Armfield HT30XC - Computer Controlled Heat Exchanger Service Module

January 11, 2017 | Author: Armfield Ltd | Category: N/A
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Ht SerieS: Heat tranSfe tranSfer r and tHermodynamiCS 

Computer Controlled Heat exCHanger ServiCe module –


Ree ern y  HT30XC shown with Plate Heat Exchanger - HT37 

Now with NEw aNd *uNiquE accEssoRY - tRuE cRoss Flow hEat ExchaNgER accEssoRY ht35


A rae o small scale heat exchaers, desied to illustrate the priciples ad techiques o idirect heat traser betee uid streams. Dieret tpes o heat exchaer ca be mouted o a commo bech top serice uit. Small scale ersios o commol used idustrial heat exchaers are aailable (icludi plate, tubular ad ‘shell ad tube’) or aalsis ad compariso.  The equipme equipmett is cotrolled cotrolled b a user user supplied supplied persoal persoal computer computer,, hich seres as the operator iterace. Full data loi, cotrol ad educatioal sotare is supplied ith the equipmet. I additio, the equipmet has bee tted ith ailsae sstems, icludi a atchdo circuit, hich allos or sae operatio rom a remote computer. KEY FEa FE atuREs > Small scale, bech top equipmet > Fast respose times allo i depth iestiatios i a short time > Represetatie o idustrial heat exchaers > Multiple, idustriall represetatie heat exchaers aailable > All uctios computer cotrolled, icludi reersi o oe o the uid streams or cocurret ad coutercurret iestiatios > Stadard USB iterace > Saet uctios implemeted to allo or remote operatio b computer > Full educatioal sotare ith data loi, cotrol, raph plotti, ad detailed ‘Help’ > Suitable or project ork. The serice bech proides acilities or ealuati ihouse heat exchaer desis

Inset: Cross Flow Heat Exchanger - HT35

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2 years This data sheet is available online at:

issue 3

ht30xc sERvicE uNit

Heat Transfer Transfer Service Unit - HT30XC

 The HT30X HT30XC C is a service unit, to allo the operation o one o the Armfeld range o small scale heat exchanger systems. It proides cotrolled cold ater o, bidirectioal hot ater o ad the istrumetatio required to do a series o idepth iestiatios ito heat exchaer perormace. The idiidual heat exchaers ca be quickl chaed oer, to eable comparisos betee dieret tpes o heat exchaer to be made.  The HT30XC requires requires a user supplied persoal computer computer or the operator iterace. The computer coects the HT30XC usi a USB iterace, proidi a simple ad straihtorard istallatio ad set up procedure. Oce the appropriate heat exchaer has bee istalled ad set up, all other uctios ca be perormed uder computer cotrol. Appropriate measures have been implemented so that in the case o computer ailure or communications breakdon, the system shuts itsel don in a sae manner. haRdwaRE dEscRiptioN

 The serice uit proides to uid streams to the heat exchaer, a hot ater stream ad a cold ater stream.  The hot ater stream is heated i a essel tted ith a electric heater. The heater is sitched o ad o by a solid state relay (SSR), hich is uder sotare cotrol. A thermostat limits the maximum ater temperature to 75ºC or operator saety.

A ear pump circulates ater rom the essel, throuh the heat exchaer ad back ito the heater essel. Both the pump speed ad directio are uder sotare cotrol, eabli or cocurret ad coutercurret iestiatios oer a ide rae o o rates.  The cold ater stream is eerated rom a mais ater suppl. The o throuh the heat exchaer is adjusted b a ariable o ale, aai uder sotare cotrol. A mauall adjustable pressure reulator is used to miimise the eect o mais pressure uctuatios. Coditioi circuits or up to 10 Ktpe thermocouples Coditioi are icluded, (the thermocouples themseles are supplied ith the heat exchaers). The istrumetatio also icludes ometers to measure the o rates o the to uid streams. Sitchi o the uit puts it ito ‘Stadb’ mode. From this mode it is ecessar or a reular series o pulses to be receied rom the sotare (ia the built i USB iterace) to ull poer up the uit.  This esures that uless the cotrol sotare sot are is rui, the heaters, the pump ad the cold ater cotrol ale caot be sitched o. The uit also icludes a emerec stop sitch. All electrical circuits are located i a bech mouted ABS supporti base, ad protected by a Residual Curret Deice (RSD) or operator saety. The ABS base icludes a drip tray tray ad drai tap i case o o ater spillae or leakae.


Full educatioal sotare is proided ith the HT30XC or all the Armield heat exchaers. Separate prorams are proided or each exchaer, ad each proram cotais a selectio o separate exercises that ca be perormed. The actual details are exercise speciic, but tpicall the olloi iteraces are aailable: > All the temperatures ad o rates are displaed o a diarammatic represetatio o the equipmet. > A sotare ‘butto’ sitches the equipmet rom ‘stadb’ mode to ull o. > The cold ater o cotrol ale is operated b usi up/do arros or tpi i a alue betee 0 ad 100%. The actual o rate ca be read directl i L/mi. > The hot ater o rate is set b eteri a required set poit ito a PID cotrol uctio. This use o PID cotrol esures the o is stable despite chaes i the iscosit o the ater due to heati. > The heater is aai cotrolled i a PID loop, b setti a required temperature set poit. > Data rom the sesors is loed ito a spreadsheet ormat, uder operator cotrol. > Sophisticated raph plotti acilities are proided. Comparisos betee data take o dieret rus ca be displaed. > Studet questios ad asers, icludi a laered ‘Hit’ acilit. > Processi o measured alues to obtai calculated results (this ca be liked to the questios ad asers to esure studet stu det uderstadi). > The data samples (measured ad calculated) ca be saed, or exported directl i Microsot Excel ormat. > Data rom the sesors ca be displaed idepedetl rom the data loi. This ca be i bar raph ormat, or a recet histor raphical displa (useul to check  or temperature stabilit prior to taki a sample). > Presetatio screes are aailable, ii a oerie o the sotare, the equipmet, the procedure ad the associated theor. This is backed up b a detailed ‘Help’ acilit ii idepth uidace ad backroud iormatio.

Typical co-current results from HT36

Typical counter-current results from HT36

306 30 6

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64/32-BIT Compa CompaTIBle TIBle

 Armsoft 3 06 - 6 4/32 - bit Windows compatible software FOR FURTHER InFORMATIOn On THE ADvAnCED FEATURES OF THE SOPHISTICATED ARMFIELD SOFT wARE vISIT: www.disco .uk/data/armsoft


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soFtwaRE coNtiNuEd - usER dEFiNEd soFtwaRE aNd/oR REmotE opERatioN

Icluded separatel o the sotare CD are the ‘driers’ required to allo other sotare applicatios to commuicate ith the HT30XC ia the USB iterace.  This eables users to rite their o sotare istead o  usi the Armeld proided sotare. This sotare ca be ritte i ma dieret sstems. Tpicall Labvie, MatLab, ‘C’, ‘C++’, visual Basic, Delphi, ad a other sotare eiromet hich allos calls to exteral driers ca be used. I this a the user ca rite so tare to suit their specic requiremets, i a eiromet hich the are ull amiliar ith ad hich is compatible ith their other equipmet. A extesio o this methodolo allos the equipmet to be operated remotel, such as oer a Local Area netork (LAn) or ee oer the iteret. The HT30XC is ideal or this remote operatio as it has bee desied to esure that the uit shuts do sael i the eet o a commuicatios ailure. It has also bee desied so that oce the heat exchaer has bee istalled ad coured, all the cotrols to perorm a series o  iestiatios are uder sotare cotrol, so the studet does ot eed to be preset ith the equipmet.

Mimic diagram of HT31

I a tpical istallatio, the HT30XC ould be coected to a local PC ia the USB bus. The local PC ould be coected to the users’ PC’s ia a LAn (Local Area netork). The operator iterace sotare ould be ru o the remote (users) PC ad commuicate to the cotrol sotare o the local PC. (Armeld do ot proide the sotare to implemet this tpe o sstem). For remote use, the appropriate heat exchaer ould be istalled oto the serice uit, ad the cold ater pressure reulator adjusted to match the heat exchaer to the cold ater suppl.

Mimic diagram of HT32

 The uit is the sitch sitched ed o ad rema remais is i ‘Sta ‘Stadb’ db’ mode util appropriate sotare is ru requesti the uit to poer up ull. with the HT31, HT32 ad HT33, Heat Exchaers, all uctios ca the be operated remotel remotel..

 The HT34, HT36 ad HT37 Heat Exchaers ca be coured i dieret ays, ad so the required couratio has to be maually implemeted locally. Hoeer, oce this has bee doe, a ull set o iestiatios ca be perormed remotely or that couratio, icludi co-curret ad coutercurret os.

Mimic diagram of HT37

hEat ExchaNgER optioNs

iNstRuctioNal capabilitiEs

Training exercises that are common to each of the  heat exchangers exchangers when used with with the HT30XC:

> Demostratio o idirect heati/ cooli by traser o heat rom oe uid stream to aother he separated by a solid all. > Eery balace determiatio (heat balace) ad calculatio o eciecies by measuri the o rates ad temperature chaes i the hot ad cold uid streams. > Itroductio to dieret types o heat exchaer ad compariso o the diereces i operatio ad perormace. > Usi the Loarithmic Mea Temperature Dierece (LMTD) i heat traser calculatios. HT36 connections

A ide selectio o heat exchaer optios are aailable or use ith the HT30XC. Rai rom simple exchaers to demostrate cocurret ad coutercurret o, to recourable sstems ith iterim temperature measuremets, capable o  bei used or idepth heat exchaer aalsis.  The heat exchaers exchaers are easil easil ite itercha rchaed, ed, ith quick  release ttis o the exible itercoecti tubes, ad a simple locatio sstem usi thumbscres to secure the exchaers oto the serice uit.

> Deitio ad measuremet o Oerall Heat Traser Coeciet (U). > Demostratio o the dierec diereces es betee couter-curret ad co-curret operatio, (ot releat or some HT34 couratios). > Demostratio o the trasitio trasitio  rom liear to turbulet o. > Eect o hot ad cold uid o rate o the heat traser coeciet. > Eect o drii orce (temperature dieretial) o the heat traser coeciet. > Iestiatio Iestiatio o heat loss ad reductio i heat traser coeciet due to ouli o the heat traser suraces (suitable studet project usi user iduced ouli).

Mimic diagram of HT36

Mimic diagram of HT35 - Exercise A on HT35 software

additioNal tRaiNiNg ExERcisEs

Extended Tubular Heat Exchanger - HT36

 Additional training training exercises using the HT36   Extended Tubular Tubular Heat Exchanger: Exchanger:

> Demostratio o temperatur temperature e oerlaps betee uid streams i coutercurret operatio. > Temperature proles alo the eectie leth o the heat exchaer i both couter-curret ad co-curret operatio. > Compari the eect o dieret heat traser areas. Jacketed Vessel - HT34

 Additional training exercises exercises using the  HT34 Jacketed Vessel: Vessel:

> Itroductio to heat exchae i a batch or cotiuously ed stirred essel ad compariso o the diereces i operatio ad perormace he usi a heati jacket or heati coil. > Eects o stirri ad essel cotets (olume) o the heat traser characteristics.

Extended Reconfigurable Plate Heat Exchanger - HT37

 Additi onal training  Additional t raining exercise exercises s using usi ng the HT37   Extended Reconfgurable Reconfgurable Plate Heat Heat Exchanger: Exchanger: > Temperature proles alo the eectie leth o the heat exchaer i both couter curret ad co-curret operatio. > Demostratio o temperatur temperature e oerlaps betee uid streams i couter-curret operatio. > Use o LMTD correctio actor he calculati the Oerall Heat Traser Coeciet. > Compari the eect o dieret heat traser areas. > The use o a reeeratio stae or eery eciecy, he heati ad subsequetly cooli a product stream. > Project ork to implemet a ide ariety o plate couratios, ii series, parallel ad combied uid passes.

 Additional training exercises exercises using a user provided heat exchanger:

> Ay o the aboe exercises exercises ca be perormed, here appropriate, usi a user proided heat exchaer hai appropriate characteristics, dimesios ad ttis.  The serice uit ill support ealuatio o  experimetal heat exchaers costructed as desi exercises by studets.

REquiREmENts - ht30xc

Single phase electricity supply: HT30XC-A: 230v, 50Hz, 10Amp HT30XC-B: 115v, 60Hz, 20Amp HT30XC-g: 230v, 60Hz, 10Amp Cold water supply and drain: 5 Litres/miute at 1bar aue (mi) ovERall dimENsioNs

Heiht: width: Depth:

0.45m (serice uit ol) 1.0m 0.5m

shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN

volume: gross weiht:

0.33m3 33k

EssENtial/optioNal EquipmENt

 The user user must hae hae access access to a PC ith ith a ree USBport,runningWindows98,orlate USBport,runni ngWindows98,orlater. r. At least oe heat exchaer module is required, additioal heat exchaers are optioal.  PC computer ith USB port (ot supplied by Armeld).


• Alightweightbenchtopserviceunit,designedto accommodate a rae o dieret small scale heat exchaers • Compriseshotwa Compriseshotwatervessel,hotwat tervessel,hotwaterrecirculatio errecirculationpump, npump, cold ater cotrol sstem, computer iterace ad all ecessar istrumetatio • Thehotwatervesselismadefromclearacrylic(for isibilit) ad icludes a 2kw heater ith thermostatic oertemperature cutout ad lo ater leel detectio • Thehotwaterpumpisbi-directional(toallowco-current ad coutercurret iestiatios ithout recouri the hardare) ad the o rate is uder computer cotrol • Thecoldwatersystemincl Thecoldwatersystemincludesamanuall udesamanuallyadjustable yadjustable pressure reulator ad a o cotrol ale, hich is uder computer cotrol • Flowratesforbothuidstreamsinexcessof5L/minare achieable, but this ma be restricted b some desis o  heat exchaer (e.. HT32 & HT36 Plate Heat Exchaers) • Uptotentemperatures(K-typethermocouples)canbe moitored usi the serice uit. Operati rae, 075ºC, resolutio 0.1ºC • Twoowmetersareincluded.Operatingrange0.2to9L/ mi, resolutio 0.1 L/mi • Alldataisavailabletoa(usersupplied)WindowsPC,via a USB iterace. This computer is also used to cotrol the o rates, hot ater temperature, ad hot ater directio • Fullsoftwareforeducationaluseisincluded. • Abilityforuserstowriteandusetheirownsoftware (E. Labie) • Includesfailsafeharwarefacilitiesforremoteoperation, E. oer the iteret, he used ith the customers sotare • Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded

tubulaR hEat ExchaNgERs - ht31/ht36

 HT31 - Tubular Tubular Heat Exchanger  Exchanger   HT36 - Extended Ex tended Tubular Tubular Heat Exchanger  Exchanger 

ovERall dimENsioNs

HT36:  The tubular heat exchae exchaerr is the simplest orm o   HT31: 0.16m 6m Heiht: 0.2m heat exchaer ad cosists o to cocetric (coaxial) Heiht: 0.1 0.51m Width: 0.95m tubes carryi the hot ad cold uids. I these miiature Width: Depth: 0.4m ersios the tubes are separated ito sectios to reduce Depth: 0.39m the oerall leth ad to eable the temperature at shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN poits alo both uid streams to be measured. HT36:  To  T o ersios are aailable, the HT31 is a basic ersio  HT31: 3 0.05m volume:: 0.1m volume 0.1m3 ith to sectios ad a sile iterim temperature volume: gross weiht: 10k 10k  measuremet poit. The HT36 is a more sophisticated gross eiht: 4k

uit ith our loer tube sectios, ii our times the oerall heat traser area ad three iterim temperature measuremet poits i each uid stream.  The HT36 has sucie suciett heat traser area to demostrat demostrate e the classic couter curret o coditios here the outlet o the heated stream is hotter tha the outlet o  the cooled stream. tEchNical dEtails

On both heat exchangers the inner tube is used or the hot uid and the outer annulus or cold uid.  This minimises heat loss rom the exchanger ithout the need or additional insulation.  The inner tubes are constructed rom stainless steel and the outer annulus rom clear acrylic, providing visualisation o the heat exchanger construction and minimising thermal losses.  The tubes can be dismantled or cleaning.

EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs

HT31/HT36 requires the Armeld HT30XC, Computer Cotrolled Heat Exchaer Serice Uit. oRdERiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN HT31 - TUBULAR HEAT EXCHAngER HT36 - EXTEnDED TUBULAR HEAT EXCHAngER

• AsmallscaleTubularHeatExchangersystemforusewith a Armeld Heat Exchae Serice Uit to teach the udametal cocepts o heat exchaers • Comprisesanumberofsectionsofconcentrictubes,the outer sectio costructed rom clear acrlic or isibilit ad the ier tube rom stailess steel • Thetubesareeasilydismantledforcleaning • Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded

Te mpe rat ure me me as ureme nt po po i n t s

H T31 6 of of f:

H T36 10 off:

N umbe r o f t ube se c t io n s

• Hot fluid inlet • Hot fluid mid-position • Hot fluid outlet • Cold fluid inlet • Cold fluid mid-position • Cold fluid outlet 2

• Hot fluid inlet • Hot fluid interim positions (3) • Hot fluid outlet • Cold fluid inlet • Cold fluid interim positions (3) • Cold fluid outlet 4 (can also be configured for 1, 2 or 3 sections)

H e at t r a n s f e r a re a

0 . 0 2 m2

0.08m2 max

platE hEat ExchaNgERs - ht32/ht37  HT32 - Plate Heat Exchange Exchanger  r   HT37 - Extended Reconfgu Reconfgurable rable  Plate Heat Heat Exchanger  Exchanger 

 The plate heat exchaer is extremel ersatile ad commol used i the ood ad chemical processi idustries. Dieret combiatios o plates ad askets ca be arraed to suit a particular applicatio. The miiature exchaer supplied, cosists o a pack o plates ith seali askets held toether i a rame betee ed plates. Hot ad cold uids o betee chaels o alterate sides o  the plates to promote heat traser.

 The HT37 HT37 is desied desied to be recour recourable able b the the studet studet ad ca accommodate accommodate up to our sectios sec tios o heati. Each sectio proides a additioal temperature measuremet poit or each uid stream. I order to make the uit eas to recoure, these sectios are supplied as pre assembled roups o plates complete ith a itermediate plate (cotaii the temperature measuremet poits). Usi the our heati sectios proided, studets ca compare heat exchaers o dieret heat traser area ad dieret umbers o passes. A quick release clamp sstem eables the dieret arraemets to be chaed quickl ad easil ithout usi tools.

Plate Heat Exchanger - HT32

Also supplied is a preassembled reeeratio sectio to demostrate this importat eer eciet method o heati. The reeeratio sectio ca be used i cojuctio ith oe, to or three o the stadard heati sectios i dieret couratios.

Plate heat exchaers ca be implemeted i a ide ariet o couratios, ith parallel passes, serial passes, or combiatios o both. For more adaced iestiatios ito these eects, (e.. or project ork) a urther tele loose plates are supplied ith the HT37.  These ca be used i cojuctio ith the plates rom the preassembled modules to iestiate these other couratios.  The HT32 has a sile heati sectio coured or multipass operatio ith passes i series. It comprises see idiidual plates, hich are clamped toether usi to stailess steel threaded bars ad uts. It is possible to dismatle ad reassemble the heat exchaer usi ol three plates to demostrate a sile pass.

HT37 with four heating sections installed

tEchNical dEtails ovERall dimENsioNs  The plates used i these heat exchaers hae bee specicall deeloped b Armeld or use i miiature HT37: heat exchaer sstems.  The are abricated rom  HT32: 0.17m 7m Heiht: 0.1 0.17m 7m 316 stailess steel, ith a pressed chero patter to Heiht: 0.1 0.18m Width: 0.18m promote turbulece ad proide multiple support poits. Width: Depth: 0.39m Depth: 0.39m Silicoe rubber askets are used o each plate to seal the adjacet o chaels rom each other. shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN  Plate details:  HT32: HT37: 3 Plate oerall dimesios: 75mm x 115 15mm mm volume: 0.03m volume: 0.03m3 Eectie diameter: 3.0mm Gross weight: 6kg Gross Weight: 9.5kg Plate thickess: 0.5mm EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs wetted perimeter: 53.0mm 2 Projected Pro jectedheattr heattransm ansmissi issionar onarea: ea: 0.008 0.008m m per plate HT32/HT37 HT32/HT3 7 requires the Armeld HT30XC,  The plates are mouted i a rame icorporat icorporati i xed Computer Cotrolled Heat Exchaer Serice Uit. ad moi ed plates ith coectios or hot ad cold uids. The exchaers are easily dismatled or oRdERiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN ispectio o the heat traser suraces. HT32 - PLATE HEAT EXCHAngER HT37 - EXTEnDED RECOnFIgURABLE PLATE HEAT EXCHAngER

• Asmallscaleplateheatexchangersystemforusewith a Armeld Heat Exchae Serice Uit to teach the udametal cocepts o heat exchaers • Comprisesanumberofstainlesssteelplates,eachwitha pressed chero patter ad a ood rade silico rubber seali asket, mouted i a rame • Easilydismantledforcleaning • Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded

Number of plates

H T32 7 (5 effective plates)

H T37 Reconfigurable up to 20 plates (12 effective plates)

H e at t r a n s f e r a re a

0 . 0 4 m2

0.096m2 (max)

H e at e xc h a n g e r c o n f i g u ra t i o n

S in gl e he at i ng st a ge

Te mpe rat ure me me as ureme nt po po i n t s

4 of of f: • Hot fluid inlet • Hot fluid outlet • Cold fluid inlet • Cold fluid outlet

Cla mp in g m ec h an i sm

D u a l s c re w t h re a d s w i t h n u t s

Configurable sections, with a separate regeneration section Up to 10 off: • Hot fluid inlet • Hot fluid interim positions (up to 3) • Hot fluid outlet • Cold fluid inlet • Cold fluid interim positions (up to 3) • Cold fluid outlet Quick release, hand operated, no tools required 12 additional plates (supplied loose) give the option of exploring many different configurations

Project work

shEll & tubE hEat ExchaNgER - ht33

Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger - HT33

 The shell shell ad tube tube heat excha exchae err is com commo mol l used i the ood ad chemical process idustries. This tpe o exchaer cosists o a umber o tubes i parallel eclosed i a clidrical shell. Heat is traserred betee oe uid oi throuh the tubes ad aother uid oi throuh the clidrical shell aroud the tubes.  The mi miiat iature ure ex excha chae err supp supplied lied is des desi ied ed to dem demo ostra strate te liquid to liquid heat traser i a 17 shell ad tube heat exchaer (oe shell ad see tubes ith to traserse bafes i the shell). tEchNical dEtails  The acc access essor or cosi cosists sts o a mii miiatu ature re shell shell ad ad tube tube heat exchaer ith the olloi eatures: > Hot uid i the ier tubes ad cold uid i outer shell to miimise heat loss rom the exchaer ithout the eed or additioal isulatio > See stailess steel tubes, 6.35mm OD > The outer aulus, ed caps ad bafes costructed rom clear acrlic to allo isualisatio o the heat exchaer costructio ad miimise thermal losses > nomial combied heat traser area o 20,000mm2, (equialet to that o the HT31 Tubular Heat Exchaer or direct compariso) > Cold uid (cold ater) eters oe ed o the shell at the bottom ad exits at the opposite ed at the top hai oed oer ad uder to traserse bafes iside the shell > Thermocouples are istalled at the olloi our locatios: o Hot uid o Hot uid outlet o Cold uid ilet o Cold uid

ovERall dimENsioNs

Height: width: Depth:

0.19m 0.43m 0.39m

shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN

volume: gross weiht:

0.06m3 5k

EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs

Requires the Armeld HT30XC or HT30X Heat Exchaer Serice Uit. oRdERiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN HT33 - SHELL & TUBE HEAT EXCHAngER

•Aminiatureshellandtubeheatexchangerforusewithan Aminiatureshellandtubeheatexchangerforusewithan Armeld Heat Exchaer Serice Uit •Comprisesanoutershellandseveninternaltubes.There Comprisesanoutershellandseveninternaltubes.There are to traserse bafes iside the shell •Fourtemperaturesensorsaresuppliedintappingsatuid Fourtemperaturesensorsaresuppliedintappingsatuid ilets ad outlets •Theheatexchangerisconstructedfromstainlesssteel Theheatexchangerisconstructedfromstainlesssteel tube ad clear acrlic. It is mouted o a PvC baseplate hich is desied to be istalled o the plith o the Heat Exchaer Serice Uit ithout the eed or tools •Thestainlesssteeltubescanberemovedfromtheheat Thestainlesssteeltubescanberemovedfromtheheat exchaer or cleai •Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded

JacKEtEd vEssEl with coil & stiRRER - ht34

Jacketed Vessel with Coil & Stirrer- HT34

vessel Heati or cooli o a process liquid i a tak, either batchise or ith cotiuous product eed, is commo practice throuhout throuhout idustry. The characteristics o the heat traser usi a exteral jacket or iteral coil ca be demostrated toether ith the eect o stirri the essel cotets.

tEchNical dEtails

 The accessory cosists cosists o a jacketed essel ith the olloi eatures: > The essel cosists o a stailess steel all ith PvC base ad clear acrylic top. A lass outer jacket allos the all o the essel to be surrouded ith hot uid or idirect heati rom the outside. Alteratiely, a stailess steel coil iside the essel allos the cold uid cotaied ithi the essel to be idirectly heated rom iside. > The essel icorporates a ariable speed stirrer s tirrer ad bafe arraemet to proide thorouh mixi o the essel cotets he required.

ovERall dimENsioNs

Heiht: Width: Depth:

0.40m 0.18m 0.39m

shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN

volume: Gros Gr oss sW Wei eigh ght: t:

0.10m3 9kg 9k g

EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs

Requires the Armeld HT30XC, Computer Cotrolled Heat Exchaer Serice Uit. oRdERiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN

> A adjustable oero eables the olume o liquid iside the essel to be aried ith a maximum capacity o to litres ad a miimum o oe litre.


> The essel ca be operated batchise by simply lli to the oero or ith cotiuous eed o  cold liquid to the base o the essel, the excess liquid oi rom the oero to drai.

•Comprisesprocessingvesselwithout Comprisesprocessingvesselwithouterjacket,innercoil, erjacket,innercoil, ariable speed stirrer ad bafe

> Thermocouples are istalled at the olloi six locatios: o vessel cotets (cold uid) o Hot uid ilet to jacket o Hot uid outlet rom jacket o Hot uid ilet to coil o Hot uid outlet rom coil o Cold uid ilet to essel

•Miniaturejacketedvesselheatexchangersystemforuse Miniaturejacketedvesselheatexchangersystemforuse ith a Armeld Heat Exchaer Serice uit

•K-Typethermo K-Typethermocouplesmeasu couplesmeasurethevesselconten rethevesselcontentsand tsand the ilet ad outlet temperature o both uid streams (6 i total) •TheHeatExchangerisdesignedtobeinstalledonthe TheHeatExchangerisdesignedtobeinstalledonthe serice uit ithout the eed or tools •Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded

> Quick release hot and cold uid connections enable rapid connection to HT30X and conversion rom heating jacket to heating coil.

Mimic diagram of HT34

cRoss Flow hEat ExchaNgER - ht35

 The cross o heat exch exchae aerr is comm commol ol used i appl applicatio icatioss such as heat heati, i, e etilat tilati i ad air cod coditioi itioi. . It is also ecoutered as ehicle eie radiator.  This tpe o heat exch exchae ae occurs he the o directio directio  o the to uids cross each other. other. I the HT3 HT35, 5, hot ate aterr os i ad out o a radiator, perpedicular to air stream, hich is bei pulled ito the radiator b a axial a.  The coectio coectio betee betee the the to uids uids throuh throuh s surace surace o the the radiator radiator impleme implemets ts the heat heat excha exchae. e.

Detail of the HT35 radiator

HT35 - Diagram

tEchNical dEtails

oRdERiNg spEciFicatioN - ht35

> This uit cosists o a PvC rectaular duct, axial a ad a sile a radiator.

• A small scale cross o heat exchaer system or use ith the Armeld Heat Excha E xchaer er Serice uit to teach the udametals cocepts o heat traser

> The radiator is accommodated i the middle ad across the air duct. > The axial a is located betee the radiator ad oe ede o the duct. It ca proide max air elocity o 2m/s. > The s o the radiator are made rom copper ad shie i the liht, ad allo a heat traser area o 14,000mm2. > Four thermocouples measure iput ad output ater ad air temperatures. > Quick release hot uid coectios allo rapid coectio to HT30XC as ell as coectio to the HT35 sotare. > The exercises proposed ith the HT35 proide uctio o basic eieeri cocepts such as psychometricc properties ad mathematical iteratio. psychometri > The HT35 sotare sot are icludes applicatio applicatio o the LMTD (Lo Mea Temperature Dierece) method or cross o heat exchaer as ell as the eectieessnTU (number o Traser Uits) method. > A air elocity sesor proides measuremet o air o iside the duct, hich ca be directly obsered o the uits sotare. > The HT35 sotare sot are is a iteractie tool or hih uderstadi o the actors ad ariables ioled i the cross o heat exchae.

Mimic diagram of HT35 - Exercise A on HT35 software

•Somepartsintheheatexchangersuchasprobesand Somepartsintheheatexchangersuchasprobesand axial a ca be easily remoed or cleai • TheHT35enablesvariationoftheparamet  TheHT35enablesvariationoftheparameters ers ioled i the cross o exchae process ad thereore a complete aalysis o the pheomea •K-typethermocouplesmeasuretheinletandoutlet K-typethermocouplesmeasuretheinletandoutlet ater ad air temperatures, as ell as permitti the coectio o the air elocity sesor to the HT30XC • Theairmassowrateisderivedusinganair elocity sesor • TheHT35ismountedonaPVCbaseplatewhichis desied to be istalled o the plith o the Heat Exchaer Uit ithout the eed or tools •Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded Acomprehensiveinstructionmanualisincluded ovERall dimENsioNs

Heiht: 0.15m width: 0.75m Depth: 0.40m shippiNg spEciFica spEciFicatioN tioN

Volume: gross weiht:

0.09m 3 6k

EssENtial aRmFiEld accEssoRiEs

Requires the Armeld HT30XC or HT30X Heat Exchaer Serice Uit.

Mimic diagram of HT35 - Exercise B on HT35 software

othER pRoducts iN thE hEat tRaNsFER RaNgE iNcludE: NEw accEssoRY - ht19 FREE & FoRcEd coNvEctioN HT10XC

COMPUTER COnTROLLED HEAT TRAnSFER TEACHIng EQUIPMEnT Ree ern y   A specic feature of the HT10XC is that it incorporates the acilities and saety eatures to allo the accessories to be remotely controlled rom an external computer, here this is appropriat appropriate. e.

with suitable (user provided) sotare, this means that the equipment can be operated remotely, or instance over an intra-net or even over the internet. All the acilities can also be accessed locally using the ront panel controls and display.

thERmodYNamics - th sERiEs

EXTEnDS THE STUDy OF HEAT InTO THE FIELD OF THERMODynAMICS  The TH rae is desied to itroduce itroduce the udametal priciples o thermodyamics to eable the studet to ai a uderstadi o these dicult cocepts. TH1: Temperature Measuremet ad Calibratio Now wiTH boyles law MarCeT boiler

TH2: Pressure Measuremet ad Calibratio TH3: Saturatio Pressure

HT10XC shown with Free  and Forc ed Convect ion  access ory - HT19

TH4: Recycle Loops TH5: Expasio Processes Processes o a Perect gas

306 30 6

Arm rmSoft Soft

64/32-BIT Compa CompaTIBle TIBle

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