Ari Hoenig - Systems

August 21, 2017 | Author: Josué Reyes Rodríguez | Category: N/A
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•SYSTEMS• Book 1: Drumming Technique And Melodic Jazz Independence

by Ari Hoenig edited by Michael Dawson

SYSTEMS Book 1: Drumming Technique

and Melodic Jazz Independence by Ari Hoenig

edited by Michael Dawson layout and design by Gerald Vitale cover artwork by Rebecca Hoenig photos by Katie Appleton and Jimmy Katz MP3 downloads recorded by Jimmy Katz and mixed by Chris Cuzme Copyright © 2011 by Ari Hoenig Exclusively distributed by Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. Audio examples of all the systems in this book are available for download at:

CONTENTS Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 1: Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter 2: How To Use This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 3: Hand Warm-Up Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chapter 4: Flam Warm-ups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Four-Way Coordination Intro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chapter 5: Swing Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Chapter 6: Displacing Quarter Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Chapter 7: Fill-In Eighth Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Chapter 8: Off-beat Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Chapter 9: Triplet Partials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Chapter 10: Triplet Partials Between Two Limbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Chapter 11: Fill-In Triplets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Chapter 12: Quarter-Note Triplets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Chapter 13: Half-Note Triplets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Chapter 14: Melodic Line Between Two Limbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Chapter 15: Quarter-Note Triplets Between Two Limbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Chapter 16: Melodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanksto tomy myteachers teachersCarl CarlMottola, Mottola,Rob RobZollman, Zollman,Ralph RalphPeterson, Peterson,John JohnRiley, Riley,and andEd Ed Thanks Sophfor forall allthe theinspiration inspirationthey theygave gaveme; me;Katie KatieAppleton Appletonfor forthe thephotos; photos;Jimmy JimmyKatz Katz Soph forthe thephotos photosand andfor forengineering engineeringthe therecording recordingsupplement; supplement;Yamaha Yamahadrums, drums,Zildjian Zildjian for cymbals,Vater Vatersticks, sticks,and andEvans Evansheads headsfor fortheir theirsupport; support;John JohnRiley, Riley,Ed EdSoph Sophand andJim Jim cymbals, Jacobusfor fortheir theirtime timeand andsuggestions; suggestions;Jerad JeradLippi Lippiand andBen BenBynum Bynumfor fortheir theircreative creative Jacobus input;all allof ofmy myother otherstudents studentswho whohave haveended endedup upteaching teachingme meas asmuch muchas asI Ihave have input; taughtthem; them;Gerald GeraldVitale Vitalefor forthe thelayout; layout;and, and,most mostof ofall, all,Mike MikeDawson Dawsonfor forhis his taught commitmentand andindispensable indispensablework workon onthis thisproject. project. commitment






any any students students are are overwhelmed overwhelmed with with the the realizarealiza­ tion tion of of what what they they cannot cannot do. do. They They have have so so many many things things they they want want to to accomplish accomplish that that they they end end up up

spending spending too too little little time time on on the the most most important important skills. skills. This This series series of of books, books, Systems, Systems, is is set set up up to to help help you you attain attain mastery mastery of of specific specific skills. skills. ItIt will will provide provide many many different different ways ways to to pracprac­ tice tice one one idea. idea. (Each (Each system system in in these these books books is is thought thought of of as as one one idea.) idea.) The The effect effect will will be be an an enhanced enhanced ability ability to to improvise improvise fluidly fluidly around around aa theme, theme, which which will will add add much much greater greater melodic melodic depth depth to to your your playing. playing. This Thisbook bookisisdivided dividedinto intotwo twomain mainparts. parts.Chapters Chapters3–15 3–15 are are the the coordination coordination systems. systems. Chapter Chapter 16 16 is is aa collection collection of of melodies melodies to to be be practiced practiced with with the the systems. systems. Practicing Practicing differdiffer­ ent ent melodic melodic variations variations with with the the systems systems will will keep keep you you from from getting getting bored bored while while you you engage engage in in the the repetitive repetitive process process needed needed to to improve improve your your coordination. coordination

NoteValues Values Note Someofofthe thesystems systemsfocus focuson onnote notevalues, values,which whichcan canbe be Some thoughtofofas asshort short(eighth (eighthnotes) notes)and andlong long(quarters (quartersor orlonger). longer). thought

concentrateson onhearing hearingthe thesecond secondnote noteofofthe thetriplet tripletand and concentrates understandingits itscorrect correctplacement. placement. understanding

Anytied tiednotes noteswill willbe beplayed playedas aslong longnotes. notes.For Forthe thewarm-up warm-up Any sections(Chapters (Chapters33and and4), 4),any anyrests restsare areadded addedto tothe thebeat beat sections

Creativityand andIndividuality Individuality Creativity

valueofofthe thenote notewhich whichprecedes, So,ififthere thereisisan aneighth eighth value

Theexercises exercisesare arelaid laidout outininaastructured structuredand andmethodical methodical The

notefollowed followedby byan aneighth eighthrest, rest,ititisistreated treatedas asaalong longnote. note. note

way.Mastering Masteringthem themwill willgive giveyou youmore morechoices choiceson onthe thedrumdrumway. set,which whichwill willallow allowfor formaximum maximumcreative creativefreedom freedomwhile while set,

TheSecond SecondNote Noteof ofthe theTriplet Triplet The jazz or or other other triplet-based triplet-based music, InInjazz music,melodies melodieswhich whichare are

improvising.Practicing Practicingininaastructured structuredway waywill willultimately ultimatelyhelp help improvising. youperform performininaacreative creativeway. way. you

written as as eighth eighth notes are written are often oftenswung swung(played (playedwith withtriplet triplet

It’snot notnecessary necessary master each systems in this It’s toto master each of of thethe systems in this

subdivisions). In this interpretation, only subdivisions). interpretation,the themelody melodycan canfallfall only

book.Instead, Instead,think think these examples reference tools book. ofof these examples as as reference tools for for

onthe the first first or or third triplet, After a a on triplet,but butnever neveron onthe thesecond. second. After

differentpossibilities. possibilities. The idea is for to focus on certain different The idea is for youyou to focus on certain

while, this this approach approach can of of while, can create createaalimitation limitationininyour youridea idea

systemsthat thatinspire inspire you. Just make sure commit systems you. Just make sure youyou commit to to

swing. There There was a time swing. time when when the thesecond secondnote noteofofthe thetriplet triplet

masteringthe thesystems systems one a time. I also encourage mastering one at at a time. I also encourage you you to

wasrarely rarely played played in jazz. has become was jazz. Recently, Recently,however, however,it it has become

to come up with systems in order to develop a come up with youryour own own systems in order to develop a unique

more common common part of the aamore the language languageand andcan canbe beeffectively effectively

unique on the instrument. voice on voice the instrument.

usedto to build build tension in the music. A large used large part part of of this this book book





elody pages 1–4, in Chapter 16, consist of fairly traditional

ones. This is similar to learning a new language, where it’s more

rhythms that don’t use the second note of the triplet. These

important to learn words, from which you can create your own

pages are notated as eighth notes and can be played with a

sentences, rather than just memorizing entire phrases. The best

straight or swing feel, depending on the system being used.

way to practice the systems is to begin by repeating one bar of the

Melody pages 5–8 include rhythms using the second note of the

melody at a time, then two, and then four. I don’t recommend

triplet. Not all of the melody pages are to be played with each

playing the melody pages from beginning to end unless you want

sys­tem, so I’ve indicated in the descriptive text before each sys-

to practice sightreading.

tem which melody pages should be used. After the descriptive text, I’ve included a notated example of the

It’s also important to be aware of how you’re playing the sys­ tems. Ask yourself, “Is my time consistent? Are the dynamics of

system combined with the first few bars of melody page 1. This

the different components of the drumset equal with each other

will show you how the system and melody fit together. Here are

and with themselves?” Repetitive practice will make you aware of

the first two measures of melody page 1.

inconsistencies in your playing that you hadn’t noticed before. You can then isolate these problems and improve on them. As you’re working on these systems, always use a metronome or play along to your favorite recordings. Also, keep a record of

If the system is to be used with any of melody pages 5–8, there

your maximum tempo for each system. Your top speed will vary

will be a second notated example of the system combined with the

from page to page and, in some cases, from bar to bar. Noting

first two bars of melody page 5.

your tempos will help you keep track of your improvement and give you a suggestion of what tempo to begin with during your next practice session. When you start working on a new system, begin extremely slow­ ly, and then work your way up in increments of four beats per

Preceding the eighth note and triplet melody pages, I’ve includ­

minute. Once you’ve mastered a melody page with one system,

ed what I call “partial pages.” These two pages contain systematic

move on to the next page using the same system. Different mea­

groupings of two, three, and four notes. The first partial page is

sures of the melody pages will need to be worked on at different

written using eighth notes and corresponds to melody pages 1–4.

tempos, depending on how technically challenging they are. Start

The second partial page uses triplets and corresponds with

at 52 beats per minute, and work your way up. Don’t be discour­

melody pages 5–8. These two pages contain the basic rhythmic

aged if you’ve been working with two bars of a melody at 100

building blocks used in the subsequent melodies. Practice the par­

BPM but can only play the next two bars at 70 BPM. That’s how

tial pages with the systems first. (If a system only uses melody

it’s supposed to work.

pages 1–4, there’s no need to practice the second partial page


with it.) In general, you’ll get more benefit by mastering short ideas instead of memorizing long phrases. This will allow you to impro­ vise new ideas by piecing together short phrases to create longer






good way to warm-up your hands and improve technique istoto accent the rhythm of amelodic melodic good good good way way way to totowarm-up warm-up warm-up your your your hands hands hands and and and improve improve improve technique technique technique is isisto to accent accent accent the the the rhythm rhythm rhythm of ofofa aamelodic melodic line while playing different subdivisions and stickings. More than one possible sticking exists line line line while while while playing playing playing different different different subdivisions subdivisions subdivisions and and and stickings. stickings. stickings. More More More than than than one one one possible possible possible sticking sticking sticking exists exists exists some of these systems, so explore different options to find what works best you. for for forfor some some some of ofofthese these these systems, systems, systems, so so soexplore explore explore different different different options options options to totofind find find what what what works works works best best best for for forfor you. you. you. You can orchestrate each ofthese these examples afew few different ways: You You You can can can orchestrate orchestrate orchestrate each each each of ofofthese these examples examples examples in ininaainafew few different different different ways: ways: ways: 1) Play all accented and non-accented notes the snare. 1) 1)1)Play Play Play all all allaccented accented accented and and and non-accented non-accented non-accented notes notes notes on on onon the the the snare. snare. snare. 2) Play the accented notes the toms (playing whichever tom best within the sticking) and 2) 2)2)Play Play Play the the the accented accented accented notes notes notes on on onon the the the toms toms toms (playing (playing (playing whichever whichever whichever tom tom tom fits fits fitsfits best best best within within within the the the sticking) sticking) sticking) and and and the non-accented notes on the snare. the the thenon-accented non-accented non-accented notes notes noteson on on the the thesnare. snare. snare. 3) Play the accented notes with a cymbal and the bass drum together, while the non-accented 3) 3)3)Play Play Play the the the accented accented accented notes notes notes with with with aaacymbal cymbal cymbal and and and the the the bass bass bass drum drum drum together, together, together, while while while the the the non-accented non-accented non-accented notes on remain on the snare. notes notes notesremain remain onthe thesnare. snare. Play 2 and 4 onthe thehi-hat hi-hatfor foreach eachof ofthese thesewarm-ups. warm-ups. Play Play Play 222and and and 444with with with the the hi-hat hi-hat for for each each ofof these these warm-ups. warm-ups. Hand Warm-up Hand Hand Hand Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 111 1 Alternate eighth notes while accenting line (melody pages 1–4). Alternate Alternate Alternate eighth eighth eighth notes notes notes while while while accenting accenting accenting the the thethe line. line. line. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4)

Hand Hand Hand Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 222 2 Hand Warm-up Alternate Alternate Alternate triplets triplets triplets while while while accenting accenting accenting the the thethe line. line. line. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) Alternate triplets while accenting line (melody pages 1–8).

Hand Hand Hand Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 333 3 Hand Warm-up Alternate Alternate Alternate sixteenth sixteenth sixteenth notes notes notes while while while accenting accenting accenting the the thethe line. line. line. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) Alternate sixteenth notes while accenting line (melody pages 1–4).

Hand Warm-up Hand Hand Hand Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 444 4 Play the melody with the right hand and bass drum, while filling in triplets the snare. The Play Play Play the the the melody melody melody with with with the the the right right right hand hand hand and and and bass bass bass drum, drum, drum, while while while filling filling filling in inintriplets triplets triplets on on onon the the the snare. snare. snare. The The The left left leftleft hand will the bulk of the fill-ins, with the right hand being used only when more than two fill-in hand hand hand will will will do do dodo the the the bulk bulk bulk of ofofthe the the fill-ins, fill-ins, fill-ins, with with with the the the right right right hand hand hand being being being used used used only only only when when when more more more than than than two two two fill-in fill-in fill-in notes are to played. It may helpful to write out several sticking options this example notes notes notes are are totobe bebe played. played. ItItmay may be bebe helpful helpful totowrite write write out out out several several several sticking sticking sticking options options options for for forfor this this this example example example in inin in order to avoid playing more than two consecutive notes with one hand. Repeat this system start­ order order order to totoavoid avoid avoid playing playing playing more more more than than than two two two consecutive consecutive consecutive notes notes notes with with with one one one hand. hand. hand. Repeat Repeat Repeat this this this system system system startstartstartwith the hand. The first four bars of melody pages 1 and 5 are used as an example here ing ing inging with with with the the the left left leftleft hand. hand. hand. The The The first first first four four four bars bars bars of ofofmelody melody melody pages pages pages 111and and and 555are are are used used used as as asan an anexample example example here. here. here. (melody pages 1–8). (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8)


HandWarm-up Warm-up555 Hand Hand Warm-up Playthe the eighth notes the melody two alternating sixteenths or LR) quarter notes Play Play the eighth eighth notes notes of ofof the the melody melody as asas two two alternating alternating sixteenths sixteenths (RL (RL(RL or or LR) LR) and andand the thethe quarter quarter notes notes as as as paradiddles. Anything longer than quarter notes should played as single strokes a double at the paradiddles. paradiddles. Anything Anything longer longer than than quarter quarter notes notes should should be bebe played played as as single single strokes strokes with withwith aa double double at at the the end.Accent Accent the melodic line. rests should added to notes preceding them (melody pages 1–4). end. end. Accent the the melodic melodic line. line. All AllAll rests rests should should be bebe added added to to the thethe notes notes preceding preceding them. them. (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4)

HandWarm-up Warm-up666 Hand Hand Warm-up Playalternating alternatingeighth-note eighth-notetriplets. triplets.Accent Accentthe themelody melodywhile whileplaying playingthe thenon-accented non-accentednotes notesas asdoudou­ble Play Play alternating eighth-note triplets. Accent the melody while playing the non-accented notes as doustrokes (melody pages 1–8). ble ble strokes. strokes. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8)


7 77

Hand Warm-up 7 Hand Hand Hand Hand HandWarm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 77777 Play 32nd notes. Eighth notes in the melodic are as played asstrokes single (RLRL or while LRLR), while longer Play Play Play Play Play32nd 32nd 32nd 32nd 32ndnotes. notes. notes. notes. notes.Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighthnotes notes notes notes notesin in in in in the the the the themelodic melodic melodic melodic melodic line line line line lineare are are are areline played played played played played as as as assingle single single single single strokes strokes strokes strokesstrokes (RLRL (RLRL (RLRL (RLRL (RLRLor or or or orLRLR), LRLR), LRLR), LRLR), LRLR), while while while whilelonger longer longer longer longer notes are singles with a double at the end. Remember, any rests are added to the beat value of the note notes notes notes notes notesare are are are aresingles singles singles singles singleswith with with with withaaaaadouble double double double doubleat at at at atthe the the the theend. end. end. end. end.Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember,any any any any anyrests rests rests rests restsare are are are areadded added added added addedto to to to tothe the the the thebeat beat beat beat beatvalue value value value valueof of of of ofthe the the the thenote note note note note that precedes it. So, if there is an eighth note followed by an eighth rest, treat that note as if it were a that that that that thatprecedes precedes precedes precedes precedesit. it. it. it.So, So, So, So,ififififthere there there thereis is is isan an an aneighth eighth eighth eighthnote note note notefollowed followed followed followed followedby by by by byan an an an aneighth eighth eighth eighth eighthrest, rest, rest, rest, rest,treat treat treat treat treatthat that that that thatnote note note note noteas as as as asifififififitititititwere were were were wereaaaaa quarter note (melody pages 1–4). quarter quarter quarter quarter quarternote. note. note. note. note.(melody (melody (melody (melody (melodypages pages pages pages pages1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4)

Hand Warm-up 8 Hand Hand Hand Hand HandWarm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 88888 Eighth notes in the are to be as played as 32nd-note paradiddles, whilenotes longer notes become Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighthnotes notes notes notes notesin in in in inthe the the the themelody melody melody melody melodymelody are are are are areto to to to tobe be be be beplayed played played played played as as as as32nd-note 32nd-note 32nd-note 32nd-note 32nd-note paradiddles, paradiddles, paradiddles, paradiddles, paradiddles, while while while while whilelonger longer longer longer longer notes notes notes notesbecome become become become become singles singles singles singles singlessingles followed by as many doubles as necessary to complete the note value (melody pages 1–4). followed followed followed followed followedby by by by byas as as as asmany many many many manydoubles doubles doubles doubles doublesas as as as asnecessary necessary necessary necessary necessaryto to to to tocomplete complete complete complete completethe the the the thenote note note note notevalue. value. value. value. value.(melody (melody (melody (melody (melodypages pages pages pages pages1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4)

Hand Warm-up 9 Hand Hand Hand Hand HandWarm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 99999 Eighth notes in the become 32nd-note double (RRLL or while LLRR), whilenotes longer notes are Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighthnotes notes notes notes notesin in in in inthe the the the themelody melody melody melody melodymelody become become become become become 32nd-note 32nd-note 32nd-note 32nd-note 32nd-note double double double double doublestrokes strokes strokes strokes strokesstrokes (RRLL (RRLL (RRLL (RRLL (RRLLor or or or orLLRR), LLRR), LLRR), LLRR), LLRR), while while while whilelonger longer longer longer longer notes notes notes notesare are are are are played as doubles ending with two singles. When applying drumset orchestration variations 2 and 3, which played played played played playedas as as as asdoubles doubles doubles doubles doublesending ending ending ending endingwith with with with withtwo two two two twosingles. singles. singles. singles. singles.When When When When Whenapplying applying applying applying applyingdrumset drumset drumset drumset drumsetorchestration orchestration orchestration orchestration orchestrationvariations variations variations variations variations22222and and and and and3, 3, 3, 3, 3,which which which which which were explained at the beginning of this chapter, you would play the note directly after the accented note on were were were were wereexplained explained explained explained explainedat at at at atthe the the the thebeginning beginning beginning beginning beginningof of of of ofthis this this this thischapter, chapter, chapter, chapter, chapter,you you you you youwould would would would wouldplay play play play playthe the the the thenote note note note notedirectly directly directly directly directlyafter after after after afterthe the the the theaccented accented accented accented accentednote note note note noteon on on on on the same tom or cymbal as the accented note (melody pages 1–4). the the the the thesame same same same sametom tom tom tom tomor or or or orcymbal cymbal cymbal cymbal cymbalas as as as asthe the the the theaccented accented accented accented accentednote. note. note. note. note.(melody (melody (melody (melody (melodypages pages pages pages pages1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4)

**For Warm-ups 10 and 11, the melody can be phrased with straight eighth notes with afeel. swing **For **For **For **For **ForWarm-ups Warm-ups Warm-ups Warm-ups Warm-ups 10 10 10 10 10and and and and and11, 11, 11, 11, 11, the the the the themelody melody melody melody melody can can can can canbe be be be bephrased phrased phrased phrased phrased with with with with withstraight straight straight straight straight eighth eighth eighth eighth eighthnotes notes notes notes notesor or or or or with with with with withaor aaaaswing swing swing swing swing feel. feel. feel. feel. feel. Here theis melody isusing notated usingfeel, afeel, swing feel, so thefall accents fall onand the first third triplet partials. Here Here Here Here Herethe the the the themelody melody melody melody melody is is is isnotated notated notated notated notated using using using usingaaaaaswing swing swing swing swing feel, feel, feel, so so so so sothe the the the the accents accents accents accents accents fall fall fall fallon on on on onthe the the the the first first first first first and and and andthird third third third thirdand triplet triplet triplet triplet triplet partials. partials. partials. partials. partials. Hand Warm-up 10 Hand Hand Hand Hand HandWarm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 10 10 10 10 10 Play continuous sixteenth-note triplets. Melody notes played as singles ending with a double (melody Play Play Play Play Playcontinuous continuous continuous continuous continuoussixteenth-note sixteenth-note sixteenth-note sixteenth-notetriplets. triplets. triplets. triplets.Melody Melody Melody Melody notes notes notes notes are are are areplayed played played playedare as as as assingles singles singles singlesending ending ending ending with with with with aaaadouble. double. double. double. (melody (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4)pages 1–4).

Hand Warm-up 11 Hand Hand Hand Hand HandWarm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 11 11 11 11 11 Again, play continuous sixteenth-note triplets. notes are as played as doubles (RR or LL) followed by Again, Again, Again, Again, Again,play play play play playcontinuous continuous continuous continuous continuous sixteenth-note sixteenth-note sixteenth-note sixteenth-note sixteenth-note triplets. triplets. triplets. triplets. triplets. Melody Melody Melody Melody MelodyMelody notes notes notes notes notesare are are are are played played played played played as as as asdoubles doubles doubles doubles doubles (RR (RR (RR (RR (RRor or or or orLL) LL) LL) LL) LL)followed followed followed followed followed by by by by by assingles many as singles as necessary to complete the note(melody value (melody pages as as as as asmany many many many many singles singles singles singles as as as asnecessary necessary necessary necessary necessary to to to to tocomplete complete complete complete complete the the the the thenote note note note note value. value. value. value. value. (melody (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages pages pages1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4).




Hand Warm-up 12 Hand Warm-up 12of the melody on the small tom and all longer notes on the floor tom. Fill in triplets on Play all eighth notes Play all eighth notes of the sticking melody (no on the small tom onout thesome floor sticking tom. Fillpatterns in triplets on the snare with an appropriate crossovers). It and may all be longer helpful notes to write the snare with an appropriate sticking (no crossovers). It may be helpful to write out some sticking for this one. The first four bars of melody pages 1 and 5 are used as an example here. (melody pages 1–8)patterns for this one. The first four bars of melody pages 1 and 5 are used as an example here (melody pages 1–8).







Flam Warm-up Flam Warm-up 1 1 While playing continuous sixteenth notes, eighth notes melody become flam taps (lRR While playing continuous sixteenth notes, eighth notes in in thethe melody become flam taps (lRR or or rLL). Quarter notes, or notes of longer values, are given the same sticking followed by single rLL). Quarter notes, or notes of longer values, are given the same sticking followed by single strokes. When playing with melody pages 5–8, system changes a little that each eighth-note strokes. When playing with melody pages 5–8, thethe system changes a little in in that each eighth-note triplet is played as LRR, while quarter notes or longer are given the same sticking followed triplet is played as LRR, while quarter notes or longer are given the same sticking followed byby single strokes(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8). single strokes.

Flam Warm-up Flam Warm-up 2 2 While playing 32nd notes, play eighth notes melody flammed mills (lRRLR rLLRL). While playing 32nd notes, play eighth notes in in thethe melody asas flammed mills (lRRLR or or rLLRL). Quarter notes, notes longer values, given same sticking followed single strokes Quarter notes, or or notes of of longer values, areare given thethe same sticking followed byby single strokes. (melody pages 1–4). (melody pages 1–4)


Flam Warm-up Flam Warm-up 3 3 Within sixteenth-note triplets, play eighth notes of the melody as Swiss-Army triplets (lRRL or rLLR). Within sixteenth note triplets, play thethe eighth notes of the melody as Swiss-Army triplets (lRRL or rLLR). Flam Warm-up 3 Quarter notes, or notes of a longer value, are given the same sticking followed by single strokes Quarter notes, or notes of a longer value, are given the same sticking followed by single strokes. Within sixteenth note triplets, play the eighth notes of the melody as Swiss-Army triplets (lRRL or rLLR). (melody pages 1–4). (melody pages 1–4) Quarter notes, or notes of a longer value, are given the same sticking followed by single strokes. (melody pages 1–4)

Flam Warm-up 4 Play each note of the melodic line as a flam, while filling-in with unaccented triplets. This system will Flam Warm-up 4 Flam Warm-up use the following4stickings, depending on how many notes are played between the flams: Play each note the of the melodic line as a flam, while filling-in with unaccented triplets. This system will Play each note melodic 1 note: lR, rL of (reverse flams) line as a flam, while filling-in with unaccented triplets. This system will use the following stickings, depending on how many notes are played between the flams: use the following stickings, 2 notes: lRR, rLL (flam tap)depending on how many notes are played between the flams: 1 note: lR, rL (reverse flams) 1 note: lR, rL (reverse flams) 3 notes: lRRL, rLLR (Swiss-Army triplets) 2 notes: lRR, rLL (flam tap) 2 rLLrLLRL (flam tap) 4 notes: notes: lRR, lRRLR, (single flammed mill) 3 notes: lRRL, rLLR (Swiss-Army triplets) 3 notes: lRRL, rLLR (Swiss-Army triplets) 5 notes: lRRLRL, rLLRLR 4 notes: lRRLR, rLLRL (single flammed mill) 4 notes: lRRLR, rLLRL (single flammed Use melody pages 1–8 with this system. mill) 5 notes: lRRLRL, rLLRLR 5 notes: lRRLRL, rLLRLR Use melody pages with system. Use melody pages 1–81–8 with thisthis system.



arenow nowininthe thefour-way four-way coordination section, e eare coordination section, whichmakes makesupupthe thebulk bulkofofthis thisbook. book.The Thefolfolwhich lowing systems involve playing an ostinato in one lowing systems involve playing an ostinato in one or ormore morelimbs, limbs,while whileplaying playingaamelodic melodicline linewith withthe the remaining limb(s). In order to keep the written remaining limb(s). In order to keep the written notation notation of this section from looking overlyI’ve busy, of this section from looking overly busy, broken I’ve broken each system into two parts: the ostinato each system into two parts: the ostinato and the and the melody orchestration. The ostinatos should melody orchestration. The ostinatos should be memobe memorized and internalized before beginning to rized and internalized before beginning to explore the explore the melodic material. This process will help melodic material. This process will help you differentiyou differentiate between rhythms that are part of ate between rhythms that are part of the repeated ostithe repeated ostinato from ones that are part of the nato from that part ofisthe melody. For clarity, melody. Forones clarity, theare ostinato written in grey, while the ostinato is written in grey, while the melody is the melody is notated in black. Note that whenever notated in black. Note that whenever the bass drum is the bass drum is not included in the system, it should included(played in the system, it should feathered benot feathered very softly) on all be quarter notes. (played very softly)should on all quarter notes. Likewise, the hi-hat be played on 2Likewise, and 4 the throughout, unless it’s partonof2the hi-hat should be played andsystem. 4 throughout, unless it’s part of the system. Hi-Hat Melody Some of these systems have the hi-hat playing the


melody. You may need to slow down the tempo in Hi-Hat Melody Some these systems have the hi-hat playing the order toof practice these systems because it is especialmelody. You may need to slow down the tempo in ly difficult to play consecutive notes on the hi-hat with order to practice these because it isthe especially the foot. Just relax andsystems think about keeping time in difficult to play consecutive notes on the hi-hat with the the pocket. You’ll know when you’re ready to increase foot. Just relax and metronome. think about keeping the time in the the tempo on your pocket. You’ll know when you’re ready to increase the tempo on your metronome. Application and Orchestration For these systems, the limbs are marked one way, Application and Orchestration but the sound sources are ultimately left up to you. For these systems, the limbs are marked one way, For example, if you’re practicing a system where the but the sound sources are ultimately left up to you. For left hand plays the melody, you can use the snare, example, if you’re practicing a system where the left small tom, rim click, or any other sound source. The hand plays the melody, you can use the snare, small right hand doesn’t always have to play the ride cymbal tom, rim click, or any other sound source. The right hand either. It’s also have free to sound either. source.It’s doesn’t always to play play any the other ride cymbal There will be specific sounds selected in my two-bar also free to play any other sound source. There will be examples. But these are only suggestions. specific sounds selected in my two-bar examples. But Thisare book written from a right-handed perspecthese onlyissuggestions. tive. you play the ride cymbal with your left hand, ThisIfbook is written from a right-handed perspective. Ifsimply you play the ride with your left hand, simply reverse the cymbal stickings. reverse the stickings.


CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER CHAPTER 55 5 CHAPTER he following eleven systems are designed to build basic jazz independence. For all of these, the ride cym-


following eleven systems areare designed to to build basic jazz independence. ride he following eleven systems designed build basic jazz independence. Forallmelody. allofofthese, these, thethe ridecym­ cymbalheplays a standard swing pattern while the other limbs either play an ostinato orFor the Allthe of he following eleven systems are designed to build basic jazz independence. For all of these, the ride cymbal plays a standard swing pattern while the other limbs either play an ostinato or the melody. All of the bal plays a standard swing pattern while the other limbs either play an ostinato or the melody. All of the prerequisite systems can also be practiced with a straight eighth-note feel. When practicing that way, play bal plays swing pattern while the4, other limbs either playcymbal an ostinato or the melody.eighths. All of theplay systems can also be practiced with a straight eighth-note feel. When practicing that way, prerequisite systems can also practiced with a straight eighth-note feel. When practicing that way, play theprerequisite hi-hat on aallstandard four beats instead ofbe on 2 and and change the ride rhythm to straight prerequisite systems can also be practiced with a straight eighth-note feel. When practicing that way, play the hi-hat on all four beats instead of on 2 and 4, and change the ride cymbal rhythm to straight eighths. the hi-hat on all four beats instead of on 2 and 4, and change the ride cymbal rhythm to straight eighths. Here’s the basic ostinato that will be used with the Swing Prerequisite systems. The bass drum is left the of hi-hat on allthe four beats ofbeon 2 used andused 4,with and change the ride cymbal rhythm to straight eighths. Here’s the basic ostinato thatthat will be the Swing Prerequisite systems. The bass drum is left Here’s basic ostinato will be the Prerequisite systems. The bass drum is left out the systems where itinstead should feathered in with order to Swing keep the notation from looking too busy. Here’s the basic ostinato that be with the Swing systems. The bass drum is busy. left out of the systems where it should beused feathered in order toPrerequisite keep the the notation from looking too too busy. out of the systems where itwill should be feathered in order to keep notation from looking out of the systems where it should be feathered in order to keep the notation from looking too busy.

Basic Prerequisite ostinato Basic Prerequisite ostinato Basic Prerequisite ostinato

Prerequisite 1 Prerequisite Play the melody line1 on the snare. (melody pages 1–8) Prerequisite 1 Prerequisite Play the 1melody line on the snare. (melody pages 1–8) Play the melody line the snare(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8). Play the melody line onon the snare.

Prerequisite 2 Prerequisite 2 the bass drum. (melody pages 1–8) Play the melody with Prerequisite Play the 2melody with the bass drum. (melody pages 1–8) Prerequisite Play the melody2with the bass drum. (melody pages 1–8) Play the melody on the bass drum (melody pages 1–8).



Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite 3333 3 Prerequisite Play Play Play Play the the the the melody melody melody melody between between between between the the the the snare snare snare snare and and and and bass bass bass bass drum, drum, drum, drum, with with with with short short short short (eighth) (eighth) (eighth) (eighth) notes notes notes notes on on on onthe the the the snare snare snare snare and and and and quarter quarter quarter quarter Play the melody between the snare and bass drum, with short (eighth) notes on the snare and quarter notes notes notes notes (or (or (or (or(or longer) longer) longer) longer) on on on onthe the the the bass bass bass bass drum. drum. drum. drum. (melody (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) notes longer) on the bass drum (melody pages 1–4).

Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite 4444 4 Play the melody between the snare and bass drum, with quarter notes longer) on the snare and Play Play Play Playthe the the themelody melody melody melodybetween between between between the the the the snare snare snare snare and and and and bass bass bass bass drum, drum, drum, drum, with with with with quarter quarter quarter quarter notes notes notes notes (or (or (or (or(or longer) longer) longer) longer) on on on onthe the the the snare snare snare snare and and and and eighth notes on the bass drum (melody pages 1–4). eighth eighth eighth eighthnotes notes notes noteson on on onthe the the thebass bass bass bassdrum. drum. drum. drum.(melody (melody (melody (melodypages pages pages pages1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4)

Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite 5555 5 Prerequisite Play Play Play Play the the the the melody melody melody melody with with with with the the the hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melodypages pages pages1, 1, 1,2, 2, 2,5, 5, 5,and and and6) 6) 6) 6) Play the melody onthe thehi-hat. hi-hat(melody (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6).

Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite 6666 6 Phrase the melody between snare and hi-hat. Eighth notes are the snare and quarter notes Phrase Phrase Phrase Phrase the the the the melody melody melody melody between between between the the thethe snare snare snare and and and hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighth notes notes notes notes are are are are on on on onon the the the the snare snare snare snare and and and and quarter quarter quarter quarter notes notes notes notes (or (or (or (or(or longer) are on the hi-hat (melody pages 1–4). longer) longer) longer) longer) are are are are on on on onthe the the the hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4)


Prerequisite 7 Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite 77 7between the feet, with eighth notes on the bass drum and quarter notes (or longer) on Play the melody Play the melody between the feet, with eighth notes the bass drum and quarter notes longer) Play Play the the melody melody between between the feet, feet, with with eighth eighth notes notes on onon the the bass bass drum drum and and quarter quarter notes notes (or (or(or longer) longer) on onon the hi-hat. (melody pagesthe 1–4) the hi-hat (melody pages 1–4). the the hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4)

Prerequisite 8 Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite 88 8between the snare and hi-hat, with quarter notes (or longer) on the snare and eighth Play the melody Play the melody between the snare and hi-hat, with quarter notes longer) the snare and eighth Play Play the the melody melody between between the the snare snare and and hi-hat, hi-hat, with with quarter quarter notes notes (or (or(or longer) longer) on onon the the snare snare and and eighth eighth notes on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–4) notes the hi-hat (melody pages 1–4). notes notes on onon the the hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4)

Prerequisite 9 Prerequisite Prerequisite Prerequisite 99 9of the melody between the feet, starting with the bass drum. (melody pages 1–8) Alternate notes Alternate notes ofthe the melody between the feet, starting with the bass drum (melody pages 1–8). Alternate Alternate notes notes ofofthe melody melody between between the the feet, feet, starting starting with with the the bass bass drum. drum. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8)

Prerequisite 10 Prerequisite Prerequisite 10 1010 Prerequisite Alternate notes of the melody between the snare and bass drum, beginning with the snare. Alternate Alternate notes notes ofofthe melody melody between between the the snare snare and and bass bass drum, drum, beginning beginning with with the the snare. snare. Alternate notes ofthe the melody between the snare and bass drum, beginning with the snare (melody pages 1–8) (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) (melody pages 1–8).


Prerequisite Prerequisite 11 11 Prerequisite 11 of Alternate Alternate the the notes notes of the the melody melody between between the the snare snare and and hi-hat, hi-hat, beginning beginning with with the the snare. snare. Alternate the notes (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) of the melody between the snare and hi-hat, beginning with the snare (melody pages 1–8).




For the next group systems, we’re shifting quarter-note ostinato each part the triplet. For For For the the the next next next group group group of ofof of systems, systems, systems, we’re we’re we’re shifting shifting shifting aaaa quarter-note quarter-note quarter-note ostinato ostinato ostinato to toto to each each each part part part of ofof of the the the triplet. triplet. triplet.


System System System 1111 System Play Play Play the the the melodic melodic melodic line line line on on on the the the bass bass bass drum drum drum and and and play play play the the the hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat on on on 2222 and and and 4. 4.44. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) Play the melodic line on the bass drum and play the hi-hat on and (melody pages 1–8).

System System System System 2222 Play the melody on the hi-hat (melody pages 1,1, 6). Play Play Play the the the melody melody melody with with with the the hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1,2, 1, 2, 2,5, 2, 5, 5,and 5, and and and 6) 6)6)


System333 System System Playthe themelody melodywith withthe thefeet, feet,eighth eighthnotes noteson onthe thebass bassdrum, drum,and andquarter quarternotes notes(or (orlonger) longer)on onthe thehi-hat. hi-hat Play Play the melody with the feet, eighth notes on the bass drum, and quarter notes (or longer) on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–4). (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4)

System System System444 Play Play the melody with the feet, quarter notes Playthe themelody melodywith withthe thefeet, feet,quarter quarternotes notes(or (orlonger) longer)ononthe thebass bassdrum, drum,and andeighth eighthnotes notesononthe thehi-hat. hi-hat (melody (melody pages 1–4) (melodypages pages1–4) 1–4).

System555 System System Startingwith withthe thebass bassdrum, drum,alternate alternatenotes notesof themelody melodybetween betweenthe thefeet. feet(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8). Starting Starting with the bass drum, alternate notes ofofthe the melody between the feet. (melody pages 1–8)


19 19


System 6 System System 6 6 on the snare, while playing the 3rd note of the triplet on the bass drum. The hi-hat plays on 2 System Play the 6melody Play the melody onthe the snare, while playing the 3rd note ofthe the triplet onthe the bass drum. The hi-hat plays Play the melody snare, while palying 3rd note triplet bass drum. The hi-hat plays Play the melody onon the snare, while playing thethe 3rd note of of the triplet onon the bass drum. The hi-hat plays onon 2on2 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–8) and 4. (melody pages 1–8) and (melody pages 1–8). and 4. 4(melody pages 1–8)

System 7 System System 7 7 with the hi-hat. (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) System Play the 7melody Play the melody hi-hat. (melody pages 5, and Play melody onwith thethe hi-hat (melody pages 1, 2,1,5,2,and 6). Play thethe melody with the hi-hat. 6) 6)

System 88 System System 8 System 8melody Play thethe onon thethe snare and hi-hat (long notes on on thethe snare andand short notes on on thethe hi-hat). Play melody snare and hi-hat—long notes snare short notes hi-hat Play the melody on the snare hi-hat (long notes on the snare short notes on the hi-hat). Play the melody on the snare andand hi-hat (long notes on the snare andand short notes on the hi-hat). (melody pages 1–4) (melody pages 1–4). (melody pages (melody pages 1–4)1–4)

System 9 System System 9the System 9 9orchestration (long notes on the hi-hat and short notes on the snare). (melody pages 1–4) Reverse Reverse the orchestration (long notes on the the hi-hat and short notes on the the snare). (melody pages 1–4) Reverse the orchestration (long notes on on the hi-hat andand short notes on on the snare). (melody pages 1–4) Reverse the orchestration—long notes hi-hat short notes snare (melody pages 1–4).


System System System 1010 10 System 10 Alternate the notes the melody between the snare and hi-hat (melody pages 1–8). Alternate Alternate the the notes notes ofof of the the melody melody between between the the snare snare and and hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) Alternate the notes of the melody between the snare and hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8)


System System System 1111 11 System 11 System 11 Play Play Play the the the melody melody melody onon on the the the snare. snare. snare. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) Play Play the the melody melody on on the the snare snare.(melody (melodypages pages1–8). 1–8)

System System 1212 12 System System 12 Play Play the the melody melody onon on the the bass bass drum. drum. drum. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1,1, 1, 1, 2,2, 2, 2, 5,5, 5, 5, and and and 6)6). 6) 6) Play the melody the bass drum (melody pages and Play the melody on the bass drum. (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6)


System 13 System System 13 1313 System System 13 Play the melody between the snare (eighth notes) and bass drum (quarter notes and longer). (melody pages 1–4) System 13 Play Play the the melody melody between the snare (eighth notes) notes) and and bass bass drum drum (quarter (quarter notes notes and and longer). longer). (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4) Play Play the the melody melody between between the the snare snare (eighth (eighth notes) notes) and and bass bass drum drum (quarter (quarter notes notes and and longer). longer). (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4) Play the melody between the snare (eighth notes) and bass drum (quarter notes and longer). (melody pages 1–4)

System 14 System System 14 1414 System System 14 eighth notes on the bass drum). Reverse the orchestration (quarter notes on the snare and System 14the eighth eighth notes notes on onon the the bass bass drum). drum). Reverse Reverse the the orchestration orchestration (quarter (quarter notes notes on onon the the snare snare and and eighth eighth notes notes on the the bass bass drum). drum). Reverse Reverse the orchestration orchestration (quarter (quarter notes notes on the the snare snare and and (melody pages 1–4) Reverse the orchestration—quarter notes on the snare and eighth notes on the bass drum (melody pages 1–4). (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4) (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4)

System 15 System System 15 1515 System System 15 Alternate the notes of the melody between the snare and bass drum. (melody pages 1–8) System 15 Alternate Alternate the the notes notes of ofof the the melody melody between between the the snare snare and and bass bass drum. drum. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Alternate Alternate the the notes notes of the the melody melody between between the the snare snare and and bass bass drum. drum. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Alternate the notes of the melody between the snare and bass drum (melody pages 1–8).


System 16 System System 16 1616 System System 16 Play the melody on the bass drum, and and on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) System 16melody Play Play the the melody melody on onon the the bass bass drum, drum, and and 2and and and 4on on onon the the hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Play Play the the melody on the the bass bass drum, drum, and and 222 2 and 444 4 the the hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Play the melody on the bass drum, and 2 and 4 on the hi-hat (melody pages 1–8).


System 17 System System 17 Play the 17 melody on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) Play Playthe themelody melodyon onthe thehi-hat. hi-hat (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) 6).

System 18 System 18 of the melody between the feet (eighth notes on the bass drum and quarter notes or System Play the 18 notes Play the notes ofthe themelody melodybetween between thefeet feet—eighth notes bass drum and quarter notes Play the of the (eighth notes onon thethe bass drum and quarter notes or or longer onnotes the hi-hat). (melody pages 1–4) longer on the hi-hat (melody pages 1–4). longer on the hi-hat). (melody pages 1–4)

System 19 System System19 19 orchestration (quarter notes or longer on the bass drum and eighth notes on the hi-hat). Reverse the Reverse the (quarter Reversepages theorchestration orchestration (quarternotes notesor orlonger longeron onthe thebass bassdrum drumand andeighth eighthnotes noteson onthe thehi-hat). hi-hat). (melody 1–4) (melody (melodypages pages1–4) 1–4)


23 23 23

System2020 System System 2020 Beginning withthe thebass bassdrum, drum,alternate alternatethe thenotes notesofofthe themelody melodybetween betweenthe thefeet. feet.(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8) System Beginning with Beginning with thethe bass drum, alternate thethe notes of of thethe melody between thethe feet. Beginning with bass drum, alternate notes melody between feet(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8).


System2121 System System 2121 Playthe the melodyononthe thesnare, snare,and and2 2and and4 4ononthe thehi-hat. hi-hat.(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8) System Play melody Play the melody onon thethe snare, and 2 and 4 on the hi-hat. Play the melody snare, and 2 and 4 on the hi-hat(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8).

System2222 System System 22 System 22 Playthe the melodywith withthe thehi-hat. hi-hat.(melody (melodypages pages1,1,2,2,5,5,and and6)6) Play melody Play the melody with 6) Play the melody on the the hi-hat. hi-hat (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6).


System 23 System System 23 System 23 Play the 23 melody between the snare (long notes) and hi-hat (eighth notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play the Play the melody between the snare (long notes) and hi-hat (eighth notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play themelody melodybetween betweenthe thesnare snare(long (longnotes) notes)and andhi-hat hi-hat(eighth (eighthnotes). notes).(melody (melodypages pages1–4) 1–4)

System 24 System System 24 Reverse 24 the orchestration (short notes on the snare and long notes on the hi-hat). (melody pages 1–4) Systemthe 24 orchestration Reverse Reverse the orchestration (short (short notes notes on on the the snare snare and and long long notes notes on on the the hi-hat). hi-hat). (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4) Reverse the orchestration (short notes on the snare and long notes on the hi-hat). (melody pages 1–4)

System 25 System System 25 System25 25 Alternate the notes of the melody between the snare and hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Alternate Alternate the notes of the melody between the snare and hi-hat. (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Alternatethe thenotes notesof ofthe themelody melodybetween betweenthe thesnare snareand andhi-hat. hi-hat (melody 1–8).


25 25 25


System 26 System System 26 System 26 Play the26 melody on the snare. (melody pages 1–8) Play the (melody pages 1–8) Play melody ononthe the snare. snare. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Playthe themelody melodyon thesnare. snare (melody pages 1–8).

System 27 System System 27 System 27 Play the27 melody on the bass drum. (melody pages 1–8) Play the (melody pages 1–8) Playthe themelody melodyon thebass bassdrum. drum (melody pages 1–8). Play melody ononthe the bass drum. drum. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8)

System 28 System System 28 System 28 Play the28 melody between the snare (eighth notes) and the bass drum (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play the Playthe themelody melodybetween betweenthe thesnare snare(eighth (eighthnotes) notes)and andthe thebass bassdrum drum(long (longnotes). notes).(melody (melodypages pages1–4) 1–4) Play melody between the snare (eighth notes) and the bass drum (long notes). (melody pages 1–4)


System System 29 29 Play the melody between Play the melody between the the snare snare (long (long notes) notes) and and the the bass bass drum drum (eighth (eighth notes). notes). (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4) System System29 29 Play Playthe themelody melodybetween betweenthe thesnare snare(long (longnotes) notes)and andthe thebass bassdrum drum(eighth (eighthnotes). notes).(melody (melodypages pages1–4) 1–4)

System 30 Alternate notes of the melody between the snare and bass drum. (melody pages 1–8) System 30 System System30 30 Alternate notes the melody between the snare and bass drum (melody pages 1–8). Alternate Alternatenotes notesofof ofthe themelody melodybetween betweenthe thesnare snareand andbass bassdrum. drum.(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8)






In this this section section we’re we’re going going to to fill fill in in any any eighth eighth notes notes that that aren’t aren’t played played in in the the melodic melodic line. line. In In section we’re totofillfillininany eighth notes that aren’t played in the melodic line. Inthis this section we’regoing going any eighth notes played in the melodic The melody is notated notated here as as swung swung eighth notes butthat canaren’t be played played straight as well. line. The melody is here eighth notes but can be straight as well. The but can bebe played straight as as well. Themelody melodyisisnotated notatedhere hereasasswung swungeighth eighthnotes notes but can played straight well. System 11 System System 1 System 1melody System 1 Play the melody with both both hands hands in in unison, unison, while while filling filling in in the the remaining remaining eighth eighth notes notes with with the the bass bass drum. drum. Play the with Play the with both hands in while Play the melody with both hands ininunison, unison, while filling ininthe the remaining eighth notes with the bass drum. Play themelody melody with both hands unison, whilefilling fillingin theremaining remainingeighth eighthnotes noteswith withthe thebass bassdrum. drum. The hi-hat plays on on and 4. (melody pages 1–4) 1–4) The hi-hat plays 22 and 4. (melody pages The The hi-hat plays on 22and and 4.4 (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4) Thehi-hat hi-hatplays playson on2 and4. 1–4).

System 22 System System 2 System 2melody System 2 Play the melody with the the ride ride cymbal cymbal and and bass bass drum drum in in unison, unison, while while filling filling in in eighth eighth notes notes with with the the Play the with Play the melody the ride cymbal and bass drum in unison, while filling eighth notes with the Play melody with the ridecymbal cymbal and basspages drumin in unison,while whilefilling fillinginin ineighth eighthnotes noteswith withthe the Playthe the melody on the ride bass drum unison, snare. The hi-hatwith plays quarter notes.and (melody pages 1–4) snare. The hi-hat plays quarter notes. (melody 1–4) snare. The hi-hat plays quarter notes. (melody pages 1–4) snare. snare.The Thehi-hat hi-hatplays playsquarter quarternotes. notes (melody pages 1–4) 1–4).

System 33 System System 3 System 3 System 3melody Play the melody with the the crash crash cymbal cymbal and and bass bass drum drum in in unison, unison, while while filling filling in in eighth eighth notes notes with with the the Play the with Play the the crash cymbal and bass drum unison, while filling eighth notes with the Playhand themelody melody on the crash cymbal and drum inin while filling inin Play the melody with the crash cymbal andbass bass drum inunison, unison, while filling ineighth eighthnotes noteswith withthe the right hand on the thewith floor tom. The hi-hat plays plays quarter notes. (melody pages 1–4) right on floor tom. The hi-hat quarter notes. (melody pages 1–4) right hand on the floor tom. The hi-hat plays quarter notes. (melody pages 1–4) righthand handon onthe thefloor floortom. tom.The Thehi-hat hi-hatplays playsquarter quarternotes. notes (melody right (melody pages pages 1–4). 1–4)

System 44 System System 4 System 4melody System 4 Play the melody with the the bass bass drum, drum, while while filling filling in in eighth eighth notes notes with with the the snare. snare. The The hi-hat hi-hat plays plays on on 22 and and Play the with Play the melody with the bass drum, while filling eighth notes with the snare. The hi-hat plays on and Play the melody with the bass drum, while filling ineighth eighth notes withthe thesnare. snare.The Thehi-hat hi-hatplays playson on22 2and and Play the melody on the bass filling inin notes with 4, and the ride cymbal cymbal plays swingwhile pattern. (melody pages 1–4) 4, and the ride plays aadrum, swing pattern. (melody pages 1–4) 4, and the ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. (melody pages 1–4) 4,4,and andthe theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsaaswing swingpattern. pattern (melody pages 1–4) 1–4).

System 55 System System 5 System 5melody System 5 Play the melody with the the snare, snare, while while filling filling in in with with the the bass bass drum. drum. The The hi-hat hi-hat plays plays on on 22 and and 4, 4, and and the the Play the with Play the the snare, while filling in with the bass drum. The hi-hat plays on and and the Play the melody with thesnare, snare, while fillingin inwith with1–4) thebass bassdrum. drum.The Thehi-hat hi-hatplays playson on22 2and and4,4, 4,and andthe the Play themelody melody on the while filling the ride cymbal playswith swing pattern. (melody pages 1–4) ride cymbal plays aa swing pattern. (melody pages ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. (melody pages 1–4) ride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsaaswing swingpattern. pattern (melody pages 1–4) 1–4).


System 6 System 6 System 6melody with the bass drum, while filling in eighth notes with the snare. Play the hi-hat on the offPlay the Play the melody with bass while filling in notes with System 6ride cymbal Play the melody with the theplays bassadrum, drum, while filling in eighth eighth notes with the the snare. snare. Play Play the the hi-hat hi-hat on on the the offoffbeats. The swing pattern. (melody pages 1–4) beats. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody on the bass drum, while filling in eighth notes with the snare. Play the hi-hat on the off­ beats. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. (melody pages 1–4) beats. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern (melody pages 1–4).

System 7 System 7 System 7melody with the snare, while filling in eighth notes with the bass drum. Again, play offbeats on the Play the Play the melody with the while filling in notes with the System 7a swing Play the melody with the snare, snare, while filling in eighth eighth notes with1–4) the bass bass drum. drum. Again, Again, play play offbeats offbeats on on the the hi-hat and pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages hi-hat and a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody on the snare, while filling in eighth notes with the bass drum. Again, play offbeats on the hi-hat and a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–4) hi-hat and a swing pattern on the ride cymbal (melody pages 1–4).

System 8 System 8 System 8the notes of the melodic line between the snare and the hi-hat. Fill in eighth notes with the bass Alternate Alternate the notes the line between the and hi-hat. Fill System 8 playing Alternate the notes of of the melodic melodic line between the snare snare(melody and the thepages hi-hat.1–4) Fill in in eighth eighth notes notes with with the the bass bass drum, while a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. drum, while playing a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–4) Alternate the notes of the melodic line between the snare and the hi-hat. Fill in eighth notes with the bass drum, while playing a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–4) drum, while playing a swing pattern on the ride cymbal (melody pages 1–4).

System 9 System 9 System 9the notes of the melody between the feet, while filling in eighth notes with the snare. The ride Alternate Alternate the of the between the feet, Alternate the notes of pattern. the melody melody between the1–4) feet, while while filling filling in in eighth eighth notes notes with with the the snare. snare. The The ride ride System 9 notes cymbal plays a swing (melody pages cymbal plays a swing pattern. (melody pages 1–4) cymbal plays swingofpattern. (melody pagesthe 1–4) Alternate thea notes the melody between feet, while filling in eighth notes with the snare. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern (melody pages 1–4).




This chapter involves ostinatos with one limb playing the “&” of beats and or Thischapter chapterinvolves involvesostinatos ostinatoswith withone onelimb limbplaying playingthe the“&” “&”of beats1111and and3333or This This chapter involves ostinatos with one limb playing the “&” ofofbeats beats and oror2222 and 4. These systems are great for playing faster tempos, and can be phrased and and 4.4.These These systems are great for playing faster tempos, and can be phrased and4. Thesesystems systemsare aregreat greatfor forplaying playingfaster fastertempos, tempos,and andcan canbe bephrased phrased using straight eighths or with aa swing swing feel. using using straight straight eighths eighths or or with with a swing feel. feel. using straight eighths or with a swing feel. System System1111 System System Play the melody on the bass drum. The hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays Playthe themelody melodyon onthe thebass bassdrum. drum.The Thehi-hat hi-hatplays playsquarter quarternotes, notes,and andthe theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsaaaa Play Play the melody on the bass drum. The hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays swing pattern. The snare plays on the “&” of beats 1 and 3. (melody pages 1–4) swingpattern. pattern.The Thesnare snareplays playson onthe the“&” “&”of beats111and and3. (melodypages pages1–4) 1–4). swing swing pattern. The snare plays on the “&” ofofbeats beats and 3.3(melody (melody pages 1–4)

System System2222 System System Play the melody on the snare. The hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays swing Playthe themelody melodyon onthe thesnare. snare.The Thehi-hat hi-hatplays playsquarter quarternotes, notes,and andthe theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsaaaaswing swing Play Play the melody on the snare. The hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays swing pattern. The bass drum plays on the “&” of beats 1 and 3. (melody pages 1–4) pattern.The Thebass bassdrum drumplays playson onthe the“&” “&”of beats111and and3. (melodypages pages1–4) 1–4). pattern. pattern. The bass drum plays on the “&” ofofbeats beats and 3.3(melody (melody pages 1–4)

System System System System3333 Play the melody on the snare. The ride cymbal plays swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on the Play Play the melody on the snare. The ride cymbal plays swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on the Playthe themelody melodyon onthe thesnare. snare.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsaaaaswing swingpattern, pattern,and andthe thehi-hat hi-hatplays playson onthe the “&” of beats 1 and 3. (melody pages 1 and 2) “&” “&” ofofbeats beats and 3.3(melody (melody pages and 2) “&”of beats111and and3. (melodypages pages111and and2) 2).

System System System System 444 4 Play the eighth notes of the melody on the snare, and quarter notes (or longer) on the bass drum. The Play eighth notes of the melody on snare, the snare, and quarter (or longer) thedrum. bass The drum. Play Play the thethe eighth eighth notes notes of of the the melody melody on on the the snare, and and quarter quarter notes notesnotes (or (or longer) longer) on on the theon bass bass drum. The The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on the “&” of beats 1 and 3. (melody pages 1–4) ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, the hi-hat on“&” the of beats 13.and 3 (melody ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays aa swing swing pattern, pattern, and and and the the hi-hat hi-hat plays playsplays on on the the “&” of of“&” beats beats 11 and and 3. (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4).


System 5 System 5 System Play the5555eighth notes of the melody on the bass drum and quarter notes (or longer) on the hi-hat. The ride System System System Play the eighth notes of the melody on the bass drum quarter notes (or longer) on hi-hat. the hi-hat. The ride Play the eighth notes of the melody on the bass drum and quarter notes (or longer) on the The ride cymbal plays swing and on the left hand plays on and the “&” of beats 1longer) and 3. on (melody pages 1–4) Play Play Play the the theeighth eighth eighthanotes notes notes of of ofpattern, the the themelody melody melody on onthe the thebass bass bassdrum drum drum and and and quarter quarter quarter notes notes notes (or (or (or longer) longer) on onthe the thehi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. The The The ride ride ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the left hand plays on the “&” of beats 1 and 3 (melody pages 1–4). cymbal plays swing pattern, and the left hand plays on the “&” of beats and 3. (melody pages 1–4) cymbal cymbal cymbalplays plays playsaaaaswing swing swingpattern, pattern, pattern,and and andthe the theleft left lefthand hand handplays plays playson on onthe the the“&” “&” “&”of of ofbeats beats beats1111and and and3. 3. 3.(melody (melody (melodypages pages pages1–4) 1–4) 1–4)

System 6 System Play the6666melody on the bass drum. The hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays a swing System 6 System System System Play the melody on the bass drum. The hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays swing pattern. The snare plays on the “&”The ofThe beats 2plays and 4. (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody the bass drum. hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays aswing swing Play Play Play the the the melody melody melody on on onon the the the bass bass bass drum. drum. drum. The The hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat plays plays quarter quarter quarter notes, notes, notes, and and and the the the ride ride ride cymbal cymbal cymbal plays plays plays aaaaswing swing pattern. The snare plays on the “&” of beats 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–4) pattern. The snare plays the “&” beats 2and and 4(melody (melody pages 1–4). pattern. pattern. pattern. The The The snare snare snare plays plays plays on on onon the the the “&” “&” “&” of of ofof beats beats beats 222and and 4. 4. 4.(melody (melody pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4)

System 7 System Play the7777melody on the snare. The hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays a swing patSystem System System System 7 Play the melody on the snare. The hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays swing pattern. The bass drum plays onThe the “&” of plays beats 2 and 4.notes, (melody pages 1–4) Play Play Play the the the melody melody melody on on onon the the the snare. snare. snare. The The hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat plays plays quarter quarter quarter notes, notes, and and and the the the ride ride ride cymbal cymbal cymbal plays plays plays aaaaswing swing patpatpatPlay the melody the snare. The hi-hat plays quarter notes, and the ride cymbal plays aswing swing pat­ tern. The bass drum plays on the “&” of beats 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–4) tern. tern. tern. The The The bass bass bass drum drum drum plays plays plays on on onon the the the “&” “&” “&” of of ofbeats beats beats 222and and 4. 4. 4.(melody (melody pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) tern. The bass drum plays the “&” of beats 2and and 4(melody (melody pages 1–4).

System 8 System Play the8888melody on the snare. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on the “&” of System System System System 8 Play the melody on the snare. The ride cymbal plays swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on the “&” of beats 2melody and 4. (melody pages 1–4) Play Play Play the the the melody melody on on onon the the the snare. snare. snare. The The The ride ride ride cymbal cymbal cymbal plays plays plays aaaaswing swing pattern, pattern, pattern, and and and the the the hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat plays plays plays on on onon the the the “&” “&” “&” of of ofof Play the melody the snare. The ride cymbal plays aswing swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays the “&” beats 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–4) beats beats beats 222and and 4. 4. 4.(melody (melody pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) beats 2and and 4(melody (melody pages 1–4).

System 9 System Play eighth System System System 9999 9 notes of the melody on the snare, and quarters (or longer) on the bass drum. The ride cymSystem Play eighth notes of the melody on the snare, and quarters (or longer) on the bass drum. The ride cymbal plays anotes swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on the “&” of beats 2 and 4. (melody pages 1 ride and 2) Play Play Play eighth eighth eighth notes notes of of of the the the melody melody melody on on onon the the the snare, snare, snare, and and and quarters quarters quarters (or (or (or longer) longer) longer) on on onon the the the bass bass bass drum. drum. drum. The The The ride ride cymcymcymPlay eighth notes of the melody the snare, and quarters (or longer) the bass drum. The ride cym­ bal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on the “&” of beats 2 and 4. (melody pages 1 and 2) bal bal bal plays plays plays aaaswing swing pattern, pattern, pattern, and and and the the the hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat plays plays plays on on onon the the the “&” “&” “&” of of ofbeats beats beats 222and and 4. 4. 4.(melody (melody pages pages pages 111and and 2) 2) 2)2). bal plays aswing swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays the “&” of beats 2and and 4(melody (melody pages 1and and


System 10 System Play eighth10notes of the melody on the bass drum, and quarters (or longer) with the hi-hat. The ride cymbal Play of the on plays the bass drum, quarters (or 4. longer) on pages the hi-hat. System 10 notes plays aeighth swing pattern, andmelody the snare on the “&”and of beats 2 and (melody 1–4)The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the snare plays on the “&” of beats 2 and 4 (melody pages 1–4). Play eighth notes of the melody on the bass drum, and quarters (or longer) with the hi-hat. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the snare plays on the “&” of beats 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–4)






section, we’re using different triplet partials ostinatos snare and InIn this Inthis this section section we’re using thethe different triplet partials as as ostinatos onon thethe snare and bass bass drum. drum. The The ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays aa swing aswing swing pattern. pattern. This This creates creates aa shuffle ashuffle shuffle groove. groove. bass drum. The ride cymbal plays pattern. This creates groove.

System System 1 11 System Play Play thethe the melody melody onon on thethe the bass bass drum, drum, and and 2 and and 4 on on thethe the hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Play melody bass drum, and 22and 44on hi-hat (melody pages 1–8).

System System System 2 22 Alternate notes of melodic the feet, beginning with thebass bass drum (melody pages 1–8). Alternate Alternate thethe the notes notes of the of the the melodic melodic lineline between between thethe feet, feet, beginning beginning withwith thethe bass drum. drum. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8)1–8)

System System System 3 33 Play the melody between bass drum (long notes) and hi-hat (eighths). (melody pages 1–4) Play Play thethe melody melody between between thethe the bass bass drum drum (long (long notes) notes) and and thethe the hi-hat hi-hat (eighths). (eighths). (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4)


System System444 System System 4 4 on Play the melody the snare, and play and on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) System Play themelody melody thesnare, snare,and andplay play222and and444on onthe thehi-hat. hi-hat.(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8) Play the ononthe PlayPlay the melody on the and and playplay 2 and 4 on4the (melody pages 1–8).1–8) the melody on snare, the snare, 2 and on hi-hat the hi-hat. (melody pages

System System System 5555 System Alternate the notes ofofthe themelody melodybetween betweenrim rimclicks clicksand andthe thehi-hat, hi-hat,starting startingwith withthe therim rimclick. click. System 5notes Alternate the Alternate the notes of Alternate the notes of the the melody melody between between rim rim clicks clicks and and the the hi-hat, hi-hat, starting starting with with the the rim rim click. click (melody pages 1–8) Alternate the notes of the melody between rim clicks and the hi-hat, starting with the rim click. (melody pages 1–8) (melody pages 1–8) (melody pages 1–8). (melody pages 1–8)

System System System 6666 System Play the melody between rim clicks (eighths) and the hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) System 6 between Play the melody between rim clicks (eighths) and the hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody rim clicks (eighths) and the hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody between rim clicks (eighths) and the hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody between rim clicks (eighths) and the hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4)



System System 7 System 77 System System 77 with Play Play the the melody melody with on the the bass bass drum, drum, and and play play 2 and and 4 on the the hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Play the melody with onon the bass drum, and play 22 and 44 onon the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Play the melodyon with thedrum, bass drum, and2play 4 on the hi-hat. (melody Play the melody theon bass and play and 24 and on the hi-hat (melody pages pages 1–8). 1–8)

System System 8 System 88 System 8notes System 8the Alternate Alternate the notes of the the melody melody between between the the feet, feet, beginning beginning with with the the bass bass drum. drum. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Alternate the notes ofof the melody between the feet, beginning with the bass drum. (melody pages 1–8) Alternatethe thenotes notesofofthe themelody melodybetween betweenthe thefeet, feet,beginning beginningwith withthe thebass bassdrum drum. (melody pages 1–8) Alternate (melody pages 1–8).

System System 9 System 99 System 9 with Play Play the the melody melody with the the bass bass drum drum (long (long notes) notes) and and hi-hat hi-hat (eighths). (eighths). (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4) Play the melody with the bass drum (long notes) and hi-hat (eighths). (melody pages 1–4) System 9 Play the melody with the bass drum (long notes) and hi-hat (eighths). (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody on the bass drum (long notes) and hi-hat (eighths). (melody pages 1–4)


444 4

System 1010 System 10 System Play the melody onon the snare, and play the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Play System thethe melody 10 on the snare, and play 22and 44on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) System 10 Play melody the snare, and play 2and and 4onon the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Play Playthe themelody melodyon onthe thesnare, snare,and andplay play22and and44on onthe thehi-hat. hi-hat (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8).

System 11 System 11 System 11 System 11 Alternate the notes melody between the snare and hi-hat, beginning with the snare. Alternate System 11 the notes ofof the melody between the snare and hi-hat, beginning with the snare. Alternate the notes ofthe the melody between the snare and hi-hat, beginning with the snare. Alternate the notes of the melody between the snare and hi-hat, beginning with the snare (melody pages 1–8) (melody Alternate pages the notes 1–8) of the melody between the snare and hi-hat, beginning with the snare. (melody pages 1–8) (melody pages 1–8). (melody pages 1–8)

System 12 System 12 System 12 System 12 Play the melody on the snare (eighths) and hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play System the melody 12 on the snare (eighths) and hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody on the snare (eighths) and hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody on the snare (eighths) and hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody on the snare (eighths) and hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4)


System 13 System System System System 1313 13 13 Play the melody on the bass drum, and play 22 and 44 on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Play the melody bass drum, and play 222and 444on hi-hat (melody pages 1–8). Play Play Play thethe the melody melody melody onon on the onthe the the bass bass bass drum, drum, drum, and and and play play play and and and on on the onthe the the hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8)

System 14 System System System 1414 14 14 System Alternate the melody notes between the feet, beginning with the bass drum. (melody pages 1–8) Alternate Alternate Alternate thethe the the melody melody melody notes notes notes between between between thethe the the feet, feet, feet, beginning beginning beginning with with with thethe the the bass bass bass drum. drum. drum. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) Alternate melody notes between feet, beginning with bass drum (melody pages 1–8).

System 15 System System System 1515 15 15 System Play the melody on the bass drum (long notes) and the hi-hat (eighths). (melody pages 1–4) Play Play Play thethe the the melody melody melody onon on the onthe the the bass bass bass drum drum drum (long (long (long notes) notes) notes) and and and thethe the the hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat (eighths). (eighths). (eighths). (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) Play melody bass drum (long notes) and hi-hat (eighths). (melody pages 1–4)


System 16 System 16 System 16 System System 16 16 Play the melody on the snare, and play and on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Play the melody on the snare, and play and on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Play the melody on the snare, and play and on the hi-hat (melody pages 1–8). Play Play the the melody melody on on the the snare, snare, and and play play 2222and 2 and 4444on 4 on the the hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8)

System 17 System 17 System System 17 17 System 17 Alternate the melody between the snare and hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Alternate the melody between the snare and hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Alternate Alternate the the melody melody between between the the snare snare and and hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Alternate the melody between the snare and hi-hat (melody pages 1–8).

System 1818 System 18 System System 18 System 18 Play the melody onon the snare (eighths) and the hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play the melody on the snare (eighths) and the hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play Play the the melody melody on the snare snare (eighths) (eighths) and and the the hi-hat hi-hat (long (long notes). notes). (melody (melody pages pages 1–4) 1–4) Play the melody onthe the snare (eighths) and the hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4)




InIn this chapter we’re going toto break the triplet-partial ostinatos between two limbs, In this this chapter chapter we’re we’re going going to break break the the triplet-partial triplet-partial ostinatos ostinatos between between two two limbs, limbs, while while while playing playing playing the the the melody melody melody with with with the the the other. other. other.

System System System 11 1 Orchestrate Orchestrate Orchestrate triplets triplets triplets between between between the the the snare snare snare (2nd (2nd (2nd note note note of ofof the the the triplet) triplet) triplet) and and and the the the hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat (3rd (3rd (3rd note note note of ofof the the the triplet). triplet). triplet). drum 1–8). Play Play Play the the the melody melody melody on onon the the the bass bass bass drum. drum. drum. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8)

System System System 22 2 Reverse Reverse Reverse the the the ostinato ostinato ostinato so soso the the the snare snare snare isisplaying is playing playing the the the 3rd 3rd 3rd partial, partial, partial, and and and the the the hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat isisisplaying is playing playing the the the 2nd 2nd 2nd partial. partial. partial. Play Play Play parallel, and the hi-hat playing the 2nd partial. Play the the the melody melody melody on onon the the the bass bass bass drum. drum. drum. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) drum 1–8).


System33 System Orchestrate betweenthe thebass bassdrum drum(2nd (2ndpartial) partial)and andthe thehi-hat hi-hat(3rd (3rdpartial). partial).Play Playthe themelody melodyon onthe the System 3 triplets System 3tripletsbetween Orchestrate snare. (melody pages 1–8) Orchestrate triplets between thethe bass drum (2nd partial) and thethe hi-hat (3rd partial). Play thethe melody on on thethe snare Orchestrate triplets between bass drum (2nd partial) and hi-hat (3rd partial). Play melody snare. (melody pages 1–8) (melody 1–8). snare.pages (melody pages 1–8)

System44 System Reverse the orchestrationso sothe thebass bassdrum drumplays playsthe thethird thirdpartial partialand andthe thehi-hat hi-hatplays playsthe thesecond. second. System 4partialorchestration System 4 partial Reverse the Continue toplay play themelody melody onthe the snare. (melody pages 1–8) Reverse the partial orchestration so bass drum plays the third partial hi-hat plays second. Reverse the partial orchestration so thethe bass drum plays the third partial andand thethe hi-hat plays thethe second. Continue to the on snare. (melody pages 1–8) Continue play melody snare. (melody pages 1–8) Continue to to play thethe melody on on thethe snare (melody pages 1–8).


System 5 System 5 5triplets System Orchestrate System 55 between the snare (2nd partial) and the bass drum (3rd partial). Play the melody on the hiSystem Orchestrate triplets between the6) snare (2nd partial) andand the bass drum (3rd(3rd partial). Play the melody on on the hiOrchestrate triplets between the snare (2nd partial) and the bass drum (3rd partial). Play the melody on the hihat.Orchestrate (melody Orchestrate pages triplets 1, 2, between 5, and the snare (2nd partial) and the bass drum (3rd partial). Play the melody on the triplets between the snare (2nd partial) the bass drum partial). Play the melody the hi-hihat.hat (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) hat. (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) hat. (melody pages and (melody pages 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, and 6).6)

System 6 System 6the partial System Reverse System 66 orchestration so the snare plays the third partial and the bass drum plays the 2nd. System 6partial Reverse the orchestration the playsplays the third partial and 6) the drumdrum playsplays the 2nd. Reverse thepartial partial orchestration sosnare the(melody snare plays the1, third partial andbass thebass bass drum plays the2nd. 2nd. Continue Reverse to play the the melody orchestration withso theso hi-hat. so the snare pages the third 2,partial 5, partial and and the the Reverse the partial orchestration the snare plays the third and the bass drum plays the 2nd. Continue to play the melody with the hi-hat. (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) Continue to play the melody with the hi-hat. (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) Continuetotoplay playthe themelody melodyonwith hi-hat. (melody pages 5, and Continue the the hi-hat (melody pages 1, 2,1,5,2,and 6). 6)




This This section involves filling inintriplets triplets that aren’t played ininthe the melody. Thissection sectioninvolves involvesfilling fillingin tripletsthat thataren’t aren’tplayed playedin themelody. melody. System System System System1111 Play Play Play the the melody melody with with both both hands hands while while filling filling in ininthe the the remaining remaining triplets triplets on on the the bass bass drum. drum. The The hi-hat hi-hat plays plays Playthe themelody melodywith withboth bothhands handswhile whilefilling fillingin theremaining remainingtriplets tripletson onthe thebass bassdrum. drum.The Thehi-hat hi-hatplays plays on on on and and 4. 4.4(melody (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) on2222and and4. (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8).

System System System System2222 Play Play Play the the melody melody with with the theride ride ridecymbal cymbal cymbaland and andbass bass bassdrum drum drumwhile while whilefilling filling fillingin in inthe the theremaining remaining remainingtriplets triplets tripletson on onthe the thesnare. snare. snare. Playthe themelody melodywith on the The The The hi-hat hi-hat plays plays on on and and 4. 4.4(melody (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) Thehi-hat hi-hatplays playson on2222and and4. (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8).

System System System System3333 Play Play Play the the melody melody on on the the crash crash cymbal cymbal and and bass bass drum drum while while filling filling in ininthe the the remaining remaining triplets triplets on on the the floor floor Playthe themelody melodyon onthe thecrash crashcymbal cymbaland andbass bassdrum drumwhile whilefilling fillingin theremaining remainingtriplets tripletson onthe thefloor floor tom. tom. tom. The The hi-hat hi-hat plays plays on on and and 4. 4.4(melody (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) tom.The Thehi-hat hi-hatplays playson on2222and and4. (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8).


System System System 44 4 System Play the 4melody onon the bass drum, and fill-in triplets onon the snare. Play swing pattern onon the ride cymbal, Play melody the bass drum, and fill-in triplets the snare. Play a swing pattern the ride cymbal, Play thethe melody on the bass drum, and fill-in triplets on the snare. Play aa swing pattern on the ride cymbal, Play and 2 the and melody 4 with on the the hi-hat. bass (melody drum, and pages fill-in 1–8) triplets on the snare. Play a swing pattern on the ride cymbal, and 2 and 4 on the hi-hat (melody pages 1–8). and 2 and 4 with the hi-hat. 1–8) and 2 and 4 with the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8)

System System System 55 5 System Play the 5melody onon the snare while filling in in triplets onon the bass drum. Play swing pattern onon the ride cymPlay melody the snare while filling triplets the bass drum. Play a swing pattern the ride cym­ Play thethe melody on the snare while filling in triplets on the bass drum. Play aa swing pattern on the ride cymbal, and 2 and 4 on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) Play the melody on the snare while filling in triplets on the bass drum. Play a swing pattern on the ride cymbal, and 2 and 4 on the hi-hat (melody pages 1–8). bal, and 2 and 4 on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) bal, and 2 and 4 on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8)

System 66 System System Play the melody 6melody on the the hi-hat, hi-hat, and and fill-in fill-in triplets triplets on on the the snare. snare. Play Play aa swing swing pattern pattern on on the the ride ride cymbal. cymbal. System 6 Play the on Play (melody the melody pages 1, on 2, the 5, and hi-hat, 6) and fill-in triplets on the snare. Play a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. Play the melody on the hi-hat, and fill-in triplets on the snare. Play a swing pattern on the ride cymbal (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) (melody pages 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, and 6) 6). (melody pages and


System System 77 System Play the melody hi-hat, and fill-in triplets bass drum. Play a swing pattern ride cymbal Play the 7melody onon thethe hi-hat, and fill-in triplets onon thethe bass drum. Play a swing pattern onon thethe ride cymbal. Play the melody on the hi-hat, and fill-in triplets on the bass drum. Play a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6). (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6)

System 8 System Play the 8melody notes between the bass drum (long notes) and hi-hat (eighth notes). Fill-in triplets on the snare, System 8 Play the melody between the bass drum1–4) (long notes) and hi-hat (eighth notes). Fill-in triplets on the snare, and play swingnotes ride pattern. (melody pages Play thea melody notes between the bass drum (long notes) and hi-hat (eighth notes). Fill-in triplets on the snare and play a swing ride pattern. (melody pages 1–4) and play a swing-ride pattern (melody pages 1–4).

System 9 System 9the System 9 melodic line between the feet (starting with the bass drum), while filling in triplets on the snare. Play a Alternate Alternate thethe melodic line between thethe feet (starting with thethe bass drum), while filling in in triplets onon thethe snare. Play a Alternate melodic line between feet (starting with bass drum), while filling triplets snare. Play swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–8) swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–8) a swing pattern on the ride cymbal (melody pages 1–8).


System 10 System 10 Play the melody between the snare (eighth notes) and hi-hat (long notes). Fill in the triplets on the bass Play the System 10melody between the snare (eighth notes) and hi-hat (long notes). Fill in the triplets on the bass drum, and play a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–4) drum, playbetween a swing the pattern on(eighth the ride cymbal pages 1–4). Fill in the triplets on the bass Play the and melody snare notes) and(melody hi-hat (long notes). drum, and play a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–4)

System 11 Alternate the melody notes between the snare and hi-hat. Fill in with the bass drum, and play a swing-ride System 1111 System pattern. (melody pages 1–8) Alternate thethe melody notes between thethe snare and hi-hat. FillFill in in with thethe bass drum, and play a swing-ride Alternate melody notes between snare and hi-hat. with bass drum, and play a swing-ride pattern. pattern(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8).

System 12 Play the melody on the toms, orchestrating eighth notes on the small tom and long notes on the floor tom. System 1212 System The snare drum and bass drum alternate fill-ins, beginning with the bass drum. (The bass drum always Play thethe melody onon thethe toms, orchestrating eighth notes onon thethe small tom and long notes onon thethe floor tom. Play melody toms, orchestrating eighth notes small tom and long notes floor tom. plays the triplet fill-in immediately after the melody notes.) Play 2 and 4 on the hi-hat. You may need to The snare drum and bass drum alternate fill-ins, beginning with thethe bass drum. (The bass drum always The snare drum and bass drum alternate fill-ins, beginning with bass drum. (The bass drum always write out your own stickings for this one. (melody pages 1–4) plays thethe triplet fill-in immediately after thethe melody notes.) Play 2 and 4 on thethe hi-hat. You may need toto plays triplet fill-in immediately after melody notes.) Play 2 and 4 on hi-hat. You may need write out your own stickings forfor this one. write out your own stickings this one(melody (melodypages pages1–4) 1–4).






This section focuses on quarter-note triplet ostinatos, both on and off the beat. This This section focuses on quarter-note triplet ostinatos, both on and off the beat. Thissection sectionfocuses focuseson onquarter-note quarter-notetriplet tripletostinatos, ostinatos,both bothon onand andoff offthe thebeat. beat.

System 1 System System System The snare111plays the melody, while the bass drum plays quarter-note triplets. Play a swing ride pattern, The plays the melody, while drum The snare plays the melody, while the bass drum plays quarter-note triplets. Play swing-ride pattern, The snare plays the melody, whilethe thebass bass drumplays playsquarter-note quarter-notetriplets. triplets.Play Playaaaswing swingride ridepattern, pattern, and 2snare and 4 on the hi-hat. (melody pages 1–8) and and and on the hi-hat 1–8). and222and and444on onthe thehi-hat. hi-hat.(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8)

System 2 System System 2 System The hi-hat22plays the melody, while the bass drum plays quarter-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a The hi-hat plays the bass The hi-hat plays themelody, melody, while the bass drumplays playsquarter-note quarter-notetriplets. triplets.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsaaa The hi-hat plays the melody, while the bass drum plays quarter-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays swing pattern. (melody pageswhile 1, 2, the 5, and 6) drum swing swingpattern. pattern.(melody (melodypages pages1, and6) 6) swing pattern (melody pages 1,1,2, 2,2,5, 5,5,and and 6).


System 3 System System 3 3 The bass drum plays the melody. Play quarter-note triplets with rim clicks. The bass plays System 3 The bass drum drum plays the the melody. melody. Play Play quarter-note quarter-note triplets triplets with with rim rim clicks. clicks. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–8) The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 4. The bass drum plays the melody. Play quarter-note triplets with rim clicks. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and and 4. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4 (melody pages 1–8).

System 4 System System4 System 44 Play quarter-note triplets with rim clicks while the hi-hat plays the melody. The ride cymbal plays a swingPlay Playquarter-note quarter-notetriplets tripletswith withrim rimclicks clickswhile whilethe thehi-hat hi-hatplays playsthe themelody. melody.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsa swingPlay quarter-note triplets with rim clicks while the hi-hat plays the melody. The ride cymbal plays aaswingswingride pattern. Even though it’s not written, remember to feather the bass drum on all four beats. ride pattern. Even though it’s not written, remember to feather the bass drum on all four beats. ridepattern. pattern.Even Eventhough thoughit’s it’snot notwritten, written,remember remembertotofeather featherthe thebass bassdrum drumon onallallfour fourbeats. beats ride (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) (melody (melodypages pages1, and6) (melody pages 1,1,2, 2,2,5, 5,5,and and 6)6).

System 5 System System 55 System5 The snare plays the melody while the hi-hat plays quarter-note triplets. The The snare plays the melody while the hi-hat plays quarter-note triplets. Thesnare snareplays playsthe themelody melodywhile whilethe thehi-hat hi-hatplays playsquarter-note quarter-notetriplets. triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. (melody pages 1–8) The The ride cymbal plays a aswing swing pattern. (melody pages 1–8) Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsa swingpattern. pattern(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8).


49 49 49

System 6 66 System System TheThe bass drum plays thethe melody while thethe hi-hat plays quarter-note triplets. TheThe rideride cymbal plays a swing drum plays melody while hi-hat plays quarter-note triplets. cymbal plays aa swing The bass bass drum plays the melody while the hi-hat plays quarter-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays swing pattern. (melody pages 1–8) pattern.(melody (melodypages pages1–8). 1–8) pattern

System 7 7 System System 7 Play the melody with thethe snare andand off-beat quarter-note triplets on on thethe bass drum. TheThe rideride cymbal plays a swing Play the melody with snare off-beat quarter-note triplets bass drum. cymbal plays a swing Play the melody on the snare and off-beat quarter-note triplets on the bass drum. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–8) pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–8) pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4 (melody pages 1–8).


System 8 System 8 Play the melody on the hi-hat, and off-beat quarter-note triplets on the bass drum. The ride cymbal plays Play the melody(melody on the hi-hat, quarter-note triplets on the bass drum. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. pagesand 1, 2,off-beat 5, and 6) a swing pattern (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6).

System99 System Playthe themelody melodyon onthe thebass bassdrum drumand andoff-beat off-beatquarter-note quarter-notetriplets tripletswith withrim rimclicks. clicks. Play The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4 (melody pages 1–8) 1–8). The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4.

System10 10 System Play the melodyon onthe thehi-hat hi-hatand andoff-beat off-beatquarter-note quarter-notetriplets tripletswith withrim rimclicks. clicks. Play the melody The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6). The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6)


System 11 System 11 System Play the 11 melody on the snare, and off-beat quarter-note triplets with the hi-hat. The ride cymbal plays a Playthe themelody melodyon onthe thesnare, snare, andoff-beat off-beatquarter-note quarter-note triplets triplets with on the Play thehi-hat. hi-hat.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsaa swing pattern. (melody pages and 1–8) swing pattern (melody pages 1–8). swing pattern. (melody pages 1–8)

System 12 System Play the 12 melody on the bass drum, and off-beat quarter-note triplets with the hi-hat. The ride cymbal System 12 Play the melody on the bass drum, and1–8) off-beat quarter-note triplets with the hi-hat. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. pages Play the melody on the(melody bass drum, and off-beat quarter-note triplets on the hi-hat. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. (melody pages 1–8) plays a swing pattern (melody pages 1–8).



System 13 System 13 System Play the13 melody on the snare while filling in triplets with the bass drum. Play off-beat quarter-note triplets on Play the melody on the snare while filling in triplets with the bass drum. Play off-beat quarter-note triplets on Play melody the snare while filling in cymbal triplets with the bass the the hi-hat and aon swing pattern on the ride (melody pagesdrum. 1–8). Play off-beat quarter-note triplets on the hi-hat and a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–8) the hi-hat and a swing pattern on the ride cymbal. (melody pages 1–8)

System 14 System System14 14 Play the melody on the ride cymbal while filling in triplets on the snare. Play quarters with the hi-hat and Play the hi-hat hi-hat and and Playthe themelody melodyon onthe theride ridecymbal cymbalwhile whilefilling fillinginintriplets tripletson onthe thesnare. snare.Play Playquarters quarterswith on the off-beat quarter-note triplets on the bass drum. Try some different stickings, similar to what you did for System off-beat off-beatquarter-note quarter-notetriplets tripletson onthe thebass bassdrum. drum.Try Trysome somedifferent differentstickings, stickings,similar similarto towhat whatyou youdid didfor forSystem System 4 in Chapter 3. (melody pages 1–8) 44ininChapter Chapter3.3(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8).


53 53



The next dozen systems include half-note triplets, both on and off the beat. The The next next dozen dozen systems systems include include half-note half-note triplets, triplets, both both on on and and off off the the beat. beat. The next dozen systems include half-note triplets, both on and off the beat.

System 1 System The snare11plays the melody, and the bass drum plays half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing System The snare melody, and the drum plays half-note swing ride and the plays 2 bass and (melody 1–8)triplets. Thepattern, snare plays plays the hi-hat melody, andon the bass4. drum playspages half-note triplets. The The ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays aa swing-ride swing ride pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–8) pattern, and the playsplays on 2 on and2 4and (melody pagespages 1–8). 1–8) ride pattern, andhi-hat the hi-hat 4. (melody

System 2 System The hi-hat22plays the melody, and the bass drum plays half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing System The plays the pattern. (melody 1, 2, 5,and andthe 6) bass The hi-hat hi-hat playspages the melody, melody, and the bass drum drum plays plays half-note half-note triplets. triplets. The The ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays aa swing swing pattern. (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6) pattern pattern.(melody (melodypages pages1,1,2,2,5,5,and and6). 6)


System System 33 System The The bass bass33drum drum plays plays the the melody, melody, and and the the snare snare plays plays half-note half-note triplets. triplets. The The ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays aa swing swing patSystem The bass drum plays the on melody, the snare plays half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern, tern, and the the hi-hat hi-hat plays plays 22 and andand 4. 4. (melody (melody pages pages 1–8) 1–8) The and bass drum plays the on melody, and the snare plays half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing pat­ tern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–8) tern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4 (melody pages 1–8).

System System 44 System 44plays System The The hi-hat hi-hat plays the the melody, melody, and and the the snare snare plays plays half-note half-note triplets triplets (as (as rim rim clicks). clicks). The The ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays aa The hi-hat plays the snare The hi-hat plays the melody, melody, swing swing pattern. pattern. (melody (melody pages pagesand 1, 1, 2, 2,the 5, 5, and and 6) 6)plays half-note triplets (as rim clicks). The ride cymbal plays a swing (melody pages pages 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, and and 6). 6) swing pattern. pattern (melody

System System 55 System System The The snare snare55plays plays the the melody, melody, and and the the hi-hat hi-hat plays plays half-note half-note triplets. triplets. The The ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays aa swing swing The snare plays pages the melody, melody, The snare plays the pattern. pattern. (melody (melody pages 1–8) 1–8) and the hi-hat plays half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern (melody pattern. (melody pages pages 1–8). 1–8)


System 6 System 6 The bass drum plays the melody, and the hi-hat plays half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. System 6 drum plays the melody, and the hi-hat plays half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. System 6 The bass (melody pages 1–8) The bassdrum drumplays playsthe themelody, melody,and andthe thehi-hat hi-hatplays playshalf-note half-notetriplets. triplets.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsa aswing swingpattern. pattern The bass (melody pages 1–8) (melody pages 1–8). (melody pages 1–8)

**There are three different possibilities for playing half-note triplets off the beat. For the remaining systems in this ** Therewe arewill three different playing half-note triplets off of thethe beat. For the remaining systems in this **There chapter, displace thepossibilities rhythm so itfor starts on the the second note triplet. **There are three different possibilities for playing half-note triplets off the beat. For the remaining systems in this chapter, we will displace the rhythm so it starts on the the second note of the triplet. chapter, we will displace the rhythm so it starts on the the second note of the triplet. chapter, we will displace the rhythm so it starts on the the second note of the triplet.

System 7 System The snare 7plays the melody, and the bass drum plays offbeat half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing System 7 7 plays The snare the melody, the 4. bass drumpages plays offbeat pattern, and the hi-hat plays onand 2 and (melody 1–8) half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing System The snare plays the melody, and bass offbeat pattern, and the hi-hat plays onthe 2the and 4. drum (melody pages 1–8)half-note The snare plays the melody, and bass drumplays plays offbeat half-notetriplets. triplets.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsa aswing swing pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4. (melody pages 1–8) pattern, and the hi-hat plays on 2 and 4 (melody pages 1–8).


System 8 System 88 plays the melody, and the bass drum plays offbeat half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a System System 8 The hi-hat The hi-hat plays the melody, The The hi-hat hi-hat plays plays the the melody, melody, and and the the bass bass6)drum drum drum plays plays plays offbeat offbeat offbeat half-note half-note half-note triplets. triplets. triplets. The The The ride ride ride cymbal cymbal cymbal plays plays plays aaa swing pattern. (melody pagesand 1, 2,the 5, bass and swing pattern (melody pages 1, 2, 5, and 6). swing swing pattern. pattern. (melody (melody pages pages 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, and and 6) 6)

System 9 System System The bass99drum plays the melody, and the snare plays offbeat half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a snare plays triplets. The The bass drum drumand plays plays the melody, melody, and the snare plays offbeat offbeat half-note triplets. The The ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays aa swingbass pattern, thethe hi-hat playsand on 2the and 4. (melody pages half-note 1–8) 4 swing swing pattern, pattern, and and the the hi-hat hi-hat plays plays on on 22 and and 4. 4.(melody (melody (melodypages pages pages1–8). 1–8) 1–8)

System 10 System System 10 10plays the melody, and the snare plays offbeat half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing The hi-hat The The hi-hat hi-hat plays plays pages the the melody, melody, and the snare plays plays offbeat offbeat half-note half-note triplets. triplets. The The ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays aa swing swing and the pattern. (Melody 1, 2, 5, and 6) snare pattern. pattern.(melody (Melody (Melodypages pages pages1, 1, 1,2, 2, 2,5, 5, 5,and and and6). 6) 6) pattern


System 11 System 11 System 11plays the melody, and the hi-hat plays offbeat half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing The snare The snare plays melody, The snare playsthe the melody, andthe thehi-hat hi-hatplays playsoffbeat offbeathalf-note half-notetriplets. triplets.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsa aswing swing pattern. (melody pages 1–8)and System(melody 11 pattern. pages 1–8) pattern. (melody pages 1–8) The snare plays the melody, and the hi-hat plays offbeat half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern (melody pages 1–8).

System 12 System 12 System 12 The bass drum plays the melody, and the hi-hat plays offbeat half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a System 12 The bass drum melody, and The bass drumplays playsthe the melody, andthe thehi-hat hi-hatplays playsoffbeat offbeathalf-note half-notetriplets. triplets.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsa a swing pattern. (melody pages 1–8) The bass drum plays the melody, and the hi-hat plays offbeat half-note triplets. The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern. (melody pages 1–8) swing pattern. (melody pages 1–8) swing pattern (melody pages 1–8).

System 13 System System 13 System 13 Play the13 melody with the bass drum, while filling in triplets with the hands in unison. Play half-note Play the melody with the bass drum, while filling inin triplets with the hands inin unison. Play half-note Play the melody on the drum, filling in triplets the hands in unison. Play half-note Play theon melody with the bass drum, while filling triplets with the hands unison. Play half-note triplets (as shown) orbass off the beatwhile with the hi-hat. This with is a combination of a system from triplets on (as shown) or off the beat with the hi-hat. This is a combination of a system from triplets on (as shown) or off the beat on the hi-hat. This is a combination of a system from triplets on shown) or off the beat the hi-hat. This is a combination of a system from Chapter 11(as (Filling In Triplets) and thiswith chapter on quarter-note triplets. (melody pages 1–8) Chapter Chapter 11 (Filling Triplets) and this chapter on quarter-note triplets (melody pages 1–8). Chapter11 11(Filling (FillingInIn InTriplets) Triplets)and andthis thischapter chapteron onquarter-note quarter-notetriplets. triplets.(melody (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8)






QUARTER-NOTE QUARTER-NOTE QUARTER-NOTE QUARTER-NOTE TRIPLETS TRIPLETS TRIPLETS TRIPLETS ON ON ON ON THE THE THE THE SNARE SNARE SNARE SNARE Use Use Use Use the the the the following following following following ostinato ostinato ostinato ostinato while while while while orchestrating orchestrating orchestrating orchestrating the the the the melody melody melody melody pages pages pages pages as asas explained. explained. asexplained. explained.

System System System System 1111 1 System Play Play Play Play the the the the melody melody melody melody with with with with the the the the bass bass bass bass drum drum drum drum (long (long (long (long notes) notes) notes) notes) and and and and hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat (eighths). (eighths). (eighths). (eighths). (melody (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) Play the melody on the bass drum (long notes) and hi-hat (eighths). (melody pages 1–4)

System System System System 2212 2 System Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate the the the the notes notes notes notes of ofof of the the of the the melody melody melody melody between between between between the the the the feet, feet, feet, feet, beginning beginning beginning beginning with with with with the the the the bass bass bass bass drum. drum. drum. drum. (melody (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) Alternate the notes the melody between the feet, beginning with the bass drum (melody pages 1–8).

QUARTER-NOTE QUARTER-NOTE QUARTER-NOTE QUARTER-NOTE TRIPLETS TRIPLETS TRIPLETS TRIPLETS ON ON ON ON THE THE THE THE BASS BASS BASS BASS DRUM DRUM DRUM DRUM Now Now Now Now put put put put quarter-note quarter-note quarter-note quarter-note triplets triplets triplets triplets in inin the the inthe the bass bass bass bass drum drum drum drum to toto create create tocreate create aa a new new anew new ostinato. ostinato. ostinato. ostinato.


System System System 333 System 3 Play Play Play the the the melody melody melody with with with the the the snare snare snare (eighth (eighth (eighth notes) notes) notes) and and and the the the hi-hat hi-hat hi-hat (long (long (long notes). notes). notes). (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4) Play the melody on the snare (eighth notes) and the hi-hat (long notes). (melody pages 1–4)

System System System4444 Alternate Alternate the notes the melody between the snare and hi-hat, hi-hat, beginning beginning beginning with with with the the the snare. snare. snare. Alternatethe thenotes notesofof ofthe themelody melodybetween betweenthe thesnare snareand andhi-hat, the hi-hat, beginning with the snare (melody (melody pages 1–8) 1–8) (melodypages pages1–8) 1–8).


System555 System System Playthe themelody melodywith on (eighths) and the bass drum (long notes). (melody pages 1–4) Play Play the melody with with the the the snare snare snare (eighths) (eighths) and and bass bass bass drum drum drum (long (long (long notes). notes). notes). (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–4) 1–4) 1–4)


System System System System 6 666 Alternate notes the melody between the snare and bass drum, beginning with the snare. System 6the Alternate Alternate Alternate the the the notes notes notes ofof of of the the the melody melody melody between between between the the the snare snare snare and and and bass bass bass drum, drum, drum, beginning beginning beginning with with with the the the snare. snare. snare. (melody pages 1–8) Alternate the notes of the melody between the snare and bass drum, beginning with the snare (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) (melody pages 1–8).

For the remaining systems chapter, the melodic line will be played between the two limbs that aren’t part For For For the the the remaining remaining remaining systems systems systems ininin this inthis this this chapter, chapter, chapter, the the melodic melodic line line will will be be played played between between the the two two limbs limbs that that aren’t aren’t part part the melodic line will be played between the two limbs that aren’t part of the ostinato. of of of thethe the ostinato. ostinato. ostinato. System System System System 7 777 Since this ostinato contains the snare, practice the same melodic orchestration from Systems Since Since Since this this this ostinato ostinato ostinato contains contains contains the the the snare, snare, snare, practice practice practice it itwith ititwith with with the the the same same same melodic melodic melodic orchestration orchestration orchestration from from from Systems Systems Systems 1 1and 11and and and 2 2of 22of of of this chapter. this this this chapter. chapter. chapter.

System System System System 8 888 Combine this ostinato with the same melodic orchestration from Systems Combine Combine Combine this this this ostinato ostinato ostinato with with with the the the same same same melodic melodic melodic orchestration orchestration orchestration from from from Systems Systems Systems 3 3and 33and and and 4.4. 4. 4.

System System System System 9 999 Combine this ostinato with the same melodic orchestration from Systems Combine Combine Combine this this this ostinato ostinato ostinato with with with the the the same same same melodic melodic melodic orchestration orchestration orchestration from from from Systems Systems Systems 5 5and 55and and and 6.6. 6. 6.

System 10 System System System 10 10 10 Combine this ostinato with the same melodic orchestration from Systems Combine Combine Combine this this this ostinato ostinato ostinato with with with the the the same same same melodic melodic melodic orchestration orchestration orchestration from from from Systems Systems Systems 1 1and 11and and and 2.2. 2. 2.


System 11 11 System System 11 Combine this ostinato ostinato with with the the same same melodic melodic orchestration orchestration from from Systems Systems 3 3 and and 4. 4. Combine Combine this this ostinato with the same melodic orchestration from Systems 3 and 4.

System System 12 12 Combine Combine this this ostinato ostinato with with the the same same melodic melodic orchestration orchestration from from Systems Systems 5 5 and and 6. 6.

System System 13 13 Combine Combine this this ostinato ostinato with with the the same same melodic melodic orchestration orchestration from from Systems Systems 1 1 and and 2. 2.

System System 14 System 14 14 Combine Combine this this ostinato ostinato with with the the same same melodic melodic orchestration orchestration from from Systems Systems 3 3 and and 4. 4.

System System 15 15 Combine Combine this this ostinato ostinato with with the the same same melodic melodic orchestration orchestration from from Systems Systems 5 5 and and 6. 6.


63 63 63



Thesystems systemsininthis thischapter chapterinvolve involvequarter-note quarter-notetriplets—both triplets—bothon onand andoff offthe thebeat— beat— The played playedbetween betweentwo twolimbs. limbs. System System System111 1 System Play Play Play the the the melody melody melodywith with withthe the the thesnare, snare, snare, snare, while while while alternating alternating alternatingquarter-note quarter-note quarter-note quarter-note triplets triplets triplets between between between the the the bass bass bass drum drum drum and and and hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. Play the melody on while alternating triplets between the bass drum and hi-hat. The The The ride ride ride cymbal cymbal cymbal plays plays plays a a a swing swing swing pattern. pattern. pattern. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern (melody pages 1–8).

System System System222 Play Play the melody with withthe the the thesnare, snare, snare, snare, while while while alternating alternating alternatingoff-beat off-beat off-beat off-beat quarter-note quarter-note quarter-note triplets triplets triplets between between between the the the bass bass bass drum drum drum Playthe themelody melodywith on while alternating quarter-note triplets between the bass drum and and hi-hat. The ride cymbal plays swing pattern. pattern.(melody (melody (melodypages pages pages1–8) 1–8) 1–8) andhi-hat. hi-hat.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsaaaswing swingpattern. pattern (melody pages 1–8).

System System System333 System 3melodywith Play Play Playthe the themelody melody with withthe the thebass bass bassdrum, drum, drum,while while whilealternating alternating alternatingquarter-note quarter-note quarter-notetriplets triplets tripletsbetween between betweenthe the thesnare snare snareand and andhi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. Play the melody on the bass drum, while alternating quarter-note triplets between the snare and hi-hat. The The Theride ride ridecymbal cymbal cymbalplays plays plays aaaswing swing swing pattern. pattern. pattern. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) The ride cymbal plays a swing pattern (melody pages 1–8).


System4444 System System System Playthe themelody melodywith on the Play Play Play the the melody melody with with the the thebass bass bass bassdrum, drum, drum, drum,while while while whilealternating alternating alternating alternatingoff-beat off-beat off-beat off-beatquarter-note quarter-note quarter-note quarter-notetriplets triplets triplets tripletsbetween between between betweenthe the the thesnare snare snare snare andhi-hat. hi-hat.The Theride ridecymbal cymbalplays playsaaaaswing swingpattern. pattern (melody 1–8). and and and hi-hat. hi-hat. The The ride ride cymbal cymbal plays plays swing swing pattern. pattern. (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8)

System System System 555 System 5 Play Play Play the the the melody melody melody with with with the the the snare, snare, snare, while while while alternating alternating alternating quarter-note quarter-note quarter-note triplets triplets triplets between between between the the the ride ride ride cymbal cymbal cymbal and and and bass bass bass Play the melody the the snare, while alternating quarter-note triplets between the ride cymbal and bass drum. drum. drum. Play Play Play 222 and and and on 444 with with with the the hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) drum. Play 2 and 4 on the hi-hat (melody pages 1–8).

System System System 666 System 6 Play Play Play the the the melody melody melody with with with the the the snare, snare, snare, while while while alternating alternating alternating off-beat off-beat off-beat quarter-note quarter-note quarter-note triplets triplets triplets between between between the the the ride ride ride cymbal cymbal cymbal Play the melody on the snare, while alternating off-beat quarter-note triplets between the ride cymbal and and and bass bass bass drum. drum. drum. Play Play Play 222 and and and 444 with with with the the the hi-hat. hi-hat. hi-hat. (melody (melody (melody pages pages pages 1–8) 1–8) 1–8) and bass drum. Play 2 and 4 on the hi-hat (melody pages 1–8).





Eighth-Note Partials Eighth–Note Partials



Melody11 Melody


Melody Melody 2 2


Melody Melody 3 3


Melody4 4 Melody


Triplet Partials Triplet Partials



Melody 5 Melody 5


Melody Melody6 6


Melody 77 Melody


Melody88 Melody


Exclusively distributed by:

ISBN-10: 0-7390-8015-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-7390-8015-3


Systems, Book 1 • Hoenig

ARI HOENIG was born in 1973 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has worked extensively in bands led by Shirley Scott, Jean Michel Pilc, Kenny Werner, Chris Potter, Pat Martino, Joshua Redman, Wayne Krantz, Richard Bona, Mike Stern, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Bojan Z, and Jazz Mandolin Project. Since 2002, Ari has led his own groups including Punk Bop, Hoenig Pilc Project, and the Ari Hoenig Trio. All of Ari’s groups are based in New York City and play regularly on Monday nights at Smalls jazz club, where Ari has held residency since 2004. As a leader, Ari has recorded six CDs and a live DVD, and is currently a Dreyfus recording artist. He is also on more than ninety recordings as a sideman. As an educator, Ari teaches at New York University and the New School for Social Research in Manhattan, New York. He gives clinics and lectures at music schools and universities worldwide. You can find out more about Ari by visiting

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