Armfield HT30XC - Computer Controlled Heat Exchanger Service Module
January 11, 2017 | Author: Armfield Ltd | Category: N/A
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Download Armfield HT30XC - Computer Controlled Heat Exchanger Service Module...
Ht SerieS: Heat tranSfe tranSfer r and tHermodynamiCS
Computer Controlled Heat exCHanger ServiCe module –
Ree ern y HT30XC shown with Plate Heat Exchanger - HT37
Now with NEw aNd *uNiquE accEssoRY - tRuE cRoss Flow hEat ExchaNgER accEssoRY ht35
A rae o small scale heat exchaers, desied to illustrate the priciples ad techiques o idirect heat traser betee uid streams. Dieret tpes o heat exchaer ca be mouted o a commo bech top serice uit. Small scale ersios o commol used idustrial heat exchaers are aailable (icludi plate, tubular ad ‘shell ad tube’) or aalsis ad compariso. The equipme equipmett is cotrolled cotrolled b a user user supplied supplied persoal persoal computer computer,, hich seres as the operator iterace. Full data loi, cotrol ad educatioal sotare is supplied ith the equipmet. I additio, the equipmet has bee tted ith ailsae sstems, icludi a atchdo circuit, hich allos or sae operatio rom a remote computer. KEY FEa FE atuREs > Small scale, bech top equipmet > Fast respose times allo i depth iestiatios i a short time > Represetatie o idustrial heat exchaers > Multiple, idustriall represetatie heat exchaers aailable > All uctios computer cotrolled, icludi reersi o oe o the uid streams or cocurret ad coutercurret iestiatios > Stadard USB iterace > Saet uctios implemeted to allo or remote operatio b computer > Full educatioal sotare ith data loi, cotrol, raph plotti, ad detailed ‘Help’ > Suitable or project ork. The serice bech proides acilities or ealuati ihouse heat exchaer desis
Inset: Cross Flow Heat Exchanger - HT35
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2 years This data sheet is available online at:
issue 3
ht30xc sERvicE uNit
Heat Transfer Transfer Service Unit - HT30XC
The HT30X HT30XC C is a service unit, to allo the operation o one o the Armfeld range o small scale heat exchanger systems. It proides cotrolled cold ater o, bidirectioal hot ater o ad the istrumetatio required to do a series o idepth iestiatios ito heat exchaer perormace. The idiidual heat exchaers ca be quickl chaed oer, to eable comparisos betee dieret tpes o heat exchaer to be made. The HT30XC requires requires a user supplied persoal computer computer or the operator iterace. The computer coects the HT30XC usi a USB iterace, proidi a simple ad straihtorard istallatio ad set up procedure. Oce the appropriate heat exchaer has bee istalled ad set up, all other uctios ca be perormed uder computer cotrol. Appropriate measures have been implemented so that in the case o computer ailure or communications breakdon, the system shuts itsel don in a sae manner. haRdwaRE dEscRiptioN
The serice uit proides to uid streams to the heat exchaer, a hot ater stream ad a cold ater stream. The hot ater stream is heated i a essel tted ith a electric heater. The heater is sitched o ad o by a solid state relay (SSR), hich is uder sotare cotrol. A thermostat limits the maximum ater temperature to 75ºC or operator saety.
A ear pump circulates ater rom the essel, throuh the heat exchaer ad back ito the heater essel. Both the pump speed ad directio are uder sotare cotrol, eabli or cocurret ad coutercurret iestiatios oer a ide rae o o rates. The cold ater stream is eerated rom a mais ater suppl. The o throuh the heat exchaer is adjusted b a ariable o ale, aai uder sotare cotrol. A mauall adjustable pressure reulator is used to miimise the eect o mais pressure uctuatios. Coditioi circuits or up to 10 Ktpe thermocouples Coditioi are icluded, (the thermocouples themseles are supplied ith the heat exchaers). The istrumetatio also icludes ometers to measure the o rates o the to uid streams. Sitchi o the uit puts it ito ‘Stadb’ mode. From this mode it is ecessar or a reular series o pulses to be receied rom the sotare (ia the built i USB iterace) to ull poer up the uit. This esures that uless the cotrol sotare sot are is rui, the heaters, the pump ad the cold ater cotrol ale caot be sitched o. The uit also icludes a emerec stop sitch. All electrical circuits are located i a bech mouted ABS supporti base, ad protected by a Residual Curret Deice (RSD) or operator saety. The ABS base icludes a drip tray tray ad drai tap i case o o ater spillae or leakae.
Full educatioal sotare is proided ith the HT30XC or all the Armield heat exchaers. Separate prorams are proided or each exchaer, ad each proram cotais a selectio o separate exercises that ca be perormed. The actual details are exercise speciic, but tpicall the olloi iteraces are aailable: > All the temperatures ad o rates are displaed o a diarammatic represetatio o the equipmet. > A sotare ‘butto’ sitches the equipmet rom ‘stadb’ mode to ull o. > The cold ater o cotrol ale is operated b usi up/do arros or tpi i a alue betee 0 ad 100%. The actual o rate ca be read directl i L/mi. > The hot ater o rate is set b eteri a required set poit ito a PID cotrol uctio. This use o PID cotrol esures the o is stable despite chaes i the iscosit o the ater due to heati. > The heater is aai cotrolled i a PID loop, b setti a required temperature set poit. > Data rom the sesors is loed ito a spreadsheet ormat, uder operator cotrol. > Sophisticated raph plotti acilities are proided. Comparisos betee data take o dieret rus ca be displaed. > Studet questios ad asers, icludi a laered ‘Hit’ acilit. > Processi o measured alues to obtai calculated results (this ca be liked to the questios ad asers to esure studet stu det uderstadi). > The data samples (measured ad calculated) ca be saed, or exported directl i Microsot Excel ormat. > Data rom the sesors ca be displaed idepedetl rom the data loi. This ca be i bar raph ormat, or a recet histor raphical displa (useul to check or temperature stabilit prior to taki a sample). > Presetatio screes are aailable, ii a oerie o the sotare, the equipmet, the procedure ad the associated theor. This is backed up b a detailed ‘Help’ acilit ii idepth uidace ad backroud iormatio.
Typical co-current results from HT36
Typical counter-current results from HT36
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soFtwaRE coNtiNuEd - usER dEFiNEd soFtwaRE aNd/oR REmotE opERatioN
Icluded separatel o the sotare CD are the ‘driers’ required to allo other sotare applicatios to commuicate ith the HT30XC ia the USB iterace. This eables users to rite their o sotare istead o usi the Armeld proided sotare. This sotare ca be ritte i ma dieret sstems. Tpicall Labvie, MatLab, ‘C’, ‘C++’, visual Basic, Delphi, ad a other sotare eiromet hich allos calls to exteral driers ca be used. I this a the user ca rite so tare to suit their specic requiremets, i a eiromet hich the are ull amiliar ith ad hich is compatible ith their other equipmet. A extesio o this methodolo allos the equipmet to be operated remotel, such as oer a Local Area netork (LAn) or ee oer the iteret. The HT30XC is ideal or this remote operatio as it has bee desied to esure that the uit shuts do sael i the eet o a commuicatios ailure. It has also bee desied so that oce the heat exchaer has bee istalled ad coured, all the cotrols to perorm a series o iestiatios are uder sotare cotrol, so the studet does ot eed to be preset ith the equipmet.
Mimic diagram of HT31
I a tpical istallatio, the HT30XC ould be coected to a local PC ia the USB bus. The local PC ould be coected to the users’ PC’s ia a LAn (Local Area netork). The operator iterace sotare ould be ru o the remote (users) PC ad commuicate to the cotrol sotare o the local PC. (Armeld do ot proide the sotare to implemet this tpe o sstem). For remote use, the appropriate heat exchaer ould be istalled oto the serice uit, ad the cold ater pressure reulator adjusted to match the heat exchaer to the cold ater suppl.
Mimic diagram of HT32
The uit is the sitch sitched ed o ad rema remais is i ‘Sta ‘Stadb’ db’ mode util appropriate sotare is ru requesti the uit to poer up ull. with the HT31, HT32 ad HT33, Heat Exchaers, all uctios ca the be operated remotel remotel..
The HT34, HT36 ad HT37 Heat Exchaers ca be coured i dieret ays, ad so the required couratio has to be maually implemeted locally. Hoeer, oce this has bee doe, a ull set o iestiatios ca be perormed remotely or that couratio, icludi co-curret ad coutercurret os.
Mimic diagram of HT37
hEat ExchaNgER optioNs
iNstRuctioNal capabilitiEs
Training exercises that are common to each of the heat exchangers exchangers when used with with the HT30XC:
> Demostratio o idirect heati/ cooli by traser o heat rom oe uid stream to aother he separated by a solid all. > Eery balace determiatio (heat balace) ad calculatio o eciecies by measuri the o rates ad temperature chaes i the hot ad cold uid streams. > Itroductio to dieret types o heat exchaer ad compariso o the diereces i operatio ad perormace. > Usi the Loarithmic Mea Temperature Dierece (LMTD) i heat traser calculatios. HT36 connections
A ide selectio o heat exchaer optios are aailable or use ith the HT30XC. Rai rom simple exchaers to demostrate cocurret ad coutercurret o, to recourable sstems ith iterim temperature measuremets, capable o bei used or idepth heat exchaer aalsis. The heat exchaers exchaers are easil easil ite itercha rchaed, ed, ith quick release ttis o the exible itercoecti tubes, ad a simple locatio sstem usi thumbscres to secure the exchaers oto the serice uit.
> Deitio ad measuremet o Oerall Heat Traser Coeciet (U). > Demostratio o the dierec diereces es betee couter-curret ad co-curret operatio, (ot releat or some HT34 couratios). > Demostratio o the trasitio trasitio rom liear to turbulet o. > Eect o hot ad cold uid o rate o the heat traser coeciet. > Eect o drii orce (temperature dieretial) o the heat traser coeciet. > Iestiatio Iestiatio o heat loss ad reductio i heat traser coeciet due to ouli o the heat traser suraces (suitable studet project usi user iduced ouli).
Mimic diagram of HT36
Mimic diagram of HT35 - Exercise A on HT35 software
additioNal tRaiNiNg ExERcisEs
Extended Tubular Heat Exchanger - HT36
Additional training training exercises using the HT36 Extended Tubular Tubular Heat Exchanger: Exchanger:
> Demostratio o temperatur temperature e oerlaps betee uid streams i coutercurret operatio. > Temperature proles alo the eectie leth o the heat exchaer i both couter-curret ad co-curret operatio. > Compari the eect o dieret heat traser areas. Jacketed Vessel - HT34
Additional training exercises exercises using the HT34 Jacketed Vessel: Vessel:
> Itroductio to heat exchae i a batch or cotiuously ed stirred essel ad compariso o the diereces i operatio ad perormace he usi a heati jacket or heati coil. > Eects o stirri ad essel cotets (olume) o the heat traser characteristics.
Extended Reconfigurable Plate Heat Exchanger - HT37
Additi onal training Additional t raining exercise exercises s using usi ng the HT37 Extended Reconfgurable Reconfgurable Plate Heat Heat Exchanger: Exchanger: > Temperature proles alo the eectie leth o the heat exchaer i both couter curret ad co-curret operatio. > Demostratio o temperatur temperature e oerlaps betee uid streams i couter-curret operatio. > Use o LMTD correctio actor he calculati the Oerall Heat Traser Coeciet. > Compari the eect o dieret heat traser areas. > The use o a reeeratio stae or eery eciecy, he heati ad subsequetly cooli a product stream. > Project ork to implemet a ide ariety o plate couratios, ii series, parallel ad combied uid passes.
Additional training exercises exercises using a user provided heat exchanger:
> Ay o the aboe exercises exercises ca be perormed, here appropriate, usi a user proided heat exchaer hai appropriate characteristics, dimesios ad ttis. The serice uit ill support ealuatio o experimetal heat exchaers costructed as desi exercises by studets.
REquiREmENts - ht30xc
Single phase electricity supply: HT30XC-A: 230v, 50Hz, 10Amp HT30XC-B: 115v, 60Hz, 20Amp HT30XC-g: 230v, 60Hz, 10Amp Cold water supply and drain: 5 Litres/miute at 1bar aue (mi) ovERall dimENsioNs
Heiht: width: Depth:
0.45m (serice uit ol) 1.0m 0.5m
shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN
volume: gross weiht:
0.33m3 33k
EssENtial/optioNal EquipmENt
The user user must hae hae access access to a PC ith ith a ree USBport,runningWindows98,orlate USBport,runni ngWindows98,orlater. r. At least oe heat exchaer module is required, additioal heat exchaers are optioal. PC computer ith USB port (ot supplied by Armeld).
• Alightweightbenchtopserviceunit,designedto accommodate a rae o dieret small scale heat exchaers • Compriseshotwa Compriseshotwatervessel,hotwat tervessel,hotwaterrecirculatio errecirculationpump, npump, cold ater cotrol sstem, computer iterace ad all ecessar istrumetatio • Thehotwatervesselismadefromclearacrylic(for isibilit) ad icludes a 2kw heater ith thermostatic oertemperature cutout ad lo ater leel detectio • Thehotwaterpumpisbi-directional(toallowco-current ad coutercurret iestiatios ithout recouri the hardare) ad the o rate is uder computer cotrol • Thecoldwatersystemincl Thecoldwatersystemincludesamanuall udesamanuallyadjustable yadjustable pressure reulator ad a o cotrol ale, hich is uder computer cotrol • Flowratesforbothuidstreamsinexcessof5L/minare achieable, but this ma be restricted b some desis o heat exchaer (e.. HT32 & HT36 Plate Heat Exchaers) • Uptotentemperatures(K-typethermocouples)canbe moitored usi the serice uit. Operati rae, 075ºC, resolutio 0.1ºC • Twoowmetersareincluded.Operatingrange0.2to9L/ mi, resolutio 0.1 L/mi • Alldataisavailabletoa(usersupplied)WindowsPC,via a USB iterace. This computer is also used to cotrol the o rates, hot ater temperature, ad hot ater directio • Fullsoftwareforeducationaluseisincluded. • Abilityforuserstowriteandusetheirownsoftware (E. Labie) • Includesfailsafeharwarefacilitiesforremoteoperation, E. oer the iteret, he used ith the customers sotare • Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded
tubulaR hEat ExchaNgERs - ht31/ht36
HT31 - Tubular Tubular Heat Exchanger Exchanger HT36 - Extended Ex tended Tubular Tubular Heat Exchanger Exchanger
ovERall dimENsioNs
HT36: The tubular heat exchae exchaerr is the simplest orm o HT31: 0.16m 6m Heiht: 0.2m heat exchaer ad cosists o to cocetric (coaxial) Heiht: 0.1 0.51m Width: 0.95m tubes carryi the hot ad cold uids. I these miiature Width: Depth: 0.4m ersios the tubes are separated ito sectios to reduce Depth: 0.39m the oerall leth ad to eable the temperature at shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN poits alo both uid streams to be measured. HT36: To T o ersios are aailable, the HT31 is a basic ersio HT31: 3 0.05m volume:: 0.1m volume 0.1m3 ith to sectios ad a sile iterim temperature volume: gross weiht: 10k 10k measuremet poit. The HT36 is a more sophisticated gross eiht: 4k
uit ith our loer tube sectios, ii our times the oerall heat traser area ad three iterim temperature measuremet poits i each uid stream. The HT36 has sucie suciett heat traser area to demostrat demostrate e the classic couter curret o coditios here the outlet o the heated stream is hotter tha the outlet o the cooled stream. tEchNical dEtails
On both heat exchangers the inner tube is used or the hot uid and the outer annulus or cold uid. This minimises heat loss rom the exchanger ithout the need or additional insulation. The inner tubes are constructed rom stainless steel and the outer annulus rom clear acrylic, providing visualisation o the heat exchanger construction and minimising thermal losses. The tubes can be dismantled or cleaning.
EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs
HT31/HT36 requires the Armeld HT30XC, Computer Cotrolled Heat Exchaer Serice Uit. oRdERiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN HT31 - TUBULAR HEAT EXCHAngER HT36 - EXTEnDED TUBULAR HEAT EXCHAngER
• AsmallscaleTubularHeatExchangersystemforusewith a Armeld Heat Exchae Serice Uit to teach the udametal cocepts o heat exchaers • Comprisesanumberofsectionsofconcentrictubes,the outer sectio costructed rom clear acrlic or isibilit ad the ier tube rom stailess steel • Thetubesareeasilydismantledforcleaning • Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded
Te mpe rat ure me me as ureme nt po po i n t s
H T31 6 of of f:
H T36 10 off:
N umbe r o f t ube se c t io n s
• Hot fluid inlet • Hot fluid mid-position • Hot fluid outlet • Cold fluid inlet • Cold fluid mid-position • Cold fluid outlet 2
• Hot fluid inlet • Hot fluid interim positions (3) • Hot fluid outlet • Cold fluid inlet • Cold fluid interim positions (3) • Cold fluid outlet 4 (can also be configured for 1, 2 or 3 sections)
H e at t r a n s f e r a re a
0 . 0 2 m2
0.08m2 max
platE hEat ExchaNgERs - ht32/ht37 HT32 - Plate Heat Exchange Exchanger r HT37 - Extended Reconfgu Reconfgurable rable Plate Heat Heat Exchanger Exchanger
The plate heat exchaer is extremel ersatile ad commol used i the ood ad chemical processi idustries. Dieret combiatios o plates ad askets ca be arraed to suit a particular applicatio. The miiature exchaer supplied, cosists o a pack o plates ith seali askets held toether i a rame betee ed plates. Hot ad cold uids o betee chaels o alterate sides o the plates to promote heat traser.
The HT37 HT37 is desied desied to be recour recourable able b the the studet studet ad ca accommodate accommodate up to our sectios sec tios o heati. Each sectio proides a additioal temperature measuremet poit or each uid stream. I order to make the uit eas to recoure, these sectios are supplied as pre assembled roups o plates complete ith a itermediate plate (cotaii the temperature measuremet poits). Usi the our heati sectios proided, studets ca compare heat exchaers o dieret heat traser area ad dieret umbers o passes. A quick release clamp sstem eables the dieret arraemets to be chaed quickl ad easil ithout usi tools.
Plate Heat Exchanger - HT32
Also supplied is a preassembled reeeratio sectio to demostrate this importat eer eciet method o heati. The reeeratio sectio ca be used i cojuctio ith oe, to or three o the stadard heati sectios i dieret couratios.
Plate heat exchaers ca be implemeted i a ide ariet o couratios, ith parallel passes, serial passes, or combiatios o both. For more adaced iestiatios ito these eects, (e.. or project ork) a urther tele loose plates are supplied ith the HT37. These ca be used i cojuctio ith the plates rom the preassembled modules to iestiate these other couratios. The HT32 has a sile heati sectio coured or multipass operatio ith passes i series. It comprises see idiidual plates, hich are clamped toether usi to stailess steel threaded bars ad uts. It is possible to dismatle ad reassemble the heat exchaer usi ol three plates to demostrate a sile pass.
HT37 with four heating sections installed
tEchNical dEtails ovERall dimENsioNs The plates used i these heat exchaers hae bee specicall deeloped b Armeld or use i miiature HT37: heat exchaer sstems. The are abricated rom HT32: 0.17m 7m Heiht: 0.1 0.17m 7m 316 stailess steel, ith a pressed chero patter to Heiht: 0.1 0.18m Width: 0.18m promote turbulece ad proide multiple support poits. Width: Depth: 0.39m Depth: 0.39m Silicoe rubber askets are used o each plate to seal the adjacet o chaels rom each other. shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN Plate details: HT32: HT37: 3 Plate oerall dimesios: 75mm x 115 15mm mm volume: 0.03m volume: 0.03m3 Eectie diameter: 3.0mm Gross weight: 6kg Gross Weight: 9.5kg Plate thickess: 0.5mm EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs wetted perimeter: 53.0mm 2 Projected Pro jectedheattr heattransm ansmissi issionar onarea: ea: 0.008 0.008m m per plate HT32/HT37 HT32/HT3 7 requires the Armeld HT30XC, The plates are mouted i a rame icorporat icorporati i xed Computer Cotrolled Heat Exchaer Serice Uit. ad moi ed plates ith coectios or hot ad cold uids. The exchaers are easily dismatled or oRdERiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN ispectio o the heat traser suraces. HT32 - PLATE HEAT EXCHAngER HT37 - EXTEnDED RECOnFIgURABLE PLATE HEAT EXCHAngER
• Asmallscaleplateheatexchangersystemforusewith a Armeld Heat Exchae Serice Uit to teach the udametal cocepts o heat exchaers • Comprisesanumberofstainlesssteelplates,eachwitha pressed chero patter ad a ood rade silico rubber seali asket, mouted i a rame • Easilydismantledforcleaning • Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded
Number of plates
H T32 7 (5 effective plates)
H T37 Reconfigurable up to 20 plates (12 effective plates)
H e at t r a n s f e r a re a
0 . 0 4 m2
0.096m2 (max)
H e at e xc h a n g e r c o n f i g u ra t i o n
S in gl e he at i ng st a ge
Te mpe rat ure me me as ureme nt po po i n t s
4 of of f: • Hot fluid inlet • Hot fluid outlet • Cold fluid inlet • Cold fluid outlet
Cla mp in g m ec h an i sm
D u a l s c re w t h re a d s w i t h n u t s
Configurable sections, with a separate regeneration section Up to 10 off: • Hot fluid inlet • Hot fluid interim positions (up to 3) • Hot fluid outlet • Cold fluid inlet • Cold fluid interim positions (up to 3) • Cold fluid outlet Quick release, hand operated, no tools required 12 additional plates (supplied loose) give the option of exploring many different configurations
Project work
shEll & tubE hEat ExchaNgER - ht33
Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger - HT33
The shell shell ad tube tube heat excha exchae err is com commo mol l used i the ood ad chemical process idustries. This tpe o exchaer cosists o a umber o tubes i parallel eclosed i a clidrical shell. Heat is traserred betee oe uid oi throuh the tubes ad aother uid oi throuh the clidrical shell aroud the tubes. The mi miiat iature ure ex excha chae err supp supplied lied is des desi ied ed to dem demo ostra strate te liquid to liquid heat traser i a 17 shell ad tube heat exchaer (oe shell ad see tubes ith to traserse bafes i the shell). tEchNical dEtails The acc access essor or cosi cosists sts o a mii miiatu ature re shell shell ad ad tube tube heat exchaer ith the olloi eatures: > Hot uid i the ier tubes ad cold uid i outer shell to miimise heat loss rom the exchaer ithout the eed or additioal isulatio > See stailess steel tubes, 6.35mm OD > The outer aulus, ed caps ad bafes costructed rom clear acrlic to allo isualisatio o the heat exchaer costructio ad miimise thermal losses > nomial combied heat traser area o 20,000mm2, (equialet to that o the HT31 Tubular Heat Exchaer or direct compariso) > Cold uid (cold ater) eters oe ed o the shell at the bottom ad exits at the opposite ed at the top hai oed oer ad uder to traserse bafes iside the shell > Thermocouples are istalled at the olloi our locatios: o Hot uid o Hot uid outlet o Cold uid ilet o Cold uid
ovERall dimENsioNs
Height: width: Depth:
0.19m 0.43m 0.39m
shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN
volume: gross weiht:
0.06m3 5k
EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs
Requires the Armeld HT30XC or HT30X Heat Exchaer Serice Uit. oRdERiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN HT33 - SHELL & TUBE HEAT EXCHAngER
•Aminiatureshellandtubeheatexchangerforusewithan Aminiatureshellandtubeheatexchangerforusewithan Armeld Heat Exchaer Serice Uit •Comprisesanoutershellandseveninternaltubes.There Comprisesanoutershellandseveninternaltubes.There are to traserse bafes iside the shell •Fourtemperaturesensorsaresuppliedintappingsatuid Fourtemperaturesensorsaresuppliedintappingsatuid ilets ad outlets •Theheatexchangerisconstructedfromstainlesssteel Theheatexchangerisconstructedfromstainlesssteel tube ad clear acrlic. It is mouted o a PvC baseplate hich is desied to be istalled o the plith o the Heat Exchaer Serice Uit ithout the eed or tools •Thestainlesssteeltubescanberemovedfromtheheat Thestainlesssteeltubescanberemovedfromtheheat exchaer or cleai •Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded
JacKEtEd vEssEl with coil & stiRRER - ht34
Jacketed Vessel with Coil & Stirrer- HT34
vessel Heati or cooli o a process liquid i a tak, either batchise or ith cotiuous product eed, is commo practice throuhout throuhout idustry. The characteristics o the heat traser usi a exteral jacket or iteral coil ca be demostrated toether ith the eect o stirri the essel cotets.
tEchNical dEtails
The accessory cosists cosists o a jacketed essel ith the olloi eatures: > The essel cosists o a stailess steel all ith PvC base ad clear acrylic top. A lass outer jacket allos the all o the essel to be surrouded ith hot uid or idirect heati rom the outside. Alteratiely, a stailess steel coil iside the essel allos the cold uid cotaied ithi the essel to be idirectly heated rom iside. > The essel icorporates a ariable speed stirrer s tirrer ad bafe arraemet to proide thorouh mixi o the essel cotets he required.
ovERall dimENsioNs
Heiht: Width: Depth:
0.40m 0.18m 0.39m
shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN
volume: Gros Gr oss sW Wei eigh ght: t:
0.10m3 9kg 9k g
EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs
Requires the Armeld HT30XC, Computer Cotrolled Heat Exchaer Serice Uit. oRdERiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN
> A adjustable oero eables the olume o liquid iside the essel to be aried ith a maximum capacity o to litres ad a miimum o oe litre.
> The essel ca be operated batchise by simply lli to the oero or ith cotiuous eed o cold liquid to the base o the essel, the excess liquid oi rom the oero to drai.
•Comprisesprocessingvesselwithout Comprisesprocessingvesselwithouterjacket,innercoil, erjacket,innercoil, ariable speed stirrer ad bafe
> Thermocouples are istalled at the olloi six locatios: o vessel cotets (cold uid) o Hot uid ilet to jacket o Hot uid outlet rom jacket o Hot uid ilet to coil o Hot uid outlet rom coil o Cold uid ilet to essel
•Miniaturejacketedvesselheatexchangersystemforuse Miniaturejacketedvesselheatexchangersystemforuse ith a Armeld Heat Exchaer Serice uit
•K-Typethermo K-Typethermocouplesmeasu couplesmeasurethevesselconten rethevesselcontentsand tsand the ilet ad outlet temperature o both uid streams (6 i total) •TheHeatExchangerisdesignedtobeinstalledonthe TheHeatExchangerisdesignedtobeinstalledonthe serice uit ithout the eed or tools •Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded
> Quick release hot and cold uid connections enable rapid connection to HT30X and conversion rom heating jacket to heating coil.
Mimic diagram of HT34
cRoss Flow hEat ExchaNgER - ht35
The cross o heat exch exchae aerr is comm commol ol used i appl applicatio icatioss such as heat heati, i, e etilat tilati i ad air cod coditioi itioi. . It is also ecoutered as ehicle eie radiator. This tpe o heat exch exchae ae occurs he the o directio directio o the to uids cross each other. other. I the HT3 HT35, 5, hot ate aterr os i ad out o a radiator, perpedicular to air stream, hich is bei pulled ito the radiator b a axial a. The coectio coectio betee betee the the to uids uids throuh throuh s surace surace o the the radiator radiator impleme implemets ts the heat heat excha exchae. e.
Detail of the HT35 radiator
HT35 - Diagram
tEchNical dEtails
oRdERiNg spEciFicatioN - ht35
> This uit cosists o a PvC rectaular duct, axial a ad a sile a radiator.
• A small scale cross o heat exchaer system or use ith the Armeld Heat Excha E xchaer er Serice uit to teach the udametals cocepts o heat traser
> The radiator is accommodated i the middle ad across the air duct. > The axial a is located betee the radiator ad oe ede o the duct. It ca proide max air elocity o 2m/s. > The s o the radiator are made rom copper ad shie i the liht, ad allo a heat traser area o 14,000mm2. > Four thermocouples measure iput ad output ater ad air temperatures. > Quick release hot uid coectios allo rapid coectio to HT30XC as ell as coectio to the HT35 sotare. > The exercises proposed ith the HT35 proide uctio o basic eieeri cocepts such as psychometricc properties ad mathematical iteratio. psychometri > The HT35 sotare sot are icludes applicatio applicatio o the LMTD (Lo Mea Temperature Dierece) method or cross o heat exchaer as ell as the eectieessnTU (number o Traser Uits) method. > A air elocity sesor proides measuremet o air o iside the duct, hich ca be directly obsered o the uits sotare. > The HT35 sotare sot are is a iteractie tool or hih uderstadi o the actors ad ariables ioled i the cross o heat exchae.
Mimic diagram of HT35 - Exercise A on HT35 software
•Somepartsintheheatexchangersuchasprobesand Somepartsintheheatexchangersuchasprobesand axial a ca be easily remoed or cleai • TheHT35enablesvariationoftheparamet TheHT35enablesvariationoftheparameters ers ioled i the cross o exchae process ad thereore a complete aalysis o the pheomea •K-typethermocouplesmeasuretheinletandoutlet K-typethermocouplesmeasuretheinletandoutlet ater ad air temperatures, as ell as permitti the coectio o the air elocity sesor to the HT30XC • Theairmassowrateisderivedusinganair elocity sesor • TheHT35ismountedonaPVCbaseplatewhichis desied to be istalled o the plith o the Heat Exchaer Uit ithout the eed or tools •Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded ovERall dimENsioNs
Heiht: 0.15m width: 0.75m Depth: 0.40m shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN
Volume: gross weiht:
0.09m 3 6k
EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs
Requires the Armeld HT30XC or HT30X Heat Exchaer Serice Uit.
Mimic diagram of HT35 - Exercise B on HT35 software
othER pRoducts iN thE hEat tRaNsFER RaNgE iNcludE: NEw accEssoRY - ht19 FREE & FoRcEd coNvEctioN HT10XC
COMPUTER COnTROLLED HEAT TRAnSFER TEACHIng EQUIPMEnT Ree ern y A specic feature of the HT10XC is that it incorporates the acilities and saety eatures to allo the accessories to be remotely controlled rom an external computer, here this is appropriat appropriate. e.
with suitable (user provided) sotare, this means that the equipment can be operated remotely, or instance over an intra-net or even over the internet. All the acilities can also be accessed locally using the ront panel controls and display.
thERmodYNamics - th sERiEs
EXTEnDS THE STUDy OF HEAT InTO THE FIELD OF THERMODynAMICS The TH rae is desied to itroduce itroduce the udametal priciples o thermodyamics to eable the studet to ai a uderstadi o these dicult cocepts. TH1: Temperature Measuremet ad Calibratio Now wiTH boyles law MarCeT boiler
TH2: Pressure Measuremet ad Calibratio TH3: Saturatio Pressure
HT10XC shown with Free and Forc ed Convect ion access ory - HT19
TH4: Recycle Loops TH5: Expasio Processes Processes o a Perect gas
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