FILASOL, RICHARD Contracts without consideration or with an illicit one have no effect whatsoever. A consideration is illicit when it is contrary to law and good morals. Arroyo v Berwin GR No L-10551 March 3, 1917 Appeal Parties: Ignacio Arroyo – Plaintiff-appellant Alfred Berwin – Defendant-appelle acts: acts: On Aug 14, 1914, defendant, representing Marcela Juaneza, requested plaintiff to agree to dismiss a criminal proceeding for theft against his client. Defendant stipulated ith stipulated ith the plaintiff that his client ould recognize the plaintiff!s onership in the land situated on "alle #an Juan, su$ur$ of Molo, municipalit% of &lo'ilo (here his client ordered the cane cut, hich land and hich cut cane are referred to in the cause for the theft) onl% if plaintiff ould as* the prosecuting attorne% to dismiss the said proceeding against his client. +laintiff complied ith the agreement and requested the prosecuting attorne% to dismiss the criminal case (ho then dismissed the case). oe-er, despite se-eral demands $% plaintiff, defendant has still not deli-ered the ritten agreement ac*noledging the onership of the descri$ed land. hus, plaintiff pra%ed for the court to render /udgment ordering the defendant to compl% ith the agreement $% causing defendant!s client Marcela Juaneza to sign the document in hich she recognizes the plaintiffs onership of the land. !he trial court" however" dismissed the complaint on the ground of illegality of the consideration of alleged contract. Issue: W/N Trial court erred in dismissin the com!laint on the round o" illealit# o" the consideration o" alleed contract$ #uling: No$ #uling: No$ Trial court decision decision a""irmed$ An agreement $% the oner oner of stolen goods to stifle the prosecution prosecution of the person charged charged ith the theft, for a pecuniar% pecuniar% or other -alua$le consideration, is manifestl% contrar% to pu$lic polic% and the due administration of /ustice. &n the interest of the pu$lic it is of the utmost importance that criminals should $e prosecuted, and that all criminal proceedings should $e instituted and maintained in the form and manner prescri$ed $% la0 and to permit an offender to escape the penalties prescri$ed $% l a $% the purchase of immunit% from pri-ate indi-iduals ould result in a manifest per-ersion of /ustice.
Article $%&& of the Civil Code 'now Art $()*" +CC, pro-ides +CC, pro-ides that: he contracting parties ma% ma*e the agreement and esta$lish the clauses and conditions hich the% ma% dream ad-isa$le, pro-ided the% are not in contra-ention of la, morals, or pu$lic order. Article $%& 'ld Civil Code, pro-ides Code, pro-ides that: "ontracts ithout consideration or ith an illicit one ha-e no effect hatsoe-er. A consideration is illicit hen it is contrar% to la and good morals.
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