Arranza v BF Homes

January 6, 2017 | Author: Micka Lingat | Category: N/A
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 Jesus Lim Arranza et al. v B.F. B.F. Homes, Inc. et al.  June 19, 2000|Davide, Jr., Jr., C.J.| C.J.| Administrative Procedure;  Jurisdiction Digester: Anna Mickaea !ingat

SUMMARY: "es#ondent $% &omes, 'nc ($%&'), is a domestic cor#oration engaged in deveo#ing su*division and seing residentia ots. +it te -itdra-a o su*stantia investments in $%&', res#ondent /ed -it te C a #etition or rea*iitation.  Att %orencio 3rendain -as a##ointed as receiver. receiver. &e &e -as ater reieved * te C o is duties as a "eceiver. 4e ne- $oard o "eceivers revoked te autorit given * 3rendain to use te o#en s#aces at Conca Cru5 Drive and to coect communit assessme nt unds; deerred te #urcase o ne- #um#s ; recogni5ed $% Parana6ue &omeo-ners Association ($%P&A') as te re#resentative o a omeo-ners; took over te management o te Cu*ouse and de#oed its o-n guards. Petitioners /ed -it te &!7"$ a cass suit 8or and in *ea o te more tan ,000 omeo-ners against res#ondent $%&' et a to enorce te rigts o #urcasers o ots in $% &omes Parana6ue . "es#ondents asserts tat te C, not te &!7"$, as a6ue &omeo-ners  Association, 'nc ($%P&A') as te re#resentative o a omeo-ners in te su*division; took over te management o te Cu*ouse; and de#oed its o-n securit guard in te su*division. Petitioners /ed -it &!7"$ a cass suit 8or and in *ea o te more tan ,000 omeo-ners in te su*division against $%&', et a 8to enorce te rigts o #urcasers o ots in $% &omes Para>a6ue. 'n $%&'=s ans-er, it caimed tat: o 't com#ied -it its contractua o*igations reative to te su*divisions deveo#ment o 't coud not *e com#eed to a*ide * agreements resuting rom 3rendain=s utra vires acts o Petitioners -ere #recuded rom instituting te instant action *ecause o te sus#ension o a actions or caims against a cor#oration under receiversi#.

HLURB "ued in avor o te #etitioners n
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