Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory

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Series on Number Theoiy and Its Applications V o l . 1


Editors Lin Weng & Iku Nakamura World Scientific


Series on Number Theory and Its Applications



Series Editor: Shigeru Kanemitsu (Kinki University, Japan) Editorial Board Members: V. N. Chubarikov (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) Christopher Deninger (Universitat Munster, Germany) Chaohua Jia (Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China) H. Niederreiter (National University of Singapore, Singapore) M. Waldschmidt (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France) Advisory Board: K. Ramachandra (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India (retired)) A. Schinzel (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)

Vol. 1 Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory edited by Lin Weng & Iku Nakamura

Series on Number Theory and Its Applications Vol. 1



Lin Weng

Kyushu University, Japan

Iku Nakamura Hokkaido University, Japan




Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ARITHMETIC GEOMETRY AND NUMBER THEORY Copyright © 2006 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher.

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ISBN 981-256-814-X

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Foreword This series aims to bring together the very many applications of number theory in a fusion of diverse disciplines such as chemistry, physics and others. It aims to provide a comprehensive and thorough coverage of the whole spectrum of (state-of-the-art knowledge of) number theory and related fields, in the form of textbooks and review volumes. Presented as an organic whole, rather than as an assembly of disjointed subjects, the volumes in the series will include ample examples to illustrate the applications of number theory. The target audience will range from the undergraduate student who hopes to master number theory so as to apply it to his or her own research, to the professional scientist who wishes to keep abreast of the latest in the applications of number theory, to the curious academic who wants to know more about this fusion of old disciplines. Shigeru Kanemitsu Series Editor


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Preface Mathematics is a part of our culture. As such, the works presented here serve the purposes of developing branches involved, popularizing existing theories, and guiding our future explorations. Accordingly, the collection of this volume may be roughly divided into three categories. More precisely, first, Jiang's paper deals with local gamma factors t h a t appeared in the theory of automorphic representations; Obitsu-To-Weng's paper investigates the intrinsic relations between Weil-Petersson and Takhtajan-Zograf metrics on moduli spaces of punctured Riemann surfaces using Deligne pairings and an arithmetic Riemann-Roch isometry; Werner's paper explains her recent works with Deninger on vector bundles on curves over Cp; Yoshida's paper exposes his beautiful theory on CM periods; and Yu's paper studies the transcendence of special values for zetas over finite fields. All these well-prepared articles then bring us to the uppermost frontiers of the current researches in Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory. Secondly, the lecture notes of Weng explains basic ideas and methods behind the fundamental yet famously difficult work of Langlands on the Eisenstein series and spectral decompositions. The reader will find these notes invaluable in understanding the original theory. Finally, Weng's paper of Geometric Arithmetic outlines a Program for understanding global arithmetic using algebraic a n d / o r analytic methods based on geometric considerations - the topics touched here are a continuation of Weil's approach on non-abelian Class Field Theory using stability and Tannakian category theory; new yet genuine non-abelian zetas and Ls which are closely related with the so-called Arthur's periods; and an intersection approach to the Riemann Hypothesis. While various important topics are selected, all papers share common themes such as the Eisenstein series, stability and zeta functions. Jiang's paper was presented at the Conference on L-Functions (February 18-23, 2006, Fukuoka). Partial contents of the papers of




Obitsu-To-Weng, Werner, Yoshida and Yu were delivered by W.-K. To, A. Werner, H. Yoshida and J. Yu, respectively, in the (series of) lectures at our Karatsu symposium on 'Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory', held from March 21 to March 25, 2005, immediately after the huge Fukuoka earthquake of scale M7.0 (on March 20). The notes about Langlands' work is based on six lectures of Weng at the Mathematics Department, University of Toronto, between October and November, 2005. Finally, the Program paper, of which the first version was circulated around the turn of the millennium, is revised significantly for this publication and is indeed the driving force for the whole project 1 . The Editors


rhis project is partially supported by JSPS.

Contents Foreword




On Local 7-Factors D. H. Jiang


Deligne Pairings over M o d u l i Spaces of P u n c t u r e d R i e m a n n Surfaces K. Obitsu, W.-K. To and L. Weng Vector B u n d l e s on Curves over Cp A. Werner Absolute C M - p e r i o d s — C o m p l e x a n d p-Adic H. Yoshida

47 . . . .

Special Zeta Values in Positive Characteristic . . . . J. Yu A u t o m o r p h i c F o r m s , Eisenstein Series and Spectral Decompositions L. Weng Geometric Arithmetic: A Program L. Weng





123 211

On Local 7-Factors Dihua JIANG

Contents 1 Introduction


2 Basic Properties of Local 7-Factors 2.1 Multiplicativity 2.2 Stability 2.3 Remarks

5 6 6 7

3 Local Converse Theorems 3.1 The case of GL„(F) 3.2 A conjectural LOT 3.3 The case of S02n+i(F)

7 7 9 12

4 Poles of Local 7-Factors 4.1 The case of G = S0 2 „+i 4.2 Other classical groups

15 17 20



Let G be a reductive algebraic group defined over a p-adic local field F. We assume that F is a finite extension of Qp for simplicity. Let WF be the local Weil group of F and LG be the Langlands dual group of G, which is a semi-product of the complex dual group G v and the absolute Galois group r > = Gal(F/F). Consider continuous homomorphisms (j) from the Weil-Deligne group Wf x SL2(C) to the Langlands dual group L G, which is admissible in the sense of [B79]. The Gv-conjugacy class of such a homomorphism 11(0) is called the local Langlands correspondence or the local Langlands reciprocity law for G over F. The main problem is of course how to construct the local Langlands reciprocity map 0 — i > 11(0). Prom the classification-theoretic point of view, the local Langlands conjecture provides a classification for irreducible admissible representations up to L-packet. It is interesting to characterize the local L-packets in general. The most wellknown approach to characterize local L-packets is in terms of stability of distribution characters following from the idea of Arthur trace formula approach to the discrete spectrum of automorphic forms. We refer to [MW03], [KV05], [DR05], [R05] and [V93] for further discussions. In this note, we discuss the roles of local factors attached to irreducible admissible representations of G(F). They yield information about the classification theory and the functorial structures of irreducible admissible representations of G(F). First, we recall the local Langlands conjecture for GL n over F, which is proved by Harris-Taylor [HT01] and by Henniart [H00]. Theorem 1.1 ([HT01], [H00], [H93]). There is a unique collection of bisections rec F : Il(GLn/F)



for every n > 1 such that 1. for 7r € n ( G L i / F ) , recp(7r) = 7r o Art^ 1 , where Art^ is the local Artin reciprocity map from Fx to Wf; 2. for TTi € U(GLni/F)

and TT2 €


L(s, 7Ti x 7r2) = L(s, rec,F(7ri) ® r e c / r ^ ) )

On Local y-Factors


and e(s,7Ti x TT2,ip) = e(s,recF(wi)


w/iere ^ is a given nontrivial character of F; 3. for IT e U(GLn/F)

and X € n ( G L i / F ) ,

recp(7r ( x o det)) = r e c p ^ ) recp( x); ^. /or 7T € Tl(GLn/F)

with central character cu^ = x> det orecF(7r) = rec^Cx);

5. for re e U(GLn/F), contragredient.

Tecf{nv) = recir(7r)v, where V denotes the

We note that the existence of the local Langlands correspondence (the reciprocity map satisfies conditions (l)-(5) is proved in [HT01] and [H00]. The uniqueness of the such maps is proved in [H93]. We refer to [HT01] for historical remarks on the proof of the local Langlands conjecture for GL n (F). The local factors on the GL n (F) side is given [JPSS83] and the local factors on the WF X SL2(C) side is given in [T79]. One can define as in [JPSS83] the local 7-factors by 1.1)


x ir2,i>) = e S,TTI x ir2,i>) • -—-,



L(S, 7Ti X 7T2J

On the WF X SL2(C) side, one defines the 7-factor in the same way [T79]. Note that for GLn(F), the local Z-packets always contains one member. This fact follows from [H93] and the Bernstein-Zelevinsky classification theory ([BZ77] and [Z80]). For general reductive groups local factors have been defined for many cases. When irreducible admissible representations -K of G(F) are generic, i.e. have nonzero Whittaker models, the Shahidi's theory of local coefficients defines the local L-, e-, and 7-factors. It is expected that the local factors defined by Shahidi should be essentially the same as the ones defined by the Rankin-Selberg method if they are available, although it has to be verified case by case. It


D. Jiang

should be mentioned t h a t for nongeneric representations, there are cases where the local factors can be defined by the Rankin-Selberg method ([GPSR97] and [LR05]), and also t h a t the work [FG99] has the potential to define the local factors for nongeneric representations, which can be viewed as the natural extension of Shahidi's work. Of course, one may define the local factors by means of the conjectured local Langlands conjecture for G over F, and this definition should be consistent with all other definitions. We recall the local Langlands functoriality principle. Let G and H be reductive algebraic groups defined over F. For an admissible homomorphism Lp ([B79]) from the Langlands dual group LH to the Langlands dual group LG, there should be a functorial transfer p from U{H/F) to n ( G / F ) , which takes L-packets of H(F) to L-packets of G(F), and satisfies the following conditions. L 1. For any local Langlands parameter 1. For the local 7-factors, one expects (1.2)

7 ( s , a x r , ^ ) = 7 ( s ,p(cr)


Of course, if one assumes the validity of the local Langlands functoriality from reductive groups to the general linear group, then one may use (1.2) to define the twisted local 7-factors in general. We refer [K95], [K00], [BKOO] and [GK99] for some very interesting discussions in this aspect. For a given ir € H(G/F), we have two collections of local 7factors: one is (1.3) {-y(s, re x r, ip) I for all r G II(GL n /F), and for all n = 1,2,... }, the twisted local 7-factors of ir, and the other is (1.4)

{7(s,7r,r,V) I for all r},

the local 7-factors attached to all finite-dimensional complex representations r of LG. Although the exact definition of these collections of local 7-factors is still conjectural in general, it is clear that they are invariants attached to irreducible admissible representations n of G(F) up to equivalence. The basic questions are the following. 1. How do the collections of local 7-factors classify the irreducible admissible representations? (the Local Converse Theorem) 2. How do the explicit analytic properties of the local 7-factors determine the functorial structures of the irreducible admissible representations? (a local version of Langlands problem) We first recall some basic properties of local 7-factors, and then discuss these two basic problems in details, including some typical known examples in the following sections.


Basic Properties of Local 7-Factors

We recall briefly some basic properties of the local 7-factors. Among them are mainly the multiplicativity and stability of the local 7factors.



D. Jiang


For the twisted local 7-factors, one expects the multiplicativity holds. More precisely, it can be stated as follows. For an irreducible admissible representation 7r of G(F), there is a supercuspidal datum (M(F),cr) where P = MN is a parabolic subgroup of G defined over F and a is an irreducible supercuspidal representation of M(F) such that 7r is isomorphic to an irreducible subrepresentation of the G( F\

induced representation I n d p ^ {a). Then one expects (2.1)

7(7r x r, s, ip) = 7(0- x r, s, tp)

for all irreducible supercuspidal representations r of GLj (F) with I — 1,2,.... Further, if M = GL r x H, then one may write a = r r ® a', and expect (2.2)

7(0- x r, s, ip) — 7(r r x r, s, •*/>) • 7(0-' x r, s, ip).

Properties (2.1) and (2.2) are called the Multiplicativity of the local 7-factors. F. Shahidi proved in [Sh90b] the multiplicativity for irreducible generic representations n of all F-quasisplit reductive algebraic groups G(F) by using his theory on the local coefficients. For G = GL(n), it is proved by Soudry by the Rankin-Selberg method ([S00]). One may expect that the work ([GPSR97] and [FG99]) has implication in this aspect for irreducible admissible representations, which may not be generic.



Another significant property of twisted local 7-factors is the Stability, which can be stated as follows. For irreducible admissible representations 7Ti and 7T2 of G(F), there exists a highly ramified character X of Fx such that 7(71-1 x x, s, V>) = 7(^2 x x, s, ip). It was proved by Jacquet-Shalika ([JS85]) for the group GL m x GL n . For irreducible generic representations of classical groups, it was

On Local ^-Factors


proved in [CPS98] and [CKPSS04]. For irreducible generic representations of general F-quasisplit groups, the approach is taken in [CPSS05]. For F-split classical groups of either symplectic or orthogonal type, the stability of local 7-factors has be proved for general irreducible admissible representations via the doubling method ([RS05]). 2.3


It is important to mention that E. Lapid and S. Rallis ([LR05]) determines the sign of the local e-factors via the doubling method. They introduce the ten properties, called the Ten Commandments of the local 7-factors, which determines the local 7-factors uniquely. We would also like to mention the explicit calculations of the local 7-factors for irreducible supercuspidal representations via the local Rankin-Selberg method (see [jKOO] for example).


Local Converse Theorems

The local converse theorem is to find the smallest subcollection of twisted local 7-factors 7(s, n x T,tp) which classifies the irreducible admissible representation TT up to equivalence. However, this is usually not the case in general. From the local Langlands conjecture, one may expect a certain subcollection of local 7-factors classifies the irreducible representation TX up to L-packet. On the other hand, if the irreducible admissible representations under consideration have additional structures, then one may still expect that a certain subcollection of local 7-factors classifies the irreducible representation n up to equivalence.


T h e case of GL„(F)

Let 7r be an irreducible admissible representation of GLn(F). Then there is a partition n — [ T ^ i rij (rij > 0) and an irreducible supercuspidal representation 71 ® • • • ® Tr


D. Jiang

of GL n i (F) x • • • x GLnr(F) such that the representation -K can be realized as a subrepresentation of the (normalized) induced representation (3.1)

I(n, ...,rr)

= I n d £ M F ) l ( F ) ( r i ® • • • ® rr).

By the multiplicativity of the local 7-factors ([Sh90b] and [S00]), we have r



7T x r, i/>) = Yl 7(s, Tj x r, ^)

for all irreducible admissible representations r of GL;(F) for all/ > 1. It reduces the problem for the case of general irreducible admissible representations to the case when the irreducible admissible representations are supercuspidal. It should be remarked that even if the irreducible supercuspidal representations can be determined by the twisted local 7-factors up to equivalence, it is the best one can expect that in general the twisted local 7-factors determines the irreducible admissible representations up to the equivalence of supercuspidal data. We first consider the case of irreducible supercuspidal representations of GLn(F). The first local converse theorem (LCT) for GL n (F) is proved by G. Henniart in [H93], which can be stated as follows. Theorem 3.1 (LCT(n,n-l) [H93]). Letn\,%2 be irreducible supercuspidal representations of GLn(F) with the same central character. If the twisted local 7-factors are the same, i.e. 7 ( S , 7Tl X T, ifi) = 7 ( S , 7T2 X T, lj))

for all irreducible supercuspidal representations r ofGLi(F) 1,2,..., n — 1, then 7Ti and KI are equivalent.

with I =

It follows that an irreducible supercuspidal representation ir can be determined up to equivalence by the subcollection of twisted local 7-factors {7(s, 7r x T,tp) I for all r as in the theorem}.

On Local 7-Facfcors


The remaining problem is to reduce the 'size' of the subcollection of twisted local 7-factors, that is, to prove LCT(n,r) for r < n — 1. In this direction, we have Theorem 3.2 (LCT(n,n-2) [C96], [CPS99]). Letiri,ir2 be irreducible supercuspidal representations ofGLn(F). If the twisted local 7-factors are the same, i.e. 7 ( S , 7Ti XT,lp)

= 7 ( 5 , 7T2 X T, V>)

for all irreducible supercuspidal representations r ofGLi(F) 1,2,..., n — 2, then TT\ and -K2 are equivalent.

with I =

This theorem is proved in [C96] by a purely local argument, and prove in [CPS99] as a consequence of the global converse theorem for automorphic forms. It is well known to expect Conjecture 3.3 (Jacquet). Let 7TI,7T2 be irreducible supercuspidal representations ofGLn(F). If the twisted local 7-factors are the same, i.e. 7 ( 5 , 7Ti X T, V>) = 7( S > *"2 X T, 1p)

for all irreducible supercuspidal representations T ofGLi(F) 1,2,..., [§], then -K\ and 7T2 are equivalent.

with I =

There are not strong evidence to support this conjecture, which is known for n = 2, 3,4 for example. On the other hand, one may expect an even stronger version of this conjecture from the conjectural global converse theorem in [CPS94]. In order to prove a better local converse theorem, it is expected to use the explicit construction of irreducible supercuspidal representations of GL„(F) and reduce to the case over finite fields. On the other hand, it is also important to consider the local converse theorem for general reductive groups.


A conjectural L C T

For a general reductive algebraic group G defined over F, the collection of twisted local 7-factors 7(3, IT X r, ip) is expected to determine the irreducible supercuspidal representation IT up to the local

D. Jiang


L-packet. Note that all irreducible supercuspidal representations of GL n (F) are generic, i.e. have nonzero Whittaker models. It is natural to consider the local converse theorem for irreducible generic supercuspidal representations of G(F) in general. We recall the notion of Whittaker models for F-quasisplit reductive algebraic group G(F). Fix an .F-Borel subgroup B = TU. Let (G, T) be the root system with the positive roots $ + determined by U and A be the set of the simple roots. Choose an F-split {Xa}, where Xa is a basis vector in the one-dimensional F-root space of a. Then we have (3.3)


Let ip be a character of U(F). Then tj) factorizes through the quotient U(F)/[U(F),U(F)}, which is isomorphic as abelian groups to ©aeA-F • Xa. A character tf> of U(F) is called generic if ip is nontrivial at each of the simple root a, via the isomorphism above. By the Pontriagin duality, such characters of U(F) is parametrized by r-tuples a = (a1,...,ar) e (Fx)r, where r is the F-rank of G, i.e. the number of simple roots in A. An irreducible admissible representation (n, V^) of G(F) is called generic or ^-generic if the following space H o m ^ V ^ ) * HomG(F)(K,Ind^(^)) is nonzero. For any nonzero functional 1$ 6 Homj/(.F)(V^,^), under the above isomorphism, there is G(F)-equivariant homomorphism veVn^Wf(g)

= ^(7r(g)(v)).

The subspace {Wt{g) \ v G K-} is called the ^-Whittaker model associated to 7r. By the uniqueness of local Whittaker models ([Shl74]), the functional £^ is unique up to scalar multiple. For t G T(F), we define toip(u) = ^>(t -1 iti). If ip is generic, then t o ip is generic for all t G T(F). Also it is clear that

I n d ^ W - IndgJUt o we prove in [JS05] an analogue of Jacquet-Shalika's Theorem for SO271+1 with generic cuspidal data. For the trivial parabolic subgroup P = SO27H-1, this was proved in [JS03] (and also in [GRS01]). Theorem 3.11 (Theorem 3.2 [JS05]). Let {P;a) and (Q;r) be two pairs of generic cuspidal data of S02n+i(A). / / the two induced representations Ind p( ^? (a) and Ind Q /^? (r) share the same irreducible unramified local constituent at almost all places, then (P; a) and (Q; r) are associate. It has the following consequences which are important to the understanding of structure of the discrete spectrum of S02n+i(A). Theorem 3.12 (Corollary 3.3 [JS05]). With notations as above, we have (1) Irreducible generic cuspidal automorphic representations TV of the group SO"2n+i(A) cannot be a CAP with respect to a generic, proper, cuspidal datum {P,a), i.eir cannot be nearly equivalent to any irreducible constituent of I n d p ^ ? + (c). (2) If two pairs of generic cuspidal data (P; a) and (Q; T), are nearly associate, i.e. their local components are associate at almost all local places, then they are globally associate. (3) The generic cuspidal datum (P;2n+i in [JS03] and [JS04] is still work in progress.

On Local ^-Factors


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D. Jiang Dihua JIANG School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA Email: [email protected]

Deligne Pairings over Moduli Spaces of Punctured Riemann Surfaces K. OBITSU, W.-K. TO and L. W E N G

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