being listened and believed by people. 5. They boil in anger when they are not taken into consideration. 6. Often they „speak in spirit” with the”spirit” who carries and teaches them. 7. They absolutely deny to control to priests what the ones heard from their” spirit”. 8. With all of those, some show an unusual devoutness, confessing Christ, the Mother of God, also they make the Holy Cross, they knee, they kiss the icons, they also take the Holy Communion (!) and swear they are God’s humans, and they are not cheated. 9. They pretend to be prophets and spread fear among people. Many of tehir prphecies happen in reality, but many don’t. That depends on the prevision powr of the „spirit” who tells them those, due to the fact that has no body and catches earlier what God prepares for the humans. But this is no prophecy. 10. In the name of their ”god”, they are capable to kill someone, supporting on the Scripture, wherein Avraam was capable of such obedience, and Phinehas dis the same and that was consideredardour for his God (Numbers 25, 7-13). (With the deceipt of obedience until killing someone, the enemy tested many people, in all times, even the ascets). So, being so prompt to obey and to believe in their „spirit”’s advices, whom they believe is Christ, they are a ganger for the people; terrorists of the simple souls.


11. They jump from a thing to another and connect things without any correspondence. They wrongly explain, they deform the truth and preach from the Scriptures, more themselves than God, quickly leading to a crash and damage of their minds. 12. Being in their surrounding you feel agitation and danger, because many of those were closede witnin amadness house or they must be taken there. There is no blandness of their faces. We don’t blame them, but we protect ourselves and teach others to do the same and we are sacred how deep they cut their minds in Scriptures (2 Peter 1, 30). Still, as much aspossible, we have to try to understand them, explaining the truth of the things and the works of the crafty one. It is known, that inside the human, who does the thoughts and the wills of the bad one, that one entered. Or, otherwise: through the love the bad ones, or the grain of that love, the enemy enter within the citadel; that meaning through the wrongdoings. When he sees that he can’t deceive the human with the bad ones, he jumps on the other edge, to the right ones side, looking to cheat the human. He says a compliment for his/ her great faith in God and for loving the virtue, and push him/ her without any question or measurement to make efforts in that way. One that was awake for prayer, and he was struggling to insert in his heart a great opinion about himself, because „he” is awaken by the „angels” to do the prayers. Or if the targeted one is not so pious, he allows him to smoke, to drink, telling the necessary thoughts, that those are not sins. One was cheated by the devil who appeared in the shape of „Christ” and told that man: „because of you the sun still appears!”. Then for 25 years the devil taught him to consider as being the son of the man from the Scripture and the right judge, who will separate the goats from the sheeps and will create the Kingdom of God on earth, and that during his life will be the end the judgement, which will be done through him. (Actaully it was only the end of his judgement, which he saw not to himself, but only outside to everyone). Everytime when the faith came over him, he was passing after a certain act, to the madness house. The strand of this love, even it balances to sins, or to God, the enemy looks to catch it by the limits, because the devil is not ashamed to pretend to be „God”, only to catch anyone he can. That’s why the Parents said that allways the extremes belong to the devil. That meaning that even a great love for God – before time – can be a reason for fall: an eartly, passionated, restless, anxious, unclean and trasnfixed love. Watch the mind! Because the unseen war tests everyone and it didn’t spare either the Apostles’ love for God! So, to beter undertstand this fine aspect and the purpose for the


written ones, we use the icon of the three loves, of the three apprentices of Lord: Peter, Judas and John. Mistakes of love and right judgement Those Lord’s apprentices, because of their ardour love, made a mistakes during their apprenticeship. Two of them redressed, the other felt. So, during a travel, when the people from a town didn’t want to receive them, the disciples James and John saw this, and they said: let’s pray like Elijah did to call fire down from heaven to destroy them (Luke 9, 54). The honor and value God had in their hearts, and also their ardour, weren’t constant and they didn’t have the right judgement and so they burnt a mistake. The Saviour turned them to blandness and right judgement, teaching them: “You do not know what kind of spirit you are of” (Luke 9, 55). Peter, after his beautiful confessing of God: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16, 16) and after Saviour’s compliment, said in such way to protect Peter by the danger of eulogy and self –opinion, - when Jesus started to tell the Aposteles about His pains and crucifixion, Peter, in his love, didn’t stand for that judgement and quickly said: “This shall never happen to you!” (Matthew 16, 22). Then as the one who doesn’t know the secrets of God Who keeps the balance of the right judgement with the power of ardour love and those were humanly understood, receives those rebuke from God: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me!”(Matthew 16, 23). Of course Petere was not Satan, but a thought of Satan entered and expressed himsell through the mouth of Peter, - because it was a breach, a disequilibrium between his soul’s powers: knowledge, love and agility. And it is seen that he didn’t redressed with that alignment. Being older and harder to be cured, his love still wasn’t moved like John’s one: the entire love only for the Saviour, and he kept something for himself too. The Saviour knew him and predicted him the

three times

abdication in the court of Caiaphas. Peter again jumped on saying that he will not do that. But in the end he had to admit that he received three more slaps in the face, because he wasn’t giving all his love for God, as he promised, but he kept a part for himself. The Holy Preach says that Peter cried and regreted those so much that the tears cut furrows in his cheeks. Judas, disciple of the Saviour, had also mind, love and will, but in his manner, which give us a teaching lesson. Judas wanted that the Saviour to love what he loved, that meaning to make a earthly kingdom of Heavens, and Jesus to be the Emperor, and he to become great councillor and money keeper, because he was so humble, being sent unshod, without


traveler's bag but only with a walking stick (Mark 6, 8) to preach a Kindom whom eyes of earth couldn’t see it, and because he didn’t have any money. Being him in that way, is like he shared the same thoughts of his people. That’s why the Saviur loved him and gave him the same gifts as for the other ones, still he remained the uncured hebrew, loving a “God of those times” (2 Corinthians 4, 4), and he sold Jesus, who wasn’t matching his earthly love, for 30 pieces of silver, money which Judas could make for 3 years of work. The two ends of his love were caught by the devil. He loved himself, and he loved God, only if God was assuring him the content of self-love, - thing that the real God couldn’t fulfil. That’s why he renounced. The Saviour tried everything to redress his injured diciple, but for nothing. He also gave him the Holy Communion with Himself, but instead of healing Satan entered more powerful into him (John 13, 27) and the Saviour, gave up and with human voice said to Judas: “What are do doing, do it sooner!” – because the devils can’t do anything without God’s allowance. Judas has a monent of awaking, but then he was no longer his own master and now his new “master” was stronger and pulled him to the payment of hanging…and didn’t allow him more time… See what great danger the self-love is, the love which doesn’t offer to God and obeys the advice only with duplicity: big sorrow and hard burden for the Adam’s sons. The union of the two or three ones in the name of God is an unseen miracle within the soul, is the coming of agility, the knowledge and love to the peaceful balance of the right judgement, which knows the secret and the measurement, we look for with any occasion as a gift and longing of God. For our understanding, we need more heart in the mind and more mind in the heart, because otherwise, without the union of the blessed name, both heart and mind get crazy. Measurements “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9, 23). The one who can’t ask and obey the advice of a spiritual parent, or doesn’t look for God, will not find Jesus. If still he/ she wants to trail God, but having the mind and the heart stained by pleasure and faith, will encounter only cheats. That’s why the confessors are disposed, to balance the spirits which cross their mind, to know each individ measurements and where his/ her balance inclines for.


Long time ago the Prophet of Jordan said: “A man can receive only what is given him from heaven” (John 3, 27). But the same say the cheated ones. How can we catch the last cheat? It is very easy to catch. The ones who really have the gift from God, come to confessors to ask, while the cheated ones don’t want to do that and they consider themselves above any gift. They don’t know anymore that without humbleness instead God you’ll find the cheater; without asking you’ll not enter the gate, but jump otherwhere and you are considered a robber.

The aspiration without question and the opinion exceed the

measurement. “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.” (Romans 12, 3) That says to us Saint Paul, who even saw powerful light from the skies and heard the real voice of Christ Jesus, Who discovered him the purpose of His holy unseen apparition, still, for insurance and for teaching the humbleness, He blinded him and sent His servant to Damascus (Acts 22, 6-11). That one, awared by the Saviour (Acts 22, 10-16), received, explained and renewed him with the Christening. The same Paul, after a lot of teaching, effort and preaching, after others apparitions, signs and kidnapping to Heaven, still went to Jerusalem to meet the other Apostles and tell them his gospel, which he was preaching, so that not to be cheated and all his effort to be in vain. (Galathians 2, 1-8) He was adviced in that concern by the humbleness and not by doubt. In each of us God enclosed the calling for all the purpose and role, which – at proper time – He will have among humans. So: Ephesians 4: 11. So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.


He unifies the separated ones, He measures the gift, He calls us to work the vineyard, He helps each of us, if we don’t forget to call Him; and for perfection of the collective, He lights the servants. Among the ones sent by God, there are humans who have the gift of seeing beyond, to hear voices and words above nature. But when the moment of a great importance for them comes, when the eye of sight and the ear of hearing the ones from beyond open, must not be late to look for the advice of a confessor, who will protect their heart and mind by foreign joy and will foster them under the cloth of humbleness. Because if they don’t do so, no matter the received gift, they may fall into cheat. See how: we are not aware by God’s gifts hidden inside us, but Satan sees those: and as a crafty robber, watches the time when the gift for God opens, and if he will not find this covered by humbleness and right judgement, he will throw his devastations over God’s arrangements. So, insure the gift received from God with the question and foster it with the humbleness, and more don’t get out of any of God unkown servants’s advice. „The greater you are, the more humble yourself, and you shall find favour before the Lord.”(Widom of jesus Sirach 3, 18). Because if you are not prone to that judgement, then a fake christ will reveal your sight’s gift and to your ears Satan will speak, pretending to be “Christ” and totally deceives you. “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24, 24) The false christs and prophets, Saviour aware us, are the crafy ones beyong eyesight, who masterly work to be receive by people. They roaring walk and look for someone to see and to listen to them. – Is not their time close, because they badly do their onws!? Salvation is for the cheated ones too: when they’ll know thair cheat and will regret that. But Judas didn’t have any left time. Shortly see the reasons and the concern Eastern Church’s preach avoids apparitions and protects its sons, because those are not necessary for salvation and the perfection we are called for, leaves behind any apparition. Revelation is complete, and we expect the missing ones for the second coming.


Evangelic advices or the commands of perfection The command of perfection was given yet to the Hebrews by the old Law, but especially it was given to christians by the new Law (Levites 11, 44 -45). The perfection and the sanctity are the ones which measure our closeness or distance from God. That’s why the warriors of the spiritual war are arranged in three cohorts: the called, chosen and faithful (Revelation 17, 14) or with another names: as beginners, increased and completed. But is was elected a cohort of christians who find inside them the implusion and the calling for the spiritual life, as the only worthy purpose of that life. Those are the monks. The same when they go to war, people leave behind all the concerns, not confuse them during the fights, so the ones who struggle for salvation leave behing any earthly concerns, for the Emperor of heavens. If at the entrace in this life, the commands and the blood of the lamb are enough, for reaching the perfection the evangelic advices become commands. The evangelic advices are also commands for those who have the capacity to fulfill them. And many have this capacity, revealed by the life’s situations, but few perfect that due to the lack of perfect advicers. Among evangelic advices or the commands of perfection the first one is to abandon the world. Who abandons the world will not hang in the wind between the price of the entire world, if someone will give it to posses until the end of times, and the price of the soul, clean and brightful by God’s slave, in the after life. Compared to that slave, all that belong to the world are garbage (Matthew 16, 26 and John 2, 17). World abandon is a convinction, which you may have staying in the middle of the world, and also which you may lack staying in the middle of the dessert. But those who aim for salvation must have this convinction. So, the monks, wanting to learn the knowledge of salvation (Luke 1, 77) or the art of redeeming from those from here and to move towards the ones from beyond, promise those three ones: the poverty, the virginity and the obedience. Those promises, caused by a constant conviction, will ruin in turn all the passions and save the assiduous one from all the traps of the enemy; because those are the evangelic advices and following the Saviour. So the poverty represents the soul’s separation from any greed for posesions and love for money, and also the separtion by the thought of property. The one who has the soul untied by those, if will have possesions to take care of, will not lose his/ her balance, if happens to lose the possesions.


The virginity stays against the entire sexual immorality. This efforst aims to bring the nature to peace and purity, as normal stage that nature had once. The obedience represents the harder promise: to be martyr for life. All called it so. The hardness of that is caused by the nature’s stubbornness, wild because of the sins, but also because of the decrease of the advicers. If the advicers don’t have their words covered by an increased spiritual life and the passions to be faded, they don’t have the resources to push you to perfect obedience, but the power of measurement or the measurement of the power. It is about an obedience which stops the obedient one’s mind to think about the word and rushes to accomplish that even with the price of his life. The obedient has no duties with life, peaceful because his spiritual father took him the concerns for life and dispensed him by all the dangers of thinking. Perfectly you may obey only a saint. But those run away from the servcie of commanding. Still for the benefit of the spiritual life it has a great importance to obey anyone; because obedience is arranged to stay against the passions of the mind: the pride, the opinion and vainly slave, and who wants to escape from those will not think about the sanctity of his superior. The perfect obedience is the famous “cut of the will” which many times is the same with the cut of the head. The perfect obedient has no wars with the sorrows caused by selflove and no fights with the care for life, which explused him from heaven. The obedience represents denial of youselve and taking up the cross daily and following the Saviour (Luke 9, 23). It teaches us the humbleness, which kills all the passions and calm the soul. It fades any disquiet and stops any initiative, so in time, all the energy must convert into spiritual virtues. This obedience fades the personality from the world context and if is something worthful within the obedient his dotation transforms into sanctity, which many times only God knows it. So the obedinet raises a personality of the spirit, when he manage to pass over his bonds as if he would be other person. Inside each human there is a measurement of his/ her, as Saint Paul assures us (Romans 12, 3); nobody must pass over that, but also not be lazzy to reach it. The revealing and the fulfilment within our nature of all the gifts received from birth, from the Holy Spirit, is what we call perfection, according to each persons’s measurement. Each is gifted and sent to accomplish a certain role among people. The revealing and understanding of that role or hidden destiny from each of us, according to God’s foreknowledge (Romans 8, 29), can’t be done without the knowledge and attention of a skillful confessor, who has the concern and the art to blot out all the barriers and incapacity for leaving the place clean for God’s good intentions, hidden inside you. The confessor or the abbot, helps and reveals all God’s


intentions inside His sons, given to them according to the measurement of their faith, they’ll have. That’s why all the assiduous ones must find a confessor, because as regards spiritual aspects, everything that doesn’t come from advice and is not protected by the humbleness, leads to cheat and a loss, bigger than passions itself. “By his knowledge my righteous servant will redress many” (Isaiah 53, 11) By that friendship between the confessor and God, about we don’t haggle now, he will return or will attract human’s will to God’s will, making him to wish what God wishes too. Then you will have the obedience Christ Jesus had too (Philippians 2, 8) and the righteous, God’s servant, will turn your love to God, and you’ll love too what God does: then we’ll have the same mindset as Christ Jesus (Philippians 2, 5). The confessor will turn our mind too from so much empty travel outside and will make it throne of Lord Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2, 3). But to those stages nobody to dare going by himself/ herself, because he /she will not make it and will end badly. All the gifts enclosed inside our destiny are allowed with sufferances and we’ll reach as many gifts as much sufference we can joyfully may endure. We can do good, proportionally with the sufference we raise with it. We can bring only so much joy to people, proportionally with the sufferance we endure instead of them. So much brightness will reveal the love for God and for humans inside us, or so powerfull will be the mercy and the truth inside us, proportionally with how much hate we joyfully bear for God and for humans. And so on. It is good to know the fact that God’s gifts offers a great power to whom serenely suffer any opposition from the way of the gift and quietly endure all the barriers which step by step will fall according to an unseen divine arrangements. The fight of the beginner is the fight to escape from the passions; the guard of attention to the senses’s gates, so that not enter the babylonian babies, who will transform into men, and will be harder to take out. So when those appear, to crush them by the Rock, so not reaching to fight with them. The avalanche of thoughts don’t discourage the beginers; all their concern must be not to struggle to much with the thoughts. It is impossible not having thoughts so impossible like wishing to stop the wind, but with God’s arrangements, will come also times without torments. The beginners may see how Saviour’s name escape them from the oppressions of the crafty ones’s baits – those cause them to be indebted with a great humblness to God, knowing that He fights instead of them. The part of the beginners is the effort to ruin all the springs of


the passions inside their hearts, and also the concern to not ascend with the mind in the sky of the opinion, where big torments happen and break the wings of the mind. Because the mind is often attracted there and being under the spell’s effect may easily be moved by foreign joy. That’s why the Holy Parents aware us to be against this kidnapping of the mind, because beyong there are great dangers which may break the beginners’s mind. The beginners must guard with the mind at the soul’s gates, so that don’t enter in the citadel as a fire the foreign joy. The time for efforts is shorter for ones, longer for others, easier or harder and for the majority last for the entire life. But for the ones who don’t judge anybody, the Saviour says that they will enter the Kingdom without efforts (Luke 6, 37). Without drying the bad springs, without taking out the passions from roots - and then the place be burnt by the tears of penitence – without fining the digs that the pigs of the passions made in the nature: hills and valleys there is no way of receiving Jesus and to pass to the second cohort of the fighters, the ones of the increased one. The cohort of the beginners stays under the happiness of total poverty. There is nothing left to offer passions for the heart, regarding themselves or something from that world. As regarding the passions, their only possesion, by the free will effort, they dissipated, they became poor and made alike a lily in the wildness. The ones with pure hearts The measurement of the increased ones stays under the happiness of virginity or the ones who have pure hearts. Because there is a difference to promise that you will stay virgin and to really get to be in the stage of innocence and purity. The ones who turn their anger and desire from those from here, which would cause their staying against nature, those ones escape from the man or woman inside them and come to the stage of a virgin’s soul. The soul reached in the stage of virgin enjoys the lily of the Announciation of Christ birth inside it. In that time, arranged for revealing the gifts received through the Holy Oil, it happens that the soul must pass though attempts without its will, which doesn’t hang on it but come through the divine decision, fulfilling what was missing for the elucidation, the soul itself agreed to have through free will efforts. In this time, the Holy Spirit’s above nature power works over the assiduous one’s efforts. But, don’t forget: this happens only after they, through free will efforts, took all the soul’s powers from the slavery of the work against nature and get those back to the work according to nature, to which purpose those were given for. Once having this conversion and inner harmony of the powers, it comes the above nature


work which helps the increment and the fructification of the Holy Spirit’s gifts, according to God’s plan for everyone. A new baby was born to nature, which He returned to the stage of pure virgin. And the Child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favour of God was upon Him (Luke 2, 40). He is the morning star rising in the hearts of the faithful ones (2 Peter 1, 19), according to Peter’s sayings. He is the Light – God –your light – Who was covered by the darkness of your unknowledge during the passions times, and will arise as dawns and will fasten your healing (Isaiah 58, 8-12). Upon your old ruins new walling will be made, to which you will use the age-old foundations (Isaiah 58, 12): Jesus Christ. The word]ld’s light and your light will get bigger and bigger, Baby Jesus transformed in the cohort of the completed ones as perfect man and comes, bending His head, under His creation’s cluster of dust, showing us the humbleness as a baptise. The Spirit of God, the true light: Christ, the light which lights any human who comes into this world (John 1, 9), helps the soul to really know what it is in front of God’s holiness. In the light of the eternal truth, it sees the multitude of sins, the beats of the robbers, the cuts of the wrongdoings and the delay of healing. While the divine light of self knowledge increases within it, in such degree it sees how much damages was done during the time when it was not aware of itself. So it happens that under the holy work of the Grace, the assiduous ones see themselves more sinners – because Someone Saint is within them and shows them that. See a word of Saint Mark the Ascet: “More you increase today the virtue, more you are indebted for the day of yesterday, showing the capacity of nature. Because by the progress of today it was proven than there is no increment or decrement of the nature but of the will” (Saint Mark the Ascet, About Christening, op. cit., ed. I, vol 1, pg. 302 and ed. II, pg. 297). Viewing that, the saint are certain of their sins. That’s why judging themselves to deserve the hell, receive from God the Heaven and salvation as a gift. The cheated ones don’t see their sins but their virtues. While the saints are convinced “sinners” of their sins – due to the fact that the holy power of Christ is inside them and by admitting the incapacity the gift is received –the cheated ones are sinners locked within unknowledge, but convinced by their “salvation”, because inside them the outside drakness consolidated and made them to declare themselves above the Church and the saints. Those are the ones who dind’t pay attention and increased to self-opinion; seeing God’s gift and pretending to have it, they broke their mind’s wings.


The perfect ones don’t feel only the spike of the sins, but also find within tthem all humanity sins whispering. In the perfect ones the holiness of God reflects, as in a mirror and again within them the entire human nature feels its pain and sin. Hardly for them the almighty God allows to have the war with the human nature,a harmful and continuously war to burn it with the Spirit’s sword. But their sight is not directed to Him, because all their being is absorbed by the gift and they transformed within a not flaming fagget and moved by God’s love, even they are still in this world, they burn the “master” of this world within the heart, alike a fire sword. This unsuspected feeling of the incapacity, what for Christ’s grace is developing, makes us to understand the movement from here of a Pious Parent: “When his time to leave this world was close, he was surrounded by the Parents and his face shined like the sun. And he told them: . And his face became brighter. . And his face was shiner. And it looked like he was talking with someone and the old men begged him to tell them whom he was speaking with: - . And the old ones told him: . And the ancien said: . And the Parents knew that he reached the perfection. And his face was so brightful that they all feared. And he said to them: . And in that moment he died and became like a flash and all the place filled of nice smell…” (Pateric, ed. III, Ramnicu –Valcea, 1930, pg. 211 -212) Accompanied by those voices, he crossed in the other side, with great humbleness, him who reached the perfection through efforts. The steps of love - the steps of perfection Saint Isaac Syrah named the perfection to be an abyss of humbleness; but the same could say about love, linking it to the name of perfection. Because love determined God to decrease from Heavens and to become a man, - and there is no bigger humbleness than God to live within people, due to His love. So those are the signs of those inhabited by God: an endless love and an abyss of humbleness. Because: „Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did” (1 John 2, 6). And love within the Spirit of Christ, has three steps: 1. To love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 19, 19);


2. To love your enemies more than youself (Matthew 5, 44); 3. For love to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15, 13). Until the measurement of love for the enemies all christians, who want to be saved must reach; while to the third stage of love few reach. The perfcet ones, being a junction of God with human nature, God reflets with the greatest purity within human nature and the human nature reflects in God and they feel the sufferences for the humans’ pains and sins to unsuspected divine measurement. That’s why they want to sacrifice for those, to be punished in their places so that people, their brothers to be forgiven. So it was Saint Paul. Those sons of the Father come into this world to fulfil the same faith The Born One Son of God did. All of those agree to follow Him during the entire path. “Love made Jesus to die, love gave Him the victory against death. Love is the only power which beats death. And the force that entered inside us and determeined us to give Him our entire life was not His word, but His sacrifice” (Prof. Fr. D. Staniloaie, Christ Jesus or the rehabilitation of human, Sibiu, 1943, Tip. Arhidiecezana, pg. 241 and 307). This is the perfect love, love as sacrifice: the fire that inflames the world, shakes the gates of the hell and awakes the hate to come against it through the second temptation, the one of the pain. And the ones who loves in this manner, stays in a peace above nature, because: “His mind coheres with God and stays with Him and by prayers and love becomes wise, good, powerful, human’s lover, mercy, long patience, actually carries inside almost all divine features” (Saint Maxim the Confessor, Heads about love, op. cit., pg. 66). That why he doesn’t lose his balance when friends will leave him in oppression times and will stay against him and will blame and will condemn him alike a cheater, even those from his house. His mind and all his being, in the condition of simplicity, will be able to pass the hardest test when during the torment of the enemies’ hate, God will lose him too, showing him the taste of hell and leaving him in the sinners’ hands, to show that neither the wrath of the bad can unleash him from his love for God! This is the fire of the biggest test those who reach the perfection will endure, because God Himself hides from their faces and they fall in waters of hate, which aim to swallow them. But nothing can unleash them from the love for God (Romans 8, 38 -39): neither the pain, the angels, the life, the death, the hell, they prove to be above, because the perfection of love has no boundaries and limits. All this blessed way stays under the Church’s advice, as the one who born us for the second time and none of those who retun Home revolts against it. Because through the Church


we were born as sons of God and now we have a part of Christ, according to each gift. Christ is complete only in the Church, within His seen and unseen collective: and to Resurrection and the renewal of the world (Matthew 19, 28), Christ will stay in everything, perfection having no limit. In the Church humans above nature, or gods according to the Gift, are born from up and grow on the earth, winning the wars.


Chapter V. HEREDITY AND SPIRIT … I search the roots of the pains Words’ haggle Because of words’ misunderstandings many adversities arose between people. Not all understand by the same word the same thing. In what concerns the thoughts the misunderstandin is even bigger. The ear of the listeners seams to be a twiner of words and the mind, a spool of ideas. It happened that things as clar as day light to be understood otherwise. History stays as proof: the One Who most suffered because of the people’s misinterpretations and stranded minds, was God Himself. No matter what would be said, He knew to speak clearly; but many understood that the one who was speaking to them was an insane (John 10, 20), a demon (Mathew 12, 24), a God’s blasphemer (Matthew 26, 65). That’s why the condemned Him to death. The danger, not being finished, has a reverse form. Many, nowadays, say that they honour God by profaning His cross, saints, Church, Sacraments and because He became real man, even they balst His Own Holy Mother. (Revelation 12, 13-17). Those do the same thing, they condemn Him to death. The following couples of terms haggle: the soul with the body, the reason with the instinct, the science with the faith, or better said the unfaith with the faith. And God’s creatures rencounter with Him: the decayed angel and the decayed human. The decayed human, while stays in his/ her decline, that means that he/ she doesn’t want to understand the difference between sin and virtue, but according to his/ her mind, all is nature and nothing more. What it can’t be seen it doesn’t exist. God, imortality, resurrection, judgement, devil and hell – those words are good only to faint the mind, good for stupids. (Although I don’t know how would like the man who judge in that manner and for instance would say that the pyramids of Egypt do not exist because he didn’t see those!). yes, he/ she is the measurement of the world; I didn’t know that. Who does it keep him/ her in the shadow, and so to believe the earthly ones – while nobody revolted against the pyramid of Egypt- and to deny the eterneal and celestial ones? Those type of people don’t believe either what they see. It would be more useful to be blind, but to be blind without noticing and to preted to be able to see. Unfortunately this is the tragedy many people live, but especially those who are limited by science and were grown only in knowledge. It is not good in that way, and as we aim a harmony between soul’s 149

capacities, the same we must aim for a harmony between various domains of knowledge and a synthesis of those with life. Too much science approaches human to God, less science draws humans away from God and science too. And human’s value depends on how much closeness to God did he/she manage to get. God gave human a great value, but he/ she must earn it. But if he/ she doesn’t want that, God has no guilt. Science, philosophy, medicine and the other disciplines of human concerns, even the law, which also use the cross in the court room, all of those can’t prove if God exists or not. All those science’s disciplines are useful when those admit their limits and when don’t cross in another area of existence, where those don’t have the right capacity and research tools. In science, the scientist who research the unknown by theoris and then verifies those to see if those bring light or correspond to reality or not. The scientist is helped by theory, thorem, notions, experiments, conclusions, which form a basis for new researches. The truth of things is more than that; it exceed the human’s limits, measurements. Revelation has nothing to do with time; it’s not the case that the Church to adapt to times’ tendencies, because all the sciences must reach what God revealed. Regarding the faith, the religion, there the saint has other ways to fiind the truth. To him is reveled a greater world, the foundation of this world. In his knowledge, he has no theories, no machines, but his life is involved in that. His clean life is the way of knowing a reality which the researcher scientist never can catch. Science doesn’t involve life, that’s why it can’t understand or create it. But the sancity involves that life. And the accomplished saint, who involved His life and showed that He can create it, by resurrection from deads and giving sight for blinds (Luke 7, 22) is only Jesus. Why does the medicine not recognize Him? This doesn’t even mention Him. Maybe because Jesus has a stunning measurement, which may cause fear to human’s rush. That’s why, for knowing life from the point of view of temporariness and the one of the eternity – aspect that exceeds the human’s power and knowledge - God Himself came to us and told us those from beyond science, philosophy and medicine, no matter who accomplished those would be. Faith has its revelation to which the human of the faith don’t haggle. God allways accompanies us and while we know Him, our biolgical and psychological life is more and more impregnated with the truth and the light of knowledge. This is knowledge the beliver has


after a much shorter way, compared to the scientist, who can reach that knowledge only if he/she pushed the science to all edges and admitted its incapacity. God reveals to humbleness. So, if we must understand or use something, we have to stop the haggle. So, I try a harmonious explanation of seventh command of God – a problem of biology – based on the knowledge I have. This command is a warning measurement of God, by which we will prove that He looks for stopping the degeneration, the damage and all the sorrow of human being. Children fall among bandits Near the man felt among bandits there were incapable passing on turn: the Law and the priesthood of the Old Testament. Neither could help him. The mercy Samaritan (Luke 10, 33), a man from other kind came; the man without sin, Jesus, took the injured one and put it on His animal. In hidden way, that means God’s embodiment in human nature; the man without sin, our real neighbour, capable to carry us Home on his back from the bandits. The one felt among bandits was entrusted to the Church, so that its servants to watch him, washing the wounds, from generation to generation, with wine and oil. The Church was given two coins for spending: the Old and the New Testament, according to necessity, the law, which advices to penitence, bitter like the wine and the Grace of the Seven Sacraments, rising from Jesus, the tree of life, as an oil which anoints the wounds cleaned by the bitterness of penitence. Both completely heal the human. The fall among bandits represents the human nature’s fall from Heaven into this world (Liturgy ritual, Bucharest, 1937, pg. 220); the fall from perfection. Because: „After disobeying the command within the man the affinity with animals became lucent and obvious. Because it was necessary that after the dignity of reason was covered, the human nature to be righteously punished by the irrationality’s features (of the beastliness ones), which was atrackted by its own will –with great wisdom God arranged that by this way human come to the knowledge of his greateness as reasoner creature” (Saint Maxim the Confessor, Answers for Talasie, op. cit., pg. 20-21). Is time when: „The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” (Genesis 3, 21). The known way of birth came because of the fall; because according to the Holy parents, and especially according to Saint Maxim the Confessor, it would have been possible another way of reproduction, without passion and without sin. Because of his sin, Adam had to die and the human race to vanish; but God saw that in time, many will be saved from


beastliness, God convicted them to bodily birth, which consists of passion and sin (Saint Maxim the Confessor, op. cit., pg. 62). The sin has its origin in the passion or the pleasure for this type of birth, as a punishement law given to nature. The nature and the will were tied by a bad chaining. Because, more the nature were struggling to stay in this life, more it was tied in the chain of the sin law and death was increasing too. Human was allowed to fight death, by which he reached by free will. The langour for God returned in ardour passion for the body. The mind, dark from God, felt in the brake of the senses which stick to pleasure, considering those good and run away from pains, considering those bad. The pleasure is the bait the „thief” cheats the human to get down from Jerusalem in Jericho. On this descendant way all the powers and the rulers of the kingdom of the air (Ephesians 2, 2) were waiting and were struggling to enter like an infinite wave into the passionate part of the nature, that meaning within the desire and the impulse and to slope those against nature. The will was pushed to want only the crafty one’s temptations, the pleasure and to avoid the burden from God, the ones of giving birth to sons. The mind, which once was seeing Gos within it, now is temple for the idols, instead of one God now having many faces of the unclean passions (Saint Maxim the Confessor, op. cit., pg. 276). So when the mind doesn’t have anymore the sight for God, the ruler of this world (John 14, 30) is involved in the shapes adressed to the senses. The mind, being a flaming power, as the one which had to shelter God within it, as burning fire (Jeremiah 20, 9) now invents and turns on the pleasures of the body, so itself being tied by the passionate link with the senses! (Saint Maxim the Confessor, op. cit., pg. 309). See how the law of the sin, represented by the pleasure of the senses entered in the mind, and because of that it was decided the death of the bodies, so that the malice to be mortal (Genesis 3, 22 and Molitfelnic, Bucharest, Religious Books Typography, 1937, pg. 217). Since then, the mind advices againts nature or offers the advice of the wrongdoings. “Fire of disgrace is the law of the body – says Saint Maxim – and the stimulation by the custom with the passions is its light; and ardent fire of disgrace when the passions are working. Or shorter: the fire of disgrace is the sin; the light of disgrace is the custom with the sin; and the flame is the work. So, it is not proper for the mind to get warm to this fire, not to be lighted by this light, not to be burned by this flame. Because what is light and pleasure for the senses is deepness of dark for the mind” (Saint Maxim the Confessor, op. cit., 252). “Senses are able only to produce loss and catch only the impurity of the body” (Idem, pg. 366). So the mind puseh into those, is not only against nature, but also against God too. And a


an insane mind due to the senses and the desires against nature – by which all the enemy desire “hostile to God: (Romans 8,7) works through – what kind of advice does it may offer except for those of the bandits who kill the ones who get down from Jerusalem to Jericho: the children who come into this world? Doesn’t the coming of Jesus to the wedding from Cana may have a deeper meaning? Doesn’t this have a big importance viewing that here He shows the first proof of His divinity? Doesn’t from here on must we consider God present to the wedding? Is that God has no involvement in biology? No work? No sense? No lead? Did He give the laws and then did He adandon the world? Or do the laws exclude God? Why did he raise the marriage to the rank of Sacrament among the seven ones, and why did He give the Church the task to take care – as responsible and in right for – to watch very carefully the fruits of this Sacrament, those buds of life, the children? Isn’t it because He wanted they to be His sons, with full manid and body and not to be babies of the wrongdoings? Step by step we will be enlightened by those multitude questions. But we need some knowledge of biology. A monk thinking at peas Once there was a gardener in a monstery of Brno, in Czech country; his name was Gregor Mendel and he was a monk in the last century. After a while he was not content to be a simple digger so he had the impiety to fiind the secreys of the herbs’ life. He had white and red roses; he crossed their pollination and he obtained for the second generation of hybrids pink roses. Those in the third generation had three kinds of flowers: red, white and pink – a quater were red, a quater were white and half were pink. The combination between the red and white character will then be called conjunction; and the decompose of the elements into next generations will be called disjunction. This situation reduced to the proportion formula would be 1-2-1. The character or the color is a factor which is compressed within the paternal and maternal reproduction cells, looking like that:

Fig. 1. The chart of hybrid process (Dr. Rene Jeannel, Course of general biology, University Editure, Cluj, 1930, pg. 161)


So those factors of the characters, whitin the impregnation process,

give the

disjunction of the parental elements and also the proportion 1-2-1. So the fisrv law of Mendel appeared or the „Law of the parental charecters disjunction within the hybrids”, which more detailed says: „When two individuals intercross, and are differentiated by a single character, all the hybrids of the first generation are alike, they are an intremediate kind between the two parents (mix), or they are alike only to one parent (dominant). Those hybrids will have as progenities a quarter individuals of pure parental type, a quater individuals pure maternal type and half of hybrid type” (Dr. Rene Jeannel, Course of general biology, University Editure, Cluj, 1930, pg. 161). This result make us think to the easiest probability calculation. Taking two coins, for the two roses characters and throwing those, the probability of fall will be: number-number, number – head, head-head. So 25% probability for each of the two pure positions and 50% probability for mixed positions. Exactly the proportion 1-2-1. Don’t forget that between the roses there was only one distinct character: the color. Let’s see what is happening when more characters are crossing and are inherited in the same time. Because mendel, had to watch the vegetables too, not only the roses and so his eyes sticked to peas. But the peas gave him a lot of trouble. He had two species of pea: one with yellow and smooth grains and the other with green and ridgy grains. Here, different from the roses, he had two different characters instead of one, so two different characters for each species of peas. So, crossing the pollination, in autumn, for the second generation he obtained, for his surpise, only peas with yellow and smooth grains. It is seen that happened alike the dream of Pharo, the yellow pea swallowed the green pea. This assimilation got a name and cause the apparition of two more terms: dominancer and recessiveness. The dominance would be the capacity of some characters to win against other characters and to put those in shadow for a time; and the weakness and shadow possition of the other characters would be the recessiveness. Talking about peas, the pair of characters yellow –smooth is poved to be dominant over the pair green- ridgy. In the third generation, for his amazing, he obtained four kinds of peas: one yellow and smooth, other green and ridgy, the third green with a yellow stain and the fourth yellow and ridgy. Counting all the grains for all kinds of peas and reducing those by a common divider, the crop he obtained for the third generation had the 9-3-3-1 proportion or according to the following chart:


Fig. 2. The chart of hybrid process to peas, when the parents are differentiated by two characters (R. Jeannel, op.cit, pg. 167) (The two pairs of characters: 1. yellow – smooth; 2. green – ridgy)

„How does this proportion of 9-3-3-1 may be explained? Very easy: if it is admitted that the two characters of each parent are independent and that the disjunction is done independently within the sexual cells of the dihybrids (is called „dihybrid” because the parents are differentiated by two characters). „Sexual cells of the dihybrid will be of four kinds, because those will show the four combination of factors, which determine the characters: yellow and smooth, yellow and ridgy, green and smooth, green and ridgy. Those four types of characters will be formed in equal quantities, in four types of sexual female cells and four types of sexual male cells and will produce, in equal number, 16 different combinations.Due to dominance characters, 9 combinations will have the dominant green and yellow characters, three combinations will have the yellow and ridgy association, three combinations will rejoin the green and smooth characters and bearly one will have the green and ridgy type. In figures we have 4x4=16; 9+3+3+1=16; and graphically, taking into account the factors and the dominance we have:

Fig. 3

„Experiments led to the second Mendel’s law, or the law of characters’ independent disjunction within hybrids. „Three pairs of characters will determine by their disjunction 8 types of sexual cells and 64 combinations of fecundated eggs, which will appear as 8 distinct types in the 27-9-9-93-3-3-1 proportion. For four pairs of characters will be 16 types of sexual cells and 256 possible combinations” (Idem, pg. 168 -171) and so on. Our monk, disappointed of peas and lost within general biology, still he raises his thought from obeying digging to the hidden sectrets of God, even in a vegetables garden. He almost didn’t realize that he dicovered the laws of heredity; later about those would been said that are nothing more than an application of the probability’s laws (Nicolae Margineanu, Person’s psychology, University Editure, ed. II, Cluj, 1944, pg. 149). Hence life has a mathematics and so an explanation and in that way it may be interfered in its variables. A fly causes the Nobel prize A monk can wait from an year to another, but that an American can’t. His name is Thomas Hunt Morgan who, helped by a fly, founded the modern genetics, burden for what he received the Nobel prize. The fly is called Drosophila and it is a vinegary fly. It reproduces very fast because it doesn’t have to many days to live and for that the American didn’t have to wait for years, like Mendel had to do with his peas. Drosophila became famous and since 1910 it is mentioned in all universities among the world. Also it has enemies, especially at medicine universities. By crossing various types of Drosophila, this process had the following conclusion that the insects obey the same laws of heredity, Mendel discovered: the conjunction and the disjunction of characters within followers. The mice, the chickens and other animals confirmed that the laws of animal heredity are nothing more than the laws of probability calculation (Ibidem). That knowledge is the basis for selecting and finding new types of species, with new characters, which parents don’t have. Because a change of the heritable factors is felt in the entire resulted organism and is equal to a new acquired character.


Chromosomal theory Those until here are experiments and not explanations. In our case, for reaching to an explanation is the same with a dive within the little living infinite, the same with the dead material, which little infinite is represented by the electron, which is no longer material but energy. The atomic theory in physics was proven to be enough explicable, helping the intervention within the material’s composition, until the impermissible atomic dissociation. As regards the cromosomal theory in biology, remains to be seen until which level intervention in life’s organization will reach. „If an explanation is possible, obvious it must be searched in the structure of the cell, because any living creature is formed by cells and has its origins from a single cell, where all the heritable factors, which condition the individual’ characters must be placed.” (J. Rostand, Les Chromosomes, pg. 62, after R. Jeannel, op. cit., pg. 173). The American with the fly was not pleased only to study the external characters, resulted after copulation and he tried to get inside the genetic or causal mechanism of heredity. That why, helped by tools and colleagues, he managed to establish, in a manner that exclues any doubt, that the last elements, by which heredity of different characters depends on are tiny parts called „gens”, placed in the nucleus of the germinal cell. I’d call them „genesis”, without being wrong, giving those a name for the second time, because according to the Genesis, they have the role to give birth and to organize the characters of future generation. With the shyness of the decency Get closer to the human. Some embryology concepts help us to get deep into the little biological infinite and get us closer to the explanation of several secrets we are interested of. See the form and the section of a human spermatozoon.

Fig. 4.


It is formed by chromatic elements: chromatim and nucleolus; and achromatic elements: linine nuclear juice and nuclear membrane. When the cell is ready for division, in the physiologic process of fecundation, the grains of chromatim unify and form a chromatic ball which will split in independent fibers, with different lengths, but still in approximately equal pairs named chromosomes. Those are formed by grains named microsomes, placed in strand like a chain (dr. Rene Jeannel, op. cit., pg. 181). Those microscopic grains are the „gens”-esis from Genetics. The chromosomes are differentiated only in the fecundation’s process of maturation and there are 23 pairs and one is left alone; this is the X chromosome which determines the sex. Also there is an undeveloped Y chromosome. (Those were the information regarding genetics until the period between 1946 -1950). The pairs have the following shapes:

Fig. 5

For human race we have in the fertilized egg (zygote) a total of 48 chromosomes – the same as the tabacco plant. That means that all the cells of the body are formed by a double stock (2N) of chromosomes, while the mature sexual cells have a single stock (N). Those sexual cells are not half cells as it may look like, those are complete cells; and the cells of the body are double (diploid). (Idem, pg. 181). For a better understanding, hereby a fecundation chart for echinoderms, after the characterstic phases and a much more simple presentation of the elements:


Fig. 6. Fecundation chart for echinoderms: A. penetration of the sperm cell in the ovule to the level of the attraction cone, after the expulsion of the two polar globes; B. the head of the sperm cell rotated with 180 degrees, the sperm cell center being positioned to the central zone of the ovule and arround the spermocenter an sphere was formed; C. the spermic nucleus’s transfer into the male pronucleus and the spermcenter duplication; D. the 2 spercenters, the sons, each with its own sphere apart one from the other; E. male pronucleus completely developed sticked to the female pronucleus and the two sons spermocenters are aligned on the pronucleus agglutination extension plan; F. male and female chromosomes are differentiated in each pronucleus (prophase); G. disparity of pronuclei’ membranes and chromosomes’s disposal to the equator of of the first segmentation axle after those divided in the direction of their lenght to ouble their number (metaphase); H. emigration of half of chromosomes number to the opposite poles of the egg (anaphase); I. the formation of the two nuclei sons, each having 4 chromosomes, 2 parental and 2 maternal (according to Boveri, modified by Dragoi: Histology, pg. 221)

Being here, it is good to watch- closer this symphony of the little biological infinite. For better understanding we have a draw with the chromosomes stocks’ divisions by geometric point of view during the fecundation process.

Fig. 7. A draft showing the chromosomial stock’s composition during the fecundation. Up we have the male and female gamets, having a number of N chromosomes (3); in the middle the fecundated egg, resulted after the union of the two gamets, with 2N chromosomes, forming three pairs (I, II, II) each pair being composed by a paternal and a maternal chromosom. Down, we have the divison of the egg, showing the storage of 2N chromosomes within each daughter cell.


Fig. 8. Draft showing the chromosomes’ disjunction in the moment of sexual cell’s maturation. Up, first maturation division: maternal and paternal chromosomes of each pair come together and the number of chromosomes passes from 2N to N (numeric increase). The pairs alternative orient into the axle, so that the gamtes (down) receive either the paternal chromosome or the maternal one from each pair. In this example, with the stock of 2N=6, there are 8 possible combinations of gamets chromosomes, that meaning 8 types of gamest, differentiated by their heritable quality. (R. Jeannel, op. cit., pg. 181, pl. 31).

According to those data, we enlighten that for the human race all the body cells contain the double stock (2N) of the chromosomes, while the sexual cells contain only the simple stock (N=23 pairs +X or Y). Counting the total of the chromosomes for the human race, until now we have the following admitted situation: Ovule,

Sperm cell,

(N/2 +X) + N/2

Egg = N+X (male)

(N/2 +X) + ( N/2+X) =N+X+X (female) And when the undeveloped Y chromosome appears we would have: (N/2+X) + (N/2 +Y) = N+X+Y (male) „Viewing those, some says that chromosomes has no absolute constance. Nothing proves – for them- that the chromatine, disseminated in the nucler juice, in the pause time, will be recompose in absolute identical elements to each celular division and that the number of the chromosomes, apparently the same for each cell of the body is allways exactly constant. Except for that isn’t risky to bank on the reality of those nuclear elements, that nobody ever saw in alive condition and that are revealed only through fixing and coloring tricks, which of course damage after death the structure of living substance?” (Idem, pg. 174 -175)


Some murmur saying that the observations available for a fly can’t be applied with the same effect and stringency for the human. Break is good anytime. Still, they are indebt to explain the multitude of secrets and ardent needs, which only the fans of chromosomial theory are able to offer, al least until a certain point. Heredity, environment and destiny Those are head factors which draw the human person’s differentials. Heredity can be the parent’s repeat within the sons. According to what can be seen, sons repeat the parent only with a certain approximation. So it is natural, viewing that the child is a synthesis of the two parents, a synthesis of the 4 grandparents, of the 8 great grandparents, of the 16 great great grandparents and so on. So, while the number of the ascendants’ number increases in arithmetical progression, their contribution into the descendants decreases in geometric progression. Graphically it may look like this: 1) 1/2 3) 1/8 2) 1/4

4) 1/16 5) 1/32 1/64

Fig. 9. ½ heredity from the 2 parents; ¼ heredity from the 4 gradparents; 1/8 heredity from the 8 great granparents; 1/16 heredity from the 16 great great grandparents etc. etc.

So, in our person live more generations and a great number of persons. It is not bad to folloew their track; but – according to the meaning- for now, viewing the genetic theory. Which is the transmission support of heredity? The „gene”(I’ll allways say genesis); that infinitesimal grain of chromatine, from the chromosomes’ chain.


Fig. 10. Genesis’s location on the double chain(diploid) of the chromosome, according to Jennings (N. Margineanu, op. cit., pg 150)

Genesis is a condensate center of living material, which will lead to: cells’ multiplication, getting the anatomic shape of organs and systems, physiologic rhythm, the harmony and the functional synchronization with neighbour organisms from other genesis’s composition, also tthose time. Also geneses must know to do: architecture, anatomy, calculation of resistences, chemestry, physiology, active defence, preventive defense, musical harmony, resonance boxes, historical harmonization, forecast, safety service – many of those. Shortly: the shape, the rhythm and the time; all of those give the tone for heredity. Is not such a great miracle if we think that for human, the number of geneses from the chromosoms is variable and van raise until thousands for a chromosomial chain. The number of chromosomes is constant; the number of geneses from the constant chromosomes is variable. Knowing the elements, let’s listen since now on the symphonic poem of the mistery of a person, decribed by Jennings, biologist at Genetics Institute from California –professor N. Margineanu of Psychological Institute of Cluj University presented us this decription in the Person’s psychology book. „It deserves to be known that fact that each of those thousands of geneses represents a particular substance, which has a different well- definite function and a certain task to accomplish. If one or another is destroyed or changed, the organic development, will be affected in certain degree; and the resulted individual comes with a change proper for his/ her charecters, like: color of the eyes, shape of the nose, height, temper and the other aspects.Also it is known that each kind of genesis has, in regular and constant manner, its place in the chain or winthin the chromosome. So the different geneses can be numbered and a genesis, let’s say 4 or 47 is allways the same, has the same role to accomplish and is is located in the same place within the chromosomes…


Also of the same importance has the fact that each of the two parents give us a complete serie of geneses, linked together in the manner previously decribed. So, in each cell, we have two types of geneses each completed within itself, as we saw in figure nr. 10. Hence, we are double regarding our geneses. Each of the two chains of geneses contain all the necessary material to form an individual, fact that has weird consequences. The mother gives us all the material (in genesis) to produce a certain type of individual; on the other side, the father gives us the necessary material to produce another type of individual. In that way, we begin our life as diouble creatures. Each of us are in a special way, two persons, well enough tied together to form an integer, although in many aspects the connections are not complete. This double nature of our heritable task has a lot of consequences over life… Duplicity applies for each part of thousands of geneses, from where life begins. Each kind of substance is presented in each cell in two measurings: the pair of geneses. A genesis from each pair comes from the father and the other from the mother. Different pairs of geneses have different tasks in development. The two members of each pair of geneses have one or the same function. If one of the two geneses has to do with color of the yes, then the second one is involved in the color of the eye too. If one of the genesis has to do with producing and determination of a specific area of the brain, the same role has the other genesis too. If one influences the growth of the body, the other ones do the same too… Now, an aspect of an extremely practical importance: even the two members of a certain pair of geneses have to fulfil the same thing, still they are different regarding the way this is done. The genesis come from the father tends to produce a certain color of the eye, while the genesis come from the mother tends to produce another color of the eye. Geneis from the father produces a deficient brain and so a stupid individual; genesis from mother creates a superior brain so a clever individual. A genesis may produce what is good and healthy; the other one what is invalid and weak… The order of the nature of having two parents and the advantage of being duble is selfexplanatory. So, a genesis from father can be damaged; if it would be the only genesis to lead the work, the child would be invalid in that function; so he/ she would be an idiot or mental debile. But it may happen that the proper genesis from the same pair, the one which comes from the motehr to be normal; then that normal genesis will take the entire work so that the child to be normal; he/ she to don’t be idiot or mental debile. In that way, the lameness of a single pair of geneses has no bad consequences or if it has those are so little that are not noticed. The duplicity of geneses’ acticity is an insurence measure; the individual has two


chances – instead of one – to normally develop each of his/ her functions. Only when geneses from the two chains, and form a pair, are defective – that meaning that the genesis from the mother and the one from the father are defenctive – only then the specific function of the child is defective too and so the child hasn’t the right color of the skin, or the eye, or he/ she is stupid, or lazzy, or idiot or something like that… Considering the duplicity of geneses based on this point of view, it is clear that the insurance those bring represents the bilogical reason for why we have two parents instead of one… Normal genesis, which forms the organ and leads its function to normal conditions, it was named dominant genesis; and the defective genesis, whoch function is not exhibited, was called as recessive genesis. Genesis can increase the brain, based on intelligence function, this is the dominant genesis; and the one which stops it and produces the stupidity is the recessive genesis. Dominant geneses are 3 times more than receisivve or defective geneses” (N. Margineanu, op. cit., pg. 150 -151). The mechanism of heredity Let’s count some specific cases about how heredity works: „Assuming a father with weak mind, with both geneses responsible for intelligence as being recessive and an intelligent mother, with both geneses as normal. According to probability laws at the bottom of heredity mechanism, children will be hybrids, meaning that they will have a receisivve and a dominant genesis. But viewing that the characters of recessive genesis dispay only when both geneses are recessive, but not when the other one is dominant, that means that dominant genesis asserts by itslef its action. Resulted children from those parents, will have normal intelligence like the mother, but they carry within them in latent manner the gene of weakness , which – as we’ll soon see – may appear to their followers. Figure 11 represents the case:

(T= Father, M=mother, F= son)


Assuming that such a child, having as heritage this recessive genesis, grows and gets married with a partner that has two recessive genesis. According to probability laws, half of the followers will have both recessive geneses ans so they will be stupid; the other half will have only one recessive genesis and they will be smart. Figure 12 shows that case:

Assuming now that a follower from the first case (fig. 11), with one recessive genesis marries a partner with one recessive genesis. Viewing that the defections are not dispayed, both parents being normal, smart or physically healthy etc.: but both have the grain of damage in their genetic structure. According to probability laws, in their case when we drop two coins in the same time, we’ll have 4 permutations and 3 combinations. The two coins may fall – as we saw – number-number, number-face, face –number and face –face, meaning 4 possibilitiesof arrangements or 4 permutations. The order is not important, but the fact that an element is at least different, the 4 permutations can be reduced to the following 3 combinations: once number –number, twice number –face or reverse and once face –face. Figure 13 shows that aspect:

So a normal child (a) completely normal in appearance and inside, having the both geneses as dominant; another child (b) is idiot, having the both geneses as recessive, so without any hope for healing; and two children (c, d) have a recessive genesis and the other dominant, normal in appearance , like the first child, but inside half healthy and by marriage they may lose, having 25% of their followers completely idiots, in appearance and inside…


Assuming that individual b, from the above figure, marries a partner with both responsible geneses as normal, but having also a pair completely recessive. The folowers of those parents, one fecetive in one aspect, the other in other aspect, will have inside them the grain of both deficiences, but in their actions will be normal from any point of view… Figure 14 shows that case:

It is said that an actrice from the city of movies, Holywood, being concerned about the genetic ideas, regarding the human race recuperation, wrote to Bernard Shaw, who was in her eyes the most clover man in the world, suggesting him the sacrifice to marry him, with the hope that their followers will have her beauty and his cleverness and so being the most beautiful and the most clever children in the world. It is also said that Shaw rejected that offer, being afraid that things would hapen on reverse and the children to inherit…the intelligence of the acrtist and Shaw’s beauty. Judging according to the above case, it looks like the artist was right… Two idiot parents, with both geneses for intelligence being recessive, their children will not be all idiots – what, according to probability law, is perfectly natural. A coin having the sign of money on both faces, allways when it is thrown, will fall on money face and never on head… Figure 15 shows this case:

How benefic is the arrangement that our reproduction to allways be done by the union of the geneses coming from two parents, can be seen in the following figure, where two parents are defective by a serie of geneses, but they are not defective for the same geneses in 166

the same time. In latent manner, children bear within them the grain of all deficiences of the parents, but they are perfectly normal, viewing the reality… Figure 16 shows that case:

But things may also happen on reverse, so:

Based on the examples presented until now, we may conclude that the possibilitie for geneses’s arrangement – ans so – the possibilities for determine the biological configurations are unboundedly. Those are almost infinite. Indeed, the number of combinations which may be done with those 24 pairs of chromosomes, gets -as Th. H. Morgan showed – until the astronomical number of 282.429.536.481 possibilities. Which, reported to earth population of aproximative 2 billions persons (Note: today 6 billions) means more than 141 times. While the heritable characters are not influenced only by the possible combinations with the 24 chromosomes, but also depend on the geneses within those, which number raises until hundreds of thousands, for each chromosome – the possible combinations’ number we would obtain with the thousands of geneses exceeds the human imagination!” (N. Margineanu, op. cit., pg. 152 -155)


Asking the science 1. Where from does it come the damage of geneses and so we have to deal with recessive geneses? 2. Where do those genetic accidents come from? 3. Who does keep the accountancy of the little infinite? 4. Who does count the possibilities and hasn’t end yet the possibilities? 5. I would like to also know: which laws does the generator mother cell obey, when in the fecundation process discharge by the two polar globes half of its nucleolus), meaning the cut of the chromosomial formula from 2N to N or from 48 to 23-24 chromosomial pairs? 6. Same thing does happen with the paternal cell when it brakes its neck and passes through the same chromosomial deduction? 7. What account is it done, what decision is said, that the determination of expulsion is done based on those pairs’ material and not the others ones; because still were differentiated and so those woke up out from the symphony of life? - The hazard, the accident? Is that an answer? - The laws? Whose laws? Mendel’s ones? Do the laws belong to the one who fiind them or the One Who made them? Who does watch those laws to be applied, Mendel, Morgan, the science or their Author? What do you want to understand by the laws of life? That life offerend those to itself and obeys to them? Why the science, knowing the laws, doesn’t create life too? It can’t? No! Because the life and the laws exceed the boundaries of the science and can be covered and absolutely known only by the One Who created life from nothing. The author of life and its laws is God, Who knows and supports those, during the time. Any reality is not sufficiently explained, without reference to its author, Who is God and not the human’s science. That’s why it happen to be so much disagreements, because the alive reality and especially the human is considered more according to his/ her material part, submitted to the senses, the analyses and the microscope. Enrirely, the human is more and more unjnown. That’s why, the ones limitted only until the unilateral knowledge, will imminently get deep into the arrogance which doesn’t know anything - this happens to the science’s patch makers. To not know and to admit that, is not allways a guilt – sometimes it is a virtue; but to know less and to haglle saying that you know everything, this is a disqualification and a shame and allways this is a guilt. „The one who knows really more, that pushing the questions, reached to the limits of scientific knowledge, the consistency and the theoretical confirmation will lead that one until


the religion’s sanctuary. Indeed, let’s assume that act as being fulfilled, that we pushed the research’s consistency so far that the science managed to know all the laws which govern the wolrd’s processes. Also let’s assume that the theoretical spirit celebrated this success to unify into a well closed system all the relations and the causes which form the effects of the world and that for future scientist, the universe reached to be known, until its last secret, like a perfectly connected icone, like a closed circle of relations. In that moment still a question without an aswer from the science will remain: why does the universe has this shape; why does this closed circle, science managed to obtain, has those limits and not others, and after all, why is the world committed

to those laws, which science by finding them, also

established them and why the world doesn’t obey other laws too? See some questions the science couldn’t find an aswer, not even at the last edge of its researches. Also see a question, religion aswers when it is fervently affirmed the existence of a personal God, external to the world, but still crossing it, which He made out of nothing in the shape it is, by a supreme act of chossing from the infinite of possibilities and so, with affinity and love for this unique shape. Without any doubt, it may look for us that the spirit of the consistency and the truth felt with the last deepness, comes to confess not only the relativity of scientific spirit and its insufficiency in front of the last problems of the speculation and more than that. Both religious and scientific attitudes transform into ardour, sense for the mistery arround its domain, to which the scientific research will cover, with adoration for the Existence Who, staying outside the world, created it and rules it and sustains it with love. It can be seen - for the one who want to see – that this manner for solving the argues between science and religion assumes no renouncement for the scientific attitude. In the great frame of the world mistery, both for the big infinite and for the little one, scientific attitude may continue to develop its own values. What must be controled, viewing the researches done until now, is the scientific arrogance, its narrow and myope dogmatism, vices that never are used by the real scientist.” (Tudor Vianu, The philosophy of the culture, Ed. Publicom, Bucharest, 1945, pg. 92-93) Hence we understand that without being necessary to jam the Genetics to the impotence corner through the wrath of the question, the heredity problem has also another edge, beyond biology and possibility. Even the heredity factor, to be anough known, exceeds the positive science limits.


Laws and wrongdoings If science can catch the moment when the defective genesis appears within the parents, that would mean a real triumph for it. That, only if could be possible to observe the person at real time, and that experiment not to annoy him/ her from the normal life’s actions – but more not even to know that is dreadfully watched by microscopes, rays, reactions, for years day and night, to be catch the moment when a dominant genesis transforms into a recessive genesis. Was that what doctor Carrel –another American with French origins and at the begining a priest – a man of an imposing synthesis of culture forms. Of course, human’s science will never reach the absolute conditions of knowledge. Only God has the absolute conditions of knowledge, He knows everything. Only God absolutely knows everything without blocking humans’ freedom. That’s why because of the fact that He knows everything, He gave the human the laws for life and the power to wish or to to respect those – dangerous honor for the will’s freedom. So, if the human accepts to fit his/ her purposes as was thought by God, he/she lives according to his/ her nature with all the freedom. But if the human doesn’t want to stay within his/ her nature’s purposes and will walk against life’s laws and so against the nature, then the human will viciate his/ her own freedom, will put in danger his/ her own life and will bring incapacity within the nature. While the human lives against God’s intentions, we can say that she/ he sins. So, the sin represents the disobedience for life’s laws through an abuse against freedom. This act has consequences. God warned the human and allays do that. Genetics 3500 years ago For the surprise of many people, the document exists and with a certain clemency the text explains the problem of heredity better than the modern chromosomial theory, because also shows the original factors of heredity – God: the motive, the origin and the supporter of everything that moves, lives and exists (Acts 17, 28). See the compressed modern Genetics, offered by the Saviour Himself to Moses by revelation 3500 years ago on Sinai Mountain. There is no surprise: Jesus was the spiritual leader before His coming into human body. Then, there is no surprise that he taught Moses the secrets of heredity, because who could know better the human except for the One Who made him and gave the laws for life? This word is true even if God would had done only the first living cell and within it it would had included all the potential future possibilities for


development until present and future shapes still unguessed by us. If creation happened in that way then God is greater. We insist on the fact that jesus is the author of human as type and as person until the end of times. At this creation he works together with the earthly parents, leaving their freedom but warning them that by disobeying life’s laws they step on their children’s life. Deuteronomy 5: 9. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 10… but showing mercy to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. According to chromosomial theory, we saw how recessive geneses appear within the followers: according to heredity laws those are nothing more than probability laws. According to the Scripture’s texts is clear that all the recessiveness appears in the parents due to their sins. The science, not having the tem, it can’t answer the following question: how did the recessive geneses appear, by what accident or according to what laws? Or more generally: by what independent and previous to heredity process event do those defective infinitesimal grains appear in the chromosomes causing disastruos consequences for a potential follower? To briefly answer, the recessive geneses appear independently in the descendants and not according to probability laws, but according to the laws which hang over the wrongdoings. All humans’ acts, all their moves are noted somewhere within an unseen book and are also noted in his/ her seed and by that human bear along his followers with the burden of his/ her acts. The laws of life are the laws of the Author; if you sin against them, you don’t escape without God’s rebuke. Se we don’t haggle that God has no role in biology and that Jesus’ s coming to the wedding was just a diverse act without an inconceivable greater meaning for bringing and personal leading of each human that comes into this world. Before we exist as earthly persons, we exist as thought, as intention of God. Does who know if He has to bring in the earthly life, in time, as many human faces so that their number to fulfill all configuration possibilities offered by our genetic structure? Regarding the fact that we are somehow antecedent to our earthly shape, God told us about when He taught Jeremiah about those in the moment when he tried to defend himself from the mission God gave him to archieve on earth: Jeremiah 1:


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

before you were born I set you apart;

I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Se we are spiritual creatures with spiritual origin sent into this world into a flesh and bones prison to fulfill our destiny among our brothers and sons of God. Church’s disposals confirmed by genetics According to chromosomial theory we can understand some church’s rules as the one to stop the marriage between relatives. So for the relation of consanguinity, in direct line, marriage is stoppedfor ever; and in colateral line is is allowed bearly at the 8th rank.

This stuation transferred in genetic scheme would have the following form and interpretation:

(T= father, M= mother, C= children, veri= cousins)

According to the Scripture, from a primary ancestor some groups of recessive geneses will pass to the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren until the third and the fourth kind, due to the sins – but those are in latent conditions. If the marriages with healthy persons regarding those aspects will continue, their dominant geneses will cover the appropiate damage and so the folowers will have the appearance of being healthy. 172

But if the followers of 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th rank of relation will marry between them, then within their children will appear with maximum probability the recessive geneses of the ancestors in perfect pair and the deficiency corresponding to that pair will have no cure. See why the Church, noticing the deficiences the followers of the married relatives must endure, declares as guilty those marriages and stops them. The union of the possesions was the cause for a lot of beatings from God; or the beatings people had from their greed. Endocrinology, neurology and psychology The instinct or this irrational command of the nature regarding making children has its blessings and dangers. When the human is deceived getting out from the nature’s purposes doesn’t get with no punishment and it is hardly punished. For undertsanding this automatic punishment for depravities the instincts gets to and pushes the humans to live against their nature, it wouldn’t be wrong to know something about endocrinology and neurology. For instance all over our body we have around 7-8 glands with internal secretion. The study of those glands is called endocrinology and their secretions as hormons. Those are a sort of chemical substances, a sort of salts which have the role to make the nervs more agile, to incense different internal organs for work, to awake the thinking, to make more pleasant and interesting our lives – in a single word hormons are agents which incite the life. In the blood there are also vitamins, cellular secretion of each separated tissue, toxins, germs and other substances. All together form our inner environment, the endocrinological environment or the humoral one. So that the organism to function in well conditions, this inner environment must have a normal, determined composition; and if it hasn’t the organic and functional disturbances appear, an entire caravan of incapacities. Among those galnds are also the ones which make the human seed; those, different from teh others, have a double function: an internal one through the secretion of the hormons and an external one through the production of reproductive cells. We are interested on the effects, the failures and the conflicts. The glands which make hormons and are located in the bottom part of the body, have among other purposes the one of giving a very dynamic and cleear specific configuration of the entire body, as a man or as a woman. Then those have the role to incite the functioning of the other glands and the hotmons which have the task to sharp the mind and to activate other functions in other parts of the body.


All together have a role and a special influence on the nervous system and its capital, the brain. See how it may look a draft of a conflictual relation and also the relation of good agreement between the reason and the instinct. The following chart make as to understand which is the balance we must look for:



From this technical chart we can understand the followings: the instinct, even it is without mind, it can’t act without mind’s permission and the one of some censorships. (That good! And that’s bad because the mind’s domination itself is corrupt and the censorship is bought!). Then the hormons, as bullets of the instinct, have as a target the capital of the nervous system, the brain, and not following a specific way of them, but being in any moment in blood’s structure and in the moment when the eye announces the reason, suddently the hormons dart at the gate of judgement forum, announciating the occasion and the commands of the instinct. Although, the eyes, the ears and the mouth are erogenous zones; there are gates of firestone and tinder where the external environment kick with the lighter the internal environment and inflame with the sparks of the desires towards the flames of the acts. The chart makes wonder about something. Genetic functions awake since our childhood, when the mind doesn’t know how to stop those. Why does this aspect is on reverse…? If we take into account the parents’ duty to watch and to warn their children, in time, about those new delicate news, of course that the responsability for the failures would be not of the children themselves or God, but also for the parents. Children sustain on their parents’ mind. From the endocrinological and neurological point of views, according to the nature is so how things must be: since childhood this forbidden energy has to spring and under its action the entire body to develop and to be dynamic and especially the nervous system. So, is proved that the hormons have a purpose but their actions must be accompanied by abstinence, because otherwise the healthy growth of the organism and the nervous system would be deeply damaged, both organically and functionally, even if the hormons would miss or the abstinence. It looks like in may aspects in various domains, the values come from the sustained conflicts, alike almost all the sparks. Invitations to right judgement Understanding the abstinence as a healthy condition of the nervous system, and the sexual immorality as a spur to disequilibrium, it is good to say that the biolgical and psychological limits of this nature’s commands, avoinding the suspicion misunderstanding the matter and as less it can, the protest and the storm of the anger.


There are people that would wish to live according to the right judgement but nobody dares to tell them that. Even the authors of the books regarding this nature’s command offer worse advices that the ones adequate to cattle. They don’t consider the human from his/ her moral and spiritual nature. If they would guide them at least to cattle order those people would be wiser. The doctor, who belives that advicing the people, without taking into consideration the soul and God – author and master of this world-, is until a certain point a good vet. But they are on the same direction as the ones who don’t want to know about any judgement, any moral break, or any automatic unmerciful punishment of their libertinism, which finally will reach them. I’ll use the orientation towards pshychology and spirit of modern medicine, by which it aims to be more a preventive medicine. So I’ll not straiten anybody towards the Hevean’s gates, but I only help to clearify the problem and free decision of anyone to have a better earning, by fathoming the correspondence between the endorinological environment and moral environment and their reflection within the conscience. There is a correspondence between the body and the soul, between the quality of the body and the quality of the soul; an undulatory coalescence. Assuming a night with full moon and a quiet lake, wherein someone throws two stones in different points; there are seen the water’s waves, cut into circles and on them stains of moon moving. That way would be the soul’s touch with body’s waves, even the soul has other origin, different from the body. And still those redound together. The hormons, by the body, influence the spirit; in a certain way for the man and other way for the woman. So the man aquires among the configuration of anatomic energy, the feeling of his virility. The intelligence wins the sensibility; the powers of the mind pove to be creative. With others is active; balanced more towards tyranny than obedience; more towards brutality than kindness. More the differential aspects are pronounced we have to deal a more aggressive character. It seems to me that here must be search also the supoport for the pride. Maybe here is the origin of the fact that especially men don’t want to obey even God and they are angry don’t find other word for express that anger except for blaming God and the holy ones. The aggressive character of the male is noticed as common aspect in animal character too. The human thinks with all his/ her organs. Foliculin, the female hormon, has a totally different action. So, among the anatomic configuration, specific to the destiny of being a mother, will keep some features from the childhood: fine voice, child appearance, children friendship; more sensible than intellectual, more receiver than creative. She feels through the instinct, not through judgements. Her mind


is the heart. She is gladly more inclined towards sufferance and obedience than towards oppression and

domination and according to the Scripture, she is allways attracted

(concerned) by the man (Genesis 3, 16). So if we would consider only the physiologic limit of the difference between man and woman, we would find a great dissonance. All the physiologic role of the man – alike the entire animal world – is only the adventure with the first parther met in their way. Man is polygamist from his nature – alike the Jews from old times and the nowadays Turks. The wise Solomn had 1000 women, but those brought him only good - he became mad, in such manner that he abandoned God (3 Kings 11, 3-4). All the purpose and configuration of the woman is maternity. Even her salvation depends by the birth of sons – if she insists with totally wisdom in faith, love and holyness (1 Thimoty 2, 15). Between the polygamist instinct and the maternity one it is a real biological conflict and cause for tragedies. What one wants doesn’t match with the other one’s wish. For that, humans received divine rules and mind, to live according to a nature arragement – moral and spiritual arrangement, hierarchic ordered – so that they don’t act up, living against the nature, the moral, the spirit, in total anarchy, for that in the most of cases will pay with their heads of the ones of their followers. And we didn’t end the correspondence between endocrinology, neurology and psychology, because it is necessary also the genetics, due to the fact that an entire convoy of sores oblige me to write their pain. We remember the order of the nature, that the entire organism and especially the nervous system well develop also because of genetic hormons too – but only under an asbtinence censorship. That’s why, until the lagal marriage all youngs must be clean, virgin, both boys and girls. This miracle is also possible and necessary. More and more doctors agree with that. But even if none would say so, the human is a more complex reality then the sector studied by doctors and we’ll see that things’ situation, in their reality, categorical impose the seventh break of God, to normalize in natural, moral and spiritual hierarchy the caprices of that anarchic instinct, blessed and full of curse.


Children born in chains Assuming a child, that to the first announcements of the instinct, falls into the vice of the onanism. Parents don’t find out, he abuses and is more and more lonely, quiet, tires, doesn’t learn anymore at school; memory – mind’s brain cortex – is touched; it is not fasten anaymore by the hormons that have the origin in that area, which naw is surrounded by the depravity. With other words, the mind is getting stupid and that is a fast way. The growth of the body ius slawed, the dark circles arround the eyes babble him – for the one that knows to see. Imagination is not active anymore, he doesn’t like to play anymore, he looks that he is old, serious and the hands, that were wrong – are shaking. This is again a prove taht the nerves are in danger. If he hasn’t the luck to receive an advice or at least a book, in time, the consequences of the vice increase, as it follows. I mentionned that genezic galds have a double function: an endocrine one, throwing hormons into the blood and an external one, forming the geneses cells. Immediatelly the vice or any kind of sexual immorality, at any age- the case is the same- clench the human, then the glands’ tissues, male or female, are over requested and obliged to deliver external material and so they are not able to produce anymore hormons needed in the blood. A disequilibrium in the endocrine environment is created. This disequilibrium reflects over the nervous system in the way that nervous cells, by not having the proper incentive agents, will degenerate in its functions and that person starts to be a dodderer; and if the sexual immorality continues the nervous cell dies. The sexual immorality kills millions of nervous cells. It must be known that all tissue heal except for the nervous cell. Once it is killed it never gets to life. Assuming that the old –young wants to be accoring to society’s rules and he wants to get married. He doesn’t succede. He is not attacted by the woman and also the girls are not attracted by him. Why? The vices of the instinct faded his agility, his charm, those made him a dodder, he doesn’t provoke love but mercy. With mercy and obligation you don’t make a home. Doctors advice: women or marriage. Of course a vice will not get aut with another vice – this matter stays within a vicious circle. But marriage, even it is done, bears the burden of the past and the rebukes of the future. So the man, due to all kinds of vices and the total or partial functional disequilibrium of the nervous system, will lose the nervous break of his functional rhythm and maybe never


will meci the functional rhythm of his woman – who didin’t have those vices. Her burden and disgust starts from now, because she will allways be unsatisfied, and that will cause neurosis, regional pains and thoughts of looking in other place. Is not her fault that she will leave him, because the man’s past is revenging. The man, depraved by the vices, doesn’t fit his wife’s maternity instinct and so he must pay: he will remain without followers and without the wife. But still assuming that it happens to have followers. Those will bear the following parental burdens: a weak health, old face, different uncured incapacities and those who will survive will be tortured by the fate and will have weak mind. How and why? See how and why: we now from above that the persons’ acts will be noted in two places: somewhere in an unseen accountability and second, more seen, in the chromatin grains, inside the chromosomes geneses, in the biological factor of heredity. Did the parent kill with the vices millions of nervous cells? Those nerver recover and the total of the distroyed ones and the health in the moment when a follower was called into this world, representing his situation, will also be noted in the chromosomes stock, with so many recessive geneses, that would not happened if he would had a better behaviour. Do you want a prove available to anyone? See it: I don’t hit anyone, but on the contrary I stay along anyone’s pain. Lts’ say that a pair of humans had not deal with the youth vices so they don’t have the nervous system damaged by that guilt. Still, life’s needs tire anyone’s nerves. This exhaustion of life is actually a tiredness of the force, the agility, the joviality resistence of the nervous system and the other tissues and humours. All of those are quickly noted in the heredity’s genetic heritage, during the time and based on the measurement it is added. The biological factor of heredity condenses the stage of any moment and also the parents’ bio – mental condition, separatelyy or involved in the process of reproduction. The test is given by the children taht comes after longer period of time. The children born at youth are more agile, faster, healthier, with sharper mind; while the children born when parents are older are slower, older, more clogged. They have no guilt and no cure. So are they genetic and irreversible built, creating the seen harmony with the given material, after an interval of time. Coming back to correspondence, we understand the mechanism how the grains of weed appear in teh chromosomial chain, the recessive geneses and the damages those may cause if they are not taken out by the healthier pair of geneses from the other parent. Also there are consequences of the sexual immorality and even enough hard from youth. Maybe it was suspected from here that the entire organism becomes weak, the glads remain obsolete, taken out from work with all the cosequences of this humoral disequilibrium. In that way in order happens the atrophy of different organs from the organism and so appear


the nervosity, the sterility and a general condition of illness or a predisposition to all kind of deseases. I don’t talk about soul’s moods: fear, weakness of the mind, obsessions, fixed ideas, misinterpretation of ideas and a continue sufferance of the conscience. Is the soul’s reaction for his house’s abjectness condition. The ones who drink their minds This is a fabulous and true expression. We remember about hormons’effect over the brain cortex: excite the desires. The same effect has the alcohol too, no matter its form or level of kick; it inflames the mind towards the same desires. It doesn’t supply any benefactor hotmon but where it passes through it bemuses, it burns and it atrophies. It kills other millions of nerve cells and telephonic wires. All those facts gets active, alike the example before and pass as parental heritage to children. More severe: if the boys get addicetd to beverage since their youth, it happen to get sterile. Their genetic galnds will atrophy and will produce some cells incapable of reproduction. Nature protects itself as much as it can: it doesn’t carry all the burden it receives. Even if they get addicted to wine later they still don’t get away from punishments. Viewing that, the appropiate scientists discovered monstrous form of sperm cells, some having two heads, or two tails, or other forms all being caused by drinking (Jeannel, op. cit., pg. 153). Drinking registers its consequences until the genetic cell, having the size of 60 mils of a milimeter. What hurts is the following aspect: if a fecundation happens with that drunk seed, and that is more a rape than love, then the follower will be with maximum probability an epileptic – nerve desease without cure. This is more sure if to the fear and disgust of the poor mother is added the beat accompanied by some injuries adressed to God. So, the disequilibrium in all aspects, disequilibrium in internal medium, disasters within heritable heritage, moral disequilibrium, and also wthat mother may have to add, at least the fear it is enough to get birth on that world instead of a peaceful child to one tortured by the devils and witness to the judgement against his/ her parents. The end of the drinker is in the dike ot within a madhouse. About is followers – I will not say anything, mercy stops me; but still I have a warning mercy for the future, which pushes me to write.


Mourning within a caravan of monsters A christian writer and probably a doctor too, described the structure of an asylum from somewhere in the West, by following words: „Children: doctor! Doctor! And Doctor D. was moving ahead, making road through the awful and the woeful crowd of little monsters: a failed, lost, wrong done, ugly and unfinished umanity, children whose chean or skull were missing, or they were only a trunk or a head, and they were little, disastrous disagreeable, ugly like some distorted pottery, full of gums, blains, crusts, festering falling from their eyes, their noses, ears and the skin from their heads. Short or tall, inocent invalids, they had skeleton arms and legs. Young beasts, too developed boys, with strong jaws, with bulging orchards, specially created in that way for future crimes – future killers – intended for that since the beginning and whose look were watching you without understand anything. The older ones who had some mind, were holding by hands the little one, who were completely idiots; they were taking carre of those, they fostered and adopted them. They were borne the little ones to doctor D. and his escorts. Around the three men, unclear shouts and screams exploted, the entire joy of the little poor ones to see the one who were showing affection to them. And even those who incapable to speak, were grumbling, were stammering, were bleating to the doctors an unclear and barbaric scream of love. With their little hands, alike some tentacles, they were clinging, they were touching, they were caressing and they were palpating the doctors. This view allways seamned to him like a bad dream. But the doctor loved all of them, those little poors, even on those who had the head alike a plunger, or alike a fish or huge bug. He loved even the ones customed with bad habbits, boys and girls who were playing with themselves…On his passing, he was taking those apart, was watching their hands, he was looking at them as he was trying to hypnotize them, asking: - Did you behave well? - I did, doctor. - Will you behave well today too? - I will, doctor. - Good. Go and play. Look a piece of chocolate. Go! There were girls he had to tie up to stop them to continue with that bad custom. But even with the tied hands they managed to excite their senses with their heels. All the heritable sins were moving in the deepness of those abandoned souls, returned to the stage of beast and which were descreasing on the evolution scale.


Some girls who were more secrecy, more sinner, more immoral, liked to hide, to blush and to continue their habbits. The boys had ourang-outang faces and dangerous spurs in their games. Some lonely children were crying in the corners being uncaressed and wild for ever. A blonde child, with blue eyes, like Saint John, thin, nice, almost beautiful was trying to get closer to the doctor, clutched doctor’s hand from behind and slowly was asking: - Sir, I would like to return to my mummy..Sir, when can I go back to my mummy? Mothers! So often they abandoned those poor monsters, who came aut of them and disgusted them. Those were marriages between alcoholocs and evey year they were bringging to the asylum a new idiot child, a new garbage of society so that the next year to do the same. Also, in the entire asylum, the abandons were a rule so the ones left ther were not counted anymore. Some of the poor insanes from S. Cle Asylum died without seeing anymore the beloved face of the mother, the wife, the child, a face that was floating as a paintful apparition in their sad dark memory and was the only face that could awake within them a piece of conscience, a tear of lucidity’s despair…” (Maxence van der Meersch, Bodies and souls, Ed. Contemporana, Bucharest, 1944, pg. 163 -165) Discovering America - a big blight Five hundreds years ago, Columbus brought in Europe the news about discovering America and his sailors brought into Europe the syphilis. Their facts increased so for stopping the disastrous consequences of that desease, medicine universities created the department for syphilis study. Here we limit so some curiosities belongging more to the body that the desease. It recognized by all the body’s amazing fastness and adaptation power to any accident or conditions; almost an automatic adaptation. For instance, a woodcutter’s hand slids in the chainsaw, which works with some hundreds speeds per minute. He hardly felt that. AHe hardly felt that. A neurotic shock stops the blood to get into the brain, which produces the insensibility, and the organism stands differently in front of that, without any move, because otherwise would disturb the automatic defence. A wave of blood covers the wound and in contact with the air coagulates and forms a protective cap. As being ordered to do so, the fibrin from the blood transforms into little strings, which it huddles as a bung in the cut, wher it starts to repair, adhering and completing the cells. Local temperature increases, touching becomes paintful, to be assured the peace for organic defense. All this adaptation to the new situation proves an automatic service for life’s safety.


Another case. By certain conditions, some unwellcomed guests entered the blood – the germs. The nature’s construction, the automatic service of safety already met them. Some cells from the blood surround them and start to fight and with good feelings eat their guests, from here comes their name – the phagocytes. If there are too many guests, or those reproduce too fast, while the danger increases, the body temperature also increases, until 39 degrees, or even 40 degrees and when the battle is for life and death the temperature raises until 41 degrees. To that temperature the sentence for death for all the guests and germs was given. Afther that effort, the organism is recovering; the hallucinations caused by high temperature vanish and all get to normal. As regards the gem of syphilis, the attitude of safety service is enirely strange: it doesn’t protect, it doesn’t alarm and leaves opned all the ways, allows the germ to moves all over the body and leaves that to „eat” all that it wants and even the brain cortex. That’s why, the science had to take necessary actions against it because the nature doesn’t want to protect itself from that germ. It that possible that this Troponema to be an insupportable punishment as a break for sexual immorality? Is that possible that against this punishment, defensive right of the nature to be taken? What do not protect itself? I strongly think to the aspect from prophet Jeremiah, where he says: "See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 8, 17). The germ of syphilis has the form of a running snakes. A thing is sure, that the organism has no cure or defense in its structure for this germ. It true that the science with long term treatment may clean the body by syphilis. But still is something to be told. That guest which aims to break the mind’s wires has its calendar. This act it shows in phases connected to number two: after two weeks or more after the sin, an ulcer appears in the inguinal area; after two months, it attacks the blood ways. In that period ulcers appear in other parts of the body or the forehead. After two years the heart, the liver and the kidneys are affected and very ill. Now it happens the sclerosis of the arteries, which become fragile and if an artery of the brain breaks it produces the apoplexy, an instantaneous death. But if it doesn’t prodyuce any apoplexy and the construction of the arteries resist, then the syphilis draws back to the cerebrospinal fluid, which covers the entire spinal cord and the brain, this fluid, by its elasticity has the role to protect the spianl cord and the brain from hits, neutralizing and dispersing the accidents’ unpredicted pressures. After 20 years it displays its effect over the nerves, breaking the connections with command center, breaking the corespondence between


the sensation and the reaction, causing progressive paralyses and lose of some soul’s capacities. Who do those all happen? So, the transmission tool being damaged, the soul has no way to express. And so, step by step, the syphilis, by eating the brain cortex, pushes the spiritual capacity of the thinking into the dark abyss of madness. See the insupportable punishment the mind suffer for not abstaining from the desires: it is decreased from the throne of leading and entirely, body and soul, are lost and tied in the madness house. We don’t speak about the syphilitics’psychiatry, but we mention that until a certain time, Treponema as the hormon is a great inciting agent for the brain cortex. That would be like taht: this killing agent, if it finds the nervous syste, and by that the brain, in maximum health and resistence, in its aim to eat it, all that it does is to mobilize, to activate in its intimate burning processes and so it becomes a very good environment for transmission of souls’ ideas and the unseen world. That makes that until a certain time the insame agent to be also an agent of the genius. But after a while, this genius is darken into madness. It is of course a burning fire that doesn’t forgive, but burns the mind’s wings, different from the not burnig divine fire, which lights all the minds’ capacities without real burnining the truth genius of the spirit. The genius helped by the madness agent, almost all show a great pride, disobedience from od, a spiritual disequilibrium. Thay are the ones who say: „There is no God!”. The Scripture ascertains their reality and gives them the diagnosis: „The fool said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalm 52, 1). Hence the atheism is a mental alienation, the madness of the pride or the pride of the madness. Some say the same thing on reverse: “I am God” – another madness. The tyrans, the terrorists, the other evil genius, othet luciferic pride. The tyran selfish, anouther alienation, no matter if the pathogen agent exists or not. The science’s chances are so reduced, compared to the

extend of this terrible

punishment. It should be necessary a control for everyone and an absolute isolation of the contamined ones, somehow, somewhere, etc. For now is good that fact that for marriage, the laws ask for blood analyses; and stop the drinkers, the mad ones and the contamined with venereal deseases ones to spread the bad in the world. Human body has also a pasive attitude towards that cellular anarchy named cancer. Usually, those who never fast suffer from cancer. The cancer has no cure and appears without


any explainations as a punishing break for the stomach’s sexual immorality. It can be seen that by cancer it is punished the greed for food and the origin of sexual immorality. Hard punishments have those three outlaw loves: self-love, which enter the soul by the last ones: love for the body and love for the food. Saint Paul says to them: “God is their stomach” (Philippians 3, 19). This mysterious cellular anarchy named cancer, it seames to me that it comes from the same reasons as a social anarchy, which proves a disequilibrium in some unknown part of the organism or a debility within nervous system safety service. I guess that the cluster of cancerous cells have a different chromosomial form; in any case the recessiveness is sure. Why do the mutations affect kings too? Torment within dew drops I don’t know if you saw the simple beauty of the morning. Those reflect the sun, reverberate the rays, reflect the earth and hang on a grass head alike some little shinny marbles. Kneipp, a good priest, more a balneologist ate mercy cooker for the poors, could’t find any treatment for the epilepsy except for the walking soem minute with no shoes over the grass so that the ill one to refresh the nerves, shaking to the earth and touching his feet by those lady bugs of sun. Is not the torment; I compare only the consceince with dew drops. Because actually in the conscience sphere reflect and brake, agitate and clash sun’s sparks with atrocious radiance of mazout. The situations, the facts and the predispositions we have, all are reflected, are compressed and are noted in our genetic structure but also in the conscience’s sphere. Here, within the conscience, are reflected the earth’s facts and over them, in the same sphere, then ar later, the serenity of the sky will light or the flashes of divine rightness. In organic structure, the recessive geneses, even in latent stage, are as absent, if those are doubled by the geneses of dominant pair. Is not the same as regards the conscience’s sphere. See a little analogy: since the Herzian waves of radios circle arround us and pass through us, and no mater whare we are we don’t catch any of the news and stories from the world. Only the radios catch those and transform so that we to understand them. Alike that happens with the energy of the infirm germs of our genetic structure: the organism doesn’t register this energy, but is registered in the conscience’s sphere and is traslated to us by a deep


conflict in our background. What we try here is a dive in the deepness, an existantial experience. A sort of psychoanalysis Almost al all ages is met this conflict to believe or not in God; that meaning the clash of healthy mind with the arrows of madness. Some are convinced by God’s existence, divinity of Jesus and the salvation; but from time to time, they are tortured by the atheism. There are some that are not tirtured by those thoughts even they heard of. Internal evidence of their faith is absolute. Others are haunted by torments and finally some are peaceful that they escaped from God: for they God doesn’t exist. The truth is that the machine of their conscience doesn’t catch anything, is damaged and the spirit reality is absent for them. What can be in the middle? Something alike a radio that doesn’t catch the waves anymore. The waves exist, but for that persons those don’t exist anymore. He has some broken lamps, burned bobbins, kicks and broken peaces etc. He is damaged somewhere. So a person suffers many ways of inner burns and breakages ans also suffers the burns of social environment, which shock his innocence and see it an atheist, in different levels. All is situation is noted alike the chromatin grains. The atheist harmonized to this disequilibrium. The seed perfectly reproduces him. Assuming that he is married with a woman, with not so much deranged mind and so off-balance in her moral environment and she is a faithful woman. The children are born with two contradictory predispositions: an unfaithful one, from the father, and a faithful one from the mother, according to the showed probabilities. The souls is not inherited, it is created by God. Faith is a character of the soul, but from God nothing bad comes. Then? Then the capacity of the soul to know and to recognize the Father or to abjure Him, depends also on the genetic construction of the body, wherein it will stay for a time. The content of the faith is learned; and the inclination to learn it or not is inherited. The soul inclines towards its origin: „Anima naturaliter christiana”. The souls’ inclination makes interferes with body’s inclination wherein it was sent. So, if it comes into a body where is only disequilibrium, it will not be capable to display the inclination towards the up ones and helpless will assit near a broken machine that doesn’t sing but buzzes. All the conscience’s pains come from the feeling of those incapacities that lay deep inside us and they flare up until the seen facts surface. To easier the burden of a soul God sometimes spares it from the knowledge of the invalidity it must stay in. So we see serenity at idiots too.


Blasphemy thoughts According to the writtings of the ingenious ones, bearly a tenth of our brain is lighted and known in the spehere of conscience; nine tenth stay in the dark of the unconscience. It is given the comparison with a potato with a tenth of the total being lighted, -lights of must, the night; the rest in darkness. In that way are the blasphemy thoughts: inrush of mazout in the sun beam. Assuming that the same deaf genetic deposits show their existence and catch on the dominant energies; those are like a pair formed by the light with the shadow. Assuming that within a person there are those contradictory inheritages of two different dispositions; when that person for instance wanst to pray to God, along with the lighted energy of the conscience raises from the unconscience the contrary energy’s inrush. At the conflict’s moment also the geneses hormons actions over the cortex is added and they provoke on the mind’s display a totally different imagine that the pray’s icon. If the respective person is older and did some adventures against the nature then the conflict increases also the spiritual feature of the memory. A sinner past is not passed away: it accompanies alike an identification record. The expiation is a must; so is assured and maintained the forgiveness by the memory, by enduring the beats of the past given to the mind. The first love is addressed to the parent. The first child had God as father. Love wants that what it loves to last for ever; it can’t conceive that its object to die. For instance the people’s rulers bearly can be seen as mortals. In old times love made them inortal gods. That proves taht love has its sense in God Who is eternal and make eternal the one who loves God. But people are embroiled with the love for the body. This love is not equal in all cases with the sin, but let’s say that anywhay it is infected by the sin. Because the sins stay in the body and the body pushes the soul towards corruption, by the ways mentionned before, we understand that it encounters a resistence from the divine inheritage of the soul, which looks to influence it towards virtue and holiness. The act of bodily love leaves a strong impression regarding the being, in that new area of the unconscience. Here, the act, abbreviated as a symbol, deposits as a conflict with the conscience. The moral censorship covers a dynamite deposit because it couldn’t deny it. A blasphemy regarding God is the explosion of that deposit. See whay when men injure they use the word – that is not written – of the bodily love. The part of degradation and sin of that love, they feel in their body, boils over from the unconscience and with that they angrily hit the moral censorship and the love ideal – on the cursed one’s God. A curse is a


moment of devilish anger, a moment of mind’s darkness,

- is so how the conscience

censorship pays the previous lack of attention. The blasphemies prove that this love between the bodies was locked within a curse, a shame, a dishonesty. All, transformed into symbols get down inta the darkness of the unconscience. Those with weak censorship – you genetically understand this weakness- get mad because a certain event, blood’s afflux and bile to the brain will cause the darkness of the conscience and the blasphemy’s flaws start. So, some openly curse God; some curse Him when they pray. This situation terrify those who pass to this incapacity. It comes, as it can be seen. From heritable burdens, from done acts, from hearing, from the content of conscious and unconscious memory through a mechanism of images’s overlap and over the devotional ones the undevotional images, aroused by the hormons or at least by the contradiction mechanism. When the internal or external environment is favorable to the recessive geneses, their latent energy is not late to inflame through the subconsciousness over the conscience and so to eliminate it, to dark it and so on. In a contradictory situation is the body when it prays. That’s why some, not bearing the contrast, solve in the wrong manner this situation: they stop praying. But the saints, cleaning their body by the passions, managed to bring it in harmony with the superior aims of the conscience, so that their body has many of the characteristics of the soul. On the other side, many of the passions of the body become also characteristics of the soul too. The curses have the same origin as the blasphemies; the difference is that some are allowed by the mind and the other ones are censored. That’s why the guilt of the last ones is lesser. The blasphemies show an old guilt. They are a punishment, but they don’t lead to madness, as many are afraid of. The curse show that the person in that moment is irresponsible, has a disequilibrium within the genetic structure, in side the humoral environment, inside the censorship service and inside the nervous system. This prison opens the gates and will embrace him/ her if he/ she will not pay attention. A mora dangerous balsphemy is the lie, the sin against the truth. There are so many bizarre constructions of the humans. Capable of real biological mutations. One can lie in the most normal possible way that sun stays hold; and after that wave passes he/ she doesn’t remember anything and if you show him/ her the demonstrations he/ she will not admit anything. Inn inner power pushes him/ her to allways lie and to consider himself/ herself the honest person on earth. It is like a night would fall over his/ her mind and another person cursed, lied or stealed, in such advanced stages of contradictions some are clogged. This is


another defficiency of the wrong marriages where the other past’s bodily qualities weren’t considered. Those can be better seen to the parents of the ones who get married, because time revealed all the decreases or the characteristics and the like father, like son. The avarice, the envy, the greed, the drinking, the lack of faith, the lie, the depravity and all the other form the organism taht matches eachof those passions and then will be noted within the heritable factors and so the passions against the nature will appear within the followers alike the grains of weeds in the field of God. And when their turn will come, what do you want that those to fruit? The same or their behaviours or both will follow either the dominant manner of heredity, as the normal or pathologic characteristics will almost mandatory pass from generators to followers, or will follow the atavistic manner when characteristics hide a generation or two and suddently appear in the 3rd or 4th generation of people. Isn’t that the way the history repeats? People from hell I don’t talk about theological hell, but about the hell of teh abject life, about the connvoy of misery covered by the disfiguration and degeneration alike a pair of calws, pulling whoever thay catch into a huge crowd of poor and afflicted ones of the faith. The entire space that once was occupied by death is mastered today by illness and infirmity. The contagiousness deseases decreased dur to the preventive medical measures, but tehir place were taken by the degenerative and chronic deseases of the skin and the nervous, circulator, digestive and breathing systems; then the cancer, dental deseases and heritable ones. Teh deseases clutches the humanity at surface and in deepness both qualitative and quantitative. That was said by a medicine professor (M. Kernbach, Scientific spirit and the fundamental problems of contemporary medicin, Institute of graphic arts „Dacia Traiana”, Sibiu, 1942, pg. 7-8). I don’t talk about those who get to the hospital suffering by one or more of the over 800 types of deseases. This number is so curious! Regarding the spiritual deseases, regarding the faith in the Bible, deviations from that faith lead to the creation of 800 religious sects ( 800 in 1946, nowadays arround 3000). Spiritual infections in their total are contless. As many heads as many nonsenses! The most impossible thing in the world is to unify the minds. Each is unique in the world; even if all humans from Adam until the end of the world would come to life again, you will not find two identical persons. This is genetically true. Those deeper and deeper unbalanced differences create a chaos between the humans, create wars, misery, the bonds of the hell which press the life and break it.


The lazars from the doors of the rich ones have no demand, but a patience prayer. Do those rich ones have healthy minds? Did God call them „mad” for nothing? Because called mad two types of persons: those who adandoned God and those who adandoned people from their hearts. Actually those are able only to make a hell from others life. Hate, as their spiritual beding, makes thousands of victims, because it fades God from others eyes too. Hate will raise against it more hate, the one of God and the one of humans. It is a climate of a vitiated environment, a snow blast, a wind of chaos. It creates from their lives an antechamber of hell. This is the external environment. Shall I say social environment? The environment: with those we understand the effects of life’s variables, smoothen by love or unclogged by hate. Human persons configuration is not set only by heritable elements but also by the elements of the environment. The human, as he/ she is, is the result of the interference between the two factors. Heredity doesn’t establish fatal positions, from what we can’t get out, but it sets more or less determined limits, regarding a feature or another, in the frame of the environment, which sets our position. (N. Margineanu, op. cit., pg. 158) The energy of growth and configuartion’s arrangements automatically appear in the chromatin as a reaction of that to an environmental differential. Our life and organism are not just a simple updating of native virtualities given to the geneses system, but a result of the interference between those virtualities and

the environment wherein the geneses’

configuration is developed. In the middle of that there is also a little vicious but real circle: the structure of the geneses depends on alll the environments – wherein those were configurated; their development depens on the phylogenesis and along those also depends on all future environment configuration during this development. Of course this idea can’t be pushed to absurd, from an egg of a fly you can’t obtain an egg of chicken. The environment’s actions can be stopped, it has well developed and flexible limits taht allw us – as specialist – to say that through a directive environment we may obtaina fly with one or three eyes. It is easy to deform the nature, it is easier that to take out the inserted deformation within the nature. With other words, the development powers, that the genetic system encompasses within it, never decreaes to a single one but to many and very many. Form those, the environment allways chooses a single one (Idem, pg. 160). Education is involved in that act of the directive environment; also religions have this duty. But sometimes whne come times when seem that everything is crashing, who can guide the torment? Many times the chaos is announced by the first living cell of the environment: the non- christian family.


A savage answer A teacher met a child on the road. The child was little, the time to go to school and go among people was not came. - Whom child are you? - I belong to the devil – the kilogram answered. The teacher was stunned. - What’s your name? - Satan. - Where do you come from? - From hell. The teacher serched the orining of that atrocious answers and he discovered the following explaination: The mother of the child was arguing with the father of the child, who was a drinker and she told him: „What’s up devil, did you come home drunk again?”. To that the father stared his eyes, cluched his fists and accompanied by a multitude of curses came out his mouth. The scared child, was running crying to his mother’s arms but that one was banishinh him saying: „Go away satan, don’t disturb me too in this hell of house.” From here the child learned that his father name is „devil”, his name is „satan” and they all live in „hell”. A root of pains Until now we understood that the sin a a breaking of life’s laws; an insertion into life of a disequilibriumk approved by the mind. If teh mind allways do so, it gets weak and can’t stop the increasing disequilibrium that invades the space of life with the strange phantom of living deads (Revelation 3, 1). Breaking a human law represents a crime and it is punished as it is known. Breaking the divine laws of life is called sin and it is punished as it was said and as it is seen – for who sees. A great discrepancy is represented by the fact that man’s instinct is in conflict with woman’s instinct. Man’s instinct allways wants the woman as occasion for its genetic discharges. Woman’s instinct is represented by maternity. The child needs two years to separate from his mother, so according to nature’s arrangements and so she must be let in peace.


So what will the man do? Either he will pervert his wife, making her to also look for the passionate pleasures, trying to get lost from the purpose of her nature, or will transform her into a killer, pushing her to kill the defenceless creature from her womb, or will practice the onanism with his woman (Genesis 38, 9), protecting her of the purpose of pregnacy but dishonouring her so badly that it can’t even be said. Some use sterilization, some to adventures or brothel. Such type of man will not save his wife through the birth of children (1 Timothy 2, 15), but he will condemn her with the killers and the immorals, among whom he also will be (Revelation 21, 8). There are few men who master their irrationable instinct with the reasonable touch of the soul, setting it according to its original purpose. And again are less those who transform their energy through abstinence and raise the sense of the nature to purposes above nature. So the pleasure searched only for itself, calls more and more often the renew of that act, until it gets to the breakage of the nervous system. Even more: it flames the organism and pushes it beyond all its functional possibilities; it provokes the breaking of any moral censorship and leads its servants to madness. For many of those needs, the parents of teh two sides are guilty too. For instance, I would like to know why the parents don’t rush so hard to marry their sons as they hurry to marry their daughters. Their wrong act secretly or openly encourages the neo-malthusian gyp – the onanism with the woman, avoidance, protection – what represents an unguessed enlarged pest in all social environments. See that, after a short time, the punishments of this gyp come, especially to women: grave disturbances of the health, pains

of the womb, mental and nervous

disturbances, prefectly unknown for the doctors too. Is so that doctors say. From the womb the pains extend to the kidneis and below the womb, sometime to the leggs. The pains arise and increase during walking, when the woman sits or gets up a chair, when she raise a thing, or during intimate moments – which sometimes cause grave conjugal misunderstandings. Those pains are also accompanied by nervours disturbances which deeply change the mintal and psychic conditions of the sick ones. The capricious disposition of the sick ones often becomes instable, irascible until the excess. From nothing may arise violent explosions, anger, lacks of judgement, which can’t be stopped or controlled. It is a real humoral disequilibrium which makes the poor victim to pass from violent explosions to the deepest sadness, ans sometimes even to the idea of suicide. Those are the gyp and its consequence. That’s why we don’t stay quiet and we expose those, being pushed by the mercy and helped by the science.


The explaination. During a normal conjugal act, the female’s genital organs consecutively pass through an intensive congestion phase followed by a suddent weakness phase that establishes the regular course in blood flow. The unfinished faked conjugal act without natural conslusion, lets a condition of flood within the vases which in time becomes permanent. Then follows a disturbance in the tissues’s nutrition and then their anatomical damage. The multitude of those nervous wires of the hypogastric plexus, that start from the womb and unify with the cerebra-spinal system endure pressions, irritations, which at their origins are local pains but have reflex disturbances at distance; and in time those push the sick one into the psychiatric domain. Those continual congestions produce intense and deep damages into the tissues, which lose in that way their normal functioning. In that crafy way to definitive cureless sterility installs after a long period of wished sterility. Then vainly you wish children, fruits of life, because nature punishes you with this cruel return of things: it qualifies the act and it condemns the king to death. The last effects: decrease of birth rate, decrease of population. Etc. And so the kind disappear. It is like we would hear the voice of fire of the prophet Hosea, saying 4, 1-10: God has a charge to bring no faithfulness, no love, and murder,

against you who live in the land, because there is

no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing,lying

stealing and adultery; they break all bounds. That’s why the land dries up, and

all who live in it waste away…My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge of God. When they will engage in prostitution they will not flourish, because they have deserted the Lord. That problem has consequences too and we are about to reach some vicious circles, for instance: child’s features hang on the perversion level of the female maternity instinct. If the lust was incited – that being a decay from the purpose of her nature, a conveniant perversion of the male – the evolutions of the embryo in those intrauterine conditions, will bring on the wolrd a child who easily may fall into early and lately onanism and will be a crabbed child, heritable nervous and predicted to nervous deseases. All this burden has its roots only in that wrong awaken lust within the mother. Otherwise, if the motehr was not pusheg yet into that flame of lust and she was not disturbed by the man during pregnacy, or during the lactation period, the new child will be


less inclined to premature genesis awake, unattracted to onanism and almost never disposed to nervosity. So, if the motehr perverts the purpose of her maternity, she will bring on the world a children predicted to increasing pervertions which will destroy the nervous system or if they will marry, they will increase the decay and the sorrows. This is the detour circle and it finished with the fade of the kind of that one who steps on the cliff of pervertion against the nature. From there to here, it follows that during pregnacy and lactation periods, the man must abstain and not disturb the future life of the one who comes into that world waith a certain purpose from God. Man’s depravity and woman’s pervertion make useless God’s purposes with the humans and that’s why He gave as seventh command: “Do not committ adultery”. Natural children, or born in wrongdoings The polygamist instinct of the mandoes theis act too: it doesn’t respect God’s command and as we saw it doesn’t step back from murders too. That fact that the man can’t abstain, degrades him, decreases him from the honour of being a human to the suborder of any male. This situation has also other cosequences, along those said above. If the human is built on many existential plans and many zones, any spurn, any disequilibrium of his harmonic condition has consequences. The human that darkens regarding God, the soul, the moral and spiritual arrangements of children coming into the wolrd, that human has no God and is interested only on his immorality, surely his/ her fruits will sume within all his/ her lacks of equilibrium regarding the great divine environment, we move in, we live and we exist. (Acts 17, 28) Moses, who knew genetics due to revelation. Gives us some adequate documents for the position we reached to, and so: Genesis 5: 27. Altogether, Methuselah lived a total of 969 years, and then he died. Genesis 6: 1. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them


2. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. With all of those the cause was cured bearly in the waters of the flood. But the malice passed into the followers through the deck of Noah and during david’s times when God made a new reduction: Psalm 89: 10. “Our days may come to seventy years,

or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the

best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” What nowadays wouldf be the average duration of life, find out by looking to the necrology. But without any research, that fact is that there are no elders – real elders, real faces of God among people. Life’s shortage comes over humanity as a payment for falling into depravity. Something more right than this it couldn’t be. Did God endow the human with so wonderful gifts for that the human to rennounce those and by free will to decay to the role of male or female? Is is the entire aspiration of the human? By not being taught to a higher ideal or by not wishing to struggle for more, in the manner God formed an institution, the church, for this purpose of redressing and helping the human towards the kingdom of the spirit, is sure that the person is in disonance and in disequilibrium with God. You don’t escape from God by the simple afct of not obeying or denying His existence, and don’t respect His church, because He has a plan and demans you to accomplish it. Solomon as one who had to pay, foresaw the followings: Wisdom 3: 10. But the ungodly will be punished… 12. Their wives are foolish, and their children evil; 13.Their offspring are accursed.For blessed is the barren woman who is undefiled,who has not entered into a sinful union;she will have fruit when God examines souls. 16. But children of adulterers will not come to maturity,and the offspring of an unlawful union will perish. 17. Even if they live long they will be held of no account, and finally their old age will be without honor. 18. If they die young, they will have no hope and no consolation in the day of decision. 19. For the end of an unrighteous generation is grievous.\


Wisdom 4: 3. But the prolific brood of the ungodly will be of no use, and none of their illegitimate seedlings will strike a deep root or take a firm hold. 4. For even if they put forth boughs for a while, standing insecurely they will be shaken by the wind, and by the violence of the winds they will be uprooted. 5.The branches will be broken off before they come to maturity, and their fruit will be useless, not ripe enough to eat, and good for nothing. 6. For children born of unlawful unions are witnesses of evil against their parents when God examines them. Those are biblic testimonials about the misery destiny of the wrongdoers’ fruits, due to the depraved and polygamist instinct. Through the word of prophet Ezekiel a merciful ray still exist for some exceptions. We are very interested on this aspect of redressing of amiserable heritage. In the followings it is about a wrongdoer father, but – due to seen and unseen help – his child understand the differenece between good and bad and keeps himself away from the actions of the father. Within him, is possible that the better heritage from the mother to be winner. So, if for such a parent: Ezekiel 18: 14. But suppose this son has a son who sees all the sins his father commits, and though he sees them, he does not do such things… 17. …he will not die for his father’s sin; he will surely live. 19. Yet you ask: why does the son not share the guilt of his father? > It is possible the lift of the burden of a miserable heritage, for happy exceptions.


It is not possible to be impossible The conflict or the disonance between the polygamist instinct of the man and the maternity instinct of the woman can’t be defeated, can’t be solved and can’t be converted, except for the case when both sides live within christian teachings with all their powers. Christianity is the second creation of the world, the second creation of the human, a new creation of the nature. Jesus hrist accompanies the human with His teachings, through His Church, through His arrangements, by His word; He helps the human through His gifts, through His indwelling inside us, inside all as a present God; and more than those – which were known until now – Jeus Christ accompanies and even guides the creation of each human that comes into the wolrd, based on God’s presence all over the places and His omnipotence. He is the primary cause which configurated life in all its characteristics, so that each individual is unique among the humans. He decides, inside the little infinite, what qualities or failures must be ejected in the two polar globules, which contain half of the chromosomial number and not at all the chaos.

He inclines to be one or the other of the possible

configurations – probable for us and sure for God ; He forms our destiny in such manner that a specific arrangement inside the little infinite to have huge consequences in our future configuration and facts. All of those God’s absolute accountability, Who creates the human in dependence with his/ her acts, which reach him/ her with his/ her last wrongdoingsand turns those over him/ her or He forgives them if he/ she tried by the fight with himself/ herself to obtain forgiveness. Escaping from that jam, by which „You punish yourself with your malice and you beat yourself with your atheism” this is possible by living the unseen presence of Christ within us, living the christian church with all our being. – which allows God to take out from the heritable mechanism the recessive weed and during the struggling efforts of that person, to transform the recessive geneses into dominant geneses, things that God can do. The powers of the faith, enhanced by the powre and the bless of God, have an unguessed great influence over our eventual infirmities. This miracle of the redressing happens wherever enough faith exists so that to dislocate the recessive configuration into a dominant one, even by births way or straight. God’s power hasn’t the limits of our incapacity and that’s why everything is possible for Him. But if we don’t want too He doesn’t interfere; He made us, but he doesn’t perfect the work without us.


Bearly a man, whom head is Christ (1 Corinthians 11, 3) will be able to stop the impulses of the pervertion and to watch undisturbed the fruit of life, during the proper time, since the conception until the complete detach from the mother’s breast. A such type of man without any dissension, will keep the preach of the old laws of the church, which stop him during fast and holidays as one who knows what God blesses and punishes. We talk here with all the understanding and knowledge that men with a resistent nervous system are able to abstain. While the weak, the nervous and the disequilibrium ones become more abnormal due to the abstinence from their genetic desires. Strong persons become stronger through that form of ascetism. This was said by Carrel (Alexis Carrel, Human,the unknown being, Ed. Cugetarea, Bucharest, 1944, ed. III, pg. 151), a great doctor of his times. See why for marriage is not enough only the age, alowed by the law, but also it is needed the proper age for faith in God, by which „guarding the boundaries of the law” to be assured the mastery over the passions. The person’s coming of age is decided by the mind and not by the instinct, by fauth and not by the unfaith, by abstinence and not by depravity. Our life has three stages during its development: vegetative stage – until birth; the bio – psychic stage without certain limits; and spiritual life. Many pass only through the first and teh second stages of life and they have no intention to reach the third phase. Being married to a such person, you will be in a continuous disequilibrium of the spirit’s requests. Those life will be a continuous curse adressed to the spirit and for the christian side will be a sort of martyrdom without a sure hope. The normal growth develops humans’ life to the spiritual phase, within intensive living of christian faith; bearly now, when teh young reach to live in the christian manner, they have enough guarantees that within their marriage will keep the laws of God and they will oppose the passion against the nature. Because no matter how much will be searched, will not be found another purpose of this instinct from God either than the conception of a child. Any deformation of this purpose is depravity and will decrease the christian life to the pagan life.


From human baby to celestial baby The christian church allways remembers its spiritual sons to not dive within the irrational emotions, as the last purpose of life and to not close the exit door from darkness into light, during their spiritual life. During the work of humans’s recreation within Christ, the two parts must feel that they are called to teh honour of being collaborators of God (1 Corinthians 3, 9), Who aims through them a divine intention, dressed withi a human baby. A marriage that has this purpose is blessed by God Who raises the wedding from instinct to its spiritual role, to the honour of Sacrament. It is the only guarantee of a lasting and on God’s will marriage. During his travel into a foreign country to search a wife, Tobit said those wise words: „And now, O Lord, I take not this my sister for pleasure, but in righteousness; therefore mercifully ordain that we may grow old together." (Tobit 8, 7) When God wants to embody a thought into the seen world as a new son of Him and to raise him to the perfection stairs of His creatures, He absolutely needs an appropiate marriage on earth. This situation of God we find in the Scripture under different forms. So, through the prophet Isaiah, the Word moans: “The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away,


no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.” (Isaiah 57, 1) - How do the righteous get lost? - Very easy. They are not born anymore. -And is it human’s guilt? Human must wonder why the righteous are not born anymore? -See that it is necessary, once the guilt is found; see that the righteous’s vanish is a problem we are responsible of. The marriage has the word. From those until now, it was understood something regarding the heritable mechanism of the environment governed by religion and by education, and here, talking about the christian life, we find ourselves in full spiritual structure, that still hangs by the human factors of marriage. From that perspective we fully understand the word of Saint Paul, who conditioned the salvation of the woman by her destiny as a mother. 1 Timothy 2: 15. „But women will be saved through childbearing - if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety (is so the old ones called the abstinence)”.


Giving bith to children along such behaviour is something that is agaist the polygamist and without any judgement instinct of the man without Christ; it is not possible the achievement of the divine intention without a husband capable of the same faith and behaviour. The belief that what is possible and what we might think that is impossible it is an unguessed power; a sort of an enhacement of human’s will with God’s will. We have proofs where we even can’t guess: in the modern physics, as regards the powers of the souls over the physic world, so over the body. By the simple touch of an object its structure is somehow changed. By the simple directioning of the known energy of the soul over a thing, this is influenced and changed and it is not asbolutely identical with itself before the experience. It can’t be said that is a severe determination of the material configuration, but at most an interdeterminism in physics. Those packages of energy bomb the living cell or the material, which gave those unpredictible mutations in the structure of their objective. It was written about the biology of the quantum. All those findings are linked to names, regognized all over the world. From here we pay attention to the fact that living organism easily registers a bombing of soul’s energy and causes to it the infinitesimal mutation according to the wish. And a little change in microbiology unleashes by enhacement, huge processes in the person’s configuration and sometimes even in the society’s configuration. So, how can’t the curse of an old lady, almost peeled of material, thrown with the biggest wrath over a guilty, to not reach him and change his physical and psychic configurations? The directional thinking, alike an arrow, may cause organic damages to the target. And again: how can’t a prayer said with love not to use and to change human from bad into good? How can prayer of a mother for her child, said with the fire of her being, not be usefull in the manner she wishes to? More: all the parents’ spiritual and bodily conditions, and especially those of the mother during the nine months are written within the child as inclinations or predispositions the child will have during his/ her life. Sorrows, bitterness, pains prepossess the child towards sadness, melancholy, unhealth. So all those must be avoided. During those times, if the mother steals a thing, the child will steal all his/ her life. If the mother drinks once, the child will drink all his/ her life – especially drinking has heritable support. If the mother prays to God, her child will pray too. The dominant spiritual athmosphere of the family, especially during those times, and especially that of the mother will be a feature of the entire life of the followers.


Now is the time to do whatever you want with your child, now you are responsible to protect the child from all the bads, you wouldn’t like to be upset with, because now it’s the only time when you can do that and the child will perfectly listen to you. So don’t let yourself be corrupted by the weakness of your husband who doesn’t understand the miracle your faith does, so that not to vainly cry later due to the wrongdoings of your child, because you didn’t watch him/ her clean, during the time when he/ she had to be protected. So mother redress your behaviour to God, Who does through you a miracle of a combination of a human baby with a celestial baby, a reward of happiness for your efforts. With those efforts, any mother will save herself. See the spiritual phase of family life, enduring the holy laws for a divine purpose, about what the Holy Scripture says: Wisdom of Solomon 6: 10. “They that keep holiness holily shall be judged holy: and they that have learned such things shall find what to answer”. See why Jesus come to the wedding and the wedding guests come to the judgement.


Chapter VI. SACRAMENTS’ ADMINISTRATORS Determinative words The Holy Scripture, through Paul the Apostle, spilts humans in two crowds: bodily and spiritual. „Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.” (Romans 8, 5-8) Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires (Galatians 5, 24). “We have an obligation - but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God” (Romans 8, 12-14). Because: „It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; for God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life” ( 1 hessalonians 4, 3-5, 7). In the times of that great sacraments administrator, Paul the Apostle, huge wrath was blowing over the christians. That’s why many were determined to perfectly abstain within marriage, to be allways prepared for the Holy Communion and the marthyrism confession. But Saint Paul, considering children as fruits of the marriage, allowed complete abstinence for the times of fast and prayers (1 Corinthians 7, 5). Fast was and still is on Monday, Wednessday and Friday, and the prayer and the Holy Communion on Saturnday and Sunday. In time, christian became weaker and so the Holy Parents addedin turn the four fasts, which are fast by all points of view. Since then the Holy Parents noticed that the human without any restraining decays and without fast he/ she can’t restrain and so he/ she can’t understand the spiritual ones. The prophet Joel since long time ago had said: „ Declare a holy fast... Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber” “ (Joel 2, 15-16) But saint paul, taking into account the present wrath advices them: “Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for a man to remain as he is. Are you pledged to a woman? Do not seek to be released. Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a 203

wife. But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this. The time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away” ( 1 Corinthians 7, 26 -31). In the days of the last wrath, we’ll get to the same advice. Until then, we notice that nowadays priests, having the same duty as Paul, don’t watch sexual immorality as a sin that ruin the humans structure in extent and deepness and let that to do as it wants. They don’t dare to take it out of the christian marriage Sacrament, that’s why it leads to the poorness and lost of its fruits, the children. So it happens that : „the teaching of the law by the priest being lost” (Ezekiel 7, 26), people fumble in the multitude of unknowledge and lack of advice, which extended as a night of damnation over the poor humans. This is a dangerous sleep, from both sides. Because it is written: “But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away” (Mathhew 13, 25). So not without a purpose we aknowledge that the weeds of the enemy will run riot the sheeps against the shepherds… What is happening within a human, at little scale, is happening also at large scale within the entire world. What happens in microbiology happens in macrobiology, in human society; with the difference that a little change within a person, with the extend and the lengh of time, can create among people a lost as never before. From the insignificant fact that the mind of a person with power was bent, is possible to lead to expulsion of millions of humans from God’s obedience. The fact the Jesus came to the wedding with His disciples (John 2, 2) proves that from the wedding the first divine miracle to good starts; from here a barrier against human nature ravage is raised. That’s why the wedding is raised from immorality to the honour of Sacrament, among the seventh ones, so that people to become perceptible and not to allow anymore within it the snakes of wrongdoings. For that, Saint maxim says: “Anyone who sin can’t defend his/ her sin with the weakness of the body. Because the union with God –the Word consolidated the nature, untying it by the curse, and not leting us any defence for free strat towards the passions. Because the divinity of the Word, allways present through the Grace within those who believe in Him, fades within


the body the law of the sin” (Saint Maxim the Confessor, Aswers for Talasie, op. cit., pg. 255). In the golden age of christianity, living within Christ was more powerful and nmore extended among christians; that made easier their battle with the passions; but nawadays, when God became derisive (Jeremiah 6, 10) even among christians, to talk about the fight with the passions means to get yourself into a spot. That’s why, today, no matther how much will cost that daring, we must relent people to a cleaner life, - because of that hang a lighter faith and so the salvation. For that as help I find their own misery and the terror for consequences, as bigger miseries. That way is athe one of a cobbler, because living within Jesus would spare us by talking. But those who live withn jesus are rare if they exist; those must be born, ther’s no other way; becaseu no matter with what or how it comes, the faith will manage to bend and to fade. The knowledge of salvation (1 Timothy 2, 4) lighted once as the sun within the people and today bearly a star is seen, because the people stay in the dark (matthew 4, 16) and in the shadow of death. The knowledge of salvation must be fire again among the people. Minas (talents)’ destiny If we agree that inside any person that comes into this world, God hides a thought of Him, a plan that he watch among the peole and according to it, the meci of the one who receive the necessary features to accomplish it, and so we are present to a great secret. God leads the things in many ways. From those we choose for explaination only two: the lead over the human mind’s awareness and power, the lead through the simply omnipotence of His will. The second is the lead to which he ties the human serving too; the lead that depends by the human, is determined by the human and is human loving. So the freedom of God made by love and hangs on the freedom of the human. Such a freedom has only the right one, because he/ she won the love of God. The sinner is the slave of the sin, his / her will is not free. What he / she thinks is freedom is a disequilibrium in God’s creation. For that, while the right one knows a personal God, full of love and close to people, the sinner feels a hard, hidden, aggressive, omnipotence and far away God. But there are sinners totally enemies of God, who don’t even allow to be called sinners. Thos don’t work together with God. Maybe over their work divine correction must come. Is so that we feel a mighty God, Who redresses, over the wills of the humans. The


equilibrium of creation and of life, damaged by the humans’ wrongdoings. This action of God, by which he constrain the facts of the people with the consequences, we call as penance. The penance is a type of God’s vigilance for the persons’ destiny and destinies of the people. But even if the bad is punished by itself, divine love still offers the possibilty to get of the malice dead end which punishes itself: if someone will consider to stay as good for his brothers against God. Those ones, provided by God with this task even before they were born (galatians 1, 15; Jeremiah 1, 5) and sent o acomplish it, they are His servants to whom He gave His wealth to take care of it. Luke 19: 12. A man of noble birth (Jesus) went to a distant country to have himself appointed king and then to return. (Second coming as Emperor and Judge) 13. So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas „Put this money to work” he said, „until I come back.” 14. But his subjects hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, „We don’t want this man to be our king. 15. He was made king, however, and returned home „after long time” (Mathhew 25, 19). Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it. The minas are talents: the endoements with gifts, missions, spiritual and civil tasks; the craft of art; the craft of science, of any science, the gift of managing well the wealth; shortly the values of the culture: moral, politic, theoretical (science), estetical, economic and religious values (Tudor Vianu, op. cit., pg. 30). And the servants are humans gifted with all values of talents. And without any question, it is undertsood that all the values, the talents should trade among people for God, because as a hierechy of a values exists so there is an Hierarch of those. But, the parable says that some of the gifted ones didn’t want to recognize the master, 80% revolted agaist the master of the wealth. Those are the ones who considers as theirs the gifts given by God. They bloat with the boasts, they fume their minds with the pride and take out God from their trade. All their efforst are equal with the burial of the minas within the earth. By not working the values according to the sense God planned them, means to get out the hierachy and to do anarchy.


So 20% stay in hierarchy and 80% in anarchy: exactly the situation of 20 sheeps in the middle of 80 wolves. And the miracle of God is that the sheeps win the wolves! We have as testimony the history of christianity. When luciferic pride covered the mind of the polical powers, represented by the emperor of Rome or the one of Byzantium, then he asked the people not only obedience but also worship. He considered himself as a god, ordered to be made a statue of him, took that to Pantheon and asked people to worhip it. But christians didn’t worship the idols. The god emperor was clashing the God of the christians. And because he couldn’t eliminate Him, he was killing the christians without any judgement, burning them being alive, crucifying them; the christians, without any guilt, were making the fake god angry because of their patience. Did a disaster happen? There was christian guilt. It didn’t rain; christians are guilty; there was fload, christians are guilty; the barbarians surrounded the empire, christians were guilty, - throw the christians to the lions!... See the values witin a conflict: political power, covered by the pride, planting its claws in the neck of humbleness and still it was seen the pride defeated by the humbleness. Paul was teaching the christians: „Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” (Romans 13, 1). The custom of the claws has deep roots. In the history of Egypt, while the Pharohs were respecting the faith, their dinasties lasted thousands of years. As soon as they raised their hands over the priests, they were finished; their temples turn off the light of science, their pyramids ramained monuments of death and the dinasties vainished. One of the Pharaoh ends with all his army in the Red See waves (Exod 14, 28). The mental disequilibrium of the pride contaminated almost all the values and created war between those. In the value of politics the pride cause the tyranny, terrorism, dictatorship; in religion, the inquisition, the despotism, the protestantism; in science and economy, the materialism; in art, the sensualism; in all it inserted the anarchy towards God, their Ierarch. So what those will say when they will be asked about?


Viewing through the veil Don’t be wrong tthought that the right one appears only in religion. This can show in any of God’s values or minas. But if this bearly appears in the religion, this is because bearly here it is known something about human’s hanging on God. So the carrier of any value if will reach to know about his hanging on God will become a right one. Right is the human of God, even if he is a priest , an emperor, a scientist, an artist, a money keeper, a rich, a poor. One thing is asked for that: to know himself as having spiritual origins and all the endowment from God. There are many rights that don’t even know they are right. For them the unknowledge is a great cover of dangers as the ganger of falling into pride of those aware of their virtue. In their holy unknowledgement they are simple as flowers, they don’t know anything about their beauty. For those who have a responsability for the people, it is necessary to know their hanging from God and they must return Him the honour and the task they have among people. That stops this normal situation is the veil from the mind, which is the sin’s divisive wall from God. Everyone sent by God in that world is endowed and capable to be right. But, by passing through the earthly birth, they are charged with parental burdens, which tired them and bend them till the ground. Then, weak by the efforst of life and the environment, hardly they will decide to represent the cause of God. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." God said to Jeremiah (jeremiah 1, 5), who tried to let go his mission of being a prophet. The prohet Jona adandoned God, Peter did the same; emperors and preists did so too. It is seen that is a risk of life to hang on God. It is a strange shame in people to become better. And the daring of serving God and advice them to do the same, many times put people in danger. Is the sheep’s fear by the wolf. But if Jesus would had been scared by the people and the hell, what would aour hope become? The secret of Jesus was that His body was hiding God; and our secret, the christians one, is that our being is hiding Jesus. This is the miracle that the sheeps win the wolves, no matter how big the pack is. To see with your eyes this miracle is only a way: clean life – according to the nature – which is helpful for humans and for God too, to help us. There is no regular way to break the wall and to thin the veil that detach humans by God and inserts the chaos within the creation. Because the sin of depravity and those of the entire wrongdoings impede or make impossible the appearance and perfection of Christ within us. Because only if Christ’s life


will reveal within us, we will know the traget towards we must aspire to and we will understand our purpose on earth. Inside the children, born from a clean marriage, tip the balance for good features and they are not defeated by the bad contexts of the envuironment, which they may find and perhaps they are meant to be againt that environment. Since their childhood they are more transparent for God and by that it is seen that they have the calling to be His disciples; and if time will ask that they will be martyr too. A scientist, who confesses God in his domain is often a martyr; a nations leader, if declares himself to hang on God is also a martyr, as if hanging on God would be a great guilt or weakness. And so happen to all gifted to God, when they don’t agree the world’s advice , to rob God by the gift he gave for good work they must fulfill in the world. More the “veil” done by sins and layed over the conscience’s eye is thiner, more the gifted ones find sooner who they are and what mission they have from God. Jesus, as a real human, had no divisive veil, so that when He was 12 years old he said to Saint Jioseph and the Holy Virgin, in the most possible natural manner: “Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?” (Luke 2, 49). He was in the temple of Jerusalem, surrounded by the old law theologians, asking and aswering them from the Scriptures. So the saints, the right one by excellence, due to the measurement of their faith and thei inherit lagacy from parents and increased with their own efforts, are a living lecture. Because they have inside them God - The Word, the One Who calls to other people His will through them. Arround those faith consolitates and extends and many are saved. By them the anarchy is stopped, by them the equilibrium and harmony are redress and through them the others see God. The holyness is that transparency of God in His creature, that great respectability friendship of the soul with his Father – the only normal and inherent situation of human and humans.


The right one between the love and the sword The disequilibrium, the chaos and the anarchy are approximately the same thing; a contortion, a degeneration, an accident, a collective sin. The disequilibrium or the sin is not a reality with own support, but are the claws of the chaos in the neck of reality, a watch of nothingness which wants to swallow inside it all that exist. God wants to stop the assault of the chaos winthin the being, but respecting the freedom of the human, He can do that only if He will win the human’s conviction for His intention. He win the right ones for that cause. The unright ones, loosing their freedom – while they serve the sin -, he can’t win through the freedom they don’t have anymore, that’s whay for those the only remained thing is the sword. By the sword we understand here: the bitterness of justice, the law, the authorities, the governance, the punishment and even sord punishment. When someone, with his/ her sinner facts, falls from the love of the Father, then he/ she encounters His justice and bounden will be redress to the way, alike a slave. He gaves him/ her also time, to let him/her redress by free will; but if he/ she doesn’t notice, then He takes the time and he/ she will suddently fall under the justice. A great power of recovering for those felt from Father’s love have the right ones, who stand for their brothers in front of the life’s Master. They are the balance between God amd people: obtaining the penitence from the humans and the mercy from God. When the right ones are missing from the people, love can’t fulfill so the justice must be fulfilled then. Many had this mission as intermediate between God and humans, but especially Jesus, and since Him, all the administrators of the Sacaraments, the Apostles and their legal followers. The priests, update through the sacrifice without blood, the Holy Communion, the constancy of this intermediation. That’s why the priest – it is understood that he must be a right one – is named more than that; he is the angel of Lord Almighty (Malachi 2, 7) (Who is also Jesus). „The angels of the Church” from the Apocalypse were seven bishops, who received redressing for some lack of attention. The priests have the concern to melt the humans during the time for retund, so that not to fall from mercy to the crush of the justice. They received the great gift to forgive in the name of God. Great and crushing gift. Why don’t the humans understand it? The easiest and driftless thing is to condemn the priests. To be right: priests’ service is holy, their gift is from God, is saint. Their earthly nature offer occasions for madness, be right again: they haven’t other way to come into that world but birth through earthly bodies wherein formicate as snakes the impulses of the wrongdoings and those corrode alike the


worms the inclinations of the passions, and so they will be subdued by this heritage and will not be able to fulfill their mission on earth without any shadow. Their call is enveiled, they will doubt in decisions (Isaiah 28, 7), being defeated by the world, instead they to defeat the world. Of course that those by their life will not let the people to believe and so will allow the sheeps to become wild against their shepherd and will bring joy to the wolves. Arround them the dark of unknoledge will become more powerful and will stats the hungry, not for bread, but for the Word of God, the bread from the Skies. The salt of the earth will be underfoot and so: „ what happens to the people happens to the priest too” (Isaiah 24, 2). But the people will pay for this bad consition of things, because the entire decay starts from the parents. See how much the mercy from God hangs on the humans. But justice don’t hang on people, those must sufffer it without any haggle. God’s love and sword continuously work and in the same time for everyone: for each, according to the needs; that not only because humans are mixed, but also because each individual has his/ her own times when the mercy shines for him/ her and also times when the sword oppress him/ her – to come back to the mercy stage. In all that turn of things, the priest and in general the right one, has the task to explain the secrets of divine plan, relenting both sides, the human and God. Many times the right ones cop it, because he receives arrows from both parts. „The right ones who dies comdemn the wrongdoers who live…they’ll see the end of the wise one, but they will not understand what advice God had with that one…” (Wisdom of Solomon 4, 16 -17) . If we acceopt what Carrel says, human person extends in many ways and beyond his anatomic edges. We are also spiritual persons. Love and hate are realities. A broken love can cause sometimes death. A resurrected love is a resurrection. If we could see the wires that connect each others, the form of the humans would be strange. Some people would exceed a little the surface of their skin, others would extend until a bank account, others to the body of anyone, others to the bar, others to the wealth. Some would seem to us to have the hands pointed over the sees and the countries, until their families, until the mountains and the sky of the country where they were born, until their freinds, until an old house. The nations leaders, the great benefactors would be alike some giants who extend multitude of arms over a country, a continent or the entire world (Alexis Carrel, op. cit., pg. 264). Who knws, if the parents has a purpose when they adviced their disciples to have their soul gathered where their body was; because, having the soul dissipated they received many damages and were not improving. Who knows, if the testimonials of some seer Parents about the fire column that was raising from a spiritual progressed one to the sky, was not this


concentration of the happy one personality: the mind within the heart and both within God, receiving the shape of a fire column. There are many things we don’t know, compared to what we know about the human; but that we surely know is that the spirit is not limited by the four dimesnions of the seen world. The helm from the distance Why does God blame the humans for the fact that the right one is not born and that they don’t notice that? The answer is the following: the right ones are God’s tools, by whom He advices the nations and by them He make possible His mercy over the people; so if He hasn’t them, people will face the wrath of His justice, according to their facts. The familiy, with its fruits heavy with wrongdoings, brings God to an impasse; that’s why people have to aswer for their facts and they are in the same danger like the fruitless fig (Luke 13, 6; Mark 11, 13). „I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.” (Ezekiel 22, 30) The first right that stood in front of God for others was Abraham (Genesis 18, 23). Other was Moses, who even straiten God to forgive the people who did a great sin, by worshiping the golden calf, saying: “But now, please forgive their sin--but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.” (Exodus 32, 32) And God obeys the human. Another right, Jesus Navi, Moses’ s follower, entering the land of promise, during a fight with the Amorites, he prayed that the sun to stay on its place and it dis, until God allowed him to win the enemies. And never before or never after was such a day when God to obey in this way the voice of the human” (Jesus navi 10, 14) confesses the Scripture. Ussualy people start with their facts some unseen storms; those return to their heads too, but in the most possible seen way. God, before knowing the end of each, arranges for eveyone expiations in this world. “ God is long term patience and merciful but he doesn’t let anything unpunished” (Naum 1, 3). But He does nothing without showing His secret to His servants (Amos 3, 7). See the right ones as messenger of God’s will, as before seer, beyond fourth dimension, the


time. The Holy Scripture would be a copy of the unseen Book from the helm of the world. The right one reaches to the origins of the Scriptures. So, God adviced with the celestial army, deciding and end with punishment for king Ahab and shows His secret to the prophet Micheia (3 Kings 22, 19). The bitter punishment of the emperor of Babylon, who abused by his power and became so prideful, “sustains upon the wish of the angels and on the command of the saints”. (Daniel 4, 14). Daniel understood this secret, and he advices the prideful emperor to redeem his sins, fact by which the unseen punishement, thata hanged over him, would be avoided. And God, the One Who obeys the advice of His servants (Ibidem) gave him 12 months to redress. But the emperor, not used to obey, didn’t want to redreem his sins by free will, according to the mercy way, and so the law of justice, of the redeem without wanting, reached him. He didn’t want to redress his mind that’s why his mind was taken from him and he was expelled from the people and for seven years he fed with the oxen (daniel 4, 24, 26, 29). Being planned by God to be emperor of Babylon, he shouldn’t become prideful and to ask people to worship him, a temptation above the power, which was extended over the Jewish people, that God gave him into slavery and not for getting lost. Beside that, he was a scary despot, so that his soldeiers shoulders were bare and because of the effort to build the great city of Tyre, everyone got bald (Ezekiel 29, 18). He had to behave as a servant of God and not

as a despot, making so much

disturbance among God’s creation. The wrath he unleashed over him, stopped his wrongdoings so that after the punishment times passed, he saw his purpose and hanging from God. See the wisdom confessing of this despot of the old history, given by himself: „At the end of that time (the seven years of madness), I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever.

His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures

from generation to generation… Everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.” (Daniel 4, 31, 34) The helm of the nations is done from the hights too. It is an expiation of the nations. That was first revealed to Abraham: “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions. In the


fourth generation your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.” (Genesis 15, 13-14, 16) When the right time came, when the Jewish returned from Egypt, Solomon sees other secrets of the expiation Book, by looking back in time. See how God judged the Egyptians: From the 10 punishments, the hardest was the night which lasted for 3 days, with its scary fears, “which came from hell over them” (Wisdom of Solomon 17, 14). During that night their hidden sins were revealed. It was the icon of the darkness that would cover them in the end. Thrown in a part or another on the earth and half deads, they discovered the reason why they had to die. Because the apparitions which scared them were revealing that thing, so that not to die without knowing: why they suffer so much (Wisdom of Solomon 18, 19). See also the end of God’s judgement with them: the military disater of the Pharaoh: Wisdom 19: 1.

As for the ungodly, wrath came upon them without mercy unto the end: for he knew before what they would do;


How that having given them leave to depart, and sent them hastily away, they would repent and pursue them.


For whilst they were yet mourning and making lamentation at the graves of the dead, they added another foolish device, and pursued them as fugitives, whom they had intreated to be gone.


For the destiny, whereof they were worthy, drew them unto this end, and made them forget the things that had already happened, that they might fulfil the punishment which was wanting to their torments:


And that thy people might pass a wonderful way: but they might find a strange death. While God was merciful with some He was stafing the others, because the

measurement of their wrongdoings was fulfilled. And so that the ones who received God’s mercy to pay attention, others secrets from the Book of nations helm were revealed to Moses, while the people was getting close to the lad of promise. God counts Moses all the wrongdoings of sexula immorality, from what He awares to protect the people, and finally He adds: Leviticus 18: 24. Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled.


25. Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants. 26. But you must keep my decrees and my laws. The native-born and the foreigners residing among you must not do any of these detestable things, 27. for all these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled. 28. And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you. See that the inhabitants with depraved life are not protected by any borders or weapon when God preordains them for punishment, but for a clean life God protects them as no one else in the world. The nations have a hidden destiny in God. When those follow their destiny, God protects them, when they betray Him, they must prepare for punishment. But they didn’t obey and from generation to generation they became worse, see how the voice of Hosea thunders: Hosea 4: 1. Hear the word of the Lord, you Israelites, because the Lord has a charge to bring against you who live in the land 2. There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. 3. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; and bloodshed follows bloodshed. 4. Because of this the land dries up, and all who live in it waste away. Being so used to the sins they didn’t obey; that’s why more wrath came over them, by adding more wrongdoings until through prophet Jeremiah, God announced them the fall of Jerusalem and the going into slavery. It is intersting that historical moment, when the prophet fights with the king to melt him surrender without any resistence and save his life, but the king – due to his duty as a king –prefers to die but never to surrender. This premonition, which was a consequence of people and the king decayed life, God explains to Jeremiah, saying:” Perhaps when the people of Judah hear about every disaster I plan to inflict on them, (Jeremiah 36, 3), perhaps they will listen and each will turn from his evil way and then I will relent and not bring on them the disaster I was planning because of the evil they have done” (Jeremiah 26, 3). But for these words Jeremiah was almost killed (Jeremiah 26, 11). Because God’s word was offensive for them (Jeremiah 6, 10) and they mocked the messengers of God, and


despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy” (2 Chronicles 36, 16). In those times Jeremiah was praying: “We acknowledge our wickedness, Lord, and the guilt of our ancestors; we have indeed sinned against you. For the sake of your name do not abandon us!” (Jeremiah 14, 20) But he received the following answer: “Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my heart would not go out to this people. Send them away from my presence! Let them go! And if they ask you, tell them, This is what the Lord says: ” (Jeremiah 15, 1-2). And I completely closed the way of the prayer (Lamentations 3, 8), and they He brought the devastation. „

He brought up against them the king of the Babylonians, who killed their young men

with the sword in the sanctuary…Then they set fire to God’s temple and broke down the wall of Jerusalem; they burned all the palaces and destroyed everything of value there. And those who escaped from the sword, and they became servants to him in Babylon” (2 Chronicles 36, 17-20), in the slavery that lasted 70 years. To that great mourning a bigger one is added: “The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children: they were their meat in the destruction times” (Lamentations 4, 10). Why so much wrath? Jeremiah wonders. And he receives the answer with its origins, a deep answer: “Your prophets have not discovered thine iniquity, to turn away your way!” (Lamentations 2, 14) It is true that reavealing the wrongdoings is the most dangerous preach, but also the only one which may actaully do something. All run away from that. Not even for winning God they don’t want to be in conflict with the people. They have no power! Why? See why: „And among the prophets of Jerusalem

I have seen something horrible:


commit adultery and live a lie. They strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that not one of them turns from their wickednesses. Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty (name of Mesiah in the Old Testament) says concerning the prophets: ” (Jeremiah 23, 14-15).


“Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!” declares the Lord!” (Jeremiah 23, 1). Why did God struggle with the killers of the right ones for 1500 years, sending His servants day after day, in the mourning (Jeremiah 7, 25), that meaning in a time when still was time to avoid the punishments which hung over them and the wrath, which was decreasing like the fire over their wrongdoings? The lily from the cross Within this nation a great destiney was hidden: since the begining of times hidden Secret and not known even by the angels. It had to, it was written in the unseen history, that when time was there, among people to raise the lily of the human kind: the Holy Virgin, Mother of God. It was necessary the re-building of this creation, inlided with no cure towards the payment for the sin and to the cruel death. Through the Judean people the christian age was scheduled, as God’s last struggle, the last remaining action. The only resolution, which makes possible the life of nations, finds among the Judeans nothing else than their most murderer act, that from the yard of Pilate and from the Hill of Golgotha. The lily of the Annunciation, come down among people due to His love, was crucified by the Judeans on the cross. With that murderer act, they were out their destiny, for what God stuggled so much so long time and pushed their nation under the wheels of the curse. That’s why: „For the Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or household gods. 5 Afterward the Israelites will return to faith and they will come trembling to the Lord and to his blessings in the last days” (Hodea 3, 4-5). Until the time will come, the curse they asked in the yard of Pilate hangs over them: “His blood is on us and on our children!” (Matthew 27, 25) That’s why they are so hated by all nations – because this is the burden of the curse they themselves asked for their followers. This curse hurries them to embrace all the antichrist of times, until the last one whom they will make king. Also the wished times will come, but even for them the revealing of the antichrists is a cursed destiny. When they will be aware of that, they will come trembling to the christian faith. So until the end of the days, when they will return too, their legacy is ours, the new Israel, the Christian nations. Until then for them the blood of Jesus is curse and anger. On the contrary, for us, the blood of Christ is the heal from the anger (Romans 5, 9). The proof of the


greatest love for the humans – the Saviour pass through death for us – has the power to save those who receive it and is damnation for those who don’t want to receive it. Some stay under the grace, some under the sword. All over God’s world, there is no other powerful preach than the Saint crucified because of the hate and Who forgives His killers. This shows something all-powerful and endless: perfection. They didn’t understand, that’s why they spend those” endless” days, hunger days: “not a famine of food or a thirst for water, they will stagger from sea to sea

but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. And

and wander from north to east, searching for the word of

the Lord, but they will not find it” (Amos 8, 11-12). That’s their famine for thousands of yers: God doesn’t speak to them anymore!... All the tragedy of this nation, who deadly is in conflict with Jesus Christ, is a great lesson of God showed to the christian people until the end of days. History will repeat with all the nations who will do what they did. The same acts bring the same consequences, so produce the same history; for that you don’t have to be a prohpet at all. Responsibles The fact that God did everything from is side for the humna, even the sacrifice on the cross, proves that human has a huge price, unbelievable huge. The human has the dimensions of divine intention; the center and the synthesis of His creation: the seen world combined with the unseen one. See why we are indebt to live according to this divine intention; to live in the same time both as seen persons and as unseen persons; because human has the value showed on the cross. When the human lives according to his/ her real value, he/ she is subject of history, while when he/ she renounces to his/ her divine dimensions he /she is object of history, among any other objects; the human doesn’t bear a name but a number. So, the meaning is the human’s descent from the simple economic value than his/ her degradation to the order of cattle, who will get wild and push their leaders until the madness’s edges. That is the fact of some who would throw the lilies to garbagge, worshiping more the garbagge than the smell of the lily. For the decay of the human from the name to a number, all the endowed ones by God will be responsible, all those who have the gifts, responsabilities, aggrandizements, powers and all sorts of graces.


King David, once endowed with the gift of mastery and the one of prophecy, received a great punishment, only because he dared to count the people (2 Kings 24). The gift of prophecy was taken away from him for a while and 70 thousands from his people died – and he was the one who was wrong, not the people (2 Kings 24, 17). So the precursors and the keepers of the power will be responsible, even for the sword coming according to the justice, as Ezekiel, the prophet of the secrets said to us: Ezekiel 33: 1. The word of the LORD came to me: 2. “Son of man, speak to your people and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, 3.

and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people,


then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head.


Since they heard the sound of the trumpet but did not heed the warning, their blood will be on their own head. If they had heeded the warning, they would have saved themselves.


But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.’

7. “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. 8. When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for [a] their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 9.

But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved.” (Ezechiel 3, 21)

The right ones have this hard and full of dangers duty when they must answer for the mistakes of the people (Lamentations 2,14; Jeremiah 14, 10; Isaiah 58). „By his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many” (Isaiah 53, 11). That’s why he must be ron pillar and a bronze wall (Jeremiah 1, 18) and like flint (Isaiah 50, 7) and also he must be the good shepherd, who lays down his life for the sheeps (John 10, 11).


Indeed, this duty can be done only be somebody who adandoned life and loves God. That’s why Peter says, that is hard for the righteous to be saved (1 Peter 4, 18), judging the difficulty of that task. Because nobody is right without having a purpose from God or any work to fulfill. The salvation of the right one depends by the fulfillment of his destiny from God and is put in dager by the sparing of his own life, when he does that in prejudice of the divine intention. Neither God had other stronger word than the sacrifice itself. The sacrifice is the closest approach of God love and will to the human’s freedom. It is the touching boundary between the divine will and the human’s freedom. And within His disciples sent from time to time, is also Him the One Who repeats His word and remembers about the price human has in front of God. He, lived with all the being’s sincerity is the only way which may bring peace among people and good assent; all the other solutions different from the living of christianity hurry the apocalypse coming. The science without God, against the human, started to do the last madness: the unleash and the inflammation of the elements. 2 Peter 3: 10. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. The wrongful administator So the purpose of the administrators is to return back to God the great crowd of people to the „native land” (Jeremiah 22, 10). But they have also enemies who accuse them before God day and night (Revelation 12, 10) for wasting their possessions (Luke 16, 1). Because since the enemy was thrown on the earth he consider himself as master of all the world kingdoms. The enemy is not ashamed not even by Christ and says to Him: “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.” (Luke 4, 6-7). It is understood that any benefaction, any use of the world according to the law of love for humans is a damage, a great prejudice for the mastery of this mad angel. You know haw are the insanes: they consider themselves as something of a great importance and ask people to worship them, they consider themselves as emperors and masters, because their desease requires that; and much more Lucifer, the doer of madness demands that. So any love, inside his supposed kingdom is a lost; and any hate – according to his evil wish- is a good act. But


the kingdom in reality belongs to God, the entire world belongs to God and if that is managed with hate, not with love, it happens that the adminitators will be in great debt to God. Any obedience of the real master of the world is a damage in the kingdom of the mad “mastre” and any obedience of the mad master of the earth push humans under the burden of a debt or mistake done against God. So, if according to the reality, the property and the mastery of that world belongs to God then the human is a sort of lodger, a sort of an adminitrator and nowise the absolute master of the world. Because if the human would consider himself/ herself as absolute master of the world then will be alike the mad angel faith. To avoid the humans from that decay, God named him as wrongful administrator, due to the fact that he hasn’t the absolute property rights, but only the relative property. On the other hand, He did so to protect him to fall into the madness of the evil angel. So, as soon as human consider himself as the absolute master of the world, he clashes with God, he rejects God, he removes Him, he expropriates Him and by those he has the same opinion as Lucifer. The poor human doesn’t realize that, by receiving the temptation, will be crushed under the ruins of his/ her own mad love. When the human ssticks to the being, the properties, the slave, those become mammon, which means money and richness. So you can’t serve God and mammona in the same time. With all of these, God appreciates the accused administrator who made friendship with the unjustice mammona and promises him to accept him into the kingdom when he will dissipate it, according to the divine law of divine love – it is understood that it reffers to the scatter of the mammona. From here we can see the purpose of the richness: the poorness doesn’t save you, neither the richness condemns you; and alike the richness doesn’t save you, neither the poorness condemns you, but it depends on how you have the soul as regards the richness and the poorness. If you are poor and your thinking aims towards wealth, see that poorness doesn’t save you. If you are rich, but your heart is unleshed by your wealth, see that your richness doesn’t put you in danger. It depends on how your soul is regarding that aspect: in regards to one or another you may be saved or condemned. The mammona of injustice has a great defender: the golden calf, which bucks all that would try to scatter that to the poors of the world. The master of the calf accuse the wrongful administrators in front of God, Who by dissipating the calf through the love for humans, those became wiser than the children of light (Luke 16, 8). Poor God, has no place to put His head on, because the rich ones and the crafty pen of the scribes (Jeremiah 8, 8) expropiated Him from the right of owner and author of this world. Who knows if He still has the right to feel angry and to broom all their thoughts together with


their mammona too. Because the property right comes more from the statute of author then the property act. So, when God shakes the mammona (richness) is a sign that it was not well managed by the people and He calls them to account; because He said : “Be for the poors ones like a father! “ (Wisdom of jesus Sirach 4, 10). So, having the absolute rights above the economic value, He may name administrator on whoever wants, even on those who reject Him. With this almighty planing, by which God do His will, using also even his enemies, God slaps from tiime to time His confessors to awake them from their heartlessness which they keep the Lazars to their doors. The Parents said that our only real fortune is represented by our sins. Because according to them, you own only the thing you have done out of nothing. And accomplishing that aspect, God did the being out of nothing, and the being did the sin. So, viweing that reality, human doesn’t belong to himself or to other human and he belongs to God. On the other way as author of the sin cause the fact that it reclames and it follows him/ her , as object of property – as ballast of the accident – which may lead the human to the stage of adandoning God and be against God, as author of a terrible novelty – the sin – without noticing that by that he/ she returns under the bitter tiranny of the nothingness, the chaos in all aspects and maybe forever. This is the awsome novelty, that human could do what God can’t, that mening the evil. The fact after all judgement, the sinners are locked in the tortures of endless chaos, is not a revange from God, but an approval of the feedom and viciated decision of the human, so that he/ she be together in the infinite eternity with his/ her beloved creation –the sin. The sin, this real unright mammona of the human, must be scatter; we must ask God forgiveness for those earnings and also His help to scatter that. The priests are the adminitrators of God’s secrtes who decrease for their brothers this mammona, forgiving a part of the debt. That’s why Lucifer raises great accusations against them in front of God, day and night and inflames against them all the wraths of the adversity. “They triumphed over him

by the blood of the Lamb

testimony; they did not love their lives so much

and by the word of their

as to shrink from death” (Revelation 12,

11). That’s why, Saint John Chrysostom was right when he said: “The torments that tempest the soul of the priests are more than those which are on the sees” (Saint John Chrysostom, About priesthood, Craiova, 1941, pg. 61). The administrators of the secrets, the servants of the Holy Liturgy are also continue sacrifice in the name of love, burn in that world for its salvation.


Chapter VII. LOVE’S KINGDOMS A sister of life We are not born by time but by the eternity. So it happens that we have within a piece of dust the other world too. Even we live for a while dressed by this world, still we have moments when brother dream and sister death circle arround us and split our being into two parts. We have moments when we are released by the bonds of the four dimensions of the seen world and we suddently wake up into another manner of existence and we get inside another way of knowing. See the next story: Somebody was relating, saying: „ It happens that I was a poor man, with wife and children and I had no assests. The world was so bad and nobody was helping me; that’s why I thought to do the same and go robbing. So one night I left to accomplish this planned action. But not being skilled for that, I was caught bu the guardians, who tied me and put me into jail. After some time they judged me for robbery. They judged me and condemned me to death. That’s why I was taken out the city , tied up with my hands at back, we stopped near a forest, where they had to hang me by a tree. When they put the strap arroud my neck, I startled and I was awoke. I was wet be sweat, but saved by the strap. What did happen? I was spleeoing on my back and from the ceiling a piece of the plaster felt right on my neck and that awoke me. So, I lived an entire story, which encompesses so many things during many days, all together in a single moment.” In the records of an elder from the Holy Mountain, it is written the following story: „An invalid came to Kapsala. He was suffereing from many years and he lost his patience. His soul was getting weak so in tears he was praying God to short his life. An angel came and said to the invalid: - Well brother, God, in His endless mercy listend your prayer: He will short your earthly life if you agree that for an year of sufference you will endure on the earth - by which you would clean like gold in the fire – to spent three hours in the works of hell. Your sins request your cleaning through the pains of your own body, so that you to survive as an invalid for one more year, because for you, as for all the belivers, thare is no other way to Heaven, except for the way of the Cross, which was shown by God –the Human, the One without any 223

sin. The way of the Cross makes you to suffer. So try to see how are the eternal agony, endured by all the sinners; but you will suffer only for three hours and then you will escape from there through the prayers of the Church. The poor one started to think: - To suffer one year more on earth is a long time! Beter I suffer three hours of sufference on the other world; and he said to the angel: I agree to go to hell. The angel took the soul and locked it inside the hell’s prisons. - After three hours I’ll come to search you, the angel said with his softening voice. After the angel left, everything became dark, a darkness alike the pitch, a terrible jam, a racking noise of moans of the sinner souls, evil spirtits with flaming eyes who with their horridness, were encasing him and frozen his being, and he couldn’t do anything to protect; all of those were catching him with claws of terror and were diving him into an indescribably fear. He couldn’t see anything, even the sufferance and the sobs were shouting all over the palce. The firing eyes of the demons were shining in the dark and those were seen above their malformed shades, who were darting over him, ready to break him and to devour him with a beast swallow. The poor soul started to cry because of the fear, but nobody was answering to his calls, except for the echo of the abyss, devasted by the beasts. Te hours becaem years. He even thought that hundreds of years passed since he was in those works and the angel didn’t appear anymore. So he was clenched by despair taht the angel will not come back and suddently he greted his teeth. Nobody heard him, because all the sinners from the caves were busy with their own sufferances; and the wild demons were ridiculing their pains. Just when he grated his teeth for the second time, the sweet light of angelic slave was descending above the tortured ones and with celestial smile asked: -How do you feel brother? - I woulnd’t believe that angels lie too! the poor one moaned, having the voice full of pain. - What do you mean by that? Peaceful the angel asked. - I mean that you promised me to take me out of here after three hours and hundreds of years passed since I suffer here! - What do you say? Hundreds of yers? Said the angel smiling. An hour passed since I let you here and you have two more hours to stay.


- An hour passed and I have two more hours! IS it possible that only an hour to be passed? I can’t endure those pains anymore, I have no power. If it possible and God wants, please take me out from here. I want to suffer non earth years and hundreds of years, but even until the judgement day, but please take me out from here: have mercy on me. In that way the poor soul was painly crying, raising the hands towards the angel of light, who answered: -God, as the Father of clemecy, had mercy on you and takes you aut of here; but you brother, when you get back to eath, remember that no matter how great are the sufferances in hell, comparred to those from the earth and that is better to accomplish your penintence until you are in the body then after. When the angel finished his words, the poor invalid awoke on the earth, surrounded by the sun, and the previous hour was looking more to an hour..” he was happy as the one saved from hell. Those kind of tricks does the sister death in other occasions too. For instance, is known the fact that those who are suddently in danger to death, see their entire life in a moment. The entire content of the memory is unleashed as a torment and falls over the consceince and floads that and then they forget everything: they lose their conscience. This fact of seeing the entire life of years in just one second, is of course a feature of the soul and not of the body. If the mix betwen the body and the soul wouldn’t be curbed by God’s will, the features of the soul would be like falshes, which would burn in a second the piece of dust, wherein God’s blast stays. But we are a blast of God’s love. So, according to our body, we are a drop of dew, comparred to the endless cosmos, which entirely fits into our conscience. When sister death unties us by the body, it makes us a great good, even without we to wish or to know. Everything is bad in this world: unknowledge, incapacity, darkness, the sin with its thousands of claws, stop through death. The evil is condemned to death, so death helps us. Not the body is the evil, but through death, the evil is killed for good, that’s why the body will resurrect from deads. Within the death is the resurrection. For now, death is for the soul a real escape from the prison, and for the body, death is the break of the evil that styed in the mechanism of the passionate births. So, when will be the resurrection of the deads, the bodies will receive that cosmic mutation and will not be limitted by the time’s barriers, like now.


Humans run, how much they can, from the creeps of knowledge – a knowledge of themselves in relation with to God, in relation with eternity of the soul, in relation with good and bad. In a single word, they run until death from any existential knowledge. So, what they don’t know, being masterd by a biological laziness, they think that doesn’t exist and they stay in that thinking during the earthly life. The situation sudently changes during the time of death. All the things they had to know during their life, but they run and denied those, now invade them with a fatal evidence. During the earthly life knowledge depended by the freedom of the human: if he/ she wanted to know, he/ she could know; if he/ she didn’t want to know, he/ she remained in unknoledge. But immediately after deah, this freedom stops and the soul knows without wanting, what it avoided when it was dressed in the body. This knowledge has two great moments: the one of death, when the soul is untied by the unknowledge and the moment of resurrection when the body is untied by the unfaith too. Because the unfaith has its origins more in the cohabitation of the soul with the body. But it has to join the conscience and the faith too. The death unties the soul from the body and so the soul gets to the knowledge of its spirituality and immortality; the resurrection entirely unties the body from death and unfaith. The death and the resurrection fulfill, as regards the conscience and the salvation from the bad, what not even the most impressive efforts of the holiness can do. Until we don’t pass through those gates, our knowledge is just a piece. Customs from the sky When the time for soul to get aut of this world comes, it retreats from the body and comes towards the head. That’s why those who had an intense spiritual life, have serene face due to an unsual light. For many of the saints from the dessert, during the time of their soul’s exit, their faces were shining like the sun. The soul is a spiritual being who hasn’t the limits of the body and who is not stopped by the barriers of the body. During that time, a peaceful conscience shows a serene face, while a disturbed conscience shows a terrified face. That’s why the Wise one advices: 1. „Remember now your the Creator in the days of your youth, while the evil days come not… 5……because man goes to his long home… 6. (Remember your Creator) before the silver cord be loosed…


7. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” (Ecclesiastes 12, 1,5,6,7) Souls’s detachement from the body is done for three earthly days, starting from the moment we call as death. The service of the burial corresponds with the complete detachment of the soul from the body. When the souls gets out from the earthly tent, it passes into the world of the unseen beings, alike it, among good angels, if it was good or among the decayed angels, if its acts wre bad. Different from the earth where there were hours, days and yers, beyond is a continuous “today”, a lighting eternity for the soul who acquired the holiness, or a dark eternity, the black eternity for the soul who loved the deterioration. Now the soul discovers the duty of knowledge. If the soul dindn’t reach and didn’t want to reach on the earth to the completeb knowledge of itself, it is necessary to know itself, as spiritual being, beyond the grave. The soul must realize what it earned; it must admit and pronounce its judgement, before God judges it. On earth it had the help of the divine Grace from the Holy Sacraments, which helped it to know itself and to judge its behaviour. Beyond, it can’t know itself by free will, because the mission to discover the soul’d deterioration belong now to the decayed angels. The demons, the masters of evil on earth, will now reveal all the bad acts of the soul, who will adnit those and will be terribly scared. By this recognition it will prevent the judgement of God over it. So all the mistakes recognized in front of the spiritual confessor, with defeated and humble heart and for what the soul did the punishment, will not be a barrier, when the soul passes through the customs of the skies, because the power of God erased those from tehri books. To this awful search of the soul, the guardian angel is present, who accompanies the soul during this travel. The customs of conscience are for the middle souls, who will see God’s face even if will be condemned. The enemies of God, the atheist, who get crazy, saying with hate that there is no God, will not pass anymore through the customs, they being totally the sons of loss. Those souls will be pulled out from the bodies by a big crowd of devils and the damned soul has not even the solace to see even for far away the face of the guardian angel, if that unbeliver was baptized. Alike the good angels don’t approach the soul who gave itself to loss, so the bad abgels will not approach the saints’ souls, who in a contemplation condition, raise to God as a


flame of fire. Now, the soul bows to God, its father, not because of the faith, but because of seeing Him. Those who have pure hearts will see God – this is the happiness. The knowledge must be complete for the stage wherein the soul is now. That’s why it is lead by the angel to see the heaven, the happiness of the right ones, the reward of good acts, but more it is lead to see its good acts, or those wich it might do, but it didn’t. Now the soul will understand what endowments Father gave it, what it could do, and from those what it really did. Now it knows its measurement from God and how much did the soul fulfilled it. In the 9th earthly day ( the 6th day from the burial) the soul comes back to God and bows Him. On earth, the Church does the prayer for the nine day since the death of that person. The relatives and friends, within the Church’s collective, raise a prayer to God and love for their brother, to be arranged in the crowd of the right ones, among good angels. After this second bow of the soul, from God’s command, the soul will go to see the hell too, the sufferences of the sinners, the gnash of the teeth, the eternal fire, the external darkness, where is the cry of the last despair. Beyond there is no time, like here on earth, but the eternity. Still, this travel of the soul through hell last arround 30 earthly days. During this time, the soul entirely knows the payment for the sin, the consequences of the wrongdoings it did. If it accomplished the penitence for those, it will fear less; if not did the penitence, and the death caught it in those sins, its fear will be terrible. Now it knows its “place” according to justice, wherein will work suffer and is shaking by fear. Individual judgement of the soul After seeing the hell, the soul will retrun for the third time to bow God. Now is enlightened. It saw the good and the bad. Now it doesn’t say like on earth that there is no heaven and hell. Now it doesn’t say like the minless thief: „I don’t believe that a prison exist!”. And just because you don’t believe, does it mean it doesn’t exist? But if it is real, what are you going to do? If you think that the hell exist – and it isn’t – you didn’t lose anything. But if is it? You lost yourself, you lost everything! See why the Parents said to us the terrestrial ones, that because we didn’t see either the Heaven or the Hell, we haggle with the faith. We understand in a certain degree the ardour of the Apostle Paul, who was kidnepped to Heaven (2 Corinthians 12, 3): with those he was sure about the absoulte existence of the spiritual kingdom, about he was more sure than the existence of all seen ones (Ibidem); that was the rush of an unseen before apostleship.


In the unseen kingdom of the spirits, during the 40 earthly day, it happens a great judgement regarding the soul, who was enlighten in so short time, that in an tens of yers on earth. The church from the earth prays to God for the third time, for the soul who waits the judgement from the Emperor of the world. The master of life holds the keys of death and Hades (Revelation 1, 18). So, if the soul, during the earthly life, was a good soldier of Christ the Emperor, then it enters the collective of the saints, the good angels, enjoying all the efforts and sufferences gladly edured on earth for Christ. But if it didn’t live for Christ but only for itself and for all the deceits of this world, it will stay with the devils, in the “place” for work. So, the individual judgement, for each soul, happens during the 40 day after the soul move from its tent of clay. The decision of God regarding where the soul will go in the Kingdom of the light or will de damned in the kingdom of the pains, it is a provisory decision and will be so until the Last Judgement. That is definitive and endless. A description of hell First let’s see a theological description. Within God’s kingdom nothing unclen enters. So, we can imagine how few are those who remain in the Kingdom, even since the individual judgement, for the endlesss eternity. And all the rest? - All the rest even faitful, if they didn’t clean through the penitence by their sins, by their pride, vainly slave and all the others, they pass into the unseen world in a condition, let’s say of illness, but they didn’t lose the possibility to be also in the collective of Christ’s Church. But until then? - Until then they suffer in hell. Because in hell there are many types of damned ones. Some are there for ever, some until the last judgement, when the fighting Church from the earth takes them out, by prayer and mercy. If you want to redeem here on earth you can do that. It is an act of the free will. Beyond, there is no free will. Those who during life were slave of the sin, by their own will, even since here they lost the freedom of the will. So, in their stage of freedom death caught them, in that stage will stay, as long as God will decide. Did the soul leave this life with spur for penitence? This pur will be considered as good, and even it didn’t have time to do it, will stay in hell; but in hell it can’t continue the


penintence – by not having the freedom of the will – and its sufferance will be considered by God and in a certain time, God knows when, that soul is forgiven too. The soul can’t do the penitence in hell also because there the Grace of God doesn’t work there. So, if someone would be taken out from hell, that would be because of the relatives’efforts and the prayers of the fighting Church, God consideres as an act of love for humans, which passes beyond the boundaries of the grave and he will fulfill with those what was missing from the penitence of the damned soul. Without the freedom and without the Grace, any sufferance pays nothing, as less the sufferance from hell. That sufferance, even bery big, doesn’t fruit any hope based on that. But the freedom, the love and the Grace of those from the earth may melt God to take out iof work the soul who didn’t reach to perfect holiness. Because, as nothing unpure enters in the Kingdom of God, so nothing good, no matter how less would be, can’t stay in hell for ever, being understood by this good also the prayers of the Church. Love descended God into a body, love broke the locks of the hell, love „deliver from death, and doesn’t let you to come into darkness” (Tobit 4, 10). It is about a love showed by acts. That’s why we say that love hasn’t the limits of the human, neither the space, or time; it never ends, is strong, that even passes beyond the grave and reaches to the beloved one; it breaks the hell that can’t oppose it and crosses the sky. The love is God’s feature, by which He created the seen and unseen world and all the creatures that recognize Him as Father is crossed by love. If we would stay in this endless love, would redound over us our divine origin, the face and affinity of the sons with the Father, we would have within us a multitude of divine characteristics, by Grace and not by nature and first of all we wouldn’t be so limitted in so many aspects. See the purpose of the living ones improvement, not only for our personal salvation, but also the salvation of tghose from prison, who left the earthly life with the pentince started but unfinished. Really, the love is the shorter path and the one above any path to perfection (1 Corinthians 12, 31); by that we have inside us the Kingdom of Heavens. The body lives, if it is inhabited by the soul; and the soul lives if it is inhabitated by God. So, there are humans, who have inside them alive souls and there are humans with dead souls (Revelation 3, 1). The death of the body is its detach from the soul; and the death of the soul is its deatch from God. So, a living body can be inhabitated by a living or a dead soul. The stage of the soul beyond the grave is the continuance of its earthly stage, even the one for life or death. The one who resurrected inside his/ her soul the conscience and the love for God, while he/ she was still on earth, that one resurrected forever; and that one who killed those inside his/ her soul and death caught him/ her in those, that one is dead forever. That one


killed the Kingdom of God inside him and replaced it with the kingdom of endless pians wherein they entered since the earthly life. The body hasn’t a consistence or a basis on itself, but it exists based on the soul, this spiritual, immortal and with divine origins being. And what gives the soul the seal of spiritual being is the function of the conscience, the conscience of self, in relation with God, its Father and all that come from this kinship (Acts 17, 29). This spiritual being received the body as a tool, not as a companion. And if someone doesn’t listen to the conscience, but listen to the animalism, it happens that the voice of the conscience becomes weaker, the mind becomes darker and so the facts of the body put their dark seal on the soul. The soul, by its lack of concern, becomes a tool of the body. The soul, deceived by the cohabitation with the animalism of the body, will bear the pains of reversal of the roles immediatey after the detachment from the slavery of its tool. Before was seen that any bodily act was first a spiritual act. A fall into depravity is first a fall into the spirit. In spirit stay the inclination and the fall. And that comes from the cohabitation of the body wherein the alluring one retreated and wors it with desires. But the alluring one can do nothing without the approval of the spirit. This approval blacks or solls the face of the spirit; it makes it more and more dirty by the passions by the desires against the nature. And in time, the body becomes weak and saturates from the desires, while the soul being immortal, gets used to those and tries to fulfill those even when the body is no longer able to do so. There are bodily passions which have effects on the soul and there are spiritual passions which impact the body. The vainly slave, the pride, the elation, the craft, the selfopinion and many others can be seen from far away in the external appearance of the body. This impurity of the face, the soul will pay for, due to its agreement with the passions against nature provoked by the enemy, by an indescribable torture. Still I’ll try. So, in the case when the body hacked its master, when the stains of beastliness embeded in the immortal being of the soul, when the soul inflamed by the desires of the body, all those desires accompany the soul and allways fire it, pushing to fulfill the fact, even if it doesn’t have anymore the tool of the body as before in earthly life. The soul, in earthly life, didn’t have a such heavy burden in carrying the desires, because those were fulfilled by the body and so the soul had the delusion of those ones achievement and so the content of the rest. But as soon afther the body dies, the desires, those drops of mud thrown from the body on the soul, will provoke in the detached soul by the body, a flame of desires, which torture it, at least as the thrist to death would torture someone who cross the Sahara without finding water.


The soul, expelled from the body, due to its death, will be tortured in the manner of each passion it had during the earthly life. So any return of the wil, so any act, is impossible beyond. So easily we can understand that each passion the soul loved, by not having now how to fulfill it, allways flames, increases and each moment that passes, it tortures the soul harder. The soul, even tortured by the vainness of the flame, has no longer the freedom of the will to eacpe from those pains, as it had on earth. If it didn’t want to escape by the desire when it could, now, when time passed, it got not to wish that, and obliged crops thebitter fruits of wished slavery. The tortures of the increasing desires – and while the desires increase also the tortures increase – has no salvation, viewing that the soul is immortaland can’t kill itself, to not feel anymore the flame that burns with an increasing speed. One who loved the money, one who was greed for wealth, a greed for food, a drinker, a lust do not escape from the tyranny of his desires and those endless torture him and increase while it can’t be satisfied – the body is missing, and the conscience allways calls the damnation from God and the vainness of his sufferance. The envious, the arrogant, the narcissist are full of hate for people and for God. Their hate allways increases and crashes their minds, pushing them into a furious anger, but totally incapable. And the biggest torture is that the malice sees itself vainly increasing and tossing without being able to do something. All the feat of those passions is the endless torture until the absolute madness of the soul. The soul burns like in a see of fire. The conscience continuously says the punishment from God, shows it the right ones souls in heaven – which increases its sufferance – but it can’t see those who are in the same situation tortured by the flame of the same desires; all that it can see are the furious faces of the demons, who rush the burning flame. In earthly life, the Grace worked over those who were sanctifying and inside them the love was increased and when their body was detached from the soul, by staying in the Kingdom of the Grace, that enhaces, perfrceting the love inside them; by contrast, in the hell stage of the conscience, in the kingdom without the Grace, the demons work over the tortured souls and enhace the hate within those. This hate that can’t do anything, this toss of the furious incapacity, the hate of the demons who torture the souls and see that they don’t realize anything, this hate burns, this infernal hate is the unextinguished fire which doesn’t light anything. Those souls, cheated by the desires of the world, the vainly slave and the pride of life (1 John 2, 16), deceived by the self-love which adviced them to fulfill all the desires, see now sunk in the burning hate which consolidated over them asa great kingdom of evil. In this


infernal kingdom they were taken by the self-love, the first cub of the devil and father of all deceit. In a such kingdom will suffer all those who didn’t completely take out the self-love from them and caressed it with all the pleasures and death caught them with unwise mind and unclean heart. They leaft with hope, this is what they’ll have. And if there is someone of their relatives or followers to fulfill for them the fats of love, because those cover multitude of sins and take them out of death ( Tobit 4, 10). And if God doesn’t put in someone mind the thought to accomplish the mercy and the penitence for them, is the sig that he has no intention to take them out from tortures. For those who will be taken out from tortures the fighting Church from the earth prays too and interferes along God and the winning Church from heavens. The collective of the Saints, lead by the Mother of God interfere with great ardour the enlighting of us from the earth, because is easier for us the salvation from hell while we still are here in the earthly life than after death when we will be dropped from the wedding of the Emperor’s Son, with tied hands and leggs (Matthew 22, 13), this meaning without the freedom of the will to may change and withoutb the possibility to work for our penitence, while the powers of the soul are tied up. Until the last judgement – as Saint Nikita says – “the above world is not finished yet, it wauts for the fulfillemnt, it waits the return of the first born of Istrael, who see God. Because the above world is improved by the perfection of those who run towrds the knowledge of God. And once completed, it decides the ending of the bellow world, the end of the belivers and of the unbelivers” (St. Nikita Stihat, About knowledge, love and life’s perfection, Philokalia, Bucharest, 1977, vol. 6, opg. 352). The sign of Jonah The One Who most stuggled to enlight the humans with God’s knowledge and the future ones, was the Son of God Himself. The nobility and the masorets of Israel, bitten by the viper of malice, were full of hate, coveredc their ears and chuncked their cloths anytime Jesus called Himself as previous to Abraham and the world. Full of hate agaist jesus, that he was breaking their despotic governace over the people they were blaming, due to their pride, were locked in the madness of the unfaith, which doesn’t receive any knowledge about eternal life. That’s why they were arguing with the Saviour, because no sign of His divinity reached their bad hearts. But still they were asking for a sign.


The Saviour made eyes where those were no eyes from birt, he resurreceted Lazar and the Jewish wanted to kill them both, for not letting any remaining sign. Those unfaithfull Jewish and their folloers couldn’t be cured by the Saviour, because any spiritual desease has cure and forgiveness, but the sin to stay against the preached, proven and showed truth, has no redress and no forgiveness. They continuously stayed against the Son of God, asking for a sign, so that by that to be obliged to believe. But they didn’t want to believe, they were tempting God, that’s why Jesus aswered them: “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Matthew 12, 39 -40). But the unbelievers from then and from all the times don’t give up neither with the sign of Jonah. And the sign of Jonah is the miracle of Lord Resurrection, assurance for our resurrection too and the base of the christianity. But enlarge a little the “sign of Jonah”. The blessed God, in His endless knowledge, by which he knows everything before the world to exist, He knows that the malice of the unfaith will be defeated only when each of the people will pass themselves through the sign of Jonah. And will not pass only three days and nights, but days and years until the sign to defeat them will come, this being the resurrection of deads. “My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it” (Ezekiel 37, 12 -14). This divine miracle will happen during the second coming of the Saviour, - according to the Holy Parents will be in a Sunday, alike the resurrection of the Lord. The groom comes unexpected in the middle of the night, when nobody think specific to the deads resurrection and the second blessed coming of the Saviour. Will be a time of deep night over the minds of the humans. “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full…” (Daniel 8, 23). See the sign of Jonah, all the huamans from all times and places will pass through, when the fear will be so big that many would want to die, but they can’t, - the lament is for nothing;


and so will be pulled from hell and from graves to respond to the terrible day of the last judgement. Wisdom od Solomon 4: 21. They will come with dread when their sins are reckoned up, and their lawless deeds will convict them to their face. Wisdom od Solomon 5: 1.

Then the righteous man will stand with great confidence in the presence of those who have afflicted him, and those who make light of his labors.


When they see him, they will be shaken with dreadful fear, and they will be amazed at his unexpected salvation.


They will speak to one another in repentance, and in anguish of spirit they will groan, and say, "This is the man whom we once held in derision and made a byword of reproach


We fools! We thought that his life was madness and that his end was without honor.


Why has he been numbered among the sons of God? And why is his lot among the saints?


So it was we who strayed from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness did not shine on us, and the sun did not rise upon us.


We took our fill of the paths of lawlessness and destruction, and we journeyed trough trackless deserts, but the way of the Lord we have not known.


What has our arrogance profited us? And what good has our boasted wealth brought us?


All those things have vanished like a shadow, and like a rumor that passes by;

.................................................................................................................................................... 13. So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be, and we had no sign of virtue to show. In that day there is no place for haggle between the faith and unfaith, tehn all see, - they don’t have to believe anymore. Then, but totally too late, the soul, receives its body forever, will complete its knowledge it didn’t want to receive during the earthly life.


Measurement of responsability In that dreadful day of knowing God will be a wonderful sight: the facts of everyone, secretely done, will be revealed and are seen not only by the guilty one but also by all people, together with the angles, they will see each other facts and those of everybody. More over: people will see all the consequences of their acts, within their followers and their ancestors. They will see the Word of God, they had to obey and receive, and not to create so much damnation over so many people. The Word of God will judge themaccording to their facts. They will see all the words they said during their earthly life, and they will see all that they thought and they wrote and the consequences over the people. Parents will see all their acts inside their children; all will be displayed in that day. See why a right and eternal judgement is done in front of alll the witnesses, from all times, to see their acts and to know the consequences and rightfully to receive the eternal payment. Then the sailors of Columbus will see the herd of insanes, for whom they will be responsible, for the fact that they brought with their deed the germ of madness. Luther will see himself as the cause of multitude of sects and the cheated ones will protect against the wrath of judgement saying: „Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?”. But they receive the answer: “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” (Matthew 7, 22-23). And among the workers of the wrongdoings will go all that listened to them. And so on, each will see and will crop the incredible huge fruits of tehir acts, even good or bad. Because the earthly life was the time for seeding and the future life the time of cropping. Judgement’s laws The judgement day of the human and the renewal of all things (Matthew 19, 28), when will be new heaven and a new earth, because all that exist will burn (2 Peter 3, 13). In the same time with the renewal of the cosmos by fire and the humans is renewed by the fire of judgement. So, on earth there are a multitude of human laws; for God’s judgement there are only two laws: the law of loving God and the law of loving people, wherein the entire Scripture is encompassed. Instead of folders, there are the books of death and the Book of Life, wherein all the facts of humans are written.


During the judgement day this word is perfectly accomplished: “the mercy and the truth walk in front of You” (psalm 88, 15), because then humans will be asked about: 1. the acts of love and 2. the confessing of the right faith, according to the word: “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” (Mark 8, 38) The mercy and the truth, the love and the courage of confessing God, and on the other side the lie and the hate, separate humans in good and bad, alike the sheopherd splits the sheeps from the goats, the sheeps in the right side and the goats in the left one. God’s love doesn’t forget neither in the judgement time the poors he loved, putting Him in their places and blessing those who had mercy: „For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me - truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.” The acts of love for humans brought those in God’s Kingdom of love. And to those from the left side, for the facts of self –love, which steps over people and doesn’t consider God, He will say the damnation: „Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Because: “For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.” And those will defend themselves saying: “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?” “Whatever you did not do for the poor ones, the My little brothers you allways had among you, you did not do for Me eiher!” ((Matthew 25, 31 -40).


Lucifer and Antichrist But, among those from the left side will also be someone else: Lucifer or Satan with his angels. The last one judged will be Satan (2 Peter 2, 4), the biggest snake that cheated so many people. He, Lucifer, who was once an angel, will be judged by the saints (1 Corinthians 6, 2), so by the christians. Because the saints, being under the burden of the body, aquired the holiness, while him, as spirit, lost it and along him losing rivers of humans.. But Lucifer, in the madness of revolt, wishing to be above God, neither in the judgement day will not surrender so easy, because the pride never redresses and he will defend saying: - What do you want from me God? Don’t you see I am above You? That there are more humans who served me that those who served You? „Satan, Satan (Daughter of Babylon), doomed to destruction” …I wishfully wait the day of the dreadful judgement to see how the Almighty God will reward you “according to what you have done to us” (Psalm 136, 8). Because then, our Saviour, the Rightful Judge, with the breath of His mounth, will throw all: hell, death, devils and Antichrist, into the lake of fire, which is the second death (Revelation 20, 11-15). So it starts the Gehenna of tortured consciences and buring bodies by a dark and endless fire, a fire that is different than the one we know, as the fire painted by painters is different from the real one. God cuts the flame of fire into two parts; with burning power, but unlighted, will burn the sinners, and the lighting power, but not burning, will shine the saints. So some are enlighted but not burn, alike an eternal Sun, and some are burn but not lighted, and will stay in the dark and darken forever… And the Gehenna will last as eternal proof for the entire creation of Holy God, so that no one to fall into the temtation of the novelty of the sin, which perfecting its malice ruined so many beings.


For a timely mistake, eternal punishment? This question shoots in almost all the minds. Truly, because you dind’t have mercy with the poors, the little borthers of God, because you didn’t give them food, you didn’t dress them, you didn’t receive in your home, you didn’t serch in the prisons, only for those, done in a short life, is it possible that God to give you to the fire and the devuils to torture you forever? What sceret may answer that question? Still there is an answer: The hungry, thirsty, the naked, stranger and ill one, and more the one from the prison, in the secret meaning, are not the poors but the Saviour Jesus Christ Himself, we have within us, since the baptize. If during our lives, when our mind is complete, we don’t turn back from the external and temporary ones to the inner and eternal ones, to our being born from God, to the Christ Who inhabitates deep inside us, but closed to each human; if we will not search the gift of our birth from the Holy Spirit, then Jesus Christ stays inside us hungry, thirsty naked, stranger and ill because of the pain of our darkness and above those, in a cage wherein formicate the worms of our passions and the snakes of the wrongdoings. „Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you - unless, of course, you fail the test of being a real christians?” (2 Corinthians 13, 5) says Saint Paul, insisting upon the Corinthians. See that comes the light… Each of us, even if we know or not, even if we believe or not, carry inside us the Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit at the basis of our spiritual being. Jesus Christ, the One with the Cross is the corner stone, the basis of our spiritual construction. This is real for the baptized ones. But “because of the increase of wickedness, the love for God of most will grow cold” (Matthew 24, 12), when the “the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth (materialism) choke the word, making it unfruitful” (Matthew 13, 22) , then the faith will fade and will be reveled those who weren’t baptized and will not have the basis on Christ and neither in Christ. From here we understand that the same situation as those who wren;t baptized, have the sectarians, who drop the first and the only Christening, since: “there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4, 5). So the second christeningis the abandon of the first and sigle Baptism. Woe! Their days and their eternity. Hence, you see a revealed answer.


Now we know Who is hungry and thirsty for us, now we know Who we keep in prison for life, if we didn’t abandoned Him by our fee will, or due to the cheat of the devil, and so we crucify Him day and night, as long as we live. Saint Paul teaches us: „For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.” (1 Corinthians 3, 11-15) It is clear. As regards the presence of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit within us, as basis and our life according to God, we can have two attitudes: either the betrayal of Judah, either the love of John. Those will decide opur eternal destiny. Even if would live the years of Methuselah, we would do the same. Hence: “There is no unjustice friom God”, when He gaves us eternal punishment for a little decision. Calling for ressurection God’s secrets first speak: „Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life” (John 5, 24). Soul of God decide for the word of your Father! When the Saviour sent the twelve disciples, tecahing them to preach the Kingdom of Heavens, among other commands he gave that one: “ Resurrect the dead ones” (Matthew 10, 8). This command we, the priest, also have, as followers of the Saint Apostles, as present disciples of the Lord. But, God was not concerned about the bodies, but about the dead souls who have a reputation of being alive, but not living the christian teaching they are dead (Revelation 3, 1). To find Christ, the One with the Cross inside you, your divine basis and to built your life on it, to develop Christ’s life within your life, this is your resurrection from deah, before the collective resurrection.


“Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them” (Revelation 20, 6). “Verily, verily, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live” (John 5, 25). Here it is about the resurrection of those dead who have the reputation of being alive. It is not about the collective resurrection, when the bodies will come to life too, that why he says: “THOSE WHO will hear, will come to life” Because the voice of the Son of God is the voice, Who by the Church’s priests, His disciples and messengers from all times, call the deads to resurrection.

The bell tower of Prislop Monastery designed and built by Father Arsenie in athonit style in 1952


Jesus Christ calling - By Father Arsenie Boca You, the ones who didn’t know what good in life was, And you neither knew what the holy warm which thaws the ice heart was, You, who groaned and cryed because of pains, And the song of happiness from your heart was faded, Come, Jesus, the Lord of the world, continuously calls you, And He offers His hands to you to calm the torment. You, for whom the life was only a penance, The smile a pain and the laugh a moan, You, who hid the past under cold stones, And cry the lost happiness for ever, Come, wiht tears in your eyes, but looking up, You will find relieving in Jesus arms. You, all, who searched in your lives to forget the sins, Within the cup offered by the pleasures, And you were deafs to the voice came down from the skies Today, while there is still time, come back to Jesus; Tell Him your sorrows and He will give you force, The burden of your life will be shared with Him. You, who haven’t knew what the truth was, And in your wanderings say that the sky is empty, Sick of wisdom, oh, you the ones who struggle to ruin But not to rebuild what you have broken, Pray and then it will not be hard to feel God In sky, around you and within you. No matter who you are, come, come to Him, Nobody He ever banished, Mercifull He accepts you and offers His hands to you, With His heavenly love Jesus surrounds everyone, To His chest getting warm by loving Him, Jesus is ressurection, come to Him, come! 242


Foreword (page 2)

Chapter I. THE WAY (page 3 – page 22)

1. Hanging from the helm of the mind … 2. An invisible companion 3. .Noah and Jesus 4. Out of sinners, Saints 5. The fight for Salvation 6. Merciful enemy and malicious friend 7.The unclean baby 8. The sign of cross 9. In the wilderness of Karantanya 10. Love is the Way 11. The Path of St. Paul •

Chapter II. KINGS’ TEACHINGS (page 23 – page 54)

2. Saul and David 3. How a debt begins 4. Payment time 5. Confessing 6. Attempts 7. Through the fire of humbleness 8. The light of sufferance 9. Censorship of the envy 10. The sun of humbleness 11. The ones that have no problems 12. Planning the fall 13. The power which do not listen 14. Through Parents’s interpretation 15. The fall of a king 243

16. Spiritism 17. The last payment for disobedience 18. Despots in penitence •

Chapter III. THE SEVEN TRUMPETS (page 55 –page 88)

2. God prays 3. The voice of conscience 4. The call of the word and the silence brought to account 5. The biting calling 6. The answer of the people 7. The time of danger 8. What God looks for 9. The confessing of a saint 10. The deals of wisdom with death 11. Mercy judgement 12. The council from hell 13. The wildness of elements 14. Antichrist 15. Because of the Holy Liturgy, the world still exists 16. The prophet of fire 17. The Holy Cross from the sky •

Chapter IV. THE UNSEEN WAR (page 89 – page 147)

1. Human, creation of a big importance 2. Decayed angels 3. Emptiness of human nature within Adam 4. About nature and against it 5. Rebuilding the human nature within Christ Jesus 6. Continuance of the victory, through Sacraments 7. Perfection - finality of human 8. Unseen war 9. The commands and the freedom 244

10. Commands effects stop the will’s crisis 11. Toward continuous prayer 12. Battle according to the law 13. On stairs to damnation 14. The traps… 15. Some cut their minds in Scriptures 16. Mistakes of love and right judgement 17. Measurements 18. Evangelic advices or the commands of perfection 19. The ones with pure hearts 20. The steps of love - the steps of perfection •

Chapter V. HEREDITY AND SPIRIT (page 149 –page 201)

1. Words’ haggle 2. Children fall among bandits 3. A monk thinking at peas 4. A fly causes the Nobel prize 5. Chromosomal theory 6. With the shyness of the decency 7. Heredity, environment and destiny 8. The mechanism of heredity 9. Asking the science 10. Laws and wrongdoings 11. Genetics 3500 years ago 12. Church’s disposals confirmed by genetics 13. Endocrinology, neurology and psychology 14. Invitations to right judgement 15. Children born in chains 16. The ones who drink their minds 17. Mourning within a caravan of monsters 18. Discovering America - a big blight 19. Torment within dew drops 20. A sort of psychoanalysis 245

21. Blasphemy thoughts 22. People from hell 23. A savage answer 24. A root of pains 25. Natural children, or born in wrongdoings 26. It is not possible to be impossible 27. From human baby to celestial baby •

Chapter VI. SACRAMENTS’ ADMINISTRATORS (page 202 –page 221)

1. Determinative words 2. Minas’ destiny 3. Viewing through the veil 4. The right one between the love and the sword 5. The helm from the distance 6. The lily from the cross 7. Responsibles 8. The wrongful administator •

Chapter VII. LOVE’S KINGDOMS (page 222 –page 240)

1. A sister of life 2. Customs from the sky 3. Individual judgement of the soul 4. A description of hell 5. The sign of Jonah 6. Measurement of responsability 7. Judgement’s laws 8. Lucifer and Antichrist 9. For a timely mistake, eternal punishment? 10. Calling for ressurection •

Jesus Christ calling (page 241)


LORD RESURRECTION Painting by Ieromonk Arsenie Boca Church from Draganescu village, near Bucharest (Romania)


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